8 NLP Secrets

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NLP Secrets

Transcript of 8 NLP Secrets

  • Because no one likes to fail

    The 8 Must Know NLP Secrets

    To Be Successful

    Gain respect and take control of your life by applying these secrets today!

    Life Potential Developments

  • Life Potential Developments 655 Wellington Rd. S - Suite 309 - London, Ontario Canada N6C 4R4 - 519-207-4422

    www.lifepotentialdevelopments.com --- www.lifepotential.ca

    The 8 Must Know NLP Secrets To Be Successful

    What makes the difference between failure and success? This is an important question to ask because failure cost time and money and no one likes to fail.

    Success brings riches and recognition, also known as fame and fortune. Success builds self esteem. Successful people are the privileged, they stand apart and they hold the power.

    But how can you guarantee your success?

    In my early twenties I worked in a music store. The owner was adamant that any guitar that he sold would be easy to play by any student. He insisted we take the extra time to properly set up every guitar that came into the store. That way playing success was almost guaranteed.

    The owner explained that if the guitar was not easy to play, then the student would become frustrated and give up their dream of playing music. Thereby wasting time and money, but worse, feeling a failure. And no one likes to fail.

    Having learned a great lesson from this early experience, I always set myself up for success. And your success can start with understanding The 8 Must Know NLP Secrets To Be Successful. Because not knowing could lead to disappointment and failure. And no one likes to fail.

    Why Me Why Now Why NLP?

    We are in a time of tremendous change and stress. Lives are changing daily; there are no guarantees of returning to normal. Companies, regardless of size, are disappearing or being reduced to skeletons. Gone are the days of excess and fat. Gone are the days where being good is good enough. To survive and prosper in any field you need skills that put you beyond the ordinary, beyond the good. You need skills that put you into great, better still, skills that put you into extraordinary.

    Who can resist a person with extraordinary skills in todays world? No one!

    So why not you? Why shouldnt you have these extraordinary skills that no one can resist? Why indeed you may be asking. Turning away now would be like finding the lost treasure, and then deciding you werent worthy of having it. You wouldnt do that, would you?

    So why not now? What better time than now, when these extraordinary skills are most needed? Let me ask you this. When is the best time to plant a tree? The answer is twenty years ago. When is the next best time Today! Carpe Diem - "seize the day"

  • Life Potential Developments 655 Wellington Rd. S - Suite 309 - London, Ontario Canada N6C 4R4 - 519-207-4422

    www.lifepotentialdevelopments.com --- www.lifepotential.ca

    So Why not NLP? Well, Anthony Tony Robbins has used it for over 30 years to help millions of people succeed. Joe Vitale, James Arthur Ray and others cast in the NLP movie The Secret use it.

    Copywriter and marketing king Dan Kennedy lists it as one of the top 4 must haves to succeed. And wasnt Oprahs life coach, Cheryl Richardson, a user of NLP?

    There was even a lot of evidence floating around before the last US Presidential election showing President Obama was using NLP to win the presidency.

    The whos who of achievement reads like a class list of users of NLP. So, now tell me, isnt that the class you want to join? If so, then, wouldnt it be a smart thing to know what all those super achievers know?

    Your success starts now by knowing

    The 8 Must Know NLP Secrets To Be Successful

    Secret # 1 How To Read Treasure Maps For Real Success (The Map Is Not The Territory)

    At first this seems like a strange statement, but its origin is even stranger. It came from Alfred Korzybskis famous book, Science and Sanity published in 1933.

    I will explain the meaning, the importance of the meaning and how your success may depend on it.

    Korzybski was known as a bold innovator, and brilliant synthesizer of available data into a coherent system. What does that mean? It means he had great perception and was able to combine knowledge, and like mixing a cake, create an end product that was much more than its ingredients. The ingredients came from Aristotle, Darwin, Sigmund Freud, Plato, Sir Isaac Newton, Socrates, Ivan Pavlov and Albert Einstein to name a few.

    Korzybski was the first to coin the term neuro linguistics, from where NLP or neuro linguistic programming gets its name.

    It is within his now famous book that Alfred Korzybski states, the map is not the territory. To put it in another way, be careful not to eat the menu. Let me explain

    Imagine going into your favourite restaurant. The waiter brings you a menu, you see a delicious looking meal pictured on the menu, and you proceed to eat the menu.

  • Life Potential Developments 655 Wellington Rd. S - Suite 309 - London, Ontario Canada N6C 4R4 - 519-207-4422

    www.lifepotentialdevelopments.com --- www.lifepotential.ca

    Now, besides the strange looks you would get, and the reprimand from the waiter, you would not get the results you wanted. You wouldnt feel satisfied, and may form a belief that the restaurant has lousy food.

    You mistook the representations of the food, the menu or the map - as the real food, the territory if you will. The map is not the territory; its a representation of the territory. The menu is not the food; its a representation of the food.

    How you see life is your map, how others see life is their map. Thats not how life or the territory is, its just your map of life.

    Everyone has their own map, some similar and some different to yours. But none are exactly the same.

    When you can recognize your map, you can start to recognize others maps, and this starts to build your foundation of success.

    All the great tools, techniques and processes of NLP are practically useless if the user has not also been taught to understand this first secret.

    And when you understand this, then you are ready for

    Secret # 2 How To Build Your Authority (The Meaning of Your Communication Is The Response You Get)

    Would you like to be understood no matter what you say, no matter what youre talking about, and no matter who youre talking with?

    Would that solve a lot of problems in your life? And how would you feel about saying whats on your mind at the moment you want to say something? Instead of later saying, I wish Id have said

    Wouldnt it be a great freedom in your life, not to be afraid to speak up? Have you heard the quote that the fear of speaking in public is worse than the fear of death? When you consider that most people are afraid to leave a message on the phone when they call you, then it must be a very deep rooted problem that truly holds people back.

    So what makes it so fearful to communicate with others?

    Simple youre afraid of how they will respond. What they will think of you after you speak. And how has this become such a huge problem? Because you are not aware that their response is due to their interpretation of your communication.

    OK, its getting a little thick here, time for a quick example.

  • Life Potential Developments 655 Wellington Rd. S - Suite 309 - London, Ontario Canada N6C 4R4 - 519-207-4422

    www.lifepotentialdevelopments.com --- www.lifepotential.ca

    Sample 1 - A man smiles at a woman at a party and says, Hi, how are you? The woman returns a guarded look while thinking to herself: Hes coming onto me.

    Sample 2 - A man and woman are having a conversation during a break at a meeting. The woman says, Lets have lunch together. The man thinks to himself, she wants to have a relationship with me.

    Now, with the power of NLP you would have increased sensory acuity. You can be extremely aware of body and facial changes, shifts in tonality and be in touch with your sixth sense or gut feeling. Because first you need to notice, and when you are aware, then you can make changes to your communication.

    So, the meaning of your communication will be the response you get. That is, what it means to the listener. When you are aware that what you communicated is meaning something different to the listener, then it enables you to correct or adjust your communication.

    As an excellent communicator you must be responsible for your communication, so their response matches your communication. Its not up to the listener to understand, its up to you to communicate, so the listener will understand what you mean.

    To adjust your communication so that what you are communicating, and what the listener understands you are communicating, are one and the same. And therefore the response of the listener matches what you are communicating.

    And fear not, the learning of great communication skills is much, much easier using NLP, unlike, perhaps, your school days. Because when you take out the obstacles to communication, it becomes easier and more natural.

    Secret # 3 How To Control Your Greatest Resource (Individuals Have All The Resources They Need To Achieve Their Desired Outcomes)

    So how many times have you heard, I dont have enough time, or, I dont have enough money, I dont have the education, the connections, the know how, etc, etc, etc.

    And has that become the reason behind youre not achieving?

    NLP Secret # 3 - states that Individuals Have All The Resources They Need To Achieve Their Desired Outcomes. The resources that we speak of are within you. They are abilities that you have and often do not realize. Abilities that, when unleashed, can allow you to achieve your outcomes, your desires your dreams.

  • Life Potential Developments 655 Wellington Rd. S - Suite 309 - London, Ontario Canada N6C 4R4 - 519-207-4422

    www.lifepotentialdevelopments.com --- www.lifepotential.ca

    All men and women of achievement know this fact, because underneath their great accomplishments, they are people just like you. The difference is they have connected to their resources, and used them to achieve what ever it is they desired.

    How many thousands of books have been written about people who have achieved greatness yet started from humble beginnings. People who, against all odds, came from behind and won in their game of life.

    People like: Colonel Sanders of KFC, Chris Gardner of Pursuit of Happiness, Susan Boyle, Singer from Britains Got Talent, to name a few.

    How much more life could you enjoy, if you knew you could achieve any goal? If you believed you could - as strongly as you now believe you cant? How were your negative beliefs created? What event created the map that lead to your believing that? What are the beliefs that great achievers have, that if you had, you too could become a great achiever?

    If you forget to take out the garbage every week most people consider that a problem. I see it as an extraordinary ability. I want to know how you can be so consistent, how do you do that process so well. How can you repeat it week after week without fail?

    And then, how can you switch that ability over to something you want to do? And how great would it be, to be able to be that consistent in doing something more beneficial to you?

    As you know, NLP gives you the ability to do just that.

    So, now look at your own resource areas from a different point of view. Look at what you are doing consistently, what you may have referred to as problem areas, and now start to discover your success resources.

    Secret # 4 Intention The Driving Force (Every Behaviour Is Motivated By Positive Intention)

    People Make The Best Choices They Can With The Resources They Have Available.

    This 4th NLP Secret is more difficult to grasp than most. But when you do, you will achieve an understanding of people, and of yourself, far beyond what most people ever achieve.

    For explanation purposes let me say that all people are motivated by an underlying desire to feel good. The reason behind everything you do, at the deepest level, will be to feel good. If you steal a loaf of bread because you are hungry and have no food, your positive intention is to feel good by eating the bread. The act is still deemed wrong because its stealing, but knowing what motivated the behaviour opens new understanding.

  • Life Potential Developments 655 Wellington Rd. S - Suite 309 - London, Ontario Canada N6C 4R4 - 519-207-4422

    www.lifepotentialdevelopments.com --- www.lifepotential.ca

    You may not have had the resources needed at the time to realize there were other choices available. So you made the best choice you could with what was available at the time.

    The real magic in NLP starts when you are able to understand how you process your information. How it means what it means to you, and how you decide to behave because of that meaning. This is thoroughly covered in the NLP communication model of course.

    And when you discover how you are motivated to achieve an outcome, you can discover how others motivate themselves to achieve their outcomes.

    This answers the why behind what really makes you do what you do. Usually the real reason behind another persons behaviour is hidden by our belief in why they behaved that way.

    When you use your map to figure out their behaviour, youre barking up the wrong tree. At the very least you are at a disadvantage, at the worst you are doomed to failure. This is how politicians get elected. They learn the motivation of others on a mass scale and make promised based on that information. Unfortunately they may not be as concerned about those promises after the election.

    Once you know how a person processes their information, using their map, then you can use what you have learned in NLP to better achieve your successful outcome.

    That is why Richard Bandler, co-creator of NLP said NLP is an attitude and a curiosity that leaves behind a trail of techniques.

    Develop an attitude of curiosity and discover what is really behind your, and others motivation. What makes you do what you do, and what makes others do what they do. Use your motivation for your success, and their motivation with them for more success.

    Secret # 5 How Not To Fail The Ultimate Outcome (All Outcomes Are Achievements: There Is No Failure Only Feedback)

    Can you even begin to imagine how different your life would be, how much better you would feel about yourself, if you had been taught NLP Secret # 5 from the very beginning.

    That no matter what you did or how it turned out, the end result, the outcome was just feedback information to use to improve your success rate in life.

    Can you imagine even now, as you start to think; there is no failure only feedback what you can accomplish without the fear of failure?

    Would you be on stage in front of thousands? Perhaps you would like to learn to fly a plane, or parachute out of one. Would you climb mountains or ski down them? Would you start your

  • Life Potential Developments 655 Wellington Rd. S - Suite 309 - London, Ontario Canada N6C 4R4 - 519-207-4422

    www.lifepotentialdevelopments.com --- www.lifepotential.ca

    own business and create your own destiny? Perhaps you dont like your job, but fear of failure keeps you stuck in it?

    Consider how many times you fell while learning to walk, failures every one of them. How many times you mispronounced a word while learning to talk, all failures. How many times you dated to find the right partner, how many jobs to find the right career. How many times you got the answer no, before your parents bought that special thing you wanted. They were all times you failed. And you know there were many, many more.

    Every achievement in life comes after a failure of some sort, usually after many failures. One of the most often quoted is Edison and his 10, 000 failures before inventing the light bulb.

    Wouldnt it be great to know how many failures you had to have before youre successful? Why not start to keep track. Start by looking forward to each failure knowing your success gets closer as each failure passes.

    Secret # 6 How To Avoid Resistance (Effective Communicators Accept and Utilize All Communication Presented To Them)

    Resistance Is A Sign Of Insufficient Pacing.

    One of the simplest, yet most powerful, processes in NLP is rapport building. When people are in rapport with each other, they are in a naturally agreeable state. Defences are down and they are more susceptible to others thoughts and ideas.

    Pacing is taught in NLP as one way of gaining rapport. Its a method used to get agreement, and to put others in a receptive state of mind. And using your communication skills to help others enter a receptive state, is key to helping people.

    Many people think communication is just the words you use. You may be surprised to know that, according to a model used by Professor George Miller of Princeton University, words are only 7% of your communication.

    What makes up the rest of your communication? Your voice tone and inflection makes up 38%. Below is one sentence repeated 7 times, but notice what happens as you put emphasis on the bolded word in each sentence.

    I didnt say he kissed his wife I didnt say he kissed his wife I didnt say he kissed his wife I didnt say he kissed his wife I didnt say he kissed his wife I didnt say he kissed his wife I didnt say he kissed his wife

  • Life Potential Developments 655 Wellington Rd. S - Suite 309 - London, Ontario Canada N6C 4R4 - 519-207-4422

    www.lifepotentialdevelopments.com --- www.lifepotential.ca

    Your body language makes up a whopping 55%, remember your body includes your face, hands and arms. But its not the old myths about body language that we are talking about.

    With NLP you get to fully understand all areas of a persons communication. How surprised will you be when you realize you have been missing 90% of the communication that has been presented to you? And what magic will you weave when you are able to determine, for yourself, what is really behind a persons communication? Those who posses this knowledge hold great power, great sway, in controlling others with it.

    How would you like to be able to: see through the shysters, catch politicians in their lies before you vote for them, stop people from pulling the wool over your eyes, never be caught off guard by connivers using your own words against you - ever again?

    And as an excellent communicator, know how to command attention, and get your point across in any situation. To be listened too, respected for your input, and followed when you wish to lead. Unlimited power belongs to the best communicators.

    Remember, President Ronald Reagan was known as the great communicator, and President Obama also has the gift of gab.

    Learn to use all communication presented to you, and you can be in control of your success.

    Secret # 7 The Real Secret To Control (The Law Of Requisite Variety)

    The Element In A System That Has The Most Flexibility Will Be The Catalyst Of That System. Clear as mud isnt it? Can you see why so many people in NLP may take the easy route and pass over these most important rules?

    Allow me to take the liberty to explain this important NLP Secret in a way that you can understand. Try this the person with the most flexibility controls the situation.

    Now, thinking in these terms, whats meant by flexibility? Well, what NLP gives you is knowledge and understanding of whats really going on at the deepest level of a persons behaviour.

    That means when you have this knowledge it becomes more difficult to think the way you used to think. And that means, if you dont have the same old thinking pattern, you wont have the same old reaction pattern.

    And if you dont react the way you used to, and you can act the way you want, wont that mean you have more flexibility. And with that flexibility that means you will be in control of the situation. You get to control how you act in any situation, and with that control comes respect.

  • Life Potential Developments 655 Wellington Rd. S - Suite 309 - London, Ontario Canada N6C 4R4 - 519-207-4422

    www.lifepotentialdevelopments.com --- www.lifepotential.ca

    Respect for your self, being able to be in control of yourself. And respect from others, as they see you being flexible in your response, and being in control of your situation.

    Therefore - controlling respect equals success.

    To borrow from Rudyard Kiplings poem If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it

    Secret # 8 The Ultimate Control - Respect (Respect Each Persons Model Of The World)

    Through the knowledge and understanding of NLP you will learn that each person lives in their own model of the world their own reality. Its how they understand the world to be, based on their life experiences through their own personality filters.

    How another person interprets the world may be similar or completely different than the way you interpret the world. It will never be exactly the same.

    Imagine two identical twins about age 4 playing at the seashore near the waters edge. Suddenly, out of nowhere comes a rouge wave and splashes over them, tumbling them head over heels.

    The first twin jumps up and runs screaming and crying up to mommy on the beach, terrified, perhaps never to go near the water again.

    The second twin jumps up laughing, and excitedly waits for the next fun wave to do it again.

    Each identical twin experienced the same wave, the same event, but understood it differently. They each had their own model of the world from the same event. One may never understand how the other thinks so differently. But if they dont respect the fact that each has their own model of the world, they could have difficulties in their relationship.

    When you learn to respect another persons model of the world, you will have reached an understanding few people know exist, let alone reach.

    And respecting another persons model of the world doesnt mean you agree with it, or have to give into it. It simply means you understand where theyre coming from, and do not need to convince them to think differently.

    You do not have to fear anyones way of thinking. You have the choice to accept them or not, and still respect that its only their way of thinking - their model of the world.

    When you know their model, their map of the world, you can put your information in it. And

  • Life Potential Developments 655 Wellington Rd. S - Suite 309 - London, Ontario Canada N6C 4R4 - 519-207-4422

    www.lifepotentialdevelopments.com --- www.lifepotential.ca

    now they are better able to understand you, and your information, because you have put it in their model of the world.

    So the question now is, how can you use The 8 Must Know NLP Secrets To Be Successful?

    This may be your start in NLP, or another step to NLP Mastery. Either way, there is always more going on than you think. More to know about yourself, and others, so as to create the most successful life you can have.

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