28-Day Advanced Course in Yoga: Day 1yogaartandscience.com/pblog/assets/AdvancedYoga.pdfPincha...

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Transcript of 28-Day Advanced Course in Yoga: Day 1yogaartandscience.com/pblog/assets/AdvancedYoga.pdfPincha...

Yogaart+science28-Day Advanced Course in Yoga: Day 1

Surya Namaskar (2 sets/3-5 rounds)• 2 sets/3-5 rounds each• One simple set, one more challenging

Vrkshasana (Tree Pose)

Utthita Trikonasana (Extended Triangle Pose)

Virabhadrasana 1 (Warrior Pose 2)

Virabhadrasana 3 (Warrior Pose 3)

Parshvottanasana (Intense Side Stretch Pose)

Prasarita Padottanasana 1 (Wide Spread Feet Pose 1)

Prasarita Padottanasana 2 (Wide Spread Feet Pose 2)

Padangusthasana (Big Toe Pose)

Padahastasana (Hand Under Foot Pose)

Uttanasana (Intense Stretch Pose)

Urdhva Prasarita Ekapadasana (One Foot Extended Up Pose)

Bharadwajasana 2 (Bharadwaja’s Pose 2)

Adho Mukha Vrkshasana (Hand Stand)

Pincha Mayurasana (Forearm Stand)

Salamba Shirshasana 1 (Head Stand 1)

Supta Virasana (Reclined Hero Pose)

Setu Bandha (Bridge Pose)

Salamba Sarvangasana 1 (Shoulder Stand)

Halasana (Plough Pose)

Shavasana (Corpse Pose)

Dharana (Meditation)• Sitting upright on padding with the back supported• Simple focus: counting breaths, mantra repetition, etc.

© 2007 Witold Fitz-Simonwitold@wyoga.com http://www.yogaartandscience.com

Yogaart+science28-Day Advanced Course in Yoga: Day 2

Surya Namaskar (2 sets/3-5 rounds)• 2 sets/3-5 rounds each• One simple set, one more


Bharadwajasana 2 (Bharadwaja’s Pose 2)

Adho Mukha Vrkshasana (Hand Stand)

Pincha Mayurasana (Forearm Stand)

Salamba Shirshasana 1 (Head Stand 1)

Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclined BoundAngle Pose)

Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose)• Full pose with shins together

Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose)• Forward extension, sitting between


Adho Mukha Ardha Padmasana (DownwardFacing Half Lotus Pose)

Ardha Baddha Padma Pashchimottanasana(Half Bound Lotus Intense West Stretch Pose)

Yoga Mudrasana (Yogic Seal Pose)

Parvatasana (Mountain Pose)

Lolasana (Tremulous Pose)

Tolasana (Scale Pose)

Urdhva Kukkutasana (Upward Cockerel Pose)

Galavasana (Galava’s Pose)

Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose)• Roll behind knees

Setu Bandha (Bridge Pose)

Salamba Sarvangasana 1 (Shoulder Stand)

Halasana (Plough Pose)

Shavasana (Corpse Pose)

Dharana (Meditation)• Sitting upright on padding with the

back supported• Simple focus: counting breaths,

mantra repetition, etc.

© 2007 Witold Fitz-Simonwitold@wyoga.com http://www.yogaartandscience.com

Yogaart+science28-Day Advanced Course in Yoga: Day 3

Surya Namaskar (2 sets/3-5 rounds)• 2 sets/3-5 rounds each• One simple set, one more


Bharadwajasana 2 (Bharadwaja’s Pose 2)

Adho Mukha Vrkshasana (Hand Stand)

Pincha Mayurasana (Forearm Stand)

Salamba Shirshasana 1 (Head Stand 1)

Setu Bandha (Bridge Pose)

Salamba Sarvangasana 1 (Shoulder Stand)

Halasana (Plough Pose)

Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose)

Maha Mudra (The Great Seal)

Janu Shirshasana (Head of the Knee Pose)

Parivrtta Janu Shirshasana (Revolved Head ofthe Knee Pose)

Ardha Baddha Padma Pashchimottanasana(Half Bound Lotus Intense West StretchPose)

Triang Mukhaikapada Pashchimottanasana(Three Limbs Facing Intense West StretchPose)

Krounchasana (Heron Pose)

Marichyasana 1 (Marichi’s Pose1)

Eka Pada Mula Bandhasana (Single Leg RootLock Pose)

Marichyasana 2 (Marichi’s Pose 2)

Marichyasana 5 (Marichi’s Pose 5)• Also known as Marichyasana E in the

Ashtanga Vinyasa System

Vajrasana (Tunderbolt Pose)• With roll behind knees

Shavasana (Corpse Pose)

Dharana (Meditation)• Sitting upright on padding with the

back supported• Simple focus: counting breaths,

mantra repetition, etc.

© 2007 Witold Fitz-Simonwitold@wyoga.com http://www.yogaartandscience.com

Yogaart+science28-Day Advanced Course in Yoga: Day 4

Adho Mukha Shvanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose)• Head supported on block

Salamba Shirshasana 1 (Head Satnd 1)

Jathara Parivartanasana (Belly Turning Pose)• 3-5 blankets under legs, pelvis and lower ribs

Parshva Bharadwajasana (Side Bharadwaja’s pose)• Lie sideways over bolster/blankets with legs bent

Sarvangasana over chair (Shoulder Stand)

Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclined Bound Angle Pose)

Supta Virasana (Reclined Hero Pose)• Over bolster

Setu Bandha (Bridge Pose)• Over Bolster

Viparita Karani (Upside Down Pose)

Shavasana (Corpse Pose)

Dharana (Meditation)• Sitting upright on padding with the back supported• Simple focus: counting breaths, mantra repetition, etc.

© 2007 Witold Fitz-Simonwitold@wyoga.com http://www.yogaartandscience.com

Yogaart+science28-Day Advanced Course in Yoga: Day 5

Surya Namaskar (2 sets/3-5 rounds)• 2 sets/3-5 rounds each• One simple set, one more challenging

Paripurna Navasana (Full Boat Pose)

Ardha Navasana (Half Boat Pose)

Ubhaya Padangusthasana (Both Big Toes Pose)

Urdhva Mukha Pashchimottanasana 1 (Upward Facing Intense West Stretch Pose 1)

Urdhva Mukha Pashchimottanasana 2 (Upward Facing Intense West Stretch Pose 2)

Akarna Dhanurasana (Bowto to Pose)

Jathara Parivartanasana (Belly Turning pose)

Urdhva Prasarita Padasana (Upward Extended Feet Pose)

Mayurasana (Peacock Pose)

Chakrasana (Wheel Pose)

Bharadwajasana 2 (Bharadwaja’s Pose 2)

Adho Mukha Vrkshasana (Hand Stand)

Salamba Shirshasana 1 (Head Stand 1)

Viparita Dandasana (Inverted Staff Pose)• Over chair

Setu Bandha (Bridge Pose)

Salamba Sarvangasana 1 (Shoulder Stand)

Halasana (Plough Pose)

Shavasana (Corpse Pose)

Dharana (Meditation)• Sitting upright on padding with the back supported• Simple focus: counting breaths, mantra repetition, etc.

© 2007 Witold Fitz-Simonwitold@wyoga.com http://www.yogaartandscience.com

Yogaart+science28-Day Advanced Course in Yoga: Day 6

Surya Namaskar (2 sets/3-5 rounds)• 2 sets/3-5 rounds each• One simple set, one more


Bharadwajasana 2 (Bharadwaja’s Pose 2)

Adho Mukha Vrkshasana (Hand Stand)

Pincha Mayurasana 1 (Forearm Stand)

Salamba Shirshasana 1 (Head Stand 1)

Viparita Dandasana (Inverted Staff Pose)• Over chair

Malasana (Garland Pose)

Bakasana (Crow Pose)

Eka Hasta Bhujasana (One Hand and ArmPose)

Ashtavakrasana (Ashtavakra’s Pose)

Eka Pada Bakasana 1 (Single Leg Crow Pose1)

Eka Pada Bakasana 2 (Single Leg Crow Pose2)

Dwi Hasta Bhujasana (Two Hand and ArmPose)

Bhujapidasana (Pressure on the Arm Pose)

Tittibhasana (Firefly Pose)

Vishvamitrasana (Vishvamitra’s Pose)

Eka Pada Koundinyasana 2 (Single LegKoundinya’s Pose 2)

Setu Bandha (Bridge Pose)

Salamba Sarvangasana 1 (Shoulder Stand)

Halasana (Plough Pose)

Shavasana (Corpse Pose)

Pratyahara (Sense Withdrawal)• Lying in Shavasana with a head

wrap, focusing on releasing thesense organs

Dharana (Meditation)• Sitting upright on padding with the

back supported• Simple focus: counting breaths,

mantra repetition, etc.

© 2007 Witold Fitz-Simonwitold@wyoga.com http://www.yogaartandscience.com

Yogaart+science28-Day Advanced Course in Yoga: Day 7

Complete Rest


Shavasana (Corpse Pose)

Ujjayi 4 (Emphasis of Inhalation and Exhalation – Reclined)• Lying in Shavasana with the trunk supported

Nadi Shodhana 1b (Basic Alternate Nostril Breathing – Seated)• Sitting upright on padding with the back supported

Pratyahara (Sense Withdrawal)• Lying in Shavasana with a head wrap, focusing on releasing the sense organs

Dharana (Meditation)• Sitting upright on padding with the back supported• Simple focus: counting breaths, mantra repetition, etc.

© 2007 Witold Fitz-Simonwitold@wyoga.com http://www.yogaartandscience.com

Yogaart+science28-Day Advanced Course in Yoga: Day 8

Surya Namaskar (2 sets/3-5 rounds)• 2 sets/3-5 rounds each• One simple set, one more challenging

Utthita Trikonasana (Extended Triangle Pose)

Virabhadrasana 2 (Warrior Pose 2)

Utthita Parshvakonasana (Extended Side Angle Pose)

Parighasana (Gate Pose)

Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose)

Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana (Revolved Half Moon Pose)

Parivrtta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle Pose)

Parivrtta Parshvakonasana (Revolved Side Angle Pose)

Ardha Baddha Padma Padottanasana (Half Bound Lotus Intense West Stretch Pose)

Garudasana (Eagle Pose)

Bharadwajasana 2 (Bharadwaja’s Pose 2)

Adho Mukha Vrkshasana (Hand Stand)

Pincha Myaurasana (Forearm Stand)

Salamba Shirshasana 1 (Head Stand 1)

Supta Virasana (Reclined Hero Pose)

Setu Bandha (Bridge Pose)

Salamba Sarvangasana 1 (Shoulder Stand)

Halasana (Plough Pose)

Shavasana (Corpse Pose)

Dharana (Meditation)• Sitting upright on padding with the back supported• Simple focus: counting breaths, mantra repetition, etc.

© 2007 Witold Fitz-Simonwitold@wyoga.com http://www.yogaartandscience.com

Yogaart+science28-Day Advanced Course in Yoga: Day 9

Surya Namaskar (2 sets/3-5 rounds)• 2 sets/3-5 rounds each• One simple set, one more challenging

Bharadwajasana 2 (Bharadwaja’s Pose 2)

Adho Mukha Vrkshasana (Hand Stand)

Pincha Myaurasana (Forearm Stand)

Salamba Shirshasana 1 (Head Stand 1)

Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclined Bound Angle Pose)

Adho Mukha Ardha Padmasana (Downward Facing Half Lotus Pose)

Adho Mukha Padmasana (Downward Facing Lotus Pose)

Parvatasana (Mountain Pose)

Simhasana 2 (Lion Pose 2)

Matsyasana (Fish Pose)

Gorakshasana (Cowherd Pose)

Baddha Padmasana (Bound Lotus Pose)

Supta Vajrasana (Reclined Thunderbolt Pose)

Parshva Padmasana in Sarvangasana (Side Lotus in Shoulder Stand)

Uttana Padma Mayurasana (Intense Stretch Lotus Peacock Pose)

Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose)• With roll behind knees

Setu Bandha (Bridge Pose)

Salamba Sarvangasana 1 (Shoulder Stand)

Halasana (Plough Pose)

Shavasana (Corpse Pose)

Dharana (Meditation)• Sitting upright on padding with the back supported• Simple focus: counting breaths, mantra repetition, etc.

© 2007 Witold Fitz-Simonwitold@wyoga.com http://www.yogaartandscience.com

Yogaart+science28-Day Advanced Course in Yoga: Day 10

Surya Namaskar (2 sets/3-5 rounds)• 2 sets/3-5 rounds each• One simple set, one more


Bharadwajasana 2 (Bharadwaja’s Pose 2)

Adho Mukha Vrkshasana (Hand Stand)

Pincha Mayurasana (Peacock Feather Pose)

Salamba Shirshasana 1 (Head Stand 1)

Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclined BoundAngle Pose)

Setu Bandha (Bridge Pose)

Salamba Sarvangasana 1 (Shoulder Stand)

Halasana (Plough Pose)

Padangusthasana (Big Toe Pose)

Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana (Half boundLotus Intense Stretch Pose)

Akarna Dhanurasana (Bow to Ear Pose)

Janu Shirshasana (Head of the Knee)

Parivrtta Janu Shirshasana (Revolved Head ofthe Knee Pose)

Ardha Baddha Padma Pashchimottanasana(Half Bound Lotus Intense west StretchPose)

Ardha Matsyendrasana 2 (Half Lord of theFishes Pose 2)

Upavishtha Konasana (Seated Angle Pose)

Parshva Upavishtha Konasana (Side SeatedAngle Pose)

Parivrtta Upavishtha Konasana (RevolvedSeated Angle Pose)

Pashchimottanasana (Intense West StretchPose)

Parivrtta Pashchimottanasana (RevolvedIntense West Stretch Pose)

Shalabhasana (Locust Pose)

Shavasana (Corpse Pose)

Dharana (Meditation)• Sitting upright on padding with the

back supported• Simple focus: counting breaths,

mantra repetition, etc.

© 2007 Witold Fitz-Simonwitold@wyoga.com http://www.yogaartandscience.com

Yogaart+science28-Day Advanced Course in Yoga: Day 11

Adho Mukha Shvanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose)• Head supported on block

Salamba Shirshasana 1 (Head Satnd 1)

Jathara Parivartanasana (Belly Turning Pose)• 3-5 blankets under legs, pelvis and lower ribs

Parshva Bharadwajasana (Side Bharadwaja’s pose)• Lie sideways over bolster/blankets with legs bent

Sarvangasana over chair (Shoulder Stand)

Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclined Bound Angle Pose)

Supta Virasana (Reclined Hero Pose)• Over bolster

Setu Bandha (Bridge Pose)• Over Bolster

Viparita Karani (Upside Down Pose)

Shavasana (Corpse Pose)

Dharana (Meditation)• Sitting upright on padding with the back supported• Simple focus: counting breaths, mantra repetition, etc.

© 2007 Witold Fitz-Simonwitold@wyoga.com http://www.yogaartandscience.com

Yogaart+science28-Day Advanced Course in Yoga: Day 12

Surya Namaskar (2 sets/3-5 rounds)• 2 sets/3-5 rounds each• One simple set, one more challenging

Bharadwajasana 2 (Bharadwaja’s Pose 2)

Adho Mukha Vrkshasana (Hand Stand)

Pincha Mayurasana (Forearm Stand)

Salamba Shirshasana 1 (Head Stand 1)

Supta Virasana (Reclined Hero Pose)

Shalabhasana (Locust Pose)

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana (Upward Facing Dog Pose)

Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

Parshva Dhanurasana (Side Bow Pose)

Ushtrasana (Camel Pose)

Bekhasana (Frog Pose)

Padangustha Dhanurasana (Big Toe Bow Pose)

Gherandasana 1 (Gheranda’s Pose 1)

Gherandasana 2 (Gheranda’s Pose 2)

Ardha Halasana (Half Plough Pose)• Over a chair

Marichyasana 3 (Marichi’s Pose 3)

Janu Shirshasana (Head of the Knee Pose)

Pashchimottanasana (Intense West Stretch Pose)

Shavasana (Corpse Pose)

Dharana (Meditation)• Sitting upright on padding with the back supported• Simple focus: counting breaths, mantra repetition, etc.

© 2007 Witold Fitz-Simonwitold@wyoga.com http://www.yogaartandscience.com

Yogaart+science28-Day Advanced Course in Yoga: Day 13

Surya Namaskar (2 sets/3-5 rounds)• 2 sets/3-5 rounds each• One simple set, one more


Bharadwajasana 2 (Bharadwaja’s Pose 2)

Adho Mukha Vrkshasana (Hand Stand)

Pincha Mayurasana (Forearm Stand)

Salamba Shirshasana 1 (Head Stand 1)

Viparita Dandasana (Inverted Staff Pose)• Over chair

Adho Mukha Ardha Padmasana (DownwardFacing Half Lotus Pose)

Malasana (Garland Pose)

Marichyasana 1 (Marichi’s Pose 1)

Marichyasana 2 (Marichi’s Pose 2)

Marichyasana 3 (Marichi’s Pose 3)

Marichyasana 4 (Marichi’s Pose 4)

Marichyasana 5 (Marichi’s Pose 5)• Also known as Marichyasana E• Forward extension with one leg in


Marichyasana 6 (Marichi’s Pose 6)• Also known as Marichyasana F• Twist with on leg in Virasana

Kurmasana (Tortoise Pose)

Eka Pada Shirshasana (Single Leg Behind theHead Pose)

Marichyasana 7 (Marichi’s Pose 7)• Also known as Marichyasana G• Forward extension with one leg in

Eka Pada Shirshasana)

Marichyasana 8 (Marichi’s Pose 8)• Also known as Marichyasana H• Forward extension with one leg in

Eka Pada Shirshasana)

Setu Bandha (Bridge Pose)

Salamba Sarvangasana 1 (Shoulder Stand)

Halasana (Plough Pose)

Shavasana (Corpse Pose)

Dharana (Meditation)• Sitting upright on padding with the

back supported• Simple focus: counting breaths,

mantra repetition, etc.

© 2007 Witold Fitz-Simonwitold@wyoga.com http://www.yogaartandscience.com

Yogaart+science28-Day Advanced Course in Yoga: Day 14

Complete Rest


Shavasana (Corpse Pose)

Ujjayi 4 (Emphasis of Inhalation and Exhalation – Reclined)• Lying in Shavasana with the trunk supported

Nadi Shodhana 1b (Basic Alternate Nostril Breathing – Seated)• Sitting upright on padding with the back supported

Pratyahara (Sense Withdrawal)• Lying in Shavasana with a head wrap, focusing on releasing the sense organs

Dharana (Meditation)• Sitting upright on padding with the back supported• Simple focus: counting breaths, mantra repetition, etc.

© 2007 Witold Fitz-Simonwitold@wyoga.com http://www.yogaartandscience.com

Yogaart+science28-Day Advanced Course in Yoga: Day 15

Surya Namaskar (2 sets/3-5 rounds)• 2 sets/3-5 rounds each• One simple set, one more challenging

Adho Mukha Ardha Padmasana (Downward Facing Half Lotus Pose)

Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana (Half Bound Lotus Intense Stretch Pose)

Vatayanasana (Horse Pose)

Bharadwajasana 2 (Bharadwaja’s Pose 2)

Adho Mukha Vrkshasana (Hand Stand)

Padmasana in Adho Mukha Vrkshasana (Lotus Pose in Hand Stand)

Pincha Mayurasana (Forearm Stand)

Padmasana in Pincha Mayurasana (Lotus Pose in Forearm Stand)

Salamba Shirshasana 1 (Head Stand 1)

Padmasana in Shirshasana (Lotus Pose in Head Stand)

Parshva Padmasana in Shirshasana 1 (Side Lotus Pose in Head Stand)

Pindasana in Shirshasana (Lotus Pose in Head Stand)

Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclined Bound Angle Pose)

Setu Bandha (Bridge Pose)

Salamba Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)

Padmasana in Sarvangasana (Lotus Pose in Shoulder Stand)

Parshva Padmasana in Sarvangasana (Side Lotus Pose in Shoulder Stand)

Uttana Padma Mayurasana (intense Stretch Lotus Peacock Pose)

Halasana (Plough Pose)

Shavasana (Corpse Pose)

Dharana (Meditation)• Sitting upright on padding with the back supported• Simple focus: counting breaths, mantra repetition, etc.

© 2007 Witold Fitz-Simonwitold@wyoga.com http://www.yogaartandscience.com

Yogaart+science28-Day Advanced Course in Yoga: Day 16

Surya Namaskar (2 sets/3-5 rounds)• 2 sets/3-5 rounds each• One simple set, one more challenging

Bharadwajasana 2 (Bharadwaja’s Pose 2)

Adho Mukha Vrkshasana (Hand Stand)

Pincha Mayurasana (Forearm Stand)

Salamba Shirshasana 1 (Head Stand 1)

Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclined Bound Angle Pose)

Ardha Matsyendrasana 1 (Half Lord of the Fishes Pose)

Pashasana (Noose Pose)

Parshva Bakasana (Side Crow Pose)

Dwi Pada Koundinyasana (Double Leg Koundinya’s Pose)

Eka Pada Koundinyasana 1 (Single Leg Koundinya’s Pose 1)

Eka Pada Koundinyasana 2 (Single Leg Koundinya’s Pose 2)

Eka Pada Galavasana (Single Leg Galava’s Pose)

Urdhva Kukkutasana Upward Cockerel Pose)

Galavasana (Galava’s Pose)

Parshva Kukkutasana (Side Cockerel Pose)

Yogadandasana (Yoga Staff Pose)• Arm balance variation

Setu Bandha (Bridge Pose)

Salamba Sarvangasana 1 (Shoulder Stand)

Halasana (Plough Pose)

Shavasana (Corpse Pose)

Dharana (Meditation)• Sitting upright on padding with the back supported• Simple focus: counting breaths, mantra repetition, etc.

© 2007 Witold Fitz-Simonwitold@wyoga.com http://www.yogaartandscience.com

Yogaart+science28-Day Advanced Course in Yoga: Day 17

Surya Namaskar (2 sets/3-5 rounds)• 2 sets/3-5 rounds each• One simple set, one more


Virasana/Parvatasana (Mountain Pose in HeroPose)

Virasana/Garudasana Arms (Eagle Pose arms inHero Pose)

Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose)• Full pose

Pashchima Namaskar Padmasana (Reverse PrayerPose in Lotus Pose)

Vashisthasana 1 (Vashistha’s Pose 1)

Chaturanga Dandasana (Four Limbed Staff Pose)

Purvottanasana (Intense East Stretch Pose)

Bharadwajasana 1 (Bharadwaja’s Pose 1)

Bharadwajasana 2 (Bharadwaja’s Pose 2)

Adho Mukha Vrkshasana (Hand Stand)• With hand position variations: hands

turned out and back

Pincha Mayurasana (Forearm Stand)• With arm position variations: palms

turned up as well as down

Shirshasana 1 (Head Stand 1)

Shirshasana 2 (Head Stand 2)

Shirshasana 3 (Head Stand 3)

Baddha Hasta Shirshasana (Bound Hand HeadStand)

Mukta Hasta Shirshasana (Free Hand Head Stand)

Supta Virasana (Reclined Hero Pose)

Setu Bandha (Bridge Pose)

Salamba Sarvangasana 1 (Shoulder Stand 1)

Salamba Sarvangasana 2 (Shoulder Stand 2)• With arm variations: both finger

interlocks, palms turned up and out,down and out

Niralamba Sarvangasana 1 (Unsupported ShoulderStand 1)

Niralamba Sarvangasana 2 (Unsupported ShoulderStand 2)

Halasana (Plough Pose)• With arm variations: both finger

interlocks, palms turned up and out,down and out


Dharana (Meditation)• Sitting upright on padding with the

back supported• Simple focus: counting breaths,

mantra repetition, etc.

© 2007 Witold Fitz-Simonwitold@wyoga.com http://www.yogaartandscience.com

Yogaart+science28-Day Advanced Course in Yoga: Day 18

Adho Mukha Shvanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose)• Head supported on block

Salamba Shirshasana 1 (Head Stand 1)

Jathara Parivartanasana (Belly Turning Pose)• 3-5 blankets under legs, pelvis and lower ribs

Parshva Bharadwajasana (Side Bharadwaja’s pose)• Lie sideways, face down over bolster/blankets with legs bent

Sarvangasana over chair (Shoulder Stand)

Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclined Bound Angle Pose)

Supta Virasana (Reclined Hero Pose)• Over bolster

Setu Bandha (Bridge Pose)• Over Bolster

Viparita Karani (Upside Down Pose)

Shavasana (Corpse Pose)

© 2007 Witold Fitz-Simonwitold@wyoga.com http://www.yogaartandscience.com

Yogaart+science28-Day Advanced Course in Yoga: Day 19

Surya Namaskar (2 sets/3-5 rounds)• 2 sets/3-5 rounds each• One simple set, one more


Bharadwajasana 2 (Bharadwaja’s Pose 2)

Adho Mukha Vrkshasana (Hand Stand)

Pincha Mayurasana (Forearm Stand)

Sayanasana (Pose of Repose)

Salamba Shirshasana 1 (Head Stand 1)

Supta Virasana (Reclined Hero Pose)

Hanumanasana (Hanuman’s Pose)

Eka Pada Raja Kapotasana 1 (Single Leg KingPigeon Pose 1)

Eka Pada Raja Kapotasana 2 (Single Leg KingPigeon Pose 2)

Eka Pada Raja Kapotasana 3 (Single Leg KingPigeon Pose 3)

Eka Pada Raja Kapotasana 4 (Single Leg KingPigeon Pose 4)

Rajakapotasana (King Pigeon Pose)

Ganda Bherundhasana (Formidable CheekPose)

Padangustha Dhanurasana (Big Toe BowPose)

Kapinjalasana (Kapinjala’s Pose)

Natarajasana (King Dancer Pose)

Ardha Halasana (Half Plough Pose)• Over chair

Marichyasana 3 (Marichi’s Pose 3)

Janu Shirshasana (Head of the Knee Pose)

Pashchimottanasana (Intense West StretchPose)

Shavasana (Corpse Pose)

Dharana (Meditation)• Sitting upright on padding with the

back supported• Simple focus: counting breaths,

mantra repetition, etc.

© 2007 Witold Fitz-Simonwitold@wyoga.com http://www.yogaartandscience.com

Yogaart+science28-Day Advanced Course in Yoga: Day 20

Surya Namaskar (2 sets/3-5 rounds)• 2 sets/3-5 rounds each• One simple set, one more


Supta Padangusthasana 1 (Reclined Big Toe Pose 1)

Supta Padangusthasana 2 (Reclined Big Toe Pose 2)

Supta Padangusthasana 3 (Reclined Big Toe Pose 3)

Parivrtta Supta Padangusthasana (RevolvedReclined Bog Toe Pose)

Anantasana (Vishnu’s Couch pose)

Uttana Padasana (Face Up Leg Pose)

Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana 1 (Extended HandTo Big Toe Pose 1)

Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana 2 (Extended HandTo Big Toe Pose 2)

Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana 3 (Extended HandTo Big Toe Pose 3)

Parivrtta Hasta Padangusthasana (Revolved Handto Big Toe Pose)

Bharadwajasana 2 (Bharadwaja’s Pose 2)

Adho Mukha Vrkshasana (Hand Stand)

Eka Pada Adho Mukha Vrkshasana (SingleLeg Hand Stand)

Parshvaikapada Adho Mukha Vrkshasana(Single Leg to the Side Hand Stand)

Salamba Shirshasana (Head Stand)

Eka Pada Shirshasana (Single Leg HeadStand)

Parshvaikapada Shirshasana (Single Leg tothe Side Head Stand)

Viparita Dandasana (Inverted Staff Pose)• Over chair

Setu Bandha (Bridge Pose)

Salamba Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)

Eka Pada Sarvangasana (Single Leg ShoulderStand)

Parshvaikapada Sarvangasana (Single Leg tothe Side Shoulder Stand)

Halasana (Plough Pose)

Shavasana (Corpse Pose)

Dharana (Meditation)• Sitting upright on padding with the

back supported• Simple focus: counting breaths,

mantra repetition, etc.

© 2007 Witold Fitz-Simonwitold@wyoga.com http://www.yogaartandscience.com

Yogaart+science28-Day Advanced Course in Yoga: Day 21

Complete Rest


Shavasana (Corpse Pose)

Ujjayi 4 (Emphasis of Inhalation and Exhalation – Reclined)• Lying in Shavasana with the trunk supported

Nadi Shodhana 1b (Basic Alternate Nostril Breathing – Seated)• Sitting upright on padding with the back supported

Pratyahara (Sense Withdrawal)• Lying in Shavasana with a head wrap, focusing on releasing the sense organs

Dharana (Meditation)• Sitting upright on padding with the back supported• Simple focus: counting breaths, mantra repetition, etc.

© 2007 Witold Fitz-Simonwitold@wyoga.com http://www.yogaartandscience.com

Yogaart+science28-Day Advanced Course in Yoga: Day 22

Surya Namaskar (2 sets/3-5 rounds)• 2 sets/3-5 rounds each• One simple set, one more


Bharadwajasana 2 (Bharadwaja’s Pose 2)

Adho Mukha Vrkshasana (Hand Stand)

Pincha Mayurasana (Forearm Stand)

Salamba Shirshasana 1 (Head Stand 1)

Supta Virasana (Reclined Hero Pose)

Padmasana (Lotus Pose)

Parvatasana (Mountain Pose)

Tolasana (Scale Pose)

Simhasana 2 (Lion Pose 2)

Matsyasana (Fish Pose)

Kukkutasana (Cockerel Pose)

Garbha Pindasana (Embryo in the WombPose)

Baddha Padmasana (Bound Lotus Pose)

Yoga Mudrasana (Yogic Seal Pose)

Supta Vajrasana (Reclined Thunderbolt Pose)

Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose)• With roll behind knees.

Setu Bandha (Bridge Pose)

Salamba Sarvangasana 1 (Shoulder Stand)

Halasana (Plough Pose)

Shavasana (Corpse Pose)

Ujjayi 4 (Emphasis of Inhalation andExhalation – Reclined)

• Lying in Shavasana with the trunksupported

Nadi Shodhana 1b (Basic Alternate NostrilBreathing – Seated)

• Sitting upright on padding with theback supported

Pratyahara (Sense Withdrawal)• Lying in Shavasana with a head

wrap, focusing on releasing thesense organs

Dharana (Meditation)• Sitting upright on padding with the

back supported• Simple focus: counting breaths,

mantra repetition, etc.

© 2007 Witold Fitz-Simonwitold@wyoga.com http://www.yogaartandscience.com

Yogaart+science28-Day Advanced Course in Yoga: Day 23

Surya Namaskar (2 sets/3-5 rounds)• 2 sets/3-5 rounds each• One simple set, one more


Bharadwajasana 2 (Bharadwaja’s Pose 2)

Adho Mukha Vrkshasana (Hand Stand)

Pincha Mayurasana (Forearm Stand)

Salamba Shirshasana 1 (Head Stand 1)

Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclined BoundAngle Pose)

Vashisthasana 1 (Vashista’s Pose 1)

Vashisthasana 2 (Vashista’s Pose 2)

Kasyapasana (Kasyapa’s Pose)

Eka Hasta Bhujasana (Single Leg and ArmPose)

Ashtavakrasana (Ashtavakra’s Pose)

Kurmasana (Tortoise Pose)

Supta Kurmasana (Sleeping Tortoise Pose)

Bhujapidasana (Pressure on the Arms Pose)

Tittibhasana (Firefly Pose)

Eka Pada Koundinyasana 2 (Single LegKoundinya’s Pose 2)

Vishvamitrasana (Vishvamitra’s Pose)

Setu Bandha (Bridge Pose)

Salamba Sarvangasana 1 (Shoulder Stand)

Halasana (Plough Pose)

Shavasana (Corpse Pose)

Ujjayi 4 (Emphasis of Inhalation andExhalation – Reclined)

• Lying in Shavasana with the trunksupported

Nadi Shodhana 1b (Basic Alternate NostrilBreathing – Seated)

• Sitting upright on padding with theback supported

Pratyahara (Sense Withdrawal)• Lying in Shavasana with a head

wrap, focusing on releasing thesense organs

Dharana (Meditation)• Sitting upright on padding with the

back supported• Simple focus: counting breaths,

mantra repetition, etc.

© 2007 Witold Fitz-Simonwitold@wyoga.com http://www.yogaartandscience.com

Yogaart+science28-Day Advanced Course in Yoga: Day 24

Surya Namaskar (2 sets/3-5 rounds)• 2 sets/3-5 rounds each• One simple set, one more


Bharadwajasana 2 (Bharadwaja’s Pose 2)

Adho Mukha Vrkshasana (Hand Stand)

Pincha Mayurasana (Forearm Stand)

Salamba Shirshasana 1 (Head Stand 1)

Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclined BoundAngle Pose)

Malasana (Garland Pose)

Bakasana (Crow Pose)

Bhujapidasana (Pressure on the Arm Pose)

Tittibhasana (Firefly Pose)

Kurmasana (Tortoise Pose)

Supta Kurmasana (Sleeping Tortoise Pose)

Eka Pada Shirshasana (Single Leg Behind theHead Pose)

Skandasana (Skanda’s Pose)

Yoga Nidrasana (Yogic Sleep Pose)

Yoga Dandasana (Yogic Staff Pose)

Yoga Dandasana Balance (Yogic StaffBalance)

Supta Virasana (Reclined Hero Pose)

Setu Bandha (Bridge Pose)

Salamba Sarvangasana 1 (Shoulder Stand)

Halasana (Plough Pose)

Shavasana (Corpse Pose)

Ujjayi 4 (Emphasis of Inhalation andExhalation – Reclined)

• Lying in Shavasana with the trunksupported

Nadi Shodhana 1b (Basic Alternate NostrilBreathing – Seated)

• Sitting upright on padding with theback supported

Pratyahara (Sense Withdrawal)• Lying in Shavasana with a head

wrap, focusing on releasing thesense organs

Dharana (Meditation)• Sitting upright on padding with the

back supported• Simple focus: counting breaths,

mantra repetition, etc.

© 2007 Witold Fitz-Simonwitold@wyoga.com http://www.yogaartandscience.com

Yogaart+science28-Day Advanced Course in Yoga: Day 25

Adho Mukha Shvanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose)• Head supported on block

Salamba Shirshasana 1 (Head Stand 1)

Jathara Parivartanasana (Belly Turning Pose)• 3-5 blankets under legs, pelvis and lower ribs

Parshva Bharadwajasana (Side Bharadwaja’s pose)• Lie sideways over bolster/blankets with legs bent

Sarvangasana over chair (Shoulder Stand)

Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclined Bound Angle Pose)

Supta Virasana (Reclined Hero Pose)• Over bolster

Setu Bandha (Bridge Pose)• Over Bolster

Viparita Karani (Upside Down Pose)

Shavasana (Corpse Pose)

© 2007 Witold Fitz-Simonwitold@wyoga.com http://www.yogaartandscience.com

Yogaart+science28-Day Advanced Course in Yoga: Day 26

Surya Namaskar (2 sets/3-5 rounds)• 2 sets/3-5 rounds each• One simple set, one more


Bharadwajasana 2 (Bharadwaja’s Pose 2)

Adho Mukha Vrkshasana (Hand Stand)

Pincha Mayurasana (Forearm Stand)

Sayanasana (The Pose of Repose)

Salamba Shirshasana 1 (Head Stand 1)

Supta Virasana (Reclined Hero Pose)

Paryankasana (Couch Pose)

Vrischikasana 1 (Scorpion Pose 1)• With feet on chair

Vrischikasana 1 (Scorpion Pose 1)

Vrischikasana 1 (Scorpion Pose 1)• Drop-backs/hop-ups from chair

Urdhva Dhanurasana (Upward Bow Pose)

Viparita Chakrasana (Inverted Wheel Pose)

Vrischikasana 2 (Scorpion Pose 2)

Vrischikasana 2 (Scorpion Pose 2)• Drop-backs/hop-ups from stool or


Urdhva Dhanurasana (Upward Bow Pose)• Drop-backs from Tadasana

(Mountain Pose)

Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana (Double LegInverted Staff Pose)

Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana• Drop-backs/hop-ups from

Shirshasana 1 (Head Stand)

Mandalasana (Mandala Pose)

Ardha Halasana (Half Plough Pose)• Over chair

Marichyasana 3 (Marichi’s Pose 3)

Janu Shirshasana (Head of the Knee Pose)

Pashchimottanasana (Intense West StretchPose)

Shavasana (Corpse Pose)

Ujjayi 4 (Emphasis of Inhalation andExhalation – Reclined)

• Lying in Shavasana with the trunksupported

Nadi Shodhana 1b (Basic Alternate NostrilBreathing – Seated)

• Sitting upright on padding with theback supported

Pratyahara (Sense Withdrawal)• Lying in Shavasana with a head

wrap, focusing on releasing the senseorgans

Dharana (Meditation)• Sitting upright on padding with the

back supported• Simple focus: counting breaths,

mantra repetition, etc.

© 2007 Witold Fitz-Simonwitold@wyoga.com http://www.yogaartandscience.com

Yogaart+science28-Day Advanced Course in Yoga: Day 27

Surya Namaskar (2 sets/3-5 rounds)• 2 sets/3-5 rounds each• One simple set, one more


Urdhva Prasarita Padasana (Upward ExtendedFeet Pose)

Jathara Parivartanasana (Belly Turning Pose)

Bharadwajasana 2 (Bharadwaja’s Pose 2)

Adho Mukha Vrkshasana (Hand Stand)

Pincha Mayurasana (Forearm Stand)

Salamba Shirshasana 1 (Head Stand 1)

Parshva Shirshasana (Side Head Stand)

Parivrttaikapada Shirshasana (RevolvedSingle Leg Head Stand)

Urdhva Dandasana (Upward Staff Pose)

Viparita Dandasana (Inverted Staff Pose)

Setu Bandha (Bridge Pose)

Parshva Setu Bandha (Side Bridge Pose)

Eka Pada Parshva Setu Bandha (Single LegSide Bridge Pose)

Salamba Sarvangasana 1 (Shoulder Stand)

Eka Pada Parshva Sarvangasana (Single LegSide Shoulder Stand)

Parshva Sarvangasana (Side Shoulder Stand)

Eka Pada Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (SingleLeg Bridge Pose in Shoulder Stand)• Dropping back

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose inShoulder Stand)• Dropping Back

Halasana (Plough Pose)

Supta Konasana (Reclined Angle Pose)

Parshva Halasana (Side Plough Pose)

Karnapidasana (Pressure on the Ear Pose)

Parshva Karnapidasana (Side Pressure on theEar Pose)

Shavasana (Corpse Pose)

Ujjayi 4 (Emphasis of Inhalation andExhalation – Reclined)

• Lying in Shavasana with the trunksupported

Nadi Shodhana 1b (Basic Alternate NostrilBreathing – Seated)

• Sitting upright on padding with theback supported

Pratyahara (Sense Withdrawal)• Lying in Shavasana with a head

wrap, focusing on releasing thesense organs

Dharana (Meditation)• Sitting upright on padding with the

back supported• Simple focus: counting breaths,

mantra repetition, etc.

© 2007 Witold Fitz-Simonwitold@wyoga.com http://www.yogaartandscience.com

Yogaart+science28-Day Advanced Course in Yoga: Day 28

Complete Rest


Shavasana (Corpse Pose)• 15 to 30 minutes

Ujjayi 4 (Emphasis of Inhalation and Exhalation – Reclined)• Lying in Shavasana with the trunk supported

Nadi Shodhana 1b (Basic Alternate Nostril Breathing – Seated)• Sitting upright on padding with the back supported

Pratyahara (Sense Withdrawal)• Lying in Shavasana with a head wrap, focusing on releasing the sense organs

Dharana (Meditation)• Sitting upright on padding with the back supported• Simple focus: counting breaths, mantra repetition, etc.

© 2007 Witold Fitz-Simonwitold@wyoga.com http://www.yogaartandscience.com