Adventures of 6L Term One

Post on 07-Mar-2016

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An academic overview of the happenings in 6L Term One

Transcript of Adventures of 6L Term One

6L Term One Page 1

WritingStudents began to study the use of description as a writing tool to add detail and interest to their compositions. They viewed good examples, discussed the structure and language features of descriptive writing and jointly constructed descriptive texts about pelicans, aliens, clowns and Mr Lund!

SpellingSound bingo and partner trace were used as extension spelling activities this week to reinforce phonological and visual

knowledge of words.

Writing Fun by Jenny Eather - helping kids write using text organizers.

Mathematics Challenges for the WeekReplace each letter with a digit to make this addition correct.

In the following sum the letters A, B, C, D, E and F stand for six distinct digits. Find all the ways of replacing the letters with digits so that the arithmetic is


PDHPEStudents were introduced to the unit “Emergency Procedures”. Discussion included:

What are common emergency situations and what is our responsibility if we are there at the time of the emergency?

Students were asked to discuss and record in small groups possible emergency situations that may occur in these places - Kitchen, Bathroom, Beach, Pool, Park, RoadThe students, as a whole group, shared what they discussed and created a list of the major categories of childhood injuries.

HSIEStudents created a display “What I think I know about Antarctica” and reviewed where Antarctica is located on the globe using Google Earth

“The infamous Lord of the

Sith. His black metal body

echoes fear throughout

the galaxy. His red light

sabre blazing as a symbol

of power, fear and

destruction. He once was

a handsome young Jedi

Knight whose greed for

status and authority

turned him into what he


An extract from Darth


A joint description by 6L

Week 2 Page 2

Students also investigated the interactive website from the Museum of South Australia about Sir Douglas Mawson and wrote a short review of his Antarctic adventures and achievements. The class watched a short video about life inside Casey Station, an Antarctic station. Important facilities and jobs necessary to sustain an Antarctic station were recorded.

Mawson's Hut - H O M E

Game - Grand Prix

HSIESmall groups of students researched the experiences of Australian Antarctic pioneers Douglas Mawson, Captain John Davis, Louis Bernacchi,

George Hubert Wilkins, Richard Casey, Walter Hannam and Philip Law. The class then created a timeline of Australian Antarctic explorers for


WritingStudent's used description as a writing tool to compose descriptive

diary entries about Douglas Mawson's epic Antarctic sledge


Check out

Peter's diary


Talking & ListeningDaily English rotations have students viewing "Behind the News" reports and then demonstrating their understanding of current


Behind the News - 16/11/2010: Podclass

This is our timeline of Antarctic Pioneers

MathematicsStudents applied their knowledge and understanding of large numbers to work mathematically on many tasks. Our

Mathematicians were also required to be proficient using formal operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication by 2 digits and


Multiplication Grand Prix was used as fun activity this week to improve speed and accuracy with times tables

Week 3 Page 3

MathsConcepts associated with fractions such as equivalence, mixed numbers and improper fractions were studied this week. Students attempted fraction Sudoku and an equivalent fraction jigsaw and played an interactive game on

mixed numbers to build their knowledge, understanding and problem solving skills.

HSIEStudents had to solve the mystery "what is happening to all the krill?" The booklet “Who’s Eating Who” about animals in the Antarctic ecosystem was useful in their investigation. A class Antarctic food web was made for display. Students used the food web to predict what would happen if one of these animals became fewer or extinct

PDHPESmall groups of students were given hypothetical emergency situations and asked to create a list

or a plan of the things to do in this emergency situation. Information from the different groups

was collated and a general class action plan for use in most emergency situations was made. The

St. John's Ambulance DRSABCD Action Plan was viewed.

ReadingBoy Overboard is the text 6L are studying Term One. It has a strong political dimension that discusses life in Afghanistan under Taliban rule and Australia’s response to refugees seeking safety, protection,

and opportunity under our flag. Reading activities will enable

students to move beyond a literal encounter with Boy Overboard, towards developing more reflective responses and making links between their reading and writing.

ArtStudents used to design word clouds with positive thoughts about themselves

Week 4 Page 4

Talking & Listening

Antarctica is a very beautiful place but it’s not really a great area to live. It is so cold, there's scarce plant life and only a

few animals can survive. So if that’s the case, why are increasing numbers of scientists heading down there to do research? The class discovered it’s all to do with saving the planet.

Reading & ComprehensionWe explored character development in our class novel Boy Overboard.

SpellingStudents have been developing their knowledge of spelling words recently by participating in activities such as

crosswords, word frames and spelling bingo. These activities supplement the spelling workbooks completed for homework each week.


Why is Antarctica so cold?1.How does wind make Antarctica cooler? What is the ‘wind chill factor’?2.Describe blizzards and whiteouts. Why are they dangerous for explorers?


What global problems are impacting the Antarctic environment?4.What would happen if Antarctica was not cold?5.

Students, in small groups, gathered information about the Antarctic climate and weather events from credible internet sites and pasted it into a program to display on the interactive whiteboard. Questions which helped to focus their investigations were:

Nelson, Thomas, Tilak and Emily using the interactive


Students regularly publish written work

Week 5 Page 5

WritingStudents have been researching their favourite Australian Antarctic pioneers. Firstly, they brainstormed questions to focus their research. Then they gathered information from credible sources. The purpose, structure and language features of information reports and biographies were studied all before the class wrote their first drafts! The published reports also showcase the ability of the class to create pleasing visual presentations using Microsoft Word. They look amazing!

Week 6 Page 6

Students have formed small groups and are working towards presenting role plays which deal with emergency situations and appropriate first aid responses.

Week 7 Page 7

HSIEStudents began their design and make an Antarctic base project this week. Some groups used Google SketchUp to plan the layout of their facilities.

WritingThe class were practising their persuasive writing this week by applying for the position of Station Leader at Casey Station - an

Australian Antarctic facility.

Written by Rory

Written by Emma

Written by Chris

Week 8 Page 8

MathematicsStudents played 'Doughnut Fractions' where every member of a team must end up with a set of four dominoes which join together to form a "doughnut" where touching ends have equal value. For example:

The winning team in action!

Interactive games we enjoyed this week...Power Pods and The Hare & the Tortoise

In Mathematics this week students also needed to calculate the percentage of cards in a deck which were red or black, a particular suit, royal, aces or even

numbers. Decimal equivalents were also calculated.

WritingStudents studied written discussions this week and viewed good examples (as seen below). They began to gather

arguments for and against commercial fishing in Antarctic waters in preparation for writing their own discussions on this topic.

HSIEStudents have completed the planning phase of their project and this week began to construct their Antarctic bases. The coop eration and group working skills demonstrated by all in 6L has been a pleasure to observe!

Chelsea, Cooper and Holly building their runwayRory, Thomas and Heidi showing how to work together


Week 9 Page 9

WritingStudents have been researching environmental issues significant to Antarctica such as global warming and commercial fishing. They hav e been analysing the perspectives of various groups of people and have presented their findings as written discussions.

Week 10 Page 10

Week 10 Page 11

Our Antarctic Bases

Week 11 Page 12

Week 11 Page 13

Week 11 Page 14

Week 11 Page 15