Ai and productivity

Post on 23-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Ai and productivity


How AI Can Help People Be More Productive at Work

AI in the Workplace


A Brief History of AI


Dartmouth Workshop 1956


every aspect of learning or any other feature of intelligence can in principle be so precisely described that a machine can be made to simulate it .

"machines will be capable, within twenty years, of doing any work a man can do.”

Herbert Simon (1965)

“In from three to eight years we will have a machine with the general intelligence of an average human being.”

Marvin Minsky (1970)


An AI Timeline


1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2010 20202000

Birth of AI

• Information Theory – digital signals• Cybernetics – thinking machines• The Turing Test• Symbolic reasoning

• Limited computer processing power• Limited database capacity • Limited networking capabilities• Real-world problems are complicated

- Image processing / face recognition- Combinatorial explosion

AI Winter

• Expert Systems (knowledge) • Neural networks make a comeback • Optical character recognition• Speech recognition

• Disappointing results• Collapse of dedicated hardware vendors

• Machine learning• Deep learning – pattern analysis / classification

- Big data: large databases - Fast processors to crunch data- High-speed networks

Focus on Specific ‘Intelligence’ Focus on Specific Problems

AI Winter II


Where Are We Today?

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Machine Learning


Key Elements of Contemporary AI

AI Achievements are Impressive


But, AI Has Not Achieved the Original Vision


The Goals of AI Have Evolved


Emulate humans Assist / replace humans for dedicated applications

So Today, AI Is Effective When….


All relevant data is available to consider

The desired outcome is predictable

The rules are clear

AI in CollaborationPlatform Vendors Embrace AI Bots


Example/Pizza Ordering Bot


• Pizza size – M, L, XL• Pizza toppings

- Onions- Peppers- Tomatoes- ….

• Delivery address• Delivery time• Method of payment

A Modern Approach to AI


Artificial Intelligence (AI)

To build human-like capabilities into autonomous technological systemssuch as a computer or robot

Douglas Engelbart, 1962

Intelligence Augmentation (IA)

To increasing the capability of a person to approach a complex problem situation, to gain comprehension to suit their particular needs, and to derive solutions to problems.”

Douglas Engelbart, 1962


Artificial Intelligence vs. Intelligence Augmentation

AI Puts Technology at the Core IA Puts Humanity at the Core


Example:Email-based Topic Computing

Information Delivered the Way the Brain Works


Many DisconnectedCloud Apps

• Singular proper nouns (NNP) becomes topic candidates, excluding dates, numbers, locations and people’s names

• First word algorithm (matched against common dictionary)

• Capitalized nouns are included

Natural Language Processing (NLP) Example Part of Speech

• How often does a topic appear in different sources (i.e. apps)?

• How many times does a topic appear in a given app?

• When was the last time the topic appeared?

• How often does the topic appear for my colleagues?

• How much have my colleagues interacted with a specific topic?

Machine Learning Example


People and technology work best, when they work together


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