A Time to Improve American Society. To leave one’s homeland to settle permanently in another...

Post on 26-Dec-2015

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Transcript of A Time to Improve American Society. To leave one’s homeland to settle permanently in another...

Progressive EraA Time to Improve American


To leave one’s homeland to settle permanently in another country

PUSH factors include: bad government, hunger, religious persecution, not enough land, crop failure ,need jobs, the economy.


A group of people who share a language and culture

Often new immigrants stayed with others from their ethnic group

In large urban centers ethnic neighborhoods formed and assimilation into American society slowed down

2.Ethnic group

Crowded, noisy place in the lowest part of a ship where passage is the cheapest

Many of the immigrants to America arrived aboard steerage

Always the danger of passing on disease


Factory where workers worked long hours for very low wages in unsafe conditions

Often dangerous Often employed women and children Many immigrants took these jobs Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire


When you begin to blend in and learn about the language and culture of the majority of people in the country

Often immigrants assimilated through public schools

Settlement houses offered help Role of women and different religions made

it hard to assimilate to American culture


Building that had many people living in conditions without a lot of sanitation and safety

Typical apartment had 3 rooms Usually residents were poor Located in slum areas of urban city


Poor, run-down, crowded neighborhood Tenements in them Poor sanitation Lack of clean water Often had a particular ethnic group that

settled there


Middle-class, better homes Outside the city…these were residential

neighborhoods Better transportation like subways, cars,

and trolleys Building of bridges made suburbs more

practical for middle class

8. Suburb

Time where few people rich but most were poor

Name from book by Mark Twain Meaning- just under the surface, society has

lots of problems, poverty, and injustice

9. Gilded Age

Provided community services English classes, libraries, playgrounds,

medical attention Located in poor neighborhoods

10. Settlement House

Federal government gave states land to sell to fund these schools

Morrill Act Auburn and Miss. State Women, Native Americans, and African

Americans got more opportunities

11.Land-grant college

Newspapers ran gruesome dramatic details of a story to attract more readers

Sensational, biased, and often false reporting



Spoils system Jobs given as favors after an election Often these people were not qualified for

the jobs Caused the Pendleton Act- require civil

service workers to take competitive tests


the Pendleton Act- required civil service workers to take competitive tests

Federal government workers who are not elected or appointed

14.Civil service

Companies that bind together in a legal agreement to reduce competition

Standard Oil is a trust


Journalist and reporters who exposed bad things in society

Wrote stories, reports, and books to get attention given to topics that needed to be changed


Person who fought for women’s right to vote Man or woman Alice Paul- brought the idea of protest

marches and hunger strikes from England’s suffragists to America

Nineteenth Amendment was ratified in 1920 Many western states had women’s suffrage

already First state..was Wyoming


Eighteenth Amendment prohibited the making and selling of alcohol

Ratified in 1919 The 21st Amendment repealed this Act NASCAR racing was a result of illegal

“moonshine” runners


Nickname for Theodore Roosevelt Someone who broke up “bad” trusts into

smaller companies Roosevelt used the Sherman Antitrust Act to

break up these companies


Roosevelt promised “square deal” which meant equal and fair treatment for all

20.Square Deal

French phrase Means ”let the people do as they wish” Idea that government should not interfere nation’s economy or regulate businesses Many rich men like railroad Barons and

Rockefeller did not want government to regulate them.

21. Laissez-faire

Protection and preservation of natural resources

Theodore Roosevelt believed in conservation and made National forests and Parks

22. Conservation

Unfair treatment of people based on race, religion, gender or other differences

Many immigrants faced discrimination especially because of religion

People faced discrimination because of poverty (socio-economic class)

African American and Chinese were facing discrimination and lynching

Ida B. Wells- wrote about lynching

23. Discrimination

End of this slide show!!!!