6 Tips for Creating a Sustainable Content Calendar

Post on 10-May-2015

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There are multiple reasons why you need a proper Facebook Content Calendar – some social media managers keep them so that they can check the tonality of their content over the course of a week, some use them so that they can see a clear plan and strategy for a week in front of them, and some use them to keep a record of all the content that they’ve shared with fans over the course of a few months and match it with trends on their pages to see what works and what doesn’t. Every social media manager has his reasons for creating and maintaining a Facebook Content Calendar, but each of them agrees on one thing – it’s a definite necessity and a very useful tool. A few basics when creating a Facebook Content Calendar is to ensure that you’re creating it with the right target audience in mind, ensuring that you know your page demographic, always topic about trending information in your domain and use visuals that are appealing. I’m not going to talk about basics such as those, but instead talk about how you can make your Facebook Content Calendar creation and usage process a lot more efficient and sustainable.

Transcript of 6 Tips for Creating a Sustainable Content Calendar