67b Kinesiology: AOIs - Review · 67b Kinesiology: AOIs - Review 10 minutes !Break Announce the...

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67b Kinesiology: AOIs - Review

67b Kinesiology: AOIs - Review

10 minutes !Break Announce the return time and write it on the board. !

5 minutes !Attendance Also project the “Class Reminders” slide.!

30 minutes !67b Kinesiology Quiz!

25 minutes !Cadaver Video: Acland’s DVD Atlas of Human Anatomy!

10 minutes !Break Announce the return time and write it on the board. !

55 minutes !Anatomy in Clay!

10 minutes !Break Announce the return time and write it on the board. !

60 minutes !Palpation!

5 minutes !Break down, clean up, and circle up!3h 30m ! !Total Class Time!

67b Kinesiology: AOIs - Review

67b Kinesiology Quiz

Grading your Quiz!

!  If an answer is correct, DO NOTHING!

!  If an answer is incorrect!

–  Put an X through the incorrect answer!

–  Write the correct answer to the left in the margin!

!  Example:!

C !_ B_ 1. What is anatomy?!

! !A. Study of fishing !

! !B. Study of the functions of the body!

! !C. Study of the structures of the body!

! !D. None of the options!

67b Kinesiology Quiz

Scoring your Quiz!

!  BASE GRADE: count the number of WRONG answers (questions 1-20) and circle that number on the front page of the quiz!

!  EXTRA CREDIT: count the number of CORRECT extra credit points earned (questions 21-25) and write that number on the line to the right.!

!  FINAL GRADE: add the base score to the extra credit points and write the final grade on the line to the right!

8a Written Exam Prep Quiz N a m e Group Date

Start time ______________ End time _____________ Total test time ___ _________ Number of wrong answers Grade Extra Credit Final Grade

0 100% + __________ = __________%

1 95% + __________ = __________%

2 90% + __________ = __________%

3 85% + __________ = __________%

4 80% + __________ = __________%

5 75% + __________ = __________%

6 70% + __________ = __________%

7 65% + __________ = __________%

8 60% + __________ = __________%

9 55% + __________ = __________%

10 50% + __________ = __________%

11 45% + __________ = __________%

12 40% + __________ = __________%

13 35% + __________ = __________%

14 30% + __________ = __________%

15 25% + __________ = __________%

16 20% + __________ = __________%

17 15% + __________ = __________%

18 10% + __________ = __________%

19 5% + __________ = __________%

20 0% + __________ = __________ %

Christopher Fritel 8:25 8:35

August 2014 8/14/14

10 minutes

3 78

Cadaver Video

Show whichever videos are requested by the students or are deemed necessary by the instructor.!

A. Posterior Upper Body!Level 1:!!  Spinalis!!  Longissimus!!  Iliocostalis!Level 2:!!  Rhomboids!!  Infraspinatus!!  Teres minor!!  Supraspinatus!Level 3:!!  Latissimus dorsi!!  Teres major!Level 4:!!  Trapezius!

B. Posterior Upper Extremity!Level 1:!!  Extensor digitorum!!  Triceps brachii, medial head!Level 2:!!  Triceps brachii, lateral head!!  Triceps brachii, long head!

C. Anterior Upper Extremity!Level 1:!!  Flexor digitorum superficialis!!  Subscapularis!!  Coracobrachialis!!  Brachialis!!  Brachioradialis!Level 2:!!  Biceps brachii!

D. Anterior Upper Extremity!Level 1:!!  Pectoralis minor!!  Serratus anterior!!  Rectus abdominis!Level 2: !!  Pectoralis major!Level 3:!!  Deltoid!

E. Anterior Neck!Level 1:!!  Levator scapula!Level 2:!!  Scalenes!Level 3:!!  Sternocleidomastoid!

F. Skull!Level 1:!!  Frontalis!!  Occipitalis!!  Temporalis!Level 2:!!  Masseter!

G. Lower Extremity Adductors!Level 1:!!  Adductor magnus!Level 2:!!  Gracilis!!  TFL!

H. Posterior Lower Extremity!Level 1:!!  Piriformis!!  Quadratus femoris!!  Gluteus minimus!!  Semimembranosus!!  Biceps femoris, short head!!  Soleus!Level 2:!!  Gluteus medius!!  Semitendinosus!!  Biceps femoris, long head!!  Gastrocnemius!Level 3: !!  Gluteus maximus!

I. Anterior Lower Extremity!Level 1:!!  Iliacus!!  Vastus intermedius!!  Vastus lateralis!!  Vastus medialis!!  Peroneus longus!!  Peroneus brevis!!  Tibialis anterior!Level 2:!!  Psoas major!!  Rectus femoris!Level 3:!!  Sartorius!!  Tensor fasciae latae!

Palpation Set Up by the Students!!  Students form groups of 3.!!  Each group sets up a table and gets 1 face cradle, 1 bolster, and 2 chairs. !!  Receivers must remain clothed.!!  There will be no need of sheets except for a face cradle cover.!

Demo and Practice!!  All of the students come to a central table to watch a brief demonstration of how

to palpate one of the focus muscles:!–  List and identify the bony landmarks, especially origins and insertions.!–  List and identify the muscle bellies and tendons.!–  List and explain the actions.!–  Demo how to palpate the muscle while simultaneously offer resistance to

the action, “Contract, relax. Contract, relax.”!–  The students go back to their table to practice the palpation.!–  2 students palpate the third student collaboratively.!–  The instructor and assistant circulate to offer guidance and touch


!  This process repeats for each muscle that will be palpated.!!  Once all the focus muscles have been palpated on the first student, repeat the

process so that each student will palpate twice and be palpated once.!

67b Kinesiology: AOIs - Review!