A No-mad among Humanity

Post on 06-Sep-2015

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Bloody Shores

Transcript of A No-mad among Humanity

Humanity, this sick and degenerate concept of our time, degraded to universal traits shared compassionately with all kinds, even when impotent and infertile in limb and mind; may I never succumb to your pity; you madman, we will cure you, you are sick and it is called exclusivity, we care about you. Care? Am I a dog who needs to be taken care of, you cannot feed me with your cures, the medicines mummifying all that what is Monster in I, you degenerate judges, how can you see with an sickly sickle scratch on your orbits, upon what do you hammer - the Bibles Testament as the fundament to evaluate all standards of normality, humanity. The sick evaluate based from their needs, their desires; how plentiful they are, how normalized they have become to the point that we are all sick in the eyes of the dis-eased. How they entrap me, a no-mad wandering in his mind through deserted myths of long forgotten ages, how I saw the Legions marching and dying next to the train-rails towards another humane city deserted with human wreckages, wreckages as a result from a humane past, indicators towards a future of unbroken minds glued to their Morals but I see a darkness of clouds with a decapitated moons face giving the way of our yet to be unfolded destiny. ~ Sjoerd Heeger

The moon knows . . . that blood will be shed here tonight. On tracks of copper over the lake a certainty goes forth: corpses shall lie amidst the alders on a wonderfully beautiful shore. The moon shall cast its most beautiful light on the strange shore. The wind shall pass like a wakening bugle call between the pines: How beautiful is the earth in this lonely hour. ~Sdergran, Edith