
Post on 08-Jul-2015

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Transcript of 5traffictips

10 Sure Fire Tips to Boost Readership from 113tidbits.com

1. Create descriptive post titles.Many potential readers will discover your blog through a web search or a feed aggregator, where only the title of your post appears; therefore, creating a descriptive post title is very important. While "Blue Turtle Sonata" might be a fun title for a song, it might not encourage potential readers to click through to your post.

2. Post regularly.Whether you post once a week or once a day, posting on a regular basis will keep your blog readers coming back. If you let weeks pass between postings, you risk losing readers. TypePad allows you to schedule posts in advance, so you can queue up posts when you have extra time.

3. Respond to readers within the comment section.Responding to reader comments does three things: 1) it shows that you're listening; 2) it gives readers a reason to come back to check your response; and 3) it creates a dialogue that encourages other readers to join the conversation.

4. Link to other blog posts.In the body of your posts, link to other posts with similar content or people with alternate points of view. It creates a rich, rewarding experience for your readers when your blog allows them to access different types of unique content. It also encourages other bloggers to link to you.

5. Engage your readers with questions, contests and assignments.The most successful bloggers interact with their readers. They hold "Name this Photo" contests, or hold drawings to give away books or other items. They pose questions to their readers to create conversations in the comment fields, or post a story in multiple segments. Engaging your readers takes creativity, but it pays off handsomely; readers return to check in, and forward posts to friends to "play along”.