3 January El Calrín

Post on 04-Mar-2016

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El Clarín de 3 de enero del 2016

Transcript of 3 January El Calrín

  • Happy New Year to the marvelous missionaries of El Faro!! I hope your holidays were

    wonderful and that you felt closer to your Savior than you ever have before. I hope you are ready for a

    remarkable, stupendous, exciting, unforgettable New Year. I hope we are all ready to make 2016 the

    best year ever in the Spain Barcelona Missionnothing would bring more joy to our Savior than to see all of His missionaries exert their maximum effort in the coming year. We feel so blessed to have so

    many committed, consecrated missionaries in this great mission. It is an honor and privilege to work

    side by side with you in this most important work on the face of the earth. One way that we can

    accomplish the things the Master would have us do is to set inspired goals that can extend us and help

    us do more than we would otherwise have done. I believe that the New Year is a good time to study

    goal-setting and to begin to set goals for the coming year

    Elder Marvin J. Ashton has said, The direction in which we are moving is more important than where we are at the moment. Goal setting should cause us to stretch as we make our way. There are some principles to understand in goal-setting as a missionary: 1) setting worthwhile goals gives direction to

    our lives, 2) we should set goals in a number of different areas, and 3) managing our time gives us

    control over our lives so we can serve more effectively. Elder M. Russell Ballard has said, Write down the tasks you would like to accomplish each day. Keep foremost in mind the sacred covenants you

    have made with the Lord as you write down your daily schedules. Set short-term goals that you can

    reach. Set goals that are well-balancednot too many nor too few, and not too high nor too low Pray for divine guidance in your goal setting. According to Preach My Gospel, Goals reflect the desires of our hearts and our vision of what we can accomplish. Through goals and plans, our hopes

    are transformed into action. Goal setting and planning are acts of faith. Prayerfully set goals that are

    in harmony with the Saviors command to teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. (Matt 28:19)

    PMG then gives us some guidelines as we set goals:

    ~Follow the Spirit ~Set weekly and daily goals

    ~Focus on the key indicators ~ Set goals for personal/companion study

    ~Focus on people daily/weekly/monthly ~ Measure your progress

    ~Be specific and realistic

    Message From Presidente Dayton

    New Year, New Chapter, New BeginningsValue of Goal Setting

    3 de Enero de 2016El Clarn de El Faro

  • After the above discussion on general principles of goal setting, PMG then gives us some very specific

    guidelines on setting goals in our weekly planning session:

    1. Pray for and seek inspiration.

    2. Set goals and make plans for investigators to be baptized.

    3. Set goals and make plans for investigators with a fecha. 4. Set goals and make plans to help investigators attend sacrament meeting.

    5. Set goals and make plans for lessons to be taught to progressing investigators.

    6. Set goals and plans for lessons to be taught to all other investigators.

    7. Set goals and make plans to contact and teach all referrals received.

    8. Set goals and make plans to seek more referrals from members, investigators, and non-members

    9. Set goals and make plans for lessons you will teach to recent converts and less-actives.

    10. Set goals and make plans to find new investigators.

    11. Plan how to work with the ward council.

    12. Schedule meetings that occur regularly.

    13. Conduct companionship inventory.

    I am excited for the New Year and New Beginnings and New Slates. I know without a doubt that goal-

    setting is crucial to our accomplishing the maximum possible in this labor of saving souls. It has been

    said that to any ship that has no direction, any wind blows fair. In other words, we aimlessly wander without goals to guide us and motivate us. Excellence has always been the tradition of this great

    mission and with the Lords help and our dedication, we will see excellent outcomes. May the Lord pour out his choicest blessings on you in 2016 is my prayer.

    Con animo y entusiasmo,

    Presidente Merril T. Dayton

    Message From Presidente Dayton

    3 de Enero de 2016El Clarn de El Faro

  • Decisiveness vs. Double-Mindedness

    Message From Hermana Dayton

    3 de Enero de 2016El Clarn de El Faro

    Decisiveness is choosing to do what is right based on accurate facts, wise counsel, and clearly defined goals. It is the

    ability to recognize key factors and then finalize difficult decisions.

    With the beginning of this new year, it is the perfect time for us to make decisions on what we desire to accomplish

    and who we desire to become in 2016. The little decisions we make today determine the direction of our lives. The first

    step in goal setting is to decide (create) what it is that we want. We should define it clearly and then WRITE IT

    DOWN. Once it is written down we can focus our attention on the goal--visualize the end result-- having reached the

    goal. When we do this it gives us positive energy and keeps us motivated as we visualize already having achieved the

    goal, feeling how happy we are for having accomplished it. Decisiveness is focusing on our destination, rather than

    focusing on our distractions.

    While raising my children, our first Family Home Evening of the new year was always devoted to setting goals. We

    would write down what we wanted to achieve in these four areas--Spiritual, Mental/Educational, Physical and

    Social/Emotional. The next week we would create vision boards by cutting up pictures from magazines, words, etc.

    that would inspire us daily to reach our goals and keep us focused on our goals. We would hang the vision boards up

    in our room in a visible place to see it every day. We would also share our goals with the family--knowing that family

    members would be able to encourage us, recognize the success we were having as we moved toward achieving our

    goals, and also knowing that family members would hold us accountable. We recognized that it was easier to

    achieve goals when others were there cheering us on. Companions can offer support in this way. Sharing your goals

    with your family through your emails will get them involved in helping you achieve your goals.

    We can apply decisiveness to missionary work by:

    --Firmly establishing the companionship commitment to obedience by forming habits based on the White Handbook,

    Preach My Gospel, and the scriptures.

    --Discussing with your companion the decisions that need to be finalized to avoid making rash choices based on the

    impulse of the moment.

    --Making bold decisions to testify and invite investigators to be baptized.

    --Keeping each other, as companions, accountable to not procrastinate and waste


    --Making decisions based on commitment to obedience rather than on what is easiest.

    In Joshua 25:15 it reads, "Choose ye this day whom ye will serve....as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."

    President Dayton and I hope and pray that each of us will make wise decisions and choose always to serve the

    Lord. We love you...each one of you...and feel grateful for the Big Decision each of you made to serve the Lord as a

    representative of the Savior. We pray that the New Year will bring you much joy as you continue to faithfully serve the


    Hermana Dayton

    Christlike Attributes- Faith, Charity, Love, Virtue, Hope, and Humility, Knowledge & Wisdom, Patience, Diligence, Creativity, Enthusiasm, Generosity, Forgiveness, Dependability, Availability, Orderliness, Gratitude, Endurance, Persuasiveness, Compassion, Alerness, Character, Decisiveness

  • Bautismos/Confirmaciones/Misioneros

    3 de Enero de 2016

    Eran contados y se inscriban

    sus nombres11


























    Bautismos 4 6 8 11 10 6 8 9 12 5 8 12 7

    Confirmaciones 4 5 9 11 9 6 9 9 12 5 7 10 10

    Fechas bautismales 129 133 114 86 103 113 121 95 103 87 92 72 91

    Inv reunion

    sacramental184 205 220 170 188 222 164 211 166 215 162 173 170

    Lecciones con un

    miembro684 802 748 713 757 653 696 734 692 645 729 572 635

    Lecciones con un m.

    p.44% 50% 48% 47% 50% 42% 45% 45% 46% 44% 45% 50% 47%

    Nuevos Investigadores 572 566 522 502 478 533 567 620 469 525 507 340 539

    Bautismos/Confirmaciones esta semana 10

    Bautismos/Confirmaciones este mes 10

    Bautismos/Confirmaciones hasta la

    fecha este ao10

    El Clarn de El Faro

    Claudia Clemente Perez Vic B Hermanas Rathfon y Lieberum

    Silvia Clemente Perez Vic B Hermanas Rathfon y Lieberum

    Julia Clemente Perez Vic B Hermanas Rathfon y Lieberum

    Elena Nicolle Solorzano Orellana San Sebatian A lderes Loaiza y Bledsoe

    Eva Francisca Sanchez Cure Valencia 1A lderes Putt y Gibson

    Doudou Ndao Diop Ganda B Hermanas Mendez y Villeta

    Enci Yanet Meza Euceda Valencia 2A lderes Parker y Hemeyer

    Jair Duran Sosa Menorca lderes Maurer y Lisonbee

    Evelina Crespo Salvatierra Menorca lderes Maurer y Lisonbee

    Jaime Alberto Galvis Duran Palma 2B Hermanas Ratliff y Stilson

  • And the Spirit shall be given unto you by the prayer of faith.Doctrine & Covenants 42:14


    CUATRO: lderes Dunn y McArthurlderes Putt y Gibson

    Hermanas Ratliff y Stilson

    TRES: Hermanas Bastidas y Zavalalderes Carballo e Ipsen

    Hermanas Rathfon y Lieberum

    lderes Bennett y Jones

    lderes Murley y Cushing

    Hermanas Vilario y Sebasti

    Hermanas Mayes y Romero

    Hermanas Eyring y Carollo

    lderes Baumann y Garca

    Gabriel Barcelona 1B

    Yamil Manresa

    Loveth, Scott Badalona 1A

    Clever Zaragoza 2A

    Jose Zaragoza 2C

    Jose Fernando Bilbao B

    Patrick Tarragona B

    Sebastian Valencia 3A

    Patrick Valencia 1A

    Sonia Pamplona B

    Noelia Burgos A

    Magdalena, Silvio, Palma 2A


    3 de Enero de 2016

    Compaerismos que lograron las pautas de excelencia:

    Oremos por estos investigadores con fechas bautismales para esta semana:

    El Clarn de El Faro

    The Zone

    Los Baleares are in The Zone!-With an average of 12.7 new investigators per companionship!

  • This week was a miracle! We had the first baptism in this

    area! Anirda has progressed so

    quickly and was truly ready to

    accept this gospel in her life.

    Her entire story is a miracle!

    Like we told you, she entered

    the church two weeks ago

    and watched a baptism for

    another ward. She loved it and

    really felt the spirit. In fact, she

    accepted a baptismal date

    that night! We met her the next

    day at church. She was so

    excited to be learning all of this

    and easily accepted all of the

    lessons in the next two weeks.

    Then, Saturday we had her

    baptism and it was perfect!

    This week was absolutely amazing! Alex was baptized!!!!

    It definitely was a miracle. We

    went to his house on Tuesday

    and had a lesson he hadn't

    been able to quit smoking the

    week before but wanted to be

    baptized so bad. We told him if

    he wanted to be baptized that

    he couldn't smoke ever again!

    He looked at us and slid his

    cigarettes across the table and

    said. "Okay, never again" it was

    amazing! He had been

    addicted for 15 years and now

    he'll never smoke again! He

    was baptized by Elder Merrill

    and when he came up out of

    the water he had the biggest

    smile on his face and you can

    see the difference in him! He's

    never seemed happier!

    WE HAD A BAPTISM WEDNESDAY. It was the day

    before Christmas Eve so we like

    to think its an extra white

    Christmas now. Montse was

    baptized and it was a super

    good service. The baptismal

    programs looked outstanding

    (Thank you) and the whole

    family of Montse was able to

    attend including the mother

    which was perfect because

    that was the first time in 11

    years that she has been inside

    the church building. I baptized

    Montse and you could see the

    excitement in her 10 year old


    En esta semana tuvimos el milagro de ver el bautismo de

    Shiel y Mariuxi. Ellos tenan


    felicidad inmensa, fue genial

    su bautismo, sin duda el

    evangelio cambia a las


    y de vedad ellos estaban


    Pues el 26 que era sabadotuvimos un bautismo!!!!! Brisa se

    bautizooooo fue tan hermoso

    y espiritual! Vino su familia y su

    madre tambien estaba para

    apoyarla; fue realmente todo

    super bonito. Ella tiene 14

    aos pero es muy madura

    para su edad y si sigue asi

    realmente podra a llegar a ser

    una buena misionera!

    13 de abril de 2014

    The Miracle of Baptism

    3 de Enero de 2016El Clarn de El Faro

    This week was incredible! We had the opportunity of

    having a baptism right

    before Christmas and it had

    to be the most reverent of

    any service I have ever been

    to. Our investigator didnt want too many people there

    and because of the timing

    and the amount of people

    there it made for an

    amazing service.

    It was a great week, concluding with two

    wonderful baptisms .It's really amazing how different

    performing the baptism is. It's

    indescribable. Especially

    since I was a part of every

    single lesson with these two,

    and I saw the change over

    time. It was especially

    amazing to see since they

    kept their commitments, and

    the desire to be baptized

    became so natural to them.

    When we started, Jar

    basically said he was only

    there because Evelin was.

    Then he was just as ready to

    be baptized as she was

    when the time came.

    What an amazing week! Eva finally got baptized!

    After she came out of the

    water, she had the biggest

    smile on her face. We had to

    wait a little for her towel, so I

    asked her how she felt, and

    she was speechless. She

    started jumping up and

    down. Toward the end of the

    service, she bore her

    testimony, and what power!

    It was so good.

  • El milagro de esta semana fue el bautismo de Precious .

    Habamos ayunado la

    semana anterior para poder

    bautizar a alguien antes de

    que termine el ao.

    Tenamos muchas personas

    que podran bautizarse pero

    no sabamos cual estaba ms

    preparada (entonces) visitamos una familia que

    antes haban venido varias

    veces a la iglesia y dejaron

    que su hijo se bautizar. Fue

    un da muy especial para

    nosotros, para su familia y los


    Well it happened! Guiermewas baptized and it was

    amazing the week before his

    baptism he told us in one of

    the lessons that "y'all better

    be ready, cause when I'm

    baptized I'll be showing you

    how real missionary work is done". So that was a great surprise and he's ready this

    week to help us on any visit.

    The Lord blessed us with a

    true conversion. I love to see

    the miracles the Lord has

    placed before us.

    The Miracle of Baptism

    3 de Enero de 2016El Clarn de El Faro

  • Mission News

    El Clarn de El Faro

    During a News Years

    celebration President Dayton

    poses with his two counselors in

    the misison presidency, Jordi

    Manzanares and Elder Chase.

    The faithful Zone and Sister Training

    Leaders meet once again to prepare

    for training in the upcoming Zone


    Final mission home dinner before the

    honorable return home of two great

    El Faro missionaries, Hermana Solos

    and Hermana Lamoreaux

    3 de Enero de 2016