28 Old Testament After the Fire a Still Small Voice

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Lesson 28: “After the Fire a Still Small Voice”, Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual, 134; 1 Kings 17-19

Transcript of 28 Old Testament After the Fire a Still Small Voice

“After the Fire a Still Small Voice”

1 Kings 17–19

Lesson 28: “After the Fire a Still Small Voice”, Old Testament Gospel Doctrine

Teacher’s Manual, 134

Put God First by finding Guidance and Comfort in the Words of the Living Prophet and the

Whisperings of the Holy Ghost.

“I draw strength from a simple statement made concerning the Prophet Elijah, who warned King Ahab of drought and famine to come upon the land. But Ahab scoffed. And the Lord told Elijah to go and hide himself by the brook Cherith, that there he should drink of the brook, and that he would be fed by the ravens. And the scripture records a simple and wonderful statement: ‘So he went and did

according unto the word of the Lord.’ (1 Kings 17:5.)

“There was no arguing. There was no excusing. There was no equivocating. Elijah simply ‘went and did according unto the word of the Lord.’ And he was saved from the terrible calamities that befell those who scoffed and argued and questioned” (Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley, CR, Oct. 1971, 159; or Ensign, Dec. 1971, 123–24).

• Elijah seals the heavens against rain, flees from Ahab and Jezebel, and is miraculously sustained in the wilderness

(1 Kings 17:1-6).

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland said:

“I know we can each Do something, however small that Act may seem to be. We can Pay an Honest Tithe and Give our Fast and freewill Offerings. … … And we can watch for other ways to Help. To worthy causes and needy people, we can Give Time if we don’t have money, and we can Give Love when our time runs out. We can Share the loaves we have and Trust God that the Cruse of Oil will Not Fail”

(Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, CR, Apr. 1996, 41; or Ensign, May 1996, 31).

• The Lord sends Elijah to a widow who gives him food and water

• At his command the barrel of meal and the cruse of oil of the widow of Zarephath fail not

(1 Kings 17:7-16)

Elder Holland said …that the widow’s response when Elijah asked her for food was an “Expression of Faith—as great, under these circumstances, as any I know in the scriptures. … Perhaps uncertain what the Cost of

her Faith would be, …she first took her small loaf to Elijah, obviously Trusting that if there were not enough bread left over, at least she and her son would have died in an Act of Pure Charity” (Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, CR, Apr. 1996, 39; or Ensign, May 1996, 29).

President Ezra Taft Benson taught: “When we put God first, all other things fall into their proper place or drop out of our lives. Our love of the Lord will govern the claims for our affection, the demands on ourtime, the interests we pursue, and the

order of our priorities. …  “May God bless us to put [him] first and, as a result, reap peace in this life and eternal life with a fulness of joy in the life to come” (Pres. Ezra Taft Benson, CR, Apr. 1988, 3, 6; or Ensign, May 1988, 4, 6).

Elijah raises

the widow’s

son from

the dead

(1 Kings 17:17-24).

In the third year of the famine, the Lord

commanded Elijah, “Go [show] thyself to Ahab;

and I will send rain upon the earth”

(Ahab blamed Elijah for the famine.)

As Elijah had requested, Ahab gathered all of Israel and 850 false

priests at Mount Carmel

When the people gathered to hear Elijah speak, he asked them,

“How long halt ye between two opinions?”

(1 Kings 18)

Elder Neal A. Maxwell said: “The stirring words of various prophets … urge us to choose, to decide, and not to halt.

… Elijah’s message has tremendous relevancy today, for all must finally choose between the gods of this world and the God of Eternity” (Elder Neal A Maxwell, That My Family Should Partake [1974], 22).

After more than two years of famine, Elijah meets with Ahab and challenges the priests of Baal to call down

fire from heaven to consume their sacrifice (1 Kings 18:1-2, 17-24) .

Elijah flees into the wilderness and is fed by an angel. Elijah goes to Horeb, where he is comforted by the Holy Ghost and instructed to continue in God’s work (1 Kings 19).

God Comforts Elijah on Mount Horeb

When a news reporter asked President Hinckley how he communicates with God, the prophet responded,

“I think the best way I could describe the process is to Liken it to the Experience of Elijah as set forth in the Book of First Kings. Elijah spoke to the Lord, and there was a wind, a great wind, and the Lord was Not in the wind. And there was an earthquake, and the Lord was Not in the earthquake. And there was a fire, and the Lord was Not in the fire. And after the fire a Still, Small Voice, which I describe as the Whisperings of the Spirit” (Pres. Gordon B. Kinckley, CR, Oct. 1996, 71; or Ensign, Nov. 1996, 51).

President Ezra Taft Benson taught: “Do you take time to Listen to the Promptings of the Spirit?

Answers to Prayer come most often by aStill Voice and are Discerned by our Deepest,

Innermost Feelings.

I tell you that You Can Know the Will of God concerning yourselves if you will Take the Time to Pray and to Listen” (Pres. Ezra Taft Benson, CR, Oct. 1977, 46; or Ensign, Nov. 1977, 32).

We will be Comforted and Guided

as we put God First and Heed the

Whisperings of the Holy


Joseph Smith said: “The Spirit, Power, and Calling of Elijah is, that ye have Power to hold the Key of the Revelations, Ordinances, Oracles, Powers and Endowments of the Fulness of the Melchizedek Priesthood and of the Kingdom of God on the earth; and to Receive, Obtain, and Perform all the Ordinances belonging to the Kingdom of God, even unto the Turning of the Hearts of the Fathers unto the Children, and the Hearts of the Children unto the Fathers, even those who are in Heaven. …  “I wish you to understand this subject, for it is important; and if you Receive IT, this is the Spirit of Elijah, that we Redeem our Dead, and Connect Ourselves WITH our Fathers which are in Heaven, and Seal up our Dead to Come Forth in the First Resurrection; and here we want the Power of Elijah to Seal those who dwell on Earth to those who dwell in Heaven. This is the Power of Elijah and the Keys of the Kingdom of Jehovah” (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Joseph Fielding Smith [1976], 337–38).

The Spirit of Elijah

The Spirit of Elijah refers to the work we do “to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the children to the fathers”

(D&C 110:15). This work includes Family History Research and Temple Work for the Living and the Dead. We call it the Spirit of Elijah because Elijah restored the Keys of the Sealing Power of the

Priesthood to Joseph Smith (D&C 110:13–16). Through this Power, Sealing Ordinances can be performed that unite Families for
