2E Monthly Notes September€¦ · 2E Outcomes Information Month of: September2015 Contact Mrs....

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Transcript of 2E Monthly Notes September€¦ · 2E Outcomes Information Month of: September2015 Contact Mrs....

2E Monthly Notes September

Noteworthy •   Our  classroom  website  is  up  and  running!  www.mrsmaxwellconnaught2e.weebly.com  or  access  it  through  the  Connaught  School  Page  by  clicking  on  teachers    •  Munch-­‐a-­‐Lunch  online  lunch  and  snack  

orders  are  available.    Link  on  school  and  teacher  site.    First  hot  lunch  Sept  30.  

 •  The  BriGsh  Band  will  be  presenGng  at  2:00pm  

on  Thursday  in  the  gym!    Parents  welcome.    

Monthly Highlights


Upcoming Events


Feature Student Assembly Thursday, September 24

11:30 am Feature student: Ali

Monthly Celebration

Friday, September 25 2:30pm

Monthly Birthday: Paige

•  Monday,  Sept.  21:  Mindfulness  session  •  Thursday,  Sept  24th:  Feature  Student  

Assembly  (11:30am-­‐  Ali)  •  Friday,  Sept  25th:    Monthly  CelebraGon  

(2:30pm  Birthdays:  Paige))  •  Monday,  Sept.  28:Mindfulness  session  •  Wednesday,  Sept.  30th  :  Hot  Lunch,  Terry  

Fox  Walk/Run  •  Tuesday,  October  6th:  Goal  SeTng  5:30-­‐8:00  •  Wednesday,  Oct  7th:    Goal  SeTng  3:30-­‐6:00    •  Wed.  Oct  7  &  Thurs.  Oct  8:    School  Pictures  •  Friday  October  9th:  No  School  •  Monday,  October  12th:  No  School  

Spelling  starts  Monday,  Sept.  28th  Home  Reading  begins  Monday,  Oct  5th  Word  Sorts  start  Tuesday,  Oct  14th    

Weekly Activities

Library-­‐  Wednesday    DPA/Walk-­‐  Monday,  Tuesday  Music-­‐  Wednesday  &  Friday    Gym-­‐  Wednesday,  Thursday  and  Friday  

•  ALL  STUDENTS  need  indoor  shoes  that  can  be  le\  at  school.  Please  ensure  that  your  child’s  name  is  printed  on  them  J  

2E Outcomes Information

Month of: September2015

Contact Mrs. Maxwell:



Math We  are  have  begun  establishing  our  daily  math  rouGnes  which  involve  our  calendar  and  number  of  the  day.    Students  have  been  learning  about  pa]erns  and  are  focusing  on  idenGfying  the  pa]ern  core.  We  will  learn  to  reproduce  pa]erns,  extend  pa]erns,  create  our  own  pa]erns  and  describe  pa]erns.    We  will  look  at  growing  and  shrinking  pa]erns  too!  

Spelling/Word Sorts

Daily 5/Writing


I  am  currently  assessing  both  spelling  levels  and  le]er/word  knowledge  in  order  to  place  students  in  accurate  groupings  for  both  our  word  sorts  (Words  their  Way)  and  our  weekly  spelling  program.  

Science-­‐  MAGNETS:    Students  will  explore  our  classroom  and  outside  using  a  variety  of  magnets.    They  will  complete  many  science  experiments  and  share  their  ideas  with  classmates.  Social-­‐  Students  will  learn  about  Flat  Stanley  and  then  create  their  own  Flat  person  to  be  sent  to  friends  or  family  in  Canada  and  then  returned  to  our  class.    Le]er  to  come  home  this  week!  

Cooperative Learning & Health

This  week  we  will  begin  our  Daily  5  instrucGon  (read  to  self,  working  on  wriGng,  reading  to  someone,  word  work/spelling  and  listening  to  reading).    Students  will  be  working  on  developing  their  stamina  while  reading  independently  (read  to  self).    We  will  talk  about  the  3  ways  to  read  a  book  and  learn  how  to  pick  “best  fit”  books  using  the  IPICK  strategy.    As  the  children  progress  each  day  we  will  increase  our  independent  reading  Gme  and  when  we  have  reached  8-­‐10  minutes  successfully  I  will  be  introducing  working  on  wriGng.  

Our  Class  website:  www.mrsmaxwellconnaught2e.weebly.com    

We  have  been  working  on  geTng  to  know  our  classmates  and  becoming  comfortable  in  our  table  groups.    The  students  will  be  compleGng  a  reading,  wriGng  and  “How  I  learn  best”  surveys.    We    begin  our  Mindfulness  sessions  with  the  HUG  program  this  week    which  will  help  us  focus  and  learn  calming  strategies  to  be  used  in  our  classroom    

Celebrity  of  the  week  (Sept  21.)-­‐  Ali