acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx

Post on 13-Apr-2018

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Transcript of acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx



    e in canceDr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist

    & acupuncturist

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    Acupuncture is dened as the application of stsuch as needling, moxibustion, cupping, and aon specic sites of the body nown as acupunc

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    !n "hina, acupunctureis part of a#"M system traditionalmedical nowledge and is practiced along withtreatment modalities such as $

    %erbal medicine

    #ui na massage and acupressure'

    Mind(body exercise e)g),*igong and tai chi'

    Dietary therapy

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

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    Acupuncture has been practiced in"hina and other Asian countries fomore than +, years

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

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    #he relatively brief history of acupuncture in th.tatescan be traced bac about / years, when Dr) 1achepublished a report in the 2orth American Medi

    .urgical3ournal on his use of acupuncture to treat lowe

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

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    #he -).) 0ood and Drug Administration approthe acupuncture needle as a medical device i

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

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    #he human body must be perceived and treatewhole andas part of nature7health is the result of harmobodily functions and between the body and nadisease occurs

    when this harmony is disrupted

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

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    Acupuncture is closely associated with "hinetheory

    According to this theory, there are 4/ primarorchannels, and 8 additional meridians, each foparticular directional course along the body

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

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    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

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    A vital energy nown as *i 9ows through these and participates in the homeostatic regulation bodilyfunctions)

    Along the meridians are approximately :6 poi

    serveas both pathognomonic signs of disorder and aacupuncture treatments

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

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    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

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    ;hen the normal 9ow of energy over a meridiaobstructede)g), as a result of tissue in

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    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

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    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

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    Acupuncture Mechanisms

    Activate the hypothalamusand the pituitary gla

    1alance the sympathetic and parasympathetic s


    ?ndogenous opioidsystem

    1oost animal immune function by enhancing 2@and lymphocyte activity

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

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    aboratory and animal studies to explore themechanisms of acupuncture for cancer treatmfocused mainly on therole of acupuncture in the activation of immunfunctions, such

    as increasing blood cell count and enhancingandnatural iller cell activity

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

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    Acupuncture indications in ca

    Manage cancer=related symptoms

    #reat side e>ects induced by chemotherapy therapy

    1oost blood cell count

    ?nhance lymphocyte and natural iller 2@'

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

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    Brimary use is symptommanagement

    "ancer pain

    "hemotherapy=induced nausea and vomiting

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

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    #he positive results of the studies on chemotheinduced 2(C, which benet from scientically soresearch designs, are the most convincing

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

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    ther indications

    ;eight lossAnxiety



    Boor appetite


    %ot 9ashes

    Beripheral neuropathy

    Fastrointestinal symptoms constipation and diarr

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

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    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

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    Laboratory &Animal

    Preclinical Studie

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

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    At least seven animal studiesinvestigating the e>ects of acupunin cancer or cancer=related condithave been reported in the scient


    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

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    0our ex vivo studies suggested thacupuncture is useful in anticancer th

    either by actively stimulating immuactivity or by preventing chemother

    suppression of immune activity

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

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    !n a study involving normalrats,electroacupu

    applied at the point#su=.anli .t:6' for / hours dconsecutive days enhanced the cytotoxicity of natural iller 2@' cells compared with a stimula

    non acupuncture control point in the

    abdominal muscle

    Sato T, Yu Y, Guo SY, et al.: Acupuncture stimulation enhances splenic natural killer cein rats. Jpn J Physiol 46 !": #$#%6, #&&6'

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

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    Another study found that 2@ cell activity and #=lymphocyte transformation rate were increased inmouse model of transplanted mammary cancercompared with a control after eight sessions ofacupuncture and moxibustion

    (iu (J, Guo )J, Jiao *+: -ect o/ acupuncture on immunolo0ic /unction an1 histopathtransplante1 mammary cancer in mice2 3hon00uo 3hon0 *i Yi Jie e 3a 3hi #5 #": 6

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

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    A study using moxibustionto warm the acupunctpoint Fuanyuan "C+'once a day for 4 days fousignicantly increased production of erythrocytescompared with a nontreatment control

    8u P, )ao Y, 8u J: -ects o/ moxa%cone moxi9ustion at Guanyuan on erythrocytic imre0ulatie /unction in tumor%9earin0 mice. J Tra1it )hin +e1 !# #": 6;%7#, !#'

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

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    Repeated ?A treatments 4/ treatments administover : days' in

    B" ratssignicantly lowered the concentrationsin the ovaries, compared with untreated B" rats

    G.tener=Cictorin ?, undeberg #, ;aldenstrHm -, et al)$ ?>ects of electro=acupuncture on nerve gr

    factor and ovarian morphology in rats with experimentally induced polycystic ovaries) 1iol ReprodI:, /K

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

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    A study of cyclophosphamide =induced emesis in behavioral model used acupuncture as an adects ofchemotherapy signicantly reducedthe total numemetic episodes by L :6=J:

    Gao , hang F, ;ong R%, et al)$ #he e>ect of electroacupuncture as an ad

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    #he ndings of these studies suggest tacupuncture may be e>ective in treaticancer=related symptoms and cancertreatmentNrelated disorders and that

    acupuncture may be able to activateimmune functions and regulate theautonomic nervous system

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

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    nly one studyreported a decrease in tumor voluanimals treated with acupuncture compared with animals imited scientic value'

    Giu 3, Fuo "3, 3iao EM$ O?>ect of acupuncture on immunologic function andhistopathology of transplanted mammary cancer in miceP hongguo hong Ehi 4I 4'$ 64I=J, 455IK

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist

    & acupuncturist

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    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist

    & acupuncturist

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    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist

    & acupuncturist

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    ?>ect of Acupuncture !mmune 0unction

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist

    & acupuncturist

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    At least seven human studies have evaluated theof acupuncture on immune system function in patall in china'

    0our randomized controlled trials

    ne nonrandomized clinical study

    #wo case series

    Acupunctureenhanced orregulatedimmunefunction

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist

    & acupuncturist

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    #he rst randomized controlled immune

    Acupuncture treatment enhanced platecount and prevented leuocyte decreaafter radiation therapy or chemotherap

    Eia Q, hang D, Qang "E, et al)$ An approach to the e>ectumors of acupuncture in combination with radiotherapy ochemotherapy) 3 #radit "hin Med 6 4'$ /:=6, 4586

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist

    & acupuncturist

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    .econd studyimmune

    euocyte phagocytosis was enhancedin the

    treated group, compared with the baseline measuB S )4'

    hou RE, %uang 0, 3iang .R, et al)$ #he e>ect of acupuncture on the

    activity of human leuocytes) 3 #radit "hin Med 8 /'$ 8:=+, 4588)

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist

    & acupuncturist

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    #hird studyimmune

    #he data showed that !=/ level and2@ cell activisignicantly increasedin the acupuncture group,compared with the control group B S )4'

    G;u 1, hou RE, hou M.$ O?>ect of acupuncture on interleuin=/ level and 2@ cell immof peripheral blood of malignant tumor patientsP hongguo hong Ei Qi 3ie %e a hi 4+455+K

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist

    & acupuncturist

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    0ourth studyimmune

    #he data showed that acupuncture treatment increaproportion of the "D:T and "D+T #=lymphocyte subthe "D+T("D8T ratio B S )4', and the level of bet

    #he investigators suggested that the anticancer e>eacupuncture may be mediated via the mechanism oimmunomodulation

    G;u 1, hou RE, hou M.$ O?>ect of acupuncture on immunomodulation in patients withmalignant tumorsP hongguo hong Ei Qi 3ie %e a hi 46 :'$ 4:5=+4, 4556K

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist

    & acupuncturist

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    0ifth studyimmune

    ?lectroacupuncturein patients undergoing chemoexperienced no declines in # cells "D:T, "D+T, or in 2@ cell activity, both of which are usuallysuppressed by chemotherapy

    GQe 0, "hen ., iu ;$ ?>ects of electro=acupuncture on immune function after chemothcases)3 #radit "hin Med // 4'$ /4=:, //K

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist

    & acupuncturist

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    .ixth studyimmune

    +8 patients with leuopeniaUincluding two cancepatientsUwho were treated with manual acupuncexperienced improvements in leuocyte count, animmunoglobulin!gF, !gA, and !gM' levels after 4+acupuncture treatments, compared with theirpretreatment levels

    G;ei $ "linical observation on therapeutic e>ect of acupuncture at zusanli foleuopenia)

    3 #radit "hin Med 48 /'$ 5+=I, 4558KDr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

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    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist

    & acupuncturist

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    ?>ect of Acupunctuon "ancer Bain

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist

    & acupuncturist

    0i t t d

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    0irst studypain

    Randomized trial compared two type acupuncturea

    conventional analgesic treatment in patients with gacancer pain

    #here was e*uivalent analgesic e>ect among the thgroups observed after / months of treatment7 howeconventionally treated group experienced signicansuperior analgesia in rst 4 days of treatment

    GDang ;, Qang 3$ "linical study on acupuncture treatment of stomach carcinoma pain) 3 #ra

    Med 48 4'$ :4=8, 4558K

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist

    & acupuncturist

    . d t d

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    .econd studypain

    !n study evaluated the e>ect of auricular acupunctu

    cancer patients who were still experiencing pain aftetreatment with analgesics ;hile patients continued tanalgesic medication, auricular acupuncture needlesembedded in ear acupuncture points)

    pain intensity decreased or remained stable after au

    acupuncture in all patients, with a signicant averagintensity decrease of :: mm B S )4'

    GAlimi D, Rubino ", eandri ?B, et al)$ Analgesic e>ects of auricular acupuncture for cancer pain) 3 Bain .45 /'$ 84=/, /K Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist

    & acupuncturist

    #hi d t d

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    #hird studyPain

    !n a case series involving 48: cancer patients whotreated with acupuncturefor cancer=related pain, were signicantly helped B value not stated

    G0ilshie 3, Redman D$ Acupuncture and malignant pain problems) ?ur 3 .urg ncol 44 +458IK

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist

    & acupuncturist

    0orth stud

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    0orth studypain

    case series, /5 patients with malignant tumors wdeveloped pain received ?A treatment ) All experivarious degrees of pain relief, and /I out of /5 weto either reduce or eliminate their

    analgesic re*uirements following multiple ?A trea

    G;en %$ "ancer pain treated with acupuncture and electrical stimulation) Mod Med As6, 45JJK

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist

    & acupuncturist

    Most of these studies were positive but the ndin

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    Most of these studies were positive but the ndinlimited signicance because of methodologic weasuch as $

    .mall sample sizes

    An absence of patient blinding to treatment in mcases

    Carying acupuncture treatment regimens

    A lac of standard outcome measurements

    Absence of ade*uate randomization

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist

    & acupuncturist

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    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist

    & acupuncturist

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    ?>ect of Acupuncture on"ancer#reatmentNrelated.ide ?>ects

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist

    & acupuncturist

    B i d 4

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    Bain due to cancer treatment =4

    A R"# evaluated the e>ect of various combinations of

    acupuncture, "hinese herbs, and epidural morphine to

    postoperative pain in 46 patients with liver cancer

    All of the combination treatment groups experienced banalgesia than did the placebo=treated control group

    Gi ., "ao .%, Eie FM, et al)$ "ombined traditional "hinese medicine and ;estern medicine) Relieving e>eherbs, ear=acupuncture and epidural morphine on postoperative pain in liver cancer "hin Med 3 ?ngl' 4J

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist

    & acupuncturist

    B i d t t t t /

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    Bain due to cancer treatment =/#he e>ect of acupuncture in postoperative painmanagement and arm movement in breast cancer pafter surgical excision of the cancer and axillary lym

    #he acupuncture group had signicant pain relief dumovementon the fth and seventh days following sand at the time of discharge) #he range of arm motiincreased signicantly in the treatment group, B S

    G%e 3B, 0riedrich M, ?rtan A@, et al)$ Bain=relief and movement improvement by acupuncture after ablatlymphadenectomy in patients with mammary cancer) "lin ?xp bstet Fynecol /6 /'$ 84=+, 4555K

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist

    & acupuncturist

    B i d t t t t :

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    Bain due to cancer treatment =:

    A small retrospective case review of acupuncture

    chemotherapy=induced peripheral neuropathy in patients showed benetwith reduced symptoms

    GDonald F@, #obin !, .tringer 3$ ?valuation of acupuncture in the management of chemotherapyindneuropathy) Acupunct Med /5 :'$ /:=:, /44K

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist

    & acupuncturist

    Arthralgias and myalgias from

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    Arthralgiasand myalgiasfromaromatase inhibitors#rue acupuncture was signicantly more e>ective than

    acupuncture, as measured by 1rief Bain !nventory=.hoscores in relieving

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    "hemotherapy induced nausea andvomiting

    #he positive e>ect of acupuncture on chemothera

    induced nausea and vomiting 2(C' is the mostconvincing, as demonstrated by the consistency oresults of a variety of clinical study types

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist

    & acupuncturist

    "hemotherapy=induced nausea

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    "hemotherapy induced nausea vomitingA systematic review of the e>ect of acupuncture o

    describes ve clinical trials of chemotherapy=indu2(C, conducted by di>erent investigators on di>ergroups of patients and using di>erent forms ofacupuncture point stimulation

    All ve trials yielded positive results

    GCicers A3$ "an acupuncture have specic e>ects on healthV A systematic review of ac

    antiemesis trials) 3 R .oc Med 85 6'$ ::=44, 4556)K

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist

    & acupuncturist

    Radiation=induced nausea and

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    ad a o duced ausea a dvomiting!n one randomized study, patients who were rand

    assigned to acupuncture experienced fewer episonausea and vomiting than did those who receivedstandard care

    G?nblom A, eander M, %ammar M, et al)$ Fetting the grip on nonspecic treatment ein patients randomized to acupuncture or sham compared to patients receiving standane 6 :'$ e4+J66, /44)K

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist

    & acupuncturist

    Casomotor symptoms

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    Casomotor symptoms

    .ome studies have reported that acupuncture ma

    e>ectivein reducing vasomotor symptoms amongpostmenopausal women with breast cancer andpcancer patients on androgen=deprivation therapy

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

    Casomotor symptoms 4

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    Casomotor symptoms =4

    !n women with hormone receptorNpositive breast

    Acupuncture wasective as venlafaxinecaused fewer adverse e>ects

    G;aler ?M, Rodriguez A!, @ohn 1, et al)$ Acupuncture versus venlafaxine for the manavasomotor symptoms in patients with hormone receptor=positive breast cancer$ a randcontrolled trial) 3 "lin ncol /8 +'$ 6:+=+, /4)K

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

    Casomotor symptoms /

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    Casomotor symptoms =/

    An uncontrolled prospective case series of I wom

    tamoxifen for early breast cancer evaluated womeacupuncturevasomotor symptoms dropped by +5S )4'

    Gde Calois 1A, Qoung #?, Robinson 2, et al)$ -sing traditional acupuncture for breast cahot 9ashes and night sweats) 3 Altern "omplement Med 46 4'$ 4+J=IJ, /4)K

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

    Casomotor symptoms :

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    Casomotor symptoms =:

    !n retrospective evaluation of 45+ patients with

    predominantly breast or prostate cancer found longrelief of vasomotor symptoms associated with acup

    G0ilshie 3, 1olton #, 1rowne D, et al)$ Acupuncture and self acupuncture for long=term treatmvasomotor symptoms

    in cancer patients==audit and treatment algorithm) Acupunct Med /: +'$ 4J4=8, /I)K

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist


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    !n a R"#, +J cancer patients with moderate to sev

    fatigue were randomly assigned to one of three g

    #he study concluded that acupuncture was a more>ective method than acupressure or sham acup

    GMolassiotis A, .ylt B, Diggins %$ #he management of cancer=related fatigue after chemacupuncture and acupressure$ a randomised controlled trial) "omplement #her Med 4I:J,/J)K

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

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    !n next study, :/ breast cancer patients were ra

    assigned to a 6=wee course of either daily Acupusignicantly reduced fatigue and improved *ualityover that of the Wenhanced usual careW group

    GMolassiotis A, 1ardy 3, 0innegan=3ohn 3, et al)$ Acupuncture for cancer=related fatigue inbreast cancer$ a pragmatic randomized controlled trial) 3 "lin ncol : :6'$ ++J=6, /

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist


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    Acupuncture was associated with a decrease in th

    of symptoms and an increased saliva 9ow in tworandomized studies that compared acupuncture wstandard care for preventing xerostomia in patien

    undergoing radiation therapy

    1raga 0B, emos 3unior "A, Alves 0A, et al)$ Acupuncture for the prevention of radiationxerostomia in patients with head and nec cancer) 1raz ral Res /I /'$ 48=I, /44 Ma

    Meng , Farcia M@, %u ", et al)$ Randomized controlled trial of acupuncture for prevenradiation=induced xerostomia among patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma) "ancer :::J=++, /4/)

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist


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    "ompared with standard care, acupuncture signican

    improved xerostomia symptomsin patients who expethe condition following radiation therapy

    .imcoc R, 0alloweld , Monson @, et al)$ AR!E$ a randomised trial of acupuncture v oral care

    patients with chronic xerostomia following treatment of head and nec cancer) Ann ncol /+


    Bster DF, "assileth 1R, Deng F?, et al)$ Acupuncture for pain and dysfunction after nec dissof a

    randomized controlled trial) 3 "lin ncol /8 4I'$ /I6I=J, /4)

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

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    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

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    ther #reatment=rela.ide ?>ects

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

    !n a R"# J6 patients with various types of cancer, iesophageal cancer,gastric cancer, lung cancer

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    esophageal cancer,gastric cancer, lung cancer

    #he acupuncture group in combination with radiattherapy or chemotherapy, had the below benets $

    signicantly more body weight B S )4'

    Freater improvements in the symptoms of cough,thoracodynia, hemoptysis, and fever for patients wcancer and the symptoms of chest pain, mucus vomand diXculty in swallowingfor patients with esoph


    Eia Q, hang D, Qang "E, et al)$ An approach to the e>ect on tumors of acupuncture in cwith radiotherapy or chemotherapy) 3 #radit "hin Med 6 4'$ /:=6, 4586)

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

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    An R"# of 4:8 patients treated with acupuncture p

    massage versus usual care showed decreased painI' and a decrease in

    depressive mood B Y ):' in postoperative cancepatients

    Mehling ;?, 3acobs 1, Acree M, et al)$ .ymptom management with massage aacupuncture in postoperative cancer patients$ a randomized controlled trial) 3 .ymptom Manage :: :'$ /I8=66, /J)

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

    A retrospective survey study $ Batients were refeacupuncture clinics for $

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    acupuncture clinics for $

    Bain I:L',

    Eerostomia :/L'

    %ot 9ashes 6L'

    2ausea(loss of appetite 6L'

    G3ohnstone BA, Bolston FR, 2iemtzow R", et al)$ !ntegration of acupuncture in

    oncology clinic) Balliat Med 46 :'$ /:I=5, //)K

    .ixty percent of thepatients showed atleast :L improvem

    their symptoms, andone=third had no chathe severity of symp

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

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    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

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    "MM2 B!2#.

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

    2ausea and vomiting

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    2ausea and vomiting

    .#=:6 usanli

    1=/4 ;eishu

    1=/ Bishu

    B"=6 2eiguan

    "C 4/ hongwan

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

    2ausea and vomiting

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    2ausea and vomiting

    Main point$ .#=:6 usanli bilateral'

    Auxiliary ear points $ .henmen, Apex of ower

    #ragus, 1rain, Middle ?ar, and .tomach

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist


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    .#=:6 usanli

    1=/4 ;eishu

    1=/ Bishu

    B"=6 2eiguan

    "C 4/ hongwan

    .B=5 Qinling*uan

    "C=6 ihai

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

    Dry mouth and tongue and mouulcers

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    ulcerso-=4 Qu

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    y.B=6 .anyin

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    p"C 4/ hongwan

    .#=:6 usanli

    .#=/I #ianshu.# :J .hang

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    g1=48 Fanshu

    1=45 Danshu

    1=/ Bishu

    1=/4 ;eishu

    @4=: #aixi

    R=: #aichong

    R=4+ imen

    R=/ ingiian

    B"=6 2eiguan

    .B=6 .anyin

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    FC / 1aihui

    1=/: .henshu .#=:6 usanli

    .B=6 .anyin

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    ?nrich Qin and clear %eat, *uiet the %eart and .pirit)

    FC=4+ Dazhui.!=: %ouxi

    %# =6 Qinxi

    @!=: #aixi

    .B=6 .anyin

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    1=4: 0eishu

    1=+: Faohuang .#=:6 usanli

    "C=+ Fuanyuan

    1=/ Bishu

    -=5 #aiyuan

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist


  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    1=4: 0eishu

    -=4 hongfu

    FC 4+ Dazhui

    -=6 @ongzui

    -=I "hize

    !=+ %egu

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist


  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    1=/8 Bangguangshu

    "C =: hong

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    FC 4+ Dazhui

    1=4: 0eishu -=4 hongfu

    "C 4J Danzhong

    B"=6 2eiguan

    -=I "hize .B=5 Qinling*uan

    1=/ Bishu

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist


  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    .# /I #ianshu

    "C=6 ihai "C 4/


    .#=:6 usanli

    .B=5 Qinling*uan


  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    .B=6 .anyin

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    .B=6 .anyin

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    %?A# "2.#!BA#!2

    1=/I Dachangshu .#=/I #ianshu


    .# :J .hang

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    "2.#!BA#!2 D-? # ! .#AF2A#!2

    1=/I Dachangshu.#=/I #ianshu

    #1=6 higou

    .# + 0englong

    .# /5 Fuilai


    "C 4/ hongwan

    1=// .an

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    ! D?0!"!?2"Q

    1=/I Dachangshu.#=/I #ianshu

    .#=:6 usanli

    "C =+ Fuanyuwan

    .#=:J .hang

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    1D D?0!"!?2"Q

    .# /I #ianshu.# :6 usanli

    1=/ Bishu

    .# + 0englong

    .B=: #aibai

    1=4J Feshu

    .B=6 .anyin

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    "D "2.#!BA#!2

    1=/I Dachangshu.#=/I #ianshu

    #1=6 higou

    .#=+ 0englong

    "C=8 .hen*ue

    "C=6 ihai

    FC + MingmenDr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist

    & acupuncturist

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    BainDr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist

    & acupuncturist

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx



    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist


  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    ;!2D="D 1.#R-"#!2

    F1=/ 0engchi ?E=%2=I #aiyang

    FC 4+Dazhui

    !=+ %egu

    #1=I ;aiguan

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist


  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    D?0!"!?2"Q 0!R? BA##?R2

    F1=/ 0engchi ?E=%2=I #aiyang

    FC 4+ Dazhui

    !=+ %egu

    !=44 uchi R=: #aichong

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist


  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    B%?FM #-R1!D!#Q

    F1=/ 0engchi ?E=%2=I #aiyang

    .#=+ 0englong

    ?E=%2=: Qintang

    -=J ie*ue .B=+ Fongsun

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist


  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    1D .#A.!.

    F1=/ 0engchi ?E=%2=I #aivang

    !=+ %egu

    FC=/ 1aihui

    .B=4 Euehai R=: #aichong

    .B=6 .anyin

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    ! A2D 1D D?0!"!?2"Q

    FC /: .hangxing.B=4 Euehai


  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    "ommonly used acupuncture points

    frontal headache$ F1=4+ Qangbai and !=+ %egu

    migraine$ #1=/ 3iaosun, F1=/ 0engchi and #1=I;aiguan

    occipital headache $ F1=/ 0engchi and 1=6 @u

    headache at the vertex$ FC / 1aihui and R=: #

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    "%?.# BA!2

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

    "%?.# BA!2

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    B%?FM=%?A# "2F?.#!2F #%? -2F.

    "C=4J Danzhong !=44 uchi

    B"=I 3ianshi

    !=+ %egu

    .#=+ 0englong .B=6 .anyin

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    A""-M-A#!2 A2D 1.#R-"#!2 0 B%?FM

    #-R1!D!#Q .B=5 Qinling*uan

    .#=+ 0englong

    B"=6 2eiguan

    .B=+ Fongsun


  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    ! .#AF2A#!2 A2D 1D .#A.!.

    "C=4J Danzhong -=4 hongfu

    #1=6 higou

    R=: #aichong

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

    "%?.# BA!2

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    ! A2D Q!2 D?0!"!?2"Q

    .#=:6 usanli .B=6 .anyin

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    A1DM!2A BA!2

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

    A1DM!2A BA!2

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    "2F?A!2F A2D .#AF2A#!2 0 BA#%F?2!" "

    "C=4/ hongwan .#=:6 usanli

    .B=+ Fongsun

    "C=8 .hen*ue

    "C=+ Fuanyuan

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

    A1DM!2A BA!2

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    !2#?R2A 1.#R-"#!2 0 DAMB%?A#

    #1=6 higou .!=+ ;angu

    .B=5 Qinling*uan

    .# :6 usanli

    .B=+ Fongsun

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

    A1DM!2A BA!2

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    ! .#AF2A#!2 A2D 1D .#A.!.

    R=: #aichong "C=6 ihai

    .B=6 .anyin

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    D?0!"!?2"Q "D 0 #%? .B??2 A2D .#MA"%

    1=/ Bishu 1=/4 ;eishu

    "C 4/ hongwan

    "C=6 ihai

    .# :6 usanli

    .B=6 .anyin

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    BA!2 !2 #%? %QB"%2DR!

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

    BA!2 !2 #%? %QB"%2DR!-

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    1D .#A.!. 1.#R-"#!2F #%? 2?#;R@ C?.

    #1=6 higou F1=:+ Qangling*uan

    1=4J Feshu

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

    BA!2 !2 #%? %QB"%2DR!-

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    D?BR?..!2 A2D 1!2D!2F 0 !C?R !

    1=48 FanshuR=4+ imen

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

    BA!2 !2 #%? %QB"%2DR!-

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    DAMB=%?A# !2 #%? !C?R A2D FA1ADD?R

    R=4+ imen#1=6 higou

    R : #aichong

    .B=6 .anyin

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    A""-M-A#!2 0 B%?FM=0-!D.

    R=4: hangmen "C 4/ hongwan

    1=/ Bishu

    1=/4 ;eishu

    .#=:6 usanli

    F1=:+ Qangling*uan

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

    BA!2 !2 #%? %QB"%2DR!-

    !2.-00!"!?2"Q 0 !C?R Q!2%# 6 Qi i

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    !2.-00!"!?2"Q 0 !C?R=Q!2%#=6 Qinxi

    1=4I Einshu .B=4 Euehai

    .B=6 .anyin

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    ;?R 1A"@ BA!2

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

    ;?R 1A"@ BA!2

    "2F?A!2F A2D A""-M-A#!2 0 "D DAM

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    "2F?A!2F A2D A""-M-A#!2 0 "D=DAM

    1=:/ "iliao FC/ Qaoshu

    1+ ;eizhong

    1=6 @unlun

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

    ;?R 1A"@ BA!2

    DAMB %?A#

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx



    1=:4 to 1=:+ 1aliao .# + 0englong

    1=+ ;eizhong

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

    ;?R 1A"@ BA!2

    1D .#A.!.

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    1D .#A.!.

    1=:4 to 1=:+ 1aliao 1=+ ;eizhong

    !=+ %egu

    1=/: .henshu

    FC : Qaoyangguan

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

    ;?R 1A"@ BA!2

    @!D2?Q D?0!"!?2"Q

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    @!D2?Q D?0!"!?2"Q

    1=/: .henshu FC + Mingmen

    @!=: #aixi

    1=I/ hishi

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

    1RA"%!A B?E-.

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    1RA"%!A B?E-.2?-RAF!A

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

    1RA"%!A B?E-. 2?-RAF

    1=4 #ianzhu

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    1 4 #ianzhu

    FC 4+ Dazhui

    1=44 Dazhu

    .!=4: uyuan

    !=4I 3ianyu

    !=44 uchi

    #1=I ;aiguan

    .!=: %ouxi

    R=8 u*uan

    @!=: #aixi

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

    BA!2 A0#?R AMB-#A#!

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    BA!2 A0#?R AMB-#A#!

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

    BA!2 A0#?R AMB-#A#!2

    Main points $

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    Main points $

    !=+ %egu

    R=: #aichong all bilateral

    .B=6 .anyin

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    Auxiliary points$

    0or amputation of the ngers, add the correspondwell' points

    .!=4 .haoze

    #1=4 Fuanchong

    !=4 .hangyang

    %#=5 .haochong,

    -=44 .haoshang, or B"=5 hongchong

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

    BA!2 A0#?R AMB-#A#!2

    Auxiliary points$

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    Auxiliary points$

    0or amputation of the forearm, add#1=I ;aiguan

    !=4 .housanli

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

    BA!2 A0#?R AMB-#A#!2

    Auxiliary points$

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    Auxiliary points$

    0or amputation of the upper arm, add !=4I 3ianyu

    !=4+ 1inao

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

    BA!2 A0#?R AMB-#A#!2

    Auxiliary points$

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    y p

    0or amputation of the toes, add the Ncorresponding well' points

    F1=++ u*iaoyin

    .#=+I idui

    1=6J hiyin

    .B=4 Qinbai R=4 Dadun

    @!=4 Qong*uan

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

    BA!2 A0#?R AMB-#A#!2

    Auxiliary points$

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    y p

    0or amputation below the nee

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    y p

    Foramputation below the hip joint, add

    ST-31 Biguan

    ST 32 Futu

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

    .#-MB BA!2

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx


    .#-MB BA!2

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist

    .#-MB BA!2

    #echni*ue $

  • 7/25/2019 acupuncture for cancer baraye 1.pptx



    !nsert the needles deeply into local points the'

    !f there is no transport point available, select onepoint on each of the six channels three Qin and

    Qang channels' and insert the needle obli*uely uat an angle of about +I[ to the sin surface'

    Dr Mehran Rezvani pain fellowship anesthesiologist& acupuncturist