7 Top Tips for Writing a Dissertation

Post on 12-Jun-2015

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Dissertation and thesis writing takes dedication and hard work. There are several important aspects involved in writing such a long essay. You will need to decide upon a suitable topic, come up with a concise yet catchy title which encapsulates your discussion, break down the content into separate sections or chapters and undertake a large amount of research. http://proofreadmyessay.co.uk/services/academic-proofreading/dissertation-proofreading

Transcript of 7 Top Tips for Writing a Dissertation

Writing a Dissertation:

7 Top Tips

Dissertation and thesis writing takes dedication and hard work. There are several important aspects involved in writing such a long essay. You will need to decide upon a suitable topic, come up with a concise yet catchy title which encapsulates your discussion, break down the content into separate sections or chapters and undertake a large amount of research. Finally, you will have to write the essay with good style, grammar and spelling and format each part of it appropriately.

Writing a dissertation might be one of the most challenging academic tasks you will ever undertake.

To start with you need to define the main terms of your essay to make it perfectly clear to the reader what your discussion hopes to achieve and which main questions your research hopes to answer. It is also useful to include a little about the debate thus far and how your essay will build upon and add to research already undertaken.

Your literature review should demonstrate to the person reading your work that you have read and understood most, if not all, of the published works concerning your chosen topic.

You should detail how you plan to analyse relevant data, for example by specifying which method of research you plan to use. How you gather, collect and interpret evidence should be made clear to the reader.

Ensure that peers and colleagues in your field are able to reenact your experiments and research methods. Being crystal clear about how you reached certain conclusions, and avoiding the potential for anyone reading your work to accuse you of obfuscating your research, will make for a highly credible essay. It will also be useful to your academic community, especially should they wish to question your findings.

Not only should you write in detail about the research methods you have chosen, but also the reasons why you chose those methods in particular.

To ensure that your research is considered credible and accurate you must address the reliability of your research methods. Include information about how you intend to ensure that your research is as precise and accurate as possible and do not neglect to point out that you are aware of sources of potential error. Examine also the potential for statistics to skew the results and explain how you will overcome such problems.

It is important to justify the size of your sample. Whether you are taking a sample of opinions, eye colour or cells, you must explain why you have chosen to examine the group that you have, and not one that is larger or smaller.

A copy of any and every document which you used when conducting your research should be included at the end of your work in an appendix. For example, this might include various questionnaires. This allows the person reading your work to examine the raw data.

Bearing these tips in mind will help you to write a well structured, persuasive essay. To enhance your work further and ensure that the final product is perfect, it is also a good idea to use a professional thesis and dissertation proofreading service.

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