A Psychological Solution in Home Renovation

Post on 29-Jun-2015

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People have different reasons for having home renovations; some have been identified as psychologically destructive and may thus need to be treated immediately.

Transcript of A Psychological Solution in Home Renovation

A Psychological Solution in Home


If you happen to love psychology, then this may be of real interest to you. Recently, a

number of individuals in Perth chose home renovations in order to try to cope up with

lonesomeness and boredom while staying for long hours every day in the home.

Whether positive or negative, the variety of cases is numerous and four of the most

common are thus discussed below.

1. Most of these people are loners. Normally, loners can survive staying in an

environment for long hours alone, simply sitting down and doing relatively

nothing. Some loners, however, come to reach their thresholds of tolerance

while just staying at home. At this point, they can become quite very

impulsive. The recent results included the increased demand for house

extensions and renovations in Perth by these introvert kinds of people.

While this may be good news for home builders, this may not be as good

for the introverts as their problem can later complicate. What introverts can

instead do as a means of coping is to go out of the house from time to time,

seeing greens, breathing more fresh air, and especially seeing even just a

few people pass by and smiling to them.

2. Some are work-at-home moms. The cases for most moms are, thankfully,

still within the normal range. Moms do get tired of their household chores

and their online work. Moms would thus want a home which can be most

easily managed. Generally, this should be a spacious home, preferably with

a second storey or a ground floor to provide space exclusive for the tired

mother. The good news for moms is that a lot of 2-storey home builders in

Perth are ever available to answer for them their needs.

3. Some are into escapism. This is the case for most young singles and adult

widows or widowers. For widows and widowers, who, because of their

broken social spheres may fear to mingle with people who might leave

them again, have the tendency to devote their time to material things and to

the immediate material environment where they are situated. For these, it

may then be best to first answer their home renovation needs. Perth’s mind

experts recommend letting them experience their preferred coping

mechanism first, before other people can effectively interact with them.

4. Some have been addicted to the by-and-by home improvement. Among the

four cases here stated, this one pictures the worst. It rather represents an

obsessive-compulsive behavior which may be physically harmless but

financially destructive. If you know someone who has the tendency to fall

into this category, you should contact immediate psychological help.