Actuele HR Thema's

Post on 29-Nov-2014

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Het is CRISIS, toch blijft het interessant om op de hoogte te zijn van Actuele Thema's op het gebied van Human Resource Management. Thema's zoals: Werving en Selectie, Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Ondernemen, Gelijkheid en Diversiteit, Leiderschap en Management, Verander Management, Gezondheid en Welzijn. Thema's die aansluiten op IiP's New Choices. 300309 verzorgde in een inleiding waarbij Actuele Thema's in HR aan bod kwamen. De Rode Draad in de presentatie was het Investors in People Model. Op de vraag 'Wat is nu het "Beste Moment" om de IiP 0-meting uit te voeren?' antwoordde ik: 'Mijn ervaring leert: er is nooit een Goed Moment, maar ook nooit een Slecht Moment. (nb; er is alleen het moment van uitstel).' Kijken we naar Kondratieff (nb; economische golfbeweging) dan is er geen beter moment dan nu om te beginnen aan IiP, wil je straks na de Crisis de concurrentie op de arbeidsmarkt tenminste voor zijn......

Transcript of Actuele HR Thema's

Actuele Thema‘s

Willem E.A.J. Scheepers MBA

“Tell me and I forget, Ask me and I am

engaged, Involve me and I am


Een nieuwe HR agenda

• Ontwikkeling van een goed ‗werkgevers imago‘ omtalent aan te trekken en vast te houden

• Ontwikkeling van een HR value chain en goede HR architectuur (relatie structuur en uitvoering)

• Ontwikkeling van een organisatiecultuur omconcurrentievoordeel te bereiken

• Ontwikkeling van HR competentie en geloofwaardigheid in het management team

• Ontwikkeling van leiders en van managers


Six Converging Workforce Trends


• Shrinking Pool of Skilled Labor

• Changing Family Structures

• Increasing Number of Women

• Changing Expectations of Men

• Emerging Expectations of Generations of X & Y

• Increasing Impact of Technology

‘Mass Career Customization‘, Cathleen Benko, Anne Weinberg

Harvard Business Publishing

―Management Tip: March 30, 2009‖

―To attract, retain, and get the most from Gen Ys, create the right kind

of work environment. Start by emphasizing your company's values,

reputation, and community involvement to Gen Y job candidates.

They often prefer to work on their own schedules, so be flexible

about asynchronous work. Where possible, performance

management should focus on task completion, not time spent.‖

Today's Management Tip was adapted from "Guide to Managing Ys," by Tammy Erickson for Harvard Management




Actuele Thema‘s

Hot Spot!

‗De moderne organisatie wordt Groter, Virtueler, kent

meer Diversiteit en wil vooral een samenstelling zijn van

Talenten. Het zijn deze 4 karakteristieken van de

moderne organisatie die het Samen Werken binnen die

organisatie tot een uitdaging maken en de organisatie

zelf tot een Hot Spot! Een Hot Spot waar het Delen van

Kennis cruciaal is voor de continuïteit van deze

(moderne) organisatie.‘

Bron: Hot Spots: Why Some Teams, Workplaces, and Organizations Buzz with Energy—and Others Don’t. Lynda


Managing Recruitment and Retaining Talent using the

Investors in People FrameworkExamples of Areas to Explore using IIP Framework

• The recruitment strategy alone, in terms of attracting and then selecting people, is not

enough to make sure that people are useful to the organisation when they join. The

organisation will need to consider how best to support people who join, both in the

early days and as they progress, in order to offer them an attractive package. For

example, if the decision is made to recruit migrant workers, then the organisation

might consider how it will support language training. These considerations are

important before recruitment commences, of course, not only because arrangements

should be in place but also because the arrangements can be presented to potential

recruits as a reason for joining this organisation as opposed to another.

• A workforce inspired and encouraged to learn, in a safe environment where there is

the space to try new approaches and learn from mistakes, will be more motivated and

will give longer service to the organisation. Does the evidence suggest that the

organisation is getting this right?

• Does the provision of career advice help people to see how they can progress, or see

value in remaining with the organisation for longer?

• Is there evidence of people feeling more positive about the organisation because of

the way they view their leaders and managers?

• Are people committed to organisational success? If not, why not? Is

this likely to affect retention?

• Etc. Bron:

" Culture is more often a source of conflict than of synergy. Cultural differences are a nuisance at best and often a disaster." Prof. Geert Hofstede, Emeritus Professor, Maastricht University.

“For those who work in international business, it is

sometimes amazing how different people in other

cultures behave.”

Conceptual Model of Diversity


―WIN = Women‘s Initiative.‖

Een Plan gebaseerd op Strategisch Inzicht!

• The Workforce is Shrinking.

– The domestic labor force will grow at the anemic rate of 1% annually through


– By 2012 there will be a six-million-person gap in the U.S. between the number of

students graduating from college and the number of workers needed to cover job

growth and replace retirees.

• More and better-educated women are entering the workforce. They have

more options now than ever before.

– Women comprise nearly 50% of the U.S. labor pool.

– 60% of all accounting bachelor‘s degrees are awarded to women.

– 58% of all bachelor‘s degrees and master‘s degrees are granted to women.

– Women now hold more than half of all managerial and professional positions in

U.S. businesses.

(Bron: ‗Vrouwen Werven, hoe ver wil je daarbij gaan?‘; 11/10/07)

Managing Equality and Diversity using the Investors in

People Framework

Examples of Areas to Explore using IIP Framework

• Does the organisation have a clear vehicle for business planning in which equality

and diversity issues are included, or can be included, to ensure they are monitored

and measured?

• Is the equality and diversity concept expressed within the organisation‘s values?

• Do managers and team members understand the implications of equality and

diversity for how they are expected to work?

• Has the organisation considered ways to measure and evaluate its achievements in

equality and diversity?

• Do top managers understand what diversity means and are they able to articulate

their strategy for this? This is a core standard requirement.

• Have top managers thought about what they require from managers to support

equality and diversity and represented this in the capabilities they require?

• Do managers understand the part they have to play, and what they should do to

make the processes fair?

• Do people in the organisation believe that this is resulting in fair recruitment and


• How do managers work with individual talents?

• Do people feel that their talents are understood and utilised?

• Etc. Bron:

De 7 Manieren waarop je Gigantisch kunt Mislukken

• The Synergy Mirage (nb; denken dat onze organisatie er door een fusie op

vooruit gaat….)

• Faulty Financial Engineering (nb; de financiële verantwoording groeit je

boven de pet….)

• Stubbornly Staying the Course (nb; aan oude gewoontes blijven


• Pseudo-Adjacencies (nb; nieuwe producten aan bestaande klanten


• Bets on the Wrong Technology (nb; helaas jouw organisatie koos zojuist

voor de verkeerde technologie….)

• Rushing to Consolidate (nb; consolideren die hap…..)

• Roll-Ups of Almost Any Kind (nb; pakken wat je pakken kan….)

Bron: ‗Seven Ways to Fail Big‘; HBR 09/2008







Korte Termijn Lange Termijn







Welke Veranderingsstrategie

Incrementeel of Radicaal ?


McBain, 2003

Welke Veranderingsstrategie

Incrementeel of Radicaal ?

Managing Change using the Investors in People


Examples of Areas to Explore using IIP Framework

• Are the processes for involving people in planning working effectively to allow them to

identify necessary change?

• Do people have enough information and support to be able to identify changes or

contribute their comments?

• Has the organisation discussed planned changes, or sought views of necessary

change, from representative groups?

• Is there a culture of encouraging people to contribute, and is it working effectively?

• Is the organisation committed to making sure people have the information and

understanding they need to relate to the change?

• Has the organisation analysed the skills implications of planned changes?

• Are managers clear on how to do this?

• Are leaders and managers role modelling a willingness to tackle their own learning

needs implied by change?

• Do people believe learning is part of the culture, and therefore it‘s okay to need to

adapt to change?

• Etc.


„We beschouwen onze verantwoordelijkheid

jegens onze volgers als een morele

verantwoordelijkheid, we definiëren

Leiderschap als het plaatsen van de

behoeften van de volgers boven die van de

leider, en dat is de 1e Waarde die we onze

toekomstig leiders leren.‟

Colonel Tom Kolditz, US Army (2009))

De Kwaliteit van Communicatie in de Organisatie

C = (V x L)¹ + G²‘De vrouw wier klacht ik op een keer weigerde tot het eind toe aan te horen had gelijk toen ze

uitriep dat als de tijd me ontbrak om naar haar te luisteren, me ook de tijd ontbrak om te

regeren.’ (Hadrianus, Romeins keizer ca. 100 n.Chr.)

(Bron:, ‗ebooks en artikelen‘)

Leadership using the Investors in People Framework

Examples of Areas to Explore using IIP Framework

• Does involvement in planning processes really give people a sense of ownership?

Are leaders making sure this works effectively? There is a different between paying

lip-service to involvement, and really inspiring others through strong leadership.

• Do the top managers understand what they need to do to be ‗inspirational‘, and is this

how they are perceived?

• Are managers following the inspirational approach of their leader/s?

• Does the evidence suggest that people really are motivated to achieve the vision?

• Is the behaviour of leaders having a positive, or negative, effect upon people‘s

understanding of what good management and leadership looks like?

• Do people have trust and respect for the leaders of the organisation?

• Is there encouragement for everyone to develop their leadership capabilities?

• Is there a sound strategy for communication, sharing and learning between teams or


• Is knowledge and learning shared effectively across the organisation, between those

who share development needs, or to enhance inter-team working?

• Etc.


Work / Life balance.

‗Be a Better Leader, Have a Richer Life‘

Tracking and Reflecting.

Planning and Organizing.

Rejuvenating and Restoring.

Appreciating and Caring.

Focusing and Concentrating.

Revealing and Engaging.

Time Shifting and ―Re-Placing‖.

Delegating and Developing.

Exploring and Venturing.

Bron: ‗Be a Better Leader, Have a Richer Life’; S. Friedman, HBR 04/2008


Bron: Strategy and Society: The Link Between Competitive Advantage and Corporate Social

Responsibility; Porter & Kramer, HBR 07/2006.

Managing Corporate Social Responsibilty using the

Investors in People Framework

Examples of Areas to Explore using IIP Framework

• Top managers should be able to articulate the way in which CSR has been

considered and the impact that this has upon strategy. Is there evidence of the

organisation really thinking about the implications of its CSR position for whole range

of its activities?

• Is there a meaningful way of measuring the success of the strategy for social


• Has there been any attempt to consult people over what the strategy should

embrace? Are there opportunities for them to input their ideas as to how it should be

implemented or in the detail of how it works?

• Do people believe that social responsibility is truly part of the culture?

• Are people aware of what the organisation does in social responsibility terms, and

how it has made an effort to build this into its culture? Communication may be an

issue here.

• Is there evidence of the organisation considering what its leaders and managers

need, in terms of skills and knowledge, to be able to support the CSR strategy?

• Is achievement against the CSR strategy reported to a wide range of stakeholders ?

• Etc.


Seize Advantage in a Downturn

• Financial Fundamentals

– Monitor and maximise your cash position

– Tightly manage customer credit

– Agressively manage working capital

– Optimize your financial structure

• Current Business

– Reduce costs and increase efficiency

– Agressively manage the top-line

– Rethink your product mix and pricing strategies

– Rein in planned investments and sell assets.

‗Seize Advantage in a Downturn‘; HBR 01/2009

Questions Every Company Should Ask

Is this a realistic strategy for long-term success?

What can we learn from history?

Do vital information and dissenting views about strategies reach

decision makers?

Have we assessed the true advantages—and liabilities—that come

with scale?

Have we considered all our options?

Would we bet on it?

Bron: ‗Seven Ways to Fail Big‘; HBR 09/2008

Nog Meer Thema‘s

Bringing New Products to Market

Customer Satisfaction

Environmental Sustainability

Project Management

Return on Investment for Training and Development

The Need for Strategic/Visionary Leadership

Succession Planning

Integrating Human Resource Strategy with Corporate Strategy

Increasing Efficiency

Managing Costs

Poor Culture

Reducing Waste

Increasing Sales



30 maart 2009

Willem E.A.J. Scheepers MBA, erkend Investors in People Adviseur.

Een andere activiteit is dat ik colleges verzorg voor de postdoctorale Audit opleiding van

ESAA/EURAC te Rotterdam en NIVRA Nyenrode (nb; colleges Verandering

Management en Advies Vaardigheden), colleges voor het Britse Henley Management

College (Strategic HRM) en lessen voor de MBA Opleiding van het NCOI (o.m.

Strategisch HRM en Persoonlijk Leiderschap).

Additionele informatie is beschikbaar op:

LinkedIn, Plaxo, Xing.

―Wat is nu het ―Beste Moment‖ om de IiP 0-meting uit te voeren?

Mijn ervaring leert: er is nooit een Goed Moment, maar ook nooit een Slecht Moment.

(nb; er is alleen het moment van uitstel).‖