90 Days of Action Lowres

Post on 27-Nov-2015

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Transcript of 90 Days of Action Lowres

90 Days of Action by Neila Rey


The 90 Days of Action is a comprehensive three month non-stop fitness program with visual easy-to-follow daily exercise routines and dietary suggestions, tips and advice on active living. The 12-week regime will help you get in shape, stay on track and stay committed throughout your entire journey. It will help you form a habit for daily exercise, continue with your fitness journey and go even further.

The program contains cardio, strength, endurance and ab workouts. Every 5th day of the program is an easy day during which you do active recovery and stretching before the next cycle begins. All of the cardio and high burn workouts are done in the home environment and all of the workouts are 100% equipment-free. Every so often you’ll be faced with a challenge for the day and every so often you’ll be allowed to have a cheat meal when you can eat anything you want, but then and only then.

You’ll be given a workout log so you can quickly check what’s next and track your progress. Log the extras you have done during the day like other sport activities, cycling, swimming or walking to keep yourself accountable.

The program has no age restrictions and it is suitable for both men and women. If you are suffering from chronic disease, pregnant, have bad knees or back pain, it’ll be advisable that you consult with your doctor before performing any of the routines in this program.

Levels & Difficulty

Each workout of each day has three levels of difficulty: I, II and III. If you are new to exercise or you haven’t done any training in a long while you should start this program on Level I. Level III is the hardest level of difficulty and can be pretty challenging to complete.

Note: If you can’t do more than two consecutive push-ups, perform knee push-ups instead of push-ups during the course of this program:

Before You Start Look over the workout for the day and make sure you understand all of the exercises illustrated so it doesn’t slow you down once you have started. If you are not sure how to perform an exercise, Google it.

Download a stopwatch app for your mobile or find a kitchen timer for workouts that require you to time the exercises (e.g. planks) and for challenges.

Dietary Advice

The sample menu suggestions for every day are guidelines only to give you an idea of what your meals should look like - follow the suggestions for better results. In this program your aim is to stick to a sustainable diet that you can maintain after you have finished the program.

This is not a calorie restricted plan so there will not be calorie counting of any kind involved, there will be restrictions on certain things, simple carbohydrates (bread and pastry), alcohol and sugars and general amounts.

You’ll get several opportunities to have a cheat meal during the program when you can have whatever you want – once during the day. If you a birthday or a holiday fall past one of these days you can move the closest cheat day to that day. Otherwise, you should avoid processed food (fast-food), alcohol of any kind (that includes beer and cocktails), cookies, cakes and white bread.

Pick wholegrain bread and limit your intake to one slice a day if you’re having a sandwich or a wrap for lunch. Avoid bread all together on days when you are doing ab work.

Eat either two hours before you work out or two hours after if you are having three meals a day. Have a small protein snack (e.g. no-sugar chocolate milk, yogurt) or a protein shake up to 30 minutes after the workout for quick recovery.

Avoid treating yourself after a workout, you are likely to overestimate just how much you have burned and cancel out all of your work by eating just a little bit more.

You are allowed two snacks 3oz (100g) and 8oz (250g) during the day.

Try to avoid snacking on fruit later in the evening and pick something like Greek Yogurt with cinnamon instead. Greek yogurt is very effective in curbing hunger so stock up on a few and have one late at night when you get hungry and it is unreasonable to have a whole meal or a sandwich. Pick 2% fat yogurts, they have enough fat for satiety and not too much for your body to stock some in reserves. Avoid eating anything full fat when you can, for obvious reasons, and zero fat because it won’t satisfy your hunger and you’ll end up eating more in the end.

Why Greek Yogurt? It has the best conversion of protein/carbs in it. It is high in protein and very low in carbohydrates which makes it the perfect guilt-free snack.

Note: If you are having protein shakes they count as snacks.

Snack rules: One piece of fruit, one high protein snack

Snack Examples:

1. 8oz Greek Yogurt with Cinnamon 2. Banana 1. Turkey ham slices with cucumber 2. Pear 1. Sliced tomato with mozzarella slices 2. Apple 1. A few raw nuts 2. Sliced apple with a tablespoon of peanut butter 1. Glass of juice 2. Hardboiled egg with mustard 1. Handful of grapes 2. Small sardine bruschetta toast with tomato paste 1. Orange 2. Rice cake with cheese stick


Start every day with a high protein breakfast such as eggs, dairy, meat, oats, seeds, nuts and nut butters. It’ll help you have more lasting energy throughout the day and manage cravings.

Keep your meals simple and cook all of them yourself. Focus on things that haven’t been processed and packaged, like fresh vegetables and fresh meat.

Use smaller bowls and plates for every meal serving. You’ll feel that you are having a lot more than you actually do and it’ll make it easier to control the food portions.

Eat at the table and never in front of the TV or a computer screen. When you eat absentmindedly your brain won’t register up to 50% of the food you eat and as a result you’ll reach out for more.

Eat slower. It takes 15-20 minutes on average for your brain to register the feeling of fullness, you may have had enough food – you just don’t know it yet. Ideally, you want to have a conversation during your meal with someone – the slower the pace at which you eat, the less you’ll end up eating.

Don’t be afraid of fat in food. Olive and coconuts oils, nuts and nut butters will aid you in muscle building and reduce your body fat %. These things have extremely high satiety helping you stay full longer. It is a lot easier to over-eat low fat low-calory foods and many do. One protein bar based on peanut butter and coconut milk or cream can give you the energy to last an entire day, give you energy and keep you full.

Go for high protein complex carbohydrates foods, like spinach, beans, milk, oatmeal, that will give you slow energy release during the day not quick fix meals. Hack: blend spinach in a smoothie with a banana and an apple to mask the taste.

Don’t keep ready snacks in the house. Anything pre-packaged, ice-cream in the freezer and chips in the cupboards have to go. It’s a good rule to never keep any sweets in the house either and make yourself go out every time you want something sweet late at night putting an extra obstacle between you and something you know you shouldn’t have.

Eat vegetables with every meal and at least one fruit a day. We just don’t eat enough, no matter how hard we try, fruit and vegetables are just not very convenient things when it comes to quick meals or comfort foods. Try to sneak in some lettuce with your sandwiches or a sliced tomato here and there. Make large salad for dinners instead of pasta or rice - you’ll end up chewing on these things forever and it’ll give you the satisfaction of a large meal that won’t actually weigh you down later on. Make sure you eat at least one real actual fruit (not the stuff that is floating in your flavoured yogurt) – plan ahead and make it a challenge to start your day with some kind of fruit. Even basic stuff like an apple is better than nothing.

Try not to get too hungry. When you are raging hungry your judgement goes and you are likely to make a snap decision to have a fast food meal, a pizza or a chocolate bar. That’s why it’s so important, when you don’t have time to eat 6-8 times a day, to eat smart and pick food that’ll give you lasting energy like oatmeal and nut butter for breakfast.

Drink plenty of water during the day. You might be feeling dehydrated and will instinctively try to get the water from the food during the meal and overeat in the process.

Never finish a meal with dessert. It’ll all go into reserves as an extra your body will not need. Eat desserts separately with a cup of coffee couple of hours after the meal so give your body the opportunity to use it up.

Eliminate all liquid calories from your diet – alcohol, soft and energy drinks. You don’t realise just how many calories and how much sugar is in one glass of those. Stick to water, coffee and tea with no sugar in it. You can re-educate your taste buds and you’ll learn to appreciate the flavour, not the sweetness.

- cheat meal You can have anything you want – once during the day.


Menu Breakfast: bowl of oatmeal with berries/cinnamon or honey

Lunch: turkey sandwich with lettuce and tomatoes

Dinner: grilled chicken breast, 3oz (85g) boiled rice, tomato salad

Menu Breakfast: 3-egg omelette with tomato and bacon

Lunch: chicken salad with lettuce and mayo

Dinner: bowl of pasta with tomatoes and olive oil

Menu Breakfast: yogurt with honey or yogurt based smoothie with oats

Lunch: large sweet potato with cottage cheese and paprika

Dinner: oven baked fish (parcel) with vegetables

Menu Breakfast: 2-egg omelette with avocado on the side (or eggs baked in avocado halves)

Lunch: canned tuna and sweet corn salad with lemon

Dinner: two chicken legs with cucumber/tomato salad on the side

Menu Breakfast: bowl of oatmeal with berries/cinnamon or honey

Lunch: turkey sandwich or wrap

Dinner: tuna sweet potato jacket with cottage cheese

Menu Breakfast: yogurt with honey or yogurt based smoothie with oats

Lunch: 10oz giant beans in red sauce and toast

Dinner: pork shoulder roasted with red/green papers in a skillet

Menu Breakfast: pork sausages with grapefruit

Lunch: club sandwich with tomato, avocado and rocket leaves

Dinner: ground beef eggplant cannelloni goo.gl/XS6Rg8

Menu Breakfast: bowl of oatmeal with berries/cinnamon or honey

Lunch: tuna salad wrapped in lettuce with almonds

Dinner: large grilled chicken breast with tomato/cucumber salad on the side

Menu Breakfast: avocado-bacon 3-egg omelette

Lunch: chicken salad with mayo

Dinner: baked sliced aubergine in the oven with tomato and feta cheese

Menu Breakfast: yogurt with honey or yogurt based smoothie with oats

Lunch: large sweet potato with cottage cheese

Dinner: oven baked fish (parcel) with vegetables

Menu Breakfast: green smoothie (apple/banana/3oz spinach) and peanut butter toast

Lunch: chicken salad

Dinner: small bowl of pasta with tomatoes

You are entitled to a cheat meal today

Menu Breakfast: yogurt with honey or yogurt based smoothie with oats

Lunch: turkey sandwich or wrap with lettuce and tomatoes

Dinner: 4 spiced chicken drumsticks

Menu Breakfast: bowl of oatmeal with berries/cinnamon or honey

Lunch: tuna sweet baked potato with cottage cheese

Dinner: 10oz pork meatballs in red sauce

Menu Breakfast: 3 baked eggs in bacon baskets goo.gl/DHnIzp

Lunch: large sweet potato with cottage cheese

Dinner: homemade 2 pork burgers with greens on the side

Menu Breakfast: 4 Paleo pancakes with honey goo.gl/MKBnN4

Lunch: chicken salad

Dinner: 2 large tomato frittatas goo.gl/GrFCGC

Menu Breakfast: bowl of oatmeal with berries/cinnamon or honey

Lunch: turkey sandwich or wrap with lettuce and tomatoes

Dinner: oven baked fish (parcel) with vegetables

Menu Breakfast: onion and spinach 3-egg omelet

Lunch: large sweet potato with cottage cheese and tuna

Dinner: grilled chicken breast with tomato/cucumber salad on the side

Menu Breakfast: yogurt with honey or yogurt based smoothie with oats

Lunch: small bowl of pasta with tomatoes

Dinner: 10oz pork meatballs in tomato sauce

Menu Breakfast: avocado eggs

Lunch: 8oz rice with diced grilled chicken

Dinner: ground beef stuffed bell peppers

Menu Breakfast: yogurt with honey or yogurt based smoothie with oats

Lunch: baked sweet potato with cottage cheese

Dinner: 2 grilled chicken thighs with cucumber salad

Menu Breakfast: bowl of oatmeal with berries/cinnamon or honey

Lunch: chicken and veggie soup, toast

Dinner: sausage, egg and sweet potato skillet

Menu Breakfast: 3 scrambled eggs

Lunch: chicken salad with lettuce and mayo

Dinner: ground beef stuffed bell peppers

Menu Breakfast: 8oz baked zucchini, bacon and tomato frittata

Lunch: large sweet potato with cottage cheese and paprika

Dinner: grilled chicken breast with pineapple(canned) rings

You are entitled to a cheat meal today

Menu Breakfast: bowl of oatmeal with berries/cinnamon or honey

Lunch: turkey sandwich with lettuce and tomatos

Dinner: fried pork chops with sautéed spinach

Menu Breakfast: peanut butter toast

Lunch: tuna in 2 avocado halves with onions and olive oil

Dinner: zucchini and sweet potato frittata goo.gl/V8n8Yu

Menu Breakfast: bowl of oatmeal with berries, cinnamon or honey

Lunch: bowl of pasta with tomatoes

Dinner: bacon wrapped 2 chicken thighs

Menu Breakfast: ham with applesauce

Lunch: chicken salad with grapes, apples and cranberries with mayo

Dinner: grilled steak with mashed cauliflower

Menu Breakfast: roasted pepper and sausage 3-egg omelet

Lunch: bacon, 2 hardboiled eggs and tomato salad with mayo

Dinner: coconut curry stir-fry goo.gl/Br2R2a

Menu Breakfast: bowl of oatmeal with berries/cinnamon or honey

Lunch: tuna/avocado salad

Dinner: grilled chicken breast, 3oz (85g) boiled rice, tomato salad

Menu Breakfast: ham and asparagus omelet

Lunch: beet and walnut salad

Dinner: pork chop with sweet potatoes

Menu Breakfast: yogurt or yogurt based smoothie with peanut butter and oats

Lunch: roasted chicken salad with lettuce

Dinner: 3 grilled salmon + tomato skewers

Menu Breakfast: 4-egg tomato and spinach frittata

Lunch: chicken salad with grapes, apples and cranberries with mayo

Dinner: balsamic chicken breast with pears and spinach

Menu Breakfast: bowl of oatmeal with berries/cinnamon or honey

Lunch: large sweet potato with cottage cheese and paprika


Menu Breakfast: 2 pork sausages with grapefruit

Lunch: turkey in lettuce with tomatoes

Dinner: 10oz giant beans in tomato sauce with toast

Menu Breakfast: banana/kiwi fruit salad, yogurt and peanut butter toast

Lunch: canned tuna and sweet corn salad with lemon

Dinner: chicken cranberry salad stuffed 2 tomatoes

Menu Breakfast: 2 avocado eggs

Lunch: tuna sweet potato with cottage cheese

Dinner: oven baked fish (parcel) with vegetables

Menu Breakfast: bowl of oatmeal with berries/cinnamon or honey

Lunch: chicken and veggie soup, toast

Dinner: beef pot roast

Menu Breakfast: 4 banana almond pancakes with honey

Lunch: chicken fajita salad goo.gl/rbVyIZ

Dinner: 3 grilled salmon + tomato skewers

Menu Breakfast: tomato and basil 4-egg frittata

Lunch: large sweet potato with cottage cheese and paprika

Dinner: 10oz pork meatballs with spicy tomato sauce

Menu Breakfast: bowl of oatmeal with berries/cinnamon or honey

Lunch: bacon and tomato 4 devilled eggs with mayo

Dinner: shrimps in tomato sauce

Menu Breakfast: yogurt with honey or yogurt based smoothie with oats

Lunch: chicken salad with lettuce and mayo

Dinner: dijon mustard pork tenderloin with coleslaw

Menu Breakfast: tomato and basil 4-egg frittata

Lunch: turkey sandwich with lettuce and tomatos

Dinner: beef pot roast

You are entitled to a cheat meal today

Menu Breakfast: banana/kiwi fruit salad, yogurt and peanut butter toast

Lunch: egg salad rolled in lettuce

Dinner: sautéed pork chop w/ 1 apple

Menu Breakfast: bowl of oatmeal with berries/cinnamon or honey

Lunch: avocado/tomato club sandwich

Dinner: 10oz pork meatballs with spicy tomato sauce

Menu Breakfast: 4- banana almond pancakes

Lunch: beet and walnut salad

Dinner: chicken cranberry salad stuffed 2 tomatoes

Menu Breakfast: no-bake peanut butter oat cookie goo.gl/oOBwYI

Lunch: chicken salad with lettuce and mayo

Dinner: 2 pork chops with apple sauce

Menu Breakfast: bowl of oatmeal with berries/cinnamon or honey

Lunch: large sweet potato with cottage cheese and paprika

Dinner: grilled chicken breast, 3oz (85g) boiled rice, tomato salad

Menu Breakfast: banana/kiwi fruit salad, yogurt and peanut butter toast

Lunch: bacon, 2 hardboiled eggs and tomato salad with mayo

Dinner: baked sliced aubergine in the oven with tomato and feta cheese

Menu Breakfast: yogurt with honey or yogurt based smoothie with oats

Lunch: tuna salad wrapped in lettuce with almonds

Dinner: dijon mustard pork tenderloin with coleslaw

Menu Breakfast: Paleo breakfast skillet goo.gl/mUx0m4

Lunch: turkey ham sandwich or wrap with lettuce and tomatoes

Dinner: 10oz pork meatballs with spicy tomato sauce

Menu Breakfast: bowl of oatmeal with berries/cinnamon or honey

Lunch: chicken and veggie soup, toast

Dinner: 2 pork chops and sweet potatoes

You are entitled to a cheat meal today

Menu Breakfast: avocado-bacon 3-egg omelette

Lunch: 2 turkey burgers with mixed greens

Dinner: chicken cranberry salad stuffed 2 tomatoes

Menu Breakfast: tomato and basil 4-egg frittata

Lunch: beet and walnut salad

Dinner: 2 pork chops with mixed greens

Menu Breakfast: bowl of oatmeal with berries/cinnamon or honey

Lunch: large sweet potato with cottage cheese and paprika

Dinner: 2 turkey burgers with mixed greens

Menu Breakfast: kale/kiwi green smoothie

Lunch: chicken fajita salad

Dinner: 3 grilled salmon + tomato skewers

Menu Breakfast: bowl of oatmeal with berries/cinnamon or honey

Lunch: 3 hardboiled eggs with salsa

Dinner: grilled chicken breast, 3oz (85g) boiled rice, tomato salad

Menu Breakfast: roasted pepper and sausage omelet

Lunch: roasted chicken salad with cherry tomatoes

Dinner: 10oz pork meatballs with spicy tomato sauce

Menu Breakfast: banana almond pancakes

Lunch: skillet sweet potato, sausage and spinach hash

Dinner: fried pork chops with sautéed spinach

Menu Breakfast: 2 fried eggs, bacon and ½ avocado

Lunch: club sandwich with tomato, avocado and rocket leaves

Dinner: 2 pork chops with apple sauce

Menu Breakfast: banana/kiwi fruit salad, yogurt and peanut butter toast

Lunch: 2 lemon herb rubbed chicken thighs with mixed greens

Dinner: 3 grilled salmon + tomato skewers

Menu Breakfast: bowl of oatmeal with berries/cinnamon or honey

Lunch: large sweet potato with cottage cheese and paprika

Dinner: 10oz pork meatballs with spicy tomato sauce

You are entitled to a cheat meal today

Menu Breakfast: banana/kiwi fruit salad, yogurt and peanut butter toast

Lunch: grilled shrimp salad with romaine lettuce and spinach

Dinner: 2 pork chops with apple sauce

Menu Breakfast: yogurt with honey or yogurt based smoothie with oats

Lunch: grilled chicken strips and asparagus

Dinner: chicken cranberry salad stuffed 2 tomatoes

Menu Breakfast: bowl of oatmeal with berries/cinnamon or honey

Lunch: bacon and tomato 4 devilled eggs with mayo

Dinner: burger (any meat or fish) with steamed vegetables

Menu Breakfast: kale/kiwi green smoothie

Lunch: canned tuna and sweet corn salad with lemon

Dinner: shrimps in tomato sauce

Menu Breakfast: pork sausage and sautéed broccoli

Lunch: 10oz giant beans in red sauce and toast

Dinner: beef pot roast

Menu Breakfast: 3 hardboiled eggs with salsa

Lunch: turkey sandwich with lettuce and tomatos

Dinner: 10oz pork meatballs with tomato sauce

Menu Breakfast: roasted pepper and sausage omelet

Lunch: egg salad rolled in lettuce

Dinner: ground beef stuffed bell peppers

Menu Breakfast: bowl of oatmeal with berries/cinnamon or honey

Lunch: chicken and veggie soup, toast

Dinner: 2 pork chops with apple sauce

Menu Breakfast: tomato and basil 4-egg frittata

Lunch: 2 turkey burgers with mixed greens

Dinner: baked sliced aubergine in the oven with tomato and feta cheese

Menu Breakfast: banana/kiwi fruit salad, yogurt and peanut butter toast

Lunch: 10oz giant beans in red sauce and toast

Dinner: 3 grilled salmon + tomato skewers

You are entitled to a cheat meal today

Menu Breakfast: tomato and basil 4-egg frittata

Lunch: chicken salad with lettuce and mayo

Dinner: 4 spiced chicken drumsticks

Menu Breakfast: bowl of oatmeal with berries/cinnamon or honey

Lunch: large sweet potato with cottage cheese and paprika

Dinner: grilled chicken breast, 3oz (85g) boiled rice, tomato salad

Menu Breakfast: coconut milk / banana smoothie with tablespoon of peanut butter

Lunch: bacon, 2 hardboiled eggs and tomato salad with mayo

Dinner: sautéed pork chop w/ 1 apple

Menu Breakfast: bacon, 2 fried eggs and fruit salad

Lunch: tuna salad

Dinner: fried pork chops with sautéed spinach

Menu Breakfast: bowl of oatmeal with berries/cinnamon or honey

Lunch: club sandwich with tomato, avocado and rocket leaves

Dinner: 10oz pork meatballs with spicy tomato sauce

Menu Breakfast: pork sausage and 3-egg omelet

Lunch: canned tuna and sweet corn salad with lemon

Dinner: zucchini and sweet potato frittata goo.gl/V8n8Yu

Menu Breakfast: 4 banana almond pancakes

Lunch: 3 hardboiled eggs with salsa

Dinner: 10oz pork meatballs with tomato sauce

Menu Breakfast: yogurt with honey or yogurt based smoothie with oats

Lunch: roasted chicken salad with cherry tomatoes

Dinner: ground beef stuffed bell peppers

Menu Breakfast: bowl of oatmeal with berries/cinnamon or honey

Lunch: 2 turkey burgers with mixed greens

Dinner: baked sliced aubergine in the oven with tomato and feta cheese

Menu Breakfast: yogurt with honey or yogurt based smoothie with oats

Lunch: egg salad rolled in lettuce

Dinner: oven baked fish (parcel) with vegetables

Menu Breakfast: bowl of oatmeal with berries/cinnamon or honey

Lunch: turkey ham sandwich or wrap with lettuce and tomatoes

Dinner: grilled chicken breast, 3oz (85g) boiled rice, tomato salad

Menu Breakfast: avocado-bacon 3-egg omelette

Lunch: chicken salad with lettuce and mayo

Dinner: 3 grilled salmon + tomato skewers

Menu Breakfast: banana/kiwi fruit salad, yogurt and peanut butter toast

Lunch: turkey sandwich with lettuce and tomatos

Dinner: 10oz pork meatballs with tomato sauce

Menu Breakfast: bacon, 2 fried eggs and fruit salad

Lunch: 2 turkey burgers with mixed greens

Dinner: 3 grilled salmon + tomato skewers

Menu Breakfast: bowl of oatmeal with berries/cinnamon or honey

Lunch: large sweet potato with cottage cheese and paprika

Dinner: sautéed pork chop w/ 1 apple

You are entitled to a cheat meal today

Menu Breakfast: tomato and basil 4-egg frittata

Lunch: chicken salad with lettuce and mayo

Dinner: beef pot roast

Menu Breakfast: coconut milk / banana smoothie with tablespoon of peanut butter

Lunch: chicken and veggie soup, toast

Dinner: 4 spiced chicken drumsticks

Menu Breakfast: yogurt with honey or yogurt based smoothie with oats

Lunch: tuna salad wrapped in lettuce with almonds

Dinner: dijon mustard pork tenderloin with coleslaw

Menu Breakfast: bowl of oatmeal with berries/cinnamon or honey

Lunch: club sandwich with tomato, avocado and rocket leaves

Dinner: 2 pork chops and sweet potatoes