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Lesson Plan

Board: CBSE | Class: IX | Subject: ENGLISH

Chapter Name: Song of the Rain

Prerequisite Knowledge

Concept and the whole cycle of rainfall.


Describe the journey of the rain Understand the varied emotions of the rain Identify different poetic devices used in the poem Write a poem using various poetic devices

Short Description of Lesson

The poem ‘Song of the Rain’ is a song sung by the rain describing its journey. In this poem, the poet Khalil Gibran has personified rain and he celebrates it as a benign life giving force.


Begin the lesson by asking the students about the changes they observe in nature when the first rain showers arrive after the scorching summer season. The students may come up with their own description of the rain’s beauty. Tell the students how rain is one of the favourite subjects of writers and poets. The rain marks regeneration and rejuvenation in nature. In India, people sing rain songs to welcome the arrival of rain and the season of love and romance. Slowly, draw the attention of the students to the poem the ‘Song of the Rain’ and discuss the ideas in the poem.

Expected Outcome

After studying this poem, the learners will be able to describe rain’s journey and understand varied emotions of the rain. They will also be able to identify various poetic devices used in the poem.

Assessment Exercise questions from the book.


Lesson Plan

Board: CBSE | Class: IX | Subject: ENGLISH

Chapter Name: Villa for Sale

Prerequisite Knowledge

Concept of ‘For Sale’ notice and the procedure of selling a property; Concept of making a bargain.


Identify the usage of humour in the play Describe the traits of the different characters in the play Understand how presence of mind helped Gaston earn a profit


Begin the class by asking students to recall situations, incidents and anecdotes where their presence of mind has benefited them in some ways. The benefits could be monetary or non-monetary. Then, introduce the character of Gaston and lead into the lesson

Expected Outcome

After studying this play, students will be able to understand the humour in the play. They will also be able to describe the traits of each character in the play.

Assessment Exercise questions from the book.


Lesson Plan

Board: CBSE | Class: IX | Subject: ENGLISH

Chapter Name: The Brook

Prerequisite Knowledge

Features of a small river, its origin and things found in such river water.


Describe the parallelism between the brook’s journey and the course of human life Describe the course of the brook from its place of origin until it joins the river Identify the poetic devices used in the poem Identify the movement and sound words used to describe the brook

Short Description of Lesson

In his poem ‘The Brook’, Tennyson has drawn a parallel between the journey of the brook and the human life. He traces the journey of a brook from its place of origin until it joins the river.


Begin the session by asking students to share their experience of a holiday they spent near a water body, such as sea, river, lake or stream. Discuss how they felt near the water body and encourage them to come up with adjectives to describe the beauty of the water body. Slowly draw their attention to the poem.

Expected Outcome

After studying this poem, the students will be able to describe the parallelism between the brook’s journey and the course of human life. They will also be able to identify the poetic devices used in the poem and the movement and sound words used to describe the brook’s journey.


1.Question Bank created by the SME in TN box. 2. Exercise questions from the book.


Lesson Plan

Board: CBSE | Class: IX | Subject: ENGLISH

Chapter Name: How I Taught My Grandmother To Read

Prerequisite Knowledge

Illiteracy, its disadvantages and Adult Literacy.

Objectives Describe the relationship between Krishtakka and her granddaughter. Understand that determination and a strong will power helps in achieving one’s goals. Explain the character traits of Krishtakka and her granddaughter

Short Description of Lesson

The story “How I Taught My Grandmother To Read” revolves around, Krishtakka, the author’s 62-year-old grandmother. Krishtakka is uneducated, however, with her immense dedication and determination, she becomes literate.


Begin the lesson by asking students to discuss the relationship they share with their grandparents. Also, ask them what they all do for their grandparents in order to make them happy. You may ask one or two students to narrate their stories in the class. Slowly draw their attention to Krishtakka and her granddaughter and the loving relationship they share.

Expected Outcome

After studying this lesson, students will be able to understand that determination and a strong will power helps in achieving one’s goals. They will also be able to describe the relationship between Krishtakka and her granddaughter and write their character sketches.


1.Question B Question Bank created by the SME in TN box. 2. Exercise questions from the book.ank created by the SME in TN box.


Lesson Plan

Board: CBSE | Class: IX | Subject: ENGLISH

Chapter Name: Lord Ullin’s Daughter

Prerequisite Knowledge

Features of the Scottish Highlands, its natives and their characteristics.


Reflect on the emotions and feelings of the various characters in the poem. Describe the events of the poem in different forms of writing such as newspaper article, letter and drama Visualise an alternate ending to the poem.

Short Description of Lesson

Lord Ullin’s Daughter is a famous romantic ballad written by Thomas Campbell. The story is about the love affair between a Scottish chieftain and the daughter of Lord Ullin. The couple elopes due to Lord Ullin’s disapproval and threat to have the chieftain killed. Braving stormy weather the couple get onto a boat to escape the oncoming horsemen of the Lord. The poem, however, ends on a tragic note with the boat drowning leaving Lord Ullin moaning with grief.


Begin the lesson by asking the students to recall any tragic love story that they have seen, read or heard about. Then ask questions like: What difficulties did they face? Why was it tragic? What fate did the lovers meet?

Expected Outcome

After studying the poem, the learners should be able to appreciate emotions and feelings of various characters. They should be able to analyse these characters as well. Moreover, they should be able to describe the events of the poem in different forms of writing. Lastly, the learners should be able to visualise an alternate ending to the poem.

Assessment Exercise questions from the book.


Lesson Plan

Board: CBSE | Class: IX | Subject: ENGLISH

Chapter Name: Oh I wish I’d Looked After Me Teeth

Prerequisite Knowledge

Brushing habits; its advantages and disadvantages; Toothache and the experience of visiting a dentist.


Identify elements of humour, irony and regret in the poem Explain the traumatic feelings of the narrator Identify word contractions in the poem Describe the elements of poetry written in limerick style

Short Description of Lesson

‘Oh I wish I’d Looked After Me Teeth’ is a humorous poem about the experiences of a child with her decaying teeth. She remembers various types of sweets she ate in the past and expresses guilt and remorse at having neglected her teeth.


Begin the session by asking students to cite personal anecdotes about their visits to a dental clinic. Discuss the reasons for visiting the dentist and ask them how they felt emotionally during the visit.

Expected Outcome

After studying this poem, the students will be able to identify the elements of humour, irony and regret in the poem and explain the traumatic feelings of the narrator. They will also learn about word contractions used in the poem and the limerick

Assessment Exercise questions from the book.


Lesson Plan

Board: CBSE | Class: IX | Subject: ENGLISH

Chapter Name: The dog named Duke

Prerequisite Knowledge

Various breeds of pets and especially dogs owned and known; Characteristics of dogs.


Understand that perseverance and determination helps a person surpass obstacles.Describe the relationship between Chuck and his dog, Duke and the dog’s contribution in Chuck’s struggle and his resultant recovery .Explain the character traits of Chuck and Duke.

Short Description of Lesson

This lesson revolves around Chuck who gets paralysed after an accident and how his dog named Duke assists him and helps him to regain a normal life once again. The underlying theme of the story is that a person can overcome difficulties with perseverance and determination.


Ask students about their favourite pet and why the pet they mentioned is their favourite. Then talk about dogs and their various breeds. Also, discuss the characteristic traits of dogs. Draw their attention to Duke the dog and his love for his master Chuck.

Expected Outcome

After studying this lesson, students will be able to understand that perseverance and determination helps a person surpass obstacles. They will also be able to describe the relationship between Chuck and his dog, Duke and the dog’s contribution in Chuck’s struggle and his resultant recovery. The students will also be able to explain the character traits of Chuck and Duke .

Assessment Exercise questions from the book.


Lesson Plan

Board: CBSE | Class: IX | Subject: ENGLISH

Chapter Name: Keeping It from Harold

Prerequisite Knowledge

Traits of and reputation related to any vocation/profession; Any sport taken up as a profession and especially Boxing; Interest of the learners in various sports.

Objectives Identify the implied irony in the story and its title Understand the usage of humour in the story Describe the character traits of the protagonists in the story

Short Description of Lesson

In this story ‘Keeping It from Harold’, P. G. Wodehouse has humorously portrayed how parents go out of their way to protect their kids, while kids are innocent and accepting of what their parents are and are quick to adapt to life as it comes to them.


Begin the lesson by talking about sports that engage some kind of violence like boxing, wrestling, judo and karate. Ask students if such sports are justified and if there is a need to ban them. Slowly draw their attention to Muhammad Ali’s boxing career. Ask students their opinion about boxing as a career. Then move to discussing the main protagonist of the story, Mr. Bramble who is also a boxer.

Expected Outcome

After studying this story, the students will be able to identify the implied irony in the story and its title and also understand the usage of humour in it. In addition, they will be able to describe the character traits of the protagonists in the story.

Assessment Exercise questions from the book.


Lesson Plan

Board: CBSE | Class: IX | Subject: ENGLISH

Chapter Name: The man who knew too much

Prerequisite Knowledge

Concept of Nickname and the practice of keeping nicknames of others by the learners; Characteristics of people who are snobbish in nature.


Understand that nobody likes a show off and that knowledge must be applied at the right time. Recognise the importance of respecting others’ opinions, knowledge and experience Describe the character traits of Private Quelch

Short Description of Lesson

Set in an army training depot, the story focuses on a trainee soldier nicknamed the ‘Professor’ who irks his trainers by projecting himself as Mr. Know All.


Begin the lesson by asking students to recall any of their friends / cousins who like to boast about themselves. Discuss such people, what aspect they show off and the likely reasons for this behaviour. Draw the attention to ‘Private Quelch’ from the story.

Expected Outcome

After studying this story, students will understand that nobody likes a show off and that knowledge must be applied at the right time. They will also recognise the importance of respecting others’ opinions, knowledge and experience. Furthermore, they will be able to describe the character traits of Private Quelch.

Assessment Exercise questions from the book.


Lesson Plan

Board: CBSE | Class: IX | Subject: ENGLISH

Chapter Name: Best Seller

Prerequisite Knowledge

Features of contemporary Romantic novels and their protagonists.


Identify the implied irony in the story and its title Analyse the different characters of the story

Short Description of Lesson

The short story ‘Best Seller’ deals with the life of a salesman who believes that romantic bestsellers are impractical and a figment of human imagination. According to him, a man must always marry a girl from the same background.


Begin the lesson by asking students the best sellers they have read. Students need to talk about the different aspects of their favourite best seller.

Expected Outcome

After reading this story, the learners would be able to understand the use of irony in the story. They would also be able to clearly analyse the main characters.


Exercise questions from the book.


Lesson Plan

Board: CBSE | Class: IX | Subject: ENGLISH

Chapter Name: The Bishop’s Candlesticks

Prerequisite Knowledge

Life of a Bishop; Examples of acts of benevolence from real life; Sufferings of prisoners.


Analyse the theme of love and forgiveness in the play Write the character sketches of the Bishop, Persome, Marie and the Convict. Discuss the instances of irony in the play Enact the dramatic situations from the play.Write suitable dialogues for a given situation

Short Description of Lesson

The play ‘The Bishop’s Candlesticks’ revolves around a righteous and forgiving Bishop, his sister Persome and a runaway Convict. The play depicts how kindness, love and forgiveness can transform even the most heart-hearted people.


Begin the lesson by asking students how they would react if they were cheated by someone or if a thing that they considered their prized possession was stolen away by somebody. You may ask them to share some anecdotes with the class. Thereafter, draw the attention of the students to the title of the play. Ask them to ponder over the title and share their thoughts about the possible themes of the play.

Expected Outcome

After studying this play, students will be able to understand the importance of love and forgiveness. They will be able to write character sketches of the Bishop, Persome, Marie and the Convict. They will be able to explain the concept of irony. Moreover, they will be able to write dialogues and enact dramatic situations based on the play.

Assessment Exercise questions from the book.


Lesson Plan

Board: CBSE | Class: IX | Subject: ENGLISH

Chapter Name: The Road Not Taken

Prerequisite Knowledge

Real life situations where one has to choose between two options.


Understand that the decisions taken by people shape their lives Describe the dilemma of the poet Describe the poetic devices used in the poem

Short Description of Lesson

‘The Road Not Taken’ is a thought-provoking poem that talks about the choices available to people and the decisions made by them. The mood of the poem is very thoughtful and philosophical.


Begin the lesson by asking students the area/field of study they will choose after class X. Ask them to provide reasons for their choice. Now, divide the class in two groups A and B and conduct a debate around the statement ‘Don't blaze new trails; follow the traditions set down by your predecessors’. Group A will speak in support of the statement, while Group B will speak against it.

Expected Outcome

After studying this poem, students will be able to understand that the decisions taken by people shape their lives. They will also be able to describe the dilemma of the poet and the poetic devices used in the poem.

Assessment Exercise questions from the book.

Prerequisite Knowledge

Features and characteristics of Snakes, their types and human approach towards them.


Lesson Plan

Board: CBSE | Class: IX | Subject: ENGLISH

Chapter Name: Snake

Prerequisite Knowledge

The physical features and other traits of a frog and that of a nightingale and differences between them.


Describe the character traits of the frog and the nightingale

Short Description of Lesson

In the poem, 'The Frog and the Nightingale', Vikram Seth has portrayed human behaviour using animal characters. He has beautifully described human nature and the ruthless materialistic outlook of society. He has also shown how the naive and timid individuals are easily influenced and sidelined by the dominating people.

Audio Visual Aids

Relevant Modules from TeachNext The Frog and the Nightingale


Teacher-Student Activities A. Warm-up Session Begin the lesson by reading out some dialogues to the students which reflect different personality traits of people. You may prepare a few flashcards with dialogues written on each card.

Expected Outcome

After studying this poem, the students will be able to understand the underlying theme of the poem. They will also be able to describe the character traits of the frog and the nightingale and identify the poetic devices used in the poem.

Assessment 1. Question Bank created by the SME in TN box. 2. Exercise questions from the book.