Agelth agel glo

Post on 09-Jun-2015

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Agel GLO: beautiful from inside out. email: skype name: nuntana99 Tel: +66 (0) 778 9393

Transcript of Agelth agel glo Assoc.Prof.Dr.Chayanun Aroonrerk. Sponsor ID: 551902

Agel GLO & Ageless SkinCare

รศ.ดร.ชญาณ์�นันัท์� อร�ณ์ฤกษ์�Assoc.Prof.Dr.Chayanun Aroonrerk

www.agelth.netwww.agelhealthcare.comTel: +66 (0) 84-778-9393Tel: +66 (0) 86-337-3909Skype Name: nuntana99



AroonrerkSponsor ID: 551902

Agel GLO: Beauty from inside out

Hydrating your body is key to looking good and feeling good. As we age, it becomes increasingly more difficult for our cells to absorb water. This leads to a dry, flaky and dull appearance.

When combined, Green Tea Seed Oil, Grape Seed Oil and Aloe Vera help your cells absorb water, providing fuller, healthier skin, hair and nails.


AroonrerkSponsor ID: 551902

Agel GLO: Beauty from inside out

Enhancing the Collagen fibers in our bodies can reduce fine lines and wrinkles, giving you a more youthful appearance. Over time these fibers weaken and stretch causing fine lines and wrinkles, even sagging.

By combining Acerola Cherry extract, Horsetail extract and Coenzyme Q-10 you can properly support your collagen fibers.


AroonrerkSponsor ID: 551902

Agel GLO: Beauty from inside out

Protecting yourself from environmental pollutants and the long term effects of the sun can give you an even, smooth and healthy complexion for years to come.

GLO accomplishes this by combining Green Tea Extract with Turmeric and Oats.


AroonrerkSponsor ID: 551902

GLO Facts With revolutionary ingredients like

Turmeric and Acerola Cherry, GLO is all natural and provides protection from harsh chemicals, long term effects from the sun, reduction of fine lines and wrinkles, sun spots and also evens out skin complexion.


AroonrerkSponsor ID: 551902

What are free radicals, damage? Free-radical damage occurs on an atomic level. Molecules are made of atoms, and a single atom is made

up of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Electrons are always found in pairs. However, when

oxygen molecules are involved in a chemical reaction, they can lose one of their electrons.

This oxygen molecule that now only has one electron is called a free radical.

With only one electron the oxygen molecule must quickly find another electron, and it does this by taking the electron from another molecule.

When that molecule in turn loses one of its electrons, it too must seek out another, in a continuing reaction. Molecules attempting to repair themselves in this way trigger a cascading event called “free-radical damage.”


AroonrerkSponsor ID: 551902

What causes a molecule to let go of one of its electrons, generating free-radical damage?

The answer is oxygen or any compound that contains an oxygen molecule, such as carbon monoxide, hydrogen peroxide, and superoxide) plus sunlight, and pollution.


AroonrerkSponsor ID: 551902

Free radicals


AroonrerkSponsor ID: 551902

Ingredients Facts Grape Seed Oil Green tea seed oil Aloe Vera Lecithin Lutein Acerola Cherry Extract Horsetail Extract Turmeric Extract Tocotrienol


AroonrerkSponsor ID: 551902

Ingredients Facts Grape Seed Oil

The natural anti-oxidants in grape seed extract

> 50 times of Vitamin E > more effective than Beta Carotene

Even better, these nutrients remain in your bloodstream for three full days, releasing high levels of proanthocyanidins to strengthen blood vessels and help improve circulation.


AroonrerkSponsor ID: 551902

Green Tea Seed Oil Extract

A super moisturizer Anti-inflammatory, A great source of vitamin A,

B and E. Has antioxidant effects due

to the powerful catechin polyphenols, which help fight the damage caused by free radicals in tissues and cells.


AroonrerkSponsor ID: 551902

Aloe Vera

Has been proven to penetrate the skin ~ 4 times faster than water

, which helps improve the appearance by giving it the moisture needed.

Rich in enzymes, protein, vitamin E & C, anti-microbial, zinc, amino acids, polysaccharids and minerals.

Known to repair the skin cells & stimulate the collage and elastic condition of the skin.


AroonrerkSponsor ID: 551902


A phospholipid comprised of B vitamins, phosphoric acid, choline, linoleic acid and inositol.

It is also a building block in cell membranes as it works to protect cells from oxidation.


AroonrerkSponsor ID: 551902


Increases hydration, elasticity and lipid levels in the skin. When taken on a daily basis

Can help reinforce the skin’s antioxidant defense system as well as protect against damage from the sun’s ultraviolet rays.


AroonrerkSponsor ID: 551902

Acerola Cherry Extract Red, sweet and sour berry has vitamin C > 30 times found in an


It is a great antioxidant, and has anti-inflammatory benefits. Due to its high vitamin C content.

Acerola cherries can increase your body’s ability to repair tissues quickly.


AroonrerkSponsor ID: 551902

Horsetail Extract A plant known for boosting

circulation and helping in the rejuvenation of connective tissues due to the bio-minerals contained in it that are needed for collagen and elastin biosynthesis.

The silicic acid it contains helps strengthen connective tissue.


AroonrerkSponsor ID: 551902

Coenzyme Q-10

A powerful antioxidant that protects the body from free radical damage.

It has also been proven to increase collage and elastin in the skin, and help repair damaged skin cells.


AroonrerkSponsor ID: 551902

Turmeric Extract Anti-inflammatory properties

as well as being an excellent antioxidant.

Decrease the formation of deep creases and wrinkles, as well as even out skin tone.


AroonrerkSponsor ID: 551902

Tocotrienol Tocotrienol is the most

powerful antioxidant of the vitamin E family.

60 times stronger than tocopherol (vit E)

It can prevent skin aging and damage by oxidative rays as well as helping to maintain and restore a healthy skin barrier.


AroonrerkSponsor ID: 551902


AroonrerkSponsor ID: 551902

agelessSkin Care


NourishingNight Gel

Dailycleansing gel



Anti-oxidantMisting Gel

Age-defying Eye Gel

RevitalizingGel Scrub

Anti-aging Gel Serum



AroonrerkSponsor ID: 551902

Ageless Skin Care

เป็�นธรรมชาติ� และเป็�นความหมายของ Skincare อย�างแท้�จร�งเพราะป็ราศจากป็�โติรเล ยม สารเคม อ"นติราย (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Propylene Glycol) Mineral Oil หร#อ Lanolin Paraben


AroonrerkSponsor ID: 551902

Ageless Skin Careส่�วนัประกอบหลัก สารสก"ด อาซาอ เบอร'ร ( ช�วยส"งเคราะห'คอลลาเจน

ป็กป็)องอน*ม+ลอ�สระ ลดร�,วรอย และเพ�(มความย#ดหย*�นให�ผิ�วหน�า

สารสก"ด ท้"บท้�ม ม ป็ระส�ท้ธ�ภาพส+งส*ดในการติ�อติ�านร�,วรอย ม ฤท้ธ�1ติ�านอน*ม+ลอ�สระอย�างส+ง

สารสก"ด เมล2ดอง* �น ม ป็ระส�ท้ธ�ภาพด กว�าว�ติาม�นอ 50 เท้�า และสามารถคงอย+�ในกระแสโลห�ตินานถ4ง 3 ว"น ท้5าให�หลอดเล#อดแข2งแรงและเพ�(ม การไหลเว ยนให�ด ข4,น


AroonrerkSponsor ID: 551902

Ageless Skin care 7 ชน�ด

Daily Cleansing Gel เจลโฟมบร�ส*ท้ธ�1 ล�างเคร#(องส5าอาง ขจ"ดเซลติาย สารติกค�าง จากส�(งแวดล�อม ความม"นส�วนเก�น ใช�เช�าและก�อนนอน

Revitalising Gel Scrub ข"ดผิ�วให�สดใสด�วยความน*�มนวล ข"ดผิ�วได� 4 - 5 คร",งติ�อส"ป็ดาห'

Anti-oxidant Misting Gel ป็ร"บความติ4งติ"วและสมด*ลให�ผิ�วพรรณ ด�วยละอองเจล ใช�หล"งจากล�างหน�าท้*กคร",ง


AroonrerkSponsor ID: 551902

Ageless Skin care 7 ชน�ด Age-defying Eye Gel สร�างความสดใสให�ก"บ

รอบดวงติา ลดร�,วรอย เพ�(มความย#ดหย*�นรอบดวงติา ใช�ว"นละ 2 คร",ง เช�า และก�อนนอน

Anti-aging Serum ช�วยให�ผิ�วอ�อนเยาว'ข4,นด�วยว�ติาม�น และสารติ�านอน*ม+ลอ�สระ 1 คร",ง หล"งจาก ใช� Anti-oxidant Misting Gel ในติอนเช�า

Daily Moisturising Gel ป็กป็)องอน*ม+ลอ�สระท้ (มาท้5าลายผิ�วและช�วยท้5าให�ผิ�วช*�มช#,น ใช�ว"นละ 1 คร",ง ติอนเช�า

Nourishing Night Gel เร�งการสร�าง เซลใหม�ขณะนอนหล"บ ก�อนนอน


AroonrerkSponsor ID: 551902