3-4 May 11 · as beautiful as Saturn's. Uranus Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun. It is...

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Transcript of 3-4 May 11 · as beautiful as Saturn's. Uranus Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun. It is...

Enrichment Resources Grades 3-4 May 11 — May 15, 2020

We know that our students love to learn, and we want you to have the opportunity keep learning at home! This resource contains English Language Arts, math, science and social studies tasks or activities. But remember, learning can happen in a lot of different ways, too.

Here are some helpful tips for using these resources: • Create a dedicated space for learning. • Create a daily schedule that provides stability and consistency for your family that includes time for learning, eating, physical activity, playing games, and TV or online time. • Discuss your work with someone after you have completed it and ask for help if you need it. • Do the best you can! Some of the material may be familiar, but you can always learn new things. Some of the material may be difficult, and that is OK, too.

We know that during this difficult and unsettling time, it may be difficult for students to complete academic work. While we encourage learning at home, please know that these enrichment opportunities are optional. During this difficult time where many are facing many challenges, we do not want families to feel additional stress about finishing and turning in work.

Additional resources for learning opportunities are also available online at https://www.mnps.org/digitaltools

Need free help? Call 615-298-6636 Go to https://www.homeworkhotline.info Hours: 4pm – 8pm Monday through Thursday

The planets in our solar system By NASA Science, adapted by Newsela staff on 12.19.19 Word Count 422

Level 590L

Solar systems are made up of stars and the planets that orbit them. Our solar system has eight planets. They circle a star that we call the sun. Our solar system is located in the Milky Way galaxy. The Milky Way contains many other solar systems, too.

The four planets closest to the sun are Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. These are the rocky planets. They have solid outer crusts. After Mars come the two gas giants, Jupiter and Saturn. They are the largest planets in the solar system. The two farthest planets from the sun are ice giants. They are Uranus and Neptune.

Beyond Neptune, there are several smaller objects called dwarf planets. You may have heard of Pluto. It used to be known as a planet. Now, it is classified as a dwarf planet.


Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system. It is located closest to the Sun. It is only slightly larger than Earth's moon. Mercury is the planet with the fastest orbit. It takes just 88 Earth days to circle the Sun.


Venus spins in the opposite direction from most planets. It has a thick atmosphere. An atmosphere is a layer of gas that surrounds a planet. Venus' atmosphere traps heat like a blanket. This makes Venus the hottest planet in our solar system.


Earth is our home planet. It is the only planet where we have found life. It's also the only planet in our solar system with liquid water on the surface.


Today, Mars is a dusty, cold desert world. It has a very thin atmosphere. But this may not have always been true. Billions of years ago, Mars was probably wetter and warmer. The atmosphere was also thicker.


Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. It is more than twice as large as all the other planets combined. The giant planet has a Great Red Spot. The spot is a storm that is bigger than Earth. The storm is hundreds of years old.


Saturn is surrounded by rings made of ice. The other giant planets have rings, too. But none are as beautiful as Saturn's.


Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun. It is tilted on its orbit. This tilt makes Uranus appear to spin on its side.


Neptune is the most distant major planet orbiting our sun. It is dark and cold. Winds on Neptune can travel faster than the speed of sound.


1. Read the section “Jupiter.” Select the sentence from the section that describes the size of the Great

Red Spot. A. It is more than twice as large as all the other planets combined. B. The giant planet has a Great Red Spot. C. The spot is a storm that is bigger than Earth D. The storm is hundreds of years old.

2. Read the paragraph from the section “Venus.”

Venus spins in the opposite direction from most planets. It has a thick atmosphere. An atmosphere is a layer of gas that surrounds a planet. Venus' atmosphere traps heat like a blanket. This makes Venus the hottest planet in our solar system

Which question is answered in this paragraph?

A. How big is Venus? B. Why is Venus so hot? C. What gases are found on Venus D. When was Venus first discovered?

3. What does the section “Mars” show the reader?

A. How Mars has changed B. When Mars was formed C. Who discovered Mars D. Why Mars is cold and dusty

4. If readers are looking for information on the fastest planet, which section should they read?

A. “Mercury” B. “Earth” C. “Saturn” D. “Uranus”

“I have a dream that one day on the red

hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves

and the sons of former slave owners will

be able to sit down together at a table of


Who Was Martin Luther King Jr.?

Martin Luther King Jr. was an activist and leader during the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 60s in the United States. He is most well-known for his “I Have a Dream” speech, given during the “March on Washington” in 1963. He was a passionate leader in the movement for desegregation and racial equality for African-Americans, and has inspired many people to follow in his steps of nonviolent protest for justice.

Where was he from?

Martin Luther King Jr. was born on January 15th, 1929, in Atlanta, Georgia. At that time, segregation, or the separation of people by race in places such as schools, restaurants, in public transportation, or churches, was the law. Martin experienced racial prejudice as a young person and suffered firsthand from these policies. He grew up in a loving family that believed firmly in racial equality and wanted a better future for their children. He had two siblings. His father was a minister in a church, which inspired Martin to become one as well.

Martin went to Booker T. Washington High School in Atlanta and skipped a couple of grades because he was so intelligent. He went to college at the age of 15 (most people start college at the age of 18!). He continued studying and got his doctorate degree from Boston University, graduating at the age of 25. In 1953, he married Coretta Scott, an author, singer, and civil rights activist, whom he met while studying together. They would go on to have four children. While studying for his doctorate degree, he began working as a minister in the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama.

What were some of his actions as a civil rights activist?

Dr. King was inspired by Mahatma Gandhi, a leader from India, whose methods to fight for India’s independence from colonial England were based on nonviolent protests.

One of his first actions as a civil rights leader was to boycott the public transportation of Montgomery, Alabama. To boycott means to refuse a particular product or service to make a protest or to ask for something to change. This particular boycott began when Rosa Parks, another important civil rights

“I have a dream that my four children will

one day live in a nation where they will

not be judged by the color of their skin

but by the content of their character.”

activist, refused to give up her seat to a white person on a bus in Montgomery. She was arrested and spent a night in jail. After this incident, Dr. King organized the boycott, which lasted over a year and resulted in the desegregation of public transportation in Montgomery.

The speech that made Dr. King internationally known was given in 1963 during the “March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom” in Washington D.C. Approximately 250,000 people marched to show support for civil rights legislation. The march was successful and in 1964, the Civil Rights Act was enacted. This law banned discrimination of employment based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin. It ended racial segregation in private businesses and public facilities, and protected voting rights for minorities. That same year, Dr. King was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his role in the civil rights movement. During his life, he was arrested a few times for his activism, which included peaceful marches, sit-ins, and nonviolent demonstrations. But he never gave up and continued advocating for racial justice and equality. Together with many other civil rights activists, he worked closely with various communities to bring about change.

How did he die?

On April 3rd, 1968, at the age of 39, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was killed in Memphis, Tennessee by a sniper bullet from a former convict who was unhappy with the message that Dr. King was sending. His death was mourned by people in the United States and abroad.

How is he remembered?

After the tragic assassination of Dr. King, the U.S. government made every third Monday of January (in honor of his birthday) a national holiday to commemorate this iconic civil rights leader who helped bring about legislation and improved rights for African Americans. Many streets, parks, and buildings are named after him. There are also statues and memorials all around the world to honor him.

Directions: After reading Martin Luther King Jr.’s biography, find evidence from the text to support or refute each

statement in the table.

Text evidence FOR (support) Statement Text evidence AGAINST (refute) This statement is true because the

text states that _______________



<------True? Why?


False? Why?------>

This statement is false because the

text states that _______________



Martin Luther King Jr. was an important and powerful community organizer who made the United States of America better.

Martin Luther King Jr. believed in violent protest so others would listen to his point.

Martin Luther King Jr. was persistent.

Using evidence gathered in the table, answer the following questions: What were some of Martin Luther King Jr.’s most influential actions for civil rights and why were they so important?

Answer Key

1. Read the section “Jupiter.” Select the sentence from the section that describes the size of the Great Red Spot.

A. It is more than twice as large as all the other planets combined. B. The giant planet has a Great Red Spot. C. The spot is a storm that is bigger than Earth D. The storm is hundreds of years old.

2. Read the paragraph from the section “Venus.”

Venus spins in the opposite direction from most planets. It has a thick atmosphere. An atmosphere is a layer of gas that surrounds a planet. Venus' atmosphere traps heat like a blanket. This makes Venus the hottest planet in our solar system

Which question is answered in this paragraph?

A. How big is Venus? B. Why is Venus so hot? C. What gases are found on Venus D. When was Venus first discovered?

3. What does the section “Mars” show the reader?

A. How Mars has changed B. When Mars was formed C. Who discovered Mars D. Why Mars is cold and dusty

4. If readers are looking for information on the fastest planet, which section should they read?

A. “Mercury” B. “Earth” C. “Saturn” D. “Uranus”

Mathematics Learning Activities Grades 3 – 4

Activities for students in 3rd grade:

Which One Doesn’t Belong?

(Source: wodb.ca)

Look at these clocks. Choose and explain which one you think doesn’t belong. Use the following sentence stems to explain: I think that ___ doesn’t belong because…

Extension: What time is on each clock? What time would it be on each clock in 15 minutes? What time would it be on each clock 15 minutes ago?

Numberless Word Problems (Source: tools4ncteachers.com)

Kelly forgot to set the timer when she put her brownies in the oven. The box says they should cook for ____minutes. She put the brownies in the oven at ______. What time does she need to take them out of the oven?

What do you notice about this problem? What do you wonder? What questions could be asked?

Solve the problem with the following information: Box says to cook for 45 minutes. She puts the brownies in the oven at 1:12 pm.

Extension: Create your own word problem with elapsed time. Have a friend solve it.

Norman’s Number Line

Norman is going to start his homework at 6:00pm. In order to make sure he finishes in time for a 7:00 TV show, Norman draws this number line.

Is Norman’s number line correct? Explain how you know.

Think of what you do every morning. Draw a number line representing the amount of time it took you to do each activity. Write a question about your number line and see if a friend can answer it.

Changing Time: Earlier or Later (source: Howard County Schools)

1. Complete the clocks to show six different times. Be sure the clocks show different hours and minutes.

2. What would the time be for each clock if it were one hour earlier? One hour later? Record your answers on your clock paper.

3. Repeat with other times.

Activities for students in grade 4:


Circle measurements help us to measure angles. For example, ¼ of a rotation around a circle has the measurement of 90 degrees.


Estimate the measurements of the angles above. What would be the angle measurement of a full rotation around the circle?

EXPLAIN: What would be some measurements of some acute angles? Why? What would be some measurements some obtuse angles? Why?

Where might you see a right angle in the real world? Acute angle? Obtuse angle?

Finding Angles:

Find the angles within each shape below and label each angle as “a” for acute, “o” for obtuse, and “r” for right.

These figures are angles. (Two rays come together at a point, called a vertex))

What do you notice about these figures?

What do you wonder about these figures?

Which One Doesn’t Belong

Look at these angles. Choose and explain which one you think doesn’t belong. Use the following sentence stems to explain: I think that ___ doesn’t belong because…

Measuring Angles with a Protractor (Source: Mathbyexample) We use a protractor to help us find the exact measurement of an angle. When you measure an angle you usually have to choose between two numbers because protractors are designed to measure angles that start on either the right or left side.

1.Study Kimmy’s correct work.

3.Study Alex’s incorrect work.

1. Use the protractor to measure the angle. Then record the measurement in degrees.

2. Answer the question:

The ray also crosses over the 135°. Why didn’t Kimmy write that down as her answer?

4. Answer the question:

Alex did not draw an obtuse angle. What type of angle did he draw?

Fill in the blanks to make the statement true.

The measurement of an obtuse angle must be between ___ degrees and ____degrees.

Activities appropriate for any student in grades 3 & 4:

Worth the Weight

Think about how heavy a large paper clip is. A gram is about the weight of the large paper clip. Find five objects you think should be weighed using grams. Create and complete a chart using the following titles:

Object Estimated Weight How I made the estimates?

Extension: A kilogram is about the weight of a large book (like a dictionary). Find five objects you think should be weighed using kilograms. Add this information to your chart.

(Note: Kilo means 1000. A kilogram is 1,000grams. 1 kilogram is about the same weight as 2 pounds) Practice: Which would be the best weight measurement?

Talking Math Adapted from Illustrative Mathematics

Parents - Additional information about the content in these activities and/or answers for the activities can be found at. https://bit.ly/2WdlCMj or by scanning this QR code:

What shapes do you see?

How many rectangles do you see?

Where do you see a rectangle broken into smaller squares?

Grade 3: Where do you see 4-sided shapes in the picture? What are the names of the 4-sided shapes you see? Describe how each shape is similar or different.

Grade 4: Where do you see acute, obtuse, and right angles?


• Draw a real-world item that has acute, obtuse and/or right angles.

ANSWER KEY: Mathematics Learning Activities Grades 3 – 4 Activities for students in 3rd grade: Which One Doesn’t Belong? (Source: wodb.ca) Look at these clocks. Choose and explain which one you think doesn’t belong. Use the following sentence stem to explain: I think that ___ doesn’t belong because…

Possible solutions: I think D doesn’t belong because the time is not within the 1:00 hour. I think that A doesn’t belong because it is the only clock that shows 15 minutes after the hour. Extension: What time is on each clock? A – 1:15; B – 1:45; C – 1:45; D – 4:45 What time would it be on each clock in 15 minutes? A – 1:30; B – 2:00; C – 2:00; D – 5:00 What time would it be on each clock 15 minutes ago? A – 1:00; B – 1:30; C – 1:30; D – 4:30 Numberless Word Problems (Source: tools4ncteachers.com) Kelly forgot to set the timer when she put her brownies in the oven. The box says they should cook for ____minutes. She put the brownies in the oven at ______. What time does she need to take them out of the oven? What do you notice about this problem? What do you wonder? What questions could be asked? Solve the problem with the following information: The box says to cook for 45 minutes. She puts the brownies in the oven at 1:12 pm. Solution: 1:57 pm Extension: Create your own word problem with elapsed time. Have a friend solve it. Norman’s Number Line Norman is going to start his homework at 6:00pm. In order to make sure he finishes in time for a 7:00 TV show, Norman draws this number line.

Is Norman’s number line correct? Explain how you know. Solution: Norman’s number line is incorrect. 19 minutes from 6:25 would be 6:44 and then 15 minutes from 6:44 would be 6:59. Think of what you do every morning. Draw a number line representing the amount of time it took you to do each activity. Write a question about your number line and see if a friend can answer it. Changing Time: Earlier or Later (source: Howard County Schools)

4. Complete the clocks to show six different times. Be sure the clocks show different hours and minutes.

5. What would the time be for each clock if it were one hour earlier? One hour later? Record your answers under the clock.

6. Repeat with other times.

Multiple solutions based on the chosen time. Activities for students in grade 4: NOTICE & WONDER

These figures are angles. (Two rays come together at a point, called a vertex))

What do you notice about these figures?

What do you wonder about these figures?

Multiple solutions

ESTIMATION: Estimate the measurements of the angles above. What would be the angle measurement of a full rotation around the circle? 360 degrees

EXPLAIN: What would be some measurements of acute angles? Why? Any angle between 0 and 90 degrees (but not including 90 degrees) What would be some measurements of obtuse angles? Why? Any angle between 90 degrees and 180 degrees (but not including 90 or 180 degrees) Where might you see a right angle in the real world? Acute angle? Obtuse angle? Multiple solutions Finding Angles: Find the angles within each shape below and label each angle as “a” for acute, “o” for obtuse, and “r” for right.

Which One Doesn’t Belong Look at these angles. Choose and explain which one you think doesn’t belong. Use the following sentence stems to explain: I think that ___ doesn’t belong because…

Multiple Responses. All of the angles are 90 degrees except for the bottom right. The angles are randomly drawn. Measuring Angles with a Protractor We use a protractor to help us find the exact measurement of an angle. When you measure an angle you usually have to choose between two numbers because protractors are designed to measure angles that start on either the right or left side.

1. Study Kimmy’s correct work.

3.Study Alex’s incorrect work.

7. Use the protractor to measure the angle. Then record the measurement in degrees.

2. Answer the question:

The ray also crosses over the 135°. Why didn’t Kimmy write that down as her answer?

135 degrees would be the measure of an obtuse angle where one ray would be parallel to the 0 degree on the left side of the protractor and the other ray would run through the 135 degree measure on the protractor

4. Answer the question:

Alex did not draw an obtuse angle. What type of angle did he draw? An acute angle

Fill in the blanks to make the statement true.

The measurement of an obtuse angle must be between _90_ degrees and _180___degrees.

145 degrees Activities appropriate for any student in grades 3 & 4: Worth the Weight (source: Georgia Dept. of Ed) Think about how heavy a large paper clip is. A gram is about the weight of the large paper clip. Find five objects you think should be weighed using grams. Create and complete a chart using the following titles: Examples of objects that you would measure in grams: pencil, eraser, small apple, and etc. Extension: A kilogram is about the weight of a large book (like a dictionary). Find five objects you think should be weighed using kilograms. Add this information to your chart. Examples of object that you would measure in kilograms: bottle of water, watermelon, gallon of milk, and etc. (Note: Kilo means 1000. A kilogram is 1,000grams. 1 kilogram is about the same weight as 2 pounds) Practice:

Scientific Literacy: The Battery Circuit by Newsela

Batteries store energy in the form of chemicals. Reactions between the electrolyte and the anode produce electrons. These electrons leave the battery at the anode and travel through wires to a device. The movement of electrons creates a current that powers the device. The electrons complete the circuit by entering the battery at the cathode. The battery in this graphic is a model. The insides of batteries are more complicated than what is shown. Graphic: Newsela staff

Batteries are one way the devices we use get energy. They store energy in the form of chemicals. Sometimes, chemicals react with each other to release energy. Batteries are designed to release that energy when it is needed.

There are three parts inside a battery. Two are electrodes and one is an electrolyte. The positive electrode is called the cathode. The negative electrode is called the anode. The electrolyte is a paste that interacts with the electrodes. It also allows ions, atoms that have positive or negative charges, to pass through to the cathode.

Electrons are released during chemical reactions at the anode. They leave the battery at the anode. They travel through wires to a device and then travel back to the battery. The electrons enter the battery at the cathode. Electricity always flows from the anode to the cathode.

Copyright © 2019 Newsela. All rights reserved.

Real World Connections:

With a parent or guardian’s permission, find an object in your home that requires batteries. It can be a game controller, remote control, or flashlight (or any other object that has batteries).

Try removing the batteries. Does the object still work? Explain why or why not using the picture above and explaining the flow of electrons.

Now trying to turn one of the batteries around and putting it back in. Does the object work? Explain why or why not thinking about positive and negative electrodes.

Do you have a toy that uses batteries but is broken? With permission see if you can fit it?

Interpretation and Analysis:

Look at the set-ups in the boxes below. If you think the bulb will light, circle the box. If you do not think the bulb will light, draw in the wire to correct the circuit so that the bulb will light.

It is difficult and time consuming to draw batteries, bulbs and other components of a circuit to show how it has been connected. To simplify this, you can use symbols.


Light bulb



Using the symbols, build a working circuit below:

Online Extension:

Try to create your own circuit with Christmas lights and a 9-volt battery: https://bit.ly/3cZGRIm Try creating your own circuit with battery, lightbulb and tin foil: https://bit.ly/2VQU2FM https://bit.ly/35luNyF https://bit.ly/3bVmXOz Reflections:

How does a light switch work? Look at the picture below and think about how a light switch closes the circuit.

Go on a circuit scavenger hunt and see how many circuits you can find in your home.