2711 NC21 and 2711 NC22 Cables for the PanelView

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ConfigurCION DE CABLE 2711 NC 21/22

Transcript of 2711 NC21 and 2711 NC22 Cables for the PanelView

Q19928 - 2711-NC21 and 2711-NC22 cables for the PanelView

Last Modified: 07/16/2002

Previously Released as #13911

The 2711-NC21 and NC22 cables are 9 pin to 8 pin mini-din cables designed originally to

connect a PV300 Keypad or a xxx5, xxx9 or xxx16 terminal directly to a ML1000, 1200 or

1500 processor.

They only differ by the length: The NC21 is 16.4ft (5 meter) The NC22 is 49 ft (15 meter)

The pinout of this cable is: PV AIC+, ML1000 9 pin 8 pin (Rt. Angle) DCD 1 -------- 5 DCD TXD 2 -------- 4 RXD RXD 3 -------- 7 TXD GND 5 -------- 2 GND 4 ---| 6 ---| RTS 7 -------- 3 RTS ; RTS/CTS are not crossed. They must be crossed when used with a

Belden network. CTS 8 -------- 6 CTS

Problem: The problem is when the NC21/NC22 is connected to an AIC+ and a Belden cable is also

connected. The handshaking pins are required in this setup and the handshaking pins not

crossed. They are required to be crossed for handshaking to occur with the Belden cable.

If Belden is not used, the handshaking pins are not required.

Alternatives: Use a 1761-CBL-PM02 or a 2711-CBL-PM05 with a null modem adapter.

Or, add a 9 to 9 pin adapter to the NC21 cable with pins 7 and 8 crossed. But don't re-

cross pins 2 and 3, they are already crossed.

May 2002: New cables that correct the handshaking pins are available as Ser A Rev B.


General Category: s EOIProduct(s): PanelViewCatalog #: 2711ND3

Series / Revision:Subject

(Keyphrases):Summary of

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The new pinout of this cable is: PV AIC+, ML1000 9 pin 8 pin (Rt. Angle) DCD 1 -------- 5 DCD TXD 2 -------- 4 RXD RXD 3 -------- 7 TXD GND 5 -------- 2 GND 4 ---| 6 ---| RTS 7 -------- 6 CTS ; RTS/CTS are now crossed with a Ser A Rev B cable. CTS 8 -------- 3 RTS

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