‘Book Week’singletonps.wa.edu.au/meqaqor/2019/12/Issue-18... · 2019. 12. 16. · Bevan Ripp...

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Transcript of ‘Book Week’singletonps.wa.edu.au/meqaqor/2019/12/Issue-18... · 2019. 12. 16. · Bevan Ripp...


‘The Bard’


‘Student Elections’

‘Book Week’


Dear Parents and Carers,

This is, at the same time, a

happy and sad moment for

me, as Principal of Singleton

Primary School. Happy,

because we celebrate another

terrific year, in a terrific school, which is at the

centre of a terrific community. Sad, because it

will be the last newsletter to which I


As you are all aware I will retire from this

position as of 1 February 2019. Mrs Tucker has

been appointed as Principal for Term One, a

decision which ensures a smooth transition in

the school’s leadership. Decisions about a

replacement Deputy Principal and any back

filling of a teacher position will be announced

in the coming week. A formal process to select

and appoint a substantive Principal to

commence in Term Two will be managed by

the Regional Executive Director during the

course of Term One. Dr Chris Elliott, Chair of

the Singleton PS Board will be invited to join

the selection panel, so that the community

has a say in who is going to lead this school

into the future.

Fresh from an outstanding Graduation

ceremony yesterday, I can only say how proud

I am to be the Principal of this school. To see

students, parents and staff at Wednesday’s

event, clearly demonstrated why this school is

so special. The accolades from Paul Papalia,

Chris Elliot and Des McLean (Mandurah Lions)

spoke volumes for how this school is

perceived in the wider community and

everyone associated with the school should

feel immense pride. I believe this stems from

the fact that we have never wavered from the

true purpose of primary schooling – putting

the student as a human being first, and

concentrating on developing and nurturing

those people skills as the foundation for their

success. That is why such an emphasis is

placed on the five keys to

success and a growth mindset,

and I would like to think that

this will remain a central focus

for the school long into the


I congratulate every student who graduated

yesterday, as each of you can celebrate your

own version of success. In particular,

congratulations to the students who received

an Award in recognition of their efforts

throughout their final year at Singleton.

I sincerely hope, that as you navigate your way

through your high school years, you will

reflect on the life lessons your teachers at

Singleton have provided you over the years,

and apply them successfully.

Of course, we still have one more week in

which to complete the year. Friday we host

our final Book Awards assembly. I would like

to congratulate all of the Award winners in

advance, and thank everyone, the entire

school community, for their support over the

course of, not only, this year, but for the entire

time I have been Principal of Singleton.

I would like to wish every family a very merry

Christmas, and hope that 2019 brings you joy

and happiness. Enjoy the holiday period and

stay safe.


Bevan Ripp




2018 is speeding to an end! The year 6’s are graduating and will start a new journey at high school next year… Students are preparing to move to their next grade… Some Singleton students will move to a different school next year... Little ones are looking forward to start kindy next year… The next two months will mean change for a lot of students, some major and some less traumatic. Below is a few tips to help them transition easily through these changes. Practical Coping skills

Give advanced warning

Stick to routines as much as possible

Answer all their questions.

Expect that some regression may happen

Be accepting of grieving

Tips to help your child cope

Give them a sense of being loved by their family and of belonging

Encourage a diverse group of friends – both for them and the family as a whole

Enjoy family rituals

I hope you and your children will positively embrace any changes coming your way. May this festive season bring hope and joy and may it be filled with love and laughter. Below is information in Christmas services in the area should you like to attend: Nations Church (Christmas Eve service with family, food and fun) Monday 24 December, 6pm at 9 Bessemer Road, Port Kennedy Deo Gloria Singleton Tuesday 25th December, 9am at Singleton Community Centre, Laure Stanford Reserve, Singleton. St Brendan's Anglican Church

24th December 5pm - Children's Christmas Service

24th December 11.30pm - Midnight Mass

25th December 8.30am - Christmas Day Service (Cnr Currie t & Parkland Drive, Warnbro)

Merry Christmas and all of the best for 2019!




Room 1 Brodie Room 9 Alyssa Room 16 Kobi Room T8 Deakan

Room 2 Jenay Room 10 Kendall Room 17 Beau Music Room 12

Room 3 Carris Room 11 Zarlia Room 18 Brooklyn SAKG Room 1

Room 5 Cameron Room 12 Noah Room T3 Malakai Library Room 12

Room 6 Owen Room 13 Jack Room T5 Chad LOTE Rooms

16 & T6

Room 7 Mitchell Room 14 Fletcher Room T6 Ruby Science Room T6

Room 8 Tobias Room 15 Zac Room T7 Meka


Below is a pie graph of our School Voluntary Contributions. Payment can still be made through

the reception or by direct deposit.

Details are as follows: BSB: 633 000 ACC: 149 556 326


Well, here we are again at the time for "Thank You" and "Goodbye".

I hope you feel, like me, that we have had another beautiful year in the Library. The thing is, without all the support I get from you, it wouldn't be like that! If you have contributed in anyway to the daily life in here, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. To Mary for your unstinting devotion to all those tasks, to Mel for books from Scholastic rewards and Nel for your generous time on Thursdays. Also of course to Ms Pitchford, who works on Mondays to allow me to do grandparent duty! If you have donated to Breakfast Club or given pre-loved books, put picture books away or displayed student work - you are AWESOME. The Art exhibition was a highlight this year! And to all the students who bring their smiles, their personal stories, love of books and gorgeous humour - you are the reason I come here each day.

I guess many of you who are leaving us this term will not read this newsletter! Maybe one of you will see this message and that is enough! If you are going to a new Primary school, have a very happy life there. If you are off to the exciting and sometimes daunting life of High School here are some suggestions to live your life by: put kindness into the world and it will come back to you, let that idea guide your choices! Remember, there is only one of you and you are precious. Find out what you are meant to do and love it. And, of course, read, read read!

Best Christmas and New Year wishes to you all. Joan Farmer

Library Officer



School Voluntary Contributions


State Rugby League Championships

Friday 23th November Singleton competed in their first ever Rugby League State


What a day!

Our Girls team played 7 games and the boys team played 6 games.

The weather was turned on and the Rugby was fantastic.

A massive thank you goes to Jade Hiller who coached the boy’s team all day. The boys fought

out every game with great vigour and enthusiasm. They were competitive in their games,

showing great sportsmanship and winning a game.

The girls also had an extremely strong pool of teams. It was magnificent to watch as the girls

who only had 1 substitute for the day fight all day. Their commitment to each other and

willingness to listen and put in place what was asked was amazing. The girls won 1, drew 2 and

lost 4.

Thank you to all the parents who took their kids up to the carnival. A huge commitment and I

know that it was worth it.

Thank you for the fantastic year. I have had a great time and appreciate the wonderful students

we have at Singleton Primary School. My time at Singleton Primary School has been short but

very rewarding. Best of luck in the future Singleton, with all Sports Carnivals that you compete


Uniform Open Day 2019 will be on

Friday 25th January 9am to 12 noon.

You can access and download the

Uniform order form from our



Selling Tomato Plants

Singleton grown cherry tomato plants are still available from Red Block. They are

organic and fertiliser free (worm compost only)! You can purchase your plants

between 8 and 8:45 each morning outside Red Block. See you there!