ABT Minutes Fall 2011

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Transcript of ABT Minutes Fall 2011

  • 7/29/2019 ABT Minutes Fall 2011


    Agenda for ABT meeting

    Location Heth 014 Radford University

    Date: October 15, 2011

    Time: 10:00-Noon

    Roll call-attendance sheet of ABT members

    Ryan Murray Josh Pearson Tom Murphy Pat Manges Garret Dr. Burke Dr. Owen Matt Hochstrasser Joe Oley Dr. Turner

    Reading and approval of the minutes of last meeting provided and approved

    Advisor report

    Executive Board Strategic Planning Retreat in September- Dr. Oweno Basic admin functionso Leadership improvemento Risk managemento Recruiting strategies

    Dr .Burke has been conducting weekly meetings with president (and vice president, whenavailable)

    State of the chapter from an advisor perspective was discussedChapter A Report

    State of the Chaptero Members are far more accountable of their actionso We are improving

    Scholastic Reporto 2nd highest GPA on campuso New members highest GPA

    Recruitment and New member education Reporto 2 associate members this semestero Improvements for next semester were discussed

    Summarize LCs Visito Liked that we have an active faculty advisoro Our organization and communication needs to improve

    Housing reporto House has been remoldedo Attempting to finding new houses further from campus

    Status of Chapter by-lawso Review by-laws each chapter meeting until completed

    Philanthropyo Griffin is Chairo Jimmy V

    With the nurses programo A concert on campus

    Funding will hopefully be through the University; meeting to follow Submissions to Delta Chi Quarterly

  • 7/29/2019 ABT Minutes Fall 2011


    Chapter D Report

    Balance in accountso Checking- $4,199.9o Savings- $2,453.50

    Accounts receivableo Fall- 12,905o Past- $ 2,315.00

    List of delinquent members, their status and steps taken to collect dues Accounts payable

    o Outstanding Dues are less and lesso Paid IFC Dues-$ 427.50o Risk Management- $ 5,885o AM Pins/Cornerstone- $ 45o Rush/Fall- $ 595.65

    Financial plan for the semesterOld Business

    ABT awards/scholasticso Highest cumulative GPAo

    Highest Semester GPAo Most improved GPAo Standard of Excellenceo Presidents Cupo Greek Life Awards Banqueto Delta Chi Education Awards

    Senior recognition High school Senior Scholarship Program Leadership Seminal Scholarship

    Recruitment v. Rusho Difference between recruitment and rush was discussed

    Minuteso Will be posted for everyone to read and review should be on web page

    Committee Reportso Formal reports should be sent to the B before each chapter from every chair of


    Update by-lawso Once approved by members has to be approved by ABTo Review by-laws in each chapter member see above

    Web Pageo Select which one we want to use

    Currently have 3 different siteso Dr. Owen will help organize if approached for assistance

    New Business Election of ABT members

    President- Kevin Camm Financial Advisor- Morgan O Meara BB- Joe Landino - TBD Scholarship- Dr. Tod Burke Risk Management-Dr. Steve Owen Community Relations-Dr. Carter Turner Secretary - TBD New Member Education- Mr. Joe Oley Recruitment - TBD

  • 7/29/2019 ABT Minutes Fall 2011


    Parents Programming- Mr. Hungate Slate approved by acclamation

    o Acclamation made by Dr. OwenMiscellaneous and Announcements

    Guest Speaker from Wells Fargoo To talk to the members about the importance of Credit

    Anyone interested in running for A must meet with Dr. Burke October 31 is nominations November 6 is elections


    At 10:40 AM