5 splunk blog posts you should read

Post on 16-Jun-2015

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Splunk is hot. Unless you have been living under a rock for the past few years, you probably already know that Splunk is a rising Big Data star. Thé question of questions: what can we do with Splunk? One of the most difficult questions to answer, because well… Splunk can do everything. Or let’s say: a lot. We have gathered some blog posts about Splunk that you should read. From the CEO explaining why you should use Splunk, to a Gartner view on SIEM, and even a Domino’s (yes, the pizza company!) case study. Read, watch and learn.

Transcript of 5 splunk blog posts you should read

1.WHY SPLUNK?Godfrey Sullivan, CEO of Splunk, answers that specific question in a 3-minutes video. That’s a record. Hear it for yourself right here.


Why start with resolutions on January 1st? We start whenever we want. So if you haven’t made Big Data resolutions yet, read this article to get kickstarted.

3. FRAUD DETECTIONOne thing that Splunk can do? Fraud detection. How Splunk detects fraud? Read the blog post.


Gartner is our God. His magic quadrant is our bible. View the SIEM version here (and of course: Splunk is a leader. What did you expect?)

5. PIZZA TIMEWe heart pizza ánd Splunk, so this use case is a must see. Pizza? Splunk? What’s the connection? View it for yourself.