Ad Publishing and Monetizing Your Site

Post on 08-May-2015

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Driving all that traffic to your site is about to pay off - literally. Any website, blog or mobile device can be turned into a money maker. How much depends on your efforts. By becoming an ad publisher, you can earn an income through display ads, affiliate programs, video and game embeds, and eCommerce. We'll discuss the best techniques, PPC formulas, and most profitable types of ads.

Transcript of Ad Publishing and Monetizing Your Site


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Monetizing Your Website


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Buyer, Provider, PublisherAd Buyer - You, your company - Buying ad space on internet or mobile - Admin Control Panel for optimization - Real Time Bidding (RTB) - Control ad inventory

Ad Provider - They sell the ad space to buyers Middle man between you and buyer Optimize ads for you Weed out bad ones Send out good relevant ads to publishers Improve traffic and revenue

Ad Publisher - Any website or mobile device that displays ads - Way to monetize a site or blog with banner ads - Drive traffic to ad buyer site and get commission - Can control incoming ad content and quality

We Are Now the Publisher!


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Ad Providers1. Google Adsense2. Yahoo! Publisher Network3. BidVertiser - Banner and text ad provider4. Chitika - Banner and text ad provider5. Clicksor - Banner and text ad provider

Other Ways: - YouTube - Add Videos - Moshi Games - Add Flash Games to your site


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1. Sign up - usually free2. Pick a category related to your site3. Choose and ad size and placement4. Provider will create unique code5. Paste code into desired spot (preferably a good hot spot)6. The ad network will then serve contextual ads 7. Earn money for every click.

PPC Advertising Networks

<!-- Begin BidVertiser code --><SCRIPT LANGUAGE=”JavaScript1.1” SRC=”” type=”text/javascript”></SCRIPT><noscript><a href=””>advertising</a></noscript><!-- End BidVertiser code -->


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PPC Advertising Networks

Tracking Code


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Affiliate Marketing1. Merchant that lets you sell directly or indirectly. 2. Is CPA based3. Virtual sales rep4. Can be very lucrative - good commissions

Some affiliate networks: - ValuClick - Rubicon - Commission Junction - ClickBank - Azoogle Ads - Link Share


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Direct Banner Advertising1. Sell your own advertising space2. Most lucrative monetization 3. Cut out the middleman

BUT - 1. You need to pound the pavement2. Need a large audience3. Spend time managing accounts


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Ad Costing Terms

PPC: Pay per Click - Only pay when user clicks ad

CPM: Cost per thousand impressions - Earn per 1000 ad impressions @ .15¢ CPM = $1.50

CPA, CPS: Cost per acquisition, sale - Earn a percent of sale


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Ad Revenues - How Much Do I Get?1. Depends on your traffic levels 2. Depends on your click-through rate (CTR) 3. Depends on cost per click (CPC)4. CTR if affected by design of the site. - Ads above the fold or blended - MORE CLICKS - Organic traffic is best - already looking for you5. Best paying ads: - Mortgages - Financial products - College and educational - Adult6. Not so good: - Tech-related topics (SEO - how sad!) - Social media referrals or techie people - ignore ads


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Ad Revenues - Examples


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Ad Revenues - CPA, CPS


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Ad Placement - Hot SpotsSomewhere in the middle


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Other Types of Monetization

1. Sell something (duh!)2. Offer premium content3. Monetization Widgets - Widgetbucks and SmartLinks4. Embed Videos5. Embed Flash Games6. Sponsored Reviews (biased)7. RSS Feed Ads - Feedburner8. Job boards9. Paid polls or surveys


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ROI - Return on Investment1. Factors: - Monthly ad spend - Cost Per Click (CPC) - Conversion Rate (CR) - Average Sale


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ROI - Return on Investment

Example A: 3 unit class at Palomar - $78 CPC - $14 CTR - 100 clicks CR - 100% Average Sale of $64

Example B: 3 unit class at Palomar - $78 CPC - $14 CTR - 100 clicks CR - 20% Average Sale of $12.80