5 Steps To Understand What Success Is To You

Post on 06-Aug-2015

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Transcript of 5 Steps To Understand What Success Is To You

We've already looked at some important aspects of your battle with self-doubt. We've looked at what ex-actly self-doubt is, the root causes behind much of what is in a person's self-doubt, and how to

pull out those roots and cast them aside. Today I'd like to take some time and share with you my thoughts

about success and things that stand in our way of achieving it.

You can obviously see how self-doubt can affect your ability to attain success, but did you know that how you

define success is a big part of your journey, too? In fact, a simple change in the way you look at success

could actually silence that pesky voice of self-doubt that has been hampering your forward progress all this time.

It makes sense if you think about it. Our definition of success is what starts us on whatever path we choose.

We want something and we embark on the path that we think will get us there. Each path leads to

whatever success we seek out.

But many times we're unhappy. The problem isn't that we didn't achieve the goal. The problem could be that

the goal that we were striving for isn't meant to make us happy.

Many times people are being held back by the type of success that they're following. And when you don't

achieve whatever that success is, then you feel like a failure and that horrible spiral of self-doubt

and self-loathing takes a very unhealthy toll on our bodies and minds.

But at the end of the day, you simply may have just been looking at it all wrong!

So in this article we are going to examine the ways to look at success differently and set up a

method for defining success that you can follow and that will help you reach your goal.

The great coach, John Wooden, said, "Success is peace of mind which is the direct result

of self-satisfaction, knowing that you did your best and become the best you are capable of



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I will be the first to admit that my old definition of success was all wrong. I used to define success in terms of

money and possessions because that is all I knew and it's what I believed. It's not really an uncommon

assumption to think that those things bring happiness and fulfillment. 

But once I changed my definition, I was able to more clearly deal with my self-doubt. It also realigned the way I looked at time by helping me realize that I wasn't getting to those things as quickly as I wanted to and that's okay.

Instead I refocused and built up my business the way I wanted to. And as a result, I was able to achieve my

goals more easily.

Redefining success can totally transform your life. Richard Branson, the mega mogul

behind Virgin, loves life no matter what he is doing and he's always framed his businesses around that exact state of

mind. He once said, "The more you are actively and practically engaged, the more successful you are

going to feel."

SO WHAT IS SUCCESS?Well if you pick up a dictionary, you might find something like this: 

success (noun) - The favorable or prosperous achievement of one's goals - the accomplishment of purpose.

The sad truth is that many of us only see success as a destination. We see achievement in terms of accumula-

tion, all the stuff we have at the end of the race. Whether we're talking about toys or money, we think of success as getting those things and holding on to them. 

But we all know that collecting stuff only fulfills you so much. It can't complete you and it cer-

tainly can't give that genuine fulfillment that comes from, say, human interaction or altruistic acts.

We must learn to enjoy the actual process of working, living, and co-living with one another. We must ap-preciate the journey and all of the lessons that we learn along the way.

Self-doubt many times is exactly the uncertainty that what we're doing may not be the best thing for ourselves.

That's because defining success is such a personal thing. You can't do a one-size-fits-all definition of

success and expect everyone to fall in line and love what that commonly assumed definition is.

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DEFINE YOUR SUCCESSDefining success is your process, yours and yours alone. Don't let other people or society tell you

what success is. Only you can know what it means for you.

And that process of finding out what success means is an important first step.

Sometimes our definition of success is too unrealistic or too unattainable. Sometimes, and this can be worse,

it's too attainable. We don't challenge ourselves and that can be harmful, too.

That definition of success may not be “vibing” with your lifestyle and your habits. A great way to

realign this is to focus on the process and find success somewhere in the process.

I can't tell you what a big help it was to shift cleanly from a result-oriented mindset to a process-oriented mindset. It lessens the pressure on the mind and allows you to learn along the way.

Let's figure out how to help you focus on the journey and the process. Let's determine what your definition of success could be.

Begin by writing down your definition of success on a piece of paper.

There's something magical, almost mystical, that happens when you write down something on paper. I find

that writing something down creates a flow that starts within me and continues on the paper which begins

the transformation in the real world.

You'll want to manipulate your definition of success into something that is clearly doable for you.

Keep this definition handy. You can come back to it as often as you'd like, and you may even end up changing it further on down the road.

Do not lower your goals. Instead, lower your instinct to compare yourself to others. Forget what people on

Facebook are doing. Forget your neighbor. Forget anyone who isn't you. What is your definition of success?

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By defining success in a way that is easily manageable for you, you'll handle any self-doubt that manifests because

you'll be confident that your new definition of success is attainable. It's what's going to happen no matter

what! That's a powerful feeling to own.

Hey, that critical voice is always going to creep in, as I've mentioned before. But by creating that more realistic ver-

sion of what success looks like, you're going to find a stable inner peace that can silence that voice on a regu-

lar basis.

Maya Angelou said, "Success is liking yourself, liking what you do and liking you doing it."

ACTION STEPSSTEP #1 - Write down your biggest goal right now.

It can be anything. It can involve any aspect of your life. The bigger, the better. Envision yourself doing great things because dreams cost nothing!

STEP #2 - Break down this goal into smaller steps that you can track.

A long road trip doesn't seem so long if you break it down into smaller, more manageable, chunks. Think of the saying, "A journey of a thousand miles starts with a first step."

STEP #3 - Think about ways to make those chunks simpler to achieve.

Everybody wants to win but not everybody is prepared to win. This is where you'll be doing the hard work. Because even though the units are smaller, you'll need to really get into the details to make sure the pieces fit into the larger whole. There's no such thing as an overnight success. But there are plenty of 10-year or even 30-year overnight successes. Remember that.

STEP #4 - Write down daily action steps.

You'll need to identify the steps that you need to start or stop doing to get yourself closer to your goal. Each action step moves you further along on your small manageable step. After a while you'll be on your way with each small step that gets you closer to your goal, your success.

STEP #5 - Follow these steps and enjoy the process.

The process will take probably take longer than the achievement so learn to live in the moments and check in with yourself to see how much you're growing. Our definition of success has to serve the enjoyment of the process since that's where we'll be spending 99.9% of our lives.


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So what's your new definition of success? I'd love to know. Please share it with our community because you never know.

Your journey may inspire someone else or jumpstart their new and creative way to look at success.

Above all, be persistent with the action steps outlined above. Your life will change and you'll more easily manage your self-doubt.

My next article will focus on your self-efficacy. That's the ability for you to achieve and believe in yourself to easily do those things that you know deep inside yourself that you can do.

Until next time, I look forward to helping you arrive at your next intended destination healthy, wealthy, and happy.

Get more motivation. Follow me on:

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Jefferson Santos grew up in Richardson, Texas and attended Texas Christian University and played football at the Naval Academy. Jefferson is like many entrepreneurs who just decided one day that he wanted to be in charge of his own career. However, at the age of 25 he was $1,100 negative in his bank account, $70,000 in debt and decided he was in need of a change. Through guidance, self-improvement and commitment he turned his dream into a realist. Jefferson is now a multi-million dollar earner and has a team of over 300,000 leaders in 30 countries and it continues to grow every day.

Jefferson’s goal is to help YOU arrive at your intended destination healthy, wealthy and happy.

Follow him on Social Media channels:

Or visit his page:


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