9/9/13 Influences on Health W- What do you think you can do to lessen some risk factors in Judson...

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Transcript of 9/9/13 Influences on Health W- What do you think you can do to lessen some risk factors in Judson...

1/29/15 TOC: Goals• W- You have heard a lot about people making New

Years resolutions. What are some common resolutions

you have heard?

E- Seven goal areas





Long vs. Short• A short term goal is

achieved quickly (finish term paper, wash dishes, mail Christmas cards by Friday, etc.). They help you achieve your long term goals.

• Long term goals will take months, years, all your life.

For example: graduate from college, become a pilot, lose ___ pounds, etc.

Things to remember about goals:• Goals must be realistic –

you can’t lose 40 pounds in one month

• Must prioritize – rank in order of importance you, can’t accomplish it all at

once.• Do you have the resources

you need to reach your goals (money, information, health,

energy, skill, etc.).• SPECIFIC!

• written down



• posted visibly

There are three types of people

• Ones that make things happen• Those that let it happen• And the ones that don’t know what


• My Vision Worksheet- Turn in for grade!

L- A Mind is a Powerful Thing!

Activity: The “I can’t funeral”

• Write down in your journal everything you can’t do.

• Next write a list of ‘I CAN’. Keep this in your note book/journal.

Directions: You will create a goal medal that will state your long-term and short-term goals. •Must be neat and in complete sentences•Must be colored•NO Markers, unless its just to outline.•Make sure name is on back of cut out medal


9/9/14 TOC: Setting Goals

•W- What is the difference between a dream and a

goal? Please explain

E: Video NotesTake 10 bullet points of note


L- 1) Why do you think it is

important to write your goals down?

2) How do you think you can accomplish your goals? Do

you need help? Explain

L-• ½ page reflection:

• Write about a time in your life when you felt like you couldn’t

achieve something. What did you do in order to overcome any

obstacles and fulfill your goal.

9/10-9/12 TOC: Rudy’s Goals1. What was Rudy’s long term goal?

2. What short-term goals did Rudy have to accomplish before he could reach his long-term goal?

3. What was the main motivating factor that pushed Rudy to try to reach his goal?

4. What were several obstacles that Rudy encountered that could have stopped him from reaching his goal?

5. If you were in Rudy’s shoes, would you be able to push past the obstacles he encountered in order to reach your goal? Why

or why not?