5 tips on how to write articles for your blog

Post on 29-Nov-2014

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Transcript of 5 tips on how to write articles for your blog

5 Tips On How To Write Articles

For Your Blog?

Tip 1: Escribe sobre algo que te interese, o de algo en lo cual ya tengas dominado el tema, si no los lectores se daran cuenta que

no sabes ni de lo que escribes y perderas credibilidad

Tip 1: Write about something that interests you or about a topic that you really know

If you write about something that you don’t know, people will notice and you will lose credibility.

Or you will simply get bored and will stop writing.

Tip 2: Read Every Day

Reading the news will help you to write about things that people are interested on.

Reading blogs will also help you to improve your writing skills and to get new ideas.

Tip 3: Do some brainstorming and get some ideas before you start writing.

If you do some brainstorming, you will be able to write more fluently and without forgetting any of your primordial ideas.

Tip 4: Alternating the place that you work from, will help you to clear your mind and to get new ideas so you can write better.

A good place to work from is a coffee shop. This will break your routine and will be able to write about different things.

Tip 5: Write an article per day

After a few months you will notice the changes.

If you want to take your business and your writing skills to the next level, I recommend you this company.

Empower Network will take through the writing process step by step, it will tell you the words you need to use and even what You can write about.