8 simple home remedies for dark neck

Post on 13-Jan-2017

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Transcript of 8 simple home remedies for dark neck

Top Home remedies for dark neck


Home remedies for dark neck

Honey and Tomato

Honey is considered as a best home remedies for dark neck. It treats various skin conditions and gives excellent

moisturizing effect. It is also helps in skin lightening. The blend of honey and

tomato another skin lightening agent, provides extra healing power that removes dark patches on the neck easily and swiftly.

Honey & tomato juice must be blended well together & applied over the black areas for a period of twenty minutes.

Performing this home remedy every day helpsin getting rid of blackness on neck.



This is a great ingredient for skin cleansing and cooling irritated areas.

Scrubbing your neck with sliced cucumber helps in exfoliating skin and removes dead skin cells.

Applying mashed cucumber or cucumber juice, and massaging it on the neck for few minutes, and letting it dry for around20minutes is an excellent way to decrease and overcome the darkness on the neck.

Almonds Almonds are one of the best ingredient and home

remedies for dark neck.

It gives a flawless glow to your skin. It nourishes your skin and also gives moisturizing to your skin.

The intake of almonds is very beneficial, and at the same time preparing the paste of almond powder, honey, and milk powder, do wonders in overcoming the blackness on neck.

This should be applied on the affected areas for 30 minutes and then rinsed.

Walnuts Walnuts- another home remedies for dark neck. The paste

of walnut powder along with milk can be used as a scrub to overcome the dark spots on the neck.

Walnuts consist of an array of vitamins that helps in nourishing skin &is a highly endorsed treatment.

Use this paste by rubbing it on the affected areas and leave it for 15 minutes.

Then rinse with water a noticeable difference can be seen after repeating this remedy frequently this method.

Olive oil Thousands of people across the planet use olive oil for


Olive oil gives natural beauty and nourishes skin & keeps it looking best.

Lemon juice and Olive oil must be blended to cure the blackness on the neck.

Apply the mixture over the dark spots for 20 minutes and rinse thoroughly; this mixture helps considerably to diminish the black neck for good.

Cocoa Butter  Cocoa butter is one more amazing ingredient

to get rid of blackness on the neck.

It acts as a super nourishing agent to skin & is recognized in overcoming black spots on neck.

Cocoa butter when mixed with milk &honey, it helps in getting rid of black spots swiftly.

Within a week you can see an excessive progress in the condition of the skin.

Aloe Vera

Natural skin lightening agent is Aloe Vera. It also moisturizes the skin and lightens skin color to a great

extent and diminishes various skin spots.

Extract Aloe Vera gel from the leaf Apply it directly over the neck &slightly massage it. Leave it for 20 minutes. Then Wash it with water. Repeat this once a day for quick results 

OatsWhile discussing the home remedies for dark neck, Oats can’t be

left behind. It works as a great scrubber for skin and also helps in the exfoliating skin.

Oats are quite effective in decreasing the dark complexion that appears over the neck area.

• Take two tsp of grounded oats and add a small amount of tomato puree to it to make a thick paste.

• Apply this mixture over the neck and leave it for 20 minutes, then scrub the neck gently.

• At last, wash neck with cold water & apply some moisturizer. • Apply this paste once or twice a week.

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