A Manifesto For Learning Full

Post on 25-Jun-2015

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Transcript of A Manifesto For Learning Full


WEB 2.0


In the electronic age we wear all mankind

as our skin -- Marshall


The highway of knowledge has no

toll booth

In an age where all text, voice and video can be instantly reproduced, stored, distributed, shared, edited, reorganized, replayed, rewatched, reseen at the cost of pennies ………. knowledge will be everywhere, anytime, all the time. Access will be the issue and NOT cost.

Participation is paramount!

The expert is no longer at the front of the room. User generated content and inductive “realization” will become the models to new advances in knowledge. Education will be about bringing people together – the stirring and not just the soup.

Authority will evolve out of participation and not from being imposed onto participation.

Diplomas and degrees will be replaced by dedication and desire.

The community will have the only stamp of approval (or disapproval).

Technology will unleash creativity through assisting in different ways of “seeing”.

Knowledge will grow as we become able to process more information, see information differently and share information better.

Knowledge will no longer crawl but be seen as a moving field.

Content is not a commodity

Where information is in almost infinite supply – nobody will no longer be buying.

The new limiting and valuable commodity will be “attention” and “process” oriented.

It will be about capturing the audience through the use and presentation of knowledge – NOT the knowledge itself.

Communities will be fluid.

Change will be the only certainty.

Loyalty will be to the “idea” itself and not the framework of that idea.

Anywhere, anytime, anyhow.

We don’t NEED to remember as much anymore.

Memory will now be used to process, communicate, evaluate, synthesis, apply.

Bloom will bloom…….. It won’t be about connecting the dots but dotting the connections.

Copyright will apply only to “true” innovation and not all or any manipulation of knowledge.

Education will get a “pass” and profit will come in new forms of “attention getting” and not the things themselves…

It will be quiet. The greatest ideas come on the wings of a dove.

It is already here. You just have to see it.

There are no passengers on

spaceship earth. We are all crew.

-- Marshall McLuhan

The will to express ones “self”, the drive of the ego and the return to the primitive side of man will be the backdrop for the new learning.

Personality will be paramount and expression of oneself “sui generis”. We are not so much going ahead as returning to the days of sound/picture and feeling.

Text will slowly be replaced by “image”.

The world will appear as more pure sensation and much “cooler” than ever.

The eye will dominate and self-reflection will recede as Gutenberg’s Galaxy glazes over.

The world will become a “participatory” culture and all learning will funnel through the sieve and notion of “one”.

Learning will be about the “encountering” of others, all over the world.

Local will have an “expanded” meaning.

The new learning will be about the meeting of ME and WE.

The balance will tip away from “individualism” and into the teetering play between the group and the person.

The new learning paradigm offers a

chance for all humans to participate and learn.

Technology offers the hope that every person can learn for pennies.

Each bird can sing, each bird will sing.

A road is a flattened-out wheel,

rolled up in the belly of an airplane.

-- Marshall McLuhan

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