A Clear Response to Yahya Silmy's Accusations Using the Words of Shk Muqbil

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A Clear Response


Yahya Silmy as-Saylani’s 



The Shaikh Muqbil al-Wadi’ee 

Using the Words of the Shaikh



By Abu Asma Milhan ibn Haniffa as-Sirilaanki

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سم ا لرحن لرحيم

All quotes of Yahya Silmy as-Saylani are either from his own tapes, some directly transcribed from

English lectures and some translated from Tamil lectures to the best of my ability, or extracts from

his own e-mails and may Allâh forgive me for any errors. Wherever I (Abu Asma) have stated

something from my words, you will find that I will say before it the words “I say:” and any words

found inside any quotes and between two hyphens e.g.  – i.e. from Saudi   – and between brackets ()

are my words in explaining the meaning. All timings that are given are as per the recordings that I



Although I have addressed this matter previously, Alhamdulillah, I would like to point out the reality

of Yahya Simy’s speech and the degree to which he speaks from his desire instead of relying on

authentic narrations since he has been so convinced that the Shaikh Muqbil rahimahullah made

Takfeer (to declare as Kâfir) of Saudi Arabia during his early times and Yahya Silmy has spread thisrumour in many occasions. I will with the help of Allâh subhanahu wata’ala respond to these

accusations of Yahya Silmy on the Shaikh Muqbil with the words of the Shaikh Muqbil rahimahullah

himself; all quotes from the words of the Shaikh are what were taken from the tape “Mushahadaati fi

al-Mamlakah al-‘Arabiyyah as-Sa’udiyyah (My oberservations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)” which

has been printed as a small booklet by Darul Aathar. I have provided copies of the relevant pages

from the booklet at the end for those who wish to read it in Arabic, walhamdulillah.

From the statements of Yahya Silmy are:

Time from: 00:18:59

  “… …we have no contradicting opinion on the fact that the Shaikh Muqbil ibn Hadi al -Wadi’ee

rahimahullahu ta’ala is a great Imam, however during his initial period he had an opinion,

this is what made a big fitnah , what opinion? The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a Kâfir

Country, and he was firm upon this (opinion),  he will do openly in the Jumu’ah Khutbah 

(sermon)… …”  

Time to: 00:19:17  –  Tape “Naseehati li Ahlus Sunnah lis Shaikh Muqbil” Lecture was in Tamil, the

subject was Yahya Silmy explaining the book of Shaikh Muqbil “My Advice to the Ahlus Sunnah”. 

Time from: 00:05:30

  “Right, Shaikh Muqbil ibn Hadi al-Wadi’ee rahimahullahu ta’ala, that he said in a  Jumu’ah

Khutbah (sermon) that Saudi (Arabia) is a Kâfir Country and that I said this (statement)  and

that this is a lie told by Yahya Silmy and they have said this as a refutation. If this is told only

by Yahya Silmy it would have been easy to falsify  , other thing is that this is not a speech told

by Shaikh Muqbil in a Khutbah, (this is a) world-wide known truth… …”  

Time to: 00:05:55  –  Tape “Ilangaiyil dammaj makkalin kulappangalum apaandangalum adharkaana

saanrugalum nirupikkappatta aadhaarangalum” Lecture and title in Tamil, translated means:

“Troubles and Slander (false claims) of the people of Dammaj (made) in Sri Lanka, the evidences andestablished proofs for it.” 

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I say: Allâh ‘Azza Wajal says in His Noble Book: 



“Say (O Muhammad ): "O Allâh! Possessor of the kingdom, You give the Kingdom to wh om You

will, and You take the Kingdom from whom You will, and You endue with honour whom You will,

and You humiliate whom You will. In Your Hand is the good. Verily, You are Able to do All things.”  

[Surah aal-‘Imraan: 26] 

Yahya Silmy, by the will of Allâh subhanahu wata’ala, has brought disgrace upon himself by his words

above as I will explain below insha Allâh: 

The Imam Muqbil rahimahullah says in pages 19 to 20, begin quote:

  “Then after that is the affair of what I have written and I have been asked about this on more

than one occasion and also what I have spoken on the tapes, so I have commanded the

brother who prints my books (to ensure) that nothing remains in them (from) the speech on

Saudi (Arabia) , since Allâh subhanahu wata’ala says in His Noble Book:


“is there any reward for good other than good?” 

[Surah ar-Rahman: 60]

 And they (Saudi Arabia) have done good for us and honoured us greatly, so we are not from

those who face goodness with evil, (and that is) from the favour of Allâh.

 And I say this (by myself), no one has motivated me and no one has compelled me to say

this, rather I see by myself that it is compelling me to clear my own conscience.

Yes, I have indeed spoken and I’m of the opinion that  surely I was expelled from the Kingdom(of Saudi Arabia) oppressively, yet La ilaaha illallaah how much I would persist in arguments

with those who make Takfeer (to declare as Kâfir) of the Government of Saudi (Arabia)

whilst I say to them that it (Saudi Government) is not a Kâfir (Government).

 And I used to teach many lessons without touching on anything (from these issues)

walhamdulillah, rather patience and forbearing. As for them (Saudi Arabia) may Allâh reward

them well, they have pardoned us and we t oo are like that.” 1 End quote.

1  Mushahadaati fi al-Mamlakah al-‘Arabiyyah as-Saudiyyah (My Oberservations in the Kingdom of SaudiArabia), (Page 19 – 20, Darul Aathar print).

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I say: The Shaikh also said in pages 25 to 26, begin quote:

  “ (So we say) this and ask Allâh to give victory to you and us with that which He likes and

 pleases Him. And the questions have increased (asking), have you withdrawn from your

speech regarding the governments? I have withdrawn from my speech on the Government

of Saudi (Arabia) , and may Allâh reward them well, as for other than it (Saudi Arabia), thenNo. –  Then a questioner asks the Shaikh – :

First question: ‘There i s a statement that you have given an introduction to a book, by

al-Maqdisi, in (the subject of) Takfeer of the Dawlah (government/ country), and that you

stated this in the introduction given to him; O Shaikh, what is the authenticity of this

(statement  )?’  

The answer (of the Shaikh Muqbil): ‘ This is a lie , and I was at the time in Madinah and

subsequently in the prison in Madinah and in Riyadh, so when I came out (of the prison) I

was not making Takfeer (to declare as Kâfir) on the Saudi Government, and how would I

make Takfeer of it (Saudi Governmet) for verily the Prophet sallAllâhu ‘alaihi wasallam says: 

‘ If a man declares his brother to be a Kâfir (disbeliever), it will apply to one of them. ’ 2 

 As such it is not permissible for us to make Takfeer of it –  i.e. Saudi Arabia –  whilst it is a

Muslim Country  , Wallahul Musta’aan.” 3 End quote. 

I say:

Firstly: Did the Shaikh give an introduction to al-Maqdisi’s book with the view of Takfeer on the Saudi


When the Shaikh rahimahullah was questioned about this he responded by saying:

“This is a lie” 

This clearly shows that the Shaikh had neither stated that nor given such an introduction.

Secondly: Did the Shaikh rahimahullah make Takfeer of the Government of Saudi Arabia during his

early time as claimed by Yahya Silmy and then withdraw from it later on? Let us see:

The Shaikh’s words “so when I came out (of the prison) I was not making Takfeer (to declare as

Kâfir) on the Saudi Government” shows that the Shaikh had not made Takfeer of the SaudiGovernment even during his early time since he was imprisoned in Saudi Arabia during his early time

prior to him being expelled from it and not during his last stages of his sickness.

As for the Shaikh’s statement: 

“I have withdrawn from my statements on the Government of Saudi (Arabia)”; 


 Hadith of Ibn ‘Umar radiyallâhu ‘anhu in Sahih Muslim (Vol. 1, No. 215, Darussalam print). 3  Mushahadaati fi al-Mamlakah al-‘Arabiyyah as-Saudiyyah (My Oberservations in the Kingdom of SaudiArabia), (Page 25 – 26, Darul Aathar print).

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means that whatever that the Shaikh rahimahullah withdrew from his speech was something other

than making Takfeer of the Government of Saudi Arabia since he had clearly denied making Takfeer

of Saudi Arabia.

And it as very well-known that one does not need to withdraw from something that he had not said

but rather withdrawal is only from a previous speech that one has in fact said it and later wishes totake it back.

And the Shaikh’s words: 

“Yes, I have indeed spoken and I’m of the opinion that surely I was expelled from the Kingdom (of

Saudi Arabia) oppressively, yet La ilaaha illallaah how much I would persist in arguments with those

who make Takfeer (to declare as Kâfir) of the Government of Saudi (Arabia) whilst I say to them

that it (Saudi Government) is not a Kâfir (Government).”;

further clarify without any doubt that whatever that the Shaikh had spoken of concerning Saudi

Arabia was not of it being a Kâfir Government since the Shaikh rahimahullah says as seen above thatalthough he was of the opinion that he was expelled from Saudi Arabia oppressively, he would still

argue with those making Takfeer of the Saudi Government in defence of Saudi Arabia saying to them

that it is not a Kâfir Government.

Think O noble reader, May Allâh have mercy upon you and us, if the Shaikh Muqbil had made Takfeer

of the Saudi Government, as claimed by Yahya Silmy, then how would it have been possible for him

to argue with those who claim that Saudi is a Kâfir Government? If the Shaikh rahimahullah too had

been upon the same view, then why argue? As such it clearly shows that the Shaikh rahimahullah

was NOT of the view that the Government of Saudi Arabia is a Kâfir Government, rather that it was

an Islamic Country as he himself rahimahullah said “As such it is not permissible for us to make

Takfeer of it whilst it is a Muslim Country”, walhamdulillah.

Besides what has already preceded in explanation, the Shaikh rahimahullah stated the very reason

why he had withdrawn from his speech with his words:

“so I have commanded the brother who prints my books (to ensure) that nothing remains in them

(from) the speech on Saudi (Arabia), since Allâh subhanahu wata’ala says in His Noble Book: 










“is there any reward for good other than good?” 

[Surah ar-Rahman: 60]

 And they (Saudi Arabia) have done good for us and honoured us greatly, so we are not from those

who face goodness with evil, (and that is) from the favour of Allâh.”  

I say: So if one was to think that the Shaikh rahimahullah had made Takfeer of Saudi Arabia in the

early stages and then withdrew from that during the last stages just because they did good for him

and honoured him greatly, it would be no different to one saying that Saudi Arabia had paid a priceto the Shaikh Muqbil rahimahullah to have him change his Fatwa concerning Saudi Arabia; and this

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would be from the most evil of thoughts about such an Imam of Ahlus Sunnah rahimahullah and

about Saudi Arabia which is a land of Tawheed and known for its goodness, may Allâh preserve and

protect her and Allâh subhanahu wata’ala has made such evil thoughts Haram when He ta’ala said: 


“O You who believe! avoid much suspicions, indeed some suspicions are sins… …”  

[Surah al-Hujuraat: 12]

O Noble Reader, I encourage you to ponder upon these words of the Shaikh rahimahullah:

  “This is a lie” 

  “so when I came out (of the prison) I was not making Takfeer   (to declare as Kâfir) on the

Saudi Government” 

  “and how would I make Takfeer of it (Saudi Government)” 

  “As such it is not permissible for us to make Takfeer of it whilst it is a Muslim Country” 

  “yet La ilaaha illallaah how much I would persist in arguments with those who make

Takfeer (to declare as Kâfir) of the Government of Saudi (Arabia)” 

  “whilst I say to them that it (Saudi Government) is not a Kâfir (Government)” 

Having understood the seriousness of the Shaikh’s rahimahullah words above, the one who ponders

at how boldly Yahya Silmy accused the Shaikh of making Takfeer of Saudi Arabia when he said:

“however during his initial period he had an opinion, this is what made a big fitnah , what opinion?

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a Kâfir Country, and he was firm upon this (opinion),   he will do

openly in the Jumu’ah Khutbah” ; 

would no doubt realise the falsehood of Yahya Silmy’s accusation on this great Imam Muqbil

rahimahullah, walhamdulillah.

Yahya Silmy further says:

Time from: 00:19:18

  During the last period, the Shaikh Muqbil ibn Hadi al-Wadi’ee rahimahullahu ta’ala, on the

expense of the Prince Ahmed, was brought to Makkah, to Jeddah, to Madinah; all the ‘Ulema

(scholars) got together compulsorily along with Shaikh Rabee’ and  all the ‘Ulema made hi m

(Shaikh Muqbil) sit in all the necessary places and convinced 4 him that this (Saudi Arabia) is

4 Although the lecture was in Tamil language, at this point Yahya Silmy uses the English word “convince” in his


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a Salafi Country  , subsequent to that Shaikh Muqbil announced that ‘Yes, surely I had a

wrong opinion, (now) I feel (or understand) that they are a pure Islamic Country … …”  

Time to: 00:19:48  –  Tape “Naseehati li Ahlus Sunnah lis Shaikh Muqbil” Lecture was in Tamil, the

subject was Yahya Silmy explaining the book of Shaikh Muqbil “My Advice to the Ahlus Sunnah”. 

I say: So Yahya Silmy says that the Shaikh Muqbil was made to sit in various places by the scholars of

Saudi Arabia and then convinced him that Saudi Arabia is a Salafi Country whilst the Shaikh Muqbil

said in his own words:

“so when I came out (of the prison) I was not making Takfeer (to pronounce as Kâfir) on the Saudi

Government, and how would I make Takfeer of it (Saudi Government)” 

“whilst I say to them that it (Saudi Government) is not a Kâfir (Government)” 

Note: Although the lecture in which Yahya Silmy said this was in Tamil language, specifically wherein

he said the words “all the ‘Ulema made him (Shaikh Muqbil) sit in all the necessary places andconvinced   him that this (Saudi Arabia) is a Salafi Country” he himself used the English word

“convince”, so I say to Yahya Silmy: 

O Yahya Silmy, if the Shaikh Muqbil was already of the opinion that the Saudi Government is NOT a

Kâfir country as clearly seen above, what exactly did those scholars convince the Shaikh Muqbil

rahimahullah with? Do you know what the word convince means? It says:

In the “Websters New World Dictionary”, convince – to overcome the doubts of, or convict of error,

or to persuade by argument or evidence… …; and

In the “WordWeb International Dictionary and Thesaurus”, convince –  make (someone) agree,understand, or realise the truth or validity of something; and

In the “Little Oxford Dictionary”, convince – firmly persuade.

So what doubts of the Shaikh Muqbil did those ‘Ulema overcome? Or what truth or validity did they

make him realise when he was already firm upon the opinion that Saudi Arabia was a Muslim

Country and that it is not permissible to make Takfeer of it? Will you not understand, O Yahya Silmy?

And as per Yahya Silmy “all the ‘Ulema (scholars) got together compulsorily”  and “all the ‘Ulema

made him (Shaikh Muqbil) sit in all the necessary places and convinced him”   whilst the Shaikh

Muqbil rahimahullah himself says:

“  And I say this (by myself), no one has motivated me and no one has compelled me to say this,

rather I see by myself that it is compelling me to clear my own consci ence.”  

And O Yahya Silmy when you said “all the ‘Ulema (scholars) got together compulsorily” , who

compelled these ‘Ulema to get together and to do this task of convincing the Shaikh Muqbil? And

further who witnessed this great event that you have narrated without any reference which even the

Shaikh Muqbil himself has denied it when he said what has preceded above?

And as per Yahya Silmy, subsequent to this convincing “Shaikh Muqbil announced that ‘Yes, surely Ihad a wrong opinion, (now) I feel (or understand) that they are a pure Islamic Country”  which was,

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as per the words of Yahya Silmy, “During the last period”  whilst the Shaikh Muqbil said about his

condition and opinion when he came out of the prison in Saudi Arabia, which was before so many

years and prior to him being expelled from Saudi Arabia as:

“so when I came out (of the prison) I was not making Takfeer (to pronounce as Kâfir) on the Saudi

Government, and how would I make Takfeer of it (Saudi Government)  for verily the ProphetsallAllâhu ‘alaihi wasallam says:

‘If a man declares his brother to be a Kâfir (disbeliever), it will apply to one of them.’5 

As such it is not permissible for us to make Takfeer of it whilst it is a Muslim Country , Wallâhul


I say: O Yahya Silmy, where exactly did the Shaikh Muqbil say as you claim “Yes, surely I had a wrong

opinion, (now) I feel (or understand) that they are a pure Islamic Country” ? Did the Shaikh tell you

this in private thirty (30) years ago similar to your other stories from thirty (30) years before???6 

Further the publisher of the Shaikh’s books, the Brother Sa’eed ibn ‘Umar al-Hubaishan

waffaqahullah, says in a footnote where the Shaikh mentioned the words “so I have commanded the

brother who prints my books (to ensure) that nothing remains in them (from) the speech on Saudi

(Arabia)”, in page 19; the following words:

“And that was –  i.e. the Shaikh commanding the brother to ensure that nothing remains in the books

 from the speech on Saudi Arabia was –  on the ninth and tenth of Muharram of the Year 1422H prior

to the speech of the Shaikh in the tape by two months in a long sitting concerning the printing of his

books rahimahullah, and (even) before that the Shaikh commanded us, at the time of printing his

book “Tuhfatul Mujeeb”, with the removal of any speech on Saudi (Arabia) in that book and thatwas in the Year 1419H prior to his sickness and prior to him entering Saudi (Arabia) .”  

Whist Yahya Silmy says “During the last period  , the Shaikh Muqbil ibn Hadi al-Wadi’ee rahimahullahu

ta’ala, on the expense of  the Prince Ahmed, was brought to Makkah, to Jeddah, to Madinah ; all the

‘Ulema (scholars) got together compulsorily along with Shaikh Rabee’ and all the ‘Ulema made him

(Shaikh Muqbil) sit in all the necessary places and convinced him that this (Saudi Arabia) is a Salafi

Country ”. 

All perfect praise is due to Allâh who exposed the falsehood of Yahya Silmy’s speech above. O Yahya

Silmy, be merciful towards yourself, and think for a moment who do you think is whispering these

falsehood in your ears? May Allâh guide you!

Note:  When I asked the Shaikh Abdul Hameed al-Hajoorie whether it was on the expense of the

Prince Ahmed that the Shaikh Muqbil was taken to Saudi Arabia, he responded by saying that what is

known is that the Shaikh Muqbil rahimahullah was taken to Saudi Arabia for medical treatment on

the expense of the Prince Naa’if  bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud rahimahullah who was the Interior Minister at

the time, who also met the Shaikh subsequent to his arrival in Saudi Arabia and may Allah reward the


 Already preceded.6  I have already exposed those claims of Yahya Silmy in my document “The Accusations  of Yahya Silmyas-Saylani on the Scholars of Ahlus Sunnah of Our Time in His Own Words”, Alhamdulillah.  

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Prince Naa’if  well for what he had done from goodness. As for Yahya Silmy’s claim that it was on the

expense of Prince Ahmed, whether or not he means the same person, Allâh knows best.

Know O Noble Reader, may Allâh make you and I steadfast upon the truth, summarising from the

evidences that I have established above, with the help of Allâh, from the very words of the Shaikh

Muqbil rahimahullah, we conclude with the following important conclusions insha Allâh:

  First: That the Shaikh Muqbil was NEITHER of the opinion that the Saudi Government was a

Kâfir Government NOR that it was a Kâfir Country as he clearly said:

“ I say to them that it (Saudi Government) is not a Kâfir (Government)”  

  Second: Rather the Shaikh Muqbil was of the opinion that the Saudi Government is a Muslim

Government and Country as he said:

“As such it is not permissible for us to make Takfeer of it –  i.e. Saudi Arabia –  whilst it is a

Muslim Country”    Third: The Shaikh rahimahullah was further of the opinion )  (ك ن ل زوجي فه that it is

not permissible to make Takfeer of it (Saudi Arabia) as he said:

“  As such it is not permissible for us to make Takfeer of it –  i.e. Saudi Arabia –  whilst it is a

Muslim Country ”  

  Fourth: That the Shaikh Muqbil rahimahullah NEITHER made Takfeer of the Government of

Saudi Arabia NOR of Saudi Arabia as a Country as the Shaikh himself said:

“I was not making Takfeer (to pronounce as Kâfir  ) on the Saudi Government”  

  Fifth: That the Shaikh did not have such a view in the early times and then change later on

since he clearly said:

“so when I came out (of the prison) I was not making Takfeer (to declare as Kâfir) on the

Saudi Government, and how would I make Takfeer of it (Saudi Government)”  

  Sixth: That whatever that the Shaikh rahimahullah withdrew from his speech when he said:

“so I have commanded the brother who prints my books (to ensure) that nothing remains

in them (from) the speech on Saudi (Arabia)”  ; and

“I have withdrawn from my speech on the Government of Saudi (Arabia)”  ; 

was from something other than making Takfeer of the Government of Saudi Arabia since he

had clearly denied making Takfeer of Saudi Arabia and further affirmed that it is a Muslim

country when he said:

“Yes, I have indeed spoken and I’m of the opinion that sur ely I was expelled from the

Kingdom (of Saudi Arabia) oppressively, yet La ilaaha illallaah how much I would persist in

arguments with those who make Takfeer of the Government of Saudi (Arabia) whilst I say

to them that it (Saudi Government) is not a Kâfir (Government).” ; and

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“As such it is not permissible for us to make Takfeer of it –  i.e. Saudi Arabia –  whilst it is a

Muslim Country”  

And it is quite possible that a person wishes to withdraw from some of his speech from the

past for whatever justifiable reason as seen by him and we do not say that the Shaikh Muqbil

rahimahullah was Ma’soom (infallible) rather he was human and no doubt humans err,  butto abuse that situation and to create a false impression that whatever that the Shaikh

rahimahullah had withdrawn from is the Takfeer of Saudi Arabia; is an oppression on that

individual especially when his previous speech has clarified beyond any doubt that he was

not of that view, denied making Takfeer of Saudi Arabia and further defended that country

for its Islam against those who make Takfeer of it.

  Seventh:  That there was no need for anyone to convince the Shaikh Muqbil rahimahullah

that Saudi Arabia is Muslim country since the Shaikh was of that same opinion as already

seen from his speech.

  Eighth:  That no one had compelled the Shaikh Muqbil to say what he said in his speech

during his sickness in Saudi Arabia as the Shaikh clearly states:

“And I say this (by myself), no one has motivated me and no one has compelled me to say

this, rather I see by myself that it is compelling me to clear my own conscience.”  

I ask Allâh, by His Most Beautiful Names and Loftiest and Highest Attributes that he saves us and the

Muslims from this fitnah created by Yahya Silmy, for by Allâh, this is none other than a fitnah (trial)

that a Da’ee (caller) claiming to be calling to Allâh subhanahu wata’ala upon Da’wah as-Salafiyyah,

speaks of an Imam of Ahlus Sunnah in this manner or even worse speaks out with lies and spreads

such lies openly and that too in a gathering meant to be teaching the book of the Shaikh Muqbil

rahimahullah himself, Wallahul musta’aan. 

And I advice Yahya Silmy to have fear of Allâh and to speak truthfully! O Yahya Silmy,

waffaqakallah, fear Allâh and speak truthfully! O Yahya Silmy, waffaqakallah, fear Allâh and speak

truthfully, may Allâh guide you and rectify your affairs, as He ta’ala said:  



“O You who believe! keep Your duty to Allâh and fear him, and speak (Always) the truth.” 

“He will direct You to do righteous good deeds and will forgive You Your sins. and Whosoever

obeys Allâh and his Messenger (Sal-Allaahu 'alayhe Wa Sallam) He has indeed achieved a great

achievement (i.e. He will be saved from the Hell-fire and made to enter Paradise).” 

[Surah al-Ahzab: 70 – 71]

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And know that Allâh has criticized lying and mentioned it from the traits of the disbelievers when He



“it is Only those who believe not In the Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations,

etc.) of Allâh, who fabricate falsehood, and it is they who are liars.”  

[Surah an-Nahl: 105]

And the Prophet sallallâhu ‘alaihi wasallam warned us from the dangers of lying when he said on the

authority of Abdullah ibn Mas’ood radiyAllâhu ‘anhu: 

“… …Al -Kadhib (falsehood, lying) leads to Al-Fujur (i.e. wickedness, evil-doing, etc), and Al-Fujur

leads to the (Hell) Fire, and a man keeps on telling lies till he is written as a liar before Allâh. ”  

 And in the narration of Muslim:

“… …And beware of lying, for lying leads to… …a man may continue to tell lies and endeavour to

tell lies, till he is written with Allâh as a liar.” 7  

Even amongst the Sahaba (companions) of the Prophet sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam prior to accepting

Islam and other than them; lying was considered to be blameworthy as seen in the hadith of

Abdullah ibn Abbas radiyallahu ‘anhu when he said in the Hadith involving Heraclius, the Ruler of


“… …Abu Sufyân8 added, ‘Heraclius told his translator to tell my companions that he wanted to put

some questions to me regarding that man (the Prophet) and that if I told a lie they (my companions)

should contradict me’” and in the narration of Muslim “… …’and if he tells me a lie, let them refute

him.’… …”; and 

“Abu Sufyân added, ‘By Allâh! Had I not been afraid of my companions labeling me a liar , I would

not have spoken the truth about the Prophet.’… …”  and in the narration of Muslim “… …’By Allâh,

were it not for the fear that the people would say that I have lied, I would have lied.’… …”. 

And the Noble Prophet Muhammad sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam was known for his truthfulness even

before his Prophet hood as seen below:

“… …Heraclius said, ‘Have you ever accused him9 of telling lies before his claim (to be a Prophet)?’


 replied, ‘No.’… …” and in the narration of Muslim “… …’He said: Did you ever accuse him of lying

before he said what he said? I said: No.’… …”.11 

7 Reported by Bukhari (Eng. Trans. Vol. 8, No. 6094, Darussalam print) and Muslim (Eng. Trans. Vol. 6, No. 6639,Darussalam print).8 Abu Sufyan had not embraced Islam at the time but embraced later on, radiyallahu ‘anhu, walhamdulillah. 9 i.e. The Prophet Muhammad sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam.  10

 Abu Sufyân radiyallahu ‘anhu.11 All parts are from the same hadith in Bukhari (Eng. Trans. Vol. 1, No. 7, Darussalam print) and Muslim (Eng.Trans. Vol. 5, No. 4607, Darussalam print).

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And Prophet sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam attributed the habit of repeated lying to the signs of a

hypocrite when he said on the authority of Abu Hurairah radiyallahu ‘anhu: 

“The signs of a hypocrite are three: 

1.  Whenever he speaks, he tells a lie… …”  to the end of the hadith.12 

Whilst Allâh subhanahu wata’ala has praised truthfulness and mentioned it amongst the traits of the

the Believers when He said:




“Verily, the Muslims (those who submit to Allâh In Islâm) men and women, the believers men and

women (who believe In Islâmic Monotheism), the men and the women who are obedient (to

Allâh), the men and women who are truthful (in their speech and deeds), the men and the women

who are patient (in performing All the duties which Allâh has ordered and In abstaining from All

that Allâh has forbidden), the men and the women who are humble (before their Lord Allâh), themen and the women who give Sadaqât (i.e. Zakât, and alms, etc.), the men and the women who

observe Saum (fast) (the obligatory fasting during the month of Ramadân, and the optional

Nawâfil fasting), the men and the women who Guard their chastity (from illegal sexual acts) and

the men and the women who Remember Allâh much with their hearts and tongues (while sitting,

standing, lying, etc. for more than 300 times extra over the remembrance of Allâh during the five

compulsory congregational prayers) or praying extra additional Nawâfil prayers of night In the Last

part of night, etc.) Allâh has prepared for them Forgiveness and a great reward (i.e. Paradise).” 

[Surah al-Ahzab: 35]

And He ta’ala further commanded us to be with those who are truthful: 


“O You who believe! be afraid of Allâh, and be with those who are true (in Words and deeds).”  

[Surah at-Tawbah: 119]

12 Reported by Bukhari (Eng. Trans. Vol. 1, No. 33, Darussalam print) and Muslim (Eng. Trans. Vol. 1, No. 211,Darussalam print).

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And the Messenger sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam commended truthfulness as in the Hadith of Abdullah

ibn Mas’ood radiyallahu ‘anhu: 

“… …’As-Sidq (truthfulness) leads to Al-Birr (piety, righteousness, and every act of obedience to

 Allâh) and Al-Birr leads to Paradise. And a man keeps on telling the truth until he becomes a Siddiq

(truthful person).’… …”  

 And in the narration of Muslim:

“I enjoin you to be truthful, for truthfulness leads… …A man may continue to tell the truth and

endeavour to be truthful utill he is recorded with Allâh as truthful.” 13


And the Aayaat and narrations concerning the blameworthiness of lies and falsehood and the

praiseworthiness of truthfulness are many and this is not the place to mention them all.

And we have, Alhamdulillah, previously explained how a completely connected chain of truthful

narrators falls apart simply due to the presence of ONE named individual whose condition was notknown amongst the scholars of hadith14

. So O Yahya Silmy, what of your narrations and your Da’wah

(call) when your condition is known as openly lying upon the scholars of Ahlus Sunnah? May Allâh

make you understand the errors of your way and make you upright and benefit you, ad-Da’wah as-

Salafiyyah and the Muslims!

And let not the reader think that we have exceeded our limits in bringing these evidences to the

attention of the Muslims openly since this is not the first instance of this nature and we have

previously clarified and adviced Yahya Silmy:

  By our document written with our Brother Nawwas ibn Muhammad al-Hindi waffaqahullah:

“Extracts from - A response to Scholars on Shaikh Yahya”, when he (Silmy) warned against

studying at Darul Hadith of Dammaj; and

  By the document of our Brother Nawwas ibn Muhammad al-Hindi waffaqahullah:

“Demolishing of Yahya Silmy’s Falsehoods and Deceptions by way of Enlightening Facts and

Definitive Evidences” when he (Silmy) falsely denied the statement of the Shaikh Rabee’

al-Madkhali hafizhahullah and blamed our brothers of cheating the Muslims when they

published the said statement of the Shaikh Rabee’; and

  By our document: “Yahya Silmy as-Saylani's Clarification of His Statements on Shaikh Muqbilrahimahullah in His Own Words” when he (Silmy) accused the Shaikh Muqbil rahimahullah of

similar accusations without any evidence; and

  By our document: “Yahya Silmy's Accusations on the Scholars of Ahlus Sunnah of Our Time in

His Own Words” when he accused the Shaikh Muqbil rahimahullah and the Shaikh Rabee’  

al-Madkhali hafizhahullah of similar accusations without any evidence; and


 This is part of the same hadith which preceded on page 11.14 In my document “The Accusations of Yahya Silmy as-Saylani on the Scholars of Ahlus Sunnah of Our Time inHis Own Words”. 

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  All of this is, in addition to what the two Shaikhs Abu Muhammad Abdul Hameed al-Hajoorie

and Abu Mu’adh Hussain al-Hateebi hafizhahumallah have already refuted on and adviced

Yahya Silmy with, in their respective refutations, walhamdulillah.

Allâh ‘Azza Wajal says: 


“let there arise out of You a group of people inviting to All that is good (Islâm), enjoining Al-Ma'rûf

(i.e. Islâmic Monotheism and All that Islâm orders one to do) and forbidding Al-Munkar

(polytheism and disbelief and All that Islâm has forbidden). and it is they who are the successful.” 

[Surah aal-‘Imran: 104] 

And the Noblest of Prophets, Muhammad sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam said: 

“Whoever among you sees an evil action, let him change it with his hand (by taking action); if he

cannot, then with his tongue (by speaking out); and if he cannot, then with his heart (by hating it

and feeling it is wrong), and that is the weakest of faith.” 15


And Shaik-ul-Islâm Abul ‘Abbas Ahmed Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullah says:

“As for the one who manifests his Munkaraat (reprehensible acts), al-Inkaar (repudiation,

criticizing, etc) upon him openly (publicly) becomes Wajib (compulsory), and that would not be

Gheebah (backbiting) upon him… …” 16 

And we have in more than one occasion as detailed above, adviced Yahya Silmy about the dangers of

narrating without verification, narrating without Isnaad (chain of narration), accusing the scholars of

Ahlus Sunnah, spreading falsehood, etc; and no doubt his continuance upon these reprehensible

actions and the open spreading of such falsehood and rejection of the evidences that have been

established firmly upon him and the fact that we have not seen any signs of Tawbah (repentance)

which would necessitate al-Islaah (rectification) and al-Bayaan (informing); we are left with no other

choice but to bring his falsehood to the open, Wallahu a’lam, Wallahul Musta’aan and I ask Allâh for

as-Salaamah and al-‘Aafiyah. 

From the amazing of affairs is that this same speech of the Shaikh Muqbil rahimahullah

“Mushahadaati fi al-Mamlakah al-‘Arabiyyah as-Sa’udiyyah  (My oberservations in the Kingdom of

Saudi Arabia)” which we have quoted from; has been referred to in an article posted in the Salaf

Council website17  which is connected18  to Yahya Silmy’s main website. Should Yahya Silmy have

15  Reported by Muslim in his Sahih (Eng. Trans. Vol. 1, No. 177, Darussalam print) on the authority of AbuSa’eed radiyallahu ‘anhu.16 Majmoo’atul Fatawa of Shaikh-ul-Islam (Vol. 14 (original Vol. 28), Pg. 123, Darul Wafa print.17

 http://salafcouncil.edicypages.com/reply-to-dammaj-milhans-behaviour-innovators-behaviour 18  In the Salaf Council website which has the said article, there was a link with the words “Back to our Main

website” and when I clicked it, the browser was directed to Yahya Silmy’s  http://darsalaf.webs.com/ website.

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knowledge of these words of the Shaikh Muqbil rahimahullah in which the Shaikh has clearly denied

making Takfeer of Saudi Arabia as we have already seen; then I do not comprehend how Yahya Silmy,

who claims to praise and respect the Shaikh Muqbil as an Imam of Ahlus Sunnah could have

slandered the Shaikh Muqbil rahimahullah with these lies and false accusations in the manner he has

done and Allâh knowst best! To say a thing and contradict it in one’s own action s is clearly not from

the traits of a Salaf i Da’ee and Allâh has criticized such behavior when He Said:



2. “O You who believe! why do You Say that which You do not do?” 

3. “Most hateful it is with Allâh that You Say that which You do not do.” 

[Surah as-Saff: 2 – 3]

I advice myself and those brothers who are with Yahya Silmy, waffaqahumullah, that they pay

attention to what Allâh subhanahu wata’ala said:  



“help You one another In Al-Birr and At-Taqwa (virtue, righteousness and piety); but do not help

one another In sin and transgression. and fear Allâh. Verily, Allâh is Severe In punishment.” 

[Surah al-Ma’idah: 2] 

And that they do not help Yahya Silmy in spreading these falsehood and slander upon the scholars of

Ahlus Sunnah since it would no doubt fall into the category of helping towards sin and transgression

which Allâh subhanahu wata’ala has forbidden and also forbidden helping towards it as seen in the

Âyah and that they advice Yahya Silmy to seek advice from the Scholars of Ahlus Sunnah and that herectifies his mistakes and repents from them and we ask Allâh to give success to me, Yahya Silmy, the

brothers and sisters who are with him and the Muslims.

And I end this response by asking Allâh subhanahu wata’ala to benefit me with the advices that I

have put forth, Yahya Silmy and the Muslims and that He forgives me for any errors and that He

keeps my intentions upright.

And Allâh knows best, all perfect praise is due to Him alone and may He extol His blessings of peace

upon Muhammad, his family and his companions. Written by Abu Asma Milhan ibn Haniffa

as-Sirilaanki on the Second of Ramadan in the Year 1433H in Dar-ul-Hadith of Dammaj.

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