5236 6 Avenue (Bukhari and He)

Post on 28-Mar-2022

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Transcript of 5236 6 Avenue (Bukhari and He)

Regular Meeting
File No.:
Bylaw No.:
Rezoning for Two-Lot Subdivision at 5236 6 Avenue (Bukhari and He)
The following report has been reviewed and endorsed by the City Manager.
A. THAT first and second readings be given to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 7942.
B. THAT Bylaw No. 7942 be referred to a Public Hearing.
C. THAT the owners satisfy the following requirements as a condition of final consideration and adoption:
1. Enter into Section 219 Restrictive Covenants to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Planning & Development for building design and tree retention and replacement;
2. Provide a tree retention security in the amount of $20,000; and
3. Provide a tree replacement security in the amount of $2,000.
D. THAT the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign all documents pertaining to this development.
The purpose of this report is to present for Council's consideration Zoning Amendment . Bylaw No. 7942 (Attachment A) to allow subdivision of the property at 5236 6 Avenue into two single detached residential lots. A location map and an aerial photo are provided in Attachment B.
Site Description and Context: This 1,114 m2 (11 ,991 ft2) site slopes down gently from southwest to northwest. It contains one single detached dwelling which would be qemolished. There are seven trees located on-site as well as three off-site trees located in proximity to the proposed development. The site is surrounded by single detached dwellings zoned Single
5236 6 Avenue (Bukhari and He) LU009004
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May 11, 2020
Detached Residential 1 (RS1), Single Detached Residential 4 (RS4), and Single Detached Residential 5 (RS5).
Council Policy: The Official Community Plan designation for this site is Single Family Residential (SFR). This designation is intended for single family housing at a maximum density of 18 uph (7 upa). While the majority of homes will likely be on lots of 550 m2 (5,920 ft2)
or larger, there are provisions for small lots, clustered detached housing, and duplex homes, especially in new planned areas and larger infill sites. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the Single Family Residential (SFR) designation.
Proposal: The owners are proposing to rezone and subdivide the subject property into two single detached residential lots. Each of the proposed single detached dwellings would have 278 m2 (2,992 ft2) of above-ground floor area with in-ground basement floor area of 150 m2 (1 ,615 ft2) for a total floor area of 428 m2 (4,607 ft2). Each of the proposed single detached dwellings would have an in-ground basement with a 65 m2 (700 ft2)
secondary suite. A project data table is provided in Attachment C.
Community Consultation: A public notification letter about the proposal was sent on November 7, 2019 and a public notice sign was installed on the site on November 20, 2019. To date, emails from two households expressing opposition to the proposed rezoning and subdivision have been received. Both expressed concerns related to the proposed development's impact on privacy within the rear yard area. ·
To assist in mitigating privacy concerns and provide sufficient screening within the rear yard area, the owners have proposed the installation of four trees, two within each of the rear yards, which would be secured in a tree retention and replacement covenant.
Rezoning: The owners wish to rezone the subject property from Single Detached Residential 1 (RS1) to Single Detached Residential 6 (RS6) to permit subdivision into two single detached residential lots. A site plan and subdivision plan are provided in Attachment D. The proposed lots would each be 15.2 m (50 ft) wide with an average lot depth of 36.6 m (120 ft) and a lot area of 557 m2 (5,995 ft2). As such, secondary suites would be permitted since the lot widths are greater than 15 m (49 ft).
Attachment E provides a map showing existing lot widths and areas within the surrounding area. The lot areas range from 549 m2 (5,909 ft2) to 2,663 m2 (28,664 ft2) and lot widths range from 10.9 m (36 ft) to 40.8 m (134 ft) . The proposed lots would be generally smaller than those in the immediate surrounding area; however, there are some similar sized lots on Spetifore Crescent to the east which have lot widths ranging from 14.5 m (48 ft) to 19.1 m (63 ft) and lot areas ranging from 550 m2 (5,920 ft2) to 649 m2 (6.986 ft2) .
5236 6 Avenue (Bukhari and He) LU009004
House Design:
May 11, 2020
The immediate neighbourhood is made up of a mix of older one-storey and two-storey homes. The style of homes surrounding the subject property include split-level mid-century, modern, and traditional. The exteriors of those homes consist of a variety of materials including stucco and wood finishing . The owners have submitted house designs which feature steeply pitched roofs with gables, well-articulated fa9ades, wood and cultured stoned siding, paneled double-garages and entry doors, and a mix of window styles. Materials would include hardie board, stucco, cedar siding, and cultured stone. Sample house designs are provided in Attachment F. The owners would be reqL.:ired to enter into a restrictive covenant for building design.
Secondary Suites: As functional and unobstructed secondary suite parking spaces have been demonstrated on the site plan (Attachment D) and the proposed lots have a lot width of 15.2 m (50 ft), a secondary suite would be permitted on each of the lots under the proposed Single Detached Residential 6 (RS6) Zone. A map showing registered secondary suites in the area is provided in Attachment G.
Tree Retention, Removal, Replacement and Landscaping: There are seven trees on the subject property, five of which are proposed to be retained and protected under a tree retention security deposit of $12,500. Over the course of the application's review, the owners explored a number of design approaches to retain the five mature trees located within the front setback of the subject property and the mature tree located within the adjacent property to the west. To ensure retention of these mature trees, the proposed homes we~e moved back towards the minimum rear yard setback.
Two trees are proposed to be removed to accommodate the construction of the driveway located on proposed Lot B. For the four replacement trees required , the owners are proposing to plant four replacement trees under a tree replacement security deposit of $2,000. There are three off-site trees in the east and west adjacent properties which are to be retained and protected under a tree retention security deposit of $7,500. The tree retention, removal and replacement plan is provided in Attachment H. Photos of the trees to be retained and/or removed are included in Attachment I. The owners would be required to enter into a restrictive covenant for tree retention and replacement.
COVID-19 Implications: On May 1, 2020 the Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General announced the repeal and replacement of Local Government Meetings and Bylaw Process Ministerial Order No. M083 with Local Government Meetings and Bylaw Process (COVID-19) Ministerial Order No. M139 which now authorizes local governments to conduct Publ ic Hearings by electronic or other communication facilities during the Provincial State of Emergency. Local governments may now hold Public Hearings while meeting the safe physical distancing orders set by the Provincial Health Officer. The public will be permitted to phone or video conference in order to participate in a Public Hearing. This new procedure applies despite the requirements of the Local Government Act, Council Procedure Bylaw and Public Hearing Protocol and the Development Applications Procedure Bylaw.
5236 6 Avenue (Bukhari and He) LU009004
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May 11 , 2020
In order to encourage public participation in the Public Hearing process while giving the public the option to participate via electronic means at their discretion without attending a meeting in person, staff are currently developing a protocol for a Public Hearing that would allow for residents to provide comments from their homes. It is recommended that this application be referred to a Public Hearing. A Public Hearing would be advertised for June 23, 2020 as currently scheduled.
Implications: Financial Implications - The proposal to subdivide from one to two lots and construct two new single detached dwellings would generate an estimated additional $3,200 in annual property tax revenue for Delta.
Interdepartmental Implications - The owners would be required to comply with the regulations as set out in the "Delta Subdivision and Development Standards Bylaw No. 7162, 2015" and enter into a development agreement.
The owners have applied to rezone the subject property from Single Detached . Residential 1 (RS1) to Single Detached Residential 6 (RS6) to permit subdivision into two single detached residential lots and construction of a new single detached dwelling with a secondary suite on each lot.
It is recommended that Bylaw No. 7942 be given first and second readings and that Bylaw No. 7942 be referred to a Public Hearing.
James Klukas Acting Director of Community Planning & Development
Department submission prepared by: Daniel Feeney, Planner DF/rl/ph
A. Bylaw No. 7942 B. Location Map and Aerial Photo C. Project Data Table D. Site Plan and Subdivision Plan E. Lot Width and Area Map F. Sample House Designs G. Map of Existing Secondary Suites within Notification Area H. Tree Retention , Removal and Replacement Plan I. Tree Photos
G :'urre•11 [1evelopment LU FILES1:..U0091LU00900.i Counc I lsr & 2nd Read rg do:::x Ti'ursday Mav 1.1 'J.-.. 0 4 4'' AM
BYLAW NO. 7942
A Bylaw to amend the "Delta Zoning Bylaw No. 7600, 2017"
Attachment A Page 1 of 2
The Council of the City of Delta in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS:
1. This bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Delta Zoning Bylaw No. 7600, 2017 Amendment (Bukhari and He - LU009004) Bylaw No.7942, 2020".
2. "Delta Zoning Bylaw No. 7600, 2017", as amended, is hereby further amended by rezoning the lands outlined in bold and marked "Subject Property" on the map attached hereto as Schedule "A" to "Single Detached Residential 6 (RS6)" and by amending the Zoning Maps in Section 22.1 accordingly.
READ A FIRST time the
READ A SECOND time the
day of
day of
day of
day of
George V. Harvie Mayor
Robyn Anderson City Clerk
ti lil
"Delta Zoning Bylaw No. 7600, 2017 Amendment (Bukhari and He - LU009004) Bylaw No. 7942, 2020"
Legal: P.I.D. 003-901-220
Lot 15 Section 3 Township 5 New Westminster District Plan 41484
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Project Data for 5236 6 Avenue (LU009004)
Owners Syed Afaq Hussain Bukhari and Shuai He Applicant Gurpreet Saini Application Date October 24, 2019
Existing Proposed Regional Growth Strategy General Urban No change Designation OCP Designation: Schedule A One and Two Unit Residential No change
Schedule D.1 (Tsawwassen Single Family Residential No change Area Plan) (SFR) Maximum Allowable Density 18 uph (7 upa) No change Density 9 uph (4 upa) 17.9 uph (7 upa) Zoning Single Detached Residential 1 Single Detached Residential 6
(RS1) (RS6) No. of Lots 1 2 Lot Area 1,114m2 (11 ,991 ft2) Lots 1 and 2:
557 m2 (5,995 ft2)
Lot Width 30.4 m (100 ft) 15.2 m (50 ft) Average Lot Depth 36.6 m (120 ft) No change
Permitted under RS1 Zone Proposed under RS6 Zone Maximum Floor Area Single Detached Dwelling: Lots 1 and 2:
427.2 m2 (4,598 ft2) 278 m2 (2,992 ft2)
*plus additional in-ground In-Ground Basement: basement floor area, subject to 150 m2 (1 ,615 ft2)
zoning regulations at time of buildinq permit Total: 428 m2 (4,607 ft2)
Secondary Suite Yes Yes: 65 m2 (700 ft2)
Maximum No. of Storeys 2.5 2.5 Maximum Building Height to: Roof Ridge 9.5 m (31 ft) 9.5 m (31 ft) Mid-Roof 8 m (26 ft) 8 m (26 ft) Maximum Lot Coverage 45% 40% Maximum Impermeable Area 60% 60% Off-Street Parking: Single Detached Dwelling 2 spaces (50% enclosed) 2 spaces (100% enclosed) Secondary Suite 1 space 1 space
Tree Retention, Removal and Replacement Total Trees: 10 7 on-site and 3 off-site
Trees to be Removed: 2 2 on-site and O off-site
Trees to be Retained: 8 5 on-site and 3 off-site Street Trees One tree for every 9 m (30 ft) of street abutting the property
Tree replacement security
Tree retention security
Required $1 ,560 cash-in-lieu for 3 street trees ($520 per tree to cover costs for purchase, installation and establishment of trees)
4 replacement trees
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Attachment D Page 2 of 2
Subject Property
1836 m2i
11442 m'I
; 29.9
18.3 18.0
; 1~1 ; 1 ; ; 19.9 ! 19.9 I 19.9 I 24.4 25.6
6AVE 22.3 22.3 22.9 22.9 22.9
...... (f) CV) U')
~ ~ ~ @ ~ ~ I§ ~ i ~ i ~ i I i ~ 16.16 17.40 17.80 18.00 17.40 19.10 17.40 17.97
SPETIFORE CRES 15.6 17.0 16.8 17.6 16.8 18.2
; ; ; ~ ; ; 1649 m2I ~ ~
1618 m2I ~
; ; ; ; ; ; ; 1612 m'i
18.9 17.0 18.0 16.8 18.8 17.0 17.9 19.6
20.1 I 20.1 l 20.1 -1 20.1 I 20.1 I 20.1 I 20.1 I 20.1
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Attachment F Page 1 of 2
'< (J) C ;:::.: Cl) Cf)
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Replacement Trees
RT2 Hootka cypress 3m
RT4 Nootka cypress 3m
'-------------------- '
--=------- ARllORlST 10 SUP"1;RV!S6 fXO\VATlONS Of eon, LOTS
Arborist Report for 5236 6th Avenue, Delta
Woodridge Tree Consulting Arborists Ltd.
CJ\ -4 :t )I, < m 2 C: m
Tree Plan for subdivision at 5236 6th Avenu~
Delta, 8 .C.
Date: J u ly 25; 2019 Updated: April 10, 2020
Tree Inventory
473 Western redcedar 102 6.12
474 Westem redcedar 4 9 2.94
475 Douglas- fir 113 6.78
476 West.cm rcdcedar 4 2 2.52
477 Western 1edceda1 39 2.34
478 Western redcedar 153 9.18 -- 479 Pacific dogwood 58 3.48
osl Pacffic dogwood 28 l.68
os2 Western redcedar 95 S .70
OSJ HOiiy 51 3.06
-~-r_iP.!i_i:t~ '. x = remove t ree
I I I I I I I I I 101 1 :200 lOm
Page 11
1~~ 1· t 'V I V !f ,....
Trees proposed to be retained Arborist Report for 5236 6th Avenue, Delta
Woodridge Tree Consulting Arborists Ltd.
Trees proposed to be retained
N- Page 7
Tree proposed to be retained
Arborist Report for 5236 6th Avenue, Delta Woodridge Tree Consulting Arborists Ltd.
Page 8