24 - DBD · - Ministry seeks to resume small-lot rice sales in August Fair trade certification...

Post on 25-Jun-2020

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Transcript of 24 - DBD · - Ministry seeks to resume small-lot rice sales in August Fair trade certification...


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- Ministry seeks to resume small-lot rice sales in August

Fair trade certification urged

Sihasak reassures EU team over juntas reform roadmap

- QUICK NEWS II Pension scheme for farmers proposed

- Farmer happiness down from August

- FTI upbeat about domestic car sales


-Temporary charter should further boost confidence

CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough

2557 1

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1Ui(]lJfllLzillu Jl1ll1vl~fl The 1st ASEAN Plastics Awards



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2557 fo

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~J LL ~middotIieurol~lU~~tJm~t~(1) nJ ~ Ieuroleuroln

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4 bull - I

b~tlU J bull

~~d ~iiiltJ-ii111u~~tln-rjUl~fl~-ld O)ll-llulU~~LLiJUlltl~m~l-l1~~

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1bVJ61~Vlb~6 J~ nan~lr1~ 2557

~ ~




Igoluns~nusA I [wctcltJl[]U gtlnrii-lfJlIlLL~tilti1EJ middot 11ti~~flm6ilti~ 5 LL~ti~ti 1M

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11 nTl)lJ1fJ-E11L~ElUiil 5 LWU~U LUU

tJ1mruhimn l11mlJ1fJriElU~NiilN~i] -E~1)JlUl~n1iil 2557255l 1ElElnmlu

lh ~ L~~U (0111 11 middotmiddot I11)~Yl1Jnm111 (1~1(1-E11)J1noJn middot LLvil11nN~N~(1-E11

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)ll11fflElEl n-E111YlfJffU)J1LUU~Uiil 4~0 Ll11EJQlll1fj -E11L1EJ(1U1)J~U~ 420

Ll11Jrulll1f~ bull-


VliiIJJVln bull fjn lI~JJLntl~iWmm1fj ~)jUrnlJJlJYIV1ULLl1 ln1lVlim~tl~nii8u lJW1JU11lJ

310 Ylm~JJ 4 f1LLUU m~middotlVIillhlVI~ i1)jl1~~~aWi1mlJJ ltlJJ8EWi 327 IlLLUU LnllVlimN

~lJt11 Yf~vJJLLU~ll(JniloVI1thvhJJ ilmt11w Uahfli1l1il L~Vl1(iL~J jj~UIl11lJ~1lW 31

l1~ulillriYiTIJJLIlitl~iiY Yi~rulf6lf Ullll lv1LvLL~Ui1l1V11 I1UUU rtluLnllVlimW~llvi1mi

L~iJU1~ 5 UU~ L~JJ I1U LnllVlilj~iiAl1lJllllU1lV~llVl U1VaJJ~n~ n~lhl(ilJU lUj~1Jlnnflultl~ilLUU 7851 ~1V1fUi~1Jl1l1lJfillll1ll

iJltAVln1iliUlI11iL~8nliLn1lVli LVlV aill (lll tillU 111 JJ Ill Ln1lVllnl11~llai1UL~ULI1iln1lrU

LlOl al1mrumiLmlVli (lina) lJ8llnllilin~ltllLVlA1V1v LLUl lthUl-nl1 Wml Ln1lVlimlj1l11JJ

LlJVlll-JVl1 ~WJNv una1riltli1lt1 LiJU1Ji1mA ~ti 1l1I1n(l1l n ~lllJl r1lllJLviJJ1UlJl1l~1Ui ~U IIl1lJ~Vl Lnu ll 8ln ~JJ(i1 8 Ull tillUA11lJfi1J1lWi 29911UUU lJ1n~IVl aiUI1LLUULO~V 335

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JJV2557 ~l-nEl i~Ul1lllJfilJ L11111l jj~il11lJ~ll8~~ 313 LVl VLnll(iJlni ~tl~n-nll rtlU1 l1l1lj

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d a l1lLUUlWu 310 ltI1nlLUWVllJ ll(]l~~fJ~im~tl~nr~r11iiP~1Jil JElnltnnti VllllilllLIlillshy

4 llUU LVlULnlVlmiljAl1JJIIlJ 1111lJltllllllltlVlJEWi 328 11 lLUU nllvlpoundJIl~ll1~liJ 2557 ~llU1U bull v

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1 cr~1l1 f)~M1U IfI~u]I1lJ1 poundJU-WflmVl ~] ItlJ Ifl~V]I11J1poundJ1tJiu] fl UJfllll fiJ r11 ~lii 1J1 mii1 Ji~U 11 f)~ J~1J~1J flli flii 1l

r1l [)~U f11i1~1liN1JCl O-ltl f)~U-lLL~iif)I1~lUifll)U~JltI~l] rJ IH ri1111011 ffJ r11UV-J1Vl uJ] lU ~ ~1 m poundIlJtJilVl fHI~1l ~1

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30 Cl-lr1m ~-lnJ]~ltlJf)cilJ~Lhuf)VUf11i 1tJlluo]ltII1mru

1Pl1-l 1 llvlV-liiii f)~lU1UlJ1 f)~ v~1j f) 51~1l 1lJ11J1~lJlu1m]f11i ltv bull tdV ~ dJQ bull

(PI] n~11 mlJll~illJlJV f)UI1U1UJ1Ull mHiCl-lU lliUllilU f)~lJ

tl 1l lt11 11 mllJ u111lm~u lt1111 milJ~ I~ (mJuJ11UlJltlU11l~~ lU1~llJlJVH1li111VJflm~hiiJ1 f)]U


lutJf)~llHmn1unWWllnru1~villM1li1~-l f)ci11

V01-lUuU 6 l~VU llCllfiCl11tJu51 mlJll~1l1l1lJI4fl~milJ Vlf)U l~V1111l f)V-l r1mv1M1um11tJllIKV-lVi1llJ~ elf) If) ruevi

Hq1fl1l1lJ1 1l J~lUU U] ffU r111111J1 f)~lt1 ff1111U f) cilJ ffU r1nt1

1~1U1lnIlWflm lhf)vU~lU lJ11 ~lll1av] lTUrl1UI1elJ

crutJ) unL1U ffUTl1n] uviMiif11JI11~vllm~uhrf)cilJ ffU r11~] ll~tJilJ-l 11 elJ~l f) tl f)ltII11V1UUtyf)1i~ lICl ffU ~1 ~lUlill i] ~lU 11hIf) ~lJif11UlJlHm1IlwfllliVl OUlJ1 f)iiu

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1J1 f) UU f)1l1f)1l1UU flliltl~1-lml4elf)Iru~~UV~ffUr111V1 poundI 115

0] IlJU f11ifJf) i i1JJ1 fl1 ffUr11111fJJ~1U~lUlJ1 1l Hi1U ll~J1 m

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f)~1 60 U llJUiUUf11ir11iluuluf11mf1-lfll1lJltlUliillJ

1u f)ll~lliJU~J Oil111ll fi ~r11 ll~ qin rilU l~ UllJV] ~111vi l~lImf)lqflfi1l qUUiJtJ qu~1f)fi illJvf-lil1illH-l1U

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1Ui1 mv1 ItlUliiilJ l~ ~u11f) fIltIllJliocffv irUr11in fl um 114

1u J1 mi lulili JilJ 1IiU f)J U V f)1l1 f)if~~vi1-l1U f)vu~] r1f1i

InHlllillhl1uri1 1lUU llllU~ lI1lJ1 ltllJ v iiltlm-w 11lcr ulJ1u f)1ivi1-l1Ui~ iifll1lJtJCltlI1V 1liof)iinUI~V-lIl4f1 iHh A ~

llftllf1 1l llClf11lt1m


1UWmU1~ 12 ~) tJYVli]nmn111nr1~l~U I I1r1f1tJVI1~]

cO _I ~ ~ UtJ~UtJ]IitJ TltJlJiI1V~Vi(1]]lU

hn1tJU 1limyl

~n~lilln~(tJlJ mY1~vlli~~vl ~lilif)rU lmllilu~~NJ111U i um1]lli~I11lJU~)1 11(1 cJilrUI ~UU1~m~lJ

A ~ I A I A A ~ I1lJlllllJ)ilV l~TlYlTlUll(1 1~il~~YIliUVli

nullll mlJll~Vi V~UYI1lUiUfJ1l rJiJ~l~vu ftJ VII () 1 UtJU1TlVl U1Vl nilJu~) i1~llJ1ifi

~111 ~uQl~~ J

b I r I JJ YI d D 0fJ07nl1U7 1

A ~ 1 d 111il1nmY]tJ1llVlV li)V(1~ l(1nitJU 1(1] li lU

)]fl)i~ifilll~U(~tJ rllI~~lJfniyjtJll~v)lluu lli~tJl~lJlJU 1I(1111ll1111

HlJ(1Yl1ltl HlihmufnU

I1~tJ ~~ II U(1l1 ~Uf1ll1Ui~ 111If li1 Unli ~ _ 1 ~ d U l dA

Iml~i l1itJ~~lllJ(1]lUUlmtJl UtJtJnl1lllU

1 UJ1 l~wil~~YIilu~inullllnilJll~Vi v~U llllUl1Jl1J1l~ U~l5VU1tJVII ()

mL~Ell~mnjt1itmUUi1~i1rurulUEll~U1VItJlh ~ u u

LL1fllJEllT~fl LtJ~~rlBrlilLtIUVI1lf)11LLal l~El Lem1~1~a L~ElW~lllUlvJiAh bull hUvlJJ1h 14

tI J d I

llJtJn(11 1000 U )Ull 23 nTl ll ilIIUiluluHh1VliftU~1U~U 1 lliU

l1lM1U fl1V1UI1~U1Uih~11i1U ~U1l mlJ1ifllrJUnl11Ui~J1 l~tJ1~Unmn1ltlVj Vl(11~ tJ U1mn~~ il UUlllJ~ Vi (1)lllJinVl

bull cO li1l1Jffii) il )VlIIH 1l1f)jlJ~iiYi111llll11itJ1fnT bull 1 -11 d 1 d Ifd c lJi1i1UUil1YI Tl(1U~W(1 ltJUIU)iV WUlVl)i

lViiff i1n~ Ilfi(1lu1)liJ~~)U1VlniilJ111li

aUyJi1Ii~ llltJ~U1V IgU~U I1~tJl~vn-)l

l1ltJ~~hii1 ~I11lJ1Hnul~tJl~VffiiiU~IIUU Vi~l~lUlI~~mY1VlV l~V~I1lbvllU~1I (1

l~mliU Vl(1tJ~IlUUili1liU~~1 III liTblJlilJ

U1Vlf)jilJ111111 tJU~lU)UlJ1n tJ1Y1 Vi (1 Vl bull

lJi)1V1~lJl1 ~f)jwUj UllrUllU11m~~~u ~ ~ J i lit

lJ1imU1V)iTnYl lTl)liVlU 1(1U11lnli

II ~l tJ 1Y1 VlV I1~tJ i~tJ 11l)~fh ii~~lllJUl~tJ 1YlVffii~UIIU]J HVi~lllUlyJvhll(1Vi~lllU

Q 1 IitCLI YI ~I lit ~ v ll~101llVlV l~tlmU)iltll~Tl~UiYlll~UU mtl

nlil11Vi~l]1U1I~lmY1VlVil1nll1m~ll1(1~ ~~

~ltJciuUI1~lm 4 IlfiU HIll111jl~lnUVi~l ]1Ul1lUVllVltJ~ lJaUyJilliYllrJUYl) t11l1UYl mi

~1t1Vi~l1l1nulJ)lVltJ5~l~tln~ll1ltJ~fhii~ ~lV milJlyJliJVllTl~)ltlU~cH1t1-lJ)1 lrJUYl)IlU

d 1~I lTl(1tJUlitJ I1luU1ll1U1

Vi (1 tJlllJjn~ mh)~tJ~11Url)UlJtJ]

Yl)l~tJ1hn)u~)vtJ (1iit UVlJUU1~i)1luU ~


U1 5 VlU f))1l 260 IlJm m1lJV1)UUIl1n

nilU~tJ UilJ1lU 6-7 llJm Ul180 1l1U9lllJVli

J111rn 1974 in(1n~lJ fiUJ1~n 20 ll1U~llJVl~ I cO~d d1

1I(11Y1lJ1ifl~Tl4l~ 20 lltN lJm1~lil Ufni

l~UYI1lUilJ1ru 8 fihllJ~i~tJi)1lJl ~ 3

1 UW~UU1Vl 10 ~) UUliJuWJilVII)l 1m

I1~tJlrJU lTl~)l~UtJtJncill ilU1 UJ11~l lfUrlU

Vi (1 fllllJinVl mh) Yd I GI

~lYtJUni1 VllU~)U)l mNil1nmi

liJ~Yl) l~)Vi~ll1UlllYltJ1Y1llV 1~~~lYu1 Il

ll ~ (1 tJlrl ~)Vi ~ll1U Ilffl m Y1 Vl61 ~ tIU1 tIlliU

ll~NIIl~iU tJ1V 74 iJ li1) llmJmmm nri1)V OJ 11

I l ~ ff ) 1 lli1U U 1 ) l ifl Vi (1]l1 U II ~l fl1l1 Vl tIil1 n

I1r~~vYllJ~l~iii1)ff~~lfi~m1lJ~111IYm bull 1 middot A A 1 d uin)U1iinlll~UIi) lJVlUllU U1i)lUfll ~lVd d~d v U1lJUlJi1m~l tJnlll llJ)lJlffm~ll1 (1~ ~ J J~ ~ 1 v

U)VlmilJli4UlC1nU1~ lil IVii1l uUVi(1lllU


Urull U1lUUllUl nm))l U)VlniilJ I

~Ui1Il l~Ull1ll~)n1 I1111l1nuNuintJun1i bull

i~Ul~)I1~)~~mlJ1ifll111111 ~~pfi lIUUrll

lritJllllnull~uUi1fi1J1lJU~i1fnllVil un~l l I1lJ1nUmi~llJ11JillJiJl~tJ1YlV~1i~lUY)fll J IJ I I ~ v

IllV) LVii1 llJ~lr-l(1mYlUVltJ~lll)(1tllJ

v dd1 v I d ~i1]fl1ViMlIrull~ I1llnf)1ill)llllV) 1Ytl~

Tl~)lnu Vi(1 ~lJi)1V1ilJU ~f)jwUyj M lllY~lTm~II1U-)l U1VlfiilJ~U~(itJ lrJ~Yl1l l~)n1 I1liYi~r1l~ml11(1(i)l~U~tJVifil~1U

llfflmY1Vlv(lmnIJ)llm) lrJUiJiJUl1Jl1J1Ufl~ I

TlUillV ffilJ1ifll11Vi~]l1UlllYltJ1Y1~VlJ1H v

Ui 1VliU lliritJ1l1lfi~fmhn1)U unnl

J1lJUllif)1 11(1 lrimYitiunuf)1lHlTl~tJltJu~ 1Uuil~uU

lJlUCllYICl J~~m ttllJlfinlH1fl~nlllJnlJ~lJfm)~~UnJlIl (ilf1U) ()liljJ~dhitiflfl 1~-Jl llwlhdlJJI11mJ~]j VlllfhHm(lm~lj~H ll~1HlJJl IUIlrmiddotltJll i HI 1J] 11 (fflU 11[ ~rulaquoJll V1ll~hh~nDUnljf)ll~~HjllDjtf1f1 1~tli1 J nKuijD~iJlI~)l 1Jjll~n~lJllnUJlnl1lJl1 J(lI~Ifitnntmlll~lJ

~ V I 11

lfI~U11f1fl llui l1lU dhJJll11jvt11vlJDHhhuClI1U1-Jlllmlllnml1111dh lr~ UUllliJJvi1111r~jJntlumjjjfiu11111 ~lJ IIlU1l-liili Ull 3IlD(h~u~IUUllll 1lllJ1ll11hmn fl~JJ1jlj~f1J r~Jltum~Dn D111ll llCllJWJUUlf1r)J OJlllmii1lJ R1~ U~DJV1rIUlm Tlul llt1W1Dn~Ju

m1JIllnl~~~YilJDDn~mllJl1iufhli1JnlH h UUlllUlJipl(WviRufhHCnU l1Jili Ul~U~1l l n ETflU 1lUDmllJ~ JlJJJD~llJmllJ1llrflJi vnDH

iU(llJlJUllll Hq)dluv1~ 1l~jjlJlru1iufh~Ulj~1jUulllnh~lJ ~~Dl1l111lH 1-11DOlluUljl~ihJD i l-iClIlCl~1 Yh~1l1IUU I~D~~UDlJrill1UIl i l-ilill~hJ riu1Tf1fllihi1Ji1IlI~DnffD1i14Al T9itJlihlHllaquowr~ln~ U(J~I~UJnUnlljrU JllUlllUlljJnrul1~DJhltnu 15 ll1D1j1iUfh~uj)lmuluDclln~ 3 il~ CllllJJlJlruUDJUll~nruoViClJ u~~~r~Cl~~D~uV)unm-l~~ClI1Cl~~JtJ 4 UflJUll~nluoVi ciJlll UlUU1J ~DJHljDnu111JJUjl]j~I~UJltiuJ lllll

II q tJ I ct 0 oi tJ r 0 v shyllllnll(1lJ~lllC1Uflll1CllnllUyenl IlIll mlJU1lJ~JYmlUUl1D U~nl1 nlnn~D~C11HnlJlJ m~V1lJJllrullU C1111nJluflru nlllJllllDlMll --

UJllliHiUljlIl~lJfh~1l~11J()[Jti~ 17-31 ~JUIllllJHl1jl~~J~11J 23-41 I( Cl U 1 (uu) m lJd -11 Cf1lJfI (lji1WmCl~ ~-1U JI1 ~DlJ UCl m lJfll UfllJ llJJ1I~lih i l1l flpflUUlllUJ~~Ull~ ll-ilvtq) J~IUllfmlt1l~~UmJnll lJClYlEI 1~uuDnlJl~l III lflJUfllJ1l-iltU1l 1lU 1~Dnmiddotll1UIlIl ulm~jllllil VlCll01lJuJrijlnDUIlll t1~ viJJ iuHitlunf1fllJlIl)un9fD~ufh ~JUlJll U 1111 fJlllJllllllllll ~uJnll

IV ff


~U1~1Villi LnU~~J bull IV a

Vi1u~~f)Li11~~~ cu

inmhv-liil 111Pi~~ Llllnnn1lIHU

ml~nll~~IllfJlNu~tllll (iilIlU) LtJ~ Lmrh iilIlU1Lliru~lLLVlUN1llnilUn1l ~lU~U~l ~tltllll ~ LLiiliJ~Tfl~ll tJ111qj

Llilml11~ilL~illJf)1l-11iltJ(l~lJU1~UWl neu]~Uri1 vflLLJj~W mJLl1lll 1l1~Ull~

~ eil tmiddotwnnVJiln fl1111l LL(llJUJJ1JUL~fn

lllYlm~~ l1~IIlnMillVi~f)tlnpoundi~ml1

~Uril Lb(hvjUl11JU1~Ulllnru-naUril

l1flltJJjU~jjlJU1~1-1niLnuI~~ LLvimmru

flU~l~Ullljj1JU1~ L~lL~~ ~lEllltrnl1l-1N u~lnll Llt]11~ei~ Llltlniftl~U~lt~ tJVilJl1~ vlutrlLn(1J 1JruLtiitJ1nUnlltJrU(l~~~1~ lJillmllnru-nll~viiilt-J(ltiiiitlnllll~ ~UVlUn1lt-J~(9I~ltJ

~ltJrllv-llli1~lTh 1UltJampu iilIlU


l1~ii 01LUU1tJMiilJEl1-Xiil~~lLVh~~1 LUU

Lflf)I~Utll1 rhl1U~1i~uyjl11mtJ1U

Ulllnru]~tll1JlLi)u 151f)~~U~1 ~Ul1ll1tJ1umjLilu 3 middotlu 4 lJtllU~ll

I -

leu] Illu1UltJtJ11 ~f)ll111ilnUmbtJ lluViLnmllfllLl1U mYlll1f)(9Iiilll1flll)J

mm11WlrulJEJ hTnllUIlOJnll)Jnll

fl1l11lLL(lm tltJ ) nl~poundilLiiI~)Jlruinv-l

LL(l~I LL1~~fl~ LLllnl~ll1ull)J)JllVlH L~tlfltln~l(91ln1lIl1UIl)Jll-1ll(9ltU L~fl rill1U~ LL UlvriltJllu~l l-1dJ U~lmriu LtiitJlnU

~lnn1lIl~(9Ill1~U~ll1iilltJlIil~ Lliu

1l~)JU1JI~J1~ltJd~f) lJUl~lJl(91vit-IDJl11 1l~~iiWUyjl11fl~(il 17 -31 poundi1ULLJj~v-l

iiiiviuyjl11 23-41 NU~tllIlUl1ll tJ

flTIILlilhei(9l~~11~U~1flJl(91111qjlll 1iitl~~lruiill LLvi1~11i lJruLtiimnUnlJ

L~iJ1JU1~ if~vh1~Ntl~nflU nllll ~uYlU I ~

LVl)Jt~tJ1Jl~1 LtJU Eine)~l1ifl LtJUn1l~U Ltlaf)miwmnlt(9ltJ11i Ll1JEinvr1tJmiddot middotUl tJ


I)cJ4 flJfl~lV1dJ 2557

~)J~lh~fl1l1Jmi~~r111lillilfl-1J~TilflIVl)JIJ~lV11Jiiilnrucrl Q I Q

I 1 ~tJ m f IHl tlfl tJIil l fI 11 VI U~ 1 A I1lHl fl11)J lH)Jl tl)J

I1~Iiynlll1Jmiilnrucnmlhn~il~jiJ~111111~() 17-41bull u

IEI U1lfll)J~)Jj1l ritl~lh1l1lflflt)lI1iJ~~~1NM~ 15

UltdhVHI 1 ~ffff1 IClII115 nliflUl m i lJnmgtlJm fl~NUnilfl (ffflU) mh yil 1W51l if ffflU~ i~()~11111U~lhnfl1jmi

Q -11 Qi 1 d 1 mUffUfllflJ ilfl UCl1li lilflilV lHU 1IJ1111111 l flmmm I1l11VClfl

IJUlf11liilt1~llniYUtil i~ UlIlJtl (11I1Cl1 fl1lJ1Jm) fol~in~t)n tI bull

fll11li 11ClU~1lIJtJlfiv1 Cl~llm~lJ a d I I cs I iJ ~ I

UltJfllYl Cl flCll1Clnll fffllJ ff ~lllJt)t)mrll~n~ffUfllIlClll I1U 11

~Ul~1li i llt1ruovliYUti1l1mpoundJlIij~iiIJill~ 1 I1uitnU ~1 ~ uli 111111 UIbull u

~ d CS 10 d 0 i)ll C1 i Q

llUrm11lii ~llIJUl~II1]lfllJ ~~fll~lll I1rj1li flfllIJl ~fol~nWnlft)

iYUTi11~V~ hJ1~liU ff-lIflVl IJ 01 I~V 10U nmHuCl~111111U1Ut)-l QI QI I d I iJ CI

U i i ~ilUIYI tl ~ V~ ff ~folCl ~vHl~ U 11 U n 1 i folCl ~ Cl~Cl-lmV I Qo iJ ~ I d oc d ~lnmiill(lnllffUflll1mVlIUfi 1llU flilllJl~-lfol111mVtJI1fl

IJUlf1IJ1~~H1liillfl111ii1fW~1mllii-1 17-31 ~hUIIlIllYl~li~U~ 11-1 23-41 Ur~~1li11111nliVil~Ul~U1f1~U ii~ hlil1~Il1JU flUU~-1uUV11-1flli~CllJ lJfl-1N11n flfllJ nli l~fll-1 i 1l1riNunilfl 11 1

l~an4fl iY U ~ll1liNUnilflU 1~ i lVfllll1l 1Ii1ill)~MhiUTilrlIJ 1~ il1~ iU tl 1 Ilii llilJlUlI~lliU uli YWlll i 111~1nfilJii tl~ ij~ I~V1

U lfrf31Yi~flci11fl n11 nllU flfl11lJ ~1lJjjf)~~ fuh) lou J~u~iU fffllJ 1lIJ flfl11115 111iifl iJlllfl 1111ffl1mh ri flU 11 r t) 11111J U 1111~

nIJfl hiCl~Clmil~~ll~U l1it)-1~Ufll~nl11UVl1riiU~11~illV1 U

lJi 1 li101ovl~fl~ hltnU 15 115 fliiiYUtil~1Ji 1~illtJ1UflflinU 3 1 U ~

4 lJt)~lJi1~nUlYI

ri1U iU i VV 11 iiifl-1 I11rtlf1U I1ti 1tJ -11U ~ MV1jt) -1 lli U 0 QI

mm 1-1 f2V1ffl11m111 mll 11~liltlJ lIV _lllU n~lUflOlflnllflU bull I sJ

fll111m~Vl (flV) fljllff~m111lrufllliIl~ff-1111V1Clflll IIClmll

fl1Uflllll ClVilJ fl flflll 1mfll1 fl1lJfllJ1lfiVlI1lU I~flfhl1 U VIIIU 1111~ 11~j~1riI1JU 11 WI 11U1~V10U U ltJtilliClfla 11

lClUl15flll fffllJ mhll~lJI~1l11 ilJm1J1Wfll1~i1f1lJn~nruovl

iYUfllUIl ~jU ~fl~ ffrulifvwfi~ ~ lU ~ lfl fll 1 Nil1lu 1 1 IlntlJ ti~ i mu~U ~ (I (I

1111i~ tJ~ln~U()I1lVlllllllillVI1ti~ ftUll1 111 ru IJ v L~11lllfl ~U 111U

1~lllnff(i~1 UJi~ I1illviJ~~lti 11 1 111111tlJ IIv 1ltl ~111 1llT111Vl~lJ ~Ulll11lf)

U lV ~ltlCl flri l1V fli 1 -ff1UI1i1-11~ lJlli 11 11 lJlVl llii ~nrue0lmy

InU ~1~ mlVilClltJnHn~lWlU~U ~-1 fll1 1Itl1IJU()I1l~-1flril1 livl1 flciNll 111~11U vi NlliI11 T~ ffllJ 111Cl1l ~U 1 U i IfolJ~111 f)t)u

fll 1 11 ~1l Cl 11 CllV ~flV ~lUlJlll

ltgt If

fl i ~ VI i 1-J VJ 1 ill CSU tJ

J~ nJnrnfl~ 2557-[j1JU[J1USU I


uUn8UnUUl~nUU8lU 1

8nsru fi~OUFl

OlflWltJU1tJllru1m~lm1JJ~l1JLLl11111~ (1l~lJ) ~JJElUYImtJ1r1VlnYItJltJl1Wr11Y1U (ilIJ1tili nlillltJLYI~1) Ufl(ilLLfllf11U1V1tJ~Ituu nJJn1ihl nYld1l

~ laquo ~ ~ co

Ln1tilLLfl ~YImru VIVVl L1V1 (ilIJ1l11JJLYIUV1nm

LLVIW1I11W1 Uflun1111n1 1 UOli tJn111 WiH

n1)IVlU~(lJW1-n11 Ufllf11U1Ul1l1~ (nlflflf) OfJU

l~WfJ1li rl~1I ~V1ru11r1f111IJLi1UlffJUtiifJ1u

lI1OJWVlU1 fuJW1~ f)fitJ~n1JJn1ihJ U11 IV

111 W unEllYlU~(i)JU1-nl1 ii~I~W 32 ~m1d1

LLfliiV(ilU(l~W - 3 L~fllYI~n fifJ 1nli~tTu~WW

lLfl~VlYl1i1V~tJnli~~til~ijllruil1Wtldmru 20 lJfll~WVlWYI1fl1~ LnW 1500 U1Y111fl11L1flll 201

~tTu ~WWL~WYlUYIJU L1tJW1UniU1W01~ ~ lil-n111m~

rlnJ[l1~lJEllflUU-nTllfJJlfW Vil1r1lJ11U1L-nJJU-lll 3 OJ

~111 LLfl~(lJUl f)1-liWlf11U11r1ii fll1JJJW fII LLtl f11 ~W til fl El(ilVU~~l1~rrUIl~~ampi1U fl11iWvl1W11W flU1f1til

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DWlf1~WllaJn1Jl~~eJf1 nJLQ~lvlU VlVllY1U1Vl

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VI~eurol~~YlrnflLn~l liJe)ltIlllmllJmtJ~h

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LU~euroJn~nml3J~U 15jj eJiLUUL~aJ l~UllmiJ-ru~l~ILlt1~tJ t-lil~~tpJ illPl

euroJtiYi 7500-9000 Ulrl UYJU i~1l~ lI bull cd ~euroJltlU Vl1nml3JIfUeuroJfVl aJil~lL~ LV20 m ~llfll 6000 U1YlLYhilu

~UtJllljlll m~illlml~W1~J3Jl

LVI~euroJ 60-61 Ulrl lt1ieuroJnT~n13J LIjllil~u~ LiJltln~~L~3J ~urlumlt-J~~~J llm-nllTIj~

d ~ T Llt1GwmlYi


630-780 Ulrl w1euroJn ~n~3J LIjnt-J~~~~euroJeuroJn3J13JlnLL~ilmlU1L-li13J1

llnUltLVlffLYleuroJuihu lJru~llfllnJneuroJeuroJn l1~mltlloilUl~lnYillIXllmU1U~J~lL~euroJ 10-220 U1Y1w1euroJnT~n13J LllUL~tJ1n1Jnfll Ul~~ ~llmfiWl~J3J1LVI~euroJ320 -435 ~ntJ ~euroJnT~n13J

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LjuluTm~ml3J1UJ~ln11 6-8 L~euroJU

cilUllfl1~U~lLnllVllvifl1~ hlilllm vibVi~ ~euroJ ~Uci1UVI~I m~11lb~l-I LUU 215-220 ulrllt1ieuroJnT~n13J lln 180

Ulrl LIjll~U~euroJImlU1LUt-J~~beuroJvilUeuroJ~ IJrnvielmJflWd1lL~3JLJU 1 220-1300

U1rl lln 1040 ulY1~euroJnT~n13J llfl1LnLdil

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n 9l euroJJ LVi~W)1[11 mm~m~n~rnvi1JTlI

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~jLLwllUYi 18-30 ~ tJYitJl~l llnn~3J

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~LLUUL~3J 4 lLLWU T~mnllVllmilml3J v JJ ~ 14 1

~IJl~ltIlU3JlnIJULufl~LuU 7851

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11 Ln~lm~u~n-nllilml3J~IJ~l~l13J

L~3J~wmw1~l~lJ3Jln~~~ itJflLLUU

Llt1~tJ 335 middotnnm-LLUUL~3J 4 fIbbUU


TWlmn~~lm~u~nillI11ULVlqi ilml3J ~ v I 4 _ v

~lJ LUl~U3JlnlJUfl~LuU 886 ~rleuroJU


ampI J 11

U1JaSJf1n~ mfi11(i)1U 1il~~Hilfl111iU1fl11

lYJilnlllnmlm(1l1WlirunllLflmJi (llfl l1) fl~ll 11 f1UJ1~J 1l fl l1 l~cimlm1JJ~~l~14 (Poll)

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nnLhl1011V111fl rilJ11 lflljlillm~DjnillJil1~I

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1i~ltJl~JJ14 llnjjm1JJVl1J 1 14ill~mi1141JJln 111~llmilTliltJl~14114tm~fI1i1 l-J1hj~lnl1 6-8

llt11 il14 ~~ lti~1Jn t [J m Jil iIlJ1JJl1lJ~ ilJ

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YhlmmJim~i~~mlJJ~1Jl~JJ~ 1lnl1 mllti~ lltfiJJ n m~JJ 1J~Vl1llYl~n ~~Vllll~fl1jlnljVli~ [JfI1j

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I 41 VIvVha h104 1lfillIii033HI~L~3Jfl1lLOlfVll LiI~L~v~~

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lf11Ul 3 nlmdJl udnEluiil1tJ 1) md~~-llUdrnd-l~md~~

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dVdlJ1U~ 15 mnjlf1Jl-31 mnjlf1Jl 2557 l~tJlvilmdL~tJ LLyIj1LYlf11ul~~mdr-J~1il-n11~rlnltilEl-l 1~lf11U11~~mlJl1 mlJl

~ ~

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UltJmdr-J~lilmnln d1~0-lLn~mlJlL-nlh~ln~UL~tJ1nUmd~U

-ilU1U 63943 f111L1eurolU LIil1tJlJyljftlJlleurolUL~UL-nllrqJ~Lntilildm LLA1 ~lwru~~m~~lLUU-llUIil1JJLLtJUUElJnULL~Lln1l1ilqJmtJ~1~ U 2557 lurn~lillUeuroleuroln l~m~yIjl~Jf1~ LJl LL~YlL1tJU 1~~J nldl-~Jl-jl~L~lmiddotdJ~~lill~amUnld[UEl~lJ1n~~ LLvillrndr-J~ 1~~J 3l1U~ ~1uhmjdluL~tJ11nAl-jJl~LLA1 yIjUl11~~nld ~mf11-6~1Iild~ldt~Ll1tJ1llU~J LLliijjm~LriW1dndUlJmiJl~lIEl I

nWUL~mmJJl1myljf1~eurol-l (lf~Ll1tJIiIElm~tJ 3) LL~~JLl1~~md ~ ~ LLUdW d1~nl1 65 A1UU1Yl ~Jlirn11 fin (f nLIil1tJJlIElUL~Ul~



~1U~~r-J~IilYlL1tJU ~-lf1~ LJl middot LL~~eurolJnEl-llUf11f11iil ~OJ bull I I

ilEln~liIm~~lnlU-61-lL~ElU~Jl-jlf1Jl-numtJu 57 ~U f1rn ~

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~YlnutJULnW1dm LL~md LlfUd tJlfUllnYlLutJULnW1dm


eurolnJl LL~~L~1l-jh~ri-lLm~mdLnW1d1u~u~U

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~ ~

LYlf11ul~~md~~iiluYlumdr-J~1il-n11LLriLmrmm l~U~LUll-jJlltJ LnW1dml-jUJ~lUdltJ

lU~1UlIeurol-lmd~lLUUJ1UlmJmdLLntlIUqJmtJlJVm10Jduu U 2557 ~UU11LUU~11~lIeurol-lLmtlildm LyIjdll-j~-llln~ f111lf

eurol17~~Stihmrn m~1 middot MUd1JlL1-l1~YIu1tJ JlUlu~u~~hu d~ul~lElf1euroluLIlmdUi 1~~lLuumdm1l11eurolULL~~UEJU~~md eurolElnlufudeurolJ1-LLA1L111lmtJ1u~u~ElU nf1d

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LL~LL1ltllUqJl-jl~m1~mf11iil jjLUll-j~ltJ 7800 iilu l-lL~U 37 50

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~u~mf11iil LU1l-j~ltJ 3800 iilu 3) L111~l1myljf1~eurol-llumdEl lI1tJcJ~~ LUll-jJlltJ 35 n~Jl

LL~ ~11 ~ ~JYi1 tJ ~1l-j1U n ld~l LuUJlulmJ nld-61 tJ Ll-j ~ eurol

LnW1dm~lJd~U1ltJYlU~Yll-lfiddJll11~ LriElU 2555-57 -ilU1U ~

530943 dltJ lu 60 ~-l-jl~ ~ f111l1 1~eurolU~GiJUnmJdltJmd~1 I I

deurolJ~ltJL~Elmrn~maUl-j1El-ildju 1JL~U 509954 ~lUU1YlL~eurol L1-l~ltJl-LnW1dm~U l-j~JOJlnimJ~-lLm~mdmW1dL1-lL~1l-jiil~ 1-m1OJl1ElUdltJ~mnW1md L~lJ~U~L~U~lnllEl-lLmdm L~lI umlh-iliil1Udl11l1U Lm-ilu1uL~U~~niilElJ lIrnU finl1n


LWfl n11Ln1iVll UtlmlnlrunTl Lnm (iin) Li](l

~~ucll~u iintllMll111111~~IiH~U~fl~

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Ministry seeks to resume small-lot rice sales in August PETCHANET PRATRUANGKRAI THE NATION

THE COMMERCE MINISTRY is preparshying to resume selling rice from its stockpiles in early August gradually releasing it in small lots of about 5000)0 tonnes a month

Duangporn Rodphaya director-genershyar of the ForeIgn Trade Department said a ~ubcommlttee had agreed the mmistry slthould go ahead and sell rice from the stockpIles and not walt tor completion of a Junta-ordered mspectlOn of the stocks bull I he nce-release planwhlch Will be proshy

posed to the Rice Policy and Management Committee soon includes sales through general auctions to exporters and local traders by government-to-governrrient contracts and through the Agricultural Futures Exchange of Thailand

Puangporn added that the department wopId ensure the stocks are released transshyparent With the Fmance Mmlst and the Prime Minister s 0 ce joint y inspecting the f0cessc

T~e department reported that about 55 per cent ofl800 rice warehouses had so far been inspected by the teams dispatched by the militarys ruling National CounCil for Peace and Order The teams are expected to complete their mission by the end of September

About 18 million tonnes ofrice is reportshy

cerns over roug t an ower pro uction in many countries amid higher demand in many others I here IS a good posslblhty that ThaIland will export 10 million tonnes 9pound nce thIS year It is expected to sell off all 18 million tonnes in its stockpiles within three years she saId

The department reported that Thailand was able to sell 535 million tonnes of rice in the first six months middotup by 50 per cent year on year while export value rose 19 percentto US$27biIlion (nearly Bt86 bilshylion)

As ofJuly 16 the price of5 per cent Thai

Afile photo shows asoldier inspecting rice stockpiles at a warehouse in a eastern province

white rice was quoted at $427 a tonne up from $410 the previous week

She added that production bfThai paddy rice in the 2014-15 harvest season was proshyjected to be less than 38 mi1lion tonnes because of drought in many areas

Charoen Laothamatas president of the Thai Rice Exporters Association said the government should consIder sellIng rice from its stockpiles in small lots of about 100000-200000 tonnes per auction to avoid impacts on the m-rket price

The government has less pressure to accelerate the sale of rice frbm the stocks The country has holder power It should ensure transparency and minimum impacts to the market he said

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INTHE WAKE ofrising concern over the t reatmen t oflabour farmers we1shybeing and the environment in global trading the International Trade Promotion Department is urging more lhal busmesses to seek FairTrade cershytification so that their products are more easily recognised and have a

greater chance in the world market place

At a seminar on Fair Trade Mark and trading of Fair Trade products in theinternationaJ market heldyestershyday by the agencys Office of News Overseas Markets Development and PromotIOn Duan kamol Jlambutr e U Irec or- ener ot e eplrtshy

mentSal t atonlyasmallnumberof thaI compames and sUEP)Lc~~ms current~apphedthe FairTrade Marllt

The epartment lrill therefore continue to support Fair Trade certishyfication by promoting an awareness campaign amongThai man ufacturers and exporters she said

According to the Netherlandsshybased Fair Trade Original organisashytion about 30 Thai companies and supply chains have received FairTrade

certification to date This guarantees that they engage in faii treatment of farmers have good labour conditions use no forced or child labour offer fair prices to suppliers and operate with transparency accountability and respect for the environment equity and freedom lt)nd have fair trading practices

Duangkarnol said the department in cooperation ~th Fair Trade Original now had a target of increasing the number of certified businessshy iSnap es and products by 10 per cent ayear

The main goal is to help agriculshytural and handicraft producers as well as manufactures and exporters to achieve better trading conditions and to promote sustainability she said

Certified members of the Fair Trade programme will likely be able to leverage the quality of their prodshyucts for higher prices with certificashytion ensuring world-class social and environmental standards and more recognition in the international trade area she added

Thai export products alreadyusing the approved Fair Thade logo include

rice coffee tea cane sugar cotton freshfruits herbs and spices ockershywork handicrafts pottery and ceramshyics

The official said the department also would like to encourage busishynesses in the shrimp and fishery secshy

ate consultant for Thailand said the overall value of Fair Trade products had increased considerably in the past few years as consumers now had more awareness about fair trading conditions and the environment

Consumers are willing to pay more for Fair Trade goods if they feel they have bought a product whose manufacture is highly responsible to society Today prices of Fair Trade products are also very competitive

the same as leading brands Enterprises should adapt themselves to produce Fair Trade products in order to ensure sustainable growth

tors to comply with Fair Trade certification so that they do otfaceproblems due to unfa abour treatment Every Fair Trade product is subject to labour-standard checking she explained

Manasnan Pongjayavanij Fair Trade Originals aS60ci~

and access to many markets said the consultant

According to Fair Trade Original the value of fair trade goods in the global market excluding the US rose from 1 billion (Bt427billion) in 1996 to 48 billion in 2012 Expots ofThai fair trade products were wOlth about Bt300 million in 2012

More than 30000 products are now on sale in 125 countries and the global Fair Trade system currently works with over 12 million people across 60 countries

Manasnan said many more Thai products could get the Fair Trade mark So far many local brands sllch as Doi Chang coffee plus local proshyducers of soy sauce chjli sauce pineapples and bananas are wellshy

known for having the mark which is accepted widely

Martin Boon development manshyager for Fai~Trade Original in the Netherlands told the seminar that with the global market having growshying recognition of Fair Trade prodshyucts many markets were increasing demand for products carrying the logo - and that Thailand had high potential to serve sllch worldwide demand


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THE NATION ~ JULY 20141lI Sihasak reassures EUteam over juntas reform roadmap SUPALAK GANJANAKHUN DEE THE NATION BRUSSELS

EARLY ELECTIONS vtithout reform would not help restore proper democshyracy to Thailand That was the message related by acting Foreign Minister Sihasak Phuangketkeow when he met his counterpart from the European Union in Belgium this week In a bilateral meeting with David OSullivan chief operating officer ofthe European External Action Service Sihasak said Thailand had a clear roadmap to restore sustainable democshyracy and that the EU should support

this process of reform The roadmap and its related reform

will help strengthen our political econshyomy and will also be of benefit to our partnership with theEUin the longnm he said

Sihasak was in Brussels for a minisshyterial meeting between representatives ofAsean and the EU and spent much of his time briefing representatives of Eillopean nations aboutthe situation in Thailand

The E U along with the US and other Western countries strongly criticised themilitaryforits May 22 coup The EU suspended a number of cooperations withThailand as well as several visits by high -level officials It also recommendshyed that member states review military cooperation with Thailand

The EU said last month that it wouldmiddot

not sign a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Thailand and that the negotiation of a free-trade agreement (FTA) would not conclude until an electshyed government was in place

Sihasak told OSullivan that an electshyed government would come eventually Before that however Thailand needed time to implement reform to have a strong democracy

The time frame of 15 months or so for the reform is not too long ifwe want to make sure that our system and democracy are sustainable he said

Thai people are aware of the issues facing our country and we are working on addressing these concerns so the EU as a partner should support us

The EUhas the right to voice its conshycerns about the situation in Thailand

middot but it should also ensure it is sufficientshyly informed on specific cases he said

Concerning detention and martial law the EU should make sure it has corshyrect information about who is under

middot detention and if there are concerns about human-rights violations the EU should specify the cases he said

Sihasak discussed the situation in Thailand Vlrith many European MPs

middot while in BrusselsTheyincludeq Franck Proust special rapporteur on the FTA and Samuel Cantell head of the ecoshynomic trade and regional cooperation delegation Many of them have experishyence in engaging with Thailand and have a clear understanding ofthe current sitshyuation in the country Sihasak said


Pension scheme for farmers proposed

Farmers in the future might look forward to retiring on a government pension

Charnpittaya Chimplee directorshygeneral of the Rice Oepartment said yesterday ttiat under a draft bill dealing with the rice development fund members would contribute about 3per cent of their monthly income to the fund and the state wou ~d also chip in ayet-unspecified amount

When farmers reach the age of 60 or 65 they will start receiving a monthly pension bf about Bt4OOO

Most farmers earn less than other workers so the fund is neces- sary for their future Charnpittaya said

Other proposals for the bill are being gathered and the contents wi I be improved before its submisshysion to acommittee on rice producshytion and markets and the National Council for Peace and Order


Farmer happiness down from August WICHIT CHANTANUSORNSIRI

Farmer happiness last month dropped subshystantially from its peak last August when they had high hopes of stable income from the Yingluck Shinawatra administrations rice pledging scheme reports a Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BMC) poll

The state-backed farm banks farmer happiness index fell to 7851 in June from its highest level of89 in August said senior executive vice-president Somsak Kangteershyawat The poll surveyed 2346 farmers

Happiness from family health a good society jo b financial position and the quest

for knowledge were the six factors used to measure the index

The survey found happines from the family scored the highest with a score of 341 out offour followed by health at 321 a good society at 320 job at 314 fmancial position at 285 and the quest for knowlshyedge at 274

Farmers from the Northeast regygIiwere the happiest vvith a score of 314 while those from the North scored 313 the South 312 the East 297 and Central 299

Asource at the BMC confirmed Augusts poll was taken when the farmers mood hit a fever pitch as they felt they would receive an elevated level of compensation from the

rice pledging programme The National Council for Peace and

Order (NCPO) is seeking sustainable ways to help farmers after losses from rice pledgshying which offered prices 40-50 higher than the market price could reach 500 billion baht

The juntas measures so far largely includelowering rice production costs and slowing the release of supply to lower price pressure

The source said prices of tapioca sugar cane chicken and pork are gaining in the second half while those of rice corn rubber oil palin and whiteleg shrimp are declirun ~ bull bull imiddotI middot7~

Regarding rice prices the source said the price of paddy with 15 moisture content could average 7500-9000 baht a tonne while Hom Mali prices are projected at 14000-15000 baht in the second the half

Even though the agricultural sector conshytributes only 84 to the countrys GDP there are 167 ffiillion farmers making up 26 of the population

National Statistical Office data shows the ratio of farmers who earned over 100000 baht a year rose to 286 in 2013 from 97 in 2003 while 643 graduated from prfshymary school down from 704 a decade ago Farmers shouldered average debt of 124604 baht per person last year

BANGKOK POST 41 FTIupbeatabout domestic car sales PIYACHART MAIKAEW

The Federation of Thai Industries (FT) remains confident that domestic vehishycle sales will top I million this year defying some car makers projection of sales declining to between 900000 and 980000 vehicles

Domestic demand started picking up in the previous quarter as private firms and farmers bought new pickup trucks for their business expansion and new cultivation said Surapong Paisitpatanapong spokesshyman for the FIrs automotive industry club

The club forecasts pickup truck sales will contribute 55-58 of domestic sales against 442 in 2013 while passenger cars dropped to about 40 from 474 last year

The passenger car market has normalshyised after demand was absorbed by the gov- emments first-time car buyer scheme said Mr Sura pong

The club yesterday cut its 2014 forecast for Thailands automotive output from 24 million vehicles to 22 milliori It also cut domestic sales to 1 million vehicles hom 12 million while exports stand finn at 12 million vehicles

FTI vice-chainnan Suparat Sirisuwan~ nangkura said Thailand was expected to remain in the worlds top 10 automotive manufacturers this year with production in countries such as Canada and Russia also expected to decrease

The International Organization of Motor

Vehicle Manufacturers said Thailand was the worlds ninth-largest automotive manufacturer in 2013 and 10th in 2012 Production (ast year totalled 245 million vehicles the highest in 52 years and up by 014 from 2012

The club yesterday reported that car proshyduction fell by 261 year-on-year in June to 160452 For the first half Thailands car output fell by 29 year-on-year to 952685

Domestic car sales in June totalled 73799 dOVll by 304 on the same period in2013 while 440911 cars were sold in the first half down by 405

By contrast car exports in June rose 657 to 103946 earning the cOUDtry497 billion baht In the first half exports rose 36 to 560047 cars with export value rising 895 to 265 billion baht

The FII yesterday reported that the industrial sentiment index improved for the second straight month in JW1e

The index rose to 884 points accordshying to the FIr which conducted a survey among 1100 industrial operators It stood at 851 points in May when sentiment improved for the first time in seven months

FTI chairman Suphan Mongkholsuthee said sentiment has improved because of the more stable political situation and an increase in purchases of products thanks to the Fifa World Cup football tournament

The industry outlook index for the next three months stood at 1019 points rising from 101 in May

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AUTO EXPORTS INCREASE Despite the sluggish recovery of

the export sector auto shipments continue to expand but still by not enough to counter the reduction in dorriestic demand for cars

The industry has been forced to brake this years production target from 24 million units to 22 million

The target for domestic sales has been lowered from 12 million units to 1million which represents adrop of 251 per cent or 335154 units from last year

Surapong Paisitpattanapong deputy chairman and spokesman of the Federation of Thai Industries Automotive Industry Club said yesterday that lower domestic derriand the end ofthe governments first-car tax-relief programme and the delay in gov~ errirnent and private investment

middotprojects had contributedtothemiddot change in the production target However this new figure is still

middot higherthan the forecast for T8 milshylion units before the big floodiri 2011and domestic demand is

expectedto shitf intoforWard gear i

middotnext quarter~ The economic recovery payshyrnent for farmersuncter the rlceshy

pledgingscherneandreturn of investment will increase revenue l

in other industries and put more rnoney in peoples pockets he middot said

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Temporary charter should furthershyboost confidence ERICH PARPART THE NATION

THE FEDERATION ofThai Industries believes the temporary charter will further increase the confishyden~e ofdomestic and foreign investors along with buslness op~ratrs while the recent strengthening of the baht IS stJlI tolerable for the export industry as long as anyfurther appreciation is neither too rapid nor drastic

_The FTI also said yesterday that its Industries Sentiment Index (TIS) had increased by 44 points since April

The introduction ofthe provisional charter is in line with the politiCal road map of the NCPO [NationaICoimcil for Peace and Order Jand I believe that in generalinvestors andoperators will feel more relaxe and gai~ more confidence that things aremiddot gomgmaccordWlththeNCPOsplansforanewcharshyter the setting up ofan interim government and the possibility of an election in the future said Supant Mongkolsuthree chairman ofthe FTI shy

In his view the country over the past two months has been running on a smooth surface since the Nepo took power a move which has led to an increase in foreign investor confidence certainty over pubh~ II1vestment policy and rising domestic consumptIOn

These factrs will support the recovery and allow _gross domestJC product to expand by 25 percent this year he said


The FTI had been projecting an economic recesshysion before the arrival of the NCPO

As for exports Supant said The strenctheninO of the baht is related to the increased conffdence of foreign investors which has led to an inflow offorshy~ign funds This will have some effect on the export iiidustry but it is still acceptable for exporters since the currencys strengthening pace is not too fast and the Bank ofThailand is still monitoring the situashytion

The export sector will be able to cope with a stronger baht if the rate does not fall below 3050 per US dollar he said -Moreover since the global economy IS continushyII1g to reco~er the FTI is sticking with its export

- growth projectIOn of35-5 per cent for the year According to Bloomberg the baht was valued at

3176 per dollar yesterday The FTI chief pointed out that if the Kingdoms shy

export value were calculated in baht it would already show lO-per-cent growth year on year

Accordingto the central bank export value in May came in at US$1927billiol1 (Bt6124 billion) whIch IS 12 per cent lower than the same period last year in dollar terms - shy

Meanwhile the TmiddotISI has increased for two month~ in a row The indexose from 840 in April to 851 111 May and to 884111 June amidst calmer political waters the economic recovery the liftingof the curfe - and even Fifa World Cup fever which led to an mcrease in overall production orders and sale figures - shyn~eover~TISI fororBers~salesarid prod-udiai- -shyIII allll1dustnes rose from 802796821 points in May to 843 844 879 points respectively in June

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CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough


GRAFT HAS GOT TO GO nvestors from Japan from which Such concern by the Japanese away existing and prospective forshy

the largest amount of Thailands investors should not be ignored eign investors Countless foreign direct foreign investment comes because they have brought the firms and investors have com~

have called for reduced corruption largest amount of direct foreign plained about the extra costs of and improved transparency in order investment into Thailand The doingbusinessinThailandbywhich to help restore confidence in the Japanese invested over 8t290 bil- they mean kickbacks and undershy

Kingdom lion in projects ClPproved by themiddot the-table money that must be to Setsuo luchichief representative Board of Investment last year That bureaucrats and politicians Often

of themiddot Japan External Trade was nearly 30 per cent of the total they have topayin exchange for pro-Organisation (Jetro) for Asean and foreign investment of Btl1 trillion curement deals with state agencies South Asia last week called on the according to 801 data and public projects People who ruling National Council for Peace Thailand has generally remained refuse to pay are routinely left and Order to kick-start good govershy attractiye to foreign investors due behind by their bribe-paying comshynance that includes combating corshy to positive factors such as the avail- petito rs University of the Thai ruption and ensuring transparency ability of skilled labour efficient Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) rec-particularly about doing business in infrastructure and transportation tor Saowanee Thairungroj has esti-Thailand Now its a good time for systems location andthe consider- mated that corruption adds 30 per Thailand to bring about good govshy able size of the domestic market cent to costs for businesses That ernance for the new era he said But our chronic corruption is scaring she says translates into reduced

comoetitiveness for Thai-made Economic and Business Forecasting pay corrupt officials and politi~ians products and reduced credibility for Centre He surmises that the have to cut costs at-the building site Thailand among foreign investors improvement could be due to posi- and that means poorer quality in General Prayuth Chan-ocha has tive public sentiment following the their public projects and thus a risk made tackling corruption a top pri- juntascampaignagainstcorruption to life and limb ority for the ruling military junta He and organised crime The surveyalso Businesses who pay bribes also says the fight will be part of sweepshy showed that bribes paid to officials offset their higher costs by charging ing national reform together with and politiCians by the private sector the consumers more good governance transparency and had declined to 15-25 per cent of middot Since corrupt authorities and an efficient and effective system of project costs frbman average 25-35 politicians make money and bribe-checks-and-balances Thailands per cent previously paying businesses make profits it is corruption index in the first half of Despite the seemingly slight theconsumersandthepublicingenshythis year improved for the first time improvement in the situation (or- eral who suffer in five years according to aUTCC surshy ruption remains amajor problem for They end up paying more uhnecshyvey The indexinJune was registered Thailand essarilyfor products and public proF at 46 out of a possible lOa com- In addition to the weakened ects the quality of which is poorer

pared to 39 last December says competitiveness and reduced cred- Corruption should beeliininated or Thariavath Phonvichai UTCC vice ibility the public asa whole is affect- at least minimised for the sake of rector of research and director of its ed by corruption Contractors who the country and its people

  • 57-07-24 (กรม)
  • 57-07-24 (ใบนำสง)
  • 57-07-24 (กระทรวง)

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- Utl~ itlU ViI II uUl11Ubb~1


- Ministry seeks to resume small-lot rice sales in August

Fair trade certification urged

Sihasak reassures EU team over juntas reform roadmap

- QUICK NEWS II Pension scheme for farmers proposed

- Farmer happiness down from August

- FTI upbeat about domestic car sales


-Temporary charter should further boost confidence

CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough

2557 1

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Ul-lC1l1-lrllm11111 middotbLU1TiUJl1f11-ii111ul11m(1)lJrn~d L~~tlfuGl1ampi~U L(1)poundJ1-lfll

1 -ii11LtJ~tlnMtJfu~uml11ntl(1) ditl-lO)lnc-J~c-J~111rr111ultilm(1)TnflL~3-JSj~3-Jlrn~(1)~~ f

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- LVI~tJqj~VI-rjGlU L~3-J~Unn 410 LVl~poundJt1(lW~lGl LrieJ~tJ(1)1rieJU ~1i1m~mnr Ct tJi1tJ~111-ii11tJ 255758 -

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(23 n f1 T UlpoundJlff1 ffd11f~111 ~ltilJ1OJl1lfmlmlm1-l~Vll(1)LYlEJ lh~i1f1~Yil-llU m1~IfeJU~~lrnbLf1lf1runl~411 If(1)~ 4 n~11JVl11-lniltiIl1~1feJ1J-ii111uTnli1-lnm-l lJl-ltl-l~nTIl11m~bYlm~1ffilm(eJ~n) eJ II~m~m~ O)~lL~-lLYIl1-l~ULDutJu

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1bVJ61~Vlb~6 J~ nan~lr1~ 2557

~ ~




Igoluns~nusA I [wctcltJl[]U gtlnrii-lfJlIlLL~tilti1EJ middot 11ti~~flm6ilti~ 5 LL~ti~ti 1M

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millhn(11)J nTl)lJ1fJ-ETllull~Eln

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UI -pJU)1111iillElEln-E11lJ11 5

LEllJlmj L~EllU~ 16 nII~1-hwn ~Uiil 427 Ll11fJQlll1fj L~)JffUI1n~Uiil 410

Ll11fJQlll1fj 1(1fJlJrudfjlJ1~1YlfJSj-E11

1ull~Eln 18 ~lU~U LLiil1l1(1111Sj

NiilN~(1-E11LtJ~ElnUnTlN~(1 25572558

lti1U1U 38 ~lu~u-E11LtJ~Eln

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ii(1~mrn~llm~mNiillElEln-E111YlfJ mhl

11 nTl)lJ1fJ-E11L~ElUiil 5 LWU~U LUU

tJ1mruhimn l11mlJ1fJriElU~NiilN~i] -E~1)JlUl~n1iil 2557255l 1ElElnmlu

lh ~ L~~U (0111 11 middotmiddot I11)~Yl1Jnm111 (1~1(1-E11)J1noJn middot LLvil11nN~N~(1-E11

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)ll11fflElEl n-E111YlfJffU)J1LUU~Uiil 4~0 Ll11EJQlll1fj -E11L1EJ(1U1)J~U~ 420

Ll11Jrulll1f~ bull-


VliiIJJVln bull fjn lI~JJLntl~iWmm1fj ~)jUrnlJJlJYIV1ULLl1 ln1lVlim~tl~nii8u lJW1JU11lJ

310 Ylm~JJ 4 f1LLUU m~middotlVIillhlVI~ i1)jl1~~~aWi1mlJJ ltlJJ8EWi 327 IlLLUU LnllVlimN

~lJt11 Yf~vJJLLU~ll(JniloVI1thvhJJ ilmt11w Uahfli1l1il L~Vl1(iL~J jj~UIl11lJ~1lW 31

l1~ulillriYiTIJJLIlitl~iiY Yi~rulf6lf Ullll lv1LvLL~Ui1l1V11 I1UUU rtluLnllVlimW~llvi1mi

L~iJU1~ 5 UU~ L~JJ I1U LnllVlilj~iiAl1lJllllU1lV~llVl U1VaJJ~n~ n~lhl(ilJU lUj~1Jlnnflultl~ilLUU 7851 ~1V1fUi~1Jl1l1lJfillll1ll

iJltAVln1iliUlI11iL~8nliLn1lVli LVlV aill (lll tillU 111 JJ Ill Ln1lVllnl11~llai1UL~ULI1iln1lrU

LlOl al1mrumiLmlVli (lina) lJ8llnllilin~ltllLVlA1V1v LLUl lthUl-nl1 Wml Ln1lVlimlj1l11JJ

LlJVlll-JVl1 ~WJNv una1riltli1lt1 LiJU1Ji1mA ~ti 1l1I1n(l1l n ~lllJl r1lllJLviJJ1UlJl1l~1Ui ~U IIl1lJ~Vl Lnu ll 8ln ~JJ(i1 8 Ull tillUA11lJfi1J1lWi 29911UUU lJ1n~IVl aiUI1LLUULO~V 335

Ln1lVlimluYJn~l111VlvhtlilVlA 1l1IlVl1u1l1lnLQUlL11U8 nti1l1 nnlllLUUL~lJ 4 IlLLUU I11Vl1~l

-)114114 2346 ilU 1U1illl~1lU 1l11lJ~ll1l~~ 314 llllUU 11111 1~fu~U~lnlAilnll1U~ltil-nll

JJV2557 ~l-nEl i~Ul1lllJfilJ L11111l jj~il11lJ~ll8~~ 313 LVl VLnll(iJlni ~tl~n-nll rtlU1 l1l1lj

IJ1l~LmVlimlV1v WU11 I1YlJJ IlLLUU 111111ril lj~ll11l1l1lJ~llJ~ A1l~lll111 itiulJln1ultl~Vlluu fillm OlillJll 1ll Ln1ltiri ni1VlU1U ~ 312 I1LLUU LLrII11Il(iJ1U(iJn 886 Lii8lltllnL~8l~UL~Wl~1jj 1l1wilJJ1l~1uitiu~lJln ailU jjffl1fi11l1lJIllJ~ 297 IlLLUU ltlmwlIli8l1-illUL~~U

d a l1lLUUlWu 310 ltI1nlLUWVllJ ll(]l~~fJ~im~tl~nr~r11iiP~1Jil JElnltnnti VllllilllLIlillshy

4 llUU LVlULnlVlmiljAl1JJIIlJ 1111lJltllllllltlVlJEWi 328 11 lLUU nllvlpoundJIl~ll1~liJ 2557 ~llU1U bull v

~l 26-32 LVluNu~hLnllVllViltl 1l4~tiini1lU nlilllU-ill11Ull~8n jjilAl~iu laiuri m~ltlyj~l f~ulm-huiEvill1 ~nlit1ilJrI ii8VLll~lULWJ1Vll(lVlilU lri hltl nlilJ1UVlillumru~~1l

11 ~ ~ ~ LU8 urIIm 1l111i1JIlUA1LnllVll jjlh~1l8-n1lL-nllJ1iVlLvU ~1l ful(iJl1ilAll(lVlrllL~rMV l~LUi lllrJLLuuf~vi1Jf~ ~~lts) LLrInli

-illl -nlLW(iJl~Vlamp(iJl U1lWlil tlilJrlN1UVl(llVl~8lJ1VNU~1 111~JJt11~U lLrIrNlJllLLlUUlllJ Ln1l(imi1ll1Ul LL ltli lViillVI V

LLviUljjil~~Vl~Vl~~8l~U(iJl~lUU (LfllIVVl) 1VlULLeJWl1J1vihlltiL~ VlLIlllailui il~111t1lvillJ LLUl tli~lJ1ruIilUL~1lU ltlIlti lQ~U 1UlJil~1~Uu~~1l1l~I-J(lni tl1lJ 1 run 1 liU 1 V-iilltli lJ1 ru

V1U~ltltliUYJUnliI-J~(iJ Yillmll(li1 L~1l1ja 5 lLllUIifU

LlrlnLtl~VU~HuWlU ilo1111lll ~~U eJ(lnlj(ljllll~8niill

U1Vll11 ~IJLLa amp(iJ1Ln1lVli~1l1 121J1r1~~Ln1l1l~ltllVlI1 1800 gy3Jpfn~ ni-r~J1

Ullil1lVli l1lVlVlmB ltlfuJ~ LLl lill(iJlaijjnllVlil~1nliflll~1 nllJnlihliilltl1LVlII mhl11 55 ll8lLn~~~l1lJVl 1Vlu~uUU d middot ~1 25-35 tll1ai1lai~nll Vltli11lJIl ru 8 ~m llJ n 1li UlU 11nWiUlv-iil1114 ll~8nf~ulr1 a 1l~liJLLin IlWUUl-JrIltllnllI11Yi llll lJlJVlL11U1JElULLI-JUVVllilllflm rlt1 VLUlmlllJLtl~l1lll~~n

LI1l1llnltl1~mL(lLIli]lnltllV1vti nlil1J1mrl1 L~LflU1lArumilJ Ll(l1UnlllJ1V-nl1ltlvilltli lVlI1

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2557 llJV1V~ll~ 16-24 (UUll) ~n ~a1ltli~Y15 ~UVl1 LllJ1~EJ L11~1ll~1llnlj~l88n ailUil Il1RUfhLn1l(iJi~l 181Jl 11lVIiilliru~fml11111m~U mhJLtlilJ~ L~mLUlollmLtill~1 1i1 1 middot-middot

11~llJ2557 jjLLU11iilJltllJU1V LL11-)lllili ((lllll) LUUlhl1U -iill1vlpoundJYiLAtJltliltlum


ij ~mlUI7lU~]f)t1]YIUY~tn1h1Hl-lIllUll ]lIl~mtJ1U2 I~BW nBud] l-JDnJ1ndu~lhu~lU)~(JnmI~ilhhnl-J ftj1l1 111WllelU r(Q111~Ulh-l~iJtJIjf) 10000 ~lUUlVI ~lU nolllu lI]Ut-lU 20 1 UD~uJ~umm~illDl1111D1JjLi)l-Jllun~

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1~1lLrIU1l nilJnllltUlllJmn 2 I~Dl-Ji-lmlflmn rl-JfI~IIClamp~Ul-l il D~11l-Jlr~l-J lii1l11n~1I11l-J11l ~1I1 ~J~I U4

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~lJ~wuCf~l-lundlUI i1~D]J1ll-J1l W~ ll-Jnll Ifl~D~JJmfl~1Jltl1iilfl~D-l~n1nn Qum(lJ111D~l~1~11~ ltiJ 11uilI1l1-Jlll ~1I1~ JlJlJ 1 n1~Ulni~ r~111Ull~[JnllrJtiil~lJflruf1lWhlllfl1lUl-JilllJ i iii l-lnml1l-l1 J1iJ1-llfrDl~~~ 1~DH11111l-J1JJnll ~ UUl lJl ruUl~Jl iJ Ul1 ~lJn D~1tJ l-l i l-lU II l n

)h~IWU~~HlllClrl~~Hl1nll11l-J1il-JnllnYl liiuJ~unllrJ~Yl~iillruf1lwll-lllmdjl-lilllJmh~ 10000 il1l-JU1Yl 1~14hl-ld~1l-llruJ1n 51- Utl~ ~1-J1~l-lnll~~~ltiJ1l djl-llll1~~I~l-lVll-lI~DftUUftl-Jl-l I~U~YimCl~r)(i~ TIlUUl~~1l-lnU11l-Jfl1~lMuliiD~ lJMl 1111 U~Dn~1I11l-l1rJ~ill~UCl~ 30 ~ll-J~l-J

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IllflLDn1lW111 D D ~Anl ii l-J 1~ lIi1 ~ D YlrW 6i1l-J IJJlJ~ 1~1-Jl~UlnU~In1l-1~HillCl~~1-JYilD~ T~u llrJmiddotW~Ylif1lfW11nlm~ iJluihll ~llmWO111flru~J1n~U~1l1fl ~DilljUllnr~mJli TU]Jj~1nIlfrl-J ~lUI tJl-J~lCl~nllllU111 l1yf-ii1iltUD~Ql-lt1l-lVl1 nlllJnlll-lTUUlUll~~U1i11l~~nllihl (WUUliJlflnD~11l-l

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l~ml~lull~1551 liD Tn~~y~i1lJ~ml QIli1~1-J1nElill nl~llJ1j(lyf1i~ llvi

fllll U~UWriltlU l~ft~A )lnl (ilJmiddotI~~D~ml~)~Il~ ~l-lVll-lnll~~IlIul-ln1lD~i1l-JWWl1lIl~l-J1IH~1i

OClJ Q tI A~

611U fN1 U H)~LJ 9l J nJ~Vli1jW1 ru6(J tJ

~1ZJ _ 2557 5 21

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nlm~Iij mmHni ~nlJ~mlJf11i lJV~flrun1~1WVil1U1VJ1WiWf)fliYli1~

ft1~1~UiIYlff lUUW11 ViuilflJTlru l41flh61u1lJ1 lhvnW~1lil LllW mlWNf11i

IVWfliilJflliiUlVu11iilJ~d~W1I~uilflW mi~ rl1rflW1VfljjlJ~1l5 l~vlllwWflmJ QVlmiddot1ifflff1lfflmUlvu1l lIDW111~uillJ 1uMm ~Wl1fl I1 WflliIJ1Vu111uvh~ Tl ru milJflliW 1vlJ1v llillJjl1mi~flliu11 Uil Ylffll 1 MV1l~fflJ1TllJ~dJvVflu111 Vl(J (cUt

I d 1 u 1 1 cl d d ( WlJIJ ) YllJ 14 v uiQl1li 1lWVli VlI1lJ1lllV Wmiff~VVflIJ11VV1~L1llJVl Il4VliVfi

Il11l1r1Tlru~mllTl11lJff~1111li~lI1~ (Tlffll) mWlL1j~~m~u11~L~VfllJflWlJ1 l11fl1lm~ lt

1~WUili1U l~vlJv1Mv4~mV11flliln(JcU1l 1~mTllVflllWiJ~~~uV111n~1 Wf11iIJ1Vfl1ft i ~ Q -Q I JuG V 1 I 1Wff1lVm111ilmWllifl1i1ll~ 1 1lfW flll iOIlIlI1 ulI1V s1IUllJilvT11u f11iIJ1V1Ii~mru~~vlV~flll~V rlll1~111VlVfliill~mml~lfll91lmri~

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v f bull

~ bull I ~ bull1) u u u ~ I-eruTl~Lfll91llil1~l1U11ll1~UilVlff IIW ~ LVln1l il1W1lWWU il1~~Wfl1lf1 fllill il ~UlflVU

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~l1funlnTTlJ1tJLiiifltJnml11l~ 2557 nrV1TllrnrullU

ltiihlJriu~mlJnlTrhciHJ~n1vltl ~~ftjj eJLLi1tJhmllti LLa

hUR1~~Rlu~n 4i1n~nTTlJri~Ll~lJ~11111~LLf41nllt1~UFh nr11fi L~1t L1flliltlfl 111M 1 Il HI~YiLL aL~lJflllJt1tiiiinllllif IltJ 1 i1t1 ntltJR1~~ 80 ntl R1U~n 6200 Tlt1 Ul~UFh~la(i)L fl n

Uln UCllJ YiffilJritJ~lUTL1f1 mtJLr1T~nl11l~l11 ~~LLii~flUnmlllllJ-riumtlU 2557 n

LL~~l~I11T()UUTn11 2 r-1h 1tJ~ltJlJInrrnwlMtmuigtmlJZ1l1 1iiU1lIllltJ ~u~ 21-24 ~~IllllJ 2557 ~~~LLYifl Ujtl~i1tll1l1~

LLfl~lUlJInrnJfi~~1~tJmllJZ1l1fli1rn1~ltJ 1U~ 10-14 riUtJ1tJu

2557 ~~UOO1ii~ T()Ul11f14111 4 Ilf~ ~n11lU1i1 4lJWT tiitJll1~ LLfl~tJLiii1 li~L~tlU~~ll1lJ 2557 TvluLlI~1unl~Li1~1 41UltJ

30 r1f~ Liiiflu~ImfllJ-riUtJ1t1U 2557 T()UtllUltl 347 flf~ Llfl

tilJriUnTV1rnlJIll11h1t1 nTi1Tl~LLN~u4~lUlJ1nmJUffil~fl~

~lJ1U~UMUffillJ~l1iillu1Ull1 1~~ 22-25 nffilll1~ 2557 ~ ~Z1UllJIfll~ LLflfmnuU)tJI1U~u14i1~n i9 flf

Ut1nlln~ 1~L~iw~4i1I1U lJInrm~~jjJlrumlJllU ~U ~JllJ~lJ1mhllll1U TWll11U~ 30 ~m)lf1~-4 ~II~fI~ 2557

iiit11lllrD1LflULltl1 3 flUULL~ i1~~wlhLL fn11UTll~tilJ LL Yill II q _ dI _

LlJfll1fll1l1U Ut1I1U YilrulltJlJULr-1flflUL~mtjm IIUIIJllJlllJ

l~U1llllU ~n 5 fltl vTlUTLi1f1 TJlJnl~~~nu lJ~nT~ rJ~~Jlrul1lllJlIU 4 111f1 ~n 2 Ilfl

mU1UL~tlU~~1~lJ 2557 ~ILW1UYi1rull6IlruffiU 94 tJ nTi1Tl~YilrullrniJ)JnuR1U~nl~t11l-i LL~hui1ln~tl 14

LLW ~i1nlnmJfli1T1~l~uffi 1UYilrulltJ~TnTJ)J1 filT1f11~U~ ~1JfIJl~llJUTn1llU rwhy)u~ 1~24~Iifl~ 2557~ffiflilT1ffi ~Jln~l~nh 10000 Tltl 1UVJn~1l11vTJU1Li1f1 ~IUvi 20-70

~ bull Q ~

mI1TllWlrulltJ~li1Jl n11i1lLUUnln1TlJflI1lIl1111tllilYi

mlJuttJU1t1~Ugtlll~~IJlJ1ll 1I~middot11 1UII11~ IliltJfl~Jl1rlh ~ffil~yl~nUU1ll1l1U1tii1lrJl1iitlLilfl~

I _ _ lmutYlIilflln1jlJillJilLYi~LlmJLflmnUn11lill1U lMnn~

~f~lJlruWJ lJllU ~UAJ1lJ~rd1 ilthlI1lIu lllJ1TClFlulT1t1flL~tJi1 lffli MNNmocQQh lffiiilUCl1lJlffli~ltJmUnTi1rnmMltJ1203

( (gt


Cjnsi31 (8 wn) 155-160 nn ]K~drflid~(~UlMbi)iLf-rf~middot - IfiO-it ~~~tifW-(nr1T+~

lulri (IUDS 3) 34-35 Woo

~iOriqltTI=~r1J~OIo~middot r~q ~~ ~ 3~(Qoi3~19)M~~~ouj 9Qiin UllUK) 100 1420-1430 nsClou 100 nn

amp~~ ~g~~(Ft~P i)~ r~~~~~~I~~~~~~~2middotg2~~~~~t~~yen~~ii~~~~~middot~middotmiddot ~- wnQwu (Ra) 22-25 nn

Xailili1ffOi-sect~~~lIri-~~~~~~ i~~q ~r 4 middot~ifIiriri~~)-fr~jtmiddotmiddotmiddot wsnUlilJ (~um) 4-5 Ua

)3~ifiW(J(treg~1~~~_middot~~fi ~2~2~5Sjt2~11reg5[gt RUI nSUmSA1f1181u nsnSlOWlrUl1E1

2J 2557bbk1V1k1

c OJ c c 151llH HQU V1 Yl J ftVI tJ 1j fI IJ

ltV V r Q iCS

tn-naHn (HI ff flW VI W 1 fl eJ 11 UVI

njlJ ifl Iff~lJ f1l jrl1jl1i1 llhmf1

lU~INEJ11 ffUrl1fflfH)f)UUlvlU

~llUU IiiUlthbl fflJ~U liff~llf11W ftfnJUJ~~ 111~UllU1iim1lJl~mrU 1UffUrl1lvW jllJJlff~1lm1lJlu1i~


Iii Ul ou fljU1 11 f)1 j uU VI UU f1lj

N~~~tJf)IiiUl U(1f)U1liIljlHU

[) V1l 1UU1jjjlJ VI llJlf) lJl VI j~1U

ff1 f) (1 f) j lJ ~ l 1 ~r91 Ill1m l flU

1Y1UlHlWY1 VIiffY1 lJ1ffl (Thailand

Trust Mark TTM) IUWlim

fft1J f1EmJUl1l Tn llJl~mjU111 fJ tllf11W

ffUrl1U(l1J~f)ljhlU lYim~lJluf)lff

Vl1lf)ljrl1Un ~lhmilJf1lj1V1m~1U ll(l~lllhlY1f1 jllJJl rillff~lJfffll fllW Kf)ll ru~~U ull~l U 1Uf)1jriluUf)

11lUUlll1 ftl N~i1lYUrl1 U(1lJ~f)lj~ii fJtllf11W fhWlnl~lln91UlJ m


I~ fJUfJ1 fJftlu V1 ~~tJftltfmJ W11JtI1I1U eJlfllJIllfl lhlITU

fljjlJf)1jlJ~l11j lJ~rll YiWWWff

(lllEJIl(1U~) ~10~ lU91INfJ11 U1f)


Yijf)l1hUlll1i1l 1 W1J111fl~fmhU1-]




Il1f1 1f) 111 ~huU Yijnll~ii f)lj l~lJ1il ff-) uV1-)lim~u) 1l(1tY)iillUl1ulJ~U l~hJlilLl~D f)lJl f)11111 U ~)rUlriu vd d ooltvdv

lU1 1 lJU1fllJ 2557 mllVlU)llJ1 1 ~ f = 1

lVIfi LU I1UTIjU9fU f)Il f)lj l91t)1Ylff

91mJ fliu) ff1m)~iiEJu91U1tlfflff91 ItlwrU~1Jl1~)1U1f)ll1ft ~l1UiJ 5~7 IlHllJlhlJ1tllfli1 ~ 100 11111111

1U f)Wl il (119111(11 EJlEJ ff1 I1 l91EJIl

iif)ljUEJlEJff1lJ1l~lJ 10 ff1U1 1UiJ

2557 il1f1l~lJYiiit)~ 20 ff1U1middot lHl

IlIEJ1EJl~lJflf) 15 ff1U1 1UiJ 2558

ll(llVilJflf) 25 ff1U1 1UiJ 2559

J~ flafl~1rUJ 2557 bullbull 1 j

) ~ i i



tJfl5ClUuJUSJlEJUfllS UUytw f1f]U(iJ1f1f1Sv~mmiw~m1JI1Ti~If1l1Jtr1f1 lJfiFJfJ1Y11N nfl11fW ~ei1UJlJn7JSrnJJuriS1~mJiJfJntVVI~ufVJnJJlJftflmJI11 1JlJilvmuwJu1wlilJu1NllJmJUmJlnviuTflJoJri1Jlnvwu~ ~ - ~

nisvl JJliPl (Thailand Trust Mark TTM) ftfllhvlMNjflN1111Nv~Tnf)iuvi1l1Jmf1iJm1lJjmtUIjEJtjfllutrU111 tpnlv1mJln[JTurfliJFJrumw~7VJJJ1urifilJVlnmiddotlslnltlW1llritn(i1m1~viiNmJlaquoj~truI11InveuroJthvieuroJjjfl

--- -====~-

v bbU 1tJjW1


ftJttWitllj~ lutflnnl~a~fl3na~al~lan


W 1 uhf 6fl J~UIB flllU11 [J lll11 ~11MI1l11 fl ruYi litH 111 JVI

n 1 jU~fI ruil1~ffU~1l~1l lfl li1 UI~ JJfI11JJTU1)1rfi~1bull bull v

11 ilJ Ofl I1l~ull vnHmJJ1U1 OBU J1~ ~ N fllJ~ L~ poundJlJU~l lu~u~u~mlJri~ nY1lJ flllr11

iI1~mhaVlf1 flci11lI1~1~IUJthli1JliJVl~1JfflJlJJ1 I~U~ ll-wflm~ (Fair Trade) lviU1UJllJlm~1In1IJifqjl1111i-l~1J 1~ uJ ll~ flli1J11f)fl~1 flli)~crlJlJJ1 fl f~if ll~ V f)) ~J111

Ltl f)liJ1Vl U11J lJ1lt1Jh~1ltJ1U ~1l1m~~llJl1 crf1lf) UJcvfll~ Clll

M1U~l15mu-lllvlflm~OJ111lJ1f)rJ 1~u1~I~tyqtJifliluf11i

t)lltll11f)JJlJri]uClf)f)~l 200 i1U 1lJ1~llJ11JYf-l

bull J~ifl~vthrlClf)liJ1UM1U~~1~~1~ri]ClClf)rl1f1WIJCl]~ u

hlO hi111l1tlUltII11 ltII1ml4~lltJ ~~J 1l~iif)I1~lUth1ff V] ii fl11lJJ111 ffJr11V1111JlJV] 111 poundI u o1] lJl f) hHllllYt 1

1 cr~1l1 f)~M1U IfI~u]I1lJ1 poundJU-WflmVl ~] ItlJ Ifl~V]I11J1poundJ1tJiu] fl UJfllll fiJ r11 ~lii 1J1 mii1 Ji~U 11 f)~ J~1J~1J flli flii 1l

r1l [)~U f11i1~1liN1JCl O-ltl f)~U-lLL~iif)I1~lUifll)U~JltI~l] rJ IH ri1111011 ffJ r11UV-J1Vl uJ] lU ~ ~1 m poundIlJtJilVl fHI~1l ~1

1Pl1~1hIllffllv1~n middotifll lluJii ~~1~1U i1 ffUI crril ruUWflll i ll51 f)~1

30 Cl-lr1m ~-lnJ]~ltlJf)cilJ~Lhuf)VUf11i 1tJlluo]ltII1mru

1Pl1-l 1 llvlV-liiii f)~lU1UlJ1 f)~ v~1j f) 51~1l 1lJ11J1~lJlu1m]f11i ltv bull tdV ~ dJQ bull

(PI] n~11 mlJll~illJlJV f)UI1U1UJ1Ull mHiCl-lU lliUllilU f)~lJ

tl 1l lt11 11 mllJ u111lm~u lt1111 milJ~ I~ (mJuJ11UlJltlU11l~~ lU1~llJlJVH1li111VJflm~hiiJ1 f)]U


lutJf)~llHmn1unWWllnru1~villM1li1~-l f)ci11

V01-lUuU 6 l~VU llCllfiCl11tJu51 mlJll~1l1l1lJI4fl~milJ Vlf)U l~V1111l f)V-l r1mv1M1um11tJllIKV-lVi1llJ~ elf) If) ruevi

Hq1fl1l1lJ1 1l J~lUU U] ffU r111111J1 f)~lt1 ff1111U f) cilJ ffU r1nt1

1~1U1lnIlWflm lhf)vU~lU lJ11 ~lll1av] lTUrl1UI1elJ

crutJ) unL1U ffUTl1n] uviMiif11JI11~vllm~uhrf)cilJ ffU r11~] ll~tJilJ-l 11 elJ~l f) tl f)ltII11V1UUtyf)1i~ lICl ffU ~1 ~lUlill i] ~lU 11hIf) ~lJif11UlJlHm1IlwfllliVl OUlJ1 f)iiu

iYiJ -I 1uIiI t11 ~ ~il~il i LVlf1~1-l111f)1 l poundI ulJ11J 1l J1 V] f) ci 11lt1]

1J1 f) UU f)1l1f)1l1UU flliltl~1-lml4elf)Iru~~UV~ffUr111V1 poundI 115

0] IlJU f11ifJf) i i1JJ1 fl1 ffUr11111fJJ~1U~lUlJ1 1l Hi1U ll~J1 m

lllU1lCl11Clf)iif)~lfJ ~ fflI11U llwlm 1~Vf)lifh~lUUlilllJ lofulJ1mb

f)~1 60 U llJUiUUf11ir11iluuluf11mf1-lfll1lJltlUliillJ

1u f)ll~lliJU~J Oil111ll fi ~r11 ll~ qin rilU l~ UllJV] ~111vi l~lImf)lqflfi1l qUUiJtJ qu~1f)fi illJvf-lil1illH-l1U

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1Ui1 mv1 ItlUliiilJ l~ ~u11f) fIltIllJliocffv irUr11in fl um 114

1u J1 mi lulili JilJ 1IiU f)J U V f)1l1 f)if~~vi1-l1U f)vu~] r1f1i

InHlllillhl1uri1 1lUU llllU~ lI1lJ1 ltllJ v iiltlm-w 11lcr ulJ1u f)1ivi1-l1Ui~ iifll1lJtJCltlI1V 1liof)iinUI~V-lIl4f1 iHh A ~

llftllf1 1l llClf11lt1m


1UWmU1~ 12 ~) tJYVli]nmn111nr1~l~U I I1r1f1tJVI1~]

cO _I ~ ~ UtJ~UtJ]IitJ TltJlJiI1V~Vi(1]]lU

hn1tJU 1limyl

~n~lilln~(tJlJ mY1~vlli~~vl ~lilif)rU lmllilu~~NJ111U i um1]lli~I11lJU~)1 11(1 cJilrUI ~UU1~m~lJ

A ~ I A I A A ~ I1lJlllllJ)ilV l~TlYlTlUll(1 1~il~~YIliUVli

nullll mlJll~Vi V~UYI1lUiUfJ1l rJiJ~l~vu ftJ VII () 1 UtJU1TlVl U1Vl nilJu~) i1~llJ1ifi

~111 ~uQl~~ J

b I r I JJ YI d D 0fJ07nl1U7 1

A ~ 1 d 111il1nmY]tJ1llVlV li)V(1~ l(1nitJU 1(1] li lU

)]fl)i~ifilll~U(~tJ rllI~~lJfniyjtJll~v)lluu lli~tJl~lJlJU 1I(1111ll1111

HlJ(1Yl1ltl HlihmufnU

I1~tJ ~~ II U(1l1 ~Uf1ll1Ui~ 111If li1 Unli ~ _ 1 ~ d U l dA

Iml~i l1itJ~~lllJ(1]lUUlmtJl UtJtJnl1lllU

1 UJ1 l~wil~~YIilu~inullllnilJll~Vi v~U llllUl1Jl1J1l~ U~l5VU1tJVII ()

mL~Ell~mnjt1itmUUi1~i1rurulUEll~U1VItJlh ~ u u

LL1fllJEllT~fl LtJ~~rlBrlilLtIUVI1lf)11LLal l~El Lem1~1~a L~ElW~lllUlvJiAh bull hUvlJJ1h 14

tI J d I

llJtJn(11 1000 U )Ull 23 nTl ll ilIIUiluluHh1VliftU~1U~U 1 lliU

l1lM1U fl1V1UI1~U1Uih~11i1U ~U1l mlJ1ifllrJUnl11Ui~J1 l~tJ1~Unmn1ltlVj Vl(11~ tJ U1mn~~ il UUlllJ~ Vi (1)lllJinVl

bull cO li1l1Jffii) il )VlIIH 1l1f)jlJ~iiYi111llll11itJ1fnT bull 1 -11 d 1 d Ifd c lJi1i1UUil1YI Tl(1U~W(1 ltJUIU)iV WUlVl)i

lViiff i1n~ Ilfi(1lu1)liJ~~)U1VlniilJ111li

aUyJi1Ii~ llltJ~U1V IgU~U I1~tJl~vn-)l

l1ltJ~~hii1 ~I11lJ1Hnul~tJl~VffiiiU~IIUU Vi~l~lUlI~~mY1VlV l~V~I1lbvllU~1I (1

l~mliU Vl(1tJ~IlUUili1liU~~1 III liTblJlilJ

U1Vlf)jilJ111111 tJU~lU)UlJ1n tJ1Y1 Vi (1 Vl bull

lJi)1V1~lJl1 ~f)jwUj UllrUllU11m~~~u ~ ~ J i lit

lJ1imU1V)iTnYl lTl)liVlU 1(1U11lnli

II ~l tJ 1Y1 VlV I1~tJ i~tJ 11l)~fh ii~~lllJUl~tJ 1YlVffii~UIIU]J HVi~lllUlyJvhll(1Vi~lllU

Q 1 IitCLI YI ~I lit ~ v ll~101llVlV l~tlmU)iltll~Tl~UiYlll~UU mtl

nlil11Vi~l]1U1I~lmY1VlVil1nll1m~ll1(1~ ~~

~ltJciuUI1~lm 4 IlfiU HIll111jl~lnUVi~l ]1Ul1lUVllVltJ~ lJaUyJilliYllrJUYl) t11l1UYl mi

~1t1Vi~l1l1nulJ)lVltJ5~l~tln~ll1ltJ~fhii~ ~lV milJlyJliJVllTl~)ltlU~cH1t1-lJ)1 lrJUYl)IlU

d 1~I lTl(1tJUlitJ I1luU1ll1U1

Vi (1 tJlllJjn~ mh)~tJ~11Url)UlJtJ]

Yl)l~tJ1hn)u~)vtJ (1iit UVlJUU1~i)1luU ~


U1 5 VlU f))1l 260 IlJm m1lJV1)UUIl1n

nilU~tJ UilJ1lU 6-7 llJm Ul180 1l1U9lllJVli

J111rn 1974 in(1n~lJ fiUJ1~n 20 ll1U~llJVl~ I cO~d d1

1I(11Y1lJ1ifl~Tl4l~ 20 lltN lJm1~lil Ufni

l~UYI1lUilJ1ru 8 fihllJ~i~tJi)1lJl ~ 3

1 UW~UU1Vl 10 ~) UUliJuWJilVII)l 1m

I1~tJlrJU lTl~)l~UtJtJncill ilU1 UJ11~l lfUrlU

Vi (1 fllllJinVl mh) Yd I GI

~lYtJUni1 VllU~)U)l mNil1nmi

liJ~Yl) l~)Vi~ll1UlllYltJ1Y1llV 1~~~lYu1 Il

ll ~ (1 tJlrl ~)Vi ~ll1U Ilffl m Y1 Vl61 ~ tIU1 tIlliU

ll~NIIl~iU tJ1V 74 iJ li1) llmJmmm nri1)V OJ 11

I l ~ ff ) 1 lli1U U 1 ) l ifl Vi (1]l1 U II ~l fl1l1 Vl tIil1 n

I1r~~vYllJ~l~iii1)ff~~lfi~m1lJ~111IYm bull 1 middot A A 1 d uin)U1iinlll~UIi) lJVlUllU U1i)lUfll ~lVd d~d v U1lJUlJi1m~l tJnlll llJ)lJlffm~ll1 (1~ ~ J J~ ~ 1 v

U)VlmilJli4UlC1nU1~ lil IVii1l uUVi(1lllU


Urull U1lUUllUl nm))l U)VlniilJ I

~Ui1Il l~Ull1ll~)n1 I1111l1nuNuintJun1i bull

i~Ul~)I1~)~~mlJ1ifll111111 ~~pfi lIUUrll

lritJllllnull~uUi1fi1J1lJU~i1fnllVil un~l l I1lJ1nUmi~llJ11JillJiJl~tJ1YlV~1i~lUY)fll J IJ I I ~ v

IllV) LVii1 llJ~lr-l(1mYlUVltJ~lll)(1tllJ

v dd1 v I d ~i1]fl1ViMlIrull~ I1llnf)1ill)llllV) 1Ytl~

Tl~)lnu Vi(1 ~lJi)1V1ilJU ~f)jwUyj M lllY~lTm~II1U-)l U1VlfiilJ~U~(itJ lrJ~Yl1l l~)n1 I1liYi~r1l~ml11(1(i)l~U~tJVifil~1U

llfflmY1Vlv(lmnIJ)llm) lrJUiJiJUl1Jl1J1Ufl~ I

TlUillV ffilJ1ifll11Vi~]l1UlllYltJ1Y1~VlJ1H v

Ui 1VliU lliritJ1l1lfi~fmhn1)U unnl

J1lJUllif)1 11(1 lrimYitiunuf)1lHlTl~tJltJu~ 1Uuil~uU

lJlUCllYICl J~~m ttllJlfinlH1fl~nlllJnlJ~lJfm)~~UnJlIl (ilf1U) ()liljJ~dhitiflfl 1~-Jl llwlhdlJJI11mJ~]j VlllfhHm(lm~lj~H ll~1HlJJl IUIlrmiddotltJll i HI 1J] 11 (fflU 11[ ~rulaquoJll V1ll~hh~nDUnljf)ll~~HjllDjtf1f1 1~tli1 J nKuijD~iJlI~)l 1Jjll~n~lJllnUJlnl1lJl1 J(lI~Ifitnntmlll~lJ

~ V I 11

lfI~U11f1fl llui l1lU dhJJll11jvt11vlJDHhhuClI1U1-Jlllmlllnml1111dh lr~ UUllliJJvi1111r~jJntlumjjjfiu11111 ~lJ IIlU1l-liili Ull 3IlD(h~u~IUUllll 1lllJ1ll11hmn fl~JJ1jlj~f1J r~Jltum~Dn D111ll llCllJWJUUlf1r)J OJlllmii1lJ R1~ U~DJV1rIUlm Tlul llt1W1Dn~Ju

m1JIllnl~~~YilJDDn~mllJl1iufhli1JnlH h UUlllUlJipl(WviRufhHCnU l1Jili Ul~U~1l l n ETflU 1lUDmllJ~ JlJJJD~llJmllJ1llrflJi vnDH

iU(llJlJUllll Hq)dluv1~ 1l~jjlJlru1iufh~Ulj~1jUulllnh~lJ ~~Dl1l111lH 1-11DOlluUljl~ihJD i l-iClIlCl~1 Yh~1l1IUU I~D~~UDlJrill1UIl i l-ilill~hJ riu1Tf1fllihi1Ji1IlI~DnffD1i14Al T9itJlihlHllaquowr~ln~ U(J~I~UJnUnlljrU JllUlllUlljJnrul1~DJhltnu 15 ll1D1j1iUfh~uj)lmuluDclln~ 3 il~ CllllJJlJlruUDJUll~nruoViClJ u~~~r~Cl~~D~uV)unm-l~~ClI1Cl~~JtJ 4 UflJUll~nluoVi ciJlll UlUU1J ~DJHljDnu111JJUjl]j~I~UJltiuJ lllll

II q tJ I ct 0 oi tJ r 0 v shyllllnll(1lJ~lllC1Uflll1CllnllUyenl IlIll mlJU1lJ~JYmlUUl1D U~nl1 nlnn~D~C11HnlJlJ m~V1lJJllrullU C1111nJluflru nlllJllllDlMll --

UJllliHiUljlIl~lJfh~1l~11J()[Jti~ 17-31 ~JUIllllJHl1jl~~J~11J 23-41 I( Cl U 1 (uu) m lJd -11 Cf1lJfI (lji1WmCl~ ~-1U JI1 ~DlJ UCl m lJfll UfllJ llJJ1I~lih i l1l flpflUUlllUJ~~Ull~ ll-ilvtq) J~IUllfmlt1l~~UmJnll lJClYlEI 1~uuDnlJl~l III lflJUfllJ1l-iltU1l 1lU 1~Dnmiddotll1UIlIl ulm~jllllil VlCll01lJuJrijlnDUIlll t1~ viJJ iuHitlunf1fllJlIl)un9fD~ufh ~JUlJll U 1111 fJlllJllllllllll ~uJnll

IV ff


~U1~1Villi LnU~~J bull IV a

Vi1u~~f)Li11~~~ cu

inmhv-liil 111Pi~~ Llllnnn1lIHU

ml~nll~~IllfJlNu~tllll (iilIlU) LtJ~ Lmrh iilIlU1Lliru~lLLVlUN1llnilUn1l ~lU~U~l ~tltllll ~ LLiiliJ~Tfl~ll tJ111qj

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J _ I

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lJ U

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L~UYlUlJUL1tJu1ua(ij~1(ijBmiitJVivllll11Ul LL~ i ~poundllLLJunBlYlU1iI1a-~n1ll1Ul1tI1U~~l1

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dju L~poundlmllJ~LLIllWl~tJ 1i1Jl1Ull11U1~ru1~ ~

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DWlf1~WllaJn1Jl~~eJf1 nJLQ~lvlU VlVllY1U1Vl

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I tJJ(IrllltJLUWnlJl~tJLL~~~WllVW~-iil11~LYilJ I lJln-iiu I


fi n a Ua dhl3J amp1 ~h ~UA1 b nlf(9la f1~lijVl~~ IJm1J~lLL~~ 217 LL~U~TUUlrl lJEJlJ~ 26-32 Onnfl~~i1LLlnlJm1J~l

d at 01 d

O 7 L~ltJ3JVllleuroJ 3 VlUl tJI1U ~U llj

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VI~J1JeuroJIll(i11 Lfflli3nl mlLn~llJeuroJJLYltJ

VI~eurol~~YlrnflLn~l liJe)ltIlllmllJmtJ~h

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lJtJIU 2556 3J~lil~ufilLn~~leuroJd~ 216 ~

u~nQJluUn~ rilLU~LYh~ ~-ril~ ~eilUltJml ffU~1ltJfin~ ncil1h ~LVI~I1

JJfl~~t1V1~I~~lJmtJ~llii L~euroJJlln~~t-J~~1u n~JJ-trllulU eleuroJtJ tJlJWlll Ul~3JJ1~U LL~ ~~wil1fl3JlruL~3J LLlt1i-lill

LU~euroJn~nml3J~U 15jj eJiLUUL~aJ l~UllmiJ-ru~l~ILlt1~tJ t-lil~~tpJ illPl

euroJtiYi 7500-9000 Ulrl UYJU i~1l~ lI bull cd ~euroJltlU Vl1nml3JIfUeuroJfVl aJil~lL~ LV20 m ~llfll 6000 U1YlLYhilu

~UtJllljlll m~illlml~W1~J3Jl

LVI~euroJ 60-61 Ulrl lt1ieuroJnT~n13J LIjllil~u~ LiJltln~~L~3J ~urlumlt-J~~~J llm-nllTIj~

d ~ T Llt1GwmlYi


630-780 Ulrl w1euroJn ~n~3J LIjnt-J~~~~euroJeuroJn3J13JlnLL~ilmlU1L-li13J1

llnUltLVlffLYleuroJuihu lJru~llfllnJneuroJeuroJn l1~mltlloilUl~lnYillIXllmU1U~J~lL~euroJ 10-220 U1Y1w1euroJnT~n13J LllUL~tJ1n1Jnfll Ul~~ ~llmfiWl~J3J1LVI~euroJ320 -435 ~ntJ ~euroJnT~n13J

1I1~U11 VI~lLm~~lmL9l1lJLjULl~1 il~Jllljfl~euroJIlUnlllllOhm~~ LL~iJ ml3JVll~1um~wYi1u1U1n~uVlIi~OnnleuroJleuroJ1J

LjuluTm~ml3J1UJ~ln11 6-8 L~euroJU

cilUllfl1~U~lLnllVllvifl1~ hlilllm vibVi~ ~euroJ ~Uci1UVI~I m~11lb~l-I LUU 215-220 ulrllt1ieuroJnT~n13J lln 180

Ulrl LIjll~U~euroJImlU1LUt-J~~beuroJvilUeuroJ~ IJrnvielmJflWd1lL~3JLJU 1 220-1300

U1rl lln 1040 ulY1~euroJnT~n13J llfl1LnLdil

nlL~3JLUU 42880-44 Ulrl~euroJnT~n1l-1 L 11l1nfl3JUln vifftJ T lUilml3J9l euroJI ml

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ultJ~3Jifn~ n~lhlilJii leuroJI~f~ml jj n~ n~llL~13Jl1 cilVl1U LLt-JUltJ

tJllL~L~~ tJ ~Vll~ ilil3J nu mrl )11

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~euroJJVi~lLilumlL1~3Jt-J~~~~ ml~~

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n 9l euroJJ LVi~W)1[11 mm~m~n~rnvi1JTlI

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ultJ~3Jifn~ n~11~euroJ11 ffuMfmin~ ~ll1lml3J$1~L~UlJeuroJJnfliJ~n~lmLrltJ bull I

~jLLwllUYi 18-30 ~ tJYitJl~l llnn~3J

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~LLUUL~3J 4 lLLWU T~mnllVllmilml3J v JJ ~ 14 1

~IJl~ltIlU3JlnIJULufl~LuU 7851

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LL~l~t~ LL~~euroJoilLLUnml3J~lJ~l3JeuroJ-nlw nllLn~l~n

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11 Ln~lm~u~n-nllilml3J~IJ~l~l13J

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Llt1~tJ 335 middotnnm-LLUUL~3J 4 fIbbUU


TWlmn~~lm~u~nillI11ULVlqi ilml3J ~ v I 4 _ v

~lJ LUl~U3JlnlJUfl~LuU 886 ~rleuroJU


ampI J 11

U1JaSJf1n~ mfi11(i)1U 1il~~Hilfl111iU1fl11

lYJilnlllnmlm(1l1WlirunllLflmJi (llfl l1) fl~ll 11 f1UJ1~J 1l fl l1 l~cimlm1JJ~~l~14 (Poll)

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Tlll1414 ~TlJJ~ 3 20 Tlll1414 fl1j~l14~ 3 14

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Ministry seeks to resume small-lot rice sales in August PETCHANET PRATRUANGKRAI THE NATION

THE COMMERCE MINISTRY is preparshying to resume selling rice from its stockpiles in early August gradually releasing it in small lots of about 5000)0 tonnes a month

Duangporn Rodphaya director-genershyar of the ForeIgn Trade Department said a ~ubcommlttee had agreed the mmistry slthould go ahead and sell rice from the stockpIles and not walt tor completion of a Junta-ordered mspectlOn of the stocks bull I he nce-release planwhlch Will be proshy

posed to the Rice Policy and Management Committee soon includes sales through general auctions to exporters and local traders by government-to-governrrient contracts and through the Agricultural Futures Exchange of Thailand

Puangporn added that the department wopId ensure the stocks are released transshyparent With the Fmance Mmlst and the Prime Minister s 0 ce joint y inspecting the f0cessc

T~e department reported that about 55 per cent ofl800 rice warehouses had so far been inspected by the teams dispatched by the militarys ruling National CounCil for Peace and Order The teams are expected to complete their mission by the end of September

About 18 million tonnes ofrice is reportshy

cerns over roug t an ower pro uction in many countries amid higher demand in many others I here IS a good posslblhty that ThaIland will export 10 million tonnes 9pound nce thIS year It is expected to sell off all 18 million tonnes in its stockpiles within three years she saId

The department reported that Thailand was able to sell 535 million tonnes of rice in the first six months middotup by 50 per cent year on year while export value rose 19 percentto US$27biIlion (nearly Bt86 bilshylion)

As ofJuly 16 the price of5 per cent Thai

Afile photo shows asoldier inspecting rice stockpiles at a warehouse in a eastern province

white rice was quoted at $427 a tonne up from $410 the previous week

She added that production bfThai paddy rice in the 2014-15 harvest season was proshyjected to be less than 38 mi1lion tonnes because of drought in many areas

Charoen Laothamatas president of the Thai Rice Exporters Association said the government should consIder sellIng rice from its stockpiles in small lots of about 100000-200000 tonnes per auction to avoid impacts on the m-rket price

The government has less pressure to accelerate the sale of rice frbm the stocks The country has holder power It should ensure transparency and minimum impacts to the market he said

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INTHE WAKE ofrising concern over the t reatmen t oflabour farmers we1shybeing and the environment in global trading the International Trade Promotion Department is urging more lhal busmesses to seek FairTrade cershytification so that their products are more easily recognised and have a

greater chance in the world market place

At a seminar on Fair Trade Mark and trading of Fair Trade products in theinternationaJ market heldyestershyday by the agencys Office of News Overseas Markets Development and PromotIOn Duan kamol Jlambutr e U Irec or- ener ot e eplrtshy

mentSal t atonlyasmallnumberof thaI compames and sUEP)Lc~~ms current~apphedthe FairTrade Marllt

The epartment lrill therefore continue to support Fair Trade certishyfication by promoting an awareness campaign amongThai man ufacturers and exporters she said

According to the Netherlandsshybased Fair Trade Original organisashytion about 30 Thai companies and supply chains have received FairTrade

certification to date This guarantees that they engage in faii treatment of farmers have good labour conditions use no forced or child labour offer fair prices to suppliers and operate with transparency accountability and respect for the environment equity and freedom lt)nd have fair trading practices

Duangkarnol said the department in cooperation ~th Fair Trade Original now had a target of increasing the number of certified businessshy iSnap es and products by 10 per cent ayear

The main goal is to help agriculshytural and handicraft producers as well as manufactures and exporters to achieve better trading conditions and to promote sustainability she said

Certified members of the Fair Trade programme will likely be able to leverage the quality of their prodshyucts for higher prices with certificashytion ensuring world-class social and environmental standards and more recognition in the international trade area she added

Thai export products alreadyusing the approved Fair Thade logo include

rice coffee tea cane sugar cotton freshfruits herbs and spices ockershywork handicrafts pottery and ceramshyics

The official said the department also would like to encourage busishynesses in the shrimp and fishery secshy

ate consultant for Thailand said the overall value of Fair Trade products had increased considerably in the past few years as consumers now had more awareness about fair trading conditions and the environment

Consumers are willing to pay more for Fair Trade goods if they feel they have bought a product whose manufacture is highly responsible to society Today prices of Fair Trade products are also very competitive

the same as leading brands Enterprises should adapt themselves to produce Fair Trade products in order to ensure sustainable growth

tors to comply with Fair Trade certification so that they do otfaceproblems due to unfa abour treatment Every Fair Trade product is subject to labour-standard checking she explained

Manasnan Pongjayavanij Fair Trade Originals aS60ci~

and access to many markets said the consultant

According to Fair Trade Original the value of fair trade goods in the global market excluding the US rose from 1 billion (Bt427billion) in 1996 to 48 billion in 2012 Expots ofThai fair trade products were wOlth about Bt300 million in 2012

More than 30000 products are now on sale in 125 countries and the global Fair Trade system currently works with over 12 million people across 60 countries

Manasnan said many more Thai products could get the Fair Trade mark So far many local brands sllch as Doi Chang coffee plus local proshyducers of soy sauce chjli sauce pineapples and bananas are wellshy

known for having the mark which is accepted widely

Martin Boon development manshyager for Fai~Trade Original in the Netherlands told the seminar that with the global market having growshying recognition of Fair Trade prodshyucts many markets were increasing demand for products carrying the logo - and that Thailand had high potential to serve sllch worldwide demand


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THE NATION ~ JULY 20141lI Sihasak reassures EUteam over juntas reform roadmap SUPALAK GANJANAKHUN DEE THE NATION BRUSSELS

EARLY ELECTIONS vtithout reform would not help restore proper democshyracy to Thailand That was the message related by acting Foreign Minister Sihasak Phuangketkeow when he met his counterpart from the European Union in Belgium this week In a bilateral meeting with David OSullivan chief operating officer ofthe European External Action Service Sihasak said Thailand had a clear roadmap to restore sustainable democshyracy and that the EU should support

this process of reform The roadmap and its related reform

will help strengthen our political econshyomy and will also be of benefit to our partnership with theEUin the longnm he said

Sihasak was in Brussels for a minisshyterial meeting between representatives ofAsean and the EU and spent much of his time briefing representatives of Eillopean nations aboutthe situation in Thailand

The E U along with the US and other Western countries strongly criticised themilitaryforits May 22 coup The EU suspended a number of cooperations withThailand as well as several visits by high -level officials It also recommendshyed that member states review military cooperation with Thailand

The EU said last month that it wouldmiddot

not sign a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Thailand and that the negotiation of a free-trade agreement (FTA) would not conclude until an electshyed government was in place

Sihasak told OSullivan that an electshyed government would come eventually Before that however Thailand needed time to implement reform to have a strong democracy

The time frame of 15 months or so for the reform is not too long ifwe want to make sure that our system and democracy are sustainable he said

Thai people are aware of the issues facing our country and we are working on addressing these concerns so the EU as a partner should support us

The EUhas the right to voice its conshycerns about the situation in Thailand

middot but it should also ensure it is sufficientshyly informed on specific cases he said

Concerning detention and martial law the EU should make sure it has corshyrect information about who is under

middot detention and if there are concerns about human-rights violations the EU should specify the cases he said

Sihasak discussed the situation in Thailand Vlrith many European MPs

middot while in BrusselsTheyincludeq Franck Proust special rapporteur on the FTA and Samuel Cantell head of the ecoshynomic trade and regional cooperation delegation Many of them have experishyence in engaging with Thailand and have a clear understanding ofthe current sitshyuation in the country Sihasak said


Pension scheme for farmers proposed

Farmers in the future might look forward to retiring on a government pension

Charnpittaya Chimplee directorshygeneral of the Rice Oepartment said yesterday ttiat under a draft bill dealing with the rice development fund members would contribute about 3per cent of their monthly income to the fund and the state wou ~d also chip in ayet-unspecified amount

When farmers reach the age of 60 or 65 they will start receiving a monthly pension bf about Bt4OOO

Most farmers earn less than other workers so the fund is neces- sary for their future Charnpittaya said

Other proposals for the bill are being gathered and the contents wi I be improved before its submisshysion to acommittee on rice producshytion and markets and the National Council for Peace and Order


Farmer happiness down from August WICHIT CHANTANUSORNSIRI

Farmer happiness last month dropped subshystantially from its peak last August when they had high hopes of stable income from the Yingluck Shinawatra administrations rice pledging scheme reports a Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BMC) poll

The state-backed farm banks farmer happiness index fell to 7851 in June from its highest level of89 in August said senior executive vice-president Somsak Kangteershyawat The poll surveyed 2346 farmers

Happiness from family health a good society jo b financial position and the quest

for knowledge were the six factors used to measure the index

The survey found happines from the family scored the highest with a score of 341 out offour followed by health at 321 a good society at 320 job at 314 fmancial position at 285 and the quest for knowlshyedge at 274

Farmers from the Northeast regygIiwere the happiest vvith a score of 314 while those from the North scored 313 the South 312 the East 297 and Central 299

Asource at the BMC confirmed Augusts poll was taken when the farmers mood hit a fever pitch as they felt they would receive an elevated level of compensation from the

rice pledging programme The National Council for Peace and

Order (NCPO) is seeking sustainable ways to help farmers after losses from rice pledgshying which offered prices 40-50 higher than the market price could reach 500 billion baht

The juntas measures so far largely includelowering rice production costs and slowing the release of supply to lower price pressure

The source said prices of tapioca sugar cane chicken and pork are gaining in the second half while those of rice corn rubber oil palin and whiteleg shrimp are declirun ~ bull bull imiddotI middot7~

Regarding rice prices the source said the price of paddy with 15 moisture content could average 7500-9000 baht a tonne while Hom Mali prices are projected at 14000-15000 baht in the second the half

Even though the agricultural sector conshytributes only 84 to the countrys GDP there are 167 ffiillion farmers making up 26 of the population

National Statistical Office data shows the ratio of farmers who earned over 100000 baht a year rose to 286 in 2013 from 97 in 2003 while 643 graduated from prfshymary school down from 704 a decade ago Farmers shouldered average debt of 124604 baht per person last year

BANGKOK POST 41 FTIupbeatabout domestic car sales PIYACHART MAIKAEW

The Federation of Thai Industries (FT) remains confident that domestic vehishycle sales will top I million this year defying some car makers projection of sales declining to between 900000 and 980000 vehicles

Domestic demand started picking up in the previous quarter as private firms and farmers bought new pickup trucks for their business expansion and new cultivation said Surapong Paisitpatanapong spokesshyman for the FIrs automotive industry club

The club forecasts pickup truck sales will contribute 55-58 of domestic sales against 442 in 2013 while passenger cars dropped to about 40 from 474 last year

The passenger car market has normalshyised after demand was absorbed by the gov- emments first-time car buyer scheme said Mr Sura pong

The club yesterday cut its 2014 forecast for Thailands automotive output from 24 million vehicles to 22 milliori It also cut domestic sales to 1 million vehicles hom 12 million while exports stand finn at 12 million vehicles

FTI vice-chainnan Suparat Sirisuwan~ nangkura said Thailand was expected to remain in the worlds top 10 automotive manufacturers this year with production in countries such as Canada and Russia also expected to decrease

The International Organization of Motor

Vehicle Manufacturers said Thailand was the worlds ninth-largest automotive manufacturer in 2013 and 10th in 2012 Production (ast year totalled 245 million vehicles the highest in 52 years and up by 014 from 2012

The club yesterday reported that car proshyduction fell by 261 year-on-year in June to 160452 For the first half Thailands car output fell by 29 year-on-year to 952685

Domestic car sales in June totalled 73799 dOVll by 304 on the same period in2013 while 440911 cars were sold in the first half down by 405

By contrast car exports in June rose 657 to 103946 earning the cOUDtry497 billion baht In the first half exports rose 36 to 560047 cars with export value rising 895 to 265 billion baht

The FII yesterday reported that the industrial sentiment index improved for the second straight month in JW1e

The index rose to 884 points accordshying to the FIr which conducted a survey among 1100 industrial operators It stood at 851 points in May when sentiment improved for the first time in seven months

FTI chairman Suphan Mongkholsuthee said sentiment has improved because of the more stable political situation and an increase in purchases of products thanks to the Fifa World Cup football tournament

The industry outlook index for the next three months stood at 1019 points rising from 101 in May

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AUTO EXPORTS INCREASE Despite the sluggish recovery of

the export sector auto shipments continue to expand but still by not enough to counter the reduction in dorriestic demand for cars

The industry has been forced to brake this years production target from 24 million units to 22 million

The target for domestic sales has been lowered from 12 million units to 1million which represents adrop of 251 per cent or 335154 units from last year

Surapong Paisitpattanapong deputy chairman and spokesman of the Federation of Thai Industries Automotive Industry Club said yesterday that lower domestic derriand the end ofthe governments first-car tax-relief programme and the delay in gov~ errirnent and private investment

middotprojects had contributedtothemiddot change in the production target However this new figure is still

middot higherthan the forecast for T8 milshylion units before the big floodiri 2011and domestic demand is

expectedto shitf intoforWard gear i

middotnext quarter~ The economic recovery payshyrnent for farmersuncter the rlceshy

pledgingscherneandreturn of investment will increase revenue l

in other industries and put more rnoney in peoples pockets he middot said

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Temporary charter should furthershyboost confidence ERICH PARPART THE NATION

THE FEDERATION ofThai Industries believes the temporary charter will further increase the confishyden~e ofdomestic and foreign investors along with buslness op~ratrs while the recent strengthening of the baht IS stJlI tolerable for the export industry as long as anyfurther appreciation is neither too rapid nor drastic

_The FTI also said yesterday that its Industries Sentiment Index (TIS) had increased by 44 points since April

The introduction ofthe provisional charter is in line with the politiCal road map of the NCPO [NationaICoimcil for Peace and Order Jand I believe that in generalinvestors andoperators will feel more relaxe and gai~ more confidence that things aremiddot gomgmaccordWlththeNCPOsplansforanewcharshyter the setting up ofan interim government and the possibility of an election in the future said Supant Mongkolsuthree chairman ofthe FTI shy

In his view the country over the past two months has been running on a smooth surface since the Nepo took power a move which has led to an increase in foreign investor confidence certainty over pubh~ II1vestment policy and rising domestic consumptIOn

These factrs will support the recovery and allow _gross domestJC product to expand by 25 percent this year he said


The FTI had been projecting an economic recesshysion before the arrival of the NCPO

As for exports Supant said The strenctheninO of the baht is related to the increased conffdence of foreign investors which has led to an inflow offorshy~ign funds This will have some effect on the export iiidustry but it is still acceptable for exporters since the currencys strengthening pace is not too fast and the Bank ofThailand is still monitoring the situashytion

The export sector will be able to cope with a stronger baht if the rate does not fall below 3050 per US dollar he said -Moreover since the global economy IS continushyII1g to reco~er the FTI is sticking with its export

- growth projectIOn of35-5 per cent for the year According to Bloomberg the baht was valued at

3176 per dollar yesterday The FTI chief pointed out that if the Kingdoms shy

export value were calculated in baht it would already show lO-per-cent growth year on year

Accordingto the central bank export value in May came in at US$1927billiol1 (Bt6124 billion) whIch IS 12 per cent lower than the same period last year in dollar terms - shy

Meanwhile the TmiddotISI has increased for two month~ in a row The indexose from 840 in April to 851 111 May and to 884111 June amidst calmer political waters the economic recovery the liftingof the curfe - and even Fifa World Cup fever which led to an mcrease in overall production orders and sale figures - shyn~eover~TISI fororBers~salesarid prod-udiai- -shyIII allll1dustnes rose from 802796821 points in May to 843 844 879 points respectively in June

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CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough


GRAFT HAS GOT TO GO nvestors from Japan from which Such concern by the Japanese away existing and prospective forshy

the largest amount of Thailands investors should not be ignored eign investors Countless foreign direct foreign investment comes because they have brought the firms and investors have com~

have called for reduced corruption largest amount of direct foreign plained about the extra costs of and improved transparency in order investment into Thailand The doingbusinessinThailandbywhich to help restore confidence in the Japanese invested over 8t290 bil- they mean kickbacks and undershy

Kingdom lion in projects ClPproved by themiddot the-table money that must be to Setsuo luchichief representative Board of Investment last year That bureaucrats and politicians Often

of themiddot Japan External Trade was nearly 30 per cent of the total they have topayin exchange for pro-Organisation (Jetro) for Asean and foreign investment of Btl1 trillion curement deals with state agencies South Asia last week called on the according to 801 data and public projects People who ruling National Council for Peace Thailand has generally remained refuse to pay are routinely left and Order to kick-start good govershy attractiye to foreign investors due behind by their bribe-paying comshynance that includes combating corshy to positive factors such as the avail- petito rs University of the Thai ruption and ensuring transparency ability of skilled labour efficient Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) rec-particularly about doing business in infrastructure and transportation tor Saowanee Thairungroj has esti-Thailand Now its a good time for systems location andthe consider- mated that corruption adds 30 per Thailand to bring about good govshy able size of the domestic market cent to costs for businesses That ernance for the new era he said But our chronic corruption is scaring she says translates into reduced

comoetitiveness for Thai-made Economic and Business Forecasting pay corrupt officials and politi~ians products and reduced credibility for Centre He surmises that the have to cut costs at-the building site Thailand among foreign investors improvement could be due to posi- and that means poorer quality in General Prayuth Chan-ocha has tive public sentiment following the their public projects and thus a risk made tackling corruption a top pri- juntascampaignagainstcorruption to life and limb ority for the ruling military junta He and organised crime The surveyalso Businesses who pay bribes also says the fight will be part of sweepshy showed that bribes paid to officials offset their higher costs by charging ing national reform together with and politiCians by the private sector the consumers more good governance transparency and had declined to 15-25 per cent of middot Since corrupt authorities and an efficient and effective system of project costs frbman average 25-35 politicians make money and bribe-checks-and-balances Thailands per cent previously paying businesses make profits it is corruption index in the first half of Despite the seemingly slight theconsumersandthepublicingenshythis year improved for the first time improvement in the situation (or- eral who suffer in five years according to aUTCC surshy ruption remains amajor problem for They end up paying more uhnecshyvey The indexinJune was registered Thailand essarilyfor products and public proF at 46 out of a possible lOa com- In addition to the weakened ects the quality of which is poorer

pared to 39 last December says competitiveness and reduced cred- Corruption should beeliininated or Thariavath Phonvichai UTCC vice ibility the public asa whole is affect- at least minimised for the sake of rector of research and director of its ed by corruption Contractors who the country and its people

  • 57-07-24 (กรม)
  • 57-07-24 (ใบนำสง)
  • 57-07-24 (กระทรวง)


~ lt11 ~fJ1J

- ilmllJWbl~ II l11JlJlIJ1lJiU ~JfltlJV1lJlJlJVllJlJmlJ QI iq q tt I ~ tt

- Dfl6 ~UJ~WfllFlLfl~m ~il~UGlFllbW~J-GlVl~UV1U ~

lt0132UlU blJtlJ












- Utl~ itlU ViI II uUl11Ubb~1


- Ministry seeks to resume small-lot rice sales in August

Fair trade certification urged

Sihasak reassures EU team over juntas reform roadmap

- QUICK NEWS II Pension scheme for farmers proposed

- Farmer happiness down from August

- FTI upbeat about domestic car sales


-Temporary charter should further boost confidence

CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough

2557 1

OOSllnUn18UnlU8UnlWO --- - -

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ljjj)jlfl~ mr111al1LLflUn~~U11LiJu~1Ii1ilU~~1R1 LLIl wwworganicnaturalexpocom


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2 ~LU~U Vl~eurol~JYi~(1)lu eurolU 4 tJ LLIl~1~ ~unfll-J~ciltlElnoii111Y1tJLoiilmli1rJLciil-Jyj L1tJn Yl~tJuu~dJu~iiJ1~e~eurol-ll11~tJlV1nivi~~ ci1ULLUl(1)1l1(1)oii11nffu~Ul-Jl I(1)rJtJfu1IElm~ lJEllT~n bull ~

VitYlrJ~~Ieuroleurolnt~ 10 ~lU~U~

2557 fo

UlpoundJlf1qJY1Y1poundJl fuJW1~ eurolTIu~m3-Jm~ ~Yl n~111unmVl-J3-JU1neurollYlU-WI1lJU1-lll1

LLfllf11U1LL Jlfl~ 11 ml-Jm~ih1iiL1m 2 LI1ieurolU hnldL~Ueurol~lneurollYluQl~fl~J5 L~uiEltJ I(1)poundJneurollYlu~YilVltXYi~utJ ~UU LLtll11tJLVI~Ellf11U~ lU~lum~~~VI1if~~poundJ mt~~ li1poundJfl(1~Ul1~ LtJULLVIIllL~U~ULvlEl

c v ~

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Lyj El ~f~lLLfl-WI1lJUlmn~Jfl1U1l~~~1l-J iJUflJLLflUlUU

neurolJYiUlhpoundJflliJ~poundJm~cJ~(1bJLnu 20

lIElliJl~poundJm~tI~~~eurol11WLn nml~ 1500 inY Q lt=II Qo c bull C

~uu ~UJUYlUVIl-JUL1 poundJU~~(1Ll-J l(1)WUiilJ11 I I

fluli-U11lfl-JlfULL1lEllf1n~11U1 LL VI ~ JYil-J1lJeuroll L~U n eurollYlU ~1 n -rlqm l

1~m~~uu~ulutJLLdn 1000~ ~lUtJl~LL~ 1utJI1iElltJ~~11l(1)~n]lJ1J~l-J1rn~UlJ~Uu I

jfl 6 Wu~lUU1Yl ~ Q 0lt1 C

bull UlpoundJEl~)l]fl ~VI1HllJ511U1~ El(1)~(1)(1)() n ~11h fluYiLnmoiieurollnUlf11U 1~1 rJYlnflU bull I

~J LL ~middotIieurol~lU~~tJm~t~(1) nJ ~ Ieuroleuroln

LLI1iJf11Ul1~~1poundJ lulIrnvi~eurollYi111J~U(1)1poundJ 1aJ~LnjtJrn fll~$jneurollYlULn(1)~U ~lLUU mll-JVl1Jl1~ ffil-Jl~ ()li1U~~Ellf11U11~l1Jl


~lLLYlUllElllf11Ull-Jin nl1oiiitllfm~

11 V 6V


bVJ tJ bUl b1JU~Ub1Itt9l bnlJU1U q q

ASTVN~VlnWmJ~U - rIlrnlfU If-l UUlJ hMtJ1bbC-Juil1J1tJ-ii1)lu~~tln ~-l lhl~r1lIwm-l ~lJ~ bmtJq) b~~ If f1d b~tlUr1l 5 ~LIfUGlU rI~tl~~-lVl btJ-llU5u

h~m1o)~tlU b~mLU1Twrmn-ii11tJfuqr11ii~uf1imittl-l Vl~-lc-Jr1VJ~~Tmlr1~~~O)ln Jlmb~-l Jlrl1J-ii111uffiltlmlJu~Ub(t1-lLVl()lLflUl1Ulun11 2 tJ

t - I

Ul-lm-lW~ ltl(1)wmn tlfuJliiril~nmllf1il-ltJl~LYlff LU(1)Lc-Jpoundrll f1~tlunTI~ml llmtJ-ii11Mjj~IiiL~UlftlULbc-JUtJYIimlf()l1mTIrul tJ-ii11 LYlm(lUtll~f1ru~ll~nli UTtJ1J1tJLL~lU~~ll~(1)ml-iin (UUlJ) ~Mm tl tJlltJYln ~Urifltllfl 11VlUlflru

1mtl~11~(l-lULLvi-llfllii (f1(llf) LlJUtJll1ilU WO)ll~ltlU~~~lilUmllJltli111U

~~tln1j1Jl~Hh11~TIf1il-ll ~jmtJl~~~11tJ mlJltJ~l~lumrn~~~tl~~l~-l ~ri-iii1L-if13-Jl-H(1)Lo)u rnllJl tJLLUU-rJf1itl11 (~lJ~) LLr1mtJil~~~lill11m~a~lh fJ

~UI11 mmmh-lVlUlLLvI-ltJlLY1ff1VI tJ (Ltl LtJltit) L(1) ~LLc-JumiJl tJ-iilJOJ~Lj~HI Jl~JlP~Ul~tlU (lf1 U LL~ljjLb~UL~fttJtJ~~wmlTIUltJtJl~lru 5 U(lUGlbi

4 bull - I

b~tlU J bull

~~d ~iiiltJ-ii111u~~tln-rjUl~fl~-ld O)ll-llulU~~LLiJUlltl~m~l-l1~~

VlU1tJ-llUUtlnmYIl1-lrllrulfUL-ii13-Jli1~(1)LLi1 Liu o)ljqr1LLVIU~lnmlYImrllfI~-l filr~UlJn~~UI11~ T(1)tJo)~Liuml~Ttl1-l1~djUVl~n LL~lumllJltJ-ii111tJf1i~tJ~LVIff O)l~YIl-llfin~~ ~fl-ltltln-ii111Y1tJ L-iil~li1tJLVl~m~tl-lm1~-ltltlnmhJL~~YibWeJ LLpoundi-l

~huL1j-l~m(1)-iill$w~LfttJltJ~u~lT(1) tJVl1nl11m~l~~rnflLeJnlfueJ-l~(1)-iitl~ln~ middot lumlJW li1f1~flO)lL-iilltl~1tJ

ftli-1-rUc-J~mlI11J1OJIfeJUIf~tln-ii11lJtl-l-rrul~YWTnli1-lYi1tllLYlff 1800 LLvi-l

iilfl(1)t~jjmI11TI~tnli1-lLL~1 55lJeJ-lTnli1-l~-l~(1) t(1)EJmllrultJlfreJn-ii11 O)lllU~ fI luJ1u~~nl~TlOJ(ltlUL~1~~ULL~1 ~-lril~-lmljjTnli1-leJpoundJ1u~u~1(1) bL~lLtiU-iil~lfU(1)


Ul-lC1l1-lrllm11111 middotbLU1TiUJl1f11-ii111ul11m(1)lJrn~d L~~tlfuGl1ampi~U L(1)poundJ1-lfll

1 -ii11LtJ~tlnMtJfu~uml11ntl(1) ditl-lO)lnc-J~c-J~111rr111ultilm(1)TnflL~3-JSj~3-Jlrn~(1)~~ f

~nnJt1VllJ1poundJLL~-l~LA~~u LiuEi~LIii poundJ~~ljc-J~~~I11-ii1l~(1)~-l l1~r1-ltlll(VIff5ul ~ ~~1T~n T(1)poundJl1mfi-leleJn-ii11lJ11 5 LtltJTtl1J brinru~ 16 n~ ~~l3-JllflliJ~~ 427

- LVI~tJqj~VI-rjGlU L~3-J~Unn 410 LVl~poundJt1(lW~lGl LrieJ~tJ(1)1rieJU ~1i1m~mnr Ct tJi1tJ~111-ii11tJ 255758 -

~lVlwmm1OJIfeJu-ii1)lulfreJn eJ-lfl-li1mltilJ1OJ~eJ1JeJ~l~~mieJ-ltVlmuf

(23 n f1 T UlpoundJlff1 ffd11f~111 ~ltilJ1OJl1lfmlmlm1-l~Vll(1)LYlEJ lh~i1f1~Yil-llU m1~IfeJU~~lrnbLf1lf1runl~411 If(1)~ 4 n~11JVl11-lniltiIl1~1feJ1J-ii111uTnli1-lnm-l lJl-ltl-l~nTIl11m~bYlm~1ffilm(eJ~n) eJ II~m~m~ O)~lL~-lLYIl1-l~ULDutJu

LLU-l~lU1~ln 11-ii11~-lVl3-J(1)fi1Ul qiLtlwlllLfll LflUl1U1Un11 2 tJ 8 L~tlU ~-lL~tl lt 11 2554 L~lVl~1~~W~(1)lfeJULL~-l11~ml1h~ml1JlpoundJEieJnttJU1]LL~1 -l~tJll~fi1~

~l~~~n~11~LL~~11tVlJi ~1u~m~mtlu-ii11~1 ~ l1EJ-llull11LL~-l11 flrul-llUt~liJu~ml~-llu1tJeJ-l~lUmnpoundJn~j3-JUI11~~l

u11jjuU-ltJutltJ1uneJ-l-ii11Jl1 25 LtJtl~LU~-slU1~ln fi1U~3-Jlrnf1-leJpoundiltili3-Jju~n 88005 m~fteJ~ fl1UmlMftpoundJVlltJVl~m~el~f1runlrll~tlc-J~mlI11l-1o)l~~l1~~ln Vl~~ tJ-llu~ljVlUl~~l1lyenl(l~U~~ttl bull -

1bVJ61~Vlb~6 J~ nan~lr1~ 2557

~ ~




Igoluns~nusA I [wctcltJl[]U gtlnrii-lfJlIlLL~tilti1EJ middot 11ti~~flm6ilti~ 5 LL~ti~ti 1M

_ d ~

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U1l(11lVl) tEl(1V1fJ1B ElfiU(1n))J

Q1)~i1vi1ltJ) L lll LU (1 Lr-w 0 iil n1)

tJ)~)JIlCJm-im))Jnl))1J1fJ-E11 11 Vi tJ)lI)Jjj)JIii L l1UlfElU LL~U fJll fillll(1nl) ~

)111 fJ-En LYlElLlluEl1 I11l ru n)))Jn1)

UlfJUWLLiillJ111~(1nl)-E11 (14m) ~jj Vliil El tl~fJllj ~Ullf[Ellf1111l1U111 ru

fml1111)JlllULLrillf1~ (Illllf ) LUU

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)Jlll(1LIU nl)lJlt1LLUufjviElfj LLiiln1)

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ll Il11LUU~u1tJ L~ElUiil 5 LLlltI(I]U


millhn(11)J nTl)lJ1fJ-ETllull~Eln

fjlJ1~ 1yenl11 1~Ellvi1llUlu)l1LLUlJlJEll Ilruvi1llU~mm NVl1ruu NLLYlU

n)mlln1)lIffl ~loJnulfmf~~U(11 L-E1)J1(1 LLiil LviElllll)JltJ1l1ll

UI -pJU)1111iillElEln-E11lJ11 5

LEllJlmj L~EllU~ 16 nII~1-hwn ~Uiil 427 Ll11fJQlll1fj L~)JffUI1n~Uiil 410

Ll11fJQlll1fj 1(1fJlJrudfjlJ1~1YlfJSj-E11

1ull~Eln 18 ~lU~U LLiil1l1(1111Sj

NiilN~(1-E11LtJ~ElnUnTlN~(1 25572558

lti1U1U 38 ~lu~u-E11LtJ~Eln

u1EJ1LiiEmii lElfl1llllA U1fJn

ii(1~mrn~llm~mNiillElEln-E111YlfJ mhl

11 nTl)lJ1fJ-E11L~ElUiil 5 LWU~U LUU

tJ1mruhimn l11mlJ1fJriElU~NiilN~i] -E~1)JlUl~n1iil 2557255l 1ElElnmlu

lh ~ L~~U (0111 11 middotmiddot I11)~Yl1Jnm111 (1~1(1-E11)J1noJn middot LLvil11nN~N~(1-E11

l~n1~1l1)ElElnmEl11Yi11~fJ1nffu ~lllVl

)ll11fflElEl n-E111YlfJffU)J1LUU~Uiil 4~0 Ll11EJQlll1fj -E11L1EJ(1U1)J~U~ 420

Ll11Jrulll1f~ bull-


VliiIJJVln bull fjn lI~JJLntl~iWmm1fj ~)jUrnlJJlJYIV1ULLl1 ln1lVlim~tl~nii8u lJW1JU11lJ

310 Ylm~JJ 4 f1LLUU m~middotlVIillhlVI~ i1)jl1~~~aWi1mlJJ ltlJJ8EWi 327 IlLLUU LnllVlimN

~lJt11 Yf~vJJLLU~ll(JniloVI1thvhJJ ilmt11w Uahfli1l1il L~Vl1(iL~J jj~UIl11lJ~1lW 31

l1~ulillriYiTIJJLIlitl~iiY Yi~rulf6lf Ullll lv1LvLL~Ui1l1V11 I1UUU rtluLnllVlimW~llvi1mi

L~iJU1~ 5 UU~ L~JJ I1U LnllVlilj~iiAl1lJllllU1lV~llVl U1VaJJ~n~ n~lhl(ilJU lUj~1Jlnnflultl~ilLUU 7851 ~1V1fUi~1Jl1l1lJfillll1ll

iJltAVln1iliUlI11iL~8nliLn1lVli LVlV aill (lll tillU 111 JJ Ill Ln1lVllnl11~llai1UL~ULI1iln1lrU

LlOl al1mrumiLmlVli (lina) lJ8llnllilin~ltllLVlA1V1v LLUl lthUl-nl1 Wml Ln1lVlimlj1l11JJ

LlJVlll-JVl1 ~WJNv una1riltli1lt1 LiJU1Ji1mA ~ti 1l1I1n(l1l n ~lllJl r1lllJLviJJ1UlJl1l~1Ui ~U IIl1lJ~Vl Lnu ll 8ln ~JJ(i1 8 Ull tillUA11lJfi1J1lWi 29911UUU lJ1n~IVl aiUI1LLUULO~V 335

Ln1lVlimluYJn~l111VlvhtlilVlA 1l1IlVl1u1l1lnLQUlL11U8 nti1l1 nnlllLUUL~lJ 4 IlLLUU I11Vl1~l

-)114114 2346 ilU 1U1illl~1lU 1l11lJ~ll1l~~ 314 llllUU 11111 1~fu~U~lnlAilnll1U~ltil-nll

JJV2557 ~l-nEl i~Ul1lllJfilJ L11111l jj~il11lJ~ll8~~ 313 LVl VLnll(iJlni ~tl~n-nll rtlU1 l1l1lj

IJ1l~LmVlimlV1v WU11 I1YlJJ IlLLUU 111111ril lj~ll11l1l1lJ~llJ~ A1l~lll111 itiulJln1ultl~Vlluu fillm OlillJll 1ll Ln1ltiri ni1VlU1U ~ 312 I1LLUU LLrII11Il(iJ1U(iJn 886 Lii8lltllnL~8l~UL~Wl~1jj 1l1wilJJ1l~1uitiu~lJln ailU jjffl1fi11l1lJIllJ~ 297 IlLLUU ltlmwlIli8l1-illUL~~U

d a l1lLUUlWu 310 ltI1nlLUWVllJ ll(]l~~fJ~im~tl~nr~r11iiP~1Jil JElnltnnti VllllilllLIlillshy

4 llUU LVlULnlVlmiljAl1JJIIlJ 1111lJltllllllltlVlJEWi 328 11 lLUU nllvlpoundJIl~ll1~liJ 2557 ~llU1U bull v

~l 26-32 LVluNu~hLnllVllViltl 1l4~tiini1lU nlilllU-ill11Ull~8n jjilAl~iu laiuri m~ltlyj~l f~ulm-huiEvill1 ~nlit1ilJrI ii8VLll~lULWJ1Vll(lVlilU lri hltl nlilJ1UVlillumru~~1l

11 ~ ~ ~ LU8 urIIm 1l111i1JIlUA1LnllVll jjlh~1l8-n1lL-nllJ1iVlLvU ~1l ful(iJl1ilAll(lVlrllL~rMV l~LUi lllrJLLuuf~vi1Jf~ ~~lts) LLrInli

-illl -nlLW(iJl~Vlamp(iJl U1lWlil tlilJrlN1UVl(llVl~8lJ1VNU~1 111~JJt11~U lLrIrNlJllLLlUUlllJ Ln1l(imi1ll1Ul LL ltli lViillVI V

LLviUljjil~~Vl~Vl~~8l~U(iJl~lUU (LfllIVVl) 1VlULLeJWl1J1vihlltiL~ VlLIlllailui il~111t1lvillJ LLUl tli~lJ1ruIilUL~1lU ltlIlti lQ~U 1UlJil~1~Uu~~1l1l~I-J(lni tl1lJ 1 run 1 liU 1 V-iilltli lJ1 ru

V1U~ltltliUYJUnliI-J~(iJ Yillmll(li1 L~1l1ja 5 lLllUIifU

LlrlnLtl~VU~HuWlU ilo1111lll ~~U eJ(lnlj(ljllll~8niill

U1Vll11 ~IJLLa amp(iJ1Ln1lVli~1l1 121J1r1~~Ln1l1l~ltllVlI1 1800 gy3Jpfn~ ni-r~J1

Ullil1lVli l1lVlVlmB ltlfuJ~ LLl lill(iJlaijjnllVlil~1nliflll~1 nllJnlihliilltl1LVlII mhl11 55 ll8lLn~~~l1lJVl 1Vlu~uUU d middot ~1 25-35 tll1ai1lai~nll Vltli11lJIl ru 8 ~m llJ n 1li UlU 11nWiUlv-iil1114 ll~8nf~ulr1 a 1l~liJLLin IlWUUl-JrIltllnllI11Yi llll lJlJVlL11U1JElULLI-JUVVllilllflm rlt1 VLUlmlllJLtl~l1lll~~n

LI1l1llnltl1~mL(lLIli]lnltllV1vti nlil1J1mrl1 L~LflU1lArumilJ Ll(l1UnlllJ1V-nl1ltlvilltli lVlI1

~U vh1ililll LIllli~1VlV~tJ nTiu1u1J1ULL(lU1111i~Vln1iihl l 1 iVI1laJ-J1lllJe~lil1lBn-nl1lVl8

2557 llJV1V~ll~ 16-24 (UUll) ~n ~a1ltli~Y15 ~UVl1 LllJ1~EJ L11~1ll~1llnlj~l88n ailUil Il1RUfhLn1l(iJi~l 181Jl 11lVIiilliru~fml11111m~U mhJLtlilJ~ L~mLUlollmLtill~1 1i1 1 middot-middot

11~llJ2557 jjLLU11iilJltllJU1V LL11-)lllili ((lllll) LUUlhl1U -iill1vlpoundJYiLAtJltliltlum


ij ~mlUI7lU~]f)t1]YIUY~tn1h1Hl-lIllUll ]lIl~mtJ1U2 I~BW nBud] l-JDnJ1ndu~lhu~lU)~(JnmI~ilhhnl-J ftj1l1 111WllelU r(Q111~Ulh-l~iJtJIjf) 10000 ~lUUlVI ~lU nolllu lI]Ut-lU 20 1 UD~uJ~umm~illDl1111D1JjLi)l-Jllun~

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U(l-Clthl ~tJ I

Yla UUl-lllnUf1llJft~W~JJnlllnElill lI~l~lJUill l-J1U]JltlJl~~Ul QlJYi1~ Djju~nilJnllltUT1 UCl~1 ~Dfl1jlJl1n~W~lnDlliVmiddot1]J1ll-J1 i ~1lJf))llJ RW~DnElIllnil~m1U T~uflru~nmJnllU~11li

1~1lLrIU1l nilJnllltUlllJmn 2 I~Dl-Ji-lmlflmn rl-JfI~IIClamp~Ul-l il D~11l-Jlr~l-J lii1l11n~1I11l-J11l ~1I1 ~J~I U4

lIn~imD~ y41r~l-JlltU1l11f1~1I111-Jllll~1I1~ ml~fi1AtlJ ll-JnD~yl-lUl~nDlj~hu n 1l~~i11 C~1l1~(lmUllUUllClclilllnll~)UlH~D~l HlJl~ftlJ l~DmUiJ i Mflru~1mnAl1lJCf~UU~lI1ampl (flCIlJ) U1l~Un1lrJftilI~l-J ~Ulflil ~U~l-JYl ~1lUrUU1 ~ 1l-Jll ~Cldj ll~nlllmiddoti U TIlUnD~Yll-l1djJril(lUl~~f1 thl-l~l-J (11ltlD~nl-Jnmiddot1~~r1il~11 11J~IlWl-J~ bull I q ~v nu uu bull ~1i1lUlli1n~YllJ1Utl~I~4ntln~l-lYi~l-J1

~lJ~wuCf~l-lundlUI i1~D]J1ll-J1l W~ ll-Jnll Ifl~D~JJmfl~1Jltl1iilfl~D-l~n1nn Qum(lJ111D~l~1~11~ ltiJ 11uilI1l1-Jlll ~1I1~ JlJlJ 1 n1~Ulni~ r~111Ull~[JnllrJtiil~lJflruf1lWhlllfl1lUl-JilllJ i iii l-lnml1l-l1 J1iJ1-llfrDl~~~ 1~DH11111l-J1JJnll ~ UUl lJl ruUl~Jl iJ Ul1 ~lJn D~1tJ l-l i l-lU II l n

)h~IWU~~HlllClrl~~Hl1nll11l-J1il-JnllnYl liiuJ~unllrJ~Yl~iillruf1lwll-lllmdjl-lilllJmh~ 10000 il1l-JU1Yl 1~14hl-ld~1l-llruJ1n 51- Utl~ ~1-J1~l-lnll~~~ltiJ1l djl-llll1~~I~l-lVll-lI~DftUUftl-Jl-l I~U~YimCl~r)(i~ TIlUUl~~1l-lnU11l-Jfl1~lMuliiD~ lJMl 1111 U~Dn~1I11l-l1rJ~ill~UCl~ 30 ~ll-J~l-J

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~ll-lil~mWjl liJ1lYW1~ 1J~U~f1llJnll9J~illJl1l1n 3 1 lJD~lJn~1ltUlll U~Dn~im1-Jl fh~l~Ul~lVlff Illiluwo~rJClnllUl~llJflOJ middot rJ~il1~UCl 30 lllUYll-l 1l(JI~l-JQIl11~U1l1n iirill-l~lUll-lnllrnfj1~j~t1l nUlHfnuK~fllJ Dl-lnmJnli l~U1UltUTr11 ~ul~4lJiilJ~hM1-llJ)U

IllflLDn1lW111 D D ~Anl ii l-J 1~ lIi1 ~ D YlrW 6i1l-J IJJlJ~ 1~1-Jl~UlnU~In1l-1~HillCl~~1-JYilD~ T~u llrJmiddotW~Ylif1lfW11nlm~ iJluihll ~llmWO111flru~J1n~U~1l1fl ~DilljUllnr~mJli TU]Jj~1nIlfrl-J ~lUI tJl-J~lCl~nllllU111 l1yf-ii1iltUD~Ql-lt1l-lVl1 nlllJnlll-lTUUlUll~~U1i11l~~nllihl (WUUliJlflnD~11l-l

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v f bull

~ bull I ~ bull1) u u u ~ I-eruTl~Lfll91llil1~l1U11ll1~UilVlff IIW ~ LVln1l il1W1lWWU il1~~Wfl1lf1 fllill il ~UlflVU

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vvVin1 7 700-7800 U1VlIiV~U uli

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Mll1~vvQVi 6000 U1Vl ri1141i1l1tllJ

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III VIlU liJ VlV-liV ~1111 (l-J 01 nUfll m~

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~Vl1ifflff(p)fmiiUl U1Jl1 I~VIllUCJ1M

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f~Ul(1 l~(Jmiiulv~llOI~lJUilJlru ~WI~CJWiYJI11fllJ-ct lQ~m~V14(l 5 ufftJ

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~tJ III mrtJlln nmUl(J1illCJcil~~lli1CJJ

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UllmlVfi lfl~VW15 fl5lJ~m~f11lAl~1~ IIlrullVLulJJ1middothtJtlIJ~lLL11~tJilLi1uml~11HI1a

_j_l__LI1_f_lil(ll~tJ11 ~lhltJJArum~nllJJf11l LllIJI1n LL1llJf11lJltJul1lj~mhLI1f1il l1J1 tJ-rr11 Ailli la(l l~ii~ ~ L11 tJiJI fllJ UNU l-i1Y11lI1~lAJJ~a~ flflnul1lYltJ lulJJ1ll1tJtUf11~ ~VDfl111~~nmlJl~ul1L~tJillaUfl~8~jlltJJmiddot aleHlneJcil1L~JJVi L~flL~tJna1tJlLUlm1~u11Yi A rumlJJf11ltJ 1VlJl JlLfllJ1111l-ij(lf11 ll111 L~f)ln-i1fiJ~U~l Ul1mllll n~11

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II J l

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2557 ~~UOO1ii~ T()Ul11f14111 4 Ilf~ ~n11lU1i1 4lJWT tiitJll1~ LLfl~tJLiii1 li~L~tlU~~ll1lJ 2557 TvluLlI~1unl~Li1~1 41UltJ

30 r1f~ Liiiflu~ImfllJ-riUtJ1t1U 2557 T()UtllUltl 347 flf~ Llfl

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l~U1llllU ~n 5 fltl vTlUTLi1f1 TJlJnl~~~nu lJ~nT~ rJ~~Jlrul1lllJlIU 4 111f1 ~n 2 Ilfl

mU1UL~tlU~~1~lJ 2557 ~ILW1UYi1rull6IlruffiU 94 tJ nTi1Tl~YilrullrniJ)JnuR1U~nl~t11l-i LL~hui1ln~tl 14

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~ bull Q ~

mI1TllWlrulltJ~li1Jl n11i1lLUUnln1TlJflI1lIl1111tllilYi

mlJuttJU1t1~Ugtlll~~IJlJ1ll 1I~middot11 1UII11~ IliltJfl~Jl1rlh ~ffil~yl~nUU1ll1l1U1tii1lrJl1iitlLilfl~

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Cjnsi31 (8 wn) 155-160 nn ]K~drflid~(~UlMbi)iLf-rf~middot - IfiO-it ~~~tifW-(nr1T+~

lulri (IUDS 3) 34-35 Woo

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amp~~ ~g~~(Ft~P i)~ r~~~~~~I~~~~~~~2middotg2~~~~~t~~yen~~ii~~~~~middot~middotmiddot ~- wnQwu (Ra) 22-25 nn

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)3~ifiW(J(treg~1~~~_middot~~fi ~2~2~5Sjt2~11reg5[gt RUI nSUmSA1f1181u nsnSlOWlrUl1E1

2J 2557bbk1V1k1

c OJ c c 151llH HQU V1 Yl J ftVI tJ 1j fI IJ

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lU~INEJ11 ffUrl1fflfH)f)UUlvlU

~llUU IiiUlthbl fflJ~U liff~llf11W ftfnJUJ~~ 111~UllU1iim1lJl~mrU 1UffUrl1lvW jllJJlff~1lm1lJlu1i~


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ff1 f) (1 f) j lJ ~ l 1 ~r91 Ill1m l flU

1Y1UlHlWY1 VIiffY1 lJ1ffl (Thailand

Trust Mark TTM) IUWlim

fft1J f1EmJUl1l Tn llJl~mjU111 fJ tllf11W

ffUrl1U(l1J~f)ljhlU lYim~lJluf)lff

Vl1lf)ljrl1Un ~lhmilJf1lj1V1m~1U ll(l~lllhlY1f1 jllJJl rillff~lJfffll fllW Kf)ll ru~~U ull~l U 1Uf)1jriluUf)

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I~ fJUfJ1 fJftlu V1 ~~tJftltfmJ W11JtI1I1U eJlfllJIllfl lhlITU

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(lllEJIl(1U~) ~10~ lU91INfJ11 U1f)


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lU1 1 lJU1fllJ 2557 mllVlU)llJ1 1 ~ f = 1

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91mJ fliu) ff1m)~iiEJu91U1tlfflff91 ItlwrU~1Jl1~)1U1f)ll1ft ~l1UiJ 5~7 IlHllJlhlJ1tllfli1 ~ 100 11111111

1U f)Wl il (119111(11 EJlEJ ff1 I1 l91EJIl

iif)ljUEJlEJff1lJ1l~lJ 10 ff1U1 1UiJ

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IlIEJ1EJl~lJflf) 15 ff1U1 1UiJ 2558

ll(llVilJflf) 25 ff1U1 1UiJ 2559

J~ flafl~1rUJ 2557 bullbull 1 j

) ~ i i



tJfl5ClUuJUSJlEJUfllS UUytw f1f]U(iJ1f1f1Sv~mmiw~m1JI1Ti~If1l1Jtr1f1 lJfiFJfJ1Y11N nfl11fW ~ei1UJlJn7JSrnJJuriS1~mJiJfJntVVI~ufVJnJJlJftflmJI11 1JlJilvmuwJu1wlilJu1NllJmJUmJlnviuTflJoJri1Jlnvwu~ ~ - ~

nisvl JJliPl (Thailand Trust Mark TTM) ftfllhvlMNjflN1111Nv~Tnf)iuvi1l1Jmf1iJm1lJjmtUIjEJtjfllutrU111 tpnlv1mJln[JTurfliJFJrumw~7VJJJ1urifilJVlnmiddotlslnltlW1llritn(i1m1~viiNmJlaquoj~truI11InveuroJthvieuroJjjfl

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v bbU 1tJjW1


ftJttWitllj~ lutflnnl~a~fl3na~al~lan


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n 1 jU~fI ruil1~ffU~1l~1l lfl li1 UI~ JJfI11JJTU1)1rfi~1bull bull v

11 ilJ Ofl I1l~ull vnHmJJ1U1 OBU J1~ ~ N fllJ~ L~ poundJlJU~l lu~u~u~mlJri~ nY1lJ flllr11

iI1~mhaVlf1 flci11lI1~1~IUJthli1JliJVl~1JfflJlJJ1 I~U~ ll-wflm~ (Fair Trade) lviU1UJllJlm~1In1IJifqjl1111i-l~1J 1~ uJ ll~ flli1J11f)fl~1 flli)~crlJlJJ1 fl f~if ll~ V f)) ~J111

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bull J~ifl~vthrlClf)liJ1UM1U~~1~~1~ri]ClClf)rl1f1WIJCl]~ u

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1Pl1-l 1 llvlV-liiii f)~lU1UlJ1 f)~ v~1j f) 51~1l 1lJ11J1~lJlu1m]f11i ltv bull tdV ~ dJQ bull

(PI] n~11 mlJll~illJlJV f)UI1U1UJ1Ull mHiCl-lU lliUllilU f)~lJ

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lutJf)~llHmn1unWWllnru1~villM1li1~-l f)ci11

V01-lUuU 6 l~VU llCllfiCl11tJu51 mlJll~1l1l1lJI4fl~milJ Vlf)U l~V1111l f)V-l r1mv1M1um11tJllIKV-lVi1llJ~ elf) If) ruevi

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A ~ I A I A A ~ I1lJlllllJ)ilV l~TlYlTlUll(1 1~il~~YIliUVli

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~111 ~uQl~~ J

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HlJ(1Yl1ltl HlihmufnU

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Iml~i l1itJ~~lllJ(1]lUUlmtJl UtJtJnl1lllU

1 UJ1 l~wil~~YIilu~inullllnilJll~Vi v~U llllUl1Jl1J1l~ U~l5VU1tJVII ()

mL~Ell~mnjt1itmUUi1~i1rurulUEll~U1VItJlh ~ u u

LL1fllJEllT~fl LtJ~~rlBrlilLtIUVI1lf)11LLal l~El Lem1~1~a L~ElW~lllUlvJiAh bull hUvlJJ1h 14

tI J d I

llJtJn(11 1000 U )Ull 23 nTl ll ilIIUiluluHh1VliftU~1U~U 1 lliU

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bull cO li1l1Jffii) il )VlIIH 1l1f)jlJ~iiYi111llll11itJ1fnT bull 1 -11 d 1 d Ifd c lJi1i1UUil1YI Tl(1U~W(1 ltJUIU)iV WUlVl)i

lViiff i1n~ Ilfi(1lu1)liJ~~)U1VlniilJ111li

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l~mliU Vl(1tJ~IlUUili1liU~~1 III liTblJlilJ

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lJi)1V1~lJl1 ~f)jwUj UllrUllU11m~~~u ~ ~ J i lit

lJ1imU1V)iTnYl lTl)liVlU 1(1U11lnli

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l~UYI1lUilJ1ru 8 fihllJ~i~tJi)1lJl ~ 3

1 UW~UU1Vl 10 ~) UUliJuWJilVII)l 1m

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Vi (1 fllllJinVl mh) Yd I GI

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U)VlmilJli4UlC1nU1~ lil IVii1l uUVi(1lllU


Urull U1lUUllUl nm))l U)VlniilJ I

~Ui1Il l~Ull1ll~)n1 I1111l1nuNuintJun1i bull

i~Ul~)I1~)~~mlJ1ifll111111 ~~pfi lIUUrll

lritJllllnull~uUi1fi1J1lJU~i1fnllVil un~l l I1lJ1nUmi~llJ11JillJiJl~tJ1YlV~1i~lUY)fll J IJ I I ~ v

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~ V I 11

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IV ff


~U1~1Villi LnU~~J bull IV a

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inmhv-liil 111Pi~~ Llllnnn1lIHU

ml~nll~~IllfJlNu~tllll (iilIlU) LtJ~ Lmrh iilIlU1Lliru~lLLVlUN1llnilUn1l ~lU~U~l ~tltllll ~ LLiiliJ~Tfl~ll tJ111qj

Llilml11~ilL~illJf)1l-11iltJ(l~lJU1~UWl neu]~Uri1 vflLLJj~W mJLl1lll 1l1~Ull~

~ eil tmiddotwnnVJiln fl1111l LL(llJUJJ1JUL~fn

lllYlm~~ l1~IIlnMillVi~f)tlnpoundi~ml1

~Uril Lb(hvjUl11JU1~Ulllnru-naUril

l1flltJJjU~jjlJU1~1-1niLnuI~~ LLvimmru

flU~l~Ullljj1JU1~ L~lL~~ ~lEllltrnl1l-1N u~lnll Llt]11~ei~ Llltlniftl~U~lt~ tJVilJl1~ vlutrlLn(1J 1JruLtiitJ1nUnlltJrU(l~~~1~ lJillmllnru-nll~viiilt-J(ltiiiitlnllll~ ~UVlUn1lt-J~(9I~ltJ

~ltJrllv-llli1~lTh 1UltJampu iilIlU


l1~ii 01LUU1tJMiilJEl1-Xiil~~lLVh~~1 LUU

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Ulllnru]~tll1JlLi)u 151f)~~U~1 ~Ul1ll1tJ1umjLilu 3 middotlu 4 lJtllU~ll

I -

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mm11WlrulJEJ hTnllUIlOJnll)Jnll

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LL(l~I LL1~~fl~ LLllnl~ll1ull)J)JllVlH L~tlfltln~l(91ln1lIl1UIl)Jll-1ll(9ltU L~fl rill1U~ LL UlvriltJllu~l l-1dJ U~lmriu LtiitJlnU

~lnn1lIl~(9Ill1~U~ll1iilltJlIil~ Lliu

1l~)JU1JI~J1~ltJd~f) lJUl~lJl(91vit-IDJl11 1l~~iiWUyjl11fl~(il 17 -31 poundi1ULLJj~v-l

iiiiviuyjl11 23-41 NU~tllIlUl1ll tJ

flTIILlilhei(9l~~11~U~1flJl(91111qjlll 1iitl~~lruiill LLvi1~11i lJruLtiimnUnlJ

L~iJ1JU1~ if~vh1~Ntl~nflU nllll ~uYlU I ~

LVl)Jt~tJ1Jl~1 LtJU Eine)~l1ifl LtJUn1l~U Ltlaf)miwmnlt(9ltJ11i Ll1JEinvr1tJmiddot middotUl tJ


I)cJ4 flJfl~lV1dJ 2557

~)J~lh~fl1l1Jmi~~r111lillilfl-1J~TilflIVl)JIJ~lV11Jiiilnrucrl Q I Q

I 1 ~tJ m f IHl tlfl tJIil l fI 11 VI U~ 1 A I1lHl fl11)J lH)Jl tl)J

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Q -11 Qi 1 d 1 mUffUfllflJ ilfl UCl1li lilflilV lHU 1IJ1111111 l flmmm I1l11VClfl

IJUlf11liilt1~llniYUtil i~ UlIlJtl (11I1Cl1 fl1lJ1Jm) fol~in~t)n tI bull

fll11li 11ClU~1lIJtJlfiv1 Cl~llm~lJ a d I I cs I iJ ~ I

UltJfllYl Cl flCll1Clnll fffllJ ff ~lllJt)t)mrll~n~ffUfllIlClll I1U 11

~Ul~1li i llt1ruovliYUti1l1mpoundJlIij~iiIJill~ 1 I1uitnU ~1 ~ uli 111111 UIbull u

~ d CS 10 d 0 i)ll C1 i Q

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U i i ~ilUIYI tl ~ V~ ff ~folCl ~vHl~ U 11 U n 1 i folCl ~ Cl~Cl-lmV I Qo iJ ~ I d oc d ~lnmiill(lnllffUflll1mVlIUfi 1llU flilllJl~-lfol111mVtJI1fl

IJUlf1IJ1~~H1liillfl111ii1fW~1mllii-1 17-31 ~hUIIlIllYl~li~U~ 11-1 23-41 Ur~~1li11111nliVil~Ul~U1f1~U ii~ hlil1~Il1JU flUU~-1uUV11-1flli~CllJ lJfl-1N11n flfllJ nli l~fll-1 i 1l1riNunilfl 11 1

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nIJfl hiCl~Clmil~~ll~U l1it)-1~Ufll~nl11UVl1riiU~11~illV1 U

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4 lJt)~lJi1~nUlYI

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mm 1-1 f2V1ffl11m111 mll 11~liltlJ lIV _lllU n~lUflOlflnllflU bull I sJ

fll111m~Vl (flV) fljllff~m111lrufllliIl~ff-1111V1Clflll IIClmll

fl1Uflllll ClVilJ fl flflll 1mfll1 fl1lJfllJ1lfiVlI1lU I~flfhl1 U VIIIU 1111~ 11~j~1riI1JU 11 WI 11U1~V10U U ltJtilliClfla 11

lClUl15flll fffllJ mhll~lJI~1l11 ilJm1J1Wfll1~i1f1lJn~nruovl

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1111i~ tJ~ln~U()I1lVlllllllillVI1ti~ ftUll1 111 ru IJ v L~11lllfl ~U 111U

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U lV ~ltlCl flri l1V fli 1 -ff1UI1i1-11~ lJlli 11 11 lJlVl llii ~nrue0lmy

InU ~1~ mlVilClltJnHn~lWlU~U ~-1 fll1 1Itl1IJU()I1l~-1flril1 livl1 flciNll 111~11U vi NlliI11 T~ ffllJ 111Cl1l ~U 1 U i IfolJ~111 f)t)u

fll 1 11 ~1l Cl 11 CllV ~flV ~lUlJlll

ltgt If

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J~ nJnrnfl~ 2557-[j1JU[J1USU I


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~ laquo ~ ~ co

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l~WfJ1li rl~1I ~V1ru11r1f111IJLi1UlffJUtiifJ1u

lI1OJWVlU1 fuJW1~ f)fitJ~n1JJn1ihJ U11 IV

111 W unEllYlU~(i)JU1-nl1 ii~I~W 32 ~m1d1

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~tTu ~WWL~WYlUYIJU L1tJW1UniU1W01~ ~ lil-n111m~

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~111 LLfl~(lJUl f)1-liWlf11U11r1ii fll1JJJW fII LLtl f11 ~W til fl El(ilVU~~l1~rrUIl~~ampi1U fl11iWvl1W11W flU1f1til

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~(il~lnf)I~Uw~~~11 LLLllI11J11VulL~Unf)IrJU middot I ULLinmiij 1 IIjjU~lt1U1l1 1V1mLYI~lViJJ11JpoundllL~U

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VlUU l~JnfllVlUtlLLin 1 YI~U~1UU1Vl ~(ildjW II ~llfllJ 3 lJfll~flfh-nl1lU~Elnvhn1mni~~til1~tJ fl 30 ~1W~U LL~L~Uvlln~11V(ln~(il(di1u~hlliW

~ ~

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~Usect 3000 ~1WU1V1 LL~Oli~(ilfdil~Ufli1Y1UU

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lJru~n1i~~~InflV1W-W(i)JU1-iil111~1Un1 ~tTU(~UVlntTn1111 n1i~Ilhvll fl (ilLU11 n1~hlVltJ

t ~3JW1 5rr1Ll1UU11 Un1711n1~~I1UUllalLlJJf)~llf)I

i 711~ lltii~IJWi~Iiim~fLll~dT LLlJilnfllVitJV1~11J L~WEl(ilYIUWVln1~1J1~ Il1IllflnllU LLfl~J1IlJJhl~

ii111V1tJ LLtii~I~~fllirVl1lfi1) vilmhl1i1JJLliLUW

nTnh3WllnneJVlW)J1HidjW1JeJ~Y1UU(h1 ulii

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-nl1iJeJWLiil~~lll~1~~ltJlill LeJ 1~mil~1-nl1vi ~


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J _ I

IIB~IJ ~v(ij~(ij(1(l nll1111 0JV1JlLn1l~J1 ~eJLJ I

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lJ U

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f1W ~11JLYilJffVll111Jvl~LLVIW1Jl1Ul El1l)1rl J~ VidlfirunBlVluLLYilil~GlB1i1l11ulLiJtlU1J~Ym

bull bull OJ

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I ~lnl11U1LnUtrnLLltl-r~B(ijUULWtJlL~niiBtJ oiild

~~Blijpoundll~n~l11ulYiLiIJLL1ilLLJunBlYluYipoundl(ijUU I IU bullbull I

L~UYlUlJUL1tJu1ua(ij~1(ijBmiitJVivllll11Ul LL~ i ~poundllLLJunBlYlU1iI1a-~n1ll1Ul1tI1U~~l1

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dju L~poundlmllJ~LLIllWl~tJ 1i1Jl1Ull11U1~ru1~ ~

I (IlaJlJ(1aJeJ~1l1~eJeJnil1ULLiiIlIil~iill~~Dn1J

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DWlf1~WllaJn1Jl~~eJf1 nJLQ~lvlU VlVllY1U1Vl

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v1eJl-liWll11Wl1VltJ1~~f11laJ~Uf1 LjeJlln1~ii I ij middotnpoundlI~jltJleJ-rU ~lWJi~Y1~ liQJyenU Ul~n1ilIJ~iJ I hib~l11tnlrm L~WEl1VijjnliLwM~aJlc)(1 17 i

I tJJ(IrllltJLUWnlJl~tJLL~~~WllVW~-iil11~LYilJ I lJln-iiu I


fi n a Ua dhl3J amp1 ~h ~UA1 b nlf(9la f1~lijVl~~ IJm1J~lLL~~ 217 LL~U~TUUlrl lJEJlJ~ 26-32 Onnfl~~i1LLlnlJm1J~l

d at 01 d

O 7 L~ltJ3JVllleuroJ 3 VlUl tJI1U ~U llj

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0lt) =i ffUtJ1~ tJ fimmlLIjeuroJnllLmffilLL~ ~ - ~

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Ministry seeks to resume small-lot rice sales in August PETCHANET PRATRUANGKRAI THE NATION

THE COMMERCE MINISTRY is preparshying to resume selling rice from its stockpiles in early August gradually releasing it in small lots of about 5000)0 tonnes a month

Duangporn Rodphaya director-genershyar of the ForeIgn Trade Department said a ~ubcommlttee had agreed the mmistry slthould go ahead and sell rice from the stockpIles and not walt tor completion of a Junta-ordered mspectlOn of the stocks bull I he nce-release planwhlch Will be proshy

posed to the Rice Policy and Management Committee soon includes sales through general auctions to exporters and local traders by government-to-governrrient contracts and through the Agricultural Futures Exchange of Thailand

Puangporn added that the department wopId ensure the stocks are released transshyparent With the Fmance Mmlst and the Prime Minister s 0 ce joint y inspecting the f0cessc

T~e department reported that about 55 per cent ofl800 rice warehouses had so far been inspected by the teams dispatched by the militarys ruling National CounCil for Peace and Order The teams are expected to complete their mission by the end of September

About 18 million tonnes ofrice is reportshy

cerns over roug t an ower pro uction in many countries amid higher demand in many others I here IS a good posslblhty that ThaIland will export 10 million tonnes 9pound nce thIS year It is expected to sell off all 18 million tonnes in its stockpiles within three years she saId

The department reported that Thailand was able to sell 535 million tonnes of rice in the first six months middotup by 50 per cent year on year while export value rose 19 percentto US$27biIlion (nearly Bt86 bilshylion)

As ofJuly 16 the price of5 per cent Thai

Afile photo shows asoldier inspecting rice stockpiles at a warehouse in a eastern province

white rice was quoted at $427 a tonne up from $410 the previous week

She added that production bfThai paddy rice in the 2014-15 harvest season was proshyjected to be less than 38 mi1lion tonnes because of drought in many areas

Charoen Laothamatas president of the Thai Rice Exporters Association said the government should consIder sellIng rice from its stockpiles in small lots of about 100000-200000 tonnes per auction to avoid impacts on the m-rket price

The government has less pressure to accelerate the sale of rice frbm the stocks The country has holder power It should ensure transparency and minimum impacts to the market he said

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INTHE WAKE ofrising concern over the t reatmen t oflabour farmers we1shybeing and the environment in global trading the International Trade Promotion Department is urging more lhal busmesses to seek FairTrade cershytification so that their products are more easily recognised and have a

greater chance in the world market place

At a seminar on Fair Trade Mark and trading of Fair Trade products in theinternationaJ market heldyestershyday by the agencys Office of News Overseas Markets Development and PromotIOn Duan kamol Jlambutr e U Irec or- ener ot e eplrtshy

mentSal t atonlyasmallnumberof thaI compames and sUEP)Lc~~ms current~apphedthe FairTrade Marllt

The epartment lrill therefore continue to support Fair Trade certishyfication by promoting an awareness campaign amongThai man ufacturers and exporters she said

According to the Netherlandsshybased Fair Trade Original organisashytion about 30 Thai companies and supply chains have received FairTrade

certification to date This guarantees that they engage in faii treatment of farmers have good labour conditions use no forced or child labour offer fair prices to suppliers and operate with transparency accountability and respect for the environment equity and freedom lt)nd have fair trading practices

Duangkarnol said the department in cooperation ~th Fair Trade Original now had a target of increasing the number of certified businessshy iSnap es and products by 10 per cent ayear

The main goal is to help agriculshytural and handicraft producers as well as manufactures and exporters to achieve better trading conditions and to promote sustainability she said

Certified members of the Fair Trade programme will likely be able to leverage the quality of their prodshyucts for higher prices with certificashytion ensuring world-class social and environmental standards and more recognition in the international trade area she added

Thai export products alreadyusing the approved Fair Thade logo include

rice coffee tea cane sugar cotton freshfruits herbs and spices ockershywork handicrafts pottery and ceramshyics

The official said the department also would like to encourage busishynesses in the shrimp and fishery secshy

ate consultant for Thailand said the overall value of Fair Trade products had increased considerably in the past few years as consumers now had more awareness about fair trading conditions and the environment

Consumers are willing to pay more for Fair Trade goods if they feel they have bought a product whose manufacture is highly responsible to society Today prices of Fair Trade products are also very competitive

the same as leading brands Enterprises should adapt themselves to produce Fair Trade products in order to ensure sustainable growth

tors to comply with Fair Trade certification so that they do otfaceproblems due to unfa abour treatment Every Fair Trade product is subject to labour-standard checking she explained

Manasnan Pongjayavanij Fair Trade Originals aS60ci~

and access to many markets said the consultant

According to Fair Trade Original the value of fair trade goods in the global market excluding the US rose from 1 billion (Bt427billion) in 1996 to 48 billion in 2012 Expots ofThai fair trade products were wOlth about Bt300 million in 2012

More than 30000 products are now on sale in 125 countries and the global Fair Trade system currently works with over 12 million people across 60 countries

Manasnan said many more Thai products could get the Fair Trade mark So far many local brands sllch as Doi Chang coffee plus local proshyducers of soy sauce chjli sauce pineapples and bananas are wellshy

known for having the mark which is accepted widely

Martin Boon development manshyager for Fai~Trade Original in the Netherlands told the seminar that with the global market having growshying recognition of Fair Trade prodshyucts many markets were increasing demand for products carrying the logo - and that Thailand had high potential to serve sllch worldwide demand


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THE NATION ~ JULY 20141lI Sihasak reassures EUteam over juntas reform roadmap SUPALAK GANJANAKHUN DEE THE NATION BRUSSELS

EARLY ELECTIONS vtithout reform would not help restore proper democshyracy to Thailand That was the message related by acting Foreign Minister Sihasak Phuangketkeow when he met his counterpart from the European Union in Belgium this week In a bilateral meeting with David OSullivan chief operating officer ofthe European External Action Service Sihasak said Thailand had a clear roadmap to restore sustainable democshyracy and that the EU should support

this process of reform The roadmap and its related reform

will help strengthen our political econshyomy and will also be of benefit to our partnership with theEUin the longnm he said

Sihasak was in Brussels for a minisshyterial meeting between representatives ofAsean and the EU and spent much of his time briefing representatives of Eillopean nations aboutthe situation in Thailand

The E U along with the US and other Western countries strongly criticised themilitaryforits May 22 coup The EU suspended a number of cooperations withThailand as well as several visits by high -level officials It also recommendshyed that member states review military cooperation with Thailand

The EU said last month that it wouldmiddot

not sign a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Thailand and that the negotiation of a free-trade agreement (FTA) would not conclude until an electshyed government was in place

Sihasak told OSullivan that an electshyed government would come eventually Before that however Thailand needed time to implement reform to have a strong democracy

The time frame of 15 months or so for the reform is not too long ifwe want to make sure that our system and democracy are sustainable he said

Thai people are aware of the issues facing our country and we are working on addressing these concerns so the EU as a partner should support us

The EUhas the right to voice its conshycerns about the situation in Thailand

middot but it should also ensure it is sufficientshyly informed on specific cases he said

Concerning detention and martial law the EU should make sure it has corshyrect information about who is under

middot detention and if there are concerns about human-rights violations the EU should specify the cases he said

Sihasak discussed the situation in Thailand Vlrith many European MPs

middot while in BrusselsTheyincludeq Franck Proust special rapporteur on the FTA and Samuel Cantell head of the ecoshynomic trade and regional cooperation delegation Many of them have experishyence in engaging with Thailand and have a clear understanding ofthe current sitshyuation in the country Sihasak said


Pension scheme for farmers proposed

Farmers in the future might look forward to retiring on a government pension

Charnpittaya Chimplee directorshygeneral of the Rice Oepartment said yesterday ttiat under a draft bill dealing with the rice development fund members would contribute about 3per cent of their monthly income to the fund and the state wou ~d also chip in ayet-unspecified amount

When farmers reach the age of 60 or 65 they will start receiving a monthly pension bf about Bt4OOO

Most farmers earn less than other workers so the fund is neces- sary for their future Charnpittaya said

Other proposals for the bill are being gathered and the contents wi I be improved before its submisshysion to acommittee on rice producshytion and markets and the National Council for Peace and Order


Farmer happiness down from August WICHIT CHANTANUSORNSIRI

Farmer happiness last month dropped subshystantially from its peak last August when they had high hopes of stable income from the Yingluck Shinawatra administrations rice pledging scheme reports a Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BMC) poll

The state-backed farm banks farmer happiness index fell to 7851 in June from its highest level of89 in August said senior executive vice-president Somsak Kangteershyawat The poll surveyed 2346 farmers

Happiness from family health a good society jo b financial position and the quest

for knowledge were the six factors used to measure the index

The survey found happines from the family scored the highest with a score of 341 out offour followed by health at 321 a good society at 320 job at 314 fmancial position at 285 and the quest for knowlshyedge at 274

Farmers from the Northeast regygIiwere the happiest vvith a score of 314 while those from the North scored 313 the South 312 the East 297 and Central 299

Asource at the BMC confirmed Augusts poll was taken when the farmers mood hit a fever pitch as they felt they would receive an elevated level of compensation from the

rice pledging programme The National Council for Peace and

Order (NCPO) is seeking sustainable ways to help farmers after losses from rice pledgshying which offered prices 40-50 higher than the market price could reach 500 billion baht

The juntas measures so far largely includelowering rice production costs and slowing the release of supply to lower price pressure

The source said prices of tapioca sugar cane chicken and pork are gaining in the second half while those of rice corn rubber oil palin and whiteleg shrimp are declirun ~ bull bull imiddotI middot7~

Regarding rice prices the source said the price of paddy with 15 moisture content could average 7500-9000 baht a tonne while Hom Mali prices are projected at 14000-15000 baht in the second the half

Even though the agricultural sector conshytributes only 84 to the countrys GDP there are 167 ffiillion farmers making up 26 of the population

National Statistical Office data shows the ratio of farmers who earned over 100000 baht a year rose to 286 in 2013 from 97 in 2003 while 643 graduated from prfshymary school down from 704 a decade ago Farmers shouldered average debt of 124604 baht per person last year

BANGKOK POST 41 FTIupbeatabout domestic car sales PIYACHART MAIKAEW

The Federation of Thai Industries (FT) remains confident that domestic vehishycle sales will top I million this year defying some car makers projection of sales declining to between 900000 and 980000 vehicles

Domestic demand started picking up in the previous quarter as private firms and farmers bought new pickup trucks for their business expansion and new cultivation said Surapong Paisitpatanapong spokesshyman for the FIrs automotive industry club

The club forecasts pickup truck sales will contribute 55-58 of domestic sales against 442 in 2013 while passenger cars dropped to about 40 from 474 last year

The passenger car market has normalshyised after demand was absorbed by the gov- emments first-time car buyer scheme said Mr Sura pong

The club yesterday cut its 2014 forecast for Thailands automotive output from 24 million vehicles to 22 milliori It also cut domestic sales to 1 million vehicles hom 12 million while exports stand finn at 12 million vehicles

FTI vice-chainnan Suparat Sirisuwan~ nangkura said Thailand was expected to remain in the worlds top 10 automotive manufacturers this year with production in countries such as Canada and Russia also expected to decrease

The International Organization of Motor

Vehicle Manufacturers said Thailand was the worlds ninth-largest automotive manufacturer in 2013 and 10th in 2012 Production (ast year totalled 245 million vehicles the highest in 52 years and up by 014 from 2012

The club yesterday reported that car proshyduction fell by 261 year-on-year in June to 160452 For the first half Thailands car output fell by 29 year-on-year to 952685

Domestic car sales in June totalled 73799 dOVll by 304 on the same period in2013 while 440911 cars were sold in the first half down by 405

By contrast car exports in June rose 657 to 103946 earning the cOUDtry497 billion baht In the first half exports rose 36 to 560047 cars with export value rising 895 to 265 billion baht

The FII yesterday reported that the industrial sentiment index improved for the second straight month in JW1e

The index rose to 884 points accordshying to the FIr which conducted a survey among 1100 industrial operators It stood at 851 points in May when sentiment improved for the first time in seven months

FTI chairman Suphan Mongkholsuthee said sentiment has improved because of the more stable political situation and an increase in purchases of products thanks to the Fifa World Cup football tournament

The industry outlook index for the next three months stood at 1019 points rising from 101 in May

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AUTO EXPORTS INCREASE Despite the sluggish recovery of

the export sector auto shipments continue to expand but still by not enough to counter the reduction in dorriestic demand for cars

The industry has been forced to brake this years production target from 24 million units to 22 million

The target for domestic sales has been lowered from 12 million units to 1million which represents adrop of 251 per cent or 335154 units from last year

Surapong Paisitpattanapong deputy chairman and spokesman of the Federation of Thai Industries Automotive Industry Club said yesterday that lower domestic derriand the end ofthe governments first-car tax-relief programme and the delay in gov~ errirnent and private investment

middotprojects had contributedtothemiddot change in the production target However this new figure is still

middot higherthan the forecast for T8 milshylion units before the big floodiri 2011and domestic demand is

expectedto shitf intoforWard gear i

middotnext quarter~ The economic recovery payshyrnent for farmersuncter the rlceshy

pledgingscherneandreturn of investment will increase revenue l

in other industries and put more rnoney in peoples pockets he middot said

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Temporary charter should furthershyboost confidence ERICH PARPART THE NATION

THE FEDERATION ofThai Industries believes the temporary charter will further increase the confishyden~e ofdomestic and foreign investors along with buslness op~ratrs while the recent strengthening of the baht IS stJlI tolerable for the export industry as long as anyfurther appreciation is neither too rapid nor drastic

_The FTI also said yesterday that its Industries Sentiment Index (TIS) had increased by 44 points since April

The introduction ofthe provisional charter is in line with the politiCal road map of the NCPO [NationaICoimcil for Peace and Order Jand I believe that in generalinvestors andoperators will feel more relaxe and gai~ more confidence that things aremiddot gomgmaccordWlththeNCPOsplansforanewcharshyter the setting up ofan interim government and the possibility of an election in the future said Supant Mongkolsuthree chairman ofthe FTI shy

In his view the country over the past two months has been running on a smooth surface since the Nepo took power a move which has led to an increase in foreign investor confidence certainty over pubh~ II1vestment policy and rising domestic consumptIOn

These factrs will support the recovery and allow _gross domestJC product to expand by 25 percent this year he said


The FTI had been projecting an economic recesshysion before the arrival of the NCPO

As for exports Supant said The strenctheninO of the baht is related to the increased conffdence of foreign investors which has led to an inflow offorshy~ign funds This will have some effect on the export iiidustry but it is still acceptable for exporters since the currencys strengthening pace is not too fast and the Bank ofThailand is still monitoring the situashytion

The export sector will be able to cope with a stronger baht if the rate does not fall below 3050 per US dollar he said -Moreover since the global economy IS continushyII1g to reco~er the FTI is sticking with its export

- growth projectIOn of35-5 per cent for the year According to Bloomberg the baht was valued at

3176 per dollar yesterday The FTI chief pointed out that if the Kingdoms shy

export value were calculated in baht it would already show lO-per-cent growth year on year

Accordingto the central bank export value in May came in at US$1927billiol1 (Bt6124 billion) whIch IS 12 per cent lower than the same period last year in dollar terms - shy

Meanwhile the TmiddotISI has increased for two month~ in a row The indexose from 840 in April to 851 111 May and to 884111 June amidst calmer political waters the economic recovery the liftingof the curfe - and even Fifa World Cup fever which led to an mcrease in overall production orders and sale figures - shyn~eover~TISI fororBers~salesarid prod-udiai- -shyIII allll1dustnes rose from 802796821 points in May to 843 844 879 points respectively in June

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CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough


GRAFT HAS GOT TO GO nvestors from Japan from which Such concern by the Japanese away existing and prospective forshy

the largest amount of Thailands investors should not be ignored eign investors Countless foreign direct foreign investment comes because they have brought the firms and investors have com~

have called for reduced corruption largest amount of direct foreign plained about the extra costs of and improved transparency in order investment into Thailand The doingbusinessinThailandbywhich to help restore confidence in the Japanese invested over 8t290 bil- they mean kickbacks and undershy

Kingdom lion in projects ClPproved by themiddot the-table money that must be to Setsuo luchichief representative Board of Investment last year That bureaucrats and politicians Often

of themiddot Japan External Trade was nearly 30 per cent of the total they have topayin exchange for pro-Organisation (Jetro) for Asean and foreign investment of Btl1 trillion curement deals with state agencies South Asia last week called on the according to 801 data and public projects People who ruling National Council for Peace Thailand has generally remained refuse to pay are routinely left and Order to kick-start good govershy attractiye to foreign investors due behind by their bribe-paying comshynance that includes combating corshy to positive factors such as the avail- petito rs University of the Thai ruption and ensuring transparency ability of skilled labour efficient Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) rec-particularly about doing business in infrastructure and transportation tor Saowanee Thairungroj has esti-Thailand Now its a good time for systems location andthe consider- mated that corruption adds 30 per Thailand to bring about good govshy able size of the domestic market cent to costs for businesses That ernance for the new era he said But our chronic corruption is scaring she says translates into reduced

comoetitiveness for Thai-made Economic and Business Forecasting pay corrupt officials and politi~ians products and reduced credibility for Centre He surmises that the have to cut costs at-the building site Thailand among foreign investors improvement could be due to posi- and that means poorer quality in General Prayuth Chan-ocha has tive public sentiment following the their public projects and thus a risk made tackling corruption a top pri- juntascampaignagainstcorruption to life and limb ority for the ruling military junta He and organised crime The surveyalso Businesses who pay bribes also says the fight will be part of sweepshy showed that bribes paid to officials offset their higher costs by charging ing national reform together with and politiCians by the private sector the consumers more good governance transparency and had declined to 15-25 per cent of middot Since corrupt authorities and an efficient and effective system of project costs frbman average 25-35 politicians make money and bribe-checks-and-balances Thailands per cent previously paying businesses make profits it is corruption index in the first half of Despite the seemingly slight theconsumersandthepublicingenshythis year improved for the first time improvement in the situation (or- eral who suffer in five years according to aUTCC surshy ruption remains amajor problem for They end up paying more uhnecshyvey The indexinJune was registered Thailand essarilyfor products and public proF at 46 out of a possible lOa com- In addition to the weakened ects the quality of which is poorer

pared to 39 last December says competitiveness and reduced cred- Corruption should beeliininated or Thariavath Phonvichai UTCC vice ibility the public asa whole is affect- at least minimised for the sake of rector of research and director of its ed by corruption Contractors who the country and its people

  • 57-07-24 (กรม)
  • 57-07-24 (ใบนำสง)
  • 57-07-24 (กระทรวง)

2557 1

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700 i1U

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filUSnlSLJU8010SU18 2 nsooJ

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4 na j bVl VJ Ban )q q

W1mlfUlfl~1JI CV OJ ~

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q ~lJlrJ-lll1 ~lflftllhunUlrJn1+mLuut1J111~ I ~lLU1~uirJ 5 LL~u~ul1iml1ieurolu1J~L~l-JLI1iElU UGYl1f)WILl UYfflI

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LI1UlfeurolULLcJU~YliiflWlimtlJlrJlI11 LVW (1)ll-JpoundJYI iim ~(1)1m~~lJl iJ-lll1M~lJLY13-J

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l1El 76 l~U~lUtJl~ LY1l-J~u1unJ(1)euroltltl11 d V ~diElJ~lnUliiiJqJ~ln1dL~rJnLnUL~UrJln

1779 ~mLtlpoundJ(1)UIl 488 (1)El1lfll~

UlpoundJ~LnU~ leurolm~11~ U1Wln(1)~l-Jfln~ ~3-Jlflilt~cileurolElnoii111Y1poundJ mh1 r J1 LiJ1~tlJlJ 5 LL~uJiul1imI1i8u ~JLLI1iL~iJU~ fldJu~u 1tl otJllLUUtITl-Jlrn1~l-J1n riEluYitflcJ~(1) -ll11U1U llCilnltl 255758 ~euroleuroln3-J1lu

ii11L~eurolU(1)flj I~w~lm-ll111Y1poundJlJrnj~u ~~ 430 ~f)~~11 l1rn~Yh1JI1lUl~~U~~


420 ~eurol~m

ultJyh1U~~ ifJn~i(u ee51U1poundJm~


n~l1h w~1Jbu~~L1)(1)1J~3-JtlU1L-ii1-ll11m~~UlrJ-lll11u~~euroln~ijlJlllfl~Jj L~l-JLiJumrnY1lfl~ 500000 ~~ tJmtJL~ElU

l~eurollYilllUlu~1JLLuulIeurollflrnlnu l(1)rJ ~ ~ flVI1eurol~UL~ElUn u L~eurol11~1eurolJVIffl

31vni1tJJ1 UlJeurollmm11tnrih~l-Jlll1rJnU ~lnYn1J~l~J~~middothjml3-JL~ poundJllrJLLrihul ~LLIl Liu ~lnmmJlmWlffl ~li(nUltJn

~mhlm~YiLL~t3lJU(1)1 LUUfl11l-J T1J111~LtJulffn ~Jl~ii fll~h-ii1oiil1L~l-JYi11~mll-J~Ellm~~eurol flrnYilllU~1J1rJ-lll1LLIl~~YilJ1U~tlJlrJ -rr11lJeurolJY1~tJuu~tJfu1tITl-J1rn~IVIl-J~LfiEltJ u vJd qulf11Lm YI lJUl-l12 ~(1)LLIlm~~lEltlnlJnlL~

2 ~LU~U Vl~eurol~JYi~(1)lu eurolU 4 tJ LLIl~1~ ~unfll-J~ciltlElnoii111Y1tJLoiilmli1rJLciil-Jyj L1tJn Yl~tJuu~dJu~iiJ1~e~eurol-ll11~tJlV1nivi~~ ci1ULLUl(1)1l1(1)oii11nffu~Ul-Jl I(1)rJtJfu1IElm~ lJEllT~n bull ~

VitYlrJ~~Ieuroleurolnt~ 10 ~lU~U~

2557 fo

UlpoundJlf1qJY1Y1poundJl fuJW1~ eurolTIu~m3-Jm~ ~Yl n~111unmVl-J3-JU1neurollYlU-WI1lJU1-lll1

LLfllf11U1LL Jlfl~ 11 ml-Jm~ih1iiL1m 2 LI1ieurolU hnldL~Ueurol~lneurollYluQl~fl~J5 L~uiEltJ I(1)poundJneurollYlu~YilVltXYi~utJ ~UU LLtll11tJLVI~Ellf11U~ lU~lum~~~VI1if~~poundJ mt~~ li1poundJfl(1~Ul1~ LtJULLVIIllL~U~ULvlEl

c v ~

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Lyj El ~f~lLLfl-WI1lJUlmn~Jfl1U1l~~~1l-J iJUflJLLflUlUU

neurolJYiUlhpoundJflliJ~poundJm~cJ~(1bJLnu 20

lIElliJl~poundJm~tI~~~eurol11WLn nml~ 1500 inY Q lt=II Qo c bull C

~uu ~UJUYlUVIl-JUL1 poundJU~~(1Ll-J l(1)WUiilJ11 I I

fluli-U11lfl-JlfULL1lEllf1n~11U1 LL VI ~ JYil-J1lJeuroll L~U n eurollYlU ~1 n -rlqm l

1~m~~uu~ulutJLLdn 1000~ ~lUtJl~LL~ 1utJI1iElltJ~~11l(1)~n]lJ1J~l-J1rn~UlJ~Uu I

jfl 6 Wu~lUU1Yl ~ Q 0lt1 C

bull UlpoundJEl~)l]fl ~VI1HllJ511U1~ El(1)~(1)(1)() n ~11h fluYiLnmoiieurollnUlf11U 1~1 rJYlnflU bull I

~J LL ~middotIieurol~lU~~tJm~t~(1) nJ ~ Ieuroleuroln

LLI1iJf11Ul1~~1poundJ lulIrnvi~eurollYi111J~U(1)1poundJ 1aJ~LnjtJrn fll~$jneurollYlULn(1)~U ~lLUU mll-JVl1Jl1~ ffil-Jl~ ()li1U~~Ellf11U11~l1Jl


~lLLYlUllElllf11Ull-Jin nl1oiiitllfm~

11 V 6V


bVJ tJ bUl b1JU~Ub1Itt9l bnlJU1U q q

ASTVN~VlnWmJ~U - rIlrnlfU If-l UUlJ hMtJ1bbC-Juil1J1tJ-ii1)lu~~tln ~-l lhl~r1lIwm-l ~lJ~ bmtJq) b~~ If f1d b~tlUr1l 5 ~LIfUGlU rI~tl~~-lVl btJ-llU5u

h~m1o)~tlU b~mLU1Twrmn-ii11tJfuqr11ii~uf1imittl-l Vl~-lc-Jr1VJ~~Tmlr1~~~O)ln Jlmb~-l Jlrl1J-ii111uffiltlmlJu~Ub(t1-lLVl()lLflUl1Ulun11 2 tJ

t - I

Ul-lm-lW~ ltl(1)wmn tlfuJliiril~nmllf1il-ltJl~LYlff LU(1)Lc-Jpoundrll f1~tlunTI~ml llmtJ-ii11Mjj~IiiL~UlftlULbc-JUtJYIimlf()l1mTIrul tJ-ii11 LYlm(lUtll~f1ru~ll~nli UTtJ1J1tJLL~lU~~ll~(1)ml-iin (UUlJ) ~Mm tl tJlltJYln ~Urifltllfl 11VlUlflru

1mtl~11~(l-lULLvi-llfllii (f1(llf) LlJUtJll1ilU WO)ll~ltlU~~~lilUmllJltli111U

~~tln1j1Jl~Hh11~TIf1il-ll ~jmtJl~~~11tJ mlJltJ~l~lumrn~~~tl~~l~-l ~ri-iii1L-if13-Jl-H(1)Lo)u rnllJl tJLLUU-rJf1itl11 (~lJ~) LLr1mtJil~~~lill11m~a~lh fJ

~UI11 mmmh-lVlUlLLvI-ltJlLY1ff1VI tJ (Ltl LtJltit) L(1) ~LLc-JumiJl tJ-iilJOJ~Lj~HI Jl~JlP~Ul~tlU (lf1 U LL~ljjLb~UL~fttJtJ~~wmlTIUltJtJl~lru 5 U(lUGlbi

4 bull - I

b~tlU J bull

~~d ~iiiltJ-ii111u~~tln-rjUl~fl~-ld O)ll-llulU~~LLiJUlltl~m~l-l1~~

VlU1tJ-llUUtlnmYIl1-lrllrulfUL-ii13-Jli1~(1)LLi1 Liu o)ljqr1LLVIU~lnmlYImrllfI~-l filr~UlJn~~UI11~ T(1)tJo)~Liuml~Ttl1-l1~djUVl~n LL~lumllJltJ-ii111tJf1i~tJ~LVIff O)l~YIl-llfin~~ ~fl-ltltln-ii111Y1tJ L-iil~li1tJLVl~m~tl-lm1~-ltltlnmhJL~~YibWeJ LLpoundi-l

~huL1j-l~m(1)-iill$w~LfttJltJ~u~lT(1) tJVl1nl11m~l~~rnflLeJnlfueJ-l~(1)-iitl~ln~ middot lumlJW li1f1~flO)lL-iilltl~1tJ

ftli-1-rUc-J~mlI11J1OJIfeJUIf~tln-ii11lJtl-l-rrul~YWTnli1-lYi1tllLYlff 1800 LLvi-l

iilfl(1)t~jjmI11TI~tnli1-lLL~1 55lJeJ-lTnli1-l~-l~(1) t(1)EJmllrultJlfreJn-ii11 O)lllU~ fI luJ1u~~nl~TlOJ(ltlUL~1~~ULL~1 ~-lril~-lmljjTnli1-leJpoundJ1u~u~1(1) bL~lLtiU-iil~lfU(1)


Ul-lC1l1-lrllm11111 middotbLU1TiUJl1f11-ii111ul11m(1)lJrn~d L~~tlfuGl1ampi~U L(1)poundJ1-lfll

1 -ii11LtJ~tlnMtJfu~uml11ntl(1) ditl-lO)lnc-J~c-J~111rr111ultilm(1)TnflL~3-JSj~3-Jlrn~(1)~~ f

~nnJt1VllJ1poundJLL~-l~LA~~u LiuEi~LIii poundJ~~ljc-J~~~I11-ii1l~(1)~-l l1~r1-ltlll(VIff5ul ~ ~~1T~n T(1)poundJl1mfi-leleJn-ii11lJ11 5 LtltJTtl1J brinru~ 16 n~ ~~l3-JllflliJ~~ 427

- LVI~tJqj~VI-rjGlU L~3-J~Unn 410 LVl~poundJt1(lW~lGl LrieJ~tJ(1)1rieJU ~1i1m~mnr Ct tJi1tJ~111-ii11tJ 255758 -

~lVlwmm1OJIfeJu-ii1)lulfreJn eJ-lfl-li1mltilJ1OJ~eJ1JeJ~l~~mieJ-ltVlmuf

(23 n f1 T UlpoundJlff1 ffd11f~111 ~ltilJ1OJl1lfmlmlm1-l~Vll(1)LYlEJ lh~i1f1~Yil-llU m1~IfeJU~~lrnbLf1lf1runl~411 If(1)~ 4 n~11JVl11-lniltiIl1~1feJ1J-ii111uTnli1-lnm-l lJl-ltl-l~nTIl11m~bYlm~1ffilm(eJ~n) eJ II~m~m~ O)~lL~-lLYIl1-l~ULDutJu

LLU-l~lU1~ln 11-ii11~-lVl3-J(1)fi1Ul qiLtlwlllLfll LflUl1U1Un11 2 tJ 8 L~tlU ~-lL~tl lt 11 2554 L~lVl~1~~W~(1)lfeJULL~-l11~ml1h~ml1JlpoundJEieJnttJU1]LL~1 -l~tJll~fi1~

~l~~~n~11~LL~~11tVlJi ~1u~m~mtlu-ii11~1 ~ l1EJ-llull11LL~-l11 flrul-llUt~liJu~ml~-llu1tJeJ-l~lUmnpoundJn~j3-JUI11~~l

u11jjuU-ltJutltJ1uneJ-l-ii11Jl1 25 LtJtl~LU~-slU1~ln fi1U~3-Jlrnf1-leJpoundiltili3-Jju~n 88005 m~fteJ~ fl1UmlMftpoundJVlltJVl~m~el~f1runlrll~tlc-J~mlI11l-1o)l~~l1~~ln Vl~~ tJ-llu~ljVlUl~~l1lyenl(l~U~~ttl bull -

1bVJ61~Vlb~6 J~ nan~lr1~ 2557

~ ~




Igoluns~nusA I [wctcltJl[]U gtlnrii-lfJlIlLL~tilti1EJ middot 11ti~~flm6ilti~ 5 LL~ti~ti 1M

_ d ~

ti1l1J W~1lru1 ~L~EJ ~flti

U1l(11lVl) tEl(1V1fJ1B ElfiU(1n))J

Q1)~i1vi1ltJ) L lll LU (1 Lr-w 0 iil n1)

tJ)~)JIlCJm-im))Jnl))1J1fJ-E11 11 Vi tJ)lI)Jjj)JIii L l1UlfElU LL~U fJll fillll(1nl) ~

)111 fJ-En LYlElLlluEl1 I11l ru n)))Jn1)

UlfJUWLLiillJ111~(1nl)-E11 (14m) ~jj Vliil El tl~fJllj ~Ullf[Ellf1111l1U111 ru

fml1111)JlllULLrillf1~ (Illllf ) LUU

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)Jlll(1LIU nl)lJlt1LLUufjviElfj LLiiln1)

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ll Il11LUU~u1tJ L~ElUiil 5 LLlltI(I]U


millhn(11)J nTl)lJ1fJ-ETllull~Eln

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n)mlln1)lIffl ~loJnulfmf~~U(11 L-E1)J1(1 LLiil LviElllll)JltJ1l1ll

UI -pJU)1111iillElEln-E11lJ11 5

LEllJlmj L~EllU~ 16 nII~1-hwn ~Uiil 427 Ll11fJQlll1fj L~)JffUI1n~Uiil 410

Ll11fJQlll1fj 1(1fJlJrudfjlJ1~1YlfJSj-E11

1ull~Eln 18 ~lU~U LLiil1l1(1111Sj

NiilN~(1-E11LtJ~ElnUnTlN~(1 25572558

lti1U1U 38 ~lu~u-E11LtJ~Eln

u1EJ1LiiEmii lElfl1llllA U1fJn

ii(1~mrn~llm~mNiillElEln-E111YlfJ mhl

11 nTl)lJ1fJ-E11L~ElUiil 5 LWU~U LUU

tJ1mruhimn l11mlJ1fJriElU~NiilN~i] -E~1)JlUl~n1iil 2557255l 1ElElnmlu

lh ~ L~~U (0111 11 middotmiddot I11)~Yl1Jnm111 (1~1(1-E11)J1noJn middot LLvil11nN~N~(1-E11

l~n1~1l1)ElElnmEl11Yi11~fJ1nffu ~lllVl

)ll11fflElEl n-E111YlfJffU)J1LUU~Uiil 4~0 Ll11EJQlll1fj -E11L1EJ(1U1)J~U~ 420

Ll11Jrulll1f~ bull-


VliiIJJVln bull fjn lI~JJLntl~iWmm1fj ~)jUrnlJJlJYIV1ULLl1 ln1lVlim~tl~nii8u lJW1JU11lJ

310 Ylm~JJ 4 f1LLUU m~middotlVIillhlVI~ i1)jl1~~~aWi1mlJJ ltlJJ8EWi 327 IlLLUU LnllVlimN

~lJt11 Yf~vJJLLU~ll(JniloVI1thvhJJ ilmt11w Uahfli1l1il L~Vl1(iL~J jj~UIl11lJ~1lW 31

l1~ulillriYiTIJJLIlitl~iiY Yi~rulf6lf Ullll lv1LvLL~Ui1l1V11 I1UUU rtluLnllVlimW~llvi1mi

L~iJU1~ 5 UU~ L~JJ I1U LnllVlilj~iiAl1lJllllU1lV~llVl U1VaJJ~n~ n~lhl(ilJU lUj~1Jlnnflultl~ilLUU 7851 ~1V1fUi~1Jl1l1lJfillll1ll

iJltAVln1iliUlI11iL~8nliLn1lVli LVlV aill (lll tillU 111 JJ Ill Ln1lVllnl11~llai1UL~ULI1iln1lrU

LlOl al1mrumiLmlVli (lina) lJ8llnllilin~ltllLVlA1V1v LLUl lthUl-nl1 Wml Ln1lVlimlj1l11JJ

LlJVlll-JVl1 ~WJNv una1riltli1lt1 LiJU1Ji1mA ~ti 1l1I1n(l1l n ~lllJl r1lllJLviJJ1UlJl1l~1Ui ~U IIl1lJ~Vl Lnu ll 8ln ~JJ(i1 8 Ull tillUA11lJfi1J1lWi 29911UUU lJ1n~IVl aiUI1LLUULO~V 335

Ln1lVlimluYJn~l111VlvhtlilVlA 1l1IlVl1u1l1lnLQUlL11U8 nti1l1 nnlllLUUL~lJ 4 IlLLUU I11Vl1~l

-)114114 2346 ilU 1U1illl~1lU 1l11lJ~ll1l~~ 314 llllUU 11111 1~fu~U~lnlAilnll1U~ltil-nll

JJV2557 ~l-nEl i~Ul1lllJfilJ L11111l jj~il11lJ~ll8~~ 313 LVl VLnll(iJlni ~tl~n-nll rtlU1 l1l1lj

IJ1l~LmVlimlV1v WU11 I1YlJJ IlLLUU 111111ril lj~ll11l1l1lJ~llJ~ A1l~lll111 itiulJln1ultl~Vlluu fillm OlillJll 1ll Ln1ltiri ni1VlU1U ~ 312 I1LLUU LLrII11Il(iJ1U(iJn 886 Lii8lltllnL~8l~UL~Wl~1jj 1l1wilJJ1l~1uitiu~lJln ailU jjffl1fi11l1lJIllJ~ 297 IlLLUU ltlmwlIli8l1-illUL~~U

d a l1lLUUlWu 310 ltI1nlLUWVllJ ll(]l~~fJ~im~tl~nr~r11iiP~1Jil JElnltnnti VllllilllLIlillshy

4 llUU LVlULnlVlmiljAl1JJIIlJ 1111lJltllllllltlVlJEWi 328 11 lLUU nllvlpoundJIl~ll1~liJ 2557 ~llU1U bull v

~l 26-32 LVluNu~hLnllVllViltl 1l4~tiini1lU nlilllU-ill11Ull~8n jjilAl~iu laiuri m~ltlyj~l f~ulm-huiEvill1 ~nlit1ilJrI ii8VLll~lULWJ1Vll(lVlilU lri hltl nlilJ1UVlillumru~~1l

11 ~ ~ ~ LU8 urIIm 1l111i1JIlUA1LnllVll jjlh~1l8-n1lL-nllJ1iVlLvU ~1l ful(iJl1ilAll(lVlrllL~rMV l~LUi lllrJLLuuf~vi1Jf~ ~~lts) LLrInli

-illl -nlLW(iJl~Vlamp(iJl U1lWlil tlilJrlN1UVl(llVl~8lJ1VNU~1 111~JJt11~U lLrIrNlJllLLlUUlllJ Ln1l(imi1ll1Ul LL ltli lViillVI V

LLviUljjil~~Vl~Vl~~8l~U(iJl~lUU (LfllIVVl) 1VlULLeJWl1J1vihlltiL~ VlLIlllailui il~111t1lvillJ LLUl tli~lJ1ruIilUL~1lU ltlIlti lQ~U 1UlJil~1~Uu~~1l1l~I-J(lni tl1lJ 1 run 1 liU 1 V-iilltli lJ1 ru

V1U~ltltliUYJUnliI-J~(iJ Yillmll(li1 L~1l1ja 5 lLllUIifU

LlrlnLtl~VU~HuWlU ilo1111lll ~~U eJ(lnlj(ljllll~8niill

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v f bull

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ff1 f) (1 f) j lJ ~ l 1 ~r91 Ill1m l flU

1Y1UlHlWY1 VIiffY1 lJ1ffl (Thailand

Trust Mark TTM) IUWlim

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ll(llVilJflf) 25 ff1U1 1UiJ 2559

J~ flafl~1rUJ 2557 bullbull 1 j

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(PI] n~11 mlJll~illJlJV f)UI1U1UJ1Ull mHiCl-lU lliUllilU f)~lJ

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A ~ I A I A A ~ I1lJlllllJ)ilV l~TlYlTlUll(1 1~il~~YIliUVli

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~111 ~uQl~~ J

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HlJ(1Yl1ltl HlihmufnU

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Iml~i l1itJ~~lllJ(1]lUUlmtJl UtJtJnl1lllU

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LL1fllJEllT~fl LtJ~~rlBrlilLtIUVI1lf)11LLal l~El Lem1~1~a L~ElW~lllUlvJiAh bull hUvlJJ1h 14

tI J d I

llJtJn(11 1000 U )Ull 23 nTl ll ilIIUiluluHh1VliftU~1U~U 1 lliU

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lViiff i1n~ Ilfi(1lu1)liJ~~)U1VlniilJ111li

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lJi)1V1~lJl1 ~f)jwUj UllrUllU11m~~~u ~ ~ J i lit

lJ1imU1V)iTnYl lTl)liVlU 1(1U11lnli

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l~UYI1lUilJ1ru 8 fihllJ~i~tJi)1lJl ~ 3

1 UW~UU1Vl 10 ~) UUliJuWJilVII)l 1m

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U)VlmilJli4UlC1nU1~ lil IVii1l uUVi(1lllU


Urull U1lUUllUl nm))l U)VlniilJ I

~Ui1Il l~Ull1ll~)n1 I1111l1nuNuintJun1i bull

i~Ul~)I1~)~~mlJ1ifll111111 ~~pfi lIUUrll

lritJllllnull~uUi1fi1J1lJU~i1fnllVil un~l l I1lJ1nUmi~llJ11JillJiJl~tJ1YlV~1i~lUY)fll J IJ I I ~ v

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Ui 1VliU lliritJ1l1lfi~fmhn1)U unnl

J1lJUllif)1 11(1 lrimYitiunuf)1lHlTl~tJltJu~ 1Uuil~uU

lJlUCllYICl J~~m ttllJlfinlH1fl~nlllJnlJ~lJfm)~~UnJlIl (ilf1U) ()liljJ~dhitiflfl 1~-Jl llwlhdlJJI11mJ~]j VlllfhHm(lm~lj~H ll~1HlJJl IUIlrmiddotltJll i HI 1J] 11 (fflU 11[ ~rulaquoJll V1ll~hh~nDUnljf)ll~~HjllDjtf1f1 1~tli1 J nKuijD~iJlI~)l 1Jjll~n~lJllnUJlnl1lJl1 J(lI~Ifitnntmlll~lJ

~ V I 11

lfI~U11f1fl llui l1lU dhJJll11jvt11vlJDHhhuClI1U1-Jlllmlllnml1111dh lr~ UUllliJJvi1111r~jJntlumjjjfiu11111 ~lJ IIlU1l-liili Ull 3IlD(h~u~IUUllll 1lllJ1ll11hmn fl~JJ1jlj~f1J r~Jltum~Dn D111ll llCllJWJUUlf1r)J OJlllmii1lJ R1~ U~DJV1rIUlm Tlul llt1W1Dn~Ju

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II q tJ I ct 0 oi tJ r 0 v shyllllnll(1lJ~lllC1Uflll1CllnllUyenl IlIll mlJU1lJ~JYmlUUl1D U~nl1 nlnn~D~C11HnlJlJ m~V1lJJllrullU C1111nJluflru nlllJllllDlMll --

UJllliHiUljlIl~lJfh~1l~11J()[Jti~ 17-31 ~JUIllllJHl1jl~~J~11J 23-41 I( Cl U 1 (uu) m lJd -11 Cf1lJfI (lji1WmCl~ ~-1U JI1 ~DlJ UCl m lJfll UfllJ llJJ1I~lih i l1l flpflUUlllUJ~~Ull~ ll-ilvtq) J~IUllfmlt1l~~UmJnll lJClYlEI 1~uuDnlJl~l III lflJUfllJ1l-iltU1l 1lU 1~Dnmiddotll1UIlIl ulm~jllllil VlCll01lJuJrijlnDUIlll t1~ viJJ iuHitlunf1fllJlIl)un9fD~ufh ~JUlJll U 1111 fJlllJllllllllll ~uJnll

IV ff


~U1~1Villi LnU~~J bull IV a

Vi1u~~f)Li11~~~ cu

inmhv-liil 111Pi~~ Llllnnn1lIHU

ml~nll~~IllfJlNu~tllll (iilIlU) LtJ~ Lmrh iilIlU1Lliru~lLLVlUN1llnilUn1l ~lU~U~l ~tltllll ~ LLiiliJ~Tfl~ll tJ111qj

Llilml11~ilL~illJf)1l-11iltJ(l~lJU1~UWl neu]~Uri1 vflLLJj~W mJLl1lll 1l1~Ull~

~ eil tmiddotwnnVJiln fl1111l LL(llJUJJ1JUL~fn

lllYlm~~ l1~IIlnMillVi~f)tlnpoundi~ml1

~Uril Lb(hvjUl11JU1~Ulllnru-naUril

l1flltJJjU~jjlJU1~1-1niLnuI~~ LLvimmru

flU~l~Ullljj1JU1~ L~lL~~ ~lEllltrnl1l-1N u~lnll Llt]11~ei~ Llltlniftl~U~lt~ tJVilJl1~ vlutrlLn(1J 1JruLtiitJ1nUnlltJrU(l~~~1~ lJillmllnru-nll~viiilt-J(ltiiiitlnllll~ ~UVlUn1lt-J~(9I~ltJ

~ltJrllv-llli1~lTh 1UltJampu iilIlU


l1~ii 01LUU1tJMiilJEl1-Xiil~~lLVh~~1 LUU

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fl1l11lLL(lm tltJ ) nl~poundilLiiI~)Jlruinv-l

LL(l~I LL1~~fl~ LLllnl~ll1ull)J)JllVlH L~tlfltln~l(91ln1lIl1UIl)Jll-1ll(9ltU L~fl rill1U~ LL UlvriltJllu~l l-1dJ U~lmriu LtiitJlnU

~lnn1lIl~(9Ill1~U~ll1iilltJlIil~ Lliu

1l~)JU1JI~J1~ltJd~f) lJUl~lJl(91vit-IDJl11 1l~~iiWUyjl11fl~(il 17 -31 poundi1ULLJj~v-l

iiiiviuyjl11 23-41 NU~tllIlUl1ll tJ

flTIILlilhei(9l~~11~U~1flJl(91111qjlll 1iitl~~lruiill LLvi1~11i lJruLtiimnUnlJ

L~iJ1JU1~ if~vh1~Ntl~nflU nllll ~uYlU I ~

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I)cJ4 flJfl~lV1dJ 2557

~)J~lh~fl1l1Jmi~~r111lillilfl-1J~TilflIVl)JIJ~lV11Jiiilnrucrl Q I Q

I 1 ~tJ m f IHl tlfl tJIil l fI 11 VI U~ 1 A I1lHl fl11)J lH)Jl tl)J

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IEI U1lfll)J~)Jj1l ritl~lh1l1lflflt)lI1iJ~~~1NM~ 15

UltdhVHI 1 ~ffff1 IClII115 nliflUl m i lJnmgtlJm fl~NUnilfl (ffflU) mh yil 1W51l if ffflU~ i~()~11111U~lhnfl1jmi

Q -11 Qi 1 d 1 mUffUfllflJ ilfl UCl1li lilflilV lHU 1IJ1111111 l flmmm I1l11VClfl

IJUlf11liilt1~llniYUtil i~ UlIlJtl (11I1Cl1 fl1lJ1Jm) fol~in~t)n tI bull

fll11li 11ClU~1lIJtJlfiv1 Cl~llm~lJ a d I I cs I iJ ~ I

UltJfllYl Cl flCll1Clnll fffllJ ff ~lllJt)t)mrll~n~ffUfllIlClll I1U 11

~Ul~1li i llt1ruovliYUti1l1mpoundJlIij~iiIJill~ 1 I1uitnU ~1 ~ uli 111111 UIbull u

~ d CS 10 d 0 i)ll C1 i Q

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U i i ~ilUIYI tl ~ V~ ff ~folCl ~vHl~ U 11 U n 1 i folCl ~ Cl~Cl-lmV I Qo iJ ~ I d oc d ~lnmiill(lnllffUflll1mVlIUfi 1llU flilllJl~-lfol111mVtJI1fl

IJUlf1IJ1~~H1liillfl111ii1fW~1mllii-1 17-31 ~hUIIlIllYl~li~U~ 11-1 23-41 Ur~~1li11111nliVil~Ul~U1f1~U ii~ hlil1~Il1JU flUU~-1uUV11-1flli~CllJ lJfl-1N11n flfllJ nli l~fll-1 i 1l1riNunilfl 11 1

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nIJfl hiCl~Clmil~~ll~U l1it)-1~Ufll~nl11UVl1riiU~11~illV1 U

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4 lJt)~lJi1~nUlYI

ri1U iU i VV 11 iiifl-1 I11rtlf1U I1ti 1tJ -11U ~ MV1jt) -1 lli U 0 QI

mm 1-1 f2V1ffl11m111 mll 11~liltlJ lIV _lllU n~lUflOlflnllflU bull I sJ

fll111m~Vl (flV) fljllff~m111lrufllliIl~ff-1111V1Clflll IIClmll

fl1Uflllll ClVilJ fl flflll 1mfll1 fl1lJfllJ1lfiVlI1lU I~flfhl1 U VIIIU 1111~ 11~j~1riI1JU 11 WI 11U1~V10U U ltJtilliClfla 11

lClUl15flll fffllJ mhll~lJI~1l11 ilJm1J1Wfll1~i1f1lJn~nruovl

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1111i~ tJ~ln~U()I1lVlllllllillVI1ti~ ftUll1 111 ru IJ v L~11lllfl ~U 111U

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U lV ~ltlCl flri l1V fli 1 -ff1UI1i1-11~ lJlli 11 11 lJlVl llii ~nrue0lmy

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fll 1 11 ~1l Cl 11 CllV ~flV ~lUlJlll

ltgt If

fl i ~ VI i 1-J VJ 1 ill CSU tJ

J~ nJnrnfl~ 2557-[j1JU[J1USU I


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~ laquo ~ ~ co

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LLVIW1I11W1 Uflun1111n1 1 UOli tJn111 WiH

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l~WfJ1li rl~1I ~V1ru11r1f111IJLi1UlffJUtiifJ1u

lI1OJWVlU1 fuJW1~ f)fitJ~n1JJn1ihJ U11 IV

111 W unEllYlU~(i)JU1-nl1 ii~I~W 32 ~m1d1

LLfliiV(ilU(l~W - 3 L~fllYI~n fifJ 1nli~tTu~WW

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~tTu ~WWL~WYlUYIJU L1tJW1UniU1W01~ ~ lil-n111m~

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~111 LLfl~(lJUl f)1-liWlf11U11r1ii fll1JJJW fII LLtl f11 ~W til fl El(ilVU~~l1~rrUIl~~ampi1U fl11iWvl1W11W flU1f1til

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VlUU l~JnfllVlUtlLLin 1 YI~U~1UU1Vl ~(ildjW II ~llfllJ 3 lJfll~flfh-nl1lU~Elnvhn1mni~~til1~tJ fl 30 ~1W~U LL~L~Uvlln~11V(ln~(il(di1u~hlliW

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t ~3JW1 5rr1Ll1UU11 Un1711n1~~I1UUllalLlJJf)~llf)I

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nTnh3WllnneJVlW)J1HidjW1JeJ~Y1UU(h1 ulii

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-nl1iJeJWLiil~~lll~1~~ltJlill LeJ 1~mil~1-nl1vi ~


mntllLJul1f1ffJ~WVJJUlnlifl~iIJrtlaquotJeuroN ~~I~LQW1U1nUnhmJfI~~ill1rf11iJ~LtJlJfI~ t71J1fl1lJ1Jnnml1JwrimililLJunfNYlwiif)mif)(i

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J _ I

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lJ U

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illl~1YiOJlJn1J-li11L1ilUBi1vl1LYiUll11U1L-WtJ 3

f1W ~11JLYilJffVll111Jvl~LLVIW1Jl1Ul El1l)1rl J~ VidlfirunBlVluLLYilil~GlB1i1l11ulLiJtlU1J~Ym

bull bull OJ

LL~(ijLLClllUl~ tJ nu 1(ijtJYiJJlllpoundllLLYHil L~Ull1~lJl

I ~lnl11U1LnUtrnLLltl-r~B(ijUULWtJlL~niiBtJ oiild

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L~UYlUlJUL1tJu1ua(ij~1(ijBmiitJVivllll11Ul LL~ i ~poundllLLJunBlYlU1iI1a-~n1ll1Ul1tI1U~~l1

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IIl1lJll1uil ~~l11tJllil~1lJliiL~U~ULVilJU LLampi

dju L~poundlmllJ~LLIllWl~tJ 1i1Jl1Ull11U1~ru1~ ~

I (IlaJlJ(1aJeJ~1l1~eJeJnil1ULLiiIlIil~iill~~Dn1J

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DWlf1~WllaJn1Jl~~eJf1 nJLQ~lvlU VlVllY1U1Vl

~llJn1Jll11Ul11LLi-JUn1JtJ~n-lil1vYtJJ LVII L~D ~

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tJ~aJl run1ltJ~ m V Em nil ruY1lt-J~i-J~Vl~U Vl~l~(liimVl ~

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~vhtJviltJ 1Liiu~ w11th~tJn uluna-lJll1IJ

i Ln1l~n~l11U1LLiilLn1lVl~m1 Vlll ~ LtIU Elil middot (IlLl1Vl

v1eJl-liWll11Wl1VltJ1~~f11laJ~Uf1 LjeJlln1~ii I ij middotnpoundlI~jltJleJ-rU ~lWJi~Y1~ liQJyenU Ul~n1ilIJ~iJ I hib~l11tnlrm L~WEl1VijjnliLwM~aJlc)(1 17 i

I tJJ(IrllltJLUWnlJl~tJLL~~~WllVW~-iil11~LYilJ I lJln-iiu I


fi n a Ua dhl3J amp1 ~h ~UA1 b nlf(9la f1~lijVl~~ IJm1J~lLL~~ 217 LL~U~TUUlrl lJEJlJ~ 26-32 Onnfl~~i1LLlnlJm1J~l

d at 01 d

O 7 L~ltJ3JVllleuroJ 3 VlUl tJI1U ~U llj

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0lt) =i ffUtJ1~ tJ fimmlLIjeuroJnllLmffilLL~ ~ - ~

~mrumlLn~l (jj n ~) Ulb3JUillJfllJ

VI~J1JeuroJIll(i11 Lfflli3nl mlLn~llJeuroJJLYltJ

VI~eurol~~YlrnflLn~l liJe)ltIlllmllJmtJ~h

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lJtJIU 2556 3J~lil~ufilLn~~leuroJd~ 216 ~

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JJfl~~t1V1~I~~lJmtJ~llii L~euroJJlln~~t-J~~1u n~JJ-trllulU eleuroJtJ tJlJWlll Ul~3JJ1~U LL~ ~~wil1fl3JlruL~3J LLlt1i-lill

LU~euroJn~nml3J~U 15jj eJiLUUL~aJ l~UllmiJ-ru~l~ILlt1~tJ t-lil~~tpJ illPl

euroJtiYi 7500-9000 Ulrl UYJU i~1l~ lI bull cd ~euroJltlU Vl1nml3JIfUeuroJfVl aJil~lL~ LV20 m ~llfll 6000 U1YlLYhilu

~UtJllljlll m~illlml~W1~J3Jl

LVI~euroJ 60-61 Ulrl lt1ieuroJnT~n13J LIjllil~u~ LiJltln~~L~3J ~urlumlt-J~~~J llm-nllTIj~

d ~ T Llt1GwmlYi


630-780 Ulrl w1euroJn ~n~3J LIjnt-J~~~~euroJeuroJn3J13JlnLL~ilmlU1L-li13J1

llnUltLVlffLYleuroJuihu lJru~llfllnJneuroJeuroJn l1~mltlloilUl~lnYillIXllmU1U~J~lL~euroJ 10-220 U1Y1w1euroJnT~n13J LllUL~tJ1n1Jnfll Ul~~ ~llmfiWl~J3J1LVI~euroJ320 -435 ~ntJ ~euroJnT~n13J

1I1~U11 VI~lLm~~lmL9l1lJLjULl~1 il~Jllljfl~euroJIlUnlllllOhm~~ LL~iJ ml3JVll~1um~wYi1u1U1n~uVlIi~OnnleuroJleuroJ1J

LjuluTm~ml3J1UJ~ln11 6-8 L~euroJU

cilUllfl1~U~lLnllVllvifl1~ hlilllm vibVi~ ~euroJ ~Uci1UVI~I m~11lb~l-I LUU 215-220 ulrllt1ieuroJnT~n13J lln 180

Ulrl LIjll~U~euroJImlU1LUt-J~~beuroJvilUeuroJ~ IJrnvielmJflWd1lL~3JLJU 1 220-1300

U1rl lln 1040 ulY1~euroJnT~n13J llfl1LnLdil

nlL~3JLUU 42880-44 Ulrl~euroJnT~n1l-1 L 11l1nfl3JUln vifftJ T lUilml3J9l euroJI ml

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ultJ~3Jifn~ n~lhlilJii leuroJI~f~ml jj n~ n~llL~13Jl1 cilVl1U LLt-JUltJ

tJllL~L~~ tJ ~Vll~ ilil3J nu mrl )11

im~~l1mYlll11jlb)ll6 Ll~mrll11

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~euroJJVi~lLilumlL1~3Jt-J~~~~ ml~~

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n 9l euroJJ LVi~W)1[11 mm~m~n~rnvi1JTlI

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ultJ~3Jifn~ n~11~euroJ11 ffuMfmin~ ~ll1lml3J$1~L~UlJeuroJJnfliJ~n~lmLrltJ bull I

~jLLwllUYi 18-30 ~ tJYitJl~l llnn~3J

~euroJtiljLrl~mmlurlnfJVll~YilUlL~f1 2346 lltJ LUVll-n8 l~lJml~~lJlJeuroJJ Ln~ltIllmLrltJ ljuil Ln~~lmLrltJ~ml3J ~lJlul~u3Jln~WflLLUuLlt1~1J 310 lln

~LLUUL~3J 4 lLLWU T~mnllVllmilml3J v JJ ~ 14 1

~IJl~ltIlU3JlnIJULufl~LuU 7851

ml3J~lJlJeuroljLmWIlmLrltJ l~lln ~1~llt1lfll1~~IJlU 6 ~~ L~LLn meuroJUfl11 ~lJrnlj~ ~Jfl3J~ mlJ1U~ ~lJJllljLjU~

LL~l~t~ LL~~euroJoilLLUnml3J~lJ~l3JeuroJ-nlw nllLn~l~n

cilVl1lJl~lJfll13J ~lJlJ euroJjLn~~ lm

VI~JL~1uLjuTmJ nlliU~lUlin ljU

11 Ln~lm~u~n-nllilml3J~IJ~l~l13J

L~3J~wmw1~l~lJ3Jln~~~ itJflLLUU

Llt1~tJ 335 middotnnm-LLUUL~3J 4 fIbbUU


TWlmn~~lm~u~nillI11ULVlqi ilml3J ~ v I 4 _ v

~lJ LUl~U3JlnlJUfl~LuU 886 ~rleuroJU


ampI J 11

U1JaSJf1n~ mfi11(i)1U 1il~~Hilfl111iU1fl11

lYJilnlllnmlm(1l1WlirunllLflmJi (llfl l1) fl~ll 11 f1UJ1~J 1l fl l1 l~cimlm1JJ~~l~14 (Poll)

11 il~ ~~JJ ltill il ci1~ 1f11jmm114lln ~~11~~1Jilllf1 ~l14l~ 2346 i1U lW~l~~il14 ~[J57 ifl~u i~lJm1JJl1l11Jil~lnmJifljl11H )tojlJ11 m1JJl111JJl(1

ilJJu~ ln~Vlim1 ~1 [Jl 11111 ilJJil~l14i~~JJ1 fl

vll[JTlll1414l~U 31 0 llflf1ll14Ul~JJ 4 Tlll1414

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Tlll1414 ~TlJJ~ 3 20 Tlll1414 fl1j~l14~ 3 14

Tlll1414 l1Jil1ril~14lt11 285 Tlll1414 ll(111l1~ 274

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)1~il ljjil~llLUflfll1l-Jl1lJl-Jl(1j1JJVllJJil1~Yl ~ ~~

nnLhl1011V111fl rilJ11 lflljlillm~DjnillJil1~I

nlllnljm1l1flrl flDj ll1rljjm 1~ 1 l1JJJ1 Ri1JJil ~l14

i~lJJJlfl t~tJl~mJinl~yjll1114~J(1bJjjf1ll1414l~~[J mlJJl1IJJJ1m1l-Jl1~l1~ lrijll~u14~~lmnltr14~1~ q~fll~1J(1t~ilfl~Vl (1Hl lflljOJjflj~ilUlvl~ DinillJ fllJ 1 14ndlJDjl1lJU ru11il111J (11J~Vlt14 Vlm~~~~illmiddottvlilm~l11l11141J-(1~Iilh jil~(1~JJl ~il lnmJjflj~D(1n5iltJllflL~u~lrildil t~Uilm


5il[J~llU1tUl-JlWl-J~14 ~~lU14mll~lflmJjm~1lnfl 5il[Jvmh lI(Uyj~rildil~I1~Y11~fl1j~~ililn~~~~[J 111~jlr1~~i1l~mul1ruum~flJJlmfl1jn~n14

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1ll[J1I1~llnlMuL~ulfltm~ fllj~lJ~1til-ii11 middot t~tJlflmJjm~D(1fl1il1lth14l1ru~mlJJl11Jl14j~u JJln14lll ~~~tJ~ 88610 l1~il14ll-il~14l1I1~)~fl


1i~ltJl~JJ14 llnjjm1JJVl1J 1 14ill~mi1141JJln 111~llmilTliltJl~14114tm~fI1i1 l-J1hj~lnl1 6-8

llt11 il14 ~~ lti~1Jn t [J m Jil iIlJ1JJl1lJ~ ilJ

lflmJinj1l114l1ru~L~l-JUl-JlilU114i~uJJln~l1~ ilcil~hr)Vll~ ~14~1~U ~nl1ll11411fl1wll

YhlmmJim~i~~mlJJ~1Jl~JJ~ 1lnl1 mllti~ lltfiJJ n m~JJ 1J~Vl1llYl~n ~~Vllll~fl1jlnljVli~ [JfI1j

n~Gi14ll14fl1j1J~Vl fI1mlijJ14llllf1Uf1fl1j1J~Vl flljli

lllf1t14t~ULf1~il~~mfl(1fl1jmmJj ll(1fl1jl1UUl11U

1~~fI1m1illYlll11JJ l~ill~JJj1[Jl~~lYl[J~riil~lJ ~11Ti~1[JlJil~LnljVljflj1Jrul~mn14 1l0l1 mjlti~ ll11JJ fl1jJJil1ril ltfi JJ~~11lf1 fl1jlflmJj lln14il nil1f1

nlllflljVlj t~[JmmlijJ141lln~~lltfiJJillrij[J14 l~illl1t~~(1VlillJ IIY114)14l11JJll[lU~ liJUil~~ l1il~1~ ~fl1T1ry~il T1j1fi1llmu1~l14fl1jVlm~l~ill111~ liil~ll1~fI1~lml1Ullnflj1[JR14fi1


I 41 VIvVha h104 1lfillIii033HI~L~3Jfl1lLOlfVll LiI~L~v~~

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U1U Iill~ultJUltJlIeurol-l ml15 11 M~~Ihlm-lmddrnd-l~m~

riiUYltl~LYlf11ul~~md~~iilUrlunmJ~Iil-n11 L~eurol~Uml~~lI1shy

lf11Ul 3 nlmdJl udnEluiil1tJ 1) md~~-llUdrnd-l~md~~

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eurolUdJlriltJYleurol~LYlf11ul~~md~~iilu1umd~~1iljJ11 d~U~lLf1eurol 814 ~lLf1El 1~LLrim11111~mLnW1~~U1U (eurolnJl ) middot 61102 dltJ

dVdlJ1U~ 15 mnjlf1Jl-31 mnjlf1Jl 2557 l~tJlvilmdL~tJ LLyIj1LYlf11ul~~mdr-J~1il-n11~rlnltilEl-l 1~lf11U11~~mlJl1 mlJl

~ ~

L-nlh YldlunJ LL U1Yl lJmd~~dlmill tJmd r-J~1iI 111Jlld(] L-nlnJ

UltJmdr-J~lilmnln d1~0-lLn~mlJlL-nlh~ln~UL~tJ1nUmd~U

-ilU1U 63943 f111L1eurolU LIil1tJlJyljftlJlleurolUL~UL-nllrqJ~Lntilildm LLA1 ~lwru~~m~~lLUU-llUIil1JJLLtJUUElJnULL~Lln1l1ilqJmtJ~1~ U 2557 lurn~lillUeuroleuroln l~m~yIjl~Jf1~ LJl LL~YlL1tJU 1~~J nldl-~Jl-jl~L~lmiddotdJ~~lill~amUnld[UEl~lJ1n~~ LLvillrndr-J~ 1~~J 3l1U~ ~1uhmjdluL~tJ11nAl-jJl~LLA1 yIjUl11~~nld ~mf11-6~1Iild~ldt~Ll1tJ1llU~J LLliijjm~LriW1dndUlJmiJl~lIEl I

nWUL~mmJJl1myljf1~eurol-l (lf~Ll1tJIiIElm~tJ 3) LL~~JLl1~~md ~ ~ LLUdW d1~nl1 65 A1UU1Yl ~Jlirn11 fin (f nLIil1tJJlIElUL~Ul~



~1U~~r-J~IilYlL1tJU ~-lf1~ LJl middot LL~~eurolJnEl-llUf11f11iil ~OJ bull I I

ilEln~liIm~~lnlU-61-lL~ElU~Jl-jlf1Jl-numtJu 57 ~U f1rn ~

nTI~nldUltJUlmL~~lmnld-6itJLl-j~mnW1dm (f1lfn) jj~~~ Ud1~LrieurollU~ 7 mnj1f1Jl 2557 l~L~UlfeurolUIillJlLLr-JuUeurol-lnU

~YlnutJULnW1dm LL~md LlfUd tJlfUllnYlLutJULnW1dm


eurolnJl LL~~L~1l-jh~ri-lLm~mdLnW1d1u~u~U

lu11ulItJltJr-J~LLriLnW1dmllrneuroleurolnm1lL~tJJlLLU~-lLmrm~~u YlL1JtJULn~lildnd~lJ~n mtJ1iilnlnddJl~ 3) mdriltJYlEl~

~ ~

LYlf11ul~~md~~iiluYlumdr-J~1il-n11LLriLmrmm l~U~LUll-jJlltJ LnW1dml-jUJ~lUdltJ

lU~1UlIeurol-lmd~lLUUJ1UlmJmdLLntlIUqJmtJlJVm10Jduu U 2557 ~UU11LUU~11~lIeurol-lLmtlildm LyIjdll-j~-llln~ f111lf

eurol17~~Stihmrn m~1 middot MUd1JlL1-l1~YIu1tJ JlUlu~u~~hu d~ul~lElf1euroluLIlmdUi 1~~lLuumdm1l11eurolULL~~UEJU~~md eurolElnlufudeurolJ1-LLA1L111lmtJ1u~u~ElU nf1d

~~~ e-J1U~11v1LL ~Jll eurolLilm~U~1 tJ Ll-j ~eurollmtlildm1lJ~ ~hunJu UdJllrnL~JlL~Jl LL~l~~ri-lifqJ~dltJ~eurolmtmm 1~ firi l1

LL~LL1ltllUqJl-jl~m1~mf11iil jjLUll-j~ltJ 7800 iilu l-lL~U 37 50

A1UU1Yl -61tJU~l-jld~~m~lu 3 Jlllildnld ~eurol 1) u~Vm~nld

~rnf11ylj~~tJ~1iI LUll-jJlltJ 4000 iilu 2) mlltJr-J~r-J~liImmuEln

~u~mf11iil LU1l-j~ltJ 3800 iilu 3) L111~l1myljf1~eurol-llumdEl lI1tJcJ~~ LUll-jJlltJ 35 n~Jl

LL~ ~11 ~ ~JYi1 tJ ~1l-j1U n ld~l LuUJlulmJ nld-61 tJ Ll-j ~ eurol

LnW1dm~lJd~U1ltJYlU~Yll-lfiddJll11~ LriElU 2555-57 -ilU1U ~

530943 dltJ lu 60 ~-l-jl~ ~ f111l1 1~eurolU~GiJUnmJdltJmd~1 I I

deurolJ~ltJL~Elmrn~maUl-j1El-ildju 1JL~U 509954 ~lUU1YlL~eurol L1-l~ltJl-LnW1dm~U l-j~JOJlnimJ~-lLm~mdmW1dL1-lL~1l-jiil~ 1-m1OJl1ElUdltJ~mnW1md L~lJ~U~L~U~lnllEl-lLmdm L~lI umlh-iliil1Udl11l1U Lm-ilu1uL~U~~niilElJ lIrnU finl1n


LWfl n11Ln1iVll UtlmlnlrunTl Lnm (iin) Li](l

~~ucll~u iintllMll111111~~IiH~U~fl~

n ~ IJ ii111l th~Lnm n l1 U1 n ~~1l(lrUi LM1

~lU1U 2346 llU 1Ui-NL~1lUjj~U1UU 2557

111)1l lii11J11111J~lJ1l~Ln(llnll11u vnrh ml)JlJlJ1Cll1)JlJfl~ Ln~(llni11111U1l1Wi1lJ1lV

1Ul ~1J~~ lii11I1UUULU~1 310 Ilnl1iLU~ UlllJ 4 IlLLUU

Ul1lllJf1n~n~nn L~fl~UUnrm)JlJ(ll)J mii~mlLn~(l~ui1Ln1imnlUNClbjjj~LLUU Ll~UIl11lJ~IJmtll1lJ~~~(l L~i1LUUb~~~IoJtl l~flfln~(ltl1(l Ln1l(limihl11111J1nlu i1l~NUl imn~liIinl~)tlmj1lJLLilLtU~1riLd1l tlil1l1111

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U1UlllJ~n~n~1ln lti1V111Jl(1Jll11lJtlIJlJeN

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d d )J1nl1~(lm1IlUUULUtlU 335 dj1l-lllnLjjtlhi


Jj111~3TU-amm11 ~111~1J Ul1lllJ~nt1ln~lTi1 N1Wl1Jl1111aUI11

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Ministry seeks to resume small-lot rice sales in August PETCHANET PRATRUANGKRAI THE NATION

THE COMMERCE MINISTRY is preparshying to resume selling rice from its stockpiles in early August gradually releasing it in small lots of about 5000)0 tonnes a month

Duangporn Rodphaya director-genershyar of the ForeIgn Trade Department said a ~ubcommlttee had agreed the mmistry slthould go ahead and sell rice from the stockpIles and not walt tor completion of a Junta-ordered mspectlOn of the stocks bull I he nce-release planwhlch Will be proshy

posed to the Rice Policy and Management Committee soon includes sales through general auctions to exporters and local traders by government-to-governrrient contracts and through the Agricultural Futures Exchange of Thailand

Puangporn added that the department wopId ensure the stocks are released transshyparent With the Fmance Mmlst and the Prime Minister s 0 ce joint y inspecting the f0cessc

T~e department reported that about 55 per cent ofl800 rice warehouses had so far been inspected by the teams dispatched by the militarys ruling National CounCil for Peace and Order The teams are expected to complete their mission by the end of September

About 18 million tonnes ofrice is reportshy

cerns over roug t an ower pro uction in many countries amid higher demand in many others I here IS a good posslblhty that ThaIland will export 10 million tonnes 9pound nce thIS year It is expected to sell off all 18 million tonnes in its stockpiles within three years she saId

The department reported that Thailand was able to sell 535 million tonnes of rice in the first six months middotup by 50 per cent year on year while export value rose 19 percentto US$27biIlion (nearly Bt86 bilshylion)

As ofJuly 16 the price of5 per cent Thai

Afile photo shows asoldier inspecting rice stockpiles at a warehouse in a eastern province

white rice was quoted at $427 a tonne up from $410 the previous week

She added that production bfThai paddy rice in the 2014-15 harvest season was proshyjected to be less than 38 mi1lion tonnes because of drought in many areas

Charoen Laothamatas president of the Thai Rice Exporters Association said the government should consIder sellIng rice from its stockpiles in small lots of about 100000-200000 tonnes per auction to avoid impacts on the m-rket price

The government has less pressure to accelerate the sale of rice frbm the stocks The country has holder power It should ensure transparency and minimum impacts to the market he said

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INTHE WAKE ofrising concern over the t reatmen t oflabour farmers we1shybeing and the environment in global trading the International Trade Promotion Department is urging more lhal busmesses to seek FairTrade cershytification so that their products are more easily recognised and have a

greater chance in the world market place

At a seminar on Fair Trade Mark and trading of Fair Trade products in theinternationaJ market heldyestershyday by the agencys Office of News Overseas Markets Development and PromotIOn Duan kamol Jlambutr e U Irec or- ener ot e eplrtshy

mentSal t atonlyasmallnumberof thaI compames and sUEP)Lc~~ms current~apphedthe FairTrade Marllt

The epartment lrill therefore continue to support Fair Trade certishyfication by promoting an awareness campaign amongThai man ufacturers and exporters she said

According to the Netherlandsshybased Fair Trade Original organisashytion about 30 Thai companies and supply chains have received FairTrade

certification to date This guarantees that they engage in faii treatment of farmers have good labour conditions use no forced or child labour offer fair prices to suppliers and operate with transparency accountability and respect for the environment equity and freedom lt)nd have fair trading practices

Duangkarnol said the department in cooperation ~th Fair Trade Original now had a target of increasing the number of certified businessshy iSnap es and products by 10 per cent ayear

The main goal is to help agriculshytural and handicraft producers as well as manufactures and exporters to achieve better trading conditions and to promote sustainability she said

Certified members of the Fair Trade programme will likely be able to leverage the quality of their prodshyucts for higher prices with certificashytion ensuring world-class social and environmental standards and more recognition in the international trade area she added

Thai export products alreadyusing the approved Fair Thade logo include

rice coffee tea cane sugar cotton freshfruits herbs and spices ockershywork handicrafts pottery and ceramshyics

The official said the department also would like to encourage busishynesses in the shrimp and fishery secshy

ate consultant for Thailand said the overall value of Fair Trade products had increased considerably in the past few years as consumers now had more awareness about fair trading conditions and the environment

Consumers are willing to pay more for Fair Trade goods if they feel they have bought a product whose manufacture is highly responsible to society Today prices of Fair Trade products are also very competitive

the same as leading brands Enterprises should adapt themselves to produce Fair Trade products in order to ensure sustainable growth

tors to comply with Fair Trade certification so that they do otfaceproblems due to unfa abour treatment Every Fair Trade product is subject to labour-standard checking she explained

Manasnan Pongjayavanij Fair Trade Originals aS60ci~

and access to many markets said the consultant

According to Fair Trade Original the value of fair trade goods in the global market excluding the US rose from 1 billion (Bt427billion) in 1996 to 48 billion in 2012 Expots ofThai fair trade products were wOlth about Bt300 million in 2012

More than 30000 products are now on sale in 125 countries and the global Fair Trade system currently works with over 12 million people across 60 countries

Manasnan said many more Thai products could get the Fair Trade mark So far many local brands sllch as Doi Chang coffee plus local proshyducers of soy sauce chjli sauce pineapples and bananas are wellshy

known for having the mark which is accepted widely

Martin Boon development manshyager for Fai~Trade Original in the Netherlands told the seminar that with the global market having growshying recognition of Fair Trade prodshyucts many markets were increasing demand for products carrying the logo - and that Thailand had high potential to serve sllch worldwide demand


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THE NATION ~ JULY 20141lI Sihasak reassures EUteam over juntas reform roadmap SUPALAK GANJANAKHUN DEE THE NATION BRUSSELS

EARLY ELECTIONS vtithout reform would not help restore proper democshyracy to Thailand That was the message related by acting Foreign Minister Sihasak Phuangketkeow when he met his counterpart from the European Union in Belgium this week In a bilateral meeting with David OSullivan chief operating officer ofthe European External Action Service Sihasak said Thailand had a clear roadmap to restore sustainable democshyracy and that the EU should support

this process of reform The roadmap and its related reform

will help strengthen our political econshyomy and will also be of benefit to our partnership with theEUin the longnm he said

Sihasak was in Brussels for a minisshyterial meeting between representatives ofAsean and the EU and spent much of his time briefing representatives of Eillopean nations aboutthe situation in Thailand

The E U along with the US and other Western countries strongly criticised themilitaryforits May 22 coup The EU suspended a number of cooperations withThailand as well as several visits by high -level officials It also recommendshyed that member states review military cooperation with Thailand

The EU said last month that it wouldmiddot

not sign a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Thailand and that the negotiation of a free-trade agreement (FTA) would not conclude until an electshyed government was in place

Sihasak told OSullivan that an electshyed government would come eventually Before that however Thailand needed time to implement reform to have a strong democracy

The time frame of 15 months or so for the reform is not too long ifwe want to make sure that our system and democracy are sustainable he said

Thai people are aware of the issues facing our country and we are working on addressing these concerns so the EU as a partner should support us

The EUhas the right to voice its conshycerns about the situation in Thailand

middot but it should also ensure it is sufficientshyly informed on specific cases he said

Concerning detention and martial law the EU should make sure it has corshyrect information about who is under

middot detention and if there are concerns about human-rights violations the EU should specify the cases he said

Sihasak discussed the situation in Thailand Vlrith many European MPs

middot while in BrusselsTheyincludeq Franck Proust special rapporteur on the FTA and Samuel Cantell head of the ecoshynomic trade and regional cooperation delegation Many of them have experishyence in engaging with Thailand and have a clear understanding ofthe current sitshyuation in the country Sihasak said


Pension scheme for farmers proposed

Farmers in the future might look forward to retiring on a government pension

Charnpittaya Chimplee directorshygeneral of the Rice Oepartment said yesterday ttiat under a draft bill dealing with the rice development fund members would contribute about 3per cent of their monthly income to the fund and the state wou ~d also chip in ayet-unspecified amount

When farmers reach the age of 60 or 65 they will start receiving a monthly pension bf about Bt4OOO

Most farmers earn less than other workers so the fund is neces- sary for their future Charnpittaya said

Other proposals for the bill are being gathered and the contents wi I be improved before its submisshysion to acommittee on rice producshytion and markets and the National Council for Peace and Order


Farmer happiness down from August WICHIT CHANTANUSORNSIRI

Farmer happiness last month dropped subshystantially from its peak last August when they had high hopes of stable income from the Yingluck Shinawatra administrations rice pledging scheme reports a Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BMC) poll

The state-backed farm banks farmer happiness index fell to 7851 in June from its highest level of89 in August said senior executive vice-president Somsak Kangteershyawat The poll surveyed 2346 farmers

Happiness from family health a good society jo b financial position and the quest

for knowledge were the six factors used to measure the index

The survey found happines from the family scored the highest with a score of 341 out offour followed by health at 321 a good society at 320 job at 314 fmancial position at 285 and the quest for knowlshyedge at 274

Farmers from the Northeast regygIiwere the happiest vvith a score of 314 while those from the North scored 313 the South 312 the East 297 and Central 299

Asource at the BMC confirmed Augusts poll was taken when the farmers mood hit a fever pitch as they felt they would receive an elevated level of compensation from the

rice pledging programme The National Council for Peace and

Order (NCPO) is seeking sustainable ways to help farmers after losses from rice pledgshying which offered prices 40-50 higher than the market price could reach 500 billion baht

The juntas measures so far largely includelowering rice production costs and slowing the release of supply to lower price pressure

The source said prices of tapioca sugar cane chicken and pork are gaining in the second half while those of rice corn rubber oil palin and whiteleg shrimp are declirun ~ bull bull imiddotI middot7~

Regarding rice prices the source said the price of paddy with 15 moisture content could average 7500-9000 baht a tonne while Hom Mali prices are projected at 14000-15000 baht in the second the half

Even though the agricultural sector conshytributes only 84 to the countrys GDP there are 167 ffiillion farmers making up 26 of the population

National Statistical Office data shows the ratio of farmers who earned over 100000 baht a year rose to 286 in 2013 from 97 in 2003 while 643 graduated from prfshymary school down from 704 a decade ago Farmers shouldered average debt of 124604 baht per person last year

BANGKOK POST 41 FTIupbeatabout domestic car sales PIYACHART MAIKAEW

The Federation of Thai Industries (FT) remains confident that domestic vehishycle sales will top I million this year defying some car makers projection of sales declining to between 900000 and 980000 vehicles

Domestic demand started picking up in the previous quarter as private firms and farmers bought new pickup trucks for their business expansion and new cultivation said Surapong Paisitpatanapong spokesshyman for the FIrs automotive industry club

The club forecasts pickup truck sales will contribute 55-58 of domestic sales against 442 in 2013 while passenger cars dropped to about 40 from 474 last year

The passenger car market has normalshyised after demand was absorbed by the gov- emments first-time car buyer scheme said Mr Sura pong

The club yesterday cut its 2014 forecast for Thailands automotive output from 24 million vehicles to 22 milliori It also cut domestic sales to 1 million vehicles hom 12 million while exports stand finn at 12 million vehicles

FTI vice-chainnan Suparat Sirisuwan~ nangkura said Thailand was expected to remain in the worlds top 10 automotive manufacturers this year with production in countries such as Canada and Russia also expected to decrease

The International Organization of Motor

Vehicle Manufacturers said Thailand was the worlds ninth-largest automotive manufacturer in 2013 and 10th in 2012 Production (ast year totalled 245 million vehicles the highest in 52 years and up by 014 from 2012

The club yesterday reported that car proshyduction fell by 261 year-on-year in June to 160452 For the first half Thailands car output fell by 29 year-on-year to 952685

Domestic car sales in June totalled 73799 dOVll by 304 on the same period in2013 while 440911 cars were sold in the first half down by 405

By contrast car exports in June rose 657 to 103946 earning the cOUDtry497 billion baht In the first half exports rose 36 to 560047 cars with export value rising 895 to 265 billion baht

The FII yesterday reported that the industrial sentiment index improved for the second straight month in JW1e

The index rose to 884 points accordshying to the FIr which conducted a survey among 1100 industrial operators It stood at 851 points in May when sentiment improved for the first time in seven months

FTI chairman Suphan Mongkholsuthee said sentiment has improved because of the more stable political situation and an increase in purchases of products thanks to the Fifa World Cup football tournament

The industry outlook index for the next three months stood at 1019 points rising from 101 in May

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AUTO EXPORTS INCREASE Despite the sluggish recovery of

the export sector auto shipments continue to expand but still by not enough to counter the reduction in dorriestic demand for cars

The industry has been forced to brake this years production target from 24 million units to 22 million

The target for domestic sales has been lowered from 12 million units to 1million which represents adrop of 251 per cent or 335154 units from last year

Surapong Paisitpattanapong deputy chairman and spokesman of the Federation of Thai Industries Automotive Industry Club said yesterday that lower domestic derriand the end ofthe governments first-car tax-relief programme and the delay in gov~ errirnent and private investment

middotprojects had contributedtothemiddot change in the production target However this new figure is still

middot higherthan the forecast for T8 milshylion units before the big floodiri 2011and domestic demand is

expectedto shitf intoforWard gear i

middotnext quarter~ The economic recovery payshyrnent for farmersuncter the rlceshy

pledgingscherneandreturn of investment will increase revenue l

in other industries and put more rnoney in peoples pockets he middot said

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Temporary charter should furthershyboost confidence ERICH PARPART THE NATION

THE FEDERATION ofThai Industries believes the temporary charter will further increase the confishyden~e ofdomestic and foreign investors along with buslness op~ratrs while the recent strengthening of the baht IS stJlI tolerable for the export industry as long as anyfurther appreciation is neither too rapid nor drastic

_The FTI also said yesterday that its Industries Sentiment Index (TIS) had increased by 44 points since April

The introduction ofthe provisional charter is in line with the politiCal road map of the NCPO [NationaICoimcil for Peace and Order Jand I believe that in generalinvestors andoperators will feel more relaxe and gai~ more confidence that things aremiddot gomgmaccordWlththeNCPOsplansforanewcharshyter the setting up ofan interim government and the possibility of an election in the future said Supant Mongkolsuthree chairman ofthe FTI shy

In his view the country over the past two months has been running on a smooth surface since the Nepo took power a move which has led to an increase in foreign investor confidence certainty over pubh~ II1vestment policy and rising domestic consumptIOn

These factrs will support the recovery and allow _gross domestJC product to expand by 25 percent this year he said


The FTI had been projecting an economic recesshysion before the arrival of the NCPO

As for exports Supant said The strenctheninO of the baht is related to the increased conffdence of foreign investors which has led to an inflow offorshy~ign funds This will have some effect on the export iiidustry but it is still acceptable for exporters since the currencys strengthening pace is not too fast and the Bank ofThailand is still monitoring the situashytion

The export sector will be able to cope with a stronger baht if the rate does not fall below 3050 per US dollar he said -Moreover since the global economy IS continushyII1g to reco~er the FTI is sticking with its export

- growth projectIOn of35-5 per cent for the year According to Bloomberg the baht was valued at

3176 per dollar yesterday The FTI chief pointed out that if the Kingdoms shy

export value were calculated in baht it would already show lO-per-cent growth year on year

Accordingto the central bank export value in May came in at US$1927billiol1 (Bt6124 billion) whIch IS 12 per cent lower than the same period last year in dollar terms - shy

Meanwhile the TmiddotISI has increased for two month~ in a row The indexose from 840 in April to 851 111 May and to 884111 June amidst calmer political waters the economic recovery the liftingof the curfe - and even Fifa World Cup fever which led to an mcrease in overall production orders and sale figures - shyn~eover~TISI fororBers~salesarid prod-udiai- -shyIII allll1dustnes rose from 802796821 points in May to 843 844 879 points respectively in June

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CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough


GRAFT HAS GOT TO GO nvestors from Japan from which Such concern by the Japanese away existing and prospective forshy

the largest amount of Thailands investors should not be ignored eign investors Countless foreign direct foreign investment comes because they have brought the firms and investors have com~

have called for reduced corruption largest amount of direct foreign plained about the extra costs of and improved transparency in order investment into Thailand The doingbusinessinThailandbywhich to help restore confidence in the Japanese invested over 8t290 bil- they mean kickbacks and undershy

Kingdom lion in projects ClPproved by themiddot the-table money that must be to Setsuo luchichief representative Board of Investment last year That bureaucrats and politicians Often

of themiddot Japan External Trade was nearly 30 per cent of the total they have topayin exchange for pro-Organisation (Jetro) for Asean and foreign investment of Btl1 trillion curement deals with state agencies South Asia last week called on the according to 801 data and public projects People who ruling National Council for Peace Thailand has generally remained refuse to pay are routinely left and Order to kick-start good govershy attractiye to foreign investors due behind by their bribe-paying comshynance that includes combating corshy to positive factors such as the avail- petito rs University of the Thai ruption and ensuring transparency ability of skilled labour efficient Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) rec-particularly about doing business in infrastructure and transportation tor Saowanee Thairungroj has esti-Thailand Now its a good time for systems location andthe consider- mated that corruption adds 30 per Thailand to bring about good govshy able size of the domestic market cent to costs for businesses That ernance for the new era he said But our chronic corruption is scaring she says translates into reduced

comoetitiveness for Thai-made Economic and Business Forecasting pay corrupt officials and politi~ians products and reduced credibility for Centre He surmises that the have to cut costs at-the building site Thailand among foreign investors improvement could be due to posi- and that means poorer quality in General Prayuth Chan-ocha has tive public sentiment following the their public projects and thus a risk made tackling corruption a top pri- juntascampaignagainstcorruption to life and limb ority for the ruling military junta He and organised crime The surveyalso Businesses who pay bribes also says the fight will be part of sweepshy showed that bribes paid to officials offset their higher costs by charging ing national reform together with and politiCians by the private sector the consumers more good governance transparency and had declined to 15-25 per cent of middot Since corrupt authorities and an efficient and effective system of project costs frbman average 25-35 politicians make money and bribe-checks-and-balances Thailands per cent previously paying businesses make profits it is corruption index in the first half of Despite the seemingly slight theconsumersandthepublicingenshythis year improved for the first time improvement in the situation (or- eral who suffer in five years according to aUTCC surshy ruption remains amajor problem for They end up paying more uhnecshyvey The indexinJune was registered Thailand essarilyfor products and public proF at 46 out of a possible lOa com- In addition to the weakened ects the quality of which is poorer

pared to 39 last December says competitiveness and reduced cred- Corruption should beeliininated or Thariavath Phonvichai UTCC vice ibility the public asa whole is affect- at least minimised for the sake of rector of research and director of its ed by corruption Contractors who the country and its people

  • 57-07-24 (กรม)
  • 57-07-24 (ใบนำสง)
  • 57-07-24 (กระทรวง)

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~1J1rJLL1J1Jfi~El~ m~1~LElnlfu11l-Jnumfl~~ nlffJeurol~l~li1JlIl~Ulum~eurolElnf1JlIl~-ll11 n1~lI1rJ(1)1l-J~1~-l~~ nmm~~ll1ill1JmYlfl npoundJllU~[)~m~nmhJjIlLtJum~hl1J nl~JJlmhu(1)~l~ ~IeurolEln-lll1~l LLI1i 1 l-Jfl - 16 ~poundJ Yi~lmJl ft~hn1ffi~~11V1Ul (mLWYI) LLIlmlli~lfl 1J~)nrn 4831 ~lU~U lY1l-J~U 7224 LYipoundJU IhUn1~lhtJ1~Vti1rJ~lfm~~)rJn~ Liu ml-J

nUi11L~mnutJriElUl-Jllfl12360 ~lU~Eltllll~~llfYirnn Yilhlfl-J1~hi1u~1mhlI~u1TIj

l1El 76 l~U~lUtJl~ LY1l-J~u1unJ(1)euroltltl11 d V ~diElJ~lnUliiiJqJ~ln1dL~rJnLnUL~UrJln

1779 ~mLtlpoundJ(1)UIl 488 (1)El1lfll~

UlpoundJ~LnU~ leurolm~11~ U1Wln(1)~l-Jfln~ ~3-Jlflilt~cileurolElnoii111Y1poundJ mh1 r J1 LiJ1~tlJlJ 5 LL~uJiul1imI1i8u ~JLLI1iL~iJU~ fldJu~u 1tl otJllLUUtITl-Jlrn1~l-J1n riEluYitflcJ~(1) -ll11U1U llCilnltl 255758 ~euroleuroln3-J1lu

ii11L~eurolU(1)flj I~w~lm-ll111Y1poundJlJrnj~u ~~ 430 ~f)~~11 l1rn~Yh1JI1lUl~~U~~


420 ~eurol~m

ultJyh1U~~ ifJn~i(u ee51U1poundJm~


n~l1h w~1Jbu~~L1)(1)1J~3-JtlU1L-ii1-ll11m~~UlrJ-lll11u~~euroln~ijlJlllfl~Jj L~l-JLiJumrnY1lfl~ 500000 ~~ tJmtJL~ElU

l~eurollYilllUlu~1JLLuulIeurollflrnlnu l(1)rJ ~ ~ flVI1eurol~UL~ElUn u L~eurol11~1eurolJVIffl

31vni1tJJ1 UlJeurollmm11tnrih~l-Jlll1rJnU ~lnYn1J~l~J~~middothjml3-JL~ poundJllrJLLrihul ~LLIl Liu ~lnmmJlmWlffl ~li(nUltJn

~mhlm~YiLL~t3lJU(1)1 LUUfl11l-J T1J111~LtJulffn ~Jl~ii fll~h-ii1oiil1L~l-JYi11~mll-J~Ellm~~eurol flrnYilllU~1J1rJ-lll1LLIl~~YilJ1U~tlJlrJ -rr11lJeurolJY1~tJuu~tJfu1tITl-J1rn~IVIl-J~LfiEltJ u vJd qulf11Lm YI lJUl-l12 ~(1)LLIlm~~lEltlnlJnlL~

2 ~LU~U Vl~eurol~JYi~(1)lu eurolU 4 tJ LLIl~1~ ~unfll-J~ciltlElnoii111Y1tJLoiilmli1rJLciil-Jyj L1tJn Yl~tJuu~dJu~iiJ1~e~eurol-ll11~tJlV1nivi~~ ci1ULLUl(1)1l1(1)oii11nffu~Ul-Jl I(1)rJtJfu1IElm~ lJEllT~n bull ~

VitYlrJ~~Ieuroleurolnt~ 10 ~lU~U~

2557 fo

UlpoundJlf1qJY1Y1poundJl fuJW1~ eurolTIu~m3-Jm~ ~Yl n~111unmVl-J3-JU1neurollYlU-WI1lJU1-lll1

LLfllf11U1LL Jlfl~ 11 ml-Jm~ih1iiL1m 2 LI1ieurolU hnldL~Ueurol~lneurollYluQl~fl~J5 L~uiEltJ I(1)poundJneurollYlu~YilVltXYi~utJ ~UU LLtll11tJLVI~Ellf11U~ lU~lum~~~VI1if~~poundJ mt~~ li1poundJfl(1~Ul1~ LtJULLVIIllL~U~ULvlEl

c v ~

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Lyj El ~f~lLLfl-WI1lJUlmn~Jfl1U1l~~~1l-J iJUflJLLflUlUU

neurolJYiUlhpoundJflliJ~poundJm~cJ~(1bJLnu 20

lIElliJl~poundJm~tI~~~eurol11WLn nml~ 1500 inY Q lt=II Qo c bull C

~uu ~UJUYlUVIl-JUL1 poundJU~~(1Ll-J l(1)WUiilJ11 I I

fluli-U11lfl-JlfULL1lEllf1n~11U1 LL VI ~ JYil-J1lJeuroll L~U n eurollYlU ~1 n -rlqm l

1~m~~uu~ulutJLLdn 1000~ ~lUtJl~LL~ 1utJI1iElltJ~~11l(1)~n]lJ1J~l-J1rn~UlJ~Uu I

jfl 6 Wu~lUU1Yl ~ Q 0lt1 C

bull UlpoundJEl~)l]fl ~VI1HllJ511U1~ El(1)~(1)(1)() n ~11h fluYiLnmoiieurollnUlf11U 1~1 rJYlnflU bull I

~J LL ~middotIieurol~lU~~tJm~t~(1) nJ ~ Ieuroleuroln

LLI1iJf11Ul1~~1poundJ lulIrnvi~eurollYi111J~U(1)1poundJ 1aJ~LnjtJrn fll~$jneurollYlULn(1)~U ~lLUU mll-JVl1Jl1~ ffil-Jl~ ()li1U~~Ellf11U11~l1Jl


~lLLYlUllElllf11Ull-Jin nl1oiiitllfm~

11 V 6V


bVJ tJ bUl b1JU~Ub1Itt9l bnlJU1U q q

ASTVN~VlnWmJ~U - rIlrnlfU If-l UUlJ hMtJ1bbC-Juil1J1tJ-ii1)lu~~tln ~-l lhl~r1lIwm-l ~lJ~ bmtJq) b~~ If f1d b~tlUr1l 5 ~LIfUGlU rI~tl~~-lVl btJ-llU5u

h~m1o)~tlU b~mLU1Twrmn-ii11tJfuqr11ii~uf1imittl-l Vl~-lc-Jr1VJ~~Tmlr1~~~O)ln Jlmb~-l Jlrl1J-ii111uffiltlmlJu~Ub(t1-lLVl()lLflUl1Ulun11 2 tJ

t - I

Ul-lm-lW~ ltl(1)wmn tlfuJliiril~nmllf1il-ltJl~LYlff LU(1)Lc-Jpoundrll f1~tlunTI~ml llmtJ-ii11Mjj~IiiL~UlftlULbc-JUtJYIimlf()l1mTIrul tJ-ii11 LYlm(lUtll~f1ru~ll~nli UTtJ1J1tJLL~lU~~ll~(1)ml-iin (UUlJ) ~Mm tl tJlltJYln ~Urifltllfl 11VlUlflru

1mtl~11~(l-lULLvi-llfllii (f1(llf) LlJUtJll1ilU WO)ll~ltlU~~~lilUmllJltli111U

~~tln1j1Jl~Hh11~TIf1il-ll ~jmtJl~~~11tJ mlJltJ~l~lumrn~~~tl~~l~-l ~ri-iii1L-if13-Jl-H(1)Lo)u rnllJl tJLLUU-rJf1itl11 (~lJ~) LLr1mtJil~~~lill11m~a~lh fJ

~UI11 mmmh-lVlUlLLvI-ltJlLY1ff1VI tJ (Ltl LtJltit) L(1) ~LLc-JumiJl tJ-iilJOJ~Lj~HI Jl~JlP~Ul~tlU (lf1 U LL~ljjLb~UL~fttJtJ~~wmlTIUltJtJl~lru 5 U(lUGlbi

4 bull - I

b~tlU J bull

~~d ~iiiltJ-ii111u~~tln-rjUl~fl~-ld O)ll-llulU~~LLiJUlltl~m~l-l1~~

VlU1tJ-llUUtlnmYIl1-lrllrulfUL-ii13-Jli1~(1)LLi1 Liu o)ljqr1LLVIU~lnmlYImrllfI~-l filr~UlJn~~UI11~ T(1)tJo)~Liuml~Ttl1-l1~djUVl~n LL~lumllJltJ-ii111tJf1i~tJ~LVIff O)l~YIl-llfin~~ ~fl-ltltln-ii111Y1tJ L-iil~li1tJLVl~m~tl-lm1~-ltltlnmhJL~~YibWeJ LLpoundi-l

~huL1j-l~m(1)-iill$w~LfttJltJ~u~lT(1) tJVl1nl11m~l~~rnflLeJnlfueJ-l~(1)-iitl~ln~ middot lumlJW li1f1~flO)lL-iilltl~1tJ

ftli-1-rUc-J~mlI11J1OJIfeJUIf~tln-ii11lJtl-l-rrul~YWTnli1-lYi1tllLYlff 1800 LLvi-l

iilfl(1)t~jjmI11TI~tnli1-lLL~1 55lJeJ-lTnli1-l~-l~(1) t(1)EJmllrultJlfreJn-ii11 O)lllU~ fI luJ1u~~nl~TlOJ(ltlUL~1~~ULL~1 ~-lril~-lmljjTnli1-leJpoundJ1u~u~1(1) bL~lLtiU-iil~lfU(1)


Ul-lC1l1-lrllm11111 middotbLU1TiUJl1f11-ii111ul11m(1)lJrn~d L~~tlfuGl1ampi~U L(1)poundJ1-lfll

1 -ii11LtJ~tlnMtJfu~uml11ntl(1) ditl-lO)lnc-J~c-J~111rr111ultilm(1)TnflL~3-JSj~3-Jlrn~(1)~~ f

~nnJt1VllJ1poundJLL~-l~LA~~u LiuEi~LIii poundJ~~ljc-J~~~I11-ii1l~(1)~-l l1~r1-ltlll(VIff5ul ~ ~~1T~n T(1)poundJl1mfi-leleJn-ii11lJ11 5 LtltJTtl1J brinru~ 16 n~ ~~l3-JllflliJ~~ 427

- LVI~tJqj~VI-rjGlU L~3-J~Unn 410 LVl~poundJt1(lW~lGl LrieJ~tJ(1)1rieJU ~1i1m~mnr Ct tJi1tJ~111-ii11tJ 255758 -

~lVlwmm1OJIfeJu-ii1)lulfreJn eJ-lfl-li1mltilJ1OJ~eJ1JeJ~l~~mieJ-ltVlmuf

(23 n f1 T UlpoundJlff1 ffd11f~111 ~ltilJ1OJl1lfmlmlm1-l~Vll(1)LYlEJ lh~i1f1~Yil-llU m1~IfeJU~~lrnbLf1lf1runl~411 If(1)~ 4 n~11JVl11-lniltiIl1~1feJ1J-ii111uTnli1-lnm-l lJl-ltl-l~nTIl11m~bYlm~1ffilm(eJ~n) eJ II~m~m~ O)~lL~-lLYIl1-l~ULDutJu

LLU-l~lU1~ln 11-ii11~-lVl3-J(1)fi1Ul qiLtlwlllLfll LflUl1U1Un11 2 tJ 8 L~tlU ~-lL~tl lt 11 2554 L~lVl~1~~W~(1)lfeJULL~-l11~ml1h~ml1JlpoundJEieJnttJU1]LL~1 -l~tJll~fi1~

~l~~~n~11~LL~~11tVlJi ~1u~m~mtlu-ii11~1 ~ l1EJ-llull11LL~-l11 flrul-llUt~liJu~ml~-llu1tJeJ-l~lUmnpoundJn~j3-JUI11~~l

u11jjuU-ltJutltJ1uneJ-l-ii11Jl1 25 LtJtl~LU~-slU1~ln fi1U~3-Jlrnf1-leJpoundiltili3-Jju~n 88005 m~fteJ~ fl1UmlMftpoundJVlltJVl~m~el~f1runlrll~tlc-J~mlI11l-1o)l~~l1~~ln Vl~~ tJ-llu~ljVlUl~~l1lyenl(l~U~~ttl bull -

1bVJ61~Vlb~6 J~ nan~lr1~ 2557

~ ~




Igoluns~nusA I [wctcltJl[]U gtlnrii-lfJlIlLL~tilti1EJ middot 11ti~~flm6ilti~ 5 LL~ti~ti 1M

_ d ~

ti1l1J W~1lru1 ~L~EJ ~flti

U1l(11lVl) tEl(1V1fJ1B ElfiU(1n))J

Q1)~i1vi1ltJ) L lll LU (1 Lr-w 0 iil n1)

tJ)~)JIlCJm-im))Jnl))1J1fJ-E11 11 Vi tJ)lI)Jjj)JIii L l1UlfElU LL~U fJll fillll(1nl) ~

)111 fJ-En LYlElLlluEl1 I11l ru n)))Jn1)

UlfJUWLLiillJ111~(1nl)-E11 (14m) ~jj Vliil El tl~fJllj ~Ullf[Ellf1111l1U111 ru

fml1111)JlllULLrillf1~ (Illllf ) LUU

tJ)fi1U Elu)j~n)ElUn1)lJ1tJ-E111ull~Eln f~111iil1-hulEvi1l1 ~ln1)tJ))Jiilvrl1tJ n~)lJlfJ(1)llumruViNffEl~ril fflff~-El1L-El

)Jlll(1LIU nl)lJlt1LLUufjviElfj LLiiln1)

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l1U1LLriltJ)Lll11lltJ -7illL1)J(I]lLLviL~ElU

ll Il11LUU~u1tJ L~ElUiil 5 LLlltI(I]U


millhn(11)J nTl)lJ1fJ-ETllull~Eln

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n)mlln1)lIffl ~loJnulfmf~~U(11 L-E1)J1(1 LLiil LviElllll)JltJ1l1ll

UI -pJU)1111iillElEln-E11lJ11 5

LEllJlmj L~EllU~ 16 nII~1-hwn ~Uiil 427 Ll11fJQlll1fj L~)JffUI1n~Uiil 410

Ll11fJQlll1fj 1(1fJlJrudfjlJ1~1YlfJSj-E11

1ull~Eln 18 ~lU~U LLiil1l1(1111Sj

NiilN~(1-E11LtJ~ElnUnTlN~(1 25572558

lti1U1U 38 ~lu~u-E11LtJ~Eln

u1EJ1LiiEmii lElfl1llllA U1fJn

ii(1~mrn~llm~mNiillElEln-E111YlfJ mhl

11 nTl)lJ1fJ-E11L~ElUiil 5 LWU~U LUU

tJ1mruhimn l11mlJ1fJriElU~NiilN~i] -E~1)JlUl~n1iil 2557255l 1ElElnmlu

lh ~ L~~U (0111 11 middotmiddot I11)~Yl1Jnm111 (1~1(1-E11)J1noJn middot LLvil11nN~N~(1-E11

l~n1~1l1)ElElnmEl11Yi11~fJ1nffu ~lllVl

)ll11fflElEl n-E111YlfJffU)J1LUU~Uiil 4~0 Ll11EJQlll1fj -E11L1EJ(1U1)J~U~ 420

Ll11Jrulll1f~ bull-


VliiIJJVln bull fjn lI~JJLntl~iWmm1fj ~)jUrnlJJlJYIV1ULLl1 ln1lVlim~tl~nii8u lJW1JU11lJ

310 Ylm~JJ 4 f1LLUU m~middotlVIillhlVI~ i1)jl1~~~aWi1mlJJ ltlJJ8EWi 327 IlLLUU LnllVlimN

~lJt11 Yf~vJJLLU~ll(JniloVI1thvhJJ ilmt11w Uahfli1l1il L~Vl1(iL~J jj~UIl11lJ~1lW 31

l1~ulillriYiTIJJLIlitl~iiY Yi~rulf6lf Ullll lv1LvLL~Ui1l1V11 I1UUU rtluLnllVlimW~llvi1mi

L~iJU1~ 5 UU~ L~JJ I1U LnllVlilj~iiAl1lJllllU1lV~llVl U1VaJJ~n~ n~lhl(ilJU lUj~1Jlnnflultl~ilLUU 7851 ~1V1fUi~1Jl1l1lJfillll1ll

iJltAVln1iliUlI11iL~8nliLn1lVli LVlV aill (lll tillU 111 JJ Ill Ln1lVllnl11~llai1UL~ULI1iln1lrU

LlOl al1mrumiLmlVli (lina) lJ8llnllilin~ltllLVlA1V1v LLUl lthUl-nl1 Wml Ln1lVlimlj1l11JJ

LlJVlll-JVl1 ~WJNv una1riltli1lt1 LiJU1Ji1mA ~ti 1l1I1n(l1l n ~lllJl r1lllJLviJJ1UlJl1l~1Ui ~U IIl1lJ~Vl Lnu ll 8ln ~JJ(i1 8 Ull tillUA11lJfi1J1lWi 29911UUU lJ1n~IVl aiUI1LLUULO~V 335

Ln1lVlimluYJn~l111VlvhtlilVlA 1l1IlVl1u1l1lnLQUlL11U8 nti1l1 nnlllLUUL~lJ 4 IlLLUU I11Vl1~l

-)114114 2346 ilU 1U1illl~1lU 1l11lJ~ll1l~~ 314 llllUU 11111 1~fu~U~lnlAilnll1U~ltil-nll

JJV2557 ~l-nEl i~Ul1lllJfilJ L11111l jj~il11lJ~ll8~~ 313 LVl VLnll(iJlni ~tl~n-nll rtlU1 l1l1lj

IJ1l~LmVlimlV1v WU11 I1YlJJ IlLLUU 111111ril lj~ll11l1l1lJ~llJ~ A1l~lll111 itiulJln1ultl~Vlluu fillm OlillJll 1ll Ln1ltiri ni1VlU1U ~ 312 I1LLUU LLrII11Il(iJ1U(iJn 886 Lii8lltllnL~8l~UL~Wl~1jj 1l1wilJJ1l~1uitiu~lJln ailU jjffl1fi11l1lJIllJ~ 297 IlLLUU ltlmwlIli8l1-illUL~~U

d a l1lLUUlWu 310 ltI1nlLUWVllJ ll(]l~~fJ~im~tl~nr~r11iiP~1Jil JElnltnnti VllllilllLIlillshy

4 llUU LVlULnlVlmiljAl1JJIIlJ 1111lJltllllllltlVlJEWi 328 11 lLUU nllvlpoundJIl~ll1~liJ 2557 ~llU1U bull v

~l 26-32 LVluNu~hLnllVllViltl 1l4~tiini1lU nlilllU-ill11Ull~8n jjilAl~iu laiuri m~ltlyj~l f~ulm-huiEvill1 ~nlit1ilJrI ii8VLll~lULWJ1Vll(lVlilU lri hltl nlilJ1UVlillumru~~1l

11 ~ ~ ~ LU8 urIIm 1l111i1JIlUA1LnllVll jjlh~1l8-n1lL-nllJ1iVlLvU ~1l ful(iJl1ilAll(lVlrllL~rMV l~LUi lllrJLLuuf~vi1Jf~ ~~lts) LLrInli

-illl -nlLW(iJl~Vlamp(iJl U1lWlil tlilJrlN1UVl(llVl~8lJ1VNU~1 111~JJt11~U lLrIrNlJllLLlUUlllJ Ln1l(imi1ll1Ul LL ltli lViillVI V

LLviUljjil~~Vl~Vl~~8l~U(iJl~lUU (LfllIVVl) 1VlULLeJWl1J1vihlltiL~ VlLIlllailui il~111t1lvillJ LLUl tli~lJ1ruIilUL~1lU ltlIlti lQ~U 1UlJil~1~Uu~~1l1l~I-J(lni tl1lJ 1 run 1 liU 1 V-iilltli lJ1 ru

V1U~ltltliUYJUnliI-J~(iJ Yillmll(li1 L~1l1ja 5 lLllUIifU

LlrlnLtl~VU~HuWlU ilo1111lll ~~U eJ(lnlj(ljllll~8niill

U1Vll11 ~IJLLa amp(iJ1Ln1lVli~1l1 121J1r1~~Ln1l1l~ltllVlI1 1800 gy3Jpfn~ ni-r~J1

Ullil1lVli l1lVlVlmB ltlfuJ~ LLl lill(iJlaijjnllVlil~1nliflll~1 nllJnlihliilltl1LVlII mhl11 55 ll8lLn~~~l1lJVl 1Vlu~uUU d middot ~1 25-35 tll1ai1lai~nll Vltli11lJIl ru 8 ~m llJ n 1li UlU 11nWiUlv-iil1114 ll~8nf~ulr1 a 1l~liJLLin IlWUUl-JrIltllnllI11Yi llll lJlJVlL11U1JElULLI-JUVVllilllflm rlt1 VLUlmlllJLtl~l1lll~~n

LI1l1llnltl1~mL(lLIli]lnltllV1vti nlil1J1mrl1 L~LflU1lArumilJ Ll(l1UnlllJ1V-nl1ltlvilltli lVlI1

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2557 llJV1V~ll~ 16-24 (UUll) ~n ~a1ltli~Y15 ~UVl1 LllJ1~EJ L11~1ll~1llnlj~l88n ailUil Il1RUfhLn1l(iJi~l 181Jl 11lVIiilliru~fml11111m~U mhJLtlilJ~ L~mLUlollmLtill~1 1i1 1 middot-middot

11~llJ2557 jjLLU11iilJltllJU1V LL11-)lllili ((lllll) LUUlhl1U -iill1vlpoundJYiLAtJltliltlum


ij ~mlUI7lU~]f)t1]YIUY~tn1h1Hl-lIllUll ]lIl~mtJ1U2 I~BW nBud] l-JDnJ1ndu~lhu~lU)~(JnmI~ilhhnl-J ftj1l1 111WllelU r(Q111~Ulh-l~iJtJIjf) 10000 ~lUUlVI ~lU nolllu lI]Ut-lU 20 1 UD~uJ~umm~illDl1111D1JjLi)l-Jllun~

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U(l-Clthl ~tJ I

Yla UUl-lllnUf1llJft~W~JJnlllnElill lI~l~lJUill l-J1U]JltlJl~~Ul QlJYi1~ Djju~nilJnllltUT1 UCl~1 ~Dfl1jlJl1n~W~lnDlliVmiddot1]J1ll-J1 i ~1lJf))llJ RW~DnElIllnil~m1U T~uflru~nmJnllU~11li

1~1lLrIU1l nilJnllltUlllJmn 2 I~Dl-Ji-lmlflmn rl-JfI~IIClamp~Ul-l il D~11l-Jlr~l-J lii1l11n~1I11l-J11l ~1I1 ~J~I U4

lIn~imD~ y41r~l-JlltU1l11f1~1I111-Jllll~1I1~ ml~fi1AtlJ ll-JnD~yl-lUl~nDlj~hu n 1l~~i11 C~1l1~(lmUllUUllClclilllnll~)UlH~D~l HlJl~ftlJ l~DmUiJ i Mflru~1mnAl1lJCf~UU~lI1ampl (flCIlJ) U1l~Un1lrJftilI~l-J ~Ulflil ~U~l-JYl ~1lUrUU1 ~ 1l-Jll ~Cldj ll~nlllmiddoti U TIlUnD~Yll-l1djJril(lUl~~f1 thl-l~l-J (11ltlD~nl-Jnmiddot1~~r1il~11 11J~IlWl-J~ bull I q ~v nu uu bull ~1i1lUlli1n~YllJ1Utl~I~4ntln~l-lYi~l-J1

~lJ~wuCf~l-lundlUI i1~D]J1ll-J1l W~ ll-Jnll Ifl~D~JJmfl~1Jltl1iilfl~D-l~n1nn Qum(lJ111D~l~1~11~ ltiJ 11uilI1l1-Jlll ~1I1~ JlJlJ 1 n1~Ulni~ r~111Ull~[JnllrJtiil~lJflruf1lWhlllfl1lUl-JilllJ i iii l-lnml1l-l1 J1iJ1-llfrDl~~~ 1~DH11111l-J1JJnll ~ UUl lJl ruUl~Jl iJ Ul1 ~lJn D~1tJ l-l i l-lU II l n

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v f bull

~ bull I ~ bull1) u u u ~ I-eruTl~Lfll91llil1~l1U11ll1~UilVlff IIW ~ LVln1l il1W1lWWU il1~~Wfl1lf1 fllill il ~UlflVU

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vvVin1 7 700-7800 U1VlIiV~U uli

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Mll1~vvQVi 6000 U1Vl ri1141i1l1tllJ

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III VIlU liJ VlV-liV ~1111 (l-J 01 nUfll m~

0 iilJ1 Vl i nliV iV tl f1lJlli1iJll1 ~V tnlJmnm~v1li

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Cll-JniilJ miJUl(JUl1lJlJ Illl114lfCJUUfIW

~Vl1ifflff(p)fmiiUl U1Jl1 I~VIllUCJ1M

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f~Ul(1 l~(Jmiiulv~llOI~lJUilJlru ~WI~CJWiYJI11fllJ-ct lQ~m~V14(l 5 ufftJ

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~tJ III mrtJlln nmUl(J1illCJcil~~lli1CJJ

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YI~I1IJ l~IJillhl111 mJJf11j~11L~IJ lA1tl~~I lU1Vul1hJa~flnf~1J1flAf~d ilJifllVillltJltJ

ntlliJUW~Wl1 ~j lllJlJlJfllA(Ulil11U~I1W1tJI1UUfl nmm11

UllmlVfi lfl~VW15 fl5lJ~m~f11lAl~1~ IIlrullVLulJJ1middothtJtlIJ~lLL11~tJilLi1uml~11HI1a

_j_l__LI1_f_lil(ll~tJ11 ~lhltJJArum~nllJJf11l LllIJI1n LL1llJf11lJltJul1lj~mhLI1f1il l1J1 tJ-rr11 Ailli la(l l~ii~ ~ L11 tJiJI fllJ UNU l-i1Y11lI1~lAJJ~a~ flflnul1lYltJ lulJJ1ll1tJtUf11~ ~VDfl111~~nmlJl~ul1L~tJillaUfl~8~jlltJJmiddot aleHlneJcil1L~JJVi L~flL~tJna1tJlLUlm1~u11Yi A rumlJJf11ltJ 1VlJl JlLfllJ1111l-ij(lf11 ll111 L~f)ln-i1fiJ~U~l Ul1mllll n~11

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II J l

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ff1 f) (1 f) j lJ ~ l 1 ~r91 Ill1m l flU

1Y1UlHlWY1 VIiffY1 lJ1ffl (Thailand

Trust Mark TTM) IUWlim

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IlIEJ1EJl~lJflf) 15 ff1U1 1UiJ 2558

ll(llVilJflf) 25 ff1U1 1UiJ 2559

J~ flafl~1rUJ 2557 bullbull 1 j

) ~ i i



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(PI] n~11 mlJll~illJlJV f)UI1U1UJ1Ull mHiCl-lU lliUllilU f)~lJ

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~111 ~uQl~~ J

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HlJ(1Yl1ltl HlihmufnU

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Iml~i l1itJ~~lllJ(1]lUUlmtJl UtJtJnl1lllU

1 UJ1 l~wil~~YIilu~inullllnilJll~Vi v~U llllUl1Jl1J1l~ U~l5VU1tJVII ()

mL~Ell~mnjt1itmUUi1~i1rurulUEll~U1VItJlh ~ u u

LL1fllJEllT~fl LtJ~~rlBrlilLtIUVI1lf)11LLal l~El Lem1~1~a L~ElW~lllUlvJiAh bull hUvlJJ1h 14

tI J d I

llJtJn(11 1000 U )Ull 23 nTl ll ilIIUiluluHh1VliftU~1U~U 1 lliU

l1lM1U fl1V1UI1~U1Uih~11i1U ~U1l mlJ1ifllrJUnl11Ui~J1 l~tJ1~Unmn1ltlVj Vl(11~ tJ U1mn~~ il UUlllJ~ Vi (1)lllJinVl

bull cO li1l1Jffii) il )VlIIH 1l1f)jlJ~iiYi111llll11itJ1fnT bull 1 -11 d 1 d Ifd c lJi1i1UUil1YI Tl(1U~W(1 ltJUIU)iV WUlVl)i

lViiff i1n~ Ilfi(1lu1)liJ~~)U1VlniilJ111li

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l1ltJ~~hii1 ~I11lJ1Hnul~tJl~VffiiiU~IIUU Vi~l~lUlI~~mY1VlV l~V~I1lbvllU~1I (1

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lJi)1V1~lJl1 ~f)jwUj UllrUllU11m~~~u ~ ~ J i lit

lJ1imU1V)iTnYl lTl)liVlU 1(1U11lnli

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l~UYI1lUilJ1ru 8 fihllJ~i~tJi)1lJl ~ 3

1 UW~UU1Vl 10 ~) UUliJuWJilVII)l 1m

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Vi (1 fllllJinVl mh) Yd I GI

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ll~NIIl~iU tJ1V 74 iJ li1) llmJmmm nri1)V OJ 11

I l ~ ff ) 1 lli1U U 1 ) l ifl Vi (1]l1 U II ~l fl1l1 Vl tIil1 n

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U)VlmilJli4UlC1nU1~ lil IVii1l uUVi(1lllU


Urull U1lUUllUl nm))l U)VlniilJ I

~Ui1Il l~Ull1ll~)n1 I1111l1nuNuintJun1i bull

i~Ul~)I1~)~~mlJ1ifll111111 ~~pfi lIUUrll

lritJllllnull~uUi1fi1J1lJU~i1fnllVil un~l l I1lJ1nUmi~llJ11JillJiJl~tJ1YlV~1i~lUY)fll J IJ I I ~ v

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llfflmY1Vlv(lmnIJ)llm) lrJUiJiJUl1Jl1J1Ufl~ I

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Ui 1VliU lliritJ1l1lfi~fmhn1)U unnl

J1lJUllif)1 11(1 lrimYitiunuf)1lHlTl~tJltJu~ 1Uuil~uU

lJlUCllYICl J~~m ttllJlfinlH1fl~nlllJnlJ~lJfm)~~UnJlIl (ilf1U) ()liljJ~dhitiflfl 1~-Jl llwlhdlJJI11mJ~]j VlllfhHm(lm~lj~H ll~1HlJJl IUIlrmiddotltJll i HI 1J] 11 (fflU 11[ ~rulaquoJll V1ll~hh~nDUnljf)ll~~HjllDjtf1f1 1~tli1 J nKuijD~iJlI~)l 1Jjll~n~lJllnUJlnl1lJl1 J(lI~Ifitnntmlll~lJ

~ V I 11

lfI~U11f1fl llui l1lU dhJJll11jvt11vlJDHhhuClI1U1-Jlllmlllnml1111dh lr~ UUllliJJvi1111r~jJntlumjjjfiu11111 ~lJ IIlU1l-liili Ull 3IlD(h~u~IUUllll 1lllJ1ll11hmn fl~JJ1jlj~f1J r~Jltum~Dn D111ll llCllJWJUUlf1r)J OJlllmii1lJ R1~ U~DJV1rIUlm Tlul llt1W1Dn~Ju

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II q tJ I ct 0 oi tJ r 0 v shyllllnll(1lJ~lllC1Uflll1CllnllUyenl IlIll mlJU1lJ~JYmlUUl1D U~nl1 nlnn~D~C11HnlJlJ m~V1lJJllrullU C1111nJluflru nlllJllllDlMll --

UJllliHiUljlIl~lJfh~1l~11J()[Jti~ 17-31 ~JUIllllJHl1jl~~J~11J 23-41 I( Cl U 1 (uu) m lJd -11 Cf1lJfI (lji1WmCl~ ~-1U JI1 ~DlJ UCl m lJfll UfllJ llJJ1I~lih i l1l flpflUUlllUJ~~Ull~ ll-ilvtq) J~IUllfmlt1l~~UmJnll lJClYlEI 1~uuDnlJl~l III lflJUfllJ1l-iltU1l 1lU 1~Dnmiddotll1UIlIl ulm~jllllil VlCll01lJuJrijlnDUIlll t1~ viJJ iuHitlunf1fllJlIl)un9fD~ufh ~JUlJll U 1111 fJlllJllllllllll ~uJnll

IV ff


~U1~1Villi LnU~~J bull IV a

Vi1u~~f)Li11~~~ cu

inmhv-liil 111Pi~~ Llllnnn1lIHU

ml~nll~~IllfJlNu~tllll (iilIlU) LtJ~ Lmrh iilIlU1Lliru~lLLVlUN1llnilUn1l ~lU~U~l ~tltllll ~ LLiiliJ~Tfl~ll tJ111qj

Llilml11~ilL~illJf)1l-11iltJ(l~lJU1~UWl neu]~Uri1 vflLLJj~W mJLl1lll 1l1~Ull~

~ eil tmiddotwnnVJiln fl1111l LL(llJUJJ1JUL~fn

lllYlm~~ l1~IIlnMillVi~f)tlnpoundi~ml1

~Uril Lb(hvjUl11JU1~Ulllnru-naUril

l1flltJJjU~jjlJU1~1-1niLnuI~~ LLvimmru

flU~l~Ullljj1JU1~ L~lL~~ ~lEllltrnl1l-1N u~lnll Llt]11~ei~ Llltlniftl~U~lt~ tJVilJl1~ vlutrlLn(1J 1JruLtiitJ1nUnlltJrU(l~~~1~ lJillmllnru-nll~viiilt-J(ltiiiitlnllll~ ~UVlUn1lt-J~(9I~ltJ

~ltJrllv-llli1~lTh 1UltJampu iilIlU


l1~ii 01LUU1tJMiilJEl1-Xiil~~lLVh~~1 LUU

Lflf)I~Utll1 rhl1U~1i~uyjl11mtJ1U

Ulllnru]~tll1JlLi)u 151f)~~U~1 ~Ul1ll1tJ1umjLilu 3 middotlu 4 lJtllU~ll

I -

leu] Illu1UltJtJ11 ~f)ll111ilnUmbtJ lluViLnmllfllLl1U mYlll1f)(9Iiilll1flll)J

mm11WlrulJEJ hTnllUIlOJnll)Jnll

fl1l11lLL(lm tltJ ) nl~poundilLiiI~)Jlruinv-l

LL(l~I LL1~~fl~ LLllnl~ll1ull)J)JllVlH L~tlfltln~l(91ln1lIl1UIl)Jll-1ll(9ltU L~fl rill1U~ LL UlvriltJllu~l l-1dJ U~lmriu LtiitJlnU

~lnn1lIl~(9Ill1~U~ll1iilltJlIil~ Lliu

1l~)JU1JI~J1~ltJd~f) lJUl~lJl(91vit-IDJl11 1l~~iiWUyjl11fl~(il 17 -31 poundi1ULLJj~v-l

iiiiviuyjl11 23-41 NU~tllIlUl1ll tJ

flTIILlilhei(9l~~11~U~1flJl(91111qjlll 1iitl~~lruiill LLvi1~11i lJruLtiimnUnlJ

L~iJ1JU1~ if~vh1~Ntl~nflU nllll ~uYlU I ~

LVl)Jt~tJ1Jl~1 LtJU Eine)~l1ifl LtJUn1l~U Ltlaf)miwmnlt(9ltJ11i Ll1JEinvr1tJmiddot middotUl tJ


I)cJ4 flJfl~lV1dJ 2557

~)J~lh~fl1l1Jmi~~r111lillilfl-1J~TilflIVl)JIJ~lV11Jiiilnrucrl Q I Q

I 1 ~tJ m f IHl tlfl tJIil l fI 11 VI U~ 1 A I1lHl fl11)J lH)Jl tl)J

I1~Iiynlll1Jmiilnrucnmlhn~il~jiJ~111111~() 17-41bull u

IEI U1lfll)J~)Jj1l ritl~lh1l1lflflt)lI1iJ~~~1NM~ 15

UltdhVHI 1 ~ffff1 IClII115 nliflUl m i lJnmgtlJm fl~NUnilfl (ffflU) mh yil 1W51l if ffflU~ i~()~11111U~lhnfl1jmi

Q -11 Qi 1 d 1 mUffUfllflJ ilfl UCl1li lilflilV lHU 1IJ1111111 l flmmm I1l11VClfl

IJUlf11liilt1~llniYUtil i~ UlIlJtl (11I1Cl1 fl1lJ1Jm) fol~in~t)n tI bull

fll11li 11ClU~1lIJtJlfiv1 Cl~llm~lJ a d I I cs I iJ ~ I

UltJfllYl Cl flCll1Clnll fffllJ ff ~lllJt)t)mrll~n~ffUfllIlClll I1U 11

~Ul~1li i llt1ruovliYUti1l1mpoundJlIij~iiIJill~ 1 I1uitnU ~1 ~ uli 111111 UIbull u

~ d CS 10 d 0 i)ll C1 i Q

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U i i ~ilUIYI tl ~ V~ ff ~folCl ~vHl~ U 11 U n 1 i folCl ~ Cl~Cl-lmV I Qo iJ ~ I d oc d ~lnmiill(lnllffUflll1mVlIUfi 1llU flilllJl~-lfol111mVtJI1fl

IJUlf1IJ1~~H1liillfl111ii1fW~1mllii-1 17-31 ~hUIIlIllYl~li~U~ 11-1 23-41 Ur~~1li11111nliVil~Ul~U1f1~U ii~ hlil1~Il1JU flUU~-1uUV11-1flli~CllJ lJfl-1N11n flfllJ nli l~fll-1 i 1l1riNunilfl 11 1

l~an4fl iY U ~ll1liNUnilflU 1~ i lVfllll1l 1Ii1ill)~MhiUTilrlIJ 1~ il1~ iU tl 1 Ilii llilJlUlI~lliU uli YWlll i 111~1nfilJii tl~ ij~ I~V1

U lfrf31Yi~flci11fl n11 nllU flfl11lJ ~1lJjjf)~~ fuh) lou J~u~iU fffllJ 1lIJ flfl11115 111iifl iJlllfl 1111ffl1mh ri flU 11 r t) 11111J U 1111~

nIJfl hiCl~Clmil~~ll~U l1it)-1~Ufll~nl11UVl1riiU~11~illV1 U

lJi 1 li101ovl~fl~ hltnU 15 115 fliiiYUtil~1Ji 1~illtJ1UflflinU 3 1 U ~

4 lJt)~lJi1~nUlYI

ri1U iU i VV 11 iiifl-1 I11rtlf1U I1ti 1tJ -11U ~ MV1jt) -1 lli U 0 QI

mm 1-1 f2V1ffl11m111 mll 11~liltlJ lIV _lllU n~lUflOlflnllflU bull I sJ

fll111m~Vl (flV) fljllff~m111lrufllliIl~ff-1111V1Clflll IIClmll

fl1Uflllll ClVilJ fl flflll 1mfll1 fl1lJfllJ1lfiVlI1lU I~flfhl1 U VIIIU 1111~ 11~j~1riI1JU 11 WI 11U1~V10U U ltJtilliClfla 11

lClUl15flll fffllJ mhll~lJI~1l11 ilJm1J1Wfll1~i1f1lJn~nruovl

iYUfllUIl ~jU ~fl~ ffrulifvwfi~ ~ lU ~ lfl fll 1 Nil1lu 1 1 IlntlJ ti~ i mu~U ~ (I (I

1111i~ tJ~ln~U()I1lVlllllllillVI1ti~ ftUll1 111 ru IJ v L~11lllfl ~U 111U

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U lV ~ltlCl flri l1V fli 1 -ff1UI1i1-11~ lJlli 11 11 lJlVl llii ~nrue0lmy

InU ~1~ mlVilClltJnHn~lWlU~U ~-1 fll1 1Itl1IJU()I1l~-1flril1 livl1 flciNll 111~11U vi NlliI11 T~ ffllJ 111Cl1l ~U 1 U i IfolJ~111 f)t)u

fll 1 11 ~1l Cl 11 CllV ~flV ~lUlJlll

ltgt If

fl i ~ VI i 1-J VJ 1 ill CSU tJ

J~ nJnrnfl~ 2557-[j1JU[J1USU I


uUn8UnUUl~nUU8lU 1

8nsru fi~OUFl

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~ laquo ~ ~ co

Ln1tilLLfl ~YImru VIVVl L1V1 (ilIJ1l11JJLYIUV1nm

LLVIW1I11W1 Uflun1111n1 1 UOli tJn111 WiH

n1)IVlU~(lJW1-n11 Ufllf11U1Ul1l1~ (nlflflf) OfJU

l~WfJ1li rl~1I ~V1ru11r1f111IJLi1UlffJUtiifJ1u

lI1OJWVlU1 fuJW1~ f)fitJ~n1JJn1ihJ U11 IV

111 W unEllYlU~(i)JU1-nl1 ii~I~W 32 ~m1d1

LLfliiV(ilU(l~W - 3 L~fllYI~n fifJ 1nli~tTu~WW

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~tTu ~WWL~WYlUYIJU L1tJW1UniU1W01~ ~ lil-n111m~

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~111 LLfl~(lJUl f)1-liWlf11U11r1ii fll1JJJW fII LLtl f11 ~W til fl El(ilVU~~l1~rrUIl~~ampi1U fl11iWvl1W11W flU1f1til

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~(il~lnf)I~Uw~~~11 LLLllI11J11VulL~Unf)IrJU middot I ULLinmiij 1 IIjjU~lt1U1l1 1V1mLYI~lViJJ11JpoundllL~U

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WElnVlnu nfllVlWJlii l~U fltilYIUUV1nll1f1Lfln1lUI L~WV1nn1iU~V11l LfllfJ1ai~flmfimLtl~fl I I UiltJlfU~ In(ilV1 nnfllYIUfin(1l1tJI

VlUU l~JnfllVlUtlLLin 1 YI~U~1UU1Vl ~(ildjW II ~llfllJ 3 lJfll~flfh-nl1lU~Elnvhn1mni~~til1~tJ fl 30 ~1W~U LL~L~Uvlln~11V(ln~(il(di1u~hlliW

~ ~

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~Usect 3000 ~1WU1V1 LL~Oli~(ilfdil~Ufli1Y1UU

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lJru~n1i~~~InflV1W-W(i)JU1-iil111~1Un1 ~tTU(~UVlntTn1111 n1i~Ilhvll fl (ilLU11 n1~hlVltJ

t ~3JW1 5rr1Ll1UU11 Un1711n1~~I1UUllalLlJJf)~llf)I

i 711~ lltii~IJWi~Iiim~fLll~dT LLlJilnfllVitJV1~11J L~WEl(ilYIUWVln1~1J1~ Il1IllflnllU LLfl~J1IlJJhl~

ii111V1tJ LLtii~I~~fllirVl1lfi1) vilmhl1i1JJLliLUW

nTnh3WllnneJVlW)J1HidjW1JeJ~Y1UU(h1 ulii

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-nl1iJeJWLiil~~lll~1~~ltJlill LeJ 1~mil~1-nl1vi ~


mntllLJul1f1ffJ~WVJJUlnlifl~iIJrtlaquotJeuroN ~~I~LQW1U1nUnhmJfI~~ill1rf11iJ~LtJlJfI~ t71J1fl1lJ1Jnnml1JwrimililLJunfNYlwiif)mif)(i

~UWtJlJrttrMrillnf)JYluiwtYJfju ~Wi nti~1 511fll1~ mtlnl UnUU1AWvil1l3JlUU1W

J _ I

IIB~IJ ~v(ij~(ij(1(l nll1111 0JV1JlLn1l~J1 ~eJLJ I

t-J~nlilU~l WJ1JneJVlUW~W1middoth)1 lr1L(Iil~W f1t1ll LWJlY11nij-r~Ulllllnn1JL~ilnvtLL~l 1~rW1l

illnDVlWlV~UliiTl1 lLn~1viY1iD1~ IJruvilill nElVlU(ifeJi1Y1Ulv1Vl LLiil (Ilm~n1l1Jl1WlJlaJEl ~~1 tJ ~

lJ U

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illl~1YiOJlJn1J-li11L1ilUBi1vl1LYiUll11U1L-WtJ 3

f1W ~11JLYilJffVll111Jvl~LLVIW1Jl1Ul El1l)1rl J~ VidlfirunBlVluLLYilil~GlB1i1l11ulLiJtlU1J~Ym

bull bull OJ

LL~(ijLLClllUl~ tJ nu 1(ijtJYiJJlllpoundllLLYHil L~Ull1~lJl

I ~lnl11U1LnUtrnLLltl-r~B(ijUULWtJlL~niiBtJ oiild

~~Blijpoundll~n~l11ulYiLiIJLL1ilLLJunBlYluYipoundl(ijUU I IU bullbull I

L~UYlUlJUL1tJu1ua(ij~1(ijBmiitJVivllll11Ul LL~ i ~poundllLLJunBlYlU1iI1a-~n1ll1Ul1tI1U~~l1

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DWlf1~WllaJn1Jl~~eJf1 nJLQ~lvlU VlVllY1U1Vl

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VI~J1JeuroJIll(i11 Lfflli3nl mlLn~llJeuroJJLYltJ

VI~eurol~~YlrnflLn~l liJe)ltIlllmllJmtJ~h

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LU~euroJn~nml3J~U 15jj eJiLUUL~aJ l~UllmiJ-ru~l~ILlt1~tJ t-lil~~tpJ illPl

euroJtiYi 7500-9000 Ulrl UYJU i~1l~ lI bull cd ~euroJltlU Vl1nml3JIfUeuroJfVl aJil~lL~ LV20 m ~llfll 6000 U1YlLYhilu

~UtJllljlll m~illlml~W1~J3Jl

LVI~euroJ 60-61 Ulrl lt1ieuroJnT~n13J LIjllil~u~ LiJltln~~L~3J ~urlumlt-J~~~J llm-nllTIj~

d ~ T Llt1GwmlYi


630-780 Ulrl w1euroJn ~n~3J LIjnt-J~~~~euroJeuroJn3J13JlnLL~ilmlU1L-li13J1

llnUltLVlffLYleuroJuihu lJru~llfllnJneuroJeuroJn l1~mltlloilUl~lnYillIXllmU1U~J~lL~euroJ 10-220 U1Y1w1euroJnT~n13J LllUL~tJ1n1Jnfll Ul~~ ~llmfiWl~J3J1LVI~euroJ320 -435 ~ntJ ~euroJnT~n13J

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Ulrl LIjll~U~euroJImlU1LUt-J~~beuroJvilUeuroJ~ IJrnvielmJflWd1lL~3JLJU 1 220-1300

U1rl lln 1040 ulY1~euroJnT~n13J llfl1LnLdil

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n 9l euroJJ LVi~W)1[11 mm~m~n~rnvi1JTlI

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ultJ~3Jifn~ n~11~euroJ11 ffuMfmin~ ~ll1lml3J$1~L~UlJeuroJJnfliJ~n~lmLrltJ bull I

~jLLwllUYi 18-30 ~ tJYitJl~l llnn~3J

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~LLUUL~3J 4 lLLWU T~mnllVllmilml3J v JJ ~ 14 1

~IJl~ltIlU3JlnIJULufl~LuU 7851

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11 Ln~lm~u~n-nllilml3J~IJ~l~l13J

L~3J~wmw1~l~lJ3Jln~~~ itJflLLUU

Llt1~tJ 335 middotnnm-LLUUL~3J 4 fIbbUU


TWlmn~~lm~u~nillI11ULVlqi ilml3J ~ v I 4 _ v

~lJ LUl~U3JlnlJUfl~LuU 886 ~rleuroJU


ampI J 11

U1JaSJf1n~ mfi11(i)1U 1il~~Hilfl111iU1fl11

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Tlll1414 ~TlJJ~ 3 20 Tlll1414 fl1j~l14~ 3 14

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nnLhl1011V111fl rilJ11 lflljlillm~DjnillJil1~I

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1i~ltJl~JJ14 llnjjm1JJVl1J 1 14ill~mi1141JJln 111~llmilTliltJl~14114tm~fI1i1 l-J1hj~lnl1 6-8

llt11 il14 ~~ lti~1Jn t [J m Jil iIlJ1JJl1lJ~ ilJ

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YhlmmJim~i~~mlJJ~1Jl~JJ~ 1lnl1 mllti~ lltfiJJ n m~JJ 1J~Vl1llYl~n ~~Vllll~fl1jlnljVli~ [JfI1j

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I 41 VIvVha h104 1lfillIii033HI~L~3Jfl1lLOlfVll LiI~L~v~~

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lf11Ul 3 nlmdJl udnEluiil1tJ 1) md~~-llUdrnd-l~md~~

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dVdlJ1U~ 15 mnjlf1Jl-31 mnjlf1Jl 2557 l~tJlvilmdL~tJ LLyIj1LYlf11ul~~mdr-J~1il-n11~rlnltilEl-l 1~lf11U11~~mlJl1 mlJl

~ ~

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-ilU1U 63943 f111L1eurolU LIil1tJlJyljftlJlleurolUL~UL-nllrqJ~Lntilildm LLA1 ~lwru~~m~~lLUU-llUIil1JJLLtJUUElJnULL~Lln1l1ilqJmtJ~1~ U 2557 lurn~lillUeuroleuroln l~m~yIjl~Jf1~ LJl LL~YlL1tJU 1~~J nldl-~Jl-jl~L~lmiddotdJ~~lill~amUnld[UEl~lJ1n~~ LLvillrndr-J~ 1~~J 3l1U~ ~1uhmjdluL~tJ11nAl-jJl~LLA1 yIjUl11~~nld ~mf11-6~1Iild~ldt~Ll1tJ1llU~J LLliijjm~LriW1dndUlJmiJl~lIEl I

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~1U~~r-J~IilYlL1tJU ~-lf1~ LJl middot LL~~eurolJnEl-llUf11f11iil ~OJ bull I I

ilEln~liIm~~lnlU-61-lL~ElU~Jl-jlf1Jl-numtJu 57 ~U f1rn ~

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~YlnutJULnW1dm LL~md LlfUd tJlfUllnYlLutJULnW1dm


eurolnJl LL~~L~1l-jh~ri-lLm~mdLnW1d1u~u~U

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~ ~

LYlf11ul~~md~~iiluYlumdr-J~1il-n11LLriLmrmm l~U~LUll-jJlltJ LnW1dml-jUJ~lUdltJ

lU~1UlIeurol-lmd~lLUUJ1UlmJmdLLntlIUqJmtJlJVm10Jduu U 2557 ~UU11LUU~11~lIeurol-lLmtlildm LyIjdll-j~-llln~ f111lf

eurol17~~Stihmrn m~1 middot MUd1JlL1-l1~YIu1tJ JlUlu~u~~hu d~ul~lElf1euroluLIlmdUi 1~~lLuumdm1l11eurolULL~~UEJU~~md eurolElnlufudeurolJ1-LLA1L111lmtJ1u~u~ElU nf1d

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LL~LL1ltllUqJl-jl~m1~mf11iil jjLUll-j~ltJ 7800 iilu l-lL~U 37 50

A1UU1Yl -61tJU~l-jld~~m~lu 3 Jlllildnld ~eurol 1) u~Vm~nld

~rnf11ylj~~tJ~1iI LUll-jJlltJ 4000 iilu 2) mlltJr-J~r-J~liImmuEln

~u~mf11iil LU1l-j~ltJ 3800 iilu 3) L111~l1myljf1~eurol-llumdEl lI1tJcJ~~ LUll-jJlltJ 35 n~Jl

LL~ ~11 ~ ~JYi1 tJ ~1l-j1U n ld~l LuUJlulmJ nld-61 tJ Ll-j ~ eurol

LnW1dm~lJd~U1ltJYlU~Yll-lfiddJll11~ LriElU 2555-57 -ilU1U ~

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LWfl n11Ln1iVll UtlmlnlrunTl Lnm (iin) Li](l

~~ucll~u iintllMll111111~~IiH~U~fl~

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Ul1lJAn~n~11i1 N1-fu~UrHml(ll~I11(l 11l11l11Cl lil (NLampmi1lU hiuri m1LU~1lnLtl~ l~1J1l11lJ~ 15 l1l11tlVvi 7700-7800 11WI


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Ministry seeks to resume small-lot rice sales in August PETCHANET PRATRUANGKRAI THE NATION

THE COMMERCE MINISTRY is preparshying to resume selling rice from its stockpiles in early August gradually releasing it in small lots of about 5000)0 tonnes a month

Duangporn Rodphaya director-genershyar of the ForeIgn Trade Department said a ~ubcommlttee had agreed the mmistry slthould go ahead and sell rice from the stockpIles and not walt tor completion of a Junta-ordered mspectlOn of the stocks bull I he nce-release planwhlch Will be proshy

posed to the Rice Policy and Management Committee soon includes sales through general auctions to exporters and local traders by government-to-governrrient contracts and through the Agricultural Futures Exchange of Thailand

Puangporn added that the department wopId ensure the stocks are released transshyparent With the Fmance Mmlst and the Prime Minister s 0 ce joint y inspecting the f0cessc

T~e department reported that about 55 per cent ofl800 rice warehouses had so far been inspected by the teams dispatched by the militarys ruling National CounCil for Peace and Order The teams are expected to complete their mission by the end of September

About 18 million tonnes ofrice is reportshy

cerns over roug t an ower pro uction in many countries amid higher demand in many others I here IS a good posslblhty that ThaIland will export 10 million tonnes 9pound nce thIS year It is expected to sell off all 18 million tonnes in its stockpiles within three years she saId

The department reported that Thailand was able to sell 535 million tonnes of rice in the first six months middotup by 50 per cent year on year while export value rose 19 percentto US$27biIlion (nearly Bt86 bilshylion)

As ofJuly 16 the price of5 per cent Thai

Afile photo shows asoldier inspecting rice stockpiles at a warehouse in a eastern province

white rice was quoted at $427 a tonne up from $410 the previous week

She added that production bfThai paddy rice in the 2014-15 harvest season was proshyjected to be less than 38 mi1lion tonnes because of drought in many areas

Charoen Laothamatas president of the Thai Rice Exporters Association said the government should consIder sellIng rice from its stockpiles in small lots of about 100000-200000 tonnes per auction to avoid impacts on the m-rket price

The government has less pressure to accelerate the sale of rice frbm the stocks The country has holder power It should ensure transparency and minimum impacts to the market he said

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INTHE WAKE ofrising concern over the t reatmen t oflabour farmers we1shybeing and the environment in global trading the International Trade Promotion Department is urging more lhal busmesses to seek FairTrade cershytification so that their products are more easily recognised and have a

greater chance in the world market place

At a seminar on Fair Trade Mark and trading of Fair Trade products in theinternationaJ market heldyestershyday by the agencys Office of News Overseas Markets Development and PromotIOn Duan kamol Jlambutr e U Irec or- ener ot e eplrtshy

mentSal t atonlyasmallnumberof thaI compames and sUEP)Lc~~ms current~apphedthe FairTrade Marllt

The epartment lrill therefore continue to support Fair Trade certishyfication by promoting an awareness campaign amongThai man ufacturers and exporters she said

According to the Netherlandsshybased Fair Trade Original organisashytion about 30 Thai companies and supply chains have received FairTrade

certification to date This guarantees that they engage in faii treatment of farmers have good labour conditions use no forced or child labour offer fair prices to suppliers and operate with transparency accountability and respect for the environment equity and freedom lt)nd have fair trading practices

Duangkarnol said the department in cooperation ~th Fair Trade Original now had a target of increasing the number of certified businessshy iSnap es and products by 10 per cent ayear

The main goal is to help agriculshytural and handicraft producers as well as manufactures and exporters to achieve better trading conditions and to promote sustainability she said

Certified members of the Fair Trade programme will likely be able to leverage the quality of their prodshyucts for higher prices with certificashytion ensuring world-class social and environmental standards and more recognition in the international trade area she added

Thai export products alreadyusing the approved Fair Thade logo include

rice coffee tea cane sugar cotton freshfruits herbs and spices ockershywork handicrafts pottery and ceramshyics

The official said the department also would like to encourage busishynesses in the shrimp and fishery secshy

ate consultant for Thailand said the overall value of Fair Trade products had increased considerably in the past few years as consumers now had more awareness about fair trading conditions and the environment

Consumers are willing to pay more for Fair Trade goods if they feel they have bought a product whose manufacture is highly responsible to society Today prices of Fair Trade products are also very competitive

the same as leading brands Enterprises should adapt themselves to produce Fair Trade products in order to ensure sustainable growth

tors to comply with Fair Trade certification so that they do otfaceproblems due to unfa abour treatment Every Fair Trade product is subject to labour-standard checking she explained

Manasnan Pongjayavanij Fair Trade Originals aS60ci~

and access to many markets said the consultant

According to Fair Trade Original the value of fair trade goods in the global market excluding the US rose from 1 billion (Bt427billion) in 1996 to 48 billion in 2012 Expots ofThai fair trade products were wOlth about Bt300 million in 2012

More than 30000 products are now on sale in 125 countries and the global Fair Trade system currently works with over 12 million people across 60 countries

Manasnan said many more Thai products could get the Fair Trade mark So far many local brands sllch as Doi Chang coffee plus local proshyducers of soy sauce chjli sauce pineapples and bananas are wellshy

known for having the mark which is accepted widely

Martin Boon development manshyager for Fai~Trade Original in the Netherlands told the seminar that with the global market having growshying recognition of Fair Trade prodshyucts many markets were increasing demand for products carrying the logo - and that Thailand had high potential to serve sllch worldwide demand


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THE NATION ~ JULY 20141lI Sihasak reassures EUteam over juntas reform roadmap SUPALAK GANJANAKHUN DEE THE NATION BRUSSELS

EARLY ELECTIONS vtithout reform would not help restore proper democshyracy to Thailand That was the message related by acting Foreign Minister Sihasak Phuangketkeow when he met his counterpart from the European Union in Belgium this week In a bilateral meeting with David OSullivan chief operating officer ofthe European External Action Service Sihasak said Thailand had a clear roadmap to restore sustainable democshyracy and that the EU should support

this process of reform The roadmap and its related reform

will help strengthen our political econshyomy and will also be of benefit to our partnership with theEUin the longnm he said

Sihasak was in Brussels for a minisshyterial meeting between representatives ofAsean and the EU and spent much of his time briefing representatives of Eillopean nations aboutthe situation in Thailand

The E U along with the US and other Western countries strongly criticised themilitaryforits May 22 coup The EU suspended a number of cooperations withThailand as well as several visits by high -level officials It also recommendshyed that member states review military cooperation with Thailand

The EU said last month that it wouldmiddot

not sign a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Thailand and that the negotiation of a free-trade agreement (FTA) would not conclude until an electshyed government was in place

Sihasak told OSullivan that an electshyed government would come eventually Before that however Thailand needed time to implement reform to have a strong democracy

The time frame of 15 months or so for the reform is not too long ifwe want to make sure that our system and democracy are sustainable he said

Thai people are aware of the issues facing our country and we are working on addressing these concerns so the EU as a partner should support us

The EUhas the right to voice its conshycerns about the situation in Thailand

middot but it should also ensure it is sufficientshyly informed on specific cases he said

Concerning detention and martial law the EU should make sure it has corshyrect information about who is under

middot detention and if there are concerns about human-rights violations the EU should specify the cases he said

Sihasak discussed the situation in Thailand Vlrith many European MPs

middot while in BrusselsTheyincludeq Franck Proust special rapporteur on the FTA and Samuel Cantell head of the ecoshynomic trade and regional cooperation delegation Many of them have experishyence in engaging with Thailand and have a clear understanding ofthe current sitshyuation in the country Sihasak said


Pension scheme for farmers proposed

Farmers in the future might look forward to retiring on a government pension

Charnpittaya Chimplee directorshygeneral of the Rice Oepartment said yesterday ttiat under a draft bill dealing with the rice development fund members would contribute about 3per cent of their monthly income to the fund and the state wou ~d also chip in ayet-unspecified amount

When farmers reach the age of 60 or 65 they will start receiving a monthly pension bf about Bt4OOO

Most farmers earn less than other workers so the fund is neces- sary for their future Charnpittaya said

Other proposals for the bill are being gathered and the contents wi I be improved before its submisshysion to acommittee on rice producshytion and markets and the National Council for Peace and Order


Farmer happiness down from August WICHIT CHANTANUSORNSIRI

Farmer happiness last month dropped subshystantially from its peak last August when they had high hopes of stable income from the Yingluck Shinawatra administrations rice pledging scheme reports a Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BMC) poll

The state-backed farm banks farmer happiness index fell to 7851 in June from its highest level of89 in August said senior executive vice-president Somsak Kangteershyawat The poll surveyed 2346 farmers

Happiness from family health a good society jo b financial position and the quest

for knowledge were the six factors used to measure the index

The survey found happines from the family scored the highest with a score of 341 out offour followed by health at 321 a good society at 320 job at 314 fmancial position at 285 and the quest for knowlshyedge at 274

Farmers from the Northeast regygIiwere the happiest vvith a score of 314 while those from the North scored 313 the South 312 the East 297 and Central 299

Asource at the BMC confirmed Augusts poll was taken when the farmers mood hit a fever pitch as they felt they would receive an elevated level of compensation from the

rice pledging programme The National Council for Peace and

Order (NCPO) is seeking sustainable ways to help farmers after losses from rice pledgshying which offered prices 40-50 higher than the market price could reach 500 billion baht

The juntas measures so far largely includelowering rice production costs and slowing the release of supply to lower price pressure

The source said prices of tapioca sugar cane chicken and pork are gaining in the second half while those of rice corn rubber oil palin and whiteleg shrimp are declirun ~ bull bull imiddotI middot7~

Regarding rice prices the source said the price of paddy with 15 moisture content could average 7500-9000 baht a tonne while Hom Mali prices are projected at 14000-15000 baht in the second the half

Even though the agricultural sector conshytributes only 84 to the countrys GDP there are 167 ffiillion farmers making up 26 of the population

National Statistical Office data shows the ratio of farmers who earned over 100000 baht a year rose to 286 in 2013 from 97 in 2003 while 643 graduated from prfshymary school down from 704 a decade ago Farmers shouldered average debt of 124604 baht per person last year

BANGKOK POST 41 FTIupbeatabout domestic car sales PIYACHART MAIKAEW

The Federation of Thai Industries (FT) remains confident that domestic vehishycle sales will top I million this year defying some car makers projection of sales declining to between 900000 and 980000 vehicles

Domestic demand started picking up in the previous quarter as private firms and farmers bought new pickup trucks for their business expansion and new cultivation said Surapong Paisitpatanapong spokesshyman for the FIrs automotive industry club

The club forecasts pickup truck sales will contribute 55-58 of domestic sales against 442 in 2013 while passenger cars dropped to about 40 from 474 last year

The passenger car market has normalshyised after demand was absorbed by the gov- emments first-time car buyer scheme said Mr Sura pong

The club yesterday cut its 2014 forecast for Thailands automotive output from 24 million vehicles to 22 milliori It also cut domestic sales to 1 million vehicles hom 12 million while exports stand finn at 12 million vehicles

FTI vice-chainnan Suparat Sirisuwan~ nangkura said Thailand was expected to remain in the worlds top 10 automotive manufacturers this year with production in countries such as Canada and Russia also expected to decrease

The International Organization of Motor

Vehicle Manufacturers said Thailand was the worlds ninth-largest automotive manufacturer in 2013 and 10th in 2012 Production (ast year totalled 245 million vehicles the highest in 52 years and up by 014 from 2012

The club yesterday reported that car proshyduction fell by 261 year-on-year in June to 160452 For the first half Thailands car output fell by 29 year-on-year to 952685

Domestic car sales in June totalled 73799 dOVll by 304 on the same period in2013 while 440911 cars were sold in the first half down by 405

By contrast car exports in June rose 657 to 103946 earning the cOUDtry497 billion baht In the first half exports rose 36 to 560047 cars with export value rising 895 to 265 billion baht

The FII yesterday reported that the industrial sentiment index improved for the second straight month in JW1e

The index rose to 884 points accordshying to the FIr which conducted a survey among 1100 industrial operators It stood at 851 points in May when sentiment improved for the first time in seven months

FTI chairman Suphan Mongkholsuthee said sentiment has improved because of the more stable political situation and an increase in purchases of products thanks to the Fifa World Cup football tournament

The industry outlook index for the next three months stood at 1019 points rising from 101 in May

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AUTO EXPORTS INCREASE Despite the sluggish recovery of

the export sector auto shipments continue to expand but still by not enough to counter the reduction in dorriestic demand for cars

The industry has been forced to brake this years production target from 24 million units to 22 million

The target for domestic sales has been lowered from 12 million units to 1million which represents adrop of 251 per cent or 335154 units from last year

Surapong Paisitpattanapong deputy chairman and spokesman of the Federation of Thai Industries Automotive Industry Club said yesterday that lower domestic derriand the end ofthe governments first-car tax-relief programme and the delay in gov~ errirnent and private investment

middotprojects had contributedtothemiddot change in the production target However this new figure is still

middot higherthan the forecast for T8 milshylion units before the big floodiri 2011and domestic demand is

expectedto shitf intoforWard gear i

middotnext quarter~ The economic recovery payshyrnent for farmersuncter the rlceshy

pledgingscherneandreturn of investment will increase revenue l

in other industries and put more rnoney in peoples pockets he middot said

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Temporary charter should furthershyboost confidence ERICH PARPART THE NATION

THE FEDERATION ofThai Industries believes the temporary charter will further increase the confishyden~e ofdomestic and foreign investors along with buslness op~ratrs while the recent strengthening of the baht IS stJlI tolerable for the export industry as long as anyfurther appreciation is neither too rapid nor drastic

_The FTI also said yesterday that its Industries Sentiment Index (TIS) had increased by 44 points since April

The introduction ofthe provisional charter is in line with the politiCal road map of the NCPO [NationaICoimcil for Peace and Order Jand I believe that in generalinvestors andoperators will feel more relaxe and gai~ more confidence that things aremiddot gomgmaccordWlththeNCPOsplansforanewcharshyter the setting up ofan interim government and the possibility of an election in the future said Supant Mongkolsuthree chairman ofthe FTI shy

In his view the country over the past two months has been running on a smooth surface since the Nepo took power a move which has led to an increase in foreign investor confidence certainty over pubh~ II1vestment policy and rising domestic consumptIOn

These factrs will support the recovery and allow _gross domestJC product to expand by 25 percent this year he said


The FTI had been projecting an economic recesshysion before the arrival of the NCPO

As for exports Supant said The strenctheninO of the baht is related to the increased conffdence of foreign investors which has led to an inflow offorshy~ign funds This will have some effect on the export iiidustry but it is still acceptable for exporters since the currencys strengthening pace is not too fast and the Bank ofThailand is still monitoring the situashytion

The export sector will be able to cope with a stronger baht if the rate does not fall below 3050 per US dollar he said -Moreover since the global economy IS continushyII1g to reco~er the FTI is sticking with its export

- growth projectIOn of35-5 per cent for the year According to Bloomberg the baht was valued at

3176 per dollar yesterday The FTI chief pointed out that if the Kingdoms shy

export value were calculated in baht it would already show lO-per-cent growth year on year

Accordingto the central bank export value in May came in at US$1927billiol1 (Bt6124 billion) whIch IS 12 per cent lower than the same period last year in dollar terms - shy

Meanwhile the TmiddotISI has increased for two month~ in a row The indexose from 840 in April to 851 111 May and to 884111 June amidst calmer political waters the economic recovery the liftingof the curfe - and even Fifa World Cup fever which led to an mcrease in overall production orders and sale figures - shyn~eover~TISI fororBers~salesarid prod-udiai- -shyIII allll1dustnes rose from 802796821 points in May to 843 844 879 points respectively in June

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CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough


GRAFT HAS GOT TO GO nvestors from Japan from which Such concern by the Japanese away existing and prospective forshy

the largest amount of Thailands investors should not be ignored eign investors Countless foreign direct foreign investment comes because they have brought the firms and investors have com~

have called for reduced corruption largest amount of direct foreign plained about the extra costs of and improved transparency in order investment into Thailand The doingbusinessinThailandbywhich to help restore confidence in the Japanese invested over 8t290 bil- they mean kickbacks and undershy

Kingdom lion in projects ClPproved by themiddot the-table money that must be to Setsuo luchichief representative Board of Investment last year That bureaucrats and politicians Often

of themiddot Japan External Trade was nearly 30 per cent of the total they have topayin exchange for pro-Organisation (Jetro) for Asean and foreign investment of Btl1 trillion curement deals with state agencies South Asia last week called on the according to 801 data and public projects People who ruling National Council for Peace Thailand has generally remained refuse to pay are routinely left and Order to kick-start good govershy attractiye to foreign investors due behind by their bribe-paying comshynance that includes combating corshy to positive factors such as the avail- petito rs University of the Thai ruption and ensuring transparency ability of skilled labour efficient Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) rec-particularly about doing business in infrastructure and transportation tor Saowanee Thairungroj has esti-Thailand Now its a good time for systems location andthe consider- mated that corruption adds 30 per Thailand to bring about good govshy able size of the domestic market cent to costs for businesses That ernance for the new era he said But our chronic corruption is scaring she says translates into reduced

comoetitiveness for Thai-made Economic and Business Forecasting pay corrupt officials and politi~ians products and reduced credibility for Centre He surmises that the have to cut costs at-the building site Thailand among foreign investors improvement could be due to posi- and that means poorer quality in General Prayuth Chan-ocha has tive public sentiment following the their public projects and thus a risk made tackling corruption a top pri- juntascampaignagainstcorruption to life and limb ority for the ruling military junta He and organised crime The surveyalso Businesses who pay bribes also says the fight will be part of sweepshy showed that bribes paid to officials offset their higher costs by charging ing national reform together with and politiCians by the private sector the consumers more good governance transparency and had declined to 15-25 per cent of middot Since corrupt authorities and an efficient and effective system of project costs frbman average 25-35 politicians make money and bribe-checks-and-balances Thailands per cent previously paying businesses make profits it is corruption index in the first half of Despite the seemingly slight theconsumersandthepublicingenshythis year improved for the first time improvement in the situation (or- eral who suffer in five years according to aUTCC surshy ruption remains amajor problem for They end up paying more uhnecshyvey The indexinJune was registered Thailand essarilyfor products and public proF at 46 out of a possible lOa com- In addition to the weakened ects the quality of which is poorer

pared to 39 last December says competitiveness and reduced cred- Corruption should beeliininated or Thariavath Phonvichai UTCC vice ibility the public asa whole is affect- at least minimised for the sake of rector of research and director of its ed by corruption Contractors who the country and its people

  • 57-07-24 (กรม)
  • 57-07-24 (ใบนำสง)
  • 57-07-24 (กระทรวง)

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neurolJYiUlhpoundJflliJ~poundJm~cJ~(1bJLnu 20

lIElliJl~poundJm~tI~~~eurol11WLn nml~ 1500 inY Q lt=II Qo c bull C

~uu ~UJUYlUVIl-JUL1 poundJU~~(1Ll-J l(1)WUiilJ11 I I

fluli-U11lfl-JlfULL1lEllf1n~11U1 LL VI ~ JYil-J1lJeuroll L~U n eurollYlU ~1 n -rlqm l

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jfl 6 Wu~lUU1Yl ~ Q 0lt1 C

bull UlpoundJEl~)l]fl ~VI1HllJ511U1~ El(1)~(1)(1)() n ~11h fluYiLnmoiieurollnUlf11U 1~1 rJYlnflU bull I

~J LL ~middotIieurol~lU~~tJm~t~(1) nJ ~ Ieuroleuroln

LLI1iJf11Ul1~~1poundJ lulIrnvi~eurollYi111J~U(1)1poundJ 1aJ~LnjtJrn fll~$jneurollYlULn(1)~U ~lLUU mll-JVl1Jl1~ ffil-Jl~ ()li1U~~Ellf11U11~l1Jl


~lLLYlUllElllf11Ull-Jin nl1oiiitllfm~

11 V 6V


bVJ tJ bUl b1JU~Ub1Itt9l bnlJU1U q q

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t - I

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1mtl~11~(l-lULLvi-llfllii (f1(llf) LlJUtJll1ilU WO)ll~ltlU~~~lilUmllJltli111U

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~UI11 mmmh-lVlUlLLvI-ltJlLY1ff1VI tJ (Ltl LtJltit) L(1) ~LLc-JumiJl tJ-iilJOJ~Lj~HI Jl~JlP~Ul~tlU (lf1 U LL~ljjLb~UL~fttJtJ~~wmlTIUltJtJl~lru 5 U(lUGlbi

4 bull - I

b~tlU J bull

~~d ~iiiltJ-ii111u~~tln-rjUl~fl~-ld O)ll-llulU~~LLiJUlltl~m~l-l1~~

VlU1tJ-llUUtlnmYIl1-lrllrulfUL-ii13-Jli1~(1)LLi1 Liu o)ljqr1LLVIU~lnmlYImrllfI~-l filr~UlJn~~UI11~ T(1)tJo)~Liuml~Ttl1-l1~djUVl~n LL~lumllJltJ-ii111tJf1i~tJ~LVIff O)l~YIl-llfin~~ ~fl-ltltln-ii111Y1tJ L-iil~li1tJLVl~m~tl-lm1~-ltltlnmhJL~~YibWeJ LLpoundi-l

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ftli-1-rUc-J~mlI11J1OJIfeJUIf~tln-ii11lJtl-l-rrul~YWTnli1-lYi1tllLYlff 1800 LLvi-l

iilfl(1)t~jjmI11TI~tnli1-lLL~1 55lJeJ-lTnli1-l~-l~(1) t(1)EJmllrultJlfreJn-ii11 O)lllU~ fI luJ1u~~nl~TlOJ(ltlUL~1~~ULL~1 ~-lril~-lmljjTnli1-leJpoundJ1u~u~1(1) bL~lLtiU-iil~lfU(1)


Ul-lC1l1-lrllm11111 middotbLU1TiUJl1f11-ii111ul11m(1)lJrn~d L~~tlfuGl1ampi~U L(1)poundJ1-lfll

1 -ii11LtJ~tlnMtJfu~uml11ntl(1) ditl-lO)lnc-J~c-J~111rr111ultilm(1)TnflL~3-JSj~3-Jlrn~(1)~~ f

~nnJt1VllJ1poundJLL~-l~LA~~u LiuEi~LIii poundJ~~ljc-J~~~I11-ii1l~(1)~-l l1~r1-ltlll(VIff5ul ~ ~~1T~n T(1)poundJl1mfi-leleJn-ii11lJ11 5 LtltJTtl1J brinru~ 16 n~ ~~l3-JllflliJ~~ 427

- LVI~tJqj~VI-rjGlU L~3-J~Unn 410 LVl~poundJt1(lW~lGl LrieJ~tJ(1)1rieJU ~1i1m~mnr Ct tJi1tJ~111-ii11tJ 255758 -

~lVlwmm1OJIfeJu-ii1)lulfreJn eJ-lfl-li1mltilJ1OJ~eJ1JeJ~l~~mieJ-ltVlmuf

(23 n f1 T UlpoundJlff1 ffd11f~111 ~ltilJ1OJl1lfmlmlm1-l~Vll(1)LYlEJ lh~i1f1~Yil-llU m1~IfeJU~~lrnbLf1lf1runl~411 If(1)~ 4 n~11JVl11-lniltiIl1~1feJ1J-ii111uTnli1-lnm-l lJl-ltl-l~nTIl11m~bYlm~1ffilm(eJ~n) eJ II~m~m~ O)~lL~-lLYIl1-l~ULDutJu

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u11jjuU-ltJutltJ1uneJ-l-ii11Jl1 25 LtJtl~LU~-slU1~ln fi1U~3-Jlrnf1-leJpoundiltili3-Jju~n 88005 m~fteJ~ fl1UmlMftpoundJVlltJVl~m~el~f1runlrll~tlc-J~mlI11l-1o)l~~l1~~ln Vl~~ tJ-llu~ljVlUl~~l1lyenl(l~U~~ttl bull -

1bVJ61~Vlb~6 J~ nan~lr1~ 2557

~ ~




Igoluns~nusA I [wctcltJl[]U gtlnrii-lfJlIlLL~tilti1EJ middot 11ti~~flm6ilti~ 5 LL~ti~ti 1M

_ d ~

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tJ)~)JIlCJm-im))Jnl))1J1fJ-E11 11 Vi tJ)lI)Jjj)JIii L l1UlfElU LL~U fJll fillll(1nl) ~

)111 fJ-En LYlElLlluEl1 I11l ru n)))Jn1)

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fml1111)JlllULLrillf1~ (Illllf ) LUU

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)Jlll(1LIU nl)lJlt1LLUufjviElfj LLiiln1)

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ll Il11LUU~u1tJ L~ElUiil 5 LLlltI(I]U


millhn(11)J nTl)lJ1fJ-ETllull~Eln

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n)mlln1)lIffl ~loJnulfmf~~U(11 L-E1)J1(1 LLiil LviElllll)JltJ1l1ll

UI -pJU)1111iillElEln-E11lJ11 5

LEllJlmj L~EllU~ 16 nII~1-hwn ~Uiil 427 Ll11fJQlll1fj L~)JffUI1n~Uiil 410

Ll11fJQlll1fj 1(1fJlJrudfjlJ1~1YlfJSj-E11

1ull~Eln 18 ~lU~U LLiil1l1(1111Sj

NiilN~(1-E11LtJ~ElnUnTlN~(1 25572558

lti1U1U 38 ~lu~u-E11LtJ~Eln

u1EJ1LiiEmii lElfl1llllA U1fJn

ii(1~mrn~llm~mNiillElEln-E111YlfJ mhl

11 nTl)lJ1fJ-E11L~ElUiil 5 LWU~U LUU

tJ1mruhimn l11mlJ1fJriElU~NiilN~i] -E~1)JlUl~n1iil 2557255l 1ElElnmlu

lh ~ L~~U (0111 11 middotmiddot I11)~Yl1Jnm111 (1~1(1-E11)J1noJn middot LLvil11nN~N~(1-E11

l~n1~1l1)ElElnmEl11Yi11~fJ1nffu ~lllVl

)ll11fflElEl n-E111YlfJffU)J1LUU~Uiil 4~0 Ll11EJQlll1fj -E11L1EJ(1U1)J~U~ 420

Ll11Jrulll1f~ bull-


VliiIJJVln bull fjn lI~JJLntl~iWmm1fj ~)jUrnlJJlJYIV1ULLl1 ln1lVlim~tl~nii8u lJW1JU11lJ

310 Ylm~JJ 4 f1LLUU m~middotlVIillhlVI~ i1)jl1~~~aWi1mlJJ ltlJJ8EWi 327 IlLLUU LnllVlimN

~lJt11 Yf~vJJLLU~ll(JniloVI1thvhJJ ilmt11w Uahfli1l1il L~Vl1(iL~J jj~UIl11lJ~1lW 31

l1~ulillriYiTIJJLIlitl~iiY Yi~rulf6lf Ullll lv1LvLL~Ui1l1V11 I1UUU rtluLnllVlimW~llvi1mi

L~iJU1~ 5 UU~ L~JJ I1U LnllVlilj~iiAl1lJllllU1lV~llVl U1VaJJ~n~ n~lhl(ilJU lUj~1Jlnnflultl~ilLUU 7851 ~1V1fUi~1Jl1l1lJfillll1ll

iJltAVln1iliUlI11iL~8nliLn1lVli LVlV aill (lll tillU 111 JJ Ill Ln1lVllnl11~llai1UL~ULI1iln1lrU

LlOl al1mrumiLmlVli (lina) lJ8llnllilin~ltllLVlA1V1v LLUl lthUl-nl1 Wml Ln1lVlimlj1l11JJ

LlJVlll-JVl1 ~WJNv una1riltli1lt1 LiJU1Ji1mA ~ti 1l1I1n(l1l n ~lllJl r1lllJLviJJ1UlJl1l~1Ui ~U IIl1lJ~Vl Lnu ll 8ln ~JJ(i1 8 Ull tillUA11lJfi1J1lWi 29911UUU lJ1n~IVl aiUI1LLUULO~V 335

Ln1lVlimluYJn~l111VlvhtlilVlA 1l1IlVl1u1l1lnLQUlL11U8 nti1l1 nnlllLUUL~lJ 4 IlLLUU I11Vl1~l

-)114114 2346 ilU 1U1illl~1lU 1l11lJ~ll1l~~ 314 llllUU 11111 1~fu~U~lnlAilnll1U~ltil-nll

JJV2557 ~l-nEl i~Ul1lllJfilJ L11111l jj~il11lJ~ll8~~ 313 LVl VLnll(iJlni ~tl~n-nll rtlU1 l1l1lj

IJ1l~LmVlimlV1v WU11 I1YlJJ IlLLUU 111111ril lj~ll11l1l1lJ~llJ~ A1l~lll111 itiulJln1ultl~Vlluu fillm OlillJll 1ll Ln1ltiri ni1VlU1U ~ 312 I1LLUU LLrII11Il(iJ1U(iJn 886 Lii8lltllnL~8l~UL~Wl~1jj 1l1wilJJ1l~1uitiu~lJln ailU jjffl1fi11l1lJIllJ~ 297 IlLLUU ltlmwlIli8l1-illUL~~U

d a l1lLUUlWu 310 ltI1nlLUWVllJ ll(]l~~fJ~im~tl~nr~r11iiP~1Jil JElnltnnti VllllilllLIlillshy

4 llUU LVlULnlVlmiljAl1JJIIlJ 1111lJltllllllltlVlJEWi 328 11 lLUU nllvlpoundJIl~ll1~liJ 2557 ~llU1U bull v

~l 26-32 LVluNu~hLnllVllViltl 1l4~tiini1lU nlilllU-ill11Ull~8n jjilAl~iu laiuri m~ltlyj~l f~ulm-huiEvill1 ~nlit1ilJrI ii8VLll~lULWJ1Vll(lVlilU lri hltl nlilJ1UVlillumru~~1l

11 ~ ~ ~ LU8 urIIm 1l111i1JIlUA1LnllVll jjlh~1l8-n1lL-nllJ1iVlLvU ~1l ful(iJl1ilAll(lVlrllL~rMV l~LUi lllrJLLuuf~vi1Jf~ ~~lts) LLrInli

-illl -nlLW(iJl~Vlamp(iJl U1lWlil tlilJrlN1UVl(llVl~8lJ1VNU~1 111~JJt11~U lLrIrNlJllLLlUUlllJ Ln1l(imi1ll1Ul LL ltli lViillVI V

LLviUljjil~~Vl~Vl~~8l~U(iJl~lUU (LfllIVVl) 1VlULLeJWl1J1vihlltiL~ VlLIlllailui il~111t1lvillJ LLUl tli~lJ1ruIilUL~1lU ltlIlti lQ~U 1UlJil~1~Uu~~1l1l~I-J(lni tl1lJ 1 run 1 liU 1 V-iilltli lJ1 ru

V1U~ltltliUYJUnliI-J~(iJ Yillmll(li1 L~1l1ja 5 lLllUIifU

LlrlnLtl~VU~HuWlU ilo1111lll ~~U eJ(lnlj(ljllll~8niill

U1Vll11 ~IJLLa amp(iJ1Ln1lVli~1l1 121J1r1~~Ln1l1l~ltllVlI1 1800 gy3Jpfn~ ni-r~J1

Ullil1lVli l1lVlVlmB ltlfuJ~ LLl lill(iJlaijjnllVlil~1nliflll~1 nllJnlihliilltl1LVlII mhl11 55 ll8lLn~~~l1lJVl 1Vlu~uUU d middot ~1 25-35 tll1ai1lai~nll Vltli11lJIl ru 8 ~m llJ n 1li UlU 11nWiUlv-iil1114 ll~8nf~ulr1 a 1l~liJLLin IlWUUl-JrIltllnllI11Yi llll lJlJVlL11U1JElULLI-JUVVllilllflm rlt1 VLUlmlllJLtl~l1lll~~n

LI1l1llnltl1~mL(lLIli]lnltllV1vti nlil1J1mrl1 L~LflU1lArumilJ Ll(l1UnlllJ1V-nl1ltlvilltli lVlI1

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2557 llJV1V~ll~ 16-24 (UUll) ~n ~a1ltli~Y15 ~UVl1 LllJ1~EJ L11~1ll~1llnlj~l88n ailUil Il1RUfhLn1l(iJi~l 181Jl 11lVIiilliru~fml11111m~U mhJLtlilJ~ L~mLUlollmLtill~1 1i1 1 middot-middot

11~llJ2557 jjLLU11iilJltllJU1V LL11-)lllili ((lllll) LUUlhl1U -iill1vlpoundJYiLAtJltliltlum


ij ~mlUI7lU~]f)t1]YIUY~tn1h1Hl-lIllUll ]lIl~mtJ1U2 I~BW nBud] l-JDnJ1ndu~lhu~lU)~(JnmI~ilhhnl-J ftj1l1 111WllelU r(Q111~Ulh-l~iJtJIjf) 10000 ~lUUlVI ~lU nolllu lI]Ut-lU 20 1 UD~uJ~umm~illDl1111D1JjLi)l-Jllun~

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U(l-Clthl ~tJ I

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1~1lLrIU1l nilJnllltUlllJmn 2 I~Dl-Ji-lmlflmn rl-JfI~IIClamp~Ul-l il D~11l-Jlr~l-J lii1l11n~1I11l-J11l ~1I1 ~J~I U4

lIn~imD~ y41r~l-JlltU1l11f1~1I111-Jllll~1I1~ ml~fi1AtlJ ll-JnD~yl-lUl~nDlj~hu n 1l~~i11 C~1l1~(lmUllUUllClclilllnll~)UlH~D~l HlJl~ftlJ l~DmUiJ i Mflru~1mnAl1lJCf~UU~lI1ampl (flCIlJ) U1l~Un1lrJftilI~l-J ~Ulflil ~U~l-JYl ~1lUrUU1 ~ 1l-Jll ~Cldj ll~nlllmiddoti U TIlUnD~Yll-l1djJril(lUl~~f1 thl-l~l-J (11ltlD~nl-Jnmiddot1~~r1il~11 11J~IlWl-J~ bull I q ~v nu uu bull ~1i1lUlli1n~YllJ1Utl~I~4ntln~l-lYi~l-J1

~lJ~wuCf~l-lundlUI i1~D]J1ll-J1l W~ ll-Jnll Ifl~D~JJmfl~1Jltl1iilfl~D-l~n1nn Qum(lJ111D~l~1~11~ ltiJ 11uilI1l1-Jlll ~1I1~ JlJlJ 1 n1~Ulni~ r~111Ull~[JnllrJtiil~lJflruf1lWhlllfl1lUl-JilllJ i iii l-lnml1l-l1 J1iJ1-llfrDl~~~ 1~DH11111l-J1JJnll ~ UUl lJl ruUl~Jl iJ Ul1 ~lJn D~1tJ l-l i l-lU II l n

)h~IWU~~HlllClrl~~Hl1nll11l-J1il-JnllnYl liiuJ~unllrJ~Yl~iillruf1lwll-lllmdjl-lilllJmh~ 10000 il1l-JU1Yl 1~14hl-ld~1l-llruJ1n 51- Utl~ ~1-J1~l-lnll~~~ltiJ1l djl-llll1~~I~l-lVll-lI~DftUUftl-Jl-l I~U~YimCl~r)(i~ TIlUUl~~1l-lnU11l-Jfl1~lMuliiD~ lJMl 1111 U~Dn~1I11l-l1rJ~ill~UCl~ 30 ~ll-J~l-J

)l~U1l-JnllrJ~VlllJ~1llr4~ltUllUD~fJl-JUltU1lllJ]Jl-l ~)lJ~llt1l-lnll lhuUilllil~DUmUfllJfJruf1lW ln~1200000 1l1l-JU1Y1 dll-l1l-JU~D11U r~Uln 1(1~D~1m1l11l-l1 i Ml iilJ II ~jl1Cl~JJUllil1~f1lW Un~) 1fllDth~J1~il~ J~~~(1ll ~UUllJlruUl~hlJ il(1 6000 ~ll-JUll1

~ll-lil~mWjl liJ1lYW1~ 1J~U~f1llJnll9J~illJl1l1n 3 1 lJD~lJn~1ltUlll U~Dn~im1-Jl fh~l~Ul~lVlff Illiluwo~rJClnllUl~llJflOJ middot rJ~il1~UCl 30 lllUYll-l 1l(JI~l-JQIl11~U1l1n iirill-l~lUll-lnllrnfj1~j~t1l nUlHfnuK~fllJ Dl-lnmJnli l~U1UltUTr11 ~ul~4lJiilJ~hM1-llJ)U

IllflLDn1lW111 D D ~Anl ii l-J 1~ lIi1 ~ D YlrW 6i1l-J IJJlJ~ 1~1-Jl~UlnU~In1l-1~HillCl~~1-JYilD~ T~u llrJmiddotW~Ylif1lfW11nlm~ iJluihll ~llmWO111flru~J1n~U~1l1fl ~DilljUllnr~mJli TU]Jj~1nIlfrl-J ~lUI tJl-J~lCl~nllllU111 l1yf-ii1iltUD~Ql-lt1l-lVl1 nlllJnlll-lTUUlUll~~U1i11l~~nllihl (WUUliJlflnD~11l-l

I~D~nD~1l-lCl~n~ ~JJ YiCU) ul~~vil ~lHlnD1I1 laquo1i1U1 )(111 bull bull CLI rf cf i G Cl-J1U~lJYil ElfflClll-ll-JV1 iTn1lI1 n lmmul-J

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UllmlVfi lfl~VW15 fl5lJ~m~f11lAl~1~ IIlrullVLulJJ1middothtJtlIJ~lLL11~tJilLi1uml~11HI1a

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111lUrl LA1lnl1 ~~UlH11il1J~n1dl11~UmiddotL~J~fli 07il LtJWnl1vlfJ EJfJVlOJlnLfll-J nl1 ~mulJ~nldhrUL~JaVld

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JliUl~mW~~ LLr41 iJlnlY1Ulii L~fJU1lJ LyenilJl~lJlJfJ-Jllmilu~nTJ

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y~nLnrui lhltJ~duvil1Mu Utlnl1ll~fl1 L-nlJll-J

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H)fJB1J~n1~mld~hmu1U LUUU11i1U nllUl1Jl-J lVl uii cJUilUU~HVlrr~i1Jl~tJL-nlJ1l-JY11u~J~il11 U1H~ ~lUlW ~ ~

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~ViUi~lnliif)I-J~L~lJb~JL~~nnULrlilnli II ~

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25-35 U1~ LL~[J~1~lltlf1l1~il~Slfllu[JI~1~~lU~nlI1t111~ LLflifl~MTYi~tJjlh ~1~nf11mllTUl~hhviJtI

~l1funlnTTlJ1tJLiiifltJnml11l~ 2557 nrV1TllrnrullU

ltiihlJriu~mlJnlTrhciHJ~n1vltl ~~ftjj eJLLi1tJhmllti LLa

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LL~~l~I11T()UUTn11 2 r-1h 1tJ~ltJlJInrrnwlMtmuigtmlJZ1l1 1iiU1lIllltJ ~u~ 21-24 ~~IllllJ 2557 ~~~LLYifl Ujtl~i1tll1l1~

LLfl~lUlJInrnJfi~~1~tJmllJZ1l1fli1rn1~ltJ 1U~ 10-14 riUtJ1tJu

2557 ~~UOO1ii~ T()Ul11f14111 4 Ilf~ ~n11lU1i1 4lJWT tiitJll1~ LLfl~tJLiii1 li~L~tlU~~ll1lJ 2557 TvluLlI~1unl~Li1~1 41UltJ

30 r1f~ Liiiflu~ImfllJ-riUtJ1t1U 2557 T()UtllUltl 347 flf~ Llfl

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iiit11lllrD1LflULltl1 3 flUULL~ i1~~wlhLL fn11UTll~tilJ LL Yill II q _ dI _

LlJfll1fll1l1U Ut1I1U YilrulltJlJULr-1flflUL~mtjm IIUIIJllJlllJ

l~U1llllU ~n 5 fltl vTlUTLi1f1 TJlJnl~~~nu lJ~nT~ rJ~~Jlrul1lllJlIU 4 111f1 ~n 2 Ilfl

mU1UL~tlU~~1~lJ 2557 ~ILW1UYi1rull6IlruffiU 94 tJ nTi1Tl~YilrullrniJ)JnuR1U~nl~t11l-i LL~hui1ln~tl 14

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~ bull Q ~

mI1TllWlrulltJ~li1Jl n11i1lLUUnln1TlJflI1lIl1111tllilYi

mlJuttJU1t1~Ugtlll~~IJlJ1ll 1I~middot11 1UII11~ IliltJfl~Jl1rlh ~ffil~yl~nUU1ll1l1U1tii1lrJl1iitlLilfl~

I _ _ lmutYlIilflln1jlJillJilLYi~LlmJLflmnUn11lill1U lMnn~

~f~lJlruWJ lJllU ~UAJ1lJ~rd1 ilthlI1lIu lllJ1TClFlulT1t1flL~tJi1 lffli MNNmocQQh lffiiilUCl1lJlffli~ltJmUnTi1rnmMltJ1203

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Cjnsi31 (8 wn) 155-160 nn ]K~drflid~(~UlMbi)iLf-rf~middot - IfiO-it ~~~tifW-(nr1T+~

lulri (IUDS 3) 34-35 Woo

~iOriqltTI=~r1J~OIo~middot r~q ~~ ~ 3~(Qoi3~19)M~~~ouj 9Qiin UllUK) 100 1420-1430 nsClou 100 nn

amp~~ ~g~~(Ft~P i)~ r~~~~~~I~~~~~~~2middotg2~~~~~t~~yen~~ii~~~~~middot~middotmiddot ~- wnQwu (Ra) 22-25 nn

Xailili1ffOi-sect~~~lIri-~~~~~~ i~~q ~r 4 middot~ifIiriri~~)-fr~jtmiddotmiddotmiddot wsnUlilJ (~um) 4-5 Ua

)3~ifiW(J(treg~1~~~_middot~~fi ~2~2~5Sjt2~11reg5[gt RUI nSUmSA1f1181u nsnSlOWlrUl1E1

2J 2557bbk1V1k1

c OJ c c 151llH HQU V1 Yl J ftVI tJ 1j fI IJ

ltV V r Q iCS

tn-naHn (HI ff flW VI W 1 fl eJ 11 UVI

njlJ ifl Iff~lJ f1l jrl1jl1i1 llhmf1

lU~INEJ11 ffUrl1fflfH)f)UUlvlU

~llUU IiiUlthbl fflJ~U liff~llf11W ftfnJUJ~~ 111~UllU1iim1lJl~mrU 1UffUrl1lvW jllJJlff~1lm1lJlu1i~


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[) V1l 1UU1jjjlJ VI llJlf) lJl VI j~1U

ff1 f) (1 f) j lJ ~ l 1 ~r91 Ill1m l flU

1Y1UlHlWY1 VIiffY1 lJ1ffl (Thailand

Trust Mark TTM) IUWlim

fft1J f1EmJUl1l Tn llJl~mjU111 fJ tllf11W

ffUrl1U(l1J~f)ljhlU lYim~lJluf)lff

Vl1lf)ljrl1Un ~lhmilJf1lj1V1m~1U ll(l~lllhlY1f1 jllJJl rillff~lJfffll fllW Kf)ll ru~~U ull~l U 1Uf)1jriluUf)

11lUUlll1 ftl N~i1lYUrl1 U(1lJ~f)lj~ii fJtllf11W fhWlnl~lln91UlJ m


I~ fJUfJ1 fJftlu V1 ~~tJftltfmJ W11JtI1I1U eJlfllJIllfl lhlITU

fljjlJf)1jlJ~l11j lJ~rll YiWWWff

(lllEJIl(1U~) ~10~ lU91INfJ11 U1f)


Yijf)l1hUlll1i1l 1 W1J111fl~fmhU1-]




Il1f1 1f) 111 ~huU Yijnll~ii f)lj l~lJ1il ff-) uV1-)lim~u) 1l(1tY)iillUl1ulJ~U l~hJlilLl~D f)lJl f)11111 U ~)rUlriu vd d ooltvdv

lU1 1 lJU1fllJ 2557 mllVlU)llJ1 1 ~ f = 1

lVIfi LU I1UTIjU9fU f)Il f)lj l91t)1Ylff

91mJ fliu) ff1m)~iiEJu91U1tlfflff91 ItlwrU~1Jl1~)1U1f)ll1ft ~l1UiJ 5~7 IlHllJlhlJ1tllfli1 ~ 100 11111111

1U f)Wl il (119111(11 EJlEJ ff1 I1 l91EJIl

iif)ljUEJlEJff1lJ1l~lJ 10 ff1U1 1UiJ

2557 il1f1l~lJYiiit)~ 20 ff1U1middot lHl

IlIEJ1EJl~lJflf) 15 ff1U1 1UiJ 2558

ll(llVilJflf) 25 ff1U1 1UiJ 2559

J~ flafl~1rUJ 2557 bullbull 1 j

) ~ i i



tJfl5ClUuJUSJlEJUfllS UUytw f1f]U(iJ1f1f1Sv~mmiw~m1JI1Ti~If1l1Jtr1f1 lJfiFJfJ1Y11N nfl11fW ~ei1UJlJn7JSrnJJuriS1~mJiJfJntVVI~ufVJnJJlJftflmJI11 1JlJilvmuwJu1wlilJu1NllJmJUmJlnviuTflJoJri1Jlnvwu~ ~ - ~

nisvl JJliPl (Thailand Trust Mark TTM) ftfllhvlMNjflN1111Nv~Tnf)iuvi1l1Jmf1iJm1lJjmtUIjEJtjfllutrU111 tpnlv1mJln[JTurfliJFJrumw~7VJJJ1urifilJVlnmiddotlslnltlW1llritn(i1m1~viiNmJlaquoj~truI11InveuroJthvieuroJjjfl

--- -====~-

v bbU 1tJjW1


ftJttWitllj~ lutflnnl~a~fl3na~al~lan


W 1 uhf 6fl J~UIB flllU11 [J lll11 ~11MI1l11 fl ruYi litH 111 JVI

n 1 jU~fI ruil1~ffU~1l~1l lfl li1 UI~ JJfI11JJTU1)1rfi~1bull bull v

11 ilJ Ofl I1l~ull vnHmJJ1U1 OBU J1~ ~ N fllJ~ L~ poundJlJU~l lu~u~u~mlJri~ nY1lJ flllr11

iI1~mhaVlf1 flci11lI1~1~IUJthli1JliJVl~1JfflJlJJ1 I~U~ ll-wflm~ (Fair Trade) lviU1UJllJlm~1In1IJifqjl1111i-l~1J 1~ uJ ll~ flli1J11f)fl~1 flli)~crlJlJJ1 fl f~if ll~ V f)) ~J111

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bull J~ifl~vthrlClf)liJ1UM1U~~1~~1~ri]ClClf)rl1f1WIJCl]~ u

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1Pl1-l 1 llvlV-liiii f)~lU1UlJ1 f)~ v~1j f) 51~1l 1lJ11J1~lJlu1m]f11i ltv bull tdV ~ dJQ bull

(PI] n~11 mlJll~illJlJV f)UI1U1UJ1Ull mHiCl-lU lliUllilU f)~lJ

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lutJf)~llHmn1unWWllnru1~villM1li1~-l f)ci11

V01-lUuU 6 l~VU llCllfiCl11tJu51 mlJll~1l1l1lJI4fl~milJ Vlf)U l~V1111l f)V-l r1mv1M1um11tJllIKV-lVi1llJ~ elf) If) ruevi

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f)~1 60 U llJUiUUf11ir11iluuluf11mf1-lfll1lJltlUliillJ

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A ~ I A I A A ~ I1lJlllllJ)ilV l~TlYlTlUll(1 1~il~~YIliUVli

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~111 ~uQl~~ J

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HlJ(1Yl1ltl HlihmufnU

I1~tJ ~~ II U(1l1 ~Uf1ll1Ui~ 111If li1 Unli ~ _ 1 ~ d U l dA

Iml~i l1itJ~~lllJ(1]lUUlmtJl UtJtJnl1lllU

1 UJ1 l~wil~~YIilu~inullllnilJll~Vi v~U llllUl1Jl1J1l~ U~l5VU1tJVII ()

mL~Ell~mnjt1itmUUi1~i1rurulUEll~U1VItJlh ~ u u

LL1fllJEllT~fl LtJ~~rlBrlilLtIUVI1lf)11LLal l~El Lem1~1~a L~ElW~lllUlvJiAh bull hUvlJJ1h 14

tI J d I

llJtJn(11 1000 U )Ull 23 nTl ll ilIIUiluluHh1VliftU~1U~U 1 lliU

l1lM1U fl1V1UI1~U1Uih~11i1U ~U1l mlJ1ifllrJUnl11Ui~J1 l~tJ1~Unmn1ltlVj Vl(11~ tJ U1mn~~ il UUlllJ~ Vi (1)lllJinVl

bull cO li1l1Jffii) il )VlIIH 1l1f)jlJ~iiYi111llll11itJ1fnT bull 1 -11 d 1 d Ifd c lJi1i1UUil1YI Tl(1U~W(1 ltJUIU)iV WUlVl)i

lViiff i1n~ Ilfi(1lu1)liJ~~)U1VlniilJ111li

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l1ltJ~~hii1 ~I11lJ1Hnul~tJl~VffiiiU~IIUU Vi~l~lUlI~~mY1VlV l~V~I1lbvllU~1I (1

l~mliU Vl(1tJ~IlUUili1liU~~1 III liTblJlilJ

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lJi)1V1~lJl1 ~f)jwUj UllrUllU11m~~~u ~ ~ J i lit

lJ1imU1V)iTnYl lTl)liVlU 1(1U11lnli

II ~l tJ 1Y1 VlV I1~tJ i~tJ 11l)~fh ii~~lllJUl~tJ 1YlVffii~UIIU]J HVi~lllUlyJvhll(1Vi~lllU

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nilU~tJ UilJ1lU 6-7 llJm Ul180 1l1U9lllJVli

J111rn 1974 in(1n~lJ fiUJ1~n 20 ll1U~llJVl~ I cO~d d1

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l~UYI1lUilJ1ru 8 fihllJ~i~tJi)1lJl ~ 3

1 UW~UU1Vl 10 ~) UUliJuWJilVII)l 1m

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I l ~ ff ) 1 lli1U U 1 ) l ifl Vi (1]l1 U II ~l fl1l1 Vl tIil1 n

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U)VlmilJli4UlC1nU1~ lil IVii1l uUVi(1lllU


Urull U1lUUllUl nm))l U)VlniilJ I

~Ui1Il l~Ull1ll~)n1 I1111l1nuNuintJun1i bull

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lritJllllnull~uUi1fi1J1lJU~i1fnllVil un~l l I1lJ1nUmi~llJ11JillJiJl~tJ1YlV~1i~lUY)fll J IJ I I ~ v

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~ V I 11

lfI~U11f1fl llui l1lU dhJJll11jvt11vlJDHhhuClI1U1-Jlllmlllnml1111dh lr~ UUllliJJvi1111r~jJntlumjjjfiu11111 ~lJ IIlU1l-liili Ull 3IlD(h~u~IUUllll 1lllJ1ll11hmn fl~JJ1jlj~f1J r~Jltum~Dn D111ll llCllJWJUUlf1r)J OJlllmii1lJ R1~ U~DJV1rIUlm Tlul llt1W1Dn~Ju

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II q tJ I ct 0 oi tJ r 0 v shyllllnll(1lJ~lllC1Uflll1CllnllUyenl IlIll mlJU1lJ~JYmlUUl1D U~nl1 nlnn~D~C11HnlJlJ m~V1lJJllrullU C1111nJluflru nlllJllllDlMll --

UJllliHiUljlIl~lJfh~1l~11J()[Jti~ 17-31 ~JUIllllJHl1jl~~J~11J 23-41 I( Cl U 1 (uu) m lJd -11 Cf1lJfI (lji1WmCl~ ~-1U JI1 ~DlJ UCl m lJfll UfllJ llJJ1I~lih i l1l flpflUUlllUJ~~Ull~ ll-ilvtq) J~IUllfmlt1l~~UmJnll lJClYlEI 1~uuDnlJl~l III lflJUfllJ1l-iltU1l 1lU 1~Dnmiddotll1UIlIl ulm~jllllil VlCll01lJuJrijlnDUIlll t1~ viJJ iuHitlunf1fllJlIl)un9fD~ufh ~JUlJll U 1111 fJlllJllllllllll ~uJnll

IV ff


~U1~1Villi LnU~~J bull IV a

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inmhv-liil 111Pi~~ Llllnnn1lIHU

ml~nll~~IllfJlNu~tllll (iilIlU) LtJ~ Lmrh iilIlU1Lliru~lLLVlUN1llnilUn1l ~lU~U~l ~tltllll ~ LLiiliJ~Tfl~ll tJ111qj

Llilml11~ilL~illJf)1l-11iltJ(l~lJU1~UWl neu]~Uri1 vflLLJj~W mJLl1lll 1l1~Ull~

~ eil tmiddotwnnVJiln fl1111l LL(llJUJJ1JUL~fn

lllYlm~~ l1~IIlnMillVi~f)tlnpoundi~ml1

~Uril Lb(hvjUl11JU1~Ulllnru-naUril

l1flltJJjU~jjlJU1~1-1niLnuI~~ LLvimmru

flU~l~Ullljj1JU1~ L~lL~~ ~lEllltrnl1l-1N u~lnll Llt]11~ei~ Llltlniftl~U~lt~ tJVilJl1~ vlutrlLn(1J 1JruLtiitJ1nUnlltJrU(l~~~1~ lJillmllnru-nll~viiilt-J(ltiiiitlnllll~ ~UVlUn1lt-J~(9I~ltJ

~ltJrllv-llli1~lTh 1UltJampu iilIlU


l1~ii 01LUU1tJMiilJEl1-Xiil~~lLVh~~1 LUU

Lflf)I~Utll1 rhl1U~1i~uyjl11mtJ1U

Ulllnru]~tll1JlLi)u 151f)~~U~1 ~Ul1ll1tJ1umjLilu 3 middotlu 4 lJtllU~ll

I -

leu] Illu1UltJtJ11 ~f)ll111ilnUmbtJ lluViLnmllfllLl1U mYlll1f)(9Iiilll1flll)J

mm11WlrulJEJ hTnllUIlOJnll)Jnll

fl1l11lLL(lm tltJ ) nl~poundilLiiI~)Jlruinv-l

LL(l~I LL1~~fl~ LLllnl~ll1ull)J)JllVlH L~tlfltln~l(91ln1lIl1UIl)Jll-1ll(9ltU L~fl rill1U~ LL UlvriltJllu~l l-1dJ U~lmriu LtiitJlnU

~lnn1lIl~(9Ill1~U~ll1iilltJlIil~ Lliu

1l~)JU1JI~J1~ltJd~f) lJUl~lJl(91vit-IDJl11 1l~~iiWUyjl11fl~(il 17 -31 poundi1ULLJj~v-l

iiiiviuyjl11 23-41 NU~tllIlUl1ll tJ

flTIILlilhei(9l~~11~U~1flJl(91111qjlll 1iitl~~lruiill LLvi1~11i lJruLtiimnUnlJ

L~iJ1JU1~ if~vh1~Ntl~nflU nllll ~uYlU I ~

LVl)Jt~tJ1Jl~1 LtJU Eine)~l1ifl LtJUn1l~U Ltlaf)miwmnlt(9ltJ11i Ll1JEinvr1tJmiddot middotUl tJ


I)cJ4 flJfl~lV1dJ 2557

~)J~lh~fl1l1Jmi~~r111lillilfl-1J~TilflIVl)JIJ~lV11Jiiilnrucrl Q I Q

I 1 ~tJ m f IHl tlfl tJIil l fI 11 VI U~ 1 A I1lHl fl11)J lH)Jl tl)J

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UltdhVHI 1 ~ffff1 IClII115 nliflUl m i lJnmgtlJm fl~NUnilfl (ffflU) mh yil 1W51l if ffflU~ i~()~11111U~lhnfl1jmi

Q -11 Qi 1 d 1 mUffUfllflJ ilfl UCl1li lilflilV lHU 1IJ1111111 l flmmm I1l11VClfl

IJUlf11liilt1~llniYUtil i~ UlIlJtl (11I1Cl1 fl1lJ1Jm) fol~in~t)n tI bull

fll11li 11ClU~1lIJtJlfiv1 Cl~llm~lJ a d I I cs I iJ ~ I

UltJfllYl Cl flCll1Clnll fffllJ ff ~lllJt)t)mrll~n~ffUfllIlClll I1U 11

~Ul~1li i llt1ruovliYUti1l1mpoundJlIij~iiIJill~ 1 I1uitnU ~1 ~ uli 111111 UIbull u

~ d CS 10 d 0 i)ll C1 i Q

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U i i ~ilUIYI tl ~ V~ ff ~folCl ~vHl~ U 11 U n 1 i folCl ~ Cl~Cl-lmV I Qo iJ ~ I d oc d ~lnmiill(lnllffUflll1mVlIUfi 1llU flilllJl~-lfol111mVtJI1fl

IJUlf1IJ1~~H1liillfl111ii1fW~1mllii-1 17-31 ~hUIIlIllYl~li~U~ 11-1 23-41 Ur~~1li11111nliVil~Ul~U1f1~U ii~ hlil1~Il1JU flUU~-1uUV11-1flli~CllJ lJfl-1N11n flfllJ nli l~fll-1 i 1l1riNunilfl 11 1

l~an4fl iY U ~ll1liNUnilflU 1~ i lVfllll1l 1Ii1ill)~MhiUTilrlIJ 1~ il1~ iU tl 1 Ilii llilJlUlI~lliU uli YWlll i 111~1nfilJii tl~ ij~ I~V1

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nIJfl hiCl~Clmil~~ll~U l1it)-1~Ufll~nl11UVl1riiU~11~illV1 U

lJi 1 li101ovl~fl~ hltnU 15 115 fliiiYUtil~1Ji 1~illtJ1UflflinU 3 1 U ~

4 lJt)~lJi1~nUlYI

ri1U iU i VV 11 iiifl-1 I11rtlf1U I1ti 1tJ -11U ~ MV1jt) -1 lli U 0 QI

mm 1-1 f2V1ffl11m111 mll 11~liltlJ lIV _lllU n~lUflOlflnllflU bull I sJ

fll111m~Vl (flV) fljllff~m111lrufllliIl~ff-1111V1Clflll IIClmll

fl1Uflllll ClVilJ fl flflll 1mfll1 fl1lJfllJ1lfiVlI1lU I~flfhl1 U VIIIU 1111~ 11~j~1riI1JU 11 WI 11U1~V10U U ltJtilliClfla 11

lClUl15flll fffllJ mhll~lJI~1l11 ilJm1J1Wfll1~i1f1lJn~nruovl

iYUfllUIl ~jU ~fl~ ffrulifvwfi~ ~ lU ~ lfl fll 1 Nil1lu 1 1 IlntlJ ti~ i mu~U ~ (I (I

1111i~ tJ~ln~U()I1lVlllllllillVI1ti~ ftUll1 111 ru IJ v L~11lllfl ~U 111U

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U lV ~ltlCl flri l1V fli 1 -ff1UI1i1-11~ lJlli 11 11 lJlVl llii ~nrue0lmy

InU ~1~ mlVilClltJnHn~lWlU~U ~-1 fll1 1Itl1IJU()I1l~-1flril1 livl1 flciNll 111~11U vi NlliI11 T~ ffllJ 111Cl1l ~U 1 U i IfolJ~111 f)t)u

fll 1 11 ~1l Cl 11 CllV ~flV ~lUlJlll

ltgt If

fl i ~ VI i 1-J VJ 1 ill CSU tJ

J~ nJnrnfl~ 2557-[j1JU[J1USU I


uUn8UnUUl~nUU8lU 1

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~ laquo ~ ~ co

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LLVIW1I11W1 Uflun1111n1 1 UOli tJn111 WiH

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l~WfJ1li rl~1I ~V1ru11r1f111IJLi1UlffJUtiifJ1u

lI1OJWVlU1 fuJW1~ f)fitJ~n1JJn1ihJ U11 IV

111 W unEllYlU~(i)JU1-nl1 ii~I~W 32 ~m1d1

LLfliiV(ilU(l~W - 3 L~fllYI~n fifJ 1nli~tTu~WW

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~tTu ~WWL~WYlUYIJU L1tJW1UniU1W01~ ~ lil-n111m~

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~111 LLfl~(lJUl f)1-liWlf11U11r1ii fll1JJJW fII LLtl f11 ~W til fl El(ilVU~~l1~rrUIl~~ampi1U fl11iWvl1W11W flU1f1til

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~(il~lnf)I~Uw~~~11 LLLllI11J11VulL~Unf)IrJU middot I ULLinmiij 1 IIjjU~lt1U1l1 1V1mLYI~lViJJ11JpoundllL~U

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WElnVlnu nfllVlWJlii l~U fltilYIUUV1nll1f1Lfln1lUI L~WV1nn1iU~V11l LfllfJ1ai~flmfimLtl~fl I I UiltJlfU~ In(ilV1 nnfllYIUfin(1l1tJI

VlUU l~JnfllVlUtlLLin 1 YI~U~1UU1Vl ~(ildjW II ~llfllJ 3 lJfll~flfh-nl1lU~Elnvhn1mni~~til1~tJ fl 30 ~1W~U LL~L~Uvlln~11V(ln~(il(di1u~hlliW

~ ~

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~Usect 3000 ~1WU1V1 LL~Oli~(ilfdil~Ufli1Y1UU

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lJru~n1i~~~InflV1W-W(i)JU1-iil111~1Un1 ~tTU(~UVlntTn1111 n1i~Ilhvll fl (ilLU11 n1~hlVltJ

t ~3JW1 5rr1Ll1UU11 Un1711n1~~I1UUllalLlJJf)~llf)I

i 711~ lltii~IJWi~Iiim~fLll~dT LLlJilnfllVitJV1~11J L~WEl(ilYIUWVln1~1J1~ Il1IllflnllU LLfl~J1IlJJhl~

ii111V1tJ LLtii~I~~fllirVl1lfi1) vilmhl1i1JJLliLUW

nTnh3WllnneJVlW)J1HidjW1JeJ~Y1UU(h1 ulii

f11JlhL3WneJVlW1111mWnliW~Wl LL~1~uihl1VltJ LLIl L~lJii~f111lJ (IllJlJ(1IJeJl11W11WnlJlhi-JIli-J~~

-nl1iJeJWLiil~~lll~1~~ltJlill LeJ 1~mil~1-nl1vi ~


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~UWtJlJrttrMrillnf)JYluiwtYJfju ~Wi nti~1 511fll1~ mtlnl UnUU1AWvil1l3JlUU1W

J _ I

IIB~IJ ~v(ij~(ij(1(l nll1111 0JV1JlLn1l~J1 ~eJLJ I

t-J~nlilU~l WJ1JneJVlUW~W1middoth)1 lr1L(Iil~W f1t1ll LWJlY11nij-r~Ulllllnn1JL~ilnvtLL~l 1~rW1l

illnDVlWlV~UliiTl1 lLn~1viY1iD1~ IJruvilill nElVlU(ifeJi1Y1Ulv1Vl LLiil (Ilm~n1l1Jl1WlJlaJEl ~~1 tJ ~

lJ U

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illl~1YiOJlJn1J-li11L1ilUBi1vl1LYiUll11U1L-WtJ 3

f1W ~11JLYilJffVll111Jvl~LLVIW1Jl1Ul El1l)1rl J~ VidlfirunBlVluLLYilil~GlB1i1l11ulLiJtlU1J~Ym

bull bull OJ

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I ~lnl11U1LnUtrnLLltl-r~B(ijUULWtJlL~niiBtJ oiild

~~Blijpoundll~n~l11ulYiLiIJLL1ilLLJunBlYluYipoundl(ijUU I IU bullbull I

L~UYlUlJUL1tJu1ua(ij~1(ijBmiitJVivllll11Ul LL~ i ~poundllLLJunBlYlU1iI1a-~n1ll1Ul1tI1U~~l1

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IIl1lJll1uil ~~l11tJllil~1lJliiL~U~ULVilJU LLampi

dju L~poundlmllJ~LLIllWl~tJ 1i1Jl1Ull11U1~ru1~ ~

I (IlaJlJ(1aJeJ~1l1~eJeJnil1ULLiiIlIil~iill~~Dn1J

iil11IJLllV11YiU LLiilY11n~eJnlJYh1r11Jl1Ulii bull Q ~ fi d 0

DWlf1~WllaJn1Jl~~eJf1 nJLQ~lvlU VlVllY1U1Vl

~llJn1Jll11Ul11LLi-JUn1JtJ~n-lil1vYtJJ LVII L~D ~

tJ~n-lil11r1(IeJvf1~1)nUf11laJ~eJn1JlJeJ~~1(ij ~~

tJ~aJl run1ltJ~ m V Em nil ruY1lt-J~i-J~Vl~U Vl~l~(liimVl ~

lUnlJ LLnil ruY1ln1JtJ iiln-lil1~mJllru[nw 1J

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i Ln1l~n~l11U1LLiilLn1lVl~m1 Vlll ~ LtIU Elil middot (IlLl1Vl

v1eJl-liWll11Wl1VltJ1~~f11laJ~Uf1 LjeJlln1~ii I ij middotnpoundlI~jltJleJ-rU ~lWJi~Y1~ liQJyenU Ul~n1ilIJ~iJ I hib~l11tnlrm L~WEl1VijjnliLwM~aJlc)(1 17 i

I tJJ(IrllltJLUWnlJl~tJLL~~~WllVW~-iil11~LYilJ I lJln-iiu I


fi n a Ua dhl3J amp1 ~h ~UA1 b nlf(9la f1~lijVl~~ IJm1J~lLL~~ 217 LL~U~TUUlrl lJEJlJ~ 26-32 Onnfl~~i1LLlnlJm1J~l

d at 01 d

O 7 L~ltJ3JVllleuroJ 3 VlUl tJI1U ~U llj

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0lt) =i ffUtJ1~ tJ fimmlLIjeuroJnllLmffilLL~ ~ - ~

~mrumlLn~l (jj n ~) Ulb3JUillJfllJ

VI~J1JeuroJIll(i11 Lfflli3nl mlLn~llJeuroJJLYltJ

VI~eurol~~YlrnflLn~l liJe)ltIlllmllJmtJ~h

~ln 07 lu~~Jumn dJU 26- 32 lufI~J U~J VI~euroJ~ltIlLUiUJ~lil 2 i 7 LL~U~lUU1Yl ~I~~LUU 83 lJeuroJJl~Yll13JIJeuroJJUlLrlff dQI I lJ V Jd YI3JElQ 26 mUmUU1Vl IJruv~ 6 L~euroJUVI~J

lJtJIU 2556 3J~lil~ufilLn~~leuroJd~ 216 ~

u~nQJluUn~ rilLU~LYh~ ~-ril~ ~eilUltJml ffU~1ltJfin~ ncil1h ~LVI~I1

JJfl~~t1V1~I~~lJmtJ~llii L~euroJJlln~~t-J~~1u n~JJ-trllulU eleuroJtJ tJlJWlll Ul~3JJ1~U LL~ ~~wil1fl3JlruL~3J LLlt1i-lill

LU~euroJn~nml3J~U 15jj eJiLUUL~aJ l~UllmiJ-ru~l~ILlt1~tJ t-lil~~tpJ illPl

euroJtiYi 7500-9000 Ulrl UYJU i~1l~ lI bull cd ~euroJltlU Vl1nml3JIfUeuroJfVl aJil~lL~ LV20 m ~llfll 6000 U1YlLYhilu

~UtJllljlll m~illlml~W1~J3Jl

LVI~euroJ 60-61 Ulrl lt1ieuroJnT~n13J LIjllil~u~ LiJltln~~L~3J ~urlumlt-J~~~J llm-nllTIj~

d ~ T Llt1GwmlYi


630-780 Ulrl w1euroJn ~n~3J LIjnt-J~~~~euroJeuroJn3J13JlnLL~ilmlU1L-li13J1

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Ministry seeks to resume small-lot rice sales in August PETCHANET PRATRUANGKRAI THE NATION

THE COMMERCE MINISTRY is preparshying to resume selling rice from its stockpiles in early August gradually releasing it in small lots of about 5000)0 tonnes a month

Duangporn Rodphaya director-genershyar of the ForeIgn Trade Department said a ~ubcommlttee had agreed the mmistry slthould go ahead and sell rice from the stockpIles and not walt tor completion of a Junta-ordered mspectlOn of the stocks bull I he nce-release planwhlch Will be proshy

posed to the Rice Policy and Management Committee soon includes sales through general auctions to exporters and local traders by government-to-governrrient contracts and through the Agricultural Futures Exchange of Thailand

Puangporn added that the department wopId ensure the stocks are released transshyparent With the Fmance Mmlst and the Prime Minister s 0 ce joint y inspecting the f0cessc

T~e department reported that about 55 per cent ofl800 rice warehouses had so far been inspected by the teams dispatched by the militarys ruling National CounCil for Peace and Order The teams are expected to complete their mission by the end of September

About 18 million tonnes ofrice is reportshy

cerns over roug t an ower pro uction in many countries amid higher demand in many others I here IS a good posslblhty that ThaIland will export 10 million tonnes 9pound nce thIS year It is expected to sell off all 18 million tonnes in its stockpiles within three years she saId

The department reported that Thailand was able to sell 535 million tonnes of rice in the first six months middotup by 50 per cent year on year while export value rose 19 percentto US$27biIlion (nearly Bt86 bilshylion)

As ofJuly 16 the price of5 per cent Thai

Afile photo shows asoldier inspecting rice stockpiles at a warehouse in a eastern province

white rice was quoted at $427 a tonne up from $410 the previous week

She added that production bfThai paddy rice in the 2014-15 harvest season was proshyjected to be less than 38 mi1lion tonnes because of drought in many areas

Charoen Laothamatas president of the Thai Rice Exporters Association said the government should consIder sellIng rice from its stockpiles in small lots of about 100000-200000 tonnes per auction to avoid impacts on the m-rket price

The government has less pressure to accelerate the sale of rice frbm the stocks The country has holder power It should ensure transparency and minimum impacts to the market he said

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INTHE WAKE ofrising concern over the t reatmen t oflabour farmers we1shybeing and the environment in global trading the International Trade Promotion Department is urging more lhal busmesses to seek FairTrade cershytification so that their products are more easily recognised and have a

greater chance in the world market place

At a seminar on Fair Trade Mark and trading of Fair Trade products in theinternationaJ market heldyestershyday by the agencys Office of News Overseas Markets Development and PromotIOn Duan kamol Jlambutr e U Irec or- ener ot e eplrtshy

mentSal t atonlyasmallnumberof thaI compames and sUEP)Lc~~ms current~apphedthe FairTrade Marllt

The epartment lrill therefore continue to support Fair Trade certishyfication by promoting an awareness campaign amongThai man ufacturers and exporters she said

According to the Netherlandsshybased Fair Trade Original organisashytion about 30 Thai companies and supply chains have received FairTrade

certification to date This guarantees that they engage in faii treatment of farmers have good labour conditions use no forced or child labour offer fair prices to suppliers and operate with transparency accountability and respect for the environment equity and freedom lt)nd have fair trading practices

Duangkarnol said the department in cooperation ~th Fair Trade Original now had a target of increasing the number of certified businessshy iSnap es and products by 10 per cent ayear

The main goal is to help agriculshytural and handicraft producers as well as manufactures and exporters to achieve better trading conditions and to promote sustainability she said

Certified members of the Fair Trade programme will likely be able to leverage the quality of their prodshyucts for higher prices with certificashytion ensuring world-class social and environmental standards and more recognition in the international trade area she added

Thai export products alreadyusing the approved Fair Thade logo include

rice coffee tea cane sugar cotton freshfruits herbs and spices ockershywork handicrafts pottery and ceramshyics

The official said the department also would like to encourage busishynesses in the shrimp and fishery secshy

ate consultant for Thailand said the overall value of Fair Trade products had increased considerably in the past few years as consumers now had more awareness about fair trading conditions and the environment

Consumers are willing to pay more for Fair Trade goods if they feel they have bought a product whose manufacture is highly responsible to society Today prices of Fair Trade products are also very competitive

the same as leading brands Enterprises should adapt themselves to produce Fair Trade products in order to ensure sustainable growth

tors to comply with Fair Trade certification so that they do otfaceproblems due to unfa abour treatment Every Fair Trade product is subject to labour-standard checking she explained

Manasnan Pongjayavanij Fair Trade Originals aS60ci~

and access to many markets said the consultant

According to Fair Trade Original the value of fair trade goods in the global market excluding the US rose from 1 billion (Bt427billion) in 1996 to 48 billion in 2012 Expots ofThai fair trade products were wOlth about Bt300 million in 2012

More than 30000 products are now on sale in 125 countries and the global Fair Trade system currently works with over 12 million people across 60 countries

Manasnan said many more Thai products could get the Fair Trade mark So far many local brands sllch as Doi Chang coffee plus local proshyducers of soy sauce chjli sauce pineapples and bananas are wellshy

known for having the mark which is accepted widely

Martin Boon development manshyager for Fai~Trade Original in the Netherlands told the seminar that with the global market having growshying recognition of Fair Trade prodshyucts many markets were increasing demand for products carrying the logo - and that Thailand had high potential to serve sllch worldwide demand


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THE NATION ~ JULY 20141lI Sihasak reassures EUteam over juntas reform roadmap SUPALAK GANJANAKHUN DEE THE NATION BRUSSELS

EARLY ELECTIONS vtithout reform would not help restore proper democshyracy to Thailand That was the message related by acting Foreign Minister Sihasak Phuangketkeow when he met his counterpart from the European Union in Belgium this week In a bilateral meeting with David OSullivan chief operating officer ofthe European External Action Service Sihasak said Thailand had a clear roadmap to restore sustainable democshyracy and that the EU should support

this process of reform The roadmap and its related reform

will help strengthen our political econshyomy and will also be of benefit to our partnership with theEUin the longnm he said

Sihasak was in Brussels for a minisshyterial meeting between representatives ofAsean and the EU and spent much of his time briefing representatives of Eillopean nations aboutthe situation in Thailand

The E U along with the US and other Western countries strongly criticised themilitaryforits May 22 coup The EU suspended a number of cooperations withThailand as well as several visits by high -level officials It also recommendshyed that member states review military cooperation with Thailand

The EU said last month that it wouldmiddot

not sign a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Thailand and that the negotiation of a free-trade agreement (FTA) would not conclude until an electshyed government was in place

Sihasak told OSullivan that an electshyed government would come eventually Before that however Thailand needed time to implement reform to have a strong democracy

The time frame of 15 months or so for the reform is not too long ifwe want to make sure that our system and democracy are sustainable he said

Thai people are aware of the issues facing our country and we are working on addressing these concerns so the EU as a partner should support us

The EUhas the right to voice its conshycerns about the situation in Thailand

middot but it should also ensure it is sufficientshyly informed on specific cases he said

Concerning detention and martial law the EU should make sure it has corshyrect information about who is under

middot detention and if there are concerns about human-rights violations the EU should specify the cases he said

Sihasak discussed the situation in Thailand Vlrith many European MPs

middot while in BrusselsTheyincludeq Franck Proust special rapporteur on the FTA and Samuel Cantell head of the ecoshynomic trade and regional cooperation delegation Many of them have experishyence in engaging with Thailand and have a clear understanding ofthe current sitshyuation in the country Sihasak said


Pension scheme for farmers proposed

Farmers in the future might look forward to retiring on a government pension

Charnpittaya Chimplee directorshygeneral of the Rice Oepartment said yesterday ttiat under a draft bill dealing with the rice development fund members would contribute about 3per cent of their monthly income to the fund and the state wou ~d also chip in ayet-unspecified amount

When farmers reach the age of 60 or 65 they will start receiving a monthly pension bf about Bt4OOO

Most farmers earn less than other workers so the fund is neces- sary for their future Charnpittaya said

Other proposals for the bill are being gathered and the contents wi I be improved before its submisshysion to acommittee on rice producshytion and markets and the National Council for Peace and Order


Farmer happiness down from August WICHIT CHANTANUSORNSIRI

Farmer happiness last month dropped subshystantially from its peak last August when they had high hopes of stable income from the Yingluck Shinawatra administrations rice pledging scheme reports a Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BMC) poll

The state-backed farm banks farmer happiness index fell to 7851 in June from its highest level of89 in August said senior executive vice-president Somsak Kangteershyawat The poll surveyed 2346 farmers

Happiness from family health a good society jo b financial position and the quest

for knowledge were the six factors used to measure the index

The survey found happines from the family scored the highest with a score of 341 out offour followed by health at 321 a good society at 320 job at 314 fmancial position at 285 and the quest for knowlshyedge at 274

Farmers from the Northeast regygIiwere the happiest vvith a score of 314 while those from the North scored 313 the South 312 the East 297 and Central 299

Asource at the BMC confirmed Augusts poll was taken when the farmers mood hit a fever pitch as they felt they would receive an elevated level of compensation from the

rice pledging programme The National Council for Peace and

Order (NCPO) is seeking sustainable ways to help farmers after losses from rice pledgshying which offered prices 40-50 higher than the market price could reach 500 billion baht

The juntas measures so far largely includelowering rice production costs and slowing the release of supply to lower price pressure

The source said prices of tapioca sugar cane chicken and pork are gaining in the second half while those of rice corn rubber oil palin and whiteleg shrimp are declirun ~ bull bull imiddotI middot7~

Regarding rice prices the source said the price of paddy with 15 moisture content could average 7500-9000 baht a tonne while Hom Mali prices are projected at 14000-15000 baht in the second the half

Even though the agricultural sector conshytributes only 84 to the countrys GDP there are 167 ffiillion farmers making up 26 of the population

National Statistical Office data shows the ratio of farmers who earned over 100000 baht a year rose to 286 in 2013 from 97 in 2003 while 643 graduated from prfshymary school down from 704 a decade ago Farmers shouldered average debt of 124604 baht per person last year

BANGKOK POST 41 FTIupbeatabout domestic car sales PIYACHART MAIKAEW

The Federation of Thai Industries (FT) remains confident that domestic vehishycle sales will top I million this year defying some car makers projection of sales declining to between 900000 and 980000 vehicles

Domestic demand started picking up in the previous quarter as private firms and farmers bought new pickup trucks for their business expansion and new cultivation said Surapong Paisitpatanapong spokesshyman for the FIrs automotive industry club

The club forecasts pickup truck sales will contribute 55-58 of domestic sales against 442 in 2013 while passenger cars dropped to about 40 from 474 last year

The passenger car market has normalshyised after demand was absorbed by the gov- emments first-time car buyer scheme said Mr Sura pong

The club yesterday cut its 2014 forecast for Thailands automotive output from 24 million vehicles to 22 milliori It also cut domestic sales to 1 million vehicles hom 12 million while exports stand finn at 12 million vehicles

FTI vice-chainnan Suparat Sirisuwan~ nangkura said Thailand was expected to remain in the worlds top 10 automotive manufacturers this year with production in countries such as Canada and Russia also expected to decrease

The International Organization of Motor

Vehicle Manufacturers said Thailand was the worlds ninth-largest automotive manufacturer in 2013 and 10th in 2012 Production (ast year totalled 245 million vehicles the highest in 52 years and up by 014 from 2012

The club yesterday reported that car proshyduction fell by 261 year-on-year in June to 160452 For the first half Thailands car output fell by 29 year-on-year to 952685

Domestic car sales in June totalled 73799 dOVll by 304 on the same period in2013 while 440911 cars were sold in the first half down by 405

By contrast car exports in June rose 657 to 103946 earning the cOUDtry497 billion baht In the first half exports rose 36 to 560047 cars with export value rising 895 to 265 billion baht

The FII yesterday reported that the industrial sentiment index improved for the second straight month in JW1e

The index rose to 884 points accordshying to the FIr which conducted a survey among 1100 industrial operators It stood at 851 points in May when sentiment improved for the first time in seven months

FTI chairman Suphan Mongkholsuthee said sentiment has improved because of the more stable political situation and an increase in purchases of products thanks to the Fifa World Cup football tournament

The industry outlook index for the next three months stood at 1019 points rising from 101 in May

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AUTO EXPORTS INCREASE Despite the sluggish recovery of

the export sector auto shipments continue to expand but still by not enough to counter the reduction in dorriestic demand for cars

The industry has been forced to brake this years production target from 24 million units to 22 million

The target for domestic sales has been lowered from 12 million units to 1million which represents adrop of 251 per cent or 335154 units from last year

Surapong Paisitpattanapong deputy chairman and spokesman of the Federation of Thai Industries Automotive Industry Club said yesterday that lower domestic derriand the end ofthe governments first-car tax-relief programme and the delay in gov~ errirnent and private investment

middotprojects had contributedtothemiddot change in the production target However this new figure is still

middot higherthan the forecast for T8 milshylion units before the big floodiri 2011and domestic demand is

expectedto shitf intoforWard gear i

middotnext quarter~ The economic recovery payshyrnent for farmersuncter the rlceshy

pledgingscherneandreturn of investment will increase revenue l

in other industries and put more rnoney in peoples pockets he middot said

o C1I C1I Q ltgt If

NATI0 W nHUjijIJW iI j pound~TW1

ru 11~ JU L Y THE

Temporary charter should furthershyboost confidence ERICH PARPART THE NATION

THE FEDERATION ofThai Industries believes the temporary charter will further increase the confishyden~e ofdomestic and foreign investors along with buslness op~ratrs while the recent strengthening of the baht IS stJlI tolerable for the export industry as long as anyfurther appreciation is neither too rapid nor drastic

_The FTI also said yesterday that its Industries Sentiment Index (TIS) had increased by 44 points since April

The introduction ofthe provisional charter is in line with the politiCal road map of the NCPO [NationaICoimcil for Peace and Order Jand I believe that in generalinvestors andoperators will feel more relaxe and gai~ more confidence that things aremiddot gomgmaccordWlththeNCPOsplansforanewcharshyter the setting up ofan interim government and the possibility of an election in the future said Supant Mongkolsuthree chairman ofthe FTI shy

In his view the country over the past two months has been running on a smooth surface since the Nepo took power a move which has led to an increase in foreign investor confidence certainty over pubh~ II1vestment policy and rising domestic consumptIOn

These factrs will support the recovery and allow _gross domestJC product to expand by 25 percent this year he said


The FTI had been projecting an economic recesshysion before the arrival of the NCPO

As for exports Supant said The strenctheninO of the baht is related to the increased conffdence of foreign investors which has led to an inflow offorshy~ign funds This will have some effect on the export iiidustry but it is still acceptable for exporters since the currencys strengthening pace is not too fast and the Bank ofThailand is still monitoring the situashytion

The export sector will be able to cope with a stronger baht if the rate does not fall below 3050 per US dollar he said -Moreover since the global economy IS continushyII1g to reco~er the FTI is sticking with its export

- growth projectIOn of35-5 per cent for the year According to Bloomberg the baht was valued at

3176 per dollar yesterday The FTI chief pointed out that if the Kingdoms shy

export value were calculated in baht it would already show lO-per-cent growth year on year

Accordingto the central bank export value in May came in at US$1927billiol1 (Bt6124 billion) whIch IS 12 per cent lower than the same period last year in dollar terms - shy

Meanwhile the TmiddotISI has increased for two month~ in a row The indexose from 840 in April to 851 111 May and to 884111 June amidst calmer political waters the economic recovery the liftingof the curfe - and even Fifa World Cup fever which led to an mcrease in overall production orders and sale figures - shyn~eover~TISI fororBers~salesarid prod-udiai- -shyIII allll1dustnes rose from 802796821 points in May to 843 844 879 points respectively in June

OCll ClI Q crf

611W fNlWHiJW (9]~ f) ~~Vl ~1 lVJ 1 ru~J


CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough


GRAFT HAS GOT TO GO nvestors from Japan from which Such concern by the Japanese away existing and prospective forshy

the largest amount of Thailands investors should not be ignored eign investors Countless foreign direct foreign investment comes because they have brought the firms and investors have com~

have called for reduced corruption largest amount of direct foreign plained about the extra costs of and improved transparency in order investment into Thailand The doingbusinessinThailandbywhich to help restore confidence in the Japanese invested over 8t290 bil- they mean kickbacks and undershy

Kingdom lion in projects ClPproved by themiddot the-table money that must be to Setsuo luchichief representative Board of Investment last year That bureaucrats and politicians Often

of themiddot Japan External Trade was nearly 30 per cent of the total they have topayin exchange for pro-Organisation (Jetro) for Asean and foreign investment of Btl1 trillion curement deals with state agencies South Asia last week called on the according to 801 data and public projects People who ruling National Council for Peace Thailand has generally remained refuse to pay are routinely left and Order to kick-start good govershy attractiye to foreign investors due behind by their bribe-paying comshynance that includes combating corshy to positive factors such as the avail- petito rs University of the Thai ruption and ensuring transparency ability of skilled labour efficient Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) rec-particularly about doing business in infrastructure and transportation tor Saowanee Thairungroj has esti-Thailand Now its a good time for systems location andthe consider- mated that corruption adds 30 per Thailand to bring about good govshy able size of the domestic market cent to costs for businesses That ernance for the new era he said But our chronic corruption is scaring she says translates into reduced

comoetitiveness for Thai-made Economic and Business Forecasting pay corrupt officials and politi~ians products and reduced credibility for Centre He surmises that the have to cut costs at-the building site Thailand among foreign investors improvement could be due to posi- and that means poorer quality in General Prayuth Chan-ocha has tive public sentiment following the their public projects and thus a risk made tackling corruption a top pri- juntascampaignagainstcorruption to life and limb ority for the ruling military junta He and organised crime The surveyalso Businesses who pay bribes also says the fight will be part of sweepshy showed that bribes paid to officials offset their higher costs by charging ing national reform together with and politiCians by the private sector the consumers more good governance transparency and had declined to 15-25 per cent of middot Since corrupt authorities and an efficient and effective system of project costs frbman average 25-35 politicians make money and bribe-checks-and-balances Thailands per cent previously paying businesses make profits it is corruption index in the first half of Despite the seemingly slight theconsumersandthepublicingenshythis year improved for the first time improvement in the situation (or- eral who suffer in five years according to aUTCC surshy ruption remains amajor problem for They end up paying more uhnecshyvey The indexinJune was registered Thailand essarilyfor products and public proF at 46 out of a possible lOa com- In addition to the weakened ects the quality of which is poorer

pared to 39 last December says competitiveness and reduced cred- Corruption should beeliininated or Thariavath Phonvichai UTCC vice ibility the public asa whole is affect- at least minimised for the sake of rector of research and director of its ed by corruption Contractors who the country and its people

  • 57-07-24 (กรม)
  • 57-07-24 (ใบนำสง)
  • 57-07-24 (กระทรวง)

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(23 n f1 T UlpoundJlff1 ffd11f~111 ~ltilJ1OJl1lfmlmlm1-l~Vll(1)LYlEJ lh~i1f1~Yil-llU m1~IfeJU~~lrnbLf1lf1runl~411 If(1)~ 4 n~11JVl11-lniltiIl1~1feJ1J-ii111uTnli1-lnm-l lJl-ltl-l~nTIl11m~bYlm~1ffilm(eJ~n) eJ II~m~m~ O)~lL~-lLYIl1-l~ULDutJu

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u11jjuU-ltJutltJ1uneJ-l-ii11Jl1 25 LtJtl~LU~-slU1~ln fi1U~3-Jlrnf1-leJpoundiltili3-Jju~n 88005 m~fteJ~ fl1UmlMftpoundJVlltJVl~m~el~f1runlrll~tlc-J~mlI11l-1o)l~~l1~~ln Vl~~ tJ-llu~ljVlUl~~l1lyenl(l~U~~ttl bull -

1bVJ61~Vlb~6 J~ nan~lr1~ 2557

~ ~




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millhn(11)J nTl)lJ1fJ-ETllull~Eln

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UI -pJU)1111iillElEln-E11lJ11 5

LEllJlmj L~EllU~ 16 nII~1-hwn ~Uiil 427 Ll11fJQlll1fj L~)JffUI1n~Uiil 410

Ll11fJQlll1fj 1(1fJlJrudfjlJ1~1YlfJSj-E11

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NiilN~(1-E11LtJ~ElnUnTlN~(1 25572558

lti1U1U 38 ~lu~u-E11LtJ~Eln

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ii(1~mrn~llm~mNiillElEln-E111YlfJ mhl

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tJ1mruhimn l11mlJ1fJriElU~NiilN~i] -E~1)JlUl~n1iil 2557255l 1ElElnmlu

lh ~ L~~U (0111 11 middotmiddot I11)~Yl1Jnm111 (1~1(1-E11)J1noJn middot LLvil11nN~N~(1-E11

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)ll11fflElEl n-E111YlfJffU)J1LUU~Uiil 4~0 Ll11EJQlll1fj -E11L1EJ(1U1)J~U~ 420

Ll11Jrulll1f~ bull-


VliiIJJVln bull fjn lI~JJLntl~iWmm1fj ~)jUrnlJJlJYIV1ULLl1 ln1lVlim~tl~nii8u lJW1JU11lJ

310 Ylm~JJ 4 f1LLUU m~middotlVIillhlVI~ i1)jl1~~~aWi1mlJJ ltlJJ8EWi 327 IlLLUU LnllVlimN

~lJt11 Yf~vJJLLU~ll(JniloVI1thvhJJ ilmt11w Uahfli1l1il L~Vl1(iL~J jj~UIl11lJ~1lW 31

l1~ulillriYiTIJJLIlitl~iiY Yi~rulf6lf Ullll lv1LvLL~Ui1l1V11 I1UUU rtluLnllVlimW~llvi1mi

L~iJU1~ 5 UU~ L~JJ I1U LnllVlilj~iiAl1lJllllU1lV~llVl U1VaJJ~n~ n~lhl(ilJU lUj~1Jlnnflultl~ilLUU 7851 ~1V1fUi~1Jl1l1lJfillll1ll

iJltAVln1iliUlI11iL~8nliLn1lVli LVlV aill (lll tillU 111 JJ Ill Ln1lVllnl11~llai1UL~ULI1iln1lrU

LlOl al1mrumiLmlVli (lina) lJ8llnllilin~ltllLVlA1V1v LLUl lthUl-nl1 Wml Ln1lVlimlj1l11JJ

LlJVlll-JVl1 ~WJNv una1riltli1lt1 LiJU1Ji1mA ~ti 1l1I1n(l1l n ~lllJl r1lllJLviJJ1UlJl1l~1Ui ~U IIl1lJ~Vl Lnu ll 8ln ~JJ(i1 8 Ull tillUA11lJfi1J1lWi 29911UUU lJ1n~IVl aiUI1LLUULO~V 335

Ln1lVlimluYJn~l111VlvhtlilVlA 1l1IlVl1u1l1lnLQUlL11U8 nti1l1 nnlllLUUL~lJ 4 IlLLUU I11Vl1~l

-)114114 2346 ilU 1U1illl~1lU 1l11lJ~ll1l~~ 314 llllUU 11111 1~fu~U~lnlAilnll1U~ltil-nll

JJV2557 ~l-nEl i~Ul1lllJfilJ L11111l jj~il11lJ~ll8~~ 313 LVl VLnll(iJlni ~tl~n-nll rtlU1 l1l1lj

IJ1l~LmVlimlV1v WU11 I1YlJJ IlLLUU 111111ril lj~ll11l1l1lJ~llJ~ A1l~lll111 itiulJln1ultl~Vlluu fillm OlillJll 1ll Ln1ltiri ni1VlU1U ~ 312 I1LLUU LLrII11Il(iJ1U(iJn 886 Lii8lltllnL~8l~UL~Wl~1jj 1l1wilJJ1l~1uitiu~lJln ailU jjffl1fi11l1lJIllJ~ 297 IlLLUU ltlmwlIli8l1-illUL~~U

d a l1lLUUlWu 310 ltI1nlLUWVllJ ll(]l~~fJ~im~tl~nr~r11iiP~1Jil JElnltnnti VllllilllLIlillshy

4 llUU LVlULnlVlmiljAl1JJIIlJ 1111lJltllllllltlVlJEWi 328 11 lLUU nllvlpoundJIl~ll1~liJ 2557 ~llU1U bull v

~l 26-32 LVluNu~hLnllVllViltl 1l4~tiini1lU nlilllU-ill11Ull~8n jjilAl~iu laiuri m~ltlyj~l f~ulm-huiEvill1 ~nlit1ilJrI ii8VLll~lULWJ1Vll(lVlilU lri hltl nlilJ1UVlillumru~~1l

11 ~ ~ ~ LU8 urIIm 1l111i1JIlUA1LnllVll jjlh~1l8-n1lL-nllJ1iVlLvU ~1l ful(iJl1ilAll(lVlrllL~rMV l~LUi lllrJLLuuf~vi1Jf~ ~~lts) LLrInli

-illl -nlLW(iJl~Vlamp(iJl U1lWlil tlilJrlN1UVl(llVl~8lJ1VNU~1 111~JJt11~U lLrIrNlJllLLlUUlllJ Ln1l(imi1ll1Ul LL ltli lViillVI V

LLviUljjil~~Vl~Vl~~8l~U(iJl~lUU (LfllIVVl) 1VlULLeJWl1J1vihlltiL~ VlLIlllailui il~111t1lvillJ LLUl tli~lJ1ruIilUL~1lU ltlIlti lQ~U 1UlJil~1~Uu~~1l1l~I-J(lni tl1lJ 1 run 1 liU 1 V-iilltli lJ1 ru

V1U~ltltliUYJUnliI-J~(iJ Yillmll(li1 L~1l1ja 5 lLllUIifU

LlrlnLtl~VU~HuWlU ilo1111lll ~~U eJ(lnlj(ljllll~8niill

U1Vll11 ~IJLLa amp(iJ1Ln1lVli~1l1 121J1r1~~Ln1l1l~ltllVlI1 1800 gy3Jpfn~ ni-r~J1

Ullil1lVli l1lVlVlmB ltlfuJ~ LLl lill(iJlaijjnllVlil~1nliflll~1 nllJnlihliilltl1LVlII mhl11 55 ll8lLn~~~l1lJVl 1Vlu~uUU d middot ~1 25-35 tll1ai1lai~nll Vltli11lJIl ru 8 ~m llJ n 1li UlU 11nWiUlv-iil1114 ll~8nf~ulr1 a 1l~liJLLin IlWUUl-JrIltllnllI11Yi llll lJlJVlL11U1JElULLI-JUVVllilllflm rlt1 VLUlmlllJLtl~l1lll~~n

LI1l1llnltl1~mL(lLIli]lnltllV1vti nlil1J1mrl1 L~LflU1lArumilJ Ll(l1UnlllJ1V-nl1ltlvilltli lVlI1

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2557 llJV1V~ll~ 16-24 (UUll) ~n ~a1ltli~Y15 ~UVl1 LllJ1~EJ L11~1ll~1llnlj~l88n ailUil Il1RUfhLn1l(iJi~l 181Jl 11lVIiilliru~fml11111m~U mhJLtlilJ~ L~mLUlollmLtill~1 1i1 1 middot-middot

11~llJ2557 jjLLU11iilJltllJU1V LL11-)lllili ((lllll) LUUlhl1U -iill1vlpoundJYiLAtJltliltlum


ij ~mlUI7lU~]f)t1]YIUY~tn1h1Hl-lIllUll ]lIl~mtJ1U2 I~BW nBud] l-JDnJ1ndu~lhu~lU)~(JnmI~ilhhnl-J ftj1l1 111WllelU r(Q111~Ulh-l~iJtJIjf) 10000 ~lUUlVI ~lU nolllu lI]Ut-lU 20 1 UD~uJ~umm~illDl1111D1JjLi)l-Jllun~

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1~1lLrIU1l nilJnllltUlllJmn 2 I~Dl-Ji-lmlflmn rl-JfI~IIClamp~Ul-l il D~11l-Jlr~l-J lii1l11n~1I11l-J11l ~1I1 ~J~I U4

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~lJ~wuCf~l-lundlUI i1~D]J1ll-J1l W~ ll-Jnll Ifl~D~JJmfl~1Jltl1iilfl~D-l~n1nn Qum(lJ111D~l~1~11~ ltiJ 11uilI1l1-Jlll ~1I1~ JlJlJ 1 n1~Ulni~ r~111Ull~[JnllrJtiil~lJflruf1lWhlllfl1lUl-JilllJ i iii l-lnml1l-l1 J1iJ1-llfrDl~~~ 1~DH11111l-J1JJnll ~ UUl lJl ruUl~Jl iJ Ul1 ~lJn D~1tJ l-l i l-lU II l n

)h~IWU~~HlllClrl~~Hl1nll11l-J1il-JnllnYl liiuJ~unllrJ~Yl~iillruf1lwll-lllmdjl-lilllJmh~ 10000 il1l-JU1Yl 1~14hl-ld~1l-llruJ1n 51- Utl~ ~1-J1~l-lnll~~~ltiJ1l djl-llll1~~I~l-lVll-lI~DftUUftl-Jl-l I~U~YimCl~r)(i~ TIlUUl~~1l-lnU11l-Jfl1~lMuliiD~ lJMl 1111 U~Dn~1I11l-l1rJ~ill~UCl~ 30 ~ll-J~l-J

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iiTn~~D~l Wl~l-l~lil l1n~djl-JltU1l]Jt1~1i1Ilh~ lJ()fh~~n11 ~~1 Ul-Jlul~~11l-JiJ~l1U141l1nnlJ~Yll-l1 ~ ~ T~U~l~~ Tn~~lnuiil1rjrlUlIYlrT 1800 llv1~ilJurun~n~1l-JDl-l1flVl

l~ml~lull~1551 liD Tn~~y~i1lJ~ml QIli1~1-J1nElill nl~llJ1j(lyf1i~ llvi

fllll U~UWriltlU l~ft~A )lnl (ilJmiddotI~~D~ml~)~Il~ ~l-lVll-lnll~~IlIul-ln1lD~i1l-JWWl1lIl~l-J1IH~1i

OClJ Q tI A~

611U fN1 U H)~LJ 9l J nJ~Vli1jW1 ru6(J tJ

~1ZJ _ 2557 5 21

Udt~~U1HU11UU~ ~ U1dilfniuf1ifMIanijd


nlm~Iij mmHni ~nlJ~mlJf11i lJV~flrun1~1WVil1U1VJ1WiWf)fliYli1~

ft1~1~UiIYlff lUUW11 ViuilflJTlru l41flh61u1lJ1 lhvnW~1lil LllW mlWNf11i

IVWfliilJflliiUlVu11iilJ~d~W1I~uilflW mi~ rl1rflW1VfljjlJ~1l5 l~vlllwWflmJ QVlmiddot1ifflff1lfflmUlvu1l lIDW111~uillJ 1uMm ~Wl1fl I1 WflliIJ1Vu111uvh~ Tl ru milJflliW 1vlJ1v llillJjl1mi~flliu11 Uil Ylffll 1 MV1l~fflJ1TllJ~dJvVflu111 Vl(J (cUt

I d 1 u 1 1 cl d d ( WlJIJ ) YllJ 14 v uiQl1li 1lWVli VlI1lJ1lllV Wmiff~VVflIJ11VV1~L1llJVl Il4VliVfi

Il11l1r1Tlru~mllTl11lJff~1111li~lI1~ (Tlffll) mWlL1j~~m~u11~L~VfllJflWlJ1 l11fl1lm~ lt

1~WUili1U l~vlJv1Mv4~mV11flliln(JcU1l 1~mTllVflllWiJ~~~uV111n~1 Wf11iIJ1Vfl1ft i ~ Q -Q I JuG V 1 I 1Wff1lVm111ilmWllifl1i1ll~ 1 1lfW flll iOIlIlI1 ulI1V s1IUllJilvT11u f11iIJ1V1Ii~mru~~vlV~flll~V rlll1~111VlVfliill~mml~lfll91lmri~

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v f bull

~ bull I ~ bull1) u u u ~ I-eruTl~Lfll91llil1~l1U11ll1~UilVlff IIW ~ LVln1l il1W1lWWU il1~~Wfl1lf1 fllill il ~UlflVU

1tHlliilJlVr11ll1~~WI~VW ffTlil trJWvlW f11iVVfllJl1MTl11lJlllW111liUlll1~ middot

lUl1~Vl~~tH~VW 500000lU W1tJllljt1J ImhlililJl1rn1 U1Vfl ~~ lSI v lIJ lQI


YlWllWIWlJllmIJ111lil1~ lilfllllJ fflJ1TllJrjff~VVOIJ111VlV flilll11 l~lJlillJ

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tilJriUnTV1rnlJIll11h1t1 nTi1Tl~LLN~u4~lUlJ1nmJUffil~fl~

~lJ1U~UMUffillJ~l1iillu1Ull1 1~~ 22-25 nffilll1~ 2557 ~ ~Z1UllJIfll~ LLflfmnuU)tJI1U~u14i1~n i9 flf

Ut1nlln~ 1~L~iw~4i1I1U lJInrm~~jjJlrumlJllU ~U ~JllJ~lJ1mhllll1U TWll11U~ 30 ~m)lf1~-4 ~II~fI~ 2557

iiit11lllrD1LflULltl1 3 flUULL~ i1~~wlhLL fn11UTll~tilJ LL Yill II q _ dI _

LlJfll1fll1l1U Ut1I1U YilrulltJlJULr-1flflUL~mtjm IIUIIJllJlllJ

l~U1llllU ~n 5 fltl vTlUTLi1f1 TJlJnl~~~nu lJ~nT~ rJ~~Jlrul1lllJlIU 4 111f1 ~n 2 Ilfl

mU1UL~tlU~~1~lJ 2557 ~ILW1UYi1rull6IlruffiU 94 tJ nTi1Tl~YilrullrniJ)JnuR1U~nl~t11l-i LL~hui1ln~tl 14

LLW ~i1nlnmJfli1T1~l~uffi 1UYilrulltJ~TnTJ)J1 filT1f11~U~ ~1JfIJl~llJUTn1llU rwhy)u~ 1~24~Iifl~ 2557~ffiflilT1ffi ~Jln~l~nh 10000 Tltl 1UVJn~1l11vTJU1Li1f1 ~IUvi 20-70

~ bull Q ~

mI1TllWlrulltJ~li1Jl n11i1lLUUnln1TlJflI1lIl1111tllilYi

mlJuttJU1t1~Ugtlll~~IJlJ1ll 1I~middot11 1UII11~ IliltJfl~Jl1rlh ~ffil~yl~nUU1ll1l1U1tii1lrJl1iitlLilfl~

I _ _ lmutYlIilflln1jlJillJilLYi~LlmJLflmnUn11lill1U lMnn~

~f~lJlruWJ lJllU ~UAJ1lJ~rd1 ilthlI1lIu lllJ1TClFlulT1t1flL~tJi1 lffli MNNmocQQh lffiiilUCl1lJlffli~ltJmUnTi1rnmMltJ1203

( (gt


Cjnsi31 (8 wn) 155-160 nn ]K~drflid~(~UlMbi)iLf-rf~middot - IfiO-it ~~~tifW-(nr1T+~

lulri (IUDS 3) 34-35 Woo

~iOriqltTI=~r1J~OIo~middot r~q ~~ ~ 3~(Qoi3~19)M~~~ouj 9Qiin UllUK) 100 1420-1430 nsClou 100 nn

amp~~ ~g~~(Ft~P i)~ r~~~~~~I~~~~~~~2middotg2~~~~~t~~yen~~ii~~~~~middot~middotmiddot ~- wnQwu (Ra) 22-25 nn

Xailili1ffOi-sect~~~lIri-~~~~~~ i~~q ~r 4 middot~ifIiriri~~)-fr~jtmiddotmiddotmiddot wsnUlilJ (~um) 4-5 Ua

)3~ifiW(J(treg~1~~~_middot~~fi ~2~2~5Sjt2~11reg5[gt RUI nSUmSA1f1181u nsnSlOWlrUl1E1

2J 2557bbk1V1k1

c OJ c c 151llH HQU V1 Yl J ftVI tJ 1j fI IJ

ltV V r Q iCS

tn-naHn (HI ff flW VI W 1 fl eJ 11 UVI

njlJ ifl Iff~lJ f1l jrl1jl1i1 llhmf1

lU~INEJ11 ffUrl1fflfH)f)UUlvlU

~llUU IiiUlthbl fflJ~U liff~llf11W ftfnJUJ~~ 111~UllU1iim1lJl~mrU 1UffUrl1lvW jllJJlff~1lm1lJlu1i~


Iii Ul ou fljU1 11 f)1 j uU VI UU f1lj

N~~~tJf)IiiUl U(1f)U1liIljlHU

[) V1l 1UU1jjjlJ VI llJlf) lJl VI j~1U

ff1 f) (1 f) j lJ ~ l 1 ~r91 Ill1m l flU

1Y1UlHlWY1 VIiffY1 lJ1ffl (Thailand

Trust Mark TTM) IUWlim

fft1J f1EmJUl1l Tn llJl~mjU111 fJ tllf11W

ffUrl1U(l1J~f)ljhlU lYim~lJluf)lff

Vl1lf)ljrl1Un ~lhmilJf1lj1V1m~1U ll(l~lllhlY1f1 jllJJl rillff~lJfffll fllW Kf)ll ru~~U ull~l U 1Uf)1jriluUf)

11lUUlll1 ftl N~i1lYUrl1 U(1lJ~f)lj~ii fJtllf11W fhWlnl~lln91UlJ m


I~ fJUfJ1 fJftlu V1 ~~tJftltfmJ W11JtI1I1U eJlfllJIllfl lhlITU

fljjlJf)1jlJ~l11j lJ~rll YiWWWff

(lllEJIl(1U~) ~10~ lU91INfJ11 U1f)


Yijf)l1hUlll1i1l 1 W1J111fl~fmhU1-]




Il1f1 1f) 111 ~huU Yijnll~ii f)lj l~lJ1il ff-) uV1-)lim~u) 1l(1tY)iillUl1ulJ~U l~hJlilLl~D f)lJl f)11111 U ~)rUlriu vd d ooltvdv

lU1 1 lJU1fllJ 2557 mllVlU)llJ1 1 ~ f = 1

lVIfi LU I1UTIjU9fU f)Il f)lj l91t)1Ylff

91mJ fliu) ff1m)~iiEJu91U1tlfflff91 ItlwrU~1Jl1~)1U1f)ll1ft ~l1UiJ 5~7 IlHllJlhlJ1tllfli1 ~ 100 11111111

1U f)Wl il (119111(11 EJlEJ ff1 I1 l91EJIl

iif)ljUEJlEJff1lJ1l~lJ 10 ff1U1 1UiJ

2557 il1f1l~lJYiiit)~ 20 ff1U1middot lHl

IlIEJ1EJl~lJflf) 15 ff1U1 1UiJ 2558

ll(llVilJflf) 25 ff1U1 1UiJ 2559

J~ flafl~1rUJ 2557 bullbull 1 j

) ~ i i



tJfl5ClUuJUSJlEJUfllS UUytw f1f]U(iJ1f1f1Sv~mmiw~m1JI1Ti~If1l1Jtr1f1 lJfiFJfJ1Y11N nfl11fW ~ei1UJlJn7JSrnJJuriS1~mJiJfJntVVI~ufVJnJJlJftflmJI11 1JlJilvmuwJu1wlilJu1NllJmJUmJlnviuTflJoJri1Jlnvwu~ ~ - ~

nisvl JJliPl (Thailand Trust Mark TTM) ftfllhvlMNjflN1111Nv~Tnf)iuvi1l1Jmf1iJm1lJjmtUIjEJtjfllutrU111 tpnlv1mJln[JTurfliJFJrumw~7VJJJ1urifilJVlnmiddotlslnltlW1llritn(i1m1~viiNmJlaquoj~truI11InveuroJthvieuroJjjfl

--- -====~-

v bbU 1tJjW1


ftJttWitllj~ lutflnnl~a~fl3na~al~lan


W 1 uhf 6fl J~UIB flllU11 [J lll11 ~11MI1l11 fl ruYi litH 111 JVI

n 1 jU~fI ruil1~ffU~1l~1l lfl li1 UI~ JJfI11JJTU1)1rfi~1bull bull v

11 ilJ Ofl I1l~ull vnHmJJ1U1 OBU J1~ ~ N fllJ~ L~ poundJlJU~l lu~u~u~mlJri~ nY1lJ flllr11

iI1~mhaVlf1 flci11lI1~1~IUJthli1JliJVl~1JfflJlJJ1 I~U~ ll-wflm~ (Fair Trade) lviU1UJllJlm~1In1IJifqjl1111i-l~1J 1~ uJ ll~ flli1J11f)fl~1 flli)~crlJlJJ1 fl f~if ll~ V f)) ~J111

Ltl f)liJ1Vl U11J lJ1lt1Jh~1ltJ1U ~1l1m~~llJl1 crf1lf) UJcvfll~ Clll

M1U~l15mu-lllvlflm~OJ111lJ1f)rJ 1~u1~I~tyqtJifliluf11i

t)lltll11f)JJlJri]uClf)f)~l 200 i1U 1lJ1~llJ11JYf-l

bull J~ifl~vthrlClf)liJ1UM1U~~1~~1~ri]ClClf)rl1f1WIJCl]~ u

hlO hi111l1tlUltII11 ltII1ml4~lltJ ~~J 1l~iif)I1~lUth1ff V] ii fl11lJJ111 ffJr11V1111JlJV] 111 poundI u o1] lJl f) hHllllYt 1

1 cr~1l1 f)~M1U IfI~u]I1lJ1 poundJU-WflmVl ~] ItlJ Ifl~V]I11J1poundJ1tJiu] fl UJfllll fiJ r11 ~lii 1J1 mii1 Ji~U 11 f)~ J~1J~1J flli flii 1l

r1l [)~U f11i1~1liN1JCl O-ltl f)~U-lLL~iif)I1~lUifll)U~JltI~l] rJ IH ri1111011 ffJ r11UV-J1Vl uJ] lU ~ ~1 m poundIlJtJilVl fHI~1l ~1

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30 Cl-lr1m ~-lnJ]~ltlJf)cilJ~Lhuf)VUf11i 1tJlluo]ltII1mru

1Pl1-l 1 llvlV-liiii f)~lU1UlJ1 f)~ v~1j f) 51~1l 1lJ11J1~lJlu1m]f11i ltv bull tdV ~ dJQ bull

(PI] n~11 mlJll~illJlJV f)UI1U1UJ1Ull mHiCl-lU lliUllilU f)~lJ

tl 1l lt11 11 mllJ u111lm~u lt1111 milJ~ I~ (mJuJ11UlJltlU11l~~ lU1~llJlJVH1li111VJflm~hiiJ1 f)]U


lutJf)~llHmn1unWWllnru1~villM1li1~-l f)ci11

V01-lUuU 6 l~VU llCllfiCl11tJu51 mlJll~1l1l1lJI4fl~milJ Vlf)U l~V1111l f)V-l r1mv1M1um11tJllIKV-lVi1llJ~ elf) If) ruevi

Hq1fl1l1lJ1 1l J~lUU U] ffU r111111J1 f)~lt1 ff1111U f) cilJ ffU r1nt1

1~1U1lnIlWflm lhf)vU~lU lJ11 ~lll1av] lTUrl1UI1elJ

crutJ) unL1U ffUTl1n] uviMiif11JI11~vllm~uhrf)cilJ ffU r11~] ll~tJilJ-l 11 elJ~l f) tl f)ltII11V1UUtyf)1i~ lICl ffU ~1 ~lUlill i] ~lU 11hIf) ~lJif11UlJlHm1IlwfllliVl OUlJ1 f)iiu

iYiJ -I 1uIiI t11 ~ ~il~il i LVlf1~1-l111f)1 l poundI ulJ11J 1l J1 V] f) ci 11lt1]

1J1 f) UU f)1l1f)1l1UU flliltl~1-lml4elf)Iru~~UV~ffUr111V1 poundI 115

0] IlJU f11ifJf) i i1JJ1 fl1 ffUr11111fJJ~1U~lUlJ1 1l Hi1U ll~J1 m

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f)~1 60 U llJUiUUf11ir11iluuluf11mf1-lfll1lJltlUliillJ

1u f)ll~lliJU~J Oil111ll fi ~r11 ll~ qin rilU l~ UllJV] ~111vi l~lImf)lqflfi1l qUUiJtJ qu~1f)fi illJvf-lil1illH-l1U

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1Ui1 mv1 ItlUliiilJ l~ ~u11f) fIltIllJliocffv irUr11in fl um 114

1u J1 mi lulili JilJ 1IiU f)J U V f)1l1 f)if~~vi1-l1U f)vu~] r1f1i

InHlllillhl1uri1 1lUU llllU~ lI1lJ1 ltllJ v iiltlm-w 11lcr ulJ1u f)1ivi1-l1Ui~ iifll1lJtJCltlI1V 1liof)iinUI~V-lIl4f1 iHh A ~

llftllf1 1l llClf11lt1m


1UWmU1~ 12 ~) tJYVli]nmn111nr1~l~U I I1r1f1tJVI1~]

cO _I ~ ~ UtJ~UtJ]IitJ TltJlJiI1V~Vi(1]]lU

hn1tJU 1limyl

~n~lilln~(tJlJ mY1~vlli~~vl ~lilif)rU lmllilu~~NJ111U i um1]lli~I11lJU~)1 11(1 cJilrUI ~UU1~m~lJ

A ~ I A I A A ~ I1lJlllllJ)ilV l~TlYlTlUll(1 1~il~~YIliUVli

nullll mlJll~Vi V~UYI1lUiUfJ1l rJiJ~l~vu ftJ VII () 1 UtJU1TlVl U1Vl nilJu~) i1~llJ1ifi

~111 ~uQl~~ J

b I r I JJ YI d D 0fJ07nl1U7 1

A ~ 1 d 111il1nmY]tJ1llVlV li)V(1~ l(1nitJU 1(1] li lU

)]fl)i~ifilll~U(~tJ rllI~~lJfniyjtJll~v)lluu lli~tJl~lJlJU 1I(1111ll1111

HlJ(1Yl1ltl HlihmufnU

I1~tJ ~~ II U(1l1 ~Uf1ll1Ui~ 111If li1 Unli ~ _ 1 ~ d U l dA

Iml~i l1itJ~~lllJ(1]lUUlmtJl UtJtJnl1lllU

1 UJ1 l~wil~~YIilu~inullllnilJll~Vi v~U llllUl1Jl1J1l~ U~l5VU1tJVII ()

mL~Ell~mnjt1itmUUi1~i1rurulUEll~U1VItJlh ~ u u

LL1fllJEllT~fl LtJ~~rlBrlilLtIUVI1lf)11LLal l~El Lem1~1~a L~ElW~lllUlvJiAh bull hUvlJJ1h 14

tI J d I

llJtJn(11 1000 U )Ull 23 nTl ll ilIIUiluluHh1VliftU~1U~U 1 lliU

l1lM1U fl1V1UI1~U1Uih~11i1U ~U1l mlJ1ifllrJUnl11Ui~J1 l~tJ1~Unmn1ltlVj Vl(11~ tJ U1mn~~ il UUlllJ~ Vi (1)lllJinVl

bull cO li1l1Jffii) il )VlIIH 1l1f)jlJ~iiYi111llll11itJ1fnT bull 1 -11 d 1 d Ifd c lJi1i1UUil1YI Tl(1U~W(1 ltJUIU)iV WUlVl)i

lViiff i1n~ Ilfi(1lu1)liJ~~)U1VlniilJ111li

aUyJi1Ii~ llltJ~U1V IgU~U I1~tJl~vn-)l

l1ltJ~~hii1 ~I11lJ1Hnul~tJl~VffiiiU~IIUU Vi~l~lUlI~~mY1VlV l~V~I1lbvllU~1I (1

l~mliU Vl(1tJ~IlUUili1liU~~1 III liTblJlilJ

U1Vlf)jilJ111111 tJU~lU)UlJ1n tJ1Y1 Vi (1 Vl bull

lJi)1V1~lJl1 ~f)jwUj UllrUllU11m~~~u ~ ~ J i lit

lJ1imU1V)iTnYl lTl)liVlU 1(1U11lnli

II ~l tJ 1Y1 VlV I1~tJ i~tJ 11l)~fh ii~~lllJUl~tJ 1YlVffii~UIIU]J HVi~lllUlyJvhll(1Vi~lllU

Q 1 IitCLI YI ~I lit ~ v ll~101llVlV l~tlmU)iltll~Tl~UiYlll~UU mtl

nlil11Vi~l]1U1I~lmY1VlVil1nll1m~ll1(1~ ~~

~ltJciuUI1~lm 4 IlfiU HIll111jl~lnUVi~l ]1Ul1lUVllVltJ~ lJaUyJilliYllrJUYl) t11l1UYl mi

~1t1Vi~l1l1nulJ)lVltJ5~l~tln~ll1ltJ~fhii~ ~lV milJlyJliJVllTl~)ltlU~cH1t1-lJ)1 lrJUYl)IlU

d 1~I lTl(1tJUlitJ I1luU1ll1U1

Vi (1 tJlllJjn~ mh)~tJ~11Url)UlJtJ]

Yl)l~tJ1hn)u~)vtJ (1iit UVlJUU1~i)1luU ~


U1 5 VlU f))1l 260 IlJm m1lJV1)UUIl1n

nilU~tJ UilJ1lU 6-7 llJm Ul180 1l1U9lllJVli

J111rn 1974 in(1n~lJ fiUJ1~n 20 ll1U~llJVl~ I cO~d d1

1I(11Y1lJ1ifl~Tl4l~ 20 lltN lJm1~lil Ufni

l~UYI1lUilJ1ru 8 fihllJ~i~tJi)1lJl ~ 3

1 UW~UU1Vl 10 ~) UUliJuWJilVII)l 1m

I1~tJlrJU lTl~)l~UtJtJncill ilU1 UJ11~l lfUrlU

Vi (1 fllllJinVl mh) Yd I GI

~lYtJUni1 VllU~)U)l mNil1nmi

liJ~Yl) l~)Vi~ll1UlllYltJ1Y1llV 1~~~lYu1 Il

ll ~ (1 tJlrl ~)Vi ~ll1U Ilffl m Y1 Vl61 ~ tIU1 tIlliU

ll~NIIl~iU tJ1V 74 iJ li1) llmJmmm nri1)V OJ 11

I l ~ ff ) 1 lli1U U 1 ) l ifl Vi (1]l1 U II ~l fl1l1 Vl tIil1 n

I1r~~vYllJ~l~iii1)ff~~lfi~m1lJ~111IYm bull 1 middot A A 1 d uin)U1iinlll~UIi) lJVlUllU U1i)lUfll ~lVd d~d v U1lJUlJi1m~l tJnlll llJ)lJlffm~ll1 (1~ ~ J J~ ~ 1 v

U)VlmilJli4UlC1nU1~ lil IVii1l uUVi(1lllU


Urull U1lUUllUl nm))l U)VlniilJ I

~Ui1Il l~Ull1ll~)n1 I1111l1nuNuintJun1i bull

i~Ul~)I1~)~~mlJ1ifll111111 ~~pfi lIUUrll

lritJllllnull~uUi1fi1J1lJU~i1fnllVil un~l l I1lJ1nUmi~llJ11JillJiJl~tJ1YlV~1i~lUY)fll J IJ I I ~ v

IllV) LVii1 llJ~lr-l(1mYlUVltJ~lll)(1tllJ

v dd1 v I d ~i1]fl1ViMlIrull~ I1llnf)1ill)llllV) 1Ytl~

Tl~)lnu Vi(1 ~lJi)1V1ilJU ~f)jwUyj M lllY~lTm~II1U-)l U1VlfiilJ~U~(itJ lrJ~Yl1l l~)n1 I1liYi~r1l~ml11(1(i)l~U~tJVifil~1U

llfflmY1Vlv(lmnIJ)llm) lrJUiJiJUl1Jl1J1Ufl~ I

TlUillV ffilJ1ifll11Vi~]l1UlllYltJ1Y1~VlJ1H v

Ui 1VliU lliritJ1l1lfi~fmhn1)U unnl

J1lJUllif)1 11(1 lrimYitiunuf)1lHlTl~tJltJu~ 1Uuil~uU

lJlUCllYICl J~~m ttllJlfinlH1fl~nlllJnlJ~lJfm)~~UnJlIl (ilf1U) ()liljJ~dhitiflfl 1~-Jl llwlhdlJJI11mJ~]j VlllfhHm(lm~lj~H ll~1HlJJl IUIlrmiddotltJll i HI 1J] 11 (fflU 11[ ~rulaquoJll V1ll~hh~nDUnljf)ll~~HjllDjtf1f1 1~tli1 J nKuijD~iJlI~)l 1Jjll~n~lJllnUJlnl1lJl1 J(lI~Ifitnntmlll~lJ

~ V I 11

lfI~U11f1fl llui l1lU dhJJll11jvt11vlJDHhhuClI1U1-Jlllmlllnml1111dh lr~ UUllliJJvi1111r~jJntlumjjjfiu11111 ~lJ IIlU1l-liili Ull 3IlD(h~u~IUUllll 1lllJ1ll11hmn fl~JJ1jlj~f1J r~Jltum~Dn D111ll llCllJWJUUlf1r)J OJlllmii1lJ R1~ U~DJV1rIUlm Tlul llt1W1Dn~Ju

m1JIllnl~~~YilJDDn~mllJl1iufhli1JnlH h UUlllUlJipl(WviRufhHCnU l1Jili Ul~U~1l l n ETflU 1lUDmllJ~ JlJJJD~llJmllJ1llrflJi vnDH

iU(llJlJUllll Hq)dluv1~ 1l~jjlJlru1iufh~Ulj~1jUulllnh~lJ ~~Dl1l111lH 1-11DOlluUljl~ihJD i l-iClIlCl~1 Yh~1l1IUU I~D~~UDlJrill1UIl i l-ilill~hJ riu1Tf1fllihi1Ji1IlI~DnffD1i14Al T9itJlihlHllaquowr~ln~ U(J~I~UJnUnlljrU JllUlllUlljJnrul1~DJhltnu 15 ll1D1j1iUfh~uj)lmuluDclln~ 3 il~ CllllJJlJlruUDJUll~nruoViClJ u~~~r~Cl~~D~uV)unm-l~~ClI1Cl~~JtJ 4 UflJUll~nluoVi ciJlll UlUU1J ~DJHljDnu111JJUjl]j~I~UJltiuJ lllll

II q tJ I ct 0 oi tJ r 0 v shyllllnll(1lJ~lllC1Uflll1CllnllUyenl IlIll mlJU1lJ~JYmlUUl1D U~nl1 nlnn~D~C11HnlJlJ m~V1lJJllrullU C1111nJluflru nlllJllllDlMll --

UJllliHiUljlIl~lJfh~1l~11J()[Jti~ 17-31 ~JUIllllJHl1jl~~J~11J 23-41 I( Cl U 1 (uu) m lJd -11 Cf1lJfI (lji1WmCl~ ~-1U JI1 ~DlJ UCl m lJfll UfllJ llJJ1I~lih i l1l flpflUUlllUJ~~Ull~ ll-ilvtq) J~IUllfmlt1l~~UmJnll lJClYlEI 1~uuDnlJl~l III lflJUfllJ1l-iltU1l 1lU 1~Dnmiddotll1UIlIl ulm~jllllil VlCll01lJuJrijlnDUIlll t1~ viJJ iuHitlunf1fllJlIl)un9fD~ufh ~JUlJll U 1111 fJlllJllllllllll ~uJnll

IV ff


~U1~1Villi LnU~~J bull IV a

Vi1u~~f)Li11~~~ cu

inmhv-liil 111Pi~~ Llllnnn1lIHU

ml~nll~~IllfJlNu~tllll (iilIlU) LtJ~ Lmrh iilIlU1Lliru~lLLVlUN1llnilUn1l ~lU~U~l ~tltllll ~ LLiiliJ~Tfl~ll tJ111qj

Llilml11~ilL~illJf)1l-11iltJ(l~lJU1~UWl neu]~Uri1 vflLLJj~W mJLl1lll 1l1~Ull~

~ eil tmiddotwnnVJiln fl1111l LL(llJUJJ1JUL~fn

lllYlm~~ l1~IIlnMillVi~f)tlnpoundi~ml1

~Uril Lb(hvjUl11JU1~Ulllnru-naUril

l1flltJJjU~jjlJU1~1-1niLnuI~~ LLvimmru

flU~l~Ullljj1JU1~ L~lL~~ ~lEllltrnl1l-1N u~lnll Llt]11~ei~ Llltlniftl~U~lt~ tJVilJl1~ vlutrlLn(1J 1JruLtiitJ1nUnlltJrU(l~~~1~ lJillmllnru-nll~viiilt-J(ltiiiitlnllll~ ~UVlUn1lt-J~(9I~ltJ

~ltJrllv-llli1~lTh 1UltJampu iilIlU


l1~ii 01LUU1tJMiilJEl1-Xiil~~lLVh~~1 LUU

Lflf)I~Utll1 rhl1U~1i~uyjl11mtJ1U

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J _ I

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L~UYlUlJUL1tJu1ua(ij~1(ijBmiitJVivllll11Ul LL~ i ~poundllLLJunBlYlU1iI1a-~n1ll1Ul1tI1U~~l1

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DWlf1~WllaJn1Jl~~eJf1 nJLQ~lvlU VlVllY1U1Vl

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fi n a Ua dhl3J amp1 ~h ~UA1 b nlf(9la f1~lijVl~~ IJm1J~lLL~~ 217 LL~U~TUUlrl lJEJlJ~ 26-32 Onnfl~~i1LLlnlJm1J~l

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O 7 L~ltJ3JVllleuroJ 3 VlUl tJI1U ~U llj

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VI~J1JeuroJIll(i11 Lfflli3nl mlLn~llJeuroJJLYltJ

VI~eurol~~YlrnflLn~l liJe)ltIlllmllJmtJ~h

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lJtJIU 2556 3J~lil~ufilLn~~leuroJd~ 216 ~

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JJfl~~t1V1~I~~lJmtJ~llii L~euroJJlln~~t-J~~1u n~JJ-trllulU eleuroJtJ tJlJWlll Ul~3JJ1~U LL~ ~~wil1fl3JlruL~3J LLlt1i-lill

LU~euroJn~nml3J~U 15jj eJiLUUL~aJ l~UllmiJ-ru~l~ILlt1~tJ t-lil~~tpJ illPl

euroJtiYi 7500-9000 Ulrl UYJU i~1l~ lI bull cd ~euroJltlU Vl1nml3JIfUeuroJfVl aJil~lL~ LV20 m ~llfll 6000 U1YlLYhilu

~UtJllljlll m~illlml~W1~J3Jl

LVI~euroJ 60-61 Ulrl lt1ieuroJnT~n13J LIjllil~u~ LiJltln~~L~3J ~urlumlt-J~~~J llm-nllTIj~

d ~ T Llt1GwmlYi


630-780 Ulrl w1euroJn ~n~3J LIjnt-J~~~~euroJeuroJn3J13JlnLL~ilmlU1L-li13J1

llnUltLVlffLYleuroJuihu lJru~llfllnJneuroJeuroJn l1~mltlloilUl~lnYillIXllmU1U~J~lL~euroJ 10-220 U1Y1w1euroJnT~n13J LllUL~tJ1n1Jnfll Ul~~ ~llmfiWl~J3J1LVI~euroJ320 -435 ~ntJ ~euroJnT~n13J

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LjuluTm~ml3J1UJ~ln11 6-8 L~euroJU

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Ulrl LIjll~U~euroJImlU1LUt-J~~beuroJvilUeuroJ~ IJrnvielmJflWd1lL~3JLJU 1 220-1300

U1rl lln 1040 ulY1~euroJnT~n13J llfl1LnLdil

nlL~3JLUU 42880-44 Ulrl~euroJnT~n1l-1 L 11l1nfl3JUln vifftJ T lUilml3J9l euroJI ml

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ultJ~3Jifn~ n~lhlilJii leuroJI~f~ml jj n~ n~llL~13Jl1 cilVl1U LLt-JUltJ

tJllL~L~~ tJ ~Vll~ ilil3J nu mrl )11

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~euroJJVi~lLilumlL1~3Jt-J~~~~ ml~~

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n 9l euroJJ LVi~W)1[11 mm~m~n~rnvi1JTlI

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~jLLwllUYi 18-30 ~ tJYitJl~l llnn~3J

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~LLUUL~3J 4 lLLWU T~mnllVllmilml3J v JJ ~ 14 1

~IJl~ltIlU3JlnIJULufl~LuU 7851

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11 Ln~lm~u~n-nllilml3J~IJ~l~l13J

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TWlmn~~lm~u~nillI11ULVlqi ilml3J ~ v I 4 _ v

~lJ LUl~U3JlnlJUfl~LuU 886 ~rleuroJU


ampI J 11

U1JaSJf1n~ mfi11(i)1U 1il~~Hilfl111iU1fl11

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flA~l~lliT~N lJIWmrUlLnFl i1U1U

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Ministry seeks to resume small-lot rice sales in August PETCHANET PRATRUANGKRAI THE NATION

THE COMMERCE MINISTRY is preparshying to resume selling rice from its stockpiles in early August gradually releasing it in small lots of about 5000)0 tonnes a month

Duangporn Rodphaya director-genershyar of the ForeIgn Trade Department said a ~ubcommlttee had agreed the mmistry slthould go ahead and sell rice from the stockpIles and not walt tor completion of a Junta-ordered mspectlOn of the stocks bull I he nce-release planwhlch Will be proshy

posed to the Rice Policy and Management Committee soon includes sales through general auctions to exporters and local traders by government-to-governrrient contracts and through the Agricultural Futures Exchange of Thailand

Puangporn added that the department wopId ensure the stocks are released transshyparent With the Fmance Mmlst and the Prime Minister s 0 ce joint y inspecting the f0cessc

T~e department reported that about 55 per cent ofl800 rice warehouses had so far been inspected by the teams dispatched by the militarys ruling National CounCil for Peace and Order The teams are expected to complete their mission by the end of September

About 18 million tonnes ofrice is reportshy

cerns over roug t an ower pro uction in many countries amid higher demand in many others I here IS a good posslblhty that ThaIland will export 10 million tonnes 9pound nce thIS year It is expected to sell off all 18 million tonnes in its stockpiles within three years she saId

The department reported that Thailand was able to sell 535 million tonnes of rice in the first six months middotup by 50 per cent year on year while export value rose 19 percentto US$27biIlion (nearly Bt86 bilshylion)

As ofJuly 16 the price of5 per cent Thai

Afile photo shows asoldier inspecting rice stockpiles at a warehouse in a eastern province

white rice was quoted at $427 a tonne up from $410 the previous week

She added that production bfThai paddy rice in the 2014-15 harvest season was proshyjected to be less than 38 mi1lion tonnes because of drought in many areas

Charoen Laothamatas president of the Thai Rice Exporters Association said the government should consIder sellIng rice from its stockpiles in small lots of about 100000-200000 tonnes per auction to avoid impacts on the m-rket price

The government has less pressure to accelerate the sale of rice frbm the stocks The country has holder power It should ensure transparency and minimum impacts to the market he said

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INTHE WAKE ofrising concern over the t reatmen t oflabour farmers we1shybeing and the environment in global trading the International Trade Promotion Department is urging more lhal busmesses to seek FairTrade cershytification so that their products are more easily recognised and have a

greater chance in the world market place

At a seminar on Fair Trade Mark and trading of Fair Trade products in theinternationaJ market heldyestershyday by the agencys Office of News Overseas Markets Development and PromotIOn Duan kamol Jlambutr e U Irec or- ener ot e eplrtshy

mentSal t atonlyasmallnumberof thaI compames and sUEP)Lc~~ms current~apphedthe FairTrade Marllt

The epartment lrill therefore continue to support Fair Trade certishyfication by promoting an awareness campaign amongThai man ufacturers and exporters she said

According to the Netherlandsshybased Fair Trade Original organisashytion about 30 Thai companies and supply chains have received FairTrade

certification to date This guarantees that they engage in faii treatment of farmers have good labour conditions use no forced or child labour offer fair prices to suppliers and operate with transparency accountability and respect for the environment equity and freedom lt)nd have fair trading practices

Duangkarnol said the department in cooperation ~th Fair Trade Original now had a target of increasing the number of certified businessshy iSnap es and products by 10 per cent ayear

The main goal is to help agriculshytural and handicraft producers as well as manufactures and exporters to achieve better trading conditions and to promote sustainability she said

Certified members of the Fair Trade programme will likely be able to leverage the quality of their prodshyucts for higher prices with certificashytion ensuring world-class social and environmental standards and more recognition in the international trade area she added

Thai export products alreadyusing the approved Fair Thade logo include

rice coffee tea cane sugar cotton freshfruits herbs and spices ockershywork handicrafts pottery and ceramshyics

The official said the department also would like to encourage busishynesses in the shrimp and fishery secshy

ate consultant for Thailand said the overall value of Fair Trade products had increased considerably in the past few years as consumers now had more awareness about fair trading conditions and the environment

Consumers are willing to pay more for Fair Trade goods if they feel they have bought a product whose manufacture is highly responsible to society Today prices of Fair Trade products are also very competitive

the same as leading brands Enterprises should adapt themselves to produce Fair Trade products in order to ensure sustainable growth

tors to comply with Fair Trade certification so that they do otfaceproblems due to unfa abour treatment Every Fair Trade product is subject to labour-standard checking she explained

Manasnan Pongjayavanij Fair Trade Originals aS60ci~

and access to many markets said the consultant

According to Fair Trade Original the value of fair trade goods in the global market excluding the US rose from 1 billion (Bt427billion) in 1996 to 48 billion in 2012 Expots ofThai fair trade products were wOlth about Bt300 million in 2012

More than 30000 products are now on sale in 125 countries and the global Fair Trade system currently works with over 12 million people across 60 countries

Manasnan said many more Thai products could get the Fair Trade mark So far many local brands sllch as Doi Chang coffee plus local proshyducers of soy sauce chjli sauce pineapples and bananas are wellshy

known for having the mark which is accepted widely

Martin Boon development manshyager for Fai~Trade Original in the Netherlands told the seminar that with the global market having growshying recognition of Fair Trade prodshyucts many markets were increasing demand for products carrying the logo - and that Thailand had high potential to serve sllch worldwide demand


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THE NATION ~ JULY 20141lI Sihasak reassures EUteam over juntas reform roadmap SUPALAK GANJANAKHUN DEE THE NATION BRUSSELS

EARLY ELECTIONS vtithout reform would not help restore proper democshyracy to Thailand That was the message related by acting Foreign Minister Sihasak Phuangketkeow when he met his counterpart from the European Union in Belgium this week In a bilateral meeting with David OSullivan chief operating officer ofthe European External Action Service Sihasak said Thailand had a clear roadmap to restore sustainable democshyracy and that the EU should support

this process of reform The roadmap and its related reform

will help strengthen our political econshyomy and will also be of benefit to our partnership with theEUin the longnm he said

Sihasak was in Brussels for a minisshyterial meeting between representatives ofAsean and the EU and spent much of his time briefing representatives of Eillopean nations aboutthe situation in Thailand

The E U along with the US and other Western countries strongly criticised themilitaryforits May 22 coup The EU suspended a number of cooperations withThailand as well as several visits by high -level officials It also recommendshyed that member states review military cooperation with Thailand

The EU said last month that it wouldmiddot

not sign a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Thailand and that the negotiation of a free-trade agreement (FTA) would not conclude until an electshyed government was in place

Sihasak told OSullivan that an electshyed government would come eventually Before that however Thailand needed time to implement reform to have a strong democracy

The time frame of 15 months or so for the reform is not too long ifwe want to make sure that our system and democracy are sustainable he said

Thai people are aware of the issues facing our country and we are working on addressing these concerns so the EU as a partner should support us

The EUhas the right to voice its conshycerns about the situation in Thailand

middot but it should also ensure it is sufficientshyly informed on specific cases he said

Concerning detention and martial law the EU should make sure it has corshyrect information about who is under

middot detention and if there are concerns about human-rights violations the EU should specify the cases he said

Sihasak discussed the situation in Thailand Vlrith many European MPs

middot while in BrusselsTheyincludeq Franck Proust special rapporteur on the FTA and Samuel Cantell head of the ecoshynomic trade and regional cooperation delegation Many of them have experishyence in engaging with Thailand and have a clear understanding ofthe current sitshyuation in the country Sihasak said


Pension scheme for farmers proposed

Farmers in the future might look forward to retiring on a government pension

Charnpittaya Chimplee directorshygeneral of the Rice Oepartment said yesterday ttiat under a draft bill dealing with the rice development fund members would contribute about 3per cent of their monthly income to the fund and the state wou ~d also chip in ayet-unspecified amount

When farmers reach the age of 60 or 65 they will start receiving a monthly pension bf about Bt4OOO

Most farmers earn less than other workers so the fund is neces- sary for their future Charnpittaya said

Other proposals for the bill are being gathered and the contents wi I be improved before its submisshysion to acommittee on rice producshytion and markets and the National Council for Peace and Order


Farmer happiness down from August WICHIT CHANTANUSORNSIRI

Farmer happiness last month dropped subshystantially from its peak last August when they had high hopes of stable income from the Yingluck Shinawatra administrations rice pledging scheme reports a Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BMC) poll

The state-backed farm banks farmer happiness index fell to 7851 in June from its highest level of89 in August said senior executive vice-president Somsak Kangteershyawat The poll surveyed 2346 farmers

Happiness from family health a good society jo b financial position and the quest

for knowledge were the six factors used to measure the index

The survey found happines from the family scored the highest with a score of 341 out offour followed by health at 321 a good society at 320 job at 314 fmancial position at 285 and the quest for knowlshyedge at 274

Farmers from the Northeast regygIiwere the happiest vvith a score of 314 while those from the North scored 313 the South 312 the East 297 and Central 299

Asource at the BMC confirmed Augusts poll was taken when the farmers mood hit a fever pitch as they felt they would receive an elevated level of compensation from the

rice pledging programme The National Council for Peace and

Order (NCPO) is seeking sustainable ways to help farmers after losses from rice pledgshying which offered prices 40-50 higher than the market price could reach 500 billion baht

The juntas measures so far largely includelowering rice production costs and slowing the release of supply to lower price pressure

The source said prices of tapioca sugar cane chicken and pork are gaining in the second half while those of rice corn rubber oil palin and whiteleg shrimp are declirun ~ bull bull imiddotI middot7~

Regarding rice prices the source said the price of paddy with 15 moisture content could average 7500-9000 baht a tonne while Hom Mali prices are projected at 14000-15000 baht in the second the half

Even though the agricultural sector conshytributes only 84 to the countrys GDP there are 167 ffiillion farmers making up 26 of the population

National Statistical Office data shows the ratio of farmers who earned over 100000 baht a year rose to 286 in 2013 from 97 in 2003 while 643 graduated from prfshymary school down from 704 a decade ago Farmers shouldered average debt of 124604 baht per person last year

BANGKOK POST 41 FTIupbeatabout domestic car sales PIYACHART MAIKAEW

The Federation of Thai Industries (FT) remains confident that domestic vehishycle sales will top I million this year defying some car makers projection of sales declining to between 900000 and 980000 vehicles

Domestic demand started picking up in the previous quarter as private firms and farmers bought new pickup trucks for their business expansion and new cultivation said Surapong Paisitpatanapong spokesshyman for the FIrs automotive industry club

The club forecasts pickup truck sales will contribute 55-58 of domestic sales against 442 in 2013 while passenger cars dropped to about 40 from 474 last year

The passenger car market has normalshyised after demand was absorbed by the gov- emments first-time car buyer scheme said Mr Sura pong

The club yesterday cut its 2014 forecast for Thailands automotive output from 24 million vehicles to 22 milliori It also cut domestic sales to 1 million vehicles hom 12 million while exports stand finn at 12 million vehicles

FTI vice-chainnan Suparat Sirisuwan~ nangkura said Thailand was expected to remain in the worlds top 10 automotive manufacturers this year with production in countries such as Canada and Russia also expected to decrease

The International Organization of Motor

Vehicle Manufacturers said Thailand was the worlds ninth-largest automotive manufacturer in 2013 and 10th in 2012 Production (ast year totalled 245 million vehicles the highest in 52 years and up by 014 from 2012

The club yesterday reported that car proshyduction fell by 261 year-on-year in June to 160452 For the first half Thailands car output fell by 29 year-on-year to 952685

Domestic car sales in June totalled 73799 dOVll by 304 on the same period in2013 while 440911 cars were sold in the first half down by 405

By contrast car exports in June rose 657 to 103946 earning the cOUDtry497 billion baht In the first half exports rose 36 to 560047 cars with export value rising 895 to 265 billion baht

The FII yesterday reported that the industrial sentiment index improved for the second straight month in JW1e

The index rose to 884 points accordshying to the FIr which conducted a survey among 1100 industrial operators It stood at 851 points in May when sentiment improved for the first time in seven months

FTI chairman Suphan Mongkholsuthee said sentiment has improved because of the more stable political situation and an increase in purchases of products thanks to the Fifa World Cup football tournament

The industry outlook index for the next three months stood at 1019 points rising from 101 in May

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AUTO EXPORTS INCREASE Despite the sluggish recovery of

the export sector auto shipments continue to expand but still by not enough to counter the reduction in dorriestic demand for cars

The industry has been forced to brake this years production target from 24 million units to 22 million

The target for domestic sales has been lowered from 12 million units to 1million which represents adrop of 251 per cent or 335154 units from last year

Surapong Paisitpattanapong deputy chairman and spokesman of the Federation of Thai Industries Automotive Industry Club said yesterday that lower domestic derriand the end ofthe governments first-car tax-relief programme and the delay in gov~ errirnent and private investment

middotprojects had contributedtothemiddot change in the production target However this new figure is still

middot higherthan the forecast for T8 milshylion units before the big floodiri 2011and domestic demand is

expectedto shitf intoforWard gear i

middotnext quarter~ The economic recovery payshyrnent for farmersuncter the rlceshy

pledgingscherneandreturn of investment will increase revenue l

in other industries and put more rnoney in peoples pockets he middot said

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Temporary charter should furthershyboost confidence ERICH PARPART THE NATION

THE FEDERATION ofThai Industries believes the temporary charter will further increase the confishyden~e ofdomestic and foreign investors along with buslness op~ratrs while the recent strengthening of the baht IS stJlI tolerable for the export industry as long as anyfurther appreciation is neither too rapid nor drastic

_The FTI also said yesterday that its Industries Sentiment Index (TIS) had increased by 44 points since April

The introduction ofthe provisional charter is in line with the politiCal road map of the NCPO [NationaICoimcil for Peace and Order Jand I believe that in generalinvestors andoperators will feel more relaxe and gai~ more confidence that things aremiddot gomgmaccordWlththeNCPOsplansforanewcharshyter the setting up ofan interim government and the possibility of an election in the future said Supant Mongkolsuthree chairman ofthe FTI shy

In his view the country over the past two months has been running on a smooth surface since the Nepo took power a move which has led to an increase in foreign investor confidence certainty over pubh~ II1vestment policy and rising domestic consumptIOn

These factrs will support the recovery and allow _gross domestJC product to expand by 25 percent this year he said


The FTI had been projecting an economic recesshysion before the arrival of the NCPO

As for exports Supant said The strenctheninO of the baht is related to the increased conffdence of foreign investors which has led to an inflow offorshy~ign funds This will have some effect on the export iiidustry but it is still acceptable for exporters since the currencys strengthening pace is not too fast and the Bank ofThailand is still monitoring the situashytion

The export sector will be able to cope with a stronger baht if the rate does not fall below 3050 per US dollar he said -Moreover since the global economy IS continushyII1g to reco~er the FTI is sticking with its export

- growth projectIOn of35-5 per cent for the year According to Bloomberg the baht was valued at

3176 per dollar yesterday The FTI chief pointed out that if the Kingdoms shy

export value were calculated in baht it would already show lO-per-cent growth year on year

Accordingto the central bank export value in May came in at US$1927billiol1 (Bt6124 billion) whIch IS 12 per cent lower than the same period last year in dollar terms - shy

Meanwhile the TmiddotISI has increased for two month~ in a row The indexose from 840 in April to 851 111 May and to 884111 June amidst calmer political waters the economic recovery the liftingof the curfe - and even Fifa World Cup fever which led to an mcrease in overall production orders and sale figures - shyn~eover~TISI fororBers~salesarid prod-udiai- -shyIII allll1dustnes rose from 802796821 points in May to 843 844 879 points respectively in June

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CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough


GRAFT HAS GOT TO GO nvestors from Japan from which Such concern by the Japanese away existing and prospective forshy

the largest amount of Thailands investors should not be ignored eign investors Countless foreign direct foreign investment comes because they have brought the firms and investors have com~

have called for reduced corruption largest amount of direct foreign plained about the extra costs of and improved transparency in order investment into Thailand The doingbusinessinThailandbywhich to help restore confidence in the Japanese invested over 8t290 bil- they mean kickbacks and undershy

Kingdom lion in projects ClPproved by themiddot the-table money that must be to Setsuo luchichief representative Board of Investment last year That bureaucrats and politicians Often

of themiddot Japan External Trade was nearly 30 per cent of the total they have topayin exchange for pro-Organisation (Jetro) for Asean and foreign investment of Btl1 trillion curement deals with state agencies South Asia last week called on the according to 801 data and public projects People who ruling National Council for Peace Thailand has generally remained refuse to pay are routinely left and Order to kick-start good govershy attractiye to foreign investors due behind by their bribe-paying comshynance that includes combating corshy to positive factors such as the avail- petito rs University of the Thai ruption and ensuring transparency ability of skilled labour efficient Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) rec-particularly about doing business in infrastructure and transportation tor Saowanee Thairungroj has esti-Thailand Now its a good time for systems location andthe consider- mated that corruption adds 30 per Thailand to bring about good govshy able size of the domestic market cent to costs for businesses That ernance for the new era he said But our chronic corruption is scaring she says translates into reduced

comoetitiveness for Thai-made Economic and Business Forecasting pay corrupt officials and politi~ians products and reduced credibility for Centre He surmises that the have to cut costs at-the building site Thailand among foreign investors improvement could be due to posi- and that means poorer quality in General Prayuth Chan-ocha has tive public sentiment following the their public projects and thus a risk made tackling corruption a top pri- juntascampaignagainstcorruption to life and limb ority for the ruling military junta He and organised crime The surveyalso Businesses who pay bribes also says the fight will be part of sweepshy showed that bribes paid to officials offset their higher costs by charging ing national reform together with and politiCians by the private sector the consumers more good governance transparency and had declined to 15-25 per cent of middot Since corrupt authorities and an efficient and effective system of project costs frbman average 25-35 politicians make money and bribe-checks-and-balances Thailands per cent previously paying businesses make profits it is corruption index in the first half of Despite the seemingly slight theconsumersandthepublicingenshythis year improved for the first time improvement in the situation (or- eral who suffer in five years according to aUTCC surshy ruption remains amajor problem for They end up paying more uhnecshyvey The indexinJune was registered Thailand essarilyfor products and public proF at 46 out of a possible lOa com- In addition to the weakened ects the quality of which is poorer

pared to 39 last December says competitiveness and reduced cred- Corruption should beeliininated or Thariavath Phonvichai UTCC vice ibility the public asa whole is affect- at least minimised for the sake of rector of research and director of its ed by corruption Contractors who the country and its people

  • 57-07-24 (กรม)
  • 57-07-24 (ใบนำสง)
  • 57-07-24 (กระทรวง)


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q ~lJlrJ-lll1 ~lflftllhunUlrJn1+mLuut1J111~ I ~lLU1~uirJ 5 LL~u~ul1iml1ieurolu1J~L~l-JLI1iElU UGYl1f)WILl UYfflI

~ fl UUnfllf1lrJluhlWfeuroll-JlrJ(1)~lJ1poundJYluYi Vf) ffUrl0J-uiJuffW UllmlW~ ~eurol(1)W(Jlli ElTIU~ml-Jm~J9

~ll1ill1J~LYlfl LlI(1)LtrJf1lpoundJVIftJnl~1J~lfl-J

~poundJlluli11llfln~m1JWlrnlfli 1I1h II vamp

LI1UlfeurolULLcJU~YliiflWlimtlJlrJlI11 LVW (1)ll-JpoundJYI iim ~(1)1m~~lJl iJ-lll1M~lJLY13-J

uruEl[~Yhh1l-JflrnniJm~uTrJUlrJLLIl L~hri~VIlmhl~nmoii11mvlU~~LY1fl~n~l UTInr~~nwiJn (UUlI) Yiiivm El1J~rJYlfi lJfllmLtumTIUl poundJYluYi I(1)poundJn1TIultJ

wr1~lmfl~1wijlflrndm~lmll-J~-lULLI~~ ~lU1TIm~1J~~Ilvi111JnlV1U(1)1~~lJlpoundJ fl~lf) LiJU1J~iiluY1~l~rnlL1UlfElU LI1ieurolUfl 5 LLffU~U ~1umUlmhutmwYI

L~rJLI1iElUfl fS-2 LL~U~U I(1)poundJm~~ulrJ~LL1J1JmTIUl rJil11J~n ElU~rJ n1~ -ii11~ eurollYhYiU YiLiifiJ~lmlmoii11l1euroll1YltJ

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nUi11L~mnutJriElUl-Jllfl12360 ~lU~Eltllll~~llfYirnn Yilhlfl-J1~hi1u~1mhlI~u1TIj

l1El 76 l~U~lUtJl~ LY1l-J~u1unJ(1)euroltltl11 d V ~diElJ~lnUliiiJqJ~ln1dL~rJnLnUL~UrJln

1779 ~mLtlpoundJ(1)UIl 488 (1)El1lfll~

UlpoundJ~LnU~ leurolm~11~ U1Wln(1)~l-Jfln~ ~3-Jlflilt~cileurolElnoii111Y1poundJ mh1 r J1 LiJ1~tlJlJ 5 LL~uJiul1imI1i8u ~JLLI1iL~iJU~ fldJu~u 1tl otJllLUUtITl-Jlrn1~l-J1n riEluYitflcJ~(1) -ll11U1U llCilnltl 255758 ~euroleuroln3-J1lu

ii11L~eurolU(1)flj I~w~lm-ll111Y1poundJlJrnj~u ~~ 430 ~f)~~11 l1rn~Yh1JI1lUl~~U~~


420 ~eurol~m

ultJyh1U~~ ifJn~i(u ee51U1poundJm~


n~l1h w~1Jbu~~L1)(1)1J~3-JtlU1L-ii1-ll11m~~UlrJ-lll11u~~euroln~ijlJlllfl~Jj L~l-JLiJumrnY1lfl~ 500000 ~~ tJmtJL~ElU

l~eurollYilllUlu~1JLLuulIeurollflrnlnu l(1)rJ ~ ~ flVI1eurol~UL~ElUn u L~eurol11~1eurolJVIffl

31vni1tJJ1 UlJeurollmm11tnrih~l-Jlll1rJnU ~lnYn1J~l~J~~middothjml3-JL~ poundJllrJLLrihul ~LLIl Liu ~lnmmJlmWlffl ~li(nUltJn

~mhlm~YiLL~t3lJU(1)1 LUUfl11l-J T1J111~LtJulffn ~Jl~ii fll~h-ii1oiil1L~l-JYi11~mll-J~Ellm~~eurol flrnYilllU~1J1rJ-lll1LLIl~~YilJ1U~tlJlrJ -rr11lJeurolJY1~tJuu~tJfu1tITl-J1rn~IVIl-J~LfiEltJ u vJd qulf11Lm YI lJUl-l12 ~(1)LLIlm~~lEltlnlJnlL~

2 ~LU~U Vl~eurol~JYi~(1)lu eurolU 4 tJ LLIl~1~ ~unfll-J~ciltlElnoii111Y1tJLoiilmli1rJLciil-Jyj L1tJn Yl~tJuu~dJu~iiJ1~e~eurol-ll11~tJlV1nivi~~ ci1ULLUl(1)1l1(1)oii11nffu~Ul-Jl I(1)rJtJfu1IElm~ lJEllT~n bull ~

VitYlrJ~~Ieuroleurolnt~ 10 ~lU~U~

2557 fo

UlpoundJlf1qJY1Y1poundJl fuJW1~ eurolTIu~m3-Jm~ ~Yl n~111unmVl-J3-JU1neurollYlU-WI1lJU1-lll1

LLfllf11U1LL Jlfl~ 11 ml-Jm~ih1iiL1m 2 LI1ieurolU hnldL~Ueurol~lneurollYluQl~fl~J5 L~uiEltJ I(1)poundJneurollYlu~YilVltXYi~utJ ~UU LLtll11tJLVI~Ellf11U~ lU~lum~~~VI1if~~poundJ mt~~ li1poundJfl(1~Ul1~ LtJULLVIIllL~U~ULvlEl

c v ~

~UtJffUumlJ1Unl~cJfl(1)Ll-Jfl(1WUii LLfl

Lyj El ~f~lLLfl-WI1lJUlmn~Jfl1U1l~~~1l-J iJUflJLLflUlUU

neurolJYiUlhpoundJflliJ~poundJm~cJ~(1bJLnu 20

lIElliJl~poundJm~tI~~~eurol11WLn nml~ 1500 inY Q lt=II Qo c bull C

~uu ~UJUYlUVIl-JUL1 poundJU~~(1Ll-J l(1)WUiilJ11 I I

fluli-U11lfl-JlfULL1lEllf1n~11U1 LL VI ~ JYil-J1lJeuroll L~U n eurollYlU ~1 n -rlqm l

1~m~~uu~ulutJLLdn 1000~ ~lUtJl~LL~ 1utJI1iElltJ~~11l(1)~n]lJ1J~l-J1rn~UlJ~Uu I

jfl 6 Wu~lUU1Yl ~ Q 0lt1 C

bull UlpoundJEl~)l]fl ~VI1HllJ511U1~ El(1)~(1)(1)() n ~11h fluYiLnmoiieurollnUlf11U 1~1 rJYlnflU bull I

~J LL ~middotIieurol~lU~~tJm~t~(1) nJ ~ Ieuroleuroln

LLI1iJf11Ul1~~1poundJ lulIrnvi~eurollYi111J~U(1)1poundJ 1aJ~LnjtJrn fll~$jneurollYlULn(1)~U ~lLUU mll-JVl1Jl1~ ffil-Jl~ ()li1U~~Ellf11U11~l1Jl


~lLLYlUllElllf11Ull-Jin nl1oiiitllfm~

11 V 6V


bVJ tJ bUl b1JU~Ub1Itt9l bnlJU1U q q

ASTVN~VlnWmJ~U - rIlrnlfU If-l UUlJ hMtJ1bbC-Juil1J1tJ-ii1)lu~~tln ~-l lhl~r1lIwm-l ~lJ~ bmtJq) b~~ If f1d b~tlUr1l 5 ~LIfUGlU rI~tl~~-lVl btJ-llU5u

h~m1o)~tlU b~mLU1Twrmn-ii11tJfuqr11ii~uf1imittl-l Vl~-lc-Jr1VJ~~Tmlr1~~~O)ln Jlmb~-l Jlrl1J-ii111uffiltlmlJu~Ub(t1-lLVl()lLflUl1Ulun11 2 tJ

t - I

Ul-lm-lW~ ltl(1)wmn tlfuJliiril~nmllf1il-ltJl~LYlff LU(1)Lc-Jpoundrll f1~tlunTI~ml llmtJ-ii11Mjj~IiiL~UlftlULbc-JUtJYIimlf()l1mTIrul tJ-ii11 LYlm(lUtll~f1ru~ll~nli UTtJ1J1tJLL~lU~~ll~(1)ml-iin (UUlJ) ~Mm tl tJlltJYln ~Urifltllfl 11VlUlflru

1mtl~11~(l-lULLvi-llfllii (f1(llf) LlJUtJll1ilU WO)ll~ltlU~~~lilUmllJltli111U

~~tln1j1Jl~Hh11~TIf1il-ll ~jmtJl~~~11tJ mlJltJ~l~lumrn~~~tl~~l~-l ~ri-iii1L-if13-Jl-H(1)Lo)u rnllJl tJLLUU-rJf1itl11 (~lJ~) LLr1mtJil~~~lill11m~a~lh fJ

~UI11 mmmh-lVlUlLLvI-ltJlLY1ff1VI tJ (Ltl LtJltit) L(1) ~LLc-JumiJl tJ-iilJOJ~Lj~HI Jl~JlP~Ul~tlU (lf1 U LL~ljjLb~UL~fttJtJ~~wmlTIUltJtJl~lru 5 U(lUGlbi

4 bull - I

b~tlU J bull

~~d ~iiiltJ-ii111u~~tln-rjUl~fl~-ld O)ll-llulU~~LLiJUlltl~m~l-l1~~

VlU1tJ-llUUtlnmYIl1-lrllrulfUL-ii13-Jli1~(1)LLi1 Liu o)ljqr1LLVIU~lnmlYImrllfI~-l filr~UlJn~~UI11~ T(1)tJo)~Liuml~Ttl1-l1~djUVl~n LL~lumllJltJ-ii111tJf1i~tJ~LVIff O)l~YIl-llfin~~ ~fl-ltltln-ii111Y1tJ L-iil~li1tJLVl~m~tl-lm1~-ltltlnmhJL~~YibWeJ LLpoundi-l

~huL1j-l~m(1)-iill$w~LfttJltJ~u~lT(1) tJVl1nl11m~l~~rnflLeJnlfueJ-l~(1)-iitl~ln~ middot lumlJW li1f1~flO)lL-iilltl~1tJ

ftli-1-rUc-J~mlI11J1OJIfeJUIf~tln-ii11lJtl-l-rrul~YWTnli1-lYi1tllLYlff 1800 LLvi-l

iilfl(1)t~jjmI11TI~tnli1-lLL~1 55lJeJ-lTnli1-l~-l~(1) t(1)EJmllrultJlfreJn-ii11 O)lllU~ fI luJ1u~~nl~TlOJ(ltlUL~1~~ULL~1 ~-lril~-lmljjTnli1-leJpoundJ1u~u~1(1) bL~lLtiU-iil~lfU(1)


Ul-lC1l1-lrllm11111 middotbLU1TiUJl1f11-ii111ul11m(1)lJrn~d L~~tlfuGl1ampi~U L(1)poundJ1-lfll

1 -ii11LtJ~tlnMtJfu~uml11ntl(1) ditl-lO)lnc-J~c-J~111rr111ultilm(1)TnflL~3-JSj~3-Jlrn~(1)~~ f

~nnJt1VllJ1poundJLL~-l~LA~~u LiuEi~LIii poundJ~~ljc-J~~~I11-ii1l~(1)~-l l1~r1-ltlll(VIff5ul ~ ~~1T~n T(1)poundJl1mfi-leleJn-ii11lJ11 5 LtltJTtl1J brinru~ 16 n~ ~~l3-JllflliJ~~ 427

- LVI~tJqj~VI-rjGlU L~3-J~Unn 410 LVl~poundJt1(lW~lGl LrieJ~tJ(1)1rieJU ~1i1m~mnr Ct tJi1tJ~111-ii11tJ 255758 -

~lVlwmm1OJIfeJu-ii1)lulfreJn eJ-lfl-li1mltilJ1OJ~eJ1JeJ~l~~mieJ-ltVlmuf

(23 n f1 T UlpoundJlff1 ffd11f~111 ~ltilJ1OJl1lfmlmlm1-l~Vll(1)LYlEJ lh~i1f1~Yil-llU m1~IfeJU~~lrnbLf1lf1runl~411 If(1)~ 4 n~11JVl11-lniltiIl1~1feJ1J-ii111uTnli1-lnm-l lJl-ltl-l~nTIl11m~bYlm~1ffilm(eJ~n) eJ II~m~m~ O)~lL~-lLYIl1-l~ULDutJu

LLU-l~lU1~ln 11-ii11~-lVl3-J(1)fi1Ul qiLtlwlllLfll LflUl1U1Un11 2 tJ 8 L~tlU ~-lL~tl lt 11 2554 L~lVl~1~~W~(1)lfeJULL~-l11~ml1h~ml1JlpoundJEieJnttJU1]LL~1 -l~tJll~fi1~

~l~~~n~11~LL~~11tVlJi ~1u~m~mtlu-ii11~1 ~ l1EJ-llull11LL~-l11 flrul-llUt~liJu~ml~-llu1tJeJ-l~lUmnpoundJn~j3-JUI11~~l

u11jjuU-ltJutltJ1uneJ-l-ii11Jl1 25 LtJtl~LU~-slU1~ln fi1U~3-Jlrnf1-leJpoundiltili3-Jju~n 88005 m~fteJ~ fl1UmlMftpoundJVlltJVl~m~el~f1runlrll~tlc-J~mlI11l-1o)l~~l1~~ln Vl~~ tJ-llu~ljVlUl~~l1lyenl(l~U~~ttl bull -

1bVJ61~Vlb~6 J~ nan~lr1~ 2557

~ ~




Igoluns~nusA I [wctcltJl[]U gtlnrii-lfJlIlLL~tilti1EJ middot 11ti~~flm6ilti~ 5 LL~ti~ti 1M

_ d ~

ti1l1J W~1lru1 ~L~EJ ~flti

U1l(11lVl) tEl(1V1fJ1B ElfiU(1n))J

Q1)~i1vi1ltJ) L lll LU (1 Lr-w 0 iil n1)

tJ)~)JIlCJm-im))Jnl))1J1fJ-E11 11 Vi tJ)lI)Jjj)JIii L l1UlfElU LL~U fJll fillll(1nl) ~

)111 fJ-En LYlElLlluEl1 I11l ru n)))Jn1)

UlfJUWLLiillJ111~(1nl)-E11 (14m) ~jj Vliil El tl~fJllj ~Ullf[Ellf1111l1U111 ru

fml1111)JlllULLrillf1~ (Illllf ) LUU

tJ)fi1U Elu)j~n)ElUn1)lJ1tJ-E111ull~Eln f~111iil1-hulEvi1l1 ~ln1)tJ))Jiilvrl1tJ n~)lJlfJ(1)llumruViNffEl~ril fflff~-El1L-El

)Jlll(1LIU nl)lJlt1LLUufjviElfj LLiiln1)

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ll Il11LUU~u1tJ L~ElUiil 5 LLlltI(I]U


millhn(11)J nTl)lJ1fJ-ETllull~Eln

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n)mlln1)lIffl ~loJnulfmf~~U(11 L-E1)J1(1 LLiil LviElllll)JltJ1l1ll

UI -pJU)1111iillElEln-E11lJ11 5

LEllJlmj L~EllU~ 16 nII~1-hwn ~Uiil 427 Ll11fJQlll1fj L~)JffUI1n~Uiil 410

Ll11fJQlll1fj 1(1fJlJrudfjlJ1~1YlfJSj-E11

1ull~Eln 18 ~lU~U LLiil1l1(1111Sj

NiilN~(1-E11LtJ~ElnUnTlN~(1 25572558

lti1U1U 38 ~lu~u-E11LtJ~Eln

u1EJ1LiiEmii lElfl1llllA U1fJn

ii(1~mrn~llm~mNiillElEln-E111YlfJ mhl

11 nTl)lJ1fJ-E11L~ElUiil 5 LWU~U LUU

tJ1mruhimn l11mlJ1fJriElU~NiilN~i] -E~1)JlUl~n1iil 2557255l 1ElElnmlu

lh ~ L~~U (0111 11 middotmiddot I11)~Yl1Jnm111 (1~1(1-E11)J1noJn middot LLvil11nN~N~(1-E11

l~n1~1l1)ElElnmEl11Yi11~fJ1nffu ~lllVl

)ll11fflElEl n-E111YlfJffU)J1LUU~Uiil 4~0 Ll11EJQlll1fj -E11L1EJ(1U1)J~U~ 420

Ll11Jrulll1f~ bull-


VliiIJJVln bull fjn lI~JJLntl~iWmm1fj ~)jUrnlJJlJYIV1ULLl1 ln1lVlim~tl~nii8u lJW1JU11lJ

310 Ylm~JJ 4 f1LLUU m~middotlVIillhlVI~ i1)jl1~~~aWi1mlJJ ltlJJ8EWi 327 IlLLUU LnllVlimN

~lJt11 Yf~vJJLLU~ll(JniloVI1thvhJJ ilmt11w Uahfli1l1il L~Vl1(iL~J jj~UIl11lJ~1lW 31

l1~ulillriYiTIJJLIlitl~iiY Yi~rulf6lf Ullll lv1LvLL~Ui1l1V11 I1UUU rtluLnllVlimW~llvi1mi

L~iJU1~ 5 UU~ L~JJ I1U LnllVlilj~iiAl1lJllllU1lV~llVl U1VaJJ~n~ n~lhl(ilJU lUj~1Jlnnflultl~ilLUU 7851 ~1V1fUi~1Jl1l1lJfillll1ll

iJltAVln1iliUlI11iL~8nliLn1lVli LVlV aill (lll tillU 111 JJ Ill Ln1lVllnl11~llai1UL~ULI1iln1lrU

LlOl al1mrumiLmlVli (lina) lJ8llnllilin~ltllLVlA1V1v LLUl lthUl-nl1 Wml Ln1lVlimlj1l11JJ

LlJVlll-JVl1 ~WJNv una1riltli1lt1 LiJU1Ji1mA ~ti 1l1I1n(l1l n ~lllJl r1lllJLviJJ1UlJl1l~1Ui ~U IIl1lJ~Vl Lnu ll 8ln ~JJ(i1 8 Ull tillUA11lJfi1J1lWi 29911UUU lJ1n~IVl aiUI1LLUULO~V 335

Ln1lVlimluYJn~l111VlvhtlilVlA 1l1IlVl1u1l1lnLQUlL11U8 nti1l1 nnlllLUUL~lJ 4 IlLLUU I11Vl1~l

-)114114 2346 ilU 1U1illl~1lU 1l11lJ~ll1l~~ 314 llllUU 11111 1~fu~U~lnlAilnll1U~ltil-nll

JJV2557 ~l-nEl i~Ul1lllJfilJ L11111l jj~il11lJ~ll8~~ 313 LVl VLnll(iJlni ~tl~n-nll rtlU1 l1l1lj

IJ1l~LmVlimlV1v WU11 I1YlJJ IlLLUU 111111ril lj~ll11l1l1lJ~llJ~ A1l~lll111 itiulJln1ultl~Vlluu fillm OlillJll 1ll Ln1ltiri ni1VlU1U ~ 312 I1LLUU LLrII11Il(iJ1U(iJn 886 Lii8lltllnL~8l~UL~Wl~1jj 1l1wilJJ1l~1uitiu~lJln ailU jjffl1fi11l1lJIllJ~ 297 IlLLUU ltlmwlIli8l1-illUL~~U

d a l1lLUUlWu 310 ltI1nlLUWVllJ ll(]l~~fJ~im~tl~nr~r11iiP~1Jil JElnltnnti VllllilllLIlillshy

4 llUU LVlULnlVlmiljAl1JJIIlJ 1111lJltllllllltlVlJEWi 328 11 lLUU nllvlpoundJIl~ll1~liJ 2557 ~llU1U bull v

~l 26-32 LVluNu~hLnllVllViltl 1l4~tiini1lU nlilllU-ill11Ull~8n jjilAl~iu laiuri m~ltlyj~l f~ulm-huiEvill1 ~nlit1ilJrI ii8VLll~lULWJ1Vll(lVlilU lri hltl nlilJ1UVlillumru~~1l

11 ~ ~ ~ LU8 urIIm 1l111i1JIlUA1LnllVll jjlh~1l8-n1lL-nllJ1iVlLvU ~1l ful(iJl1ilAll(lVlrllL~rMV l~LUi lllrJLLuuf~vi1Jf~ ~~lts) LLrInli

-illl -nlLW(iJl~Vlamp(iJl U1lWlil tlilJrlN1UVl(llVl~8lJ1VNU~1 111~JJt11~U lLrIrNlJllLLlUUlllJ Ln1l(imi1ll1Ul LL ltli lViillVI V

LLviUljjil~~Vl~Vl~~8l~U(iJl~lUU (LfllIVVl) 1VlULLeJWl1J1vihlltiL~ VlLIlllailui il~111t1lvillJ LLUl tli~lJ1ruIilUL~1lU ltlIlti lQ~U 1UlJil~1~Uu~~1l1l~I-J(lni tl1lJ 1 run 1 liU 1 V-iilltli lJ1 ru

V1U~ltltliUYJUnliI-J~(iJ Yillmll(li1 L~1l1ja 5 lLllUIifU

LlrlnLtl~VU~HuWlU ilo1111lll ~~U eJ(lnlj(ljllll~8niill

U1Vll11 ~IJLLa amp(iJ1Ln1lVli~1l1 121J1r1~~Ln1l1l~ltllVlI1 1800 gy3Jpfn~ ni-r~J1

Ullil1lVli l1lVlVlmB ltlfuJ~ LLl lill(iJlaijjnllVlil~1nliflll~1 nllJnlihliilltl1LVlII mhl11 55 ll8lLn~~~l1lJVl 1Vlu~uUU d middot ~1 25-35 tll1ai1lai~nll Vltli11lJIl ru 8 ~m llJ n 1li UlU 11nWiUlv-iil1114 ll~8nf~ulr1 a 1l~liJLLin IlWUUl-JrIltllnllI11Yi llll lJlJVlL11U1JElULLI-JUVVllilllflm rlt1 VLUlmlllJLtl~l1lll~~n

LI1l1llnltl1~mL(lLIli]lnltllV1vti nlil1J1mrl1 L~LflU1lArumilJ Ll(l1UnlllJ1V-nl1ltlvilltli lVlI1

~U vh1ililll LIllli~1VlV~tJ nTiu1u1J1ULL(lU1111i~Vln1iihl l 1 iVI1laJ-J1lllJe~lil1lBn-nl1lVl8

2557 llJV1V~ll~ 16-24 (UUll) ~n ~a1ltli~Y15 ~UVl1 LllJ1~EJ L11~1ll~1llnlj~l88n ailUil Il1RUfhLn1l(iJi~l 181Jl 11lVIiilliru~fml11111m~U mhJLtlilJ~ L~mLUlollmLtill~1 1i1 1 middot-middot

11~llJ2557 jjLLU11iilJltllJU1V LL11-)lllili ((lllll) LUUlhl1U -iill1vlpoundJYiLAtJltliltlum


ij ~mlUI7lU~]f)t1]YIUY~tn1h1Hl-lIllUll ]lIl~mtJ1U2 I~BW nBud] l-JDnJ1ndu~lhu~lU)~(JnmI~ilhhnl-J ftj1l1 111WllelU r(Q111~Ulh-l~iJtJIjf) 10000 ~lUUlVI ~lU nolllu lI]Ut-lU 20 1 UD~uJ~umm~illDl1111D1JjLi)l-Jllun~

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~lJ~wuCf~l-lundlUI i1~D]J1ll-J1l W~ ll-Jnll Ifl~D~JJmfl~1Jltl1iilfl~D-l~n1nn Qum(lJ111D~l~1~11~ ltiJ 11uilI1l1-Jlll ~1I1~ JlJlJ 1 n1~Ulni~ r~111Ull~[JnllrJtiil~lJflruf1lWhlllfl1lUl-JilllJ i iii l-lnml1l-l1 J1iJ1-llfrDl~~~ 1~DH11111l-J1JJnll ~ UUl lJl ruUl~Jl iJ Ul1 ~lJn D~1tJ l-l i l-lU II l n

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v f bull

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vvVin1 7 700-7800 U1VlIiV~U uli

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Mll1~vvQVi 6000 U1Vl ri1141i1l1tllJ

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III VIlU liJ VlV-liV ~1111 (l-J 01 nUfll m~

0 iilJ1 Vl i nliV iV tl f1lJlli1iJll1 ~V tnlJmnm~v1li

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Cll-JniilJ miJUl(JUl1lJlJ Illl114lfCJUUfIW

~Vl1ifflff(p)fmiiUl U1Jl1 I~VIllUCJ1M

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f~Ul(1 l~(Jmiiulv~llOI~lJUilJlru ~WI~CJWiYJI11fllJ-ct lQ~m~V14(l 5 ufftJ

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UllmlVfi lfl~VW15 fl5lJ~m~f11lAl~1~ IIlrullVLulJJ1middothtJtlIJ~lLL11~tJilLi1uml~11HI1a

_j_l__LI1_f_lil(ll~tJ11 ~lhltJJArum~nllJJf11l LllIJI1n LL1llJf11lJltJul1lj~mhLI1f1il l1J1 tJ-rr11 Ailli la(l l~ii~ ~ L11 tJiJI fllJ UNU l-i1Y11lI1~lAJJ~a~ flflnul1lYltJ lulJJ1ll1tJtUf11~ ~VDfl111~~nmlJl~ul1L~tJillaUfl~8~jlltJJmiddot aleHlneJcil1L~JJVi L~flL~tJna1tJlLUlm1~u11Yi A rumlJJf11ltJ 1VlJl JlLfllJ1111l-ij(lf11 ll111 L~f)ln-i1fiJ~U~l Ul1mllll n~11

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II J l

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ff1 f) (1 f) j lJ ~ l 1 ~r91 Ill1m l flU

1Y1UlHlWY1 VIiffY1 lJ1ffl (Thailand

Trust Mark TTM) IUWlim

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IlIEJ1EJl~lJflf) 15 ff1U1 1UiJ 2558

ll(llVilJflf) 25 ff1U1 1UiJ 2559

J~ flafl~1rUJ 2557 bullbull 1 j

) ~ i i



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n 1 jU~fI ruil1~ffU~1l~1l lfl li1 UI~ JJfI11JJTU1)1rfi~1bull bull v

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(PI] n~11 mlJll~illJlJV f)UI1U1UJ1Ull mHiCl-lU lliUllilU f)~lJ

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llftllf1 1l llClf11lt1m


1UWmU1~ 12 ~) tJYVli]nmn111nr1~l~U I I1r1f1tJVI1~]

cO _I ~ ~ UtJ~UtJ]IitJ TltJlJiI1V~Vi(1]]lU

hn1tJU 1limyl

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A ~ I A I A A ~ I1lJlllllJ)ilV l~TlYlTlUll(1 1~il~~YIliUVli

nullll mlJll~Vi V~UYI1lUiUfJ1l rJiJ~l~vu ftJ VII () 1 UtJU1TlVl U1Vl nilJu~) i1~llJ1ifi

~111 ~uQl~~ J

b I r I JJ YI d D 0fJ07nl1U7 1

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)]fl)i~ifilll~U(~tJ rllI~~lJfniyjtJll~v)lluu lli~tJl~lJlJU 1I(1111ll1111

HlJ(1Yl1ltl HlihmufnU

I1~tJ ~~ II U(1l1 ~Uf1ll1Ui~ 111If li1 Unli ~ _ 1 ~ d U l dA

Iml~i l1itJ~~lllJ(1]lUUlmtJl UtJtJnl1lllU

1 UJ1 l~wil~~YIilu~inullllnilJll~Vi v~U llllUl1Jl1J1l~ U~l5VU1tJVII ()

mL~Ell~mnjt1itmUUi1~i1rurulUEll~U1VItJlh ~ u u

LL1fllJEllT~fl LtJ~~rlBrlilLtIUVI1lf)11LLal l~El Lem1~1~a L~ElW~lllUlvJiAh bull hUvlJJ1h 14

tI J d I

llJtJn(11 1000 U )Ull 23 nTl ll ilIIUiluluHh1VliftU~1U~U 1 lliU

l1lM1U fl1V1UI1~U1Uih~11i1U ~U1l mlJ1ifllrJUnl11Ui~J1 l~tJ1~Unmn1ltlVj Vl(11~ tJ U1mn~~ il UUlllJ~ Vi (1)lllJinVl

bull cO li1l1Jffii) il )VlIIH 1l1f)jlJ~iiYi111llll11itJ1fnT bull 1 -11 d 1 d Ifd c lJi1i1UUil1YI Tl(1U~W(1 ltJUIU)iV WUlVl)i

lViiff i1n~ Ilfi(1lu1)liJ~~)U1VlniilJ111li

aUyJi1Ii~ llltJ~U1V IgU~U I1~tJl~vn-)l

l1ltJ~~hii1 ~I11lJ1Hnul~tJl~VffiiiU~IIUU Vi~l~lUlI~~mY1VlV l~V~I1lbvllU~1I (1

l~mliU Vl(1tJ~IlUUili1liU~~1 III liTblJlilJ

U1Vlf)jilJ111111 tJU~lU)UlJ1n tJ1Y1 Vi (1 Vl bull

lJi)1V1~lJl1 ~f)jwUj UllrUllU11m~~~u ~ ~ J i lit

lJ1imU1V)iTnYl lTl)liVlU 1(1U11lnli

II ~l tJ 1Y1 VlV I1~tJ i~tJ 11l)~fh ii~~lllJUl~tJ 1YlVffii~UIIU]J HVi~lllUlyJvhll(1Vi~lllU

Q 1 IitCLI YI ~I lit ~ v ll~101llVlV l~tlmU)iltll~Tl~UiYlll~UU mtl

nlil11Vi~l]1U1I~lmY1VlVil1nll1m~ll1(1~ ~~

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d 1~I lTl(1tJUlitJ I1luU1ll1U1

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U1 5 VlU f))1l 260 IlJm m1lJV1)UUIl1n

nilU~tJ UilJ1lU 6-7 llJm Ul180 1l1U9lllJVli

J111rn 1974 in(1n~lJ fiUJ1~n 20 ll1U~llJVl~ I cO~d d1

1I(11Y1lJ1ifl~Tl4l~ 20 lltN lJm1~lil Ufni

l~UYI1lUilJ1ru 8 fihllJ~i~tJi)1lJl ~ 3

1 UW~UU1Vl 10 ~) UUliJuWJilVII)l 1m

I1~tJlrJU lTl~)l~UtJtJncill ilU1 UJ11~l lfUrlU

Vi (1 fllllJinVl mh) Yd I GI

~lYtJUni1 VllU~)U)l mNil1nmi

liJ~Yl) l~)Vi~ll1UlllYltJ1Y1llV 1~~~lYu1 Il

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ll~NIIl~iU tJ1V 74 iJ li1) llmJmmm nri1)V OJ 11

I l ~ ff ) 1 lli1U U 1 ) l ifl Vi (1]l1 U II ~l fl1l1 Vl tIil1 n

I1r~~vYllJ~l~iii1)ff~~lfi~m1lJ~111IYm bull 1 middot A A 1 d uin)U1iinlll~UIi) lJVlUllU U1i)lUfll ~lVd d~d v U1lJUlJi1m~l tJnlll llJ)lJlffm~ll1 (1~ ~ J J~ ~ 1 v

U)VlmilJli4UlC1nU1~ lil IVii1l uUVi(1lllU


Urull U1lUUllUl nm))l U)VlniilJ I

~Ui1Il l~Ull1ll~)n1 I1111l1nuNuintJun1i bull

i~Ul~)I1~)~~mlJ1ifll111111 ~~pfi lIUUrll

lritJllllnull~uUi1fi1J1lJU~i1fnllVil un~l l I1lJ1nUmi~llJ11JillJiJl~tJ1YlV~1i~lUY)fll J IJ I I ~ v

IllV) LVii1 llJ~lr-l(1mYlUVltJ~lll)(1tllJ

v dd1 v I d ~i1]fl1ViMlIrull~ I1llnf)1ill)llllV) 1Ytl~

Tl~)lnu Vi(1 ~lJi)1V1ilJU ~f)jwUyj M lllY~lTm~II1U-)l U1VlfiilJ~U~(itJ lrJ~Yl1l l~)n1 I1liYi~r1l~ml11(1(i)l~U~tJVifil~1U

llfflmY1Vlv(lmnIJ)llm) lrJUiJiJUl1Jl1J1Ufl~ I

TlUillV ffilJ1ifll11Vi~]l1UlllYltJ1Y1~VlJ1H v

Ui 1VliU lliritJ1l1lfi~fmhn1)U unnl

J1lJUllif)1 11(1 lrimYitiunuf)1lHlTl~tJltJu~ 1Uuil~uU

lJlUCllYICl J~~m ttllJlfinlH1fl~nlllJnlJ~lJfm)~~UnJlIl (ilf1U) ()liljJ~dhitiflfl 1~-Jl llwlhdlJJI11mJ~]j VlllfhHm(lm~lj~H ll~1HlJJl IUIlrmiddotltJll i HI 1J] 11 (fflU 11[ ~rulaquoJll V1ll~hh~nDUnljf)ll~~HjllDjtf1f1 1~tli1 J nKuijD~iJlI~)l 1Jjll~n~lJllnUJlnl1lJl1 J(lI~Ifitnntmlll~lJ

~ V I 11

lfI~U11f1fl llui l1lU dhJJll11jvt11vlJDHhhuClI1U1-Jlllmlllnml1111dh lr~ UUllliJJvi1111r~jJntlumjjjfiu11111 ~lJ IIlU1l-liili Ull 3IlD(h~u~IUUllll 1lllJ1ll11hmn fl~JJ1jlj~f1J r~Jltum~Dn D111ll llCllJWJUUlf1r)J OJlllmii1lJ R1~ U~DJV1rIUlm Tlul llt1W1Dn~Ju

m1JIllnl~~~YilJDDn~mllJl1iufhli1JnlH h UUlllUlJipl(WviRufhHCnU l1Jili Ul~U~1l l n ETflU 1lUDmllJ~ JlJJJD~llJmllJ1llrflJi vnDH

iU(llJlJUllll Hq)dluv1~ 1l~jjlJlru1iufh~Ulj~1jUulllnh~lJ ~~Dl1l111lH 1-11DOlluUljl~ihJD i l-iClIlCl~1 Yh~1l1IUU I~D~~UDlJrill1UIl i l-ilill~hJ riu1Tf1fllihi1Ji1IlI~DnffD1i14Al T9itJlihlHllaquowr~ln~ U(J~I~UJnUnlljrU JllUlllUlljJnrul1~DJhltnu 15 ll1D1j1iUfh~uj)lmuluDclln~ 3 il~ CllllJJlJlruUDJUll~nruoViClJ u~~~r~Cl~~D~uV)unm-l~~ClI1Cl~~JtJ 4 UflJUll~nluoVi ciJlll UlUU1J ~DJHljDnu111JJUjl]j~I~UJltiuJ lllll

II q tJ I ct 0 oi tJ r 0 v shyllllnll(1lJ~lllC1Uflll1CllnllUyenl IlIll mlJU1lJ~JYmlUUl1D U~nl1 nlnn~D~C11HnlJlJ m~V1lJJllrullU C1111nJluflru nlllJllllDlMll --

UJllliHiUljlIl~lJfh~1l~11J()[Jti~ 17-31 ~JUIllllJHl1jl~~J~11J 23-41 I( Cl U 1 (uu) m lJd -11 Cf1lJfI (lji1WmCl~ ~-1U JI1 ~DlJ UCl m lJfll UfllJ llJJ1I~lih i l1l flpflUUlllUJ~~Ull~ ll-ilvtq) J~IUllfmlt1l~~UmJnll lJClYlEI 1~uuDnlJl~l III lflJUfllJ1l-iltU1l 1lU 1~Dnmiddotll1UIlIl ulm~jllllil VlCll01lJuJrijlnDUIlll t1~ viJJ iuHitlunf1fllJlIl)un9fD~ufh ~JUlJll U 1111 fJlllJllllllllll ~uJnll

IV ff


~U1~1Villi LnU~~J bull IV a

Vi1u~~f)Li11~~~ cu

inmhv-liil 111Pi~~ Llllnnn1lIHU

ml~nll~~IllfJlNu~tllll (iilIlU) LtJ~ Lmrh iilIlU1Lliru~lLLVlUN1llnilUn1l ~lU~U~l ~tltllll ~ LLiiliJ~Tfl~ll tJ111qj

Llilml11~ilL~illJf)1l-11iltJ(l~lJU1~UWl neu]~Uri1 vflLLJj~W mJLl1lll 1l1~Ull~

~ eil tmiddotwnnVJiln fl1111l LL(llJUJJ1JUL~fn

lllYlm~~ l1~IIlnMillVi~f)tlnpoundi~ml1

~Uril Lb(hvjUl11JU1~Ulllnru-naUril

l1flltJJjU~jjlJU1~1-1niLnuI~~ LLvimmru

flU~l~Ullljj1JU1~ L~lL~~ ~lEllltrnl1l-1N u~lnll Llt]11~ei~ Llltlniftl~U~lt~ tJVilJl1~ vlutrlLn(1J 1JruLtiitJ1nUnlltJrU(l~~~1~ lJillmllnru-nll~viiilt-J(ltiiiitlnllll~ ~UVlUn1lt-J~(9I~ltJ

~ltJrllv-llli1~lTh 1UltJampu iilIlU


l1~ii 01LUU1tJMiilJEl1-Xiil~~lLVh~~1 LUU

Lflf)I~Utll1 rhl1U~1i~uyjl11mtJ1U

Ulllnru]~tll1JlLi)u 151f)~~U~1 ~Ul1ll1tJ1umjLilu 3 middotlu 4 lJtllU~ll

I -

leu] Illu1UltJtJ11 ~f)ll111ilnUmbtJ lluViLnmllfllLl1U mYlll1f)(9Iiilll1flll)J

mm11WlrulJEJ hTnllUIlOJnll)Jnll

fl1l11lLL(lm tltJ ) nl~poundilLiiI~)Jlruinv-l

LL(l~I LL1~~fl~ LLllnl~ll1ull)J)JllVlH L~tlfltln~l(91ln1lIl1UIl)Jll-1ll(9ltU L~fl rill1U~ LL UlvriltJllu~l l-1dJ U~lmriu LtiitJlnU

~lnn1lIl~(9Ill1~U~ll1iilltJlIil~ Lliu

1l~)JU1JI~J1~ltJd~f) lJUl~lJl(91vit-IDJl11 1l~~iiWUyjl11fl~(il 17 -31 poundi1ULLJj~v-l

iiiiviuyjl11 23-41 NU~tllIlUl1ll tJ

flTIILlilhei(9l~~11~U~1flJl(91111qjlll 1iitl~~lruiill LLvi1~11i lJruLtiimnUnlJ

L~iJ1JU1~ if~vh1~Ntl~nflU nllll ~uYlU I ~

LVl)Jt~tJ1Jl~1 LtJU Eine)~l1ifl LtJUn1l~U Ltlaf)miwmnlt(9ltJ11i Ll1JEinvr1tJmiddot middotUl tJ


I)cJ4 flJfl~lV1dJ 2557

~)J~lh~fl1l1Jmi~~r111lillilfl-1J~TilflIVl)JIJ~lV11Jiiilnrucrl Q I Q

I 1 ~tJ m f IHl tlfl tJIil l fI 11 VI U~ 1 A I1lHl fl11)J lH)Jl tl)J

I1~Iiynlll1Jmiilnrucnmlhn~il~jiJ~111111~() 17-41bull u

IEI U1lfll)J~)Jj1l ritl~lh1l1lflflt)lI1iJ~~~1NM~ 15

UltdhVHI 1 ~ffff1 IClII115 nliflUl m i lJnmgtlJm fl~NUnilfl (ffflU) mh yil 1W51l if ffflU~ i~()~11111U~lhnfl1jmi

Q -11 Qi 1 d 1 mUffUfllflJ ilfl UCl1li lilflilV lHU 1IJ1111111 l flmmm I1l11VClfl

IJUlf11liilt1~llniYUtil i~ UlIlJtl (11I1Cl1 fl1lJ1Jm) fol~in~t)n tI bull

fll11li 11ClU~1lIJtJlfiv1 Cl~llm~lJ a d I I cs I iJ ~ I

UltJfllYl Cl flCll1Clnll fffllJ ff ~lllJt)t)mrll~n~ffUfllIlClll I1U 11

~Ul~1li i llt1ruovliYUti1l1mpoundJlIij~iiIJill~ 1 I1uitnU ~1 ~ uli 111111 UIbull u

~ d CS 10 d 0 i)ll C1 i Q

llUrm11lii ~llIJUl~II1]lfllJ ~~fll~lll I1rj1li flfllIJl ~fol~nWnlft)

iYUTi11~V~ hJ1~liU ff-lIflVl IJ 01 I~V 10U nmHuCl~111111U1Ut)-l QI QI I d I iJ CI

U i i ~ilUIYI tl ~ V~ ff ~folCl ~vHl~ U 11 U n 1 i folCl ~ Cl~Cl-lmV I Qo iJ ~ I d oc d ~lnmiill(lnllffUflll1mVlIUfi 1llU flilllJl~-lfol111mVtJI1fl

IJUlf1IJ1~~H1liillfl111ii1fW~1mllii-1 17-31 ~hUIIlIllYl~li~U~ 11-1 23-41 Ur~~1li11111nliVil~Ul~U1f1~U ii~ hlil1~Il1JU flUU~-1uUV11-1flli~CllJ lJfl-1N11n flfllJ nli l~fll-1 i 1l1riNunilfl 11 1

l~an4fl iY U ~ll1liNUnilflU 1~ i lVfllll1l 1Ii1ill)~MhiUTilrlIJ 1~ il1~ iU tl 1 Ilii llilJlUlI~lliU uli YWlll i 111~1nfilJii tl~ ij~ I~V1

U lfrf31Yi~flci11fl n11 nllU flfl11lJ ~1lJjjf)~~ fuh) lou J~u~iU fffllJ 1lIJ flfl11115 111iifl iJlllfl 1111ffl1mh ri flU 11 r t) 11111J U 1111~

nIJfl hiCl~Clmil~~ll~U l1it)-1~Ufll~nl11UVl1riiU~11~illV1 U

lJi 1 li101ovl~fl~ hltnU 15 115 fliiiYUtil~1Ji 1~illtJ1UflflinU 3 1 U ~

4 lJt)~lJi1~nUlYI

ri1U iU i VV 11 iiifl-1 I11rtlf1U I1ti 1tJ -11U ~ MV1jt) -1 lli U 0 QI

mm 1-1 f2V1ffl11m111 mll 11~liltlJ lIV _lllU n~lUflOlflnllflU bull I sJ

fll111m~Vl (flV) fljllff~m111lrufllliIl~ff-1111V1Clflll IIClmll

fl1Uflllll ClVilJ fl flflll 1mfll1 fl1lJfllJ1lfiVlI1lU I~flfhl1 U VIIIU 1111~ 11~j~1riI1JU 11 WI 11U1~V10U U ltJtilliClfla 11

lClUl15flll fffllJ mhll~lJI~1l11 ilJm1J1Wfll1~i1f1lJn~nruovl

iYUfllUIl ~jU ~fl~ ffrulifvwfi~ ~ lU ~ lfl fll 1 Nil1lu 1 1 IlntlJ ti~ i mu~U ~ (I (I

1111i~ tJ~ln~U()I1lVlllllllillVI1ti~ ftUll1 111 ru IJ v L~11lllfl ~U 111U

1~lllnff(i~1 UJi~ I1illviJ~~lti 11 1 111111tlJ IIv 1ltl ~111 1llT111Vl~lJ ~Ulll11lf)

U lV ~ltlCl flri l1V fli 1 -ff1UI1i1-11~ lJlli 11 11 lJlVl llii ~nrue0lmy

InU ~1~ mlVilClltJnHn~lWlU~U ~-1 fll1 1Itl1IJU()I1l~-1flril1 livl1 flciNll 111~11U vi NlliI11 T~ ffllJ 111Cl1l ~U 1 U i IfolJ~111 f)t)u

fll 1 11 ~1l Cl 11 CllV ~flV ~lUlJlll

ltgt If

fl i ~ VI i 1-J VJ 1 ill CSU tJ

J~ nJnrnfl~ 2557-[j1JU[J1USU I


uUn8UnUUl~nUU8lU 1

8nsru fi~OUFl

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~ laquo ~ ~ co

Ln1tilLLfl ~YImru VIVVl L1V1 (ilIJ1l11JJLYIUV1nm

LLVIW1I11W1 Uflun1111n1 1 UOli tJn111 WiH

n1)IVlU~(lJW1-n11 Ufllf11U1Ul1l1~ (nlflflf) OfJU

l~WfJ1li rl~1I ~V1ru11r1f111IJLi1UlffJUtiifJ1u

lI1OJWVlU1 fuJW1~ f)fitJ~n1JJn1ihJ U11 IV

111 W unEllYlU~(i)JU1-nl1 ii~I~W 32 ~m1d1

LLfliiV(ilU(l~W - 3 L~fllYI~n fifJ 1nli~tTu~WW

lLfl~VlYl1i1V~tJnli~~til~ijllruil1Wtldmru 20 lJfll~WVlWYI1fl1~ LnW 1500 U1Y111fl11L1flll 201

~tTu ~WWL~WYlUYIJU L1tJW1UniU1W01~ ~ lil-n111m~

rlnJ[l1~lJEllflUU-nTllfJJlfW Vil1r1lJ11U1L-nJJU-lll 3 OJ

~111 LLfl~(lJUl f)1-liWlf11U11r1ii fll1JJJW fII LLtl f11 ~W til fl El(ilVU~~l1~rrUIl~~ampi1U fl11iWvl1W11W flU1f1til

~11~1~qJYIa01Jf)Ii11nlYIJJ1UQUuufif) 011

~(il~lnf)I~Uw~~~11 LLLllI11J11VulL~Unf)IrJU middot I ULLinmiij 1 IIjjU~lt1U1l1 1V1mLYI~lViJJ11JpoundllL~U

I n f)IrJUir1JJ1~1m~Uit-r~U1Ll~(il~11111liJtlL~nhL~3J I LLLluli(i]lt1-r~U1Ll~f)I~(i]~11L~ALlJJYIU11UU

WElnVlnu nfllVlWJlii l~U fltilYIUUV1nll1f1Lfln1lUI L~WV1nn1iU~V11l LfllfJ1ai~flmfimLtl~fl I I UiltJlfU~ In(ilV1 nnfllYIUfin(1l1tJI

VlUU l~JnfllVlUtlLLin 1 YI~U~1UU1Vl ~(ildjW II ~llfllJ 3 lJfll~flfh-nl1lU~Elnvhn1mni~~til1~tJ fl 30 ~1W~U LL~L~Uvlln~11V(ln~(il(di1u~hlliW

~ ~

nl lliW ~If1W Uii111lJlJW LLtlfll1lnlf11Ul~(lJU1~

~Usect 3000 ~1WU1V1 LL~Oli~(ilfdil~Ufli1Y1UU

i1V~tJn1iN~tilLli1l11Wl 37 ~1Ufl11L1flU 1l1~L1flU ~ 1500 U1V1 YI1flf1(illUUL~U 5500 ~iUU1V1


lJru~n1i~~~InflV1W-W(i)JU1-iil111~1Un1 ~tTU(~UVlntTn1111 n1i~Ilhvll fl (ilLU11 n1~hlVltJ

t ~3JW1 5rr1Ll1UU11 Un1711n1~~I1UUllalLlJJf)~llf)I

i 711~ lltii~IJWi~Iiim~fLll~dT LLlJilnfllVitJV1~11J L~WEl(ilYIUWVln1~1J1~ Il1IllflnllU LLfl~J1IlJJhl~

ii111V1tJ LLtii~I~~fllirVl1lfi1) vilmhl1i1JJLliLUW

nTnh3WllnneJVlW)J1HidjW1JeJ~Y1UU(h1 ulii

f11JlhL3WneJVlW1111mWnliW~Wl LL~1~uihl1VltJ LLIl L~lJii~f111lJ (IllJlJ(1IJeJl11W11WnlJlhi-JIli-J~~

-nl1iJeJWLiil~~lll~1~~ltJlill LeJ 1~mil~1-nl1vi ~


mntllLJul1f1ffJ~WVJJUlnlifl~iIJrtlaquotJeuroN ~~I~LQW1U1nUnhmJfI~~ill1rf11iJ~LtJlJfI~ t71J1fl1lJ1Jnnml1JwrimililLJunfNYlwiif)mif)(i

~UWtJlJrttrMrillnf)JYluiwtYJfju ~Wi nti~1 511fll1~ mtlnl UnUU1AWvil1l3JlUU1W

J _ I

IIB~IJ ~v(ij~(ij(1(l nll1111 0JV1JlLn1l~J1 ~eJLJ I

t-J~nlilU~l WJ1JneJVlUW~W1middoth)1 lr1L(Iil~W f1t1ll LWJlY11nij-r~Ulllllnn1JL~ilnvtLL~l 1~rW1l

illnDVlWlV~UliiTl1 lLn~1viY1iD1~ IJruvilill nElVlU(ifeJi1Y1Ulv1Vl LLiil (Ilm~n1l1Jl1WlJlaJEl ~~1 tJ ~

lJ U

DtJ1nLtIWmYilJLamp)aJil~1npoundlYiaJltJijn1lL1itJU1r1i~LlU ilneJVlUl~ LLiil1Jl1UleJ~11 Jill

l1~nlt-J~nlilW~l WJ1JU1r1Ji11r1rilL1ll~DlVi 1Jl1U1L-lilaJ1LiJUl11WY1~n1Uhl~krwlW LWJll (l1tf

illl~1YiOJlJn1J-li11L1ilUBi1vl1LYiUll11U1L-WtJ 3

f1W ~11JLYilJffVll111Jvl~LLVIW1Jl1Ul El1l)1rl J~ VidlfirunBlVluLLYilil~GlB1i1l11ulLiJtlU1J~Ym

bull bull OJ

LL~(ijLLClllUl~ tJ nu 1(ijtJYiJJlllpoundllLLYHil L~Ull1~lJl

I ~lnl11U1LnUtrnLLltl-r~B(ijUULWtJlL~niiBtJ oiild

~~Blijpoundll~n~l11ulYiLiIJLL1ilLLJunBlYluYipoundl(ijUU I IU bullbull I

L~UYlUlJUL1tJu1ua(ij~1(ijBmiitJVivllll11Ul LL~ i ~poundllLLJunBlYlU1iI1a-~n1ll1Ul1tI1U~~l1

a-n~lru ~Il1~~ru l11Ul ~a-W~~ru1J~ 1r1

IIl1lJll1uil ~~l11tJllil~1lJliiL~U~ULVilJU LLampi

dju L~poundlmllJ~LLIllWl~tJ 1i1Jl1Ull11U1~ru1~ ~

I (IlaJlJ(1aJeJ~1l1~eJeJnil1ULLiiIlIil~iill~~Dn1J

iil11IJLllV11YiU LLiilY11n~eJnlJYh1r11Jl1Ulii bull Q ~ fi d 0

DWlf1~WllaJn1Jl~~eJf1 nJLQ~lvlU VlVllY1U1Vl

~llJn1Jll11Ul11LLi-JUn1JtJ~n-lil1vYtJJ LVII L~D ~

tJ~n-lil11r1(IeJvf1~1)nUf11laJ~eJn1JlJeJ~~1(ij ~~

tJ~aJl run1ltJ~ m V Em nil ruY1lt-J~i-J~Vl~U Vl~l~(liimVl ~

lUnlJ LLnil ruY1ln1JtJ iiln-lil1~mJllru[nw 1J

~vhtJviltJ 1Liiu~ w11th~tJn uluna-lJll1IJ

i Ln1l~n~l11U1LLiilLn1lVl~m1 Vlll ~ LtIU Elil middot (IlLl1Vl

v1eJl-liWll11Wl1VltJ1~~f11laJ~Uf1 LjeJlln1~ii I ij middotnpoundlI~jltJleJ-rU ~lWJi~Y1~ liQJyenU Ul~n1ilIJ~iJ I hib~l11tnlrm L~WEl1VijjnliLwM~aJlc)(1 17 i

I tJJ(IrllltJLUWnlJl~tJLL~~~WllVW~-iil11~LYilJ I lJln-iiu I


fi n a Ua dhl3J amp1 ~h ~UA1 b nlf(9la f1~lijVl~~ IJm1J~lLL~~ 217 LL~U~TUUlrl lJEJlJ~ 26-32 Onnfl~~i1LLlnlJm1J~l

d at 01 d

O 7 L~ltJ3JVllleuroJ 3 VlUl tJI1U ~U llj

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0lt) =i ffUtJ1~ tJ fimmlLIjeuroJnllLmffilLL~ ~ - ~

~mrumlLn~l (jj n ~) Ulb3JUillJfllJ

VI~J1JeuroJIll(i11 Lfflli3nl mlLn~llJeuroJJLYltJ

VI~eurol~~YlrnflLn~l liJe)ltIlllmllJmtJ~h

~ln 07 lu~~Jumn dJU 26- 32 lufI~J U~J VI~euroJ~ltIlLUiUJ~lil 2 i 7 LL~U~lUU1Yl ~I~~LUU 83 lJeuroJJl~Yll13JIJeuroJJUlLrlff dQI I lJ V Jd YI3JElQ 26 mUmUU1Vl IJruv~ 6 L~euroJUVI~J

lJtJIU 2556 3J~lil~ufilLn~~leuroJd~ 216 ~

u~nQJluUn~ rilLU~LYh~ ~-ril~ ~eilUltJml ffU~1ltJfin~ ncil1h ~LVI~I1

JJfl~~t1V1~I~~lJmtJ~llii L~euroJJlln~~t-J~~1u n~JJ-trllulU eleuroJtJ tJlJWlll Ul~3JJ1~U LL~ ~~wil1fl3JlruL~3J LLlt1i-lill

LU~euroJn~nml3J~U 15jj eJiLUUL~aJ l~UllmiJ-ru~l~ILlt1~tJ t-lil~~tpJ illPl

euroJtiYi 7500-9000 Ulrl UYJU i~1l~ lI bull cd ~euroJltlU Vl1nml3JIfUeuroJfVl aJil~lL~ LV20 m ~llfll 6000 U1YlLYhilu

~UtJllljlll m~illlml~W1~J3Jl

LVI~euroJ 60-61 Ulrl lt1ieuroJnT~n13J LIjllil~u~ LiJltln~~L~3J ~urlumlt-J~~~J llm-nllTIj~

d ~ T Llt1GwmlYi


630-780 Ulrl w1euroJn ~n~3J LIjnt-J~~~~euroJeuroJn3J13JlnLL~ilmlU1L-li13J1

llnUltLVlffLYleuroJuihu lJru~llfllnJneuroJeuroJn l1~mltlloilUl~lnYillIXllmU1U~J~lL~euroJ 10-220 U1Y1w1euroJnT~n13J LllUL~tJ1n1Jnfll Ul~~ ~llmfiWl~J3J1LVI~euroJ320 -435 ~ntJ ~euroJnT~n13J

1I1~U11 VI~lLm~~lmL9l1lJLjULl~1 il~Jllljfl~euroJIlUnlllllOhm~~ LL~iJ ml3JVll~1um~wYi1u1U1n~uVlIi~OnnleuroJleuroJ1J

LjuluTm~ml3J1UJ~ln11 6-8 L~euroJU

cilUllfl1~U~lLnllVllvifl1~ hlilllm vibVi~ ~euroJ ~Uci1UVI~I m~11lb~l-I LUU 215-220 ulrllt1ieuroJnT~n13J lln 180

Ulrl LIjll~U~euroJImlU1LUt-J~~beuroJvilUeuroJ~ IJrnvielmJflWd1lL~3JLJU 1 220-1300

U1rl lln 1040 ulY1~euroJnT~n13J llfl1LnLdil

nlL~3JLUU 42880-44 Ulrl~euroJnT~n1l-1 L 11l1nfl3JUln vifftJ T lUilml3J9l euroJI ml

L~3J lJrn~~VI~Wlh~13Jm~1mfllleuroJci vi 69 -72 lJl~~euroJnT~n13J bljlln3JIjD~ Ul~uuruVllL~ilJhmtJl~ ~I~euroJIUlLih~3J llnLrltJ ~ bull

ultJ~3Jifn~ n~lhlilJii leuroJI~f~ml jj n~ n~llL~13Jl1 cilVl1U LLt-JUltJ

tJllL~L~~ tJ ~Vll~ ilil3J nu mrl )11

im~~l1mYlll11jlb)ll6 Ll~mrll11

~lt1I~lVlnn~ LYleuroJt-J~n~u~$iYllJeuroJI Ln~mlvieuroJdhl~U 10 lJeuroJJ~~YllJeuroJJ UlLrlff LL ~LU UnllleuroJI1U num~ L11 ~ LeuroJ~g~tJ

~euroJJVi~lLilumlL1~3Jt-J~~~~ ml~~

9lUrlU ml~11J3J~1i1L~3JlVinu~ufi1[nfl mlL~~m 111UlJeuroJJjjn~LwnUjjUlml

n 9l euroJJ LVi~W)1[11 mm~m~n~rnvi1JTlI

LYleuroJt-J~n~u~~~~ltIltvib~3J vitJliUnL~U~Uil f1rn1n~lml3J~lULLviJl1~ (fl~l) L~euroJJ ~~Ljum~ULfflli~nlLu 2 7000 ~lUU1Yl ~huTfllJm~UL~euroJ~JTlILLlil

ultJ~3Jifn~ n~11~euroJ11 ffuMfmin~ ~ll1lml3J$1~L~UlJeuroJJnfliJ~n~lmLrltJ bull I

~jLLwllUYi 18-30 ~ tJYitJl~l llnn~3J

~euroJtiljLrl~mmlurlnfJVll~YilUlL~f1 2346 lltJ LUVll-n8 l~lJml~~lJlJeuroJJ Ln~ltIllmLrltJ ljuil Ln~~lmLrltJ~ml3J ~lJlul~u3Jln~WflLLUuLlt1~1J 310 lln

~LLUUL~3J 4 lLLWU T~mnllVllmilml3J v JJ ~ 14 1

~IJl~ltIlU3JlnIJULufl~LuU 7851

ml3J~lJlJeuroljLmWIlmLrltJ l~lln ~1~llt1lfll1~~IJlU 6 ~~ L~LLn meuroJUfl11 ~lJrnlj~ ~Jfl3J~ mlJ1U~ ~lJJllljLjU~

LL~l~t~ LL~~euroJoilLLUnml3J~lJ~l3JeuroJ-nlw nllLn~l~n

cilVl1lJl~lJfll13J ~lJlJ euroJjLn~~ lm

VI~JL~1uLjuTmJ nlliU~lUlin ljU

11 Ln~lm~u~n-nllilml3J~IJ~l~l13J

L~3J~wmw1~l~lJ3Jln~~~ itJflLLUU

Llt1~tJ 335 middotnnm-LLUUL~3J 4 fIbbUU


TWlmn~~lm~u~nillI11ULVlqi ilml3J ~ v I 4 _ v

~lJ LUl~U3JlnlJUfl~LuU 886 ~rleuroJU


ampI J 11

U1JaSJf1n~ mfi11(i)1U 1il~~Hilfl111iU1fl11

lYJilnlllnmlm(1l1WlirunllLflmJi (llfl l1) fl~ll 11 f1UJ1~J 1l fl l1 l~cimlm1JJ~~l~14 (Poll)

11 il~ ~~JJ ltill il ci1~ 1f11jmm114lln ~~11~~1Jilllf1 ~l14l~ 2346 i1U lW~l~~il14 ~[J57 ifl~u i~lJm1JJl1l11Jil~lnmJifljl11H )tojlJ11 m1JJl111JJl(1

ilJJu~ ln~Vlim1 ~1 [Jl 11111 ilJJil~l14i~~JJ1 fl

vll[JTlll1414l~U 31 0 llflf1ll14Ul~JJ 4 Tlll1414

t~tJln1jVljflj~Tl11JJl11 14j~lJJJ1 n141D ~~lU14 78 si ~~d ~11JJ~1JlJil~lmffijfljl11[J1~llnltill~ 1~m1JJ~J114 6 ~Gi ~il millJTlTI~ Tlll1414l~U JJ1n~~~ 341 Tlll141-l VllJJJJ1vlIU~1Jil1ri~ 321

Tlll1414 ~TlJJ~ 3 20 Tlll1414 fl1j~l14~ 3 14

Tlll1414 l1Jil1ril~14lt11 285 Tlll1414 ll(111l1~ 274

Tlll1414 1~ul14ll(1iJGi~Tlll1414l~[Jilu1m~lJJJlflII II I

)1~il ljjil~llLUflfll1l-Jl1lJl-Jl(1j1JJVllJJil1~Yl ~ ~~

nnLhl1011V111fl rilJ11 lflljlillm~DjnillJil1~I

nlllnljm1l1flrl flDj ll1rljjm 1~ 1 l1JJJ1 Ri1JJil ~l14

i~lJJJlfl t~tJl~mJinl~yjll1114~J(1bJjjf1ll1414l~~[J mlJJl1IJJJ1m1l-Jl1~l1~ lrijll~u14~~lmnltr14~1~ q~fll~1J(1t~ilfl~Vl (1Hl lflljOJjflj~ilUlvl~ DinillJ fllJ 1 14ndlJDjl1lJU ru11il111J (11J~Vlt14 Vlm~~~~illmiddottvlilm~l11l11141J-(1~Iilh jil~(1~JJl ~il lnmJjflj~D(1n5iltJllflL~u~lrildil t~Uilm


5il[J~llU1tUl-JlWl-J~14 ~~lU14mll~lflmJjm~1lnfl 5il[Jvmh lI(Uyj~rildil~I1~Y11~fl1j~~ililn~~~~[J 111~jlr1~~i1l~mul1ruum~flJJlmfl1jn~n14

fllll~lJj~1Jm1l-Jl11Jil~ lflljVliflilll1~l~wl~14 tm~fl1j~u~1b~11 ~U11 lflmJjm~Dnfl-n11jj

x middot Tl11JJ~1JJJ1fl1 JJ lWJJ1J14JJl il ~114~lJ JJl n~~~ ~[JTlll1414l~i1U 335 llflll1414l~l-J 4 Tlll1414

1ll[J1I1~llnlMuL~ulfltm~ fllj~lJ~1til-ii11 middot t~tJlflmJjm~D(1fl1il1lth14l1ru~mlJJl11Jl14j~u JJln14lll ~~~tJ~ 88610 l1~il14ll-il~14l1I1~)~fl


1i~ltJl~JJ14 llnjjm1JJVl1J 1 14ill~mi1141JJln 111~llmilTliltJl~14114tm~fI1i1 l-J1hj~lnl1 6-8

llt11 il14 ~~ lti~1Jn t [J m Jil iIlJ1JJl1lJ~ ilJ

lflmJinj1l114l1ru~L~l-JUl-JlilU114i~uJJln~l1~ ilcil~hr)Vll~ ~14~1~U ~nl1ll11411fl1wll

YhlmmJim~i~~mlJJ~1Jl~JJ~ 1lnl1 mllti~ lltfiJJ n m~JJ 1J~Vl1llYl~n ~~Vllll~fl1jlnljVli~ [JfI1j

n~Gi14ll14fl1j1J~Vl fI1mlijJ14llllf1Uf1fl1j1J~Vl flljli

lllf1t14t~ULf1~il~~mfl(1fl1jmmJj ll(1fl1jl1UUl11U

1~~fI1m1illYlll11JJ l~ill~JJj1[Jl~~lYl[J~riil~lJ ~11Ti~1[JlJil~LnljVljflj1Jrul~mn14 1l0l1 mjlti~ ll11JJ fl1jJJil1ril ltfi JJ~~11lf1 fl1jlflmJj lln14il nil1f1

nlllflljVlj t~[JmmlijJ141lln~~lltfiJJillrij[J14 l~illl1t~~(1VlillJ IIY114)14l11JJll[lU~ liJUil~~ l1il~1~ ~fl1T1ry~il T1j1fi1llmu1~l14fl1jVlm~l~ill111~ liil~ll1~fI1~lml1Ullnflj1[JR14fi1


I 41 VIvVha h104 1lfillIii033HI~L~3Jfl1lLOlfVll LiI~L~v~~

LL4lYll-lmliilLUU-llUlIeurol-lm~1 L~Ellhml-j~eurolLf1W1dm~uiln-n11~ ~

U1U Iill~ultJUltJlIeurol-l ml15 11 M~~Ihlm-lmddrnd-l~m~

riiUYltl~LYlf11ul~~md~~iilUrlunmJ~Iil-n11 L~eurol~Uml~~lI1shy

lf11Ul 3 nlmdJl udnEluiil1tJ 1) md~~-llUdrnd-l~md~~

iilUYlUmd~~1il-n11L~eurol~Uml~11lI1~lf11Uld~U~-lW)~ 59 -ll-jl~ ~-l~~LUll-jJlltJ1~LnW1dmL-n111~J1U1~~lnl1 59000 2) ~dltJ

eurolUdJlriltJYleurol~LYlf11ul~~md~~iilu1umd~~1iljJ11 d~U~lLf1eurol 814 ~lLf1El 1~LLrim11111~mLnW1~~U1U (eurolnJl ) middot 61102 dltJ

dVdlJ1U~ 15 mnjlf1Jl-31 mnjlf1Jl 2557 l~tJlvilmdL~tJ LLyIj1LYlf11ul~~mdr-J~1il-n11~rlnltilEl-l 1~lf11U11~~mlJl1 mlJl

~ ~

L-nlh YldlunJ LL U1Yl lJmd~~dlmill tJmd r-J~1iI 111Jlld(] L-nlnJ

UltJmdr-J~lilmnln d1~0-lLn~mlJlL-nlh~ln~UL~tJ1nUmd~U

-ilU1U 63943 f111L1eurolU LIil1tJlJyljftlJlleurolUL~UL-nllrqJ~Lntilildm LLA1 ~lwru~~m~~lLUU-llUIil1JJLLtJUUElJnULL~Lln1l1ilqJmtJ~1~ U 2557 lurn~lillUeuroleuroln l~m~yIjl~Jf1~ LJl LL~YlL1tJU 1~~J nldl-~Jl-jl~L~lmiddotdJ~~lill~amUnld[UEl~lJ1n~~ LLvillrndr-J~ 1~~J 3l1U~ ~1uhmjdluL~tJ11nAl-jJl~LLA1 yIjUl11~~nld ~mf11-6~1Iild~ldt~Ll1tJ1llU~J LLliijjm~LriW1dndUlJmiJl~lIEl I

nWUL~mmJJl1myljf1~eurol-l (lf~Ll1tJIiIElm~tJ 3) LL~~JLl1~~md ~ ~ LLUdW d1~nl1 65 A1UU1Yl ~Jlirn11 fin (f nLIil1tJJlIElUL~Ul~



~1U~~r-J~IilYlL1tJU ~-lf1~ LJl middot LL~~eurolJnEl-llUf11f11iil ~OJ bull I I

ilEln~liIm~~lnlU-61-lL~ElU~Jl-jlf1Jl-numtJu 57 ~U f1rn ~

nTI~nldUltJUlmL~~lmnld-6itJLl-j~mnW1dm (f1lfn) jj~~~ Ud1~LrieurollU~ 7 mnj1f1Jl 2557 l~L~UlfeurolUIillJlLLr-JuUeurol-lnU

~YlnutJULnW1dm LL~md LlfUd tJlfUllnYlLutJULnW1dm


eurolnJl LL~~L~1l-jh~ri-lLm~mdLnW1d1u~u~U

lu11ulItJltJr-J~LLriLnW1dmllrneuroleurolnm1lL~tJJlLLU~-lLmrm~~u YlL1JtJULn~lildnd~lJ~n mtJ1iilnlnddJl~ 3) mdriltJYlEl~

~ ~

LYlf11ul~~md~~iiluYlumdr-J~1il-n11LLriLmrmm l~U~LUll-jJlltJ LnW1dml-jUJ~lUdltJ

lU~1UlIeurol-lmd~lLUUJ1UlmJmdLLntlIUqJmtJlJVm10Jduu U 2557 ~UU11LUU~11~lIeurol-lLmtlildm LyIjdll-j~-llln~ f111lf

eurol17~~Stihmrn m~1 middot MUd1JlL1-l1~YIu1tJ JlUlu~u~~hu d~ul~lElf1euroluLIlmdUi 1~~lLuumdm1l11eurolULL~~UEJU~~md eurolElnlufudeurolJ1-LLA1L111lmtJ1u~u~ElU nf1d

~~~ e-J1U~11v1LL ~Jll eurolLilm~U~1 tJ Ll-j ~eurollmtlildm1lJ~ ~hunJu UdJllrnL~JlL~Jl LL~l~~ri-lifqJ~dltJ~eurolmtmm 1~ firi l1

LL~LL1ltllUqJl-jl~m1~mf11iil jjLUll-j~ltJ 7800 iilu l-lL~U 37 50

A1UU1Yl -61tJU~l-jld~~m~lu 3 Jlllildnld ~eurol 1) u~Vm~nld

~rnf11ylj~~tJ~1iI LUll-jJlltJ 4000 iilu 2) mlltJr-J~r-J~liImmuEln

~u~mf11iil LU1l-j~ltJ 3800 iilu 3) L111~l1myljf1~eurol-llumdEl lI1tJcJ~~ LUll-jJlltJ 35 n~Jl

LL~ ~11 ~ ~JYi1 tJ ~1l-j1U n ld~l LuUJlulmJ nld-61 tJ Ll-j ~ eurol

LnW1dm~lJd~U1ltJYlU~Yll-lfiddJll11~ LriElU 2555-57 -ilU1U ~

530943 dltJ lu 60 ~-l-jl~ ~ f111l1 1~eurolU~GiJUnmJdltJmd~1 I I

deurolJ~ltJL~Elmrn~maUl-j1El-ildju 1JL~U 509954 ~lUU1YlL~eurol L1-l~ltJl-LnW1dm~U l-j~JOJlnimJ~-lLm~mdmW1dL1-lL~1l-jiil~ 1-m1OJl1ElUdltJ~mnW1md L~lJ~U~L~U~lnllEl-lLmdm L~lI umlh-iliil1Udl11l1U Lm-ilu1uL~U~~niilElJ lIrnU finl1n


LWfl n11Ln1iVll UtlmlnlrunTl Lnm (iin) Li](l

~~ucll~u iintllMll111111~~IiH~U~fl~

n ~ IJ ii111l th~Lnm n l1 U1 n ~~1l(lrUi LM1

~lU1U 2346 llU 1Ui-NL~1lUjj~U1UU 2557

111)1l lii11J11111J~lJ1l~Ln(llnll11u vnrh ml)JlJlJ1Cll1)JlJfl~ Ln~(llni11111U1l1Wi1lJ1lV

1Ul ~1J~~ lii11I1UUULU~1 310 Ilnl1iLU~ UlllJ 4 IlLLUU

Ul1lllJf1n~n~nn L~fl~UUnrm)JlJ(ll)J mii~mlLn~(l~ui1Ln1imnlUNClbjjj~LLUU Ll~UIl11lJ~IJmtll1lJ~~~(l L~i1LUUb~~~IoJtl l~flfln~(ltl1(l Ln1l(limihl11111J1nlu i1l~NUl imn~liIinl~)tlmj1lJLLilLtU~1riLd1l tlil1l1111

ilfl1iiLLU1tU~L~~lu IJruVilriLdfliiiilll11~n1l lti~flfln~~iu

U1UlllJ~n~n~1ln lti1V111Jl(1Jll11lJtlIJlJeN

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d d )J1nl1~(lm1IlUUULUtlU 335 dj1l-lllnLjjtlhi


Jj111~3TU-amm11 ~111~1J Ul1lllJ~nt1ln~lTi1 N1Wl1Jl1111aUI11

Ln(I1l111~a-liJ 2557 ii LL U1 t UlJIlJU1U

~ 2 6-32 t(lU~UIi1 Ln)lVll~Ijjlllll ~-llU M LLri lYUN1 Ur~ ~ll lmL~)J~U tl~vI 215-220 1J1Vl~1Jnttlnl)J (lllJIl11)J

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llll1ililUtl~~lULLtlJlmtlVll1U~ 1220-131J1V1

li1JnttlnilJ 1ridltlvi 4280-44 1J1VllitlntflnilJ

LLtlLdillJ (~tl~1) ~ntClnilJtl 69-72 1Jl11

Ul1lJAn~n~11i1 N1-fu~UrHml(ll~I11(l 11l11l11Cl lil (NLampmi1lU hiuri m1LU~1lnLtl~ l~1J1l11lJ~ 15 l1l11tlVvi 7700-7800 11WI


litllllU LL~ LnllVlimhu1m1illnlll lr)1J1111)J~ 11Vi 20 Vh1~l11l1~tl~UtlV~ 6000 1J1Y fi1U


1i111llJlJ~ml1 14000-15000 1J1Y~tl~U

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il ULLtll1 1l 1Uil1JU1~(llYil1 IiItlUdtlVl11~ ~ ~

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flan~1_r1_W_2_5_57 o~

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ilUll11U~Uvi11ijml liI l1 fllli11 )J U t UU1U u

LJu~uiilJru1l1~I1l111lhi LLltlIlmlU~lUIoJtl n~UUlv~mVJi1lLnliIi middot~tl11hufh1~fl11)J


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Ministry seeks to resume small-lot rice sales in August PETCHANET PRATRUANGKRAI THE NATION

THE COMMERCE MINISTRY is preparshying to resume selling rice from its stockpiles in early August gradually releasing it in small lots of about 5000)0 tonnes a month

Duangporn Rodphaya director-genershyar of the ForeIgn Trade Department said a ~ubcommlttee had agreed the mmistry slthould go ahead and sell rice from the stockpIles and not walt tor completion of a Junta-ordered mspectlOn of the stocks bull I he nce-release planwhlch Will be proshy

posed to the Rice Policy and Management Committee soon includes sales through general auctions to exporters and local traders by government-to-governrrient contracts and through the Agricultural Futures Exchange of Thailand

Puangporn added that the department wopId ensure the stocks are released transshyparent With the Fmance Mmlst and the Prime Minister s 0 ce joint y inspecting the f0cessc

T~e department reported that about 55 per cent ofl800 rice warehouses had so far been inspected by the teams dispatched by the militarys ruling National CounCil for Peace and Order The teams are expected to complete their mission by the end of September

About 18 million tonnes ofrice is reportshy

cerns over roug t an ower pro uction in many countries amid higher demand in many others I here IS a good posslblhty that ThaIland will export 10 million tonnes 9pound nce thIS year It is expected to sell off all 18 million tonnes in its stockpiles within three years she saId

The department reported that Thailand was able to sell 535 million tonnes of rice in the first six months middotup by 50 per cent year on year while export value rose 19 percentto US$27biIlion (nearly Bt86 bilshylion)

As ofJuly 16 the price of5 per cent Thai

Afile photo shows asoldier inspecting rice stockpiles at a warehouse in a eastern province

white rice was quoted at $427 a tonne up from $410 the previous week

She added that production bfThai paddy rice in the 2014-15 harvest season was proshyjected to be less than 38 mi1lion tonnes because of drought in many areas

Charoen Laothamatas president of the Thai Rice Exporters Association said the government should consIder sellIng rice from its stockpiles in small lots of about 100000-200000 tonnes per auction to avoid impacts on the m-rket price

The government has less pressure to accelerate the sale of rice frbm the stocks The country has holder power It should ensure transparency and minimum impacts to the market he said

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INTHE WAKE ofrising concern over the t reatmen t oflabour farmers we1shybeing and the environment in global trading the International Trade Promotion Department is urging more lhal busmesses to seek FairTrade cershytification so that their products are more easily recognised and have a

greater chance in the world market place

At a seminar on Fair Trade Mark and trading of Fair Trade products in theinternationaJ market heldyestershyday by the agencys Office of News Overseas Markets Development and PromotIOn Duan kamol Jlambutr e U Irec or- ener ot e eplrtshy

mentSal t atonlyasmallnumberof thaI compames and sUEP)Lc~~ms current~apphedthe FairTrade Marllt

The epartment lrill therefore continue to support Fair Trade certishyfication by promoting an awareness campaign amongThai man ufacturers and exporters she said

According to the Netherlandsshybased Fair Trade Original organisashytion about 30 Thai companies and supply chains have received FairTrade

certification to date This guarantees that they engage in faii treatment of farmers have good labour conditions use no forced or child labour offer fair prices to suppliers and operate with transparency accountability and respect for the environment equity and freedom lt)nd have fair trading practices

Duangkarnol said the department in cooperation ~th Fair Trade Original now had a target of increasing the number of certified businessshy iSnap es and products by 10 per cent ayear

The main goal is to help agriculshytural and handicraft producers as well as manufactures and exporters to achieve better trading conditions and to promote sustainability she said

Certified members of the Fair Trade programme will likely be able to leverage the quality of their prodshyucts for higher prices with certificashytion ensuring world-class social and environmental standards and more recognition in the international trade area she added

Thai export products alreadyusing the approved Fair Thade logo include

rice coffee tea cane sugar cotton freshfruits herbs and spices ockershywork handicrafts pottery and ceramshyics

The official said the department also would like to encourage busishynesses in the shrimp and fishery secshy

ate consultant for Thailand said the overall value of Fair Trade products had increased considerably in the past few years as consumers now had more awareness about fair trading conditions and the environment

Consumers are willing to pay more for Fair Trade goods if they feel they have bought a product whose manufacture is highly responsible to society Today prices of Fair Trade products are also very competitive

the same as leading brands Enterprises should adapt themselves to produce Fair Trade products in order to ensure sustainable growth

tors to comply with Fair Trade certification so that they do otfaceproblems due to unfa abour treatment Every Fair Trade product is subject to labour-standard checking she explained

Manasnan Pongjayavanij Fair Trade Originals aS60ci~

and access to many markets said the consultant

According to Fair Trade Original the value of fair trade goods in the global market excluding the US rose from 1 billion (Bt427billion) in 1996 to 48 billion in 2012 Expots ofThai fair trade products were wOlth about Bt300 million in 2012

More than 30000 products are now on sale in 125 countries and the global Fair Trade system currently works with over 12 million people across 60 countries

Manasnan said many more Thai products could get the Fair Trade mark So far many local brands sllch as Doi Chang coffee plus local proshyducers of soy sauce chjli sauce pineapples and bananas are wellshy

known for having the mark which is accepted widely

Martin Boon development manshyager for Fai~Trade Original in the Netherlands told the seminar that with the global market having growshying recognition of Fair Trade prodshyucts many markets were increasing demand for products carrying the logo - and that Thailand had high potential to serve sllch worldwide demand


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THE NATION ~ JULY 20141lI Sihasak reassures EUteam over juntas reform roadmap SUPALAK GANJANAKHUN DEE THE NATION BRUSSELS

EARLY ELECTIONS vtithout reform would not help restore proper democshyracy to Thailand That was the message related by acting Foreign Minister Sihasak Phuangketkeow when he met his counterpart from the European Union in Belgium this week In a bilateral meeting with David OSullivan chief operating officer ofthe European External Action Service Sihasak said Thailand had a clear roadmap to restore sustainable democshyracy and that the EU should support

this process of reform The roadmap and its related reform

will help strengthen our political econshyomy and will also be of benefit to our partnership with theEUin the longnm he said

Sihasak was in Brussels for a minisshyterial meeting between representatives ofAsean and the EU and spent much of his time briefing representatives of Eillopean nations aboutthe situation in Thailand

The E U along with the US and other Western countries strongly criticised themilitaryforits May 22 coup The EU suspended a number of cooperations withThailand as well as several visits by high -level officials It also recommendshyed that member states review military cooperation with Thailand

The EU said last month that it wouldmiddot

not sign a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Thailand and that the negotiation of a free-trade agreement (FTA) would not conclude until an electshyed government was in place

Sihasak told OSullivan that an electshyed government would come eventually Before that however Thailand needed time to implement reform to have a strong democracy

The time frame of 15 months or so for the reform is not too long ifwe want to make sure that our system and democracy are sustainable he said

Thai people are aware of the issues facing our country and we are working on addressing these concerns so the EU as a partner should support us

The EUhas the right to voice its conshycerns about the situation in Thailand

middot but it should also ensure it is sufficientshyly informed on specific cases he said

Concerning detention and martial law the EU should make sure it has corshyrect information about who is under

middot detention and if there are concerns about human-rights violations the EU should specify the cases he said

Sihasak discussed the situation in Thailand Vlrith many European MPs

middot while in BrusselsTheyincludeq Franck Proust special rapporteur on the FTA and Samuel Cantell head of the ecoshynomic trade and regional cooperation delegation Many of them have experishyence in engaging with Thailand and have a clear understanding ofthe current sitshyuation in the country Sihasak said


Pension scheme for farmers proposed

Farmers in the future might look forward to retiring on a government pension

Charnpittaya Chimplee directorshygeneral of the Rice Oepartment said yesterday ttiat under a draft bill dealing with the rice development fund members would contribute about 3per cent of their monthly income to the fund and the state wou ~d also chip in ayet-unspecified amount

When farmers reach the age of 60 or 65 they will start receiving a monthly pension bf about Bt4OOO

Most farmers earn less than other workers so the fund is neces- sary for their future Charnpittaya said

Other proposals for the bill are being gathered and the contents wi I be improved before its submisshysion to acommittee on rice producshytion and markets and the National Council for Peace and Order


Farmer happiness down from August WICHIT CHANTANUSORNSIRI

Farmer happiness last month dropped subshystantially from its peak last August when they had high hopes of stable income from the Yingluck Shinawatra administrations rice pledging scheme reports a Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BMC) poll

The state-backed farm banks farmer happiness index fell to 7851 in June from its highest level of89 in August said senior executive vice-president Somsak Kangteershyawat The poll surveyed 2346 farmers

Happiness from family health a good society jo b financial position and the quest

for knowledge were the six factors used to measure the index

The survey found happines from the family scored the highest with a score of 341 out offour followed by health at 321 a good society at 320 job at 314 fmancial position at 285 and the quest for knowlshyedge at 274

Farmers from the Northeast regygIiwere the happiest vvith a score of 314 while those from the North scored 313 the South 312 the East 297 and Central 299

Asource at the BMC confirmed Augusts poll was taken when the farmers mood hit a fever pitch as they felt they would receive an elevated level of compensation from the

rice pledging programme The National Council for Peace and

Order (NCPO) is seeking sustainable ways to help farmers after losses from rice pledgshying which offered prices 40-50 higher than the market price could reach 500 billion baht

The juntas measures so far largely includelowering rice production costs and slowing the release of supply to lower price pressure

The source said prices of tapioca sugar cane chicken and pork are gaining in the second half while those of rice corn rubber oil palin and whiteleg shrimp are declirun ~ bull bull imiddotI middot7~

Regarding rice prices the source said the price of paddy with 15 moisture content could average 7500-9000 baht a tonne while Hom Mali prices are projected at 14000-15000 baht in the second the half

Even though the agricultural sector conshytributes only 84 to the countrys GDP there are 167 ffiillion farmers making up 26 of the population

National Statistical Office data shows the ratio of farmers who earned over 100000 baht a year rose to 286 in 2013 from 97 in 2003 while 643 graduated from prfshymary school down from 704 a decade ago Farmers shouldered average debt of 124604 baht per person last year

BANGKOK POST 41 FTIupbeatabout domestic car sales PIYACHART MAIKAEW

The Federation of Thai Industries (FT) remains confident that domestic vehishycle sales will top I million this year defying some car makers projection of sales declining to between 900000 and 980000 vehicles

Domestic demand started picking up in the previous quarter as private firms and farmers bought new pickup trucks for their business expansion and new cultivation said Surapong Paisitpatanapong spokesshyman for the FIrs automotive industry club

The club forecasts pickup truck sales will contribute 55-58 of domestic sales against 442 in 2013 while passenger cars dropped to about 40 from 474 last year

The passenger car market has normalshyised after demand was absorbed by the gov- emments first-time car buyer scheme said Mr Sura pong

The club yesterday cut its 2014 forecast for Thailands automotive output from 24 million vehicles to 22 milliori It also cut domestic sales to 1 million vehicles hom 12 million while exports stand finn at 12 million vehicles

FTI vice-chainnan Suparat Sirisuwan~ nangkura said Thailand was expected to remain in the worlds top 10 automotive manufacturers this year with production in countries such as Canada and Russia also expected to decrease

The International Organization of Motor

Vehicle Manufacturers said Thailand was the worlds ninth-largest automotive manufacturer in 2013 and 10th in 2012 Production (ast year totalled 245 million vehicles the highest in 52 years and up by 014 from 2012

The club yesterday reported that car proshyduction fell by 261 year-on-year in June to 160452 For the first half Thailands car output fell by 29 year-on-year to 952685

Domestic car sales in June totalled 73799 dOVll by 304 on the same period in2013 while 440911 cars were sold in the first half down by 405

By contrast car exports in June rose 657 to 103946 earning the cOUDtry497 billion baht In the first half exports rose 36 to 560047 cars with export value rising 895 to 265 billion baht

The FII yesterday reported that the industrial sentiment index improved for the second straight month in JW1e

The index rose to 884 points accordshying to the FIr which conducted a survey among 1100 industrial operators It stood at 851 points in May when sentiment improved for the first time in seven months

FTI chairman Suphan Mongkholsuthee said sentiment has improved because of the more stable political situation and an increase in purchases of products thanks to the Fifa World Cup football tournament

The industry outlook index for the next three months stood at 1019 points rising from 101 in May

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AUTO EXPORTS INCREASE Despite the sluggish recovery of

the export sector auto shipments continue to expand but still by not enough to counter the reduction in dorriestic demand for cars

The industry has been forced to brake this years production target from 24 million units to 22 million

The target for domestic sales has been lowered from 12 million units to 1million which represents adrop of 251 per cent or 335154 units from last year

Surapong Paisitpattanapong deputy chairman and spokesman of the Federation of Thai Industries Automotive Industry Club said yesterday that lower domestic derriand the end ofthe governments first-car tax-relief programme and the delay in gov~ errirnent and private investment

middotprojects had contributedtothemiddot change in the production target However this new figure is still

middot higherthan the forecast for T8 milshylion units before the big floodiri 2011and domestic demand is

expectedto shitf intoforWard gear i

middotnext quarter~ The economic recovery payshyrnent for farmersuncter the rlceshy

pledgingscherneandreturn of investment will increase revenue l

in other industries and put more rnoney in peoples pockets he middot said

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Temporary charter should furthershyboost confidence ERICH PARPART THE NATION

THE FEDERATION ofThai Industries believes the temporary charter will further increase the confishyden~e ofdomestic and foreign investors along with buslness op~ratrs while the recent strengthening of the baht IS stJlI tolerable for the export industry as long as anyfurther appreciation is neither too rapid nor drastic

_The FTI also said yesterday that its Industries Sentiment Index (TIS) had increased by 44 points since April

The introduction ofthe provisional charter is in line with the politiCal road map of the NCPO [NationaICoimcil for Peace and Order Jand I believe that in generalinvestors andoperators will feel more relaxe and gai~ more confidence that things aremiddot gomgmaccordWlththeNCPOsplansforanewcharshyter the setting up ofan interim government and the possibility of an election in the future said Supant Mongkolsuthree chairman ofthe FTI shy

In his view the country over the past two months has been running on a smooth surface since the Nepo took power a move which has led to an increase in foreign investor confidence certainty over pubh~ II1vestment policy and rising domestic consumptIOn

These factrs will support the recovery and allow _gross domestJC product to expand by 25 percent this year he said


The FTI had been projecting an economic recesshysion before the arrival of the NCPO

As for exports Supant said The strenctheninO of the baht is related to the increased conffdence of foreign investors which has led to an inflow offorshy~ign funds This will have some effect on the export iiidustry but it is still acceptable for exporters since the currencys strengthening pace is not too fast and the Bank ofThailand is still monitoring the situashytion

The export sector will be able to cope with a stronger baht if the rate does not fall below 3050 per US dollar he said -Moreover since the global economy IS continushyII1g to reco~er the FTI is sticking with its export

- growth projectIOn of35-5 per cent for the year According to Bloomberg the baht was valued at

3176 per dollar yesterday The FTI chief pointed out that if the Kingdoms shy

export value were calculated in baht it would already show lO-per-cent growth year on year

Accordingto the central bank export value in May came in at US$1927billiol1 (Bt6124 billion) whIch IS 12 per cent lower than the same period last year in dollar terms - shy

Meanwhile the TmiddotISI has increased for two month~ in a row The indexose from 840 in April to 851 111 May and to 884111 June amidst calmer political waters the economic recovery the liftingof the curfe - and even Fifa World Cup fever which led to an mcrease in overall production orders and sale figures - shyn~eover~TISI fororBers~salesarid prod-udiai- -shyIII allll1dustnes rose from 802796821 points in May to 843 844 879 points respectively in June

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CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough


GRAFT HAS GOT TO GO nvestors from Japan from which Such concern by the Japanese away existing and prospective forshy

the largest amount of Thailands investors should not be ignored eign investors Countless foreign direct foreign investment comes because they have brought the firms and investors have com~

have called for reduced corruption largest amount of direct foreign plained about the extra costs of and improved transparency in order investment into Thailand The doingbusinessinThailandbywhich to help restore confidence in the Japanese invested over 8t290 bil- they mean kickbacks and undershy

Kingdom lion in projects ClPproved by themiddot the-table money that must be to Setsuo luchichief representative Board of Investment last year That bureaucrats and politicians Often

of themiddot Japan External Trade was nearly 30 per cent of the total they have topayin exchange for pro-Organisation (Jetro) for Asean and foreign investment of Btl1 trillion curement deals with state agencies South Asia last week called on the according to 801 data and public projects People who ruling National Council for Peace Thailand has generally remained refuse to pay are routinely left and Order to kick-start good govershy attractiye to foreign investors due behind by their bribe-paying comshynance that includes combating corshy to positive factors such as the avail- petito rs University of the Thai ruption and ensuring transparency ability of skilled labour efficient Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) rec-particularly about doing business in infrastructure and transportation tor Saowanee Thairungroj has esti-Thailand Now its a good time for systems location andthe consider- mated that corruption adds 30 per Thailand to bring about good govshy able size of the domestic market cent to costs for businesses That ernance for the new era he said But our chronic corruption is scaring she says translates into reduced

comoetitiveness for Thai-made Economic and Business Forecasting pay corrupt officials and politi~ians products and reduced credibility for Centre He surmises that the have to cut costs at-the building site Thailand among foreign investors improvement could be due to posi- and that means poorer quality in General Prayuth Chan-ocha has tive public sentiment following the their public projects and thus a risk made tackling corruption a top pri- juntascampaignagainstcorruption to life and limb ority for the ruling military junta He and organised crime The surveyalso Businesses who pay bribes also says the fight will be part of sweepshy showed that bribes paid to officials offset their higher costs by charging ing national reform together with and politiCians by the private sector the consumers more good governance transparency and had declined to 15-25 per cent of middot Since corrupt authorities and an efficient and effective system of project costs frbman average 25-35 politicians make money and bribe-checks-and-balances Thailands per cent previously paying businesses make profits it is corruption index in the first half of Despite the seemingly slight theconsumersandthepublicingenshythis year improved for the first time improvement in the situation (or- eral who suffer in five years according to aUTCC surshy ruption remains amajor problem for They end up paying more uhnecshyvey The indexinJune was registered Thailand essarilyfor products and public proF at 46 out of a possible lOa com- In addition to the weakened ects the quality of which is poorer

pared to 39 last December says competitiveness and reduced cred- Corruption should beeliininated or Thariavath Phonvichai UTCC vice ibility the public asa whole is affect- at least minimised for the sake of rector of research and director of its ed by corruption Contractors who the country and its people

  • 57-07-24 (กรม)
  • 57-07-24 (ใบนำสง)
  • 57-07-24 (กระทรวง)

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1Ui(]lJfllLzillu Jl1ll1vl~fl The 1st ASEAN Plastics Awards



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2557 fo

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1bVJ61~Vlb~6 J~ nan~lr1~ 2557

~ ~




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millhn(11)J nTl)lJ1fJ-ETllull~Eln

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n)mlln1)lIffl ~loJnulfmf~~U(11 L-E1)J1(1 LLiil LviElllll)JltJ1l1ll

UI -pJU)1111iillElEln-E11lJ11 5

LEllJlmj L~EllU~ 16 nII~1-hwn ~Uiil 427 Ll11fJQlll1fj L~)JffUI1n~Uiil 410

Ll11fJQlll1fj 1(1fJlJrudfjlJ1~1YlfJSj-E11

1ull~Eln 18 ~lU~U LLiil1l1(1111Sj

NiilN~(1-E11LtJ~ElnUnTlN~(1 25572558

lti1U1U 38 ~lu~u-E11LtJ~Eln

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ii(1~mrn~llm~mNiillElEln-E111YlfJ mhl

11 nTl)lJ1fJ-E11L~ElUiil 5 LWU~U LUU

tJ1mruhimn l11mlJ1fJriElU~NiilN~i] -E~1)JlUl~n1iil 2557255l 1ElElnmlu

lh ~ L~~U (0111 11 middotmiddot I11)~Yl1Jnm111 (1~1(1-E11)J1noJn middot LLvil11nN~N~(1-E11

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)ll11fflElEl n-E111YlfJffU)J1LUU~Uiil 4~0 Ll11EJQlll1fj -E11L1EJ(1U1)J~U~ 420

Ll11Jrulll1f~ bull-


VliiIJJVln bull fjn lI~JJLntl~iWmm1fj ~)jUrnlJJlJYIV1ULLl1 ln1lVlim~tl~nii8u lJW1JU11lJ

310 Ylm~JJ 4 f1LLUU m~middotlVIillhlVI~ i1)jl1~~~aWi1mlJJ ltlJJ8EWi 327 IlLLUU LnllVlimN

~lJt11 Yf~vJJLLU~ll(JniloVI1thvhJJ ilmt11w Uahfli1l1il L~Vl1(iL~J jj~UIl11lJ~1lW 31

l1~ulillriYiTIJJLIlitl~iiY Yi~rulf6lf Ullll lv1LvLL~Ui1l1V11 I1UUU rtluLnllVlimW~llvi1mi

L~iJU1~ 5 UU~ L~JJ I1U LnllVlilj~iiAl1lJllllU1lV~llVl U1VaJJ~n~ n~lhl(ilJU lUj~1Jlnnflultl~ilLUU 7851 ~1V1fUi~1Jl1l1lJfillll1ll

iJltAVln1iliUlI11iL~8nliLn1lVli LVlV aill (lll tillU 111 JJ Ill Ln1lVllnl11~llai1UL~ULI1iln1lrU

LlOl al1mrumiLmlVli (lina) lJ8llnllilin~ltllLVlA1V1v LLUl lthUl-nl1 Wml Ln1lVlimlj1l11JJ

LlJVlll-JVl1 ~WJNv una1riltli1lt1 LiJU1Ji1mA ~ti 1l1I1n(l1l n ~lllJl r1lllJLviJJ1UlJl1l~1Ui ~U IIl1lJ~Vl Lnu ll 8ln ~JJ(i1 8 Ull tillUA11lJfi1J1lWi 29911UUU lJ1n~IVl aiUI1LLUULO~V 335

Ln1lVlimluYJn~l111VlvhtlilVlA 1l1IlVl1u1l1lnLQUlL11U8 nti1l1 nnlllLUUL~lJ 4 IlLLUU I11Vl1~l

-)114114 2346 ilU 1U1illl~1lU 1l11lJ~ll1l~~ 314 llllUU 11111 1~fu~U~lnlAilnll1U~ltil-nll

JJV2557 ~l-nEl i~Ul1lllJfilJ L11111l jj~il11lJ~ll8~~ 313 LVl VLnll(iJlni ~tl~n-nll rtlU1 l1l1lj

IJ1l~LmVlimlV1v WU11 I1YlJJ IlLLUU 111111ril lj~ll11l1l1lJ~llJ~ A1l~lll111 itiulJln1ultl~Vlluu fillm OlillJll 1ll Ln1ltiri ni1VlU1U ~ 312 I1LLUU LLrII11Il(iJ1U(iJn 886 Lii8lltllnL~8l~UL~Wl~1jj 1l1wilJJ1l~1uitiu~lJln ailU jjffl1fi11l1lJIllJ~ 297 IlLLUU ltlmwlIli8l1-illUL~~U

d a l1lLUUlWu 310 ltI1nlLUWVllJ ll(]l~~fJ~im~tl~nr~r11iiP~1Jil JElnltnnti VllllilllLIlillshy

4 llUU LVlULnlVlmiljAl1JJIIlJ 1111lJltllllllltlVlJEWi 328 11 lLUU nllvlpoundJIl~ll1~liJ 2557 ~llU1U bull v

~l 26-32 LVluNu~hLnllVllViltl 1l4~tiini1lU nlilllU-ill11Ull~8n jjilAl~iu laiuri m~ltlyj~l f~ulm-huiEvill1 ~nlit1ilJrI ii8VLll~lULWJ1Vll(lVlilU lri hltl nlilJ1UVlillumru~~1l

11 ~ ~ ~ LU8 urIIm 1l111i1JIlUA1LnllVll jjlh~1l8-n1lL-nllJ1iVlLvU ~1l ful(iJl1ilAll(lVlrllL~rMV l~LUi lllrJLLuuf~vi1Jf~ ~~lts) LLrInli

-illl -nlLW(iJl~Vlamp(iJl U1lWlil tlilJrlN1UVl(llVl~8lJ1VNU~1 111~JJt11~U lLrIrNlJllLLlUUlllJ Ln1l(imi1ll1Ul LL ltli lViillVI V

LLviUljjil~~Vl~Vl~~8l~U(iJl~lUU (LfllIVVl) 1VlULLeJWl1J1vihlltiL~ VlLIlllailui il~111t1lvillJ LLUl tli~lJ1ruIilUL~1lU ltlIlti lQ~U 1UlJil~1~Uu~~1l1l~I-J(lni tl1lJ 1 run 1 liU 1 V-iilltli lJ1 ru

V1U~ltltliUYJUnliI-J~(iJ Yillmll(li1 L~1l1ja 5 lLllUIifU

LlrlnLtl~VU~HuWlU ilo1111lll ~~U eJ(lnlj(ljllll~8niill

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Ullil1lVli l1lVlVlmB ltlfuJ~ LLl lill(iJlaijjnllVlil~1nliflll~1 nllJnlihliilltl1LVlII mhl11 55 ll8lLn~~~l1lJVl 1Vlu~uUU d middot ~1 25-35 tll1ai1lai~nll Vltli11lJIl ru 8 ~m llJ n 1li UlU 11nWiUlv-iil1114 ll~8nf~ulr1 a 1l~liJLLin IlWUUl-JrIltllnllI11Yi llll lJlJVlL11U1JElULLI-JUVVllilllflm rlt1 VLUlmlllJLtl~l1lll~~n

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2557 llJV1V~ll~ 16-24 (UUll) ~n ~a1ltli~Y15 ~UVl1 LllJ1~EJ L11~1ll~1llnlj~l88n ailUil Il1RUfhLn1l(iJi~l 181Jl 11lVIiilliru~fml11111m~U mhJLtlilJ~ L~mLUlollmLtill~1 1i1 1 middot-middot

11~llJ2557 jjLLU11iilJltllJU1V LL11-)lllili ((lllll) LUUlhl1U -iill1vlpoundJYiLAtJltliltlum


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v f bull

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ltV V r Q iCS

tn-naHn (HI ff flW VI W 1 fl eJ 11 UVI

njlJ ifl Iff~lJ f1l jrl1jl1i1 llhmf1

lU~INEJ11 ffUrl1fflfH)f)UUlvlU

~llUU IiiUlthbl fflJ~U liff~llf11W ftfnJUJ~~ 111~UllU1iim1lJl~mrU 1UffUrl1lvW jllJJlff~1lm1lJlu1i~


Iii Ul ou fljU1 11 f)1 j uU VI UU f1lj

N~~~tJf)IiiUl U(1f)U1liIljlHU

[) V1l 1UU1jjjlJ VI llJlf) lJl VI j~1U

ff1 f) (1 f) j lJ ~ l 1 ~r91 Ill1m l flU

1Y1UlHlWY1 VIiffY1 lJ1ffl (Thailand

Trust Mark TTM) IUWlim

fft1J f1EmJUl1l Tn llJl~mjU111 fJ tllf11W

ffUrl1U(l1J~f)ljhlU lYim~lJluf)lff

Vl1lf)ljrl1Un ~lhmilJf1lj1V1m~1U ll(l~lllhlY1f1 jllJJl rillff~lJfffll fllW Kf)ll ru~~U ull~l U 1Uf)1jriluUf)

11lUUlll1 ftl N~i1lYUrl1 U(1lJ~f)lj~ii fJtllf11W fhWlnl~lln91UlJ m


I~ fJUfJ1 fJftlu V1 ~~tJftltfmJ W11JtI1I1U eJlfllJIllfl lhlITU

fljjlJf)1jlJ~l11j lJ~rll YiWWWff

(lllEJIl(1U~) ~10~ lU91INfJ11 U1f)


Yijf)l1hUlll1i1l 1 W1J111fl~fmhU1-]




Il1f1 1f) 111 ~huU Yijnll~ii f)lj l~lJ1il ff-) uV1-)lim~u) 1l(1tY)iillUl1ulJ~U l~hJlilLl~D f)lJl f)11111 U ~)rUlriu vd d ooltvdv

lU1 1 lJU1fllJ 2557 mllVlU)llJ1 1 ~ f = 1

lVIfi LU I1UTIjU9fU f)Il f)lj l91t)1Ylff

91mJ fliu) ff1m)~iiEJu91U1tlfflff91 ItlwrU~1Jl1~)1U1f)ll1ft ~l1UiJ 5~7 IlHllJlhlJ1tllfli1 ~ 100 11111111

1U f)Wl il (119111(11 EJlEJ ff1 I1 l91EJIl

iif)ljUEJlEJff1lJ1l~lJ 10 ff1U1 1UiJ

2557 il1f1l~lJYiiit)~ 20 ff1U1middot lHl

IlIEJ1EJl~lJflf) 15 ff1U1 1UiJ 2558

ll(llVilJflf) 25 ff1U1 1UiJ 2559

J~ flafl~1rUJ 2557 bullbull 1 j

) ~ i i



tJfl5ClUuJUSJlEJUfllS UUytw f1f]U(iJ1f1f1Sv~mmiw~m1JI1Ti~If1l1Jtr1f1 lJfiFJfJ1Y11N nfl11fW ~ei1UJlJn7JSrnJJuriS1~mJiJfJntVVI~ufVJnJJlJftflmJI11 1JlJilvmuwJu1wlilJu1NllJmJUmJlnviuTflJoJri1Jlnvwu~ ~ - ~

nisvl JJliPl (Thailand Trust Mark TTM) ftfllhvlMNjflN1111Nv~Tnf)iuvi1l1Jmf1iJm1lJjmtUIjEJtjfllutrU111 tpnlv1mJln[JTurfliJFJrumw~7VJJJ1urifilJVlnmiddotlslnltlW1llritn(i1m1~viiNmJlaquoj~truI11InveuroJthvieuroJjjfl

--- -====~-

v bbU 1tJjW1


ftJttWitllj~ lutflnnl~a~fl3na~al~lan


W 1 uhf 6fl J~UIB flllU11 [J lll11 ~11MI1l11 fl ruYi litH 111 JVI

n 1 jU~fI ruil1~ffU~1l~1l lfl li1 UI~ JJfI11JJTU1)1rfi~1bull bull v

11 ilJ Ofl I1l~ull vnHmJJ1U1 OBU J1~ ~ N fllJ~ L~ poundJlJU~l lu~u~u~mlJri~ nY1lJ flllr11

iI1~mhaVlf1 flci11lI1~1~IUJthli1JliJVl~1JfflJlJJ1 I~U~ ll-wflm~ (Fair Trade) lviU1UJllJlm~1In1IJifqjl1111i-l~1J 1~ uJ ll~ flli1J11f)fl~1 flli)~crlJlJJ1 fl f~if ll~ V f)) ~J111

Ltl f)liJ1Vl U11J lJ1lt1Jh~1ltJ1U ~1l1m~~llJl1 crf1lf) UJcvfll~ Clll

M1U~l15mu-lllvlflm~OJ111lJ1f)rJ 1~u1~I~tyqtJifliluf11i

t)lltll11f)JJlJri]uClf)f)~l 200 i1U 1lJ1~llJ11JYf-l

bull J~ifl~vthrlClf)liJ1UM1U~~1~~1~ri]ClClf)rl1f1WIJCl]~ u

hlO hi111l1tlUltII11 ltII1ml4~lltJ ~~J 1l~iif)I1~lUth1ff V] ii fl11lJJ111 ffJr11V1111JlJV] 111 poundI u o1] lJl f) hHllllYt 1

1 cr~1l1 f)~M1U IfI~u]I1lJ1 poundJU-WflmVl ~] ItlJ Ifl~V]I11J1poundJ1tJiu] fl UJfllll fiJ r11 ~lii 1J1 mii1 Ji~U 11 f)~ J~1J~1J flli flii 1l

r1l [)~U f11i1~1liN1JCl O-ltl f)~U-lLL~iif)I1~lUifll)U~JltI~l] rJ IH ri1111011 ffJ r11UV-J1Vl uJ] lU ~ ~1 m poundIlJtJilVl fHI~1l ~1

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30 Cl-lr1m ~-lnJ]~ltlJf)cilJ~Lhuf)VUf11i 1tJlluo]ltII1mru

1Pl1-l 1 llvlV-liiii f)~lU1UlJ1 f)~ v~1j f) 51~1l 1lJ11J1~lJlu1m]f11i ltv bull tdV ~ dJQ bull

(PI] n~11 mlJll~illJlJV f)UI1U1UJ1Ull mHiCl-lU lliUllilU f)~lJ

tl 1l lt11 11 mllJ u111lm~u lt1111 milJ~ I~ (mJuJ11UlJltlU11l~~ lU1~llJlJVH1li111VJflm~hiiJ1 f)]U


lutJf)~llHmn1unWWllnru1~villM1li1~-l f)ci11

V01-lUuU 6 l~VU llCllfiCl11tJu51 mlJll~1l1l1lJI4fl~milJ Vlf)U l~V1111l f)V-l r1mv1M1um11tJllIKV-lVi1llJ~ elf) If) ruevi

Hq1fl1l1lJ1 1l J~lUU U] ffU r111111J1 f)~lt1 ff1111U f) cilJ ffU r1nt1

1~1U1lnIlWflm lhf)vU~lU lJ11 ~lll1av] lTUrl1UI1elJ

crutJ) unL1U ffUTl1n] uviMiif11JI11~vllm~uhrf)cilJ ffU r11~] ll~tJilJ-l 11 elJ~l f) tl f)ltII11V1UUtyf)1i~ lICl ffU ~1 ~lUlill i] ~lU 11hIf) ~lJif11UlJlHm1IlwfllliVl OUlJ1 f)iiu

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1J1 f) UU f)1l1f)1l1UU flliltl~1-lml4elf)Iru~~UV~ffUr111V1 poundI 115

0] IlJU f11ifJf) i i1JJ1 fl1 ffUr11111fJJ~1U~lUlJ1 1l Hi1U ll~J1 m

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f)~1 60 U llJUiUUf11ir11iluuluf11mf1-lfll1lJltlUliillJ

1u f)ll~lliJU~J Oil111ll fi ~r11 ll~ qin rilU l~ UllJV] ~111vi l~lImf)lqflfi1l qUUiJtJ qu~1f)fi illJvf-lil1illH-l1U

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1Ui1 mv1 ItlUliiilJ l~ ~u11f) fIltIllJliocffv irUr11in fl um 114

1u J1 mi lulili JilJ 1IiU f)J U V f)1l1 f)if~~vi1-l1U f)vu~] r1f1i

InHlllillhl1uri1 1lUU llllU~ lI1lJ1 ltllJ v iiltlm-w 11lcr ulJ1u f)1ivi1-l1Ui~ iifll1lJtJCltlI1V 1liof)iinUI~V-lIl4f1 iHh A ~

llftllf1 1l llClf11lt1m


1UWmU1~ 12 ~) tJYVli]nmn111nr1~l~U I I1r1f1tJVI1~]

cO _I ~ ~ UtJ~UtJ]IitJ TltJlJiI1V~Vi(1]]lU

hn1tJU 1limyl

~n~lilln~(tJlJ mY1~vlli~~vl ~lilif)rU lmllilu~~NJ111U i um1]lli~I11lJU~)1 11(1 cJilrUI ~UU1~m~lJ

A ~ I A I A A ~ I1lJlllllJ)ilV l~TlYlTlUll(1 1~il~~YIliUVli

nullll mlJll~Vi V~UYI1lUiUfJ1l rJiJ~l~vu ftJ VII () 1 UtJU1TlVl U1Vl nilJu~) i1~llJ1ifi

~111 ~uQl~~ J

b I r I JJ YI d D 0fJ07nl1U7 1

A ~ 1 d 111il1nmY]tJ1llVlV li)V(1~ l(1nitJU 1(1] li lU

)]fl)i~ifilll~U(~tJ rllI~~lJfniyjtJll~v)lluu lli~tJl~lJlJU 1I(1111ll1111

HlJ(1Yl1ltl HlihmufnU

I1~tJ ~~ II U(1l1 ~Uf1ll1Ui~ 111If li1 Unli ~ _ 1 ~ d U l dA

Iml~i l1itJ~~lllJ(1]lUUlmtJl UtJtJnl1lllU

1 UJ1 l~wil~~YIilu~inullllnilJll~Vi v~U llllUl1Jl1J1l~ U~l5VU1tJVII ()

mL~Ell~mnjt1itmUUi1~i1rurulUEll~U1VItJlh ~ u u

LL1fllJEllT~fl LtJ~~rlBrlilLtIUVI1lf)11LLal l~El Lem1~1~a L~ElW~lllUlvJiAh bull hUvlJJ1h 14

tI J d I

llJtJn(11 1000 U )Ull 23 nTl ll ilIIUiluluHh1VliftU~1U~U 1 lliU

l1lM1U fl1V1UI1~U1Uih~11i1U ~U1l mlJ1ifllrJUnl11Ui~J1 l~tJ1~Unmn1ltlVj Vl(11~ tJ U1mn~~ il UUlllJ~ Vi (1)lllJinVl

bull cO li1l1Jffii) il )VlIIH 1l1f)jlJ~iiYi111llll11itJ1fnT bull 1 -11 d 1 d Ifd c lJi1i1UUil1YI Tl(1U~W(1 ltJUIU)iV WUlVl)i

lViiff i1n~ Ilfi(1lu1)liJ~~)U1VlniilJ111li

aUyJi1Ii~ llltJ~U1V IgU~U I1~tJl~vn-)l

l1ltJ~~hii1 ~I11lJ1Hnul~tJl~VffiiiU~IIUU Vi~l~lUlI~~mY1VlV l~V~I1lbvllU~1I (1

l~mliU Vl(1tJ~IlUUili1liU~~1 III liTblJlilJ

U1Vlf)jilJ111111 tJU~lU)UlJ1n tJ1Y1 Vi (1 Vl bull

lJi)1V1~lJl1 ~f)jwUj UllrUllU11m~~~u ~ ~ J i lit

lJ1imU1V)iTnYl lTl)liVlU 1(1U11lnli

II ~l tJ 1Y1 VlV I1~tJ i~tJ 11l)~fh ii~~lllJUl~tJ 1YlVffii~UIIU]J HVi~lllUlyJvhll(1Vi~lllU

Q 1 IitCLI YI ~I lit ~ v ll~101llVlV l~tlmU)iltll~Tl~UiYlll~UU mtl

nlil11Vi~l]1U1I~lmY1VlVil1nll1m~ll1(1~ ~~

~ltJciuUI1~lm 4 IlfiU HIll111jl~lnUVi~l ]1Ul1lUVllVltJ~ lJaUyJilliYllrJUYl) t11l1UYl mi

~1t1Vi~l1l1nulJ)lVltJ5~l~tln~ll1ltJ~fhii~ ~lV milJlyJliJVllTl~)ltlU~cH1t1-lJ)1 lrJUYl)IlU

d 1~I lTl(1tJUlitJ I1luU1ll1U1

Vi (1 tJlllJjn~ mh)~tJ~11Url)UlJtJ]

Yl)l~tJ1hn)u~)vtJ (1iit UVlJUU1~i)1luU ~


U1 5 VlU f))1l 260 IlJm m1lJV1)UUIl1n

nilU~tJ UilJ1lU 6-7 llJm Ul180 1l1U9lllJVli

J111rn 1974 in(1n~lJ fiUJ1~n 20 ll1U~llJVl~ I cO~d d1

1I(11Y1lJ1ifl~Tl4l~ 20 lltN lJm1~lil Ufni

l~UYI1lUilJ1ru 8 fihllJ~i~tJi)1lJl ~ 3

1 UW~UU1Vl 10 ~) UUliJuWJilVII)l 1m

I1~tJlrJU lTl~)l~UtJtJncill ilU1 UJ11~l lfUrlU

Vi (1 fllllJinVl mh) Yd I GI

~lYtJUni1 VllU~)U)l mNil1nmi

liJ~Yl) l~)Vi~ll1UlllYltJ1Y1llV 1~~~lYu1 Il

ll ~ (1 tJlrl ~)Vi ~ll1U Ilffl m Y1 Vl61 ~ tIU1 tIlliU

ll~NIIl~iU tJ1V 74 iJ li1) llmJmmm nri1)V OJ 11

I l ~ ff ) 1 lli1U U 1 ) l ifl Vi (1]l1 U II ~l fl1l1 Vl tIil1 n

I1r~~vYllJ~l~iii1)ff~~lfi~m1lJ~111IYm bull 1 middot A A 1 d uin)U1iinlll~UIi) lJVlUllU U1i)lUfll ~lVd d~d v U1lJUlJi1m~l tJnlll llJ)lJlffm~ll1 (1~ ~ J J~ ~ 1 v

U)VlmilJli4UlC1nU1~ lil IVii1l uUVi(1lllU


Urull U1lUUllUl nm))l U)VlniilJ I

~Ui1Il l~Ull1ll~)n1 I1111l1nuNuintJun1i bull

i~Ul~)I1~)~~mlJ1ifll111111 ~~pfi lIUUrll

lritJllllnull~uUi1fi1J1lJU~i1fnllVil un~l l I1lJ1nUmi~llJ11JillJiJl~tJ1YlV~1i~lUY)fll J IJ I I ~ v

IllV) LVii1 llJ~lr-l(1mYlUVltJ~lll)(1tllJ

v dd1 v I d ~i1]fl1ViMlIrull~ I1llnf)1ill)llllV) 1Ytl~

Tl~)lnu Vi(1 ~lJi)1V1ilJU ~f)jwUyj M lllY~lTm~II1U-)l U1VlfiilJ~U~(itJ lrJ~Yl1l l~)n1 I1liYi~r1l~ml11(1(i)l~U~tJVifil~1U

llfflmY1Vlv(lmnIJ)llm) lrJUiJiJUl1Jl1J1Ufl~ I

TlUillV ffilJ1ifll11Vi~]l1UlllYltJ1Y1~VlJ1H v

Ui 1VliU lliritJ1l1lfi~fmhn1)U unnl

J1lJUllif)1 11(1 lrimYitiunuf)1lHlTl~tJltJu~ 1Uuil~uU

lJlUCllYICl J~~m ttllJlfinlH1fl~nlllJnlJ~lJfm)~~UnJlIl (ilf1U) ()liljJ~dhitiflfl 1~-Jl llwlhdlJJI11mJ~]j VlllfhHm(lm~lj~H ll~1HlJJl IUIlrmiddotltJll i HI 1J] 11 (fflU 11[ ~rulaquoJll V1ll~hh~nDUnljf)ll~~HjllDjtf1f1 1~tli1 J nKuijD~iJlI~)l 1Jjll~n~lJllnUJlnl1lJl1 J(lI~Ifitnntmlll~lJ

~ V I 11

lfI~U11f1fl llui l1lU dhJJll11jvt11vlJDHhhuClI1U1-Jlllmlllnml1111dh lr~ UUllliJJvi1111r~jJntlumjjjfiu11111 ~lJ IIlU1l-liili Ull 3IlD(h~u~IUUllll 1lllJ1ll11hmn fl~JJ1jlj~f1J r~Jltum~Dn D111ll llCllJWJUUlf1r)J OJlllmii1lJ R1~ U~DJV1rIUlm Tlul llt1W1Dn~Ju

m1JIllnl~~~YilJDDn~mllJl1iufhli1JnlH h UUlllUlJipl(WviRufhHCnU l1Jili Ul~U~1l l n ETflU 1lUDmllJ~ JlJJJD~llJmllJ1llrflJi vnDH

iU(llJlJUllll Hq)dluv1~ 1l~jjlJlru1iufh~Ulj~1jUulllnh~lJ ~~Dl1l111lH 1-11DOlluUljl~ihJD i l-iClIlCl~1 Yh~1l1IUU I~D~~UDlJrill1UIl i l-ilill~hJ riu1Tf1fllihi1Ji1IlI~DnffD1i14Al T9itJlihlHllaquowr~ln~ U(J~I~UJnUnlljrU JllUlllUlljJnrul1~DJhltnu 15 ll1D1j1iUfh~uj)lmuluDclln~ 3 il~ CllllJJlJlruUDJUll~nruoViClJ u~~~r~Cl~~D~uV)unm-l~~ClI1Cl~~JtJ 4 UflJUll~nluoVi ciJlll UlUU1J ~DJHljDnu111JJUjl]j~I~UJltiuJ lllll

II q tJ I ct 0 oi tJ r 0 v shyllllnll(1lJ~lllC1Uflll1CllnllUyenl IlIll mlJU1lJ~JYmlUUl1D U~nl1 nlnn~D~C11HnlJlJ m~V1lJJllrullU C1111nJluflru nlllJllllDlMll --

UJllliHiUljlIl~lJfh~1l~11J()[Jti~ 17-31 ~JUIllllJHl1jl~~J~11J 23-41 I( Cl U 1 (uu) m lJd -11 Cf1lJfI (lji1WmCl~ ~-1U JI1 ~DlJ UCl m lJfll UfllJ llJJ1I~lih i l1l flpflUUlllUJ~~Ull~ ll-ilvtq) J~IUllfmlt1l~~UmJnll lJClYlEI 1~uuDnlJl~l III lflJUfllJ1l-iltU1l 1lU 1~Dnmiddotll1UIlIl ulm~jllllil VlCll01lJuJrijlnDUIlll t1~ viJJ iuHitlunf1fllJlIl)un9fD~ufh ~JUlJll U 1111 fJlllJllllllllll ~uJnll

IV ff


~U1~1Villi LnU~~J bull IV a

Vi1u~~f)Li11~~~ cu

inmhv-liil 111Pi~~ Llllnnn1lIHU

ml~nll~~IllfJlNu~tllll (iilIlU) LtJ~ Lmrh iilIlU1Lliru~lLLVlUN1llnilUn1l ~lU~U~l ~tltllll ~ LLiiliJ~Tfl~ll tJ111qj

Llilml11~ilL~illJf)1l-11iltJ(l~lJU1~UWl neu]~Uri1 vflLLJj~W mJLl1lll 1l1~Ull~

~ eil tmiddotwnnVJiln fl1111l LL(llJUJJ1JUL~fn

lllYlm~~ l1~IIlnMillVi~f)tlnpoundi~ml1

~Uril Lb(hvjUl11JU1~Ulllnru-naUril

l1flltJJjU~jjlJU1~1-1niLnuI~~ LLvimmru

flU~l~Ullljj1JU1~ L~lL~~ ~lEllltrnl1l-1N u~lnll Llt]11~ei~ Llltlniftl~U~lt~ tJVilJl1~ vlutrlLn(1J 1JruLtiitJ1nUnlltJrU(l~~~1~ lJillmllnru-nll~viiilt-J(ltiiiitlnllll~ ~UVlUn1lt-J~(9I~ltJ

~ltJrllv-llli1~lTh 1UltJampu iilIlU


l1~ii 01LUU1tJMiilJEl1-Xiil~~lLVh~~1 LUU

Lflf)I~Utll1 rhl1U~1i~uyjl11mtJ1U

Ulllnru]~tll1JlLi)u 151f)~~U~1 ~Ul1ll1tJ1umjLilu 3 middotlu 4 lJtllU~ll

I -

leu] Illu1UltJtJ11 ~f)ll111ilnUmbtJ lluViLnmllfllLl1U mYlll1f)(9Iiilll1flll)J

mm11WlrulJEJ hTnllUIlOJnll)Jnll

fl1l11lLL(lm tltJ ) nl~poundilLiiI~)Jlruinv-l

LL(l~I LL1~~fl~ LLllnl~ll1ull)J)JllVlH L~tlfltln~l(91ln1lIl1UIl)Jll-1ll(9ltU L~fl rill1U~ LL UlvriltJllu~l l-1dJ U~lmriu LtiitJlnU

~lnn1lIl~(9Ill1~U~ll1iilltJlIil~ Lliu

1l~)JU1JI~J1~ltJd~f) lJUl~lJl(91vit-IDJl11 1l~~iiWUyjl11fl~(il 17 -31 poundi1ULLJj~v-l

iiiiviuyjl11 23-41 NU~tllIlUl1ll tJ

flTIILlilhei(9l~~11~U~1flJl(91111qjlll 1iitl~~lruiill LLvi1~11i lJruLtiimnUnlJ

L~iJ1JU1~ if~vh1~Ntl~nflU nllll ~uYlU I ~

LVl)Jt~tJ1Jl~1 LtJU Eine)~l1ifl LtJUn1l~U Ltlaf)miwmnlt(9ltJ11i Ll1JEinvr1tJmiddot middotUl tJ


I)cJ4 flJfl~lV1dJ 2557

~)J~lh~fl1l1Jmi~~r111lillilfl-1J~TilflIVl)JIJ~lV11Jiiilnrucrl Q I Q

I 1 ~tJ m f IHl tlfl tJIil l fI 11 VI U~ 1 A I1lHl fl11)J lH)Jl tl)J

I1~Iiynlll1Jmiilnrucnmlhn~il~jiJ~111111~() 17-41bull u

IEI U1lfll)J~)Jj1l ritl~lh1l1lflflt)lI1iJ~~~1NM~ 15

UltdhVHI 1 ~ffff1 IClII115 nliflUl m i lJnmgtlJm fl~NUnilfl (ffflU) mh yil 1W51l if ffflU~ i~()~11111U~lhnfl1jmi

Q -11 Qi 1 d 1 mUffUfllflJ ilfl UCl1li lilflilV lHU 1IJ1111111 l flmmm I1l11VClfl

IJUlf11liilt1~llniYUtil i~ UlIlJtl (11I1Cl1 fl1lJ1Jm) fol~in~t)n tI bull

fll11li 11ClU~1lIJtJlfiv1 Cl~llm~lJ a d I I cs I iJ ~ I

UltJfllYl Cl flCll1Clnll fffllJ ff ~lllJt)t)mrll~n~ffUfllIlClll I1U 11

~Ul~1li i llt1ruovliYUti1l1mpoundJlIij~iiIJill~ 1 I1uitnU ~1 ~ uli 111111 UIbull u

~ d CS 10 d 0 i)ll C1 i Q

llUrm11lii ~llIJUl~II1]lfllJ ~~fll~lll I1rj1li flfllIJl ~fol~nWnlft)

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d ~ T Llt1GwmlYi


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U1rl lln 1040 ulY1~euroJnT~n13J llfl1LnLdil

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~1U~~r-J~IilYlL1tJU ~-lf1~ LJl middot LL~~eurolJnEl-llUf11f11iil ~OJ bull I I

ilEln~liIm~~lnlU-61-lL~ElU~Jl-jlf1Jl-numtJu 57 ~U f1rn ~

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Ministry seeks to resume small-lot rice sales in August PETCHANET PRATRUANGKRAI THE NATION

THE COMMERCE MINISTRY is preparshying to resume selling rice from its stockpiles in early August gradually releasing it in small lots of about 5000)0 tonnes a month

Duangporn Rodphaya director-genershyar of the ForeIgn Trade Department said a ~ubcommlttee had agreed the mmistry slthould go ahead and sell rice from the stockpIles and not walt tor completion of a Junta-ordered mspectlOn of the stocks bull I he nce-release planwhlch Will be proshy

posed to the Rice Policy and Management Committee soon includes sales through general auctions to exporters and local traders by government-to-governrrient contracts and through the Agricultural Futures Exchange of Thailand

Puangporn added that the department wopId ensure the stocks are released transshyparent With the Fmance Mmlst and the Prime Minister s 0 ce joint y inspecting the f0cessc

T~e department reported that about 55 per cent ofl800 rice warehouses had so far been inspected by the teams dispatched by the militarys ruling National CounCil for Peace and Order The teams are expected to complete their mission by the end of September

About 18 million tonnes ofrice is reportshy

cerns over roug t an ower pro uction in many countries amid higher demand in many others I here IS a good posslblhty that ThaIland will export 10 million tonnes 9pound nce thIS year It is expected to sell off all 18 million tonnes in its stockpiles within three years she saId

The department reported that Thailand was able to sell 535 million tonnes of rice in the first six months middotup by 50 per cent year on year while export value rose 19 percentto US$27biIlion (nearly Bt86 bilshylion)

As ofJuly 16 the price of5 per cent Thai

Afile photo shows asoldier inspecting rice stockpiles at a warehouse in a eastern province

white rice was quoted at $427 a tonne up from $410 the previous week

She added that production bfThai paddy rice in the 2014-15 harvest season was proshyjected to be less than 38 mi1lion tonnes because of drought in many areas

Charoen Laothamatas president of the Thai Rice Exporters Association said the government should consIder sellIng rice from its stockpiles in small lots of about 100000-200000 tonnes per auction to avoid impacts on the m-rket price

The government has less pressure to accelerate the sale of rice frbm the stocks The country has holder power It should ensure transparency and minimum impacts to the market he said

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INTHE WAKE ofrising concern over the t reatmen t oflabour farmers we1shybeing and the environment in global trading the International Trade Promotion Department is urging more lhal busmesses to seek FairTrade cershytification so that their products are more easily recognised and have a

greater chance in the world market place

At a seminar on Fair Trade Mark and trading of Fair Trade products in theinternationaJ market heldyestershyday by the agencys Office of News Overseas Markets Development and PromotIOn Duan kamol Jlambutr e U Irec or- ener ot e eplrtshy

mentSal t atonlyasmallnumberof thaI compames and sUEP)Lc~~ms current~apphedthe FairTrade Marllt

The epartment lrill therefore continue to support Fair Trade certishyfication by promoting an awareness campaign amongThai man ufacturers and exporters she said

According to the Netherlandsshybased Fair Trade Original organisashytion about 30 Thai companies and supply chains have received FairTrade

certification to date This guarantees that they engage in faii treatment of farmers have good labour conditions use no forced or child labour offer fair prices to suppliers and operate with transparency accountability and respect for the environment equity and freedom lt)nd have fair trading practices

Duangkarnol said the department in cooperation ~th Fair Trade Original now had a target of increasing the number of certified businessshy iSnap es and products by 10 per cent ayear

The main goal is to help agriculshytural and handicraft producers as well as manufactures and exporters to achieve better trading conditions and to promote sustainability she said

Certified members of the Fair Trade programme will likely be able to leverage the quality of their prodshyucts for higher prices with certificashytion ensuring world-class social and environmental standards and more recognition in the international trade area she added

Thai export products alreadyusing the approved Fair Thade logo include

rice coffee tea cane sugar cotton freshfruits herbs and spices ockershywork handicrafts pottery and ceramshyics

The official said the department also would like to encourage busishynesses in the shrimp and fishery secshy

ate consultant for Thailand said the overall value of Fair Trade products had increased considerably in the past few years as consumers now had more awareness about fair trading conditions and the environment

Consumers are willing to pay more for Fair Trade goods if they feel they have bought a product whose manufacture is highly responsible to society Today prices of Fair Trade products are also very competitive

the same as leading brands Enterprises should adapt themselves to produce Fair Trade products in order to ensure sustainable growth

tors to comply with Fair Trade certification so that they do otfaceproblems due to unfa abour treatment Every Fair Trade product is subject to labour-standard checking she explained

Manasnan Pongjayavanij Fair Trade Originals aS60ci~

and access to many markets said the consultant

According to Fair Trade Original the value of fair trade goods in the global market excluding the US rose from 1 billion (Bt427billion) in 1996 to 48 billion in 2012 Expots ofThai fair trade products were wOlth about Bt300 million in 2012

More than 30000 products are now on sale in 125 countries and the global Fair Trade system currently works with over 12 million people across 60 countries

Manasnan said many more Thai products could get the Fair Trade mark So far many local brands sllch as Doi Chang coffee plus local proshyducers of soy sauce chjli sauce pineapples and bananas are wellshy

known for having the mark which is accepted widely

Martin Boon development manshyager for Fai~Trade Original in the Netherlands told the seminar that with the global market having growshying recognition of Fair Trade prodshyucts many markets were increasing demand for products carrying the logo - and that Thailand had high potential to serve sllch worldwide demand


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THE NATION ~ JULY 20141lI Sihasak reassures EUteam over juntas reform roadmap SUPALAK GANJANAKHUN DEE THE NATION BRUSSELS

EARLY ELECTIONS vtithout reform would not help restore proper democshyracy to Thailand That was the message related by acting Foreign Minister Sihasak Phuangketkeow when he met his counterpart from the European Union in Belgium this week In a bilateral meeting with David OSullivan chief operating officer ofthe European External Action Service Sihasak said Thailand had a clear roadmap to restore sustainable democshyracy and that the EU should support

this process of reform The roadmap and its related reform

will help strengthen our political econshyomy and will also be of benefit to our partnership with theEUin the longnm he said

Sihasak was in Brussels for a minisshyterial meeting between representatives ofAsean and the EU and spent much of his time briefing representatives of Eillopean nations aboutthe situation in Thailand

The E U along with the US and other Western countries strongly criticised themilitaryforits May 22 coup The EU suspended a number of cooperations withThailand as well as several visits by high -level officials It also recommendshyed that member states review military cooperation with Thailand

The EU said last month that it wouldmiddot

not sign a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Thailand and that the negotiation of a free-trade agreement (FTA) would not conclude until an electshyed government was in place

Sihasak told OSullivan that an electshyed government would come eventually Before that however Thailand needed time to implement reform to have a strong democracy

The time frame of 15 months or so for the reform is not too long ifwe want to make sure that our system and democracy are sustainable he said

Thai people are aware of the issues facing our country and we are working on addressing these concerns so the EU as a partner should support us

The EUhas the right to voice its conshycerns about the situation in Thailand

middot but it should also ensure it is sufficientshyly informed on specific cases he said

Concerning detention and martial law the EU should make sure it has corshyrect information about who is under

middot detention and if there are concerns about human-rights violations the EU should specify the cases he said

Sihasak discussed the situation in Thailand Vlrith many European MPs

middot while in BrusselsTheyincludeq Franck Proust special rapporteur on the FTA and Samuel Cantell head of the ecoshynomic trade and regional cooperation delegation Many of them have experishyence in engaging with Thailand and have a clear understanding ofthe current sitshyuation in the country Sihasak said


Pension scheme for farmers proposed

Farmers in the future might look forward to retiring on a government pension

Charnpittaya Chimplee directorshygeneral of the Rice Oepartment said yesterday ttiat under a draft bill dealing with the rice development fund members would contribute about 3per cent of their monthly income to the fund and the state wou ~d also chip in ayet-unspecified amount

When farmers reach the age of 60 or 65 they will start receiving a monthly pension bf about Bt4OOO

Most farmers earn less than other workers so the fund is neces- sary for their future Charnpittaya said

Other proposals for the bill are being gathered and the contents wi I be improved before its submisshysion to acommittee on rice producshytion and markets and the National Council for Peace and Order


Farmer happiness down from August WICHIT CHANTANUSORNSIRI

Farmer happiness last month dropped subshystantially from its peak last August when they had high hopes of stable income from the Yingluck Shinawatra administrations rice pledging scheme reports a Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BMC) poll

The state-backed farm banks farmer happiness index fell to 7851 in June from its highest level of89 in August said senior executive vice-president Somsak Kangteershyawat The poll surveyed 2346 farmers

Happiness from family health a good society jo b financial position and the quest

for knowledge were the six factors used to measure the index

The survey found happines from the family scored the highest with a score of 341 out offour followed by health at 321 a good society at 320 job at 314 fmancial position at 285 and the quest for knowlshyedge at 274

Farmers from the Northeast regygIiwere the happiest vvith a score of 314 while those from the North scored 313 the South 312 the East 297 and Central 299

Asource at the BMC confirmed Augusts poll was taken when the farmers mood hit a fever pitch as they felt they would receive an elevated level of compensation from the

rice pledging programme The National Council for Peace and

Order (NCPO) is seeking sustainable ways to help farmers after losses from rice pledgshying which offered prices 40-50 higher than the market price could reach 500 billion baht

The juntas measures so far largely includelowering rice production costs and slowing the release of supply to lower price pressure

The source said prices of tapioca sugar cane chicken and pork are gaining in the second half while those of rice corn rubber oil palin and whiteleg shrimp are declirun ~ bull bull imiddotI middot7~

Regarding rice prices the source said the price of paddy with 15 moisture content could average 7500-9000 baht a tonne while Hom Mali prices are projected at 14000-15000 baht in the second the half

Even though the agricultural sector conshytributes only 84 to the countrys GDP there are 167 ffiillion farmers making up 26 of the population

National Statistical Office data shows the ratio of farmers who earned over 100000 baht a year rose to 286 in 2013 from 97 in 2003 while 643 graduated from prfshymary school down from 704 a decade ago Farmers shouldered average debt of 124604 baht per person last year

BANGKOK POST 41 FTIupbeatabout domestic car sales PIYACHART MAIKAEW

The Federation of Thai Industries (FT) remains confident that domestic vehishycle sales will top I million this year defying some car makers projection of sales declining to between 900000 and 980000 vehicles

Domestic demand started picking up in the previous quarter as private firms and farmers bought new pickup trucks for their business expansion and new cultivation said Surapong Paisitpatanapong spokesshyman for the FIrs automotive industry club

The club forecasts pickup truck sales will contribute 55-58 of domestic sales against 442 in 2013 while passenger cars dropped to about 40 from 474 last year

The passenger car market has normalshyised after demand was absorbed by the gov- emments first-time car buyer scheme said Mr Sura pong

The club yesterday cut its 2014 forecast for Thailands automotive output from 24 million vehicles to 22 milliori It also cut domestic sales to 1 million vehicles hom 12 million while exports stand finn at 12 million vehicles

FTI vice-chainnan Suparat Sirisuwan~ nangkura said Thailand was expected to remain in the worlds top 10 automotive manufacturers this year with production in countries such as Canada and Russia also expected to decrease

The International Organization of Motor

Vehicle Manufacturers said Thailand was the worlds ninth-largest automotive manufacturer in 2013 and 10th in 2012 Production (ast year totalled 245 million vehicles the highest in 52 years and up by 014 from 2012

The club yesterday reported that car proshyduction fell by 261 year-on-year in June to 160452 For the first half Thailands car output fell by 29 year-on-year to 952685

Domestic car sales in June totalled 73799 dOVll by 304 on the same period in2013 while 440911 cars were sold in the first half down by 405

By contrast car exports in June rose 657 to 103946 earning the cOUDtry497 billion baht In the first half exports rose 36 to 560047 cars with export value rising 895 to 265 billion baht

The FII yesterday reported that the industrial sentiment index improved for the second straight month in JW1e

The index rose to 884 points accordshying to the FIr which conducted a survey among 1100 industrial operators It stood at 851 points in May when sentiment improved for the first time in seven months

FTI chairman Suphan Mongkholsuthee said sentiment has improved because of the more stable political situation and an increase in purchases of products thanks to the Fifa World Cup football tournament

The industry outlook index for the next three months stood at 1019 points rising from 101 in May

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AUTO EXPORTS INCREASE Despite the sluggish recovery of

the export sector auto shipments continue to expand but still by not enough to counter the reduction in dorriestic demand for cars

The industry has been forced to brake this years production target from 24 million units to 22 million

The target for domestic sales has been lowered from 12 million units to 1million which represents adrop of 251 per cent or 335154 units from last year

Surapong Paisitpattanapong deputy chairman and spokesman of the Federation of Thai Industries Automotive Industry Club said yesterday that lower domestic derriand the end ofthe governments first-car tax-relief programme and the delay in gov~ errirnent and private investment

middotprojects had contributedtothemiddot change in the production target However this new figure is still

middot higherthan the forecast for T8 milshylion units before the big floodiri 2011and domestic demand is

expectedto shitf intoforWard gear i

middotnext quarter~ The economic recovery payshyrnent for farmersuncter the rlceshy

pledgingscherneandreturn of investment will increase revenue l

in other industries and put more rnoney in peoples pockets he middot said

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Temporary charter should furthershyboost confidence ERICH PARPART THE NATION

THE FEDERATION ofThai Industries believes the temporary charter will further increase the confishyden~e ofdomestic and foreign investors along with buslness op~ratrs while the recent strengthening of the baht IS stJlI tolerable for the export industry as long as anyfurther appreciation is neither too rapid nor drastic

_The FTI also said yesterday that its Industries Sentiment Index (TIS) had increased by 44 points since April

The introduction ofthe provisional charter is in line with the politiCal road map of the NCPO [NationaICoimcil for Peace and Order Jand I believe that in generalinvestors andoperators will feel more relaxe and gai~ more confidence that things aremiddot gomgmaccordWlththeNCPOsplansforanewcharshyter the setting up ofan interim government and the possibility of an election in the future said Supant Mongkolsuthree chairman ofthe FTI shy

In his view the country over the past two months has been running on a smooth surface since the Nepo took power a move which has led to an increase in foreign investor confidence certainty over pubh~ II1vestment policy and rising domestic consumptIOn

These factrs will support the recovery and allow _gross domestJC product to expand by 25 percent this year he said


The FTI had been projecting an economic recesshysion before the arrival of the NCPO

As for exports Supant said The strenctheninO of the baht is related to the increased conffdence of foreign investors which has led to an inflow offorshy~ign funds This will have some effect on the export iiidustry but it is still acceptable for exporters since the currencys strengthening pace is not too fast and the Bank ofThailand is still monitoring the situashytion

The export sector will be able to cope with a stronger baht if the rate does not fall below 3050 per US dollar he said -Moreover since the global economy IS continushyII1g to reco~er the FTI is sticking with its export

- growth projectIOn of35-5 per cent for the year According to Bloomberg the baht was valued at

3176 per dollar yesterday The FTI chief pointed out that if the Kingdoms shy

export value were calculated in baht it would already show lO-per-cent growth year on year

Accordingto the central bank export value in May came in at US$1927billiol1 (Bt6124 billion) whIch IS 12 per cent lower than the same period last year in dollar terms - shy

Meanwhile the TmiddotISI has increased for two month~ in a row The indexose from 840 in April to 851 111 May and to 884111 June amidst calmer political waters the economic recovery the liftingof the curfe - and even Fifa World Cup fever which led to an mcrease in overall production orders and sale figures - shyn~eover~TISI fororBers~salesarid prod-udiai- -shyIII allll1dustnes rose from 802796821 points in May to 843 844 879 points respectively in June

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CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough


GRAFT HAS GOT TO GO nvestors from Japan from which Such concern by the Japanese away existing and prospective forshy

the largest amount of Thailands investors should not be ignored eign investors Countless foreign direct foreign investment comes because they have brought the firms and investors have com~

have called for reduced corruption largest amount of direct foreign plained about the extra costs of and improved transparency in order investment into Thailand The doingbusinessinThailandbywhich to help restore confidence in the Japanese invested over 8t290 bil- they mean kickbacks and undershy

Kingdom lion in projects ClPproved by themiddot the-table money that must be to Setsuo luchichief representative Board of Investment last year That bureaucrats and politicians Often

of themiddot Japan External Trade was nearly 30 per cent of the total they have topayin exchange for pro-Organisation (Jetro) for Asean and foreign investment of Btl1 trillion curement deals with state agencies South Asia last week called on the according to 801 data and public projects People who ruling National Council for Peace Thailand has generally remained refuse to pay are routinely left and Order to kick-start good govershy attractiye to foreign investors due behind by their bribe-paying comshynance that includes combating corshy to positive factors such as the avail- petito rs University of the Thai ruption and ensuring transparency ability of skilled labour efficient Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) rec-particularly about doing business in infrastructure and transportation tor Saowanee Thairungroj has esti-Thailand Now its a good time for systems location andthe consider- mated that corruption adds 30 per Thailand to bring about good govshy able size of the domestic market cent to costs for businesses That ernance for the new era he said But our chronic corruption is scaring she says translates into reduced

comoetitiveness for Thai-made Economic and Business Forecasting pay corrupt officials and politi~ians products and reduced credibility for Centre He surmises that the have to cut costs at-the building site Thailand among foreign investors improvement could be due to posi- and that means poorer quality in General Prayuth Chan-ocha has tive public sentiment following the their public projects and thus a risk made tackling corruption a top pri- juntascampaignagainstcorruption to life and limb ority for the ruling military junta He and organised crime The surveyalso Businesses who pay bribes also says the fight will be part of sweepshy showed that bribes paid to officials offset their higher costs by charging ing national reform together with and politiCians by the private sector the consumers more good governance transparency and had declined to 15-25 per cent of middot Since corrupt authorities and an efficient and effective system of project costs frbman average 25-35 politicians make money and bribe-checks-and-balances Thailands per cent previously paying businesses make profits it is corruption index in the first half of Despite the seemingly slight theconsumersandthepublicingenshythis year improved for the first time improvement in the situation (or- eral who suffer in five years according to aUTCC surshy ruption remains amajor problem for They end up paying more uhnecshyvey The indexinJune was registered Thailand essarilyfor products and public proF at 46 out of a possible lOa com- In addition to the weakened ects the quality of which is poorer

pared to 39 last December says competitiveness and reduced cred- Corruption should beeliininated or Thariavath Phonvichai UTCC vice ibility the public asa whole is affect- at least minimised for the sake of rector of research and director of its ed by corruption Contractors who the country and its people

  • 57-07-24 (กรม)
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  • 57-07-24 (กระทรวง)

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1mtl~11~(l-lULLvi-llfllii (f1(llf) LlJUtJll1ilU WO)ll~ltlU~~~lilUmllJltli111U

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~UI11 mmmh-lVlUlLLvI-ltJlLY1ff1VI tJ (Ltl LtJltit) L(1) ~LLc-JumiJl tJ-iilJOJ~Lj~HI Jl~JlP~Ul~tlU (lf1 U LL~ljjLb~UL~fttJtJ~~wmlTIUltJtJl~lru 5 U(lUGlbi

4 bull - I

b~tlU J bull

~~d ~iiiltJ-ii111u~~tln-rjUl~fl~-ld O)ll-llulU~~LLiJUlltl~m~l-l1~~

VlU1tJ-llUUtlnmYIl1-lrllrulfUL-ii13-Jli1~(1)LLi1 Liu o)ljqr1LLVIU~lnmlYImrllfI~-l filr~UlJn~~UI11~ T(1)tJo)~Liuml~Ttl1-l1~djUVl~n LL~lumllJltJ-ii111tJf1i~tJ~LVIff O)l~YIl-llfin~~ ~fl-ltltln-ii111Y1tJ L-iil~li1tJLVl~m~tl-lm1~-ltltlnmhJL~~YibWeJ LLpoundi-l

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Ul-lC1l1-lrllm11111 middotbLU1TiUJl1f11-ii111ul11m(1)lJrn~d L~~tlfuGl1ampi~U L(1)poundJ1-lfll

1 -ii11LtJ~tlnMtJfu~uml11ntl(1) ditl-lO)lnc-J~c-J~111rr111ultilm(1)TnflL~3-JSj~3-Jlrn~(1)~~ f

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- LVI~tJqj~VI-rjGlU L~3-J~Unn 410 LVl~poundJt1(lW~lGl LrieJ~tJ(1)1rieJU ~1i1m~mnr Ct tJi1tJ~111-ii11tJ 255758 -

~lVlwmm1OJIfeJu-ii1)lulfreJn eJ-lfl-li1mltilJ1OJ~eJ1JeJ~l~~mieJ-ltVlmuf

(23 n f1 T UlpoundJlff1 ffd11f~111 ~ltilJ1OJl1lfmlmlm1-l~Vll(1)LYlEJ lh~i1f1~Yil-llU m1~IfeJU~~lrnbLf1lf1runl~411 If(1)~ 4 n~11JVl11-lniltiIl1~1feJ1J-ii111uTnli1-lnm-l lJl-ltl-l~nTIl11m~bYlm~1ffilm(eJ~n) eJ II~m~m~ O)~lL~-lLYIl1-l~ULDutJu

LLU-l~lU1~ln 11-ii11~-lVl3-J(1)fi1Ul qiLtlwlllLfll LflUl1U1Un11 2 tJ 8 L~tlU ~-lL~tl lt 11 2554 L~lVl~1~~W~(1)lfeJULL~-l11~ml1h~ml1JlpoundJEieJnttJU1]LL~1 -l~tJll~fi1~

~l~~~n~11~LL~~11tVlJi ~1u~m~mtlu-ii11~1 ~ l1EJ-llull11LL~-l11 flrul-llUt~liJu~ml~-llu1tJeJ-l~lUmnpoundJn~j3-JUI11~~l

u11jjuU-ltJutltJ1uneJ-l-ii11Jl1 25 LtJtl~LU~-slU1~ln fi1U~3-Jlrnf1-leJpoundiltili3-Jju~n 88005 m~fteJ~ fl1UmlMftpoundJVlltJVl~m~el~f1runlrll~tlc-J~mlI11l-1o)l~~l1~~ln Vl~~ tJ-llu~ljVlUl~~l1lyenl(l~U~~ttl bull -

1bVJ61~Vlb~6 J~ nan~lr1~ 2557

~ ~




Igoluns~nusA I [wctcltJl[]U gtlnrii-lfJlIlLL~tilti1EJ middot 11ti~~flm6ilti~ 5 LL~ti~ti 1M

_ d ~

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)111 fJ-En LYlElLlluEl1 I11l ru n)))Jn1)

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fml1111)JlllULLrillf1~ (Illllf ) LUU

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)Jlll(1LIU nl)lJlt1LLUufjviElfj LLiiln1)

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ll Il11LUU~u1tJ L~ElUiil 5 LLlltI(I]U


millhn(11)J nTl)lJ1fJ-ETllull~Eln

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n)mlln1)lIffl ~loJnulfmf~~U(11 L-E1)J1(1 LLiil LviElllll)JltJ1l1ll

UI -pJU)1111iillElEln-E11lJ11 5

LEllJlmj L~EllU~ 16 nII~1-hwn ~Uiil 427 Ll11fJQlll1fj L~)JffUI1n~Uiil 410

Ll11fJQlll1fj 1(1fJlJrudfjlJ1~1YlfJSj-E11

1ull~Eln 18 ~lU~U LLiil1l1(1111Sj

NiilN~(1-E11LtJ~ElnUnTlN~(1 25572558

lti1U1U 38 ~lu~u-E11LtJ~Eln

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ii(1~mrn~llm~mNiillElEln-E111YlfJ mhl

11 nTl)lJ1fJ-E11L~ElUiil 5 LWU~U LUU

tJ1mruhimn l11mlJ1fJriElU~NiilN~i] -E~1)JlUl~n1iil 2557255l 1ElElnmlu

lh ~ L~~U (0111 11 middotmiddot I11)~Yl1Jnm111 (1~1(1-E11)J1noJn middot LLvil11nN~N~(1-E11

l~n1~1l1)ElElnmEl11Yi11~fJ1nffu ~lllVl

)ll11fflElEl n-E111YlfJffU)J1LUU~Uiil 4~0 Ll11EJQlll1fj -E11L1EJ(1U1)J~U~ 420

Ll11Jrulll1f~ bull-


VliiIJJVln bull fjn lI~JJLntl~iWmm1fj ~)jUrnlJJlJYIV1ULLl1 ln1lVlim~tl~nii8u lJW1JU11lJ

310 Ylm~JJ 4 f1LLUU m~middotlVIillhlVI~ i1)jl1~~~aWi1mlJJ ltlJJ8EWi 327 IlLLUU LnllVlimN

~lJt11 Yf~vJJLLU~ll(JniloVI1thvhJJ ilmt11w Uahfli1l1il L~Vl1(iL~J jj~UIl11lJ~1lW 31

l1~ulillriYiTIJJLIlitl~iiY Yi~rulf6lf Ullll lv1LvLL~Ui1l1V11 I1UUU rtluLnllVlimW~llvi1mi

L~iJU1~ 5 UU~ L~JJ I1U LnllVlilj~iiAl1lJllllU1lV~llVl U1VaJJ~n~ n~lhl(ilJU lUj~1Jlnnflultl~ilLUU 7851 ~1V1fUi~1Jl1l1lJfillll1ll

iJltAVln1iliUlI11iL~8nliLn1lVli LVlV aill (lll tillU 111 JJ Ill Ln1lVllnl11~llai1UL~ULI1iln1lrU

LlOl al1mrumiLmlVli (lina) lJ8llnllilin~ltllLVlA1V1v LLUl lthUl-nl1 Wml Ln1lVlimlj1l11JJ

LlJVlll-JVl1 ~WJNv una1riltli1lt1 LiJU1Ji1mA ~ti 1l1I1n(l1l n ~lllJl r1lllJLviJJ1UlJl1l~1Ui ~U IIl1lJ~Vl Lnu ll 8ln ~JJ(i1 8 Ull tillUA11lJfi1J1lWi 29911UUU lJ1n~IVl aiUI1LLUULO~V 335

Ln1lVlimluYJn~l111VlvhtlilVlA 1l1IlVl1u1l1lnLQUlL11U8 nti1l1 nnlllLUUL~lJ 4 IlLLUU I11Vl1~l

-)114114 2346 ilU 1U1illl~1lU 1l11lJ~ll1l~~ 314 llllUU 11111 1~fu~U~lnlAilnll1U~ltil-nll

JJV2557 ~l-nEl i~Ul1lllJfilJ L11111l jj~il11lJ~ll8~~ 313 LVl VLnll(iJlni ~tl~n-nll rtlU1 l1l1lj

IJ1l~LmVlimlV1v WU11 I1YlJJ IlLLUU 111111ril lj~ll11l1l1lJ~llJ~ A1l~lll111 itiulJln1ultl~Vlluu fillm OlillJll 1ll Ln1ltiri ni1VlU1U ~ 312 I1LLUU LLrII11Il(iJ1U(iJn 886 Lii8lltllnL~8l~UL~Wl~1jj 1l1wilJJ1l~1uitiu~lJln ailU jjffl1fi11l1lJIllJ~ 297 IlLLUU ltlmwlIli8l1-illUL~~U

d a l1lLUUlWu 310 ltI1nlLUWVllJ ll(]l~~fJ~im~tl~nr~r11iiP~1Jil JElnltnnti VllllilllLIlillshy

4 llUU LVlULnlVlmiljAl1JJIIlJ 1111lJltllllllltlVlJEWi 328 11 lLUU nllvlpoundJIl~ll1~liJ 2557 ~llU1U bull v

~l 26-32 LVluNu~hLnllVllViltl 1l4~tiini1lU nlilllU-ill11Ull~8n jjilAl~iu laiuri m~ltlyj~l f~ulm-huiEvill1 ~nlit1ilJrI ii8VLll~lULWJ1Vll(lVlilU lri hltl nlilJ1UVlillumru~~1l

11 ~ ~ ~ LU8 urIIm 1l111i1JIlUA1LnllVll jjlh~1l8-n1lL-nllJ1iVlLvU ~1l ful(iJl1ilAll(lVlrllL~rMV l~LUi lllrJLLuuf~vi1Jf~ ~~lts) LLrInli

-illl -nlLW(iJl~Vlamp(iJl U1lWlil tlilJrlN1UVl(llVl~8lJ1VNU~1 111~JJt11~U lLrIrNlJllLLlUUlllJ Ln1l(imi1ll1Ul LL ltli lViillVI V

LLviUljjil~~Vl~Vl~~8l~U(iJl~lUU (LfllIVVl) 1VlULLeJWl1J1vihlltiL~ VlLIlllailui il~111t1lvillJ LLUl tli~lJ1ruIilUL~1lU ltlIlti lQ~U 1UlJil~1~Uu~~1l1l~I-J(lni tl1lJ 1 run 1 liU 1 V-iilltli lJ1 ru

V1U~ltltliUYJUnliI-J~(iJ Yillmll(li1 L~1l1ja 5 lLllUIifU

LlrlnLtl~VU~HuWlU ilo1111lll ~~U eJ(lnlj(ljllll~8niill

U1Vll11 ~IJLLa amp(iJ1Ln1lVli~1l1 121J1r1~~Ln1l1l~ltllVlI1 1800 gy3Jpfn~ ni-r~J1

Ullil1lVli l1lVlVlmB ltlfuJ~ LLl lill(iJlaijjnllVlil~1nliflll~1 nllJnlihliilltl1LVlII mhl11 55 ll8lLn~~~l1lJVl 1Vlu~uUU d middot ~1 25-35 tll1ai1lai~nll Vltli11lJIl ru 8 ~m llJ n 1li UlU 11nWiUlv-iil1114 ll~8nf~ulr1 a 1l~liJLLin IlWUUl-JrIltllnllI11Yi llll lJlJVlL11U1JElULLI-JUVVllilllflm rlt1 VLUlmlllJLtl~l1lll~~n

LI1l1llnltl1~mL(lLIli]lnltllV1vti nlil1J1mrl1 L~LflU1lArumilJ Ll(l1UnlllJ1V-nl1ltlvilltli lVlI1

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2557 llJV1V~ll~ 16-24 (UUll) ~n ~a1ltli~Y15 ~UVl1 LllJ1~EJ L11~1ll~1llnlj~l88n ailUil Il1RUfhLn1l(iJi~l 181Jl 11lVIiilliru~fml11111m~U mhJLtlilJ~ L~mLUlollmLtill~1 1i1 1 middot-middot

11~llJ2557 jjLLU11iilJltllJU1V LL11-)lllili ((lllll) LUUlhl1U -iill1vlpoundJYiLAtJltliltlum


ij ~mlUI7lU~]f)t1]YIUY~tn1h1Hl-lIllUll ]lIl~mtJ1U2 I~BW nBud] l-JDnJ1ndu~lhu~lU)~(JnmI~ilhhnl-J ftj1l1 111WllelU r(Q111~Ulh-l~iJtJIjf) 10000 ~lUUlVI ~lU nolllu lI]Ut-lU 20 1 UD~uJ~umm~illDl1111D1JjLi)l-Jllun~

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U(l-Clthl ~tJ I

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1~1lLrIU1l nilJnllltUlllJmn 2 I~Dl-Ji-lmlflmn rl-JfI~IIClamp~Ul-l il D~11l-Jlr~l-J lii1l11n~1I11l-J11l ~1I1 ~J~I U4

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~lJ~wuCf~l-lundlUI i1~D]J1ll-J1l W~ ll-Jnll Ifl~D~JJmfl~1Jltl1iilfl~D-l~n1nn Qum(lJ111D~l~1~11~ ltiJ 11uilI1l1-Jlll ~1I1~ JlJlJ 1 n1~Ulni~ r~111Ull~[JnllrJtiil~lJflruf1lWhlllfl1lUl-JilllJ i iii l-lnml1l-l1 J1iJ1-llfrDl~~~ 1~DH11111l-J1JJnll ~ UUl lJl ruUl~Jl iJ Ul1 ~lJn D~1tJ l-l i l-lU II l n

)h~IWU~~HlllClrl~~Hl1nll11l-J1il-JnllnYl liiuJ~unllrJ~Yl~iillruf1lwll-lllmdjl-lilllJmh~ 10000 il1l-JU1Yl 1~14hl-ld~1l-llruJ1n 51- Utl~ ~1-J1~l-lnll~~~ltiJ1l djl-llll1~~I~l-lVll-lI~DftUUftl-Jl-l I~U~YimCl~r)(i~ TIlUUl~~1l-lnU11l-Jfl1~lMuliiD~ lJMl 1111 U~Dn~1I11l-l1rJ~ill~UCl~ 30 ~ll-J~l-J

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IllflLDn1lW111 D D ~Anl ii l-J 1~ lIi1 ~ D YlrW 6i1l-J IJJlJ~ 1~1-Jl~UlnU~In1l-1~HillCl~~1-JYilD~ T~u llrJmiddotW~Ylif1lfW11nlm~ iJluihll ~llmWO111flru~J1n~U~1l1fl ~DilljUllnr~mJli TU]Jj~1nIlfrl-J ~lUI tJl-J~lCl~nllllU111 l1yf-ii1iltUD~Ql-lt1l-lVl1 nlllJnlll-lTUUlUll~~U1i11l~~nllihl (WUUliJlflnD~11l-l

I~D~nD~1l-lCl~n~ ~JJ YiCU) ul~~vil ~lHlnD1I1 laquo1i1U1 )(111 bull bull CLI rf cf i G Cl-J1U~lJYil ElfflClll-ll-JV1 iTn1lI1 n lmmul-J

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hhlU i l-lUru~~D~YlllUJl-Jil1U hJlJlniluIII

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iiTn~~D~l Wl~l-l~lil l1n~djl-JltU1l]Jt1~1i1Ilh~ lJ()fh~~n11 ~~1 Ul-Jlul~~11l-JiJ~l1U141l1nnlJ~Yll-l1 ~ ~ T~U~l~~ Tn~~lnuiil1rjrlUlIYlrT 1800 llv1~ilJurun~n~1l-JDl-l1flVl

l~ml~lull~1551 liD Tn~~y~i1lJ~ml QIli1~1-J1nElill nl~llJ1j(lyf1i~ llvi

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v f bull

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UllmlVfi lfl~VW15 fl5lJ~m~f11lAl~1~ IIlrullVLulJJ1middothtJtlIJ~lLL11~tJilLi1uml~11HI1a

_j_l__LI1_f_lil(ll~tJ11 ~lhltJJArum~nllJJf11l LllIJI1n LL1llJf11lJltJul1lj~mhLI1f1il l1J1 tJ-rr11 Ailli la(l l~ii~ ~ L11 tJiJI fllJ UNU l-i1Y11lI1~lAJJ~a~ flflnul1lYltJ lulJJ1ll1tJtUf11~ ~VDfl111~~nmlJl~ul1L~tJillaUfl~8~jlltJJmiddot aleHlneJcil1L~JJVi L~flL~tJna1tJlLUlm1~u11Yi A rumlJJf11ltJ 1VlJl JlLfllJ1111l-ij(lf11 ll111 L~f)ln-i1fiJ~U~l Ul1mllll n~11

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J~Vll~Bnrr~htJnljGlWrl11Ul~BUtlWVlfJU 2557 LLtl

UOJ n ~~n InuHiri fJJ l-Jl(il1iilU111U1 nll LLtIL~l-JJliU L~I-J~i111~tJLiflU(iHl1~j 2 557 LvWvr-J


Lil1lJltJ111UlllVln1~LVll1 LL~iJrul1~ ~ltJlW 200 Glmu

~ViUi~lnliif)I-J~L~lJb~JL~~nnULrlilnli II ~

l-f~l~lnihfim-rul~WLt1iIJiilm iimmJiwn il~IilLau~l~vi wwwditgoth II~pound)aa1JmIJ LvjJL~lJ1~Vialu~1titlil-Jflli~lmfJlU 1569

--__-_---~-4 ~ q9

_ ~U ~~LLii ~rufnlI1gtlll~l~1JLL 1A~lI1~ (fIlll) 1vi~elu

U LtlU1t1 1 ~nrV1 Tl~Yil rullUt1i LL flro11 ~Tel~iiw1~riU1hllll1U ~~ iilliiiinlTUB~~n~ULtlU1t1~~l~iiel Liltll LL flUTl nl~flll~lTCl Yh1ii~1f1Tel~~tl1WllWTl~lJel~UTll1l1Uufu~lfli1fl~

n1Ti1LLfl lilMell~W nrYITl~Yilrulltl1cliL~~l1nnwlJtl rll1~h~ ii~1ii~~~~~uFh ~i1mf11~Fht1ULl1f1uflJlf1~hlJu ~un~~uLiiifluYi~fI~nltlU 2557 LLfl[J~hhJ~nniljjeJrJ~~rltl1111J I 6J ~ w


wffi~~un 1~~LLflrlfllfll11TU~1~lL1l LI11t1nl1Ui1Tlr11

UUU1L~uiiiuTl1llUiltllJU1tl1ll 1OntlnlT 1 UTlf11LlJUfl

25-35 U1~ LL~[J~1~lltlf1l1~il~Slfllu[JI~1~~lU~nlI1t111~ LLflifl~MTYi~tJjlh ~1~nf11mllTUl~hhviJtI

~l1funlnTTlJ1tJLiiifltJnml11l~ 2557 nrV1TllrnrullU

ltiihlJriu~mlJnlTrhciHJ~n1vltl ~~ftjj eJLLi1tJhmllti LLa

hUR1~~Rlu~n 4i1n~nTTlJri~Ll~lJ~11111~LLf41nllt1~UFh nr11fi L~1t L1flliltlfl 111M 1 Il HI~YiLL aL~lJflllJt1tiiiinllllif IltJ 1 i1t1 ntltJR1~~ 80 ntl R1U~n 6200 Tlt1 Ul~UFh~la(i)L fl n

Uln UCllJ YiffilJritJ~lUTL1f1 mtJLr1T~nl11l~l11 ~~LLii~flUnmlllllJ-riumtlU 2557 n

LL~~l~I11T()UUTn11 2 r-1h 1tJ~ltJlJInrrnwlMtmuigtmlJZ1l1 1iiU1lIllltJ ~u~ 21-24 ~~IllllJ 2557 ~~~LLYifl Ujtl~i1tll1l1~

LLfl~lUlJInrnJfi~~1~tJmllJZ1l1fli1rn1~ltJ 1U~ 10-14 riUtJ1tJu

2557 ~~UOO1ii~ T()Ul11f14111 4 Ilf~ ~n11lU1i1 4lJWT tiitJll1~ LLfl~tJLiii1 li~L~tlU~~ll1lJ 2557 TvluLlI~1unl~Li1~1 41UltJ

30 r1f~ Liiiflu~ImfllJ-riUtJ1t1U 2557 T()UtllUltl 347 flf~ Llfl

tilJriUnTV1rnlJIll11h1t1 nTi1Tl~LLN~u4~lUlJ1nmJUffil~fl~

~lJ1U~UMUffillJ~l1iillu1Ull1 1~~ 22-25 nffilll1~ 2557 ~ ~Z1UllJIfll~ LLflfmnuU)tJI1U~u14i1~n i9 flf

Ut1nlln~ 1~L~iw~4i1I1U lJInrm~~jjJlrumlJllU ~U ~JllJ~lJ1mhllll1U TWll11U~ 30 ~m)lf1~-4 ~II~fI~ 2557

iiit11lllrD1LflULltl1 3 flUULL~ i1~~wlhLL fn11UTll~tilJ LL Yill II q _ dI _

LlJfll1fll1l1U Ut1I1U YilrulltJlJULr-1flflUL~mtjm IIUIIJllJlllJ

l~U1llllU ~n 5 fltl vTlUTLi1f1 TJlJnl~~~nu lJ~nT~ rJ~~Jlrul1lllJlIU 4 111f1 ~n 2 Ilfl

mU1UL~tlU~~1~lJ 2557 ~ILW1UYi1rull6IlruffiU 94 tJ nTi1Tl~YilrullrniJ)JnuR1U~nl~t11l-i LL~hui1ln~tl 14

LLW ~i1nlnmJfli1T1~l~uffi 1UYilrulltJ~TnTJ)J1 filT1f11~U~ ~1JfIJl~llJUTn1llU rwhy)u~ 1~24~Iifl~ 2557~ffiflilT1ffi ~Jln~l~nh 10000 Tltl 1UVJn~1l11vTJU1Li1f1 ~IUvi 20-70

~ bull Q ~

mI1TllWlrulltJ~li1Jl n11i1lLUUnln1TlJflI1lIl1111tllilYi

mlJuttJU1t1~Ugtlll~~IJlJ1ll 1I~middot11 1UII11~ IliltJfl~Jl1rlh ~ffil~yl~nUU1ll1l1U1tii1lrJl1iitlLilfl~

I _ _ lmutYlIilflln1jlJillJilLYi~LlmJLflmnUn11lill1U lMnn~

~f~lJlruWJ lJllU ~UAJ1lJ~rd1 ilthlI1lIu lllJ1TClFlulT1t1flL~tJi1 lffli MNNmocQQh lffiiilUCl1lJlffli~ltJmUnTi1rnmMltJ1203

( (gt


Cjnsi31 (8 wn) 155-160 nn ]K~drflid~(~UlMbi)iLf-rf~middot - IfiO-it ~~~tifW-(nr1T+~

lulri (IUDS 3) 34-35 Woo

~iOriqltTI=~r1J~OIo~middot r~q ~~ ~ 3~(Qoi3~19)M~~~ouj 9Qiin UllUK) 100 1420-1430 nsClou 100 nn

amp~~ ~g~~(Ft~P i)~ r~~~~~~I~~~~~~~2middotg2~~~~~t~~yen~~ii~~~~~middot~middotmiddot ~- wnQwu (Ra) 22-25 nn

Xailili1ffOi-sect~~~lIri-~~~~~~ i~~q ~r 4 middot~ifIiriri~~)-fr~jtmiddotmiddotmiddot wsnUlilJ (~um) 4-5 Ua

)3~ifiW(J(treg~1~~~_middot~~fi ~2~2~5Sjt2~11reg5[gt RUI nSUmSA1f1181u nsnSlOWlrUl1E1

2J 2557bbk1V1k1

c OJ c c 151llH HQU V1 Yl J ftVI tJ 1j fI IJ

ltV V r Q iCS

tn-naHn (HI ff flW VI W 1 fl eJ 11 UVI

njlJ ifl Iff~lJ f1l jrl1jl1i1 llhmf1

lU~INEJ11 ffUrl1fflfH)f)UUlvlU

~llUU IiiUlthbl fflJ~U liff~llf11W ftfnJUJ~~ 111~UllU1iim1lJl~mrU 1UffUrl1lvW jllJJlff~1lm1lJlu1i~


Iii Ul ou fljU1 11 f)1 j uU VI UU f1lj

N~~~tJf)IiiUl U(1f)U1liIljlHU

[) V1l 1UU1jjjlJ VI llJlf) lJl VI j~1U

ff1 f) (1 f) j lJ ~ l 1 ~r91 Ill1m l flU

1Y1UlHlWY1 VIiffY1 lJ1ffl (Thailand

Trust Mark TTM) IUWlim

fft1J f1EmJUl1l Tn llJl~mjU111 fJ tllf11W

ffUrl1U(l1J~f)ljhlU lYim~lJluf)lff

Vl1lf)ljrl1Un ~lhmilJf1lj1V1m~1U ll(l~lllhlY1f1 jllJJl rillff~lJfffll fllW Kf)ll ru~~U ull~l U 1Uf)1jriluUf)

11lUUlll1 ftl N~i1lYUrl1 U(1lJ~f)lj~ii fJtllf11W fhWlnl~lln91UlJ m


I~ fJUfJ1 fJftlu V1 ~~tJftltfmJ W11JtI1I1U eJlfllJIllfl lhlITU

fljjlJf)1jlJ~l11j lJ~rll YiWWWff

(lllEJIl(1U~) ~10~ lU91INfJ11 U1f)


Yijf)l1hUlll1i1l 1 W1J111fl~fmhU1-]




Il1f1 1f) 111 ~huU Yijnll~ii f)lj l~lJ1il ff-) uV1-)lim~u) 1l(1tY)iillUl1ulJ~U l~hJlilLl~D f)lJl f)11111 U ~)rUlriu vd d ooltvdv

lU1 1 lJU1fllJ 2557 mllVlU)llJ1 1 ~ f = 1

lVIfi LU I1UTIjU9fU f)Il f)lj l91t)1Ylff

91mJ fliu) ff1m)~iiEJu91U1tlfflff91 ItlwrU~1Jl1~)1U1f)ll1ft ~l1UiJ 5~7 IlHllJlhlJ1tllfli1 ~ 100 11111111

1U f)Wl il (119111(11 EJlEJ ff1 I1 l91EJIl

iif)ljUEJlEJff1lJ1l~lJ 10 ff1U1 1UiJ

2557 il1f1l~lJYiiit)~ 20 ff1U1middot lHl

IlIEJ1EJl~lJflf) 15 ff1U1 1UiJ 2558

ll(llVilJflf) 25 ff1U1 1UiJ 2559

J~ flafl~1rUJ 2557 bullbull 1 j

) ~ i i



tJfl5ClUuJUSJlEJUfllS UUytw f1f]U(iJ1f1f1Sv~mmiw~m1JI1Ti~If1l1Jtr1f1 lJfiFJfJ1Y11N nfl11fW ~ei1UJlJn7JSrnJJuriS1~mJiJfJntVVI~ufVJnJJlJftflmJI11 1JlJilvmuwJu1wlilJu1NllJmJUmJlnviuTflJoJri1Jlnvwu~ ~ - ~

nisvl JJliPl (Thailand Trust Mark TTM) ftfllhvlMNjflN1111Nv~Tnf)iuvi1l1Jmf1iJm1lJjmtUIjEJtjfllutrU111 tpnlv1mJln[JTurfliJFJrumw~7VJJJ1urifilJVlnmiddotlslnltlW1llritn(i1m1~viiNmJlaquoj~truI11InveuroJthvieuroJjjfl

--- -====~-

v bbU 1tJjW1


ftJttWitllj~ lutflnnl~a~fl3na~al~lan


W 1 uhf 6fl J~UIB flllU11 [J lll11 ~11MI1l11 fl ruYi litH 111 JVI

n 1 jU~fI ruil1~ffU~1l~1l lfl li1 UI~ JJfI11JJTU1)1rfi~1bull bull v

11 ilJ Ofl I1l~ull vnHmJJ1U1 OBU J1~ ~ N fllJ~ L~ poundJlJU~l lu~u~u~mlJri~ nY1lJ flllr11

iI1~mhaVlf1 flci11lI1~1~IUJthli1JliJVl~1JfflJlJJ1 I~U~ ll-wflm~ (Fair Trade) lviU1UJllJlm~1In1IJifqjl1111i-l~1J 1~ uJ ll~ flli1J11f)fl~1 flli)~crlJlJJ1 fl f~if ll~ V f)) ~J111

Ltl f)liJ1Vl U11J lJ1lt1Jh~1ltJ1U ~1l1m~~llJl1 crf1lf) UJcvfll~ Clll

M1U~l15mu-lllvlflm~OJ111lJ1f)rJ 1~u1~I~tyqtJifliluf11i

t)lltll11f)JJlJri]uClf)f)~l 200 i1U 1lJ1~llJ11JYf-l

bull J~ifl~vthrlClf)liJ1UM1U~~1~~1~ri]ClClf)rl1f1WIJCl]~ u

hlO hi111l1tlUltII11 ltII1ml4~lltJ ~~J 1l~iif)I1~lUth1ff V] ii fl11lJJ111 ffJr11V1111JlJV] 111 poundI u o1] lJl f) hHllllYt 1

1 cr~1l1 f)~M1U IfI~u]I1lJ1 poundJU-WflmVl ~] ItlJ Ifl~V]I11J1poundJ1tJiu] fl UJfllll fiJ r11 ~lii 1J1 mii1 Ji~U 11 f)~ J~1J~1J flli flii 1l

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30 Cl-lr1m ~-lnJ]~ltlJf)cilJ~Lhuf)VUf11i 1tJlluo]ltII1mru

1Pl1-l 1 llvlV-liiii f)~lU1UlJ1 f)~ v~1j f) 51~1l 1lJ11J1~lJlu1m]f11i ltv bull tdV ~ dJQ bull

(PI] n~11 mlJll~illJlJV f)UI1U1UJ1Ull mHiCl-lU lliUllilU f)~lJ

tl 1l lt11 11 mllJ u111lm~u lt1111 milJ~ I~ (mJuJ11UlJltlU11l~~ lU1~llJlJVH1li111VJflm~hiiJ1 f)]U


lutJf)~llHmn1unWWllnru1~villM1li1~-l f)ci11

V01-lUuU 6 l~VU llCllfiCl11tJu51 mlJll~1l1l1lJI4fl~milJ Vlf)U l~V1111l f)V-l r1mv1M1um11tJllIKV-lVi1llJ~ elf) If) ruevi

Hq1fl1l1lJ1 1l J~lUU U] ffU r111111J1 f)~lt1 ff1111U f) cilJ ffU r1nt1

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crutJ) unL1U ffUTl1n] uviMiif11JI11~vllm~uhrf)cilJ ffU r11~] ll~tJilJ-l 11 elJ~l f) tl f)ltII11V1UUtyf)1i~ lICl ffU ~1 ~lUlill i] ~lU 11hIf) ~lJif11UlJlHm1IlwfllliVl OUlJ1 f)iiu

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1J1 f) UU f)1l1f)1l1UU flliltl~1-lml4elf)Iru~~UV~ffUr111V1 poundI 115

0] IlJU f11ifJf) i i1JJ1 fl1 ffUr11111fJJ~1U~lUlJ1 1l Hi1U ll~J1 m

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f)~1 60 U llJUiUUf11ir11iluuluf11mf1-lfll1lJltlUliillJ

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1Ui1 mv1 ItlUliiilJ l~ ~u11f) fIltIllJliocffv irUr11in fl um 114

1u J1 mi lulili JilJ 1IiU f)J U V f)1l1 f)if~~vi1-l1U f)vu~] r1f1i

InHlllillhl1uri1 1lUU llllU~ lI1lJ1 ltllJ v iiltlm-w 11lcr ulJ1u f)1ivi1-l1Ui~ iifll1lJtJCltlI1V 1liof)iinUI~V-lIl4f1 iHh A ~

llftllf1 1l llClf11lt1m


1UWmU1~ 12 ~) tJYVli]nmn111nr1~l~U I I1r1f1tJVI1~]

cO _I ~ ~ UtJ~UtJ]IitJ TltJlJiI1V~Vi(1]]lU

hn1tJU 1limyl

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A ~ I A I A A ~ I1lJlllllJ)ilV l~TlYlTlUll(1 1~il~~YIliUVli

nullll mlJll~Vi V~UYI1lUiUfJ1l rJiJ~l~vu ftJ VII () 1 UtJU1TlVl U1Vl nilJu~) i1~llJ1ifi

~111 ~uQl~~ J

b I r I JJ YI d D 0fJ07nl1U7 1

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)]fl)i~ifilll~U(~tJ rllI~~lJfniyjtJll~v)lluu lli~tJl~lJlJU 1I(1111ll1111

HlJ(1Yl1ltl HlihmufnU

I1~tJ ~~ II U(1l1 ~Uf1ll1Ui~ 111If li1 Unli ~ _ 1 ~ d U l dA

Iml~i l1itJ~~lllJ(1]lUUlmtJl UtJtJnl1lllU

1 UJ1 l~wil~~YIilu~inullllnilJll~Vi v~U llllUl1Jl1J1l~ U~l5VU1tJVII ()

mL~Ell~mnjt1itmUUi1~i1rurulUEll~U1VItJlh ~ u u

LL1fllJEllT~fl LtJ~~rlBrlilLtIUVI1lf)11LLal l~El Lem1~1~a L~ElW~lllUlvJiAh bull hUvlJJ1h 14

tI J d I

llJtJn(11 1000 U )Ull 23 nTl ll ilIIUiluluHh1VliftU~1U~U 1 lliU

l1lM1U fl1V1UI1~U1Uih~11i1U ~U1l mlJ1ifllrJUnl11Ui~J1 l~tJ1~Unmn1ltlVj Vl(11~ tJ U1mn~~ il UUlllJ~ Vi (1)lllJinVl

bull cO li1l1Jffii) il )VlIIH 1l1f)jlJ~iiYi111llll11itJ1fnT bull 1 -11 d 1 d Ifd c lJi1i1UUil1YI Tl(1U~W(1 ltJUIU)iV WUlVl)i

lViiff i1n~ Ilfi(1lu1)liJ~~)U1VlniilJ111li

aUyJi1Ii~ llltJ~U1V IgU~U I1~tJl~vn-)l

l1ltJ~~hii1 ~I11lJ1Hnul~tJl~VffiiiU~IIUU Vi~l~lUlI~~mY1VlV l~V~I1lbvllU~1I (1

l~mliU Vl(1tJ~IlUUili1liU~~1 III liTblJlilJ

U1Vlf)jilJ111111 tJU~lU)UlJ1n tJ1Y1 Vi (1 Vl bull

lJi)1V1~lJl1 ~f)jwUj UllrUllU11m~~~u ~ ~ J i lit

lJ1imU1V)iTnYl lTl)liVlU 1(1U11lnli

II ~l tJ 1Y1 VlV I1~tJ i~tJ 11l)~fh ii~~lllJUl~tJ 1YlVffii~UIIU]J HVi~lllUlyJvhll(1Vi~lllU

Q 1 IitCLI YI ~I lit ~ v ll~101llVlV l~tlmU)iltll~Tl~UiYlll~UU mtl

nlil11Vi~l]1U1I~lmY1VlVil1nll1m~ll1(1~ ~~

~ltJciuUI1~lm 4 IlfiU HIll111jl~lnUVi~l ]1Ul1lUVllVltJ~ lJaUyJilliYllrJUYl) t11l1UYl mi

~1t1Vi~l1l1nulJ)lVltJ5~l~tln~ll1ltJ~fhii~ ~lV milJlyJliJVllTl~)ltlU~cH1t1-lJ)1 lrJUYl)IlU

d 1~I lTl(1tJUlitJ I1luU1ll1U1

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Yl)l~tJ1hn)u~)vtJ (1iit UVlJUU1~i)1luU ~


U1 5 VlU f))1l 260 IlJm m1lJV1)UUIl1n

nilU~tJ UilJ1lU 6-7 llJm Ul180 1l1U9lllJVli

J111rn 1974 in(1n~lJ fiUJ1~n 20 ll1U~llJVl~ I cO~d d1

1I(11Y1lJ1ifl~Tl4l~ 20 lltN lJm1~lil Ufni

l~UYI1lUilJ1ru 8 fihllJ~i~tJi)1lJl ~ 3

1 UW~UU1Vl 10 ~) UUliJuWJilVII)l 1m

I1~tJlrJU lTl~)l~UtJtJncill ilU1 UJ11~l lfUrlU

Vi (1 fllllJinVl mh) Yd I GI

~lYtJUni1 VllU~)U)l mNil1nmi

liJ~Yl) l~)Vi~ll1UlllYltJ1Y1llV 1~~~lYu1 Il

ll ~ (1 tJlrl ~)Vi ~ll1U Ilffl m Y1 Vl61 ~ tIU1 tIlliU

ll~NIIl~iU tJ1V 74 iJ li1) llmJmmm nri1)V OJ 11

I l ~ ff ) 1 lli1U U 1 ) l ifl Vi (1]l1 U II ~l fl1l1 Vl tIil1 n

I1r~~vYllJ~l~iii1)ff~~lfi~m1lJ~111IYm bull 1 middot A A 1 d uin)U1iinlll~UIi) lJVlUllU U1i)lUfll ~lVd d~d v U1lJUlJi1m~l tJnlll llJ)lJlffm~ll1 (1~ ~ J J~ ~ 1 v

U)VlmilJli4UlC1nU1~ lil IVii1l uUVi(1lllU


Urull U1lUUllUl nm))l U)VlniilJ I

~Ui1Il l~Ull1ll~)n1 I1111l1nuNuintJun1i bull

i~Ul~)I1~)~~mlJ1ifll111111 ~~pfi lIUUrll

lritJllllnull~uUi1fi1J1lJU~i1fnllVil un~l l I1lJ1nUmi~llJ11JillJiJl~tJ1YlV~1i~lUY)fll J IJ I I ~ v

IllV) LVii1 llJ~lr-l(1mYlUVltJ~lll)(1tllJ

v dd1 v I d ~i1]fl1ViMlIrull~ I1llnf)1ill)llllV) 1Ytl~

Tl~)lnu Vi(1 ~lJi)1V1ilJU ~f)jwUyj M lllY~lTm~II1U-)l U1VlfiilJ~U~(itJ lrJ~Yl1l l~)n1 I1liYi~r1l~ml11(1(i)l~U~tJVifil~1U

llfflmY1Vlv(lmnIJ)llm) lrJUiJiJUl1Jl1J1Ufl~ I

TlUillV ffilJ1ifll11Vi~]l1UlllYltJ1Y1~VlJ1H v

Ui 1VliU lliritJ1l1lfi~fmhn1)U unnl

J1lJUllif)1 11(1 lrimYitiunuf)1lHlTl~tJltJu~ 1Uuil~uU

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~ V I 11

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IV ff


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~Uril Lb(hvjUl11JU1~Ulllnru-naUril

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4 lJt)~lJi1~nUlYI

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fll111m~Vl (flV) fljllff~m111lrufllliIl~ff-1111V1Clflll IIClmll

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J _ I

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lJ U

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f1W ~11JLYilJffVll111Jvl~LLVIW1Jl1Ul El1l)1rl J~ VidlfirunBlVluLLYilil~GlB1i1l11ulLiJtlU1J~Ym

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L~UYlUlJUL1tJu1ua(ij~1(ijBmiitJVivllll11Ul LL~ i ~poundllLLJunBlYlU1iI1a-~n1ll1Ul1tI1U~~l1

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dju L~poundlmllJ~LLIllWl~tJ 1i1Jl1Ull11U1~ru1~ ~

I (IlaJlJ(1aJeJ~1l1~eJeJnil1ULLiiIlIil~iill~~Dn1J

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DWlf1~WllaJn1Jl~~eJf1 nJLQ~lvlU VlVllY1U1Vl

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tJ~aJl run1ltJ~ m V Em nil ruY1lt-J~i-J~Vl~U Vl~l~(liimVl ~

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v1eJl-liWll11Wl1VltJ1~~f11laJ~Uf1 LjeJlln1~ii I ij middotnpoundlI~jltJleJ-rU ~lWJi~Y1~ liQJyenU Ul~n1ilIJ~iJ I hib~l11tnlrm L~WEl1VijjnliLwM~aJlc)(1 17 i

I tJJ(IrllltJLUWnlJl~tJLL~~~WllVW~-iil11~LYilJ I lJln-iiu I


fi n a Ua dhl3J amp1 ~h ~UA1 b nlf(9la f1~lijVl~~ IJm1J~lLL~~ 217 LL~U~TUUlrl lJEJlJ~ 26-32 Onnfl~~i1LLlnlJm1J~l

d at 01 d

O 7 L~ltJ3JVllleuroJ 3 VlUl tJI1U ~U llj

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~mrumlLn~l (jj n ~) Ulb3JUillJfllJ

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VI~eurol~~YlrnflLn~l liJe)ltIlllmllJmtJ~h

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lJtJIU 2556 3J~lil~ufilLn~~leuroJd~ 216 ~

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JJfl~~t1V1~I~~lJmtJ~llii L~euroJJlln~~t-J~~1u n~JJ-trllulU eleuroJtJ tJlJWlll Ul~3JJ1~U LL~ ~~wil1fl3JlruL~3J LLlt1i-lill

LU~euroJn~nml3J~U 15jj eJiLUUL~aJ l~UllmiJ-ru~l~ILlt1~tJ t-lil~~tpJ illPl

euroJtiYi 7500-9000 Ulrl UYJU i~1l~ lI bull cd ~euroJltlU Vl1nml3JIfUeuroJfVl aJil~lL~ LV20 m ~llfll 6000 U1YlLYhilu

~UtJllljlll m~illlml~W1~J3Jl

LVI~euroJ 60-61 Ulrl lt1ieuroJnT~n13J LIjllil~u~ LiJltln~~L~3J ~urlumlt-J~~~J llm-nllTIj~

d ~ T Llt1GwmlYi


630-780 Ulrl w1euroJn ~n~3J LIjnt-J~~~~euroJeuroJn3J13JlnLL~ilmlU1L-li13J1

llnUltLVlffLYleuroJuihu lJru~llfllnJneuroJeuroJn l1~mltlloilUl~lnYillIXllmU1U~J~lL~euroJ 10-220 U1Y1w1euroJnT~n13J LllUL~tJ1n1Jnfll Ul~~ ~llmfiWl~J3J1LVI~euroJ320 -435 ~ntJ ~euroJnT~n13J

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LjuluTm~ml3J1UJ~ln11 6-8 L~euroJU

cilUllfl1~U~lLnllVllvifl1~ hlilllm vibVi~ ~euroJ ~Uci1UVI~I m~11lb~l-I LUU 215-220 ulrllt1ieuroJnT~n13J lln 180

Ulrl LIjll~U~euroJImlU1LUt-J~~beuroJvilUeuroJ~ IJrnvielmJflWd1lL~3JLJU 1 220-1300

U1rl lln 1040 ulY1~euroJnT~n13J llfl1LnLdil

nlL~3JLUU 42880-44 Ulrl~euroJnT~n1l-1 L 11l1nfl3JUln vifftJ T lUilml3J9l euroJI ml

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ultJ~3Jifn~ n~lhlilJii leuroJI~f~ml jj n~ n~llL~13Jl1 cilVl1U LLt-JUltJ

tJllL~L~~ tJ ~Vll~ ilil3J nu mrl )11

im~~l1mYlll11jlb)ll6 Ll~mrll11

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~euroJJVi~lLilumlL1~3Jt-J~~~~ ml~~

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Ministry seeks to resume small-lot rice sales in August PETCHANET PRATRUANGKRAI THE NATION

THE COMMERCE MINISTRY is preparshying to resume selling rice from its stockpiles in early August gradually releasing it in small lots of about 5000)0 tonnes a month

Duangporn Rodphaya director-genershyar of the ForeIgn Trade Department said a ~ubcommlttee had agreed the mmistry slthould go ahead and sell rice from the stockpIles and not walt tor completion of a Junta-ordered mspectlOn of the stocks bull I he nce-release planwhlch Will be proshy

posed to the Rice Policy and Management Committee soon includes sales through general auctions to exporters and local traders by government-to-governrrient contracts and through the Agricultural Futures Exchange of Thailand

Puangporn added that the department wopId ensure the stocks are released transshyparent With the Fmance Mmlst and the Prime Minister s 0 ce joint y inspecting the f0cessc

T~e department reported that about 55 per cent ofl800 rice warehouses had so far been inspected by the teams dispatched by the militarys ruling National CounCil for Peace and Order The teams are expected to complete their mission by the end of September

About 18 million tonnes ofrice is reportshy

cerns over roug t an ower pro uction in many countries amid higher demand in many others I here IS a good posslblhty that ThaIland will export 10 million tonnes 9pound nce thIS year It is expected to sell off all 18 million tonnes in its stockpiles within three years she saId

The department reported that Thailand was able to sell 535 million tonnes of rice in the first six months middotup by 50 per cent year on year while export value rose 19 percentto US$27biIlion (nearly Bt86 bilshylion)

As ofJuly 16 the price of5 per cent Thai

Afile photo shows asoldier inspecting rice stockpiles at a warehouse in a eastern province

white rice was quoted at $427 a tonne up from $410 the previous week

She added that production bfThai paddy rice in the 2014-15 harvest season was proshyjected to be less than 38 mi1lion tonnes because of drought in many areas

Charoen Laothamatas president of the Thai Rice Exporters Association said the government should consIder sellIng rice from its stockpiles in small lots of about 100000-200000 tonnes per auction to avoid impacts on the m-rket price

The government has less pressure to accelerate the sale of rice frbm the stocks The country has holder power It should ensure transparency and minimum impacts to the market he said

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INTHE WAKE ofrising concern over the t reatmen t oflabour farmers we1shybeing and the environment in global trading the International Trade Promotion Department is urging more lhal busmesses to seek FairTrade cershytification so that their products are more easily recognised and have a

greater chance in the world market place

At a seminar on Fair Trade Mark and trading of Fair Trade products in theinternationaJ market heldyestershyday by the agencys Office of News Overseas Markets Development and PromotIOn Duan kamol Jlambutr e U Irec or- ener ot e eplrtshy

mentSal t atonlyasmallnumberof thaI compames and sUEP)Lc~~ms current~apphedthe FairTrade Marllt

The epartment lrill therefore continue to support Fair Trade certishyfication by promoting an awareness campaign amongThai man ufacturers and exporters she said

According to the Netherlandsshybased Fair Trade Original organisashytion about 30 Thai companies and supply chains have received FairTrade

certification to date This guarantees that they engage in faii treatment of farmers have good labour conditions use no forced or child labour offer fair prices to suppliers and operate with transparency accountability and respect for the environment equity and freedom lt)nd have fair trading practices

Duangkarnol said the department in cooperation ~th Fair Trade Original now had a target of increasing the number of certified businessshy iSnap es and products by 10 per cent ayear

The main goal is to help agriculshytural and handicraft producers as well as manufactures and exporters to achieve better trading conditions and to promote sustainability she said

Certified members of the Fair Trade programme will likely be able to leverage the quality of their prodshyucts for higher prices with certificashytion ensuring world-class social and environmental standards and more recognition in the international trade area she added

Thai export products alreadyusing the approved Fair Thade logo include

rice coffee tea cane sugar cotton freshfruits herbs and spices ockershywork handicrafts pottery and ceramshyics

The official said the department also would like to encourage busishynesses in the shrimp and fishery secshy

ate consultant for Thailand said the overall value of Fair Trade products had increased considerably in the past few years as consumers now had more awareness about fair trading conditions and the environment

Consumers are willing to pay more for Fair Trade goods if they feel they have bought a product whose manufacture is highly responsible to society Today prices of Fair Trade products are also very competitive

the same as leading brands Enterprises should adapt themselves to produce Fair Trade products in order to ensure sustainable growth

tors to comply with Fair Trade certification so that they do otfaceproblems due to unfa abour treatment Every Fair Trade product is subject to labour-standard checking she explained

Manasnan Pongjayavanij Fair Trade Originals aS60ci~

and access to many markets said the consultant

According to Fair Trade Original the value of fair trade goods in the global market excluding the US rose from 1 billion (Bt427billion) in 1996 to 48 billion in 2012 Expots ofThai fair trade products were wOlth about Bt300 million in 2012

More than 30000 products are now on sale in 125 countries and the global Fair Trade system currently works with over 12 million people across 60 countries

Manasnan said many more Thai products could get the Fair Trade mark So far many local brands sllch as Doi Chang coffee plus local proshyducers of soy sauce chjli sauce pineapples and bananas are wellshy

known for having the mark which is accepted widely

Martin Boon development manshyager for Fai~Trade Original in the Netherlands told the seminar that with the global market having growshying recognition of Fair Trade prodshyucts many markets were increasing demand for products carrying the logo - and that Thailand had high potential to serve sllch worldwide demand


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THE NATION ~ JULY 20141lI Sihasak reassures EUteam over juntas reform roadmap SUPALAK GANJANAKHUN DEE THE NATION BRUSSELS

EARLY ELECTIONS vtithout reform would not help restore proper democshyracy to Thailand That was the message related by acting Foreign Minister Sihasak Phuangketkeow when he met his counterpart from the European Union in Belgium this week In a bilateral meeting with David OSullivan chief operating officer ofthe European External Action Service Sihasak said Thailand had a clear roadmap to restore sustainable democshyracy and that the EU should support

this process of reform The roadmap and its related reform

will help strengthen our political econshyomy and will also be of benefit to our partnership with theEUin the longnm he said

Sihasak was in Brussels for a minisshyterial meeting between representatives ofAsean and the EU and spent much of his time briefing representatives of Eillopean nations aboutthe situation in Thailand

The E U along with the US and other Western countries strongly criticised themilitaryforits May 22 coup The EU suspended a number of cooperations withThailand as well as several visits by high -level officials It also recommendshyed that member states review military cooperation with Thailand

The EU said last month that it wouldmiddot

not sign a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Thailand and that the negotiation of a free-trade agreement (FTA) would not conclude until an electshyed government was in place

Sihasak told OSullivan that an electshyed government would come eventually Before that however Thailand needed time to implement reform to have a strong democracy

The time frame of 15 months or so for the reform is not too long ifwe want to make sure that our system and democracy are sustainable he said

Thai people are aware of the issues facing our country and we are working on addressing these concerns so the EU as a partner should support us

The EUhas the right to voice its conshycerns about the situation in Thailand

middot but it should also ensure it is sufficientshyly informed on specific cases he said

Concerning detention and martial law the EU should make sure it has corshyrect information about who is under

middot detention and if there are concerns about human-rights violations the EU should specify the cases he said

Sihasak discussed the situation in Thailand Vlrith many European MPs

middot while in BrusselsTheyincludeq Franck Proust special rapporteur on the FTA and Samuel Cantell head of the ecoshynomic trade and regional cooperation delegation Many of them have experishyence in engaging with Thailand and have a clear understanding ofthe current sitshyuation in the country Sihasak said


Pension scheme for farmers proposed

Farmers in the future might look forward to retiring on a government pension

Charnpittaya Chimplee directorshygeneral of the Rice Oepartment said yesterday ttiat under a draft bill dealing with the rice development fund members would contribute about 3per cent of their monthly income to the fund and the state wou ~d also chip in ayet-unspecified amount

When farmers reach the age of 60 or 65 they will start receiving a monthly pension bf about Bt4OOO

Most farmers earn less than other workers so the fund is neces- sary for their future Charnpittaya said

Other proposals for the bill are being gathered and the contents wi I be improved before its submisshysion to acommittee on rice producshytion and markets and the National Council for Peace and Order


Farmer happiness down from August WICHIT CHANTANUSORNSIRI

Farmer happiness last month dropped subshystantially from its peak last August when they had high hopes of stable income from the Yingluck Shinawatra administrations rice pledging scheme reports a Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BMC) poll

The state-backed farm banks farmer happiness index fell to 7851 in June from its highest level of89 in August said senior executive vice-president Somsak Kangteershyawat The poll surveyed 2346 farmers

Happiness from family health a good society jo b financial position and the quest

for knowledge were the six factors used to measure the index

The survey found happines from the family scored the highest with a score of 341 out offour followed by health at 321 a good society at 320 job at 314 fmancial position at 285 and the quest for knowlshyedge at 274

Farmers from the Northeast regygIiwere the happiest vvith a score of 314 while those from the North scored 313 the South 312 the East 297 and Central 299

Asource at the BMC confirmed Augusts poll was taken when the farmers mood hit a fever pitch as they felt they would receive an elevated level of compensation from the

rice pledging programme The National Council for Peace and

Order (NCPO) is seeking sustainable ways to help farmers after losses from rice pledgshying which offered prices 40-50 higher than the market price could reach 500 billion baht

The juntas measures so far largely includelowering rice production costs and slowing the release of supply to lower price pressure

The source said prices of tapioca sugar cane chicken and pork are gaining in the second half while those of rice corn rubber oil palin and whiteleg shrimp are declirun ~ bull bull imiddotI middot7~

Regarding rice prices the source said the price of paddy with 15 moisture content could average 7500-9000 baht a tonne while Hom Mali prices are projected at 14000-15000 baht in the second the half

Even though the agricultural sector conshytributes only 84 to the countrys GDP there are 167 ffiillion farmers making up 26 of the population

National Statistical Office data shows the ratio of farmers who earned over 100000 baht a year rose to 286 in 2013 from 97 in 2003 while 643 graduated from prfshymary school down from 704 a decade ago Farmers shouldered average debt of 124604 baht per person last year

BANGKOK POST 41 FTIupbeatabout domestic car sales PIYACHART MAIKAEW

The Federation of Thai Industries (FT) remains confident that domestic vehishycle sales will top I million this year defying some car makers projection of sales declining to between 900000 and 980000 vehicles

Domestic demand started picking up in the previous quarter as private firms and farmers bought new pickup trucks for their business expansion and new cultivation said Surapong Paisitpatanapong spokesshyman for the FIrs automotive industry club

The club forecasts pickup truck sales will contribute 55-58 of domestic sales against 442 in 2013 while passenger cars dropped to about 40 from 474 last year

The passenger car market has normalshyised after demand was absorbed by the gov- emments first-time car buyer scheme said Mr Sura pong

The club yesterday cut its 2014 forecast for Thailands automotive output from 24 million vehicles to 22 milliori It also cut domestic sales to 1 million vehicles hom 12 million while exports stand finn at 12 million vehicles

FTI vice-chainnan Suparat Sirisuwan~ nangkura said Thailand was expected to remain in the worlds top 10 automotive manufacturers this year with production in countries such as Canada and Russia also expected to decrease

The International Organization of Motor

Vehicle Manufacturers said Thailand was the worlds ninth-largest automotive manufacturer in 2013 and 10th in 2012 Production (ast year totalled 245 million vehicles the highest in 52 years and up by 014 from 2012

The club yesterday reported that car proshyduction fell by 261 year-on-year in June to 160452 For the first half Thailands car output fell by 29 year-on-year to 952685

Domestic car sales in June totalled 73799 dOVll by 304 on the same period in2013 while 440911 cars were sold in the first half down by 405

By contrast car exports in June rose 657 to 103946 earning the cOUDtry497 billion baht In the first half exports rose 36 to 560047 cars with export value rising 895 to 265 billion baht

The FII yesterday reported that the industrial sentiment index improved for the second straight month in JW1e

The index rose to 884 points accordshying to the FIr which conducted a survey among 1100 industrial operators It stood at 851 points in May when sentiment improved for the first time in seven months

FTI chairman Suphan Mongkholsuthee said sentiment has improved because of the more stable political situation and an increase in purchases of products thanks to the Fifa World Cup football tournament

The industry outlook index for the next three months stood at 1019 points rising from 101 in May

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AUTO EXPORTS INCREASE Despite the sluggish recovery of

the export sector auto shipments continue to expand but still by not enough to counter the reduction in dorriestic demand for cars

The industry has been forced to brake this years production target from 24 million units to 22 million

The target for domestic sales has been lowered from 12 million units to 1million which represents adrop of 251 per cent or 335154 units from last year

Surapong Paisitpattanapong deputy chairman and spokesman of the Federation of Thai Industries Automotive Industry Club said yesterday that lower domestic derriand the end ofthe governments first-car tax-relief programme and the delay in gov~ errirnent and private investment

middotprojects had contributedtothemiddot change in the production target However this new figure is still

middot higherthan the forecast for T8 milshylion units before the big floodiri 2011and domestic demand is

expectedto shitf intoforWard gear i

middotnext quarter~ The economic recovery payshyrnent for farmersuncter the rlceshy

pledgingscherneandreturn of investment will increase revenue l

in other industries and put more rnoney in peoples pockets he middot said

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Temporary charter should furthershyboost confidence ERICH PARPART THE NATION

THE FEDERATION ofThai Industries believes the temporary charter will further increase the confishyden~e ofdomestic and foreign investors along with buslness op~ratrs while the recent strengthening of the baht IS stJlI tolerable for the export industry as long as anyfurther appreciation is neither too rapid nor drastic

_The FTI also said yesterday that its Industries Sentiment Index (TIS) had increased by 44 points since April

The introduction ofthe provisional charter is in line with the politiCal road map of the NCPO [NationaICoimcil for Peace and Order Jand I believe that in generalinvestors andoperators will feel more relaxe and gai~ more confidence that things aremiddot gomgmaccordWlththeNCPOsplansforanewcharshyter the setting up ofan interim government and the possibility of an election in the future said Supant Mongkolsuthree chairman ofthe FTI shy

In his view the country over the past two months has been running on a smooth surface since the Nepo took power a move which has led to an increase in foreign investor confidence certainty over pubh~ II1vestment policy and rising domestic consumptIOn

These factrs will support the recovery and allow _gross domestJC product to expand by 25 percent this year he said


The FTI had been projecting an economic recesshysion before the arrival of the NCPO

As for exports Supant said The strenctheninO of the baht is related to the increased conffdence of foreign investors which has led to an inflow offorshy~ign funds This will have some effect on the export iiidustry but it is still acceptable for exporters since the currencys strengthening pace is not too fast and the Bank ofThailand is still monitoring the situashytion

The export sector will be able to cope with a stronger baht if the rate does not fall below 3050 per US dollar he said -Moreover since the global economy IS continushyII1g to reco~er the FTI is sticking with its export

- growth projectIOn of35-5 per cent for the year According to Bloomberg the baht was valued at

3176 per dollar yesterday The FTI chief pointed out that if the Kingdoms shy

export value were calculated in baht it would already show lO-per-cent growth year on year

Accordingto the central bank export value in May came in at US$1927billiol1 (Bt6124 billion) whIch IS 12 per cent lower than the same period last year in dollar terms - shy

Meanwhile the TmiddotISI has increased for two month~ in a row The indexose from 840 in April to 851 111 May and to 884111 June amidst calmer political waters the economic recovery the liftingof the curfe - and even Fifa World Cup fever which led to an mcrease in overall production orders and sale figures - shyn~eover~TISI fororBers~salesarid prod-udiai- -shyIII allll1dustnes rose from 802796821 points in May to 843 844 879 points respectively in June

OCll ClI Q crf

611W fNlWHiJW (9]~ f) ~~Vl ~1 lVJ 1 ru~J


CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough


GRAFT HAS GOT TO GO nvestors from Japan from which Such concern by the Japanese away existing and prospective forshy

the largest amount of Thailands investors should not be ignored eign investors Countless foreign direct foreign investment comes because they have brought the firms and investors have com~

have called for reduced corruption largest amount of direct foreign plained about the extra costs of and improved transparency in order investment into Thailand The doingbusinessinThailandbywhich to help restore confidence in the Japanese invested over 8t290 bil- they mean kickbacks and undershy

Kingdom lion in projects ClPproved by themiddot the-table money that must be to Setsuo luchichief representative Board of Investment last year That bureaucrats and politicians Often

of themiddot Japan External Trade was nearly 30 per cent of the total they have topayin exchange for pro-Organisation (Jetro) for Asean and foreign investment of Btl1 trillion curement deals with state agencies South Asia last week called on the according to 801 data and public projects People who ruling National Council for Peace Thailand has generally remained refuse to pay are routinely left and Order to kick-start good govershy attractiye to foreign investors due behind by their bribe-paying comshynance that includes combating corshy to positive factors such as the avail- petito rs University of the Thai ruption and ensuring transparency ability of skilled labour efficient Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) rec-particularly about doing business in infrastructure and transportation tor Saowanee Thairungroj has esti-Thailand Now its a good time for systems location andthe consider- mated that corruption adds 30 per Thailand to bring about good govshy able size of the domestic market cent to costs for businesses That ernance for the new era he said But our chronic corruption is scaring she says translates into reduced

comoetitiveness for Thai-made Economic and Business Forecasting pay corrupt officials and politi~ians products and reduced credibility for Centre He surmises that the have to cut costs at-the building site Thailand among foreign investors improvement could be due to posi- and that means poorer quality in General Prayuth Chan-ocha has tive public sentiment following the their public projects and thus a risk made tackling corruption a top pri- juntascampaignagainstcorruption to life and limb ority for the ruling military junta He and organised crime The surveyalso Businesses who pay bribes also says the fight will be part of sweepshy showed that bribes paid to officials offset their higher costs by charging ing national reform together with and politiCians by the private sector the consumers more good governance transparency and had declined to 15-25 per cent of middot Since corrupt authorities and an efficient and effective system of project costs frbman average 25-35 politicians make money and bribe-checks-and-balances Thailands per cent previously paying businesses make profits it is corruption index in the first half of Despite the seemingly slight theconsumersandthepublicingenshythis year improved for the first time improvement in the situation (or- eral who suffer in five years according to aUTCC surshy ruption remains amajor problem for They end up paying more uhnecshyvey The indexinJune was registered Thailand essarilyfor products and public proF at 46 out of a possible lOa com- In addition to the weakened ects the quality of which is poorer

pared to 39 last December says competitiveness and reduced cred- Corruption should beeliininated or Thariavath Phonvichai UTCC vice ibility the public asa whole is affect- at least minimised for the sake of rector of research and director of its ed by corruption Contractors who the country and its people

  • 57-07-24 (กรม)
  • 57-07-24 (ใบนำสง)
  • 57-07-24 (กระทรวง)


tJW1in-t-J~t-J~IiIf)f)n ~n i1Yl1~

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1Ui(]lJfllLzillu Jl1ll1vl~fl The 1st ASEAN Plastics Awards



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l~eurollYilllUlu~1JLLuulIeurollflrnlnu l(1)rJ ~ ~ flVI1eurol~UL~ElUn u L~eurol11~1eurolJVIffl

31vni1tJJ1 UlJeurollmm11tnrih~l-Jlll1rJnU ~lnYn1J~l~J~~middothjml3-JL~ poundJllrJLLrihul ~LLIl Liu ~lnmmJlmWlffl ~li(nUltJn

~mhlm~YiLL~t3lJU(1)1 LUUfl11l-J T1J111~LtJulffn ~Jl~ii fll~h-ii1oiil1L~l-JYi11~mll-J~Ellm~~eurol flrnYilllU~1J1rJ-lll1LLIl~~YilJ1U~tlJlrJ -rr11lJeurolJY1~tJuu~tJfu1tITl-J1rn~IVIl-J~LfiEltJ u vJd qulf11Lm YI lJUl-l12 ~(1)LLIlm~~lEltlnlJnlL~

2 ~LU~U Vl~eurol~JYi~(1)lu eurolU 4 tJ LLIl~1~ ~unfll-J~ciltlElnoii111Y1tJLoiilmli1rJLciil-Jyj L1tJn Yl~tJuu~dJu~iiJ1~e~eurol-ll11~tJlV1nivi~~ ci1ULLUl(1)1l1(1)oii11nffu~Ul-Jl I(1)rJtJfu1IElm~ lJEllT~n bull ~

VitYlrJ~~Ieuroleurolnt~ 10 ~lU~U~

2557 fo

UlpoundJlf1qJY1Y1poundJl fuJW1~ eurolTIu~m3-Jm~ ~Yl n~111unmVl-J3-JU1neurollYlU-WI1lJU1-lll1

LLfllf11U1LL Jlfl~ 11 ml-Jm~ih1iiL1m 2 LI1ieurolU hnldL~Ueurol~lneurollYluQl~fl~J5 L~uiEltJ I(1)poundJneurollYlu~YilVltXYi~utJ ~UU LLtll11tJLVI~Ellf11U~ lU~lum~~~VI1if~~poundJ mt~~ li1poundJfl(1~Ul1~ LtJULLVIIllL~U~ULvlEl

c v ~

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Lyj El ~f~lLLfl-WI1lJUlmn~Jfl1U1l~~~1l-J iJUflJLLflUlUU

neurolJYiUlhpoundJflliJ~poundJm~cJ~(1bJLnu 20

lIElliJl~poundJm~tI~~~eurol11WLn nml~ 1500 inY Q lt=II Qo c bull C

~uu ~UJUYlUVIl-JUL1 poundJU~~(1Ll-J l(1)WUiilJ11 I I

fluli-U11lfl-JlfULL1lEllf1n~11U1 LL VI ~ JYil-J1lJeuroll L~U n eurollYlU ~1 n -rlqm l

1~m~~uu~ulutJLLdn 1000~ ~lUtJl~LL~ 1utJI1iElltJ~~11l(1)~n]lJ1J~l-J1rn~UlJ~Uu I

jfl 6 Wu~lUU1Yl ~ Q 0lt1 C

bull UlpoundJEl~)l]fl ~VI1HllJ511U1~ El(1)~(1)(1)() n ~11h fluYiLnmoiieurollnUlf11U 1~1 rJYlnflU bull I

~J LL ~middotIieurol~lU~~tJm~t~(1) nJ ~ Ieuroleuroln

LLI1iJf11Ul1~~1poundJ lulIrnvi~eurollYi111J~U(1)1poundJ 1aJ~LnjtJrn fll~$jneurollYlULn(1)~U ~lLUU mll-JVl1Jl1~ ffil-Jl~ ()li1U~~Ellf11U11~l1Jl


~lLLYlUllElllf11Ull-Jin nl1oiiitllfm~

11 V 6V


bVJ tJ bUl b1JU~Ub1Itt9l bnlJU1U q q

ASTVN~VlnWmJ~U - rIlrnlfU If-l UUlJ hMtJ1bbC-Juil1J1tJ-ii1)lu~~tln ~-l lhl~r1lIwm-l ~lJ~ bmtJq) b~~ If f1d b~tlUr1l 5 ~LIfUGlU rI~tl~~-lVl btJ-llU5u

h~m1o)~tlU b~mLU1Twrmn-ii11tJfuqr11ii~uf1imittl-l Vl~-lc-Jr1VJ~~Tmlr1~~~O)ln Jlmb~-l Jlrl1J-ii111uffiltlmlJu~Ub(t1-lLVl()lLflUl1Ulun11 2 tJ

t - I

Ul-lm-lW~ ltl(1)wmn tlfuJliiril~nmllf1il-ltJl~LYlff LU(1)Lc-Jpoundrll f1~tlunTI~ml llmtJ-ii11Mjj~IiiL~UlftlULbc-JUtJYIimlf()l1mTIrul tJ-ii11 LYlm(lUtll~f1ru~ll~nli UTtJ1J1tJLL~lU~~ll~(1)ml-iin (UUlJ) ~Mm tl tJlltJYln ~Urifltllfl 11VlUlflru

1mtl~11~(l-lULLvi-llfllii (f1(llf) LlJUtJll1ilU WO)ll~ltlU~~~lilUmllJltli111U

~~tln1j1Jl~Hh11~TIf1il-ll ~jmtJl~~~11tJ mlJltJ~l~lumrn~~~tl~~l~-l ~ri-iii1L-if13-Jl-H(1)Lo)u rnllJl tJLLUU-rJf1itl11 (~lJ~) LLr1mtJil~~~lill11m~a~lh fJ

~UI11 mmmh-lVlUlLLvI-ltJlLY1ff1VI tJ (Ltl LtJltit) L(1) ~LLc-JumiJl tJ-iilJOJ~Lj~HI Jl~JlP~Ul~tlU (lf1 U LL~ljjLb~UL~fttJtJ~~wmlTIUltJtJl~lru 5 U(lUGlbi

4 bull - I

b~tlU J bull

~~d ~iiiltJ-ii111u~~tln-rjUl~fl~-ld O)ll-llulU~~LLiJUlltl~m~l-l1~~

VlU1tJ-llUUtlnmYIl1-lrllrulfUL-ii13-Jli1~(1)LLi1 Liu o)ljqr1LLVIU~lnmlYImrllfI~-l filr~UlJn~~UI11~ T(1)tJo)~Liuml~Ttl1-l1~djUVl~n LL~lumllJltJ-ii111tJf1i~tJ~LVIff O)l~YIl-llfin~~ ~fl-ltltln-ii111Y1tJ L-iil~li1tJLVl~m~tl-lm1~-ltltlnmhJL~~YibWeJ LLpoundi-l

~huL1j-l~m(1)-iill$w~LfttJltJ~u~lT(1) tJVl1nl11m~l~~rnflLeJnlfueJ-l~(1)-iitl~ln~ middot lumlJW li1f1~flO)lL-iilltl~1tJ

ftli-1-rUc-J~mlI11J1OJIfeJUIf~tln-ii11lJtl-l-rrul~YWTnli1-lYi1tllLYlff 1800 LLvi-l

iilfl(1)t~jjmI11TI~tnli1-lLL~1 55lJeJ-lTnli1-l~-l~(1) t(1)EJmllrultJlfreJn-ii11 O)lllU~ fI luJ1u~~nl~TlOJ(ltlUL~1~~ULL~1 ~-lril~-lmljjTnli1-leJpoundJ1u~u~1(1) bL~lLtiU-iil~lfU(1)


Ul-lC1l1-lrllm11111 middotbLU1TiUJl1f11-ii111ul11m(1)lJrn~d L~~tlfuGl1ampi~U L(1)poundJ1-lfll

1 -ii11LtJ~tlnMtJfu~uml11ntl(1) ditl-lO)lnc-J~c-J~111rr111ultilm(1)TnflL~3-JSj~3-Jlrn~(1)~~ f

~nnJt1VllJ1poundJLL~-l~LA~~u LiuEi~LIii poundJ~~ljc-J~~~I11-ii1l~(1)~-l l1~r1-ltlll(VIff5ul ~ ~~1T~n T(1)poundJl1mfi-leleJn-ii11lJ11 5 LtltJTtl1J brinru~ 16 n~ ~~l3-JllflliJ~~ 427

- LVI~tJqj~VI-rjGlU L~3-J~Unn 410 LVl~poundJt1(lW~lGl LrieJ~tJ(1)1rieJU ~1i1m~mnr Ct tJi1tJ~111-ii11tJ 255758 -

~lVlwmm1OJIfeJu-ii1)lulfreJn eJ-lfl-li1mltilJ1OJ~eJ1JeJ~l~~mieJ-ltVlmuf

(23 n f1 T UlpoundJlff1 ffd11f~111 ~ltilJ1OJl1lfmlmlm1-l~Vll(1)LYlEJ lh~i1f1~Yil-llU m1~IfeJU~~lrnbLf1lf1runl~411 If(1)~ 4 n~11JVl11-lniltiIl1~1feJ1J-ii111uTnli1-lnm-l lJl-ltl-l~nTIl11m~bYlm~1ffilm(eJ~n) eJ II~m~m~ O)~lL~-lLYIl1-l~ULDutJu

LLU-l~lU1~ln 11-ii11~-lVl3-J(1)fi1Ul qiLtlwlllLfll LflUl1U1Un11 2 tJ 8 L~tlU ~-lL~tl lt 11 2554 L~lVl~1~~W~(1)lfeJULL~-l11~ml1h~ml1JlpoundJEieJnttJU1]LL~1 -l~tJll~fi1~

~l~~~n~11~LL~~11tVlJi ~1u~m~mtlu-ii11~1 ~ l1EJ-llull11LL~-l11 flrul-llUt~liJu~ml~-llu1tJeJ-l~lUmnpoundJn~j3-JUI11~~l

u11jjuU-ltJutltJ1uneJ-l-ii11Jl1 25 LtJtl~LU~-slU1~ln fi1U~3-Jlrnf1-leJpoundiltili3-Jju~n 88005 m~fteJ~ fl1UmlMftpoundJVlltJVl~m~el~f1runlrll~tlc-J~mlI11l-1o)l~~l1~~ln Vl~~ tJ-llu~ljVlUl~~l1lyenl(l~U~~ttl bull -

1bVJ61~Vlb~6 J~ nan~lr1~ 2557

~ ~




Igoluns~nusA I [wctcltJl[]U gtlnrii-lfJlIlLL~tilti1EJ middot 11ti~~flm6ilti~ 5 LL~ti~ti 1M

_ d ~

ti1l1J W~1lru1 ~L~EJ ~flti

U1l(11lVl) tEl(1V1fJ1B ElfiU(1n))J

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tJ)~)JIlCJm-im))Jnl))1J1fJ-E11 11 Vi tJ)lI)Jjj)JIii L l1UlfElU LL~U fJll fillll(1nl) ~

)111 fJ-En LYlElLlluEl1 I11l ru n)))Jn1)

UlfJUWLLiillJ111~(1nl)-E11 (14m) ~jj Vliil El tl~fJllj ~Ullf[Ellf1111l1U111 ru

fml1111)JlllULLrillf1~ (Illllf ) LUU

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)Jlll(1LIU nl)lJlt1LLUufjviElfj LLiiln1)

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ll Il11LUU~u1tJ L~ElUiil 5 LLlltI(I]U


millhn(11)J nTl)lJ1fJ-ETllull~Eln

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n)mlln1)lIffl ~loJnulfmf~~U(11 L-E1)J1(1 LLiil LviElllll)JltJ1l1ll

UI -pJU)1111iillElEln-E11lJ11 5

LEllJlmj L~EllU~ 16 nII~1-hwn ~Uiil 427 Ll11fJQlll1fj L~)JffUI1n~Uiil 410

Ll11fJQlll1fj 1(1fJlJrudfjlJ1~1YlfJSj-E11

1ull~Eln 18 ~lU~U LLiil1l1(1111Sj

NiilN~(1-E11LtJ~ElnUnTlN~(1 25572558

lti1U1U 38 ~lu~u-E11LtJ~Eln

u1EJ1LiiEmii lElfl1llllA U1fJn

ii(1~mrn~llm~mNiillElEln-E111YlfJ mhl

11 nTl)lJ1fJ-E11L~ElUiil 5 LWU~U LUU

tJ1mruhimn l11mlJ1fJriElU~NiilN~i] -E~1)JlUl~n1iil 2557255l 1ElElnmlu

lh ~ L~~U (0111 11 middotmiddot I11)~Yl1Jnm111 (1~1(1-E11)J1noJn middot LLvil11nN~N~(1-E11

l~n1~1l1)ElElnmEl11Yi11~fJ1nffu ~lllVl

)ll11fflElEl n-E111YlfJffU)J1LUU~Uiil 4~0 Ll11EJQlll1fj -E11L1EJ(1U1)J~U~ 420

Ll11Jrulll1f~ bull-


VliiIJJVln bull fjn lI~JJLntl~iWmm1fj ~)jUrnlJJlJYIV1ULLl1 ln1lVlim~tl~nii8u lJW1JU11lJ

310 Ylm~JJ 4 f1LLUU m~middotlVIillhlVI~ i1)jl1~~~aWi1mlJJ ltlJJ8EWi 327 IlLLUU LnllVlimN

~lJt11 Yf~vJJLLU~ll(JniloVI1thvhJJ ilmt11w Uahfli1l1il L~Vl1(iL~J jj~UIl11lJ~1lW 31

l1~ulillriYiTIJJLIlitl~iiY Yi~rulf6lf Ullll lv1LvLL~Ui1l1V11 I1UUU rtluLnllVlimW~llvi1mi

L~iJU1~ 5 UU~ L~JJ I1U LnllVlilj~iiAl1lJllllU1lV~llVl U1VaJJ~n~ n~lhl(ilJU lUj~1Jlnnflultl~ilLUU 7851 ~1V1fUi~1Jl1l1lJfillll1ll

iJltAVln1iliUlI11iL~8nliLn1lVli LVlV aill (lll tillU 111 JJ Ill Ln1lVllnl11~llai1UL~ULI1iln1lrU

LlOl al1mrumiLmlVli (lina) lJ8llnllilin~ltllLVlA1V1v LLUl lthUl-nl1 Wml Ln1lVlimlj1l11JJ

LlJVlll-JVl1 ~WJNv una1riltli1lt1 LiJU1Ji1mA ~ti 1l1I1n(l1l n ~lllJl r1lllJLviJJ1UlJl1l~1Ui ~U IIl1lJ~Vl Lnu ll 8ln ~JJ(i1 8 Ull tillUA11lJfi1J1lWi 29911UUU lJ1n~IVl aiUI1LLUULO~V 335

Ln1lVlimluYJn~l111VlvhtlilVlA 1l1IlVl1u1l1lnLQUlL11U8 nti1l1 nnlllLUUL~lJ 4 IlLLUU I11Vl1~l

-)114114 2346 ilU 1U1illl~1lU 1l11lJ~ll1l~~ 314 llllUU 11111 1~fu~U~lnlAilnll1U~ltil-nll

JJV2557 ~l-nEl i~Ul1lllJfilJ L11111l jj~il11lJ~ll8~~ 313 LVl VLnll(iJlni ~tl~n-nll rtlU1 l1l1lj

IJ1l~LmVlimlV1v WU11 I1YlJJ IlLLUU 111111ril lj~ll11l1l1lJ~llJ~ A1l~lll111 itiulJln1ultl~Vlluu fillm OlillJll 1ll Ln1ltiri ni1VlU1U ~ 312 I1LLUU LLrII11Il(iJ1U(iJn 886 Lii8lltllnL~8l~UL~Wl~1jj 1l1wilJJ1l~1uitiu~lJln ailU jjffl1fi11l1lJIllJ~ 297 IlLLUU ltlmwlIli8l1-illUL~~U

d a l1lLUUlWu 310 ltI1nlLUWVllJ ll(]l~~fJ~im~tl~nr~r11iiP~1Jil JElnltnnti VllllilllLIlillshy

4 llUU LVlULnlVlmiljAl1JJIIlJ 1111lJltllllllltlVlJEWi 328 11 lLUU nllvlpoundJIl~ll1~liJ 2557 ~llU1U bull v

~l 26-32 LVluNu~hLnllVllViltl 1l4~tiini1lU nlilllU-ill11Ull~8n jjilAl~iu laiuri m~ltlyj~l f~ulm-huiEvill1 ~nlit1ilJrI ii8VLll~lULWJ1Vll(lVlilU lri hltl nlilJ1UVlillumru~~1l

11 ~ ~ ~ LU8 urIIm 1l111i1JIlUA1LnllVll jjlh~1l8-n1lL-nllJ1iVlLvU ~1l ful(iJl1ilAll(lVlrllL~rMV l~LUi lllrJLLuuf~vi1Jf~ ~~lts) LLrInli

-illl -nlLW(iJl~Vlamp(iJl U1lWlil tlilJrlN1UVl(llVl~8lJ1VNU~1 111~JJt11~U lLrIrNlJllLLlUUlllJ Ln1l(imi1ll1Ul LL ltli lViillVI V

LLviUljjil~~Vl~Vl~~8l~U(iJl~lUU (LfllIVVl) 1VlULLeJWl1J1vihlltiL~ VlLIlllailui il~111t1lvillJ LLUl tli~lJ1ruIilUL~1lU ltlIlti lQ~U 1UlJil~1~Uu~~1l1l~I-J(lni tl1lJ 1 run 1 liU 1 V-iilltli lJ1 ru

V1U~ltltliUYJUnliI-J~(iJ Yillmll(li1 L~1l1ja 5 lLllUIifU

LlrlnLtl~VU~HuWlU ilo1111lll ~~U eJ(lnlj(ljllll~8niill

U1Vll11 ~IJLLa amp(iJ1Ln1lVli~1l1 121J1r1~~Ln1l1l~ltllVlI1 1800 gy3Jpfn~ ni-r~J1

Ullil1lVli l1lVlVlmB ltlfuJ~ LLl lill(iJlaijjnllVlil~1nliflll~1 nllJnlihliilltl1LVlII mhl11 55 ll8lLn~~~l1lJVl 1Vlu~uUU d middot ~1 25-35 tll1ai1lai~nll Vltli11lJIl ru 8 ~m llJ n 1li UlU 11nWiUlv-iil1114 ll~8nf~ulr1 a 1l~liJLLin IlWUUl-JrIltllnllI11Yi llll lJlJVlL11U1JElULLI-JUVVllilllflm rlt1 VLUlmlllJLtl~l1lll~~n

LI1l1llnltl1~mL(lLIli]lnltllV1vti nlil1J1mrl1 L~LflU1lArumilJ Ll(l1UnlllJ1V-nl1ltlvilltli lVlI1

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2557 llJV1V~ll~ 16-24 (UUll) ~n ~a1ltli~Y15 ~UVl1 LllJ1~EJ L11~1ll~1llnlj~l88n ailUil Il1RUfhLn1l(iJi~l 181Jl 11lVIiilliru~fml11111m~U mhJLtlilJ~ L~mLUlollmLtill~1 1i1 1 middot-middot

11~llJ2557 jjLLU11iilJltllJU1V LL11-)lllili ((lllll) LUUlhl1U -iill1vlpoundJYiLAtJltliltlum


ij ~mlUI7lU~]f)t1]YIUY~tn1h1Hl-lIllUll ]lIl~mtJ1U2 I~BW nBud] l-JDnJ1ndu~lhu~lU)~(JnmI~ilhhnl-J ftj1l1 111WllelU r(Q111~Ulh-l~iJtJIjf) 10000 ~lUUlVI ~lU nolllu lI]Ut-lU 20 1 UD~uJ~umm~illDl1111D1JjLi)l-Jllun~

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U(l-Clthl ~tJ I

Yla UUl-lllnUf1llJft~W~JJnlllnElill lI~l~lJUill l-J1U]JltlJl~~Ul QlJYi1~ Djju~nilJnllltUT1 UCl~1 ~Dfl1jlJl1n~W~lnDlliVmiddot1]J1ll-J1 i ~1lJf))llJ RW~DnElIllnil~m1U T~uflru~nmJnllU~11li

1~1lLrIU1l nilJnllltUlllJmn 2 I~Dl-Ji-lmlflmn rl-JfI~IIClamp~Ul-l il D~11l-Jlr~l-J lii1l11n~1I11l-J11l ~1I1 ~J~I U4

lIn~imD~ y41r~l-JlltU1l11f1~1I111-Jllll~1I1~ ml~fi1AtlJ ll-JnD~yl-lUl~nDlj~hu n 1l~~i11 C~1l1~(lmUllUUllClclilllnll~)UlH~D~l HlJl~ftlJ l~DmUiJ i Mflru~1mnAl1lJCf~UU~lI1ampl (flCIlJ) U1l~Un1lrJftilI~l-J ~Ulflil ~U~l-JYl ~1lUrUU1 ~ 1l-Jll ~Cldj ll~nlllmiddoti U TIlUnD~Yll-l1djJril(lUl~~f1 thl-l~l-J (11ltlD~nl-Jnmiddot1~~r1il~11 11J~IlWl-J~ bull I q ~v nu uu bull ~1i1lUlli1n~YllJ1Utl~I~4ntln~l-lYi~l-J1

~lJ~wuCf~l-lundlUI i1~D]J1ll-J1l W~ ll-Jnll Ifl~D~JJmfl~1Jltl1iilfl~D-l~n1nn Qum(lJ111D~l~1~11~ ltiJ 11uilI1l1-Jlll ~1I1~ JlJlJ 1 n1~Ulni~ r~111Ull~[JnllrJtiil~lJflruf1lWhlllfl1lUl-JilllJ i iii l-lnml1l-l1 J1iJ1-llfrDl~~~ 1~DH11111l-J1JJnll ~ UUl lJl ruUl~Jl iJ Ul1 ~lJn D~1tJ l-l i l-lU II l n

)h~IWU~~HlllClrl~~Hl1nll11l-J1il-JnllnYl liiuJ~unllrJ~Yl~iillruf1lwll-lllmdjl-lilllJmh~ 10000 il1l-JU1Yl 1~14hl-ld~1l-llruJ1n 51- Utl~ ~1-J1~l-lnll~~~ltiJ1l djl-llll1~~I~l-lVll-lI~DftUUftl-Jl-l I~U~YimCl~r)(i~ TIlUUl~~1l-lnU11l-Jfl1~lMuliiD~ lJMl 1111 U~Dn~1I11l-l1rJ~ill~UCl~ 30 ~ll-J~l-J

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v f bull

~ bull I ~ bull1) u u u ~ I-eruTl~Lfll91llil1~l1U11ll1~UilVlff IIW ~ LVln1l il1W1lWWU il1~~Wfl1lf1 fllill il ~UlflVU

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vvVin1 7 700-7800 U1VlIiV~U uli

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Mll1~vvQVi 6000 U1Vl ri1141i1l1tllJ

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III VIlU liJ VlV-liV ~1111 (l-J 01 nUfll m~

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~ ltWl-J~lJWi iCJ~WUlli Vjju~mlJ

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f~Ul(1 l~(Jmiiulv~llOI~lJUilJlru ~WI~CJWiYJI11fllJ-ct lQ~m~V14(l 5 ufftJ

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~tJ III mrtJlln nmUl(J1illCJcil~~lli1CJJ

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ntlliJUW~Wl1 ~j lllJlJlJfllA(Ulil11U~I1W1tJI1UUfl nmm11

UllmlVfi lfl~VW15 fl5lJ~m~f11lAl~1~ IIlrullVLulJJ1middothtJtlIJ~lLL11~tJilLi1uml~11HI1a

_j_l__LI1_f_lil(ll~tJ11 ~lhltJJArum~nllJJf11l LllIJI1n LL1llJf11lJltJul1lj~mhLI1f1il l1J1 tJ-rr11 Ailli la(l l~ii~ ~ L11 tJiJI fllJ UNU l-i1Y11lI1~lAJJ~a~ flflnul1lYltJ lulJJ1ll1tJtUf11~ ~VDfl111~~nmlJl~ul1L~tJillaUfl~8~jlltJJmiddot aleHlneJcil1L~JJVi L~flL~tJna1tJlLUlm1~u11Yi A rumlJJf11ltJ 1VlJl JlLfllJ1111l-ij(lf11 ll111 L~f)ln-i1fiJ~U~l Ul1mllll n~11

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~ bull Q ~

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amp~~ ~g~~(Ft~P i)~ r~~~~~~I~~~~~~~2middotg2~~~~~t~~yen~~ii~~~~~middot~middotmiddot ~- wnQwu (Ra) 22-25 nn

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~llUU IiiUlthbl fflJ~U liff~llf11W ftfnJUJ~~ 111~UllU1iim1lJl~mrU 1UffUrl1lvW jllJJlff~1lm1lJlu1i~


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ff1 f) (1 f) j lJ ~ l 1 ~r91 Ill1m l flU

1Y1UlHlWY1 VIiffY1 lJ1ffl (Thailand

Trust Mark TTM) IUWlim

fft1J f1EmJUl1l Tn llJl~mjU111 fJ tllf11W

ffUrl1U(l1J~f)ljhlU lYim~lJluf)lff

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I~ fJUfJ1 fJftlu V1 ~~tJftltfmJ W11JtI1I1U eJlfllJIllfl lhlITU

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lU1 1 lJU1fllJ 2557 mllVlU)llJ1 1 ~ f = 1

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IlIEJ1EJl~lJflf) 15 ff1U1 1UiJ 2558

ll(llVilJflf) 25 ff1U1 1UiJ 2559

J~ flafl~1rUJ 2557 bullbull 1 j

) ~ i i



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nisvl JJliPl (Thailand Trust Mark TTM) ftfllhvlMNjflN1111Nv~Tnf)iuvi1l1Jmf1iJm1lJjmtUIjEJtjfllutrU111 tpnlv1mJln[JTurfliJFJrumw~7VJJJ1urifilJVlnmiddotlslnltlW1llritn(i1m1~viiNmJlaquoj~truI11InveuroJthvieuroJjjfl

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n 1 jU~fI ruil1~ffU~1l~1l lfl li1 UI~ JJfI11JJTU1)1rfi~1bull bull v

11 ilJ Ofl I1l~ull vnHmJJ1U1 OBU J1~ ~ N fllJ~ L~ poundJlJU~l lu~u~u~mlJri~ nY1lJ flllr11

iI1~mhaVlf1 flci11lI1~1~IUJthli1JliJVl~1JfflJlJJ1 I~U~ ll-wflm~ (Fair Trade) lviU1UJllJlm~1In1IJifqjl1111i-l~1J 1~ uJ ll~ flli1J11f)fl~1 flli)~crlJlJJ1 fl f~if ll~ V f)) ~J111

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1Pl1-l 1 llvlV-liiii f)~lU1UlJ1 f)~ v~1j f) 51~1l 1lJ11J1~lJlu1m]f11i ltv bull tdV ~ dJQ bull

(PI] n~11 mlJll~illJlJV f)UI1U1UJ1Ull mHiCl-lU lliUllilU f)~lJ

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HlJ(1Yl1ltl HlihmufnU

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Iml~i l1itJ~~lllJ(1]lUUlmtJl UtJtJnl1lllU

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LL1fllJEllT~fl LtJ~~rlBrlilLtIUVI1lf)11LLal l~El Lem1~1~a L~ElW~lllUlvJiAh bull hUvlJJ1h 14

tI J d I

llJtJn(11 1000 U )Ull 23 nTl ll ilIIUiluluHh1VliftU~1U~U 1 lliU

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bull cO li1l1Jffii) il )VlIIH 1l1f)jlJ~iiYi111llll11itJ1fnT bull 1 -11 d 1 d Ifd c lJi1i1UUil1YI Tl(1U~W(1 ltJUIU)iV WUlVl)i

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lJi)1V1~lJl1 ~f)jwUj UllrUllU11m~~~u ~ ~ J i lit

lJ1imU1V)iTnYl lTl)liVlU 1(1U11lnli

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1 UW~UU1Vl 10 ~) UUliJuWJilVII)l 1m

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Vi (1 fllllJinVl mh) Yd I GI

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U)VlmilJli4UlC1nU1~ lil IVii1l uUVi(1lllU


Urull U1lUUllUl nm))l U)VlniilJ I

~Ui1Il l~Ull1ll~)n1 I1111l1nuNuintJun1i bull

i~Ul~)I1~)~~mlJ1ifll111111 ~~pfi lIUUrll

lritJllllnull~uUi1fi1J1lJU~i1fnllVil un~l l I1lJ1nUmi~llJ11JillJiJl~tJ1YlV~1i~lUY)fll J IJ I I ~ v

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Ui 1VliU lliritJ1l1lfi~fmhn1)U unnl

J1lJUllif)1 11(1 lrimYitiunuf)1lHlTl~tJltJu~ 1Uuil~uU

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~ V I 11

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IV ff


~U1~1Villi LnU~~J bull IV a

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inmhv-liil 111Pi~~ Llllnnn1lIHU

ml~nll~~IllfJlNu~tllll (iilIlU) LtJ~ Lmrh iilIlU1Lliru~lLLVlUN1llnilUn1l ~lU~U~l ~tltllll ~ LLiiliJ~Tfl~ll tJ111qj

Llilml11~ilL~illJf)1l-11iltJ(l~lJU1~UWl neu]~Uri1 vflLLJj~W mJLl1lll 1l1~Ull~

~ eil tmiddotwnnVJiln fl1111l LL(llJUJJ1JUL~fn

lllYlm~~ l1~IIlnMillVi~f)tlnpoundi~ml1

~Uril Lb(hvjUl11JU1~Ulllnru-naUril

l1flltJJjU~jjlJU1~1-1niLnuI~~ LLvimmru

flU~l~Ullljj1JU1~ L~lL~~ ~lEllltrnl1l-1N u~lnll Llt]11~ei~ Llltlniftl~U~lt~ tJVilJl1~ vlutrlLn(1J 1JruLtiitJ1nUnlltJrU(l~~~1~ lJillmllnru-nll~viiilt-J(ltiiiitlnllll~ ~UVlUn1lt-J~(9I~ltJ

~ltJrllv-llli1~lTh 1UltJampu iilIlU


l1~ii 01LUU1tJMiilJEl1-Xiil~~lLVh~~1 LUU

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I -

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LL(l~I LL1~~fl~ LLllnl~ll1ull)J)JllVlH L~tlfltln~l(91ln1lIl1UIl)Jll-1ll(9ltU L~fl rill1U~ LL UlvriltJllu~l l-1dJ U~lmriu LtiitJlnU

~lnn1lIl~(9Ill1~U~ll1iilltJlIil~ Lliu

1l~)JU1JI~J1~ltJd~f) lJUl~lJl(91vit-IDJl11 1l~~iiWUyjl11fl~(il 17 -31 poundi1ULLJj~v-l

iiiiviuyjl11 23-41 NU~tllIlUl1ll tJ

flTIILlilhei(9l~~11~U~1flJl(91111qjlll 1iitl~~lruiill LLvi1~11i lJruLtiimnUnlJ

L~iJ1JU1~ if~vh1~Ntl~nflU nllll ~uYlU I ~

LVl)Jt~tJ1Jl~1 LtJU Eine)~l1ifl LtJUn1l~U Ltlaf)miwmnlt(9ltJ11i Ll1JEinvr1tJmiddot middotUl tJ


I)cJ4 flJfl~lV1dJ 2557

~)J~lh~fl1l1Jmi~~r111lillilfl-1J~TilflIVl)JIJ~lV11Jiiilnrucrl Q I Q

I 1 ~tJ m f IHl tlfl tJIil l fI 11 VI U~ 1 A I1lHl fl11)J lH)Jl tl)J

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Q -11 Qi 1 d 1 mUffUfllflJ ilfl UCl1li lilflilV lHU 1IJ1111111 l flmmm I1l11VClfl

IJUlf11liilt1~llniYUtil i~ UlIlJtl (11I1Cl1 fl1lJ1Jm) fol~in~t)n tI bull

fll11li 11ClU~1lIJtJlfiv1 Cl~llm~lJ a d I I cs I iJ ~ I

UltJfllYl Cl flCll1Clnll fffllJ ff ~lllJt)t)mrll~n~ffUfllIlClll I1U 11

~Ul~1li i llt1ruovliYUti1l1mpoundJlIij~iiIJill~ 1 I1uitnU ~1 ~ uli 111111 UIbull u

~ d CS 10 d 0 i)ll C1 i Q

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U i i ~ilUIYI tl ~ V~ ff ~folCl ~vHl~ U 11 U n 1 i folCl ~ Cl~Cl-lmV I Qo iJ ~ I d oc d ~lnmiill(lnllffUflll1mVlIUfi 1llU flilllJl~-lfol111mVtJI1fl

IJUlf1IJ1~~H1liillfl111ii1fW~1mllii-1 17-31 ~hUIIlIllYl~li~U~ 11-1 23-41 Ur~~1li11111nliVil~Ul~U1f1~U ii~ hlil1~Il1JU flUU~-1uUV11-1flli~CllJ lJfl-1N11n flfllJ nli l~fll-1 i 1l1riNunilfl 11 1

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nIJfl hiCl~Clmil~~ll~U l1it)-1~Ufll~nl11UVl1riiU~11~illV1 U

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4 lJt)~lJi1~nUlYI

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mm 1-1 f2V1ffl11m111 mll 11~liltlJ lIV _lllU n~lUflOlflnllflU bull I sJ

fll111m~Vl (flV) fljllff~m111lrufllliIl~ff-1111V1Clflll IIClmll

fl1Uflllll ClVilJ fl flflll 1mfll1 fl1lJfllJ1lfiVlI1lU I~flfhl1 U VIIIU 1111~ 11~j~1riI1JU 11 WI 11U1~V10U U ltJtilliClfla 11

lClUl15flll fffllJ mhll~lJI~1l11 ilJm1J1Wfll1~i1f1lJn~nruovl

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1111i~ tJ~ln~U()I1lVlllllllillVI1ti~ ftUll1 111 ru IJ v L~11lllfl ~U 111U

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U lV ~ltlCl flri l1V fli 1 -ff1UI1i1-11~ lJlli 11 11 lJlVl llii ~nrue0lmy

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fll 1 11 ~1l Cl 11 CllV ~flV ~lUlJlll

ltgt If

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J~ nJnrnfl~ 2557-[j1JU[J1USU I


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~ laquo ~ ~ co

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l~WfJ1li rl~1I ~V1ru11r1f111IJLi1UlffJUtiifJ1u

lI1OJWVlU1 fuJW1~ f)fitJ~n1JJn1ihJ U11 IV

111 W unEllYlU~(i)JU1-nl1 ii~I~W 32 ~m1d1

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~tTu ~WWL~WYlUYIJU L1tJW1UniU1W01~ ~ lil-n111m~

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~111 LLfl~(lJUl f)1-liWlf11U11r1ii fll1JJJW fII LLtl f11 ~W til fl El(ilVU~~l1~rrUIl~~ampi1U fl11iWvl1W11W flU1f1til

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~(il~lnf)I~Uw~~~11 LLLllI11J11VulL~Unf)IrJU middot I ULLinmiij 1 IIjjU~lt1U1l1 1V1mLYI~lViJJ11JpoundllL~U

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VlUU l~JnfllVlUtlLLin 1 YI~U~1UU1Vl ~(ildjW II ~llfllJ 3 lJfll~flfh-nl1lU~Elnvhn1mni~~til1~tJ fl 30 ~1W~U LL~L~Uvlln~11V(ln~(il(di1u~hlliW

~ ~

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t ~3JW1 5rr1Ll1UU11 Un1711n1~~I1UUllalLlJJf)~llf)I

i 711~ lltii~IJWi~Iiim~fLll~dT LLlJilnfllVitJV1~11J L~WEl(ilYIUWVln1~1J1~ Il1IllflnllU LLfl~J1IlJJhl~

ii111V1tJ LLtii~I~~fllirVl1lfi1) vilmhl1i1JJLliLUW

nTnh3WllnneJVlW)J1HidjW1JeJ~Y1UU(h1 ulii

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J _ I

IIB~IJ ~v(ij~(ij(1(l nll1111 0JV1JlLn1l~J1 ~eJLJ I

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lJ U

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f1W ~11JLYilJffVll111Jvl~LLVIW1Jl1Ul El1l)1rl J~ VidlfirunBlVluLLYilil~GlB1i1l11ulLiJtlU1J~Ym

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I ~lnl11U1LnUtrnLLltl-r~B(ijUULWtJlL~niiBtJ oiild

~~Blijpoundll~n~l11ulYiLiIJLL1ilLLJunBlYluYipoundl(ijUU I IU bullbull I

L~UYlUlJUL1tJu1ua(ij~1(ijBmiitJVivllll11Ul LL~ i ~poundllLLJunBlYlU1iI1a-~n1ll1Ul1tI1U~~l1

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I (IlaJlJ(1aJeJ~1l1~eJeJnil1ULLiiIlIil~iill~~Dn1J

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DWlf1~WllaJn1Jl~~eJf1 nJLQ~lvlU VlVllY1U1Vl

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tJ~aJl run1ltJ~ m V Em nil ruY1lt-J~i-J~Vl~U Vl~l~(liimVl ~

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v1eJl-liWll11Wl1VltJ1~~f11laJ~Uf1 LjeJlln1~ii I ij middotnpoundlI~jltJleJ-rU ~lWJi~Y1~ liQJyenU Ul~n1ilIJ~iJ I hib~l11tnlrm L~WEl1VijjnliLwM~aJlc)(1 17 i

I tJJ(IrllltJLUWnlJl~tJLL~~~WllVW~-iil11~LYilJ I lJln-iiu I


fi n a Ua dhl3J amp1 ~h ~UA1 b nlf(9la f1~lijVl~~ IJm1J~lLL~~ 217 LL~U~TUUlrl lJEJlJ~ 26-32 Onnfl~~i1LLlnlJm1J~l

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Ministry seeks to resume small-lot rice sales in August PETCHANET PRATRUANGKRAI THE NATION

THE COMMERCE MINISTRY is preparshying to resume selling rice from its stockpiles in early August gradually releasing it in small lots of about 5000)0 tonnes a month

Duangporn Rodphaya director-genershyar of the ForeIgn Trade Department said a ~ubcommlttee had agreed the mmistry slthould go ahead and sell rice from the stockpIles and not walt tor completion of a Junta-ordered mspectlOn of the stocks bull I he nce-release planwhlch Will be proshy

posed to the Rice Policy and Management Committee soon includes sales through general auctions to exporters and local traders by government-to-governrrient contracts and through the Agricultural Futures Exchange of Thailand

Puangporn added that the department wopId ensure the stocks are released transshyparent With the Fmance Mmlst and the Prime Minister s 0 ce joint y inspecting the f0cessc

T~e department reported that about 55 per cent ofl800 rice warehouses had so far been inspected by the teams dispatched by the militarys ruling National CounCil for Peace and Order The teams are expected to complete their mission by the end of September

About 18 million tonnes ofrice is reportshy

cerns over roug t an ower pro uction in many countries amid higher demand in many others I here IS a good posslblhty that ThaIland will export 10 million tonnes 9pound nce thIS year It is expected to sell off all 18 million tonnes in its stockpiles within three years she saId

The department reported that Thailand was able to sell 535 million tonnes of rice in the first six months middotup by 50 per cent year on year while export value rose 19 percentto US$27biIlion (nearly Bt86 bilshylion)

As ofJuly 16 the price of5 per cent Thai

Afile photo shows asoldier inspecting rice stockpiles at a warehouse in a eastern province

white rice was quoted at $427 a tonne up from $410 the previous week

She added that production bfThai paddy rice in the 2014-15 harvest season was proshyjected to be less than 38 mi1lion tonnes because of drought in many areas

Charoen Laothamatas president of the Thai Rice Exporters Association said the government should consIder sellIng rice from its stockpiles in small lots of about 100000-200000 tonnes per auction to avoid impacts on the m-rket price

The government has less pressure to accelerate the sale of rice frbm the stocks The country has holder power It should ensure transparency and minimum impacts to the market he said

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INTHE WAKE ofrising concern over the t reatmen t oflabour farmers we1shybeing and the environment in global trading the International Trade Promotion Department is urging more lhal busmesses to seek FairTrade cershytification so that their products are more easily recognised and have a

greater chance in the world market place

At a seminar on Fair Trade Mark and trading of Fair Trade products in theinternationaJ market heldyestershyday by the agencys Office of News Overseas Markets Development and PromotIOn Duan kamol Jlambutr e U Irec or- ener ot e eplrtshy

mentSal t atonlyasmallnumberof thaI compames and sUEP)Lc~~ms current~apphedthe FairTrade Marllt

The epartment lrill therefore continue to support Fair Trade certishyfication by promoting an awareness campaign amongThai man ufacturers and exporters she said

According to the Netherlandsshybased Fair Trade Original organisashytion about 30 Thai companies and supply chains have received FairTrade

certification to date This guarantees that they engage in faii treatment of farmers have good labour conditions use no forced or child labour offer fair prices to suppliers and operate with transparency accountability and respect for the environment equity and freedom lt)nd have fair trading practices

Duangkarnol said the department in cooperation ~th Fair Trade Original now had a target of increasing the number of certified businessshy iSnap es and products by 10 per cent ayear

The main goal is to help agriculshytural and handicraft producers as well as manufactures and exporters to achieve better trading conditions and to promote sustainability she said

Certified members of the Fair Trade programme will likely be able to leverage the quality of their prodshyucts for higher prices with certificashytion ensuring world-class social and environmental standards and more recognition in the international trade area she added

Thai export products alreadyusing the approved Fair Thade logo include

rice coffee tea cane sugar cotton freshfruits herbs and spices ockershywork handicrafts pottery and ceramshyics

The official said the department also would like to encourage busishynesses in the shrimp and fishery secshy

ate consultant for Thailand said the overall value of Fair Trade products had increased considerably in the past few years as consumers now had more awareness about fair trading conditions and the environment

Consumers are willing to pay more for Fair Trade goods if they feel they have bought a product whose manufacture is highly responsible to society Today prices of Fair Trade products are also very competitive

the same as leading brands Enterprises should adapt themselves to produce Fair Trade products in order to ensure sustainable growth

tors to comply with Fair Trade certification so that they do otfaceproblems due to unfa abour treatment Every Fair Trade product is subject to labour-standard checking she explained

Manasnan Pongjayavanij Fair Trade Originals aS60ci~

and access to many markets said the consultant

According to Fair Trade Original the value of fair trade goods in the global market excluding the US rose from 1 billion (Bt427billion) in 1996 to 48 billion in 2012 Expots ofThai fair trade products were wOlth about Bt300 million in 2012

More than 30000 products are now on sale in 125 countries and the global Fair Trade system currently works with over 12 million people across 60 countries

Manasnan said many more Thai products could get the Fair Trade mark So far many local brands sllch as Doi Chang coffee plus local proshyducers of soy sauce chjli sauce pineapples and bananas are wellshy

known for having the mark which is accepted widely

Martin Boon development manshyager for Fai~Trade Original in the Netherlands told the seminar that with the global market having growshying recognition of Fair Trade prodshyucts many markets were increasing demand for products carrying the logo - and that Thailand had high potential to serve sllch worldwide demand


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THE NATION ~ JULY 20141lI Sihasak reassures EUteam over juntas reform roadmap SUPALAK GANJANAKHUN DEE THE NATION BRUSSELS

EARLY ELECTIONS vtithout reform would not help restore proper democshyracy to Thailand That was the message related by acting Foreign Minister Sihasak Phuangketkeow when he met his counterpart from the European Union in Belgium this week In a bilateral meeting with David OSullivan chief operating officer ofthe European External Action Service Sihasak said Thailand had a clear roadmap to restore sustainable democshyracy and that the EU should support

this process of reform The roadmap and its related reform

will help strengthen our political econshyomy and will also be of benefit to our partnership with theEUin the longnm he said

Sihasak was in Brussels for a minisshyterial meeting between representatives ofAsean and the EU and spent much of his time briefing representatives of Eillopean nations aboutthe situation in Thailand

The E U along with the US and other Western countries strongly criticised themilitaryforits May 22 coup The EU suspended a number of cooperations withThailand as well as several visits by high -level officials It also recommendshyed that member states review military cooperation with Thailand

The EU said last month that it wouldmiddot

not sign a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Thailand and that the negotiation of a free-trade agreement (FTA) would not conclude until an electshyed government was in place

Sihasak told OSullivan that an electshyed government would come eventually Before that however Thailand needed time to implement reform to have a strong democracy

The time frame of 15 months or so for the reform is not too long ifwe want to make sure that our system and democracy are sustainable he said

Thai people are aware of the issues facing our country and we are working on addressing these concerns so the EU as a partner should support us

The EUhas the right to voice its conshycerns about the situation in Thailand

middot but it should also ensure it is sufficientshyly informed on specific cases he said

Concerning detention and martial law the EU should make sure it has corshyrect information about who is under

middot detention and if there are concerns about human-rights violations the EU should specify the cases he said

Sihasak discussed the situation in Thailand Vlrith many European MPs

middot while in BrusselsTheyincludeq Franck Proust special rapporteur on the FTA and Samuel Cantell head of the ecoshynomic trade and regional cooperation delegation Many of them have experishyence in engaging with Thailand and have a clear understanding ofthe current sitshyuation in the country Sihasak said


Pension scheme for farmers proposed

Farmers in the future might look forward to retiring on a government pension

Charnpittaya Chimplee directorshygeneral of the Rice Oepartment said yesterday ttiat under a draft bill dealing with the rice development fund members would contribute about 3per cent of their monthly income to the fund and the state wou ~d also chip in ayet-unspecified amount

When farmers reach the age of 60 or 65 they will start receiving a monthly pension bf about Bt4OOO

Most farmers earn less than other workers so the fund is neces- sary for their future Charnpittaya said

Other proposals for the bill are being gathered and the contents wi I be improved before its submisshysion to acommittee on rice producshytion and markets and the National Council for Peace and Order


Farmer happiness down from August WICHIT CHANTANUSORNSIRI

Farmer happiness last month dropped subshystantially from its peak last August when they had high hopes of stable income from the Yingluck Shinawatra administrations rice pledging scheme reports a Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BMC) poll

The state-backed farm banks farmer happiness index fell to 7851 in June from its highest level of89 in August said senior executive vice-president Somsak Kangteershyawat The poll surveyed 2346 farmers

Happiness from family health a good society jo b financial position and the quest

for knowledge were the six factors used to measure the index

The survey found happines from the family scored the highest with a score of 341 out offour followed by health at 321 a good society at 320 job at 314 fmancial position at 285 and the quest for knowlshyedge at 274

Farmers from the Northeast regygIiwere the happiest vvith a score of 314 while those from the North scored 313 the South 312 the East 297 and Central 299

Asource at the BMC confirmed Augusts poll was taken when the farmers mood hit a fever pitch as they felt they would receive an elevated level of compensation from the

rice pledging programme The National Council for Peace and

Order (NCPO) is seeking sustainable ways to help farmers after losses from rice pledgshying which offered prices 40-50 higher than the market price could reach 500 billion baht

The juntas measures so far largely includelowering rice production costs and slowing the release of supply to lower price pressure

The source said prices of tapioca sugar cane chicken and pork are gaining in the second half while those of rice corn rubber oil palin and whiteleg shrimp are declirun ~ bull bull imiddotI middot7~

Regarding rice prices the source said the price of paddy with 15 moisture content could average 7500-9000 baht a tonne while Hom Mali prices are projected at 14000-15000 baht in the second the half

Even though the agricultural sector conshytributes only 84 to the countrys GDP there are 167 ffiillion farmers making up 26 of the population

National Statistical Office data shows the ratio of farmers who earned over 100000 baht a year rose to 286 in 2013 from 97 in 2003 while 643 graduated from prfshymary school down from 704 a decade ago Farmers shouldered average debt of 124604 baht per person last year

BANGKOK POST 41 FTIupbeatabout domestic car sales PIYACHART MAIKAEW

The Federation of Thai Industries (FT) remains confident that domestic vehishycle sales will top I million this year defying some car makers projection of sales declining to between 900000 and 980000 vehicles

Domestic demand started picking up in the previous quarter as private firms and farmers bought new pickup trucks for their business expansion and new cultivation said Surapong Paisitpatanapong spokesshyman for the FIrs automotive industry club

The club forecasts pickup truck sales will contribute 55-58 of domestic sales against 442 in 2013 while passenger cars dropped to about 40 from 474 last year

The passenger car market has normalshyised after demand was absorbed by the gov- emments first-time car buyer scheme said Mr Sura pong

The club yesterday cut its 2014 forecast for Thailands automotive output from 24 million vehicles to 22 milliori It also cut domestic sales to 1 million vehicles hom 12 million while exports stand finn at 12 million vehicles

FTI vice-chainnan Suparat Sirisuwan~ nangkura said Thailand was expected to remain in the worlds top 10 automotive manufacturers this year with production in countries such as Canada and Russia also expected to decrease

The International Organization of Motor

Vehicle Manufacturers said Thailand was the worlds ninth-largest automotive manufacturer in 2013 and 10th in 2012 Production (ast year totalled 245 million vehicles the highest in 52 years and up by 014 from 2012

The club yesterday reported that car proshyduction fell by 261 year-on-year in June to 160452 For the first half Thailands car output fell by 29 year-on-year to 952685

Domestic car sales in June totalled 73799 dOVll by 304 on the same period in2013 while 440911 cars were sold in the first half down by 405

By contrast car exports in June rose 657 to 103946 earning the cOUDtry497 billion baht In the first half exports rose 36 to 560047 cars with export value rising 895 to 265 billion baht

The FII yesterday reported that the industrial sentiment index improved for the second straight month in JW1e

The index rose to 884 points accordshying to the FIr which conducted a survey among 1100 industrial operators It stood at 851 points in May when sentiment improved for the first time in seven months

FTI chairman Suphan Mongkholsuthee said sentiment has improved because of the more stable political situation and an increase in purchases of products thanks to the Fifa World Cup football tournament

The industry outlook index for the next three months stood at 1019 points rising from 101 in May

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AUTO EXPORTS INCREASE Despite the sluggish recovery of

the export sector auto shipments continue to expand but still by not enough to counter the reduction in dorriestic demand for cars

The industry has been forced to brake this years production target from 24 million units to 22 million

The target for domestic sales has been lowered from 12 million units to 1million which represents adrop of 251 per cent or 335154 units from last year

Surapong Paisitpattanapong deputy chairman and spokesman of the Federation of Thai Industries Automotive Industry Club said yesterday that lower domestic derriand the end ofthe governments first-car tax-relief programme and the delay in gov~ errirnent and private investment

middotprojects had contributedtothemiddot change in the production target However this new figure is still

middot higherthan the forecast for T8 milshylion units before the big floodiri 2011and domestic demand is

expectedto shitf intoforWard gear i

middotnext quarter~ The economic recovery payshyrnent for farmersuncter the rlceshy

pledgingscherneandreturn of investment will increase revenue l

in other industries and put more rnoney in peoples pockets he middot said

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Temporary charter should furthershyboost confidence ERICH PARPART THE NATION

THE FEDERATION ofThai Industries believes the temporary charter will further increase the confishyden~e ofdomestic and foreign investors along with buslness op~ratrs while the recent strengthening of the baht IS stJlI tolerable for the export industry as long as anyfurther appreciation is neither too rapid nor drastic

_The FTI also said yesterday that its Industries Sentiment Index (TIS) had increased by 44 points since April

The introduction ofthe provisional charter is in line with the politiCal road map of the NCPO [NationaICoimcil for Peace and Order Jand I believe that in generalinvestors andoperators will feel more relaxe and gai~ more confidence that things aremiddot gomgmaccordWlththeNCPOsplansforanewcharshyter the setting up ofan interim government and the possibility of an election in the future said Supant Mongkolsuthree chairman ofthe FTI shy

In his view the country over the past two months has been running on a smooth surface since the Nepo took power a move which has led to an increase in foreign investor confidence certainty over pubh~ II1vestment policy and rising domestic consumptIOn

These factrs will support the recovery and allow _gross domestJC product to expand by 25 percent this year he said


The FTI had been projecting an economic recesshysion before the arrival of the NCPO

As for exports Supant said The strenctheninO of the baht is related to the increased conffdence of foreign investors which has led to an inflow offorshy~ign funds This will have some effect on the export iiidustry but it is still acceptable for exporters since the currencys strengthening pace is not too fast and the Bank ofThailand is still monitoring the situashytion

The export sector will be able to cope with a stronger baht if the rate does not fall below 3050 per US dollar he said -Moreover since the global economy IS continushyII1g to reco~er the FTI is sticking with its export

- growth projectIOn of35-5 per cent for the year According to Bloomberg the baht was valued at

3176 per dollar yesterday The FTI chief pointed out that if the Kingdoms shy

export value were calculated in baht it would already show lO-per-cent growth year on year

Accordingto the central bank export value in May came in at US$1927billiol1 (Bt6124 billion) whIch IS 12 per cent lower than the same period last year in dollar terms - shy

Meanwhile the TmiddotISI has increased for two month~ in a row The indexose from 840 in April to 851 111 May and to 884111 June amidst calmer political waters the economic recovery the liftingof the curfe - and even Fifa World Cup fever which led to an mcrease in overall production orders and sale figures - shyn~eover~TISI fororBers~salesarid prod-udiai- -shyIII allll1dustnes rose from 802796821 points in May to 843 844 879 points respectively in June

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CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough


GRAFT HAS GOT TO GO nvestors from Japan from which Such concern by the Japanese away existing and prospective forshy

the largest amount of Thailands investors should not be ignored eign investors Countless foreign direct foreign investment comes because they have brought the firms and investors have com~

have called for reduced corruption largest amount of direct foreign plained about the extra costs of and improved transparency in order investment into Thailand The doingbusinessinThailandbywhich to help restore confidence in the Japanese invested over 8t290 bil- they mean kickbacks and undershy

Kingdom lion in projects ClPproved by themiddot the-table money that must be to Setsuo luchichief representative Board of Investment last year That bureaucrats and politicians Often

of themiddot Japan External Trade was nearly 30 per cent of the total they have topayin exchange for pro-Organisation (Jetro) for Asean and foreign investment of Btl1 trillion curement deals with state agencies South Asia last week called on the according to 801 data and public projects People who ruling National Council for Peace Thailand has generally remained refuse to pay are routinely left and Order to kick-start good govershy attractiye to foreign investors due behind by their bribe-paying comshynance that includes combating corshy to positive factors such as the avail- petito rs University of the Thai ruption and ensuring transparency ability of skilled labour efficient Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) rec-particularly about doing business in infrastructure and transportation tor Saowanee Thairungroj has esti-Thailand Now its a good time for systems location andthe consider- mated that corruption adds 30 per Thailand to bring about good govshy able size of the domestic market cent to costs for businesses That ernance for the new era he said But our chronic corruption is scaring she says translates into reduced

comoetitiveness for Thai-made Economic and Business Forecasting pay corrupt officials and politi~ians products and reduced credibility for Centre He surmises that the have to cut costs at-the building site Thailand among foreign investors improvement could be due to posi- and that means poorer quality in General Prayuth Chan-ocha has tive public sentiment following the their public projects and thus a risk made tackling corruption a top pri- juntascampaignagainstcorruption to life and limb ority for the ruling military junta He and organised crime The surveyalso Businesses who pay bribes also says the fight will be part of sweepshy showed that bribes paid to officials offset their higher costs by charging ing national reform together with and politiCians by the private sector the consumers more good governance transparency and had declined to 15-25 per cent of middot Since corrupt authorities and an efficient and effective system of project costs frbman average 25-35 politicians make money and bribe-checks-and-balances Thailands per cent previously paying businesses make profits it is corruption index in the first half of Despite the seemingly slight theconsumersandthepublicingenshythis year improved for the first time improvement in the situation (or- eral who suffer in five years according to aUTCC surshy ruption remains amajor problem for They end up paying more uhnecshyvey The indexinJune was registered Thailand essarilyfor products and public proF at 46 out of a possible lOa com- In addition to the weakened ects the quality of which is poorer

pared to 39 last December says competitiveness and reduced cred- Corruption should beeliininated or Thariavath Phonvichai UTCC vice ibility the public asa whole is affect- at least minimised for the sake of rector of research and director of its ed by corruption Contractors who the country and its people

  • 57-07-24 (กรม)
  • 57-07-24 (ใบนำสง)
  • 57-07-24 (กระทรวง)


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~mhlm~YiLL~t3lJU(1)1 LUUfl11l-J T1J111~LtJulffn ~Jl~ii fll~h-ii1oiil1L~l-JYi11~mll-J~Ellm~~eurol flrnYilllU~1J1rJ-lll1LLIl~~YilJ1U~tlJlrJ -rr11lJeurolJY1~tJuu~tJfu1tITl-J1rn~IVIl-J~LfiEltJ u vJd qulf11Lm YI lJUl-l12 ~(1)LLIlm~~lEltlnlJnlL~

2 ~LU~U Vl~eurol~JYi~(1)lu eurolU 4 tJ LLIl~1~ ~unfll-J~ciltlElnoii111Y1tJLoiilmli1rJLciil-Jyj L1tJn Yl~tJuu~dJu~iiJ1~e~eurol-ll11~tJlV1nivi~~ ci1ULLUl(1)1l1(1)oii11nffu~Ul-Jl I(1)rJtJfu1IElm~ lJEllT~n bull ~

VitYlrJ~~Ieuroleurolnt~ 10 ~lU~U~

2557 fo

UlpoundJlf1qJY1Y1poundJl fuJW1~ eurolTIu~m3-Jm~ ~Yl n~111unmVl-J3-JU1neurollYlU-WI1lJU1-lll1

LLfllf11U1LL Jlfl~ 11 ml-Jm~ih1iiL1m 2 LI1ieurolU hnldL~Ueurol~lneurollYluQl~fl~J5 L~uiEltJ I(1)poundJneurollYlu~YilVltXYi~utJ ~UU LLtll11tJLVI~Ellf11U~ lU~lum~~~VI1if~~poundJ mt~~ li1poundJfl(1~Ul1~ LtJULLVIIllL~U~ULvlEl

c v ~

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Lyj El ~f~lLLfl-WI1lJUlmn~Jfl1U1l~~~1l-J iJUflJLLflUlUU

neurolJYiUlhpoundJflliJ~poundJm~cJ~(1bJLnu 20

lIElliJl~poundJm~tI~~~eurol11WLn nml~ 1500 inY Q lt=II Qo c bull C

~uu ~UJUYlUVIl-JUL1 poundJU~~(1Ll-J l(1)WUiilJ11 I I

fluli-U11lfl-JlfULL1lEllf1n~11U1 LL VI ~ JYil-J1lJeuroll L~U n eurollYlU ~1 n -rlqm l

1~m~~uu~ulutJLLdn 1000~ ~lUtJl~LL~ 1utJI1iElltJ~~11l(1)~n]lJ1J~l-J1rn~UlJ~Uu I

jfl 6 Wu~lUU1Yl ~ Q 0lt1 C

bull UlpoundJEl~)l]fl ~VI1HllJ511U1~ El(1)~(1)(1)() n ~11h fluYiLnmoiieurollnUlf11U 1~1 rJYlnflU bull I

~J LL ~middotIieurol~lU~~tJm~t~(1) nJ ~ Ieuroleuroln

LLI1iJf11Ul1~~1poundJ lulIrnvi~eurollYi111J~U(1)1poundJ 1aJ~LnjtJrn fll~$jneurollYlULn(1)~U ~lLUU mll-JVl1Jl1~ ffil-Jl~ ()li1U~~Ellf11U11~l1Jl


~lLLYlUllElllf11Ull-Jin nl1oiiitllfm~

11 V 6V


bVJ tJ bUl b1JU~Ub1Itt9l bnlJU1U q q

ASTVN~VlnWmJ~U - rIlrnlfU If-l UUlJ hMtJ1bbC-Juil1J1tJ-ii1)lu~~tln ~-l lhl~r1lIwm-l ~lJ~ bmtJq) b~~ If f1d b~tlUr1l 5 ~LIfUGlU rI~tl~~-lVl btJ-llU5u

h~m1o)~tlU b~mLU1Twrmn-ii11tJfuqr11ii~uf1imittl-l Vl~-lc-Jr1VJ~~Tmlr1~~~O)ln Jlmb~-l Jlrl1J-ii111uffiltlmlJu~Ub(t1-lLVl()lLflUl1Ulun11 2 tJ

t - I

Ul-lm-lW~ ltl(1)wmn tlfuJliiril~nmllf1il-ltJl~LYlff LU(1)Lc-Jpoundrll f1~tlunTI~ml llmtJ-ii11Mjj~IiiL~UlftlULbc-JUtJYIimlf()l1mTIrul tJ-ii11 LYlm(lUtll~f1ru~ll~nli UTtJ1J1tJLL~lU~~ll~(1)ml-iin (UUlJ) ~Mm tl tJlltJYln ~Urifltllfl 11VlUlflru

1mtl~11~(l-lULLvi-llfllii (f1(llf) LlJUtJll1ilU WO)ll~ltlU~~~lilUmllJltli111U

~~tln1j1Jl~Hh11~TIf1il-ll ~jmtJl~~~11tJ mlJltJ~l~lumrn~~~tl~~l~-l ~ri-iii1L-if13-Jl-H(1)Lo)u rnllJl tJLLUU-rJf1itl11 (~lJ~) LLr1mtJil~~~lill11m~a~lh fJ

~UI11 mmmh-lVlUlLLvI-ltJlLY1ff1VI tJ (Ltl LtJltit) L(1) ~LLc-JumiJl tJ-iilJOJ~Lj~HI Jl~JlP~Ul~tlU (lf1 U LL~ljjLb~UL~fttJtJ~~wmlTIUltJtJl~lru 5 U(lUGlbi

4 bull - I

b~tlU J bull

~~d ~iiiltJ-ii111u~~tln-rjUl~fl~-ld O)ll-llulU~~LLiJUlltl~m~l-l1~~

VlU1tJ-llUUtlnmYIl1-lrllrulfUL-ii13-Jli1~(1)LLi1 Liu o)ljqr1LLVIU~lnmlYImrllfI~-l filr~UlJn~~UI11~ T(1)tJo)~Liuml~Ttl1-l1~djUVl~n LL~lumllJltJ-ii111tJf1i~tJ~LVIff O)l~YIl-llfin~~ ~fl-ltltln-ii111Y1tJ L-iil~li1tJLVl~m~tl-lm1~-ltltlnmhJL~~YibWeJ LLpoundi-l

~huL1j-l~m(1)-iill$w~LfttJltJ~u~lT(1) tJVl1nl11m~l~~rnflLeJnlfueJ-l~(1)-iitl~ln~ middot lumlJW li1f1~flO)lL-iilltl~1tJ

ftli-1-rUc-J~mlI11J1OJIfeJUIf~tln-ii11lJtl-l-rrul~YWTnli1-lYi1tllLYlff 1800 LLvi-l

iilfl(1)t~jjmI11TI~tnli1-lLL~1 55lJeJ-lTnli1-l~-l~(1) t(1)EJmllrultJlfreJn-ii11 O)lllU~ fI luJ1u~~nl~TlOJ(ltlUL~1~~ULL~1 ~-lril~-lmljjTnli1-leJpoundJ1u~u~1(1) bL~lLtiU-iil~lfU(1)


Ul-lC1l1-lrllm11111 middotbLU1TiUJl1f11-ii111ul11m(1)lJrn~d L~~tlfuGl1ampi~U L(1)poundJ1-lfll

1 -ii11LtJ~tlnMtJfu~uml11ntl(1) ditl-lO)lnc-J~c-J~111rr111ultilm(1)TnflL~3-JSj~3-Jlrn~(1)~~ f

~nnJt1VllJ1poundJLL~-l~LA~~u LiuEi~LIii poundJ~~ljc-J~~~I11-ii1l~(1)~-l l1~r1-ltlll(VIff5ul ~ ~~1T~n T(1)poundJl1mfi-leleJn-ii11lJ11 5 LtltJTtl1J brinru~ 16 n~ ~~l3-JllflliJ~~ 427

- LVI~tJqj~VI-rjGlU L~3-J~Unn 410 LVl~poundJt1(lW~lGl LrieJ~tJ(1)1rieJU ~1i1m~mnr Ct tJi1tJ~111-ii11tJ 255758 -

~lVlwmm1OJIfeJu-ii1)lulfreJn eJ-lfl-li1mltilJ1OJ~eJ1JeJ~l~~mieJ-ltVlmuf

(23 n f1 T UlpoundJlff1 ffd11f~111 ~ltilJ1OJl1lfmlmlm1-l~Vll(1)LYlEJ lh~i1f1~Yil-llU m1~IfeJU~~lrnbLf1lf1runl~411 If(1)~ 4 n~11JVl11-lniltiIl1~1feJ1J-ii111uTnli1-lnm-l lJl-ltl-l~nTIl11m~bYlm~1ffilm(eJ~n) eJ II~m~m~ O)~lL~-lLYIl1-l~ULDutJu

LLU-l~lU1~ln 11-ii11~-lVl3-J(1)fi1Ul qiLtlwlllLfll LflUl1U1Un11 2 tJ 8 L~tlU ~-lL~tl lt 11 2554 L~lVl~1~~W~(1)lfeJULL~-l11~ml1h~ml1JlpoundJEieJnttJU1]LL~1 -l~tJll~fi1~

~l~~~n~11~LL~~11tVlJi ~1u~m~mtlu-ii11~1 ~ l1EJ-llull11LL~-l11 flrul-llUt~liJu~ml~-llu1tJeJ-l~lUmnpoundJn~j3-JUI11~~l

u11jjuU-ltJutltJ1uneJ-l-ii11Jl1 25 LtJtl~LU~-slU1~ln fi1U~3-Jlrnf1-leJpoundiltili3-Jju~n 88005 m~fteJ~ fl1UmlMftpoundJVlltJVl~m~el~f1runlrll~tlc-J~mlI11l-1o)l~~l1~~ln Vl~~ tJ-llu~ljVlUl~~l1lyenl(l~U~~ttl bull -

1bVJ61~Vlb~6 J~ nan~lr1~ 2557

~ ~




Igoluns~nusA I [wctcltJl[]U gtlnrii-lfJlIlLL~tilti1EJ middot 11ti~~flm6ilti~ 5 LL~ti~ti 1M

_ d ~

ti1l1J W~1lru1 ~L~EJ ~flti

U1l(11lVl) tEl(1V1fJ1B ElfiU(1n))J

Q1)~i1vi1ltJ) L lll LU (1 Lr-w 0 iil n1)

tJ)~)JIlCJm-im))Jnl))1J1fJ-E11 11 Vi tJ)lI)Jjj)JIii L l1UlfElU LL~U fJll fillll(1nl) ~

)111 fJ-En LYlElLlluEl1 I11l ru n)))Jn1)

UlfJUWLLiillJ111~(1nl)-E11 (14m) ~jj Vliil El tl~fJllj ~Ullf[Ellf1111l1U111 ru

fml1111)JlllULLrillf1~ (Illllf ) LUU

tJ)fi1U Elu)j~n)ElUn1)lJ1tJ-E111ull~Eln f~111iil1-hulEvi1l1 ~ln1)tJ))Jiilvrl1tJ n~)lJlfJ(1)llumruViNffEl~ril fflff~-El1L-El

)Jlll(1LIU nl)lJlt1LLUufjviElfj LLiiln1)

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l1U1LLriltJ)Lll11lltJ -7illL1)J(I]lLLviL~ElU

ll Il11LUU~u1tJ L~ElUiil 5 LLlltI(I]U


millhn(11)J nTl)lJ1fJ-ETllull~Eln

fjlJ1~ 1yenl11 1~Ellvi1llUlu)l1LLUlJlJEll Ilruvi1llU~mm NVl1ruu NLLYlU

n)mlln1)lIffl ~loJnulfmf~~U(11 L-E1)J1(1 LLiil LviElllll)JltJ1l1ll

UI -pJU)1111iillElEln-E11lJ11 5

LEllJlmj L~EllU~ 16 nII~1-hwn ~Uiil 427 Ll11fJQlll1fj L~)JffUI1n~Uiil 410

Ll11fJQlll1fj 1(1fJlJrudfjlJ1~1YlfJSj-E11

1ull~Eln 18 ~lU~U LLiil1l1(1111Sj

NiilN~(1-E11LtJ~ElnUnTlN~(1 25572558

lti1U1U 38 ~lu~u-E11LtJ~Eln

u1EJ1LiiEmii lElfl1llllA U1fJn

ii(1~mrn~llm~mNiillElEln-E111YlfJ mhl

11 nTl)lJ1fJ-E11L~ElUiil 5 LWU~U LUU

tJ1mruhimn l11mlJ1fJriElU~NiilN~i] -E~1)JlUl~n1iil 2557255l 1ElElnmlu

lh ~ L~~U (0111 11 middotmiddot I11)~Yl1Jnm111 (1~1(1-E11)J1noJn middot LLvil11nN~N~(1-E11

l~n1~1l1)ElElnmEl11Yi11~fJ1nffu ~lllVl

)ll11fflElEl n-E111YlfJffU)J1LUU~Uiil 4~0 Ll11EJQlll1fj -E11L1EJ(1U1)J~U~ 420

Ll11Jrulll1f~ bull-


VliiIJJVln bull fjn lI~JJLntl~iWmm1fj ~)jUrnlJJlJYIV1ULLl1 ln1lVlim~tl~nii8u lJW1JU11lJ

310 Ylm~JJ 4 f1LLUU m~middotlVIillhlVI~ i1)jl1~~~aWi1mlJJ ltlJJ8EWi 327 IlLLUU LnllVlimN

~lJt11 Yf~vJJLLU~ll(JniloVI1thvhJJ ilmt11w Uahfli1l1il L~Vl1(iL~J jj~UIl11lJ~1lW 31

l1~ulillriYiTIJJLIlitl~iiY Yi~rulf6lf Ullll lv1LvLL~Ui1l1V11 I1UUU rtluLnllVlimW~llvi1mi

L~iJU1~ 5 UU~ L~JJ I1U LnllVlilj~iiAl1lJllllU1lV~llVl U1VaJJ~n~ n~lhl(ilJU lUj~1Jlnnflultl~ilLUU 7851 ~1V1fUi~1Jl1l1lJfillll1ll

iJltAVln1iliUlI11iL~8nliLn1lVli LVlV aill (lll tillU 111 JJ Ill Ln1lVllnl11~llai1UL~ULI1iln1lrU

LlOl al1mrumiLmlVli (lina) lJ8llnllilin~ltllLVlA1V1v LLUl lthUl-nl1 Wml Ln1lVlimlj1l11JJ

LlJVlll-JVl1 ~WJNv una1riltli1lt1 LiJU1Ji1mA ~ti 1l1I1n(l1l n ~lllJl r1lllJLviJJ1UlJl1l~1Ui ~U IIl1lJ~Vl Lnu ll 8ln ~JJ(i1 8 Ull tillUA11lJfi1J1lWi 29911UUU lJ1n~IVl aiUI1LLUULO~V 335

Ln1lVlimluYJn~l111VlvhtlilVlA 1l1IlVl1u1l1lnLQUlL11U8 nti1l1 nnlllLUUL~lJ 4 IlLLUU I11Vl1~l

-)114114 2346 ilU 1U1illl~1lU 1l11lJ~ll1l~~ 314 llllUU 11111 1~fu~U~lnlAilnll1U~ltil-nll

JJV2557 ~l-nEl i~Ul1lllJfilJ L11111l jj~il11lJ~ll8~~ 313 LVl VLnll(iJlni ~tl~n-nll rtlU1 l1l1lj

IJ1l~LmVlimlV1v WU11 I1YlJJ IlLLUU 111111ril lj~ll11l1l1lJ~llJ~ A1l~lll111 itiulJln1ultl~Vlluu fillm OlillJll 1ll Ln1ltiri ni1VlU1U ~ 312 I1LLUU LLrII11Il(iJ1U(iJn 886 Lii8lltllnL~8l~UL~Wl~1jj 1l1wilJJ1l~1uitiu~lJln ailU jjffl1fi11l1lJIllJ~ 297 IlLLUU ltlmwlIli8l1-illUL~~U

d a l1lLUUlWu 310 ltI1nlLUWVllJ ll(]l~~fJ~im~tl~nr~r11iiP~1Jil JElnltnnti VllllilllLIlillshy

4 llUU LVlULnlVlmiljAl1JJIIlJ 1111lJltllllllltlVlJEWi 328 11 lLUU nllvlpoundJIl~ll1~liJ 2557 ~llU1U bull v

~l 26-32 LVluNu~hLnllVllViltl 1l4~tiini1lU nlilllU-ill11Ull~8n jjilAl~iu laiuri m~ltlyj~l f~ulm-huiEvill1 ~nlit1ilJrI ii8VLll~lULWJ1Vll(lVlilU lri hltl nlilJ1UVlillumru~~1l

11 ~ ~ ~ LU8 urIIm 1l111i1JIlUA1LnllVll jjlh~1l8-n1lL-nllJ1iVlLvU ~1l ful(iJl1ilAll(lVlrllL~rMV l~LUi lllrJLLuuf~vi1Jf~ ~~lts) LLrInli

-illl -nlLW(iJl~Vlamp(iJl U1lWlil tlilJrlN1UVl(llVl~8lJ1VNU~1 111~JJt11~U lLrIrNlJllLLlUUlllJ Ln1l(imi1ll1Ul LL ltli lViillVI V

LLviUljjil~~Vl~Vl~~8l~U(iJl~lUU (LfllIVVl) 1VlULLeJWl1J1vihlltiL~ VlLIlllailui il~111t1lvillJ LLUl tli~lJ1ruIilUL~1lU ltlIlti lQ~U 1UlJil~1~Uu~~1l1l~I-J(lni tl1lJ 1 run 1 liU 1 V-iilltli lJ1 ru

V1U~ltltliUYJUnliI-J~(iJ Yillmll(li1 L~1l1ja 5 lLllUIifU

LlrlnLtl~VU~HuWlU ilo1111lll ~~U eJ(lnlj(ljllll~8niill

U1Vll11 ~IJLLa amp(iJ1Ln1lVli~1l1 121J1r1~~Ln1l1l~ltllVlI1 1800 gy3Jpfn~ ni-r~J1

Ullil1lVli l1lVlVlmB ltlfuJ~ LLl lill(iJlaijjnllVlil~1nliflll~1 nllJnlihliilltl1LVlII mhl11 55 ll8lLn~~~l1lJVl 1Vlu~uUU d middot ~1 25-35 tll1ai1lai~nll Vltli11lJIl ru 8 ~m llJ n 1li UlU 11nWiUlv-iil1114 ll~8nf~ulr1 a 1l~liJLLin IlWUUl-JrIltllnllI11Yi llll lJlJVlL11U1JElULLI-JUVVllilllflm rlt1 VLUlmlllJLtl~l1lll~~n

LI1l1llnltl1~mL(lLIli]lnltllV1vti nlil1J1mrl1 L~LflU1lArumilJ Ll(l1UnlllJ1V-nl1ltlvilltli lVlI1

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2557 llJV1V~ll~ 16-24 (UUll) ~n ~a1ltli~Y15 ~UVl1 LllJ1~EJ L11~1ll~1llnlj~l88n ailUil Il1RUfhLn1l(iJi~l 181Jl 11lVIiilliru~fml11111m~U mhJLtlilJ~ L~mLUlollmLtill~1 1i1 1 middot-middot

11~llJ2557 jjLLU11iilJltllJU1V LL11-)lllili ((lllll) LUUlhl1U -iill1vlpoundJYiLAtJltliltlum


ij ~mlUI7lU~]f)t1]YIUY~tn1h1Hl-lIllUll ]lIl~mtJ1U2 I~BW nBud] l-JDnJ1ndu~lhu~lU)~(JnmI~ilhhnl-J ftj1l1 111WllelU r(Q111~Ulh-l~iJtJIjf) 10000 ~lUUlVI ~lU nolllu lI]Ut-lU 20 1 UD~uJ~umm~illDl1111D1JjLi)l-Jllun~

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U(l-Clthl ~tJ I

Yla UUl-lllnUf1llJft~W~JJnlllnElill lI~l~lJUill l-J1U]JltlJl~~Ul QlJYi1~ Djju~nilJnllltUT1 UCl~1 ~Dfl1jlJl1n~W~lnDlliVmiddot1]J1ll-J1 i ~1lJf))llJ RW~DnElIllnil~m1U T~uflru~nmJnllU~11li

1~1lLrIU1l nilJnllltUlllJmn 2 I~Dl-Ji-lmlflmn rl-JfI~IIClamp~Ul-l il D~11l-Jlr~l-J lii1l11n~1I11l-J11l ~1I1 ~J~I U4

lIn~imD~ y41r~l-JlltU1l11f1~1I111-Jllll~1I1~ ml~fi1AtlJ ll-JnD~yl-lUl~nDlj~hu n 1l~~i11 C~1l1~(lmUllUUllClclilllnll~)UlH~D~l HlJl~ftlJ l~DmUiJ i Mflru~1mnAl1lJCf~UU~lI1ampl (flCIlJ) U1l~Un1lrJftilI~l-J ~Ulflil ~U~l-JYl ~1lUrUU1 ~ 1l-Jll ~Cldj ll~nlllmiddoti U TIlUnD~Yll-l1djJril(lUl~~f1 thl-l~l-J (11ltlD~nl-Jnmiddot1~~r1il~11 11J~IlWl-J~ bull I q ~v nu uu bull ~1i1lUlli1n~YllJ1Utl~I~4ntln~l-lYi~l-J1

~lJ~wuCf~l-lundlUI i1~D]J1ll-J1l W~ ll-Jnll Ifl~D~JJmfl~1Jltl1iilfl~D-l~n1nn Qum(lJ111D~l~1~11~ ltiJ 11uilI1l1-Jlll ~1I1~ JlJlJ 1 n1~Ulni~ r~111Ull~[JnllrJtiil~lJflruf1lWhlllfl1lUl-JilllJ i iii l-lnml1l-l1 J1iJ1-llfrDl~~~ 1~DH11111l-J1JJnll ~ UUl lJl ruUl~Jl iJ Ul1 ~lJn D~1tJ l-l i l-lU II l n

)h~IWU~~HlllClrl~~Hl1nll11l-J1il-JnllnYl liiuJ~unllrJ~Yl~iillruf1lwll-lllmdjl-lilllJmh~ 10000 il1l-JU1Yl 1~14hl-ld~1l-llruJ1n 51- Utl~ ~1-J1~l-lnll~~~ltiJ1l djl-llll1~~I~l-lVll-lI~DftUUftl-Jl-l I~U~YimCl~r)(i~ TIlUUl~~1l-lnU11l-Jfl1~lMuliiD~ lJMl 1111 U~Dn~1I11l-l1rJ~ill~UCl~ 30 ~ll-J~l-J

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v f bull

~ bull I ~ bull1) u u u ~ I-eruTl~Lfll91llil1~l1U11ll1~UilVlff IIW ~ LVln1l il1W1lWWU il1~~Wfl1lf1 fllill il ~UlflVU

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vvVin1 7 700-7800 U1VlIiV~U uli

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Mll1~vvQVi 6000 U1Vl ri1141i1l1tllJ

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III VIlU liJ VlV-liV ~1111 (l-J 01 nUfll m~

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~ ltWl-J~lJWi iCJ~WUlli Vjju~mlJ

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f~Ul(1 l~(Jmiiulv~llOI~lJUilJlru ~WI~CJWiYJI11fllJ-ct lQ~m~V14(l 5 ufftJ

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~tJ III mrtJlln nmUl(J1illCJcil~~lli1CJJ

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ntlliJUW~Wl1 ~j lllJlJlJfllA(Ulil11U~I1W1tJI1UUfl nmm11

UllmlVfi lfl~VW15 fl5lJ~m~f11lAl~1~ IIlrullVLulJJ1middothtJtlIJ~lLL11~tJilLi1uml~11HI1a

_j_l__LI1_f_lil(ll~tJ11 ~lhltJJArum~nllJJf11l LllIJI1n LL1llJf11lJltJul1lj~mhLI1f1il l1J1 tJ-rr11 Ailli la(l l~ii~ ~ L11 tJiJI fllJ UNU l-i1Y11lI1~lAJJ~a~ flflnul1lYltJ lulJJ1ll1tJtUf11~ ~VDfl111~~nmlJl~ul1L~tJillaUfl~8~jlltJJmiddot aleHlneJcil1L~JJVi L~flL~tJna1tJlLUlm1~u11Yi A rumlJJf11ltJ 1VlJl JlLfllJ1111l-ij(lf11 ll111 L~f)ln-i1fiJ~U~l Ul1mllll n~11

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~ bull Q ~

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amp~~ ~g~~(Ft~P i)~ r~~~~~~I~~~~~~~2middotg2~~~~~t~~yen~~ii~~~~~middot~middotmiddot ~- wnQwu (Ra) 22-25 nn

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~llUU IiiUlthbl fflJ~U liff~llf11W ftfnJUJ~~ 111~UllU1iim1lJl~mrU 1UffUrl1lvW jllJJlff~1lm1lJlu1i~


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ff1 f) (1 f) j lJ ~ l 1 ~r91 Ill1m l flU

1Y1UlHlWY1 VIiffY1 lJ1ffl (Thailand

Trust Mark TTM) IUWlim

fft1J f1EmJUl1l Tn llJl~mjU111 fJ tllf11W

ffUrl1U(l1J~f)ljhlU lYim~lJluf)lff

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I~ fJUfJ1 fJftlu V1 ~~tJftltfmJ W11JtI1I1U eJlfllJIllfl lhlITU

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lU1 1 lJU1fllJ 2557 mllVlU)llJ1 1 ~ f = 1

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IlIEJ1EJl~lJflf) 15 ff1U1 1UiJ 2558

ll(llVilJflf) 25 ff1U1 1UiJ 2559

J~ flafl~1rUJ 2557 bullbull 1 j

) ~ i i



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nisvl JJliPl (Thailand Trust Mark TTM) ftfllhvlMNjflN1111Nv~Tnf)iuvi1l1Jmf1iJm1lJjmtUIjEJtjfllutrU111 tpnlv1mJln[JTurfliJFJrumw~7VJJJ1urifilJVlnmiddotlslnltlW1llritn(i1m1~viiNmJlaquoj~truI11InveuroJthvieuroJjjfl

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n 1 jU~fI ruil1~ffU~1l~1l lfl li1 UI~ JJfI11JJTU1)1rfi~1bull bull v

11 ilJ Ofl I1l~ull vnHmJJ1U1 OBU J1~ ~ N fllJ~ L~ poundJlJU~l lu~u~u~mlJri~ nY1lJ flllr11

iI1~mhaVlf1 flci11lI1~1~IUJthli1JliJVl~1JfflJlJJ1 I~U~ ll-wflm~ (Fair Trade) lviU1UJllJlm~1In1IJifqjl1111i-l~1J 1~ uJ ll~ flli1J11f)fl~1 flli)~crlJlJJ1 fl f~if ll~ V f)) ~J111

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1Pl1-l 1 llvlV-liiii f)~lU1UlJ1 f)~ v~1j f) 51~1l 1lJ11J1~lJlu1m]f11i ltv bull tdV ~ dJQ bull

(PI] n~11 mlJll~illJlJV f)UI1U1UJ1Ull mHiCl-lU lliUllilU f)~lJ

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HlJ(1Yl1ltl HlihmufnU

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Iml~i l1itJ~~lllJ(1]lUUlmtJl UtJtJnl1lllU

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LL1fllJEllT~fl LtJ~~rlBrlilLtIUVI1lf)11LLal l~El Lem1~1~a L~ElW~lllUlvJiAh bull hUvlJJ1h 14

tI J d I

llJtJn(11 1000 U )Ull 23 nTl ll ilIIUiluluHh1VliftU~1U~U 1 lliU

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bull cO li1l1Jffii) il )VlIIH 1l1f)jlJ~iiYi111llll11itJ1fnT bull 1 -11 d 1 d Ifd c lJi1i1UUil1YI Tl(1U~W(1 ltJUIU)iV WUlVl)i

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lJi)1V1~lJl1 ~f)jwUj UllrUllU11m~~~u ~ ~ J i lit

lJ1imU1V)iTnYl lTl)liVlU 1(1U11lnli

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1 UW~UU1Vl 10 ~) UUliJuWJilVII)l 1m

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Vi (1 fllllJinVl mh) Yd I GI

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U)VlmilJli4UlC1nU1~ lil IVii1l uUVi(1lllU


Urull U1lUUllUl nm))l U)VlniilJ I

~Ui1Il l~Ull1ll~)n1 I1111l1nuNuintJun1i bull

i~Ul~)I1~)~~mlJ1ifll111111 ~~pfi lIUUrll

lritJllllnull~uUi1fi1J1lJU~i1fnllVil un~l l I1lJ1nUmi~llJ11JillJiJl~tJ1YlV~1i~lUY)fll J IJ I I ~ v

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Ui 1VliU lliritJ1l1lfi~fmhn1)U unnl

J1lJUllif)1 11(1 lrimYitiunuf)1lHlTl~tJltJu~ 1Uuil~uU

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~ V I 11

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IV ff


~U1~1Villi LnU~~J bull IV a

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inmhv-liil 111Pi~~ Llllnnn1lIHU

ml~nll~~IllfJlNu~tllll (iilIlU) LtJ~ Lmrh iilIlU1Lliru~lLLVlUN1llnilUn1l ~lU~U~l ~tltllll ~ LLiiliJ~Tfl~ll tJ111qj

Llilml11~ilL~illJf)1l-11iltJ(l~lJU1~UWl neu]~Uri1 vflLLJj~W mJLl1lll 1l1~Ull~

~ eil tmiddotwnnVJiln fl1111l LL(llJUJJ1JUL~fn

lllYlm~~ l1~IIlnMillVi~f)tlnpoundi~ml1

~Uril Lb(hvjUl11JU1~Ulllnru-naUril

l1flltJJjU~jjlJU1~1-1niLnuI~~ LLvimmru

flU~l~Ullljj1JU1~ L~lL~~ ~lEllltrnl1l-1N u~lnll Llt]11~ei~ Llltlniftl~U~lt~ tJVilJl1~ vlutrlLn(1J 1JruLtiitJ1nUnlltJrU(l~~~1~ lJillmllnru-nll~viiilt-J(ltiiiitlnllll~ ~UVlUn1lt-J~(9I~ltJ

~ltJrllv-llli1~lTh 1UltJampu iilIlU


l1~ii 01LUU1tJMiilJEl1-Xiil~~lLVh~~1 LUU

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I -

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LL(l~I LL1~~fl~ LLllnl~ll1ull)J)JllVlH L~tlfltln~l(91ln1lIl1UIl)Jll-1ll(9ltU L~fl rill1U~ LL UlvriltJllu~l l-1dJ U~lmriu LtiitJlnU

~lnn1lIl~(9Ill1~U~ll1iilltJlIil~ Lliu

1l~)JU1JI~J1~ltJd~f) lJUl~lJl(91vit-IDJl11 1l~~iiWUyjl11fl~(il 17 -31 poundi1ULLJj~v-l

iiiiviuyjl11 23-41 NU~tllIlUl1ll tJ

flTIILlilhei(9l~~11~U~1flJl(91111qjlll 1iitl~~lruiill LLvi1~11i lJruLtiimnUnlJ

L~iJ1JU1~ if~vh1~Ntl~nflU nllll ~uYlU I ~

LVl)Jt~tJ1Jl~1 LtJU Eine)~l1ifl LtJUn1l~U Ltlaf)miwmnlt(9ltJ11i Ll1JEinvr1tJmiddot middotUl tJ


I)cJ4 flJfl~lV1dJ 2557

~)J~lh~fl1l1Jmi~~r111lillilfl-1J~TilflIVl)JIJ~lV11Jiiilnrucrl Q I Q

I 1 ~tJ m f IHl tlfl tJIil l fI 11 VI U~ 1 A I1lHl fl11)J lH)Jl tl)J

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Q -11 Qi 1 d 1 mUffUfllflJ ilfl UCl1li lilflilV lHU 1IJ1111111 l flmmm I1l11VClfl

IJUlf11liilt1~llniYUtil i~ UlIlJtl (11I1Cl1 fl1lJ1Jm) fol~in~t)n tI bull

fll11li 11ClU~1lIJtJlfiv1 Cl~llm~lJ a d I I cs I iJ ~ I

UltJfllYl Cl flCll1Clnll fffllJ ff ~lllJt)t)mrll~n~ffUfllIlClll I1U 11

~Ul~1li i llt1ruovliYUti1l1mpoundJlIij~iiIJill~ 1 I1uitnU ~1 ~ uli 111111 UIbull u

~ d CS 10 d 0 i)ll C1 i Q

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U i i ~ilUIYI tl ~ V~ ff ~folCl ~vHl~ U 11 U n 1 i folCl ~ Cl~Cl-lmV I Qo iJ ~ I d oc d ~lnmiill(lnllffUflll1mVlIUfi 1llU flilllJl~-lfol111mVtJI1fl

IJUlf1IJ1~~H1liillfl111ii1fW~1mllii-1 17-31 ~hUIIlIllYl~li~U~ 11-1 23-41 Ur~~1li11111nliVil~Ul~U1f1~U ii~ hlil1~Il1JU flUU~-1uUV11-1flli~CllJ lJfl-1N11n flfllJ nli l~fll-1 i 1l1riNunilfl 11 1

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nIJfl hiCl~Clmil~~ll~U l1it)-1~Ufll~nl11UVl1riiU~11~illV1 U

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4 lJt)~lJi1~nUlYI

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mm 1-1 f2V1ffl11m111 mll 11~liltlJ lIV _lllU n~lUflOlflnllflU bull I sJ

fll111m~Vl (flV) fljllff~m111lrufllliIl~ff-1111V1Clflll IIClmll

fl1Uflllll ClVilJ fl flflll 1mfll1 fl1lJfllJ1lfiVlI1lU I~flfhl1 U VIIIU 1111~ 11~j~1riI1JU 11 WI 11U1~V10U U ltJtilliClfla 11

lClUl15flll fffllJ mhll~lJI~1l11 ilJm1J1Wfll1~i1f1lJn~nruovl

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1111i~ tJ~ln~U()I1lVlllllllillVI1ti~ ftUll1 111 ru IJ v L~11lllfl ~U 111U

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U lV ~ltlCl flri l1V fli 1 -ff1UI1i1-11~ lJlli 11 11 lJlVl llii ~nrue0lmy

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fll 1 11 ~1l Cl 11 CllV ~flV ~lUlJlll

ltgt If

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J~ nJnrnfl~ 2557-[j1JU[J1USU I


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~ laquo ~ ~ co

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l~WfJ1li rl~1I ~V1ru11r1f111IJLi1UlffJUtiifJ1u

lI1OJWVlU1 fuJW1~ f)fitJ~n1JJn1ihJ U11 IV

111 W unEllYlU~(i)JU1-nl1 ii~I~W 32 ~m1d1

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~tTu ~WWL~WYlUYIJU L1tJW1UniU1W01~ ~ lil-n111m~

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~111 LLfl~(lJUl f)1-liWlf11U11r1ii fll1JJJW fII LLtl f11 ~W til fl El(ilVU~~l1~rrUIl~~ampi1U fl11iWvl1W11W flU1f1til

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~(il~lnf)I~Uw~~~11 LLLllI11J11VulL~Unf)IrJU middot I ULLinmiij 1 IIjjU~lt1U1l1 1V1mLYI~lViJJ11JpoundllL~U

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VlUU l~JnfllVlUtlLLin 1 YI~U~1UU1Vl ~(ildjW II ~llfllJ 3 lJfll~flfh-nl1lU~Elnvhn1mni~~til1~tJ fl 30 ~1W~U LL~L~Uvlln~11V(ln~(il(di1u~hlliW

~ ~

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t ~3JW1 5rr1Ll1UU11 Un1711n1~~I1UUllalLlJJf)~llf)I

i 711~ lltii~IJWi~Iiim~fLll~dT LLlJilnfllVitJV1~11J L~WEl(ilYIUWVln1~1J1~ Il1IllflnllU LLfl~J1IlJJhl~

ii111V1tJ LLtii~I~~fllirVl1lfi1) vilmhl1i1JJLliLUW

nTnh3WllnneJVlW)J1HidjW1JeJ~Y1UU(h1 ulii

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J _ I

IIB~IJ ~v(ij~(ij(1(l nll1111 0JV1JlLn1l~J1 ~eJLJ I

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lJ U

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f1W ~11JLYilJffVll111Jvl~LLVIW1Jl1Ul El1l)1rl J~ VidlfirunBlVluLLYilil~GlB1i1l11ulLiJtlU1J~Ym

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I ~lnl11U1LnUtrnLLltl-r~B(ijUULWtJlL~niiBtJ oiild

~~Blijpoundll~n~l11ulYiLiIJLL1ilLLJunBlYluYipoundl(ijUU I IU bullbull I

L~UYlUlJUL1tJu1ua(ij~1(ijBmiitJVivllll11Ul LL~ i ~poundllLLJunBlYlU1iI1a-~n1ll1Ul1tI1U~~l1

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I (IlaJlJ(1aJeJ~1l1~eJeJnil1ULLiiIlIil~iill~~Dn1J

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DWlf1~WllaJn1Jl~~eJf1 nJLQ~lvlU VlVllY1U1Vl

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tJ~aJl run1ltJ~ m V Em nil ruY1lt-J~i-J~Vl~U Vl~l~(liimVl ~

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v1eJl-liWll11Wl1VltJ1~~f11laJ~Uf1 LjeJlln1~ii I ij middotnpoundlI~jltJleJ-rU ~lWJi~Y1~ liQJyenU Ul~n1ilIJ~iJ I hib~l11tnlrm L~WEl1VijjnliLwM~aJlc)(1 17 i

I tJJ(IrllltJLUWnlJl~tJLL~~~WllVW~-iil11~LYilJ I lJln-iiu I


fi n a Ua dhl3J amp1 ~h ~UA1 b nlf(9la f1~lijVl~~ IJm1J~lLL~~ 217 LL~U~TUUlrl lJEJlJ~ 26-32 Onnfl~~i1LLlnlJm1J~l

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Ministry seeks to resume small-lot rice sales in August PETCHANET PRATRUANGKRAI THE NATION

THE COMMERCE MINISTRY is preparshying to resume selling rice from its stockpiles in early August gradually releasing it in small lots of about 5000)0 tonnes a month

Duangporn Rodphaya director-genershyar of the ForeIgn Trade Department said a ~ubcommlttee had agreed the mmistry slthould go ahead and sell rice from the stockpIles and not walt tor completion of a Junta-ordered mspectlOn of the stocks bull I he nce-release planwhlch Will be proshy

posed to the Rice Policy and Management Committee soon includes sales through general auctions to exporters and local traders by government-to-governrrient contracts and through the Agricultural Futures Exchange of Thailand

Puangporn added that the department wopId ensure the stocks are released transshyparent With the Fmance Mmlst and the Prime Minister s 0 ce joint y inspecting the f0cessc

T~e department reported that about 55 per cent ofl800 rice warehouses had so far been inspected by the teams dispatched by the militarys ruling National CounCil for Peace and Order The teams are expected to complete their mission by the end of September

About 18 million tonnes ofrice is reportshy

cerns over roug t an ower pro uction in many countries amid higher demand in many others I here IS a good posslblhty that ThaIland will export 10 million tonnes 9pound nce thIS year It is expected to sell off all 18 million tonnes in its stockpiles within three years she saId

The department reported that Thailand was able to sell 535 million tonnes of rice in the first six months middotup by 50 per cent year on year while export value rose 19 percentto US$27biIlion (nearly Bt86 bilshylion)

As ofJuly 16 the price of5 per cent Thai

Afile photo shows asoldier inspecting rice stockpiles at a warehouse in a eastern province

white rice was quoted at $427 a tonne up from $410 the previous week

She added that production bfThai paddy rice in the 2014-15 harvest season was proshyjected to be less than 38 mi1lion tonnes because of drought in many areas

Charoen Laothamatas president of the Thai Rice Exporters Association said the government should consIder sellIng rice from its stockpiles in small lots of about 100000-200000 tonnes per auction to avoid impacts on the m-rket price

The government has less pressure to accelerate the sale of rice frbm the stocks The country has holder power It should ensure transparency and minimum impacts to the market he said

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INTHE WAKE ofrising concern over the t reatmen t oflabour farmers we1shybeing and the environment in global trading the International Trade Promotion Department is urging more lhal busmesses to seek FairTrade cershytification so that their products are more easily recognised and have a

greater chance in the world market place

At a seminar on Fair Trade Mark and trading of Fair Trade products in theinternationaJ market heldyestershyday by the agencys Office of News Overseas Markets Development and PromotIOn Duan kamol Jlambutr e U Irec or- ener ot e eplrtshy

mentSal t atonlyasmallnumberof thaI compames and sUEP)Lc~~ms current~apphedthe FairTrade Marllt

The epartment lrill therefore continue to support Fair Trade certishyfication by promoting an awareness campaign amongThai man ufacturers and exporters she said

According to the Netherlandsshybased Fair Trade Original organisashytion about 30 Thai companies and supply chains have received FairTrade

certification to date This guarantees that they engage in faii treatment of farmers have good labour conditions use no forced or child labour offer fair prices to suppliers and operate with transparency accountability and respect for the environment equity and freedom lt)nd have fair trading practices

Duangkarnol said the department in cooperation ~th Fair Trade Original now had a target of increasing the number of certified businessshy iSnap es and products by 10 per cent ayear

The main goal is to help agriculshytural and handicraft producers as well as manufactures and exporters to achieve better trading conditions and to promote sustainability she said

Certified members of the Fair Trade programme will likely be able to leverage the quality of their prodshyucts for higher prices with certificashytion ensuring world-class social and environmental standards and more recognition in the international trade area she added

Thai export products alreadyusing the approved Fair Thade logo include

rice coffee tea cane sugar cotton freshfruits herbs and spices ockershywork handicrafts pottery and ceramshyics

The official said the department also would like to encourage busishynesses in the shrimp and fishery secshy

ate consultant for Thailand said the overall value of Fair Trade products had increased considerably in the past few years as consumers now had more awareness about fair trading conditions and the environment

Consumers are willing to pay more for Fair Trade goods if they feel they have bought a product whose manufacture is highly responsible to society Today prices of Fair Trade products are also very competitive

the same as leading brands Enterprises should adapt themselves to produce Fair Trade products in order to ensure sustainable growth

tors to comply with Fair Trade certification so that they do otfaceproblems due to unfa abour treatment Every Fair Trade product is subject to labour-standard checking she explained

Manasnan Pongjayavanij Fair Trade Originals aS60ci~

and access to many markets said the consultant

According to Fair Trade Original the value of fair trade goods in the global market excluding the US rose from 1 billion (Bt427billion) in 1996 to 48 billion in 2012 Expots ofThai fair trade products were wOlth about Bt300 million in 2012

More than 30000 products are now on sale in 125 countries and the global Fair Trade system currently works with over 12 million people across 60 countries

Manasnan said many more Thai products could get the Fair Trade mark So far many local brands sllch as Doi Chang coffee plus local proshyducers of soy sauce chjli sauce pineapples and bananas are wellshy

known for having the mark which is accepted widely

Martin Boon development manshyager for Fai~Trade Original in the Netherlands told the seminar that with the global market having growshying recognition of Fair Trade prodshyucts many markets were increasing demand for products carrying the logo - and that Thailand had high potential to serve sllch worldwide demand


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THE NATION ~ JULY 20141lI Sihasak reassures EUteam over juntas reform roadmap SUPALAK GANJANAKHUN DEE THE NATION BRUSSELS

EARLY ELECTIONS vtithout reform would not help restore proper democshyracy to Thailand That was the message related by acting Foreign Minister Sihasak Phuangketkeow when he met his counterpart from the European Union in Belgium this week In a bilateral meeting with David OSullivan chief operating officer ofthe European External Action Service Sihasak said Thailand had a clear roadmap to restore sustainable democshyracy and that the EU should support

this process of reform The roadmap and its related reform

will help strengthen our political econshyomy and will also be of benefit to our partnership with theEUin the longnm he said

Sihasak was in Brussels for a minisshyterial meeting between representatives ofAsean and the EU and spent much of his time briefing representatives of Eillopean nations aboutthe situation in Thailand

The E U along with the US and other Western countries strongly criticised themilitaryforits May 22 coup The EU suspended a number of cooperations withThailand as well as several visits by high -level officials It also recommendshyed that member states review military cooperation with Thailand

The EU said last month that it wouldmiddot

not sign a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Thailand and that the negotiation of a free-trade agreement (FTA) would not conclude until an electshyed government was in place

Sihasak told OSullivan that an electshyed government would come eventually Before that however Thailand needed time to implement reform to have a strong democracy

The time frame of 15 months or so for the reform is not too long ifwe want to make sure that our system and democracy are sustainable he said

Thai people are aware of the issues facing our country and we are working on addressing these concerns so the EU as a partner should support us

The EUhas the right to voice its conshycerns about the situation in Thailand

middot but it should also ensure it is sufficientshyly informed on specific cases he said

Concerning detention and martial law the EU should make sure it has corshyrect information about who is under

middot detention and if there are concerns about human-rights violations the EU should specify the cases he said

Sihasak discussed the situation in Thailand Vlrith many European MPs

middot while in BrusselsTheyincludeq Franck Proust special rapporteur on the FTA and Samuel Cantell head of the ecoshynomic trade and regional cooperation delegation Many of them have experishyence in engaging with Thailand and have a clear understanding ofthe current sitshyuation in the country Sihasak said


Pension scheme for farmers proposed

Farmers in the future might look forward to retiring on a government pension

Charnpittaya Chimplee directorshygeneral of the Rice Oepartment said yesterday ttiat under a draft bill dealing with the rice development fund members would contribute about 3per cent of their monthly income to the fund and the state wou ~d also chip in ayet-unspecified amount

When farmers reach the age of 60 or 65 they will start receiving a monthly pension bf about Bt4OOO

Most farmers earn less than other workers so the fund is neces- sary for their future Charnpittaya said

Other proposals for the bill are being gathered and the contents wi I be improved before its submisshysion to acommittee on rice producshytion and markets and the National Council for Peace and Order


Farmer happiness down from August WICHIT CHANTANUSORNSIRI

Farmer happiness last month dropped subshystantially from its peak last August when they had high hopes of stable income from the Yingluck Shinawatra administrations rice pledging scheme reports a Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BMC) poll

The state-backed farm banks farmer happiness index fell to 7851 in June from its highest level of89 in August said senior executive vice-president Somsak Kangteershyawat The poll surveyed 2346 farmers

Happiness from family health a good society jo b financial position and the quest

for knowledge were the six factors used to measure the index

The survey found happines from the family scored the highest with a score of 341 out offour followed by health at 321 a good society at 320 job at 314 fmancial position at 285 and the quest for knowlshyedge at 274

Farmers from the Northeast regygIiwere the happiest vvith a score of 314 while those from the North scored 313 the South 312 the East 297 and Central 299

Asource at the BMC confirmed Augusts poll was taken when the farmers mood hit a fever pitch as they felt they would receive an elevated level of compensation from the

rice pledging programme The National Council for Peace and

Order (NCPO) is seeking sustainable ways to help farmers after losses from rice pledgshying which offered prices 40-50 higher than the market price could reach 500 billion baht

The juntas measures so far largely includelowering rice production costs and slowing the release of supply to lower price pressure

The source said prices of tapioca sugar cane chicken and pork are gaining in the second half while those of rice corn rubber oil palin and whiteleg shrimp are declirun ~ bull bull imiddotI middot7~

Regarding rice prices the source said the price of paddy with 15 moisture content could average 7500-9000 baht a tonne while Hom Mali prices are projected at 14000-15000 baht in the second the half

Even though the agricultural sector conshytributes only 84 to the countrys GDP there are 167 ffiillion farmers making up 26 of the population

National Statistical Office data shows the ratio of farmers who earned over 100000 baht a year rose to 286 in 2013 from 97 in 2003 while 643 graduated from prfshymary school down from 704 a decade ago Farmers shouldered average debt of 124604 baht per person last year

BANGKOK POST 41 FTIupbeatabout domestic car sales PIYACHART MAIKAEW

The Federation of Thai Industries (FT) remains confident that domestic vehishycle sales will top I million this year defying some car makers projection of sales declining to between 900000 and 980000 vehicles

Domestic demand started picking up in the previous quarter as private firms and farmers bought new pickup trucks for their business expansion and new cultivation said Surapong Paisitpatanapong spokesshyman for the FIrs automotive industry club

The club forecasts pickup truck sales will contribute 55-58 of domestic sales against 442 in 2013 while passenger cars dropped to about 40 from 474 last year

The passenger car market has normalshyised after demand was absorbed by the gov- emments first-time car buyer scheme said Mr Sura pong

The club yesterday cut its 2014 forecast for Thailands automotive output from 24 million vehicles to 22 milliori It also cut domestic sales to 1 million vehicles hom 12 million while exports stand finn at 12 million vehicles

FTI vice-chainnan Suparat Sirisuwan~ nangkura said Thailand was expected to remain in the worlds top 10 automotive manufacturers this year with production in countries such as Canada and Russia also expected to decrease

The International Organization of Motor

Vehicle Manufacturers said Thailand was the worlds ninth-largest automotive manufacturer in 2013 and 10th in 2012 Production (ast year totalled 245 million vehicles the highest in 52 years and up by 014 from 2012

The club yesterday reported that car proshyduction fell by 261 year-on-year in June to 160452 For the first half Thailands car output fell by 29 year-on-year to 952685

Domestic car sales in June totalled 73799 dOVll by 304 on the same period in2013 while 440911 cars were sold in the first half down by 405

By contrast car exports in June rose 657 to 103946 earning the cOUDtry497 billion baht In the first half exports rose 36 to 560047 cars with export value rising 895 to 265 billion baht

The FII yesterday reported that the industrial sentiment index improved for the second straight month in JW1e

The index rose to 884 points accordshying to the FIr which conducted a survey among 1100 industrial operators It stood at 851 points in May when sentiment improved for the first time in seven months

FTI chairman Suphan Mongkholsuthee said sentiment has improved because of the more stable political situation and an increase in purchases of products thanks to the Fifa World Cup football tournament

The industry outlook index for the next three months stood at 1019 points rising from 101 in May

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AUTO EXPORTS INCREASE Despite the sluggish recovery of

the export sector auto shipments continue to expand but still by not enough to counter the reduction in dorriestic demand for cars

The industry has been forced to brake this years production target from 24 million units to 22 million

The target for domestic sales has been lowered from 12 million units to 1million which represents adrop of 251 per cent or 335154 units from last year

Surapong Paisitpattanapong deputy chairman and spokesman of the Federation of Thai Industries Automotive Industry Club said yesterday that lower domestic derriand the end ofthe governments first-car tax-relief programme and the delay in gov~ errirnent and private investment

middotprojects had contributedtothemiddot change in the production target However this new figure is still

middot higherthan the forecast for T8 milshylion units before the big floodiri 2011and domestic demand is

expectedto shitf intoforWard gear i

middotnext quarter~ The economic recovery payshyrnent for farmersuncter the rlceshy

pledgingscherneandreturn of investment will increase revenue l

in other industries and put more rnoney in peoples pockets he middot said

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Temporary charter should furthershyboost confidence ERICH PARPART THE NATION

THE FEDERATION ofThai Industries believes the temporary charter will further increase the confishyden~e ofdomestic and foreign investors along with buslness op~ratrs while the recent strengthening of the baht IS stJlI tolerable for the export industry as long as anyfurther appreciation is neither too rapid nor drastic

_The FTI also said yesterday that its Industries Sentiment Index (TIS) had increased by 44 points since April

The introduction ofthe provisional charter is in line with the politiCal road map of the NCPO [NationaICoimcil for Peace and Order Jand I believe that in generalinvestors andoperators will feel more relaxe and gai~ more confidence that things aremiddot gomgmaccordWlththeNCPOsplansforanewcharshyter the setting up ofan interim government and the possibility of an election in the future said Supant Mongkolsuthree chairman ofthe FTI shy

In his view the country over the past two months has been running on a smooth surface since the Nepo took power a move which has led to an increase in foreign investor confidence certainty over pubh~ II1vestment policy and rising domestic consumptIOn

These factrs will support the recovery and allow _gross domestJC product to expand by 25 percent this year he said


The FTI had been projecting an economic recesshysion before the arrival of the NCPO

As for exports Supant said The strenctheninO of the baht is related to the increased conffdence of foreign investors which has led to an inflow offorshy~ign funds This will have some effect on the export iiidustry but it is still acceptable for exporters since the currencys strengthening pace is not too fast and the Bank ofThailand is still monitoring the situashytion

The export sector will be able to cope with a stronger baht if the rate does not fall below 3050 per US dollar he said -Moreover since the global economy IS continushyII1g to reco~er the FTI is sticking with its export

- growth projectIOn of35-5 per cent for the year According to Bloomberg the baht was valued at

3176 per dollar yesterday The FTI chief pointed out that if the Kingdoms shy

export value were calculated in baht it would already show lO-per-cent growth year on year

Accordingto the central bank export value in May came in at US$1927billiol1 (Bt6124 billion) whIch IS 12 per cent lower than the same period last year in dollar terms - shy

Meanwhile the TmiddotISI has increased for two month~ in a row The indexose from 840 in April to 851 111 May and to 884111 June amidst calmer political waters the economic recovery the liftingof the curfe - and even Fifa World Cup fever which led to an mcrease in overall production orders and sale figures - shyn~eover~TISI fororBers~salesarid prod-udiai- -shyIII allll1dustnes rose from 802796821 points in May to 843 844 879 points respectively in June

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CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough


GRAFT HAS GOT TO GO nvestors from Japan from which Such concern by the Japanese away existing and prospective forshy

the largest amount of Thailands investors should not be ignored eign investors Countless foreign direct foreign investment comes because they have brought the firms and investors have com~

have called for reduced corruption largest amount of direct foreign plained about the extra costs of and improved transparency in order investment into Thailand The doingbusinessinThailandbywhich to help restore confidence in the Japanese invested over 8t290 bil- they mean kickbacks and undershy

Kingdom lion in projects ClPproved by themiddot the-table money that must be to Setsuo luchichief representative Board of Investment last year That bureaucrats and politicians Often

of themiddot Japan External Trade was nearly 30 per cent of the total they have topayin exchange for pro-Organisation (Jetro) for Asean and foreign investment of Btl1 trillion curement deals with state agencies South Asia last week called on the according to 801 data and public projects People who ruling National Council for Peace Thailand has generally remained refuse to pay are routinely left and Order to kick-start good govershy attractiye to foreign investors due behind by their bribe-paying comshynance that includes combating corshy to positive factors such as the avail- petito rs University of the Thai ruption and ensuring transparency ability of skilled labour efficient Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) rec-particularly about doing business in infrastructure and transportation tor Saowanee Thairungroj has esti-Thailand Now its a good time for systems location andthe consider- mated that corruption adds 30 per Thailand to bring about good govshy able size of the domestic market cent to costs for businesses That ernance for the new era he said But our chronic corruption is scaring she says translates into reduced

comoetitiveness for Thai-made Economic and Business Forecasting pay corrupt officials and politi~ians products and reduced credibility for Centre He surmises that the have to cut costs at-the building site Thailand among foreign investors improvement could be due to posi- and that means poorer quality in General Prayuth Chan-ocha has tive public sentiment following the their public projects and thus a risk made tackling corruption a top pri- juntascampaignagainstcorruption to life and limb ority for the ruling military junta He and organised crime The surveyalso Businesses who pay bribes also says the fight will be part of sweepshy showed that bribes paid to officials offset their higher costs by charging ing national reform together with and politiCians by the private sector the consumers more good governance transparency and had declined to 15-25 per cent of middot Since corrupt authorities and an efficient and effective system of project costs frbman average 25-35 politicians make money and bribe-checks-and-balances Thailands per cent previously paying businesses make profits it is corruption index in the first half of Despite the seemingly slight theconsumersandthepublicingenshythis year improved for the first time improvement in the situation (or- eral who suffer in five years according to aUTCC surshy ruption remains amajor problem for They end up paying more uhnecshyvey The indexinJune was registered Thailand essarilyfor products and public proF at 46 out of a possible lOa com- In addition to the weakened ects the quality of which is poorer

pared to 39 last December says competitiveness and reduced cred- Corruption should beeliininated or Thariavath Phonvichai UTCC vice ibility the public asa whole is affect- at least minimised for the sake of rector of research and director of its ed by corruption Contractors who the country and its people

  • 57-07-24 (กรม)
  • 57-07-24 (ใบนำสง)
  • 57-07-24 (กระทรวง)

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- LVI~tJqj~VI-rjGlU L~3-J~Unn 410 LVl~poundJt1(lW~lGl LrieJ~tJ(1)1rieJU ~1i1m~mnr Ct tJi1tJ~111-ii11tJ 255758 -

~lVlwmm1OJIfeJu-ii1)lulfreJn eJ-lfl-li1mltilJ1OJ~eJ1JeJ~l~~mieJ-ltVlmuf

(23 n f1 T UlpoundJlff1 ffd11f~111 ~ltilJ1OJl1lfmlmlm1-l~Vll(1)LYlEJ lh~i1f1~Yil-llU m1~IfeJU~~lrnbLf1lf1runl~411 If(1)~ 4 n~11JVl11-lniltiIl1~1feJ1J-ii111uTnli1-lnm-l lJl-ltl-l~nTIl11m~bYlm~1ffilm(eJ~n) eJ II~m~m~ O)~lL~-lLYIl1-l~ULDutJu

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u11jjuU-ltJutltJ1uneJ-l-ii11Jl1 25 LtJtl~LU~-slU1~ln fi1U~3-Jlrnf1-leJpoundiltili3-Jju~n 88005 m~fteJ~ fl1UmlMftpoundJVlltJVl~m~el~f1runlrll~tlc-J~mlI11l-1o)l~~l1~~ln Vl~~ tJ-llu~ljVlUl~~l1lyenl(l~U~~ttl bull -

1bVJ61~Vlb~6 J~ nan~lr1~ 2557

~ ~




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UI -pJU)1111iillElEln-E11lJ11 5

LEllJlmj L~EllU~ 16 nII~1-hwn ~Uiil 427 Ll11fJQlll1fj L~)JffUI1n~Uiil 410

Ll11fJQlll1fj 1(1fJlJrudfjlJ1~1YlfJSj-E11

1ull~Eln 18 ~lU~U LLiil1l1(1111Sj

NiilN~(1-E11LtJ~ElnUnTlN~(1 25572558

lti1U1U 38 ~lu~u-E11LtJ~Eln

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ii(1~mrn~llm~mNiillElEln-E111YlfJ mhl

11 nTl)lJ1fJ-E11L~ElUiil 5 LWU~U LUU

tJ1mruhimn l11mlJ1fJriElU~NiilN~i] -E~1)JlUl~n1iil 2557255l 1ElElnmlu

lh ~ L~~U (0111 11 middotmiddot I11)~Yl1Jnm111 (1~1(1-E11)J1noJn middot LLvil11nN~N~(1-E11

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)ll11fflElEl n-E111YlfJffU)J1LUU~Uiil 4~0 Ll11EJQlll1fj -E11L1EJ(1U1)J~U~ 420

Ll11Jrulll1f~ bull-


VliiIJJVln bull fjn lI~JJLntl~iWmm1fj ~)jUrnlJJlJYIV1ULLl1 ln1lVlim~tl~nii8u lJW1JU11lJ

310 Ylm~JJ 4 f1LLUU m~middotlVIillhlVI~ i1)jl1~~~aWi1mlJJ ltlJJ8EWi 327 IlLLUU LnllVlimN

~lJt11 Yf~vJJLLU~ll(JniloVI1thvhJJ ilmt11w Uahfli1l1il L~Vl1(iL~J jj~UIl11lJ~1lW 31

l1~ulillriYiTIJJLIlitl~iiY Yi~rulf6lf Ullll lv1LvLL~Ui1l1V11 I1UUU rtluLnllVlimW~llvi1mi

L~iJU1~ 5 UU~ L~JJ I1U LnllVlilj~iiAl1lJllllU1lV~llVl U1VaJJ~n~ n~lhl(ilJU lUj~1Jlnnflultl~ilLUU 7851 ~1V1fUi~1Jl1l1lJfillll1ll

iJltAVln1iliUlI11iL~8nliLn1lVli LVlV aill (lll tillU 111 JJ Ill Ln1lVllnl11~llai1UL~ULI1iln1lrU

LlOl al1mrumiLmlVli (lina) lJ8llnllilin~ltllLVlA1V1v LLUl lthUl-nl1 Wml Ln1lVlimlj1l11JJ

LlJVlll-JVl1 ~WJNv una1riltli1lt1 LiJU1Ji1mA ~ti 1l1I1n(l1l n ~lllJl r1lllJLviJJ1UlJl1l~1Ui ~U IIl1lJ~Vl Lnu ll 8ln ~JJ(i1 8 Ull tillUA11lJfi1J1lWi 29911UUU lJ1n~IVl aiUI1LLUULO~V 335

Ln1lVlimluYJn~l111VlvhtlilVlA 1l1IlVl1u1l1lnLQUlL11U8 nti1l1 nnlllLUUL~lJ 4 IlLLUU I11Vl1~l

-)114114 2346 ilU 1U1illl~1lU 1l11lJ~ll1l~~ 314 llllUU 11111 1~fu~U~lnlAilnll1U~ltil-nll

JJV2557 ~l-nEl i~Ul1lllJfilJ L11111l jj~il11lJ~ll8~~ 313 LVl VLnll(iJlni ~tl~n-nll rtlU1 l1l1lj

IJ1l~LmVlimlV1v WU11 I1YlJJ IlLLUU 111111ril lj~ll11l1l1lJ~llJ~ A1l~lll111 itiulJln1ultl~Vlluu fillm OlillJll 1ll Ln1ltiri ni1VlU1U ~ 312 I1LLUU LLrII11Il(iJ1U(iJn 886 Lii8lltllnL~8l~UL~Wl~1jj 1l1wilJJ1l~1uitiu~lJln ailU jjffl1fi11l1lJIllJ~ 297 IlLLUU ltlmwlIli8l1-illUL~~U

d a l1lLUUlWu 310 ltI1nlLUWVllJ ll(]l~~fJ~im~tl~nr~r11iiP~1Jil JElnltnnti VllllilllLIlillshy

4 llUU LVlULnlVlmiljAl1JJIIlJ 1111lJltllllllltlVlJEWi 328 11 lLUU nllvlpoundJIl~ll1~liJ 2557 ~llU1U bull v

~l 26-32 LVluNu~hLnllVllViltl 1l4~tiini1lU nlilllU-ill11Ull~8n jjilAl~iu laiuri m~ltlyj~l f~ulm-huiEvill1 ~nlit1ilJrI ii8VLll~lULWJ1Vll(lVlilU lri hltl nlilJ1UVlillumru~~1l

11 ~ ~ ~ LU8 urIIm 1l111i1JIlUA1LnllVll jjlh~1l8-n1lL-nllJ1iVlLvU ~1l ful(iJl1ilAll(lVlrllL~rMV l~LUi lllrJLLuuf~vi1Jf~ ~~lts) LLrInli

-illl -nlLW(iJl~Vlamp(iJl U1lWlil tlilJrlN1UVl(llVl~8lJ1VNU~1 111~JJt11~U lLrIrNlJllLLlUUlllJ Ln1l(imi1ll1Ul LL ltli lViillVI V

LLviUljjil~~Vl~Vl~~8l~U(iJl~lUU (LfllIVVl) 1VlULLeJWl1J1vihlltiL~ VlLIlllailui il~111t1lvillJ LLUl tli~lJ1ruIilUL~1lU ltlIlti lQ~U 1UlJil~1~Uu~~1l1l~I-J(lni tl1lJ 1 run 1 liU 1 V-iilltli lJ1 ru

V1U~ltltliUYJUnliI-J~(iJ Yillmll(li1 L~1l1ja 5 lLllUIifU

LlrlnLtl~VU~HuWlU ilo1111lll ~~U eJ(lnlj(ljllll~8niill

U1Vll11 ~IJLLa amp(iJ1Ln1lVli~1l1 121J1r1~~Ln1l1l~ltllVlI1 1800 gy3Jpfn~ ni-r~J1

Ullil1lVli l1lVlVlmB ltlfuJ~ LLl lill(iJlaijjnllVlil~1nliflll~1 nllJnlihliilltl1LVlII mhl11 55 ll8lLn~~~l1lJVl 1Vlu~uUU d middot ~1 25-35 tll1ai1lai~nll Vltli11lJIl ru 8 ~m llJ n 1li UlU 11nWiUlv-iil1114 ll~8nf~ulr1 a 1l~liJLLin IlWUUl-JrIltllnllI11Yi llll lJlJVlL11U1JElULLI-JUVVllilllflm rlt1 VLUlmlllJLtl~l1lll~~n

LI1l1llnltl1~mL(lLIli]lnltllV1vti nlil1J1mrl1 L~LflU1lArumilJ Ll(l1UnlllJ1V-nl1ltlvilltli lVlI1

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2557 llJV1V~ll~ 16-24 (UUll) ~n ~a1ltli~Y15 ~UVl1 LllJ1~EJ L11~1ll~1llnlj~l88n ailUil Il1RUfhLn1l(iJi~l 181Jl 11lVIiilliru~fml11111m~U mhJLtlilJ~ L~mLUlollmLtill~1 1i1 1 middot-middot

11~llJ2557 jjLLU11iilJltllJU1V LL11-)lllili ((lllll) LUUlhl1U -iill1vlpoundJYiLAtJltliltlum


ij ~mlUI7lU~]f)t1]YIUY~tn1h1Hl-lIllUll ]lIl~mtJ1U2 I~BW nBud] l-JDnJ1ndu~lhu~lU)~(JnmI~ilhhnl-J ftj1l1 111WllelU r(Q111~Ulh-l~iJtJIjf) 10000 ~lUUlVI ~lU nolllu lI]Ut-lU 20 1 UD~uJ~umm~illDl1111D1JjLi)l-Jllun~

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U(l-Clthl ~tJ I

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1~1lLrIU1l nilJnllltUlllJmn 2 I~Dl-Ji-lmlflmn rl-JfI~IIClamp~Ul-l il D~11l-Jlr~l-J lii1l11n~1I11l-J11l ~1I1 ~J~I U4

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~lJ~wuCf~l-lundlUI i1~D]J1ll-J1l W~ ll-Jnll Ifl~D~JJmfl~1Jltl1iilfl~D-l~n1nn Qum(lJ111D~l~1~11~ ltiJ 11uilI1l1-Jlll ~1I1~ JlJlJ 1 n1~Ulni~ r~111Ull~[JnllrJtiil~lJflruf1lWhlllfl1lUl-JilllJ i iii l-lnml1l-l1 J1iJ1-llfrDl~~~ 1~DH11111l-J1JJnll ~ UUl lJl ruUl~Jl iJ Ul1 ~lJn D~1tJ l-l i l-lU II l n

)h~IWU~~HlllClrl~~Hl1nll11l-J1il-JnllnYl liiuJ~unllrJ~Yl~iillruf1lwll-lllmdjl-lilllJmh~ 10000 il1l-JU1Yl 1~14hl-ld~1l-llruJ1n 51- Utl~ ~1-J1~l-lnll~~~ltiJ1l djl-llll1~~I~l-lVll-lI~DftUUftl-Jl-l I~U~YimCl~r)(i~ TIlUUl~~1l-lnU11l-Jfl1~lMuliiD~ lJMl 1111 U~Dn~1I11l-l1rJ~ill~UCl~ 30 ~ll-J~l-J

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iiTn~~D~l Wl~l-l~lil l1n~djl-JltU1l]Jt1~1i1Ilh~ lJ()fh~~n11 ~~1 Ul-Jlul~~11l-JiJ~l1U141l1nnlJ~Yll-l1 ~ ~ T~U~l~~ Tn~~lnuiil1rjrlUlIYlrT 1800 llv1~ilJurun~n~1l-JDl-l1flVl

l~ml~lull~1551 liD Tn~~y~i1lJ~ml QIli1~1-J1nElill nl~llJ1j(lyf1i~ llvi

fllll U~UWriltlU l~ft~A )lnl (ilJmiddotI~~D~ml~)~Il~ ~l-lVll-lnll~~IlIul-ln1lD~i1l-JWWl1lIl~l-J1IH~1i

OClJ Q tI A~

611U fN1 U H)~LJ 9l J nJ~Vli1jW1 ru6(J tJ

~1ZJ _ 2557 5 21

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nlm~Iij mmHni ~nlJ~mlJf11i lJV~flrun1~1WVil1U1VJ1WiWf)fliYli1~

ft1~1~UiIYlff lUUW11 ViuilflJTlru l41flh61u1lJ1 lhvnW~1lil LllW mlWNf11i

IVWfliilJflliiUlVu11iilJ~d~W1I~uilflW mi~ rl1rflW1VfljjlJ~1l5 l~vlllwWflmJ QVlmiddot1ifflff1lfflmUlvu1l lIDW111~uillJ 1uMm ~Wl1fl I1 WflliIJ1Vu111uvh~ Tl ru milJflliW 1vlJ1v llillJjl1mi~flliu11 Uil Ylffll 1 MV1l~fflJ1TllJ~dJvVflu111 Vl(J (cUt

I d 1 u 1 1 cl d d ( WlJIJ ) YllJ 14 v uiQl1li 1lWVli VlI1lJ1lllV Wmiff~VVflIJ11VV1~L1llJVl Il4VliVfi

Il11l1r1Tlru~mllTl11lJff~1111li~lI1~ (Tlffll) mWlL1j~~m~u11~L~VfllJflWlJ1 l11fl1lm~ lt

1~WUili1U l~vlJv1Mv4~mV11flliln(JcU1l 1~mTllVflllWiJ~~~uV111n~1 Wf11iIJ1Vfl1ft i ~ Q -Q I JuG V 1 I 1Wff1lVm111ilmWllifl1i1ll~ 1 1lfW flll iOIlIlI1 ulI1V s1IUllJilvT11u f11iIJ1V1Ii~mru~~vlV~flll~V rlll1~111VlVfliill~mml~lfll91lmri~

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v f bull

~ bull I ~ bull1) u u u ~ I-eruTl~Lfll91llil1~l1U11ll1~UilVlff IIW ~ LVln1l il1W1lWWU il1~~Wfl1lf1 fllill il ~UlflVU

1tHlliilJlVr11ll1~~WI~VW ffTlil trJWvlW f11iVVfllJl1MTl11lJlllW111liUlll1~ middot

lUl1~Vl~~tH~VW 500000lU W1tJllljt1J ImhlililJl1rn1 U1Vfl ~~ lSI v lIJ lQI


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LLfl~lUlJInrnJfi~~1~tJmllJZ1l1fli1rn1~ltJ 1U~ 10-14 riUtJ1tJu

2557 ~~UOO1ii~ T()Ul11f14111 4 Ilf~ ~n11lU1i1 4lJWT tiitJll1~ LLfl~tJLiii1 li~L~tlU~~ll1lJ 2557 TvluLlI~1unl~Li1~1 41UltJ

30 r1f~ Liiiflu~ImfllJ-riUtJ1t1U 2557 T()UtllUltl 347 flf~ Llfl

tilJriUnTV1rnlJIll11h1t1 nTi1Tl~LLN~u4~lUlJ1nmJUffil~fl~

~lJ1U~UMUffillJ~l1iillu1Ull1 1~~ 22-25 nffilll1~ 2557 ~ ~Z1UllJIfll~ LLflfmnuU)tJI1U~u14i1~n i9 flf

Ut1nlln~ 1~L~iw~4i1I1U lJInrm~~jjJlrumlJllU ~U ~JllJ~lJ1mhllll1U TWll11U~ 30 ~m)lf1~-4 ~II~fI~ 2557

iiit11lllrD1LflULltl1 3 flUULL~ i1~~wlhLL fn11UTll~tilJ LL Yill II q _ dI _

LlJfll1fll1l1U Ut1I1U YilrulltJlJULr-1flflUL~mtjm IIUIIJllJlllJ

l~U1llllU ~n 5 fltl vTlUTLi1f1 TJlJnl~~~nu lJ~nT~ rJ~~Jlrul1lllJlIU 4 111f1 ~n 2 Ilfl

mU1UL~tlU~~1~lJ 2557 ~ILW1UYi1rull6IlruffiU 94 tJ nTi1Tl~YilrullrniJ)JnuR1U~nl~t11l-i LL~hui1ln~tl 14

LLW ~i1nlnmJfli1T1~l~uffi 1UYilrulltJ~TnTJ)J1 filT1f11~U~ ~1JfIJl~llJUTn1llU rwhy)u~ 1~24~Iifl~ 2557~ffiflilT1ffi ~Jln~l~nh 10000 Tltl 1UVJn~1l11vTJU1Li1f1 ~IUvi 20-70

~ bull Q ~

mI1TllWlrulltJ~li1Jl n11i1lLUUnln1TlJflI1lIl1111tllilYi

mlJuttJU1t1~Ugtlll~~IJlJ1ll 1I~middot11 1UII11~ IliltJfl~Jl1rlh ~ffil~yl~nUU1ll1l1U1tii1lrJl1iitlLilfl~

I _ _ lmutYlIilflln1jlJillJilLYi~LlmJLflmnUn11lill1U lMnn~

~f~lJlruWJ lJllU ~UAJ1lJ~rd1 ilthlI1lIu lllJ1TClFlulT1t1flL~tJi1 lffli MNNmocQQh lffiiilUCl1lJlffli~ltJmUnTi1rnmMltJ1203

( (gt


Cjnsi31 (8 wn) 155-160 nn ]K~drflid~(~UlMbi)iLf-rf~middot - IfiO-it ~~~tifW-(nr1T+~

lulri (IUDS 3) 34-35 Woo

~iOriqltTI=~r1J~OIo~middot r~q ~~ ~ 3~(Qoi3~19)M~~~ouj 9Qiin UllUK) 100 1420-1430 nsClou 100 nn

amp~~ ~g~~(Ft~P i)~ r~~~~~~I~~~~~~~2middotg2~~~~~t~~yen~~ii~~~~~middot~middotmiddot ~- wnQwu (Ra) 22-25 nn

Xailili1ffOi-sect~~~lIri-~~~~~~ i~~q ~r 4 middot~ifIiriri~~)-fr~jtmiddotmiddotmiddot wsnUlilJ (~um) 4-5 Ua

)3~ifiW(J(treg~1~~~_middot~~fi ~2~2~5Sjt2~11reg5[gt RUI nSUmSA1f1181u nsnSlOWlrUl1E1

2J 2557bbk1V1k1

c OJ c c 151llH HQU V1 Yl J ftVI tJ 1j fI IJ

ltV V r Q iCS

tn-naHn (HI ff flW VI W 1 fl eJ 11 UVI

njlJ ifl Iff~lJ f1l jrl1jl1i1 llhmf1

lU~INEJ11 ffUrl1fflfH)f)UUlvlU

~llUU IiiUlthbl fflJ~U liff~llf11W ftfnJUJ~~ 111~UllU1iim1lJl~mrU 1UffUrl1lvW jllJJlff~1lm1lJlu1i~


Iii Ul ou fljU1 11 f)1 j uU VI UU f1lj

N~~~tJf)IiiUl U(1f)U1liIljlHU

[) V1l 1UU1jjjlJ VI llJlf) lJl VI j~1U

ff1 f) (1 f) j lJ ~ l 1 ~r91 Ill1m l flU

1Y1UlHlWY1 VIiffY1 lJ1ffl (Thailand

Trust Mark TTM) IUWlim

fft1J f1EmJUl1l Tn llJl~mjU111 fJ tllf11W

ffUrl1U(l1J~f)ljhlU lYim~lJluf)lff

Vl1lf)ljrl1Un ~lhmilJf1lj1V1m~1U ll(l~lllhlY1f1 jllJJl rillff~lJfffll fllW Kf)ll ru~~U ull~l U 1Uf)1jriluUf)

11lUUlll1 ftl N~i1lYUrl1 U(1lJ~f)lj~ii fJtllf11W fhWlnl~lln91UlJ m


I~ fJUfJ1 fJftlu V1 ~~tJftltfmJ W11JtI1I1U eJlfllJIllfl lhlITU

fljjlJf)1jlJ~l11j lJ~rll YiWWWff

(lllEJIl(1U~) ~10~ lU91INfJ11 U1f)


Yijf)l1hUlll1i1l 1 W1J111fl~fmhU1-]




Il1f1 1f) 111 ~huU Yijnll~ii f)lj l~lJ1il ff-) uV1-)lim~u) 1l(1tY)iillUl1ulJ~U l~hJlilLl~D f)lJl f)11111 U ~)rUlriu vd d ooltvdv

lU1 1 lJU1fllJ 2557 mllVlU)llJ1 1 ~ f = 1

lVIfi LU I1UTIjU9fU f)Il f)lj l91t)1Ylff

91mJ fliu) ff1m)~iiEJu91U1tlfflff91 ItlwrU~1Jl1~)1U1f)ll1ft ~l1UiJ 5~7 IlHllJlhlJ1tllfli1 ~ 100 11111111

1U f)Wl il (119111(11 EJlEJ ff1 I1 l91EJIl

iif)ljUEJlEJff1lJ1l~lJ 10 ff1U1 1UiJ

2557 il1f1l~lJYiiit)~ 20 ff1U1middot lHl

IlIEJ1EJl~lJflf) 15 ff1U1 1UiJ 2558

ll(llVilJflf) 25 ff1U1 1UiJ 2559

J~ flafl~1rUJ 2557 bullbull 1 j

) ~ i i



tJfl5ClUuJUSJlEJUfllS UUytw f1f]U(iJ1f1f1Sv~mmiw~m1JI1Ti~If1l1Jtr1f1 lJfiFJfJ1Y11N nfl11fW ~ei1UJlJn7JSrnJJuriS1~mJiJfJntVVI~ufVJnJJlJftflmJI11 1JlJilvmuwJu1wlilJu1NllJmJUmJlnviuTflJoJri1Jlnvwu~ ~ - ~

nisvl JJliPl (Thailand Trust Mark TTM) ftfllhvlMNjflN1111Nv~Tnf)iuvi1l1Jmf1iJm1lJjmtUIjEJtjfllutrU111 tpnlv1mJln[JTurfliJFJrumw~7VJJJ1urifilJVlnmiddotlslnltlW1llritn(i1m1~viiNmJlaquoj~truI11InveuroJthvieuroJjjfl

--- -====~-

v bbU 1tJjW1


ftJttWitllj~ lutflnnl~a~fl3na~al~lan


W 1 uhf 6fl J~UIB flllU11 [J lll11 ~11MI1l11 fl ruYi litH 111 JVI

n 1 jU~fI ruil1~ffU~1l~1l lfl li1 UI~ JJfI11JJTU1)1rfi~1bull bull v

11 ilJ Ofl I1l~ull vnHmJJ1U1 OBU J1~ ~ N fllJ~ L~ poundJlJU~l lu~u~u~mlJri~ nY1lJ flllr11

iI1~mhaVlf1 flci11lI1~1~IUJthli1JliJVl~1JfflJlJJ1 I~U~ ll-wflm~ (Fair Trade) lviU1UJllJlm~1In1IJifqjl1111i-l~1J 1~ uJ ll~ flli1J11f)fl~1 flli)~crlJlJJ1 fl f~if ll~ V f)) ~J111

Ltl f)liJ1Vl U11J lJ1lt1Jh~1ltJ1U ~1l1m~~llJl1 crf1lf) UJcvfll~ Clll

M1U~l15mu-lllvlflm~OJ111lJ1f)rJ 1~u1~I~tyqtJifliluf11i

t)lltll11f)JJlJri]uClf)f)~l 200 i1U 1lJ1~llJ11JYf-l

bull J~ifl~vthrlClf)liJ1UM1U~~1~~1~ri]ClClf)rl1f1WIJCl]~ u

hlO hi111l1tlUltII11 ltII1ml4~lltJ ~~J 1l~iif)I1~lUth1ff V] ii fl11lJJ111 ffJr11V1111JlJV] 111 poundI u o1] lJl f) hHllllYt 1

1 cr~1l1 f)~M1U IfI~u]I1lJ1 poundJU-WflmVl ~] ItlJ Ifl~V]I11J1poundJ1tJiu] fl UJfllll fiJ r11 ~lii 1J1 mii1 Ji~U 11 f)~ J~1J~1J flli flii 1l

r1l [)~U f11i1~1liN1JCl O-ltl f)~U-lLL~iif)I1~lUifll)U~JltI~l] rJ IH ri1111011 ffJ r11UV-J1Vl uJ] lU ~ ~1 m poundIlJtJilVl fHI~1l ~1

1Pl1~1hIllffllv1~n middotifll lluJii ~~1~1U i1 ffUI crril ruUWflll i ll51 f)~1

30 Cl-lr1m ~-lnJ]~ltlJf)cilJ~Lhuf)VUf11i 1tJlluo]ltII1mru

1Pl1-l 1 llvlV-liiii f)~lU1UlJ1 f)~ v~1j f) 51~1l 1lJ11J1~lJlu1m]f11i ltv bull tdV ~ dJQ bull

(PI] n~11 mlJll~illJlJV f)UI1U1UJ1Ull mHiCl-lU lliUllilU f)~lJ

tl 1l lt11 11 mllJ u111lm~u lt1111 milJ~ I~ (mJuJ11UlJltlU11l~~ lU1~llJlJVH1li111VJflm~hiiJ1 f)]U


lutJf)~llHmn1unWWllnru1~villM1li1~-l f)ci11

V01-lUuU 6 l~VU llCllfiCl11tJu51 mlJll~1l1l1lJI4fl~milJ Vlf)U l~V1111l f)V-l r1mv1M1um11tJllIKV-lVi1llJ~ elf) If) ruevi

Hq1fl1l1lJ1 1l J~lUU U] ffU r111111J1 f)~lt1 ff1111U f) cilJ ffU r1nt1

1~1U1lnIlWflm lhf)vU~lU lJ11 ~lll1av] lTUrl1UI1elJ

crutJ) unL1U ffUTl1n] uviMiif11JI11~vllm~uhrf)cilJ ffU r11~] ll~tJilJ-l 11 elJ~l f) tl f)ltII11V1UUtyf)1i~ lICl ffU ~1 ~lUlill i] ~lU 11hIf) ~lJif11UlJlHm1IlwfllliVl OUlJ1 f)iiu

iYiJ -I 1uIiI t11 ~ ~il~il i LVlf1~1-l111f)1 l poundI ulJ11J 1l J1 V] f) ci 11lt1]

1J1 f) UU f)1l1f)1l1UU flliltl~1-lml4elf)Iru~~UV~ffUr111V1 poundI 115

0] IlJU f11ifJf) i i1JJ1 fl1 ffUr11111fJJ~1U~lUlJ1 1l Hi1U ll~J1 m

lllU1lCl11Clf)iif)~lfJ ~ fflI11U llwlm 1~Vf)lifh~lUUlilllJ lofulJ1mb

f)~1 60 U llJUiUUf11ir11iluuluf11mf1-lfll1lJltlUliillJ

1u f)ll~lliJU~J Oil111ll fi ~r11 ll~ qin rilU l~ UllJV] ~111vi l~lImf)lqflfi1l qUUiJtJ qu~1f)fi illJvf-lil1illH-l1U

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1Ui1 mv1 ItlUliiilJ l~ ~u11f) fIltIllJliocffv irUr11in fl um 114

1u J1 mi lulili JilJ 1IiU f)J U V f)1l1 f)if~~vi1-l1U f)vu~] r1f1i

InHlllillhl1uri1 1lUU llllU~ lI1lJ1 ltllJ v iiltlm-w 11lcr ulJ1u f)1ivi1-l1Ui~ iifll1lJtJCltlI1V 1liof)iinUI~V-lIl4f1 iHh A ~

llftllf1 1l llClf11lt1m


1UWmU1~ 12 ~) tJYVli]nmn111nr1~l~U I I1r1f1tJVI1~]

cO _I ~ ~ UtJ~UtJ]IitJ TltJlJiI1V~Vi(1]]lU

hn1tJU 1limyl

~n~lilln~(tJlJ mY1~vlli~~vl ~lilif)rU lmllilu~~NJ111U i um1]lli~I11lJU~)1 11(1 cJilrUI ~UU1~m~lJ

A ~ I A I A A ~ I1lJlllllJ)ilV l~TlYlTlUll(1 1~il~~YIliUVli

nullll mlJll~Vi V~UYI1lUiUfJ1l rJiJ~l~vu ftJ VII () 1 UtJU1TlVl U1Vl nilJu~) i1~llJ1ifi

~111 ~uQl~~ J

b I r I JJ YI d D 0fJ07nl1U7 1

A ~ 1 d 111il1nmY]tJ1llVlV li)V(1~ l(1nitJU 1(1] li lU

)]fl)i~ifilll~U(~tJ rllI~~lJfniyjtJll~v)lluu lli~tJl~lJlJU 1I(1111ll1111

HlJ(1Yl1ltl HlihmufnU

I1~tJ ~~ II U(1l1 ~Uf1ll1Ui~ 111If li1 Unli ~ _ 1 ~ d U l dA

Iml~i l1itJ~~lllJ(1]lUUlmtJl UtJtJnl1lllU

1 UJ1 l~wil~~YIilu~inullllnilJll~Vi v~U llllUl1Jl1J1l~ U~l5VU1tJVII ()

mL~Ell~mnjt1itmUUi1~i1rurulUEll~U1VItJlh ~ u u

LL1fllJEllT~fl LtJ~~rlBrlilLtIUVI1lf)11LLal l~El Lem1~1~a L~ElW~lllUlvJiAh bull hUvlJJ1h 14

tI J d I

llJtJn(11 1000 U )Ull 23 nTl ll ilIIUiluluHh1VliftU~1U~U 1 lliU

l1lM1U fl1V1UI1~U1Uih~11i1U ~U1l mlJ1ifllrJUnl11Ui~J1 l~tJ1~Unmn1ltlVj Vl(11~ tJ U1mn~~ il UUlllJ~ Vi (1)lllJinVl

bull cO li1l1Jffii) il )VlIIH 1l1f)jlJ~iiYi111llll11itJ1fnT bull 1 -11 d 1 d Ifd c lJi1i1UUil1YI Tl(1U~W(1 ltJUIU)iV WUlVl)i

lViiff i1n~ Ilfi(1lu1)liJ~~)U1VlniilJ111li

aUyJi1Ii~ llltJ~U1V IgU~U I1~tJl~vn-)l

l1ltJ~~hii1 ~I11lJ1Hnul~tJl~VffiiiU~IIUU Vi~l~lUlI~~mY1VlV l~V~I1lbvllU~1I (1

l~mliU Vl(1tJ~IlUUili1liU~~1 III liTblJlilJ

U1Vlf)jilJ111111 tJU~lU)UlJ1n tJ1Y1 Vi (1 Vl bull

lJi)1V1~lJl1 ~f)jwUj UllrUllU11m~~~u ~ ~ J i lit

lJ1imU1V)iTnYl lTl)liVlU 1(1U11lnli

II ~l tJ 1Y1 VlV I1~tJ i~tJ 11l)~fh ii~~lllJUl~tJ 1YlVffii~UIIU]J HVi~lllUlyJvhll(1Vi~lllU

Q 1 IitCLI YI ~I lit ~ v ll~101llVlV l~tlmU)iltll~Tl~UiYlll~UU mtl

nlil11Vi~l]1U1I~lmY1VlVil1nll1m~ll1(1~ ~~

~ltJciuUI1~lm 4 IlfiU HIll111jl~lnUVi~l ]1Ul1lUVllVltJ~ lJaUyJilliYllrJUYl) t11l1UYl mi

~1t1Vi~l1l1nulJ)lVltJ5~l~tln~ll1ltJ~fhii~ ~lV milJlyJliJVllTl~)ltlU~cH1t1-lJ)1 lrJUYl)IlU

d 1~I lTl(1tJUlitJ I1luU1ll1U1

Vi (1 tJlllJjn~ mh)~tJ~11Url)UlJtJ]

Yl)l~tJ1hn)u~)vtJ (1iit UVlJUU1~i)1luU ~


U1 5 VlU f))1l 260 IlJm m1lJV1)UUIl1n

nilU~tJ UilJ1lU 6-7 llJm Ul180 1l1U9lllJVli

J111rn 1974 in(1n~lJ fiUJ1~n 20 ll1U~llJVl~ I cO~d d1

1I(11Y1lJ1ifl~Tl4l~ 20 lltN lJm1~lil Ufni

l~UYI1lUilJ1ru 8 fihllJ~i~tJi)1lJl ~ 3

1 UW~UU1Vl 10 ~) UUliJuWJilVII)l 1m

I1~tJlrJU lTl~)l~UtJtJncill ilU1 UJ11~l lfUrlU

Vi (1 fllllJinVl mh) Yd I GI

~lYtJUni1 VllU~)U)l mNil1nmi

liJ~Yl) l~)Vi~ll1UlllYltJ1Y1llV 1~~~lYu1 Il

ll ~ (1 tJlrl ~)Vi ~ll1U Ilffl m Y1 Vl61 ~ tIU1 tIlliU

ll~NIIl~iU tJ1V 74 iJ li1) llmJmmm nri1)V OJ 11

I l ~ ff ) 1 lli1U U 1 ) l ifl Vi (1]l1 U II ~l fl1l1 Vl tIil1 n

I1r~~vYllJ~l~iii1)ff~~lfi~m1lJ~111IYm bull 1 middot A A 1 d uin)U1iinlll~UIi) lJVlUllU U1i)lUfll ~lVd d~d v U1lJUlJi1m~l tJnlll llJ)lJlffm~ll1 (1~ ~ J J~ ~ 1 v

U)VlmilJli4UlC1nU1~ lil IVii1l uUVi(1lllU


Urull U1lUUllUl nm))l U)VlniilJ I

~Ui1Il l~Ull1ll~)n1 I1111l1nuNuintJun1i bull

i~Ul~)I1~)~~mlJ1ifll111111 ~~pfi lIUUrll

lritJllllnull~uUi1fi1J1lJU~i1fnllVil un~l l I1lJ1nUmi~llJ11JillJiJl~tJ1YlV~1i~lUY)fll J IJ I I ~ v

IllV) LVii1 llJ~lr-l(1mYlUVltJ~lll)(1tllJ

v dd1 v I d ~i1]fl1ViMlIrull~ I1llnf)1ill)llllV) 1Ytl~

Tl~)lnu Vi(1 ~lJi)1V1ilJU ~f)jwUyj M lllY~lTm~II1U-)l U1VlfiilJ~U~(itJ lrJ~Yl1l l~)n1 I1liYi~r1l~ml11(1(i)l~U~tJVifil~1U

llfflmY1Vlv(lmnIJ)llm) lrJUiJiJUl1Jl1J1Ufl~ I

TlUillV ffilJ1ifll11Vi~]l1UlllYltJ1Y1~VlJ1H v

Ui 1VliU lliritJ1l1lfi~fmhn1)U unnl

J1lJUllif)1 11(1 lrimYitiunuf)1lHlTl~tJltJu~ 1Uuil~uU

lJlUCllYICl J~~m ttllJlfinlH1fl~nlllJnlJ~lJfm)~~UnJlIl (ilf1U) ()liljJ~dhitiflfl 1~-Jl llwlhdlJJI11mJ~]j VlllfhHm(lm~lj~H ll~1HlJJl IUIlrmiddotltJll i HI 1J] 11 (fflU 11[ ~rulaquoJll V1ll~hh~nDUnljf)ll~~HjllDjtf1f1 1~tli1 J nKuijD~iJlI~)l 1Jjll~n~lJllnUJlnl1lJl1 J(lI~Ifitnntmlll~lJ

~ V I 11

lfI~U11f1fl llui l1lU dhJJll11jvt11vlJDHhhuClI1U1-Jlllmlllnml1111dh lr~ UUllliJJvi1111r~jJntlumjjjfiu11111 ~lJ IIlU1l-liili Ull 3IlD(h~u~IUUllll 1lllJ1ll11hmn fl~JJ1jlj~f1J r~Jltum~Dn D111ll llCllJWJUUlf1r)J OJlllmii1lJ R1~ U~DJV1rIUlm Tlul llt1W1Dn~Ju

m1JIllnl~~~YilJDDn~mllJl1iufhli1JnlH h UUlllUlJipl(WviRufhHCnU l1Jili Ul~U~1l l n ETflU 1lUDmllJ~ JlJJJD~llJmllJ1llrflJi vnDH

iU(llJlJUllll Hq)dluv1~ 1l~jjlJlru1iufh~Ulj~1jUulllnh~lJ ~~Dl1l111lH 1-11DOlluUljl~ihJD i l-iClIlCl~1 Yh~1l1IUU I~D~~UDlJrill1UIl i l-ilill~hJ riu1Tf1fllihi1Ji1IlI~DnffD1i14Al T9itJlihlHllaquowr~ln~ U(J~I~UJnUnlljrU JllUlllUlljJnrul1~DJhltnu 15 ll1D1j1iUfh~uj)lmuluDclln~ 3 il~ CllllJJlJlruUDJUll~nruoViClJ u~~~r~Cl~~D~uV)unm-l~~ClI1Cl~~JtJ 4 UflJUll~nluoVi ciJlll UlUU1J ~DJHljDnu111JJUjl]j~I~UJltiuJ lllll

II q tJ I ct 0 oi tJ r 0 v shyllllnll(1lJ~lllC1Uflll1CllnllUyenl IlIll mlJU1lJ~JYmlUUl1D U~nl1 nlnn~D~C11HnlJlJ m~V1lJJllrullU C1111nJluflru nlllJllllDlMll --

UJllliHiUljlIl~lJfh~1l~11J()[Jti~ 17-31 ~JUIllllJHl1jl~~J~11J 23-41 I( Cl U 1 (uu) m lJd -11 Cf1lJfI (lji1WmCl~ ~-1U JI1 ~DlJ UCl m lJfll UfllJ llJJ1I~lih i l1l flpflUUlllUJ~~Ull~ ll-ilvtq) J~IUllfmlt1l~~UmJnll lJClYlEI 1~uuDnlJl~l III lflJUfllJ1l-iltU1l 1lU 1~Dnmiddotll1UIlIl ulm~jllllil VlCll01lJuJrijlnDUIlll t1~ viJJ iuHitlunf1fllJlIl)un9fD~ufh ~JUlJll U 1111 fJlllJllllllllll ~uJnll

IV ff


~U1~1Villi LnU~~J bull IV a

Vi1u~~f)Li11~~~ cu

inmhv-liil 111Pi~~ Llllnnn1lIHU

ml~nll~~IllfJlNu~tllll (iilIlU) LtJ~ Lmrh iilIlU1Lliru~lLLVlUN1llnilUn1l ~lU~U~l ~tltllll ~ LLiiliJ~Tfl~ll tJ111qj

Llilml11~ilL~illJf)1l-11iltJ(l~lJU1~UWl neu]~Uri1 vflLLJj~W mJLl1lll 1l1~Ull~

~ eil tmiddotwnnVJiln fl1111l LL(llJUJJ1JUL~fn

lllYlm~~ l1~IIlnMillVi~f)tlnpoundi~ml1

~Uril Lb(hvjUl11JU1~Ulllnru-naUril

l1flltJJjU~jjlJU1~1-1niLnuI~~ LLvimmru

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J _ I

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DWlf1~WllaJn1Jl~~eJf1 nJLQ~lvlU VlVllY1U1Vl

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I tJJ(IrllltJLUWnlJl~tJLL~~~WllVW~-iil11~LYilJ I lJln-iiu I


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O 7 L~ltJ3JVllleuroJ 3 VlUl tJI1U ~U llj

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VI~J1JeuroJIll(i11 Lfflli3nl mlLn~llJeuroJJLYltJ

VI~eurol~~YlrnflLn~l liJe)ltIlllmllJmtJ~h

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lJtJIU 2556 3J~lil~ufilLn~~leuroJd~ 216 ~

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JJfl~~t1V1~I~~lJmtJ~llii L~euroJJlln~~t-J~~1u n~JJ-trllulU eleuroJtJ tJlJWlll Ul~3JJ1~U LL~ ~~wil1fl3JlruL~3J LLlt1i-lill

LU~euroJn~nml3J~U 15jj eJiLUUL~aJ l~UllmiJ-ru~l~ILlt1~tJ t-lil~~tpJ illPl

euroJtiYi 7500-9000 Ulrl UYJU i~1l~ lI bull cd ~euroJltlU Vl1nml3JIfUeuroJfVl aJil~lL~ LV20 m ~llfll 6000 U1YlLYhilu

~UtJllljlll m~illlml~W1~J3Jl

LVI~euroJ 60-61 Ulrl lt1ieuroJnT~n13J LIjllil~u~ LiJltln~~L~3J ~urlumlt-J~~~J llm-nllTIj~

d ~ T Llt1GwmlYi


630-780 Ulrl w1euroJn ~n~3J LIjnt-J~~~~euroJeuroJn3J13JlnLL~ilmlU1L-li13J1

llnUltLVlffLYleuroJuihu lJru~llfllnJneuroJeuroJn l1~mltlloilUl~lnYillIXllmU1U~J~lL~euroJ 10-220 U1Y1w1euroJnT~n13J LllUL~tJ1n1Jnfll Ul~~ ~llmfiWl~J3J1LVI~euroJ320 -435 ~ntJ ~euroJnT~n13J

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LjuluTm~ml3J1UJ~ln11 6-8 L~euroJU

cilUllfl1~U~lLnllVllvifl1~ hlilllm vibVi~ ~euroJ ~Uci1UVI~I m~11lb~l-I LUU 215-220 ulrllt1ieuroJnT~n13J lln 180

Ulrl LIjll~U~euroJImlU1LUt-J~~beuroJvilUeuroJ~ IJrnvielmJflWd1lL~3JLJU 1 220-1300

U1rl lln 1040 ulY1~euroJnT~n13J llfl1LnLdil

nlL~3JLUU 42880-44 Ulrl~euroJnT~n1l-1 L 11l1nfl3JUln vifftJ T lUilml3J9l euroJI ml

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ultJ~3Jifn~ n~lhlilJii leuroJI~f~ml jj n~ n~llL~13Jl1 cilVl1U LLt-JUltJ

tJllL~L~~ tJ ~Vll~ ilil3J nu mrl )11

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~euroJJVi~lLilumlL1~3Jt-J~~~~ ml~~

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n 9l euroJJ LVi~W)1[11 mm~m~n~rnvi1JTlI

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~jLLwllUYi 18-30 ~ tJYitJl~l llnn~3J

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~LLUUL~3J 4 lLLWU T~mnllVllmilml3J v JJ ~ 14 1

~IJl~ltIlU3JlnIJULufl~LuU 7851

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11 Ln~lm~u~n-nllilml3J~IJ~l~l13J

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Llt1~tJ 335 middotnnm-LLUUL~3J 4 fIbbUU


TWlmn~~lm~u~nillI11ULVlqi ilml3J ~ v I 4 _ v

~lJ LUl~U3JlnlJUfl~LuU 886 ~rleuroJU


ampI J 11

U1JaSJf1n~ mfi11(i)1U 1il~~Hilfl111iU1fl11

lYJilnlllnmlm(1l1WlirunllLflmJi (llfl l1) fl~ll 11 f1UJ1~J 1l fl l1 l~cimlm1JJ~~l~14 (Poll)

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nnLhl1011V111fl rilJ11 lflljlillm~DjnillJil1~I

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Ministry seeks to resume small-lot rice sales in August PETCHANET PRATRUANGKRAI THE NATION

THE COMMERCE MINISTRY is preparshying to resume selling rice from its stockpiles in early August gradually releasing it in small lots of about 5000)0 tonnes a month

Duangporn Rodphaya director-genershyar of the ForeIgn Trade Department said a ~ubcommlttee had agreed the mmistry slthould go ahead and sell rice from the stockpIles and not walt tor completion of a Junta-ordered mspectlOn of the stocks bull I he nce-release planwhlch Will be proshy

posed to the Rice Policy and Management Committee soon includes sales through general auctions to exporters and local traders by government-to-governrrient contracts and through the Agricultural Futures Exchange of Thailand

Puangporn added that the department wopId ensure the stocks are released transshyparent With the Fmance Mmlst and the Prime Minister s 0 ce joint y inspecting the f0cessc

T~e department reported that about 55 per cent ofl800 rice warehouses had so far been inspected by the teams dispatched by the militarys ruling National CounCil for Peace and Order The teams are expected to complete their mission by the end of September

About 18 million tonnes ofrice is reportshy

cerns over roug t an ower pro uction in many countries amid higher demand in many others I here IS a good posslblhty that ThaIland will export 10 million tonnes 9pound nce thIS year It is expected to sell off all 18 million tonnes in its stockpiles within three years she saId

The department reported that Thailand was able to sell 535 million tonnes of rice in the first six months middotup by 50 per cent year on year while export value rose 19 percentto US$27biIlion (nearly Bt86 bilshylion)

As ofJuly 16 the price of5 per cent Thai

Afile photo shows asoldier inspecting rice stockpiles at a warehouse in a eastern province

white rice was quoted at $427 a tonne up from $410 the previous week

She added that production bfThai paddy rice in the 2014-15 harvest season was proshyjected to be less than 38 mi1lion tonnes because of drought in many areas

Charoen Laothamatas president of the Thai Rice Exporters Association said the government should consIder sellIng rice from its stockpiles in small lots of about 100000-200000 tonnes per auction to avoid impacts on the m-rket price

The government has less pressure to accelerate the sale of rice frbm the stocks The country has holder power It should ensure transparency and minimum impacts to the market he said

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INTHE WAKE ofrising concern over the t reatmen t oflabour farmers we1shybeing and the environment in global trading the International Trade Promotion Department is urging more lhal busmesses to seek FairTrade cershytification so that their products are more easily recognised and have a

greater chance in the world market place

At a seminar on Fair Trade Mark and trading of Fair Trade products in theinternationaJ market heldyestershyday by the agencys Office of News Overseas Markets Development and PromotIOn Duan kamol Jlambutr e U Irec or- ener ot e eplrtshy

mentSal t atonlyasmallnumberof thaI compames and sUEP)Lc~~ms current~apphedthe FairTrade Marllt

The epartment lrill therefore continue to support Fair Trade certishyfication by promoting an awareness campaign amongThai man ufacturers and exporters she said

According to the Netherlandsshybased Fair Trade Original organisashytion about 30 Thai companies and supply chains have received FairTrade

certification to date This guarantees that they engage in faii treatment of farmers have good labour conditions use no forced or child labour offer fair prices to suppliers and operate with transparency accountability and respect for the environment equity and freedom lt)nd have fair trading practices

Duangkarnol said the department in cooperation ~th Fair Trade Original now had a target of increasing the number of certified businessshy iSnap es and products by 10 per cent ayear

The main goal is to help agriculshytural and handicraft producers as well as manufactures and exporters to achieve better trading conditions and to promote sustainability she said

Certified members of the Fair Trade programme will likely be able to leverage the quality of their prodshyucts for higher prices with certificashytion ensuring world-class social and environmental standards and more recognition in the international trade area she added

Thai export products alreadyusing the approved Fair Thade logo include

rice coffee tea cane sugar cotton freshfruits herbs and spices ockershywork handicrafts pottery and ceramshyics

The official said the department also would like to encourage busishynesses in the shrimp and fishery secshy

ate consultant for Thailand said the overall value of Fair Trade products had increased considerably in the past few years as consumers now had more awareness about fair trading conditions and the environment

Consumers are willing to pay more for Fair Trade goods if they feel they have bought a product whose manufacture is highly responsible to society Today prices of Fair Trade products are also very competitive

the same as leading brands Enterprises should adapt themselves to produce Fair Trade products in order to ensure sustainable growth

tors to comply with Fair Trade certification so that they do otfaceproblems due to unfa abour treatment Every Fair Trade product is subject to labour-standard checking she explained

Manasnan Pongjayavanij Fair Trade Originals aS60ci~

and access to many markets said the consultant

According to Fair Trade Original the value of fair trade goods in the global market excluding the US rose from 1 billion (Bt427billion) in 1996 to 48 billion in 2012 Expots ofThai fair trade products were wOlth about Bt300 million in 2012

More than 30000 products are now on sale in 125 countries and the global Fair Trade system currently works with over 12 million people across 60 countries

Manasnan said many more Thai products could get the Fair Trade mark So far many local brands sllch as Doi Chang coffee plus local proshyducers of soy sauce chjli sauce pineapples and bananas are wellshy

known for having the mark which is accepted widely

Martin Boon development manshyager for Fai~Trade Original in the Netherlands told the seminar that with the global market having growshying recognition of Fair Trade prodshyucts many markets were increasing demand for products carrying the logo - and that Thailand had high potential to serve sllch worldwide demand


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THE NATION ~ JULY 20141lI Sihasak reassures EUteam over juntas reform roadmap SUPALAK GANJANAKHUN DEE THE NATION BRUSSELS

EARLY ELECTIONS vtithout reform would not help restore proper democshyracy to Thailand That was the message related by acting Foreign Minister Sihasak Phuangketkeow when he met his counterpart from the European Union in Belgium this week In a bilateral meeting with David OSullivan chief operating officer ofthe European External Action Service Sihasak said Thailand had a clear roadmap to restore sustainable democshyracy and that the EU should support

this process of reform The roadmap and its related reform

will help strengthen our political econshyomy and will also be of benefit to our partnership with theEUin the longnm he said

Sihasak was in Brussels for a minisshyterial meeting between representatives ofAsean and the EU and spent much of his time briefing representatives of Eillopean nations aboutthe situation in Thailand

The E U along with the US and other Western countries strongly criticised themilitaryforits May 22 coup The EU suspended a number of cooperations withThailand as well as several visits by high -level officials It also recommendshyed that member states review military cooperation with Thailand

The EU said last month that it wouldmiddot

not sign a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Thailand and that the negotiation of a free-trade agreement (FTA) would not conclude until an electshyed government was in place

Sihasak told OSullivan that an electshyed government would come eventually Before that however Thailand needed time to implement reform to have a strong democracy

The time frame of 15 months or so for the reform is not too long ifwe want to make sure that our system and democracy are sustainable he said

Thai people are aware of the issues facing our country and we are working on addressing these concerns so the EU as a partner should support us

The EUhas the right to voice its conshycerns about the situation in Thailand

middot but it should also ensure it is sufficientshyly informed on specific cases he said

Concerning detention and martial law the EU should make sure it has corshyrect information about who is under

middot detention and if there are concerns about human-rights violations the EU should specify the cases he said

Sihasak discussed the situation in Thailand Vlrith many European MPs

middot while in BrusselsTheyincludeq Franck Proust special rapporteur on the FTA and Samuel Cantell head of the ecoshynomic trade and regional cooperation delegation Many of them have experishyence in engaging with Thailand and have a clear understanding ofthe current sitshyuation in the country Sihasak said


Pension scheme for farmers proposed

Farmers in the future might look forward to retiring on a government pension

Charnpittaya Chimplee directorshygeneral of the Rice Oepartment said yesterday ttiat under a draft bill dealing with the rice development fund members would contribute about 3per cent of their monthly income to the fund and the state wou ~d also chip in ayet-unspecified amount

When farmers reach the age of 60 or 65 they will start receiving a monthly pension bf about Bt4OOO

Most farmers earn less than other workers so the fund is neces- sary for their future Charnpittaya said

Other proposals for the bill are being gathered and the contents wi I be improved before its submisshysion to acommittee on rice producshytion and markets and the National Council for Peace and Order


Farmer happiness down from August WICHIT CHANTANUSORNSIRI

Farmer happiness last month dropped subshystantially from its peak last August when they had high hopes of stable income from the Yingluck Shinawatra administrations rice pledging scheme reports a Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BMC) poll

The state-backed farm banks farmer happiness index fell to 7851 in June from its highest level of89 in August said senior executive vice-president Somsak Kangteershyawat The poll surveyed 2346 farmers

Happiness from family health a good society jo b financial position and the quest

for knowledge were the six factors used to measure the index

The survey found happines from the family scored the highest with a score of 341 out offour followed by health at 321 a good society at 320 job at 314 fmancial position at 285 and the quest for knowlshyedge at 274

Farmers from the Northeast regygIiwere the happiest vvith a score of 314 while those from the North scored 313 the South 312 the East 297 and Central 299

Asource at the BMC confirmed Augusts poll was taken when the farmers mood hit a fever pitch as they felt they would receive an elevated level of compensation from the

rice pledging programme The National Council for Peace and

Order (NCPO) is seeking sustainable ways to help farmers after losses from rice pledgshying which offered prices 40-50 higher than the market price could reach 500 billion baht

The juntas measures so far largely includelowering rice production costs and slowing the release of supply to lower price pressure

The source said prices of tapioca sugar cane chicken and pork are gaining in the second half while those of rice corn rubber oil palin and whiteleg shrimp are declirun ~ bull bull imiddotI middot7~

Regarding rice prices the source said the price of paddy with 15 moisture content could average 7500-9000 baht a tonne while Hom Mali prices are projected at 14000-15000 baht in the second the half

Even though the agricultural sector conshytributes only 84 to the countrys GDP there are 167 ffiillion farmers making up 26 of the population

National Statistical Office data shows the ratio of farmers who earned over 100000 baht a year rose to 286 in 2013 from 97 in 2003 while 643 graduated from prfshymary school down from 704 a decade ago Farmers shouldered average debt of 124604 baht per person last year

BANGKOK POST 41 FTIupbeatabout domestic car sales PIYACHART MAIKAEW

The Federation of Thai Industries (FT) remains confident that domestic vehishycle sales will top I million this year defying some car makers projection of sales declining to between 900000 and 980000 vehicles

Domestic demand started picking up in the previous quarter as private firms and farmers bought new pickup trucks for their business expansion and new cultivation said Surapong Paisitpatanapong spokesshyman for the FIrs automotive industry club

The club forecasts pickup truck sales will contribute 55-58 of domestic sales against 442 in 2013 while passenger cars dropped to about 40 from 474 last year

The passenger car market has normalshyised after demand was absorbed by the gov- emments first-time car buyer scheme said Mr Sura pong

The club yesterday cut its 2014 forecast for Thailands automotive output from 24 million vehicles to 22 milliori It also cut domestic sales to 1 million vehicles hom 12 million while exports stand finn at 12 million vehicles

FTI vice-chainnan Suparat Sirisuwan~ nangkura said Thailand was expected to remain in the worlds top 10 automotive manufacturers this year with production in countries such as Canada and Russia also expected to decrease

The International Organization of Motor

Vehicle Manufacturers said Thailand was the worlds ninth-largest automotive manufacturer in 2013 and 10th in 2012 Production (ast year totalled 245 million vehicles the highest in 52 years and up by 014 from 2012

The club yesterday reported that car proshyduction fell by 261 year-on-year in June to 160452 For the first half Thailands car output fell by 29 year-on-year to 952685

Domestic car sales in June totalled 73799 dOVll by 304 on the same period in2013 while 440911 cars were sold in the first half down by 405

By contrast car exports in June rose 657 to 103946 earning the cOUDtry497 billion baht In the first half exports rose 36 to 560047 cars with export value rising 895 to 265 billion baht

The FII yesterday reported that the industrial sentiment index improved for the second straight month in JW1e

The index rose to 884 points accordshying to the FIr which conducted a survey among 1100 industrial operators It stood at 851 points in May when sentiment improved for the first time in seven months

FTI chairman Suphan Mongkholsuthee said sentiment has improved because of the more stable political situation and an increase in purchases of products thanks to the Fifa World Cup football tournament

The industry outlook index for the next three months stood at 1019 points rising from 101 in May

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AUTO EXPORTS INCREASE Despite the sluggish recovery of

the export sector auto shipments continue to expand but still by not enough to counter the reduction in dorriestic demand for cars

The industry has been forced to brake this years production target from 24 million units to 22 million

The target for domestic sales has been lowered from 12 million units to 1million which represents adrop of 251 per cent or 335154 units from last year

Surapong Paisitpattanapong deputy chairman and spokesman of the Federation of Thai Industries Automotive Industry Club said yesterday that lower domestic derriand the end ofthe governments first-car tax-relief programme and the delay in gov~ errirnent and private investment

middotprojects had contributedtothemiddot change in the production target However this new figure is still

middot higherthan the forecast for T8 milshylion units before the big floodiri 2011and domestic demand is

expectedto shitf intoforWard gear i

middotnext quarter~ The economic recovery payshyrnent for farmersuncter the rlceshy

pledgingscherneandreturn of investment will increase revenue l

in other industries and put more rnoney in peoples pockets he middot said

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Temporary charter should furthershyboost confidence ERICH PARPART THE NATION

THE FEDERATION ofThai Industries believes the temporary charter will further increase the confishyden~e ofdomestic and foreign investors along with buslness op~ratrs while the recent strengthening of the baht IS stJlI tolerable for the export industry as long as anyfurther appreciation is neither too rapid nor drastic

_The FTI also said yesterday that its Industries Sentiment Index (TIS) had increased by 44 points since April

The introduction ofthe provisional charter is in line with the politiCal road map of the NCPO [NationaICoimcil for Peace and Order Jand I believe that in generalinvestors andoperators will feel more relaxe and gai~ more confidence that things aremiddot gomgmaccordWlththeNCPOsplansforanewcharshyter the setting up ofan interim government and the possibility of an election in the future said Supant Mongkolsuthree chairman ofthe FTI shy

In his view the country over the past two months has been running on a smooth surface since the Nepo took power a move which has led to an increase in foreign investor confidence certainty over pubh~ II1vestment policy and rising domestic consumptIOn

These factrs will support the recovery and allow _gross domestJC product to expand by 25 percent this year he said


The FTI had been projecting an economic recesshysion before the arrival of the NCPO

As for exports Supant said The strenctheninO of the baht is related to the increased conffdence of foreign investors which has led to an inflow offorshy~ign funds This will have some effect on the export iiidustry but it is still acceptable for exporters since the currencys strengthening pace is not too fast and the Bank ofThailand is still monitoring the situashytion

The export sector will be able to cope with a stronger baht if the rate does not fall below 3050 per US dollar he said -Moreover since the global economy IS continushyII1g to reco~er the FTI is sticking with its export

- growth projectIOn of35-5 per cent for the year According to Bloomberg the baht was valued at

3176 per dollar yesterday The FTI chief pointed out that if the Kingdoms shy

export value were calculated in baht it would already show lO-per-cent growth year on year

Accordingto the central bank export value in May came in at US$1927billiol1 (Bt6124 billion) whIch IS 12 per cent lower than the same period last year in dollar terms - shy

Meanwhile the TmiddotISI has increased for two month~ in a row The indexose from 840 in April to 851 111 May and to 884111 June amidst calmer political waters the economic recovery the liftingof the curfe - and even Fifa World Cup fever which led to an mcrease in overall production orders and sale figures - shyn~eover~TISI fororBers~salesarid prod-udiai- -shyIII allll1dustnes rose from 802796821 points in May to 843 844 879 points respectively in June

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CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough


GRAFT HAS GOT TO GO nvestors from Japan from which Such concern by the Japanese away existing and prospective forshy

the largest amount of Thailands investors should not be ignored eign investors Countless foreign direct foreign investment comes because they have brought the firms and investors have com~

have called for reduced corruption largest amount of direct foreign plained about the extra costs of and improved transparency in order investment into Thailand The doingbusinessinThailandbywhich to help restore confidence in the Japanese invested over 8t290 bil- they mean kickbacks and undershy

Kingdom lion in projects ClPproved by themiddot the-table money that must be to Setsuo luchichief representative Board of Investment last year That bureaucrats and politicians Often

of themiddot Japan External Trade was nearly 30 per cent of the total they have topayin exchange for pro-Organisation (Jetro) for Asean and foreign investment of Btl1 trillion curement deals with state agencies South Asia last week called on the according to 801 data and public projects People who ruling National Council for Peace Thailand has generally remained refuse to pay are routinely left and Order to kick-start good govershy attractiye to foreign investors due behind by their bribe-paying comshynance that includes combating corshy to positive factors such as the avail- petito rs University of the Thai ruption and ensuring transparency ability of skilled labour efficient Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) rec-particularly about doing business in infrastructure and transportation tor Saowanee Thairungroj has esti-Thailand Now its a good time for systems location andthe consider- mated that corruption adds 30 per Thailand to bring about good govshy able size of the domestic market cent to costs for businesses That ernance for the new era he said But our chronic corruption is scaring she says translates into reduced

comoetitiveness for Thai-made Economic and Business Forecasting pay corrupt officials and politi~ians products and reduced credibility for Centre He surmises that the have to cut costs at-the building site Thailand among foreign investors improvement could be due to posi- and that means poorer quality in General Prayuth Chan-ocha has tive public sentiment following the their public projects and thus a risk made tackling corruption a top pri- juntascampaignagainstcorruption to life and limb ority for the ruling military junta He and organised crime The surveyalso Businesses who pay bribes also says the fight will be part of sweepshy showed that bribes paid to officials offset their higher costs by charging ing national reform together with and politiCians by the private sector the consumers more good governance transparency and had declined to 15-25 per cent of middot Since corrupt authorities and an efficient and effective system of project costs frbman average 25-35 politicians make money and bribe-checks-and-balances Thailands per cent previously paying businesses make profits it is corruption index in the first half of Despite the seemingly slight theconsumersandthepublicingenshythis year improved for the first time improvement in the situation (or- eral who suffer in five years according to aUTCC surshy ruption remains amajor problem for They end up paying more uhnecshyvey The indexinJune was registered Thailand essarilyfor products and public proF at 46 out of a possible lOa com- In addition to the weakened ects the quality of which is poorer

pared to 39 last December says competitiveness and reduced cred- Corruption should beeliininated or Thariavath Phonvichai UTCC vice ibility the public asa whole is affect- at least minimised for the sake of rector of research and director of its ed by corruption Contractors who the country and its people

  • 57-07-24 (กรม)
  • 57-07-24 (ใบนำสง)
  • 57-07-24 (กระทรวง)

4 na j bVl VJ Ban )q q

W1mlfUlfl~1JI CV OJ ~

tJ1UtJ115ttft~~t~il 9 Q G d IV

ltV ltV v tn rull~ blW3JllJUUlJlJIIWt11J1U 11J flIJW[] VlWWflJJ UVf)

q ~lJlrJ-lll1 ~lflftllhunUlrJn1+mLuut1J111~ I ~lLU1~uirJ 5 LL~u~ul1iml1ieurolu1J~L~l-JLI1iElU UGYl1f)WILl UYfflI

~ fl UUnfllf1lrJluhlWfeuroll-JlrJ(1)~lJ1poundJYluYi Vf) ffUrl0J-uiJuffW UllmlW~ ~eurol(1)W(Jlli ElTIU~ml-Jm~J9

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~poundJlluli11llfln~m1JWlrnlfli 1I1h II vamp

LI1UlfeurolULLcJU~YliiflWlimtlJlrJlI11 LVW (1)ll-JpoundJYI iim ~(1)1m~~lJl iJ-lll1M~lJLY13-J

uruEl[~Yhh1l-JflrnniJm~uTrJUlrJLLIl L~hri~VIlmhl~nmoii11mvlU~~LY1fl~n~l UTInr~~nwiJn (UUlI) Yiiivm El1J~rJYlfi lJfllmLtumTIUl poundJYluYi I(1)poundJn1TIultJ

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L~rJLI1iElUfl fS-2 LL~U~U I(1)poundJm~~ulrJ~LL1J1JmTIUl rJil11J~n ElU~rJ n1~ -ii11~ eurollYhYiU YiLiifiJ~lmlmoii11l1euroll1YltJ

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nUi11L~mnutJriElUl-Jllfl12360 ~lU~Eltllll~~llfYirnn Yilhlfl-J1~hi1u~1mhlI~u1TIj

l1El 76 l~U~lUtJl~ LY1l-J~u1unJ(1)euroltltl11 d V ~diElJ~lnUliiiJqJ~ln1dL~rJnLnUL~UrJln

1779 ~mLtlpoundJ(1)UIl 488 (1)El1lfll~

UlpoundJ~LnU~ leurolm~11~ U1Wln(1)~l-Jfln~ ~3-Jlflilt~cileurolElnoii111Y1poundJ mh1 r J1 LiJ1~tlJlJ 5 LL~uJiul1imI1i8u ~JLLI1iL~iJU~ fldJu~u 1tl otJllLUUtITl-Jlrn1~l-J1n riEluYitflcJ~(1) -ll11U1U llCilnltl 255758 ~euroleuroln3-J1lu

ii11L~eurolU(1)flj I~w~lm-ll111Y1poundJlJrnj~u ~~ 430 ~f)~~11 l1rn~Yh1JI1lUl~~U~~


420 ~eurol~m

ultJyh1U~~ ifJn~i(u ee51U1poundJm~


n~l1h w~1Jbu~~L1)(1)1J~3-JtlU1L-ii1-ll11m~~UlrJ-lll11u~~euroln~ijlJlllfl~Jj L~l-JLiJumrnY1lfl~ 500000 ~~ tJmtJL~ElU

l~eurollYilllUlu~1JLLuulIeurollflrnlnu l(1)rJ ~ ~ flVI1eurol~UL~ElUn u L~eurol11~1eurolJVIffl

31vni1tJJ1 UlJeurollmm11tnrih~l-Jlll1rJnU ~lnYn1J~l~J~~middothjml3-JL~ poundJllrJLLrihul ~LLIl Liu ~lnmmJlmWlffl ~li(nUltJn

~mhlm~YiLL~t3lJU(1)1 LUUfl11l-J T1J111~LtJulffn ~Jl~ii fll~h-ii1oiil1L~l-JYi11~mll-J~Ellm~~eurol flrnYilllU~1J1rJ-lll1LLIl~~YilJ1U~tlJlrJ -rr11lJeurolJY1~tJuu~tJfu1tITl-J1rn~IVIl-J~LfiEltJ u vJd qulf11Lm YI lJUl-l12 ~(1)LLIlm~~lEltlnlJnlL~

2 ~LU~U Vl~eurol~JYi~(1)lu eurolU 4 tJ LLIl~1~ ~unfll-J~ciltlElnoii111Y1tJLoiilmli1rJLciil-Jyj L1tJn Yl~tJuu~dJu~iiJ1~e~eurol-ll11~tJlV1nivi~~ ci1ULLUl(1)1l1(1)oii11nffu~Ul-Jl I(1)rJtJfu1IElm~ lJEllT~n bull ~

VitYlrJ~~Ieuroleurolnt~ 10 ~lU~U~

2557 fo

UlpoundJlf1qJY1Y1poundJl fuJW1~ eurolTIu~m3-Jm~ ~Yl n~111unmVl-J3-JU1neurollYlU-WI1lJU1-lll1

LLfllf11U1LL Jlfl~ 11 ml-Jm~ih1iiL1m 2 LI1ieurolU hnldL~Ueurol~lneurollYluQl~fl~J5 L~uiEltJ I(1)poundJneurollYlu~YilVltXYi~utJ ~UU LLtll11tJLVI~Ellf11U~ lU~lum~~~VI1if~~poundJ mt~~ li1poundJfl(1~Ul1~ LtJULLVIIllL~U~ULvlEl

c v ~

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Lyj El ~f~lLLfl-WI1lJUlmn~Jfl1U1l~~~1l-J iJUflJLLflUlUU

neurolJYiUlhpoundJflliJ~poundJm~cJ~(1bJLnu 20

lIElliJl~poundJm~tI~~~eurol11WLn nml~ 1500 inY Q lt=II Qo c bull C

~uu ~UJUYlUVIl-JUL1 poundJU~~(1Ll-J l(1)WUiilJ11 I I

fluli-U11lfl-JlfULL1lEllf1n~11U1 LL VI ~ JYil-J1lJeuroll L~U n eurollYlU ~1 n -rlqm l

1~m~~uu~ulutJLLdn 1000~ ~lUtJl~LL~ 1utJI1iElltJ~~11l(1)~n]lJ1J~l-J1rn~UlJ~Uu I

jfl 6 Wu~lUU1Yl ~ Q 0lt1 C

bull UlpoundJEl~)l]fl ~VI1HllJ511U1~ El(1)~(1)(1)() n ~11h fluYiLnmoiieurollnUlf11U 1~1 rJYlnflU bull I

~J LL ~middotIieurol~lU~~tJm~t~(1) nJ ~ Ieuroleuroln

LLI1iJf11Ul1~~1poundJ lulIrnvi~eurollYi111J~U(1)1poundJ 1aJ~LnjtJrn fll~$jneurollYlULn(1)~U ~lLUU mll-JVl1Jl1~ ffil-Jl~ ()li1U~~Ellf11U11~l1Jl


~lLLYlUllElllf11Ull-Jin nl1oiiitllfm~

11 V 6V


bVJ tJ bUl b1JU~Ub1Itt9l bnlJU1U q q

ASTVN~VlnWmJ~U - rIlrnlfU If-l UUlJ hMtJ1bbC-Juil1J1tJ-ii1)lu~~tln ~-l lhl~r1lIwm-l ~lJ~ bmtJq) b~~ If f1d b~tlUr1l 5 ~LIfUGlU rI~tl~~-lVl btJ-llU5u

h~m1o)~tlU b~mLU1Twrmn-ii11tJfuqr11ii~uf1imittl-l Vl~-lc-Jr1VJ~~Tmlr1~~~O)ln Jlmb~-l Jlrl1J-ii111uffiltlmlJu~Ub(t1-lLVl()lLflUl1Ulun11 2 tJ

t - I

Ul-lm-lW~ ltl(1)wmn tlfuJliiril~nmllf1il-ltJl~LYlff LU(1)Lc-Jpoundrll f1~tlunTI~ml llmtJ-ii11Mjj~IiiL~UlftlULbc-JUtJYIimlf()l1mTIrul tJ-ii11 LYlm(lUtll~f1ru~ll~nli UTtJ1J1tJLL~lU~~ll~(1)ml-iin (UUlJ) ~Mm tl tJlltJYln ~Urifltllfl 11VlUlflru

1mtl~11~(l-lULLvi-llfllii (f1(llf) LlJUtJll1ilU WO)ll~ltlU~~~lilUmllJltli111U

~~tln1j1Jl~Hh11~TIf1il-ll ~jmtJl~~~11tJ mlJltJ~l~lumrn~~~tl~~l~-l ~ri-iii1L-if13-Jl-H(1)Lo)u rnllJl tJLLUU-rJf1itl11 (~lJ~) LLr1mtJil~~~lill11m~a~lh fJ

~UI11 mmmh-lVlUlLLvI-ltJlLY1ff1VI tJ (Ltl LtJltit) L(1) ~LLc-JumiJl tJ-iilJOJ~Lj~HI Jl~JlP~Ul~tlU (lf1 U LL~ljjLb~UL~fttJtJ~~wmlTIUltJtJl~lru 5 U(lUGlbi

4 bull - I

b~tlU J bull

~~d ~iiiltJ-ii111u~~tln-rjUl~fl~-ld O)ll-llulU~~LLiJUlltl~m~l-l1~~

VlU1tJ-llUUtlnmYIl1-lrllrulfUL-ii13-Jli1~(1)LLi1 Liu o)ljqr1LLVIU~lnmlYImrllfI~-l filr~UlJn~~UI11~ T(1)tJo)~Liuml~Ttl1-l1~djUVl~n LL~lumllJltJ-ii111tJf1i~tJ~LVIff O)l~YIl-llfin~~ ~fl-ltltln-ii111Y1tJ L-iil~li1tJLVl~m~tl-lm1~-ltltlnmhJL~~YibWeJ LLpoundi-l

~huL1j-l~m(1)-iill$w~LfttJltJ~u~lT(1) tJVl1nl11m~l~~rnflLeJnlfueJ-l~(1)-iitl~ln~ middot lumlJW li1f1~flO)lL-iilltl~1tJ

ftli-1-rUc-J~mlI11J1OJIfeJUIf~tln-ii11lJtl-l-rrul~YWTnli1-lYi1tllLYlff 1800 LLvi-l

iilfl(1)t~jjmI11TI~tnli1-lLL~1 55lJeJ-lTnli1-l~-l~(1) t(1)EJmllrultJlfreJn-ii11 O)lllU~ fI luJ1u~~nl~TlOJ(ltlUL~1~~ULL~1 ~-lril~-lmljjTnli1-leJpoundJ1u~u~1(1) bL~lLtiU-iil~lfU(1)


Ul-lC1l1-lrllm11111 middotbLU1TiUJl1f11-ii111ul11m(1)lJrn~d L~~tlfuGl1ampi~U L(1)poundJ1-lfll

1 -ii11LtJ~tlnMtJfu~uml11ntl(1) ditl-lO)lnc-J~c-J~111rr111ultilm(1)TnflL~3-JSj~3-Jlrn~(1)~~ f

~nnJt1VllJ1poundJLL~-l~LA~~u LiuEi~LIii poundJ~~ljc-J~~~I11-ii1l~(1)~-l l1~r1-ltlll(VIff5ul ~ ~~1T~n T(1)poundJl1mfi-leleJn-ii11lJ11 5 LtltJTtl1J brinru~ 16 n~ ~~l3-JllflliJ~~ 427

- LVI~tJqj~VI-rjGlU L~3-J~Unn 410 LVl~poundJt1(lW~lGl LrieJ~tJ(1)1rieJU ~1i1m~mnr Ct tJi1tJ~111-ii11tJ 255758 -

~lVlwmm1OJIfeJu-ii1)lulfreJn eJ-lfl-li1mltilJ1OJ~eJ1JeJ~l~~mieJ-ltVlmuf

(23 n f1 T UlpoundJlff1 ffd11f~111 ~ltilJ1OJl1lfmlmlm1-l~Vll(1)LYlEJ lh~i1f1~Yil-llU m1~IfeJU~~lrnbLf1lf1runl~411 If(1)~ 4 n~11JVl11-lniltiIl1~1feJ1J-ii111uTnli1-lnm-l lJl-ltl-l~nTIl11m~bYlm~1ffilm(eJ~n) eJ II~m~m~ O)~lL~-lLYIl1-l~ULDutJu

LLU-l~lU1~ln 11-ii11~-lVl3-J(1)fi1Ul qiLtlwlllLfll LflUl1U1Un11 2 tJ 8 L~tlU ~-lL~tl lt 11 2554 L~lVl~1~~W~(1)lfeJULL~-l11~ml1h~ml1JlpoundJEieJnttJU1]LL~1 -l~tJll~fi1~

~l~~~n~11~LL~~11tVlJi ~1u~m~mtlu-ii11~1 ~ l1EJ-llull11LL~-l11 flrul-llUt~liJu~ml~-llu1tJeJ-l~lUmnpoundJn~j3-JUI11~~l

u11jjuU-ltJutltJ1uneJ-l-ii11Jl1 25 LtJtl~LU~-slU1~ln fi1U~3-Jlrnf1-leJpoundiltili3-Jju~n 88005 m~fteJ~ fl1UmlMftpoundJVlltJVl~m~el~f1runlrll~tlc-J~mlI11l-1o)l~~l1~~ln Vl~~ tJ-llu~ljVlUl~~l1lyenl(l~U~~ttl bull -

1bVJ61~Vlb~6 J~ nan~lr1~ 2557

~ ~




Igoluns~nusA I [wctcltJl[]U gtlnrii-lfJlIlLL~tilti1EJ middot 11ti~~flm6ilti~ 5 LL~ti~ti 1M

_ d ~

ti1l1J W~1lru1 ~L~EJ ~flti

U1l(11lVl) tEl(1V1fJ1B ElfiU(1n))J

Q1)~i1vi1ltJ) L lll LU (1 Lr-w 0 iil n1)

tJ)~)JIlCJm-im))Jnl))1J1fJ-E11 11 Vi tJ)lI)Jjj)JIii L l1UlfElU LL~U fJll fillll(1nl) ~

)111 fJ-En LYlElLlluEl1 I11l ru n)))Jn1)

UlfJUWLLiillJ111~(1nl)-E11 (14m) ~jj Vliil El tl~fJllj ~Ullf[Ellf1111l1U111 ru

fml1111)JlllULLrillf1~ (Illllf ) LUU

tJ)fi1U Elu)j~n)ElUn1)lJ1tJ-E111ull~Eln f~111iil1-hulEvi1l1 ~ln1)tJ))Jiilvrl1tJ n~)lJlfJ(1)llumruViNffEl~ril fflff~-El1L-El

)Jlll(1LIU nl)lJlt1LLUufjviElfj LLiiln1)

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ll Il11LUU~u1tJ L~ElUiil 5 LLlltI(I]U


millhn(11)J nTl)lJ1fJ-ETllull~Eln

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n)mlln1)lIffl ~loJnulfmf~~U(11 L-E1)J1(1 LLiil LviElllll)JltJ1l1ll

UI -pJU)1111iillElEln-E11lJ11 5

LEllJlmj L~EllU~ 16 nII~1-hwn ~Uiil 427 Ll11fJQlll1fj L~)JffUI1n~Uiil 410

Ll11fJQlll1fj 1(1fJlJrudfjlJ1~1YlfJSj-E11

1ull~Eln 18 ~lU~U LLiil1l1(1111Sj

NiilN~(1-E11LtJ~ElnUnTlN~(1 25572558

lti1U1U 38 ~lu~u-E11LtJ~Eln

u1EJ1LiiEmii lElfl1llllA U1fJn

ii(1~mrn~llm~mNiillElEln-E111YlfJ mhl

11 nTl)lJ1fJ-E11L~ElUiil 5 LWU~U LUU

tJ1mruhimn l11mlJ1fJriElU~NiilN~i] -E~1)JlUl~n1iil 2557255l 1ElElnmlu

lh ~ L~~U (0111 11 middotmiddot I11)~Yl1Jnm111 (1~1(1-E11)J1noJn middot LLvil11nN~N~(1-E11

l~n1~1l1)ElElnmEl11Yi11~fJ1nffu ~lllVl

)ll11fflElEl n-E111YlfJffU)J1LUU~Uiil 4~0 Ll11EJQlll1fj -E11L1EJ(1U1)J~U~ 420

Ll11Jrulll1f~ bull-


VliiIJJVln bull fjn lI~JJLntl~iWmm1fj ~)jUrnlJJlJYIV1ULLl1 ln1lVlim~tl~nii8u lJW1JU11lJ

310 Ylm~JJ 4 f1LLUU m~middotlVIillhlVI~ i1)jl1~~~aWi1mlJJ ltlJJ8EWi 327 IlLLUU LnllVlimN

~lJt11 Yf~vJJLLU~ll(JniloVI1thvhJJ ilmt11w Uahfli1l1il L~Vl1(iL~J jj~UIl11lJ~1lW 31

l1~ulillriYiTIJJLIlitl~iiY Yi~rulf6lf Ullll lv1LvLL~Ui1l1V11 I1UUU rtluLnllVlimW~llvi1mi

L~iJU1~ 5 UU~ L~JJ I1U LnllVlilj~iiAl1lJllllU1lV~llVl U1VaJJ~n~ n~lhl(ilJU lUj~1Jlnnflultl~ilLUU 7851 ~1V1fUi~1Jl1l1lJfillll1ll

iJltAVln1iliUlI11iL~8nliLn1lVli LVlV aill (lll tillU 111 JJ Ill Ln1lVllnl11~llai1UL~ULI1iln1lrU

LlOl al1mrumiLmlVli (lina) lJ8llnllilin~ltllLVlA1V1v LLUl lthUl-nl1 Wml Ln1lVlimlj1l11JJ

LlJVlll-JVl1 ~WJNv una1riltli1lt1 LiJU1Ji1mA ~ti 1l1I1n(l1l n ~lllJl r1lllJLviJJ1UlJl1l~1Ui ~U IIl1lJ~Vl Lnu ll 8ln ~JJ(i1 8 Ull tillUA11lJfi1J1lWi 29911UUU lJ1n~IVl aiUI1LLUULO~V 335

Ln1lVlimluYJn~l111VlvhtlilVlA 1l1IlVl1u1l1lnLQUlL11U8 nti1l1 nnlllLUUL~lJ 4 IlLLUU I11Vl1~l

-)114114 2346 ilU 1U1illl~1lU 1l11lJ~ll1l~~ 314 llllUU 11111 1~fu~U~lnlAilnll1U~ltil-nll

JJV2557 ~l-nEl i~Ul1lllJfilJ L11111l jj~il11lJ~ll8~~ 313 LVl VLnll(iJlni ~tl~n-nll rtlU1 l1l1lj

IJ1l~LmVlimlV1v WU11 I1YlJJ IlLLUU 111111ril lj~ll11l1l1lJ~llJ~ A1l~lll111 itiulJln1ultl~Vlluu fillm OlillJll 1ll Ln1ltiri ni1VlU1U ~ 312 I1LLUU LLrII11Il(iJ1U(iJn 886 Lii8lltllnL~8l~UL~Wl~1jj 1l1wilJJ1l~1uitiu~lJln ailU jjffl1fi11l1lJIllJ~ 297 IlLLUU ltlmwlIli8l1-illUL~~U

d a l1lLUUlWu 310 ltI1nlLUWVllJ ll(]l~~fJ~im~tl~nr~r11iiP~1Jil JElnltnnti VllllilllLIlillshy

4 llUU LVlULnlVlmiljAl1JJIIlJ 1111lJltllllllltlVlJEWi 328 11 lLUU nllvlpoundJIl~ll1~liJ 2557 ~llU1U bull v

~l 26-32 LVluNu~hLnllVllViltl 1l4~tiini1lU nlilllU-ill11Ull~8n jjilAl~iu laiuri m~ltlyj~l f~ulm-huiEvill1 ~nlit1ilJrI ii8VLll~lULWJ1Vll(lVlilU lri hltl nlilJ1UVlillumru~~1l

11 ~ ~ ~ LU8 urIIm 1l111i1JIlUA1LnllVll jjlh~1l8-n1lL-nllJ1iVlLvU ~1l ful(iJl1ilAll(lVlrllL~rMV l~LUi lllrJLLuuf~vi1Jf~ ~~lts) LLrInli

-illl -nlLW(iJl~Vlamp(iJl U1lWlil tlilJrlN1UVl(llVl~8lJ1VNU~1 111~JJt11~U lLrIrNlJllLLlUUlllJ Ln1l(imi1ll1Ul LL ltli lViillVI V

LLviUljjil~~Vl~Vl~~8l~U(iJl~lUU (LfllIVVl) 1VlULLeJWl1J1vihlltiL~ VlLIlllailui il~111t1lvillJ LLUl tli~lJ1ruIilUL~1lU ltlIlti lQ~U 1UlJil~1~Uu~~1l1l~I-J(lni tl1lJ 1 run 1 liU 1 V-iilltli lJ1 ru

V1U~ltltliUYJUnliI-J~(iJ Yillmll(li1 L~1l1ja 5 lLllUIifU

LlrlnLtl~VU~HuWlU ilo1111lll ~~U eJ(lnlj(ljllll~8niill

U1Vll11 ~IJLLa amp(iJ1Ln1lVli~1l1 121J1r1~~Ln1l1l~ltllVlI1 1800 gy3Jpfn~ ni-r~J1

Ullil1lVli l1lVlVlmB ltlfuJ~ LLl lill(iJlaijjnllVlil~1nliflll~1 nllJnlihliilltl1LVlII mhl11 55 ll8lLn~~~l1lJVl 1Vlu~uUU d middot ~1 25-35 tll1ai1lai~nll Vltli11lJIl ru 8 ~m llJ n 1li UlU 11nWiUlv-iil1114 ll~8nf~ulr1 a 1l~liJLLin IlWUUl-JrIltllnllI11Yi llll lJlJVlL11U1JElULLI-JUVVllilllflm rlt1 VLUlmlllJLtl~l1lll~~n

LI1l1llnltl1~mL(lLIli]lnltllV1vti nlil1J1mrl1 L~LflU1lArumilJ Ll(l1UnlllJ1V-nl1ltlvilltli lVlI1

~U vh1ililll LIllli~1VlV~tJ nTiu1u1J1ULL(lU1111i~Vln1iihl l 1 iVI1laJ-J1lllJe~lil1lBn-nl1lVl8

2557 llJV1V~ll~ 16-24 (UUll) ~n ~a1ltli~Y15 ~UVl1 LllJ1~EJ L11~1ll~1llnlj~l88n ailUil Il1RUfhLn1l(iJi~l 181Jl 11lVIiilliru~fml11111m~U mhJLtlilJ~ L~mLUlollmLtill~1 1i1 1 middot-middot

11~llJ2557 jjLLU11iilJltllJU1V LL11-)lllili ((lllll) LUUlhl1U -iill1vlpoundJYiLAtJltliltlum


ij ~mlUI7lU~]f)t1]YIUY~tn1h1Hl-lIllUll ]lIl~mtJ1U2 I~BW nBud] l-JDnJ1ndu~lhu~lU)~(JnmI~ilhhnl-J ftj1l1 111WllelU r(Q111~Ulh-l~iJtJIjf) 10000 ~lUUlVI ~lU nolllu lI]Ut-lU 20 1 UD~uJ~umm~illDl1111D1JjLi)l-Jllun~

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v f bull

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ff1 f) (1 f) j lJ ~ l 1 ~r91 Ill1m l flU

1Y1UlHlWY1 VIiffY1 lJ1ffl (Thailand

Trust Mark TTM) IUWlim

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IlIEJ1EJl~lJflf) 15 ff1U1 1UiJ 2558

ll(llVilJflf) 25 ff1U1 1UiJ 2559

J~ flafl~1rUJ 2557 bullbull 1 j

) ~ i i



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(PI] n~11 mlJll~illJlJV f)UI1U1UJ1Ull mHiCl-lU lliUllilU f)~lJ

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A ~ I A I A A ~ I1lJlllllJ)ilV l~TlYlTlUll(1 1~il~~YIliUVli

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~111 ~uQl~~ J

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HlJ(1Yl1ltl HlihmufnU

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LL1fllJEllT~fl LtJ~~rlBrlilLtIUVI1lf)11LLal l~El Lem1~1~a L~ElW~lllUlvJiAh bull hUvlJJ1h 14

tI J d I

llJtJn(11 1000 U )Ull 23 nTl ll ilIIUiluluHh1VliftU~1U~U 1 lliU

l1lM1U fl1V1UI1~U1Uih~11i1U ~U1l mlJ1ifllrJUnl11Ui~J1 l~tJ1~Unmn1ltlVj Vl(11~ tJ U1mn~~ il UUlllJ~ Vi (1)lllJinVl

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lViiff i1n~ Ilfi(1lu1)liJ~~)U1VlniilJ111li

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lJi)1V1~lJl1 ~f)jwUj UllrUllU11m~~~u ~ ~ J i lit

lJ1imU1V)iTnYl lTl)liVlU 1(1U11lnli

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l~UYI1lUilJ1ru 8 fihllJ~i~tJi)1lJl ~ 3

1 UW~UU1Vl 10 ~) UUliJuWJilVII)l 1m

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Vi (1 fllllJinVl mh) Yd I GI

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I l ~ ff ) 1 lli1U U 1 ) l ifl Vi (1]l1 U II ~l fl1l1 Vl tIil1 n

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U)VlmilJli4UlC1nU1~ lil IVii1l uUVi(1lllU


Urull U1lUUllUl nm))l U)VlniilJ I

~Ui1Il l~Ull1ll~)n1 I1111l1nuNuintJun1i bull

i~Ul~)I1~)~~mlJ1ifll111111 ~~pfi lIUUrll

lritJllllnull~uUi1fi1J1lJU~i1fnllVil un~l l I1lJ1nUmi~llJ11JillJiJl~tJ1YlV~1i~lUY)fll J IJ I I ~ v

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Ui 1VliU lliritJ1l1lfi~fmhn1)U unnl

J1lJUllif)1 11(1 lrimYitiunuf)1lHlTl~tJltJu~ 1Uuil~uU

lJlUCllYICl J~~m ttllJlfinlH1fl~nlllJnlJ~lJfm)~~UnJlIl (ilf1U) ()liljJ~dhitiflfl 1~-Jl llwlhdlJJI11mJ~]j VlllfhHm(lm~lj~H ll~1HlJJl IUIlrmiddotltJll i HI 1J] 11 (fflU 11[ ~rulaquoJll V1ll~hh~nDUnljf)ll~~HjllDjtf1f1 1~tli1 J nKuijD~iJlI~)l 1Jjll~n~lJllnUJlnl1lJl1 J(lI~Ifitnntmlll~lJ

~ V I 11

lfI~U11f1fl llui l1lU dhJJll11jvt11vlJDHhhuClI1U1-Jlllmlllnml1111dh lr~ UUllliJJvi1111r~jJntlumjjjfiu11111 ~lJ IIlU1l-liili Ull 3IlD(h~u~IUUllll 1lllJ1ll11hmn fl~JJ1jlj~f1J r~Jltum~Dn D111ll llCllJWJUUlf1r)J OJlllmii1lJ R1~ U~DJV1rIUlm Tlul llt1W1Dn~Ju

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II q tJ I ct 0 oi tJ r 0 v shyllllnll(1lJ~lllC1Uflll1CllnllUyenl IlIll mlJU1lJ~JYmlUUl1D U~nl1 nlnn~D~C11HnlJlJ m~V1lJJllrullU C1111nJluflru nlllJllllDlMll --

UJllliHiUljlIl~lJfh~1l~11J()[Jti~ 17-31 ~JUIllllJHl1jl~~J~11J 23-41 I( Cl U 1 (uu) m lJd -11 Cf1lJfI (lji1WmCl~ ~-1U JI1 ~DlJ UCl m lJfll UfllJ llJJ1I~lih i l1l flpflUUlllUJ~~Ull~ ll-ilvtq) J~IUllfmlt1l~~UmJnll lJClYlEI 1~uuDnlJl~l III lflJUfllJ1l-iltU1l 1lU 1~Dnmiddotll1UIlIl ulm~jllllil VlCll01lJuJrijlnDUIlll t1~ viJJ iuHitlunf1fllJlIl)un9fD~ufh ~JUlJll U 1111 fJlllJllllllllll ~uJnll

IV ff


~U1~1Villi LnU~~J bull IV a

Vi1u~~f)Li11~~~ cu

inmhv-liil 111Pi~~ Llllnnn1lIHU

ml~nll~~IllfJlNu~tllll (iilIlU) LtJ~ Lmrh iilIlU1Lliru~lLLVlUN1llnilUn1l ~lU~U~l ~tltllll ~ LLiiliJ~Tfl~ll tJ111qj

Llilml11~ilL~illJf)1l-11iltJ(l~lJU1~UWl neu]~Uri1 vflLLJj~W mJLl1lll 1l1~Ull~

~ eil tmiddotwnnVJiln fl1111l LL(llJUJJ1JUL~fn

lllYlm~~ l1~IIlnMillVi~f)tlnpoundi~ml1

~Uril Lb(hvjUl11JU1~Ulllnru-naUril

l1flltJJjU~jjlJU1~1-1niLnuI~~ LLvimmru

flU~l~Ullljj1JU1~ L~lL~~ ~lEllltrnl1l-1N u~lnll Llt]11~ei~ Llltlniftl~U~lt~ tJVilJl1~ vlutrlLn(1J 1JruLtiitJ1nUnlltJrU(l~~~1~ lJillmllnru-nll~viiilt-J(ltiiiitlnllll~ ~UVlUn1lt-J~(9I~ltJ

~ltJrllv-llli1~lTh 1UltJampu iilIlU


l1~ii 01LUU1tJMiilJEl1-Xiil~~lLVh~~1 LUU

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leu] Illu1UltJtJ11 ~f)ll111ilnUmbtJ lluViLnmllfllLl1U mYlll1f)(9Iiilll1flll)J

mm11WlrulJEJ hTnllUIlOJnll)Jnll

fl1l11lLL(lm tltJ ) nl~poundilLiiI~)Jlruinv-l

LL(l~I LL1~~fl~ LLllnl~ll1ull)J)JllVlH L~tlfltln~l(91ln1lIl1UIl)Jll-1ll(9ltU L~fl rill1U~ LL UlvriltJllu~l l-1dJ U~lmriu LtiitJlnU

~lnn1lIl~(9Ill1~U~ll1iilltJlIil~ Lliu

1l~)JU1JI~J1~ltJd~f) lJUl~lJl(91vit-IDJl11 1l~~iiWUyjl11fl~(il 17 -31 poundi1ULLJj~v-l

iiiiviuyjl11 23-41 NU~tllIlUl1ll tJ

flTIILlilhei(9l~~11~U~1flJl(91111qjlll 1iitl~~lruiill LLvi1~11i lJruLtiimnUnlJ

L~iJ1JU1~ if~vh1~Ntl~nflU nllll ~uYlU I ~

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I)cJ4 flJfl~lV1dJ 2557

~)J~lh~fl1l1Jmi~~r111lillilfl-1J~TilflIVl)JIJ~lV11Jiiilnrucrl Q I Q

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Q -11 Qi 1 d 1 mUffUfllflJ ilfl UCl1li lilflilV lHU 1IJ1111111 l flmmm I1l11VClfl

IJUlf11liilt1~llniYUtil i~ UlIlJtl (11I1Cl1 fl1lJ1Jm) fol~in~t)n tI bull

fll11li 11ClU~1lIJtJlfiv1 Cl~llm~lJ a d I I cs I iJ ~ I

UltJfllYl Cl flCll1Clnll fffllJ ff ~lllJt)t)mrll~n~ffUfllIlClll I1U 11

~Ul~1li i llt1ruovliYUti1l1mpoundJlIij~iiIJill~ 1 I1uitnU ~1 ~ uli 111111 UIbull u

~ d CS 10 d 0 i)ll C1 i Q

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U i i ~ilUIYI tl ~ V~ ff ~folCl ~vHl~ U 11 U n 1 i folCl ~ Cl~Cl-lmV I Qo iJ ~ I d oc d ~lnmiill(lnllffUflll1mVlIUfi 1llU flilllJl~-lfol111mVtJI1fl

IJUlf1IJ1~~H1liillfl111ii1fW~1mllii-1 17-31 ~hUIIlIllYl~li~U~ 11-1 23-41 Ur~~1li11111nliVil~Ul~U1f1~U ii~ hlil1~Il1JU flUU~-1uUV11-1flli~CllJ lJfl-1N11n flfllJ nli l~fll-1 i 1l1riNunilfl 11 1

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nIJfl hiCl~Clmil~~ll~U l1it)-1~Ufll~nl11UVl1riiU~11~illV1 U

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4 lJt)~lJi1~nUlYI

ri1U iU i VV 11 iiifl-1 I11rtlf1U I1ti 1tJ -11U ~ MV1jt) -1 lli U 0 QI

mm 1-1 f2V1ffl11m111 mll 11~liltlJ lIV _lllU n~lUflOlflnllflU bull I sJ

fll111m~Vl (flV) fljllff~m111lrufllliIl~ff-1111V1Clflll IIClmll

fl1Uflllll ClVilJ fl flflll 1mfll1 fl1lJfllJ1lfiVlI1lU I~flfhl1 U VIIIU 1111~ 11~j~1riI1JU 11 WI 11U1~V10U U ltJtilliClfla 11

lClUl15flll fffllJ mhll~lJI~1l11 ilJm1J1Wfll1~i1f1lJn~nruovl

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1111i~ tJ~ln~U()I1lVlllllllillVI1ti~ ftUll1 111 ru IJ v L~11lllfl ~U 111U

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U lV ~ltlCl flri l1V fli 1 -ff1UI1i1-11~ lJlli 11 11 lJlVl llii ~nrue0lmy

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ltgt If

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~ laquo ~ ~ co

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l~WfJ1li rl~1I ~V1ru11r1f111IJLi1UlffJUtiifJ1u

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~tTu ~WWL~WYlUYIJU L1tJW1UniU1W01~ ~ lil-n111m~

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~111 LLfl~(lJUl f)1-liWlf11U11r1ii fll1JJJW fII LLtl f11 ~W til fl El(ilVU~~l1~rrUIl~~ampi1U fl11iWvl1W11W flU1f1til

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J _ I

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lJ U

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illl~1YiOJlJn1J-li11L1ilUBi1vl1LYiUll11U1L-WtJ 3

f1W ~11JLYilJffVll111Jvl~LLVIW1Jl1Ul El1l)1rl J~ VidlfirunBlVluLLYilil~GlB1i1l11ulLiJtlU1J~Ym

bull bull OJ

LL~(ijLLClllUl~ tJ nu 1(ijtJYiJJlllpoundllLLYHil L~Ull1~lJl

I ~lnl11U1LnUtrnLLltl-r~B(ijUULWtJlL~niiBtJ oiild

~~Blijpoundll~n~l11ulYiLiIJLL1ilLLJunBlYluYipoundl(ijUU I IU bullbull I

L~UYlUlJUL1tJu1ua(ij~1(ijBmiitJVivllll11Ul LL~ i ~poundllLLJunBlYlU1iI1a-~n1ll1Ul1tI1U~~l1

a-n~lru ~Il1~~ru l11Ul ~a-W~~ru1J~ 1r1

IIl1lJll1uil ~~l11tJllil~1lJliiL~U~ULVilJU LLampi

dju L~poundlmllJ~LLIllWl~tJ 1i1Jl1Ull11U1~ru1~ ~

I (IlaJlJ(1aJeJ~1l1~eJeJnil1ULLiiIlIil~iill~~Dn1J

iil11IJLllV11YiU LLiilY11n~eJnlJYh1r11Jl1Ulii bull Q ~ fi d 0

DWlf1~WllaJn1Jl~~eJf1 nJLQ~lvlU VlVllY1U1Vl

~llJn1Jll11Ul11LLi-JUn1JtJ~n-lil1vYtJJ LVII L~D ~

tJ~n-lil11r1(IeJvf1~1)nUf11laJ~eJn1JlJeJ~~1(ij ~~

tJ~aJl run1ltJ~ m V Em nil ruY1lt-J~i-J~Vl~U Vl~l~(liimVl ~

lUnlJ LLnil ruY1ln1JtJ iiln-lil1~mJllru[nw 1J

~vhtJviltJ 1Liiu~ w11th~tJn uluna-lJll1IJ

i Ln1l~n~l11U1LLiilLn1lVl~m1 Vlll ~ LtIU Elil middot (IlLl1Vl

v1eJl-liWll11Wl1VltJ1~~f11laJ~Uf1 LjeJlln1~ii I ij middotnpoundlI~jltJleJ-rU ~lWJi~Y1~ liQJyenU Ul~n1ilIJ~iJ I hib~l11tnlrm L~WEl1VijjnliLwM~aJlc)(1 17 i

I tJJ(IrllltJLUWnlJl~tJLL~~~WllVW~-iil11~LYilJ I lJln-iiu I


fi n a Ua dhl3J amp1 ~h ~UA1 b nlf(9la f1~lijVl~~ IJm1J~lLL~~ 217 LL~U~TUUlrl lJEJlJ~ 26-32 Onnfl~~i1LLlnlJm1J~l

d at 01 d

O 7 L~ltJ3JVllleuroJ 3 VlUl tJI1U ~U llj

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0lt) =i ffUtJ1~ tJ fimmlLIjeuroJnllLmffilLL~ ~ - ~

~mrumlLn~l (jj n ~) Ulb3JUillJfllJ

VI~J1JeuroJIll(i11 Lfflli3nl mlLn~llJeuroJJLYltJ

VI~eurol~~YlrnflLn~l liJe)ltIlllmllJmtJ~h

~ln 07 lu~~Jumn dJU 26- 32 lufI~J U~J VI~euroJ~ltIlLUiUJ~lil 2 i 7 LL~U~lUU1Yl ~I~~LUU 83 lJeuroJJl~Yll13JIJeuroJJUlLrlff dQI I lJ V Jd YI3JElQ 26 mUmUU1Vl IJruv~ 6 L~euroJUVI~J

lJtJIU 2556 3J~lil~ufilLn~~leuroJd~ 216 ~

u~nQJluUn~ rilLU~LYh~ ~-ril~ ~eilUltJml ffU~1ltJfin~ ncil1h ~LVI~I1

JJfl~~t1V1~I~~lJmtJ~llii L~euroJJlln~~t-J~~1u n~JJ-trllulU eleuroJtJ tJlJWlll Ul~3JJ1~U LL~ ~~wil1fl3JlruL~3J LLlt1i-lill

LU~euroJn~nml3J~U 15jj eJiLUUL~aJ l~UllmiJ-ru~l~ILlt1~tJ t-lil~~tpJ illPl

euroJtiYi 7500-9000 Ulrl UYJU i~1l~ lI bull cd ~euroJltlU Vl1nml3JIfUeuroJfVl aJil~lL~ LV20 m ~llfll 6000 U1YlLYhilu

~UtJllljlll m~illlml~W1~J3Jl

LVI~euroJ 60-61 Ulrl lt1ieuroJnT~n13J LIjllil~u~ LiJltln~~L~3J ~urlumlt-J~~~J llm-nllTIj~

d ~ T Llt1GwmlYi


630-780 Ulrl w1euroJn ~n~3J LIjnt-J~~~~euroJeuroJn3J13JlnLL~ilmlU1L-li13J1

llnUltLVlffLYleuroJuihu lJru~llfllnJneuroJeuroJn l1~mltlloilUl~lnYillIXllmU1U~J~lL~euroJ 10-220 U1Y1w1euroJnT~n13J LllUL~tJ1n1Jnfll Ul~~ ~llmfiWl~J3J1LVI~euroJ320 -435 ~ntJ ~euroJnT~n13J

1I1~U11 VI~lLm~~lmL9l1lJLjULl~1 il~Jllljfl~euroJIlUnlllllOhm~~ LL~iJ ml3JVll~1um~wYi1u1U1n~uVlIi~OnnleuroJleuroJ1J

LjuluTm~ml3J1UJ~ln11 6-8 L~euroJU

cilUllfl1~U~lLnllVllvifl1~ hlilllm vibVi~ ~euroJ ~Uci1UVI~I m~11lb~l-I LUU 215-220 ulrllt1ieuroJnT~n13J lln 180

Ulrl LIjll~U~euroJImlU1LUt-J~~beuroJvilUeuroJ~ IJrnvielmJflWd1lL~3JLJU 1 220-1300

U1rl lln 1040 ulY1~euroJnT~n13J llfl1LnLdil

nlL~3JLUU 42880-44 Ulrl~euroJnT~n1l-1 L 11l1nfl3JUln vifftJ T lUilml3J9l euroJI ml

L~3J lJrn~~VI~Wlh~13Jm~1mfllleuroJci vi 69 -72 lJl~~euroJnT~n13J bljlln3JIjD~ Ul~uuruVllL~ilJhmtJl~ ~I~euroJIUlLih~3J llnLrltJ ~ bull

ultJ~3Jifn~ n~lhlilJii leuroJI~f~ml jj n~ n~llL~13Jl1 cilVl1U LLt-JUltJ

tJllL~L~~ tJ ~Vll~ ilil3J nu mrl )11

im~~l1mYlll11jlb)ll6 Ll~mrll11

~lt1I~lVlnn~ LYleuroJt-J~n~u~$iYllJeuroJI Ln~mlvieuroJdhl~U 10 lJeuroJJ~~YllJeuroJJ UlLrlff LL ~LU UnllleuroJI1U num~ L11 ~ LeuroJ~g~tJ

~euroJJVi~lLilumlL1~3Jt-J~~~~ ml~~

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n 9l euroJJ LVi~W)1[11 mm~m~n~rnvi1JTlI

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ultJ~3Jifn~ n~11~euroJ11 ffuMfmin~ ~ll1lml3J$1~L~UlJeuroJJnfliJ~n~lmLrltJ bull I

~jLLwllUYi 18-30 ~ tJYitJl~l llnn~3J

~euroJtiljLrl~mmlurlnfJVll~YilUlL~f1 2346 lltJ LUVll-n8 l~lJml~~lJlJeuroJJ Ln~ltIllmLrltJ ljuil Ln~~lmLrltJ~ml3J ~lJlul~u3Jln~WflLLUuLlt1~1J 310 lln

~LLUUL~3J 4 lLLWU T~mnllVllmilml3J v JJ ~ 14 1

~IJl~ltIlU3JlnIJULufl~LuU 7851

ml3J~lJlJeuroljLmWIlmLrltJ l~lln ~1~llt1lfll1~~IJlU 6 ~~ L~LLn meuroJUfl11 ~lJrnlj~ ~Jfl3J~ mlJ1U~ ~lJJllljLjU~

LL~l~t~ LL~~euroJoilLLUnml3J~lJ~l3JeuroJ-nlw nllLn~l~n

cilVl1lJl~lJfll13J ~lJlJ euroJjLn~~ lm

VI~JL~1uLjuTmJ nlliU~lUlin ljU

11 Ln~lm~u~n-nllilml3J~IJ~l~l13J

L~3J~wmw1~l~lJ3Jln~~~ itJflLLUU

Llt1~tJ 335 middotnnm-LLUUL~3J 4 fIbbUU


TWlmn~~lm~u~nillI11ULVlqi ilml3J ~ v I 4 _ v

~lJ LUl~U3JlnlJUfl~LuU 886 ~rleuroJU


ampI J 11

U1JaSJf1n~ mfi11(i)1U 1il~~Hilfl111iU1fl11

lYJilnlllnmlm(1l1WlirunllLflmJi (llfl l1) fl~ll 11 f1UJ1~J 1l fl l1 l~cimlm1JJ~~l~14 (Poll)

11 il~ ~~JJ ltill il ci1~ 1f11jmm114lln ~~11~~1Jilllf1 ~l14l~ 2346 i1U lW~l~~il14 ~[J57 ifl~u i~lJm1JJl1l11Jil~lnmJifljl11H )tojlJ11 m1JJl111JJl(1

ilJJu~ ln~Vlim1 ~1 [Jl 11111 ilJJil~l14i~~JJ1 fl

vll[JTlll1414l~U 31 0 llflf1ll14Ul~JJ 4 Tlll1414

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Tlll1414 ~TlJJ~ 3 20 Tlll1414 fl1j~l14~ 3 14

Tlll1414 l1Jil1ril~14lt11 285 Tlll1414 ll(111l1~ 274

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)1~il ljjil~llLUflfll1l-Jl1lJl-Jl(1j1JJVllJJil1~Yl ~ ~~

nnLhl1011V111fl rilJ11 lflljlillm~DjnillJil1~I

nlllnljm1l1flrl flDj ll1rljjm 1~ 1 l1JJJ1 Ri1JJil ~l14

i~lJJJlfl t~tJl~mJinl~yjll1114~J(1bJjjf1ll1414l~~[J mlJJl1IJJJ1m1l-Jl1~l1~ lrijll~u14~~lmnltr14~1~ q~fll~1J(1t~ilfl~Vl (1Hl lflljOJjflj~ilUlvl~ DinillJ fllJ 1 14ndlJDjl1lJU ru11il111J (11J~Vlt14 Vlm~~~~illmiddottvlilm~l11l11141J-(1~Iilh jil~(1~JJl ~il lnmJjflj~D(1n5iltJllflL~u~lrildil t~Uilm


5il[J~llU1tUl-JlWl-J~14 ~~lU14mll~lflmJjm~1lnfl 5il[Jvmh lI(Uyj~rildil~I1~Y11~fl1j~~ililn~~~~[J 111~jlr1~~i1l~mul1ruum~flJJlmfl1jn~n14

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1ll[J1I1~llnlMuL~ulfltm~ fllj~lJ~1til-ii11 middot t~tJlflmJjm~D(1fl1il1lth14l1ru~mlJJl11Jl14j~u JJln14lll ~~~tJ~ 88610 l1~il14ll-il~14l1I1~)~fl


1i~ltJl~JJ14 llnjjm1JJVl1J 1 14ill~mi1141JJln 111~llmilTliltJl~14114tm~fI1i1 l-J1hj~lnl1 6-8

llt11 il14 ~~ lti~1Jn t [J m Jil iIlJ1JJl1lJ~ ilJ

lflmJinj1l114l1ru~L~l-JUl-JlilU114i~uJJln~l1~ ilcil~hr)Vll~ ~14~1~U ~nl1ll11411fl1wll

YhlmmJim~i~~mlJJ~1Jl~JJ~ 1lnl1 mllti~ lltfiJJ n m~JJ 1J~Vl1llYl~n ~~Vllll~fl1jlnljVli~ [JfI1j

n~Gi14ll14fl1j1J~Vl fI1mlijJ14llllf1Uf1fl1j1J~Vl flljli

lllf1t14t~ULf1~il~~mfl(1fl1jmmJj ll(1fl1jl1UUl11U

1~~fI1m1illYlll11JJ l~ill~JJj1[Jl~~lYl[J~riil~lJ ~11Ti~1[JlJil~LnljVljflj1Jrul~mn14 1l0l1 mjlti~ ll11JJ fl1jJJil1ril ltfi JJ~~11lf1 fl1jlflmJj lln14il nil1f1

nlllflljVlj t~[JmmlijJ141lln~~lltfiJJillrij[J14 l~illl1t~~(1VlillJ IIY114)14l11JJll[lU~ liJUil~~ l1il~1~ ~fl1T1ry~il T1j1fi1llmu1~l14fl1jVlm~l~ill111~ liil~ll1~fI1~lml1Ullnflj1[JR14fi1


I 41 VIvVha h104 1lfillIii033HI~L~3Jfl1lLOlfVll LiI~L~v~~

LL4lYll-lmliilLUU-llUlIeurol-lm~1 L~Ellhml-j~eurolLf1W1dm~uiln-n11~ ~

U1U Iill~ultJUltJlIeurol-l ml15 11 M~~Ihlm-lmddrnd-l~m~

riiUYltl~LYlf11ul~~md~~iilUrlunmJ~Iil-n11 L~eurol~Uml~~lI1shy

lf11Ul 3 nlmdJl udnEluiil1tJ 1) md~~-llUdrnd-l~md~~

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eurolUdJlriltJYleurol~LYlf11ul~~md~~iilu1umd~~1iljJ11 d~U~lLf1eurol 814 ~lLf1El 1~LLrim11111~mLnW1~~U1U (eurolnJl ) middot 61102 dltJ

dVdlJ1U~ 15 mnjlf1Jl-31 mnjlf1Jl 2557 l~tJlvilmdL~tJ LLyIj1LYlf11ul~~mdr-J~1il-n11~rlnltilEl-l 1~lf11U11~~mlJl1 mlJl

~ ~

L-nlh YldlunJ LL U1Yl lJmd~~dlmill tJmd r-J~1iI 111Jlld(] L-nlnJ

UltJmdr-J~lilmnln d1~0-lLn~mlJlL-nlh~ln~UL~tJ1nUmd~U

-ilU1U 63943 f111L1eurolU LIil1tJlJyljftlJlleurolUL~UL-nllrqJ~Lntilildm LLA1 ~lwru~~m~~lLUU-llUIil1JJLLtJUUElJnULL~Lln1l1ilqJmtJ~1~ U 2557 lurn~lillUeuroleuroln l~m~yIjl~Jf1~ LJl LL~YlL1tJU 1~~J nldl-~Jl-jl~L~lmiddotdJ~~lill~amUnld[UEl~lJ1n~~ LLvillrndr-J~ 1~~J 3l1U~ ~1uhmjdluL~tJ11nAl-jJl~LLA1 yIjUl11~~nld ~mf11-6~1Iild~ldt~Ll1tJ1llU~J LLliijjm~LriW1dndUlJmiJl~lIEl I

nWUL~mmJJl1myljf1~eurol-l (lf~Ll1tJIiIElm~tJ 3) LL~~JLl1~~md ~ ~ LLUdW d1~nl1 65 A1UU1Yl ~Jlirn11 fin (f nLIil1tJJlIElUL~Ul~



~1U~~r-J~IilYlL1tJU ~-lf1~ LJl middot LL~~eurolJnEl-llUf11f11iil ~OJ bull I I

ilEln~liIm~~lnlU-61-lL~ElU~Jl-jlf1Jl-numtJu 57 ~U f1rn ~

nTI~nldUltJUlmL~~lmnld-6itJLl-j~mnW1dm (f1lfn) jj~~~ Ud1~LrieurollU~ 7 mnj1f1Jl 2557 l~L~UlfeurolUIillJlLLr-JuUeurol-lnU

~YlnutJULnW1dm LL~md LlfUd tJlfUllnYlLutJULnW1dm


eurolnJl LL~~L~1l-jh~ri-lLm~mdLnW1d1u~u~U

lu11ulItJltJr-J~LLriLnW1dmllrneuroleurolnm1lL~tJJlLLU~-lLmrm~~u YlL1JtJULn~lildnd~lJ~n mtJ1iilnlnddJl~ 3) mdriltJYlEl~

~ ~

LYlf11ul~~md~~iiluYlumdr-J~1il-n11LLriLmrmm l~U~LUll-jJlltJ LnW1dml-jUJ~lUdltJ

lU~1UlIeurol-lmd~lLUUJ1UlmJmdLLntlIUqJmtJlJVm10Jduu U 2557 ~UU11LUU~11~lIeurol-lLmtlildm LyIjdll-j~-llln~ f111lf

eurol17~~Stihmrn m~1 middot MUd1JlL1-l1~YIu1tJ JlUlu~u~~hu d~ul~lElf1euroluLIlmdUi 1~~lLuumdm1l11eurolULL~~UEJU~~md eurolElnlufudeurolJ1-LLA1L111lmtJ1u~u~ElU nf1d

~~~ e-J1U~11v1LL ~Jll eurolLilm~U~1 tJ Ll-j ~eurollmtlildm1lJ~ ~hunJu UdJllrnL~JlL~Jl LL~l~~ri-lifqJ~dltJ~eurolmtmm 1~ firi l1

LL~LL1ltllUqJl-jl~m1~mf11iil jjLUll-j~ltJ 7800 iilu l-lL~U 37 50

A1UU1Yl -61tJU~l-jld~~m~lu 3 Jlllildnld ~eurol 1) u~Vm~nld

~rnf11ylj~~tJ~1iI LUll-jJlltJ 4000 iilu 2) mlltJr-J~r-J~liImmuEln

~u~mf11iil LU1l-j~ltJ 3800 iilu 3) L111~l1myljf1~eurol-llumdEl lI1tJcJ~~ LUll-jJlltJ 35 n~Jl

LL~ ~11 ~ ~JYi1 tJ ~1l-j1U n ld~l LuUJlulmJ nld-61 tJ Ll-j ~ eurol

LnW1dm~lJd~U1ltJYlU~Yll-lfiddJll11~ LriElU 2555-57 -ilU1U ~

530943 dltJ lu 60 ~-l-jl~ ~ f111l1 1~eurolU~GiJUnmJdltJmd~1 I I

deurolJ~ltJL~Elmrn~maUl-j1El-ildju 1JL~U 509954 ~lUU1YlL~eurol L1-l~ltJl-LnW1dm~U l-j~JOJlnimJ~-lLm~mdmW1dL1-lL~1l-jiil~ 1-m1OJl1ElUdltJ~mnW1md L~lJ~U~L~U~lnllEl-lLmdm L~lI umlh-iliil1Udl11l1U Lm-ilu1uL~U~~niilElJ lIrnU finl1n


LWfl n11Ln1iVll UtlmlnlrunTl Lnm (iin) Li](l

~~ucll~u iintllMll111111~~IiH~U~fl~

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~lU1U 2346 llU 1Ui-NL~1lUjj~U1UU 2557

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1Ul ~1J~~ lii11I1UUULU~1 310 Ilnl1iLU~ UlllJ 4 IlLLUU

Ul1lllJf1n~n~nn L~fl~UUnrm)JlJ(ll)J mii~mlLn~(l~ui1Ln1imnlUNClbjjj~LLUU Ll~UIl11lJ~IJmtll1lJ~~~(l L~i1LUUb~~~IoJtl l~flfln~(ltl1(l Ln1l(limihl11111J1nlu i1l~NUl imn~liIinl~)tlmj1lJLLilLtU~1riLd1l tlil1l1111

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d d )J1nl1~(lm1IlUUULUtlU 335 dj1l-lllnLjjtlhi


Jj111~3TU-amm11 ~111~1J Ul1lllJ~nt1ln~lTi1 N1Wl1Jl1111aUI11

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li1JnttlnilJ 1ridltlvi 4280-44 1J1VllitlntflnilJ

LLtlLdillJ (~tl~1) ~ntClnilJtl 69-72 1Jl11

Ul1lJAn~n~11i1 N1-fu~UrHml(ll~I11(l 11l11l11Cl lil (NLampmi1lU hiuri m1LU~1lnLtl~ l~1J1l11lJ~ 15 l1l11tlVvi 7700-7800 11WI


litllllU LL~ LnllVlimhu1m1illnlll lr)1J1111)J~ 11Vi 20 Vh1~l11l1~tl~UtlV~ 6000 1J1Y fi1U


1i111llJlJ~ml1 14000-15000 1J1Y~tl~U

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Ministry seeks to resume small-lot rice sales in August PETCHANET PRATRUANGKRAI THE NATION

THE COMMERCE MINISTRY is preparshying to resume selling rice from its stockpiles in early August gradually releasing it in small lots of about 5000)0 tonnes a month

Duangporn Rodphaya director-genershyar of the ForeIgn Trade Department said a ~ubcommlttee had agreed the mmistry slthould go ahead and sell rice from the stockpIles and not walt tor completion of a Junta-ordered mspectlOn of the stocks bull I he nce-release planwhlch Will be proshy

posed to the Rice Policy and Management Committee soon includes sales through general auctions to exporters and local traders by government-to-governrrient contracts and through the Agricultural Futures Exchange of Thailand

Puangporn added that the department wopId ensure the stocks are released transshyparent With the Fmance Mmlst and the Prime Minister s 0 ce joint y inspecting the f0cessc

T~e department reported that about 55 per cent ofl800 rice warehouses had so far been inspected by the teams dispatched by the militarys ruling National CounCil for Peace and Order The teams are expected to complete their mission by the end of September

About 18 million tonnes ofrice is reportshy

cerns over roug t an ower pro uction in many countries amid higher demand in many others I here IS a good posslblhty that ThaIland will export 10 million tonnes 9pound nce thIS year It is expected to sell off all 18 million tonnes in its stockpiles within three years she saId

The department reported that Thailand was able to sell 535 million tonnes of rice in the first six months middotup by 50 per cent year on year while export value rose 19 percentto US$27biIlion (nearly Bt86 bilshylion)

As ofJuly 16 the price of5 per cent Thai

Afile photo shows asoldier inspecting rice stockpiles at a warehouse in a eastern province

white rice was quoted at $427 a tonne up from $410 the previous week

She added that production bfThai paddy rice in the 2014-15 harvest season was proshyjected to be less than 38 mi1lion tonnes because of drought in many areas

Charoen Laothamatas president of the Thai Rice Exporters Association said the government should consIder sellIng rice from its stockpiles in small lots of about 100000-200000 tonnes per auction to avoid impacts on the m-rket price

The government has less pressure to accelerate the sale of rice frbm the stocks The country has holder power It should ensure transparency and minimum impacts to the market he said

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INTHE WAKE ofrising concern over the t reatmen t oflabour farmers we1shybeing and the environment in global trading the International Trade Promotion Department is urging more lhal busmesses to seek FairTrade cershytification so that their products are more easily recognised and have a

greater chance in the world market place

At a seminar on Fair Trade Mark and trading of Fair Trade products in theinternationaJ market heldyestershyday by the agencys Office of News Overseas Markets Development and PromotIOn Duan kamol Jlambutr e U Irec or- ener ot e eplrtshy

mentSal t atonlyasmallnumberof thaI compames and sUEP)Lc~~ms current~apphedthe FairTrade Marllt

The epartment lrill therefore continue to support Fair Trade certishyfication by promoting an awareness campaign amongThai man ufacturers and exporters she said

According to the Netherlandsshybased Fair Trade Original organisashytion about 30 Thai companies and supply chains have received FairTrade

certification to date This guarantees that they engage in faii treatment of farmers have good labour conditions use no forced or child labour offer fair prices to suppliers and operate with transparency accountability and respect for the environment equity and freedom lt)nd have fair trading practices

Duangkarnol said the department in cooperation ~th Fair Trade Original now had a target of increasing the number of certified businessshy iSnap es and products by 10 per cent ayear

The main goal is to help agriculshytural and handicraft producers as well as manufactures and exporters to achieve better trading conditions and to promote sustainability she said

Certified members of the Fair Trade programme will likely be able to leverage the quality of their prodshyucts for higher prices with certificashytion ensuring world-class social and environmental standards and more recognition in the international trade area she added

Thai export products alreadyusing the approved Fair Thade logo include

rice coffee tea cane sugar cotton freshfruits herbs and spices ockershywork handicrafts pottery and ceramshyics

The official said the department also would like to encourage busishynesses in the shrimp and fishery secshy

ate consultant for Thailand said the overall value of Fair Trade products had increased considerably in the past few years as consumers now had more awareness about fair trading conditions and the environment

Consumers are willing to pay more for Fair Trade goods if they feel they have bought a product whose manufacture is highly responsible to society Today prices of Fair Trade products are also very competitive

the same as leading brands Enterprises should adapt themselves to produce Fair Trade products in order to ensure sustainable growth

tors to comply with Fair Trade certification so that they do otfaceproblems due to unfa abour treatment Every Fair Trade product is subject to labour-standard checking she explained

Manasnan Pongjayavanij Fair Trade Originals aS60ci~

and access to many markets said the consultant

According to Fair Trade Original the value of fair trade goods in the global market excluding the US rose from 1 billion (Bt427billion) in 1996 to 48 billion in 2012 Expots ofThai fair trade products were wOlth about Bt300 million in 2012

More than 30000 products are now on sale in 125 countries and the global Fair Trade system currently works with over 12 million people across 60 countries

Manasnan said many more Thai products could get the Fair Trade mark So far many local brands sllch as Doi Chang coffee plus local proshyducers of soy sauce chjli sauce pineapples and bananas are wellshy

known for having the mark which is accepted widely

Martin Boon development manshyager for Fai~Trade Original in the Netherlands told the seminar that with the global market having growshying recognition of Fair Trade prodshyucts many markets were increasing demand for products carrying the logo - and that Thailand had high potential to serve sllch worldwide demand


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THE NATION ~ JULY 20141lI Sihasak reassures EUteam over juntas reform roadmap SUPALAK GANJANAKHUN DEE THE NATION BRUSSELS

EARLY ELECTIONS vtithout reform would not help restore proper democshyracy to Thailand That was the message related by acting Foreign Minister Sihasak Phuangketkeow when he met his counterpart from the European Union in Belgium this week In a bilateral meeting with David OSullivan chief operating officer ofthe European External Action Service Sihasak said Thailand had a clear roadmap to restore sustainable democshyracy and that the EU should support

this process of reform The roadmap and its related reform

will help strengthen our political econshyomy and will also be of benefit to our partnership with theEUin the longnm he said

Sihasak was in Brussels for a minisshyterial meeting between representatives ofAsean and the EU and spent much of his time briefing representatives of Eillopean nations aboutthe situation in Thailand

The E U along with the US and other Western countries strongly criticised themilitaryforits May 22 coup The EU suspended a number of cooperations withThailand as well as several visits by high -level officials It also recommendshyed that member states review military cooperation with Thailand

The EU said last month that it wouldmiddot

not sign a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Thailand and that the negotiation of a free-trade agreement (FTA) would not conclude until an electshyed government was in place

Sihasak told OSullivan that an electshyed government would come eventually Before that however Thailand needed time to implement reform to have a strong democracy

The time frame of 15 months or so for the reform is not too long ifwe want to make sure that our system and democracy are sustainable he said

Thai people are aware of the issues facing our country and we are working on addressing these concerns so the EU as a partner should support us

The EUhas the right to voice its conshycerns about the situation in Thailand

middot but it should also ensure it is sufficientshyly informed on specific cases he said

Concerning detention and martial law the EU should make sure it has corshyrect information about who is under

middot detention and if there are concerns about human-rights violations the EU should specify the cases he said

Sihasak discussed the situation in Thailand Vlrith many European MPs

middot while in BrusselsTheyincludeq Franck Proust special rapporteur on the FTA and Samuel Cantell head of the ecoshynomic trade and regional cooperation delegation Many of them have experishyence in engaging with Thailand and have a clear understanding ofthe current sitshyuation in the country Sihasak said


Pension scheme for farmers proposed

Farmers in the future might look forward to retiring on a government pension

Charnpittaya Chimplee directorshygeneral of the Rice Oepartment said yesterday ttiat under a draft bill dealing with the rice development fund members would contribute about 3per cent of their monthly income to the fund and the state wou ~d also chip in ayet-unspecified amount

When farmers reach the age of 60 or 65 they will start receiving a monthly pension bf about Bt4OOO

Most farmers earn less than other workers so the fund is neces- sary for their future Charnpittaya said

Other proposals for the bill are being gathered and the contents wi I be improved before its submisshysion to acommittee on rice producshytion and markets and the National Council for Peace and Order


Farmer happiness down from August WICHIT CHANTANUSORNSIRI

Farmer happiness last month dropped subshystantially from its peak last August when they had high hopes of stable income from the Yingluck Shinawatra administrations rice pledging scheme reports a Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BMC) poll

The state-backed farm banks farmer happiness index fell to 7851 in June from its highest level of89 in August said senior executive vice-president Somsak Kangteershyawat The poll surveyed 2346 farmers

Happiness from family health a good society jo b financial position and the quest

for knowledge were the six factors used to measure the index

The survey found happines from the family scored the highest with a score of 341 out offour followed by health at 321 a good society at 320 job at 314 fmancial position at 285 and the quest for knowlshyedge at 274

Farmers from the Northeast regygIiwere the happiest vvith a score of 314 while those from the North scored 313 the South 312 the East 297 and Central 299

Asource at the BMC confirmed Augusts poll was taken when the farmers mood hit a fever pitch as they felt they would receive an elevated level of compensation from the

rice pledging programme The National Council for Peace and

Order (NCPO) is seeking sustainable ways to help farmers after losses from rice pledgshying which offered prices 40-50 higher than the market price could reach 500 billion baht

The juntas measures so far largely includelowering rice production costs and slowing the release of supply to lower price pressure

The source said prices of tapioca sugar cane chicken and pork are gaining in the second half while those of rice corn rubber oil palin and whiteleg shrimp are declirun ~ bull bull imiddotI middot7~

Regarding rice prices the source said the price of paddy with 15 moisture content could average 7500-9000 baht a tonne while Hom Mali prices are projected at 14000-15000 baht in the second the half

Even though the agricultural sector conshytributes only 84 to the countrys GDP there are 167 ffiillion farmers making up 26 of the population

National Statistical Office data shows the ratio of farmers who earned over 100000 baht a year rose to 286 in 2013 from 97 in 2003 while 643 graduated from prfshymary school down from 704 a decade ago Farmers shouldered average debt of 124604 baht per person last year

BANGKOK POST 41 FTIupbeatabout domestic car sales PIYACHART MAIKAEW

The Federation of Thai Industries (FT) remains confident that domestic vehishycle sales will top I million this year defying some car makers projection of sales declining to between 900000 and 980000 vehicles

Domestic demand started picking up in the previous quarter as private firms and farmers bought new pickup trucks for their business expansion and new cultivation said Surapong Paisitpatanapong spokesshyman for the FIrs automotive industry club

The club forecasts pickup truck sales will contribute 55-58 of domestic sales against 442 in 2013 while passenger cars dropped to about 40 from 474 last year

The passenger car market has normalshyised after demand was absorbed by the gov- emments first-time car buyer scheme said Mr Sura pong

The club yesterday cut its 2014 forecast for Thailands automotive output from 24 million vehicles to 22 milliori It also cut domestic sales to 1 million vehicles hom 12 million while exports stand finn at 12 million vehicles

FTI vice-chainnan Suparat Sirisuwan~ nangkura said Thailand was expected to remain in the worlds top 10 automotive manufacturers this year with production in countries such as Canada and Russia also expected to decrease

The International Organization of Motor

Vehicle Manufacturers said Thailand was the worlds ninth-largest automotive manufacturer in 2013 and 10th in 2012 Production (ast year totalled 245 million vehicles the highest in 52 years and up by 014 from 2012

The club yesterday reported that car proshyduction fell by 261 year-on-year in June to 160452 For the first half Thailands car output fell by 29 year-on-year to 952685

Domestic car sales in June totalled 73799 dOVll by 304 on the same period in2013 while 440911 cars were sold in the first half down by 405

By contrast car exports in June rose 657 to 103946 earning the cOUDtry497 billion baht In the first half exports rose 36 to 560047 cars with export value rising 895 to 265 billion baht

The FII yesterday reported that the industrial sentiment index improved for the second straight month in JW1e

The index rose to 884 points accordshying to the FIr which conducted a survey among 1100 industrial operators It stood at 851 points in May when sentiment improved for the first time in seven months

FTI chairman Suphan Mongkholsuthee said sentiment has improved because of the more stable political situation and an increase in purchases of products thanks to the Fifa World Cup football tournament

The industry outlook index for the next three months stood at 1019 points rising from 101 in May

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AUTO EXPORTS INCREASE Despite the sluggish recovery of

the export sector auto shipments continue to expand but still by not enough to counter the reduction in dorriestic demand for cars

The industry has been forced to brake this years production target from 24 million units to 22 million

The target for domestic sales has been lowered from 12 million units to 1million which represents adrop of 251 per cent or 335154 units from last year

Surapong Paisitpattanapong deputy chairman and spokesman of the Federation of Thai Industries Automotive Industry Club said yesterday that lower domestic derriand the end ofthe governments first-car tax-relief programme and the delay in gov~ errirnent and private investment

middotprojects had contributedtothemiddot change in the production target However this new figure is still

middot higherthan the forecast for T8 milshylion units before the big floodiri 2011and domestic demand is

expectedto shitf intoforWard gear i

middotnext quarter~ The economic recovery payshyrnent for farmersuncter the rlceshy

pledgingscherneandreturn of investment will increase revenue l

in other industries and put more rnoney in peoples pockets he middot said

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Temporary charter should furthershyboost confidence ERICH PARPART THE NATION

THE FEDERATION ofThai Industries believes the temporary charter will further increase the confishyden~e ofdomestic and foreign investors along with buslness op~ratrs while the recent strengthening of the baht IS stJlI tolerable for the export industry as long as anyfurther appreciation is neither too rapid nor drastic

_The FTI also said yesterday that its Industries Sentiment Index (TIS) had increased by 44 points since April

The introduction ofthe provisional charter is in line with the politiCal road map of the NCPO [NationaICoimcil for Peace and Order Jand I believe that in generalinvestors andoperators will feel more relaxe and gai~ more confidence that things aremiddot gomgmaccordWlththeNCPOsplansforanewcharshyter the setting up ofan interim government and the possibility of an election in the future said Supant Mongkolsuthree chairman ofthe FTI shy

In his view the country over the past two months has been running on a smooth surface since the Nepo took power a move which has led to an increase in foreign investor confidence certainty over pubh~ II1vestment policy and rising domestic consumptIOn

These factrs will support the recovery and allow _gross domestJC product to expand by 25 percent this year he said


The FTI had been projecting an economic recesshysion before the arrival of the NCPO

As for exports Supant said The strenctheninO of the baht is related to the increased conffdence of foreign investors which has led to an inflow offorshy~ign funds This will have some effect on the export iiidustry but it is still acceptable for exporters since the currencys strengthening pace is not too fast and the Bank ofThailand is still monitoring the situashytion

The export sector will be able to cope with a stronger baht if the rate does not fall below 3050 per US dollar he said -Moreover since the global economy IS continushyII1g to reco~er the FTI is sticking with its export

- growth projectIOn of35-5 per cent for the year According to Bloomberg the baht was valued at

3176 per dollar yesterday The FTI chief pointed out that if the Kingdoms shy

export value were calculated in baht it would already show lO-per-cent growth year on year

Accordingto the central bank export value in May came in at US$1927billiol1 (Bt6124 billion) whIch IS 12 per cent lower than the same period last year in dollar terms - shy

Meanwhile the TmiddotISI has increased for two month~ in a row The indexose from 840 in April to 851 111 May and to 884111 June amidst calmer political waters the economic recovery the liftingof the curfe - and even Fifa World Cup fever which led to an mcrease in overall production orders and sale figures - shyn~eover~TISI fororBers~salesarid prod-udiai- -shyIII allll1dustnes rose from 802796821 points in May to 843 844 879 points respectively in June

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CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough


GRAFT HAS GOT TO GO nvestors from Japan from which Such concern by the Japanese away existing and prospective forshy

the largest amount of Thailands investors should not be ignored eign investors Countless foreign direct foreign investment comes because they have brought the firms and investors have com~

have called for reduced corruption largest amount of direct foreign plained about the extra costs of and improved transparency in order investment into Thailand The doingbusinessinThailandbywhich to help restore confidence in the Japanese invested over 8t290 bil- they mean kickbacks and undershy

Kingdom lion in projects ClPproved by themiddot the-table money that must be to Setsuo luchichief representative Board of Investment last year That bureaucrats and politicians Often

of themiddot Japan External Trade was nearly 30 per cent of the total they have topayin exchange for pro-Organisation (Jetro) for Asean and foreign investment of Btl1 trillion curement deals with state agencies South Asia last week called on the according to 801 data and public projects People who ruling National Council for Peace Thailand has generally remained refuse to pay are routinely left and Order to kick-start good govershy attractiye to foreign investors due behind by their bribe-paying comshynance that includes combating corshy to positive factors such as the avail- petito rs University of the Thai ruption and ensuring transparency ability of skilled labour efficient Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) rec-particularly about doing business in infrastructure and transportation tor Saowanee Thairungroj has esti-Thailand Now its a good time for systems location andthe consider- mated that corruption adds 30 per Thailand to bring about good govshy able size of the domestic market cent to costs for businesses That ernance for the new era he said But our chronic corruption is scaring she says translates into reduced

comoetitiveness for Thai-made Economic and Business Forecasting pay corrupt officials and politi~ians products and reduced credibility for Centre He surmises that the have to cut costs at-the building site Thailand among foreign investors improvement could be due to posi- and that means poorer quality in General Prayuth Chan-ocha has tive public sentiment following the their public projects and thus a risk made tackling corruption a top pri- juntascampaignagainstcorruption to life and limb ority for the ruling military junta He and organised crime The surveyalso Businesses who pay bribes also says the fight will be part of sweepshy showed that bribes paid to officials offset their higher costs by charging ing national reform together with and politiCians by the private sector the consumers more good governance transparency and had declined to 15-25 per cent of middot Since corrupt authorities and an efficient and effective system of project costs frbman average 25-35 politicians make money and bribe-checks-and-balances Thailands per cent previously paying businesses make profits it is corruption index in the first half of Despite the seemingly slight theconsumersandthepublicingenshythis year improved for the first time improvement in the situation (or- eral who suffer in five years according to aUTCC surshy ruption remains amajor problem for They end up paying more uhnecshyvey The indexinJune was registered Thailand essarilyfor products and public proF at 46 out of a possible lOa com- In addition to the weakened ects the quality of which is poorer

pared to 39 last December says competitiveness and reduced cred- Corruption should beeliininated or Thariavath Phonvichai UTCC vice ibility the public asa whole is affect- at least minimised for the sake of rector of research and director of its ed by corruption Contractors who the country and its people

  • 57-07-24 (กรม)
  • 57-07-24 (ใบนำสง)
  • 57-07-24 (กระทรวง)

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Trust Mark TTM) IUWlim

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iI1~mhaVlf1 flci11lI1~1~IUJthli1JliJVl~1JfflJlJJ1 I~U~ ll-wflm~ (Fair Trade) lviU1UJllJlm~1In1IJifqjl1111i-l~1J 1~ uJ ll~ flli1J11f)fl~1 flli)~crlJlJJ1 fl f~if ll~ V f)) ~J111

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M1U~l15mu-lllvlflm~OJ111lJ1f)rJ 1~u1~I~tyqtJifliluf11i

t)lltll11f)JJlJri]uClf)f)~l 200 i1U 1lJ1~llJ11JYf-l

bull J~ifl~vthrlClf)liJ1UM1U~~1~~1~ri]ClClf)rl1f1WIJCl]~ u

hlO hi111l1tlUltII11 ltII1ml4~lltJ ~~J 1l~iif)I1~lUth1ff V] ii fl11lJJ111 ffJr11V1111JlJV] 111 poundI u o1] lJl f) hHllllYt 1

1 cr~1l1 f)~M1U IfI~u]I1lJ1 poundJU-WflmVl ~] ItlJ Ifl~V]I11J1poundJ1tJiu] fl UJfllll fiJ r11 ~lii 1J1 mii1 Ji~U 11 f)~ J~1J~1J flli flii 1l

r1l [)~U f11i1~1liN1JCl O-ltl f)~U-lLL~iif)I1~lUifll)U~JltI~l] rJ IH ri1111011 ffJ r11UV-J1Vl uJ] lU ~ ~1 m poundIlJtJilVl fHI~1l ~1

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30 Cl-lr1m ~-lnJ]~ltlJf)cilJ~Lhuf)VUf11i 1tJlluo]ltII1mru

1Pl1-l 1 llvlV-liiii f)~lU1UlJ1 f)~ v~1j f) 51~1l 1lJ11J1~lJlu1m]f11i ltv bull tdV ~ dJQ bull

(PI] n~11 mlJll~illJlJV f)UI1U1UJ1Ull mHiCl-lU lliUllilU f)~lJ

tl 1l lt11 11 mllJ u111lm~u lt1111 milJ~ I~ (mJuJ11UlJltlU11l~~ lU1~llJlJVH1li111VJflm~hiiJ1 f)]U


lutJf)~llHmn1unWWllnru1~villM1li1~-l f)ci11

V01-lUuU 6 l~VU llCllfiCl11tJu51 mlJll~1l1l1lJI4fl~milJ Vlf)U l~V1111l f)V-l r1mv1M1um11tJllIKV-lVi1llJ~ elf) If) ruevi

Hq1fl1l1lJ1 1l J~lUU U] ffU r111111J1 f)~lt1 ff1111U f) cilJ ffU r1nt1

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crutJ) unL1U ffUTl1n] uviMiif11JI11~vllm~uhrf)cilJ ffU r11~] ll~tJilJ-l 11 elJ~l f) tl f)ltII11V1UUtyf)1i~ lICl ffU ~1 ~lUlill i] ~lU 11hIf) ~lJif11UlJlHm1IlwfllliVl OUlJ1 f)iiu

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1J1 f) UU f)1l1f)1l1UU flliltl~1-lml4elf)Iru~~UV~ffUr111V1 poundI 115

0] IlJU f11ifJf) i i1JJ1 fl1 ffUr11111fJJ~1U~lUlJ1 1l Hi1U ll~J1 m

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f)~1 60 U llJUiUUf11ir11iluuluf11mf1-lfll1lJltlUliillJ

1u f)ll~lliJU~J Oil111ll fi ~r11 ll~ qin rilU l~ UllJV] ~111vi l~lImf)lqflfi1l qUUiJtJ qu~1f)fi illJvf-lil1illH-l1U

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1Ui1 mv1 ItlUliiilJ l~ ~u11f) fIltIllJliocffv irUr11in fl um 114

1u J1 mi lulili JilJ 1IiU f)J U V f)1l1 f)if~~vi1-l1U f)vu~] r1f1i

InHlllillhl1uri1 1lUU llllU~ lI1lJ1 ltllJ v iiltlm-w 11lcr ulJ1u f)1ivi1-l1Ui~ iifll1lJtJCltlI1V 1liof)iinUI~V-lIl4f1 iHh A ~

llftllf1 1l llClf11lt1m


1UWmU1~ 12 ~) tJYVli]nmn111nr1~l~U I I1r1f1tJVI1~]

cO _I ~ ~ UtJ~UtJ]IitJ TltJlJiI1V~Vi(1]]lU

hn1tJU 1limyl

~n~lilln~(tJlJ mY1~vlli~~vl ~lilif)rU lmllilu~~NJ111U i um1]lli~I11lJU~)1 11(1 cJilrUI ~UU1~m~lJ

A ~ I A I A A ~ I1lJlllllJ)ilV l~TlYlTlUll(1 1~il~~YIliUVli

nullll mlJll~Vi V~UYI1lUiUfJ1l rJiJ~l~vu ftJ VII () 1 UtJU1TlVl U1Vl nilJu~) i1~llJ1ifi

~111 ~uQl~~ J

b I r I JJ YI d D 0fJ07nl1U7 1

A ~ 1 d 111il1nmY]tJ1llVlV li)V(1~ l(1nitJU 1(1] li lU

)]fl)i~ifilll~U(~tJ rllI~~lJfniyjtJll~v)lluu lli~tJl~lJlJU 1I(1111ll1111

HlJ(1Yl1ltl HlihmufnU

I1~tJ ~~ II U(1l1 ~Uf1ll1Ui~ 111If li1 Unli ~ _ 1 ~ d U l dA

Iml~i l1itJ~~lllJ(1]lUUlmtJl UtJtJnl1lllU

1 UJ1 l~wil~~YIilu~inullllnilJll~Vi v~U llllUl1Jl1J1l~ U~l5VU1tJVII ()

mL~Ell~mnjt1itmUUi1~i1rurulUEll~U1VItJlh ~ u u

LL1fllJEllT~fl LtJ~~rlBrlilLtIUVI1lf)11LLal l~El Lem1~1~a L~ElW~lllUlvJiAh bull hUvlJJ1h 14

tI J d I

llJtJn(11 1000 U )Ull 23 nTl ll ilIIUiluluHh1VliftU~1U~U 1 lliU

l1lM1U fl1V1UI1~U1Uih~11i1U ~U1l mlJ1ifllrJUnl11Ui~J1 l~tJ1~Unmn1ltlVj Vl(11~ tJ U1mn~~ il UUlllJ~ Vi (1)lllJinVl

bull cO li1l1Jffii) il )VlIIH 1l1f)jlJ~iiYi111llll11itJ1fnT bull 1 -11 d 1 d Ifd c lJi1i1UUil1YI Tl(1U~W(1 ltJUIU)iV WUlVl)i

lViiff i1n~ Ilfi(1lu1)liJ~~)U1VlniilJ111li

aUyJi1Ii~ llltJ~U1V IgU~U I1~tJl~vn-)l

l1ltJ~~hii1 ~I11lJ1Hnul~tJl~VffiiiU~IIUU Vi~l~lUlI~~mY1VlV l~V~I1lbvllU~1I (1

l~mliU Vl(1tJ~IlUUili1liU~~1 III liTblJlilJ

U1Vlf)jilJ111111 tJU~lU)UlJ1n tJ1Y1 Vi (1 Vl bull

lJi)1V1~lJl1 ~f)jwUj UllrUllU11m~~~u ~ ~ J i lit

lJ1imU1V)iTnYl lTl)liVlU 1(1U11lnli

II ~l tJ 1Y1 VlV I1~tJ i~tJ 11l)~fh ii~~lllJUl~tJ 1YlVffii~UIIU]J HVi~lllUlyJvhll(1Vi~lllU

Q 1 IitCLI YI ~I lit ~ v ll~101llVlV l~tlmU)iltll~Tl~UiYlll~UU mtl

nlil11Vi~l]1U1I~lmY1VlVil1nll1m~ll1(1~ ~~

~ltJciuUI1~lm 4 IlfiU HIll111jl~lnUVi~l ]1Ul1lUVllVltJ~ lJaUyJilliYllrJUYl) t11l1UYl mi

~1t1Vi~l1l1nulJ)lVltJ5~l~tln~ll1ltJ~fhii~ ~lV milJlyJliJVllTl~)ltlU~cH1t1-lJ)1 lrJUYl)IlU

d 1~I lTl(1tJUlitJ I1luU1ll1U1

Vi (1 tJlllJjn~ mh)~tJ~11Url)UlJtJ]

Yl)l~tJ1hn)u~)vtJ (1iit UVlJUU1~i)1luU ~


U1 5 VlU f))1l 260 IlJm m1lJV1)UUIl1n

nilU~tJ UilJ1lU 6-7 llJm Ul180 1l1U9lllJVli

J111rn 1974 in(1n~lJ fiUJ1~n 20 ll1U~llJVl~ I cO~d d1

1I(11Y1lJ1ifl~Tl4l~ 20 lltN lJm1~lil Ufni

l~UYI1lUilJ1ru 8 fihllJ~i~tJi)1lJl ~ 3

1 UW~UU1Vl 10 ~) UUliJuWJilVII)l 1m

I1~tJlrJU lTl~)l~UtJtJncill ilU1 UJ11~l lfUrlU

Vi (1 fllllJinVl mh) Yd I GI

~lYtJUni1 VllU~)U)l mNil1nmi

liJ~Yl) l~)Vi~ll1UlllYltJ1Y1llV 1~~~lYu1 Il

ll ~ (1 tJlrl ~)Vi ~ll1U Ilffl m Y1 Vl61 ~ tIU1 tIlliU

ll~NIIl~iU tJ1V 74 iJ li1) llmJmmm nri1)V OJ 11

I l ~ ff ) 1 lli1U U 1 ) l ifl Vi (1]l1 U II ~l fl1l1 Vl tIil1 n

I1r~~vYllJ~l~iii1)ff~~lfi~m1lJ~111IYm bull 1 middot A A 1 d uin)U1iinlll~UIi) lJVlUllU U1i)lUfll ~lVd d~d v U1lJUlJi1m~l tJnlll llJ)lJlffm~ll1 (1~ ~ J J~ ~ 1 v

U)VlmilJli4UlC1nU1~ lil IVii1l uUVi(1lllU


Urull U1lUUllUl nm))l U)VlniilJ I

~Ui1Il l~Ull1ll~)n1 I1111l1nuNuintJun1i bull

i~Ul~)I1~)~~mlJ1ifll111111 ~~pfi lIUUrll

lritJllllnull~uUi1fi1J1lJU~i1fnllVil un~l l I1lJ1nUmi~llJ11JillJiJl~tJ1YlV~1i~lUY)fll J IJ I I ~ v

IllV) LVii1 llJ~lr-l(1mYlUVltJ~lll)(1tllJ

v dd1 v I d ~i1]fl1ViMlIrull~ I1llnf)1ill)llllV) 1Ytl~

Tl~)lnu Vi(1 ~lJi)1V1ilJU ~f)jwUyj M lllY~lTm~II1U-)l U1VlfiilJ~U~(itJ lrJ~Yl1l l~)n1 I1liYi~r1l~ml11(1(i)l~U~tJVifil~1U

llfflmY1Vlv(lmnIJ)llm) lrJUiJiJUl1Jl1J1Ufl~ I

TlUillV ffilJ1ifll11Vi~]l1UlllYltJ1Y1~VlJ1H v

Ui 1VliU lliritJ1l1lfi~fmhn1)U unnl

J1lJUllif)1 11(1 lrimYitiunuf)1lHlTl~tJltJu~ 1Uuil~uU

lJlUCllYICl J~~m ttllJlfinlH1fl~nlllJnlJ~lJfm)~~UnJlIl (ilf1U) ()liljJ~dhitiflfl 1~-Jl llwlhdlJJI11mJ~]j VlllfhHm(lm~lj~H ll~1HlJJl IUIlrmiddotltJll i HI 1J] 11 (fflU 11[ ~rulaquoJll V1ll~hh~nDUnljf)ll~~HjllDjtf1f1 1~tli1 J nKuijD~iJlI~)l 1Jjll~n~lJllnUJlnl1lJl1 J(lI~Ifitnntmlll~lJ

~ V I 11

lfI~U11f1fl llui l1lU dhJJll11jvt11vlJDHhhuClI1U1-Jlllmlllnml1111dh lr~ UUllliJJvi1111r~jJntlumjjjfiu11111 ~lJ IIlU1l-liili Ull 3IlD(h~u~IUUllll 1lllJ1ll11hmn fl~JJ1jlj~f1J r~Jltum~Dn D111ll llCllJWJUUlf1r)J OJlllmii1lJ R1~ U~DJV1rIUlm Tlul llt1W1Dn~Ju

m1JIllnl~~~YilJDDn~mllJl1iufhli1JnlH h UUlllUlJipl(WviRufhHCnU l1Jili Ul~U~1l l n ETflU 1lUDmllJ~ JlJJJD~llJmllJ1llrflJi vnDH

iU(llJlJUllll Hq)dluv1~ 1l~jjlJlru1iufh~Ulj~1jUulllnh~lJ ~~Dl1l111lH 1-11DOlluUljl~ihJD i l-iClIlCl~1 Yh~1l1IUU I~D~~UDlJrill1UIl i l-ilill~hJ riu1Tf1fllihi1Ji1IlI~DnffD1i14Al T9itJlihlHllaquowr~ln~ U(J~I~UJnUnlljrU JllUlllUlljJnrul1~DJhltnu 15 ll1D1j1iUfh~uj)lmuluDclln~ 3 il~ CllllJJlJlruUDJUll~nruoViClJ u~~~r~Cl~~D~uV)unm-l~~ClI1Cl~~JtJ 4 UflJUll~nluoVi ciJlll UlUU1J ~DJHljDnu111JJUjl]j~I~UJltiuJ lllll

II q tJ I ct 0 oi tJ r 0 v shyllllnll(1lJ~lllC1Uflll1CllnllUyenl IlIll mlJU1lJ~JYmlUUl1D U~nl1 nlnn~D~C11HnlJlJ m~V1lJJllrullU C1111nJluflru nlllJllllDlMll --

UJllliHiUljlIl~lJfh~1l~11J()[Jti~ 17-31 ~JUIllllJHl1jl~~J~11J 23-41 I( Cl U 1 (uu) m lJd -11 Cf1lJfI (lji1WmCl~ ~-1U JI1 ~DlJ UCl m lJfll UfllJ llJJ1I~lih i l1l flpflUUlllUJ~~Ull~ ll-ilvtq) J~IUllfmlt1l~~UmJnll lJClYlEI 1~uuDnlJl~l III lflJUfllJ1l-iltU1l 1lU 1~Dnmiddotll1UIlIl ulm~jllllil VlCll01lJuJrijlnDUIlll t1~ viJJ iuHitlunf1fllJlIl)un9fD~ufh ~JUlJll U 1111 fJlllJllllllllll ~uJnll

IV ff


~U1~1Villi LnU~~J bull IV a

Vi1u~~f)Li11~~~ cu

inmhv-liil 111Pi~~ Llllnnn1lIHU

ml~nll~~IllfJlNu~tllll (iilIlU) LtJ~ Lmrh iilIlU1Lliru~lLLVlUN1llnilUn1l ~lU~U~l ~tltllll ~ LLiiliJ~Tfl~ll tJ111qj

Llilml11~ilL~illJf)1l-11iltJ(l~lJU1~UWl neu]~Uri1 vflLLJj~W mJLl1lll 1l1~Ull~

~ eil tmiddotwnnVJiln fl1111l LL(llJUJJ1JUL~fn

lllYlm~~ l1~IIlnMillVi~f)tlnpoundi~ml1

~Uril Lb(hvjUl11JU1~Ulllnru-naUril

l1flltJJjU~jjlJU1~1-1niLnuI~~ LLvimmru

flU~l~Ullljj1JU1~ L~lL~~ ~lEllltrnl1l-1N u~lnll Llt]11~ei~ Llltlniftl~U~lt~ tJVilJl1~ vlutrlLn(1J 1JruLtiitJ1nUnlltJrU(l~~~1~ lJillmllnru-nll~viiilt-J(ltiiiitlnllll~ ~UVlUn1lt-J~(9I~ltJ

~ltJrllv-llli1~lTh 1UltJampu iilIlU


l1~ii 01LUU1tJMiilJEl1-Xiil~~lLVh~~1 LUU

Lflf)I~Utll1 rhl1U~1i~uyjl11mtJ1U

Ulllnru]~tll1JlLi)u 151f)~~U~1 ~Ul1ll1tJ1umjLilu 3 middotlu 4 lJtllU~ll

I -

leu] Illu1UltJtJ11 ~f)ll111ilnUmbtJ lluViLnmllfllLl1U mYlll1f)(9Iiilll1flll)J

mm11WlrulJEJ hTnllUIlOJnll)Jnll

fl1l11lLL(lm tltJ ) nl~poundilLiiI~)Jlruinv-l

LL(l~I LL1~~fl~ LLllnl~ll1ull)J)JllVlH L~tlfltln~l(91ln1lIl1UIl)Jll-1ll(9ltU L~fl rill1U~ LL UlvriltJllu~l l-1dJ U~lmriu LtiitJlnU

~lnn1lIl~(9Ill1~U~ll1iilltJlIil~ Lliu

1l~)JU1JI~J1~ltJd~f) lJUl~lJl(91vit-IDJl11 1l~~iiWUyjl11fl~(il 17 -31 poundi1ULLJj~v-l

iiiiviuyjl11 23-41 NU~tllIlUl1ll tJ

flTIILlilhei(9l~~11~U~1flJl(91111qjlll 1iitl~~lruiill LLvi1~11i lJruLtiimnUnlJ

L~iJ1JU1~ if~vh1~Ntl~nflU nllll ~uYlU I ~

LVl)Jt~tJ1Jl~1 LtJU Eine)~l1ifl LtJUn1l~U Ltlaf)miwmnlt(9ltJ11i Ll1JEinvr1tJmiddot middotUl tJ


I)cJ4 flJfl~lV1dJ 2557

~)J~lh~fl1l1Jmi~~r111lillilfl-1J~TilflIVl)JIJ~lV11Jiiilnrucrl Q I Q

I 1 ~tJ m f IHl tlfl tJIil l fI 11 VI U~ 1 A I1lHl fl11)J lH)Jl tl)J

I1~Iiynlll1Jmiilnrucnmlhn~il~jiJ~111111~() 17-41bull u

IEI U1lfll)J~)Jj1l ritl~lh1l1lflflt)lI1iJ~~~1NM~ 15

UltdhVHI 1 ~ffff1 IClII115 nliflUl m i lJnmgtlJm fl~NUnilfl (ffflU) mh yil 1W51l if ffflU~ i~()~11111U~lhnfl1jmi

Q -11 Qi 1 d 1 mUffUfllflJ ilfl UCl1li lilflilV lHU 1IJ1111111 l flmmm I1l11VClfl

IJUlf11liilt1~llniYUtil i~ UlIlJtl (11I1Cl1 fl1lJ1Jm) fol~in~t)n tI bull

fll11li 11ClU~1lIJtJlfiv1 Cl~llm~lJ a d I I cs I iJ ~ I

UltJfllYl Cl flCll1Clnll fffllJ ff ~lllJt)t)mrll~n~ffUfllIlClll I1U 11

~Ul~1li i llt1ruovliYUti1l1mpoundJlIij~iiIJill~ 1 I1uitnU ~1 ~ uli 111111 UIbull u

~ d CS 10 d 0 i)ll C1 i Q

llUrm11lii ~llIJUl~II1]lfllJ ~~fll~lll I1rj1li flfllIJl ~fol~nWnlft)

iYUTi11~V~ hJ1~liU ff-lIflVl IJ 01 I~V 10U nmHuCl~111111U1Ut)-l QI QI I d I iJ CI

U i i ~ilUIYI tl ~ V~ ff ~folCl ~vHl~ U 11 U n 1 i folCl ~ Cl~Cl-lmV I Qo iJ ~ I d oc d ~lnmiill(lnllffUflll1mVlIUfi 1llU flilllJl~-lfol111mVtJI1fl

IJUlf1IJ1~~H1liillfl111ii1fW~1mllii-1 17-31 ~hUIIlIllYl~li~U~ 11-1 23-41 Ur~~1li11111nliVil~Ul~U1f1~U ii~ hlil1~Il1JU flUU~-1uUV11-1flli~CllJ lJfl-1N11n flfllJ nli l~fll-1 i 1l1riNunilfl 11 1

l~an4fl iY U ~ll1liNUnilflU 1~ i lVfllll1l 1Ii1ill)~MhiUTilrlIJ 1~ il1~ iU tl 1 Ilii llilJlUlI~lliU uli YWlll i 111~1nfilJii tl~ ij~ I~V1

U lfrf31Yi~flci11fl n11 nllU flfl11lJ ~1lJjjf)~~ fuh) lou J~u~iU fffllJ 1lIJ flfl11115 111iifl iJlllfl 1111ffl1mh ri flU 11 r t) 11111J U 1111~

nIJfl hiCl~Clmil~~ll~U l1it)-1~Ufll~nl11UVl1riiU~11~illV1 U

lJi 1 li101ovl~fl~ hltnU 15 115 fliiiYUtil~1Ji 1~illtJ1UflflinU 3 1 U ~

4 lJt)~lJi1~nUlYI

ri1U iU i VV 11 iiifl-1 I11rtlf1U I1ti 1tJ -11U ~ MV1jt) -1 lli U 0 QI

mm 1-1 f2V1ffl11m111 mll 11~liltlJ lIV _lllU n~lUflOlflnllflU bull I sJ

fll111m~Vl (flV) fljllff~m111lrufllliIl~ff-1111V1Clflll IIClmll

fl1Uflllll ClVilJ fl flflll 1mfll1 fl1lJfllJ1lfiVlI1lU I~flfhl1 U VIIIU 1111~ 11~j~1riI1JU 11 WI 11U1~V10U U ltJtilliClfla 11

lClUl15flll fffllJ mhll~lJI~1l11 ilJm1J1Wfll1~i1f1lJn~nruovl

iYUfllUIl ~jU ~fl~ ffrulifvwfi~ ~ lU ~ lfl fll 1 Nil1lu 1 1 IlntlJ ti~ i mu~U ~ (I (I

1111i~ tJ~ln~U()I1lVlllllllillVI1ti~ ftUll1 111 ru IJ v L~11lllfl ~U 111U

1~lllnff(i~1 UJi~ I1illviJ~~lti 11 1 111111tlJ IIv 1ltl ~111 1llT111Vl~lJ ~Ulll11lf)

U lV ~ltlCl flri l1V fli 1 -ff1UI1i1-11~ lJlli 11 11 lJlVl llii ~nrue0lmy

InU ~1~ mlVilClltJnHn~lWlU~U ~-1 fll1 1Itl1IJU()I1l~-1flril1 livl1 flciNll 111~11U vi NlliI11 T~ ffllJ 111Cl1l ~U 1 U i IfolJ~111 f)t)u

fll 1 11 ~1l Cl 11 CllV ~flV ~lUlJlll

ltgt If

fl i ~ VI i 1-J VJ 1 ill CSU tJ

J~ nJnrnfl~ 2557-[j1JU[J1USU I


uUn8UnUUl~nUU8lU 1

8nsru fi~OUFl

OlflWltJU1tJllru1m~lm1JJ~l1JLLl11111~ (1l~lJ) ~JJElUYImtJ1r1VlnYItJltJl1Wr11Y1U (ilIJ1tili nlillltJLYI~1) Ufl(ilLLfllf11U1V1tJ~Ituu nJJn1ihl nYld1l

~ laquo ~ ~ co

Ln1tilLLfl ~YImru VIVVl L1V1 (ilIJ1l11JJLYIUV1nm

LLVIW1I11W1 Uflun1111n1 1 UOli tJn111 WiH

n1)IVlU~(lJW1-n11 Ufllf11U1Ul1l1~ (nlflflf) OfJU

l~WfJ1li rl~1I ~V1ru11r1f111IJLi1UlffJUtiifJ1u

lI1OJWVlU1 fuJW1~ f)fitJ~n1JJn1ihJ U11 IV

111 W unEllYlU~(i)JU1-nl1 ii~I~W 32 ~m1d1

LLfliiV(ilU(l~W - 3 L~fllYI~n fifJ 1nli~tTu~WW

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~tTu ~WWL~WYlUYIJU L1tJW1UniU1W01~ ~ lil-n111m~

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DWlf1~WllaJn1Jl~~eJf1 nJLQ~lvlU VlVllY1U1Vl

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LU~euroJn~nml3J~U 15jj eJiLUUL~aJ l~UllmiJ-ru~l~ILlt1~tJ t-lil~~tpJ illPl

euroJtiYi 7500-9000 Ulrl UYJU i~1l~ lI bull cd ~euroJltlU Vl1nml3JIfUeuroJfVl aJil~lL~ LV20 m ~llfll 6000 U1YlLYhilu

~UtJllljlll m~illlml~W1~J3Jl

LVI~euroJ 60-61 Ulrl lt1ieuroJnT~n13J LIjllil~u~ LiJltln~~L~3J ~urlumlt-J~~~J llm-nllTIj~

d ~ T Llt1GwmlYi


630-780 Ulrl w1euroJn ~n~3J LIjnt-J~~~~euroJeuroJn3J13JlnLL~ilmlU1L-li13J1

llnUltLVlffLYleuroJuihu lJru~llfllnJneuroJeuroJn l1~mltlloilUl~lnYillIXllmU1U~J~lL~euroJ 10-220 U1Y1w1euroJnT~n13J LllUL~tJ1n1Jnfll Ul~~ ~llmfiWl~J3J1LVI~euroJ320 -435 ~ntJ ~euroJnT~n13J

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LjuluTm~ml3J1UJ~ln11 6-8 L~euroJU

cilUllfl1~U~lLnllVllvifl1~ hlilllm vibVi~ ~euroJ ~Uci1UVI~I m~11lb~l-I LUU 215-220 ulrllt1ieuroJnT~n13J lln 180

Ulrl LIjll~U~euroJImlU1LUt-J~~beuroJvilUeuroJ~ IJrnvielmJflWd1lL~3JLJU 1 220-1300

U1rl lln 1040 ulY1~euroJnT~n13J llfl1LnLdil

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~euroJJVi~lLilumlL1~3Jt-J~~~~ ml~~

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n 9l euroJJ LVi~W)1[11 mm~m~n~rnvi1JTlI

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~jLLwllUYi 18-30 ~ tJYitJl~l llnn~3J

~euroJtiljLrl~mmlurlnfJVll~YilUlL~f1 2346 lltJ LUVll-n8 l~lJml~~lJlJeuroJJ Ln~ltIllmLrltJ ljuil Ln~~lmLrltJ~ml3J ~lJlul~u3Jln~WflLLUuLlt1~1J 310 lln

~LLUUL~3J 4 lLLWU T~mnllVllmilml3J v JJ ~ 14 1

~IJl~ltIlU3JlnIJULufl~LuU 7851

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cilVl1lJl~lJfll13J ~lJlJ euroJjLn~~ lm

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11 Ln~lm~u~n-nllilml3J~IJ~l~l13J

L~3J~wmw1~l~lJ3Jln~~~ itJflLLUU

Llt1~tJ 335 middotnnm-LLUUL~3J 4 fIbbUU


TWlmn~~lm~u~nillI11ULVlqi ilml3J ~ v I 4 _ v

~lJ LUl~U3JlnlJUfl~LuU 886 ~rleuroJU


ampI J 11

U1JaSJf1n~ mfi11(i)1U 1il~~Hilfl111iU1fl11

lYJilnlllnmlm(1l1WlirunllLflmJi (llfl l1) fl~ll 11 f1UJ1~J 1l fl l1 l~cimlm1JJ~~l~14 (Poll)

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)1~il ljjil~llLUflfll1l-Jl1lJl-Jl(1j1JJVllJJil1~Yl ~ ~~

nnLhl1011V111fl rilJ11 lflljlillm~DjnillJil1~I

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1i~ltJl~JJ14 llnjjm1JJVl1J 1 14ill~mi1141JJln 111~llmilTliltJl~14114tm~fI1i1 l-J1hj~lnl1 6-8

llt11 il14 ~~ lti~1Jn t [J m Jil iIlJ1JJl1lJ~ ilJ

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YhlmmJim~i~~mlJJ~1Jl~JJ~ 1lnl1 mllti~ lltfiJJ n m~JJ 1J~Vl1llYl~n ~~Vllll~fl1jlnljVli~ [JfI1j

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I 41 VIvVha h104 1lfillIii033HI~L~3Jfl1lLOlfVll LiI~L~v~~

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lf11Ul 3 nlmdJl udnEluiil1tJ 1) md~~-llUdrnd-l~md~~

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eurolUdJlriltJYleurol~LYlf11ul~~md~~iilu1umd~~1iljJ11 d~U~lLf1eurol 814 ~lLf1El 1~LLrim11111~mLnW1~~U1U (eurolnJl ) middot 61102 dltJ

dVdlJ1U~ 15 mnjlf1Jl-31 mnjlf1Jl 2557 l~tJlvilmdL~tJ LLyIj1LYlf11ul~~mdr-J~1il-n11~rlnltilEl-l 1~lf11U11~~mlJl1 mlJl

~ ~

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UltJmdr-J~lilmnln d1~0-lLn~mlJlL-nlh~ln~UL~tJ1nUmd~U

-ilU1U 63943 f111L1eurolU LIil1tJlJyljftlJlleurolUL~UL-nllrqJ~Lntilildm LLA1 ~lwru~~m~~lLUU-llUIil1JJLLtJUUElJnULL~Lln1l1ilqJmtJ~1~ U 2557 lurn~lillUeuroleuroln l~m~yIjl~Jf1~ LJl LL~YlL1tJU 1~~J nldl-~Jl-jl~L~lmiddotdJ~~lill~amUnld[UEl~lJ1n~~ LLvillrndr-J~ 1~~J 3l1U~ ~1uhmjdluL~tJ11nAl-jJl~LLA1 yIjUl11~~nld ~mf11-6~1Iild~ldt~Ll1tJ1llU~J LLliijjm~LriW1dndUlJmiJl~lIEl I

nWUL~mmJJl1myljf1~eurol-l (lf~Ll1tJIiIElm~tJ 3) LL~~JLl1~~md ~ ~ LLUdW d1~nl1 65 A1UU1Yl ~Jlirn11 fin (f nLIil1tJJlIElUL~Ul~



~1U~~r-J~IilYlL1tJU ~-lf1~ LJl middot LL~~eurolJnEl-llUf11f11iil ~OJ bull I I

ilEln~liIm~~lnlU-61-lL~ElU~Jl-jlf1Jl-numtJu 57 ~U f1rn ~

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~YlnutJULnW1dm LL~md LlfUd tJlfUllnYlLutJULnW1dm


eurolnJl LL~~L~1l-jh~ri-lLm~mdLnW1d1u~u~U

lu11ulItJltJr-J~LLriLnW1dmllrneuroleurolnm1lL~tJJlLLU~-lLmrm~~u YlL1JtJULn~lildnd~lJ~n mtJ1iilnlnddJl~ 3) mdriltJYlEl~

~ ~

LYlf11ul~~md~~iiluYlumdr-J~1il-n11LLriLmrmm l~U~LUll-jJlltJ LnW1dml-jUJ~lUdltJ

lU~1UlIeurol-lmd~lLUUJ1UlmJmdLLntlIUqJmtJlJVm10Jduu U 2557 ~UU11LUU~11~lIeurol-lLmtlildm LyIjdll-j~-llln~ f111lf

eurol17~~Stihmrn m~1 middot MUd1JlL1-l1~YIu1tJ JlUlu~u~~hu d~ul~lElf1euroluLIlmdUi 1~~lLuumdm1l11eurolULL~~UEJU~~md eurolElnlufudeurolJ1-LLA1L111lmtJ1u~u~ElU nf1d

~~~ e-J1U~11v1LL ~Jll eurolLilm~U~1 tJ Ll-j ~eurollmtlildm1lJ~ ~hunJu UdJllrnL~JlL~Jl LL~l~~ri-lifqJ~dltJ~eurolmtmm 1~ firi l1

LL~LL1ltllUqJl-jl~m1~mf11iil jjLUll-j~ltJ 7800 iilu l-lL~U 37 50

A1UU1Yl -61tJU~l-jld~~m~lu 3 Jlllildnld ~eurol 1) u~Vm~nld

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~u~mf11iil LU1l-j~ltJ 3800 iilu 3) L111~l1myljf1~eurol-llumdEl lI1tJcJ~~ LUll-jJlltJ 35 n~Jl

LL~ ~11 ~ ~JYi1 tJ ~1l-j1U n ld~l LuUJlulmJ nld-61 tJ Ll-j ~ eurol

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Ministry seeks to resume small-lot rice sales in August PETCHANET PRATRUANGKRAI THE NATION

THE COMMERCE MINISTRY is preparshying to resume selling rice from its stockpiles in early August gradually releasing it in small lots of about 5000)0 tonnes a month

Duangporn Rodphaya director-genershyar of the ForeIgn Trade Department said a ~ubcommlttee had agreed the mmistry slthould go ahead and sell rice from the stockpIles and not walt tor completion of a Junta-ordered mspectlOn of the stocks bull I he nce-release planwhlch Will be proshy

posed to the Rice Policy and Management Committee soon includes sales through general auctions to exporters and local traders by government-to-governrrient contracts and through the Agricultural Futures Exchange of Thailand

Puangporn added that the department wopId ensure the stocks are released transshyparent With the Fmance Mmlst and the Prime Minister s 0 ce joint y inspecting the f0cessc

T~e department reported that about 55 per cent ofl800 rice warehouses had so far been inspected by the teams dispatched by the militarys ruling National CounCil for Peace and Order The teams are expected to complete their mission by the end of September

About 18 million tonnes ofrice is reportshy

cerns over roug t an ower pro uction in many countries amid higher demand in many others I here IS a good posslblhty that ThaIland will export 10 million tonnes 9pound nce thIS year It is expected to sell off all 18 million tonnes in its stockpiles within three years she saId

The department reported that Thailand was able to sell 535 million tonnes of rice in the first six months middotup by 50 per cent year on year while export value rose 19 percentto US$27biIlion (nearly Bt86 bilshylion)

As ofJuly 16 the price of5 per cent Thai

Afile photo shows asoldier inspecting rice stockpiles at a warehouse in a eastern province

white rice was quoted at $427 a tonne up from $410 the previous week

She added that production bfThai paddy rice in the 2014-15 harvest season was proshyjected to be less than 38 mi1lion tonnes because of drought in many areas

Charoen Laothamatas president of the Thai Rice Exporters Association said the government should consIder sellIng rice from its stockpiles in small lots of about 100000-200000 tonnes per auction to avoid impacts on the m-rket price

The government has less pressure to accelerate the sale of rice frbm the stocks The country has holder power It should ensure transparency and minimum impacts to the market he said

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INTHE WAKE ofrising concern over the t reatmen t oflabour farmers we1shybeing and the environment in global trading the International Trade Promotion Department is urging more lhal busmesses to seek FairTrade cershytification so that their products are more easily recognised and have a

greater chance in the world market place

At a seminar on Fair Trade Mark and trading of Fair Trade products in theinternationaJ market heldyestershyday by the agencys Office of News Overseas Markets Development and PromotIOn Duan kamol Jlambutr e U Irec or- ener ot e eplrtshy

mentSal t atonlyasmallnumberof thaI compames and sUEP)Lc~~ms current~apphedthe FairTrade Marllt

The epartment lrill therefore continue to support Fair Trade certishyfication by promoting an awareness campaign amongThai man ufacturers and exporters she said

According to the Netherlandsshybased Fair Trade Original organisashytion about 30 Thai companies and supply chains have received FairTrade

certification to date This guarantees that they engage in faii treatment of farmers have good labour conditions use no forced or child labour offer fair prices to suppliers and operate with transparency accountability and respect for the environment equity and freedom lt)nd have fair trading practices

Duangkarnol said the department in cooperation ~th Fair Trade Original now had a target of increasing the number of certified businessshy iSnap es and products by 10 per cent ayear

The main goal is to help agriculshytural and handicraft producers as well as manufactures and exporters to achieve better trading conditions and to promote sustainability she said

Certified members of the Fair Trade programme will likely be able to leverage the quality of their prodshyucts for higher prices with certificashytion ensuring world-class social and environmental standards and more recognition in the international trade area she added

Thai export products alreadyusing the approved Fair Thade logo include

rice coffee tea cane sugar cotton freshfruits herbs and spices ockershywork handicrafts pottery and ceramshyics

The official said the department also would like to encourage busishynesses in the shrimp and fishery secshy

ate consultant for Thailand said the overall value of Fair Trade products had increased considerably in the past few years as consumers now had more awareness about fair trading conditions and the environment

Consumers are willing to pay more for Fair Trade goods if they feel they have bought a product whose manufacture is highly responsible to society Today prices of Fair Trade products are also very competitive

the same as leading brands Enterprises should adapt themselves to produce Fair Trade products in order to ensure sustainable growth

tors to comply with Fair Trade certification so that they do otfaceproblems due to unfa abour treatment Every Fair Trade product is subject to labour-standard checking she explained

Manasnan Pongjayavanij Fair Trade Originals aS60ci~

and access to many markets said the consultant

According to Fair Trade Original the value of fair trade goods in the global market excluding the US rose from 1 billion (Bt427billion) in 1996 to 48 billion in 2012 Expots ofThai fair trade products were wOlth about Bt300 million in 2012

More than 30000 products are now on sale in 125 countries and the global Fair Trade system currently works with over 12 million people across 60 countries

Manasnan said many more Thai products could get the Fair Trade mark So far many local brands sllch as Doi Chang coffee plus local proshyducers of soy sauce chjli sauce pineapples and bananas are wellshy

known for having the mark which is accepted widely

Martin Boon development manshyager for Fai~Trade Original in the Netherlands told the seminar that with the global market having growshying recognition of Fair Trade prodshyucts many markets were increasing demand for products carrying the logo - and that Thailand had high potential to serve sllch worldwide demand


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THE NATION ~ JULY 20141lI Sihasak reassures EUteam over juntas reform roadmap SUPALAK GANJANAKHUN DEE THE NATION BRUSSELS

EARLY ELECTIONS vtithout reform would not help restore proper democshyracy to Thailand That was the message related by acting Foreign Minister Sihasak Phuangketkeow when he met his counterpart from the European Union in Belgium this week In a bilateral meeting with David OSullivan chief operating officer ofthe European External Action Service Sihasak said Thailand had a clear roadmap to restore sustainable democshyracy and that the EU should support

this process of reform The roadmap and its related reform

will help strengthen our political econshyomy and will also be of benefit to our partnership with theEUin the longnm he said

Sihasak was in Brussels for a minisshyterial meeting between representatives ofAsean and the EU and spent much of his time briefing representatives of Eillopean nations aboutthe situation in Thailand

The E U along with the US and other Western countries strongly criticised themilitaryforits May 22 coup The EU suspended a number of cooperations withThailand as well as several visits by high -level officials It also recommendshyed that member states review military cooperation with Thailand

The EU said last month that it wouldmiddot

not sign a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Thailand and that the negotiation of a free-trade agreement (FTA) would not conclude until an electshyed government was in place

Sihasak told OSullivan that an electshyed government would come eventually Before that however Thailand needed time to implement reform to have a strong democracy

The time frame of 15 months or so for the reform is not too long ifwe want to make sure that our system and democracy are sustainable he said

Thai people are aware of the issues facing our country and we are working on addressing these concerns so the EU as a partner should support us

The EUhas the right to voice its conshycerns about the situation in Thailand

middot but it should also ensure it is sufficientshyly informed on specific cases he said

Concerning detention and martial law the EU should make sure it has corshyrect information about who is under

middot detention and if there are concerns about human-rights violations the EU should specify the cases he said

Sihasak discussed the situation in Thailand Vlrith many European MPs

middot while in BrusselsTheyincludeq Franck Proust special rapporteur on the FTA and Samuel Cantell head of the ecoshynomic trade and regional cooperation delegation Many of them have experishyence in engaging with Thailand and have a clear understanding ofthe current sitshyuation in the country Sihasak said


Pension scheme for farmers proposed

Farmers in the future might look forward to retiring on a government pension

Charnpittaya Chimplee directorshygeneral of the Rice Oepartment said yesterday ttiat under a draft bill dealing with the rice development fund members would contribute about 3per cent of their monthly income to the fund and the state wou ~d also chip in ayet-unspecified amount

When farmers reach the age of 60 or 65 they will start receiving a monthly pension bf about Bt4OOO

Most farmers earn less than other workers so the fund is neces- sary for their future Charnpittaya said

Other proposals for the bill are being gathered and the contents wi I be improved before its submisshysion to acommittee on rice producshytion and markets and the National Council for Peace and Order


Farmer happiness down from August WICHIT CHANTANUSORNSIRI

Farmer happiness last month dropped subshystantially from its peak last August when they had high hopes of stable income from the Yingluck Shinawatra administrations rice pledging scheme reports a Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BMC) poll

The state-backed farm banks farmer happiness index fell to 7851 in June from its highest level of89 in August said senior executive vice-president Somsak Kangteershyawat The poll surveyed 2346 farmers

Happiness from family health a good society jo b financial position and the quest

for knowledge were the six factors used to measure the index

The survey found happines from the family scored the highest with a score of 341 out offour followed by health at 321 a good society at 320 job at 314 fmancial position at 285 and the quest for knowlshyedge at 274

Farmers from the Northeast regygIiwere the happiest vvith a score of 314 while those from the North scored 313 the South 312 the East 297 and Central 299

Asource at the BMC confirmed Augusts poll was taken when the farmers mood hit a fever pitch as they felt they would receive an elevated level of compensation from the

rice pledging programme The National Council for Peace and

Order (NCPO) is seeking sustainable ways to help farmers after losses from rice pledgshying which offered prices 40-50 higher than the market price could reach 500 billion baht

The juntas measures so far largely includelowering rice production costs and slowing the release of supply to lower price pressure

The source said prices of tapioca sugar cane chicken and pork are gaining in the second half while those of rice corn rubber oil palin and whiteleg shrimp are declirun ~ bull bull imiddotI middot7~

Regarding rice prices the source said the price of paddy with 15 moisture content could average 7500-9000 baht a tonne while Hom Mali prices are projected at 14000-15000 baht in the second the half

Even though the agricultural sector conshytributes only 84 to the countrys GDP there are 167 ffiillion farmers making up 26 of the population

National Statistical Office data shows the ratio of farmers who earned over 100000 baht a year rose to 286 in 2013 from 97 in 2003 while 643 graduated from prfshymary school down from 704 a decade ago Farmers shouldered average debt of 124604 baht per person last year

BANGKOK POST 41 FTIupbeatabout domestic car sales PIYACHART MAIKAEW

The Federation of Thai Industries (FT) remains confident that domestic vehishycle sales will top I million this year defying some car makers projection of sales declining to between 900000 and 980000 vehicles

Domestic demand started picking up in the previous quarter as private firms and farmers bought new pickup trucks for their business expansion and new cultivation said Surapong Paisitpatanapong spokesshyman for the FIrs automotive industry club

The club forecasts pickup truck sales will contribute 55-58 of domestic sales against 442 in 2013 while passenger cars dropped to about 40 from 474 last year

The passenger car market has normalshyised after demand was absorbed by the gov- emments first-time car buyer scheme said Mr Sura pong

The club yesterday cut its 2014 forecast for Thailands automotive output from 24 million vehicles to 22 milliori It also cut domestic sales to 1 million vehicles hom 12 million while exports stand finn at 12 million vehicles

FTI vice-chainnan Suparat Sirisuwan~ nangkura said Thailand was expected to remain in the worlds top 10 automotive manufacturers this year with production in countries such as Canada and Russia also expected to decrease

The International Organization of Motor

Vehicle Manufacturers said Thailand was the worlds ninth-largest automotive manufacturer in 2013 and 10th in 2012 Production (ast year totalled 245 million vehicles the highest in 52 years and up by 014 from 2012

The club yesterday reported that car proshyduction fell by 261 year-on-year in June to 160452 For the first half Thailands car output fell by 29 year-on-year to 952685

Domestic car sales in June totalled 73799 dOVll by 304 on the same period in2013 while 440911 cars were sold in the first half down by 405

By contrast car exports in June rose 657 to 103946 earning the cOUDtry497 billion baht In the first half exports rose 36 to 560047 cars with export value rising 895 to 265 billion baht

The FII yesterday reported that the industrial sentiment index improved for the second straight month in JW1e

The index rose to 884 points accordshying to the FIr which conducted a survey among 1100 industrial operators It stood at 851 points in May when sentiment improved for the first time in seven months

FTI chairman Suphan Mongkholsuthee said sentiment has improved because of the more stable political situation and an increase in purchases of products thanks to the Fifa World Cup football tournament

The industry outlook index for the next three months stood at 1019 points rising from 101 in May

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AUTO EXPORTS INCREASE Despite the sluggish recovery of

the export sector auto shipments continue to expand but still by not enough to counter the reduction in dorriestic demand for cars

The industry has been forced to brake this years production target from 24 million units to 22 million

The target for domestic sales has been lowered from 12 million units to 1million which represents adrop of 251 per cent or 335154 units from last year

Surapong Paisitpattanapong deputy chairman and spokesman of the Federation of Thai Industries Automotive Industry Club said yesterday that lower domestic derriand the end ofthe governments first-car tax-relief programme and the delay in gov~ errirnent and private investment

middotprojects had contributedtothemiddot change in the production target However this new figure is still

middot higherthan the forecast for T8 milshylion units before the big floodiri 2011and domestic demand is

expectedto shitf intoforWard gear i

middotnext quarter~ The economic recovery payshyrnent for farmersuncter the rlceshy

pledgingscherneandreturn of investment will increase revenue l

in other industries and put more rnoney in peoples pockets he middot said

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Temporary charter should furthershyboost confidence ERICH PARPART THE NATION

THE FEDERATION ofThai Industries believes the temporary charter will further increase the confishyden~e ofdomestic and foreign investors along with buslness op~ratrs while the recent strengthening of the baht IS stJlI tolerable for the export industry as long as anyfurther appreciation is neither too rapid nor drastic

_The FTI also said yesterday that its Industries Sentiment Index (TIS) had increased by 44 points since April

The introduction ofthe provisional charter is in line with the politiCal road map of the NCPO [NationaICoimcil for Peace and Order Jand I believe that in generalinvestors andoperators will feel more relaxe and gai~ more confidence that things aremiddot gomgmaccordWlththeNCPOsplansforanewcharshyter the setting up ofan interim government and the possibility of an election in the future said Supant Mongkolsuthree chairman ofthe FTI shy

In his view the country over the past two months has been running on a smooth surface since the Nepo took power a move which has led to an increase in foreign investor confidence certainty over pubh~ II1vestment policy and rising domestic consumptIOn

These factrs will support the recovery and allow _gross domestJC product to expand by 25 percent this year he said


The FTI had been projecting an economic recesshysion before the arrival of the NCPO

As for exports Supant said The strenctheninO of the baht is related to the increased conffdence of foreign investors which has led to an inflow offorshy~ign funds This will have some effect on the export iiidustry but it is still acceptable for exporters since the currencys strengthening pace is not too fast and the Bank ofThailand is still monitoring the situashytion

The export sector will be able to cope with a stronger baht if the rate does not fall below 3050 per US dollar he said -Moreover since the global economy IS continushyII1g to reco~er the FTI is sticking with its export

- growth projectIOn of35-5 per cent for the year According to Bloomberg the baht was valued at

3176 per dollar yesterday The FTI chief pointed out that if the Kingdoms shy

export value were calculated in baht it would already show lO-per-cent growth year on year

Accordingto the central bank export value in May came in at US$1927billiol1 (Bt6124 billion) whIch IS 12 per cent lower than the same period last year in dollar terms - shy

Meanwhile the TmiddotISI has increased for two month~ in a row The indexose from 840 in April to 851 111 May and to 884111 June amidst calmer political waters the economic recovery the liftingof the curfe - and even Fifa World Cup fever which led to an mcrease in overall production orders and sale figures - shyn~eover~TISI fororBers~salesarid prod-udiai- -shyIII allll1dustnes rose from 802796821 points in May to 843 844 879 points respectively in June

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CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough


GRAFT HAS GOT TO GO nvestors from Japan from which Such concern by the Japanese away existing and prospective forshy

the largest amount of Thailands investors should not be ignored eign investors Countless foreign direct foreign investment comes because they have brought the firms and investors have com~

have called for reduced corruption largest amount of direct foreign plained about the extra costs of and improved transparency in order investment into Thailand The doingbusinessinThailandbywhich to help restore confidence in the Japanese invested over 8t290 bil- they mean kickbacks and undershy

Kingdom lion in projects ClPproved by themiddot the-table money that must be to Setsuo luchichief representative Board of Investment last year That bureaucrats and politicians Often

of themiddot Japan External Trade was nearly 30 per cent of the total they have topayin exchange for pro-Organisation (Jetro) for Asean and foreign investment of Btl1 trillion curement deals with state agencies South Asia last week called on the according to 801 data and public projects People who ruling National Council for Peace Thailand has generally remained refuse to pay are routinely left and Order to kick-start good govershy attractiye to foreign investors due behind by their bribe-paying comshynance that includes combating corshy to positive factors such as the avail- petito rs University of the Thai ruption and ensuring transparency ability of skilled labour efficient Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) rec-particularly about doing business in infrastructure and transportation tor Saowanee Thairungroj has esti-Thailand Now its a good time for systems location andthe consider- mated that corruption adds 30 per Thailand to bring about good govshy able size of the domestic market cent to costs for businesses That ernance for the new era he said But our chronic corruption is scaring she says translates into reduced

comoetitiveness for Thai-made Economic and Business Forecasting pay corrupt officials and politi~ians products and reduced credibility for Centre He surmises that the have to cut costs at-the building site Thailand among foreign investors improvement could be due to posi- and that means poorer quality in General Prayuth Chan-ocha has tive public sentiment following the their public projects and thus a risk made tackling corruption a top pri- juntascampaignagainstcorruption to life and limb ority for the ruling military junta He and organised crime The surveyalso Businesses who pay bribes also says the fight will be part of sweepshy showed that bribes paid to officials offset their higher costs by charging ing national reform together with and politiCians by the private sector the consumers more good governance transparency and had declined to 15-25 per cent of middot Since corrupt authorities and an efficient and effective system of project costs frbman average 25-35 politicians make money and bribe-checks-and-balances Thailands per cent previously paying businesses make profits it is corruption index in the first half of Despite the seemingly slight theconsumersandthepublicingenshythis year improved for the first time improvement in the situation (or- eral who suffer in five years according to aUTCC surshy ruption remains amajor problem for They end up paying more uhnecshyvey The indexinJune was registered Thailand essarilyfor products and public proF at 46 out of a possible lOa com- In addition to the weakened ects the quality of which is poorer

pared to 39 last December says competitiveness and reduced cred- Corruption should beeliininated or Thariavath Phonvichai UTCC vice ibility the public asa whole is affect- at least minimised for the sake of rector of research and director of its ed by corruption Contractors who the country and its people

  • 57-07-24 (กรม)
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v f bull

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ff1 f) (1 f) j lJ ~ l 1 ~r91 Ill1m l flU

1Y1UlHlWY1 VIiffY1 lJ1ffl (Thailand

Trust Mark TTM) IUWlim

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ll(llVilJflf) 25 ff1U1 1UiJ 2559

J~ flafl~1rUJ 2557 bullbull 1 j

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(PI] n~11 mlJll~illJlJV f)UI1U1UJ1Ull mHiCl-lU lliUllilU f)~lJ

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A ~ I A I A A ~ I1lJlllllJ)ilV l~TlYlTlUll(1 1~il~~YIliUVli

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~111 ~uQl~~ J

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HlJ(1Yl1ltl HlihmufnU

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Iml~i l1itJ~~lllJ(1]lUUlmtJl UtJtJnl1lllU

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LL1fllJEllT~fl LtJ~~rlBrlilLtIUVI1lf)11LLal l~El Lem1~1~a L~ElW~lllUlvJiAh bull hUvlJJ1h 14

tI J d I

llJtJn(11 1000 U )Ull 23 nTl ll ilIIUiluluHh1VliftU~1U~U 1 lliU

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lViiff i1n~ Ilfi(1lu1)liJ~~)U1VlniilJ111li

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lJi)1V1~lJl1 ~f)jwUj UllrUllU11m~~~u ~ ~ J i lit

lJ1imU1V)iTnYl lTl)liVlU 1(1U11lnli

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l~UYI1lUilJ1ru 8 fihllJ~i~tJi)1lJl ~ 3

1 UW~UU1Vl 10 ~) UUliJuWJilVII)l 1m

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U)VlmilJli4UlC1nU1~ lil IVii1l uUVi(1lllU


Urull U1lUUllUl nm))l U)VlniilJ I

~Ui1Il l~Ull1ll~)n1 I1111l1nuNuintJun1i bull

i~Ul~)I1~)~~mlJ1ifll111111 ~~pfi lIUUrll

lritJllllnull~uUi1fi1J1lJU~i1fnllVil un~l l I1lJ1nUmi~llJ11JillJiJl~tJ1YlV~1i~lUY)fll J IJ I I ~ v

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Ui 1VliU lliritJ1l1lfi~fmhn1)U unnl

J1lJUllif)1 11(1 lrimYitiunuf)1lHlTl~tJltJu~ 1Uuil~uU

lJlUCllYICl J~~m ttllJlfinlH1fl~nlllJnlJ~lJfm)~~UnJlIl (ilf1U) ()liljJ~dhitiflfl 1~-Jl llwlhdlJJI11mJ~]j VlllfhHm(lm~lj~H ll~1HlJJl IUIlrmiddotltJll i HI 1J] 11 (fflU 11[ ~rulaquoJll V1ll~hh~nDUnljf)ll~~HjllDjtf1f1 1~tli1 J nKuijD~iJlI~)l 1Jjll~n~lJllnUJlnl1lJl1 J(lI~Ifitnntmlll~lJ

~ V I 11

lfI~U11f1fl llui l1lU dhJJll11jvt11vlJDHhhuClI1U1-Jlllmlllnml1111dh lr~ UUllliJJvi1111r~jJntlumjjjfiu11111 ~lJ IIlU1l-liili Ull 3IlD(h~u~IUUllll 1lllJ1ll11hmn fl~JJ1jlj~f1J r~Jltum~Dn D111ll llCllJWJUUlf1r)J OJlllmii1lJ R1~ U~DJV1rIUlm Tlul llt1W1Dn~Ju

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II q tJ I ct 0 oi tJ r 0 v shyllllnll(1lJ~lllC1Uflll1CllnllUyenl IlIll mlJU1lJ~JYmlUUl1D U~nl1 nlnn~D~C11HnlJlJ m~V1lJJllrullU C1111nJluflru nlllJllllDlMll --

UJllliHiUljlIl~lJfh~1l~11J()[Jti~ 17-31 ~JUIllllJHl1jl~~J~11J 23-41 I( Cl U 1 (uu) m lJd -11 Cf1lJfI (lji1WmCl~ ~-1U JI1 ~DlJ UCl m lJfll UfllJ llJJ1I~lih i l1l flpflUUlllUJ~~Ull~ ll-ilvtq) J~IUllfmlt1l~~UmJnll lJClYlEI 1~uuDnlJl~l III lflJUfllJ1l-iltU1l 1lU 1~Dnmiddotll1UIlIl ulm~jllllil VlCll01lJuJrijlnDUIlll t1~ viJJ iuHitlunf1fllJlIl)un9fD~ufh ~JUlJll U 1111 fJlllJllllllllll ~uJnll

IV ff


~U1~1Villi LnU~~J bull IV a

Vi1u~~f)Li11~~~ cu

inmhv-liil 111Pi~~ Llllnnn1lIHU

ml~nll~~IllfJlNu~tllll (iilIlU) LtJ~ Lmrh iilIlU1Lliru~lLLVlUN1llnilUn1l ~lU~U~l ~tltllll ~ LLiiliJ~Tfl~ll tJ111qj

Llilml11~ilL~illJf)1l-11iltJ(l~lJU1~UWl neu]~Uri1 vflLLJj~W mJLl1lll 1l1~Ull~

~ eil tmiddotwnnVJiln fl1111l LL(llJUJJ1JUL~fn

lllYlm~~ l1~IIlnMillVi~f)tlnpoundi~ml1

~Uril Lb(hvjUl11JU1~Ulllnru-naUril

l1flltJJjU~jjlJU1~1-1niLnuI~~ LLvimmru

flU~l~Ullljj1JU1~ L~lL~~ ~lEllltrnl1l-1N u~lnll Llt]11~ei~ Llltlniftl~U~lt~ tJVilJl1~ vlutrlLn(1J 1JruLtiitJ1nUnlltJrU(l~~~1~ lJillmllnru-nll~viiilt-J(ltiiiitlnllll~ ~UVlUn1lt-J~(9I~ltJ

~ltJrllv-llli1~lTh 1UltJampu iilIlU


l1~ii 01LUU1tJMiilJEl1-Xiil~~lLVh~~1 LUU

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fl1l11lLL(lm tltJ ) nl~poundilLiiI~)Jlruinv-l

LL(l~I LL1~~fl~ LLllnl~ll1ull)J)JllVlH L~tlfltln~l(91ln1lIl1UIl)Jll-1ll(9ltU L~fl rill1U~ LL UlvriltJllu~l l-1dJ U~lmriu LtiitJlnU

~lnn1lIl~(9Ill1~U~ll1iilltJlIil~ Lliu

1l~)JU1JI~J1~ltJd~f) lJUl~lJl(91vit-IDJl11 1l~~iiWUyjl11fl~(il 17 -31 poundi1ULLJj~v-l

iiiiviuyjl11 23-41 NU~tllIlUl1ll tJ

flTIILlilhei(9l~~11~U~1flJl(91111qjlll 1iitl~~lruiill LLvi1~11i lJruLtiimnUnlJ

L~iJ1JU1~ if~vh1~Ntl~nflU nllll ~uYlU I ~

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I)cJ4 flJfl~lV1dJ 2557

~)J~lh~fl1l1Jmi~~r111lillilfl-1J~TilflIVl)JIJ~lV11Jiiilnrucrl Q I Q

I 1 ~tJ m f IHl tlfl tJIil l fI 11 VI U~ 1 A I1lHl fl11)J lH)Jl tl)J

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IEI U1lfll)J~)Jj1l ritl~lh1l1lflflt)lI1iJ~~~1NM~ 15

UltdhVHI 1 ~ffff1 IClII115 nliflUl m i lJnmgtlJm fl~NUnilfl (ffflU) mh yil 1W51l if ffflU~ i~()~11111U~lhnfl1jmi

Q -11 Qi 1 d 1 mUffUfllflJ ilfl UCl1li lilflilV lHU 1IJ1111111 l flmmm I1l11VClfl

IJUlf11liilt1~llniYUtil i~ UlIlJtl (11I1Cl1 fl1lJ1Jm) fol~in~t)n tI bull

fll11li 11ClU~1lIJtJlfiv1 Cl~llm~lJ a d I I cs I iJ ~ I

UltJfllYl Cl flCll1Clnll fffllJ ff ~lllJt)t)mrll~n~ffUfllIlClll I1U 11

~Ul~1li i llt1ruovliYUti1l1mpoundJlIij~iiIJill~ 1 I1uitnU ~1 ~ uli 111111 UIbull u

~ d CS 10 d 0 i)ll C1 i Q

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U i i ~ilUIYI tl ~ V~ ff ~folCl ~vHl~ U 11 U n 1 i folCl ~ Cl~Cl-lmV I Qo iJ ~ I d oc d ~lnmiill(lnllffUflll1mVlIUfi 1llU flilllJl~-lfol111mVtJI1fl

IJUlf1IJ1~~H1liillfl111ii1fW~1mllii-1 17-31 ~hUIIlIllYl~li~U~ 11-1 23-41 Ur~~1li11111nliVil~Ul~U1f1~U ii~ hlil1~Il1JU flUU~-1uUV11-1flli~CllJ lJfl-1N11n flfllJ nli l~fll-1 i 1l1riNunilfl 11 1

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nIJfl hiCl~Clmil~~ll~U l1it)-1~Ufll~nl11UVl1riiU~11~illV1 U

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4 lJt)~lJi1~nUlYI

ri1U iU i VV 11 iiifl-1 I11rtlf1U I1ti 1tJ -11U ~ MV1jt) -1 lli U 0 QI

mm 1-1 f2V1ffl11m111 mll 11~liltlJ lIV _lllU n~lUflOlflnllflU bull I sJ

fll111m~Vl (flV) fljllff~m111lrufllliIl~ff-1111V1Clflll IIClmll

fl1Uflllll ClVilJ fl flflll 1mfll1 fl1lJfllJ1lfiVlI1lU I~flfhl1 U VIIIU 1111~ 11~j~1riI1JU 11 WI 11U1~V10U U ltJtilliClfla 11

lClUl15flll fffllJ mhll~lJI~1l11 ilJm1J1Wfll1~i1f1lJn~nruovl

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1111i~ tJ~ln~U()I1lVlllllllillVI1ti~ ftUll1 111 ru IJ v L~11lllfl ~U 111U

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U lV ~ltlCl flri l1V fli 1 -ff1UI1i1-11~ lJlli 11 11 lJlVl llii ~nrue0lmy

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fll 1 11 ~1l Cl 11 CllV ~flV ~lUlJlll

ltgt If

fl i ~ VI i 1-J VJ 1 ill CSU tJ

J~ nJnrnfl~ 2557-[j1JU[J1USU I


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~ laquo ~ ~ co

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LLVIW1I11W1 Uflun1111n1 1 UOli tJn111 WiH

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l~WfJ1li rl~1I ~V1ru11r1f111IJLi1UlffJUtiifJ1u

lI1OJWVlU1 fuJW1~ f)fitJ~n1JJn1ihJ U11 IV

111 W unEllYlU~(i)JU1-nl1 ii~I~W 32 ~m1d1

LLfliiV(ilU(l~W - 3 L~fllYI~n fifJ 1nli~tTu~WW

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~tTu ~WWL~WYlUYIJU L1tJW1UniU1W01~ ~ lil-n111m~

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~111 LLfl~(lJUl f)1-liWlf11U11r1ii fll1JJJW fII LLtl f11 ~W til fl El(ilVU~~l1~rrUIl~~ampi1U fl11iWvl1W11W flU1f1til

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VlUU l~JnfllVlUtlLLin 1 YI~U~1UU1Vl ~(ildjW II ~llfllJ 3 lJfll~flfh-nl1lU~Elnvhn1mni~~til1~tJ fl 30 ~1W~U LL~L~Uvlln~11V(ln~(il(di1u~hlliW

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t ~3JW1 5rr1Ll1UU11 Un1711n1~~I1UUllalLlJJf)~llf)I

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nTnh3WllnneJVlW)J1HidjW1JeJ~Y1UU(h1 ulii

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-nl1iJeJWLiil~~lll~1~~ltJlill LeJ 1~mil~1-nl1vi ~


mntllLJul1f1ffJ~WVJJUlnlifl~iIJrtlaquotJeuroN ~~I~LQW1U1nUnhmJfI~~ill1rf11iJ~LtJlJfI~ t71J1fl1lJ1Jnnml1JwrimililLJunfNYlwiif)mif)(i

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J _ I

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lJ U

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illl~1YiOJlJn1J-li11L1ilUBi1vl1LYiUll11U1L-WtJ 3

f1W ~11JLYilJffVll111Jvl~LLVIW1Jl1Ul El1l)1rl J~ VidlfirunBlVluLLYilil~GlB1i1l11ulLiJtlU1J~Ym

bull bull OJ

LL~(ijLLClllUl~ tJ nu 1(ijtJYiJJlllpoundllLLYHil L~Ull1~lJl

I ~lnl11U1LnUtrnLLltl-r~B(ijUULWtJlL~niiBtJ oiild

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L~UYlUlJUL1tJu1ua(ij~1(ijBmiitJVivllll11Ul LL~ i ~poundllLLJunBlYlU1iI1a-~n1ll1Ul1tI1U~~l1

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IIl1lJll1uil ~~l11tJllil~1lJliiL~U~ULVilJU LLampi

dju L~poundlmllJ~LLIllWl~tJ 1i1Jl1Ull11U1~ru1~ ~

I (IlaJlJ(1aJeJ~1l1~eJeJnil1ULLiiIlIil~iill~~Dn1J

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DWlf1~WllaJn1Jl~~eJf1 nJLQ~lvlU VlVllY1U1Vl

~llJn1Jll11Ul11LLi-JUn1JtJ~n-lil1vYtJJ LVII L~D ~

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tJ~aJl run1ltJ~ m V Em nil ruY1lt-J~i-J~Vl~U Vl~l~(liimVl ~

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~vhtJviltJ 1Liiu~ w11th~tJn uluna-lJll1IJ

i Ln1l~n~l11U1LLiilLn1lVl~m1 Vlll ~ LtIU Elil middot (IlLl1Vl

v1eJl-liWll11Wl1VltJ1~~f11laJ~Uf1 LjeJlln1~ii I ij middotnpoundlI~jltJleJ-rU ~lWJi~Y1~ liQJyenU Ul~n1ilIJ~iJ I hib~l11tnlrm L~WEl1VijjnliLwM~aJlc)(1 17 i

I tJJ(IrllltJLUWnlJl~tJLL~~~WllVW~-iil11~LYilJ I lJln-iiu I


fi n a Ua dhl3J amp1 ~h ~UA1 b nlf(9la f1~lijVl~~ IJm1J~lLL~~ 217 LL~U~TUUlrl lJEJlJ~ 26-32 Onnfl~~i1LLlnlJm1J~l

d at 01 d

O 7 L~ltJ3JVllleuroJ 3 VlUl tJI1U ~U llj

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0lt) =i ffUtJ1~ tJ fimmlLIjeuroJnllLmffilLL~ ~ - ~

~mrumlLn~l (jj n ~) Ulb3JUillJfllJ

VI~J1JeuroJIll(i11 Lfflli3nl mlLn~llJeuroJJLYltJ

VI~eurol~~YlrnflLn~l liJe)ltIlllmllJmtJ~h

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lJtJIU 2556 3J~lil~ufilLn~~leuroJd~ 216 ~

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JJfl~~t1V1~I~~lJmtJ~llii L~euroJJlln~~t-J~~1u n~JJ-trllulU eleuroJtJ tJlJWlll Ul~3JJ1~U LL~ ~~wil1fl3JlruL~3J LLlt1i-lill

LU~euroJn~nml3J~U 15jj eJiLUUL~aJ l~UllmiJ-ru~l~ILlt1~tJ t-lil~~tpJ illPl

euroJtiYi 7500-9000 Ulrl UYJU i~1l~ lI bull cd ~euroJltlU Vl1nml3JIfUeuroJfVl aJil~lL~ LV20 m ~llfll 6000 U1YlLYhilu

~UtJllljlll m~illlml~W1~J3Jl

LVI~euroJ 60-61 Ulrl lt1ieuroJnT~n13J LIjllil~u~ LiJltln~~L~3J ~urlumlt-J~~~J llm-nllTIj~

d ~ T Llt1GwmlYi


630-780 Ulrl w1euroJn ~n~3J LIjnt-J~~~~euroJeuroJn3J13JlnLL~ilmlU1L-li13J1

llnUltLVlffLYleuroJuihu lJru~llfllnJneuroJeuroJn l1~mltlloilUl~lnYillIXllmU1U~J~lL~euroJ 10-220 U1Y1w1euroJnT~n13J LllUL~tJ1n1Jnfll Ul~~ ~llmfiWl~J3J1LVI~euroJ320 -435 ~ntJ ~euroJnT~n13J

1I1~U11 VI~lLm~~lmL9l1lJLjULl~1 il~Jllljfl~euroJIlUnlllllOhm~~ LL~iJ ml3JVll~1um~wYi1u1U1n~uVlIi~OnnleuroJleuroJ1J

LjuluTm~ml3J1UJ~ln11 6-8 L~euroJU

cilUllfl1~U~lLnllVllvifl1~ hlilllm vibVi~ ~euroJ ~Uci1UVI~I m~11lb~l-I LUU 215-220 ulrllt1ieuroJnT~n13J lln 180

Ulrl LIjll~U~euroJImlU1LUt-J~~beuroJvilUeuroJ~ IJrnvielmJflWd1lL~3JLJU 1 220-1300

U1rl lln 1040 ulY1~euroJnT~n13J llfl1LnLdil

nlL~3JLUU 42880-44 Ulrl~euroJnT~n1l-1 L 11l1nfl3JUln vifftJ T lUilml3J9l euroJI ml

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ultJ~3Jifn~ n~lhlilJii leuroJI~f~ml jj n~ n~llL~13Jl1 cilVl1U LLt-JUltJ

tJllL~L~~ tJ ~Vll~ ilil3J nu mrl )11

im~~l1mYlll11jlb)ll6 Ll~mrll11

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~euroJJVi~lLilumlL1~3Jt-J~~~~ ml~~

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n 9l euroJJ LVi~W)1[11 mm~m~n~rnvi1JTlI

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ultJ~3Jifn~ n~11~euroJ11 ffuMfmin~ ~ll1lml3J$1~L~UlJeuroJJnfliJ~n~lmLrltJ bull I

~jLLwllUYi 18-30 ~ tJYitJl~l llnn~3J

~euroJtiljLrl~mmlurlnfJVll~YilUlL~f1 2346 lltJ LUVll-n8 l~lJml~~lJlJeuroJJ Ln~ltIllmLrltJ ljuil Ln~~lmLrltJ~ml3J ~lJlul~u3Jln~WflLLUuLlt1~1J 310 lln

~LLUUL~3J 4 lLLWU T~mnllVllmilml3J v JJ ~ 14 1

~IJl~ltIlU3JlnIJULufl~LuU 7851

ml3J~lJlJeuroljLmWIlmLrltJ l~lln ~1~llt1lfll1~~IJlU 6 ~~ L~LLn meuroJUfl11 ~lJrnlj~ ~Jfl3J~ mlJ1U~ ~lJJllljLjU~

LL~l~t~ LL~~euroJoilLLUnml3J~lJ~l3JeuroJ-nlw nllLn~l~n

cilVl1lJl~lJfll13J ~lJlJ euroJjLn~~ lm

VI~JL~1uLjuTmJ nlliU~lUlin ljU

11 Ln~lm~u~n-nllilml3J~IJ~l~l13J

L~3J~wmw1~l~lJ3Jln~~~ itJflLLUU

Llt1~tJ 335 middotnnm-LLUUL~3J 4 fIbbUU


TWlmn~~lm~u~nillI11ULVlqi ilml3J ~ v I 4 _ v

~lJ LUl~U3JlnlJUfl~LuU 886 ~rleuroJU


ampI J 11

U1JaSJf1n~ mfi11(i)1U 1il~~Hilfl111iU1fl11

lYJilnlllnmlm(1l1WlirunllLflmJi (llfl l1) fl~ll 11 f1UJ1~J 1l fl l1 l~cimlm1JJ~~l~14 (Poll)

11 il~ ~~JJ ltill il ci1~ 1f11jmm114lln ~~11~~1Jilllf1 ~l14l~ 2346 i1U lW~l~~il14 ~[J57 ifl~u i~lJm1JJl1l11Jil~lnmJifljl11H )tojlJ11 m1JJl111JJl(1

ilJJu~ ln~Vlim1 ~1 [Jl 11111 ilJJil~l14i~~JJ1 fl

vll[JTlll1414l~U 31 0 llflf1ll14Ul~JJ 4 Tlll1414

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Tlll1414 ~TlJJ~ 3 20 Tlll1414 fl1j~l14~ 3 14

Tlll1414 l1Jil1ril~14lt11 285 Tlll1414 ll(111l1~ 274

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)1~il ljjil~llLUflfll1l-Jl1lJl-Jl(1j1JJVllJJil1~Yl ~ ~~

nnLhl1011V111fl rilJ11 lflljlillm~DjnillJil1~I

nlllnljm1l1flrl flDj ll1rljjm 1~ 1 l1JJJ1 Ri1JJil ~l14

i~lJJJlfl t~tJl~mJinl~yjll1114~J(1bJjjf1ll1414l~~[J mlJJl1IJJJ1m1l-Jl1~l1~ lrijll~u14~~lmnltr14~1~ q~fll~1J(1t~ilfl~Vl (1Hl lflljOJjflj~ilUlvl~ DinillJ fllJ 1 14ndlJDjl1lJU ru11il111J (11J~Vlt14 Vlm~~~~illmiddottvlilm~l11l11141J-(1~Iilh jil~(1~JJl ~il lnmJjflj~D(1n5iltJllflL~u~lrildil t~Uilm


5il[J~llU1tUl-JlWl-J~14 ~~lU14mll~lflmJjm~1lnfl 5il[Jvmh lI(Uyj~rildil~I1~Y11~fl1j~~ililn~~~~[J 111~jlr1~~i1l~mul1ruum~flJJlmfl1jn~n14

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1ll[J1I1~llnlMuL~ulfltm~ fllj~lJ~1til-ii11 middot t~tJlflmJjm~D(1fl1il1lth14l1ru~mlJJl11Jl14j~u JJln14lll ~~~tJ~ 88610 l1~il14ll-il~14l1I1~)~fl


1i~ltJl~JJ14 llnjjm1JJVl1J 1 14ill~mi1141JJln 111~llmilTliltJl~14114tm~fI1i1 l-J1hj~lnl1 6-8

llt11 il14 ~~ lti~1Jn t [J m Jil iIlJ1JJl1lJ~ ilJ

lflmJinj1l114l1ru~L~l-JUl-JlilU114i~uJJln~l1~ ilcil~hr)Vll~ ~14~1~U ~nl1ll11411fl1wll

YhlmmJim~i~~mlJJ~1Jl~JJ~ 1lnl1 mllti~ lltfiJJ n m~JJ 1J~Vl1llYl~n ~~Vllll~fl1jlnljVli~ [JfI1j

n~Gi14ll14fl1j1J~Vl fI1mlijJ14llllf1Uf1fl1j1J~Vl flljli

lllf1t14t~ULf1~il~~mfl(1fl1jmmJj ll(1fl1jl1UUl11U

1~~fI1m1illYlll11JJ l~ill~JJj1[Jl~~lYl[J~riil~lJ ~11Ti~1[JlJil~LnljVljflj1Jrul~mn14 1l0l1 mjlti~ ll11JJ fl1jJJil1ril ltfi JJ~~11lf1 fl1jlflmJj lln14il nil1f1

nlllflljVlj t~[JmmlijJ141lln~~lltfiJJillrij[J14 l~illl1t~~(1VlillJ IIY114)14l11JJll[lU~ liJUil~~ l1il~1~ ~fl1T1ry~il T1j1fi1llmu1~l14fl1jVlm~l~ill111~ liil~ll1~fI1~lml1Ullnflj1[JR14fi1


I 41 VIvVha h104 1lfillIii033HI~L~3Jfl1lLOlfVll LiI~L~v~~

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U1U Iill~ultJUltJlIeurol-l ml15 11 M~~Ihlm-lmddrnd-l~m~

riiUYltl~LYlf11ul~~md~~iilUrlunmJ~Iil-n11 L~eurol~Uml~~lI1shy

lf11Ul 3 nlmdJl udnEluiil1tJ 1) md~~-llUdrnd-l~md~~

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eurolUdJlriltJYleurol~LYlf11ul~~md~~iilu1umd~~1iljJ11 d~U~lLf1eurol 814 ~lLf1El 1~LLrim11111~mLnW1~~U1U (eurolnJl ) middot 61102 dltJ

dVdlJ1U~ 15 mnjlf1Jl-31 mnjlf1Jl 2557 l~tJlvilmdL~tJ LLyIj1LYlf11ul~~mdr-J~1il-n11~rlnltilEl-l 1~lf11U11~~mlJl1 mlJl

~ ~

L-nlh YldlunJ LL U1Yl lJmd~~dlmill tJmd r-J~1iI 111Jlld(] L-nlnJ

UltJmdr-J~lilmnln d1~0-lLn~mlJlL-nlh~ln~UL~tJ1nUmd~U

-ilU1U 63943 f111L1eurolU LIil1tJlJyljftlJlleurolUL~UL-nllrqJ~Lntilildm LLA1 ~lwru~~m~~lLUU-llUIil1JJLLtJUUElJnULL~Lln1l1ilqJmtJ~1~ U 2557 lurn~lillUeuroleuroln l~m~yIjl~Jf1~ LJl LL~YlL1tJU 1~~J nldl-~Jl-jl~L~lmiddotdJ~~lill~amUnld[UEl~lJ1n~~ LLvillrndr-J~ 1~~J 3l1U~ ~1uhmjdluL~tJ11nAl-jJl~LLA1 yIjUl11~~nld ~mf11-6~1Iild~ldt~Ll1tJ1llU~J LLliijjm~LriW1dndUlJmiJl~lIEl I

nWUL~mmJJl1myljf1~eurol-l (lf~Ll1tJIiIElm~tJ 3) LL~~JLl1~~md ~ ~ LLUdW d1~nl1 65 A1UU1Yl ~Jlirn11 fin (f nLIil1tJJlIElUL~Ul~



~1U~~r-J~IilYlL1tJU ~-lf1~ LJl middot LL~~eurolJnEl-llUf11f11iil ~OJ bull I I

ilEln~liIm~~lnlU-61-lL~ElU~Jl-jlf1Jl-numtJu 57 ~U f1rn ~

nTI~nldUltJUlmL~~lmnld-6itJLl-j~mnW1dm (f1lfn) jj~~~ Ud1~LrieurollU~ 7 mnj1f1Jl 2557 l~L~UlfeurolUIillJlLLr-JuUeurol-lnU

~YlnutJULnW1dm LL~md LlfUd tJlfUllnYlLutJULnW1dm


eurolnJl LL~~L~1l-jh~ri-lLm~mdLnW1d1u~u~U

lu11ulItJltJr-J~LLriLnW1dmllrneuroleurolnm1lL~tJJlLLU~-lLmrm~~u YlL1JtJULn~lildnd~lJ~n mtJ1iilnlnddJl~ 3) mdriltJYlEl~

~ ~

LYlf11ul~~md~~iiluYlumdr-J~1il-n11LLriLmrmm l~U~LUll-jJlltJ LnW1dml-jUJ~lUdltJ

lU~1UlIeurol-lmd~lLUUJ1UlmJmdLLntlIUqJmtJlJVm10Jduu U 2557 ~UU11LUU~11~lIeurol-lLmtlildm LyIjdll-j~-llln~ f111lf

eurol17~~Stihmrn m~1 middot MUd1JlL1-l1~YIu1tJ JlUlu~u~~hu d~ul~lElf1euroluLIlmdUi 1~~lLuumdm1l11eurolULL~~UEJU~~md eurolElnlufudeurolJ1-LLA1L111lmtJ1u~u~ElU nf1d

~~~ e-J1U~11v1LL ~Jll eurolLilm~U~1 tJ Ll-j ~eurollmtlildm1lJ~ ~hunJu UdJllrnL~JlL~Jl LL~l~~ri-lifqJ~dltJ~eurolmtmm 1~ firi l1

LL~LL1ltllUqJl-jl~m1~mf11iil jjLUll-j~ltJ 7800 iilu l-lL~U 37 50

A1UU1Yl -61tJU~l-jld~~m~lu 3 Jlllildnld ~eurol 1) u~Vm~nld

~rnf11ylj~~tJ~1iI LUll-jJlltJ 4000 iilu 2) mlltJr-J~r-J~liImmuEln

~u~mf11iil LU1l-j~ltJ 3800 iilu 3) L111~l1myljf1~eurol-llumdEl lI1tJcJ~~ LUll-jJlltJ 35 n~Jl

LL~ ~11 ~ ~JYi1 tJ ~1l-j1U n ld~l LuUJlulmJ nld-61 tJ Ll-j ~ eurol

LnW1dm~lJd~U1ltJYlU~Yll-lfiddJll11~ LriElU 2555-57 -ilU1U ~

530943 dltJ lu 60 ~-l-jl~ ~ f111l1 1~eurolU~GiJUnmJdltJmd~1 I I

deurolJ~ltJL~Elmrn~maUl-j1El-ildju 1JL~U 509954 ~lUU1YlL~eurol L1-l~ltJl-LnW1dm~U l-j~JOJlnimJ~-lLm~mdmW1dL1-lL~1l-jiil~ 1-m1OJl1ElUdltJ~mnW1md L~lJ~U~L~U~lnllEl-lLmdm L~lI umlh-iliil1Udl11l1U Lm-ilu1uL~U~~niilElJ lIrnU finl1n


LWfl n11Ln1iVll UtlmlnlrunTl Lnm (iin) Li](l

~~ucll~u iintllMll111111~~IiH~U~fl~

n ~ IJ ii111l th~Lnm n l1 U1 n ~~1l(lrUi LM1

~lU1U 2346 llU 1Ui-NL~1lUjj~U1UU 2557

111)1l lii11J11111J~lJ1l~Ln(llnll11u vnrh ml)JlJlJ1Cll1)JlJfl~ Ln~(llni11111U1l1Wi1lJ1lV

1Ul ~1J~~ lii11I1UUULU~1 310 Ilnl1iLU~ UlllJ 4 IlLLUU

Ul1lllJf1n~n~nn L~fl~UUnrm)JlJ(ll)J mii~mlLn~(l~ui1Ln1imnlUNClbjjj~LLUU Ll~UIl11lJ~IJmtll1lJ~~~(l L~i1LUUb~~~IoJtl l~flfln~(ltl1(l Ln1l(limihl11111J1nlu i1l~NUl imn~liIinl~)tlmj1lJLLilLtU~1riLd1l tlil1l1111

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U1UlllJ~n~n~1ln lti1V111Jl(1Jll11lJtlIJlJeN

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d d )J1nl1~(lm1IlUUULUtlU 335 dj1l-lllnLjjtlhi


Jj111~3TU-amm11 ~111~1J Ul1lllJ~nt1ln~lTi1 N1Wl1Jl1111aUI11

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Ministry seeks to resume small-lot rice sales in August PETCHANET PRATRUANGKRAI THE NATION

THE COMMERCE MINISTRY is preparshying to resume selling rice from its stockpiles in early August gradually releasing it in small lots of about 5000)0 tonnes a month

Duangporn Rodphaya director-genershyar of the ForeIgn Trade Department said a ~ubcommlttee had agreed the mmistry slthould go ahead and sell rice from the stockpIles and not walt tor completion of a Junta-ordered mspectlOn of the stocks bull I he nce-release planwhlch Will be proshy

posed to the Rice Policy and Management Committee soon includes sales through general auctions to exporters and local traders by government-to-governrrient contracts and through the Agricultural Futures Exchange of Thailand

Puangporn added that the department wopId ensure the stocks are released transshyparent With the Fmance Mmlst and the Prime Minister s 0 ce joint y inspecting the f0cessc

T~e department reported that about 55 per cent ofl800 rice warehouses had so far been inspected by the teams dispatched by the militarys ruling National CounCil for Peace and Order The teams are expected to complete their mission by the end of September

About 18 million tonnes ofrice is reportshy

cerns over roug t an ower pro uction in many countries amid higher demand in many others I here IS a good posslblhty that ThaIland will export 10 million tonnes 9pound nce thIS year It is expected to sell off all 18 million tonnes in its stockpiles within three years she saId

The department reported that Thailand was able to sell 535 million tonnes of rice in the first six months middotup by 50 per cent year on year while export value rose 19 percentto US$27biIlion (nearly Bt86 bilshylion)

As ofJuly 16 the price of5 per cent Thai

Afile photo shows asoldier inspecting rice stockpiles at a warehouse in a eastern province

white rice was quoted at $427 a tonne up from $410 the previous week

She added that production bfThai paddy rice in the 2014-15 harvest season was proshyjected to be less than 38 mi1lion tonnes because of drought in many areas

Charoen Laothamatas president of the Thai Rice Exporters Association said the government should consIder sellIng rice from its stockpiles in small lots of about 100000-200000 tonnes per auction to avoid impacts on the m-rket price

The government has less pressure to accelerate the sale of rice frbm the stocks The country has holder power It should ensure transparency and minimum impacts to the market he said

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INTHE WAKE ofrising concern over the t reatmen t oflabour farmers we1shybeing and the environment in global trading the International Trade Promotion Department is urging more lhal busmesses to seek FairTrade cershytification so that their products are more easily recognised and have a

greater chance in the world market place

At a seminar on Fair Trade Mark and trading of Fair Trade products in theinternationaJ market heldyestershyday by the agencys Office of News Overseas Markets Development and PromotIOn Duan kamol Jlambutr e U Irec or- ener ot e eplrtshy

mentSal t atonlyasmallnumberof thaI compames and sUEP)Lc~~ms current~apphedthe FairTrade Marllt

The epartment lrill therefore continue to support Fair Trade certishyfication by promoting an awareness campaign amongThai man ufacturers and exporters she said

According to the Netherlandsshybased Fair Trade Original organisashytion about 30 Thai companies and supply chains have received FairTrade

certification to date This guarantees that they engage in faii treatment of farmers have good labour conditions use no forced or child labour offer fair prices to suppliers and operate with transparency accountability and respect for the environment equity and freedom lt)nd have fair trading practices

Duangkarnol said the department in cooperation ~th Fair Trade Original now had a target of increasing the number of certified businessshy iSnap es and products by 10 per cent ayear

The main goal is to help agriculshytural and handicraft producers as well as manufactures and exporters to achieve better trading conditions and to promote sustainability she said

Certified members of the Fair Trade programme will likely be able to leverage the quality of their prodshyucts for higher prices with certificashytion ensuring world-class social and environmental standards and more recognition in the international trade area she added

Thai export products alreadyusing the approved Fair Thade logo include

rice coffee tea cane sugar cotton freshfruits herbs and spices ockershywork handicrafts pottery and ceramshyics

The official said the department also would like to encourage busishynesses in the shrimp and fishery secshy

ate consultant for Thailand said the overall value of Fair Trade products had increased considerably in the past few years as consumers now had more awareness about fair trading conditions and the environment

Consumers are willing to pay more for Fair Trade goods if they feel they have bought a product whose manufacture is highly responsible to society Today prices of Fair Trade products are also very competitive

the same as leading brands Enterprises should adapt themselves to produce Fair Trade products in order to ensure sustainable growth

tors to comply with Fair Trade certification so that they do otfaceproblems due to unfa abour treatment Every Fair Trade product is subject to labour-standard checking she explained

Manasnan Pongjayavanij Fair Trade Originals aS60ci~

and access to many markets said the consultant

According to Fair Trade Original the value of fair trade goods in the global market excluding the US rose from 1 billion (Bt427billion) in 1996 to 48 billion in 2012 Expots ofThai fair trade products were wOlth about Bt300 million in 2012

More than 30000 products are now on sale in 125 countries and the global Fair Trade system currently works with over 12 million people across 60 countries

Manasnan said many more Thai products could get the Fair Trade mark So far many local brands sllch as Doi Chang coffee plus local proshyducers of soy sauce chjli sauce pineapples and bananas are wellshy

known for having the mark which is accepted widely

Martin Boon development manshyager for Fai~Trade Original in the Netherlands told the seminar that with the global market having growshying recognition of Fair Trade prodshyucts many markets were increasing demand for products carrying the logo - and that Thailand had high potential to serve sllch worldwide demand


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THE NATION ~ JULY 20141lI Sihasak reassures EUteam over juntas reform roadmap SUPALAK GANJANAKHUN DEE THE NATION BRUSSELS

EARLY ELECTIONS vtithout reform would not help restore proper democshyracy to Thailand That was the message related by acting Foreign Minister Sihasak Phuangketkeow when he met his counterpart from the European Union in Belgium this week In a bilateral meeting with David OSullivan chief operating officer ofthe European External Action Service Sihasak said Thailand had a clear roadmap to restore sustainable democshyracy and that the EU should support

this process of reform The roadmap and its related reform

will help strengthen our political econshyomy and will also be of benefit to our partnership with theEUin the longnm he said

Sihasak was in Brussels for a minisshyterial meeting between representatives ofAsean and the EU and spent much of his time briefing representatives of Eillopean nations aboutthe situation in Thailand

The E U along with the US and other Western countries strongly criticised themilitaryforits May 22 coup The EU suspended a number of cooperations withThailand as well as several visits by high -level officials It also recommendshyed that member states review military cooperation with Thailand

The EU said last month that it wouldmiddot

not sign a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Thailand and that the negotiation of a free-trade agreement (FTA) would not conclude until an electshyed government was in place

Sihasak told OSullivan that an electshyed government would come eventually Before that however Thailand needed time to implement reform to have a strong democracy

The time frame of 15 months or so for the reform is not too long ifwe want to make sure that our system and democracy are sustainable he said

Thai people are aware of the issues facing our country and we are working on addressing these concerns so the EU as a partner should support us

The EUhas the right to voice its conshycerns about the situation in Thailand

middot but it should also ensure it is sufficientshyly informed on specific cases he said

Concerning detention and martial law the EU should make sure it has corshyrect information about who is under

middot detention and if there are concerns about human-rights violations the EU should specify the cases he said

Sihasak discussed the situation in Thailand Vlrith many European MPs

middot while in BrusselsTheyincludeq Franck Proust special rapporteur on the FTA and Samuel Cantell head of the ecoshynomic trade and regional cooperation delegation Many of them have experishyence in engaging with Thailand and have a clear understanding ofthe current sitshyuation in the country Sihasak said


Pension scheme for farmers proposed

Farmers in the future might look forward to retiring on a government pension

Charnpittaya Chimplee directorshygeneral of the Rice Oepartment said yesterday ttiat under a draft bill dealing with the rice development fund members would contribute about 3per cent of their monthly income to the fund and the state wou ~d also chip in ayet-unspecified amount

When farmers reach the age of 60 or 65 they will start receiving a monthly pension bf about Bt4OOO

Most farmers earn less than other workers so the fund is neces- sary for their future Charnpittaya said

Other proposals for the bill are being gathered and the contents wi I be improved before its submisshysion to acommittee on rice producshytion and markets and the National Council for Peace and Order


Farmer happiness down from August WICHIT CHANTANUSORNSIRI

Farmer happiness last month dropped subshystantially from its peak last August when they had high hopes of stable income from the Yingluck Shinawatra administrations rice pledging scheme reports a Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BMC) poll

The state-backed farm banks farmer happiness index fell to 7851 in June from its highest level of89 in August said senior executive vice-president Somsak Kangteershyawat The poll surveyed 2346 farmers

Happiness from family health a good society jo b financial position and the quest

for knowledge were the six factors used to measure the index

The survey found happines from the family scored the highest with a score of 341 out offour followed by health at 321 a good society at 320 job at 314 fmancial position at 285 and the quest for knowlshyedge at 274

Farmers from the Northeast regygIiwere the happiest vvith a score of 314 while those from the North scored 313 the South 312 the East 297 and Central 299

Asource at the BMC confirmed Augusts poll was taken when the farmers mood hit a fever pitch as they felt they would receive an elevated level of compensation from the

rice pledging programme The National Council for Peace and

Order (NCPO) is seeking sustainable ways to help farmers after losses from rice pledgshying which offered prices 40-50 higher than the market price could reach 500 billion baht

The juntas measures so far largely includelowering rice production costs and slowing the release of supply to lower price pressure

The source said prices of tapioca sugar cane chicken and pork are gaining in the second half while those of rice corn rubber oil palin and whiteleg shrimp are declirun ~ bull bull imiddotI middot7~

Regarding rice prices the source said the price of paddy with 15 moisture content could average 7500-9000 baht a tonne while Hom Mali prices are projected at 14000-15000 baht in the second the half

Even though the agricultural sector conshytributes only 84 to the countrys GDP there are 167 ffiillion farmers making up 26 of the population

National Statistical Office data shows the ratio of farmers who earned over 100000 baht a year rose to 286 in 2013 from 97 in 2003 while 643 graduated from prfshymary school down from 704 a decade ago Farmers shouldered average debt of 124604 baht per person last year

BANGKOK POST 41 FTIupbeatabout domestic car sales PIYACHART MAIKAEW

The Federation of Thai Industries (FT) remains confident that domestic vehishycle sales will top I million this year defying some car makers projection of sales declining to between 900000 and 980000 vehicles

Domestic demand started picking up in the previous quarter as private firms and farmers bought new pickup trucks for their business expansion and new cultivation said Surapong Paisitpatanapong spokesshyman for the FIrs automotive industry club

The club forecasts pickup truck sales will contribute 55-58 of domestic sales against 442 in 2013 while passenger cars dropped to about 40 from 474 last year

The passenger car market has normalshyised after demand was absorbed by the gov- emments first-time car buyer scheme said Mr Sura pong

The club yesterday cut its 2014 forecast for Thailands automotive output from 24 million vehicles to 22 milliori It also cut domestic sales to 1 million vehicles hom 12 million while exports stand finn at 12 million vehicles

FTI vice-chainnan Suparat Sirisuwan~ nangkura said Thailand was expected to remain in the worlds top 10 automotive manufacturers this year with production in countries such as Canada and Russia also expected to decrease

The International Organization of Motor

Vehicle Manufacturers said Thailand was the worlds ninth-largest automotive manufacturer in 2013 and 10th in 2012 Production (ast year totalled 245 million vehicles the highest in 52 years and up by 014 from 2012

The club yesterday reported that car proshyduction fell by 261 year-on-year in June to 160452 For the first half Thailands car output fell by 29 year-on-year to 952685

Domestic car sales in June totalled 73799 dOVll by 304 on the same period in2013 while 440911 cars were sold in the first half down by 405

By contrast car exports in June rose 657 to 103946 earning the cOUDtry497 billion baht In the first half exports rose 36 to 560047 cars with export value rising 895 to 265 billion baht

The FII yesterday reported that the industrial sentiment index improved for the second straight month in JW1e

The index rose to 884 points accordshying to the FIr which conducted a survey among 1100 industrial operators It stood at 851 points in May when sentiment improved for the first time in seven months

FTI chairman Suphan Mongkholsuthee said sentiment has improved because of the more stable political situation and an increase in purchases of products thanks to the Fifa World Cup football tournament

The industry outlook index for the next three months stood at 1019 points rising from 101 in May

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AUTO EXPORTS INCREASE Despite the sluggish recovery of

the export sector auto shipments continue to expand but still by not enough to counter the reduction in dorriestic demand for cars

The industry has been forced to brake this years production target from 24 million units to 22 million

The target for domestic sales has been lowered from 12 million units to 1million which represents adrop of 251 per cent or 335154 units from last year

Surapong Paisitpattanapong deputy chairman and spokesman of the Federation of Thai Industries Automotive Industry Club said yesterday that lower domestic derriand the end ofthe governments first-car tax-relief programme and the delay in gov~ errirnent and private investment

middotprojects had contributedtothemiddot change in the production target However this new figure is still

middot higherthan the forecast for T8 milshylion units before the big floodiri 2011and domestic demand is

expectedto shitf intoforWard gear i

middotnext quarter~ The economic recovery payshyrnent for farmersuncter the rlceshy

pledgingscherneandreturn of investment will increase revenue l

in other industries and put more rnoney in peoples pockets he middot said

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Temporary charter should furthershyboost confidence ERICH PARPART THE NATION

THE FEDERATION ofThai Industries believes the temporary charter will further increase the confishyden~e ofdomestic and foreign investors along with buslness op~ratrs while the recent strengthening of the baht IS stJlI tolerable for the export industry as long as anyfurther appreciation is neither too rapid nor drastic

_The FTI also said yesterday that its Industries Sentiment Index (TIS) had increased by 44 points since April

The introduction ofthe provisional charter is in line with the politiCal road map of the NCPO [NationaICoimcil for Peace and Order Jand I believe that in generalinvestors andoperators will feel more relaxe and gai~ more confidence that things aremiddot gomgmaccordWlththeNCPOsplansforanewcharshyter the setting up ofan interim government and the possibility of an election in the future said Supant Mongkolsuthree chairman ofthe FTI shy

In his view the country over the past two months has been running on a smooth surface since the Nepo took power a move which has led to an increase in foreign investor confidence certainty over pubh~ II1vestment policy and rising domestic consumptIOn

These factrs will support the recovery and allow _gross domestJC product to expand by 25 percent this year he said


The FTI had been projecting an economic recesshysion before the arrival of the NCPO

As for exports Supant said The strenctheninO of the baht is related to the increased conffdence of foreign investors which has led to an inflow offorshy~ign funds This will have some effect on the export iiidustry but it is still acceptable for exporters since the currencys strengthening pace is not too fast and the Bank ofThailand is still monitoring the situashytion

The export sector will be able to cope with a stronger baht if the rate does not fall below 3050 per US dollar he said -Moreover since the global economy IS continushyII1g to reco~er the FTI is sticking with its export

- growth projectIOn of35-5 per cent for the year According to Bloomberg the baht was valued at

3176 per dollar yesterday The FTI chief pointed out that if the Kingdoms shy

export value were calculated in baht it would already show lO-per-cent growth year on year

Accordingto the central bank export value in May came in at US$1927billiol1 (Bt6124 billion) whIch IS 12 per cent lower than the same period last year in dollar terms - shy

Meanwhile the TmiddotISI has increased for two month~ in a row The indexose from 840 in April to 851 111 May and to 884111 June amidst calmer political waters the economic recovery the liftingof the curfe - and even Fifa World Cup fever which led to an mcrease in overall production orders and sale figures - shyn~eover~TISI fororBers~salesarid prod-udiai- -shyIII allll1dustnes rose from 802796821 points in May to 843 844 879 points respectively in June

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CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough


GRAFT HAS GOT TO GO nvestors from Japan from which Such concern by the Japanese away existing and prospective forshy

the largest amount of Thailands investors should not be ignored eign investors Countless foreign direct foreign investment comes because they have brought the firms and investors have com~

have called for reduced corruption largest amount of direct foreign plained about the extra costs of and improved transparency in order investment into Thailand The doingbusinessinThailandbywhich to help restore confidence in the Japanese invested over 8t290 bil- they mean kickbacks and undershy

Kingdom lion in projects ClPproved by themiddot the-table money that must be to Setsuo luchichief representative Board of Investment last year That bureaucrats and politicians Often

of themiddot Japan External Trade was nearly 30 per cent of the total they have topayin exchange for pro-Organisation (Jetro) for Asean and foreign investment of Btl1 trillion curement deals with state agencies South Asia last week called on the according to 801 data and public projects People who ruling National Council for Peace Thailand has generally remained refuse to pay are routinely left and Order to kick-start good govershy attractiye to foreign investors due behind by their bribe-paying comshynance that includes combating corshy to positive factors such as the avail- petito rs University of the Thai ruption and ensuring transparency ability of skilled labour efficient Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) rec-particularly about doing business in infrastructure and transportation tor Saowanee Thairungroj has esti-Thailand Now its a good time for systems location andthe consider- mated that corruption adds 30 per Thailand to bring about good govshy able size of the domestic market cent to costs for businesses That ernance for the new era he said But our chronic corruption is scaring she says translates into reduced

comoetitiveness for Thai-made Economic and Business Forecasting pay corrupt officials and politi~ians products and reduced credibility for Centre He surmises that the have to cut costs at-the building site Thailand among foreign investors improvement could be due to posi- and that means poorer quality in General Prayuth Chan-ocha has tive public sentiment following the their public projects and thus a risk made tackling corruption a top pri- juntascampaignagainstcorruption to life and limb ority for the ruling military junta He and organised crime The surveyalso Businesses who pay bribes also says the fight will be part of sweepshy showed that bribes paid to officials offset their higher costs by charging ing national reform together with and politiCians by the private sector the consumers more good governance transparency and had declined to 15-25 per cent of middot Since corrupt authorities and an efficient and effective system of project costs frbman average 25-35 politicians make money and bribe-checks-and-balances Thailands per cent previously paying businesses make profits it is corruption index in the first half of Despite the seemingly slight theconsumersandthepublicingenshythis year improved for the first time improvement in the situation (or- eral who suffer in five years according to aUTCC surshy ruption remains amajor problem for They end up paying more uhnecshyvey The indexinJune was registered Thailand essarilyfor products and public proF at 46 out of a possible lOa com- In addition to the weakened ects the quality of which is poorer

pared to 39 last December says competitiveness and reduced cred- Corruption should beeliininated or Thariavath Phonvichai UTCC vice ibility the public asa whole is affect- at least minimised for the sake of rector of research and director of its ed by corruption Contractors who the country and its people

  • 57-07-24 (กรม)
  • 57-07-24 (ใบนำสง)
  • 57-07-24 (กระทรวง)


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LlrlnLtl~VU~HuWlU ilo1111lll ~~U eJ(lnlj(ljllll~8niill

U1Vll11 ~IJLLa amp(iJ1Ln1lVli~1l1 121J1r1~~Ln1l1l~ltllVlI1 1800 gy3Jpfn~ ni-r~J1

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v f bull

~ bull I ~ bull1) u u u ~ I-eruTl~Lfll91llil1~l1U11ll1~UilVlff IIW ~ LVln1l il1W1lWWU il1~~Wfl1lf1 fllill il ~UlflVU

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vvVin1 7 700-7800 U1VlIiV~U uli

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Mll1~vvQVi 6000 U1Vl ri1141i1l1tllJ

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III VIlU liJ VlV-liV ~1111 (l-J 01 nUfll m~

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~ ltWl-J~lJWi iCJ~WUlli Vjju~mlJ

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f~Ul(1 l~(Jmiiulv~llOI~lJUilJlru ~WI~CJWiYJI11fllJ-ct lQ~m~V14(l 5 ufftJ

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~tJ III mrtJlln nmUl(J1illCJcil~~lli1CJJ

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ntlliJUW~Wl1 ~j lllJlJlJfllA(Ulil11U~I1W1tJI1UUfl nmm11

UllmlVfi lfl~VW15 fl5lJ~m~f11lAl~1~ IIlrullVLulJJ1middothtJtlIJ~lLL11~tJilLi1uml~11HI1a

_j_l__LI1_f_lil(ll~tJ11 ~lhltJJArum~nllJJf11l LllIJI1n LL1llJf11lJltJul1lj~mhLI1f1il l1J1 tJ-rr11 Ailli la(l l~ii~ ~ L11 tJiJI fllJ UNU l-i1Y11lI1~lAJJ~a~ flflnul1lYltJ lulJJ1ll1tJtUf11~ ~VDfl111~~nmlJl~ul1L~tJillaUfl~8~jlltJJmiddot aleHlneJcil1L~JJVi L~flL~tJna1tJlLUlm1~u11Yi A rumlJJf11ltJ 1VlJl JlLfllJ1111l-ij(lf11 ll111 L~f)ln-i1fiJ~U~l Ul1mllll n~11

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~ bull Q ~

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amp~~ ~g~~(Ft~P i)~ r~~~~~~I~~~~~~~2middotg2~~~~~t~~yen~~ii~~~~~middot~middotmiddot ~- wnQwu (Ra) 22-25 nn

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~llUU IiiUlthbl fflJ~U liff~llf11W ftfnJUJ~~ 111~UllU1iim1lJl~mrU 1UffUrl1lvW jllJJlff~1lm1lJlu1i~


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ff1 f) (1 f) j lJ ~ l 1 ~r91 Ill1m l flU

1Y1UlHlWY1 VIiffY1 lJ1ffl (Thailand

Trust Mark TTM) IUWlim

fft1J f1EmJUl1l Tn llJl~mjU111 fJ tllf11W

ffUrl1U(l1J~f)ljhlU lYim~lJluf)lff

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I~ fJUfJ1 fJftlu V1 ~~tJftltfmJ W11JtI1I1U eJlfllJIllfl lhlITU

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lU1 1 lJU1fllJ 2557 mllVlU)llJ1 1 ~ f = 1

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IlIEJ1EJl~lJflf) 15 ff1U1 1UiJ 2558

ll(llVilJflf) 25 ff1U1 1UiJ 2559

J~ flafl~1rUJ 2557 bullbull 1 j

) ~ i i



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nisvl JJliPl (Thailand Trust Mark TTM) ftfllhvlMNjflN1111Nv~Tnf)iuvi1l1Jmf1iJm1lJjmtUIjEJtjfllutrU111 tpnlv1mJln[JTurfliJFJrumw~7VJJJ1urifilJVlnmiddotlslnltlW1llritn(i1m1~viiNmJlaquoj~truI11InveuroJthvieuroJjjfl

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n 1 jU~fI ruil1~ffU~1l~1l lfl li1 UI~ JJfI11JJTU1)1rfi~1bull bull v

11 ilJ Ofl I1l~ull vnHmJJ1U1 OBU J1~ ~ N fllJ~ L~ poundJlJU~l lu~u~u~mlJri~ nY1lJ flllr11

iI1~mhaVlf1 flci11lI1~1~IUJthli1JliJVl~1JfflJlJJ1 I~U~ ll-wflm~ (Fair Trade) lviU1UJllJlm~1In1IJifqjl1111i-l~1J 1~ uJ ll~ flli1J11f)fl~1 flli)~crlJlJJ1 fl f~if ll~ V f)) ~J111

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1Pl1-l 1 llvlV-liiii f)~lU1UlJ1 f)~ v~1j f) 51~1l 1lJ11J1~lJlu1m]f11i ltv bull tdV ~ dJQ bull

(PI] n~11 mlJll~illJlJV f)UI1U1UJ1Ull mHiCl-lU lliUllilU f)~lJ

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HlJ(1Yl1ltl HlihmufnU

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Iml~i l1itJ~~lllJ(1]lUUlmtJl UtJtJnl1lllU

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LL1fllJEllT~fl LtJ~~rlBrlilLtIUVI1lf)11LLal l~El Lem1~1~a L~ElW~lllUlvJiAh bull hUvlJJ1h 14

tI J d I

llJtJn(11 1000 U )Ull 23 nTl ll ilIIUiluluHh1VliftU~1U~U 1 lliU

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bull cO li1l1Jffii) il )VlIIH 1l1f)jlJ~iiYi111llll11itJ1fnT bull 1 -11 d 1 d Ifd c lJi1i1UUil1YI Tl(1U~W(1 ltJUIU)iV WUlVl)i

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lJi)1V1~lJl1 ~f)jwUj UllrUllU11m~~~u ~ ~ J i lit

lJ1imU1V)iTnYl lTl)liVlU 1(1U11lnli

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1 UW~UU1Vl 10 ~) UUliJuWJilVII)l 1m

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Vi (1 fllllJinVl mh) Yd I GI

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U)VlmilJli4UlC1nU1~ lil IVii1l uUVi(1lllU


Urull U1lUUllUl nm))l U)VlniilJ I

~Ui1Il l~Ull1ll~)n1 I1111l1nuNuintJun1i bull

i~Ul~)I1~)~~mlJ1ifll111111 ~~pfi lIUUrll

lritJllllnull~uUi1fi1J1lJU~i1fnllVil un~l l I1lJ1nUmi~llJ11JillJiJl~tJ1YlV~1i~lUY)fll J IJ I I ~ v

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Ui 1VliU lliritJ1l1lfi~fmhn1)U unnl

J1lJUllif)1 11(1 lrimYitiunuf)1lHlTl~tJltJu~ 1Uuil~uU

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~ V I 11

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IV ff


~U1~1Villi LnU~~J bull IV a

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inmhv-liil 111Pi~~ Llllnnn1lIHU

ml~nll~~IllfJlNu~tllll (iilIlU) LtJ~ Lmrh iilIlU1Lliru~lLLVlUN1llnilUn1l ~lU~U~l ~tltllll ~ LLiiliJ~Tfl~ll tJ111qj

Llilml11~ilL~illJf)1l-11iltJ(l~lJU1~UWl neu]~Uri1 vflLLJj~W mJLl1lll 1l1~Ull~

~ eil tmiddotwnnVJiln fl1111l LL(llJUJJ1JUL~fn

lllYlm~~ l1~IIlnMillVi~f)tlnpoundi~ml1

~Uril Lb(hvjUl11JU1~Ulllnru-naUril

l1flltJJjU~jjlJU1~1-1niLnuI~~ LLvimmru

flU~l~Ullljj1JU1~ L~lL~~ ~lEllltrnl1l-1N u~lnll Llt]11~ei~ Llltlniftl~U~lt~ tJVilJl1~ vlutrlLn(1J 1JruLtiitJ1nUnlltJrU(l~~~1~ lJillmllnru-nll~viiilt-J(ltiiiitlnllll~ ~UVlUn1lt-J~(9I~ltJ

~ltJrllv-llli1~lTh 1UltJampu iilIlU


l1~ii 01LUU1tJMiilJEl1-Xiil~~lLVh~~1 LUU

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I -

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LL(l~I LL1~~fl~ LLllnl~ll1ull)J)JllVlH L~tlfltln~l(91ln1lIl1UIl)Jll-1ll(9ltU L~fl rill1U~ LL UlvriltJllu~l l-1dJ U~lmriu LtiitJlnU

~lnn1lIl~(9Ill1~U~ll1iilltJlIil~ Lliu

1l~)JU1JI~J1~ltJd~f) lJUl~lJl(91vit-IDJl11 1l~~iiWUyjl11fl~(il 17 -31 poundi1ULLJj~v-l

iiiiviuyjl11 23-41 NU~tllIlUl1ll tJ

flTIILlilhei(9l~~11~U~1flJl(91111qjlll 1iitl~~lruiill LLvi1~11i lJruLtiimnUnlJ

L~iJ1JU1~ if~vh1~Ntl~nflU nllll ~uYlU I ~

LVl)Jt~tJ1Jl~1 LtJU Eine)~l1ifl LtJUn1l~U Ltlaf)miwmnlt(9ltJ11i Ll1JEinvr1tJmiddot middotUl tJ


I)cJ4 flJfl~lV1dJ 2557

~)J~lh~fl1l1Jmi~~r111lillilfl-1J~TilflIVl)JIJ~lV11Jiiilnrucrl Q I Q

I 1 ~tJ m f IHl tlfl tJIil l fI 11 VI U~ 1 A I1lHl fl11)J lH)Jl tl)J

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Q -11 Qi 1 d 1 mUffUfllflJ ilfl UCl1li lilflilV lHU 1IJ1111111 l flmmm I1l11VClfl

IJUlf11liilt1~llniYUtil i~ UlIlJtl (11I1Cl1 fl1lJ1Jm) fol~in~t)n tI bull

fll11li 11ClU~1lIJtJlfiv1 Cl~llm~lJ a d I I cs I iJ ~ I

UltJfllYl Cl flCll1Clnll fffllJ ff ~lllJt)t)mrll~n~ffUfllIlClll I1U 11

~Ul~1li i llt1ruovliYUti1l1mpoundJlIij~iiIJill~ 1 I1uitnU ~1 ~ uli 111111 UIbull u

~ d CS 10 d 0 i)ll C1 i Q

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U i i ~ilUIYI tl ~ V~ ff ~folCl ~vHl~ U 11 U n 1 i folCl ~ Cl~Cl-lmV I Qo iJ ~ I d oc d ~lnmiill(lnllffUflll1mVlIUfi 1llU flilllJl~-lfol111mVtJI1fl

IJUlf1IJ1~~H1liillfl111ii1fW~1mllii-1 17-31 ~hUIIlIllYl~li~U~ 11-1 23-41 Ur~~1li11111nliVil~Ul~U1f1~U ii~ hlil1~Il1JU flUU~-1uUV11-1flli~CllJ lJfl-1N11n flfllJ nli l~fll-1 i 1l1riNunilfl 11 1

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nIJfl hiCl~Clmil~~ll~U l1it)-1~Ufll~nl11UVl1riiU~11~illV1 U

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4 lJt)~lJi1~nUlYI

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mm 1-1 f2V1ffl11m111 mll 11~liltlJ lIV _lllU n~lUflOlflnllflU bull I sJ

fll111m~Vl (flV) fljllff~m111lrufllliIl~ff-1111V1Clflll IIClmll

fl1Uflllll ClVilJ fl flflll 1mfll1 fl1lJfllJ1lfiVlI1lU I~flfhl1 U VIIIU 1111~ 11~j~1riI1JU 11 WI 11U1~V10U U ltJtilliClfla 11

lClUl15flll fffllJ mhll~lJI~1l11 ilJm1J1Wfll1~i1f1lJn~nruovl

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1111i~ tJ~ln~U()I1lVlllllllillVI1ti~ ftUll1 111 ru IJ v L~11lllfl ~U 111U

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U lV ~ltlCl flri l1V fli 1 -ff1UI1i1-11~ lJlli 11 11 lJlVl llii ~nrue0lmy

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fll 1 11 ~1l Cl 11 CllV ~flV ~lUlJlll

ltgt If

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J~ nJnrnfl~ 2557-[j1JU[J1USU I


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~ laquo ~ ~ co

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l~WfJ1li rl~1I ~V1ru11r1f111IJLi1UlffJUtiifJ1u

lI1OJWVlU1 fuJW1~ f)fitJ~n1JJn1ihJ U11 IV

111 W unEllYlU~(i)JU1-nl1 ii~I~W 32 ~m1d1

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~tTu ~WWL~WYlUYIJU L1tJW1UniU1W01~ ~ lil-n111m~

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~111 LLfl~(lJUl f)1-liWlf11U11r1ii fll1JJJW fII LLtl f11 ~W til fl El(ilVU~~l1~rrUIl~~ampi1U fl11iWvl1W11W flU1f1til

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~(il~lnf)I~Uw~~~11 LLLllI11J11VulL~Unf)IrJU middot I ULLinmiij 1 IIjjU~lt1U1l1 1V1mLYI~lViJJ11JpoundllL~U

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VlUU l~JnfllVlUtlLLin 1 YI~U~1UU1Vl ~(ildjW II ~llfllJ 3 lJfll~flfh-nl1lU~Elnvhn1mni~~til1~tJ fl 30 ~1W~U LL~L~Uvlln~11V(ln~(il(di1u~hlliW

~ ~

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t ~3JW1 5rr1Ll1UU11 Un1711n1~~I1UUllalLlJJf)~llf)I

i 711~ lltii~IJWi~Iiim~fLll~dT LLlJilnfllVitJV1~11J L~WEl(ilYIUWVln1~1J1~ Il1IllflnllU LLfl~J1IlJJhl~

ii111V1tJ LLtii~I~~fllirVl1lfi1) vilmhl1i1JJLliLUW

nTnh3WllnneJVlW)J1HidjW1JeJ~Y1UU(h1 ulii

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J _ I

IIB~IJ ~v(ij~(ij(1(l nll1111 0JV1JlLn1l~J1 ~eJLJ I

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lJ U

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f1W ~11JLYilJffVll111Jvl~LLVIW1Jl1Ul El1l)1rl J~ VidlfirunBlVluLLYilil~GlB1i1l11ulLiJtlU1J~Ym

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I ~lnl11U1LnUtrnLLltl-r~B(ijUULWtJlL~niiBtJ oiild

~~Blijpoundll~n~l11ulYiLiIJLL1ilLLJunBlYluYipoundl(ijUU I IU bullbull I

L~UYlUlJUL1tJu1ua(ij~1(ijBmiitJVivllll11Ul LL~ i ~poundllLLJunBlYlU1iI1a-~n1ll1Ul1tI1U~~l1

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I (IlaJlJ(1aJeJ~1l1~eJeJnil1ULLiiIlIil~iill~~Dn1J

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DWlf1~WllaJn1Jl~~eJf1 nJLQ~lvlU VlVllY1U1Vl

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tJ~aJl run1ltJ~ m V Em nil ruY1lt-J~i-J~Vl~U Vl~l~(liimVl ~

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v1eJl-liWll11Wl1VltJ1~~f11laJ~Uf1 LjeJlln1~ii I ij middotnpoundlI~jltJleJ-rU ~lWJi~Y1~ liQJyenU Ul~n1ilIJ~iJ I hib~l11tnlrm L~WEl1VijjnliLwM~aJlc)(1 17 i

I tJJ(IrllltJLUWnlJl~tJLL~~~WllVW~-iil11~LYilJ I lJln-iiu I


fi n a Ua dhl3J amp1 ~h ~UA1 b nlf(9la f1~lijVl~~ IJm1J~lLL~~ 217 LL~U~TUUlrl lJEJlJ~ 26-32 Onnfl~~i1LLlnlJm1J~l

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Ministry seeks to resume small-lot rice sales in August PETCHANET PRATRUANGKRAI THE NATION

THE COMMERCE MINISTRY is preparshying to resume selling rice from its stockpiles in early August gradually releasing it in small lots of about 5000)0 tonnes a month

Duangporn Rodphaya director-genershyar of the ForeIgn Trade Department said a ~ubcommlttee had agreed the mmistry slthould go ahead and sell rice from the stockpIles and not walt tor completion of a Junta-ordered mspectlOn of the stocks bull I he nce-release planwhlch Will be proshy

posed to the Rice Policy and Management Committee soon includes sales through general auctions to exporters and local traders by government-to-governrrient contracts and through the Agricultural Futures Exchange of Thailand

Puangporn added that the department wopId ensure the stocks are released transshyparent With the Fmance Mmlst and the Prime Minister s 0 ce joint y inspecting the f0cessc

T~e department reported that about 55 per cent ofl800 rice warehouses had so far been inspected by the teams dispatched by the militarys ruling National CounCil for Peace and Order The teams are expected to complete their mission by the end of September

About 18 million tonnes ofrice is reportshy

cerns over roug t an ower pro uction in many countries amid higher demand in many others I here IS a good posslblhty that ThaIland will export 10 million tonnes 9pound nce thIS year It is expected to sell off all 18 million tonnes in its stockpiles within three years she saId

The department reported that Thailand was able to sell 535 million tonnes of rice in the first six months middotup by 50 per cent year on year while export value rose 19 percentto US$27biIlion (nearly Bt86 bilshylion)

As ofJuly 16 the price of5 per cent Thai

Afile photo shows asoldier inspecting rice stockpiles at a warehouse in a eastern province

white rice was quoted at $427 a tonne up from $410 the previous week

She added that production bfThai paddy rice in the 2014-15 harvest season was proshyjected to be less than 38 mi1lion tonnes because of drought in many areas

Charoen Laothamatas president of the Thai Rice Exporters Association said the government should consIder sellIng rice from its stockpiles in small lots of about 100000-200000 tonnes per auction to avoid impacts on the m-rket price

The government has less pressure to accelerate the sale of rice frbm the stocks The country has holder power It should ensure transparency and minimum impacts to the market he said

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INTHE WAKE ofrising concern over the t reatmen t oflabour farmers we1shybeing and the environment in global trading the International Trade Promotion Department is urging more lhal busmesses to seek FairTrade cershytification so that their products are more easily recognised and have a

greater chance in the world market place

At a seminar on Fair Trade Mark and trading of Fair Trade products in theinternationaJ market heldyestershyday by the agencys Office of News Overseas Markets Development and PromotIOn Duan kamol Jlambutr e U Irec or- ener ot e eplrtshy

mentSal t atonlyasmallnumberof thaI compames and sUEP)Lc~~ms current~apphedthe FairTrade Marllt

The epartment lrill therefore continue to support Fair Trade certishyfication by promoting an awareness campaign amongThai man ufacturers and exporters she said

According to the Netherlandsshybased Fair Trade Original organisashytion about 30 Thai companies and supply chains have received FairTrade

certification to date This guarantees that they engage in faii treatment of farmers have good labour conditions use no forced or child labour offer fair prices to suppliers and operate with transparency accountability and respect for the environment equity and freedom lt)nd have fair trading practices

Duangkarnol said the department in cooperation ~th Fair Trade Original now had a target of increasing the number of certified businessshy iSnap es and products by 10 per cent ayear

The main goal is to help agriculshytural and handicraft producers as well as manufactures and exporters to achieve better trading conditions and to promote sustainability she said

Certified members of the Fair Trade programme will likely be able to leverage the quality of their prodshyucts for higher prices with certificashytion ensuring world-class social and environmental standards and more recognition in the international trade area she added

Thai export products alreadyusing the approved Fair Thade logo include

rice coffee tea cane sugar cotton freshfruits herbs and spices ockershywork handicrafts pottery and ceramshyics

The official said the department also would like to encourage busishynesses in the shrimp and fishery secshy

ate consultant for Thailand said the overall value of Fair Trade products had increased considerably in the past few years as consumers now had more awareness about fair trading conditions and the environment

Consumers are willing to pay more for Fair Trade goods if they feel they have bought a product whose manufacture is highly responsible to society Today prices of Fair Trade products are also very competitive

the same as leading brands Enterprises should adapt themselves to produce Fair Trade products in order to ensure sustainable growth

tors to comply with Fair Trade certification so that they do otfaceproblems due to unfa abour treatment Every Fair Trade product is subject to labour-standard checking she explained

Manasnan Pongjayavanij Fair Trade Originals aS60ci~

and access to many markets said the consultant

According to Fair Trade Original the value of fair trade goods in the global market excluding the US rose from 1 billion (Bt427billion) in 1996 to 48 billion in 2012 Expots ofThai fair trade products were wOlth about Bt300 million in 2012

More than 30000 products are now on sale in 125 countries and the global Fair Trade system currently works with over 12 million people across 60 countries

Manasnan said many more Thai products could get the Fair Trade mark So far many local brands sllch as Doi Chang coffee plus local proshyducers of soy sauce chjli sauce pineapples and bananas are wellshy

known for having the mark which is accepted widely

Martin Boon development manshyager for Fai~Trade Original in the Netherlands told the seminar that with the global market having growshying recognition of Fair Trade prodshyucts many markets were increasing demand for products carrying the logo - and that Thailand had high potential to serve sllch worldwide demand


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THE NATION ~ JULY 20141lI Sihasak reassures EUteam over juntas reform roadmap SUPALAK GANJANAKHUN DEE THE NATION BRUSSELS

EARLY ELECTIONS vtithout reform would not help restore proper democshyracy to Thailand That was the message related by acting Foreign Minister Sihasak Phuangketkeow when he met his counterpart from the European Union in Belgium this week In a bilateral meeting with David OSullivan chief operating officer ofthe European External Action Service Sihasak said Thailand had a clear roadmap to restore sustainable democshyracy and that the EU should support

this process of reform The roadmap and its related reform

will help strengthen our political econshyomy and will also be of benefit to our partnership with theEUin the longnm he said

Sihasak was in Brussels for a minisshyterial meeting between representatives ofAsean and the EU and spent much of his time briefing representatives of Eillopean nations aboutthe situation in Thailand

The E U along with the US and other Western countries strongly criticised themilitaryforits May 22 coup The EU suspended a number of cooperations withThailand as well as several visits by high -level officials It also recommendshyed that member states review military cooperation with Thailand

The EU said last month that it wouldmiddot

not sign a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Thailand and that the negotiation of a free-trade agreement (FTA) would not conclude until an electshyed government was in place

Sihasak told OSullivan that an electshyed government would come eventually Before that however Thailand needed time to implement reform to have a strong democracy

The time frame of 15 months or so for the reform is not too long ifwe want to make sure that our system and democracy are sustainable he said

Thai people are aware of the issues facing our country and we are working on addressing these concerns so the EU as a partner should support us

The EUhas the right to voice its conshycerns about the situation in Thailand

middot but it should also ensure it is sufficientshyly informed on specific cases he said

Concerning detention and martial law the EU should make sure it has corshyrect information about who is under

middot detention and if there are concerns about human-rights violations the EU should specify the cases he said

Sihasak discussed the situation in Thailand Vlrith many European MPs

middot while in BrusselsTheyincludeq Franck Proust special rapporteur on the FTA and Samuel Cantell head of the ecoshynomic trade and regional cooperation delegation Many of them have experishyence in engaging with Thailand and have a clear understanding ofthe current sitshyuation in the country Sihasak said


Pension scheme for farmers proposed

Farmers in the future might look forward to retiring on a government pension

Charnpittaya Chimplee directorshygeneral of the Rice Oepartment said yesterday ttiat under a draft bill dealing with the rice development fund members would contribute about 3per cent of their monthly income to the fund and the state wou ~d also chip in ayet-unspecified amount

When farmers reach the age of 60 or 65 they will start receiving a monthly pension bf about Bt4OOO

Most farmers earn less than other workers so the fund is neces- sary for their future Charnpittaya said

Other proposals for the bill are being gathered and the contents wi I be improved before its submisshysion to acommittee on rice producshytion and markets and the National Council for Peace and Order


Farmer happiness down from August WICHIT CHANTANUSORNSIRI

Farmer happiness last month dropped subshystantially from its peak last August when they had high hopes of stable income from the Yingluck Shinawatra administrations rice pledging scheme reports a Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BMC) poll

The state-backed farm banks farmer happiness index fell to 7851 in June from its highest level of89 in August said senior executive vice-president Somsak Kangteershyawat The poll surveyed 2346 farmers

Happiness from family health a good society jo b financial position and the quest

for knowledge were the six factors used to measure the index

The survey found happines from the family scored the highest with a score of 341 out offour followed by health at 321 a good society at 320 job at 314 fmancial position at 285 and the quest for knowlshyedge at 274

Farmers from the Northeast regygIiwere the happiest vvith a score of 314 while those from the North scored 313 the South 312 the East 297 and Central 299

Asource at the BMC confirmed Augusts poll was taken when the farmers mood hit a fever pitch as they felt they would receive an elevated level of compensation from the

rice pledging programme The National Council for Peace and

Order (NCPO) is seeking sustainable ways to help farmers after losses from rice pledgshying which offered prices 40-50 higher than the market price could reach 500 billion baht

The juntas measures so far largely includelowering rice production costs and slowing the release of supply to lower price pressure

The source said prices of tapioca sugar cane chicken and pork are gaining in the second half while those of rice corn rubber oil palin and whiteleg shrimp are declirun ~ bull bull imiddotI middot7~

Regarding rice prices the source said the price of paddy with 15 moisture content could average 7500-9000 baht a tonne while Hom Mali prices are projected at 14000-15000 baht in the second the half

Even though the agricultural sector conshytributes only 84 to the countrys GDP there are 167 ffiillion farmers making up 26 of the population

National Statistical Office data shows the ratio of farmers who earned over 100000 baht a year rose to 286 in 2013 from 97 in 2003 while 643 graduated from prfshymary school down from 704 a decade ago Farmers shouldered average debt of 124604 baht per person last year

BANGKOK POST 41 FTIupbeatabout domestic car sales PIYACHART MAIKAEW

The Federation of Thai Industries (FT) remains confident that domestic vehishycle sales will top I million this year defying some car makers projection of sales declining to between 900000 and 980000 vehicles

Domestic demand started picking up in the previous quarter as private firms and farmers bought new pickup trucks for their business expansion and new cultivation said Surapong Paisitpatanapong spokesshyman for the FIrs automotive industry club

The club forecasts pickup truck sales will contribute 55-58 of domestic sales against 442 in 2013 while passenger cars dropped to about 40 from 474 last year

The passenger car market has normalshyised after demand was absorbed by the gov- emments first-time car buyer scheme said Mr Sura pong

The club yesterday cut its 2014 forecast for Thailands automotive output from 24 million vehicles to 22 milliori It also cut domestic sales to 1 million vehicles hom 12 million while exports stand finn at 12 million vehicles

FTI vice-chainnan Suparat Sirisuwan~ nangkura said Thailand was expected to remain in the worlds top 10 automotive manufacturers this year with production in countries such as Canada and Russia also expected to decrease

The International Organization of Motor

Vehicle Manufacturers said Thailand was the worlds ninth-largest automotive manufacturer in 2013 and 10th in 2012 Production (ast year totalled 245 million vehicles the highest in 52 years and up by 014 from 2012

The club yesterday reported that car proshyduction fell by 261 year-on-year in June to 160452 For the first half Thailands car output fell by 29 year-on-year to 952685

Domestic car sales in June totalled 73799 dOVll by 304 on the same period in2013 while 440911 cars were sold in the first half down by 405

By contrast car exports in June rose 657 to 103946 earning the cOUDtry497 billion baht In the first half exports rose 36 to 560047 cars with export value rising 895 to 265 billion baht

The FII yesterday reported that the industrial sentiment index improved for the second straight month in JW1e

The index rose to 884 points accordshying to the FIr which conducted a survey among 1100 industrial operators It stood at 851 points in May when sentiment improved for the first time in seven months

FTI chairman Suphan Mongkholsuthee said sentiment has improved because of the more stable political situation and an increase in purchases of products thanks to the Fifa World Cup football tournament

The industry outlook index for the next three months stood at 1019 points rising from 101 in May

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AUTO EXPORTS INCREASE Despite the sluggish recovery of

the export sector auto shipments continue to expand but still by not enough to counter the reduction in dorriestic demand for cars

The industry has been forced to brake this years production target from 24 million units to 22 million

The target for domestic sales has been lowered from 12 million units to 1million which represents adrop of 251 per cent or 335154 units from last year

Surapong Paisitpattanapong deputy chairman and spokesman of the Federation of Thai Industries Automotive Industry Club said yesterday that lower domestic derriand the end ofthe governments first-car tax-relief programme and the delay in gov~ errirnent and private investment

middotprojects had contributedtothemiddot change in the production target However this new figure is still

middot higherthan the forecast for T8 milshylion units before the big floodiri 2011and domestic demand is

expectedto shitf intoforWard gear i

middotnext quarter~ The economic recovery payshyrnent for farmersuncter the rlceshy

pledgingscherneandreturn of investment will increase revenue l

in other industries and put more rnoney in peoples pockets he middot said

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Temporary charter should furthershyboost confidence ERICH PARPART THE NATION

THE FEDERATION ofThai Industries believes the temporary charter will further increase the confishyden~e ofdomestic and foreign investors along with buslness op~ratrs while the recent strengthening of the baht IS stJlI tolerable for the export industry as long as anyfurther appreciation is neither too rapid nor drastic

_The FTI also said yesterday that its Industries Sentiment Index (TIS) had increased by 44 points since April

The introduction ofthe provisional charter is in line with the politiCal road map of the NCPO [NationaICoimcil for Peace and Order Jand I believe that in generalinvestors andoperators will feel more relaxe and gai~ more confidence that things aremiddot gomgmaccordWlththeNCPOsplansforanewcharshyter the setting up ofan interim government and the possibility of an election in the future said Supant Mongkolsuthree chairman ofthe FTI shy

In his view the country over the past two months has been running on a smooth surface since the Nepo took power a move which has led to an increase in foreign investor confidence certainty over pubh~ II1vestment policy and rising domestic consumptIOn

These factrs will support the recovery and allow _gross domestJC product to expand by 25 percent this year he said


The FTI had been projecting an economic recesshysion before the arrival of the NCPO

As for exports Supant said The strenctheninO of the baht is related to the increased conffdence of foreign investors which has led to an inflow offorshy~ign funds This will have some effect on the export iiidustry but it is still acceptable for exporters since the currencys strengthening pace is not too fast and the Bank ofThailand is still monitoring the situashytion

The export sector will be able to cope with a stronger baht if the rate does not fall below 3050 per US dollar he said -Moreover since the global economy IS continushyII1g to reco~er the FTI is sticking with its export

- growth projectIOn of35-5 per cent for the year According to Bloomberg the baht was valued at

3176 per dollar yesterday The FTI chief pointed out that if the Kingdoms shy

export value were calculated in baht it would already show lO-per-cent growth year on year

Accordingto the central bank export value in May came in at US$1927billiol1 (Bt6124 billion) whIch IS 12 per cent lower than the same period last year in dollar terms - shy

Meanwhile the TmiddotISI has increased for two month~ in a row The indexose from 840 in April to 851 111 May and to 884111 June amidst calmer political waters the economic recovery the liftingof the curfe - and even Fifa World Cup fever which led to an mcrease in overall production orders and sale figures - shyn~eover~TISI fororBers~salesarid prod-udiai- -shyIII allll1dustnes rose from 802796821 points in May to 843 844 879 points respectively in June

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CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough


GRAFT HAS GOT TO GO nvestors from Japan from which Such concern by the Japanese away existing and prospective forshy

the largest amount of Thailands investors should not be ignored eign investors Countless foreign direct foreign investment comes because they have brought the firms and investors have com~

have called for reduced corruption largest amount of direct foreign plained about the extra costs of and improved transparency in order investment into Thailand The doingbusinessinThailandbywhich to help restore confidence in the Japanese invested over 8t290 bil- they mean kickbacks and undershy

Kingdom lion in projects ClPproved by themiddot the-table money that must be to Setsuo luchichief representative Board of Investment last year That bureaucrats and politicians Often

of themiddot Japan External Trade was nearly 30 per cent of the total they have topayin exchange for pro-Organisation (Jetro) for Asean and foreign investment of Btl1 trillion curement deals with state agencies South Asia last week called on the according to 801 data and public projects People who ruling National Council for Peace Thailand has generally remained refuse to pay are routinely left and Order to kick-start good govershy attractiye to foreign investors due behind by their bribe-paying comshynance that includes combating corshy to positive factors such as the avail- petito rs University of the Thai ruption and ensuring transparency ability of skilled labour efficient Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) rec-particularly about doing business in infrastructure and transportation tor Saowanee Thairungroj has esti-Thailand Now its a good time for systems location andthe consider- mated that corruption adds 30 per Thailand to bring about good govshy able size of the domestic market cent to costs for businesses That ernance for the new era he said But our chronic corruption is scaring she says translates into reduced

comoetitiveness for Thai-made Economic and Business Forecasting pay corrupt officials and politi~ians products and reduced credibility for Centre He surmises that the have to cut costs at-the building site Thailand among foreign investors improvement could be due to posi- and that means poorer quality in General Prayuth Chan-ocha has tive public sentiment following the their public projects and thus a risk made tackling corruption a top pri- juntascampaignagainstcorruption to life and limb ority for the ruling military junta He and organised crime The surveyalso Businesses who pay bribes also says the fight will be part of sweepshy showed that bribes paid to officials offset their higher costs by charging ing national reform together with and politiCians by the private sector the consumers more good governance transparency and had declined to 15-25 per cent of middot Since corrupt authorities and an efficient and effective system of project costs frbman average 25-35 politicians make money and bribe-checks-and-balances Thailands per cent previously paying businesses make profits it is corruption index in the first half of Despite the seemingly slight theconsumersandthepublicingenshythis year improved for the first time improvement in the situation (or- eral who suffer in five years according to aUTCC surshy ruption remains amajor problem for They end up paying more uhnecshyvey The indexinJune was registered Thailand essarilyfor products and public proF at 46 out of a possible lOa com- In addition to the weakened ects the quality of which is poorer

pared to 39 last December says competitiveness and reduced cred- Corruption should beeliininated or Thariavath Phonvichai UTCC vice ibility the public asa whole is affect- at least minimised for the sake of rector of research and director of its ed by corruption Contractors who the country and its people

  • 57-07-24 (กรม)
  • 57-07-24 (ใบนำสง)
  • 57-07-24 (กระทรวง)


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ff1 f) (1 f) j lJ ~ l 1 ~r91 Ill1m l flU

1Y1UlHlWY1 VIiffY1 lJ1ffl (Thailand

Trust Mark TTM) IUWlim

fft1J f1EmJUl1l Tn llJl~mjU111 fJ tllf11W

ffUrl1U(l1J~f)ljhlU lYim~lJluf)lff

Vl1lf)ljrl1Un ~lhmilJf1lj1V1m~1U ll(l~lllhlY1f1 jllJJl rillff~lJfffll fllW Kf)ll ru~~U ull~l U 1Uf)1jriluUf)

11lUUlll1 ftl N~i1lYUrl1 U(1lJ~f)lj~ii fJtllf11W fhWlnl~lln91UlJ m


I~ fJUfJ1 fJftlu V1 ~~tJftltfmJ W11JtI1I1U eJlfllJIllfl lhlITU

fljjlJf)1jlJ~l11j lJ~rll YiWWWff

(lllEJIl(1U~) ~10~ lU91INfJ11 U1f)


Yijf)l1hUlll1i1l 1 W1J111fl~fmhU1-]




Il1f1 1f) 111 ~huU Yijnll~ii f)lj l~lJ1il ff-) uV1-)lim~u) 1l(1tY)iillUl1ulJ~U l~hJlilLl~D f)lJl f)11111 U ~)rUlriu vd d ooltvdv

lU1 1 lJU1fllJ 2557 mllVlU)llJ1 1 ~ f = 1

lVIfi LU I1UTIjU9fU f)Il f)lj l91t)1Ylff

91mJ fliu) ff1m)~iiEJu91U1tlfflff91 ItlwrU~1Jl1~)1U1f)ll1ft ~l1UiJ 5~7 IlHllJlhlJ1tllfli1 ~ 100 11111111

1U f)Wl il (119111(11 EJlEJ ff1 I1 l91EJIl

iif)ljUEJlEJff1lJ1l~lJ 10 ff1U1 1UiJ

2557 il1f1l~lJYiiit)~ 20 ff1U1middot lHl

IlIEJ1EJl~lJflf) 15 ff1U1 1UiJ 2558

ll(llVilJflf) 25 ff1U1 1UiJ 2559

J~ flafl~1rUJ 2557 bullbull 1 j

) ~ i i



tJfl5ClUuJUSJlEJUfllS UUytw f1f]U(iJ1f1f1Sv~mmiw~m1JI1Ti~If1l1Jtr1f1 lJfiFJfJ1Y11N nfl11fW ~ei1UJlJn7JSrnJJuriS1~mJiJfJntVVI~ufVJnJJlJftflmJI11 1JlJilvmuwJu1wlilJu1NllJmJUmJlnviuTflJoJri1Jlnvwu~ ~ - ~

nisvl JJliPl (Thailand Trust Mark TTM) ftfllhvlMNjflN1111Nv~Tnf)iuvi1l1Jmf1iJm1lJjmtUIjEJtjfllutrU111 tpnlv1mJln[JTurfliJFJrumw~7VJJJ1urifilJVlnmiddotlslnltlW1llritn(i1m1~viiNmJlaquoj~truI11InveuroJthvieuroJjjfl

--- -====~-

v bbU 1tJjW1


ftJttWitllj~ lutflnnl~a~fl3na~al~lan


W 1 uhf 6fl J~UIB flllU11 [J lll11 ~11MI1l11 fl ruYi litH 111 JVI

n 1 jU~fI ruil1~ffU~1l~1l lfl li1 UI~ JJfI11JJTU1)1rfi~1bull bull v

11 ilJ Ofl I1l~ull vnHmJJ1U1 OBU J1~ ~ N fllJ~ L~ poundJlJU~l lu~u~u~mlJri~ nY1lJ flllr11

iI1~mhaVlf1 flci11lI1~1~IUJthli1JliJVl~1JfflJlJJ1 I~U~ ll-wflm~ (Fair Trade) lviU1UJllJlm~1In1IJifqjl1111i-l~1J 1~ uJ ll~ flli1J11f)fl~1 flli)~crlJlJJ1 fl f~if ll~ V f)) ~J111

Ltl f)liJ1Vl U11J lJ1lt1Jh~1ltJ1U ~1l1m~~llJl1 crf1lf) UJcvfll~ Clll

M1U~l15mu-lllvlflm~OJ111lJ1f)rJ 1~u1~I~tyqtJifliluf11i

t)lltll11f)JJlJri]uClf)f)~l 200 i1U 1lJ1~llJ11JYf-l

bull J~ifl~vthrlClf)liJ1UM1U~~1~~1~ri]ClClf)rl1f1WIJCl]~ u

hlO hi111l1tlUltII11 ltII1ml4~lltJ ~~J 1l~iif)I1~lUth1ff V] ii fl11lJJ111 ffJr11V1111JlJV] 111 poundI u o1] lJl f) hHllllYt 1

1 cr~1l1 f)~M1U IfI~u]I1lJ1 poundJU-WflmVl ~] ItlJ Ifl~V]I11J1poundJ1tJiu] fl UJfllll fiJ r11 ~lii 1J1 mii1 Ji~U 11 f)~ J~1J~1J flli flii 1l

r1l [)~U f11i1~1liN1JCl O-ltl f)~U-lLL~iif)I1~lUifll)U~JltI~l] rJ IH ri1111011 ffJ r11UV-J1Vl uJ] lU ~ ~1 m poundIlJtJilVl fHI~1l ~1

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30 Cl-lr1m ~-lnJ]~ltlJf)cilJ~Lhuf)VUf11i 1tJlluo]ltII1mru

1Pl1-l 1 llvlV-liiii f)~lU1UlJ1 f)~ v~1j f) 51~1l 1lJ11J1~lJlu1m]f11i ltv bull tdV ~ dJQ bull

(PI] n~11 mlJll~illJlJV f)UI1U1UJ1Ull mHiCl-lU lliUllilU f)~lJ

tl 1l lt11 11 mllJ u111lm~u lt1111 milJ~ I~ (mJuJ11UlJltlU11l~~ lU1~llJlJVH1li111VJflm~hiiJ1 f)]U


lutJf)~llHmn1unWWllnru1~villM1li1~-l f)ci11

V01-lUuU 6 l~VU llCllfiCl11tJu51 mlJll~1l1l1lJI4fl~milJ Vlf)U l~V1111l f)V-l r1mv1M1um11tJllIKV-lVi1llJ~ elf) If) ruevi

Hq1fl1l1lJ1 1l J~lUU U] ffU r111111J1 f)~lt1 ff1111U f) cilJ ffU r1nt1

1~1U1lnIlWflm lhf)vU~lU lJ11 ~lll1av] lTUrl1UI1elJ

crutJ) unL1U ffUTl1n] uviMiif11JI11~vllm~uhrf)cilJ ffU r11~] ll~tJilJ-l 11 elJ~l f) tl f)ltII11V1UUtyf)1i~ lICl ffU ~1 ~lUlill i] ~lU 11hIf) ~lJif11UlJlHm1IlwfllliVl OUlJ1 f)iiu

iYiJ -I 1uIiI t11 ~ ~il~il i LVlf1~1-l111f)1 l poundI ulJ11J 1l J1 V] f) ci 11lt1]

1J1 f) UU f)1l1f)1l1UU flliltl~1-lml4elf)Iru~~UV~ffUr111V1 poundI 115

0] IlJU f11ifJf) i i1JJ1 fl1 ffUr11111fJJ~1U~lUlJ1 1l Hi1U ll~J1 m

lllU1lCl11Clf)iif)~lfJ ~ fflI11U llwlm 1~Vf)lifh~lUUlilllJ lofulJ1mb

f)~1 60 U llJUiUUf11ir11iluuluf11mf1-lfll1lJltlUliillJ

1u f)ll~lliJU~J Oil111ll fi ~r11 ll~ qin rilU l~ UllJV] ~111vi l~lImf)lqflfi1l qUUiJtJ qu~1f)fi illJvf-lil1illH-l1U

YivQ1uiuuf)1ir11 lUU U-Wfll1i vi11111) f) iJ1VltIllJ 1l OU1V irUr11

1Ui1 mv1 ItlUliiilJ l~ ~u11f) fIltIllJliocffv irUr11in fl um 114

1u J1 mi lulili JilJ 1IiU f)J U V f)1l1 f)if~~vi1-l1U f)vu~] r1f1i

InHlllillhl1uri1 1lUU llllU~ lI1lJ1 ltllJ v iiltlm-w 11lcr ulJ1u f)1ivi1-l1Ui~ iifll1lJtJCltlI1V 1liof)iinUI~V-lIl4f1 iHh A ~

llftllf1 1l llClf11lt1m


1UWmU1~ 12 ~) tJYVli]nmn111nr1~l~U I I1r1f1tJVI1~]

cO _I ~ ~ UtJ~UtJ]IitJ TltJlJiI1V~Vi(1]]lU

hn1tJU 1limyl

~n~lilln~(tJlJ mY1~vlli~~vl ~lilif)rU lmllilu~~NJ111U i um1]lli~I11lJU~)1 11(1 cJilrUI ~UU1~m~lJ

A ~ I A I A A ~ I1lJlllllJ)ilV l~TlYlTlUll(1 1~il~~YIliUVli

nullll mlJll~Vi V~UYI1lUiUfJ1l rJiJ~l~vu ftJ VII () 1 UtJU1TlVl U1Vl nilJu~) i1~llJ1ifi

~111 ~uQl~~ J

b I r I JJ YI d D 0fJ07nl1U7 1

A ~ 1 d 111il1nmY]tJ1llVlV li)V(1~ l(1nitJU 1(1] li lU

)]fl)i~ifilll~U(~tJ rllI~~lJfniyjtJll~v)lluu lli~tJl~lJlJU 1I(1111ll1111

HlJ(1Yl1ltl HlihmufnU

I1~tJ ~~ II U(1l1 ~Uf1ll1Ui~ 111If li1 Unli ~ _ 1 ~ d U l dA

Iml~i l1itJ~~lllJ(1]lUUlmtJl UtJtJnl1lllU

1 UJ1 l~wil~~YIilu~inullllnilJll~Vi v~U llllUl1Jl1J1l~ U~l5VU1tJVII ()

mL~Ell~mnjt1itmUUi1~i1rurulUEll~U1VItJlh ~ u u

LL1fllJEllT~fl LtJ~~rlBrlilLtIUVI1lf)11LLal l~El Lem1~1~a L~ElW~lllUlvJiAh bull hUvlJJ1h 14

tI J d I

llJtJn(11 1000 U )Ull 23 nTl ll ilIIUiluluHh1VliftU~1U~U 1 lliU

l1lM1U fl1V1UI1~U1Uih~11i1U ~U1l mlJ1ifllrJUnl11Ui~J1 l~tJ1~Unmn1ltlVj Vl(11~ tJ U1mn~~ il UUlllJ~ Vi (1)lllJinVl

bull cO li1l1Jffii) il )VlIIH 1l1f)jlJ~iiYi111llll11itJ1fnT bull 1 -11 d 1 d Ifd c lJi1i1UUil1YI Tl(1U~W(1 ltJUIU)iV WUlVl)i

lViiff i1n~ Ilfi(1lu1)liJ~~)U1VlniilJ111li

aUyJi1Ii~ llltJ~U1V IgU~U I1~tJl~vn-)l

l1ltJ~~hii1 ~I11lJ1Hnul~tJl~VffiiiU~IIUU Vi~l~lUlI~~mY1VlV l~V~I1lbvllU~1I (1

l~mliU Vl(1tJ~IlUUili1liU~~1 III liTblJlilJ

U1Vlf)jilJ111111 tJU~lU)UlJ1n tJ1Y1 Vi (1 Vl bull

lJi)1V1~lJl1 ~f)jwUj UllrUllU11m~~~u ~ ~ J i lit

lJ1imU1V)iTnYl lTl)liVlU 1(1U11lnli

II ~l tJ 1Y1 VlV I1~tJ i~tJ 11l)~fh ii~~lllJUl~tJ 1YlVffii~UIIU]J HVi~lllUlyJvhll(1Vi~lllU

Q 1 IitCLI YI ~I lit ~ v ll~101llVlV l~tlmU)iltll~Tl~UiYlll~UU mtl

nlil11Vi~l]1U1I~lmY1VlVil1nll1m~ll1(1~ ~~

~ltJciuUI1~lm 4 IlfiU HIll111jl~lnUVi~l ]1Ul1lUVllVltJ~ lJaUyJilliYllrJUYl) t11l1UYl mi

~1t1Vi~l1l1nulJ)lVltJ5~l~tln~ll1ltJ~fhii~ ~lV milJlyJliJVllTl~)ltlU~cH1t1-lJ)1 lrJUYl)IlU

d 1~I lTl(1tJUlitJ I1luU1ll1U1

Vi (1 tJlllJjn~ mh)~tJ~11Url)UlJtJ]

Yl)l~tJ1hn)u~)vtJ (1iit UVlJUU1~i)1luU ~


U1 5 VlU f))1l 260 IlJm m1lJV1)UUIl1n

nilU~tJ UilJ1lU 6-7 llJm Ul180 1l1U9lllJVli

J111rn 1974 in(1n~lJ fiUJ1~n 20 ll1U~llJVl~ I cO~d d1

1I(11Y1lJ1ifl~Tl4l~ 20 lltN lJm1~lil Ufni

l~UYI1lUilJ1ru 8 fihllJ~i~tJi)1lJl ~ 3

1 UW~UU1Vl 10 ~) UUliJuWJilVII)l 1m

I1~tJlrJU lTl~)l~UtJtJncill ilU1 UJ11~l lfUrlU

Vi (1 fllllJinVl mh) Yd I GI

~lYtJUni1 VllU~)U)l mNil1nmi

liJ~Yl) l~)Vi~ll1UlllYltJ1Y1llV 1~~~lYu1 Il

ll ~ (1 tJlrl ~)Vi ~ll1U Ilffl m Y1 Vl61 ~ tIU1 tIlliU

ll~NIIl~iU tJ1V 74 iJ li1) llmJmmm nri1)V OJ 11

I l ~ ff ) 1 lli1U U 1 ) l ifl Vi (1]l1 U II ~l fl1l1 Vl tIil1 n

I1r~~vYllJ~l~iii1)ff~~lfi~m1lJ~111IYm bull 1 middot A A 1 d uin)U1iinlll~UIi) lJVlUllU U1i)lUfll ~lVd d~d v U1lJUlJi1m~l tJnlll llJ)lJlffm~ll1 (1~ ~ J J~ ~ 1 v

U)VlmilJli4UlC1nU1~ lil IVii1l uUVi(1lllU


Urull U1lUUllUl nm))l U)VlniilJ I

~Ui1Il l~Ull1ll~)n1 I1111l1nuNuintJun1i bull

i~Ul~)I1~)~~mlJ1ifll111111 ~~pfi lIUUrll

lritJllllnull~uUi1fi1J1lJU~i1fnllVil un~l l I1lJ1nUmi~llJ11JillJiJl~tJ1YlV~1i~lUY)fll J IJ I I ~ v

IllV) LVii1 llJ~lr-l(1mYlUVltJ~lll)(1tllJ

v dd1 v I d ~i1]fl1ViMlIrull~ I1llnf)1ill)llllV) 1Ytl~

Tl~)lnu Vi(1 ~lJi)1V1ilJU ~f)jwUyj M lllY~lTm~II1U-)l U1VlfiilJ~U~(itJ lrJ~Yl1l l~)n1 I1liYi~r1l~ml11(1(i)l~U~tJVifil~1U

llfflmY1Vlv(lmnIJ)llm) lrJUiJiJUl1Jl1J1Ufl~ I

TlUillV ffilJ1ifll11Vi~]l1UlllYltJ1Y1~VlJ1H v

Ui 1VliU lliritJ1l1lfi~fmhn1)U unnl

J1lJUllif)1 11(1 lrimYitiunuf)1lHlTl~tJltJu~ 1Uuil~uU

lJlUCllYICl J~~m ttllJlfinlH1fl~nlllJnlJ~lJfm)~~UnJlIl (ilf1U) ()liljJ~dhitiflfl 1~-Jl llwlhdlJJI11mJ~]j VlllfhHm(lm~lj~H ll~1HlJJl IUIlrmiddotltJll i HI 1J] 11 (fflU 11[ ~rulaquoJll V1ll~hh~nDUnljf)ll~~HjllDjtf1f1 1~tli1 J nKuijD~iJlI~)l 1Jjll~n~lJllnUJlnl1lJl1 J(lI~Ifitnntmlll~lJ

~ V I 11

lfI~U11f1fl llui l1lU dhJJll11jvt11vlJDHhhuClI1U1-Jlllmlllnml1111dh lr~ UUllliJJvi1111r~jJntlumjjjfiu11111 ~lJ IIlU1l-liili Ull 3IlD(h~u~IUUllll 1lllJ1ll11hmn fl~JJ1jlj~f1J r~Jltum~Dn D111ll llCllJWJUUlf1r)J OJlllmii1lJ R1~ U~DJV1rIUlm Tlul llt1W1Dn~Ju

m1JIllnl~~~YilJDDn~mllJl1iufhli1JnlH h UUlllUlJipl(WviRufhHCnU l1Jili Ul~U~1l l n ETflU 1lUDmllJ~ JlJJJD~llJmllJ1llrflJi vnDH

iU(llJlJUllll Hq)dluv1~ 1l~jjlJlru1iufh~Ulj~1jUulllnh~lJ ~~Dl1l111lH 1-11DOlluUljl~ihJD i l-iClIlCl~1 Yh~1l1IUU I~D~~UDlJrill1UIl i l-ilill~hJ riu1Tf1fllihi1Ji1IlI~DnffD1i14Al T9itJlihlHllaquowr~ln~ U(J~I~UJnUnlljrU JllUlllUlljJnrul1~DJhltnu 15 ll1D1j1iUfh~uj)lmuluDclln~ 3 il~ CllllJJlJlruUDJUll~nruoViClJ u~~~r~Cl~~D~uV)unm-l~~ClI1Cl~~JtJ 4 UflJUll~nluoVi ciJlll UlUU1J ~DJHljDnu111JJUjl]j~I~UJltiuJ lllll

II q tJ I ct 0 oi tJ r 0 v shyllllnll(1lJ~lllC1Uflll1CllnllUyenl IlIll mlJU1lJ~JYmlUUl1D U~nl1 nlnn~D~C11HnlJlJ m~V1lJJllrullU C1111nJluflru nlllJllllDlMll --

UJllliHiUljlIl~lJfh~1l~11J()[Jti~ 17-31 ~JUIllllJHl1jl~~J~11J 23-41 I( Cl U 1 (uu) m lJd -11 Cf1lJfI (lji1WmCl~ ~-1U JI1 ~DlJ UCl m lJfll UfllJ llJJ1I~lih i l1l flpflUUlllUJ~~Ull~ ll-ilvtq) J~IUllfmlt1l~~UmJnll lJClYlEI 1~uuDnlJl~l III lflJUfllJ1l-iltU1l 1lU 1~Dnmiddotll1UIlIl ulm~jllllil VlCll01lJuJrijlnDUIlll t1~ viJJ iuHitlunf1fllJlIl)un9fD~ufh ~JUlJll U 1111 fJlllJllllllllll ~uJnll

IV ff


~U1~1Villi LnU~~J bull IV a

Vi1u~~f)Li11~~~ cu

inmhv-liil 111Pi~~ Llllnnn1lIHU

ml~nll~~IllfJlNu~tllll (iilIlU) LtJ~ Lmrh iilIlU1Lliru~lLLVlUN1llnilUn1l ~lU~U~l ~tltllll ~ LLiiliJ~Tfl~ll tJ111qj

Llilml11~ilL~illJf)1l-11iltJ(l~lJU1~UWl neu]~Uri1 vflLLJj~W mJLl1lll 1l1~Ull~

~ eil tmiddotwnnVJiln fl1111l LL(llJUJJ1JUL~fn

lllYlm~~ l1~IIlnMillVi~f)tlnpoundi~ml1

~Uril Lb(hvjUl11JU1~Ulllnru-naUril

l1flltJJjU~jjlJU1~1-1niLnuI~~ LLvimmru

flU~l~Ullljj1JU1~ L~lL~~ ~lEllltrnl1l-1N u~lnll Llt]11~ei~ Llltlniftl~U~lt~ tJVilJl1~ vlutrlLn(1J 1JruLtiitJ1nUnlltJrU(l~~~1~ lJillmllnru-nll~viiilt-J(ltiiiitlnllll~ ~UVlUn1lt-J~(9I~ltJ

~ltJrllv-llli1~lTh 1UltJampu iilIlU


l1~ii 01LUU1tJMiilJEl1-Xiil~~lLVh~~1 LUU

Lflf)I~Utll1 rhl1U~1i~uyjl11mtJ1U

Ulllnru]~tll1JlLi)u 151f)~~U~1 ~Ul1ll1tJ1umjLilu 3 middotlu 4 lJtllU~ll

I -

leu] Illu1UltJtJ11 ~f)ll111ilnUmbtJ lluViLnmllfllLl1U mYlll1f)(9Iiilll1flll)J

mm11WlrulJEJ hTnllUIlOJnll)Jnll

fl1l11lLL(lm tltJ ) nl~poundilLiiI~)Jlruinv-l

LL(l~I LL1~~fl~ LLllnl~ll1ull)J)JllVlH L~tlfltln~l(91ln1lIl1UIl)Jll-1ll(9ltU L~fl rill1U~ LL UlvriltJllu~l l-1dJ U~lmriu LtiitJlnU

~lnn1lIl~(9Ill1~U~ll1iilltJlIil~ Lliu

1l~)JU1JI~J1~ltJd~f) lJUl~lJl(91vit-IDJl11 1l~~iiWUyjl11fl~(il 17 -31 poundi1ULLJj~v-l

iiiiviuyjl11 23-41 NU~tllIlUl1ll tJ

flTIILlilhei(9l~~11~U~1flJl(91111qjlll 1iitl~~lruiill LLvi1~11i lJruLtiimnUnlJ

L~iJ1JU1~ if~vh1~Ntl~nflU nllll ~uYlU I ~

LVl)Jt~tJ1Jl~1 LtJU Eine)~l1ifl LtJUn1l~U Ltlaf)miwmnlt(9ltJ11i Ll1JEinvr1tJmiddot middotUl tJ


I)cJ4 flJfl~lV1dJ 2557

~)J~lh~fl1l1Jmi~~r111lillilfl-1J~TilflIVl)JIJ~lV11Jiiilnrucrl Q I Q

I 1 ~tJ m f IHl tlfl tJIil l fI 11 VI U~ 1 A I1lHl fl11)J lH)Jl tl)J

I1~Iiynlll1Jmiilnrucnmlhn~il~jiJ~111111~() 17-41bull u

IEI U1lfll)J~)Jj1l ritl~lh1l1lflflt)lI1iJ~~~1NM~ 15

UltdhVHI 1 ~ffff1 IClII115 nliflUl m i lJnmgtlJm fl~NUnilfl (ffflU) mh yil 1W51l if ffflU~ i~()~11111U~lhnfl1jmi

Q -11 Qi 1 d 1 mUffUfllflJ ilfl UCl1li lilflilV lHU 1IJ1111111 l flmmm I1l11VClfl

IJUlf11liilt1~llniYUtil i~ UlIlJtl (11I1Cl1 fl1lJ1Jm) fol~in~t)n tI bull

fll11li 11ClU~1lIJtJlfiv1 Cl~llm~lJ a d I I cs I iJ ~ I

UltJfllYl Cl flCll1Clnll fffllJ ff ~lllJt)t)mrll~n~ffUfllIlClll I1U 11

~Ul~1li i llt1ruovliYUti1l1mpoundJlIij~iiIJill~ 1 I1uitnU ~1 ~ uli 111111 UIbull u

~ d CS 10 d 0 i)ll C1 i Q

llUrm11lii ~llIJUl~II1]lfllJ ~~fll~lll I1rj1li flfllIJl ~fol~nWnlft)

iYUTi11~V~ hJ1~liU ff-lIflVl IJ 01 I~V 10U nmHuCl~111111U1Ut)-l QI QI I d I iJ CI

U i i ~ilUIYI tl ~ V~ ff ~folCl ~vHl~ U 11 U n 1 i folCl ~ Cl~Cl-lmV I Qo iJ ~ I d oc d ~lnmiill(lnllffUflll1mVlIUfi 1llU flilllJl~-lfol111mVtJI1fl

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~UtJllljlll m~illlml~W1~J3Jl

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d ~ T Llt1GwmlYi


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Ulrl LIjll~U~euroJImlU1LUt-J~~beuroJvilUeuroJ~ IJrnvielmJflWd1lL~3JLJU 1 220-1300

U1rl lln 1040 ulY1~euroJnT~n13J llfl1LnLdil

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~jLLwllUYi 18-30 ~ tJYitJl~l llnn~3J

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~IJl~ltIlU3JlnIJULufl~LuU 7851

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~lJ LUl~U3JlnlJUfl~LuU 886 ~rleuroJU


ampI J 11

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ilEln~liIm~~lnlU-61-lL~ElU~Jl-jlf1Jl-numtJu 57 ~U f1rn ~

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Ministry seeks to resume small-lot rice sales in August PETCHANET PRATRUANGKRAI THE NATION

THE COMMERCE MINISTRY is preparshying to resume selling rice from its stockpiles in early August gradually releasing it in small lots of about 5000)0 tonnes a month

Duangporn Rodphaya director-genershyar of the ForeIgn Trade Department said a ~ubcommlttee had agreed the mmistry slthould go ahead and sell rice from the stockpIles and not walt tor completion of a Junta-ordered mspectlOn of the stocks bull I he nce-release planwhlch Will be proshy

posed to the Rice Policy and Management Committee soon includes sales through general auctions to exporters and local traders by government-to-governrrient contracts and through the Agricultural Futures Exchange of Thailand

Puangporn added that the department wopId ensure the stocks are released transshyparent With the Fmance Mmlst and the Prime Minister s 0 ce joint y inspecting the f0cessc

T~e department reported that about 55 per cent ofl800 rice warehouses had so far been inspected by the teams dispatched by the militarys ruling National CounCil for Peace and Order The teams are expected to complete their mission by the end of September

About 18 million tonnes ofrice is reportshy

cerns over roug t an ower pro uction in many countries amid higher demand in many others I here IS a good posslblhty that ThaIland will export 10 million tonnes 9pound nce thIS year It is expected to sell off all 18 million tonnes in its stockpiles within three years she saId

The department reported that Thailand was able to sell 535 million tonnes of rice in the first six months middotup by 50 per cent year on year while export value rose 19 percentto US$27biIlion (nearly Bt86 bilshylion)

As ofJuly 16 the price of5 per cent Thai

Afile photo shows asoldier inspecting rice stockpiles at a warehouse in a eastern province

white rice was quoted at $427 a tonne up from $410 the previous week

She added that production bfThai paddy rice in the 2014-15 harvest season was proshyjected to be less than 38 mi1lion tonnes because of drought in many areas

Charoen Laothamatas president of the Thai Rice Exporters Association said the government should consIder sellIng rice from its stockpiles in small lots of about 100000-200000 tonnes per auction to avoid impacts on the m-rket price

The government has less pressure to accelerate the sale of rice frbm the stocks The country has holder power It should ensure transparency and minimum impacts to the market he said

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INTHE WAKE ofrising concern over the t reatmen t oflabour farmers we1shybeing and the environment in global trading the International Trade Promotion Department is urging more lhal busmesses to seek FairTrade cershytification so that their products are more easily recognised and have a

greater chance in the world market place

At a seminar on Fair Trade Mark and trading of Fair Trade products in theinternationaJ market heldyestershyday by the agencys Office of News Overseas Markets Development and PromotIOn Duan kamol Jlambutr e U Irec or- ener ot e eplrtshy

mentSal t atonlyasmallnumberof thaI compames and sUEP)Lc~~ms current~apphedthe FairTrade Marllt

The epartment lrill therefore continue to support Fair Trade certishyfication by promoting an awareness campaign amongThai man ufacturers and exporters she said

According to the Netherlandsshybased Fair Trade Original organisashytion about 30 Thai companies and supply chains have received FairTrade

certification to date This guarantees that they engage in faii treatment of farmers have good labour conditions use no forced or child labour offer fair prices to suppliers and operate with transparency accountability and respect for the environment equity and freedom lt)nd have fair trading practices

Duangkarnol said the department in cooperation ~th Fair Trade Original now had a target of increasing the number of certified businessshy iSnap es and products by 10 per cent ayear

The main goal is to help agriculshytural and handicraft producers as well as manufactures and exporters to achieve better trading conditions and to promote sustainability she said

Certified members of the Fair Trade programme will likely be able to leverage the quality of their prodshyucts for higher prices with certificashytion ensuring world-class social and environmental standards and more recognition in the international trade area she added

Thai export products alreadyusing the approved Fair Thade logo include

rice coffee tea cane sugar cotton freshfruits herbs and spices ockershywork handicrafts pottery and ceramshyics

The official said the department also would like to encourage busishynesses in the shrimp and fishery secshy

ate consultant for Thailand said the overall value of Fair Trade products had increased considerably in the past few years as consumers now had more awareness about fair trading conditions and the environment

Consumers are willing to pay more for Fair Trade goods if they feel they have bought a product whose manufacture is highly responsible to society Today prices of Fair Trade products are also very competitive

the same as leading brands Enterprises should adapt themselves to produce Fair Trade products in order to ensure sustainable growth

tors to comply with Fair Trade certification so that they do otfaceproblems due to unfa abour treatment Every Fair Trade product is subject to labour-standard checking she explained

Manasnan Pongjayavanij Fair Trade Originals aS60ci~

and access to many markets said the consultant

According to Fair Trade Original the value of fair trade goods in the global market excluding the US rose from 1 billion (Bt427billion) in 1996 to 48 billion in 2012 Expots ofThai fair trade products were wOlth about Bt300 million in 2012

More than 30000 products are now on sale in 125 countries and the global Fair Trade system currently works with over 12 million people across 60 countries

Manasnan said many more Thai products could get the Fair Trade mark So far many local brands sllch as Doi Chang coffee plus local proshyducers of soy sauce chjli sauce pineapples and bananas are wellshy

known for having the mark which is accepted widely

Martin Boon development manshyager for Fai~Trade Original in the Netherlands told the seminar that with the global market having growshying recognition of Fair Trade prodshyucts many markets were increasing demand for products carrying the logo - and that Thailand had high potential to serve sllch worldwide demand


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THE NATION ~ JULY 20141lI Sihasak reassures EUteam over juntas reform roadmap SUPALAK GANJANAKHUN DEE THE NATION BRUSSELS

EARLY ELECTIONS vtithout reform would not help restore proper democshyracy to Thailand That was the message related by acting Foreign Minister Sihasak Phuangketkeow when he met his counterpart from the European Union in Belgium this week In a bilateral meeting with David OSullivan chief operating officer ofthe European External Action Service Sihasak said Thailand had a clear roadmap to restore sustainable democshyracy and that the EU should support

this process of reform The roadmap and its related reform

will help strengthen our political econshyomy and will also be of benefit to our partnership with theEUin the longnm he said

Sihasak was in Brussels for a minisshyterial meeting between representatives ofAsean and the EU and spent much of his time briefing representatives of Eillopean nations aboutthe situation in Thailand

The E U along with the US and other Western countries strongly criticised themilitaryforits May 22 coup The EU suspended a number of cooperations withThailand as well as several visits by high -level officials It also recommendshyed that member states review military cooperation with Thailand

The EU said last month that it wouldmiddot

not sign a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Thailand and that the negotiation of a free-trade agreement (FTA) would not conclude until an electshyed government was in place

Sihasak told OSullivan that an electshyed government would come eventually Before that however Thailand needed time to implement reform to have a strong democracy

The time frame of 15 months or so for the reform is not too long ifwe want to make sure that our system and democracy are sustainable he said

Thai people are aware of the issues facing our country and we are working on addressing these concerns so the EU as a partner should support us

The EUhas the right to voice its conshycerns about the situation in Thailand

middot but it should also ensure it is sufficientshyly informed on specific cases he said

Concerning detention and martial law the EU should make sure it has corshyrect information about who is under

middot detention and if there are concerns about human-rights violations the EU should specify the cases he said

Sihasak discussed the situation in Thailand Vlrith many European MPs

middot while in BrusselsTheyincludeq Franck Proust special rapporteur on the FTA and Samuel Cantell head of the ecoshynomic trade and regional cooperation delegation Many of them have experishyence in engaging with Thailand and have a clear understanding ofthe current sitshyuation in the country Sihasak said


Pension scheme for farmers proposed

Farmers in the future might look forward to retiring on a government pension

Charnpittaya Chimplee directorshygeneral of the Rice Oepartment said yesterday ttiat under a draft bill dealing with the rice development fund members would contribute about 3per cent of their monthly income to the fund and the state wou ~d also chip in ayet-unspecified amount

When farmers reach the age of 60 or 65 they will start receiving a monthly pension bf about Bt4OOO

Most farmers earn less than other workers so the fund is neces- sary for their future Charnpittaya said

Other proposals for the bill are being gathered and the contents wi I be improved before its submisshysion to acommittee on rice producshytion and markets and the National Council for Peace and Order


Farmer happiness down from August WICHIT CHANTANUSORNSIRI

Farmer happiness last month dropped subshystantially from its peak last August when they had high hopes of stable income from the Yingluck Shinawatra administrations rice pledging scheme reports a Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BMC) poll

The state-backed farm banks farmer happiness index fell to 7851 in June from its highest level of89 in August said senior executive vice-president Somsak Kangteershyawat The poll surveyed 2346 farmers

Happiness from family health a good society jo b financial position and the quest

for knowledge were the six factors used to measure the index

The survey found happines from the family scored the highest with a score of 341 out offour followed by health at 321 a good society at 320 job at 314 fmancial position at 285 and the quest for knowlshyedge at 274

Farmers from the Northeast regygIiwere the happiest vvith a score of 314 while those from the North scored 313 the South 312 the East 297 and Central 299

Asource at the BMC confirmed Augusts poll was taken when the farmers mood hit a fever pitch as they felt they would receive an elevated level of compensation from the

rice pledging programme The National Council for Peace and

Order (NCPO) is seeking sustainable ways to help farmers after losses from rice pledgshying which offered prices 40-50 higher than the market price could reach 500 billion baht

The juntas measures so far largely includelowering rice production costs and slowing the release of supply to lower price pressure

The source said prices of tapioca sugar cane chicken and pork are gaining in the second half while those of rice corn rubber oil palin and whiteleg shrimp are declirun ~ bull bull imiddotI middot7~

Regarding rice prices the source said the price of paddy with 15 moisture content could average 7500-9000 baht a tonne while Hom Mali prices are projected at 14000-15000 baht in the second the half

Even though the agricultural sector conshytributes only 84 to the countrys GDP there are 167 ffiillion farmers making up 26 of the population

National Statistical Office data shows the ratio of farmers who earned over 100000 baht a year rose to 286 in 2013 from 97 in 2003 while 643 graduated from prfshymary school down from 704 a decade ago Farmers shouldered average debt of 124604 baht per person last year

BANGKOK POST 41 FTIupbeatabout domestic car sales PIYACHART MAIKAEW

The Federation of Thai Industries (FT) remains confident that domestic vehishycle sales will top I million this year defying some car makers projection of sales declining to between 900000 and 980000 vehicles

Domestic demand started picking up in the previous quarter as private firms and farmers bought new pickup trucks for their business expansion and new cultivation said Surapong Paisitpatanapong spokesshyman for the FIrs automotive industry club

The club forecasts pickup truck sales will contribute 55-58 of domestic sales against 442 in 2013 while passenger cars dropped to about 40 from 474 last year

The passenger car market has normalshyised after demand was absorbed by the gov- emments first-time car buyer scheme said Mr Sura pong

The club yesterday cut its 2014 forecast for Thailands automotive output from 24 million vehicles to 22 milliori It also cut domestic sales to 1 million vehicles hom 12 million while exports stand finn at 12 million vehicles

FTI vice-chainnan Suparat Sirisuwan~ nangkura said Thailand was expected to remain in the worlds top 10 automotive manufacturers this year with production in countries such as Canada and Russia also expected to decrease

The International Organization of Motor

Vehicle Manufacturers said Thailand was the worlds ninth-largest automotive manufacturer in 2013 and 10th in 2012 Production (ast year totalled 245 million vehicles the highest in 52 years and up by 014 from 2012

The club yesterday reported that car proshyduction fell by 261 year-on-year in June to 160452 For the first half Thailands car output fell by 29 year-on-year to 952685

Domestic car sales in June totalled 73799 dOVll by 304 on the same period in2013 while 440911 cars were sold in the first half down by 405

By contrast car exports in June rose 657 to 103946 earning the cOUDtry497 billion baht In the first half exports rose 36 to 560047 cars with export value rising 895 to 265 billion baht

The FII yesterday reported that the industrial sentiment index improved for the second straight month in JW1e

The index rose to 884 points accordshying to the FIr which conducted a survey among 1100 industrial operators It stood at 851 points in May when sentiment improved for the first time in seven months

FTI chairman Suphan Mongkholsuthee said sentiment has improved because of the more stable political situation and an increase in purchases of products thanks to the Fifa World Cup football tournament

The industry outlook index for the next three months stood at 1019 points rising from 101 in May

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AUTO EXPORTS INCREASE Despite the sluggish recovery of

the export sector auto shipments continue to expand but still by not enough to counter the reduction in dorriestic demand for cars

The industry has been forced to brake this years production target from 24 million units to 22 million

The target for domestic sales has been lowered from 12 million units to 1million which represents adrop of 251 per cent or 335154 units from last year

Surapong Paisitpattanapong deputy chairman and spokesman of the Federation of Thai Industries Automotive Industry Club said yesterday that lower domestic derriand the end ofthe governments first-car tax-relief programme and the delay in gov~ errirnent and private investment

middotprojects had contributedtothemiddot change in the production target However this new figure is still

middot higherthan the forecast for T8 milshylion units before the big floodiri 2011and domestic demand is

expectedto shitf intoforWard gear i

middotnext quarter~ The economic recovery payshyrnent for farmersuncter the rlceshy

pledgingscherneandreturn of investment will increase revenue l

in other industries and put more rnoney in peoples pockets he middot said

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Temporary charter should furthershyboost confidence ERICH PARPART THE NATION

THE FEDERATION ofThai Industries believes the temporary charter will further increase the confishyden~e ofdomestic and foreign investors along with buslness op~ratrs while the recent strengthening of the baht IS stJlI tolerable for the export industry as long as anyfurther appreciation is neither too rapid nor drastic

_The FTI also said yesterday that its Industries Sentiment Index (TIS) had increased by 44 points since April

The introduction ofthe provisional charter is in line with the politiCal road map of the NCPO [NationaICoimcil for Peace and Order Jand I believe that in generalinvestors andoperators will feel more relaxe and gai~ more confidence that things aremiddot gomgmaccordWlththeNCPOsplansforanewcharshyter the setting up ofan interim government and the possibility of an election in the future said Supant Mongkolsuthree chairman ofthe FTI shy

In his view the country over the past two months has been running on a smooth surface since the Nepo took power a move which has led to an increase in foreign investor confidence certainty over pubh~ II1vestment policy and rising domestic consumptIOn

These factrs will support the recovery and allow _gross domestJC product to expand by 25 percent this year he said


The FTI had been projecting an economic recesshysion before the arrival of the NCPO

As for exports Supant said The strenctheninO of the baht is related to the increased conffdence of foreign investors which has led to an inflow offorshy~ign funds This will have some effect on the export iiidustry but it is still acceptable for exporters since the currencys strengthening pace is not too fast and the Bank ofThailand is still monitoring the situashytion

The export sector will be able to cope with a stronger baht if the rate does not fall below 3050 per US dollar he said -Moreover since the global economy IS continushyII1g to reco~er the FTI is sticking with its export

- growth projectIOn of35-5 per cent for the year According to Bloomberg the baht was valued at

3176 per dollar yesterday The FTI chief pointed out that if the Kingdoms shy

export value were calculated in baht it would already show lO-per-cent growth year on year

Accordingto the central bank export value in May came in at US$1927billiol1 (Bt6124 billion) whIch IS 12 per cent lower than the same period last year in dollar terms - shy

Meanwhile the TmiddotISI has increased for two month~ in a row The indexose from 840 in April to 851 111 May and to 884111 June amidst calmer political waters the economic recovery the liftingof the curfe - and even Fifa World Cup fever which led to an mcrease in overall production orders and sale figures - shyn~eover~TISI fororBers~salesarid prod-udiai- -shyIII allll1dustnes rose from 802796821 points in May to 843 844 879 points respectively in June

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CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough


GRAFT HAS GOT TO GO nvestors from Japan from which Such concern by the Japanese away existing and prospective forshy

the largest amount of Thailands investors should not be ignored eign investors Countless foreign direct foreign investment comes because they have brought the firms and investors have com~

have called for reduced corruption largest amount of direct foreign plained about the extra costs of and improved transparency in order investment into Thailand The doingbusinessinThailandbywhich to help restore confidence in the Japanese invested over 8t290 bil- they mean kickbacks and undershy

Kingdom lion in projects ClPproved by themiddot the-table money that must be to Setsuo luchichief representative Board of Investment last year That bureaucrats and politicians Often

of themiddot Japan External Trade was nearly 30 per cent of the total they have topayin exchange for pro-Organisation (Jetro) for Asean and foreign investment of Btl1 trillion curement deals with state agencies South Asia last week called on the according to 801 data and public projects People who ruling National Council for Peace Thailand has generally remained refuse to pay are routinely left and Order to kick-start good govershy attractiye to foreign investors due behind by their bribe-paying comshynance that includes combating corshy to positive factors such as the avail- petito rs University of the Thai ruption and ensuring transparency ability of skilled labour efficient Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) rec-particularly about doing business in infrastructure and transportation tor Saowanee Thairungroj has esti-Thailand Now its a good time for systems location andthe consider- mated that corruption adds 30 per Thailand to bring about good govshy able size of the domestic market cent to costs for businesses That ernance for the new era he said But our chronic corruption is scaring she says translates into reduced

comoetitiveness for Thai-made Economic and Business Forecasting pay corrupt officials and politi~ians products and reduced credibility for Centre He surmises that the have to cut costs at-the building site Thailand among foreign investors improvement could be due to posi- and that means poorer quality in General Prayuth Chan-ocha has tive public sentiment following the their public projects and thus a risk made tackling corruption a top pri- juntascampaignagainstcorruption to life and limb ority for the ruling military junta He and organised crime The surveyalso Businesses who pay bribes also says the fight will be part of sweepshy showed that bribes paid to officials offset their higher costs by charging ing national reform together with and politiCians by the private sector the consumers more good governance transparency and had declined to 15-25 per cent of middot Since corrupt authorities and an efficient and effective system of project costs frbman average 25-35 politicians make money and bribe-checks-and-balances Thailands per cent previously paying businesses make profits it is corruption index in the first half of Despite the seemingly slight theconsumersandthepublicingenshythis year improved for the first time improvement in the situation (or- eral who suffer in five years according to aUTCC surshy ruption remains amajor problem for They end up paying more uhnecshyvey The indexinJune was registered Thailand essarilyfor products and public proF at 46 out of a possible lOa com- In addition to the weakened ects the quality of which is poorer

pared to 39 last December says competitiveness and reduced cred- Corruption should beeliininated or Thariavath Phonvichai UTCC vice ibility the public asa whole is affect- at least minimised for the sake of rector of research and director of its ed by corruption Contractors who the country and its people

  • 57-07-24 (กรม)
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  • 57-07-24 (กระทรวง)

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~lJ1U~UMUffillJ~l1iillu1Ull1 1~~ 22-25 nffilll1~ 2557 ~ ~Z1UllJIfll~ LLflfmnuU)tJI1U~u14i1~n i9 flf

Ut1nlln~ 1~L~iw~4i1I1U lJInrm~~jjJlrumlJllU ~U ~JllJ~lJ1mhllll1U TWll11U~ 30 ~m)lf1~-4 ~II~fI~ 2557

iiit11lllrD1LflULltl1 3 flUULL~ i1~~wlhLL fn11UTll~tilJ LL Yill II q _ dI _

LlJfll1fll1l1U Ut1I1U YilrulltJlJULr-1flflUL~mtjm IIUIIJllJlllJ

l~U1llllU ~n 5 fltl vTlUTLi1f1 TJlJnl~~~nu lJ~nT~ rJ~~Jlrul1lllJlIU 4 111f1 ~n 2 Ilfl

mU1UL~tlU~~1~lJ 2557 ~ILW1UYi1rull6IlruffiU 94 tJ nTi1Tl~YilrullrniJ)JnuR1U~nl~t11l-i LL~hui1ln~tl 14

LLW ~i1nlnmJfli1T1~l~uffi 1UYilrulltJ~TnTJ)J1 filT1f11~U~ ~1JfIJl~llJUTn1llU rwhy)u~ 1~24~Iifl~ 2557~ffiflilT1ffi ~Jln~l~nh 10000 Tltl 1UVJn~1l11vTJU1Li1f1 ~IUvi 20-70

~ bull Q ~

mI1TllWlrulltJ~li1Jl n11i1lLUUnln1TlJflI1lIl1111tllilYi

mlJuttJU1t1~Ugtlll~~IJlJ1ll 1I~middot11 1UII11~ IliltJfl~Jl1rlh ~ffil~yl~nUU1ll1l1U1tii1lrJl1iitlLilfl~

I _ _ lmutYlIilflln1jlJillJilLYi~LlmJLflmnUn11lill1U lMnn~

~f~lJlruWJ lJllU ~UAJ1lJ~rd1 ilthlI1lIu lllJ1TClFlulT1t1flL~tJi1 lffli MNNmocQQh lffiiilUCl1lJlffli~ltJmUnTi1rnmMltJ1203

( (gt


Cjnsi31 (8 wn) 155-160 nn ]K~drflid~(~UlMbi)iLf-rf~middot - IfiO-it ~~~tifW-(nr1T+~

lulri (IUDS 3) 34-35 Woo

~iOriqltTI=~r1J~OIo~middot r~q ~~ ~ 3~(Qoi3~19)M~~~ouj 9Qiin UllUK) 100 1420-1430 nsClou 100 nn

amp~~ ~g~~(Ft~P i)~ r~~~~~~I~~~~~~~2middotg2~~~~~t~~yen~~ii~~~~~middot~middotmiddot ~- wnQwu (Ra) 22-25 nn

Xailili1ffOi-sect~~~lIri-~~~~~~ i~~q ~r 4 middot~ifIiriri~~)-fr~jtmiddotmiddotmiddot wsnUlilJ (~um) 4-5 Ua

)3~ifiW(J(treg~1~~~_middot~~fi ~2~2~5Sjt2~11reg5[gt RUI nSUmSA1f1181u nsnSlOWlrUl1E1

2J 2557bbk1V1k1

c OJ c c 151llH HQU V1 Yl J ftVI tJ 1j fI IJ

ltV V r Q iCS

tn-naHn (HI ff flW VI W 1 fl eJ 11 UVI

njlJ ifl Iff~lJ f1l jrl1jl1i1 llhmf1

lU~INEJ11 ffUrl1fflfH)f)UUlvlU

~llUU IiiUlthbl fflJ~U liff~llf11W ftfnJUJ~~ 111~UllU1iim1lJl~mrU 1UffUrl1lvW jllJJlff~1lm1lJlu1i~


Iii Ul ou fljU1 11 f)1 j uU VI UU f1lj

N~~~tJf)IiiUl U(1f)U1liIljlHU

[) V1l 1UU1jjjlJ VI llJlf) lJl VI j~1U

ff1 f) (1 f) j lJ ~ l 1 ~r91 Ill1m l flU

1Y1UlHlWY1 VIiffY1 lJ1ffl (Thailand

Trust Mark TTM) IUWlim

fft1J f1EmJUl1l Tn llJl~mjU111 fJ tllf11W

ffUrl1U(l1J~f)ljhlU lYim~lJluf)lff

Vl1lf)ljrl1Un ~lhmilJf1lj1V1m~1U ll(l~lllhlY1f1 jllJJl rillff~lJfffll fllW Kf)ll ru~~U ull~l U 1Uf)1jriluUf)

11lUUlll1 ftl N~i1lYUrl1 U(1lJ~f)lj~ii fJtllf11W fhWlnl~lln91UlJ m


I~ fJUfJ1 fJftlu V1 ~~tJftltfmJ W11JtI1I1U eJlfllJIllfl lhlITU

fljjlJf)1jlJ~l11j lJ~rll YiWWWff

(lllEJIl(1U~) ~10~ lU91INfJ11 U1f)


Yijf)l1hUlll1i1l 1 W1J111fl~fmhU1-]




Il1f1 1f) 111 ~huU Yijnll~ii f)lj l~lJ1il ff-) uV1-)lim~u) 1l(1tY)iillUl1ulJ~U l~hJlilLl~D f)lJl f)11111 U ~)rUlriu vd d ooltvdv

lU1 1 lJU1fllJ 2557 mllVlU)llJ1 1 ~ f = 1

lVIfi LU I1UTIjU9fU f)Il f)lj l91t)1Ylff

91mJ fliu) ff1m)~iiEJu91U1tlfflff91 ItlwrU~1Jl1~)1U1f)ll1ft ~l1UiJ 5~7 IlHllJlhlJ1tllfli1 ~ 100 11111111

1U f)Wl il (119111(11 EJlEJ ff1 I1 l91EJIl

iif)ljUEJlEJff1lJ1l~lJ 10 ff1U1 1UiJ

2557 il1f1l~lJYiiit)~ 20 ff1U1middot lHl

IlIEJ1EJl~lJflf) 15 ff1U1 1UiJ 2558

ll(llVilJflf) 25 ff1U1 1UiJ 2559

J~ flafl~1rUJ 2557 bullbull 1 j

) ~ i i



tJfl5ClUuJUSJlEJUfllS UUytw f1f]U(iJ1f1f1Sv~mmiw~m1JI1Ti~If1l1Jtr1f1 lJfiFJfJ1Y11N nfl11fW ~ei1UJlJn7JSrnJJuriS1~mJiJfJntVVI~ufVJnJJlJftflmJI11 1JlJilvmuwJu1wlilJu1NllJmJUmJlnviuTflJoJri1Jlnvwu~ ~ - ~

nisvl JJliPl (Thailand Trust Mark TTM) ftfllhvlMNjflN1111Nv~Tnf)iuvi1l1Jmf1iJm1lJjmtUIjEJtjfllutrU111 tpnlv1mJln[JTurfliJFJrumw~7VJJJ1urifilJVlnmiddotlslnltlW1llritn(i1m1~viiNmJlaquoj~truI11InveuroJthvieuroJjjfl

--- -====~-

v bbU 1tJjW1


ftJttWitllj~ lutflnnl~a~fl3na~al~lan


W 1 uhf 6fl J~UIB flllU11 [J lll11 ~11MI1l11 fl ruYi litH 111 JVI

n 1 jU~fI ruil1~ffU~1l~1l lfl li1 UI~ JJfI11JJTU1)1rfi~1bull bull v

11 ilJ Ofl I1l~ull vnHmJJ1U1 OBU J1~ ~ N fllJ~ L~ poundJlJU~l lu~u~u~mlJri~ nY1lJ flllr11

iI1~mhaVlf1 flci11lI1~1~IUJthli1JliJVl~1JfflJlJJ1 I~U~ ll-wflm~ (Fair Trade) lviU1UJllJlm~1In1IJifqjl1111i-l~1J 1~ uJ ll~ flli1J11f)fl~1 flli)~crlJlJJ1 fl f~if ll~ V f)) ~J111

Ltl f)liJ1Vl U11J lJ1lt1Jh~1ltJ1U ~1l1m~~llJl1 crf1lf) UJcvfll~ Clll

M1U~l15mu-lllvlflm~OJ111lJ1f)rJ 1~u1~I~tyqtJifliluf11i

t)lltll11f)JJlJri]uClf)f)~l 200 i1U 1lJ1~llJ11JYf-l

bull J~ifl~vthrlClf)liJ1UM1U~~1~~1~ri]ClClf)rl1f1WIJCl]~ u

hlO hi111l1tlUltII11 ltII1ml4~lltJ ~~J 1l~iif)I1~lUth1ff V] ii fl11lJJ111 ffJr11V1111JlJV] 111 poundI u o1] lJl f) hHllllYt 1

1 cr~1l1 f)~M1U IfI~u]I1lJ1 poundJU-WflmVl ~] ItlJ Ifl~V]I11J1poundJ1tJiu] fl UJfllll fiJ r11 ~lii 1J1 mii1 Ji~U 11 f)~ J~1J~1J flli flii 1l

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30 Cl-lr1m ~-lnJ]~ltlJf)cilJ~Lhuf)VUf11i 1tJlluo]ltII1mru

1Pl1-l 1 llvlV-liiii f)~lU1UlJ1 f)~ v~1j f) 51~1l 1lJ11J1~lJlu1m]f11i ltv bull tdV ~ dJQ bull

(PI] n~11 mlJll~illJlJV f)UI1U1UJ1Ull mHiCl-lU lliUllilU f)~lJ

tl 1l lt11 11 mllJ u111lm~u lt1111 milJ~ I~ (mJuJ11UlJltlU11l~~ lU1~llJlJVH1li111VJflm~hiiJ1 f)]U


lutJf)~llHmn1unWWllnru1~villM1li1~-l f)ci11

V01-lUuU 6 l~VU llCllfiCl11tJu51 mlJll~1l1l1lJI4fl~milJ Vlf)U l~V1111l f)V-l r1mv1M1um11tJllIKV-lVi1llJ~ elf) If) ruevi

Hq1fl1l1lJ1 1l J~lUU U] ffU r111111J1 f)~lt1 ff1111U f) cilJ ffU r1nt1

1~1U1lnIlWflm lhf)vU~lU lJ11 ~lll1av] lTUrl1UI1elJ

crutJ) unL1U ffUTl1n] uviMiif11JI11~vllm~uhrf)cilJ ffU r11~] ll~tJilJ-l 11 elJ~l f) tl f)ltII11V1UUtyf)1i~ lICl ffU ~1 ~lUlill i] ~lU 11hIf) ~lJif11UlJlHm1IlwfllliVl OUlJ1 f)iiu

iYiJ -I 1uIiI t11 ~ ~il~il i LVlf1~1-l111f)1 l poundI ulJ11J 1l J1 V] f) ci 11lt1]

1J1 f) UU f)1l1f)1l1UU flliltl~1-lml4elf)Iru~~UV~ffUr111V1 poundI 115

0] IlJU f11ifJf) i i1JJ1 fl1 ffUr11111fJJ~1U~lUlJ1 1l Hi1U ll~J1 m

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f)~1 60 U llJUiUUf11ir11iluuluf11mf1-lfll1lJltlUliillJ

1u f)ll~lliJU~J Oil111ll fi ~r11 ll~ qin rilU l~ UllJV] ~111vi l~lImf)lqflfi1l qUUiJtJ qu~1f)fi illJvf-lil1illH-l1U

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1Ui1 mv1 ItlUliiilJ l~ ~u11f) fIltIllJliocffv irUr11in fl um 114

1u J1 mi lulili JilJ 1IiU f)J U V f)1l1 f)if~~vi1-l1U f)vu~] r1f1i

InHlllillhl1uri1 1lUU llllU~ lI1lJ1 ltllJ v iiltlm-w 11lcr ulJ1u f)1ivi1-l1Ui~ iifll1lJtJCltlI1V 1liof)iinUI~V-lIl4f1 iHh A ~

llftllf1 1l llClf11lt1m


1UWmU1~ 12 ~) tJYVli]nmn111nr1~l~U I I1r1f1tJVI1~]

cO _I ~ ~ UtJ~UtJ]IitJ TltJlJiI1V~Vi(1]]lU

hn1tJU 1limyl

~n~lilln~(tJlJ mY1~vlli~~vl ~lilif)rU lmllilu~~NJ111U i um1]lli~I11lJU~)1 11(1 cJilrUI ~UU1~m~lJ

A ~ I A I A A ~ I1lJlllllJ)ilV l~TlYlTlUll(1 1~il~~YIliUVli

nullll mlJll~Vi V~UYI1lUiUfJ1l rJiJ~l~vu ftJ VII () 1 UtJU1TlVl U1Vl nilJu~) i1~llJ1ifi

~111 ~uQl~~ J

b I r I JJ YI d D 0fJ07nl1U7 1

A ~ 1 d 111il1nmY]tJ1llVlV li)V(1~ l(1nitJU 1(1] li lU

)]fl)i~ifilll~U(~tJ rllI~~lJfniyjtJll~v)lluu lli~tJl~lJlJU 1I(1111ll1111

HlJ(1Yl1ltl HlihmufnU

I1~tJ ~~ II U(1l1 ~Uf1ll1Ui~ 111If li1 Unli ~ _ 1 ~ d U l dA

Iml~i l1itJ~~lllJ(1]lUUlmtJl UtJtJnl1lllU

1 UJ1 l~wil~~YIilu~inullllnilJll~Vi v~U llllUl1Jl1J1l~ U~l5VU1tJVII ()

mL~Ell~mnjt1itmUUi1~i1rurulUEll~U1VItJlh ~ u u

LL1fllJEllT~fl LtJ~~rlBrlilLtIUVI1lf)11LLal l~El Lem1~1~a L~ElW~lllUlvJiAh bull hUvlJJ1h 14

tI J d I

llJtJn(11 1000 U )Ull 23 nTl ll ilIIUiluluHh1VliftU~1U~U 1 lliU

l1lM1U fl1V1UI1~U1Uih~11i1U ~U1l mlJ1ifllrJUnl11Ui~J1 l~tJ1~Unmn1ltlVj Vl(11~ tJ U1mn~~ il UUlllJ~ Vi (1)lllJinVl

bull cO li1l1Jffii) il )VlIIH 1l1f)jlJ~iiYi111llll11itJ1fnT bull 1 -11 d 1 d Ifd c lJi1i1UUil1YI Tl(1U~W(1 ltJUIU)iV WUlVl)i

lViiff i1n~ Ilfi(1lu1)liJ~~)U1VlniilJ111li

aUyJi1Ii~ llltJ~U1V IgU~U I1~tJl~vn-)l

l1ltJ~~hii1 ~I11lJ1Hnul~tJl~VffiiiU~IIUU Vi~l~lUlI~~mY1VlV l~V~I1lbvllU~1I (1

l~mliU Vl(1tJ~IlUUili1liU~~1 III liTblJlilJ

U1Vlf)jilJ111111 tJU~lU)UlJ1n tJ1Y1 Vi (1 Vl bull

lJi)1V1~lJl1 ~f)jwUj UllrUllU11m~~~u ~ ~ J i lit

lJ1imU1V)iTnYl lTl)liVlU 1(1U11lnli

II ~l tJ 1Y1 VlV I1~tJ i~tJ 11l)~fh ii~~lllJUl~tJ 1YlVffii~UIIU]J HVi~lllUlyJvhll(1Vi~lllU

Q 1 IitCLI YI ~I lit ~ v ll~101llVlV l~tlmU)iltll~Tl~UiYlll~UU mtl

nlil11Vi~l]1U1I~lmY1VlVil1nll1m~ll1(1~ ~~

~ltJciuUI1~lm 4 IlfiU HIll111jl~lnUVi~l ]1Ul1lUVllVltJ~ lJaUyJilliYllrJUYl) t11l1UYl mi

~1t1Vi~l1l1nulJ)lVltJ5~l~tln~ll1ltJ~fhii~ ~lV milJlyJliJVllTl~)ltlU~cH1t1-lJ)1 lrJUYl)IlU

d 1~I lTl(1tJUlitJ I1luU1ll1U1

Vi (1 tJlllJjn~ mh)~tJ~11Url)UlJtJ]

Yl)l~tJ1hn)u~)vtJ (1iit UVlJUU1~i)1luU ~


U1 5 VlU f))1l 260 IlJm m1lJV1)UUIl1n

nilU~tJ UilJ1lU 6-7 llJm Ul180 1l1U9lllJVli

J111rn 1974 in(1n~lJ fiUJ1~n 20 ll1U~llJVl~ I cO~d d1

1I(11Y1lJ1ifl~Tl4l~ 20 lltN lJm1~lil Ufni

l~UYI1lUilJ1ru 8 fihllJ~i~tJi)1lJl ~ 3

1 UW~UU1Vl 10 ~) UUliJuWJilVII)l 1m

I1~tJlrJU lTl~)l~UtJtJncill ilU1 UJ11~l lfUrlU

Vi (1 fllllJinVl mh) Yd I GI

~lYtJUni1 VllU~)U)l mNil1nmi

liJ~Yl) l~)Vi~ll1UlllYltJ1Y1llV 1~~~lYu1 Il

ll ~ (1 tJlrl ~)Vi ~ll1U Ilffl m Y1 Vl61 ~ tIU1 tIlliU

ll~NIIl~iU tJ1V 74 iJ li1) llmJmmm nri1)V OJ 11

I l ~ ff ) 1 lli1U U 1 ) l ifl Vi (1]l1 U II ~l fl1l1 Vl tIil1 n

I1r~~vYllJ~l~iii1)ff~~lfi~m1lJ~111IYm bull 1 middot A A 1 d uin)U1iinlll~UIi) lJVlUllU U1i)lUfll ~lVd d~d v U1lJUlJi1m~l tJnlll llJ)lJlffm~ll1 (1~ ~ J J~ ~ 1 v

U)VlmilJli4UlC1nU1~ lil IVii1l uUVi(1lllU


Urull U1lUUllUl nm))l U)VlniilJ I

~Ui1Il l~Ull1ll~)n1 I1111l1nuNuintJun1i bull

i~Ul~)I1~)~~mlJ1ifll111111 ~~pfi lIUUrll

lritJllllnull~uUi1fi1J1lJU~i1fnllVil un~l l I1lJ1nUmi~llJ11JillJiJl~tJ1YlV~1i~lUY)fll J IJ I I ~ v

IllV) LVii1 llJ~lr-l(1mYlUVltJ~lll)(1tllJ

v dd1 v I d ~i1]fl1ViMlIrull~ I1llnf)1ill)llllV) 1Ytl~

Tl~)lnu Vi(1 ~lJi)1V1ilJU ~f)jwUyj M lllY~lTm~II1U-)l U1VlfiilJ~U~(itJ lrJ~Yl1l l~)n1 I1liYi~r1l~ml11(1(i)l~U~tJVifil~1U

llfflmY1Vlv(lmnIJ)llm) lrJUiJiJUl1Jl1J1Ufl~ I

TlUillV ffilJ1ifll11Vi~]l1UlllYltJ1Y1~VlJ1H v

Ui 1VliU lliritJ1l1lfi~fmhn1)U unnl

J1lJUllif)1 11(1 lrimYitiunuf)1lHlTl~tJltJu~ 1Uuil~uU

lJlUCllYICl J~~m ttllJlfinlH1fl~nlllJnlJ~lJfm)~~UnJlIl (ilf1U) ()liljJ~dhitiflfl 1~-Jl llwlhdlJJI11mJ~]j VlllfhHm(lm~lj~H ll~1HlJJl IUIlrmiddotltJll i HI 1J] 11 (fflU 11[ ~rulaquoJll V1ll~hh~nDUnljf)ll~~HjllDjtf1f1 1~tli1 J nKuijD~iJlI~)l 1Jjll~n~lJllnUJlnl1lJl1 J(lI~Ifitnntmlll~lJ

~ V I 11

lfI~U11f1fl llui l1lU dhJJll11jvt11vlJDHhhuClI1U1-Jlllmlllnml1111dh lr~ UUllliJJvi1111r~jJntlumjjjfiu11111 ~lJ IIlU1l-liili Ull 3IlD(h~u~IUUllll 1lllJ1ll11hmn fl~JJ1jlj~f1J r~Jltum~Dn D111ll llCllJWJUUlf1r)J OJlllmii1lJ R1~ U~DJV1rIUlm Tlul llt1W1Dn~Ju

m1JIllnl~~~YilJDDn~mllJl1iufhli1JnlH h UUlllUlJipl(WviRufhHCnU l1Jili Ul~U~1l l n ETflU 1lUDmllJ~ JlJJJD~llJmllJ1llrflJi vnDH

iU(llJlJUllll Hq)dluv1~ 1l~jjlJlru1iufh~Ulj~1jUulllnh~lJ ~~Dl1l111lH 1-11DOlluUljl~ihJD i l-iClIlCl~1 Yh~1l1IUU I~D~~UDlJrill1UIl i l-ilill~hJ riu1Tf1fllihi1Ji1IlI~DnffD1i14Al T9itJlihlHllaquowr~ln~ U(J~I~UJnUnlljrU JllUlllUlljJnrul1~DJhltnu 15 ll1D1j1iUfh~uj)lmuluDclln~ 3 il~ CllllJJlJlruUDJUll~nruoViClJ u~~~r~Cl~~D~uV)unm-l~~ClI1Cl~~JtJ 4 UflJUll~nluoVi ciJlll UlUU1J ~DJHljDnu111JJUjl]j~I~UJltiuJ lllll

II q tJ I ct 0 oi tJ r 0 v shyllllnll(1lJ~lllC1Uflll1CllnllUyenl IlIll mlJU1lJ~JYmlUUl1D U~nl1 nlnn~D~C11HnlJlJ m~V1lJJllrullU C1111nJluflru nlllJllllDlMll --

UJllliHiUljlIl~lJfh~1l~11J()[Jti~ 17-31 ~JUIllllJHl1jl~~J~11J 23-41 I( Cl U 1 (uu) m lJd -11 Cf1lJfI (lji1WmCl~ ~-1U JI1 ~DlJ UCl m lJfll UfllJ llJJ1I~lih i l1l flpflUUlllUJ~~Ull~ ll-ilvtq) J~IUllfmlt1l~~UmJnll lJClYlEI 1~uuDnlJl~l III lflJUfllJ1l-iltU1l 1lU 1~Dnmiddotll1UIlIl ulm~jllllil VlCll01lJuJrijlnDUIlll t1~ viJJ iuHitlunf1fllJlIl)un9fD~ufh ~JUlJll U 1111 fJlllJllllllllll ~uJnll

IV ff


~U1~1Villi LnU~~J bull IV a

Vi1u~~f)Li11~~~ cu

inmhv-liil 111Pi~~ Llllnnn1lIHU

ml~nll~~IllfJlNu~tllll (iilIlU) LtJ~ Lmrh iilIlU1Lliru~lLLVlUN1llnilUn1l ~lU~U~l ~tltllll ~ LLiiliJ~Tfl~ll tJ111qj

Llilml11~ilL~illJf)1l-11iltJ(l~lJU1~UWl neu]~Uri1 vflLLJj~W mJLl1lll 1l1~Ull~

~ eil tmiddotwnnVJiln fl1111l LL(llJUJJ1JUL~fn

lllYlm~~ l1~IIlnMillVi~f)tlnpoundi~ml1

~Uril Lb(hvjUl11JU1~Ulllnru-naUril

l1flltJJjU~jjlJU1~1-1niLnuI~~ LLvimmru

flU~l~Ullljj1JU1~ L~lL~~ ~lEllltrnl1l-1N u~lnll Llt]11~ei~ Llltlniftl~U~lt~ tJVilJl1~ vlutrlLn(1J 1JruLtiitJ1nUnlltJrU(l~~~1~ lJillmllnru-nll~viiilt-J(ltiiiitlnllll~ ~UVlUn1lt-J~(9I~ltJ

~ltJrllv-llli1~lTh 1UltJampu iilIlU


l1~ii 01LUU1tJMiilJEl1-Xiil~~lLVh~~1 LUU

Lflf)I~Utll1 rhl1U~1i~uyjl11mtJ1U

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J _ I

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lJ U

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L~UYlUlJUL1tJu1ua(ij~1(ijBmiitJVivllll11Ul LL~ i ~poundllLLJunBlYlU1iI1a-~n1ll1Ul1tI1U~~l1

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DWlf1~WllaJn1Jl~~eJf1 nJLQ~lvlU VlVllY1U1Vl

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I tJJ(IrllltJLUWnlJl~tJLL~~~WllVW~-iil11~LYilJ I lJln-iiu I


fi n a Ua dhl3J amp1 ~h ~UA1 b nlf(9la f1~lijVl~~ IJm1J~lLL~~ 217 LL~U~TUUlrl lJEJlJ~ 26-32 Onnfl~~i1LLlnlJm1J~l

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O 7 L~ltJ3JVllleuroJ 3 VlUl tJI1U ~U llj

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VI~eurol~~YlrnflLn~l liJe)ltIlllmllJmtJ~h

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lJtJIU 2556 3J~lil~ufilLn~~leuroJd~ 216 ~

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JJfl~~t1V1~I~~lJmtJ~llii L~euroJJlln~~t-J~~1u n~JJ-trllulU eleuroJtJ tJlJWlll Ul~3JJ1~U LL~ ~~wil1fl3JlruL~3J LLlt1i-lill

LU~euroJn~nml3J~U 15jj eJiLUUL~aJ l~UllmiJ-ru~l~ILlt1~tJ t-lil~~tpJ illPl

euroJtiYi 7500-9000 Ulrl UYJU i~1l~ lI bull cd ~euroJltlU Vl1nml3JIfUeuroJfVl aJil~lL~ LV20 m ~llfll 6000 U1YlLYhilu

~UtJllljlll m~illlml~W1~J3Jl

LVI~euroJ 60-61 Ulrl lt1ieuroJnT~n13J LIjllil~u~ LiJltln~~L~3J ~urlumlt-J~~~J llm-nllTIj~

d ~ T Llt1GwmlYi


630-780 Ulrl w1euroJn ~n~3J LIjnt-J~~~~euroJeuroJn3J13JlnLL~ilmlU1L-li13J1

llnUltLVlffLYleuroJuihu lJru~llfllnJneuroJeuroJn l1~mltlloilUl~lnYillIXllmU1U~J~lL~euroJ 10-220 U1Y1w1euroJnT~n13J LllUL~tJ1n1Jnfll Ul~~ ~llmfiWl~J3J1LVI~euroJ320 -435 ~ntJ ~euroJnT~n13J

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LjuluTm~ml3J1UJ~ln11 6-8 L~euroJU

cilUllfl1~U~lLnllVllvifl1~ hlilllm vibVi~ ~euroJ ~Uci1UVI~I m~11lb~l-I LUU 215-220 ulrllt1ieuroJnT~n13J lln 180

Ulrl LIjll~U~euroJImlU1LUt-J~~beuroJvilUeuroJ~ IJrnvielmJflWd1lL~3JLJU 1 220-1300

U1rl lln 1040 ulY1~euroJnT~n13J llfl1LnLdil

nlL~3JLUU 42880-44 Ulrl~euroJnT~n1l-1 L 11l1nfl3JUln vifftJ T lUilml3J9l euroJI ml

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ultJ~3Jifn~ n~lhlilJii leuroJI~f~ml jj n~ n~llL~13Jl1 cilVl1U LLt-JUltJ

tJllL~L~~ tJ ~Vll~ ilil3J nu mrl )11

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~euroJJVi~lLilumlL1~3Jt-J~~~~ ml~~

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n 9l euroJJ LVi~W)1[11 mm~m~n~rnvi1JTlI

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~jLLwllUYi 18-30 ~ tJYitJl~l llnn~3J

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~LLUUL~3J 4 lLLWU T~mnllVllmilml3J v JJ ~ 14 1

~IJl~ltIlU3JlnIJULufl~LuU 7851

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11 Ln~lm~u~n-nllilml3J~IJ~l~l13J

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TWlmn~~lm~u~nillI11ULVlqi ilml3J ~ v I 4 _ v

~lJ LUl~U3JlnlJUfl~LuU 886 ~rleuroJU


ampI J 11

U1JaSJf1n~ mfi11(i)1U 1il~~Hilfl111iU1fl11

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flA~l~lliT~N lJIWmrUlLnFl i1U1U

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Ministry seeks to resume small-lot rice sales in August PETCHANET PRATRUANGKRAI THE NATION

THE COMMERCE MINISTRY is preparshying to resume selling rice from its stockpiles in early August gradually releasing it in small lots of about 5000)0 tonnes a month

Duangporn Rodphaya director-genershyar of the ForeIgn Trade Department said a ~ubcommlttee had agreed the mmistry slthould go ahead and sell rice from the stockpIles and not walt tor completion of a Junta-ordered mspectlOn of the stocks bull I he nce-release planwhlch Will be proshy

posed to the Rice Policy and Management Committee soon includes sales through general auctions to exporters and local traders by government-to-governrrient contracts and through the Agricultural Futures Exchange of Thailand

Puangporn added that the department wopId ensure the stocks are released transshyparent With the Fmance Mmlst and the Prime Minister s 0 ce joint y inspecting the f0cessc

T~e department reported that about 55 per cent ofl800 rice warehouses had so far been inspected by the teams dispatched by the militarys ruling National CounCil for Peace and Order The teams are expected to complete their mission by the end of September

About 18 million tonnes ofrice is reportshy

cerns over roug t an ower pro uction in many countries amid higher demand in many others I here IS a good posslblhty that ThaIland will export 10 million tonnes 9pound nce thIS year It is expected to sell off all 18 million tonnes in its stockpiles within three years she saId

The department reported that Thailand was able to sell 535 million tonnes of rice in the first six months middotup by 50 per cent year on year while export value rose 19 percentto US$27biIlion (nearly Bt86 bilshylion)

As ofJuly 16 the price of5 per cent Thai

Afile photo shows asoldier inspecting rice stockpiles at a warehouse in a eastern province

white rice was quoted at $427 a tonne up from $410 the previous week

She added that production bfThai paddy rice in the 2014-15 harvest season was proshyjected to be less than 38 mi1lion tonnes because of drought in many areas

Charoen Laothamatas president of the Thai Rice Exporters Association said the government should consIder sellIng rice from its stockpiles in small lots of about 100000-200000 tonnes per auction to avoid impacts on the m-rket price

The government has less pressure to accelerate the sale of rice frbm the stocks The country has holder power It should ensure transparency and minimum impacts to the market he said

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INTHE WAKE ofrising concern over the t reatmen t oflabour farmers we1shybeing and the environment in global trading the International Trade Promotion Department is urging more lhal busmesses to seek FairTrade cershytification so that their products are more easily recognised and have a

greater chance in the world market place

At a seminar on Fair Trade Mark and trading of Fair Trade products in theinternationaJ market heldyestershyday by the agencys Office of News Overseas Markets Development and PromotIOn Duan kamol Jlambutr e U Irec or- ener ot e eplrtshy

mentSal t atonlyasmallnumberof thaI compames and sUEP)Lc~~ms current~apphedthe FairTrade Marllt

The epartment lrill therefore continue to support Fair Trade certishyfication by promoting an awareness campaign amongThai man ufacturers and exporters she said

According to the Netherlandsshybased Fair Trade Original organisashytion about 30 Thai companies and supply chains have received FairTrade

certification to date This guarantees that they engage in faii treatment of farmers have good labour conditions use no forced or child labour offer fair prices to suppliers and operate with transparency accountability and respect for the environment equity and freedom lt)nd have fair trading practices

Duangkarnol said the department in cooperation ~th Fair Trade Original now had a target of increasing the number of certified businessshy iSnap es and products by 10 per cent ayear

The main goal is to help agriculshytural and handicraft producers as well as manufactures and exporters to achieve better trading conditions and to promote sustainability she said

Certified members of the Fair Trade programme will likely be able to leverage the quality of their prodshyucts for higher prices with certificashytion ensuring world-class social and environmental standards and more recognition in the international trade area she added

Thai export products alreadyusing the approved Fair Thade logo include

rice coffee tea cane sugar cotton freshfruits herbs and spices ockershywork handicrafts pottery and ceramshyics

The official said the department also would like to encourage busishynesses in the shrimp and fishery secshy

ate consultant for Thailand said the overall value of Fair Trade products had increased considerably in the past few years as consumers now had more awareness about fair trading conditions and the environment

Consumers are willing to pay more for Fair Trade goods if they feel they have bought a product whose manufacture is highly responsible to society Today prices of Fair Trade products are also very competitive

the same as leading brands Enterprises should adapt themselves to produce Fair Trade products in order to ensure sustainable growth

tors to comply with Fair Trade certification so that they do otfaceproblems due to unfa abour treatment Every Fair Trade product is subject to labour-standard checking she explained

Manasnan Pongjayavanij Fair Trade Originals aS60ci~

and access to many markets said the consultant

According to Fair Trade Original the value of fair trade goods in the global market excluding the US rose from 1 billion (Bt427billion) in 1996 to 48 billion in 2012 Expots ofThai fair trade products were wOlth about Bt300 million in 2012

More than 30000 products are now on sale in 125 countries and the global Fair Trade system currently works with over 12 million people across 60 countries

Manasnan said many more Thai products could get the Fair Trade mark So far many local brands sllch as Doi Chang coffee plus local proshyducers of soy sauce chjli sauce pineapples and bananas are wellshy

known for having the mark which is accepted widely

Martin Boon development manshyager for Fai~Trade Original in the Netherlands told the seminar that with the global market having growshying recognition of Fair Trade prodshyucts many markets were increasing demand for products carrying the logo - and that Thailand had high potential to serve sllch worldwide demand


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THE NATION ~ JULY 20141lI Sihasak reassures EUteam over juntas reform roadmap SUPALAK GANJANAKHUN DEE THE NATION BRUSSELS

EARLY ELECTIONS vtithout reform would not help restore proper democshyracy to Thailand That was the message related by acting Foreign Minister Sihasak Phuangketkeow when he met his counterpart from the European Union in Belgium this week In a bilateral meeting with David OSullivan chief operating officer ofthe European External Action Service Sihasak said Thailand had a clear roadmap to restore sustainable democshyracy and that the EU should support

this process of reform The roadmap and its related reform

will help strengthen our political econshyomy and will also be of benefit to our partnership with theEUin the longnm he said

Sihasak was in Brussels for a minisshyterial meeting between representatives ofAsean and the EU and spent much of his time briefing representatives of Eillopean nations aboutthe situation in Thailand

The E U along with the US and other Western countries strongly criticised themilitaryforits May 22 coup The EU suspended a number of cooperations withThailand as well as several visits by high -level officials It also recommendshyed that member states review military cooperation with Thailand

The EU said last month that it wouldmiddot

not sign a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Thailand and that the negotiation of a free-trade agreement (FTA) would not conclude until an electshyed government was in place

Sihasak told OSullivan that an electshyed government would come eventually Before that however Thailand needed time to implement reform to have a strong democracy

The time frame of 15 months or so for the reform is not too long ifwe want to make sure that our system and democracy are sustainable he said

Thai people are aware of the issues facing our country and we are working on addressing these concerns so the EU as a partner should support us

The EUhas the right to voice its conshycerns about the situation in Thailand

middot but it should also ensure it is sufficientshyly informed on specific cases he said

Concerning detention and martial law the EU should make sure it has corshyrect information about who is under

middot detention and if there are concerns about human-rights violations the EU should specify the cases he said

Sihasak discussed the situation in Thailand Vlrith many European MPs

middot while in BrusselsTheyincludeq Franck Proust special rapporteur on the FTA and Samuel Cantell head of the ecoshynomic trade and regional cooperation delegation Many of them have experishyence in engaging with Thailand and have a clear understanding ofthe current sitshyuation in the country Sihasak said


Pension scheme for farmers proposed

Farmers in the future might look forward to retiring on a government pension

Charnpittaya Chimplee directorshygeneral of the Rice Oepartment said yesterday ttiat under a draft bill dealing with the rice development fund members would contribute about 3per cent of their monthly income to the fund and the state wou ~d also chip in ayet-unspecified amount

When farmers reach the age of 60 or 65 they will start receiving a monthly pension bf about Bt4OOO

Most farmers earn less than other workers so the fund is neces- sary for their future Charnpittaya said

Other proposals for the bill are being gathered and the contents wi I be improved before its submisshysion to acommittee on rice producshytion and markets and the National Council for Peace and Order


Farmer happiness down from August WICHIT CHANTANUSORNSIRI

Farmer happiness last month dropped subshystantially from its peak last August when they had high hopes of stable income from the Yingluck Shinawatra administrations rice pledging scheme reports a Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BMC) poll

The state-backed farm banks farmer happiness index fell to 7851 in June from its highest level of89 in August said senior executive vice-president Somsak Kangteershyawat The poll surveyed 2346 farmers

Happiness from family health a good society jo b financial position and the quest

for knowledge were the six factors used to measure the index

The survey found happines from the family scored the highest with a score of 341 out offour followed by health at 321 a good society at 320 job at 314 fmancial position at 285 and the quest for knowlshyedge at 274

Farmers from the Northeast regygIiwere the happiest vvith a score of 314 while those from the North scored 313 the South 312 the East 297 and Central 299

Asource at the BMC confirmed Augusts poll was taken when the farmers mood hit a fever pitch as they felt they would receive an elevated level of compensation from the

rice pledging programme The National Council for Peace and

Order (NCPO) is seeking sustainable ways to help farmers after losses from rice pledgshying which offered prices 40-50 higher than the market price could reach 500 billion baht

The juntas measures so far largely includelowering rice production costs and slowing the release of supply to lower price pressure

The source said prices of tapioca sugar cane chicken and pork are gaining in the second half while those of rice corn rubber oil palin and whiteleg shrimp are declirun ~ bull bull imiddotI middot7~

Regarding rice prices the source said the price of paddy with 15 moisture content could average 7500-9000 baht a tonne while Hom Mali prices are projected at 14000-15000 baht in the second the half

Even though the agricultural sector conshytributes only 84 to the countrys GDP there are 167 ffiillion farmers making up 26 of the population

National Statistical Office data shows the ratio of farmers who earned over 100000 baht a year rose to 286 in 2013 from 97 in 2003 while 643 graduated from prfshymary school down from 704 a decade ago Farmers shouldered average debt of 124604 baht per person last year

BANGKOK POST 41 FTIupbeatabout domestic car sales PIYACHART MAIKAEW

The Federation of Thai Industries (FT) remains confident that domestic vehishycle sales will top I million this year defying some car makers projection of sales declining to between 900000 and 980000 vehicles

Domestic demand started picking up in the previous quarter as private firms and farmers bought new pickup trucks for their business expansion and new cultivation said Surapong Paisitpatanapong spokesshyman for the FIrs automotive industry club

The club forecasts pickup truck sales will contribute 55-58 of domestic sales against 442 in 2013 while passenger cars dropped to about 40 from 474 last year

The passenger car market has normalshyised after demand was absorbed by the gov- emments first-time car buyer scheme said Mr Sura pong

The club yesterday cut its 2014 forecast for Thailands automotive output from 24 million vehicles to 22 milliori It also cut domestic sales to 1 million vehicles hom 12 million while exports stand finn at 12 million vehicles

FTI vice-chainnan Suparat Sirisuwan~ nangkura said Thailand was expected to remain in the worlds top 10 automotive manufacturers this year with production in countries such as Canada and Russia also expected to decrease

The International Organization of Motor

Vehicle Manufacturers said Thailand was the worlds ninth-largest automotive manufacturer in 2013 and 10th in 2012 Production (ast year totalled 245 million vehicles the highest in 52 years and up by 014 from 2012

The club yesterday reported that car proshyduction fell by 261 year-on-year in June to 160452 For the first half Thailands car output fell by 29 year-on-year to 952685

Domestic car sales in June totalled 73799 dOVll by 304 on the same period in2013 while 440911 cars were sold in the first half down by 405

By contrast car exports in June rose 657 to 103946 earning the cOUDtry497 billion baht In the first half exports rose 36 to 560047 cars with export value rising 895 to 265 billion baht

The FII yesterday reported that the industrial sentiment index improved for the second straight month in JW1e

The index rose to 884 points accordshying to the FIr which conducted a survey among 1100 industrial operators It stood at 851 points in May when sentiment improved for the first time in seven months

FTI chairman Suphan Mongkholsuthee said sentiment has improved because of the more stable political situation and an increase in purchases of products thanks to the Fifa World Cup football tournament

The industry outlook index for the next three months stood at 1019 points rising from 101 in May

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AUTO EXPORTS INCREASE Despite the sluggish recovery of

the export sector auto shipments continue to expand but still by not enough to counter the reduction in dorriestic demand for cars

The industry has been forced to brake this years production target from 24 million units to 22 million

The target for domestic sales has been lowered from 12 million units to 1million which represents adrop of 251 per cent or 335154 units from last year

Surapong Paisitpattanapong deputy chairman and spokesman of the Federation of Thai Industries Automotive Industry Club said yesterday that lower domestic derriand the end ofthe governments first-car tax-relief programme and the delay in gov~ errirnent and private investment

middotprojects had contributedtothemiddot change in the production target However this new figure is still

middot higherthan the forecast for T8 milshylion units before the big floodiri 2011and domestic demand is

expectedto shitf intoforWard gear i

middotnext quarter~ The economic recovery payshyrnent for farmersuncter the rlceshy

pledgingscherneandreturn of investment will increase revenue l

in other industries and put more rnoney in peoples pockets he middot said

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Temporary charter should furthershyboost confidence ERICH PARPART THE NATION

THE FEDERATION ofThai Industries believes the temporary charter will further increase the confishyden~e ofdomestic and foreign investors along with buslness op~ratrs while the recent strengthening of the baht IS stJlI tolerable for the export industry as long as anyfurther appreciation is neither too rapid nor drastic

_The FTI also said yesterday that its Industries Sentiment Index (TIS) had increased by 44 points since April

The introduction ofthe provisional charter is in line with the politiCal road map of the NCPO [NationaICoimcil for Peace and Order Jand I believe that in generalinvestors andoperators will feel more relaxe and gai~ more confidence that things aremiddot gomgmaccordWlththeNCPOsplansforanewcharshyter the setting up ofan interim government and the possibility of an election in the future said Supant Mongkolsuthree chairman ofthe FTI shy

In his view the country over the past two months has been running on a smooth surface since the Nepo took power a move which has led to an increase in foreign investor confidence certainty over pubh~ II1vestment policy and rising domestic consumptIOn

These factrs will support the recovery and allow _gross domestJC product to expand by 25 percent this year he said


The FTI had been projecting an economic recesshysion before the arrival of the NCPO

As for exports Supant said The strenctheninO of the baht is related to the increased conffdence of foreign investors which has led to an inflow offorshy~ign funds This will have some effect on the export iiidustry but it is still acceptable for exporters since the currencys strengthening pace is not too fast and the Bank ofThailand is still monitoring the situashytion

The export sector will be able to cope with a stronger baht if the rate does not fall below 3050 per US dollar he said -Moreover since the global economy IS continushyII1g to reco~er the FTI is sticking with its export

- growth projectIOn of35-5 per cent for the year According to Bloomberg the baht was valued at

3176 per dollar yesterday The FTI chief pointed out that if the Kingdoms shy

export value were calculated in baht it would already show lO-per-cent growth year on year

Accordingto the central bank export value in May came in at US$1927billiol1 (Bt6124 billion) whIch IS 12 per cent lower than the same period last year in dollar terms - shy

Meanwhile the TmiddotISI has increased for two month~ in a row The indexose from 840 in April to 851 111 May and to 884111 June amidst calmer political waters the economic recovery the liftingof the curfe - and even Fifa World Cup fever which led to an mcrease in overall production orders and sale figures - shyn~eover~TISI fororBers~salesarid prod-udiai- -shyIII allll1dustnes rose from 802796821 points in May to 843 844 879 points respectively in June

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CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough


GRAFT HAS GOT TO GO nvestors from Japan from which Such concern by the Japanese away existing and prospective forshy

the largest amount of Thailands investors should not be ignored eign investors Countless foreign direct foreign investment comes because they have brought the firms and investors have com~

have called for reduced corruption largest amount of direct foreign plained about the extra costs of and improved transparency in order investment into Thailand The doingbusinessinThailandbywhich to help restore confidence in the Japanese invested over 8t290 bil- they mean kickbacks and undershy

Kingdom lion in projects ClPproved by themiddot the-table money that must be to Setsuo luchichief representative Board of Investment last year That bureaucrats and politicians Often

of themiddot Japan External Trade was nearly 30 per cent of the total they have topayin exchange for pro-Organisation (Jetro) for Asean and foreign investment of Btl1 trillion curement deals with state agencies South Asia last week called on the according to 801 data and public projects People who ruling National Council for Peace Thailand has generally remained refuse to pay are routinely left and Order to kick-start good govershy attractiye to foreign investors due behind by their bribe-paying comshynance that includes combating corshy to positive factors such as the avail- petito rs University of the Thai ruption and ensuring transparency ability of skilled labour efficient Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) rec-particularly about doing business in infrastructure and transportation tor Saowanee Thairungroj has esti-Thailand Now its a good time for systems location andthe consider- mated that corruption adds 30 per Thailand to bring about good govshy able size of the domestic market cent to costs for businesses That ernance for the new era he said But our chronic corruption is scaring she says translates into reduced

comoetitiveness for Thai-made Economic and Business Forecasting pay corrupt officials and politi~ians products and reduced credibility for Centre He surmises that the have to cut costs at-the building site Thailand among foreign investors improvement could be due to posi- and that means poorer quality in General Prayuth Chan-ocha has tive public sentiment following the their public projects and thus a risk made tackling corruption a top pri- juntascampaignagainstcorruption to life and limb ority for the ruling military junta He and organised crime The surveyalso Businesses who pay bribes also says the fight will be part of sweepshy showed that bribes paid to officials offset their higher costs by charging ing national reform together with and politiCians by the private sector the consumers more good governance transparency and had declined to 15-25 per cent of middot Since corrupt authorities and an efficient and effective system of project costs frbman average 25-35 politicians make money and bribe-checks-and-balances Thailands per cent previously paying businesses make profits it is corruption index in the first half of Despite the seemingly slight theconsumersandthepublicingenshythis year improved for the first time improvement in the situation (or- eral who suffer in five years according to aUTCC surshy ruption remains amajor problem for They end up paying more uhnecshyvey The indexinJune was registered Thailand essarilyfor products and public proF at 46 out of a possible lOa com- In addition to the weakened ects the quality of which is poorer

pared to 39 last December says competitiveness and reduced cred- Corruption should beeliininated or Thariavath Phonvichai UTCC vice ibility the public asa whole is affect- at least minimised for the sake of rector of research and director of its ed by corruption Contractors who the country and its people

  • 57-07-24 (กรม)
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  • 57-07-24 (กระทรวง)

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I _ _ lmutYlIilflln1jlJillJilLYi~LlmJLflmnUn11lill1U lMnn~

~f~lJlruWJ lJllU ~UAJ1lJ~rd1 ilthlI1lIu lllJ1TClFlulT1t1flL~tJi1 lffli MNNmocQQh lffiiilUCl1lJlffli~ltJmUnTi1rnmMltJ1203

( (gt


Cjnsi31 (8 wn) 155-160 nn ]K~drflid~(~UlMbi)iLf-rf~middot - IfiO-it ~~~tifW-(nr1T+~

lulri (IUDS 3) 34-35 Woo

~iOriqltTI=~r1J~OIo~middot r~q ~~ ~ 3~(Qoi3~19)M~~~ouj 9Qiin UllUK) 100 1420-1430 nsClou 100 nn

amp~~ ~g~~(Ft~P i)~ r~~~~~~I~~~~~~~2middotg2~~~~~t~~yen~~ii~~~~~middot~middotmiddot ~- wnQwu (Ra) 22-25 nn

Xailili1ffOi-sect~~~lIri-~~~~~~ i~~q ~r 4 middot~ifIiriri~~)-fr~jtmiddotmiddotmiddot wsnUlilJ (~um) 4-5 Ua

)3~ifiW(J(treg~1~~~_middot~~fi ~2~2~5Sjt2~11reg5[gt RUI nSUmSA1f1181u nsnSlOWlrUl1E1

2J 2557bbk1V1k1

c OJ c c 151llH HQU V1 Yl J ftVI tJ 1j fI IJ

ltV V r Q iCS

tn-naHn (HI ff flW VI W 1 fl eJ 11 UVI

njlJ ifl Iff~lJ f1l jrl1jl1i1 llhmf1

lU~INEJ11 ffUrl1fflfH)f)UUlvlU

~llUU IiiUlthbl fflJ~U liff~llf11W ftfnJUJ~~ 111~UllU1iim1lJl~mrU 1UffUrl1lvW jllJJlff~1lm1lJlu1i~


Iii Ul ou fljU1 11 f)1 j uU VI UU f1lj

N~~~tJf)IiiUl U(1f)U1liIljlHU

[) V1l 1UU1jjjlJ VI llJlf) lJl VI j~1U

ff1 f) (1 f) j lJ ~ l 1 ~r91 Ill1m l flU

1Y1UlHlWY1 VIiffY1 lJ1ffl (Thailand

Trust Mark TTM) IUWlim

fft1J f1EmJUl1l Tn llJl~mjU111 fJ tllf11W

ffUrl1U(l1J~f)ljhlU lYim~lJluf)lff

Vl1lf)ljrl1Un ~lhmilJf1lj1V1m~1U ll(l~lllhlY1f1 jllJJl rillff~lJfffll fllW Kf)ll ru~~U ull~l U 1Uf)1jriluUf)

11lUUlll1 ftl N~i1lYUrl1 U(1lJ~f)lj~ii fJtllf11W fhWlnl~lln91UlJ m


I~ fJUfJ1 fJftlu V1 ~~tJftltfmJ W11JtI1I1U eJlfllJIllfl lhlITU

fljjlJf)1jlJ~l11j lJ~rll YiWWWff

(lllEJIl(1U~) ~10~ lU91INfJ11 U1f)


Yijf)l1hUlll1i1l 1 W1J111fl~fmhU1-]




Il1f1 1f) 111 ~huU Yijnll~ii f)lj l~lJ1il ff-) uV1-)lim~u) 1l(1tY)iillUl1ulJ~U l~hJlilLl~D f)lJl f)11111 U ~)rUlriu vd d ooltvdv

lU1 1 lJU1fllJ 2557 mllVlU)llJ1 1 ~ f = 1

lVIfi LU I1UTIjU9fU f)Il f)lj l91t)1Ylff

91mJ fliu) ff1m)~iiEJu91U1tlfflff91 ItlwrU~1Jl1~)1U1f)ll1ft ~l1UiJ 5~7 IlHllJlhlJ1tllfli1 ~ 100 11111111

1U f)Wl il (119111(11 EJlEJ ff1 I1 l91EJIl

iif)ljUEJlEJff1lJ1l~lJ 10 ff1U1 1UiJ

2557 il1f1l~lJYiiit)~ 20 ff1U1middot lHl

IlIEJ1EJl~lJflf) 15 ff1U1 1UiJ 2558

ll(llVilJflf) 25 ff1U1 1UiJ 2559

J~ flafl~1rUJ 2557 bullbull 1 j

) ~ i i



tJfl5ClUuJUSJlEJUfllS UUytw f1f]U(iJ1f1f1Sv~mmiw~m1JI1Ti~If1l1Jtr1f1 lJfiFJfJ1Y11N nfl11fW ~ei1UJlJn7JSrnJJuriS1~mJiJfJntVVI~ufVJnJJlJftflmJI11 1JlJilvmuwJu1wlilJu1NllJmJUmJlnviuTflJoJri1Jlnvwu~ ~ - ~

nisvl JJliPl (Thailand Trust Mark TTM) ftfllhvlMNjflN1111Nv~Tnf)iuvi1l1Jmf1iJm1lJjmtUIjEJtjfllutrU111 tpnlv1mJln[JTurfliJFJrumw~7VJJJ1urifilJVlnmiddotlslnltlW1llritn(i1m1~viiNmJlaquoj~truI11InveuroJthvieuroJjjfl

--- -====~-

v bbU 1tJjW1


ftJttWitllj~ lutflnnl~a~fl3na~al~lan


W 1 uhf 6fl J~UIB flllU11 [J lll11 ~11MI1l11 fl ruYi litH 111 JVI

n 1 jU~fI ruil1~ffU~1l~1l lfl li1 UI~ JJfI11JJTU1)1rfi~1bull bull v

11 ilJ Ofl I1l~ull vnHmJJ1U1 OBU J1~ ~ N fllJ~ L~ poundJlJU~l lu~u~u~mlJri~ nY1lJ flllr11

iI1~mhaVlf1 flci11lI1~1~IUJthli1JliJVl~1JfflJlJJ1 I~U~ ll-wflm~ (Fair Trade) lviU1UJllJlm~1In1IJifqjl1111i-l~1J 1~ uJ ll~ flli1J11f)fl~1 flli)~crlJlJJ1 fl f~if ll~ V f)) ~J111

Ltl f)liJ1Vl U11J lJ1lt1Jh~1ltJ1U ~1l1m~~llJl1 crf1lf) UJcvfll~ Clll

M1U~l15mu-lllvlflm~OJ111lJ1f)rJ 1~u1~I~tyqtJifliluf11i

t)lltll11f)JJlJri]uClf)f)~l 200 i1U 1lJ1~llJ11JYf-l

bull J~ifl~vthrlClf)liJ1UM1U~~1~~1~ri]ClClf)rl1f1WIJCl]~ u

hlO hi111l1tlUltII11 ltII1ml4~lltJ ~~J 1l~iif)I1~lUth1ff V] ii fl11lJJ111 ffJr11V1111JlJV] 111 poundI u o1] lJl f) hHllllYt 1

1 cr~1l1 f)~M1U IfI~u]I1lJ1 poundJU-WflmVl ~] ItlJ Ifl~V]I11J1poundJ1tJiu] fl UJfllll fiJ r11 ~lii 1J1 mii1 Ji~U 11 f)~ J~1J~1J flli flii 1l

r1l [)~U f11i1~1liN1JCl O-ltl f)~U-lLL~iif)I1~lUifll)U~JltI~l] rJ IH ri1111011 ffJ r11UV-J1Vl uJ] lU ~ ~1 m poundIlJtJilVl fHI~1l ~1

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30 Cl-lr1m ~-lnJ]~ltlJf)cilJ~Lhuf)VUf11i 1tJlluo]ltII1mru

1Pl1-l 1 llvlV-liiii f)~lU1UlJ1 f)~ v~1j f) 51~1l 1lJ11J1~lJlu1m]f11i ltv bull tdV ~ dJQ bull

(PI] n~11 mlJll~illJlJV f)UI1U1UJ1Ull mHiCl-lU lliUllilU f)~lJ

tl 1l lt11 11 mllJ u111lm~u lt1111 milJ~ I~ (mJuJ11UlJltlU11l~~ lU1~llJlJVH1li111VJflm~hiiJ1 f)]U


lutJf)~llHmn1unWWllnru1~villM1li1~-l f)ci11

V01-lUuU 6 l~VU llCllfiCl11tJu51 mlJll~1l1l1lJI4fl~milJ Vlf)U l~V1111l f)V-l r1mv1M1um11tJllIKV-lVi1llJ~ elf) If) ruevi

Hq1fl1l1lJ1 1l J~lUU U] ffU r111111J1 f)~lt1 ff1111U f) cilJ ffU r1nt1

1~1U1lnIlWflm lhf)vU~lU lJ11 ~lll1av] lTUrl1UI1elJ

crutJ) unL1U ffUTl1n] uviMiif11JI11~vllm~uhrf)cilJ ffU r11~] ll~tJilJ-l 11 elJ~l f) tl f)ltII11V1UUtyf)1i~ lICl ffU ~1 ~lUlill i] ~lU 11hIf) ~lJif11UlJlHm1IlwfllliVl OUlJ1 f)iiu

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1J1 f) UU f)1l1f)1l1UU flliltl~1-lml4elf)Iru~~UV~ffUr111V1 poundI 115

0] IlJU f11ifJf) i i1JJ1 fl1 ffUr11111fJJ~1U~lUlJ1 1l Hi1U ll~J1 m

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f)~1 60 U llJUiUUf11ir11iluuluf11mf1-lfll1lJltlUliillJ

1u f)ll~lliJU~J Oil111ll fi ~r11 ll~ qin rilU l~ UllJV] ~111vi l~lImf)lqflfi1l qUUiJtJ qu~1f)fi illJvf-lil1illH-l1U

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1Ui1 mv1 ItlUliiilJ l~ ~u11f) fIltIllJliocffv irUr11in fl um 114

1u J1 mi lulili JilJ 1IiU f)J U V f)1l1 f)if~~vi1-l1U f)vu~] r1f1i

InHlllillhl1uri1 1lUU llllU~ lI1lJ1 ltllJ v iiltlm-w 11lcr ulJ1u f)1ivi1-l1Ui~ iifll1lJtJCltlI1V 1liof)iinUI~V-lIl4f1 iHh A ~

llftllf1 1l llClf11lt1m


1UWmU1~ 12 ~) tJYVli]nmn111nr1~l~U I I1r1f1tJVI1~]

cO _I ~ ~ UtJ~UtJ]IitJ TltJlJiI1V~Vi(1]]lU

hn1tJU 1limyl

~n~lilln~(tJlJ mY1~vlli~~vl ~lilif)rU lmllilu~~NJ111U i um1]lli~I11lJU~)1 11(1 cJilrUI ~UU1~m~lJ

A ~ I A I A A ~ I1lJlllllJ)ilV l~TlYlTlUll(1 1~il~~YIliUVli

nullll mlJll~Vi V~UYI1lUiUfJ1l rJiJ~l~vu ftJ VII () 1 UtJU1TlVl U1Vl nilJu~) i1~llJ1ifi

~111 ~uQl~~ J

b I r I JJ YI d D 0fJ07nl1U7 1

A ~ 1 d 111il1nmY]tJ1llVlV li)V(1~ l(1nitJU 1(1] li lU

)]fl)i~ifilll~U(~tJ rllI~~lJfniyjtJll~v)lluu lli~tJl~lJlJU 1I(1111ll1111

HlJ(1Yl1ltl HlihmufnU

I1~tJ ~~ II U(1l1 ~Uf1ll1Ui~ 111If li1 Unli ~ _ 1 ~ d U l dA

Iml~i l1itJ~~lllJ(1]lUUlmtJl UtJtJnl1lllU

1 UJ1 l~wil~~YIilu~inullllnilJll~Vi v~U llllUl1Jl1J1l~ U~l5VU1tJVII ()

mL~Ell~mnjt1itmUUi1~i1rurulUEll~U1VItJlh ~ u u

LL1fllJEllT~fl LtJ~~rlBrlilLtIUVI1lf)11LLal l~El Lem1~1~a L~ElW~lllUlvJiAh bull hUvlJJ1h 14

tI J d I

llJtJn(11 1000 U )Ull 23 nTl ll ilIIUiluluHh1VliftU~1U~U 1 lliU

l1lM1U fl1V1UI1~U1Uih~11i1U ~U1l mlJ1ifllrJUnl11Ui~J1 l~tJ1~Unmn1ltlVj Vl(11~ tJ U1mn~~ il UUlllJ~ Vi (1)lllJinVl

bull cO li1l1Jffii) il )VlIIH 1l1f)jlJ~iiYi111llll11itJ1fnT bull 1 -11 d 1 d Ifd c lJi1i1UUil1YI Tl(1U~W(1 ltJUIU)iV WUlVl)i

lViiff i1n~ Ilfi(1lu1)liJ~~)U1VlniilJ111li

aUyJi1Ii~ llltJ~U1V IgU~U I1~tJl~vn-)l

l1ltJ~~hii1 ~I11lJ1Hnul~tJl~VffiiiU~IIUU Vi~l~lUlI~~mY1VlV l~V~I1lbvllU~1I (1

l~mliU Vl(1tJ~IlUUili1liU~~1 III liTblJlilJ

U1Vlf)jilJ111111 tJU~lU)UlJ1n tJ1Y1 Vi (1 Vl bull

lJi)1V1~lJl1 ~f)jwUj UllrUllU11m~~~u ~ ~ J i lit

lJ1imU1V)iTnYl lTl)liVlU 1(1U11lnli

II ~l tJ 1Y1 VlV I1~tJ i~tJ 11l)~fh ii~~lllJUl~tJ 1YlVffii~UIIU]J HVi~lllUlyJvhll(1Vi~lllU

Q 1 IitCLI YI ~I lit ~ v ll~101llVlV l~tlmU)iltll~Tl~UiYlll~UU mtl

nlil11Vi~l]1U1I~lmY1VlVil1nll1m~ll1(1~ ~~

~ltJciuUI1~lm 4 IlfiU HIll111jl~lnUVi~l ]1Ul1lUVllVltJ~ lJaUyJilliYllrJUYl) t11l1UYl mi

~1t1Vi~l1l1nulJ)lVltJ5~l~tln~ll1ltJ~fhii~ ~lV milJlyJliJVllTl~)ltlU~cH1t1-lJ)1 lrJUYl)IlU

d 1~I lTl(1tJUlitJ I1luU1ll1U1

Vi (1 tJlllJjn~ mh)~tJ~11Url)UlJtJ]

Yl)l~tJ1hn)u~)vtJ (1iit UVlJUU1~i)1luU ~


U1 5 VlU f))1l 260 IlJm m1lJV1)UUIl1n

nilU~tJ UilJ1lU 6-7 llJm Ul180 1l1U9lllJVli

J111rn 1974 in(1n~lJ fiUJ1~n 20 ll1U~llJVl~ I cO~d d1

1I(11Y1lJ1ifl~Tl4l~ 20 lltN lJm1~lil Ufni

l~UYI1lUilJ1ru 8 fihllJ~i~tJi)1lJl ~ 3

1 UW~UU1Vl 10 ~) UUliJuWJilVII)l 1m

I1~tJlrJU lTl~)l~UtJtJncill ilU1 UJ11~l lfUrlU

Vi (1 fllllJinVl mh) Yd I GI

~lYtJUni1 VllU~)U)l mNil1nmi

liJ~Yl) l~)Vi~ll1UlllYltJ1Y1llV 1~~~lYu1 Il

ll ~ (1 tJlrl ~)Vi ~ll1U Ilffl m Y1 Vl61 ~ tIU1 tIlliU

ll~NIIl~iU tJ1V 74 iJ li1) llmJmmm nri1)V OJ 11

I l ~ ff ) 1 lli1U U 1 ) l ifl Vi (1]l1 U II ~l fl1l1 Vl tIil1 n

I1r~~vYllJ~l~iii1)ff~~lfi~m1lJ~111IYm bull 1 middot A A 1 d uin)U1iinlll~UIi) lJVlUllU U1i)lUfll ~lVd d~d v U1lJUlJi1m~l tJnlll llJ)lJlffm~ll1 (1~ ~ J J~ ~ 1 v

U)VlmilJli4UlC1nU1~ lil IVii1l uUVi(1lllU


Urull U1lUUllUl nm))l U)VlniilJ I

~Ui1Il l~Ull1ll~)n1 I1111l1nuNuintJun1i bull

i~Ul~)I1~)~~mlJ1ifll111111 ~~pfi lIUUrll

lritJllllnull~uUi1fi1J1lJU~i1fnllVil un~l l I1lJ1nUmi~llJ11JillJiJl~tJ1YlV~1i~lUY)fll J IJ I I ~ v

IllV) LVii1 llJ~lr-l(1mYlUVltJ~lll)(1tllJ

v dd1 v I d ~i1]fl1ViMlIrull~ I1llnf)1ill)llllV) 1Ytl~

Tl~)lnu Vi(1 ~lJi)1V1ilJU ~f)jwUyj M lllY~lTm~II1U-)l U1VlfiilJ~U~(itJ lrJ~Yl1l l~)n1 I1liYi~r1l~ml11(1(i)l~U~tJVifil~1U

llfflmY1Vlv(lmnIJ)llm) lrJUiJiJUl1Jl1J1Ufl~ I

TlUillV ffilJ1ifll11Vi~]l1UlllYltJ1Y1~VlJ1H v

Ui 1VliU lliritJ1l1lfi~fmhn1)U unnl

J1lJUllif)1 11(1 lrimYitiunuf)1lHlTl~tJltJu~ 1Uuil~uU

lJlUCllYICl J~~m ttllJlfinlH1fl~nlllJnlJ~lJfm)~~UnJlIl (ilf1U) ()liljJ~dhitiflfl 1~-Jl llwlhdlJJI11mJ~]j VlllfhHm(lm~lj~H ll~1HlJJl IUIlrmiddotltJll i HI 1J] 11 (fflU 11[ ~rulaquoJll V1ll~hh~nDUnljf)ll~~HjllDjtf1f1 1~tli1 J nKuijD~iJlI~)l 1Jjll~n~lJllnUJlnl1lJl1 J(lI~Ifitnntmlll~lJ

~ V I 11

lfI~U11f1fl llui l1lU dhJJll11jvt11vlJDHhhuClI1U1-Jlllmlllnml1111dh lr~ UUllliJJvi1111r~jJntlumjjjfiu11111 ~lJ IIlU1l-liili Ull 3IlD(h~u~IUUllll 1lllJ1ll11hmn fl~JJ1jlj~f1J r~Jltum~Dn D111ll llCllJWJUUlf1r)J OJlllmii1lJ R1~ U~DJV1rIUlm Tlul llt1W1Dn~Ju

m1JIllnl~~~YilJDDn~mllJl1iufhli1JnlH h UUlllUlJipl(WviRufhHCnU l1Jili Ul~U~1l l n ETflU 1lUDmllJ~ JlJJJD~llJmllJ1llrflJi vnDH

iU(llJlJUllll Hq)dluv1~ 1l~jjlJlru1iufh~Ulj~1jUulllnh~lJ ~~Dl1l111lH 1-11DOlluUljl~ihJD i l-iClIlCl~1 Yh~1l1IUU I~D~~UDlJrill1UIl i l-ilill~hJ riu1Tf1fllihi1Ji1IlI~DnffD1i14Al T9itJlihlHllaquowr~ln~ U(J~I~UJnUnlljrU JllUlllUlljJnrul1~DJhltnu 15 ll1D1j1iUfh~uj)lmuluDclln~ 3 il~ CllllJJlJlruUDJUll~nruoViClJ u~~~r~Cl~~D~uV)unm-l~~ClI1Cl~~JtJ 4 UflJUll~nluoVi ciJlll UlUU1J ~DJHljDnu111JJUjl]j~I~UJltiuJ lllll

II q tJ I ct 0 oi tJ r 0 v shyllllnll(1lJ~lllC1Uflll1CllnllUyenl IlIll mlJU1lJ~JYmlUUl1D U~nl1 nlnn~D~C11HnlJlJ m~V1lJJllrullU C1111nJluflru nlllJllllDlMll --

UJllliHiUljlIl~lJfh~1l~11J()[Jti~ 17-31 ~JUIllllJHl1jl~~J~11J 23-41 I( Cl U 1 (uu) m lJd -11 Cf1lJfI (lji1WmCl~ ~-1U JI1 ~DlJ UCl m lJfll UfllJ llJJ1I~lih i l1l flpflUUlllUJ~~Ull~ ll-ilvtq) J~IUllfmlt1l~~UmJnll lJClYlEI 1~uuDnlJl~l III lflJUfllJ1l-iltU1l 1lU 1~Dnmiddotll1UIlIl ulm~jllllil VlCll01lJuJrijlnDUIlll t1~ viJJ iuHitlunf1fllJlIl)un9fD~ufh ~JUlJll U 1111 fJlllJllllllllll ~uJnll

IV ff


~U1~1Villi LnU~~J bull IV a

Vi1u~~f)Li11~~~ cu

inmhv-liil 111Pi~~ Llllnnn1lIHU

ml~nll~~IllfJlNu~tllll (iilIlU) LtJ~ Lmrh iilIlU1Lliru~lLLVlUN1llnilUn1l ~lU~U~l ~tltllll ~ LLiiliJ~Tfl~ll tJ111qj

Llilml11~ilL~illJf)1l-11iltJ(l~lJU1~UWl neu]~Uri1 vflLLJj~W mJLl1lll 1l1~Ull~

~ eil tmiddotwnnVJiln fl1111l LL(llJUJJ1JUL~fn

lllYlm~~ l1~IIlnMillVi~f)tlnpoundi~ml1

~Uril Lb(hvjUl11JU1~Ulllnru-naUril

l1flltJJjU~jjlJU1~1-1niLnuI~~ LLvimmru

flU~l~Ullljj1JU1~ L~lL~~ ~lEllltrnl1l-1N u~lnll Llt]11~ei~ Llltlniftl~U~lt~ tJVilJl1~ vlutrlLn(1J 1JruLtiitJ1nUnlltJrU(l~~~1~ lJillmllnru-nll~viiilt-J(ltiiiitlnllll~ ~UVlUn1lt-J~(9I~ltJ

~ltJrllv-llli1~lTh 1UltJampu iilIlU


l1~ii 01LUU1tJMiilJEl1-Xiil~~lLVh~~1 LUU

Lflf)I~Utll1 rhl1U~1i~uyjl11mtJ1U

Ulllnru]~tll1JlLi)u 151f)~~U~1 ~Ul1ll1tJ1umjLilu 3 middotlu 4 lJtllU~ll

I -

leu] Illu1UltJtJ11 ~f)ll111ilnUmbtJ lluViLnmllfllLl1U mYlll1f)(9Iiilll1flll)J

mm11WlrulJEJ hTnllUIlOJnll)Jnll

fl1l11lLL(lm tltJ ) nl~poundilLiiI~)Jlruinv-l

LL(l~I LL1~~fl~ LLllnl~ll1ull)J)JllVlH L~tlfltln~l(91ln1lIl1UIl)Jll-1ll(9ltU L~fl rill1U~ LL UlvriltJllu~l l-1dJ U~lmriu LtiitJlnU

~lnn1lIl~(9Ill1~U~ll1iilltJlIil~ Lliu

1l~)JU1JI~J1~ltJd~f) lJUl~lJl(91vit-IDJl11 1l~~iiWUyjl11fl~(il 17 -31 poundi1ULLJj~v-l

iiiiviuyjl11 23-41 NU~tllIlUl1ll tJ

flTIILlilhei(9l~~11~U~1flJl(91111qjlll 1iitl~~lruiill LLvi1~11i lJruLtiimnUnlJ

L~iJ1JU1~ if~vh1~Ntl~nflU nllll ~uYlU I ~

LVl)Jt~tJ1Jl~1 LtJU Eine)~l1ifl LtJUn1l~U Ltlaf)miwmnlt(9ltJ11i Ll1JEinvr1tJmiddot middotUl tJ


I)cJ4 flJfl~lV1dJ 2557

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J _ I

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DWlf1~WllaJn1Jl~~eJf1 nJLQ~lvlU VlVllY1U1Vl

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VI~eurol~~YlrnflLn~l liJe)ltIlllmllJmtJ~h

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lJtJIU 2556 3J~lil~ufilLn~~leuroJd~ 216 ~

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LU~euroJn~nml3J~U 15jj eJiLUUL~aJ l~UllmiJ-ru~l~ILlt1~tJ t-lil~~tpJ illPl

euroJtiYi 7500-9000 Ulrl UYJU i~1l~ lI bull cd ~euroJltlU Vl1nml3JIfUeuroJfVl aJil~lL~ LV20 m ~llfll 6000 U1YlLYhilu

~UtJllljlll m~illlml~W1~J3Jl

LVI~euroJ 60-61 Ulrl lt1ieuroJnT~n13J LIjllil~u~ LiJltln~~L~3J ~urlumlt-J~~~J llm-nllTIj~

d ~ T Llt1GwmlYi


630-780 Ulrl w1euroJn ~n~3J LIjnt-J~~~~euroJeuroJn3J13JlnLL~ilmlU1L-li13J1

llnUltLVlffLYleuroJuihu lJru~llfllnJneuroJeuroJn l1~mltlloilUl~lnYillIXllmU1U~J~lL~euroJ 10-220 U1Y1w1euroJnT~n13J LllUL~tJ1n1Jnfll Ul~~ ~llmfiWl~J3J1LVI~euroJ320 -435 ~ntJ ~euroJnT~n13J

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LjuluTm~ml3J1UJ~ln11 6-8 L~euroJU

cilUllfl1~U~lLnllVllvifl1~ hlilllm vibVi~ ~euroJ ~Uci1UVI~I m~11lb~l-I LUU 215-220 ulrllt1ieuroJnT~n13J lln 180

Ulrl LIjll~U~euroJImlU1LUt-J~~beuroJvilUeuroJ~ IJrnvielmJflWd1lL~3JLJU 1 220-1300

U1rl lln 1040 ulY1~euroJnT~n13J llfl1LnLdil

nlL~3JLUU 42880-44 Ulrl~euroJnT~n1l-1 L 11l1nfl3JUln vifftJ T lUilml3J9l euroJI ml

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ultJ~3Jifn~ n~lhlilJii leuroJI~f~ml jj n~ n~llL~13Jl1 cilVl1U LLt-JUltJ

tJllL~L~~ tJ ~Vll~ ilil3J nu mrl )11

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n 9l euroJJ LVi~W)1[11 mm~m~n~rnvi1JTlI

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~jLLwllUYi 18-30 ~ tJYitJl~l llnn~3J

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~LLUUL~3J 4 lLLWU T~mnllVllmilml3J v JJ ~ 14 1

~IJl~ltIlU3JlnIJULufl~LuU 7851

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11 Ln~lm~u~n-nllilml3J~IJ~l~l13J

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Llt1~tJ 335 middotnnm-LLUUL~3J 4 fIbbUU


TWlmn~~lm~u~nillI11ULVlqi ilml3J ~ v I 4 _ v

~lJ LUl~U3JlnlJUfl~LuU 886 ~rleuroJU


ampI J 11

U1JaSJf1n~ mfi11(i)1U 1il~~Hilfl111iU1fl11

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)1~il ljjil~llLUflfll1l-Jl1lJl-Jl(1j1JJVllJJil1~Yl ~ ~~

nnLhl1011V111fl rilJ11 lflljlillm~DjnillJil1~I

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YhlmmJim~i~~mlJJ~1Jl~JJ~ 1lnl1 mllti~ lltfiJJ n m~JJ 1J~Vl1llYl~n ~~Vllll~fl1jlnljVli~ [JfI1j

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Ministry seeks to resume small-lot rice sales in August PETCHANET PRATRUANGKRAI THE NATION

THE COMMERCE MINISTRY is preparshying to resume selling rice from its stockpiles in early August gradually releasing it in small lots of about 5000)0 tonnes a month

Duangporn Rodphaya director-genershyar of the ForeIgn Trade Department said a ~ubcommlttee had agreed the mmistry slthould go ahead and sell rice from the stockpIles and not walt tor completion of a Junta-ordered mspectlOn of the stocks bull I he nce-release planwhlch Will be proshy

posed to the Rice Policy and Management Committee soon includes sales through general auctions to exporters and local traders by government-to-governrrient contracts and through the Agricultural Futures Exchange of Thailand

Puangporn added that the department wopId ensure the stocks are released transshyparent With the Fmance Mmlst and the Prime Minister s 0 ce joint y inspecting the f0cessc

T~e department reported that about 55 per cent ofl800 rice warehouses had so far been inspected by the teams dispatched by the militarys ruling National CounCil for Peace and Order The teams are expected to complete their mission by the end of September

About 18 million tonnes ofrice is reportshy

cerns over roug t an ower pro uction in many countries amid higher demand in many others I here IS a good posslblhty that ThaIland will export 10 million tonnes 9pound nce thIS year It is expected to sell off all 18 million tonnes in its stockpiles within three years she saId

The department reported that Thailand was able to sell 535 million tonnes of rice in the first six months middotup by 50 per cent year on year while export value rose 19 percentto US$27biIlion (nearly Bt86 bilshylion)

As ofJuly 16 the price of5 per cent Thai

Afile photo shows asoldier inspecting rice stockpiles at a warehouse in a eastern province

white rice was quoted at $427 a tonne up from $410 the previous week

She added that production bfThai paddy rice in the 2014-15 harvest season was proshyjected to be less than 38 mi1lion tonnes because of drought in many areas

Charoen Laothamatas president of the Thai Rice Exporters Association said the government should consIder sellIng rice from its stockpiles in small lots of about 100000-200000 tonnes per auction to avoid impacts on the m-rket price

The government has less pressure to accelerate the sale of rice frbm the stocks The country has holder power It should ensure transparency and minimum impacts to the market he said

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INTHE WAKE ofrising concern over the t reatmen t oflabour farmers we1shybeing and the environment in global trading the International Trade Promotion Department is urging more lhal busmesses to seek FairTrade cershytification so that their products are more easily recognised and have a

greater chance in the world market place

At a seminar on Fair Trade Mark and trading of Fair Trade products in theinternationaJ market heldyestershyday by the agencys Office of News Overseas Markets Development and PromotIOn Duan kamol Jlambutr e U Irec or- ener ot e eplrtshy

mentSal t atonlyasmallnumberof thaI compames and sUEP)Lc~~ms current~apphedthe FairTrade Marllt

The epartment lrill therefore continue to support Fair Trade certishyfication by promoting an awareness campaign amongThai man ufacturers and exporters she said

According to the Netherlandsshybased Fair Trade Original organisashytion about 30 Thai companies and supply chains have received FairTrade

certification to date This guarantees that they engage in faii treatment of farmers have good labour conditions use no forced or child labour offer fair prices to suppliers and operate with transparency accountability and respect for the environment equity and freedom lt)nd have fair trading practices

Duangkarnol said the department in cooperation ~th Fair Trade Original now had a target of increasing the number of certified businessshy iSnap es and products by 10 per cent ayear

The main goal is to help agriculshytural and handicraft producers as well as manufactures and exporters to achieve better trading conditions and to promote sustainability she said

Certified members of the Fair Trade programme will likely be able to leverage the quality of their prodshyucts for higher prices with certificashytion ensuring world-class social and environmental standards and more recognition in the international trade area she added

Thai export products alreadyusing the approved Fair Thade logo include

rice coffee tea cane sugar cotton freshfruits herbs and spices ockershywork handicrafts pottery and ceramshyics

The official said the department also would like to encourage busishynesses in the shrimp and fishery secshy

ate consultant for Thailand said the overall value of Fair Trade products had increased considerably in the past few years as consumers now had more awareness about fair trading conditions and the environment

Consumers are willing to pay more for Fair Trade goods if they feel they have bought a product whose manufacture is highly responsible to society Today prices of Fair Trade products are also very competitive

the same as leading brands Enterprises should adapt themselves to produce Fair Trade products in order to ensure sustainable growth

tors to comply with Fair Trade certification so that they do otfaceproblems due to unfa abour treatment Every Fair Trade product is subject to labour-standard checking she explained

Manasnan Pongjayavanij Fair Trade Originals aS60ci~

and access to many markets said the consultant

According to Fair Trade Original the value of fair trade goods in the global market excluding the US rose from 1 billion (Bt427billion) in 1996 to 48 billion in 2012 Expots ofThai fair trade products were wOlth about Bt300 million in 2012

More than 30000 products are now on sale in 125 countries and the global Fair Trade system currently works with over 12 million people across 60 countries

Manasnan said many more Thai products could get the Fair Trade mark So far many local brands sllch as Doi Chang coffee plus local proshyducers of soy sauce chjli sauce pineapples and bananas are wellshy

known for having the mark which is accepted widely

Martin Boon development manshyager for Fai~Trade Original in the Netherlands told the seminar that with the global market having growshying recognition of Fair Trade prodshyucts many markets were increasing demand for products carrying the logo - and that Thailand had high potential to serve sllch worldwide demand


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THE NATION ~ JULY 20141lI Sihasak reassures EUteam over juntas reform roadmap SUPALAK GANJANAKHUN DEE THE NATION BRUSSELS

EARLY ELECTIONS vtithout reform would not help restore proper democshyracy to Thailand That was the message related by acting Foreign Minister Sihasak Phuangketkeow when he met his counterpart from the European Union in Belgium this week In a bilateral meeting with David OSullivan chief operating officer ofthe European External Action Service Sihasak said Thailand had a clear roadmap to restore sustainable democshyracy and that the EU should support

this process of reform The roadmap and its related reform

will help strengthen our political econshyomy and will also be of benefit to our partnership with theEUin the longnm he said

Sihasak was in Brussels for a minisshyterial meeting between representatives ofAsean and the EU and spent much of his time briefing representatives of Eillopean nations aboutthe situation in Thailand

The E U along with the US and other Western countries strongly criticised themilitaryforits May 22 coup The EU suspended a number of cooperations withThailand as well as several visits by high -level officials It also recommendshyed that member states review military cooperation with Thailand

The EU said last month that it wouldmiddot

not sign a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Thailand and that the negotiation of a free-trade agreement (FTA) would not conclude until an electshyed government was in place

Sihasak told OSullivan that an electshyed government would come eventually Before that however Thailand needed time to implement reform to have a strong democracy

The time frame of 15 months or so for the reform is not too long ifwe want to make sure that our system and democracy are sustainable he said

Thai people are aware of the issues facing our country and we are working on addressing these concerns so the EU as a partner should support us

The EUhas the right to voice its conshycerns about the situation in Thailand

middot but it should also ensure it is sufficientshyly informed on specific cases he said

Concerning detention and martial law the EU should make sure it has corshyrect information about who is under

middot detention and if there are concerns about human-rights violations the EU should specify the cases he said

Sihasak discussed the situation in Thailand Vlrith many European MPs

middot while in BrusselsTheyincludeq Franck Proust special rapporteur on the FTA and Samuel Cantell head of the ecoshynomic trade and regional cooperation delegation Many of them have experishyence in engaging with Thailand and have a clear understanding ofthe current sitshyuation in the country Sihasak said


Pension scheme for farmers proposed

Farmers in the future might look forward to retiring on a government pension

Charnpittaya Chimplee directorshygeneral of the Rice Oepartment said yesterday ttiat under a draft bill dealing with the rice development fund members would contribute about 3per cent of their monthly income to the fund and the state wou ~d also chip in ayet-unspecified amount

When farmers reach the age of 60 or 65 they will start receiving a monthly pension bf about Bt4OOO

Most farmers earn less than other workers so the fund is neces- sary for their future Charnpittaya said

Other proposals for the bill are being gathered and the contents wi I be improved before its submisshysion to acommittee on rice producshytion and markets and the National Council for Peace and Order


Farmer happiness down from August WICHIT CHANTANUSORNSIRI

Farmer happiness last month dropped subshystantially from its peak last August when they had high hopes of stable income from the Yingluck Shinawatra administrations rice pledging scheme reports a Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BMC) poll

The state-backed farm banks farmer happiness index fell to 7851 in June from its highest level of89 in August said senior executive vice-president Somsak Kangteershyawat The poll surveyed 2346 farmers

Happiness from family health a good society jo b financial position and the quest

for knowledge were the six factors used to measure the index

The survey found happines from the family scored the highest with a score of 341 out offour followed by health at 321 a good society at 320 job at 314 fmancial position at 285 and the quest for knowlshyedge at 274

Farmers from the Northeast regygIiwere the happiest vvith a score of 314 while those from the North scored 313 the South 312 the East 297 and Central 299

Asource at the BMC confirmed Augusts poll was taken when the farmers mood hit a fever pitch as they felt they would receive an elevated level of compensation from the

rice pledging programme The National Council for Peace and

Order (NCPO) is seeking sustainable ways to help farmers after losses from rice pledgshying which offered prices 40-50 higher than the market price could reach 500 billion baht

The juntas measures so far largely includelowering rice production costs and slowing the release of supply to lower price pressure

The source said prices of tapioca sugar cane chicken and pork are gaining in the second half while those of rice corn rubber oil palin and whiteleg shrimp are declirun ~ bull bull imiddotI middot7~

Regarding rice prices the source said the price of paddy with 15 moisture content could average 7500-9000 baht a tonne while Hom Mali prices are projected at 14000-15000 baht in the second the half

Even though the agricultural sector conshytributes only 84 to the countrys GDP there are 167 ffiillion farmers making up 26 of the population

National Statistical Office data shows the ratio of farmers who earned over 100000 baht a year rose to 286 in 2013 from 97 in 2003 while 643 graduated from prfshymary school down from 704 a decade ago Farmers shouldered average debt of 124604 baht per person last year

BANGKOK POST 41 FTIupbeatabout domestic car sales PIYACHART MAIKAEW

The Federation of Thai Industries (FT) remains confident that domestic vehishycle sales will top I million this year defying some car makers projection of sales declining to between 900000 and 980000 vehicles

Domestic demand started picking up in the previous quarter as private firms and farmers bought new pickup trucks for their business expansion and new cultivation said Surapong Paisitpatanapong spokesshyman for the FIrs automotive industry club

The club forecasts pickup truck sales will contribute 55-58 of domestic sales against 442 in 2013 while passenger cars dropped to about 40 from 474 last year

The passenger car market has normalshyised after demand was absorbed by the gov- emments first-time car buyer scheme said Mr Sura pong

The club yesterday cut its 2014 forecast for Thailands automotive output from 24 million vehicles to 22 milliori It also cut domestic sales to 1 million vehicles hom 12 million while exports stand finn at 12 million vehicles

FTI vice-chainnan Suparat Sirisuwan~ nangkura said Thailand was expected to remain in the worlds top 10 automotive manufacturers this year with production in countries such as Canada and Russia also expected to decrease

The International Organization of Motor

Vehicle Manufacturers said Thailand was the worlds ninth-largest automotive manufacturer in 2013 and 10th in 2012 Production (ast year totalled 245 million vehicles the highest in 52 years and up by 014 from 2012

The club yesterday reported that car proshyduction fell by 261 year-on-year in June to 160452 For the first half Thailands car output fell by 29 year-on-year to 952685

Domestic car sales in June totalled 73799 dOVll by 304 on the same period in2013 while 440911 cars were sold in the first half down by 405

By contrast car exports in June rose 657 to 103946 earning the cOUDtry497 billion baht In the first half exports rose 36 to 560047 cars with export value rising 895 to 265 billion baht

The FII yesterday reported that the industrial sentiment index improved for the second straight month in JW1e

The index rose to 884 points accordshying to the FIr which conducted a survey among 1100 industrial operators It stood at 851 points in May when sentiment improved for the first time in seven months

FTI chairman Suphan Mongkholsuthee said sentiment has improved because of the more stable political situation and an increase in purchases of products thanks to the Fifa World Cup football tournament

The industry outlook index for the next three months stood at 1019 points rising from 101 in May

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AUTO EXPORTS INCREASE Despite the sluggish recovery of

the export sector auto shipments continue to expand but still by not enough to counter the reduction in dorriestic demand for cars

The industry has been forced to brake this years production target from 24 million units to 22 million

The target for domestic sales has been lowered from 12 million units to 1million which represents adrop of 251 per cent or 335154 units from last year

Surapong Paisitpattanapong deputy chairman and spokesman of the Federation of Thai Industries Automotive Industry Club said yesterday that lower domestic derriand the end ofthe governments first-car tax-relief programme and the delay in gov~ errirnent and private investment

middotprojects had contributedtothemiddot change in the production target However this new figure is still

middot higherthan the forecast for T8 milshylion units before the big floodiri 2011and domestic demand is

expectedto shitf intoforWard gear i

middotnext quarter~ The economic recovery payshyrnent for farmersuncter the rlceshy

pledgingscherneandreturn of investment will increase revenue l

in other industries and put more rnoney in peoples pockets he middot said

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Temporary charter should furthershyboost confidence ERICH PARPART THE NATION

THE FEDERATION ofThai Industries believes the temporary charter will further increase the confishyden~e ofdomestic and foreign investors along with buslness op~ratrs while the recent strengthening of the baht IS stJlI tolerable for the export industry as long as anyfurther appreciation is neither too rapid nor drastic

_The FTI also said yesterday that its Industries Sentiment Index (TIS) had increased by 44 points since April

The introduction ofthe provisional charter is in line with the politiCal road map of the NCPO [NationaICoimcil for Peace and Order Jand I believe that in generalinvestors andoperators will feel more relaxe and gai~ more confidence that things aremiddot gomgmaccordWlththeNCPOsplansforanewcharshyter the setting up ofan interim government and the possibility of an election in the future said Supant Mongkolsuthree chairman ofthe FTI shy

In his view the country over the past two months has been running on a smooth surface since the Nepo took power a move which has led to an increase in foreign investor confidence certainty over pubh~ II1vestment policy and rising domestic consumptIOn

These factrs will support the recovery and allow _gross domestJC product to expand by 25 percent this year he said


The FTI had been projecting an economic recesshysion before the arrival of the NCPO

As for exports Supant said The strenctheninO of the baht is related to the increased conffdence of foreign investors which has led to an inflow offorshy~ign funds This will have some effect on the export iiidustry but it is still acceptable for exporters since the currencys strengthening pace is not too fast and the Bank ofThailand is still monitoring the situashytion

The export sector will be able to cope with a stronger baht if the rate does not fall below 3050 per US dollar he said -Moreover since the global economy IS continushyII1g to reco~er the FTI is sticking with its export

- growth projectIOn of35-5 per cent for the year According to Bloomberg the baht was valued at

3176 per dollar yesterday The FTI chief pointed out that if the Kingdoms shy

export value were calculated in baht it would already show lO-per-cent growth year on year

Accordingto the central bank export value in May came in at US$1927billiol1 (Bt6124 billion) whIch IS 12 per cent lower than the same period last year in dollar terms - shy

Meanwhile the TmiddotISI has increased for two month~ in a row The indexose from 840 in April to 851 111 May and to 884111 June amidst calmer political waters the economic recovery the liftingof the curfe - and even Fifa World Cup fever which led to an mcrease in overall production orders and sale figures - shyn~eover~TISI fororBers~salesarid prod-udiai- -shyIII allll1dustnes rose from 802796821 points in May to 843 844 879 points respectively in June

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CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough


GRAFT HAS GOT TO GO nvestors from Japan from which Such concern by the Japanese away existing and prospective forshy

the largest amount of Thailands investors should not be ignored eign investors Countless foreign direct foreign investment comes because they have brought the firms and investors have com~

have called for reduced corruption largest amount of direct foreign plained about the extra costs of and improved transparency in order investment into Thailand The doingbusinessinThailandbywhich to help restore confidence in the Japanese invested over 8t290 bil- they mean kickbacks and undershy

Kingdom lion in projects ClPproved by themiddot the-table money that must be to Setsuo luchichief representative Board of Investment last year That bureaucrats and politicians Often

of themiddot Japan External Trade was nearly 30 per cent of the total they have topayin exchange for pro-Organisation (Jetro) for Asean and foreign investment of Btl1 trillion curement deals with state agencies South Asia last week called on the according to 801 data and public projects People who ruling National Council for Peace Thailand has generally remained refuse to pay are routinely left and Order to kick-start good govershy attractiye to foreign investors due behind by their bribe-paying comshynance that includes combating corshy to positive factors such as the avail- petito rs University of the Thai ruption and ensuring transparency ability of skilled labour efficient Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) rec-particularly about doing business in infrastructure and transportation tor Saowanee Thairungroj has esti-Thailand Now its a good time for systems location andthe consider- mated that corruption adds 30 per Thailand to bring about good govshy able size of the domestic market cent to costs for businesses That ernance for the new era he said But our chronic corruption is scaring she says translates into reduced

comoetitiveness for Thai-made Economic and Business Forecasting pay corrupt officials and politi~ians products and reduced credibility for Centre He surmises that the have to cut costs at-the building site Thailand among foreign investors improvement could be due to posi- and that means poorer quality in General Prayuth Chan-ocha has tive public sentiment following the their public projects and thus a risk made tackling corruption a top pri- juntascampaignagainstcorruption to life and limb ority for the ruling military junta He and organised crime The surveyalso Businesses who pay bribes also says the fight will be part of sweepshy showed that bribes paid to officials offset their higher costs by charging ing national reform together with and politiCians by the private sector the consumers more good governance transparency and had declined to 15-25 per cent of middot Since corrupt authorities and an efficient and effective system of project costs frbman average 25-35 politicians make money and bribe-checks-and-balances Thailands per cent previously paying businesses make profits it is corruption index in the first half of Despite the seemingly slight theconsumersandthepublicingenshythis year improved for the first time improvement in the situation (or- eral who suffer in five years according to aUTCC surshy ruption remains amajor problem for They end up paying more uhnecshyvey The indexinJune was registered Thailand essarilyfor products and public proF at 46 out of a possible lOa com- In addition to the weakened ects the quality of which is poorer

pared to 39 last December says competitiveness and reduced cred- Corruption should beeliininated or Thariavath Phonvichai UTCC vice ibility the public asa whole is affect- at least minimised for the sake of rector of research and director of its ed by corruption Contractors who the country and its people

  • 57-07-24 (กรม)
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  • 57-07-24 (กระทรวง)

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1Pl1-l 1 llvlV-liiii f)~lU1UlJ1 f)~ v~1j f) 51~1l 1lJ11J1~lJlu1m]f11i ltv bull tdV ~ dJQ bull

(PI] n~11 mlJll~illJlJV f)UI1U1UJ1Ull mHiCl-lU lliUllilU f)~lJ

tl 1l lt11 11 mllJ u111lm~u lt1111 milJ~ I~ (mJuJ11UlJltlU11l~~ lU1~llJlJVH1li111VJflm~hiiJ1 f)]U


lutJf)~llHmn1unWWllnru1~villM1li1~-l f)ci11

V01-lUuU 6 l~VU llCllfiCl11tJu51 mlJll~1l1l1lJI4fl~milJ Vlf)U l~V1111l f)V-l r1mv1M1um11tJllIKV-lVi1llJ~ elf) If) ruevi

Hq1fl1l1lJ1 1l J~lUU U] ffU r111111J1 f)~lt1 ff1111U f) cilJ ffU r1nt1

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0] IlJU f11ifJf) i i1JJ1 fl1 ffUr11111fJJ~1U~lUlJ1 1l Hi1U ll~J1 m

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f)~1 60 U llJUiUUf11ir11iluuluf11mf1-lfll1lJltlUliillJ

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1Ui1 mv1 ItlUliiilJ l~ ~u11f) fIltIllJliocffv irUr11in fl um 114

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InHlllillhl1uri1 1lUU llllU~ lI1lJ1 ltllJ v iiltlm-w 11lcr ulJ1u f)1ivi1-l1Ui~ iifll1lJtJCltlI1V 1liof)iinUI~V-lIl4f1 iHh A ~

llftllf1 1l llClf11lt1m


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A ~ I A I A A ~ I1lJlllllJ)ilV l~TlYlTlUll(1 1~il~~YIliUVli

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~111 ~uQl~~ J

b I r I JJ YI d D 0fJ07nl1U7 1

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)]fl)i~ifilll~U(~tJ rllI~~lJfniyjtJll~v)lluu lli~tJl~lJlJU 1I(1111ll1111

HlJ(1Yl1ltl HlihmufnU

I1~tJ ~~ II U(1l1 ~Uf1ll1Ui~ 111If li1 Unli ~ _ 1 ~ d U l dA

Iml~i l1itJ~~lllJ(1]lUUlmtJl UtJtJnl1lllU

1 UJ1 l~wil~~YIilu~inullllnilJll~Vi v~U llllUl1Jl1J1l~ U~l5VU1tJVII ()

mL~Ell~mnjt1itmUUi1~i1rurulUEll~U1VItJlh ~ u u

LL1fllJEllT~fl LtJ~~rlBrlilLtIUVI1lf)11LLal l~El Lem1~1~a L~ElW~lllUlvJiAh bull hUvlJJ1h 14

tI J d I

llJtJn(11 1000 U )Ull 23 nTl ll ilIIUiluluHh1VliftU~1U~U 1 lliU

l1lM1U fl1V1UI1~U1Uih~11i1U ~U1l mlJ1ifllrJUnl11Ui~J1 l~tJ1~Unmn1ltlVj Vl(11~ tJ U1mn~~ il UUlllJ~ Vi (1)lllJinVl

bull cO li1l1Jffii) il )VlIIH 1l1f)jlJ~iiYi111llll11itJ1fnT bull 1 -11 d 1 d Ifd c lJi1i1UUil1YI Tl(1U~W(1 ltJUIU)iV WUlVl)i

lViiff i1n~ Ilfi(1lu1)liJ~~)U1VlniilJ111li

aUyJi1Ii~ llltJ~U1V IgU~U I1~tJl~vn-)l

l1ltJ~~hii1 ~I11lJ1Hnul~tJl~VffiiiU~IIUU Vi~l~lUlI~~mY1VlV l~V~I1lbvllU~1I (1

l~mliU Vl(1tJ~IlUUili1liU~~1 III liTblJlilJ

U1Vlf)jilJ111111 tJU~lU)UlJ1n tJ1Y1 Vi (1 Vl bull

lJi)1V1~lJl1 ~f)jwUj UllrUllU11m~~~u ~ ~ J i lit

lJ1imU1V)iTnYl lTl)liVlU 1(1U11lnli

II ~l tJ 1Y1 VlV I1~tJ i~tJ 11l)~fh ii~~lllJUl~tJ 1YlVffii~UIIU]J HVi~lllUlyJvhll(1Vi~lllU

Q 1 IitCLI YI ~I lit ~ v ll~101llVlV l~tlmU)iltll~Tl~UiYlll~UU mtl

nlil11Vi~l]1U1I~lmY1VlVil1nll1m~ll1(1~ ~~

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~1t1Vi~l1l1nulJ)lVltJ5~l~tln~ll1ltJ~fhii~ ~lV milJlyJliJVllTl~)ltlU~cH1t1-lJ)1 lrJUYl)IlU

d 1~I lTl(1tJUlitJ I1luU1ll1U1

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U1 5 VlU f))1l 260 IlJm m1lJV1)UUIl1n

nilU~tJ UilJ1lU 6-7 llJm Ul180 1l1U9lllJVli

J111rn 1974 in(1n~lJ fiUJ1~n 20 ll1U~llJVl~ I cO~d d1

1I(11Y1lJ1ifl~Tl4l~ 20 lltN lJm1~lil Ufni

l~UYI1lUilJ1ru 8 fihllJ~i~tJi)1lJl ~ 3

1 UW~UU1Vl 10 ~) UUliJuWJilVII)l 1m

I1~tJlrJU lTl~)l~UtJtJncill ilU1 UJ11~l lfUrlU

Vi (1 fllllJinVl mh) Yd I GI

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liJ~Yl) l~)Vi~ll1UlllYltJ1Y1llV 1~~~lYu1 Il

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ll~NIIl~iU tJ1V 74 iJ li1) llmJmmm nri1)V OJ 11

I l ~ ff ) 1 lli1U U 1 ) l ifl Vi (1]l1 U II ~l fl1l1 Vl tIil1 n

I1r~~vYllJ~l~iii1)ff~~lfi~m1lJ~111IYm bull 1 middot A A 1 d uin)U1iinlll~UIi) lJVlUllU U1i)lUfll ~lVd d~d v U1lJUlJi1m~l tJnlll llJ)lJlffm~ll1 (1~ ~ J J~ ~ 1 v

U)VlmilJli4UlC1nU1~ lil IVii1l uUVi(1lllU


Urull U1lUUllUl nm))l U)VlniilJ I

~Ui1Il l~Ull1ll~)n1 I1111l1nuNuintJun1i bull

i~Ul~)I1~)~~mlJ1ifll111111 ~~pfi lIUUrll

lritJllllnull~uUi1fi1J1lJU~i1fnllVil un~l l I1lJ1nUmi~llJ11JillJiJl~tJ1YlV~1i~lUY)fll J IJ I I ~ v

IllV) LVii1 llJ~lr-l(1mYlUVltJ~lll)(1tllJ

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llfflmY1Vlv(lmnIJ)llm) lrJUiJiJUl1Jl1J1Ufl~ I

TlUillV ffilJ1ifll11Vi~]l1UlllYltJ1Y1~VlJ1H v

Ui 1VliU lliritJ1l1lfi~fmhn1)U unnl

J1lJUllif)1 11(1 lrimYitiunuf)1lHlTl~tJltJu~ 1Uuil~uU

lJlUCllYICl J~~m ttllJlfinlH1fl~nlllJnlJ~lJfm)~~UnJlIl (ilf1U) ()liljJ~dhitiflfl 1~-Jl llwlhdlJJI11mJ~]j VlllfhHm(lm~lj~H ll~1HlJJl IUIlrmiddotltJll i HI 1J] 11 (fflU 11[ ~rulaquoJll V1ll~hh~nDUnljf)ll~~HjllDjtf1f1 1~tli1 J nKuijD~iJlI~)l 1Jjll~n~lJllnUJlnl1lJl1 J(lI~Ifitnntmlll~lJ

~ V I 11

lfI~U11f1fl llui l1lU dhJJll11jvt11vlJDHhhuClI1U1-Jlllmlllnml1111dh lr~ UUllliJJvi1111r~jJntlumjjjfiu11111 ~lJ IIlU1l-liili Ull 3IlD(h~u~IUUllll 1lllJ1ll11hmn fl~JJ1jlj~f1J r~Jltum~Dn D111ll llCllJWJUUlf1r)J OJlllmii1lJ R1~ U~DJV1rIUlm Tlul llt1W1Dn~Ju

m1JIllnl~~~YilJDDn~mllJl1iufhli1JnlH h UUlllUlJipl(WviRufhHCnU l1Jili Ul~U~1l l n ETflU 1lUDmllJ~ JlJJJD~llJmllJ1llrflJi vnDH

iU(llJlJUllll Hq)dluv1~ 1l~jjlJlru1iufh~Ulj~1jUulllnh~lJ ~~Dl1l111lH 1-11DOlluUljl~ihJD i l-iClIlCl~1 Yh~1l1IUU I~D~~UDlJrill1UIl i l-ilill~hJ riu1Tf1fllihi1Ji1IlI~DnffD1i14Al T9itJlihlHllaquowr~ln~ U(J~I~UJnUnlljrU JllUlllUlljJnrul1~DJhltnu 15 ll1D1j1iUfh~uj)lmuluDclln~ 3 il~ CllllJJlJlruUDJUll~nruoViClJ u~~~r~Cl~~D~uV)unm-l~~ClI1Cl~~JtJ 4 UflJUll~nluoVi ciJlll UlUU1J ~DJHljDnu111JJUjl]j~I~UJltiuJ lllll

II q tJ I ct 0 oi tJ r 0 v shyllllnll(1lJ~lllC1Uflll1CllnllUyenl IlIll mlJU1lJ~JYmlUUl1D U~nl1 nlnn~D~C11HnlJlJ m~V1lJJllrullU C1111nJluflru nlllJllllDlMll --

UJllliHiUljlIl~lJfh~1l~11J()[Jti~ 17-31 ~JUIllllJHl1jl~~J~11J 23-41 I( Cl U 1 (uu) m lJd -11 Cf1lJfI (lji1WmCl~ ~-1U JI1 ~DlJ UCl m lJfll UfllJ llJJ1I~lih i l1l flpflUUlllUJ~~Ull~ ll-ilvtq) J~IUllfmlt1l~~UmJnll lJClYlEI 1~uuDnlJl~l III lflJUfllJ1l-iltU1l 1lU 1~Dnmiddotll1UIlIl ulm~jllllil VlCll01lJuJrijlnDUIlll t1~ viJJ iuHitlunf1fllJlIl)un9fD~ufh ~JUlJll U 1111 fJlllJllllllllll ~uJnll

IV ff


~U1~1Villi LnU~~J bull IV a

Vi1u~~f)Li11~~~ cu

inmhv-liil 111Pi~~ Llllnnn1lIHU

ml~nll~~IllfJlNu~tllll (iilIlU) LtJ~ Lmrh iilIlU1Lliru~lLLVlUN1llnilUn1l ~lU~U~l ~tltllll ~ LLiiliJ~Tfl~ll tJ111qj

Llilml11~ilL~illJf)1l-11iltJ(l~lJU1~UWl neu]~Uri1 vflLLJj~W mJLl1lll 1l1~Ull~

~ eil tmiddotwnnVJiln fl1111l LL(llJUJJ1JUL~fn

lllYlm~~ l1~IIlnMillVi~f)tlnpoundi~ml1

~Uril Lb(hvjUl11JU1~Ulllnru-naUril

l1flltJJjU~jjlJU1~1-1niLnuI~~ LLvimmru

flU~l~Ullljj1JU1~ L~lL~~ ~lEllltrnl1l-1N u~lnll Llt]11~ei~ Llltlniftl~U~lt~ tJVilJl1~ vlutrlLn(1J 1JruLtiitJ1nUnlltJrU(l~~~1~ lJillmllnru-nll~viiilt-J(ltiiiitlnllll~ ~UVlUn1lt-J~(9I~ltJ

~ltJrllv-llli1~lTh 1UltJampu iilIlU


l1~ii 01LUU1tJMiilJEl1-Xiil~~lLVh~~1 LUU

Lflf)I~Utll1 rhl1U~1i~uyjl11mtJ1U

Ulllnru]~tll1JlLi)u 151f)~~U~1 ~Ul1ll1tJ1umjLilu 3 middotlu 4 lJtllU~ll

I -

leu] Illu1UltJtJ11 ~f)ll111ilnUmbtJ lluViLnmllfllLl1U mYlll1f)(9Iiilll1flll)J

mm11WlrulJEJ hTnllUIlOJnll)Jnll

fl1l11lLL(lm tltJ ) nl~poundilLiiI~)Jlruinv-l

LL(l~I LL1~~fl~ LLllnl~ll1ull)J)JllVlH L~tlfltln~l(91ln1lIl1UIl)Jll-1ll(9ltU L~fl rill1U~ LL UlvriltJllu~l l-1dJ U~lmriu LtiitJlnU

~lnn1lIl~(9Ill1~U~ll1iilltJlIil~ Lliu

1l~)JU1JI~J1~ltJd~f) lJUl~lJl(91vit-IDJl11 1l~~iiWUyjl11fl~(il 17 -31 poundi1ULLJj~v-l

iiiiviuyjl11 23-41 NU~tllIlUl1ll tJ

flTIILlilhei(9l~~11~U~1flJl(91111qjlll 1iitl~~lruiill LLvi1~11i lJruLtiimnUnlJ

L~iJ1JU1~ if~vh1~Ntl~nflU nllll ~uYlU I ~

LVl)Jt~tJ1Jl~1 LtJU Eine)~l1ifl LtJUn1l~U Ltlaf)miwmnlt(9ltJ11i Ll1JEinvr1tJmiddot middotUl tJ


I)cJ4 flJfl~lV1dJ 2557

~)J~lh~fl1l1Jmi~~r111lillilfl-1J~TilflIVl)JIJ~lV11Jiiilnrucrl Q I Q

I 1 ~tJ m f IHl tlfl tJIil l fI 11 VI U~ 1 A I1lHl fl11)J lH)Jl tl)J

I1~Iiynlll1Jmiilnrucnmlhn~il~jiJ~111111~() 17-41bull u

IEI U1lfll)J~)Jj1l ritl~lh1l1lflflt)lI1iJ~~~1NM~ 15

UltdhVHI 1 ~ffff1 IClII115 nliflUl m i lJnmgtlJm fl~NUnilfl (ffflU) mh yil 1W51l if ffflU~ i~()~11111U~lhnfl1jmi

Q -11 Qi 1 d 1 mUffUfllflJ ilfl UCl1li lilflilV lHU 1IJ1111111 l flmmm I1l11VClfl

IJUlf11liilt1~llniYUtil i~ UlIlJtl (11I1Cl1 fl1lJ1Jm) fol~in~t)n tI bull

fll11li 11ClU~1lIJtJlfiv1 Cl~llm~lJ a d I I cs I iJ ~ I

UltJfllYl Cl flCll1Clnll fffllJ ff ~lllJt)t)mrll~n~ffUfllIlClll I1U 11

~Ul~1li i llt1ruovliYUti1l1mpoundJlIij~iiIJill~ 1 I1uitnU ~1 ~ uli 111111 UIbull u

~ d CS 10 d 0 i)ll C1 i Q

llUrm11lii ~llIJUl~II1]lfllJ ~~fll~lll I1rj1li flfllIJl ~fol~nWnlft)

iYUTi11~V~ hJ1~liU ff-lIflVl IJ 01 I~V 10U nmHuCl~111111U1Ut)-l QI QI I d I iJ CI

U i i ~ilUIYI tl ~ V~ ff ~folCl ~vHl~ U 11 U n 1 i folCl ~ Cl~Cl-lmV I Qo iJ ~ I d oc d ~lnmiill(lnllffUflll1mVlIUfi 1llU flilllJl~-lfol111mVtJI1fl

IJUlf1IJ1~~H1liillfl111ii1fW~1mllii-1 17-31 ~hUIIlIllYl~li~U~ 11-1 23-41 Ur~~1li11111nliVil~Ul~U1f1~U ii~ hlil1~Il1JU flUU~-1uUV11-1flli~CllJ lJfl-1N11n flfllJ nli l~fll-1 i 1l1riNunilfl 11 1

l~an4fl iY U ~ll1liNUnilflU 1~ i lVfllll1l 1Ii1ill)~MhiUTilrlIJ 1~ il1~ iU tl 1 Ilii llilJlUlI~lliU uli YWlll i 111~1nfilJii tl~ ij~ I~V1

U lfrf31Yi~flci11fl n11 nllU flfl11lJ ~1lJjjf)~~ fuh) lou J~u~iU fffllJ 1lIJ flfl11115 111iifl iJlllfl 1111ffl1mh ri flU 11 r t) 11111J U 1111~

nIJfl hiCl~Clmil~~ll~U l1it)-1~Ufll~nl11UVl1riiU~11~illV1 U

lJi 1 li101ovl~fl~ hltnU 15 115 fliiiYUtil~1Ji 1~illtJ1UflflinU 3 1 U ~

4 lJt)~lJi1~nUlYI

ri1U iU i VV 11 iiifl-1 I11rtlf1U I1ti 1tJ -11U ~ MV1jt) -1 lli U 0 QI

mm 1-1 f2V1ffl11m111 mll 11~liltlJ lIV _lllU n~lUflOlflnllflU bull I sJ

fll111m~Vl (flV) fljllff~m111lrufllliIl~ff-1111V1Clflll IIClmll

fl1Uflllll ClVilJ fl flflll 1mfll1 fl1lJfllJ1lfiVlI1lU I~flfhl1 U VIIIU 1111~ 11~j~1riI1JU 11 WI 11U1~V10U U ltJtilliClfla 11

lClUl15flll fffllJ mhll~lJI~1l11 ilJm1J1Wfll1~i1f1lJn~nruovl

iYUfllUIl ~jU ~fl~ ffrulifvwfi~ ~ lU ~ lfl fll 1 Nil1lu 1 1 IlntlJ ti~ i mu~U ~ (I (I

1111i~ tJ~ln~U()I1lVlllllllillVI1ti~ ftUll1 111 ru IJ v L~11lllfl ~U 111U

1~lllnff(i~1 UJi~ I1illviJ~~lti 11 1 111111tlJ IIv 1ltl ~111 1llT111Vl~lJ ~Ulll11lf)

U lV ~ltlCl flri l1V fli 1 -ff1UI1i1-11~ lJlli 11 11 lJlVl llii ~nrue0lmy

InU ~1~ mlVilClltJnHn~lWlU~U ~-1 fll1 1Itl1IJU()I1l~-1flril1 livl1 flciNll 111~11U vi NlliI11 T~ ffllJ 111Cl1l ~U 1 U i IfolJ~111 f)t)u

fll 1 11 ~1l Cl 11 CllV ~flV ~lUlJlll

ltgt If

fl i ~ VI i 1-J VJ 1 ill CSU tJ

J~ nJnrnfl~ 2557-[j1JU[J1USU I


uUn8UnUUl~nUU8lU 1

8nsru fi~OUFl

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~ laquo ~ ~ co

Ln1tilLLfl ~YImru VIVVl L1V1 (ilIJ1l11JJLYIUV1nm

LLVIW1I11W1 Uflun1111n1 1 UOli tJn111 WiH

n1)IVlU~(lJW1-n11 Ufllf11U1Ul1l1~ (nlflflf) OfJU

l~WfJ1li rl~1I ~V1ru11r1f111IJLi1UlffJUtiifJ1u

lI1OJWVlU1 fuJW1~ f)fitJ~n1JJn1ihJ U11 IV

111 W unEllYlU~(i)JU1-nl1 ii~I~W 32 ~m1d1

LLfliiV(ilU(l~W - 3 L~fllYI~n fifJ 1nli~tTu~WW

lLfl~VlYl1i1V~tJnli~~til~ijllruil1Wtldmru 20 lJfll~WVlWYI1fl1~ LnW 1500 U1Y111fl11L1flll 201

~tTu ~WWL~WYlUYIJU L1tJW1UniU1W01~ ~ lil-n111m~

rlnJ[l1~lJEllflUU-nTllfJJlfW Vil1r1lJ11U1L-nJJU-lll 3 OJ

~111 LLfl~(lJUl f)1-liWlf11U11r1ii fll1JJJW fII LLtl f11 ~W til fl El(ilVU~~l1~rrUIl~~ampi1U fl11iWvl1W11W flU1f1til

~11~1~qJYIa01Jf)Ii11nlYIJJ1UQUuufif) 011

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DWlf1~WllaJn1Jl~~eJf1 nJLQ~lvlU VlVllY1U1Vl

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I tJJ(IrllltJLUWnlJl~tJLL~~~WllVW~-iil11~LYilJ I lJln-iiu I


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VI~eurol~~YlrnflLn~l liJe)ltIlllmllJmtJ~h

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lJtJIU 2556 3J~lil~ufilLn~~leuroJd~ 216 ~

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JJfl~~t1V1~I~~lJmtJ~llii L~euroJJlln~~t-J~~1u n~JJ-trllulU eleuroJtJ tJlJWlll Ul~3JJ1~U LL~ ~~wil1fl3JlruL~3J LLlt1i-lill

LU~euroJn~nml3J~U 15jj eJiLUUL~aJ l~UllmiJ-ru~l~ILlt1~tJ t-lil~~tpJ illPl

euroJtiYi 7500-9000 Ulrl UYJU i~1l~ lI bull cd ~euroJltlU Vl1nml3JIfUeuroJfVl aJil~lL~ LV20 m ~llfll 6000 U1YlLYhilu

~UtJllljlll m~illlml~W1~J3Jl

LVI~euroJ 60-61 Ulrl lt1ieuroJnT~n13J LIjllil~u~ LiJltln~~L~3J ~urlumlt-J~~~J llm-nllTIj~

d ~ T Llt1GwmlYi


630-780 Ulrl w1euroJn ~n~3J LIjnt-J~~~~euroJeuroJn3J13JlnLL~ilmlU1L-li13J1

llnUltLVlffLYleuroJuihu lJru~llfllnJneuroJeuroJn l1~mltlloilUl~lnYillIXllmU1U~J~lL~euroJ 10-220 U1Y1w1euroJnT~n13J LllUL~tJ1n1Jnfll Ul~~ ~llmfiWl~J3J1LVI~euroJ320 -435 ~ntJ ~euroJnT~n13J

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LjuluTm~ml3J1UJ~ln11 6-8 L~euroJU

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Ulrl LIjll~U~euroJImlU1LUt-J~~beuroJvilUeuroJ~ IJrnvielmJflWd1lL~3JLJU 1 220-1300

U1rl lln 1040 ulY1~euroJnT~n13J llfl1LnLdil

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n 9l euroJJ LVi~W)1[11 mm~m~n~rnvi1JTlI

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~jLLwllUYi 18-30 ~ tJYitJl~l llnn~3J

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~LLUUL~3J 4 lLLWU T~mnllVllmilml3J v JJ ~ 14 1

~IJl~ltIlU3JlnIJULufl~LuU 7851

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cilVl1lJl~lJfll13J ~lJlJ euroJjLn~~ lm

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11 Ln~lm~u~n-nllilml3J~IJ~l~l13J

L~3J~wmw1~l~lJ3Jln~~~ itJflLLUU

Llt1~tJ 335 middotnnm-LLUUL~3J 4 fIbbUU


TWlmn~~lm~u~nillI11ULVlqi ilml3J ~ v I 4 _ v

~lJ LUl~U3JlnlJUfl~LuU 886 ~rleuroJU


ampI J 11

U1JaSJf1n~ mfi11(i)1U 1il~~Hilfl111iU1fl11

lYJilnlllnmlm(1l1WlirunllLflmJi (llfl l1) fl~ll 11 f1UJ1~J 1l fl l1 l~cimlm1JJ~~l~14 (Poll)

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Tlll1414 ~TlJJ~ 3 20 Tlll1414 fl1j~l14~ 3 14

Tlll1414 l1Jil1ril~14lt11 285 Tlll1414 ll(111l1~ 274

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)1~il ljjil~llLUflfll1l-Jl1lJl-Jl(1j1JJVllJJil1~Yl ~ ~~

nnLhl1011V111fl rilJ11 lflljlillm~DjnillJil1~I

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1i~ltJl~JJ14 llnjjm1JJVl1J 1 14ill~mi1141JJln 111~llmilTliltJl~14114tm~fI1i1 l-J1hj~lnl1 6-8

llt11 il14 ~~ lti~1Jn t [J m Jil iIlJ1JJl1lJ~ ilJ

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YhlmmJim~i~~mlJJ~1Jl~JJ~ 1lnl1 mllti~ lltfiJJ n m~JJ 1J~Vl1llYl~n ~~Vllll~fl1jlnljVli~ [JfI1j

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I 41 VIvVha h104 1lfillIii033HI~L~3Jfl1lLOlfVll LiI~L~v~~

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lf11Ul 3 nlmdJl udnEluiil1tJ 1) md~~-llUdrnd-l~md~~

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eurolUdJlriltJYleurol~LYlf11ul~~md~~iilu1umd~~1iljJ11 d~U~lLf1eurol 814 ~lLf1El 1~LLrim11111~mLnW1~~U1U (eurolnJl ) middot 61102 dltJ

dVdlJ1U~ 15 mnjlf1Jl-31 mnjlf1Jl 2557 l~tJlvilmdL~tJ LLyIj1LYlf11ul~~mdr-J~1il-n11~rlnltilEl-l 1~lf11U11~~mlJl1 mlJl

~ ~

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UltJmdr-J~lilmnln d1~0-lLn~mlJlL-nlh~ln~UL~tJ1nUmd~U

-ilU1U 63943 f111L1eurolU LIil1tJlJyljftlJlleurolUL~UL-nllrqJ~Lntilildm LLA1 ~lwru~~m~~lLUU-llUIil1JJLLtJUUElJnULL~Lln1l1ilqJmtJ~1~ U 2557 lurn~lillUeuroleuroln l~m~yIjl~Jf1~ LJl LL~YlL1tJU 1~~J nldl-~Jl-jl~L~lmiddotdJ~~lill~amUnld[UEl~lJ1n~~ LLvillrndr-J~ 1~~J 3l1U~ ~1uhmjdluL~tJ11nAl-jJl~LLA1 yIjUl11~~nld ~mf11-6~1Iild~ldt~Ll1tJ1llU~J LLliijjm~LriW1dndUlJmiJl~lIEl I

nWUL~mmJJl1myljf1~eurol-l (lf~Ll1tJIiIElm~tJ 3) LL~~JLl1~~md ~ ~ LLUdW d1~nl1 65 A1UU1Yl ~Jlirn11 fin (f nLIil1tJJlIElUL~Ul~



~1U~~r-J~IilYlL1tJU ~-lf1~ LJl middot LL~~eurolJnEl-llUf11f11iil ~OJ bull I I

ilEln~liIm~~lnlU-61-lL~ElU~Jl-jlf1Jl-numtJu 57 ~U f1rn ~

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~YlnutJULnW1dm LL~md LlfUd tJlfUllnYlLutJULnW1dm


eurolnJl LL~~L~1l-jh~ri-lLm~mdLnW1d1u~u~U

lu11ulItJltJr-J~LLriLnW1dmllrneuroleurolnm1lL~tJJlLLU~-lLmrm~~u YlL1JtJULn~lildnd~lJ~n mtJ1iilnlnddJl~ 3) mdriltJYlEl~

~ ~

LYlf11ul~~md~~iiluYlumdr-J~1il-n11LLriLmrmm l~U~LUll-jJlltJ LnW1dml-jUJ~lUdltJ

lU~1UlIeurol-lmd~lLUUJ1UlmJmdLLntlIUqJmtJlJVm10Jduu U 2557 ~UU11LUU~11~lIeurol-lLmtlildm LyIjdll-j~-llln~ f111lf

eurol17~~Stihmrn m~1 middot MUd1JlL1-l1~YIu1tJ JlUlu~u~~hu d~ul~lElf1euroluLIlmdUi 1~~lLuumdm1l11eurolULL~~UEJU~~md eurolElnlufudeurolJ1-LLA1L111lmtJ1u~u~ElU nf1d

~~~ e-J1U~11v1LL ~Jll eurolLilm~U~1 tJ Ll-j ~eurollmtlildm1lJ~ ~hunJu UdJllrnL~JlL~Jl LL~l~~ri-lifqJ~dltJ~eurolmtmm 1~ firi l1

LL~LL1ltllUqJl-jl~m1~mf11iil jjLUll-j~ltJ 7800 iilu l-lL~U 37 50

A1UU1Yl -61tJU~l-jld~~m~lu 3 Jlllildnld ~eurol 1) u~Vm~nld

~rnf11ylj~~tJ~1iI LUll-jJlltJ 4000 iilu 2) mlltJr-J~r-J~liImmuEln

~u~mf11iil LU1l-j~ltJ 3800 iilu 3) L111~l1myljf1~eurol-llumdEl lI1tJcJ~~ LUll-jJlltJ 35 n~Jl

LL~ ~11 ~ ~JYi1 tJ ~1l-j1U n ld~l LuUJlulmJ nld-61 tJ Ll-j ~ eurol

LnW1dm~lJd~U1ltJYlU~Yll-lfiddJll11~ LriElU 2555-57 -ilU1U ~

530943 dltJ lu 60 ~-l-jl~ ~ f111l1 1~eurolU~GiJUnmJdltJmd~1 I I

deurolJ~ltJL~Elmrn~maUl-j1El-ildju 1JL~U 509954 ~lUU1YlL~eurol L1-l~ltJl-LnW1dm~U l-j~JOJlnimJ~-lLm~mdmW1dL1-lL~1l-jiil~ 1-m1OJl1ElUdltJ~mnW1md L~lJ~U~L~U~lnllEl-lLmdm L~lI umlh-iliil1Udl11l1U Lm-ilu1uL~U~~niilElJ lIrnU finl1n


LWfl n11Ln1iVll UtlmlnlrunTl Lnm (iin) Li](l

~~ucll~u iintllMll111111~~IiH~U~fl~

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~lU1U 2346 llU 1Ui-NL~1lUjj~U1UU 2557

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Ministry seeks to resume small-lot rice sales in August PETCHANET PRATRUANGKRAI THE NATION

THE COMMERCE MINISTRY is preparshying to resume selling rice from its stockpiles in early August gradually releasing it in small lots of about 5000)0 tonnes a month

Duangporn Rodphaya director-genershyar of the ForeIgn Trade Department said a ~ubcommlttee had agreed the mmistry slthould go ahead and sell rice from the stockpIles and not walt tor completion of a Junta-ordered mspectlOn of the stocks bull I he nce-release planwhlch Will be proshy

posed to the Rice Policy and Management Committee soon includes sales through general auctions to exporters and local traders by government-to-governrrient contracts and through the Agricultural Futures Exchange of Thailand

Puangporn added that the department wopId ensure the stocks are released transshyparent With the Fmance Mmlst and the Prime Minister s 0 ce joint y inspecting the f0cessc

T~e department reported that about 55 per cent ofl800 rice warehouses had so far been inspected by the teams dispatched by the militarys ruling National CounCil for Peace and Order The teams are expected to complete their mission by the end of September

About 18 million tonnes ofrice is reportshy

cerns over roug t an ower pro uction in many countries amid higher demand in many others I here IS a good posslblhty that ThaIland will export 10 million tonnes 9pound nce thIS year It is expected to sell off all 18 million tonnes in its stockpiles within three years she saId

The department reported that Thailand was able to sell 535 million tonnes of rice in the first six months middotup by 50 per cent year on year while export value rose 19 percentto US$27biIlion (nearly Bt86 bilshylion)

As ofJuly 16 the price of5 per cent Thai

Afile photo shows asoldier inspecting rice stockpiles at a warehouse in a eastern province

white rice was quoted at $427 a tonne up from $410 the previous week

She added that production bfThai paddy rice in the 2014-15 harvest season was proshyjected to be less than 38 mi1lion tonnes because of drought in many areas

Charoen Laothamatas president of the Thai Rice Exporters Association said the government should consIder sellIng rice from its stockpiles in small lots of about 100000-200000 tonnes per auction to avoid impacts on the m-rket price

The government has less pressure to accelerate the sale of rice frbm the stocks The country has holder power It should ensure transparency and minimum impacts to the market he said

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INTHE WAKE ofrising concern over the t reatmen t oflabour farmers we1shybeing and the environment in global trading the International Trade Promotion Department is urging more lhal busmesses to seek FairTrade cershytification so that their products are more easily recognised and have a

greater chance in the world market place

At a seminar on Fair Trade Mark and trading of Fair Trade products in theinternationaJ market heldyestershyday by the agencys Office of News Overseas Markets Development and PromotIOn Duan kamol Jlambutr e U Irec or- ener ot e eplrtshy

mentSal t atonlyasmallnumberof thaI compames and sUEP)Lc~~ms current~apphedthe FairTrade Marllt

The epartment lrill therefore continue to support Fair Trade certishyfication by promoting an awareness campaign amongThai man ufacturers and exporters she said

According to the Netherlandsshybased Fair Trade Original organisashytion about 30 Thai companies and supply chains have received FairTrade

certification to date This guarantees that they engage in faii treatment of farmers have good labour conditions use no forced or child labour offer fair prices to suppliers and operate with transparency accountability and respect for the environment equity and freedom lt)nd have fair trading practices

Duangkarnol said the department in cooperation ~th Fair Trade Original now had a target of increasing the number of certified businessshy iSnap es and products by 10 per cent ayear

The main goal is to help agriculshytural and handicraft producers as well as manufactures and exporters to achieve better trading conditions and to promote sustainability she said

Certified members of the Fair Trade programme will likely be able to leverage the quality of their prodshyucts for higher prices with certificashytion ensuring world-class social and environmental standards and more recognition in the international trade area she added

Thai export products alreadyusing the approved Fair Thade logo include

rice coffee tea cane sugar cotton freshfruits herbs and spices ockershywork handicrafts pottery and ceramshyics

The official said the department also would like to encourage busishynesses in the shrimp and fishery secshy

ate consultant for Thailand said the overall value of Fair Trade products had increased considerably in the past few years as consumers now had more awareness about fair trading conditions and the environment

Consumers are willing to pay more for Fair Trade goods if they feel they have bought a product whose manufacture is highly responsible to society Today prices of Fair Trade products are also very competitive

the same as leading brands Enterprises should adapt themselves to produce Fair Trade products in order to ensure sustainable growth

tors to comply with Fair Trade certification so that they do otfaceproblems due to unfa abour treatment Every Fair Trade product is subject to labour-standard checking she explained

Manasnan Pongjayavanij Fair Trade Originals aS60ci~

and access to many markets said the consultant

According to Fair Trade Original the value of fair trade goods in the global market excluding the US rose from 1 billion (Bt427billion) in 1996 to 48 billion in 2012 Expots ofThai fair trade products were wOlth about Bt300 million in 2012

More than 30000 products are now on sale in 125 countries and the global Fair Trade system currently works with over 12 million people across 60 countries

Manasnan said many more Thai products could get the Fair Trade mark So far many local brands sllch as Doi Chang coffee plus local proshyducers of soy sauce chjli sauce pineapples and bananas are wellshy

known for having the mark which is accepted widely

Martin Boon development manshyager for Fai~Trade Original in the Netherlands told the seminar that with the global market having growshying recognition of Fair Trade prodshyucts many markets were increasing demand for products carrying the logo - and that Thailand had high potential to serve sllch worldwide demand


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THE NATION ~ JULY 20141lI Sihasak reassures EUteam over juntas reform roadmap SUPALAK GANJANAKHUN DEE THE NATION BRUSSELS

EARLY ELECTIONS vtithout reform would not help restore proper democshyracy to Thailand That was the message related by acting Foreign Minister Sihasak Phuangketkeow when he met his counterpart from the European Union in Belgium this week In a bilateral meeting with David OSullivan chief operating officer ofthe European External Action Service Sihasak said Thailand had a clear roadmap to restore sustainable democshyracy and that the EU should support

this process of reform The roadmap and its related reform

will help strengthen our political econshyomy and will also be of benefit to our partnership with theEUin the longnm he said

Sihasak was in Brussels for a minisshyterial meeting between representatives ofAsean and the EU and spent much of his time briefing representatives of Eillopean nations aboutthe situation in Thailand

The E U along with the US and other Western countries strongly criticised themilitaryforits May 22 coup The EU suspended a number of cooperations withThailand as well as several visits by high -level officials It also recommendshyed that member states review military cooperation with Thailand

The EU said last month that it wouldmiddot

not sign a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Thailand and that the negotiation of a free-trade agreement (FTA) would not conclude until an electshyed government was in place

Sihasak told OSullivan that an electshyed government would come eventually Before that however Thailand needed time to implement reform to have a strong democracy

The time frame of 15 months or so for the reform is not too long ifwe want to make sure that our system and democracy are sustainable he said

Thai people are aware of the issues facing our country and we are working on addressing these concerns so the EU as a partner should support us

The EUhas the right to voice its conshycerns about the situation in Thailand

middot but it should also ensure it is sufficientshyly informed on specific cases he said

Concerning detention and martial law the EU should make sure it has corshyrect information about who is under

middot detention and if there are concerns about human-rights violations the EU should specify the cases he said

Sihasak discussed the situation in Thailand Vlrith many European MPs

middot while in BrusselsTheyincludeq Franck Proust special rapporteur on the FTA and Samuel Cantell head of the ecoshynomic trade and regional cooperation delegation Many of them have experishyence in engaging with Thailand and have a clear understanding ofthe current sitshyuation in the country Sihasak said


Pension scheme for farmers proposed

Farmers in the future might look forward to retiring on a government pension

Charnpittaya Chimplee directorshygeneral of the Rice Oepartment said yesterday ttiat under a draft bill dealing with the rice development fund members would contribute about 3per cent of their monthly income to the fund and the state wou ~d also chip in ayet-unspecified amount

When farmers reach the age of 60 or 65 they will start receiving a monthly pension bf about Bt4OOO

Most farmers earn less than other workers so the fund is neces- sary for their future Charnpittaya said

Other proposals for the bill are being gathered and the contents wi I be improved before its submisshysion to acommittee on rice producshytion and markets and the National Council for Peace and Order


Farmer happiness down from August WICHIT CHANTANUSORNSIRI

Farmer happiness last month dropped subshystantially from its peak last August when they had high hopes of stable income from the Yingluck Shinawatra administrations rice pledging scheme reports a Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BMC) poll

The state-backed farm banks farmer happiness index fell to 7851 in June from its highest level of89 in August said senior executive vice-president Somsak Kangteershyawat The poll surveyed 2346 farmers

Happiness from family health a good society jo b financial position and the quest

for knowledge were the six factors used to measure the index

The survey found happines from the family scored the highest with a score of 341 out offour followed by health at 321 a good society at 320 job at 314 fmancial position at 285 and the quest for knowlshyedge at 274

Farmers from the Northeast regygIiwere the happiest vvith a score of 314 while those from the North scored 313 the South 312 the East 297 and Central 299

Asource at the BMC confirmed Augusts poll was taken when the farmers mood hit a fever pitch as they felt they would receive an elevated level of compensation from the

rice pledging programme The National Council for Peace and

Order (NCPO) is seeking sustainable ways to help farmers after losses from rice pledgshying which offered prices 40-50 higher than the market price could reach 500 billion baht

The juntas measures so far largely includelowering rice production costs and slowing the release of supply to lower price pressure

The source said prices of tapioca sugar cane chicken and pork are gaining in the second half while those of rice corn rubber oil palin and whiteleg shrimp are declirun ~ bull bull imiddotI middot7~

Regarding rice prices the source said the price of paddy with 15 moisture content could average 7500-9000 baht a tonne while Hom Mali prices are projected at 14000-15000 baht in the second the half

Even though the agricultural sector conshytributes only 84 to the countrys GDP there are 167 ffiillion farmers making up 26 of the population

National Statistical Office data shows the ratio of farmers who earned over 100000 baht a year rose to 286 in 2013 from 97 in 2003 while 643 graduated from prfshymary school down from 704 a decade ago Farmers shouldered average debt of 124604 baht per person last year

BANGKOK POST 41 FTIupbeatabout domestic car sales PIYACHART MAIKAEW

The Federation of Thai Industries (FT) remains confident that domestic vehishycle sales will top I million this year defying some car makers projection of sales declining to between 900000 and 980000 vehicles

Domestic demand started picking up in the previous quarter as private firms and farmers bought new pickup trucks for their business expansion and new cultivation said Surapong Paisitpatanapong spokesshyman for the FIrs automotive industry club

The club forecasts pickup truck sales will contribute 55-58 of domestic sales against 442 in 2013 while passenger cars dropped to about 40 from 474 last year

The passenger car market has normalshyised after demand was absorbed by the gov- emments first-time car buyer scheme said Mr Sura pong

The club yesterday cut its 2014 forecast for Thailands automotive output from 24 million vehicles to 22 milliori It also cut domestic sales to 1 million vehicles hom 12 million while exports stand finn at 12 million vehicles

FTI vice-chainnan Suparat Sirisuwan~ nangkura said Thailand was expected to remain in the worlds top 10 automotive manufacturers this year with production in countries such as Canada and Russia also expected to decrease

The International Organization of Motor

Vehicle Manufacturers said Thailand was the worlds ninth-largest automotive manufacturer in 2013 and 10th in 2012 Production (ast year totalled 245 million vehicles the highest in 52 years and up by 014 from 2012

The club yesterday reported that car proshyduction fell by 261 year-on-year in June to 160452 For the first half Thailands car output fell by 29 year-on-year to 952685

Domestic car sales in June totalled 73799 dOVll by 304 on the same period in2013 while 440911 cars were sold in the first half down by 405

By contrast car exports in June rose 657 to 103946 earning the cOUDtry497 billion baht In the first half exports rose 36 to 560047 cars with export value rising 895 to 265 billion baht

The FII yesterday reported that the industrial sentiment index improved for the second straight month in JW1e

The index rose to 884 points accordshying to the FIr which conducted a survey among 1100 industrial operators It stood at 851 points in May when sentiment improved for the first time in seven months

FTI chairman Suphan Mongkholsuthee said sentiment has improved because of the more stable political situation and an increase in purchases of products thanks to the Fifa World Cup football tournament

The industry outlook index for the next three months stood at 1019 points rising from 101 in May

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AUTO EXPORTS INCREASE Despite the sluggish recovery of

the export sector auto shipments continue to expand but still by not enough to counter the reduction in dorriestic demand for cars

The industry has been forced to brake this years production target from 24 million units to 22 million

The target for domestic sales has been lowered from 12 million units to 1million which represents adrop of 251 per cent or 335154 units from last year

Surapong Paisitpattanapong deputy chairman and spokesman of the Federation of Thai Industries Automotive Industry Club said yesterday that lower domestic derriand the end ofthe governments first-car tax-relief programme and the delay in gov~ errirnent and private investment

middotprojects had contributedtothemiddot change in the production target However this new figure is still

middot higherthan the forecast for T8 milshylion units before the big floodiri 2011and domestic demand is

expectedto shitf intoforWard gear i

middotnext quarter~ The economic recovery payshyrnent for farmersuncter the rlceshy

pledgingscherneandreturn of investment will increase revenue l

in other industries and put more rnoney in peoples pockets he middot said

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Temporary charter should furthershyboost confidence ERICH PARPART THE NATION

THE FEDERATION ofThai Industries believes the temporary charter will further increase the confishyden~e ofdomestic and foreign investors along with buslness op~ratrs while the recent strengthening of the baht IS stJlI tolerable for the export industry as long as anyfurther appreciation is neither too rapid nor drastic

_The FTI also said yesterday that its Industries Sentiment Index (TIS) had increased by 44 points since April

The introduction ofthe provisional charter is in line with the politiCal road map of the NCPO [NationaICoimcil for Peace and Order Jand I believe that in generalinvestors andoperators will feel more relaxe and gai~ more confidence that things aremiddot gomgmaccordWlththeNCPOsplansforanewcharshyter the setting up ofan interim government and the possibility of an election in the future said Supant Mongkolsuthree chairman ofthe FTI shy

In his view the country over the past two months has been running on a smooth surface since the Nepo took power a move which has led to an increase in foreign investor confidence certainty over pubh~ II1vestment policy and rising domestic consumptIOn

These factrs will support the recovery and allow _gross domestJC product to expand by 25 percent this year he said


The FTI had been projecting an economic recesshysion before the arrival of the NCPO

As for exports Supant said The strenctheninO of the baht is related to the increased conffdence of foreign investors which has led to an inflow offorshy~ign funds This will have some effect on the export iiidustry but it is still acceptable for exporters since the currencys strengthening pace is not too fast and the Bank ofThailand is still monitoring the situashytion

The export sector will be able to cope with a stronger baht if the rate does not fall below 3050 per US dollar he said -Moreover since the global economy IS continushyII1g to reco~er the FTI is sticking with its export

- growth projectIOn of35-5 per cent for the year According to Bloomberg the baht was valued at

3176 per dollar yesterday The FTI chief pointed out that if the Kingdoms shy

export value were calculated in baht it would already show lO-per-cent growth year on year

Accordingto the central bank export value in May came in at US$1927billiol1 (Bt6124 billion) whIch IS 12 per cent lower than the same period last year in dollar terms - shy

Meanwhile the TmiddotISI has increased for two month~ in a row The indexose from 840 in April to 851 111 May and to 884111 June amidst calmer political waters the economic recovery the liftingof the curfe - and even Fifa World Cup fever which led to an mcrease in overall production orders and sale figures - shyn~eover~TISI fororBers~salesarid prod-udiai- -shyIII allll1dustnes rose from 802796821 points in May to 843 844 879 points respectively in June

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CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough


GRAFT HAS GOT TO GO nvestors from Japan from which Such concern by the Japanese away existing and prospective forshy

the largest amount of Thailands investors should not be ignored eign investors Countless foreign direct foreign investment comes because they have brought the firms and investors have com~

have called for reduced corruption largest amount of direct foreign plained about the extra costs of and improved transparency in order investment into Thailand The doingbusinessinThailandbywhich to help restore confidence in the Japanese invested over 8t290 bil- they mean kickbacks and undershy

Kingdom lion in projects ClPproved by themiddot the-table money that must be to Setsuo luchichief representative Board of Investment last year That bureaucrats and politicians Often

of themiddot Japan External Trade was nearly 30 per cent of the total they have topayin exchange for pro-Organisation (Jetro) for Asean and foreign investment of Btl1 trillion curement deals with state agencies South Asia last week called on the according to 801 data and public projects People who ruling National Council for Peace Thailand has generally remained refuse to pay are routinely left and Order to kick-start good govershy attractiye to foreign investors due behind by their bribe-paying comshynance that includes combating corshy to positive factors such as the avail- petito rs University of the Thai ruption and ensuring transparency ability of skilled labour efficient Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) rec-particularly about doing business in infrastructure and transportation tor Saowanee Thairungroj has esti-Thailand Now its a good time for systems location andthe consider- mated that corruption adds 30 per Thailand to bring about good govshy able size of the domestic market cent to costs for businesses That ernance for the new era he said But our chronic corruption is scaring she says translates into reduced

comoetitiveness for Thai-made Economic and Business Forecasting pay corrupt officials and politi~ians products and reduced credibility for Centre He surmises that the have to cut costs at-the building site Thailand among foreign investors improvement could be due to posi- and that means poorer quality in General Prayuth Chan-ocha has tive public sentiment following the their public projects and thus a risk made tackling corruption a top pri- juntascampaignagainstcorruption to life and limb ority for the ruling military junta He and organised crime The surveyalso Businesses who pay bribes also says the fight will be part of sweepshy showed that bribes paid to officials offset their higher costs by charging ing national reform together with and politiCians by the private sector the consumers more good governance transparency and had declined to 15-25 per cent of middot Since corrupt authorities and an efficient and effective system of project costs frbman average 25-35 politicians make money and bribe-checks-and-balances Thailands per cent previously paying businesses make profits it is corruption index in the first half of Despite the seemingly slight theconsumersandthepublicingenshythis year improved for the first time improvement in the situation (or- eral who suffer in five years according to aUTCC surshy ruption remains amajor problem for They end up paying more uhnecshyvey The indexinJune was registered Thailand essarilyfor products and public proF at 46 out of a possible lOa com- In addition to the weakened ects the quality of which is poorer

pared to 39 last December says competitiveness and reduced cred- Corruption should beeliininated or Thariavath Phonvichai UTCC vice ibility the public asa whole is affect- at least minimised for the sake of rector of research and director of its ed by corruption Contractors who the country and its people

  • 57-07-24 (กรม)
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  • 57-07-24 (กระทรวง)


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~lJ1U~UMUffillJ~l1iillu1Ull1 1~~ 22-25 nffilll1~ 2557 ~ ~Z1UllJIfll~ LLflfmnuU)tJI1U~u14i1~n i9 flf

Ut1nlln~ 1~L~iw~4i1I1U lJInrm~~jjJlrumlJllU ~U ~JllJ~lJ1mhllll1U TWll11U~ 30 ~m)lf1~-4 ~II~fI~ 2557

iiit11lllrD1LflULltl1 3 flUULL~ i1~~wlhLL fn11UTll~tilJ LL Yill II q _ dI _

LlJfll1fll1l1U Ut1I1U YilrulltJlJULr-1flflUL~mtjm IIUIIJllJlllJ

l~U1llllU ~n 5 fltl vTlUTLi1f1 TJlJnl~~~nu lJ~nT~ rJ~~Jlrul1lllJlIU 4 111f1 ~n 2 Ilfl

mU1UL~tlU~~1~lJ 2557 ~ILW1UYi1rull6IlruffiU 94 tJ nTi1Tl~YilrullrniJ)JnuR1U~nl~t11l-i LL~hui1ln~tl 14

LLW ~i1nlnmJfli1T1~l~uffi 1UYilrulltJ~TnTJ)J1 filT1f11~U~ ~1JfIJl~llJUTn1llU rwhy)u~ 1~24~Iifl~ 2557~ffiflilT1ffi ~Jln~l~nh 10000 Tltl 1UVJn~1l11vTJU1Li1f1 ~IUvi 20-70

~ bull Q ~

mI1TllWlrulltJ~li1Jl n11i1lLUUnln1TlJflI1lIl1111tllilYi

mlJuttJU1t1~Ugtlll~~IJlJ1ll 1I~middot11 1UII11~ IliltJfl~Jl1rlh ~ffil~yl~nUU1ll1l1U1tii1lrJl1iitlLilfl~

I _ _ lmutYlIilflln1jlJillJilLYi~LlmJLflmnUn11lill1U lMnn~

~f~lJlruWJ lJllU ~UAJ1lJ~rd1 ilthlI1lIu lllJ1TClFlulT1t1flL~tJi1 lffli MNNmocQQh lffiiilUCl1lJlffli~ltJmUnTi1rnmMltJ1203

( (gt


Cjnsi31 (8 wn) 155-160 nn ]K~drflid~(~UlMbi)iLf-rf~middot - IfiO-it ~~~tifW-(nr1T+~

lulri (IUDS 3) 34-35 Woo

~iOriqltTI=~r1J~OIo~middot r~q ~~ ~ 3~(Qoi3~19)M~~~ouj 9Qiin UllUK) 100 1420-1430 nsClou 100 nn

amp~~ ~g~~(Ft~P i)~ r~~~~~~I~~~~~~~2middotg2~~~~~t~~yen~~ii~~~~~middot~middotmiddot ~- wnQwu (Ra) 22-25 nn

Xailili1ffOi-sect~~~lIri-~~~~~~ i~~q ~r 4 middot~ifIiriri~~)-fr~jtmiddotmiddotmiddot wsnUlilJ (~um) 4-5 Ua

)3~ifiW(J(treg~1~~~_middot~~fi ~2~2~5Sjt2~11reg5[gt RUI nSUmSA1f1181u nsnSlOWlrUl1E1

2J 2557bbk1V1k1

c OJ c c 151llH HQU V1 Yl J ftVI tJ 1j fI IJ

ltV V r Q iCS

tn-naHn (HI ff flW VI W 1 fl eJ 11 UVI

njlJ ifl Iff~lJ f1l jrl1jl1i1 llhmf1

lU~INEJ11 ffUrl1fflfH)f)UUlvlU

~llUU IiiUlthbl fflJ~U liff~llf11W ftfnJUJ~~ 111~UllU1iim1lJl~mrU 1UffUrl1lvW jllJJlff~1lm1lJlu1i~


Iii Ul ou fljU1 11 f)1 j uU VI UU f1lj

N~~~tJf)IiiUl U(1f)U1liIljlHU

[) V1l 1UU1jjjlJ VI llJlf) lJl VI j~1U

ff1 f) (1 f) j lJ ~ l 1 ~r91 Ill1m l flU

1Y1UlHlWY1 VIiffY1 lJ1ffl (Thailand

Trust Mark TTM) IUWlim

fft1J f1EmJUl1l Tn llJl~mjU111 fJ tllf11W

ffUrl1U(l1J~f)ljhlU lYim~lJluf)lff

Vl1lf)ljrl1Un ~lhmilJf1lj1V1m~1U ll(l~lllhlY1f1 jllJJl rillff~lJfffll fllW Kf)ll ru~~U ull~l U 1Uf)1jriluUf)

11lUUlll1 ftl N~i1lYUrl1 U(1lJ~f)lj~ii fJtllf11W fhWlnl~lln91UlJ m


I~ fJUfJ1 fJftlu V1 ~~tJftltfmJ W11JtI1I1U eJlfllJIllfl lhlITU

fljjlJf)1jlJ~l11j lJ~rll YiWWWff

(lllEJIl(1U~) ~10~ lU91INfJ11 U1f)


Yijf)l1hUlll1i1l 1 W1J111fl~fmhU1-]




Il1f1 1f) 111 ~huU Yijnll~ii f)lj l~lJ1il ff-) uV1-)lim~u) 1l(1tY)iillUl1ulJ~U l~hJlilLl~D f)lJl f)11111 U ~)rUlriu vd d ooltvdv

lU1 1 lJU1fllJ 2557 mllVlU)llJ1 1 ~ f = 1

lVIfi LU I1UTIjU9fU f)Il f)lj l91t)1Ylff

91mJ fliu) ff1m)~iiEJu91U1tlfflff91 ItlwrU~1Jl1~)1U1f)ll1ft ~l1UiJ 5~7 IlHllJlhlJ1tllfli1 ~ 100 11111111

1U f)Wl il (119111(11 EJlEJ ff1 I1 l91EJIl

iif)ljUEJlEJff1lJ1l~lJ 10 ff1U1 1UiJ

2557 il1f1l~lJYiiit)~ 20 ff1U1middot lHl

IlIEJ1EJl~lJflf) 15 ff1U1 1UiJ 2558

ll(llVilJflf) 25 ff1U1 1UiJ 2559

J~ flafl~1rUJ 2557 bullbull 1 j

) ~ i i



tJfl5ClUuJUSJlEJUfllS UUytw f1f]U(iJ1f1f1Sv~mmiw~m1JI1Ti~If1l1Jtr1f1 lJfiFJfJ1Y11N nfl11fW ~ei1UJlJn7JSrnJJuriS1~mJiJfJntVVI~ufVJnJJlJftflmJI11 1JlJilvmuwJu1wlilJu1NllJmJUmJlnviuTflJoJri1Jlnvwu~ ~ - ~

nisvl JJliPl (Thailand Trust Mark TTM) ftfllhvlMNjflN1111Nv~Tnf)iuvi1l1Jmf1iJm1lJjmtUIjEJtjfllutrU111 tpnlv1mJln[JTurfliJFJrumw~7VJJJ1urifilJVlnmiddotlslnltlW1llritn(i1m1~viiNmJlaquoj~truI11InveuroJthvieuroJjjfl

--- -====~-

v bbU 1tJjW1


ftJttWitllj~ lutflnnl~a~fl3na~al~lan


W 1 uhf 6fl J~UIB flllU11 [J lll11 ~11MI1l11 fl ruYi litH 111 JVI

n 1 jU~fI ruil1~ffU~1l~1l lfl li1 UI~ JJfI11JJTU1)1rfi~1bull bull v

11 ilJ Ofl I1l~ull vnHmJJ1U1 OBU J1~ ~ N fllJ~ L~ poundJlJU~l lu~u~u~mlJri~ nY1lJ flllr11

iI1~mhaVlf1 flci11lI1~1~IUJthli1JliJVl~1JfflJlJJ1 I~U~ ll-wflm~ (Fair Trade) lviU1UJllJlm~1In1IJifqjl1111i-l~1J 1~ uJ ll~ flli1J11f)fl~1 flli)~crlJlJJ1 fl f~if ll~ V f)) ~J111

Ltl f)liJ1Vl U11J lJ1lt1Jh~1ltJ1U ~1l1m~~llJl1 crf1lf) UJcvfll~ Clll

M1U~l15mu-lllvlflm~OJ111lJ1f)rJ 1~u1~I~tyqtJifliluf11i

t)lltll11f)JJlJri]uClf)f)~l 200 i1U 1lJ1~llJ11JYf-l

bull J~ifl~vthrlClf)liJ1UM1U~~1~~1~ri]ClClf)rl1f1WIJCl]~ u

hlO hi111l1tlUltII11 ltII1ml4~lltJ ~~J 1l~iif)I1~lUth1ff V] ii fl11lJJ111 ffJr11V1111JlJV] 111 poundI u o1] lJl f) hHllllYt 1

1 cr~1l1 f)~M1U IfI~u]I1lJ1 poundJU-WflmVl ~] ItlJ Ifl~V]I11J1poundJ1tJiu] fl UJfllll fiJ r11 ~lii 1J1 mii1 Ji~U 11 f)~ J~1J~1J flli flii 1l

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30 Cl-lr1m ~-lnJ]~ltlJf)cilJ~Lhuf)VUf11i 1tJlluo]ltII1mru

1Pl1-l 1 llvlV-liiii f)~lU1UlJ1 f)~ v~1j f) 51~1l 1lJ11J1~lJlu1m]f11i ltv bull tdV ~ dJQ bull

(PI] n~11 mlJll~illJlJV f)UI1U1UJ1Ull mHiCl-lU lliUllilU f)~lJ

tl 1l lt11 11 mllJ u111lm~u lt1111 milJ~ I~ (mJuJ11UlJltlU11l~~ lU1~llJlJVH1li111VJflm~hiiJ1 f)]U


lutJf)~llHmn1unWWllnru1~villM1li1~-l f)ci11

V01-lUuU 6 l~VU llCllfiCl11tJu51 mlJll~1l1l1lJI4fl~milJ Vlf)U l~V1111l f)V-l r1mv1M1um11tJllIKV-lVi1llJ~ elf) If) ruevi

Hq1fl1l1lJ1 1l J~lUU U] ffU r111111J1 f)~lt1 ff1111U f) cilJ ffU r1nt1

1~1U1lnIlWflm lhf)vU~lU lJ11 ~lll1av] lTUrl1UI1elJ

crutJ) unL1U ffUTl1n] uviMiif11JI11~vllm~uhrf)cilJ ffU r11~] ll~tJilJ-l 11 elJ~l f) tl f)ltII11V1UUtyf)1i~ lICl ffU ~1 ~lUlill i] ~lU 11hIf) ~lJif11UlJlHm1IlwfllliVl OUlJ1 f)iiu

iYiJ -I 1uIiI t11 ~ ~il~il i LVlf1~1-l111f)1 l poundI ulJ11J 1l J1 V] f) ci 11lt1]

1J1 f) UU f)1l1f)1l1UU flliltl~1-lml4elf)Iru~~UV~ffUr111V1 poundI 115

0] IlJU f11ifJf) i i1JJ1 fl1 ffUr11111fJJ~1U~lUlJ1 1l Hi1U ll~J1 m

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f)~1 60 U llJUiUUf11ir11iluuluf11mf1-lfll1lJltlUliillJ

1u f)ll~lliJU~J Oil111ll fi ~r11 ll~ qin rilU l~ UllJV] ~111vi l~lImf)lqflfi1l qUUiJtJ qu~1f)fi illJvf-lil1illH-l1U

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1Ui1 mv1 ItlUliiilJ l~ ~u11f) fIltIllJliocffv irUr11in fl um 114

1u J1 mi lulili JilJ 1IiU f)J U V f)1l1 f)if~~vi1-l1U f)vu~] r1f1i

InHlllillhl1uri1 1lUU llllU~ lI1lJ1 ltllJ v iiltlm-w 11lcr ulJ1u f)1ivi1-l1Ui~ iifll1lJtJCltlI1V 1liof)iinUI~V-lIl4f1 iHh A ~

llftllf1 1l llClf11lt1m


1UWmU1~ 12 ~) tJYVli]nmn111nr1~l~U I I1r1f1tJVI1~]

cO _I ~ ~ UtJ~UtJ]IitJ TltJlJiI1V~Vi(1]]lU

hn1tJU 1limyl

~n~lilln~(tJlJ mY1~vlli~~vl ~lilif)rU lmllilu~~NJ111U i um1]lli~I11lJU~)1 11(1 cJilrUI ~UU1~m~lJ

A ~ I A I A A ~ I1lJlllllJ)ilV l~TlYlTlUll(1 1~il~~YIliUVli

nullll mlJll~Vi V~UYI1lUiUfJ1l rJiJ~l~vu ftJ VII () 1 UtJU1TlVl U1Vl nilJu~) i1~llJ1ifi

~111 ~uQl~~ J

b I r I JJ YI d D 0fJ07nl1U7 1

A ~ 1 d 111il1nmY]tJ1llVlV li)V(1~ l(1nitJU 1(1] li lU

)]fl)i~ifilll~U(~tJ rllI~~lJfniyjtJll~v)lluu lli~tJl~lJlJU 1I(1111ll1111

HlJ(1Yl1ltl HlihmufnU

I1~tJ ~~ II U(1l1 ~Uf1ll1Ui~ 111If li1 Unli ~ _ 1 ~ d U l dA

Iml~i l1itJ~~lllJ(1]lUUlmtJl UtJtJnl1lllU

1 UJ1 l~wil~~YIilu~inullllnilJll~Vi v~U llllUl1Jl1J1l~ U~l5VU1tJVII ()

mL~Ell~mnjt1itmUUi1~i1rurulUEll~U1VItJlh ~ u u

LL1fllJEllT~fl LtJ~~rlBrlilLtIUVI1lf)11LLal l~El Lem1~1~a L~ElW~lllUlvJiAh bull hUvlJJ1h 14

tI J d I

llJtJn(11 1000 U )Ull 23 nTl ll ilIIUiluluHh1VliftU~1U~U 1 lliU

l1lM1U fl1V1UI1~U1Uih~11i1U ~U1l mlJ1ifllrJUnl11Ui~J1 l~tJ1~Unmn1ltlVj Vl(11~ tJ U1mn~~ il UUlllJ~ Vi (1)lllJinVl

bull cO li1l1Jffii) il )VlIIH 1l1f)jlJ~iiYi111llll11itJ1fnT bull 1 -11 d 1 d Ifd c lJi1i1UUil1YI Tl(1U~W(1 ltJUIU)iV WUlVl)i

lViiff i1n~ Ilfi(1lu1)liJ~~)U1VlniilJ111li

aUyJi1Ii~ llltJ~U1V IgU~U I1~tJl~vn-)l

l1ltJ~~hii1 ~I11lJ1Hnul~tJl~VffiiiU~IIUU Vi~l~lUlI~~mY1VlV l~V~I1lbvllU~1I (1

l~mliU Vl(1tJ~IlUUili1liU~~1 III liTblJlilJ

U1Vlf)jilJ111111 tJU~lU)UlJ1n tJ1Y1 Vi (1 Vl bull

lJi)1V1~lJl1 ~f)jwUj UllrUllU11m~~~u ~ ~ J i lit

lJ1imU1V)iTnYl lTl)liVlU 1(1U11lnli

II ~l tJ 1Y1 VlV I1~tJ i~tJ 11l)~fh ii~~lllJUl~tJ 1YlVffii~UIIU]J HVi~lllUlyJvhll(1Vi~lllU

Q 1 IitCLI YI ~I lit ~ v ll~101llVlV l~tlmU)iltll~Tl~UiYlll~UU mtl

nlil11Vi~l]1U1I~lmY1VlVil1nll1m~ll1(1~ ~~

~ltJciuUI1~lm 4 IlfiU HIll111jl~lnUVi~l ]1Ul1lUVllVltJ~ lJaUyJilliYllrJUYl) t11l1UYl mi

~1t1Vi~l1l1nulJ)lVltJ5~l~tln~ll1ltJ~fhii~ ~lV milJlyJliJVllTl~)ltlU~cH1t1-lJ)1 lrJUYl)IlU

d 1~I lTl(1tJUlitJ I1luU1ll1U1

Vi (1 tJlllJjn~ mh)~tJ~11Url)UlJtJ]

Yl)l~tJ1hn)u~)vtJ (1iit UVlJUU1~i)1luU ~


U1 5 VlU f))1l 260 IlJm m1lJV1)UUIl1n

nilU~tJ UilJ1lU 6-7 llJm Ul180 1l1U9lllJVli

J111rn 1974 in(1n~lJ fiUJ1~n 20 ll1U~llJVl~ I cO~d d1

1I(11Y1lJ1ifl~Tl4l~ 20 lltN lJm1~lil Ufni

l~UYI1lUilJ1ru 8 fihllJ~i~tJi)1lJl ~ 3

1 UW~UU1Vl 10 ~) UUliJuWJilVII)l 1m

I1~tJlrJU lTl~)l~UtJtJncill ilU1 UJ11~l lfUrlU

Vi (1 fllllJinVl mh) Yd I GI

~lYtJUni1 VllU~)U)l mNil1nmi

liJ~Yl) l~)Vi~ll1UlllYltJ1Y1llV 1~~~lYu1 Il

ll ~ (1 tJlrl ~)Vi ~ll1U Ilffl m Y1 Vl61 ~ tIU1 tIlliU

ll~NIIl~iU tJ1V 74 iJ li1) llmJmmm nri1)V OJ 11

I l ~ ff ) 1 lli1U U 1 ) l ifl Vi (1]l1 U II ~l fl1l1 Vl tIil1 n

I1r~~vYllJ~l~iii1)ff~~lfi~m1lJ~111IYm bull 1 middot A A 1 d uin)U1iinlll~UIi) lJVlUllU U1i)lUfll ~lVd d~d v U1lJUlJi1m~l tJnlll llJ)lJlffm~ll1 (1~ ~ J J~ ~ 1 v

U)VlmilJli4UlC1nU1~ lil IVii1l uUVi(1lllU


Urull U1lUUllUl nm))l U)VlniilJ I

~Ui1Il l~Ull1ll~)n1 I1111l1nuNuintJun1i bull

i~Ul~)I1~)~~mlJ1ifll111111 ~~pfi lIUUrll

lritJllllnull~uUi1fi1J1lJU~i1fnllVil un~l l I1lJ1nUmi~llJ11JillJiJl~tJ1YlV~1i~lUY)fll J IJ I I ~ v

IllV) LVii1 llJ~lr-l(1mYlUVltJ~lll)(1tllJ

v dd1 v I d ~i1]fl1ViMlIrull~ I1llnf)1ill)llllV) 1Ytl~

Tl~)lnu Vi(1 ~lJi)1V1ilJU ~f)jwUyj M lllY~lTm~II1U-)l U1VlfiilJ~U~(itJ lrJ~Yl1l l~)n1 I1liYi~r1l~ml11(1(i)l~U~tJVifil~1U

llfflmY1Vlv(lmnIJ)llm) lrJUiJiJUl1Jl1J1Ufl~ I

TlUillV ffilJ1ifll11Vi~]l1UlllYltJ1Y1~VlJ1H v

Ui 1VliU lliritJ1l1lfi~fmhn1)U unnl

J1lJUllif)1 11(1 lrimYitiunuf)1lHlTl~tJltJu~ 1Uuil~uU

lJlUCllYICl J~~m ttllJlfinlH1fl~nlllJnlJ~lJfm)~~UnJlIl (ilf1U) ()liljJ~dhitiflfl 1~-Jl llwlhdlJJI11mJ~]j VlllfhHm(lm~lj~H ll~1HlJJl IUIlrmiddotltJll i HI 1J] 11 (fflU 11[ ~rulaquoJll V1ll~hh~nDUnljf)ll~~HjllDjtf1f1 1~tli1 J nKuijD~iJlI~)l 1Jjll~n~lJllnUJlnl1lJl1 J(lI~Ifitnntmlll~lJ

~ V I 11

lfI~U11f1fl llui l1lU dhJJll11jvt11vlJDHhhuClI1U1-Jlllmlllnml1111dh lr~ UUllliJJvi1111r~jJntlumjjjfiu11111 ~lJ IIlU1l-liili Ull 3IlD(h~u~IUUllll 1lllJ1ll11hmn fl~JJ1jlj~f1J r~Jltum~Dn D111ll llCllJWJUUlf1r)J OJlllmii1lJ R1~ U~DJV1rIUlm Tlul llt1W1Dn~Ju

m1JIllnl~~~YilJDDn~mllJl1iufhli1JnlH h UUlllUlJipl(WviRufhHCnU l1Jili Ul~U~1l l n ETflU 1lUDmllJ~ JlJJJD~llJmllJ1llrflJi vnDH

iU(llJlJUllll Hq)dluv1~ 1l~jjlJlru1iufh~Ulj~1jUulllnh~lJ ~~Dl1l111lH 1-11DOlluUljl~ihJD i l-iClIlCl~1 Yh~1l1IUU I~D~~UDlJrill1UIl i l-ilill~hJ riu1Tf1fllihi1Ji1IlI~DnffD1i14Al T9itJlihlHllaquowr~ln~ U(J~I~UJnUnlljrU JllUlllUlljJnrul1~DJhltnu 15 ll1D1j1iUfh~uj)lmuluDclln~ 3 il~ CllllJJlJlruUDJUll~nruoViClJ u~~~r~Cl~~D~uV)unm-l~~ClI1Cl~~JtJ 4 UflJUll~nluoVi ciJlll UlUU1J ~DJHljDnu111JJUjl]j~I~UJltiuJ lllll

II q tJ I ct 0 oi tJ r 0 v shyllllnll(1lJ~lllC1Uflll1CllnllUyenl IlIll mlJU1lJ~JYmlUUl1D U~nl1 nlnn~D~C11HnlJlJ m~V1lJJllrullU C1111nJluflru nlllJllllDlMll --

UJllliHiUljlIl~lJfh~1l~11J()[Jti~ 17-31 ~JUIllllJHl1jl~~J~11J 23-41 I( Cl U 1 (uu) m lJd -11 Cf1lJfI (lji1WmCl~ ~-1U JI1 ~DlJ UCl m lJfll UfllJ llJJ1I~lih i l1l flpflUUlllUJ~~Ull~ ll-ilvtq) J~IUllfmlt1l~~UmJnll lJClYlEI 1~uuDnlJl~l III lflJUfllJ1l-iltU1l 1lU 1~Dnmiddotll1UIlIl ulm~jllllil VlCll01lJuJrijlnDUIlll t1~ viJJ iuHitlunf1fllJlIl)un9fD~ufh ~JUlJll U 1111 fJlllJllllllllll ~uJnll

IV ff


~U1~1Villi LnU~~J bull IV a

Vi1u~~f)Li11~~~ cu

inmhv-liil 111Pi~~ Llllnnn1lIHU

ml~nll~~IllfJlNu~tllll (iilIlU) LtJ~ Lmrh iilIlU1Lliru~lLLVlUN1llnilUn1l ~lU~U~l ~tltllll ~ LLiiliJ~Tfl~ll tJ111qj

Llilml11~ilL~illJf)1l-11iltJ(l~lJU1~UWl neu]~Uri1 vflLLJj~W mJLl1lll 1l1~Ull~

~ eil tmiddotwnnVJiln fl1111l LL(llJUJJ1JUL~fn

lllYlm~~ l1~IIlnMillVi~f)tlnpoundi~ml1

~Uril Lb(hvjUl11JU1~Ulllnru-naUril

l1flltJJjU~jjlJU1~1-1niLnuI~~ LLvimmru

flU~l~Ullljj1JU1~ L~lL~~ ~lEllltrnl1l-1N u~lnll Llt]11~ei~ Llltlniftl~U~lt~ tJVilJl1~ vlutrlLn(1J 1JruLtiitJ1nUnlltJrU(l~~~1~ lJillmllnru-nll~viiilt-J(ltiiiitlnllll~ ~UVlUn1lt-J~(9I~ltJ

~ltJrllv-llli1~lTh 1UltJampu iilIlU


l1~ii 01LUU1tJMiilJEl1-Xiil~~lLVh~~1 LUU

Lflf)I~Utll1 rhl1U~1i~uyjl11mtJ1U

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J _ I

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lJ U

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L~UYlUlJUL1tJu1ua(ij~1(ijBmiitJVivllll11Ul LL~ i ~poundllLLJunBlYlU1iI1a-~n1ll1Ul1tI1U~~l1

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DWlf1~WllaJn1Jl~~eJf1 nJLQ~lvlU VlVllY1U1Vl

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I tJJ(IrllltJLUWnlJl~tJLL~~~WllVW~-iil11~LYilJ I lJln-iiu I


fi n a Ua dhl3J amp1 ~h ~UA1 b nlf(9la f1~lijVl~~ IJm1J~lLL~~ 217 LL~U~TUUlrl lJEJlJ~ 26-32 Onnfl~~i1LLlnlJm1J~l

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O 7 L~ltJ3JVllleuroJ 3 VlUl tJI1U ~U llj

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VI~eurol~~YlrnflLn~l liJe)ltIlllmllJmtJ~h

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lJtJIU 2556 3J~lil~ufilLn~~leuroJd~ 216 ~

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JJfl~~t1V1~I~~lJmtJ~llii L~euroJJlln~~t-J~~1u n~JJ-trllulU eleuroJtJ tJlJWlll Ul~3JJ1~U LL~ ~~wil1fl3JlruL~3J LLlt1i-lill

LU~euroJn~nml3J~U 15jj eJiLUUL~aJ l~UllmiJ-ru~l~ILlt1~tJ t-lil~~tpJ illPl

euroJtiYi 7500-9000 Ulrl UYJU i~1l~ lI bull cd ~euroJltlU Vl1nml3JIfUeuroJfVl aJil~lL~ LV20 m ~llfll 6000 U1YlLYhilu

~UtJllljlll m~illlml~W1~J3Jl

LVI~euroJ 60-61 Ulrl lt1ieuroJnT~n13J LIjllil~u~ LiJltln~~L~3J ~urlumlt-J~~~J llm-nllTIj~

d ~ T Llt1GwmlYi


630-780 Ulrl w1euroJn ~n~3J LIjnt-J~~~~euroJeuroJn3J13JlnLL~ilmlU1L-li13J1

llnUltLVlffLYleuroJuihu lJru~llfllnJneuroJeuroJn l1~mltlloilUl~lnYillIXllmU1U~J~lL~euroJ 10-220 U1Y1w1euroJnT~n13J LllUL~tJ1n1Jnfll Ul~~ ~llmfiWl~J3J1LVI~euroJ320 -435 ~ntJ ~euroJnT~n13J

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LjuluTm~ml3J1UJ~ln11 6-8 L~euroJU

cilUllfl1~U~lLnllVllvifl1~ hlilllm vibVi~ ~euroJ ~Uci1UVI~I m~11lb~l-I LUU 215-220 ulrllt1ieuroJnT~n13J lln 180

Ulrl LIjll~U~euroJImlU1LUt-J~~beuroJvilUeuroJ~ IJrnvielmJflWd1lL~3JLJU 1 220-1300

U1rl lln 1040 ulY1~euroJnT~n13J llfl1LnLdil

nlL~3JLUU 42880-44 Ulrl~euroJnT~n1l-1 L 11l1nfl3JUln vifftJ T lUilml3J9l euroJI ml

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ultJ~3Jifn~ n~lhlilJii leuroJI~f~ml jj n~ n~llL~13Jl1 cilVl1U LLt-JUltJ

tJllL~L~~ tJ ~Vll~ ilil3J nu mrl )11

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~euroJJVi~lLilumlL1~3Jt-J~~~~ ml~~

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n 9l euroJJ LVi~W)1[11 mm~m~n~rnvi1JTlI

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~jLLwllUYi 18-30 ~ tJYitJl~l llnn~3J

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~LLUUL~3J 4 lLLWU T~mnllVllmilml3J v JJ ~ 14 1

~IJl~ltIlU3JlnIJULufl~LuU 7851

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11 Ln~lm~u~n-nllilml3J~IJ~l~l13J

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TWlmn~~lm~u~nillI11ULVlqi ilml3J ~ v I 4 _ v

~lJ LUl~U3JlnlJUfl~LuU 886 ~rleuroJU


ampI J 11

U1JaSJf1n~ mfi11(i)1U 1il~~Hilfl111iU1fl11

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flA~l~lliT~N lJIWmrUlLnFl i1U1U

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Ministry seeks to resume small-lot rice sales in August PETCHANET PRATRUANGKRAI THE NATION

THE COMMERCE MINISTRY is preparshying to resume selling rice from its stockpiles in early August gradually releasing it in small lots of about 5000)0 tonnes a month

Duangporn Rodphaya director-genershyar of the ForeIgn Trade Department said a ~ubcommlttee had agreed the mmistry slthould go ahead and sell rice from the stockpIles and not walt tor completion of a Junta-ordered mspectlOn of the stocks bull I he nce-release planwhlch Will be proshy

posed to the Rice Policy and Management Committee soon includes sales through general auctions to exporters and local traders by government-to-governrrient contracts and through the Agricultural Futures Exchange of Thailand

Puangporn added that the department wopId ensure the stocks are released transshyparent With the Fmance Mmlst and the Prime Minister s 0 ce joint y inspecting the f0cessc

T~e department reported that about 55 per cent ofl800 rice warehouses had so far been inspected by the teams dispatched by the militarys ruling National CounCil for Peace and Order The teams are expected to complete their mission by the end of September

About 18 million tonnes ofrice is reportshy

cerns over roug t an ower pro uction in many countries amid higher demand in many others I here IS a good posslblhty that ThaIland will export 10 million tonnes 9pound nce thIS year It is expected to sell off all 18 million tonnes in its stockpiles within three years she saId

The department reported that Thailand was able to sell 535 million tonnes of rice in the first six months middotup by 50 per cent year on year while export value rose 19 percentto US$27biIlion (nearly Bt86 bilshylion)

As ofJuly 16 the price of5 per cent Thai

Afile photo shows asoldier inspecting rice stockpiles at a warehouse in a eastern province

white rice was quoted at $427 a tonne up from $410 the previous week

She added that production bfThai paddy rice in the 2014-15 harvest season was proshyjected to be less than 38 mi1lion tonnes because of drought in many areas

Charoen Laothamatas president of the Thai Rice Exporters Association said the government should consIder sellIng rice from its stockpiles in small lots of about 100000-200000 tonnes per auction to avoid impacts on the m-rket price

The government has less pressure to accelerate the sale of rice frbm the stocks The country has holder power It should ensure transparency and minimum impacts to the market he said

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INTHE WAKE ofrising concern over the t reatmen t oflabour farmers we1shybeing and the environment in global trading the International Trade Promotion Department is urging more lhal busmesses to seek FairTrade cershytification so that their products are more easily recognised and have a

greater chance in the world market place

At a seminar on Fair Trade Mark and trading of Fair Trade products in theinternationaJ market heldyestershyday by the agencys Office of News Overseas Markets Development and PromotIOn Duan kamol Jlambutr e U Irec or- ener ot e eplrtshy

mentSal t atonlyasmallnumberof thaI compames and sUEP)Lc~~ms current~apphedthe FairTrade Marllt

The epartment lrill therefore continue to support Fair Trade certishyfication by promoting an awareness campaign amongThai man ufacturers and exporters she said

According to the Netherlandsshybased Fair Trade Original organisashytion about 30 Thai companies and supply chains have received FairTrade

certification to date This guarantees that they engage in faii treatment of farmers have good labour conditions use no forced or child labour offer fair prices to suppliers and operate with transparency accountability and respect for the environment equity and freedom lt)nd have fair trading practices

Duangkarnol said the department in cooperation ~th Fair Trade Original now had a target of increasing the number of certified businessshy iSnap es and products by 10 per cent ayear

The main goal is to help agriculshytural and handicraft producers as well as manufactures and exporters to achieve better trading conditions and to promote sustainability she said

Certified members of the Fair Trade programme will likely be able to leverage the quality of their prodshyucts for higher prices with certificashytion ensuring world-class social and environmental standards and more recognition in the international trade area she added

Thai export products alreadyusing the approved Fair Thade logo include

rice coffee tea cane sugar cotton freshfruits herbs and spices ockershywork handicrafts pottery and ceramshyics

The official said the department also would like to encourage busishynesses in the shrimp and fishery secshy

ate consultant for Thailand said the overall value of Fair Trade products had increased considerably in the past few years as consumers now had more awareness about fair trading conditions and the environment

Consumers are willing to pay more for Fair Trade goods if they feel they have bought a product whose manufacture is highly responsible to society Today prices of Fair Trade products are also very competitive

the same as leading brands Enterprises should adapt themselves to produce Fair Trade products in order to ensure sustainable growth

tors to comply with Fair Trade certification so that they do otfaceproblems due to unfa abour treatment Every Fair Trade product is subject to labour-standard checking she explained

Manasnan Pongjayavanij Fair Trade Originals aS60ci~

and access to many markets said the consultant

According to Fair Trade Original the value of fair trade goods in the global market excluding the US rose from 1 billion (Bt427billion) in 1996 to 48 billion in 2012 Expots ofThai fair trade products were wOlth about Bt300 million in 2012

More than 30000 products are now on sale in 125 countries and the global Fair Trade system currently works with over 12 million people across 60 countries

Manasnan said many more Thai products could get the Fair Trade mark So far many local brands sllch as Doi Chang coffee plus local proshyducers of soy sauce chjli sauce pineapples and bananas are wellshy

known for having the mark which is accepted widely

Martin Boon development manshyager for Fai~Trade Original in the Netherlands told the seminar that with the global market having growshying recognition of Fair Trade prodshyucts many markets were increasing demand for products carrying the logo - and that Thailand had high potential to serve sllch worldwide demand


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THE NATION ~ JULY 20141lI Sihasak reassures EUteam over juntas reform roadmap SUPALAK GANJANAKHUN DEE THE NATION BRUSSELS

EARLY ELECTIONS vtithout reform would not help restore proper democshyracy to Thailand That was the message related by acting Foreign Minister Sihasak Phuangketkeow when he met his counterpart from the European Union in Belgium this week In a bilateral meeting with David OSullivan chief operating officer ofthe European External Action Service Sihasak said Thailand had a clear roadmap to restore sustainable democshyracy and that the EU should support

this process of reform The roadmap and its related reform

will help strengthen our political econshyomy and will also be of benefit to our partnership with theEUin the longnm he said

Sihasak was in Brussels for a minisshyterial meeting between representatives ofAsean and the EU and spent much of his time briefing representatives of Eillopean nations aboutthe situation in Thailand

The E U along with the US and other Western countries strongly criticised themilitaryforits May 22 coup The EU suspended a number of cooperations withThailand as well as several visits by high -level officials It also recommendshyed that member states review military cooperation with Thailand

The EU said last month that it wouldmiddot

not sign a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Thailand and that the negotiation of a free-trade agreement (FTA) would not conclude until an electshyed government was in place

Sihasak told OSullivan that an electshyed government would come eventually Before that however Thailand needed time to implement reform to have a strong democracy

The time frame of 15 months or so for the reform is not too long ifwe want to make sure that our system and democracy are sustainable he said

Thai people are aware of the issues facing our country and we are working on addressing these concerns so the EU as a partner should support us

The EUhas the right to voice its conshycerns about the situation in Thailand

middot but it should also ensure it is sufficientshyly informed on specific cases he said

Concerning detention and martial law the EU should make sure it has corshyrect information about who is under

middot detention and if there are concerns about human-rights violations the EU should specify the cases he said

Sihasak discussed the situation in Thailand Vlrith many European MPs

middot while in BrusselsTheyincludeq Franck Proust special rapporteur on the FTA and Samuel Cantell head of the ecoshynomic trade and regional cooperation delegation Many of them have experishyence in engaging with Thailand and have a clear understanding ofthe current sitshyuation in the country Sihasak said


Pension scheme for farmers proposed

Farmers in the future might look forward to retiring on a government pension

Charnpittaya Chimplee directorshygeneral of the Rice Oepartment said yesterday ttiat under a draft bill dealing with the rice development fund members would contribute about 3per cent of their monthly income to the fund and the state wou ~d also chip in ayet-unspecified amount

When farmers reach the age of 60 or 65 they will start receiving a monthly pension bf about Bt4OOO

Most farmers earn less than other workers so the fund is neces- sary for their future Charnpittaya said

Other proposals for the bill are being gathered and the contents wi I be improved before its submisshysion to acommittee on rice producshytion and markets and the National Council for Peace and Order


Farmer happiness down from August WICHIT CHANTANUSORNSIRI

Farmer happiness last month dropped subshystantially from its peak last August when they had high hopes of stable income from the Yingluck Shinawatra administrations rice pledging scheme reports a Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BMC) poll

The state-backed farm banks farmer happiness index fell to 7851 in June from its highest level of89 in August said senior executive vice-president Somsak Kangteershyawat The poll surveyed 2346 farmers

Happiness from family health a good society jo b financial position and the quest

for knowledge were the six factors used to measure the index

The survey found happines from the family scored the highest with a score of 341 out offour followed by health at 321 a good society at 320 job at 314 fmancial position at 285 and the quest for knowlshyedge at 274

Farmers from the Northeast regygIiwere the happiest vvith a score of 314 while those from the North scored 313 the South 312 the East 297 and Central 299

Asource at the BMC confirmed Augusts poll was taken when the farmers mood hit a fever pitch as they felt they would receive an elevated level of compensation from the

rice pledging programme The National Council for Peace and

Order (NCPO) is seeking sustainable ways to help farmers after losses from rice pledgshying which offered prices 40-50 higher than the market price could reach 500 billion baht

The juntas measures so far largely includelowering rice production costs and slowing the release of supply to lower price pressure

The source said prices of tapioca sugar cane chicken and pork are gaining in the second half while those of rice corn rubber oil palin and whiteleg shrimp are declirun ~ bull bull imiddotI middot7~

Regarding rice prices the source said the price of paddy with 15 moisture content could average 7500-9000 baht a tonne while Hom Mali prices are projected at 14000-15000 baht in the second the half

Even though the agricultural sector conshytributes only 84 to the countrys GDP there are 167 ffiillion farmers making up 26 of the population

National Statistical Office data shows the ratio of farmers who earned over 100000 baht a year rose to 286 in 2013 from 97 in 2003 while 643 graduated from prfshymary school down from 704 a decade ago Farmers shouldered average debt of 124604 baht per person last year

BANGKOK POST 41 FTIupbeatabout domestic car sales PIYACHART MAIKAEW

The Federation of Thai Industries (FT) remains confident that domestic vehishycle sales will top I million this year defying some car makers projection of sales declining to between 900000 and 980000 vehicles

Domestic demand started picking up in the previous quarter as private firms and farmers bought new pickup trucks for their business expansion and new cultivation said Surapong Paisitpatanapong spokesshyman for the FIrs automotive industry club

The club forecasts pickup truck sales will contribute 55-58 of domestic sales against 442 in 2013 while passenger cars dropped to about 40 from 474 last year

The passenger car market has normalshyised after demand was absorbed by the gov- emments first-time car buyer scheme said Mr Sura pong

The club yesterday cut its 2014 forecast for Thailands automotive output from 24 million vehicles to 22 milliori It also cut domestic sales to 1 million vehicles hom 12 million while exports stand finn at 12 million vehicles

FTI vice-chainnan Suparat Sirisuwan~ nangkura said Thailand was expected to remain in the worlds top 10 automotive manufacturers this year with production in countries such as Canada and Russia also expected to decrease

The International Organization of Motor

Vehicle Manufacturers said Thailand was the worlds ninth-largest automotive manufacturer in 2013 and 10th in 2012 Production (ast year totalled 245 million vehicles the highest in 52 years and up by 014 from 2012

The club yesterday reported that car proshyduction fell by 261 year-on-year in June to 160452 For the first half Thailands car output fell by 29 year-on-year to 952685

Domestic car sales in June totalled 73799 dOVll by 304 on the same period in2013 while 440911 cars were sold in the first half down by 405

By contrast car exports in June rose 657 to 103946 earning the cOUDtry497 billion baht In the first half exports rose 36 to 560047 cars with export value rising 895 to 265 billion baht

The FII yesterday reported that the industrial sentiment index improved for the second straight month in JW1e

The index rose to 884 points accordshying to the FIr which conducted a survey among 1100 industrial operators It stood at 851 points in May when sentiment improved for the first time in seven months

FTI chairman Suphan Mongkholsuthee said sentiment has improved because of the more stable political situation and an increase in purchases of products thanks to the Fifa World Cup football tournament

The industry outlook index for the next three months stood at 1019 points rising from 101 in May

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AUTO EXPORTS INCREASE Despite the sluggish recovery of

the export sector auto shipments continue to expand but still by not enough to counter the reduction in dorriestic demand for cars

The industry has been forced to brake this years production target from 24 million units to 22 million

The target for domestic sales has been lowered from 12 million units to 1million which represents adrop of 251 per cent or 335154 units from last year

Surapong Paisitpattanapong deputy chairman and spokesman of the Federation of Thai Industries Automotive Industry Club said yesterday that lower domestic derriand the end ofthe governments first-car tax-relief programme and the delay in gov~ errirnent and private investment

middotprojects had contributedtothemiddot change in the production target However this new figure is still

middot higherthan the forecast for T8 milshylion units before the big floodiri 2011and domestic demand is

expectedto shitf intoforWard gear i

middotnext quarter~ The economic recovery payshyrnent for farmersuncter the rlceshy

pledgingscherneandreturn of investment will increase revenue l

in other industries and put more rnoney in peoples pockets he middot said

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Temporary charter should furthershyboost confidence ERICH PARPART THE NATION

THE FEDERATION ofThai Industries believes the temporary charter will further increase the confishyden~e ofdomestic and foreign investors along with buslness op~ratrs while the recent strengthening of the baht IS stJlI tolerable for the export industry as long as anyfurther appreciation is neither too rapid nor drastic

_The FTI also said yesterday that its Industries Sentiment Index (TIS) had increased by 44 points since April

The introduction ofthe provisional charter is in line with the politiCal road map of the NCPO [NationaICoimcil for Peace and Order Jand I believe that in generalinvestors andoperators will feel more relaxe and gai~ more confidence that things aremiddot gomgmaccordWlththeNCPOsplansforanewcharshyter the setting up ofan interim government and the possibility of an election in the future said Supant Mongkolsuthree chairman ofthe FTI shy

In his view the country over the past two months has been running on a smooth surface since the Nepo took power a move which has led to an increase in foreign investor confidence certainty over pubh~ II1vestment policy and rising domestic consumptIOn

These factrs will support the recovery and allow _gross domestJC product to expand by 25 percent this year he said


The FTI had been projecting an economic recesshysion before the arrival of the NCPO

As for exports Supant said The strenctheninO of the baht is related to the increased conffdence of foreign investors which has led to an inflow offorshy~ign funds This will have some effect on the export iiidustry but it is still acceptable for exporters since the currencys strengthening pace is not too fast and the Bank ofThailand is still monitoring the situashytion

The export sector will be able to cope with a stronger baht if the rate does not fall below 3050 per US dollar he said -Moreover since the global economy IS continushyII1g to reco~er the FTI is sticking with its export

- growth projectIOn of35-5 per cent for the year According to Bloomberg the baht was valued at

3176 per dollar yesterday The FTI chief pointed out that if the Kingdoms shy

export value were calculated in baht it would already show lO-per-cent growth year on year

Accordingto the central bank export value in May came in at US$1927billiol1 (Bt6124 billion) whIch IS 12 per cent lower than the same period last year in dollar terms - shy

Meanwhile the TmiddotISI has increased for two month~ in a row The indexose from 840 in April to 851 111 May and to 884111 June amidst calmer political waters the economic recovery the liftingof the curfe - and even Fifa World Cup fever which led to an mcrease in overall production orders and sale figures - shyn~eover~TISI fororBers~salesarid prod-udiai- -shyIII allll1dustnes rose from 802796821 points in May to 843 844 879 points respectively in June

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CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough


GRAFT HAS GOT TO GO nvestors from Japan from which Such concern by the Japanese away existing and prospective forshy

the largest amount of Thailands investors should not be ignored eign investors Countless foreign direct foreign investment comes because they have brought the firms and investors have com~

have called for reduced corruption largest amount of direct foreign plained about the extra costs of and improved transparency in order investment into Thailand The doingbusinessinThailandbywhich to help restore confidence in the Japanese invested over 8t290 bil- they mean kickbacks and undershy

Kingdom lion in projects ClPproved by themiddot the-table money that must be to Setsuo luchichief representative Board of Investment last year That bureaucrats and politicians Often

of themiddot Japan External Trade was nearly 30 per cent of the total they have topayin exchange for pro-Organisation (Jetro) for Asean and foreign investment of Btl1 trillion curement deals with state agencies South Asia last week called on the according to 801 data and public projects People who ruling National Council for Peace Thailand has generally remained refuse to pay are routinely left and Order to kick-start good govershy attractiye to foreign investors due behind by their bribe-paying comshynance that includes combating corshy to positive factors such as the avail- petito rs University of the Thai ruption and ensuring transparency ability of skilled labour efficient Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) rec-particularly about doing business in infrastructure and transportation tor Saowanee Thairungroj has esti-Thailand Now its a good time for systems location andthe consider- mated that corruption adds 30 per Thailand to bring about good govshy able size of the domestic market cent to costs for businesses That ernance for the new era he said But our chronic corruption is scaring she says translates into reduced

comoetitiveness for Thai-made Economic and Business Forecasting pay corrupt officials and politi~ians products and reduced credibility for Centre He surmises that the have to cut costs at-the building site Thailand among foreign investors improvement could be due to posi- and that means poorer quality in General Prayuth Chan-ocha has tive public sentiment following the their public projects and thus a risk made tackling corruption a top pri- juntascampaignagainstcorruption to life and limb ority for the ruling military junta He and organised crime The surveyalso Businesses who pay bribes also says the fight will be part of sweepshy showed that bribes paid to officials offset their higher costs by charging ing national reform together with and politiCians by the private sector the consumers more good governance transparency and had declined to 15-25 per cent of middot Since corrupt authorities and an efficient and effective system of project costs frbman average 25-35 politicians make money and bribe-checks-and-balances Thailands per cent previously paying businesses make profits it is corruption index in the first half of Despite the seemingly slight theconsumersandthepublicingenshythis year improved for the first time improvement in the situation (or- eral who suffer in five years according to aUTCC surshy ruption remains amajor problem for They end up paying more uhnecshyvey The indexinJune was registered Thailand essarilyfor products and public proF at 46 out of a possible lOa com- In addition to the weakened ects the quality of which is poorer

pared to 39 last December says competitiveness and reduced cred- Corruption should beeliininated or Thariavath Phonvichai UTCC vice ibility the public asa whole is affect- at least minimised for the sake of rector of research and director of its ed by corruption Contractors who the country and its people

  • 57-07-24 (กรม)
  • 57-07-24 (ใบนำสง)
  • 57-07-24 (กระทรวง)

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wffi~~un 1~~LLflrlfllfll11TU~1~lL1l LI11t1nl1Ui1Tlr11

UUU1L~uiiiuTl1llUiltllJU1tl1ll 1OntlnlT 1 UTlf11LlJUfl

25-35 U1~ LL~[J~1~lltlf1l1~il~Slfllu[JI~1~~lU~nlI1t111~ LLflifl~MTYi~tJjlh ~1~nf11mllTUl~hhviJtI

~l1funlnTTlJ1tJLiiifltJnml11l~ 2557 nrV1TllrnrullU

ltiihlJriu~mlJnlTrhciHJ~n1vltl ~~ftjj eJLLi1tJhmllti LLa

hUR1~~Rlu~n 4i1n~nTTlJri~Ll~lJ~11111~LLf41nllt1~UFh nr11fi L~1t L1flliltlfl 111M 1 Il HI~YiLL aL~lJflllJt1tiiiinllllif IltJ 1 i1t1 ntltJR1~~ 80 ntl R1U~n 6200 Tlt1 Ul~UFh~la(i)L fl n

Uln UCllJ YiffilJritJ~lUTL1f1 mtJLr1T~nl11l~l11 ~~LLii~flUnmlllllJ-riumtlU 2557 n

LL~~l~I11T()UUTn11 2 r-1h 1tJ~ltJlJInrrnwlMtmuigtmlJZ1l1 1iiU1lIllltJ ~u~ 21-24 ~~IllllJ 2557 ~~~LLYifl Ujtl~i1tll1l1~

LLfl~lUlJInrnJfi~~1~tJmllJZ1l1fli1rn1~ltJ 1U~ 10-14 riUtJ1tJu

2557 ~~UOO1ii~ T()Ul11f14111 4 Ilf~ ~n11lU1i1 4lJWT tiitJll1~ LLfl~tJLiii1 li~L~tlU~~ll1lJ 2557 TvluLlI~1unl~Li1~1 41UltJ

30 r1f~ Liiiflu~ImfllJ-riUtJ1t1U 2557 T()UtllUltl 347 flf~ Llfl

tilJriUnTV1rnlJIll11h1t1 nTi1Tl~LLN~u4~lUlJ1nmJUffil~fl~

~lJ1U~UMUffillJ~l1iillu1Ull1 1~~ 22-25 nffilll1~ 2557 ~ ~Z1UllJIfll~ LLflfmnuU)tJI1U~u14i1~n i9 flf

Ut1nlln~ 1~L~iw~4i1I1U lJInrm~~jjJlrumlJllU ~U ~JllJ~lJ1mhllll1U TWll11U~ 30 ~m)lf1~-4 ~II~fI~ 2557

iiit11lllrD1LflULltl1 3 flUULL~ i1~~wlhLL fn11UTll~tilJ LL Yill II q _ dI _

LlJfll1fll1l1U Ut1I1U YilrulltJlJULr-1flflUL~mtjm IIUIIJllJlllJ

l~U1llllU ~n 5 fltl vTlUTLi1f1 TJlJnl~~~nu lJ~nT~ rJ~~Jlrul1lllJlIU 4 111f1 ~n 2 Ilfl

mU1UL~tlU~~1~lJ 2557 ~ILW1UYi1rull6IlruffiU 94 tJ nTi1Tl~YilrullrniJ)JnuR1U~nl~t11l-i LL~hui1ln~tl 14

LLW ~i1nlnmJfli1T1~l~uffi 1UYilrulltJ~TnTJ)J1 filT1f11~U~ ~1JfIJl~llJUTn1llU rwhy)u~ 1~24~Iifl~ 2557~ffiflilT1ffi ~Jln~l~nh 10000 Tltl 1UVJn~1l11vTJU1Li1f1 ~IUvi 20-70

~ bull Q ~

mI1TllWlrulltJ~li1Jl n11i1lLUUnln1TlJflI1lIl1111tllilYi

mlJuttJU1t1~Ugtlll~~IJlJ1ll 1I~middot11 1UII11~ IliltJfl~Jl1rlh ~ffil~yl~nUU1ll1l1U1tii1lrJl1iitlLilfl~

I _ _ lmutYlIilflln1jlJillJilLYi~LlmJLflmnUn11lill1U lMnn~

~f~lJlruWJ lJllU ~UAJ1lJ~rd1 ilthlI1lIu lllJ1TClFlulT1t1flL~tJi1 lffli MNNmocQQh lffiiilUCl1lJlffli~ltJmUnTi1rnmMltJ1203

( (gt


Cjnsi31 (8 wn) 155-160 nn ]K~drflid~(~UlMbi)iLf-rf~middot - IfiO-it ~~~tifW-(nr1T+~

lulri (IUDS 3) 34-35 Woo

~iOriqltTI=~r1J~OIo~middot r~q ~~ ~ 3~(Qoi3~19)M~~~ouj 9Qiin UllUK) 100 1420-1430 nsClou 100 nn

amp~~ ~g~~(Ft~P i)~ r~~~~~~I~~~~~~~2middotg2~~~~~t~~yen~~ii~~~~~middot~middotmiddot ~- wnQwu (Ra) 22-25 nn

Xailili1ffOi-sect~~~lIri-~~~~~~ i~~q ~r 4 middot~ifIiriri~~)-fr~jtmiddotmiddotmiddot wsnUlilJ (~um) 4-5 Ua

)3~ifiW(J(treg~1~~~_middot~~fi ~2~2~5Sjt2~11reg5[gt RUI nSUmSA1f1181u nsnSlOWlrUl1E1

2J 2557bbk1V1k1

c OJ c c 151llH HQU V1 Yl J ftVI tJ 1j fI IJ

ltV V r Q iCS

tn-naHn (HI ff flW VI W 1 fl eJ 11 UVI

njlJ ifl Iff~lJ f1l jrl1jl1i1 llhmf1

lU~INEJ11 ffUrl1fflfH)f)UUlvlU

~llUU IiiUlthbl fflJ~U liff~llf11W ftfnJUJ~~ 111~UllU1iim1lJl~mrU 1UffUrl1lvW jllJJlff~1lm1lJlu1i~


Iii Ul ou fljU1 11 f)1 j uU VI UU f1lj

N~~~tJf)IiiUl U(1f)U1liIljlHU

[) V1l 1UU1jjjlJ VI llJlf) lJl VI j~1U

ff1 f) (1 f) j lJ ~ l 1 ~r91 Ill1m l flU

1Y1UlHlWY1 VIiffY1 lJ1ffl (Thailand

Trust Mark TTM) IUWlim

fft1J f1EmJUl1l Tn llJl~mjU111 fJ tllf11W

ffUrl1U(l1J~f)ljhlU lYim~lJluf)lff

Vl1lf)ljrl1Un ~lhmilJf1lj1V1m~1U ll(l~lllhlY1f1 jllJJl rillff~lJfffll fllW Kf)ll ru~~U ull~l U 1Uf)1jriluUf)

11lUUlll1 ftl N~i1lYUrl1 U(1lJ~f)lj~ii fJtllf11W fhWlnl~lln91UlJ m


I~ fJUfJ1 fJftlu V1 ~~tJftltfmJ W11JtI1I1U eJlfllJIllfl lhlITU

fljjlJf)1jlJ~l11j lJ~rll YiWWWff

(lllEJIl(1U~) ~10~ lU91INfJ11 U1f)


Yijf)l1hUlll1i1l 1 W1J111fl~fmhU1-]




Il1f1 1f) 111 ~huU Yijnll~ii f)lj l~lJ1il ff-) uV1-)lim~u) 1l(1tY)iillUl1ulJ~U l~hJlilLl~D f)lJl f)11111 U ~)rUlriu vd d ooltvdv

lU1 1 lJU1fllJ 2557 mllVlU)llJ1 1 ~ f = 1

lVIfi LU I1UTIjU9fU f)Il f)lj l91t)1Ylff

91mJ fliu) ff1m)~iiEJu91U1tlfflff91 ItlwrU~1Jl1~)1U1f)ll1ft ~l1UiJ 5~7 IlHllJlhlJ1tllfli1 ~ 100 11111111

1U f)Wl il (119111(11 EJlEJ ff1 I1 l91EJIl

iif)ljUEJlEJff1lJ1l~lJ 10 ff1U1 1UiJ

2557 il1f1l~lJYiiit)~ 20 ff1U1middot lHl

IlIEJ1EJl~lJflf) 15 ff1U1 1UiJ 2558

ll(llVilJflf) 25 ff1U1 1UiJ 2559

J~ flafl~1rUJ 2557 bullbull 1 j

) ~ i i



tJfl5ClUuJUSJlEJUfllS UUytw f1f]U(iJ1f1f1Sv~mmiw~m1JI1Ti~If1l1Jtr1f1 lJfiFJfJ1Y11N nfl11fW ~ei1UJlJn7JSrnJJuriS1~mJiJfJntVVI~ufVJnJJlJftflmJI11 1JlJilvmuwJu1wlilJu1NllJmJUmJlnviuTflJoJri1Jlnvwu~ ~ - ~

nisvl JJliPl (Thailand Trust Mark TTM) ftfllhvlMNjflN1111Nv~Tnf)iuvi1l1Jmf1iJm1lJjmtUIjEJtjfllutrU111 tpnlv1mJln[JTurfliJFJrumw~7VJJJ1urifilJVlnmiddotlslnltlW1llritn(i1m1~viiNmJlaquoj~truI11InveuroJthvieuroJjjfl

--- -====~-

v bbU 1tJjW1


ftJttWitllj~ lutflnnl~a~fl3na~al~lan


W 1 uhf 6fl J~UIB flllU11 [J lll11 ~11MI1l11 fl ruYi litH 111 JVI

n 1 jU~fI ruil1~ffU~1l~1l lfl li1 UI~ JJfI11JJTU1)1rfi~1bull bull v

11 ilJ Ofl I1l~ull vnHmJJ1U1 OBU J1~ ~ N fllJ~ L~ poundJlJU~l lu~u~u~mlJri~ nY1lJ flllr11

iI1~mhaVlf1 flci11lI1~1~IUJthli1JliJVl~1JfflJlJJ1 I~U~ ll-wflm~ (Fair Trade) lviU1UJllJlm~1In1IJifqjl1111i-l~1J 1~ uJ ll~ flli1J11f)fl~1 flli)~crlJlJJ1 fl f~if ll~ V f)) ~J111

Ltl f)liJ1Vl U11J lJ1lt1Jh~1ltJ1U ~1l1m~~llJl1 crf1lf) UJcvfll~ Clll

M1U~l15mu-lllvlflm~OJ111lJ1f)rJ 1~u1~I~tyqtJifliluf11i

t)lltll11f)JJlJri]uClf)f)~l 200 i1U 1lJ1~llJ11JYf-l

bull J~ifl~vthrlClf)liJ1UM1U~~1~~1~ri]ClClf)rl1f1WIJCl]~ u

hlO hi111l1tlUltII11 ltII1ml4~lltJ ~~J 1l~iif)I1~lUth1ff V] ii fl11lJJ111 ffJr11V1111JlJV] 111 poundI u o1] lJl f) hHllllYt 1

1 cr~1l1 f)~M1U IfI~u]I1lJ1 poundJU-WflmVl ~] ItlJ Ifl~V]I11J1poundJ1tJiu] fl UJfllll fiJ r11 ~lii 1J1 mii1 Ji~U 11 f)~ J~1J~1J flli flii 1l

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30 Cl-lr1m ~-lnJ]~ltlJf)cilJ~Lhuf)VUf11i 1tJlluo]ltII1mru

1Pl1-l 1 llvlV-liiii f)~lU1UlJ1 f)~ v~1j f) 51~1l 1lJ11J1~lJlu1m]f11i ltv bull tdV ~ dJQ bull

(PI] n~11 mlJll~illJlJV f)UI1U1UJ1Ull mHiCl-lU lliUllilU f)~lJ

tl 1l lt11 11 mllJ u111lm~u lt1111 milJ~ I~ (mJuJ11UlJltlU11l~~ lU1~llJlJVH1li111VJflm~hiiJ1 f)]U


lutJf)~llHmn1unWWllnru1~villM1li1~-l f)ci11

V01-lUuU 6 l~VU llCllfiCl11tJu51 mlJll~1l1l1lJI4fl~milJ Vlf)U l~V1111l f)V-l r1mv1M1um11tJllIKV-lVi1llJ~ elf) If) ruevi

Hq1fl1l1lJ1 1l J~lUU U] ffU r111111J1 f)~lt1 ff1111U f) cilJ ffU r1nt1

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crutJ) unL1U ffUTl1n] uviMiif11JI11~vllm~uhrf)cilJ ffU r11~] ll~tJilJ-l 11 elJ~l f) tl f)ltII11V1UUtyf)1i~ lICl ffU ~1 ~lUlill i] ~lU 11hIf) ~lJif11UlJlHm1IlwfllliVl OUlJ1 f)iiu

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1J1 f) UU f)1l1f)1l1UU flliltl~1-lml4elf)Iru~~UV~ffUr111V1 poundI 115

0] IlJU f11ifJf) i i1JJ1 fl1 ffUr11111fJJ~1U~lUlJ1 1l Hi1U ll~J1 m

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f)~1 60 U llJUiUUf11ir11iluuluf11mf1-lfll1lJltlUliillJ

1u f)ll~lliJU~J Oil111ll fi ~r11 ll~ qin rilU l~ UllJV] ~111vi l~lImf)lqflfi1l qUUiJtJ qu~1f)fi illJvf-lil1illH-l1U

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1Ui1 mv1 ItlUliiilJ l~ ~u11f) fIltIllJliocffv irUr11in fl um 114

1u J1 mi lulili JilJ 1IiU f)J U V f)1l1 f)if~~vi1-l1U f)vu~] r1f1i

InHlllillhl1uri1 1lUU llllU~ lI1lJ1 ltllJ v iiltlm-w 11lcr ulJ1u f)1ivi1-l1Ui~ iifll1lJtJCltlI1V 1liof)iinUI~V-lIl4f1 iHh A ~

llftllf1 1l llClf11lt1m


1UWmU1~ 12 ~) tJYVli]nmn111nr1~l~U I I1r1f1tJVI1~]

cO _I ~ ~ UtJ~UtJ]IitJ TltJlJiI1V~Vi(1]]lU

hn1tJU 1limyl

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A ~ I A I A A ~ I1lJlllllJ)ilV l~TlYlTlUll(1 1~il~~YIliUVli

nullll mlJll~Vi V~UYI1lUiUfJ1l rJiJ~l~vu ftJ VII () 1 UtJU1TlVl U1Vl nilJu~) i1~llJ1ifi

~111 ~uQl~~ J

b I r I JJ YI d D 0fJ07nl1U7 1

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)]fl)i~ifilll~U(~tJ rllI~~lJfniyjtJll~v)lluu lli~tJl~lJlJU 1I(1111ll1111

HlJ(1Yl1ltl HlihmufnU

I1~tJ ~~ II U(1l1 ~Uf1ll1Ui~ 111If li1 Unli ~ _ 1 ~ d U l dA

Iml~i l1itJ~~lllJ(1]lUUlmtJl UtJtJnl1lllU

1 UJ1 l~wil~~YIilu~inullllnilJll~Vi v~U llllUl1Jl1J1l~ U~l5VU1tJVII ()

mL~Ell~mnjt1itmUUi1~i1rurulUEll~U1VItJlh ~ u u

LL1fllJEllT~fl LtJ~~rlBrlilLtIUVI1lf)11LLal l~El Lem1~1~a L~ElW~lllUlvJiAh bull hUvlJJ1h 14

tI J d I

llJtJn(11 1000 U )Ull 23 nTl ll ilIIUiluluHh1VliftU~1U~U 1 lliU

l1lM1U fl1V1UI1~U1Uih~11i1U ~U1l mlJ1ifllrJUnl11Ui~J1 l~tJ1~Unmn1ltlVj Vl(11~ tJ U1mn~~ il UUlllJ~ Vi (1)lllJinVl

bull cO li1l1Jffii) il )VlIIH 1l1f)jlJ~iiYi111llll11itJ1fnT bull 1 -11 d 1 d Ifd c lJi1i1UUil1YI Tl(1U~W(1 ltJUIU)iV WUlVl)i

lViiff i1n~ Ilfi(1lu1)liJ~~)U1VlniilJ111li

aUyJi1Ii~ llltJ~U1V IgU~U I1~tJl~vn-)l

l1ltJ~~hii1 ~I11lJ1Hnul~tJl~VffiiiU~IIUU Vi~l~lUlI~~mY1VlV l~V~I1lbvllU~1I (1

l~mliU Vl(1tJ~IlUUili1liU~~1 III liTblJlilJ

U1Vlf)jilJ111111 tJU~lU)UlJ1n tJ1Y1 Vi (1 Vl bull

lJi)1V1~lJl1 ~f)jwUj UllrUllU11m~~~u ~ ~ J i lit

lJ1imU1V)iTnYl lTl)liVlU 1(1U11lnli

II ~l tJ 1Y1 VlV I1~tJ i~tJ 11l)~fh ii~~lllJUl~tJ 1YlVffii~UIIU]J HVi~lllUlyJvhll(1Vi~lllU

Q 1 IitCLI YI ~I lit ~ v ll~101llVlV l~tlmU)iltll~Tl~UiYlll~UU mtl

nlil11Vi~l]1U1I~lmY1VlVil1nll1m~ll1(1~ ~~

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~1t1Vi~l1l1nulJ)lVltJ5~l~tln~ll1ltJ~fhii~ ~lV milJlyJliJVllTl~)ltlU~cH1t1-lJ)1 lrJUYl)IlU

d 1~I lTl(1tJUlitJ I1luU1ll1U1

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Yl)l~tJ1hn)u~)vtJ (1iit UVlJUU1~i)1luU ~


U1 5 VlU f))1l 260 IlJm m1lJV1)UUIl1n

nilU~tJ UilJ1lU 6-7 llJm Ul180 1l1U9lllJVli

J111rn 1974 in(1n~lJ fiUJ1~n 20 ll1U~llJVl~ I cO~d d1

1I(11Y1lJ1ifl~Tl4l~ 20 lltN lJm1~lil Ufni

l~UYI1lUilJ1ru 8 fihllJ~i~tJi)1lJl ~ 3

1 UW~UU1Vl 10 ~) UUliJuWJilVII)l 1m

I1~tJlrJU lTl~)l~UtJtJncill ilU1 UJ11~l lfUrlU

Vi (1 fllllJinVl mh) Yd I GI

~lYtJUni1 VllU~)U)l mNil1nmi

liJ~Yl) l~)Vi~ll1UlllYltJ1Y1llV 1~~~lYu1 Il

ll ~ (1 tJlrl ~)Vi ~ll1U Ilffl m Y1 Vl61 ~ tIU1 tIlliU

ll~NIIl~iU tJ1V 74 iJ li1) llmJmmm nri1)V OJ 11

I l ~ ff ) 1 lli1U U 1 ) l ifl Vi (1]l1 U II ~l fl1l1 Vl tIil1 n

I1r~~vYllJ~l~iii1)ff~~lfi~m1lJ~111IYm bull 1 middot A A 1 d uin)U1iinlll~UIi) lJVlUllU U1i)lUfll ~lVd d~d v U1lJUlJi1m~l tJnlll llJ)lJlffm~ll1 (1~ ~ J J~ ~ 1 v

U)VlmilJli4UlC1nU1~ lil IVii1l uUVi(1lllU


Urull U1lUUllUl nm))l U)VlniilJ I

~Ui1Il l~Ull1ll~)n1 I1111l1nuNuintJun1i bull

i~Ul~)I1~)~~mlJ1ifll111111 ~~pfi lIUUrll

lritJllllnull~uUi1fi1J1lJU~i1fnllVil un~l l I1lJ1nUmi~llJ11JillJiJl~tJ1YlV~1i~lUY)fll J IJ I I ~ v

IllV) LVii1 llJ~lr-l(1mYlUVltJ~lll)(1tllJ

v dd1 v I d ~i1]fl1ViMlIrull~ I1llnf)1ill)llllV) 1Ytl~

Tl~)lnu Vi(1 ~lJi)1V1ilJU ~f)jwUyj M lllY~lTm~II1U-)l U1VlfiilJ~U~(itJ lrJ~Yl1l l~)n1 I1liYi~r1l~ml11(1(i)l~U~tJVifil~1U

llfflmY1Vlv(lmnIJ)llm) lrJUiJiJUl1Jl1J1Ufl~ I

TlUillV ffilJ1ifll11Vi~]l1UlllYltJ1Y1~VlJ1H v

Ui 1VliU lliritJ1l1lfi~fmhn1)U unnl

J1lJUllif)1 11(1 lrimYitiunuf)1lHlTl~tJltJu~ 1Uuil~uU

lJlUCllYICl J~~m ttllJlfinlH1fl~nlllJnlJ~lJfm)~~UnJlIl (ilf1U) ()liljJ~dhitiflfl 1~-Jl llwlhdlJJI11mJ~]j VlllfhHm(lm~lj~H ll~1HlJJl IUIlrmiddotltJll i HI 1J] 11 (fflU 11[ ~rulaquoJll V1ll~hh~nDUnljf)ll~~HjllDjtf1f1 1~tli1 J nKuijD~iJlI~)l 1Jjll~n~lJllnUJlnl1lJl1 J(lI~Ifitnntmlll~lJ

~ V I 11

lfI~U11f1fl llui l1lU dhJJll11jvt11vlJDHhhuClI1U1-Jlllmlllnml1111dh lr~ UUllliJJvi1111r~jJntlumjjjfiu11111 ~lJ IIlU1l-liili Ull 3IlD(h~u~IUUllll 1lllJ1ll11hmn fl~JJ1jlj~f1J r~Jltum~Dn D111ll llCllJWJUUlf1r)J OJlllmii1lJ R1~ U~DJV1rIUlm Tlul llt1W1Dn~Ju

m1JIllnl~~~YilJDDn~mllJl1iufhli1JnlH h UUlllUlJipl(WviRufhHCnU l1Jili Ul~U~1l l n ETflU 1lUDmllJ~ JlJJJD~llJmllJ1llrflJi vnDH

iU(llJlJUllll Hq)dluv1~ 1l~jjlJlru1iufh~Ulj~1jUulllnh~lJ ~~Dl1l111lH 1-11DOlluUljl~ihJD i l-iClIlCl~1 Yh~1l1IUU I~D~~UDlJrill1UIl i l-ilill~hJ riu1Tf1fllihi1Ji1IlI~DnffD1i14Al T9itJlihlHllaquowr~ln~ U(J~I~UJnUnlljrU JllUlllUlljJnrul1~DJhltnu 15 ll1D1j1iUfh~uj)lmuluDclln~ 3 il~ CllllJJlJlruUDJUll~nruoViClJ u~~~r~Cl~~D~uV)unm-l~~ClI1Cl~~JtJ 4 UflJUll~nluoVi ciJlll UlUU1J ~DJHljDnu111JJUjl]j~I~UJltiuJ lllll

II q tJ I ct 0 oi tJ r 0 v shyllllnll(1lJ~lllC1Uflll1CllnllUyenl IlIll mlJU1lJ~JYmlUUl1D U~nl1 nlnn~D~C11HnlJlJ m~V1lJJllrullU C1111nJluflru nlllJllllDlMll --

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IV ff


~U1~1Villi LnU~~J bull IV a

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ml~nll~~IllfJlNu~tllll (iilIlU) LtJ~ Lmrh iilIlU1Lliru~lLLVlUN1llnilUn1l ~lU~U~l ~tltllll ~ LLiiliJ~Tfl~ll tJ111qj

Llilml11~ilL~illJf)1l-11iltJ(l~lJU1~UWl neu]~Uri1 vflLLJj~W mJLl1lll 1l1~Ull~

~ eil tmiddotwnnVJiln fl1111l LL(llJUJJ1JUL~fn

lllYlm~~ l1~IIlnMillVi~f)tlnpoundi~ml1

~Uril Lb(hvjUl11JU1~Ulllnru-naUril

l1flltJJjU~jjlJU1~1-1niLnuI~~ LLvimmru

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l1~ii 01LUU1tJMiilJEl1-Xiil~~lLVh~~1 LUU

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I)cJ4 flJfl~lV1dJ 2557

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IJUlf11liilt1~llniYUtil i~ UlIlJtl (11I1Cl1 fl1lJ1Jm) fol~in~t)n tI bull

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nIJfl hiCl~Clmil~~ll~U l1it)-1~Ufll~nl11UVl1riiU~11~illV1 U

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4 lJt)~lJi1~nUlYI

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mm 1-1 f2V1ffl11m111 mll 11~liltlJ lIV _lllU n~lUflOlflnllflU bull I sJ

fll111m~Vl (flV) fljllff~m111lrufllliIl~ff-1111V1Clflll IIClmll

fl1Uflllll ClVilJ fl flflll 1mfll1 fl1lJfllJ1lfiVlI1lU I~flfhl1 U VIIIU 1111~ 11~j~1riI1JU 11 WI 11U1~V10U U ltJtilliClfla 11

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1111i~ tJ~ln~U()I1lVlllllllillVI1ti~ ftUll1 111 ru IJ v L~11lllfl ~U 111U

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ltgt If

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~ laquo ~ ~ co

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VlUU l~JnfllVlUtlLLin 1 YI~U~1UU1Vl ~(ildjW II ~llfllJ 3 lJfll~flfh-nl1lU~Elnvhn1mni~~til1~tJ fl 30 ~1W~U LL~L~Uvlln~11V(ln~(il(di1u~hlliW

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t ~3JW1 5rr1Ll1UU11 Un1711n1~~I1UUllalLlJJf)~llf)I

i 711~ lltii~IJWi~Iiim~fLll~dT LLlJilnfllVitJV1~11J L~WEl(ilYIUWVln1~1J1~ Il1IllflnllU LLfl~J1IlJJhl~

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nTnh3WllnneJVlW)J1HidjW1JeJ~Y1UU(h1 ulii

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J _ I

IIB~IJ ~v(ij~(ij(1(l nll1111 0JV1JlLn1l~J1 ~eJLJ I

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lJ U

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illl~1YiOJlJn1J-li11L1ilUBi1vl1LYiUll11U1L-WtJ 3

f1W ~11JLYilJffVll111Jvl~LLVIW1Jl1Ul El1l)1rl J~ VidlfirunBlVluLLYilil~GlB1i1l11ulLiJtlU1J~Ym

bull bull OJ

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I ~lnl11U1LnUtrnLLltl-r~B(ijUULWtJlL~niiBtJ oiild

~~Blijpoundll~n~l11ulYiLiIJLL1ilLLJunBlYluYipoundl(ijUU I IU bullbull I

L~UYlUlJUL1tJu1ua(ij~1(ijBmiitJVivllll11Ul LL~ i ~poundllLLJunBlYlU1iI1a-~n1ll1Ul1tI1U~~l1

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IIl1lJll1uil ~~l11tJllil~1lJliiL~U~ULVilJU LLampi

dju L~poundlmllJ~LLIllWl~tJ 1i1Jl1Ull11U1~ru1~ ~

I (IlaJlJ(1aJeJ~1l1~eJeJnil1ULLiiIlIil~iill~~Dn1J

iil11IJLllV11YiU LLiilY11n~eJnlJYh1r11Jl1Ulii bull Q ~ fi d 0

DWlf1~WllaJn1Jl~~eJf1 nJLQ~lvlU VlVllY1U1Vl

~llJn1Jll11Ul11LLi-JUn1JtJ~n-lil1vYtJJ LVII L~D ~

tJ~n-lil11r1(IeJvf1~1)nUf11laJ~eJn1JlJeJ~~1(ij ~~

tJ~aJl run1ltJ~ m V Em nil ruY1lt-J~i-J~Vl~U Vl~l~(liimVl ~

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i Ln1l~n~l11U1LLiilLn1lVl~m1 Vlll ~ LtIU Elil middot (IlLl1Vl

v1eJl-liWll11Wl1VltJ1~~f11laJ~Uf1 LjeJlln1~ii I ij middotnpoundlI~jltJleJ-rU ~lWJi~Y1~ liQJyenU Ul~n1ilIJ~iJ I hib~l11tnlrm L~WEl1VijjnliLwM~aJlc)(1 17 i

I tJJ(IrllltJLUWnlJl~tJLL~~~WllVW~-iil11~LYilJ I lJln-iiu I


fi n a Ua dhl3J amp1 ~h ~UA1 b nlf(9la f1~lijVl~~ IJm1J~lLL~~ 217 LL~U~TUUlrl lJEJlJ~ 26-32 Onnfl~~i1LLlnlJm1J~l

d at 01 d

O 7 L~ltJ3JVllleuroJ 3 VlUl tJI1U ~U llj

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0lt) =i ffUtJ1~ tJ fimmlLIjeuroJnllLmffilLL~ ~ - ~

~mrumlLn~l (jj n ~) Ulb3JUillJfllJ

VI~J1JeuroJIll(i11 Lfflli3nl mlLn~llJeuroJJLYltJ

VI~eurol~~YlrnflLn~l liJe)ltIlllmllJmtJ~h

~ln 07 lu~~Jumn dJU 26- 32 lufI~J U~J VI~euroJ~ltIlLUiUJ~lil 2 i 7 LL~U~lUU1Yl ~I~~LUU 83 lJeuroJJl~Yll13JIJeuroJJUlLrlff dQI I lJ V Jd YI3JElQ 26 mUmUU1Vl IJruv~ 6 L~euroJUVI~J

lJtJIU 2556 3J~lil~ufilLn~~leuroJd~ 216 ~

u~nQJluUn~ rilLU~LYh~ ~-ril~ ~eilUltJml ffU~1ltJfin~ ncil1h ~LVI~I1

JJfl~~t1V1~I~~lJmtJ~llii L~euroJJlln~~t-J~~1u n~JJ-trllulU eleuroJtJ tJlJWlll Ul~3JJ1~U LL~ ~~wil1fl3JlruL~3J LLlt1i-lill

LU~euroJn~nml3J~U 15jj eJiLUUL~aJ l~UllmiJ-ru~l~ILlt1~tJ t-lil~~tpJ illPl

euroJtiYi 7500-9000 Ulrl UYJU i~1l~ lI bull cd ~euroJltlU Vl1nml3JIfUeuroJfVl aJil~lL~ LV20 m ~llfll 6000 U1YlLYhilu

~UtJllljlll m~illlml~W1~J3Jl

LVI~euroJ 60-61 Ulrl lt1ieuroJnT~n13J LIjllil~u~ LiJltln~~L~3J ~urlumlt-J~~~J llm-nllTIj~

d ~ T Llt1GwmlYi


630-780 Ulrl w1euroJn ~n~3J LIjnt-J~~~~euroJeuroJn3J13JlnLL~ilmlU1L-li13J1

llnUltLVlffLYleuroJuihu lJru~llfllnJneuroJeuroJn l1~mltlloilUl~lnYillIXllmU1U~J~lL~euroJ 10-220 U1Y1w1euroJnT~n13J LllUL~tJ1n1Jnfll Ul~~ ~llmfiWl~J3J1LVI~euroJ320 -435 ~ntJ ~euroJnT~n13J

1I1~U11 VI~lLm~~lmL9l1lJLjULl~1 il~Jllljfl~euroJIlUnlllllOhm~~ LL~iJ ml3JVll~1um~wYi1u1U1n~uVlIi~OnnleuroJleuroJ1J

LjuluTm~ml3J1UJ~ln11 6-8 L~euroJU

cilUllfl1~U~lLnllVllvifl1~ hlilllm vibVi~ ~euroJ ~Uci1UVI~I m~11lb~l-I LUU 215-220 ulrllt1ieuroJnT~n13J lln 180

Ulrl LIjll~U~euroJImlU1LUt-J~~beuroJvilUeuroJ~ IJrnvielmJflWd1lL~3JLJU 1 220-1300

U1rl lln 1040 ulY1~euroJnT~n13J llfl1LnLdil

nlL~3JLUU 42880-44 Ulrl~euroJnT~n1l-1 L 11l1nfl3JUln vifftJ T lUilml3J9l euroJI ml

L~3J lJrn~~VI~Wlh~13Jm~1mfllleuroJci vi 69 -72 lJl~~euroJnT~n13J bljlln3JIjD~ Ul~uuruVllL~ilJhmtJl~ ~I~euroJIUlLih~3J llnLrltJ ~ bull

ultJ~3Jifn~ n~lhlilJii leuroJI~f~ml jj n~ n~llL~13Jl1 cilVl1U LLt-JUltJ

tJllL~L~~ tJ ~Vll~ ilil3J nu mrl )11

im~~l1mYlll11jlb)ll6 Ll~mrll11

~lt1I~lVlnn~ LYleuroJt-J~n~u~$iYllJeuroJI Ln~mlvieuroJdhl~U 10 lJeuroJJ~~YllJeuroJJ UlLrlff LL ~LU UnllleuroJI1U num~ L11 ~ LeuroJ~g~tJ

~euroJJVi~lLilumlL1~3Jt-J~~~~ ml~~

9lUrlU ml~11J3J~1i1L~3JlVinu~ufi1[nfl mlL~~m 111UlJeuroJJjjn~LwnUjjUlml

n 9l euroJJ LVi~W)1[11 mm~m~n~rnvi1JTlI

LYleuroJt-J~n~u~~~~ltIltvib~3J vitJliUnL~U~Uil f1rn1n~lml3J~lULLviJl1~ (fl~l) L~euroJJ ~~Ljum~ULfflli~nlLu 2 7000 ~lUU1Yl ~huTfllJm~UL~euroJ~JTlILLlil

ultJ~3Jifn~ n~11~euroJ11 ffuMfmin~ ~ll1lml3J$1~L~UlJeuroJJnfliJ~n~lmLrltJ bull I

~jLLwllUYi 18-30 ~ tJYitJl~l llnn~3J

~euroJtiljLrl~mmlurlnfJVll~YilUlL~f1 2346 lltJ LUVll-n8 l~lJml~~lJlJeuroJJ Ln~ltIllmLrltJ ljuil Ln~~lmLrltJ~ml3J ~lJlul~u3Jln~WflLLUuLlt1~1J 310 lln

~LLUUL~3J 4 lLLWU T~mnllVllmilml3J v JJ ~ 14 1

~IJl~ltIlU3JlnIJULufl~LuU 7851

ml3J~lJlJeuroljLmWIlmLrltJ l~lln ~1~llt1lfll1~~IJlU 6 ~~ L~LLn meuroJUfl11 ~lJrnlj~ ~Jfl3J~ mlJ1U~ ~lJJllljLjU~

LL~l~t~ LL~~euroJoilLLUnml3J~lJ~l3JeuroJ-nlw nllLn~l~n

cilVl1lJl~lJfll13J ~lJlJ euroJjLn~~ lm

VI~JL~1uLjuTmJ nlliU~lUlin ljU

11 Ln~lm~u~n-nllilml3J~IJ~l~l13J

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Ministry seeks to resume small-lot rice sales in August PETCHANET PRATRUANGKRAI THE NATION

THE COMMERCE MINISTRY is preparshying to resume selling rice from its stockpiles in early August gradually releasing it in small lots of about 5000)0 tonnes a month

Duangporn Rodphaya director-genershyar of the ForeIgn Trade Department said a ~ubcommlttee had agreed the mmistry slthould go ahead and sell rice from the stockpIles and not walt tor completion of a Junta-ordered mspectlOn of the stocks bull I he nce-release planwhlch Will be proshy

posed to the Rice Policy and Management Committee soon includes sales through general auctions to exporters and local traders by government-to-governrrient contracts and through the Agricultural Futures Exchange of Thailand

Puangporn added that the department wopId ensure the stocks are released transshyparent With the Fmance Mmlst and the Prime Minister s 0 ce joint y inspecting the f0cessc

T~e department reported that about 55 per cent ofl800 rice warehouses had so far been inspected by the teams dispatched by the militarys ruling National CounCil for Peace and Order The teams are expected to complete their mission by the end of September

About 18 million tonnes ofrice is reportshy

cerns over roug t an ower pro uction in many countries amid higher demand in many others I here IS a good posslblhty that ThaIland will export 10 million tonnes 9pound nce thIS year It is expected to sell off all 18 million tonnes in its stockpiles within three years she saId

The department reported that Thailand was able to sell 535 million tonnes of rice in the first six months middotup by 50 per cent year on year while export value rose 19 percentto US$27biIlion (nearly Bt86 bilshylion)

As ofJuly 16 the price of5 per cent Thai

Afile photo shows asoldier inspecting rice stockpiles at a warehouse in a eastern province

white rice was quoted at $427 a tonne up from $410 the previous week

She added that production bfThai paddy rice in the 2014-15 harvest season was proshyjected to be less than 38 mi1lion tonnes because of drought in many areas

Charoen Laothamatas president of the Thai Rice Exporters Association said the government should consIder sellIng rice from its stockpiles in small lots of about 100000-200000 tonnes per auction to avoid impacts on the m-rket price

The government has less pressure to accelerate the sale of rice frbm the stocks The country has holder power It should ensure transparency and minimum impacts to the market he said

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INTHE WAKE ofrising concern over the t reatmen t oflabour farmers we1shybeing and the environment in global trading the International Trade Promotion Department is urging more lhal busmesses to seek FairTrade cershytification so that their products are more easily recognised and have a

greater chance in the world market place

At a seminar on Fair Trade Mark and trading of Fair Trade products in theinternationaJ market heldyestershyday by the agencys Office of News Overseas Markets Development and PromotIOn Duan kamol Jlambutr e U Irec or- ener ot e eplrtshy

mentSal t atonlyasmallnumberof thaI compames and sUEP)Lc~~ms current~apphedthe FairTrade Marllt

The epartment lrill therefore continue to support Fair Trade certishyfication by promoting an awareness campaign amongThai man ufacturers and exporters she said

According to the Netherlandsshybased Fair Trade Original organisashytion about 30 Thai companies and supply chains have received FairTrade

certification to date This guarantees that they engage in faii treatment of farmers have good labour conditions use no forced or child labour offer fair prices to suppliers and operate with transparency accountability and respect for the environment equity and freedom lt)nd have fair trading practices

Duangkarnol said the department in cooperation ~th Fair Trade Original now had a target of increasing the number of certified businessshy iSnap es and products by 10 per cent ayear

The main goal is to help agriculshytural and handicraft producers as well as manufactures and exporters to achieve better trading conditions and to promote sustainability she said

Certified members of the Fair Trade programme will likely be able to leverage the quality of their prodshyucts for higher prices with certificashytion ensuring world-class social and environmental standards and more recognition in the international trade area she added

Thai export products alreadyusing the approved Fair Thade logo include

rice coffee tea cane sugar cotton freshfruits herbs and spices ockershywork handicrafts pottery and ceramshyics

The official said the department also would like to encourage busishynesses in the shrimp and fishery secshy

ate consultant for Thailand said the overall value of Fair Trade products had increased considerably in the past few years as consumers now had more awareness about fair trading conditions and the environment

Consumers are willing to pay more for Fair Trade goods if they feel they have bought a product whose manufacture is highly responsible to society Today prices of Fair Trade products are also very competitive

the same as leading brands Enterprises should adapt themselves to produce Fair Trade products in order to ensure sustainable growth

tors to comply with Fair Trade certification so that they do otfaceproblems due to unfa abour treatment Every Fair Trade product is subject to labour-standard checking she explained

Manasnan Pongjayavanij Fair Trade Originals aS60ci~

and access to many markets said the consultant

According to Fair Trade Original the value of fair trade goods in the global market excluding the US rose from 1 billion (Bt427billion) in 1996 to 48 billion in 2012 Expots ofThai fair trade products were wOlth about Bt300 million in 2012

More than 30000 products are now on sale in 125 countries and the global Fair Trade system currently works with over 12 million people across 60 countries

Manasnan said many more Thai products could get the Fair Trade mark So far many local brands sllch as Doi Chang coffee plus local proshyducers of soy sauce chjli sauce pineapples and bananas are wellshy

known for having the mark which is accepted widely

Martin Boon development manshyager for Fai~Trade Original in the Netherlands told the seminar that with the global market having growshying recognition of Fair Trade prodshyucts many markets were increasing demand for products carrying the logo - and that Thailand had high potential to serve sllch worldwide demand


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THE NATION ~ JULY 20141lI Sihasak reassures EUteam over juntas reform roadmap SUPALAK GANJANAKHUN DEE THE NATION BRUSSELS

EARLY ELECTIONS vtithout reform would not help restore proper democshyracy to Thailand That was the message related by acting Foreign Minister Sihasak Phuangketkeow when he met his counterpart from the European Union in Belgium this week In a bilateral meeting with David OSullivan chief operating officer ofthe European External Action Service Sihasak said Thailand had a clear roadmap to restore sustainable democshyracy and that the EU should support

this process of reform The roadmap and its related reform

will help strengthen our political econshyomy and will also be of benefit to our partnership with theEUin the longnm he said

Sihasak was in Brussels for a minisshyterial meeting between representatives ofAsean and the EU and spent much of his time briefing representatives of Eillopean nations aboutthe situation in Thailand

The E U along with the US and other Western countries strongly criticised themilitaryforits May 22 coup The EU suspended a number of cooperations withThailand as well as several visits by high -level officials It also recommendshyed that member states review military cooperation with Thailand

The EU said last month that it wouldmiddot

not sign a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Thailand and that the negotiation of a free-trade agreement (FTA) would not conclude until an electshyed government was in place

Sihasak told OSullivan that an electshyed government would come eventually Before that however Thailand needed time to implement reform to have a strong democracy

The time frame of 15 months or so for the reform is not too long ifwe want to make sure that our system and democracy are sustainable he said

Thai people are aware of the issues facing our country and we are working on addressing these concerns so the EU as a partner should support us

The EUhas the right to voice its conshycerns about the situation in Thailand

middot but it should also ensure it is sufficientshyly informed on specific cases he said

Concerning detention and martial law the EU should make sure it has corshyrect information about who is under

middot detention and if there are concerns about human-rights violations the EU should specify the cases he said

Sihasak discussed the situation in Thailand Vlrith many European MPs

middot while in BrusselsTheyincludeq Franck Proust special rapporteur on the FTA and Samuel Cantell head of the ecoshynomic trade and regional cooperation delegation Many of them have experishyence in engaging with Thailand and have a clear understanding ofthe current sitshyuation in the country Sihasak said


Pension scheme for farmers proposed

Farmers in the future might look forward to retiring on a government pension

Charnpittaya Chimplee directorshygeneral of the Rice Oepartment said yesterday ttiat under a draft bill dealing with the rice development fund members would contribute about 3per cent of their monthly income to the fund and the state wou ~d also chip in ayet-unspecified amount

When farmers reach the age of 60 or 65 they will start receiving a monthly pension bf about Bt4OOO

Most farmers earn less than other workers so the fund is neces- sary for their future Charnpittaya said

Other proposals for the bill are being gathered and the contents wi I be improved before its submisshysion to acommittee on rice producshytion and markets and the National Council for Peace and Order


Farmer happiness down from August WICHIT CHANTANUSORNSIRI

Farmer happiness last month dropped subshystantially from its peak last August when they had high hopes of stable income from the Yingluck Shinawatra administrations rice pledging scheme reports a Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BMC) poll

The state-backed farm banks farmer happiness index fell to 7851 in June from its highest level of89 in August said senior executive vice-president Somsak Kangteershyawat The poll surveyed 2346 farmers

Happiness from family health a good society jo b financial position and the quest

for knowledge were the six factors used to measure the index

The survey found happines from the family scored the highest with a score of 341 out offour followed by health at 321 a good society at 320 job at 314 fmancial position at 285 and the quest for knowlshyedge at 274

Farmers from the Northeast regygIiwere the happiest vvith a score of 314 while those from the North scored 313 the South 312 the East 297 and Central 299

Asource at the BMC confirmed Augusts poll was taken when the farmers mood hit a fever pitch as they felt they would receive an elevated level of compensation from the

rice pledging programme The National Council for Peace and

Order (NCPO) is seeking sustainable ways to help farmers after losses from rice pledgshying which offered prices 40-50 higher than the market price could reach 500 billion baht

The juntas measures so far largely includelowering rice production costs and slowing the release of supply to lower price pressure

The source said prices of tapioca sugar cane chicken and pork are gaining in the second half while those of rice corn rubber oil palin and whiteleg shrimp are declirun ~ bull bull imiddotI middot7~

Regarding rice prices the source said the price of paddy with 15 moisture content could average 7500-9000 baht a tonne while Hom Mali prices are projected at 14000-15000 baht in the second the half

Even though the agricultural sector conshytributes only 84 to the countrys GDP there are 167 ffiillion farmers making up 26 of the population

National Statistical Office data shows the ratio of farmers who earned over 100000 baht a year rose to 286 in 2013 from 97 in 2003 while 643 graduated from prfshymary school down from 704 a decade ago Farmers shouldered average debt of 124604 baht per person last year

BANGKOK POST 41 FTIupbeatabout domestic car sales PIYACHART MAIKAEW

The Federation of Thai Industries (FT) remains confident that domestic vehishycle sales will top I million this year defying some car makers projection of sales declining to between 900000 and 980000 vehicles

Domestic demand started picking up in the previous quarter as private firms and farmers bought new pickup trucks for their business expansion and new cultivation said Surapong Paisitpatanapong spokesshyman for the FIrs automotive industry club

The club forecasts pickup truck sales will contribute 55-58 of domestic sales against 442 in 2013 while passenger cars dropped to about 40 from 474 last year

The passenger car market has normalshyised after demand was absorbed by the gov- emments first-time car buyer scheme said Mr Sura pong

The club yesterday cut its 2014 forecast for Thailands automotive output from 24 million vehicles to 22 milliori It also cut domestic sales to 1 million vehicles hom 12 million while exports stand finn at 12 million vehicles

FTI vice-chainnan Suparat Sirisuwan~ nangkura said Thailand was expected to remain in the worlds top 10 automotive manufacturers this year with production in countries such as Canada and Russia also expected to decrease

The International Organization of Motor

Vehicle Manufacturers said Thailand was the worlds ninth-largest automotive manufacturer in 2013 and 10th in 2012 Production (ast year totalled 245 million vehicles the highest in 52 years and up by 014 from 2012

The club yesterday reported that car proshyduction fell by 261 year-on-year in June to 160452 For the first half Thailands car output fell by 29 year-on-year to 952685

Domestic car sales in June totalled 73799 dOVll by 304 on the same period in2013 while 440911 cars were sold in the first half down by 405

By contrast car exports in June rose 657 to 103946 earning the cOUDtry497 billion baht In the first half exports rose 36 to 560047 cars with export value rising 895 to 265 billion baht

The FII yesterday reported that the industrial sentiment index improved for the second straight month in JW1e

The index rose to 884 points accordshying to the FIr which conducted a survey among 1100 industrial operators It stood at 851 points in May when sentiment improved for the first time in seven months

FTI chairman Suphan Mongkholsuthee said sentiment has improved because of the more stable political situation and an increase in purchases of products thanks to the Fifa World Cup football tournament

The industry outlook index for the next three months stood at 1019 points rising from 101 in May

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AUTO EXPORTS INCREASE Despite the sluggish recovery of

the export sector auto shipments continue to expand but still by not enough to counter the reduction in dorriestic demand for cars

The industry has been forced to brake this years production target from 24 million units to 22 million

The target for domestic sales has been lowered from 12 million units to 1million which represents adrop of 251 per cent or 335154 units from last year

Surapong Paisitpattanapong deputy chairman and spokesman of the Federation of Thai Industries Automotive Industry Club said yesterday that lower domestic derriand the end ofthe governments first-car tax-relief programme and the delay in gov~ errirnent and private investment

middotprojects had contributedtothemiddot change in the production target However this new figure is still

middot higherthan the forecast for T8 milshylion units before the big floodiri 2011and domestic demand is

expectedto shitf intoforWard gear i

middotnext quarter~ The economic recovery payshyrnent for farmersuncter the rlceshy

pledgingscherneandreturn of investment will increase revenue l

in other industries and put more rnoney in peoples pockets he middot said

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Temporary charter should furthershyboost confidence ERICH PARPART THE NATION

THE FEDERATION ofThai Industries believes the temporary charter will further increase the confishyden~e ofdomestic and foreign investors along with buslness op~ratrs while the recent strengthening of the baht IS stJlI tolerable for the export industry as long as anyfurther appreciation is neither too rapid nor drastic

_The FTI also said yesterday that its Industries Sentiment Index (TIS) had increased by 44 points since April

The introduction ofthe provisional charter is in line with the politiCal road map of the NCPO [NationaICoimcil for Peace and Order Jand I believe that in generalinvestors andoperators will feel more relaxe and gai~ more confidence that things aremiddot gomgmaccordWlththeNCPOsplansforanewcharshyter the setting up ofan interim government and the possibility of an election in the future said Supant Mongkolsuthree chairman ofthe FTI shy

In his view the country over the past two months has been running on a smooth surface since the Nepo took power a move which has led to an increase in foreign investor confidence certainty over pubh~ II1vestment policy and rising domestic consumptIOn

These factrs will support the recovery and allow _gross domestJC product to expand by 25 percent this year he said


The FTI had been projecting an economic recesshysion before the arrival of the NCPO

As for exports Supant said The strenctheninO of the baht is related to the increased conffdence of foreign investors which has led to an inflow offorshy~ign funds This will have some effect on the export iiidustry but it is still acceptable for exporters since the currencys strengthening pace is not too fast and the Bank ofThailand is still monitoring the situashytion

The export sector will be able to cope with a stronger baht if the rate does not fall below 3050 per US dollar he said -Moreover since the global economy IS continushyII1g to reco~er the FTI is sticking with its export

- growth projectIOn of35-5 per cent for the year According to Bloomberg the baht was valued at

3176 per dollar yesterday The FTI chief pointed out that if the Kingdoms shy

export value were calculated in baht it would already show lO-per-cent growth year on year

Accordingto the central bank export value in May came in at US$1927billiol1 (Bt6124 billion) whIch IS 12 per cent lower than the same period last year in dollar terms - shy

Meanwhile the TmiddotISI has increased for two month~ in a row The indexose from 840 in April to 851 111 May and to 884111 June amidst calmer political waters the economic recovery the liftingof the curfe - and even Fifa World Cup fever which led to an mcrease in overall production orders and sale figures - shyn~eover~TISI fororBers~salesarid prod-udiai- -shyIII allll1dustnes rose from 802796821 points in May to 843 844 879 points respectively in June

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CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough


GRAFT HAS GOT TO GO nvestors from Japan from which Such concern by the Japanese away existing and prospective forshy

the largest amount of Thailands investors should not be ignored eign investors Countless foreign direct foreign investment comes because they have brought the firms and investors have com~

have called for reduced corruption largest amount of direct foreign plained about the extra costs of and improved transparency in order investment into Thailand The doingbusinessinThailandbywhich to help restore confidence in the Japanese invested over 8t290 bil- they mean kickbacks and undershy

Kingdom lion in projects ClPproved by themiddot the-table money that must be to Setsuo luchichief representative Board of Investment last year That bureaucrats and politicians Often

of themiddot Japan External Trade was nearly 30 per cent of the total they have topayin exchange for pro-Organisation (Jetro) for Asean and foreign investment of Btl1 trillion curement deals with state agencies South Asia last week called on the according to 801 data and public projects People who ruling National Council for Peace Thailand has generally remained refuse to pay are routinely left and Order to kick-start good govershy attractiye to foreign investors due behind by their bribe-paying comshynance that includes combating corshy to positive factors such as the avail- petito rs University of the Thai ruption and ensuring transparency ability of skilled labour efficient Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) rec-particularly about doing business in infrastructure and transportation tor Saowanee Thairungroj has esti-Thailand Now its a good time for systems location andthe consider- mated that corruption adds 30 per Thailand to bring about good govshy able size of the domestic market cent to costs for businesses That ernance for the new era he said But our chronic corruption is scaring she says translates into reduced

comoetitiveness for Thai-made Economic and Business Forecasting pay corrupt officials and politi~ians products and reduced credibility for Centre He surmises that the have to cut costs at-the building site Thailand among foreign investors improvement could be due to posi- and that means poorer quality in General Prayuth Chan-ocha has tive public sentiment following the their public projects and thus a risk made tackling corruption a top pri- juntascampaignagainstcorruption to life and limb ority for the ruling military junta He and organised crime The surveyalso Businesses who pay bribes also says the fight will be part of sweepshy showed that bribes paid to officials offset their higher costs by charging ing national reform together with and politiCians by the private sector the consumers more good governance transparency and had declined to 15-25 per cent of middot Since corrupt authorities and an efficient and effective system of project costs frbman average 25-35 politicians make money and bribe-checks-and-balances Thailands per cent previously paying businesses make profits it is corruption index in the first half of Despite the seemingly slight theconsumersandthepublicingenshythis year improved for the first time improvement in the situation (or- eral who suffer in five years according to aUTCC surshy ruption remains amajor problem for They end up paying more uhnecshyvey The indexinJune was registered Thailand essarilyfor products and public proF at 46 out of a possible lOa com- In addition to the weakened ects the quality of which is poorer

pared to 39 last December says competitiveness and reduced cred- Corruption should beeliininated or Thariavath Phonvichai UTCC vice ibility the public asa whole is affect- at least minimised for the sake of rector of research and director of its ed by corruption Contractors who the country and its people

  • 57-07-24 (กรม)
  • 57-07-24 (ใบนำสง)
  • 57-07-24 (กระทรวง)

Cjnsi31 (8 wn) 155-160 nn ]K~drflid~(~UlMbi)iLf-rf~middot - IfiO-it ~~~tifW-(nr1T+~

lulri (IUDS 3) 34-35 Woo

~iOriqltTI=~r1J~OIo~middot r~q ~~ ~ 3~(Qoi3~19)M~~~ouj 9Qiin UllUK) 100 1420-1430 nsClou 100 nn

amp~~ ~g~~(Ft~P i)~ r~~~~~~I~~~~~~~2middotg2~~~~~t~~yen~~ii~~~~~middot~middotmiddot ~- wnQwu (Ra) 22-25 nn

Xailili1ffOi-sect~~~lIri-~~~~~~ i~~q ~r 4 middot~ifIiriri~~)-fr~jtmiddotmiddotmiddot wsnUlilJ (~um) 4-5 Ua

)3~ifiW(J(treg~1~~~_middot~~fi ~2~2~5Sjt2~11reg5[gt RUI nSUmSA1f1181u nsnSlOWlrUl1E1

2J 2557bbk1V1k1

c OJ c c 151llH HQU V1 Yl J ftVI tJ 1j fI IJ

ltV V r Q iCS

tn-naHn (HI ff flW VI W 1 fl eJ 11 UVI

njlJ ifl Iff~lJ f1l jrl1jl1i1 llhmf1

lU~INEJ11 ffUrl1fflfH)f)UUlvlU

~llUU IiiUlthbl fflJ~U liff~llf11W ftfnJUJ~~ 111~UllU1iim1lJl~mrU 1UffUrl1lvW jllJJlff~1lm1lJlu1i~


Iii Ul ou fljU1 11 f)1 j uU VI UU f1lj

N~~~tJf)IiiUl U(1f)U1liIljlHU

[) V1l 1UU1jjjlJ VI llJlf) lJl VI j~1U

ff1 f) (1 f) j lJ ~ l 1 ~r91 Ill1m l flU

1Y1UlHlWY1 VIiffY1 lJ1ffl (Thailand

Trust Mark TTM) IUWlim

fft1J f1EmJUl1l Tn llJl~mjU111 fJ tllf11W

ffUrl1U(l1J~f)ljhlU lYim~lJluf)lff

Vl1lf)ljrl1Un ~lhmilJf1lj1V1m~1U ll(l~lllhlY1f1 jllJJl rillff~lJfffll fllW Kf)ll ru~~U ull~l U 1Uf)1jriluUf)

11lUUlll1 ftl N~i1lYUrl1 U(1lJ~f)lj~ii fJtllf11W fhWlnl~lln91UlJ m


I~ fJUfJ1 fJftlu V1 ~~tJftltfmJ W11JtI1I1U eJlfllJIllfl lhlITU

fljjlJf)1jlJ~l11j lJ~rll YiWWWff

(lllEJIl(1U~) ~10~ lU91INfJ11 U1f)


Yijf)l1hUlll1i1l 1 W1J111fl~fmhU1-]




Il1f1 1f) 111 ~huU Yijnll~ii f)lj l~lJ1il ff-) uV1-)lim~u) 1l(1tY)iillUl1ulJ~U l~hJlilLl~D f)lJl f)11111 U ~)rUlriu vd d ooltvdv

lU1 1 lJU1fllJ 2557 mllVlU)llJ1 1 ~ f = 1

lVIfi LU I1UTIjU9fU f)Il f)lj l91t)1Ylff

91mJ fliu) ff1m)~iiEJu91U1tlfflff91 ItlwrU~1Jl1~)1U1f)ll1ft ~l1UiJ 5~7 IlHllJlhlJ1tllfli1 ~ 100 11111111

1U f)Wl il (119111(11 EJlEJ ff1 I1 l91EJIl

iif)ljUEJlEJff1lJ1l~lJ 10 ff1U1 1UiJ

2557 il1f1l~lJYiiit)~ 20 ff1U1middot lHl

IlIEJ1EJl~lJflf) 15 ff1U1 1UiJ 2558

ll(llVilJflf) 25 ff1U1 1UiJ 2559

J~ flafl~1rUJ 2557 bullbull 1 j

) ~ i i



tJfl5ClUuJUSJlEJUfllS UUytw f1f]U(iJ1f1f1Sv~mmiw~m1JI1Ti~If1l1Jtr1f1 lJfiFJfJ1Y11N nfl11fW ~ei1UJlJn7JSrnJJuriS1~mJiJfJntVVI~ufVJnJJlJftflmJI11 1JlJilvmuwJu1wlilJu1NllJmJUmJlnviuTflJoJri1Jlnvwu~ ~ - ~

nisvl JJliPl (Thailand Trust Mark TTM) ftfllhvlMNjflN1111Nv~Tnf)iuvi1l1Jmf1iJm1lJjmtUIjEJtjfllutrU111 tpnlv1mJln[JTurfliJFJrumw~7VJJJ1urifilJVlnmiddotlslnltlW1llritn(i1m1~viiNmJlaquoj~truI11InveuroJthvieuroJjjfl

--- -====~-

v bbU 1tJjW1


ftJttWitllj~ lutflnnl~a~fl3na~al~lan


W 1 uhf 6fl J~UIB flllU11 [J lll11 ~11MI1l11 fl ruYi litH 111 JVI

n 1 jU~fI ruil1~ffU~1l~1l lfl li1 UI~ JJfI11JJTU1)1rfi~1bull bull v

11 ilJ Ofl I1l~ull vnHmJJ1U1 OBU J1~ ~ N fllJ~ L~ poundJlJU~l lu~u~u~mlJri~ nY1lJ flllr11

iI1~mhaVlf1 flci11lI1~1~IUJthli1JliJVl~1JfflJlJJ1 I~U~ ll-wflm~ (Fair Trade) lviU1UJllJlm~1In1IJifqjl1111i-l~1J 1~ uJ ll~ flli1J11f)fl~1 flli)~crlJlJJ1 fl f~if ll~ V f)) ~J111

Ltl f)liJ1Vl U11J lJ1lt1Jh~1ltJ1U ~1l1m~~llJl1 crf1lf) UJcvfll~ Clll

M1U~l15mu-lllvlflm~OJ111lJ1f)rJ 1~u1~I~tyqtJifliluf11i

t)lltll11f)JJlJri]uClf)f)~l 200 i1U 1lJ1~llJ11JYf-l

bull J~ifl~vthrlClf)liJ1UM1U~~1~~1~ri]ClClf)rl1f1WIJCl]~ u

hlO hi111l1tlUltII11 ltII1ml4~lltJ ~~J 1l~iif)I1~lUth1ff V] ii fl11lJJ111 ffJr11V1111JlJV] 111 poundI u o1] lJl f) hHllllYt 1

1 cr~1l1 f)~M1U IfI~u]I1lJ1 poundJU-WflmVl ~] ItlJ Ifl~V]I11J1poundJ1tJiu] fl UJfllll fiJ r11 ~lii 1J1 mii1 Ji~U 11 f)~ J~1J~1J flli flii 1l

r1l [)~U f11i1~1liN1JCl O-ltl f)~U-lLL~iif)I1~lUifll)U~JltI~l] rJ IH ri1111011 ffJ r11UV-J1Vl uJ] lU ~ ~1 m poundIlJtJilVl fHI~1l ~1

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30 Cl-lr1m ~-lnJ]~ltlJf)cilJ~Lhuf)VUf11i 1tJlluo]ltII1mru

1Pl1-l 1 llvlV-liiii f)~lU1UlJ1 f)~ v~1j f) 51~1l 1lJ11J1~lJlu1m]f11i ltv bull tdV ~ dJQ bull

(PI] n~11 mlJll~illJlJV f)UI1U1UJ1Ull mHiCl-lU lliUllilU f)~lJ

tl 1l lt11 11 mllJ u111lm~u lt1111 milJ~ I~ (mJuJ11UlJltlU11l~~ lU1~llJlJVH1li111VJflm~hiiJ1 f)]U


lutJf)~llHmn1unWWllnru1~villM1li1~-l f)ci11

V01-lUuU 6 l~VU llCllfiCl11tJu51 mlJll~1l1l1lJI4fl~milJ Vlf)U l~V1111l f)V-l r1mv1M1um11tJllIKV-lVi1llJ~ elf) If) ruevi

Hq1fl1l1lJ1 1l J~lUU U] ffU r111111J1 f)~lt1 ff1111U f) cilJ ffU r1nt1

1~1U1lnIlWflm lhf)vU~lU lJ11 ~lll1av] lTUrl1UI1elJ

crutJ) unL1U ffUTl1n] uviMiif11JI11~vllm~uhrf)cilJ ffU r11~] ll~tJilJ-l 11 elJ~l f) tl f)ltII11V1UUtyf)1i~ lICl ffU ~1 ~lUlill i] ~lU 11hIf) ~lJif11UlJlHm1IlwfllliVl OUlJ1 f)iiu

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1J1 f) UU f)1l1f)1l1UU flliltl~1-lml4elf)Iru~~UV~ffUr111V1 poundI 115

0] IlJU f11ifJf) i i1JJ1 fl1 ffUr11111fJJ~1U~lUlJ1 1l Hi1U ll~J1 m

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f)~1 60 U llJUiUUf11ir11iluuluf11mf1-lfll1lJltlUliillJ

1u f)ll~lliJU~J Oil111ll fi ~r11 ll~ qin rilU l~ UllJV] ~111vi l~lImf)lqflfi1l qUUiJtJ qu~1f)fi illJvf-lil1illH-l1U

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1Ui1 mv1 ItlUliiilJ l~ ~u11f) fIltIllJliocffv irUr11in fl um 114

1u J1 mi lulili JilJ 1IiU f)J U V f)1l1 f)if~~vi1-l1U f)vu~] r1f1i

InHlllillhl1uri1 1lUU llllU~ lI1lJ1 ltllJ v iiltlm-w 11lcr ulJ1u f)1ivi1-l1Ui~ iifll1lJtJCltlI1V 1liof)iinUI~V-lIl4f1 iHh A ~

llftllf1 1l llClf11lt1m


1UWmU1~ 12 ~) tJYVli]nmn111nr1~l~U I I1r1f1tJVI1~]

cO _I ~ ~ UtJ~UtJ]IitJ TltJlJiI1V~Vi(1]]lU

hn1tJU 1limyl

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A ~ I A I A A ~ I1lJlllllJ)ilV l~TlYlTlUll(1 1~il~~YIliUVli

nullll mlJll~Vi V~UYI1lUiUfJ1l rJiJ~l~vu ftJ VII () 1 UtJU1TlVl U1Vl nilJu~) i1~llJ1ifi

~111 ~uQl~~ J

b I r I JJ YI d D 0fJ07nl1U7 1

A ~ 1 d 111il1nmY]tJ1llVlV li)V(1~ l(1nitJU 1(1] li lU

)]fl)i~ifilll~U(~tJ rllI~~lJfniyjtJll~v)lluu lli~tJl~lJlJU 1I(1111ll1111

HlJ(1Yl1ltl HlihmufnU

I1~tJ ~~ II U(1l1 ~Uf1ll1Ui~ 111If li1 Unli ~ _ 1 ~ d U l dA

Iml~i l1itJ~~lllJ(1]lUUlmtJl UtJtJnl1lllU

1 UJ1 l~wil~~YIilu~inullllnilJll~Vi v~U llllUl1Jl1J1l~ U~l5VU1tJVII ()

mL~Ell~mnjt1itmUUi1~i1rurulUEll~U1VItJlh ~ u u

LL1fllJEllT~fl LtJ~~rlBrlilLtIUVI1lf)11LLal l~El Lem1~1~a L~ElW~lllUlvJiAh bull hUvlJJ1h 14

tI J d I

llJtJn(11 1000 U )Ull 23 nTl ll ilIIUiluluHh1VliftU~1U~U 1 lliU

l1lM1U fl1V1UI1~U1Uih~11i1U ~U1l mlJ1ifllrJUnl11Ui~J1 l~tJ1~Unmn1ltlVj Vl(11~ tJ U1mn~~ il UUlllJ~ Vi (1)lllJinVl

bull cO li1l1Jffii) il )VlIIH 1l1f)jlJ~iiYi111llll11itJ1fnT bull 1 -11 d 1 d Ifd c lJi1i1UUil1YI Tl(1U~W(1 ltJUIU)iV WUlVl)i

lViiff i1n~ Ilfi(1lu1)liJ~~)U1VlniilJ111li

aUyJi1Ii~ llltJ~U1V IgU~U I1~tJl~vn-)l

l1ltJ~~hii1 ~I11lJ1Hnul~tJl~VffiiiU~IIUU Vi~l~lUlI~~mY1VlV l~V~I1lbvllU~1I (1

l~mliU Vl(1tJ~IlUUili1liU~~1 III liTblJlilJ

U1Vlf)jilJ111111 tJU~lU)UlJ1n tJ1Y1 Vi (1 Vl bull

lJi)1V1~lJl1 ~f)jwUj UllrUllU11m~~~u ~ ~ J i lit

lJ1imU1V)iTnYl lTl)liVlU 1(1U11lnli

II ~l tJ 1Y1 VlV I1~tJ i~tJ 11l)~fh ii~~lllJUl~tJ 1YlVffii~UIIU]J HVi~lllUlyJvhll(1Vi~lllU

Q 1 IitCLI YI ~I lit ~ v ll~101llVlV l~tlmU)iltll~Tl~UiYlll~UU mtl

nlil11Vi~l]1U1I~lmY1VlVil1nll1m~ll1(1~ ~~

~ltJciuUI1~lm 4 IlfiU HIll111jl~lnUVi~l ]1Ul1lUVllVltJ~ lJaUyJilliYllrJUYl) t11l1UYl mi

~1t1Vi~l1l1nulJ)lVltJ5~l~tln~ll1ltJ~fhii~ ~lV milJlyJliJVllTl~)ltlU~cH1t1-lJ)1 lrJUYl)IlU

d 1~I lTl(1tJUlitJ I1luU1ll1U1

Vi (1 tJlllJjn~ mh)~tJ~11Url)UlJtJ]

Yl)l~tJ1hn)u~)vtJ (1iit UVlJUU1~i)1luU ~


U1 5 VlU f))1l 260 IlJm m1lJV1)UUIl1n

nilU~tJ UilJ1lU 6-7 llJm Ul180 1l1U9lllJVli

J111rn 1974 in(1n~lJ fiUJ1~n 20 ll1U~llJVl~ I cO~d d1

1I(11Y1lJ1ifl~Tl4l~ 20 lltN lJm1~lil Ufni

l~UYI1lUilJ1ru 8 fihllJ~i~tJi)1lJl ~ 3

1 UW~UU1Vl 10 ~) UUliJuWJilVII)l 1m

I1~tJlrJU lTl~)l~UtJtJncill ilU1 UJ11~l lfUrlU

Vi (1 fllllJinVl mh) Yd I GI

~lYtJUni1 VllU~)U)l mNil1nmi

liJ~Yl) l~)Vi~ll1UlllYltJ1Y1llV 1~~~lYu1 Il

ll ~ (1 tJlrl ~)Vi ~ll1U Ilffl m Y1 Vl61 ~ tIU1 tIlliU

ll~NIIl~iU tJ1V 74 iJ li1) llmJmmm nri1)V OJ 11

I l ~ ff ) 1 lli1U U 1 ) l ifl Vi (1]l1 U II ~l fl1l1 Vl tIil1 n

I1r~~vYllJ~l~iii1)ff~~lfi~m1lJ~111IYm bull 1 middot A A 1 d uin)U1iinlll~UIi) lJVlUllU U1i)lUfll ~lVd d~d v U1lJUlJi1m~l tJnlll llJ)lJlffm~ll1 (1~ ~ J J~ ~ 1 v

U)VlmilJli4UlC1nU1~ lil IVii1l uUVi(1lllU


Urull U1lUUllUl nm))l U)VlniilJ I

~Ui1Il l~Ull1ll~)n1 I1111l1nuNuintJun1i bull

i~Ul~)I1~)~~mlJ1ifll111111 ~~pfi lIUUrll

lritJllllnull~uUi1fi1J1lJU~i1fnllVil un~l l I1lJ1nUmi~llJ11JillJiJl~tJ1YlV~1i~lUY)fll J IJ I I ~ v

IllV) LVii1 llJ~lr-l(1mYlUVltJ~lll)(1tllJ

v dd1 v I d ~i1]fl1ViMlIrull~ I1llnf)1ill)llllV) 1Ytl~

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llfflmY1Vlv(lmnIJ)llm) lrJUiJiJUl1Jl1J1Ufl~ I

TlUillV ffilJ1ifll11Vi~]l1UlllYltJ1Y1~VlJ1H v

Ui 1VliU lliritJ1l1lfi~fmhn1)U unnl

J1lJUllif)1 11(1 lrimYitiunuf)1lHlTl~tJltJu~ 1Uuil~uU

lJlUCllYICl J~~m ttllJlfinlH1fl~nlllJnlJ~lJfm)~~UnJlIl (ilf1U) ()liljJ~dhitiflfl 1~-Jl llwlhdlJJI11mJ~]j VlllfhHm(lm~lj~H ll~1HlJJl IUIlrmiddotltJll i HI 1J] 11 (fflU 11[ ~rulaquoJll V1ll~hh~nDUnljf)ll~~HjllDjtf1f1 1~tli1 J nKuijD~iJlI~)l 1Jjll~n~lJllnUJlnl1lJl1 J(lI~Ifitnntmlll~lJ

~ V I 11

lfI~U11f1fl llui l1lU dhJJll11jvt11vlJDHhhuClI1U1-Jlllmlllnml1111dh lr~ UUllliJJvi1111r~jJntlumjjjfiu11111 ~lJ IIlU1l-liili Ull 3IlD(h~u~IUUllll 1lllJ1ll11hmn fl~JJ1jlj~f1J r~Jltum~Dn D111ll llCllJWJUUlf1r)J OJlllmii1lJ R1~ U~DJV1rIUlm Tlul llt1W1Dn~Ju

m1JIllnl~~~YilJDDn~mllJl1iufhli1JnlH h UUlllUlJipl(WviRufhHCnU l1Jili Ul~U~1l l n ETflU 1lUDmllJ~ JlJJJD~llJmllJ1llrflJi vnDH

iU(llJlJUllll Hq)dluv1~ 1l~jjlJlru1iufh~Ulj~1jUulllnh~lJ ~~Dl1l111lH 1-11DOlluUljl~ihJD i l-iClIlCl~1 Yh~1l1IUU I~D~~UDlJrill1UIl i l-ilill~hJ riu1Tf1fllihi1Ji1IlI~DnffD1i14Al T9itJlihlHllaquowr~ln~ U(J~I~UJnUnlljrU JllUlllUlljJnrul1~DJhltnu 15 ll1D1j1iUfh~uj)lmuluDclln~ 3 il~ CllllJJlJlruUDJUll~nruoViClJ u~~~r~Cl~~D~uV)unm-l~~ClI1Cl~~JtJ 4 UflJUll~nluoVi ciJlll UlUU1J ~DJHljDnu111JJUjl]j~I~UJltiuJ lllll

II q tJ I ct 0 oi tJ r 0 v shyllllnll(1lJ~lllC1Uflll1CllnllUyenl IlIll mlJU1lJ~JYmlUUl1D U~nl1 nlnn~D~C11HnlJlJ m~V1lJJllrullU C1111nJluflru nlllJllllDlMll --

UJllliHiUljlIl~lJfh~1l~11J()[Jti~ 17-31 ~JUIllllJHl1jl~~J~11J 23-41 I( Cl U 1 (uu) m lJd -11 Cf1lJfI (lji1WmCl~ ~-1U JI1 ~DlJ UCl m lJfll UfllJ llJJ1I~lih i l1l flpflUUlllUJ~~Ull~ ll-ilvtq) J~IUllfmlt1l~~UmJnll lJClYlEI 1~uuDnlJl~l III lflJUfllJ1l-iltU1l 1lU 1~Dnmiddotll1UIlIl ulm~jllllil VlCll01lJuJrijlnDUIlll t1~ viJJ iuHitlunf1fllJlIl)un9fD~ufh ~JUlJll U 1111 fJlllJllllllllll ~uJnll

IV ff


~U1~1Villi LnU~~J bull IV a

Vi1u~~f)Li11~~~ cu

inmhv-liil 111Pi~~ Llllnnn1lIHU

ml~nll~~IllfJlNu~tllll (iilIlU) LtJ~ Lmrh iilIlU1Lliru~lLLVlUN1llnilUn1l ~lU~U~l ~tltllll ~ LLiiliJ~Tfl~ll tJ111qj

Llilml11~ilL~illJf)1l-11iltJ(l~lJU1~UWl neu]~Uri1 vflLLJj~W mJLl1lll 1l1~Ull~

~ eil tmiddotwnnVJiln fl1111l LL(llJUJJ1JUL~fn

lllYlm~~ l1~IIlnMillVi~f)tlnpoundi~ml1

~Uril Lb(hvjUl11JU1~Ulllnru-naUril

l1flltJJjU~jjlJU1~1-1niLnuI~~ LLvimmru

flU~l~Ullljj1JU1~ L~lL~~ ~lEllltrnl1l-1N u~lnll Llt]11~ei~ Llltlniftl~U~lt~ tJVilJl1~ vlutrlLn(1J 1JruLtiitJ1nUnlltJrU(l~~~1~ lJillmllnru-nll~viiilt-J(ltiiiitlnllll~ ~UVlUn1lt-J~(9I~ltJ

~ltJrllv-llli1~lTh 1UltJampu iilIlU


l1~ii 01LUU1tJMiilJEl1-Xiil~~lLVh~~1 LUU

Lflf)I~Utll1 rhl1U~1i~uyjl11mtJ1U

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J _ I

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lJ U

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L~UYlUlJUL1tJu1ua(ij~1(ijBmiitJVivllll11Ul LL~ i ~poundllLLJunBlYlU1iI1a-~n1ll1Ul1tI1U~~l1

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DWlf1~WllaJn1Jl~~eJf1 nJLQ~lvlU VlVllY1U1Vl

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I tJJ(IrllltJLUWnlJl~tJLL~~~WllVW~-iil11~LYilJ I lJln-iiu I


fi n a Ua dhl3J amp1 ~h ~UA1 b nlf(9la f1~lijVl~~ IJm1J~lLL~~ 217 LL~U~TUUlrl lJEJlJ~ 26-32 Onnfl~~i1LLlnlJm1J~l

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O 7 L~ltJ3JVllleuroJ 3 VlUl tJI1U ~U llj

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VI~eurol~~YlrnflLn~l liJe)ltIlllmllJmtJ~h

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lJtJIU 2556 3J~lil~ufilLn~~leuroJd~ 216 ~

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JJfl~~t1V1~I~~lJmtJ~llii L~euroJJlln~~t-J~~1u n~JJ-trllulU eleuroJtJ tJlJWlll Ul~3JJ1~U LL~ ~~wil1fl3JlruL~3J LLlt1i-lill

LU~euroJn~nml3J~U 15jj eJiLUUL~aJ l~UllmiJ-ru~l~ILlt1~tJ t-lil~~tpJ illPl

euroJtiYi 7500-9000 Ulrl UYJU i~1l~ lI bull cd ~euroJltlU Vl1nml3JIfUeuroJfVl aJil~lL~ LV20 m ~llfll 6000 U1YlLYhilu

~UtJllljlll m~illlml~W1~J3Jl

LVI~euroJ 60-61 Ulrl lt1ieuroJnT~n13J LIjllil~u~ LiJltln~~L~3J ~urlumlt-J~~~J llm-nllTIj~

d ~ T Llt1GwmlYi


630-780 Ulrl w1euroJn ~n~3J LIjnt-J~~~~euroJeuroJn3J13JlnLL~ilmlU1L-li13J1

llnUltLVlffLYleuroJuihu lJru~llfllnJneuroJeuroJn l1~mltlloilUl~lnYillIXllmU1U~J~lL~euroJ 10-220 U1Y1w1euroJnT~n13J LllUL~tJ1n1Jnfll Ul~~ ~llmfiWl~J3J1LVI~euroJ320 -435 ~ntJ ~euroJnT~n13J

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LjuluTm~ml3J1UJ~ln11 6-8 L~euroJU

cilUllfl1~U~lLnllVllvifl1~ hlilllm vibVi~ ~euroJ ~Uci1UVI~I m~11lb~l-I LUU 215-220 ulrllt1ieuroJnT~n13J lln 180

Ulrl LIjll~U~euroJImlU1LUt-J~~beuroJvilUeuroJ~ IJrnvielmJflWd1lL~3JLJU 1 220-1300

U1rl lln 1040 ulY1~euroJnT~n13J llfl1LnLdil

nlL~3JLUU 42880-44 Ulrl~euroJnT~n1l-1 L 11l1nfl3JUln vifftJ T lUilml3J9l euroJI ml

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ultJ~3Jifn~ n~lhlilJii leuroJI~f~ml jj n~ n~llL~13Jl1 cilVl1U LLt-JUltJ

tJllL~L~~ tJ ~Vll~ ilil3J nu mrl )11

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~euroJJVi~lLilumlL1~3Jt-J~~~~ ml~~

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n 9l euroJJ LVi~W)1[11 mm~m~n~rnvi1JTlI

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~jLLwllUYi 18-30 ~ tJYitJl~l llnn~3J

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~LLUUL~3J 4 lLLWU T~mnllVllmilml3J v JJ ~ 14 1

~IJl~ltIlU3JlnIJULufl~LuU 7851

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11 Ln~lm~u~n-nllilml3J~IJ~l~l13J

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TWlmn~~lm~u~nillI11ULVlqi ilml3J ~ v I 4 _ v

~lJ LUl~U3JlnlJUfl~LuU 886 ~rleuroJU


ampI J 11

U1JaSJf1n~ mfi11(i)1U 1il~~Hilfl111iU1fl11

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flA~l~lliT~N lJIWmrUlLnFl i1U1U

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Ministry seeks to resume small-lot rice sales in August PETCHANET PRATRUANGKRAI THE NATION

THE COMMERCE MINISTRY is preparshying to resume selling rice from its stockpiles in early August gradually releasing it in small lots of about 5000)0 tonnes a month

Duangporn Rodphaya director-genershyar of the ForeIgn Trade Department said a ~ubcommlttee had agreed the mmistry slthould go ahead and sell rice from the stockpIles and not walt tor completion of a Junta-ordered mspectlOn of the stocks bull I he nce-release planwhlch Will be proshy

posed to the Rice Policy and Management Committee soon includes sales through general auctions to exporters and local traders by government-to-governrrient contracts and through the Agricultural Futures Exchange of Thailand

Puangporn added that the department wopId ensure the stocks are released transshyparent With the Fmance Mmlst and the Prime Minister s 0 ce joint y inspecting the f0cessc

T~e department reported that about 55 per cent ofl800 rice warehouses had so far been inspected by the teams dispatched by the militarys ruling National CounCil for Peace and Order The teams are expected to complete their mission by the end of September

About 18 million tonnes ofrice is reportshy

cerns over roug t an ower pro uction in many countries amid higher demand in many others I here IS a good posslblhty that ThaIland will export 10 million tonnes 9pound nce thIS year It is expected to sell off all 18 million tonnes in its stockpiles within three years she saId

The department reported that Thailand was able to sell 535 million tonnes of rice in the first six months middotup by 50 per cent year on year while export value rose 19 percentto US$27biIlion (nearly Bt86 bilshylion)

As ofJuly 16 the price of5 per cent Thai

Afile photo shows asoldier inspecting rice stockpiles at a warehouse in a eastern province

white rice was quoted at $427 a tonne up from $410 the previous week

She added that production bfThai paddy rice in the 2014-15 harvest season was proshyjected to be less than 38 mi1lion tonnes because of drought in many areas

Charoen Laothamatas president of the Thai Rice Exporters Association said the government should consIder sellIng rice from its stockpiles in small lots of about 100000-200000 tonnes per auction to avoid impacts on the m-rket price

The government has less pressure to accelerate the sale of rice frbm the stocks The country has holder power It should ensure transparency and minimum impacts to the market he said

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INTHE WAKE ofrising concern over the t reatmen t oflabour farmers we1shybeing and the environment in global trading the International Trade Promotion Department is urging more lhal busmesses to seek FairTrade cershytification so that their products are more easily recognised and have a

greater chance in the world market place

At a seminar on Fair Trade Mark and trading of Fair Trade products in theinternationaJ market heldyestershyday by the agencys Office of News Overseas Markets Development and PromotIOn Duan kamol Jlambutr e U Irec or- ener ot e eplrtshy

mentSal t atonlyasmallnumberof thaI compames and sUEP)Lc~~ms current~apphedthe FairTrade Marllt

The epartment lrill therefore continue to support Fair Trade certishyfication by promoting an awareness campaign amongThai man ufacturers and exporters she said

According to the Netherlandsshybased Fair Trade Original organisashytion about 30 Thai companies and supply chains have received FairTrade

certification to date This guarantees that they engage in faii treatment of farmers have good labour conditions use no forced or child labour offer fair prices to suppliers and operate with transparency accountability and respect for the environment equity and freedom lt)nd have fair trading practices

Duangkarnol said the department in cooperation ~th Fair Trade Original now had a target of increasing the number of certified businessshy iSnap es and products by 10 per cent ayear

The main goal is to help agriculshytural and handicraft producers as well as manufactures and exporters to achieve better trading conditions and to promote sustainability she said

Certified members of the Fair Trade programme will likely be able to leverage the quality of their prodshyucts for higher prices with certificashytion ensuring world-class social and environmental standards and more recognition in the international trade area she added

Thai export products alreadyusing the approved Fair Thade logo include

rice coffee tea cane sugar cotton freshfruits herbs and spices ockershywork handicrafts pottery and ceramshyics

The official said the department also would like to encourage busishynesses in the shrimp and fishery secshy

ate consultant for Thailand said the overall value of Fair Trade products had increased considerably in the past few years as consumers now had more awareness about fair trading conditions and the environment

Consumers are willing to pay more for Fair Trade goods if they feel they have bought a product whose manufacture is highly responsible to society Today prices of Fair Trade products are also very competitive

the same as leading brands Enterprises should adapt themselves to produce Fair Trade products in order to ensure sustainable growth

tors to comply with Fair Trade certification so that they do otfaceproblems due to unfa abour treatment Every Fair Trade product is subject to labour-standard checking she explained

Manasnan Pongjayavanij Fair Trade Originals aS60ci~

and access to many markets said the consultant

According to Fair Trade Original the value of fair trade goods in the global market excluding the US rose from 1 billion (Bt427billion) in 1996 to 48 billion in 2012 Expots ofThai fair trade products were wOlth about Bt300 million in 2012

More than 30000 products are now on sale in 125 countries and the global Fair Trade system currently works with over 12 million people across 60 countries

Manasnan said many more Thai products could get the Fair Trade mark So far many local brands sllch as Doi Chang coffee plus local proshyducers of soy sauce chjli sauce pineapples and bananas are wellshy

known for having the mark which is accepted widely

Martin Boon development manshyager for Fai~Trade Original in the Netherlands told the seminar that with the global market having growshying recognition of Fair Trade prodshyucts many markets were increasing demand for products carrying the logo - and that Thailand had high potential to serve sllch worldwide demand


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THE NATION ~ JULY 20141lI Sihasak reassures EUteam over juntas reform roadmap SUPALAK GANJANAKHUN DEE THE NATION BRUSSELS

EARLY ELECTIONS vtithout reform would not help restore proper democshyracy to Thailand That was the message related by acting Foreign Minister Sihasak Phuangketkeow when he met his counterpart from the European Union in Belgium this week In a bilateral meeting with David OSullivan chief operating officer ofthe European External Action Service Sihasak said Thailand had a clear roadmap to restore sustainable democshyracy and that the EU should support

this process of reform The roadmap and its related reform

will help strengthen our political econshyomy and will also be of benefit to our partnership with theEUin the longnm he said

Sihasak was in Brussels for a minisshyterial meeting between representatives ofAsean and the EU and spent much of his time briefing representatives of Eillopean nations aboutthe situation in Thailand

The E U along with the US and other Western countries strongly criticised themilitaryforits May 22 coup The EU suspended a number of cooperations withThailand as well as several visits by high -level officials It also recommendshyed that member states review military cooperation with Thailand

The EU said last month that it wouldmiddot

not sign a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Thailand and that the negotiation of a free-trade agreement (FTA) would not conclude until an electshyed government was in place

Sihasak told OSullivan that an electshyed government would come eventually Before that however Thailand needed time to implement reform to have a strong democracy

The time frame of 15 months or so for the reform is not too long ifwe want to make sure that our system and democracy are sustainable he said

Thai people are aware of the issues facing our country and we are working on addressing these concerns so the EU as a partner should support us

The EUhas the right to voice its conshycerns about the situation in Thailand

middot but it should also ensure it is sufficientshyly informed on specific cases he said

Concerning detention and martial law the EU should make sure it has corshyrect information about who is under

middot detention and if there are concerns about human-rights violations the EU should specify the cases he said

Sihasak discussed the situation in Thailand Vlrith many European MPs

middot while in BrusselsTheyincludeq Franck Proust special rapporteur on the FTA and Samuel Cantell head of the ecoshynomic trade and regional cooperation delegation Many of them have experishyence in engaging with Thailand and have a clear understanding ofthe current sitshyuation in the country Sihasak said


Pension scheme for farmers proposed

Farmers in the future might look forward to retiring on a government pension

Charnpittaya Chimplee directorshygeneral of the Rice Oepartment said yesterday ttiat under a draft bill dealing with the rice development fund members would contribute about 3per cent of their monthly income to the fund and the state wou ~d also chip in ayet-unspecified amount

When farmers reach the age of 60 or 65 they will start receiving a monthly pension bf about Bt4OOO

Most farmers earn less than other workers so the fund is neces- sary for their future Charnpittaya said

Other proposals for the bill are being gathered and the contents wi I be improved before its submisshysion to acommittee on rice producshytion and markets and the National Council for Peace and Order


Farmer happiness down from August WICHIT CHANTANUSORNSIRI

Farmer happiness last month dropped subshystantially from its peak last August when they had high hopes of stable income from the Yingluck Shinawatra administrations rice pledging scheme reports a Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BMC) poll

The state-backed farm banks farmer happiness index fell to 7851 in June from its highest level of89 in August said senior executive vice-president Somsak Kangteershyawat The poll surveyed 2346 farmers

Happiness from family health a good society jo b financial position and the quest

for knowledge were the six factors used to measure the index

The survey found happines from the family scored the highest with a score of 341 out offour followed by health at 321 a good society at 320 job at 314 fmancial position at 285 and the quest for knowlshyedge at 274

Farmers from the Northeast regygIiwere the happiest vvith a score of 314 while those from the North scored 313 the South 312 the East 297 and Central 299

Asource at the BMC confirmed Augusts poll was taken when the farmers mood hit a fever pitch as they felt they would receive an elevated level of compensation from the

rice pledging programme The National Council for Peace and

Order (NCPO) is seeking sustainable ways to help farmers after losses from rice pledgshying which offered prices 40-50 higher than the market price could reach 500 billion baht

The juntas measures so far largely includelowering rice production costs and slowing the release of supply to lower price pressure

The source said prices of tapioca sugar cane chicken and pork are gaining in the second half while those of rice corn rubber oil palin and whiteleg shrimp are declirun ~ bull bull imiddotI middot7~

Regarding rice prices the source said the price of paddy with 15 moisture content could average 7500-9000 baht a tonne while Hom Mali prices are projected at 14000-15000 baht in the second the half

Even though the agricultural sector conshytributes only 84 to the countrys GDP there are 167 ffiillion farmers making up 26 of the population

National Statistical Office data shows the ratio of farmers who earned over 100000 baht a year rose to 286 in 2013 from 97 in 2003 while 643 graduated from prfshymary school down from 704 a decade ago Farmers shouldered average debt of 124604 baht per person last year

BANGKOK POST 41 FTIupbeatabout domestic car sales PIYACHART MAIKAEW

The Federation of Thai Industries (FT) remains confident that domestic vehishycle sales will top I million this year defying some car makers projection of sales declining to between 900000 and 980000 vehicles

Domestic demand started picking up in the previous quarter as private firms and farmers bought new pickup trucks for their business expansion and new cultivation said Surapong Paisitpatanapong spokesshyman for the FIrs automotive industry club

The club forecasts pickup truck sales will contribute 55-58 of domestic sales against 442 in 2013 while passenger cars dropped to about 40 from 474 last year

The passenger car market has normalshyised after demand was absorbed by the gov- emments first-time car buyer scheme said Mr Sura pong

The club yesterday cut its 2014 forecast for Thailands automotive output from 24 million vehicles to 22 milliori It also cut domestic sales to 1 million vehicles hom 12 million while exports stand finn at 12 million vehicles

FTI vice-chainnan Suparat Sirisuwan~ nangkura said Thailand was expected to remain in the worlds top 10 automotive manufacturers this year with production in countries such as Canada and Russia also expected to decrease

The International Organization of Motor

Vehicle Manufacturers said Thailand was the worlds ninth-largest automotive manufacturer in 2013 and 10th in 2012 Production (ast year totalled 245 million vehicles the highest in 52 years and up by 014 from 2012

The club yesterday reported that car proshyduction fell by 261 year-on-year in June to 160452 For the first half Thailands car output fell by 29 year-on-year to 952685

Domestic car sales in June totalled 73799 dOVll by 304 on the same period in2013 while 440911 cars were sold in the first half down by 405

By contrast car exports in June rose 657 to 103946 earning the cOUDtry497 billion baht In the first half exports rose 36 to 560047 cars with export value rising 895 to 265 billion baht

The FII yesterday reported that the industrial sentiment index improved for the second straight month in JW1e

The index rose to 884 points accordshying to the FIr which conducted a survey among 1100 industrial operators It stood at 851 points in May when sentiment improved for the first time in seven months

FTI chairman Suphan Mongkholsuthee said sentiment has improved because of the more stable political situation and an increase in purchases of products thanks to the Fifa World Cup football tournament

The industry outlook index for the next three months stood at 1019 points rising from 101 in May

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AUTO EXPORTS INCREASE Despite the sluggish recovery of

the export sector auto shipments continue to expand but still by not enough to counter the reduction in dorriestic demand for cars

The industry has been forced to brake this years production target from 24 million units to 22 million

The target for domestic sales has been lowered from 12 million units to 1million which represents adrop of 251 per cent or 335154 units from last year

Surapong Paisitpattanapong deputy chairman and spokesman of the Federation of Thai Industries Automotive Industry Club said yesterday that lower domestic derriand the end ofthe governments first-car tax-relief programme and the delay in gov~ errirnent and private investment

middotprojects had contributedtothemiddot change in the production target However this new figure is still

middot higherthan the forecast for T8 milshylion units before the big floodiri 2011and domestic demand is

expectedto shitf intoforWard gear i

middotnext quarter~ The economic recovery payshyrnent for farmersuncter the rlceshy

pledgingscherneandreturn of investment will increase revenue l

in other industries and put more rnoney in peoples pockets he middot said

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Temporary charter should furthershyboost confidence ERICH PARPART THE NATION

THE FEDERATION ofThai Industries believes the temporary charter will further increase the confishyden~e ofdomestic and foreign investors along with buslness op~ratrs while the recent strengthening of the baht IS stJlI tolerable for the export industry as long as anyfurther appreciation is neither too rapid nor drastic

_The FTI also said yesterday that its Industries Sentiment Index (TIS) had increased by 44 points since April

The introduction ofthe provisional charter is in line with the politiCal road map of the NCPO [NationaICoimcil for Peace and Order Jand I believe that in generalinvestors andoperators will feel more relaxe and gai~ more confidence that things aremiddot gomgmaccordWlththeNCPOsplansforanewcharshyter the setting up ofan interim government and the possibility of an election in the future said Supant Mongkolsuthree chairman ofthe FTI shy

In his view the country over the past two months has been running on a smooth surface since the Nepo took power a move which has led to an increase in foreign investor confidence certainty over pubh~ II1vestment policy and rising domestic consumptIOn

These factrs will support the recovery and allow _gross domestJC product to expand by 25 percent this year he said


The FTI had been projecting an economic recesshysion before the arrival of the NCPO

As for exports Supant said The strenctheninO of the baht is related to the increased conffdence of foreign investors which has led to an inflow offorshy~ign funds This will have some effect on the export iiidustry but it is still acceptable for exporters since the currencys strengthening pace is not too fast and the Bank ofThailand is still monitoring the situashytion

The export sector will be able to cope with a stronger baht if the rate does not fall below 3050 per US dollar he said -Moreover since the global economy IS continushyII1g to reco~er the FTI is sticking with its export

- growth projectIOn of35-5 per cent for the year According to Bloomberg the baht was valued at

3176 per dollar yesterday The FTI chief pointed out that if the Kingdoms shy

export value were calculated in baht it would already show lO-per-cent growth year on year

Accordingto the central bank export value in May came in at US$1927billiol1 (Bt6124 billion) whIch IS 12 per cent lower than the same period last year in dollar terms - shy

Meanwhile the TmiddotISI has increased for two month~ in a row The indexose from 840 in April to 851 111 May and to 884111 June amidst calmer political waters the economic recovery the liftingof the curfe - and even Fifa World Cup fever which led to an mcrease in overall production orders and sale figures - shyn~eover~TISI fororBers~salesarid prod-udiai- -shyIII allll1dustnes rose from 802796821 points in May to 843 844 879 points respectively in June

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CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough


GRAFT HAS GOT TO GO nvestors from Japan from which Such concern by the Japanese away existing and prospective forshy

the largest amount of Thailands investors should not be ignored eign investors Countless foreign direct foreign investment comes because they have brought the firms and investors have com~

have called for reduced corruption largest amount of direct foreign plained about the extra costs of and improved transparency in order investment into Thailand The doingbusinessinThailandbywhich to help restore confidence in the Japanese invested over 8t290 bil- they mean kickbacks and undershy

Kingdom lion in projects ClPproved by themiddot the-table money that must be to Setsuo luchichief representative Board of Investment last year That bureaucrats and politicians Often

of themiddot Japan External Trade was nearly 30 per cent of the total they have topayin exchange for pro-Organisation (Jetro) for Asean and foreign investment of Btl1 trillion curement deals with state agencies South Asia last week called on the according to 801 data and public projects People who ruling National Council for Peace Thailand has generally remained refuse to pay are routinely left and Order to kick-start good govershy attractiye to foreign investors due behind by their bribe-paying comshynance that includes combating corshy to positive factors such as the avail- petito rs University of the Thai ruption and ensuring transparency ability of skilled labour efficient Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) rec-particularly about doing business in infrastructure and transportation tor Saowanee Thairungroj has esti-Thailand Now its a good time for systems location andthe consider- mated that corruption adds 30 per Thailand to bring about good govshy able size of the domestic market cent to costs for businesses That ernance for the new era he said But our chronic corruption is scaring she says translates into reduced

comoetitiveness for Thai-made Economic and Business Forecasting pay corrupt officials and politi~ians products and reduced credibility for Centre He surmises that the have to cut costs at-the building site Thailand among foreign investors improvement could be due to posi- and that means poorer quality in General Prayuth Chan-ocha has tive public sentiment following the their public projects and thus a risk made tackling corruption a top pri- juntascampaignagainstcorruption to life and limb ority for the ruling military junta He and organised crime The surveyalso Businesses who pay bribes also says the fight will be part of sweepshy showed that bribes paid to officials offset their higher costs by charging ing national reform together with and politiCians by the private sector the consumers more good governance transparency and had declined to 15-25 per cent of middot Since corrupt authorities and an efficient and effective system of project costs frbman average 25-35 politicians make money and bribe-checks-and-balances Thailands per cent previously paying businesses make profits it is corruption index in the first half of Despite the seemingly slight theconsumersandthepublicingenshythis year improved for the first time improvement in the situation (or- eral who suffer in five years according to aUTCC surshy ruption remains amajor problem for They end up paying more uhnecshyvey The indexinJune was registered Thailand essarilyfor products and public proF at 46 out of a possible lOa com- In addition to the weakened ects the quality of which is poorer

pared to 39 last December says competitiveness and reduced cred- Corruption should beeliininated or Thariavath Phonvichai UTCC vice ibility the public asa whole is affect- at least minimised for the sake of rector of research and director of its ed by corruption Contractors who the country and its people

  • 57-07-24 (กรม)
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  • 57-07-24 (กระทรวง)

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1Y1UlHlWY1 VIiffY1 lJ1ffl (Thailand

Trust Mark TTM) IUWlim

fft1J f1EmJUl1l Tn llJl~mjU111 fJ tllf11W

ffUrl1U(l1J~f)ljhlU lYim~lJluf)lff

Vl1lf)ljrl1Un ~lhmilJf1lj1V1m~1U ll(l~lllhlY1f1 jllJJl rillff~lJfffll fllW Kf)ll ru~~U ull~l U 1Uf)1jriluUf)

11lUUlll1 ftl N~i1lYUrl1 U(1lJ~f)lj~ii fJtllf11W fhWlnl~lln91UlJ m


I~ fJUfJ1 fJftlu V1 ~~tJftltfmJ W11JtI1I1U eJlfllJIllfl lhlITU

fljjlJf)1jlJ~l11j lJ~rll YiWWWff

(lllEJIl(1U~) ~10~ lU91INfJ11 U1f)


Yijf)l1hUlll1i1l 1 W1J111fl~fmhU1-]




Il1f1 1f) 111 ~huU Yijnll~ii f)lj l~lJ1il ff-) uV1-)lim~u) 1l(1tY)iillUl1ulJ~U l~hJlilLl~D f)lJl f)11111 U ~)rUlriu vd d ooltvdv

lU1 1 lJU1fllJ 2557 mllVlU)llJ1 1 ~ f = 1

lVIfi LU I1UTIjU9fU f)Il f)lj l91t)1Ylff

91mJ fliu) ff1m)~iiEJu91U1tlfflff91 ItlwrU~1Jl1~)1U1f)ll1ft ~l1UiJ 5~7 IlHllJlhlJ1tllfli1 ~ 100 11111111

1U f)Wl il (119111(11 EJlEJ ff1 I1 l91EJIl

iif)ljUEJlEJff1lJ1l~lJ 10 ff1U1 1UiJ

2557 il1f1l~lJYiiit)~ 20 ff1U1middot lHl

IlIEJ1EJl~lJflf) 15 ff1U1 1UiJ 2558

ll(llVilJflf) 25 ff1U1 1UiJ 2559

J~ flafl~1rUJ 2557 bullbull 1 j

) ~ i i



tJfl5ClUuJUSJlEJUfllS UUytw f1f]U(iJ1f1f1Sv~mmiw~m1JI1Ti~If1l1Jtr1f1 lJfiFJfJ1Y11N nfl11fW ~ei1UJlJn7JSrnJJuriS1~mJiJfJntVVI~ufVJnJJlJftflmJI11 1JlJilvmuwJu1wlilJu1NllJmJUmJlnviuTflJoJri1Jlnvwu~ ~ - ~

nisvl JJliPl (Thailand Trust Mark TTM) ftfllhvlMNjflN1111Nv~Tnf)iuvi1l1Jmf1iJm1lJjmtUIjEJtjfllutrU111 tpnlv1mJln[JTurfliJFJrumw~7VJJJ1urifilJVlnmiddotlslnltlW1llritn(i1m1~viiNmJlaquoj~truI11InveuroJthvieuroJjjfl

--- -====~-

v bbU 1tJjW1


ftJttWitllj~ lutflnnl~a~fl3na~al~lan


W 1 uhf 6fl J~UIB flllU11 [J lll11 ~11MI1l11 fl ruYi litH 111 JVI

n 1 jU~fI ruil1~ffU~1l~1l lfl li1 UI~ JJfI11JJTU1)1rfi~1bull bull v

11 ilJ Ofl I1l~ull vnHmJJ1U1 OBU J1~ ~ N fllJ~ L~ poundJlJU~l lu~u~u~mlJri~ nY1lJ flllr11

iI1~mhaVlf1 flci11lI1~1~IUJthli1JliJVl~1JfflJlJJ1 I~U~ ll-wflm~ (Fair Trade) lviU1UJllJlm~1In1IJifqjl1111i-l~1J 1~ uJ ll~ flli1J11f)fl~1 flli)~crlJlJJ1 fl f~if ll~ V f)) ~J111

Ltl f)liJ1Vl U11J lJ1lt1Jh~1ltJ1U ~1l1m~~llJl1 crf1lf) UJcvfll~ Clll

M1U~l15mu-lllvlflm~OJ111lJ1f)rJ 1~u1~I~tyqtJifliluf11i

t)lltll11f)JJlJri]uClf)f)~l 200 i1U 1lJ1~llJ11JYf-l

bull J~ifl~vthrlClf)liJ1UM1U~~1~~1~ri]ClClf)rl1f1WIJCl]~ u

hlO hi111l1tlUltII11 ltII1ml4~lltJ ~~J 1l~iif)I1~lUth1ff V] ii fl11lJJ111 ffJr11V1111JlJV] 111 poundI u o1] lJl f) hHllllYt 1

1 cr~1l1 f)~M1U IfI~u]I1lJ1 poundJU-WflmVl ~] ItlJ Ifl~V]I11J1poundJ1tJiu] fl UJfllll fiJ r11 ~lii 1J1 mii1 Ji~U 11 f)~ J~1J~1J flli flii 1l

r1l [)~U f11i1~1liN1JCl O-ltl f)~U-lLL~iif)I1~lUifll)U~JltI~l] rJ IH ri1111011 ffJ r11UV-J1Vl uJ] lU ~ ~1 m poundIlJtJilVl fHI~1l ~1

1Pl1~1hIllffllv1~n middotifll lluJii ~~1~1U i1 ffUI crril ruUWflll i ll51 f)~1

30 Cl-lr1m ~-lnJ]~ltlJf)cilJ~Lhuf)VUf11i 1tJlluo]ltII1mru

1Pl1-l 1 llvlV-liiii f)~lU1UlJ1 f)~ v~1j f) 51~1l 1lJ11J1~lJlu1m]f11i ltv bull tdV ~ dJQ bull

(PI] n~11 mlJll~illJlJV f)UI1U1UJ1Ull mHiCl-lU lliUllilU f)~lJ

tl 1l lt11 11 mllJ u111lm~u lt1111 milJ~ I~ (mJuJ11UlJltlU11l~~ lU1~llJlJVH1li111VJflm~hiiJ1 f)]U


lutJf)~llHmn1unWWllnru1~villM1li1~-l f)ci11

V01-lUuU 6 l~VU llCllfiCl11tJu51 mlJll~1l1l1lJI4fl~milJ Vlf)U l~V1111l f)V-l r1mv1M1um11tJllIKV-lVi1llJ~ elf) If) ruevi

Hq1fl1l1lJ1 1l J~lUU U] ffU r111111J1 f)~lt1 ff1111U f) cilJ ffU r1nt1

1~1U1lnIlWflm lhf)vU~lU lJ11 ~lll1av] lTUrl1UI1elJ

crutJ) unL1U ffUTl1n] uviMiif11JI11~vllm~uhrf)cilJ ffU r11~] ll~tJilJ-l 11 elJ~l f) tl f)ltII11V1UUtyf)1i~ lICl ffU ~1 ~lUlill i] ~lU 11hIf) ~lJif11UlJlHm1IlwfllliVl OUlJ1 f)iiu

iYiJ -I 1uIiI t11 ~ ~il~il i LVlf1~1-l111f)1 l poundI ulJ11J 1l J1 V] f) ci 11lt1]

1J1 f) UU f)1l1f)1l1UU flliltl~1-lml4elf)Iru~~UV~ffUr111V1 poundI 115

0] IlJU f11ifJf) i i1JJ1 fl1 ffUr11111fJJ~1U~lUlJ1 1l Hi1U ll~J1 m

lllU1lCl11Clf)iif)~lfJ ~ fflI11U llwlm 1~Vf)lifh~lUUlilllJ lofulJ1mb

f)~1 60 U llJUiUUf11ir11iluuluf11mf1-lfll1lJltlUliillJ

1u f)ll~lliJU~J Oil111ll fi ~r11 ll~ qin rilU l~ UllJV] ~111vi l~lImf)lqflfi1l qUUiJtJ qu~1f)fi illJvf-lil1illH-l1U

YivQ1uiuuf)1ir11 lUU U-Wfll1i vi11111) f) iJ1VltIllJ 1l OU1V irUr11

1Ui1 mv1 ItlUliiilJ l~ ~u11f) fIltIllJliocffv irUr11in fl um 114

1u J1 mi lulili JilJ 1IiU f)J U V f)1l1 f)if~~vi1-l1U f)vu~] r1f1i

InHlllillhl1uri1 1lUU llllU~ lI1lJ1 ltllJ v iiltlm-w 11lcr ulJ1u f)1ivi1-l1Ui~ iifll1lJtJCltlI1V 1liof)iinUI~V-lIl4f1 iHh A ~

llftllf1 1l llClf11lt1m


1UWmU1~ 12 ~) tJYVli]nmn111nr1~l~U I I1r1f1tJVI1~]

cO _I ~ ~ UtJ~UtJ]IitJ TltJlJiI1V~Vi(1]]lU

hn1tJU 1limyl

~n~lilln~(tJlJ mY1~vlli~~vl ~lilif)rU lmllilu~~NJ111U i um1]lli~I11lJU~)1 11(1 cJilrUI ~UU1~m~lJ

A ~ I A I A A ~ I1lJlllllJ)ilV l~TlYlTlUll(1 1~il~~YIliUVli

nullll mlJll~Vi V~UYI1lUiUfJ1l rJiJ~l~vu ftJ VII () 1 UtJU1TlVl U1Vl nilJu~) i1~llJ1ifi

~111 ~uQl~~ J

b I r I JJ YI d D 0fJ07nl1U7 1

A ~ 1 d 111il1nmY]tJ1llVlV li)V(1~ l(1nitJU 1(1] li lU

)]fl)i~ifilll~U(~tJ rllI~~lJfniyjtJll~v)lluu lli~tJl~lJlJU 1I(1111ll1111

HlJ(1Yl1ltl HlihmufnU

I1~tJ ~~ II U(1l1 ~Uf1ll1Ui~ 111If li1 Unli ~ _ 1 ~ d U l dA

Iml~i l1itJ~~lllJ(1]lUUlmtJl UtJtJnl1lllU

1 UJ1 l~wil~~YIilu~inullllnilJll~Vi v~U llllUl1Jl1J1l~ U~l5VU1tJVII ()

mL~Ell~mnjt1itmUUi1~i1rurulUEll~U1VItJlh ~ u u

LL1fllJEllT~fl LtJ~~rlBrlilLtIUVI1lf)11LLal l~El Lem1~1~a L~ElW~lllUlvJiAh bull hUvlJJ1h 14

tI J d I

llJtJn(11 1000 U )Ull 23 nTl ll ilIIUiluluHh1VliftU~1U~U 1 lliU

l1lM1U fl1V1UI1~U1Uih~11i1U ~U1l mlJ1ifllrJUnl11Ui~J1 l~tJ1~Unmn1ltlVj Vl(11~ tJ U1mn~~ il UUlllJ~ Vi (1)lllJinVl

bull cO li1l1Jffii) il )VlIIH 1l1f)jlJ~iiYi111llll11itJ1fnT bull 1 -11 d 1 d Ifd c lJi1i1UUil1YI Tl(1U~W(1 ltJUIU)iV WUlVl)i

lViiff i1n~ Ilfi(1lu1)liJ~~)U1VlniilJ111li

aUyJi1Ii~ llltJ~U1V IgU~U I1~tJl~vn-)l

l1ltJ~~hii1 ~I11lJ1Hnul~tJl~VffiiiU~IIUU Vi~l~lUlI~~mY1VlV l~V~I1lbvllU~1I (1

l~mliU Vl(1tJ~IlUUili1liU~~1 III liTblJlilJ

U1Vlf)jilJ111111 tJU~lU)UlJ1n tJ1Y1 Vi (1 Vl bull

lJi)1V1~lJl1 ~f)jwUj UllrUllU11m~~~u ~ ~ J i lit

lJ1imU1V)iTnYl lTl)liVlU 1(1U11lnli

II ~l tJ 1Y1 VlV I1~tJ i~tJ 11l)~fh ii~~lllJUl~tJ 1YlVffii~UIIU]J HVi~lllUlyJvhll(1Vi~lllU

Q 1 IitCLI YI ~I lit ~ v ll~101llVlV l~tlmU)iltll~Tl~UiYlll~UU mtl

nlil11Vi~l]1U1I~lmY1VlVil1nll1m~ll1(1~ ~~

~ltJciuUI1~lm 4 IlfiU HIll111jl~lnUVi~l ]1Ul1lUVllVltJ~ lJaUyJilliYllrJUYl) t11l1UYl mi

~1t1Vi~l1l1nulJ)lVltJ5~l~tln~ll1ltJ~fhii~ ~lV milJlyJliJVllTl~)ltlU~cH1t1-lJ)1 lrJUYl)IlU

d 1~I lTl(1tJUlitJ I1luU1ll1U1

Vi (1 tJlllJjn~ mh)~tJ~11Url)UlJtJ]

Yl)l~tJ1hn)u~)vtJ (1iit UVlJUU1~i)1luU ~


U1 5 VlU f))1l 260 IlJm m1lJV1)UUIl1n

nilU~tJ UilJ1lU 6-7 llJm Ul180 1l1U9lllJVli

J111rn 1974 in(1n~lJ fiUJ1~n 20 ll1U~llJVl~ I cO~d d1

1I(11Y1lJ1ifl~Tl4l~ 20 lltN lJm1~lil Ufni

l~UYI1lUilJ1ru 8 fihllJ~i~tJi)1lJl ~ 3

1 UW~UU1Vl 10 ~) UUliJuWJilVII)l 1m

I1~tJlrJU lTl~)l~UtJtJncill ilU1 UJ11~l lfUrlU

Vi (1 fllllJinVl mh) Yd I GI

~lYtJUni1 VllU~)U)l mNil1nmi

liJ~Yl) l~)Vi~ll1UlllYltJ1Y1llV 1~~~lYu1 Il

ll ~ (1 tJlrl ~)Vi ~ll1U Ilffl m Y1 Vl61 ~ tIU1 tIlliU

ll~NIIl~iU tJ1V 74 iJ li1) llmJmmm nri1)V OJ 11

I l ~ ff ) 1 lli1U U 1 ) l ifl Vi (1]l1 U II ~l fl1l1 Vl tIil1 n

I1r~~vYllJ~l~iii1)ff~~lfi~m1lJ~111IYm bull 1 middot A A 1 d uin)U1iinlll~UIi) lJVlUllU U1i)lUfll ~lVd d~d v U1lJUlJi1m~l tJnlll llJ)lJlffm~ll1 (1~ ~ J J~ ~ 1 v

U)VlmilJli4UlC1nU1~ lil IVii1l uUVi(1lllU


Urull U1lUUllUl nm))l U)VlniilJ I

~Ui1Il l~Ull1ll~)n1 I1111l1nuNuintJun1i bull

i~Ul~)I1~)~~mlJ1ifll111111 ~~pfi lIUUrll

lritJllllnull~uUi1fi1J1lJU~i1fnllVil un~l l I1lJ1nUmi~llJ11JillJiJl~tJ1YlV~1i~lUY)fll J IJ I I ~ v

IllV) LVii1 llJ~lr-l(1mYlUVltJ~lll)(1tllJ

v dd1 v I d ~i1]fl1ViMlIrull~ I1llnf)1ill)llllV) 1Ytl~

Tl~)lnu Vi(1 ~lJi)1V1ilJU ~f)jwUyj M lllY~lTm~II1U-)l U1VlfiilJ~U~(itJ lrJ~Yl1l l~)n1 I1liYi~r1l~ml11(1(i)l~U~tJVifil~1U

llfflmY1Vlv(lmnIJ)llm) lrJUiJiJUl1Jl1J1Ufl~ I

TlUillV ffilJ1ifll11Vi~]l1UlllYltJ1Y1~VlJ1H v

Ui 1VliU lliritJ1l1lfi~fmhn1)U unnl

J1lJUllif)1 11(1 lrimYitiunuf)1lHlTl~tJltJu~ 1Uuil~uU

lJlUCllYICl J~~m ttllJlfinlH1fl~nlllJnlJ~lJfm)~~UnJlIl (ilf1U) ()liljJ~dhitiflfl 1~-Jl llwlhdlJJI11mJ~]j VlllfhHm(lm~lj~H ll~1HlJJl IUIlrmiddotltJll i HI 1J] 11 (fflU 11[ ~rulaquoJll V1ll~hh~nDUnljf)ll~~HjllDjtf1f1 1~tli1 J nKuijD~iJlI~)l 1Jjll~n~lJllnUJlnl1lJl1 J(lI~Ifitnntmlll~lJ

~ V I 11

lfI~U11f1fl llui l1lU dhJJll11jvt11vlJDHhhuClI1U1-Jlllmlllnml1111dh lr~ UUllliJJvi1111r~jJntlumjjjfiu11111 ~lJ IIlU1l-liili Ull 3IlD(h~u~IUUllll 1lllJ1ll11hmn fl~JJ1jlj~f1J r~Jltum~Dn D111ll llCllJWJUUlf1r)J OJlllmii1lJ R1~ U~DJV1rIUlm Tlul llt1W1Dn~Ju

m1JIllnl~~~YilJDDn~mllJl1iufhli1JnlH h UUlllUlJipl(WviRufhHCnU l1Jili Ul~U~1l l n ETflU 1lUDmllJ~ JlJJJD~llJmllJ1llrflJi vnDH

iU(llJlJUllll Hq)dluv1~ 1l~jjlJlru1iufh~Ulj~1jUulllnh~lJ ~~Dl1l111lH 1-11DOlluUljl~ihJD i l-iClIlCl~1 Yh~1l1IUU I~D~~UDlJrill1UIl i l-ilill~hJ riu1Tf1fllihi1Ji1IlI~DnffD1i14Al T9itJlihlHllaquowr~ln~ U(J~I~UJnUnlljrU JllUlllUlljJnrul1~DJhltnu 15 ll1D1j1iUfh~uj)lmuluDclln~ 3 il~ CllllJJlJlruUDJUll~nruoViClJ u~~~r~Cl~~D~uV)unm-l~~ClI1Cl~~JtJ 4 UflJUll~nluoVi ciJlll UlUU1J ~DJHljDnu111JJUjl]j~I~UJltiuJ lllll

II q tJ I ct 0 oi tJ r 0 v shyllllnll(1lJ~lllC1Uflll1CllnllUyenl IlIll mlJU1lJ~JYmlUUl1D U~nl1 nlnn~D~C11HnlJlJ m~V1lJJllrullU C1111nJluflru nlllJllllDlMll --

UJllliHiUljlIl~lJfh~1l~11J()[Jti~ 17-31 ~JUIllllJHl1jl~~J~11J 23-41 I( Cl U 1 (uu) m lJd -11 Cf1lJfI (lji1WmCl~ ~-1U JI1 ~DlJ UCl m lJfll UfllJ llJJ1I~lih i l1l flpflUUlllUJ~~Ull~ ll-ilvtq) J~IUllfmlt1l~~UmJnll lJClYlEI 1~uuDnlJl~l III lflJUfllJ1l-iltU1l 1lU 1~Dnmiddotll1UIlIl ulm~jllllil VlCll01lJuJrijlnDUIlll t1~ viJJ iuHitlunf1fllJlIl)un9fD~ufh ~JUlJll U 1111 fJlllJllllllllll ~uJnll

IV ff


~U1~1Villi LnU~~J bull IV a

Vi1u~~f)Li11~~~ cu

inmhv-liil 111Pi~~ Llllnnn1lIHU

ml~nll~~IllfJlNu~tllll (iilIlU) LtJ~ Lmrh iilIlU1Lliru~lLLVlUN1llnilUn1l ~lU~U~l ~tltllll ~ LLiiliJ~Tfl~ll tJ111qj

Llilml11~ilL~illJf)1l-11iltJ(l~lJU1~UWl neu]~Uri1 vflLLJj~W mJLl1lll 1l1~Ull~

~ eil tmiddotwnnVJiln fl1111l LL(llJUJJ1JUL~fn

lllYlm~~ l1~IIlnMillVi~f)tlnpoundi~ml1

~Uril Lb(hvjUl11JU1~Ulllnru-naUril

l1flltJJjU~jjlJU1~1-1niLnuI~~ LLvimmru

flU~l~Ullljj1JU1~ L~lL~~ ~lEllltrnl1l-1N u~lnll Llt]11~ei~ Llltlniftl~U~lt~ tJVilJl1~ vlutrlLn(1J 1JruLtiitJ1nUnlltJrU(l~~~1~ lJillmllnru-nll~viiilt-J(ltiiiitlnllll~ ~UVlUn1lt-J~(9I~ltJ

~ltJrllv-llli1~lTh 1UltJampu iilIlU


l1~ii 01LUU1tJMiilJEl1-Xiil~~lLVh~~1 LUU

Lflf)I~Utll1 rhl1U~1i~uyjl11mtJ1U

Ulllnru]~tll1JlLi)u 151f)~~U~1 ~Ul1ll1tJ1umjLilu 3 middotlu 4 lJtllU~ll

I -

leu] Illu1UltJtJ11 ~f)ll111ilnUmbtJ lluViLnmllfllLl1U mYlll1f)(9Iiilll1flll)J

mm11WlrulJEJ hTnllUIlOJnll)Jnll

fl1l11lLL(lm tltJ ) nl~poundilLiiI~)Jlruinv-l

LL(l~I LL1~~fl~ LLllnl~ll1ull)J)JllVlH L~tlfltln~l(91ln1lIl1UIl)Jll-1ll(9ltU L~fl rill1U~ LL UlvriltJllu~l l-1dJ U~lmriu LtiitJlnU

~lnn1lIl~(9Ill1~U~ll1iilltJlIil~ Lliu

1l~)JU1JI~J1~ltJd~f) lJUl~lJl(91vit-IDJl11 1l~~iiWUyjl11fl~(il 17 -31 poundi1ULLJj~v-l

iiiiviuyjl11 23-41 NU~tllIlUl1ll tJ

flTIILlilhei(9l~~11~U~1flJl(91111qjlll 1iitl~~lruiill LLvi1~11i lJruLtiimnUnlJ

L~iJ1JU1~ if~vh1~Ntl~nflU nllll ~uYlU I ~

LVl)Jt~tJ1Jl~1 LtJU Eine)~l1ifl LtJUn1l~U Ltlaf)miwmnlt(9ltJ11i Ll1JEinvr1tJmiddot middotUl tJ


I)cJ4 flJfl~lV1dJ 2557

~)J~lh~fl1l1Jmi~~r111lillilfl-1J~TilflIVl)JIJ~lV11Jiiilnrucrl Q I Q

I 1 ~tJ m f IHl tlfl tJIil l fI 11 VI U~ 1 A I1lHl fl11)J lH)Jl tl)J

I1~Iiynlll1Jmiilnrucnmlhn~il~jiJ~111111~() 17-41bull u

IEI U1lfll)J~)Jj1l ritl~lh1l1lflflt)lI1iJ~~~1NM~ 15

UltdhVHI 1 ~ffff1 IClII115 nliflUl m i lJnmgtlJm fl~NUnilfl (ffflU) mh yil 1W51l if ffflU~ i~()~11111U~lhnfl1jmi

Q -11 Qi 1 d 1 mUffUfllflJ ilfl UCl1li lilflilV lHU 1IJ1111111 l flmmm I1l11VClfl

IJUlf11liilt1~llniYUtil i~ UlIlJtl (11I1Cl1 fl1lJ1Jm) fol~in~t)n tI bull

fll11li 11ClU~1lIJtJlfiv1 Cl~llm~lJ a d I I cs I iJ ~ I

UltJfllYl Cl flCll1Clnll fffllJ ff ~lllJt)t)mrll~n~ffUfllIlClll I1U 11

~Ul~1li i llt1ruovliYUti1l1mpoundJlIij~iiIJill~ 1 I1uitnU ~1 ~ uli 111111 UIbull u

~ d CS 10 d 0 i)ll C1 i Q

llUrm11lii ~llIJUl~II1]lfllJ ~~fll~lll I1rj1li flfllIJl ~fol~nWnlft)

iYUTi11~V~ hJ1~liU ff-lIflVl IJ 01 I~V 10U nmHuCl~111111U1Ut)-l QI QI I d I iJ CI

U i i ~ilUIYI tl ~ V~ ff ~folCl ~vHl~ U 11 U n 1 i folCl ~ Cl~Cl-lmV I Qo iJ ~ I d oc d ~lnmiill(lnllffUflll1mVlIUfi 1llU flilllJl~-lfol111mVtJI1fl

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~UtJllljlll m~illlml~W1~J3Jl

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d ~ T Llt1GwmlYi


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Ulrl LIjll~U~euroJImlU1LUt-J~~beuroJvilUeuroJ~ IJrnvielmJflWd1lL~3JLJU 1 220-1300

U1rl lln 1040 ulY1~euroJnT~n13J llfl1LnLdil

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~jLLwllUYi 18-30 ~ tJYitJl~l llnn~3J

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~IJl~ltIlU3JlnIJULufl~LuU 7851

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~lJ LUl~U3JlnlJUfl~LuU 886 ~rleuroJU


ampI J 11

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ilEln~liIm~~lnlU-61-lL~ElU~Jl-jlf1Jl-numtJu 57 ~U f1rn ~

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Ministry seeks to resume small-lot rice sales in August PETCHANET PRATRUANGKRAI THE NATION

THE COMMERCE MINISTRY is preparshying to resume selling rice from its stockpiles in early August gradually releasing it in small lots of about 5000)0 tonnes a month

Duangporn Rodphaya director-genershyar of the ForeIgn Trade Department said a ~ubcommlttee had agreed the mmistry slthould go ahead and sell rice from the stockpIles and not walt tor completion of a Junta-ordered mspectlOn of the stocks bull I he nce-release planwhlch Will be proshy

posed to the Rice Policy and Management Committee soon includes sales through general auctions to exporters and local traders by government-to-governrrient contracts and through the Agricultural Futures Exchange of Thailand

Puangporn added that the department wopId ensure the stocks are released transshyparent With the Fmance Mmlst and the Prime Minister s 0 ce joint y inspecting the f0cessc

T~e department reported that about 55 per cent ofl800 rice warehouses had so far been inspected by the teams dispatched by the militarys ruling National CounCil for Peace and Order The teams are expected to complete their mission by the end of September

About 18 million tonnes ofrice is reportshy

cerns over roug t an ower pro uction in many countries amid higher demand in many others I here IS a good posslblhty that ThaIland will export 10 million tonnes 9pound nce thIS year It is expected to sell off all 18 million tonnes in its stockpiles within three years she saId

The department reported that Thailand was able to sell 535 million tonnes of rice in the first six months middotup by 50 per cent year on year while export value rose 19 percentto US$27biIlion (nearly Bt86 bilshylion)

As ofJuly 16 the price of5 per cent Thai

Afile photo shows asoldier inspecting rice stockpiles at a warehouse in a eastern province

white rice was quoted at $427 a tonne up from $410 the previous week

She added that production bfThai paddy rice in the 2014-15 harvest season was proshyjected to be less than 38 mi1lion tonnes because of drought in many areas

Charoen Laothamatas president of the Thai Rice Exporters Association said the government should consIder sellIng rice from its stockpiles in small lots of about 100000-200000 tonnes per auction to avoid impacts on the m-rket price

The government has less pressure to accelerate the sale of rice frbm the stocks The country has holder power It should ensure transparency and minimum impacts to the market he said

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INTHE WAKE ofrising concern over the t reatmen t oflabour farmers we1shybeing and the environment in global trading the International Trade Promotion Department is urging more lhal busmesses to seek FairTrade cershytification so that their products are more easily recognised and have a

greater chance in the world market place

At a seminar on Fair Trade Mark and trading of Fair Trade products in theinternationaJ market heldyestershyday by the agencys Office of News Overseas Markets Development and PromotIOn Duan kamol Jlambutr e U Irec or- ener ot e eplrtshy

mentSal t atonlyasmallnumberof thaI compames and sUEP)Lc~~ms current~apphedthe FairTrade Marllt

The epartment lrill therefore continue to support Fair Trade certishyfication by promoting an awareness campaign amongThai man ufacturers and exporters she said

According to the Netherlandsshybased Fair Trade Original organisashytion about 30 Thai companies and supply chains have received FairTrade

certification to date This guarantees that they engage in faii treatment of farmers have good labour conditions use no forced or child labour offer fair prices to suppliers and operate with transparency accountability and respect for the environment equity and freedom lt)nd have fair trading practices

Duangkarnol said the department in cooperation ~th Fair Trade Original now had a target of increasing the number of certified businessshy iSnap es and products by 10 per cent ayear

The main goal is to help agriculshytural and handicraft producers as well as manufactures and exporters to achieve better trading conditions and to promote sustainability she said

Certified members of the Fair Trade programme will likely be able to leverage the quality of their prodshyucts for higher prices with certificashytion ensuring world-class social and environmental standards and more recognition in the international trade area she added

Thai export products alreadyusing the approved Fair Thade logo include

rice coffee tea cane sugar cotton freshfruits herbs and spices ockershywork handicrafts pottery and ceramshyics

The official said the department also would like to encourage busishynesses in the shrimp and fishery secshy

ate consultant for Thailand said the overall value of Fair Trade products had increased considerably in the past few years as consumers now had more awareness about fair trading conditions and the environment

Consumers are willing to pay more for Fair Trade goods if they feel they have bought a product whose manufacture is highly responsible to society Today prices of Fair Trade products are also very competitive

the same as leading brands Enterprises should adapt themselves to produce Fair Trade products in order to ensure sustainable growth

tors to comply with Fair Trade certification so that they do otfaceproblems due to unfa abour treatment Every Fair Trade product is subject to labour-standard checking she explained

Manasnan Pongjayavanij Fair Trade Originals aS60ci~

and access to many markets said the consultant

According to Fair Trade Original the value of fair trade goods in the global market excluding the US rose from 1 billion (Bt427billion) in 1996 to 48 billion in 2012 Expots ofThai fair trade products were wOlth about Bt300 million in 2012

More than 30000 products are now on sale in 125 countries and the global Fair Trade system currently works with over 12 million people across 60 countries

Manasnan said many more Thai products could get the Fair Trade mark So far many local brands sllch as Doi Chang coffee plus local proshyducers of soy sauce chjli sauce pineapples and bananas are wellshy

known for having the mark which is accepted widely

Martin Boon development manshyager for Fai~Trade Original in the Netherlands told the seminar that with the global market having growshying recognition of Fair Trade prodshyucts many markets were increasing demand for products carrying the logo - and that Thailand had high potential to serve sllch worldwide demand


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THE NATION ~ JULY 20141lI Sihasak reassures EUteam over juntas reform roadmap SUPALAK GANJANAKHUN DEE THE NATION BRUSSELS

EARLY ELECTIONS vtithout reform would not help restore proper democshyracy to Thailand That was the message related by acting Foreign Minister Sihasak Phuangketkeow when he met his counterpart from the European Union in Belgium this week In a bilateral meeting with David OSullivan chief operating officer ofthe European External Action Service Sihasak said Thailand had a clear roadmap to restore sustainable democshyracy and that the EU should support

this process of reform The roadmap and its related reform

will help strengthen our political econshyomy and will also be of benefit to our partnership with theEUin the longnm he said

Sihasak was in Brussels for a minisshyterial meeting between representatives ofAsean and the EU and spent much of his time briefing representatives of Eillopean nations aboutthe situation in Thailand

The E U along with the US and other Western countries strongly criticised themilitaryforits May 22 coup The EU suspended a number of cooperations withThailand as well as several visits by high -level officials It also recommendshyed that member states review military cooperation with Thailand

The EU said last month that it wouldmiddot

not sign a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Thailand and that the negotiation of a free-trade agreement (FTA) would not conclude until an electshyed government was in place

Sihasak told OSullivan that an electshyed government would come eventually Before that however Thailand needed time to implement reform to have a strong democracy

The time frame of 15 months or so for the reform is not too long ifwe want to make sure that our system and democracy are sustainable he said

Thai people are aware of the issues facing our country and we are working on addressing these concerns so the EU as a partner should support us

The EUhas the right to voice its conshycerns about the situation in Thailand

middot but it should also ensure it is sufficientshyly informed on specific cases he said

Concerning detention and martial law the EU should make sure it has corshyrect information about who is under

middot detention and if there are concerns about human-rights violations the EU should specify the cases he said

Sihasak discussed the situation in Thailand Vlrith many European MPs

middot while in BrusselsTheyincludeq Franck Proust special rapporteur on the FTA and Samuel Cantell head of the ecoshynomic trade and regional cooperation delegation Many of them have experishyence in engaging with Thailand and have a clear understanding ofthe current sitshyuation in the country Sihasak said


Pension scheme for farmers proposed

Farmers in the future might look forward to retiring on a government pension

Charnpittaya Chimplee directorshygeneral of the Rice Oepartment said yesterday ttiat under a draft bill dealing with the rice development fund members would contribute about 3per cent of their monthly income to the fund and the state wou ~d also chip in ayet-unspecified amount

When farmers reach the age of 60 or 65 they will start receiving a monthly pension bf about Bt4OOO

Most farmers earn less than other workers so the fund is neces- sary for their future Charnpittaya said

Other proposals for the bill are being gathered and the contents wi I be improved before its submisshysion to acommittee on rice producshytion and markets and the National Council for Peace and Order


Farmer happiness down from August WICHIT CHANTANUSORNSIRI

Farmer happiness last month dropped subshystantially from its peak last August when they had high hopes of stable income from the Yingluck Shinawatra administrations rice pledging scheme reports a Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BMC) poll

The state-backed farm banks farmer happiness index fell to 7851 in June from its highest level of89 in August said senior executive vice-president Somsak Kangteershyawat The poll surveyed 2346 farmers

Happiness from family health a good society jo b financial position and the quest

for knowledge were the six factors used to measure the index

The survey found happines from the family scored the highest with a score of 341 out offour followed by health at 321 a good society at 320 job at 314 fmancial position at 285 and the quest for knowlshyedge at 274

Farmers from the Northeast regygIiwere the happiest vvith a score of 314 while those from the North scored 313 the South 312 the East 297 and Central 299

Asource at the BMC confirmed Augusts poll was taken when the farmers mood hit a fever pitch as they felt they would receive an elevated level of compensation from the

rice pledging programme The National Council for Peace and

Order (NCPO) is seeking sustainable ways to help farmers after losses from rice pledgshying which offered prices 40-50 higher than the market price could reach 500 billion baht

The juntas measures so far largely includelowering rice production costs and slowing the release of supply to lower price pressure

The source said prices of tapioca sugar cane chicken and pork are gaining in the second half while those of rice corn rubber oil palin and whiteleg shrimp are declirun ~ bull bull imiddotI middot7~

Regarding rice prices the source said the price of paddy with 15 moisture content could average 7500-9000 baht a tonne while Hom Mali prices are projected at 14000-15000 baht in the second the half

Even though the agricultural sector conshytributes only 84 to the countrys GDP there are 167 ffiillion farmers making up 26 of the population

National Statistical Office data shows the ratio of farmers who earned over 100000 baht a year rose to 286 in 2013 from 97 in 2003 while 643 graduated from prfshymary school down from 704 a decade ago Farmers shouldered average debt of 124604 baht per person last year

BANGKOK POST 41 FTIupbeatabout domestic car sales PIYACHART MAIKAEW

The Federation of Thai Industries (FT) remains confident that domestic vehishycle sales will top I million this year defying some car makers projection of sales declining to between 900000 and 980000 vehicles

Domestic demand started picking up in the previous quarter as private firms and farmers bought new pickup trucks for their business expansion and new cultivation said Surapong Paisitpatanapong spokesshyman for the FIrs automotive industry club

The club forecasts pickup truck sales will contribute 55-58 of domestic sales against 442 in 2013 while passenger cars dropped to about 40 from 474 last year

The passenger car market has normalshyised after demand was absorbed by the gov- emments first-time car buyer scheme said Mr Sura pong

The club yesterday cut its 2014 forecast for Thailands automotive output from 24 million vehicles to 22 milliori It also cut domestic sales to 1 million vehicles hom 12 million while exports stand finn at 12 million vehicles

FTI vice-chainnan Suparat Sirisuwan~ nangkura said Thailand was expected to remain in the worlds top 10 automotive manufacturers this year with production in countries such as Canada and Russia also expected to decrease

The International Organization of Motor

Vehicle Manufacturers said Thailand was the worlds ninth-largest automotive manufacturer in 2013 and 10th in 2012 Production (ast year totalled 245 million vehicles the highest in 52 years and up by 014 from 2012

The club yesterday reported that car proshyduction fell by 261 year-on-year in June to 160452 For the first half Thailands car output fell by 29 year-on-year to 952685

Domestic car sales in June totalled 73799 dOVll by 304 on the same period in2013 while 440911 cars were sold in the first half down by 405

By contrast car exports in June rose 657 to 103946 earning the cOUDtry497 billion baht In the first half exports rose 36 to 560047 cars with export value rising 895 to 265 billion baht

The FII yesterday reported that the industrial sentiment index improved for the second straight month in JW1e

The index rose to 884 points accordshying to the FIr which conducted a survey among 1100 industrial operators It stood at 851 points in May when sentiment improved for the first time in seven months

FTI chairman Suphan Mongkholsuthee said sentiment has improved because of the more stable political situation and an increase in purchases of products thanks to the Fifa World Cup football tournament

The industry outlook index for the next three months stood at 1019 points rising from 101 in May

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AUTO EXPORTS INCREASE Despite the sluggish recovery of

the export sector auto shipments continue to expand but still by not enough to counter the reduction in dorriestic demand for cars

The industry has been forced to brake this years production target from 24 million units to 22 million

The target for domestic sales has been lowered from 12 million units to 1million which represents adrop of 251 per cent or 335154 units from last year

Surapong Paisitpattanapong deputy chairman and spokesman of the Federation of Thai Industries Automotive Industry Club said yesterday that lower domestic derriand the end ofthe governments first-car tax-relief programme and the delay in gov~ errirnent and private investment

middotprojects had contributedtothemiddot change in the production target However this new figure is still

middot higherthan the forecast for T8 milshylion units before the big floodiri 2011and domestic demand is

expectedto shitf intoforWard gear i

middotnext quarter~ The economic recovery payshyrnent for farmersuncter the rlceshy

pledgingscherneandreturn of investment will increase revenue l

in other industries and put more rnoney in peoples pockets he middot said

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Temporary charter should furthershyboost confidence ERICH PARPART THE NATION

THE FEDERATION ofThai Industries believes the temporary charter will further increase the confishyden~e ofdomestic and foreign investors along with buslness op~ratrs while the recent strengthening of the baht IS stJlI tolerable for the export industry as long as anyfurther appreciation is neither too rapid nor drastic

_The FTI also said yesterday that its Industries Sentiment Index (TIS) had increased by 44 points since April

The introduction ofthe provisional charter is in line with the politiCal road map of the NCPO [NationaICoimcil for Peace and Order Jand I believe that in generalinvestors andoperators will feel more relaxe and gai~ more confidence that things aremiddot gomgmaccordWlththeNCPOsplansforanewcharshyter the setting up ofan interim government and the possibility of an election in the future said Supant Mongkolsuthree chairman ofthe FTI shy

In his view the country over the past two months has been running on a smooth surface since the Nepo took power a move which has led to an increase in foreign investor confidence certainty over pubh~ II1vestment policy and rising domestic consumptIOn

These factrs will support the recovery and allow _gross domestJC product to expand by 25 percent this year he said


The FTI had been projecting an economic recesshysion before the arrival of the NCPO

As for exports Supant said The strenctheninO of the baht is related to the increased conffdence of foreign investors which has led to an inflow offorshy~ign funds This will have some effect on the export iiidustry but it is still acceptable for exporters since the currencys strengthening pace is not too fast and the Bank ofThailand is still monitoring the situashytion

The export sector will be able to cope with a stronger baht if the rate does not fall below 3050 per US dollar he said -Moreover since the global economy IS continushyII1g to reco~er the FTI is sticking with its export

- growth projectIOn of35-5 per cent for the year According to Bloomberg the baht was valued at

3176 per dollar yesterday The FTI chief pointed out that if the Kingdoms shy

export value were calculated in baht it would already show lO-per-cent growth year on year

Accordingto the central bank export value in May came in at US$1927billiol1 (Bt6124 billion) whIch IS 12 per cent lower than the same period last year in dollar terms - shy

Meanwhile the TmiddotISI has increased for two month~ in a row The indexose from 840 in April to 851 111 May and to 884111 June amidst calmer political waters the economic recovery the liftingof the curfe - and even Fifa World Cup fever which led to an mcrease in overall production orders and sale figures - shyn~eover~TISI fororBers~salesarid prod-udiai- -shyIII allll1dustnes rose from 802796821 points in May to 843 844 879 points respectively in June

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CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough


GRAFT HAS GOT TO GO nvestors from Japan from which Such concern by the Japanese away existing and prospective forshy

the largest amount of Thailands investors should not be ignored eign investors Countless foreign direct foreign investment comes because they have brought the firms and investors have com~

have called for reduced corruption largest amount of direct foreign plained about the extra costs of and improved transparency in order investment into Thailand The doingbusinessinThailandbywhich to help restore confidence in the Japanese invested over 8t290 bil- they mean kickbacks and undershy

Kingdom lion in projects ClPproved by themiddot the-table money that must be to Setsuo luchichief representative Board of Investment last year That bureaucrats and politicians Often

of themiddot Japan External Trade was nearly 30 per cent of the total they have topayin exchange for pro-Organisation (Jetro) for Asean and foreign investment of Btl1 trillion curement deals with state agencies South Asia last week called on the according to 801 data and public projects People who ruling National Council for Peace Thailand has generally remained refuse to pay are routinely left and Order to kick-start good govershy attractiye to foreign investors due behind by their bribe-paying comshynance that includes combating corshy to positive factors such as the avail- petito rs University of the Thai ruption and ensuring transparency ability of skilled labour efficient Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) rec-particularly about doing business in infrastructure and transportation tor Saowanee Thairungroj has esti-Thailand Now its a good time for systems location andthe consider- mated that corruption adds 30 per Thailand to bring about good govshy able size of the domestic market cent to costs for businesses That ernance for the new era he said But our chronic corruption is scaring she says translates into reduced

comoetitiveness for Thai-made Economic and Business Forecasting pay corrupt officials and politi~ians products and reduced credibility for Centre He surmises that the have to cut costs at-the building site Thailand among foreign investors improvement could be due to posi- and that means poorer quality in General Prayuth Chan-ocha has tive public sentiment following the their public projects and thus a risk made tackling corruption a top pri- juntascampaignagainstcorruption to life and limb ority for the ruling military junta He and organised crime The surveyalso Businesses who pay bribes also says the fight will be part of sweepshy showed that bribes paid to officials offset their higher costs by charging ing national reform together with and politiCians by the private sector the consumers more good governance transparency and had declined to 15-25 per cent of middot Since corrupt authorities and an efficient and effective system of project costs frbman average 25-35 politicians make money and bribe-checks-and-balances Thailands per cent previously paying businesses make profits it is corruption index in the first half of Despite the seemingly slight theconsumersandthepublicingenshythis year improved for the first time improvement in the situation (or- eral who suffer in five years according to aUTCC surshy ruption remains amajor problem for They end up paying more uhnecshyvey The indexinJune was registered Thailand essarilyfor products and public proF at 46 out of a possible lOa com- In addition to the weakened ects the quality of which is poorer

pared to 39 last December says competitiveness and reduced cred- Corruption should beeliininated or Thariavath Phonvichai UTCC vice ibility the public asa whole is affect- at least minimised for the sake of rector of research and director of its ed by corruption Contractors who the country and its people

  • 57-07-24 (กรม)
  • 57-07-24 (ใบนำสง)
  • 57-07-24 (กระทรวง)

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A ~ I A I A A ~ I1lJlllllJ)ilV l~TlYlTlUll(1 1~il~~YIliUVli

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HlJ(1Yl1ltl HlihmufnU

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Iml~i l1itJ~~lllJ(1]lUUlmtJl UtJtJnl1lllU

1 UJ1 l~wil~~YIilu~inullllnilJll~Vi v~U llllUl1Jl1J1l~ U~l5VU1tJVII ()

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LL1fllJEllT~fl LtJ~~rlBrlilLtIUVI1lf)11LLal l~El Lem1~1~a L~ElW~lllUlvJiAh bull hUvlJJ1h 14

tI J d I

llJtJn(11 1000 U )Ull 23 nTl ll ilIIUiluluHh1VliftU~1U~U 1 lliU

l1lM1U fl1V1UI1~U1Uih~11i1U ~U1l mlJ1ifllrJUnl11Ui~J1 l~tJ1~Unmn1ltlVj Vl(11~ tJ U1mn~~ il UUlllJ~ Vi (1)lllJinVl

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lViiff i1n~ Ilfi(1lu1)liJ~~)U1VlniilJ111li

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lJi)1V1~lJl1 ~f)jwUj UllrUllU11m~~~u ~ ~ J i lit

lJ1imU1V)iTnYl lTl)liVlU 1(1U11lnli

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l~UYI1lUilJ1ru 8 fihllJ~i~tJi)1lJl ~ 3

1 UW~UU1Vl 10 ~) UUliJuWJilVII)l 1m

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Vi (1 fllllJinVl mh) Yd I GI

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U)VlmilJli4UlC1nU1~ lil IVii1l uUVi(1lllU


Urull U1lUUllUl nm))l U)VlniilJ I

~Ui1Il l~Ull1ll~)n1 I1111l1nuNuintJun1i bull

i~Ul~)I1~)~~mlJ1ifll111111 ~~pfi lIUUrll

lritJllllnull~uUi1fi1J1lJU~i1fnllVil un~l l I1lJ1nUmi~llJ11JillJiJl~tJ1YlV~1i~lUY)fll J IJ I I ~ v

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Ui 1VliU lliritJ1l1lfi~fmhn1)U unnl

J1lJUllif)1 11(1 lrimYitiunuf)1lHlTl~tJltJu~ 1Uuil~uU

lJlUCllYICl J~~m ttllJlfinlH1fl~nlllJnlJ~lJfm)~~UnJlIl (ilf1U) ()liljJ~dhitiflfl 1~-Jl llwlhdlJJI11mJ~]j VlllfhHm(lm~lj~H ll~1HlJJl IUIlrmiddotltJll i HI 1J] 11 (fflU 11[ ~rulaquoJll V1ll~hh~nDUnljf)ll~~HjllDjtf1f1 1~tli1 J nKuijD~iJlI~)l 1Jjll~n~lJllnUJlnl1lJl1 J(lI~Ifitnntmlll~lJ

~ V I 11

lfI~U11f1fl llui l1lU dhJJll11jvt11vlJDHhhuClI1U1-Jlllmlllnml1111dh lr~ UUllliJJvi1111r~jJntlumjjjfiu11111 ~lJ IIlU1l-liili Ull 3IlD(h~u~IUUllll 1lllJ1ll11hmn fl~JJ1jlj~f1J r~Jltum~Dn D111ll llCllJWJUUlf1r)J OJlllmii1lJ R1~ U~DJV1rIUlm Tlul llt1W1Dn~Ju

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II q tJ I ct 0 oi tJ r 0 v shyllllnll(1lJ~lllC1Uflll1CllnllUyenl IlIll mlJU1lJ~JYmlUUl1D U~nl1 nlnn~D~C11HnlJlJ m~V1lJJllrullU C1111nJluflru nlllJllllDlMll --

UJllliHiUljlIl~lJfh~1l~11J()[Jti~ 17-31 ~JUIllllJHl1jl~~J~11J 23-41 I( Cl U 1 (uu) m lJd -11 Cf1lJfI (lji1WmCl~ ~-1U JI1 ~DlJ UCl m lJfll UfllJ llJJ1I~lih i l1l flpflUUlllUJ~~Ull~ ll-ilvtq) J~IUllfmlt1l~~UmJnll lJClYlEI 1~uuDnlJl~l III lflJUfllJ1l-iltU1l 1lU 1~Dnmiddotll1UIlIl ulm~jllllil VlCll01lJuJrijlnDUIlll t1~ viJJ iuHitlunf1fllJlIl)un9fD~ufh ~JUlJll U 1111 fJlllJllllllllll ~uJnll

IV ff


~U1~1Villi LnU~~J bull IV a

Vi1u~~f)Li11~~~ cu

inmhv-liil 111Pi~~ Llllnnn1lIHU

ml~nll~~IllfJlNu~tllll (iilIlU) LtJ~ Lmrh iilIlU1Lliru~lLLVlUN1llnilUn1l ~lU~U~l ~tltllll ~ LLiiliJ~Tfl~ll tJ111qj

Llilml11~ilL~illJf)1l-11iltJ(l~lJU1~UWl neu]~Uri1 vflLLJj~W mJLl1lll 1l1~Ull~

~ eil tmiddotwnnVJiln fl1111l LL(llJUJJ1JUL~fn

lllYlm~~ l1~IIlnMillVi~f)tlnpoundi~ml1

~Uril Lb(hvjUl11JU1~Ulllnru-naUril

l1flltJJjU~jjlJU1~1-1niLnuI~~ LLvimmru

flU~l~Ullljj1JU1~ L~lL~~ ~lEllltrnl1l-1N u~lnll Llt]11~ei~ Llltlniftl~U~lt~ tJVilJl1~ vlutrlLn(1J 1JruLtiitJ1nUnlltJrU(l~~~1~ lJillmllnru-nll~viiilt-J(ltiiiitlnllll~ ~UVlUn1lt-J~(9I~ltJ

~ltJrllv-llli1~lTh 1UltJampu iilIlU


l1~ii 01LUU1tJMiilJEl1-Xiil~~lLVh~~1 LUU

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mm11WlrulJEJ hTnllUIlOJnll)Jnll

fl1l11lLL(lm tltJ ) nl~poundilLiiI~)Jlruinv-l

LL(l~I LL1~~fl~ LLllnl~ll1ull)J)JllVlH L~tlfltln~l(91ln1lIl1UIl)Jll-1ll(9ltU L~fl rill1U~ LL UlvriltJllu~l l-1dJ U~lmriu LtiitJlnU

~lnn1lIl~(9Ill1~U~ll1iilltJlIil~ Lliu

1l~)JU1JI~J1~ltJd~f) lJUl~lJl(91vit-IDJl11 1l~~iiWUyjl11fl~(il 17 -31 poundi1ULLJj~v-l

iiiiviuyjl11 23-41 NU~tllIlUl1ll tJ

flTIILlilhei(9l~~11~U~1flJl(91111qjlll 1iitl~~lruiill LLvi1~11i lJruLtiimnUnlJ

L~iJ1JU1~ if~vh1~Ntl~nflU nllll ~uYlU I ~

LVl)Jt~tJ1Jl~1 LtJU Eine)~l1ifl LtJUn1l~U Ltlaf)miwmnlt(9ltJ11i Ll1JEinvr1tJmiddot middotUl tJ


I)cJ4 flJfl~lV1dJ 2557

~)J~lh~fl1l1Jmi~~r111lillilfl-1J~TilflIVl)JIJ~lV11Jiiilnrucrl Q I Q

I 1 ~tJ m f IHl tlfl tJIil l fI 11 VI U~ 1 A I1lHl fl11)J lH)Jl tl)J

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IEI U1lfll)J~)Jj1l ritl~lh1l1lflflt)lI1iJ~~~1NM~ 15

UltdhVHI 1 ~ffff1 IClII115 nliflUl m i lJnmgtlJm fl~NUnilfl (ffflU) mh yil 1W51l if ffflU~ i~()~11111U~lhnfl1jmi

Q -11 Qi 1 d 1 mUffUfllflJ ilfl UCl1li lilflilV lHU 1IJ1111111 l flmmm I1l11VClfl

IJUlf11liilt1~llniYUtil i~ UlIlJtl (11I1Cl1 fl1lJ1Jm) fol~in~t)n tI bull

fll11li 11ClU~1lIJtJlfiv1 Cl~llm~lJ a d I I cs I iJ ~ I

UltJfllYl Cl flCll1Clnll fffllJ ff ~lllJt)t)mrll~n~ffUfllIlClll I1U 11

~Ul~1li i llt1ruovliYUti1l1mpoundJlIij~iiIJill~ 1 I1uitnU ~1 ~ uli 111111 UIbull u

~ d CS 10 d 0 i)ll C1 i Q

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U i i ~ilUIYI tl ~ V~ ff ~folCl ~vHl~ U 11 U n 1 i folCl ~ Cl~Cl-lmV I Qo iJ ~ I d oc d ~lnmiill(lnllffUflll1mVlIUfi 1llU flilllJl~-lfol111mVtJI1fl

IJUlf1IJ1~~H1liillfl111ii1fW~1mllii-1 17-31 ~hUIIlIllYl~li~U~ 11-1 23-41 Ur~~1li11111nliVil~Ul~U1f1~U ii~ hlil1~Il1JU flUU~-1uUV11-1flli~CllJ lJfl-1N11n flfllJ nli l~fll-1 i 1l1riNunilfl 11 1

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nIJfl hiCl~Clmil~~ll~U l1it)-1~Ufll~nl11UVl1riiU~11~illV1 U

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4 lJt)~lJi1~nUlYI

ri1U iU i VV 11 iiifl-1 I11rtlf1U I1ti 1tJ -11U ~ MV1jt) -1 lli U 0 QI

mm 1-1 f2V1ffl11m111 mll 11~liltlJ lIV _lllU n~lUflOlflnllflU bull I sJ

fll111m~Vl (flV) fljllff~m111lrufllliIl~ff-1111V1Clflll IIClmll

fl1Uflllll ClVilJ fl flflll 1mfll1 fl1lJfllJ1lfiVlI1lU I~flfhl1 U VIIIU 1111~ 11~j~1riI1JU 11 WI 11U1~V10U U ltJtilliClfla 11

lClUl15flll fffllJ mhll~lJI~1l11 ilJm1J1Wfll1~i1f1lJn~nruovl

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1111i~ tJ~ln~U()I1lVlllllllillVI1ti~ ftUll1 111 ru IJ v L~11lllfl ~U 111U

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U lV ~ltlCl flri l1V fli 1 -ff1UI1i1-11~ lJlli 11 11 lJlVl llii ~nrue0lmy

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fll 1 11 ~1l Cl 11 CllV ~flV ~lUlJlll

ltgt If

fl i ~ VI i 1-J VJ 1 ill CSU tJ

J~ nJnrnfl~ 2557-[j1JU[J1USU I


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~ laquo ~ ~ co

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LLVIW1I11W1 Uflun1111n1 1 UOli tJn111 WiH

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l~WfJ1li rl~1I ~V1ru11r1f111IJLi1UlffJUtiifJ1u

lI1OJWVlU1 fuJW1~ f)fitJ~n1JJn1ihJ U11 IV

111 W unEllYlU~(i)JU1-nl1 ii~I~W 32 ~m1d1

LLfliiV(ilU(l~W - 3 L~fllYI~n fifJ 1nli~tTu~WW

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~tTu ~WWL~WYlUYIJU L1tJW1UniU1W01~ ~ lil-n111m~

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~111 LLfl~(lJUl f)1-liWlf11U11r1ii fll1JJJW fII LLtl f11 ~W til fl El(ilVU~~l1~rrUIl~~ampi1U fl11iWvl1W11W flU1f1til

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VlUU l~JnfllVlUtlLLin 1 YI~U~1UU1Vl ~(ildjW II ~llfllJ 3 lJfll~flfh-nl1lU~Elnvhn1mni~~til1~tJ fl 30 ~1W~U LL~L~Uvlln~11V(ln~(il(di1u~hlliW

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nTnh3WllnneJVlW)J1HidjW1JeJ~Y1UU(h1 ulii

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-nl1iJeJWLiil~~lll~1~~ltJlill LeJ 1~mil~1-nl1vi ~


mntllLJul1f1ffJ~WVJJUlnlifl~iIJrtlaquotJeuroN ~~I~LQW1U1nUnhmJfI~~ill1rf11iJ~LtJlJfI~ t71J1fl1lJ1Jnnml1JwrimililLJunfNYlwiif)mif)(i

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J _ I

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lJ U

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illl~1YiOJlJn1J-li11L1ilUBi1vl1LYiUll11U1L-WtJ 3

f1W ~11JLYilJffVll111Jvl~LLVIW1Jl1Ul El1l)1rl J~ VidlfirunBlVluLLYilil~GlB1i1l11ulLiJtlU1J~Ym

bull bull OJ

LL~(ijLLClllUl~ tJ nu 1(ijtJYiJJlllpoundllLLYHil L~Ull1~lJl

I ~lnl11U1LnUtrnLLltl-r~B(ijUULWtJlL~niiBtJ oiild

~~Blijpoundll~n~l11ulYiLiIJLL1ilLLJunBlYluYipoundl(ijUU I IU bullbull I

L~UYlUlJUL1tJu1ua(ij~1(ijBmiitJVivllll11Ul LL~ i ~poundllLLJunBlYlU1iI1a-~n1ll1Ul1tI1U~~l1

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IIl1lJll1uil ~~l11tJllil~1lJliiL~U~ULVilJU LLampi

dju L~poundlmllJ~LLIllWl~tJ 1i1Jl1Ull11U1~ru1~ ~

I (IlaJlJ(1aJeJ~1l1~eJeJnil1ULLiiIlIil~iill~~Dn1J

iil11IJLllV11YiU LLiilY11n~eJnlJYh1r11Jl1Ulii bull Q ~ fi d 0

DWlf1~WllaJn1Jl~~eJf1 nJLQ~lvlU VlVllY1U1Vl

~llJn1Jll11Ul11LLi-JUn1JtJ~n-lil1vYtJJ LVII L~D ~

tJ~n-lil11r1(IeJvf1~1)nUf11laJ~eJn1JlJeJ~~1(ij ~~

tJ~aJl run1ltJ~ m V Em nil ruY1lt-J~i-J~Vl~U Vl~l~(liimVl ~

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~vhtJviltJ 1Liiu~ w11th~tJn uluna-lJll1IJ

i Ln1l~n~l11U1LLiilLn1lVl~m1 Vlll ~ LtIU Elil middot (IlLl1Vl

v1eJl-liWll11Wl1VltJ1~~f11laJ~Uf1 LjeJlln1~ii I ij middotnpoundlI~jltJleJ-rU ~lWJi~Y1~ liQJyenU Ul~n1ilIJ~iJ I hib~l11tnlrm L~WEl1VijjnliLwM~aJlc)(1 17 i

I tJJ(IrllltJLUWnlJl~tJLL~~~WllVW~-iil11~LYilJ I lJln-iiu I


fi n a Ua dhl3J amp1 ~h ~UA1 b nlf(9la f1~lijVl~~ IJm1J~lLL~~ 217 LL~U~TUUlrl lJEJlJ~ 26-32 Onnfl~~i1LLlnlJm1J~l

d at 01 d

O 7 L~ltJ3JVllleuroJ 3 VlUl tJI1U ~U llj

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0lt) =i ffUtJ1~ tJ fimmlLIjeuroJnllLmffilLL~ ~ - ~

~mrumlLn~l (jj n ~) Ulb3JUillJfllJ

VI~J1JeuroJIll(i11 Lfflli3nl mlLn~llJeuroJJLYltJ

VI~eurol~~YlrnflLn~l liJe)ltIlllmllJmtJ~h

~ln 07 lu~~Jumn dJU 26- 32 lufI~J U~J VI~euroJ~ltIlLUiUJ~lil 2 i 7 LL~U~lUU1Yl ~I~~LUU 83 lJeuroJJl~Yll13JIJeuroJJUlLrlff dQI I lJ V Jd YI3JElQ 26 mUmUU1Vl IJruv~ 6 L~euroJUVI~J

lJtJIU 2556 3J~lil~ufilLn~~leuroJd~ 216 ~

u~nQJluUn~ rilLU~LYh~ ~-ril~ ~eilUltJml ffU~1ltJfin~ ncil1h ~LVI~I1

JJfl~~t1V1~I~~lJmtJ~llii L~euroJJlln~~t-J~~1u n~JJ-trllulU eleuroJtJ tJlJWlll Ul~3JJ1~U LL~ ~~wil1fl3JlruL~3J LLlt1i-lill

LU~euroJn~nml3J~U 15jj eJiLUUL~aJ l~UllmiJ-ru~l~ILlt1~tJ t-lil~~tpJ illPl

euroJtiYi 7500-9000 Ulrl UYJU i~1l~ lI bull cd ~euroJltlU Vl1nml3JIfUeuroJfVl aJil~lL~ LV20 m ~llfll 6000 U1YlLYhilu

~UtJllljlll m~illlml~W1~J3Jl

LVI~euroJ 60-61 Ulrl lt1ieuroJnT~n13J LIjllil~u~ LiJltln~~L~3J ~urlumlt-J~~~J llm-nllTIj~

d ~ T Llt1GwmlYi


630-780 Ulrl w1euroJn ~n~3J LIjnt-J~~~~euroJeuroJn3J13JlnLL~ilmlU1L-li13J1

llnUltLVlffLYleuroJuihu lJru~llfllnJneuroJeuroJn l1~mltlloilUl~lnYillIXllmU1U~J~lL~euroJ 10-220 U1Y1w1euroJnT~n13J LllUL~tJ1n1Jnfll Ul~~ ~llmfiWl~J3J1LVI~euroJ320 -435 ~ntJ ~euroJnT~n13J

1I1~U11 VI~lLm~~lmL9l1lJLjULl~1 il~Jllljfl~euroJIlUnlllllOhm~~ LL~iJ ml3JVll~1um~wYi1u1U1n~uVlIi~OnnleuroJleuroJ1J

LjuluTm~ml3J1UJ~ln11 6-8 L~euroJU

cilUllfl1~U~lLnllVllvifl1~ hlilllm vibVi~ ~euroJ ~Uci1UVI~I m~11lb~l-I LUU 215-220 ulrllt1ieuroJnT~n13J lln 180

Ulrl LIjll~U~euroJImlU1LUt-J~~beuroJvilUeuroJ~ IJrnvielmJflWd1lL~3JLJU 1 220-1300

U1rl lln 1040 ulY1~euroJnT~n13J llfl1LnLdil

nlL~3JLUU 42880-44 Ulrl~euroJnT~n1l-1 L 11l1nfl3JUln vifftJ T lUilml3J9l euroJI ml

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ultJ~3Jifn~ n~lhlilJii leuroJI~f~ml jj n~ n~llL~13Jl1 cilVl1U LLt-JUltJ

tJllL~L~~ tJ ~Vll~ ilil3J nu mrl )11

im~~l1mYlll11jlb)ll6 Ll~mrll11

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~euroJJVi~lLilumlL1~3Jt-J~~~~ ml~~

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n 9l euroJJ LVi~W)1[11 mm~m~n~rnvi1JTlI

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ultJ~3Jifn~ n~11~euroJ11 ffuMfmin~ ~ll1lml3J$1~L~UlJeuroJJnfliJ~n~lmLrltJ bull I

~jLLwllUYi 18-30 ~ tJYitJl~l llnn~3J

~euroJtiljLrl~mmlurlnfJVll~YilUlL~f1 2346 lltJ LUVll-n8 l~lJml~~lJlJeuroJJ Ln~ltIllmLrltJ ljuil Ln~~lmLrltJ~ml3J ~lJlul~u3Jln~WflLLUuLlt1~1J 310 lln

~LLUUL~3J 4 lLLWU T~mnllVllmilml3J v JJ ~ 14 1

~IJl~ltIlU3JlnIJULufl~LuU 7851

ml3J~lJlJeuroljLmWIlmLrltJ l~lln ~1~llt1lfll1~~IJlU 6 ~~ L~LLn meuroJUfl11 ~lJrnlj~ ~Jfl3J~ mlJ1U~ ~lJJllljLjU~

LL~l~t~ LL~~euroJoilLLUnml3J~lJ~l3JeuroJ-nlw nllLn~l~n

cilVl1lJl~lJfll13J ~lJlJ euroJjLn~~ lm

VI~JL~1uLjuTmJ nlliU~lUlin ljU

11 Ln~lm~u~n-nllilml3J~IJ~l~l13J

L~3J~wmw1~l~lJ3Jln~~~ itJflLLUU

Llt1~tJ 335 middotnnm-LLUUL~3J 4 fIbbUU


TWlmn~~lm~u~nillI11ULVlqi ilml3J ~ v I 4 _ v

~lJ LUl~U3JlnlJUfl~LuU 886 ~rleuroJU


ampI J 11

U1JaSJf1n~ mfi11(i)1U 1il~~Hilfl111iU1fl11

lYJilnlllnmlm(1l1WlirunllLflmJi (llfl l1) fl~ll 11 f1UJ1~J 1l fl l1 l~cimlm1JJ~~l~14 (Poll)

11 il~ ~~JJ ltill il ci1~ 1f11jmm114lln ~~11~~1Jilllf1 ~l14l~ 2346 i1U lW~l~~il14 ~[J57 ifl~u i~lJm1JJl1l11Jil~lnmJifljl11H )tojlJ11 m1JJl111JJl(1

ilJJu~ ln~Vlim1 ~1 [Jl 11111 ilJJil~l14i~~JJ1 fl

vll[JTlll1414l~U 31 0 llflf1ll14Ul~JJ 4 Tlll1414

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Tlll1414 ~TlJJ~ 3 20 Tlll1414 fl1j~l14~ 3 14

Tlll1414 l1Jil1ril~14lt11 285 Tlll1414 ll(111l1~ 274

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)1~il ljjil~llLUflfll1l-Jl1lJl-Jl(1j1JJVllJJil1~Yl ~ ~~

nnLhl1011V111fl rilJ11 lflljlillm~DjnillJil1~I

nlllnljm1l1flrl flDj ll1rljjm 1~ 1 l1JJJ1 Ri1JJil ~l14

i~lJJJlfl t~tJl~mJinl~yjll1114~J(1bJjjf1ll1414l~~[J mlJJl1IJJJ1m1l-Jl1~l1~ lrijll~u14~~lmnltr14~1~ q~fll~1J(1t~ilfl~Vl (1Hl lflljOJjflj~ilUlvl~ DinillJ fllJ 1 14ndlJDjl1lJU ru11il111J (11J~Vlt14 Vlm~~~~illmiddottvlilm~l11l11141J-(1~Iilh jil~(1~JJl ~il lnmJjflj~D(1n5iltJllflL~u~lrildil t~Uilm


5il[J~llU1tUl-JlWl-J~14 ~~lU14mll~lflmJjm~1lnfl 5il[Jvmh lI(Uyj~rildil~I1~Y11~fl1j~~ililn~~~~[J 111~jlr1~~i1l~mul1ruum~flJJlmfl1jn~n14

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1ll[J1I1~llnlMuL~ulfltm~ fllj~lJ~1til-ii11 middot t~tJlflmJjm~D(1fl1il1lth14l1ru~mlJJl11Jl14j~u JJln14lll ~~~tJ~ 88610 l1~il14ll-il~14l1I1~)~fl


1i~ltJl~JJ14 llnjjm1JJVl1J 1 14ill~mi1141JJln 111~llmilTliltJl~14114tm~fI1i1 l-J1hj~lnl1 6-8

llt11 il14 ~~ lti~1Jn t [J m Jil iIlJ1JJl1lJ~ ilJ

lflmJinj1l114l1ru~L~l-JUl-JlilU114i~uJJln~l1~ ilcil~hr)Vll~ ~14~1~U ~nl1ll11411fl1wll

YhlmmJim~i~~mlJJ~1Jl~JJ~ 1lnl1 mllti~ lltfiJJ n m~JJ 1J~Vl1llYl~n ~~Vllll~fl1jlnljVli~ [JfI1j

n~Gi14ll14fl1j1J~Vl fI1mlijJ14llllf1Uf1fl1j1J~Vl flljli

lllf1t14t~ULf1~il~~mfl(1fl1jmmJj ll(1fl1jl1UUl11U

1~~fI1m1illYlll11JJ l~ill~JJj1[Jl~~lYl[J~riil~lJ ~11Ti~1[JlJil~LnljVljflj1Jrul~mn14 1l0l1 mjlti~ ll11JJ fl1jJJil1ril ltfi JJ~~11lf1 fl1jlflmJj lln14il nil1f1

nlllflljVlj t~[JmmlijJ141lln~~lltfiJJillrij[J14 l~illl1t~~(1VlillJ IIY114)14l11JJll[lU~ liJUil~~ l1il~1~ ~fl1T1ry~il T1j1fi1llmu1~l14fl1jVlm~l~ill111~ liil~ll1~fI1~lml1Ullnflj1[JR14fi1


I 41 VIvVha h104 1lfillIii033HI~L~3Jfl1lLOlfVll LiI~L~v~~

LL4lYll-lmliilLUU-llUlIeurol-lm~1 L~Ellhml-j~eurolLf1W1dm~uiln-n11~ ~

U1U Iill~ultJUltJlIeurol-l ml15 11 M~~Ihlm-lmddrnd-l~m~

riiUYltl~LYlf11ul~~md~~iilUrlunmJ~Iil-n11 L~eurol~Uml~~lI1shy

lf11Ul 3 nlmdJl udnEluiil1tJ 1) md~~-llUdrnd-l~md~~

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eurolUdJlriltJYleurol~LYlf11ul~~md~~iilu1umd~~1iljJ11 d~U~lLf1eurol 814 ~lLf1El 1~LLrim11111~mLnW1~~U1U (eurolnJl ) middot 61102 dltJ

dVdlJ1U~ 15 mnjlf1Jl-31 mnjlf1Jl 2557 l~tJlvilmdL~tJ LLyIj1LYlf11ul~~mdr-J~1il-n11~rlnltilEl-l 1~lf11U11~~mlJl1 mlJl

~ ~

L-nlh YldlunJ LL U1Yl lJmd~~dlmill tJmd r-J~1iI 111Jlld(] L-nlnJ

UltJmdr-J~lilmnln d1~0-lLn~mlJlL-nlh~ln~UL~tJ1nUmd~U

-ilU1U 63943 f111L1eurolU LIil1tJlJyljftlJlleurolUL~UL-nllrqJ~Lntilildm LLA1 ~lwru~~m~~lLUU-llUIil1JJLLtJUUElJnULL~Lln1l1ilqJmtJ~1~ U 2557 lurn~lillUeuroleuroln l~m~yIjl~Jf1~ LJl LL~YlL1tJU 1~~J nldl-~Jl-jl~L~lmiddotdJ~~lill~amUnld[UEl~lJ1n~~ LLvillrndr-J~ 1~~J 3l1U~ ~1uhmjdluL~tJ11nAl-jJl~LLA1 yIjUl11~~nld ~mf11-6~1Iild~ldt~Ll1tJ1llU~J LLliijjm~LriW1dndUlJmiJl~lIEl I

nWUL~mmJJl1myljf1~eurol-l (lf~Ll1tJIiIElm~tJ 3) LL~~JLl1~~md ~ ~ LLUdW d1~nl1 65 A1UU1Yl ~Jlirn11 fin (f nLIil1tJJlIElUL~Ul~



~1U~~r-J~IilYlL1tJU ~-lf1~ LJl middot LL~~eurolJnEl-llUf11f11iil ~OJ bull I I

ilEln~liIm~~lnlU-61-lL~ElU~Jl-jlf1Jl-numtJu 57 ~U f1rn ~

nTI~nldUltJUlmL~~lmnld-6itJLl-j~mnW1dm (f1lfn) jj~~~ Ud1~LrieurollU~ 7 mnj1f1Jl 2557 l~L~UlfeurolUIillJlLLr-JuUeurol-lnU

~YlnutJULnW1dm LL~md LlfUd tJlfUllnYlLutJULnW1dm


eurolnJl LL~~L~1l-jh~ri-lLm~mdLnW1d1u~u~U

lu11ulItJltJr-J~LLriLnW1dmllrneuroleurolnm1lL~tJJlLLU~-lLmrm~~u YlL1JtJULn~lildnd~lJ~n mtJ1iilnlnddJl~ 3) mdriltJYlEl~

~ ~

LYlf11ul~~md~~iiluYlumdr-J~1il-n11LLriLmrmm l~U~LUll-jJlltJ LnW1dml-jUJ~lUdltJ

lU~1UlIeurol-lmd~lLUUJ1UlmJmdLLntlIUqJmtJlJVm10Jduu U 2557 ~UU11LUU~11~lIeurol-lLmtlildm LyIjdll-j~-llln~ f111lf

eurol17~~Stihmrn m~1 middot MUd1JlL1-l1~YIu1tJ JlUlu~u~~hu d~ul~lElf1euroluLIlmdUi 1~~lLuumdm1l11eurolULL~~UEJU~~md eurolElnlufudeurolJ1-LLA1L111lmtJ1u~u~ElU nf1d

~~~ e-J1U~11v1LL ~Jll eurolLilm~U~1 tJ Ll-j ~eurollmtlildm1lJ~ ~hunJu UdJllrnL~JlL~Jl LL~l~~ri-lifqJ~dltJ~eurolmtmm 1~ firi l1

LL~LL1ltllUqJl-jl~m1~mf11iil jjLUll-j~ltJ 7800 iilu l-lL~U 37 50

A1UU1Yl -61tJU~l-jld~~m~lu 3 Jlllildnld ~eurol 1) u~Vm~nld

~rnf11ylj~~tJ~1iI LUll-jJlltJ 4000 iilu 2) mlltJr-J~r-J~liImmuEln

~u~mf11iil LU1l-j~ltJ 3800 iilu 3) L111~l1myljf1~eurol-llumdEl lI1tJcJ~~ LUll-jJlltJ 35 n~Jl

LL~ ~11 ~ ~JYi1 tJ ~1l-j1U n ld~l LuUJlulmJ nld-61 tJ Ll-j ~ eurol

LnW1dm~lJd~U1ltJYlU~Yll-lfiddJll11~ LriElU 2555-57 -ilU1U ~

530943 dltJ lu 60 ~-l-jl~ ~ f111l1 1~eurolU~GiJUnmJdltJmd~1 I I

deurolJ~ltJL~Elmrn~maUl-j1El-ildju 1JL~U 509954 ~lUU1YlL~eurol L1-l~ltJl-LnW1dm~U l-j~JOJlnimJ~-lLm~mdmW1dL1-lL~1l-jiil~ 1-m1OJl1ElUdltJ~mnW1md L~lJ~U~L~U~lnllEl-lLmdm L~lI umlh-iliil1Udl11l1U Lm-ilu1uL~U~~niilElJ lIrnU finl1n


LWfl n11Ln1iVll UtlmlnlrunTl Lnm (iin) Li](l

~~ucll~u iintllMll111111~~IiH~U~fl~

n ~ IJ ii111l th~Lnm n l1 U1 n ~~1l(lrUi LM1

~lU1U 2346 llU 1Ui-NL~1lUjj~U1UU 2557

111)1l lii11J11111J~lJ1l~Ln(llnll11u vnrh ml)JlJlJ1Cll1)JlJfl~ Ln~(llni11111U1l1Wi1lJ1lV

1Ul ~1J~~ lii11I1UUULU~1 310 Ilnl1iLU~ UlllJ 4 IlLLUU

Ul1lllJf1n~n~nn L~fl~UUnrm)JlJ(ll)J mii~mlLn~(l~ui1Ln1imnlUNClbjjj~LLUU Ll~UIl11lJ~IJmtll1lJ~~~(l L~i1LUUb~~~IoJtl l~flfln~(ltl1(l Ln1l(limihl11111J1nlu i1l~NUl imn~liIinl~)tlmj1lJLLilLtU~1riLd1l tlil1l1111

ilfl1iiLLU1tU~L~~lu IJruVilriLdfliiiilll11~n1l lti~flfln~~iu

U1UlllJ~n~n~1ln lti1V111Jl(1Jll11lJtlIJlJeN

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d d )J1nl1~(lm1IlUUULUtlU 335 dj1l-lllnLjjtlhi


Jj111~3TU-amm11 ~111~1J Ul1lllJ~nt1ln~lTi1 N1Wl1Jl1111aUI11

Ln(I1l111~a-liJ 2557 ii LL U1 t UlJIlJU1U

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Ministry seeks to resume small-lot rice sales in August PETCHANET PRATRUANGKRAI THE NATION

THE COMMERCE MINISTRY is preparshying to resume selling rice from its stockpiles in early August gradually releasing it in small lots of about 5000)0 tonnes a month

Duangporn Rodphaya director-genershyar of the ForeIgn Trade Department said a ~ubcommlttee had agreed the mmistry slthould go ahead and sell rice from the stockpIles and not walt tor completion of a Junta-ordered mspectlOn of the stocks bull I he nce-release planwhlch Will be proshy

posed to the Rice Policy and Management Committee soon includes sales through general auctions to exporters and local traders by government-to-governrrient contracts and through the Agricultural Futures Exchange of Thailand

Puangporn added that the department wopId ensure the stocks are released transshyparent With the Fmance Mmlst and the Prime Minister s 0 ce joint y inspecting the f0cessc

T~e department reported that about 55 per cent ofl800 rice warehouses had so far been inspected by the teams dispatched by the militarys ruling National CounCil for Peace and Order The teams are expected to complete their mission by the end of September

About 18 million tonnes ofrice is reportshy

cerns over roug t an ower pro uction in many countries amid higher demand in many others I here IS a good posslblhty that ThaIland will export 10 million tonnes 9pound nce thIS year It is expected to sell off all 18 million tonnes in its stockpiles within three years she saId

The department reported that Thailand was able to sell 535 million tonnes of rice in the first six months middotup by 50 per cent year on year while export value rose 19 percentto US$27biIlion (nearly Bt86 bilshylion)

As ofJuly 16 the price of5 per cent Thai

Afile photo shows asoldier inspecting rice stockpiles at a warehouse in a eastern province

white rice was quoted at $427 a tonne up from $410 the previous week

She added that production bfThai paddy rice in the 2014-15 harvest season was proshyjected to be less than 38 mi1lion tonnes because of drought in many areas

Charoen Laothamatas president of the Thai Rice Exporters Association said the government should consIder sellIng rice from its stockpiles in small lots of about 100000-200000 tonnes per auction to avoid impacts on the m-rket price

The government has less pressure to accelerate the sale of rice frbm the stocks The country has holder power It should ensure transparency and minimum impacts to the market he said

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INTHE WAKE ofrising concern over the t reatmen t oflabour farmers we1shybeing and the environment in global trading the International Trade Promotion Department is urging more lhal busmesses to seek FairTrade cershytification so that their products are more easily recognised and have a

greater chance in the world market place

At a seminar on Fair Trade Mark and trading of Fair Trade products in theinternationaJ market heldyestershyday by the agencys Office of News Overseas Markets Development and PromotIOn Duan kamol Jlambutr e U Irec or- ener ot e eplrtshy

mentSal t atonlyasmallnumberof thaI compames and sUEP)Lc~~ms current~apphedthe FairTrade Marllt

The epartment lrill therefore continue to support Fair Trade certishyfication by promoting an awareness campaign amongThai man ufacturers and exporters she said

According to the Netherlandsshybased Fair Trade Original organisashytion about 30 Thai companies and supply chains have received FairTrade

certification to date This guarantees that they engage in faii treatment of farmers have good labour conditions use no forced or child labour offer fair prices to suppliers and operate with transparency accountability and respect for the environment equity and freedom lt)nd have fair trading practices

Duangkarnol said the department in cooperation ~th Fair Trade Original now had a target of increasing the number of certified businessshy iSnap es and products by 10 per cent ayear

The main goal is to help agriculshytural and handicraft producers as well as manufactures and exporters to achieve better trading conditions and to promote sustainability she said

Certified members of the Fair Trade programme will likely be able to leverage the quality of their prodshyucts for higher prices with certificashytion ensuring world-class social and environmental standards and more recognition in the international trade area she added

Thai export products alreadyusing the approved Fair Thade logo include

rice coffee tea cane sugar cotton freshfruits herbs and spices ockershywork handicrafts pottery and ceramshyics

The official said the department also would like to encourage busishynesses in the shrimp and fishery secshy

ate consultant for Thailand said the overall value of Fair Trade products had increased considerably in the past few years as consumers now had more awareness about fair trading conditions and the environment

Consumers are willing to pay more for Fair Trade goods if they feel they have bought a product whose manufacture is highly responsible to society Today prices of Fair Trade products are also very competitive

the same as leading brands Enterprises should adapt themselves to produce Fair Trade products in order to ensure sustainable growth

tors to comply with Fair Trade certification so that they do otfaceproblems due to unfa abour treatment Every Fair Trade product is subject to labour-standard checking she explained

Manasnan Pongjayavanij Fair Trade Originals aS60ci~

and access to many markets said the consultant

According to Fair Trade Original the value of fair trade goods in the global market excluding the US rose from 1 billion (Bt427billion) in 1996 to 48 billion in 2012 Expots ofThai fair trade products were wOlth about Bt300 million in 2012

More than 30000 products are now on sale in 125 countries and the global Fair Trade system currently works with over 12 million people across 60 countries

Manasnan said many more Thai products could get the Fair Trade mark So far many local brands sllch as Doi Chang coffee plus local proshyducers of soy sauce chjli sauce pineapples and bananas are wellshy

known for having the mark which is accepted widely

Martin Boon development manshyager for Fai~Trade Original in the Netherlands told the seminar that with the global market having growshying recognition of Fair Trade prodshyucts many markets were increasing demand for products carrying the logo - and that Thailand had high potential to serve sllch worldwide demand


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THE NATION ~ JULY 20141lI Sihasak reassures EUteam over juntas reform roadmap SUPALAK GANJANAKHUN DEE THE NATION BRUSSELS

EARLY ELECTIONS vtithout reform would not help restore proper democshyracy to Thailand That was the message related by acting Foreign Minister Sihasak Phuangketkeow when he met his counterpart from the European Union in Belgium this week In a bilateral meeting with David OSullivan chief operating officer ofthe European External Action Service Sihasak said Thailand had a clear roadmap to restore sustainable democshyracy and that the EU should support

this process of reform The roadmap and its related reform

will help strengthen our political econshyomy and will also be of benefit to our partnership with theEUin the longnm he said

Sihasak was in Brussels for a minisshyterial meeting between representatives ofAsean and the EU and spent much of his time briefing representatives of Eillopean nations aboutthe situation in Thailand

The E U along with the US and other Western countries strongly criticised themilitaryforits May 22 coup The EU suspended a number of cooperations withThailand as well as several visits by high -level officials It also recommendshyed that member states review military cooperation with Thailand

The EU said last month that it wouldmiddot

not sign a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Thailand and that the negotiation of a free-trade agreement (FTA) would not conclude until an electshyed government was in place

Sihasak told OSullivan that an electshyed government would come eventually Before that however Thailand needed time to implement reform to have a strong democracy

The time frame of 15 months or so for the reform is not too long ifwe want to make sure that our system and democracy are sustainable he said

Thai people are aware of the issues facing our country and we are working on addressing these concerns so the EU as a partner should support us

The EUhas the right to voice its conshycerns about the situation in Thailand

middot but it should also ensure it is sufficientshyly informed on specific cases he said

Concerning detention and martial law the EU should make sure it has corshyrect information about who is under

middot detention and if there are concerns about human-rights violations the EU should specify the cases he said

Sihasak discussed the situation in Thailand Vlrith many European MPs

middot while in BrusselsTheyincludeq Franck Proust special rapporteur on the FTA and Samuel Cantell head of the ecoshynomic trade and regional cooperation delegation Many of them have experishyence in engaging with Thailand and have a clear understanding ofthe current sitshyuation in the country Sihasak said


Pension scheme for farmers proposed

Farmers in the future might look forward to retiring on a government pension

Charnpittaya Chimplee directorshygeneral of the Rice Oepartment said yesterday ttiat under a draft bill dealing with the rice development fund members would contribute about 3per cent of their monthly income to the fund and the state wou ~d also chip in ayet-unspecified amount

When farmers reach the age of 60 or 65 they will start receiving a monthly pension bf about Bt4OOO

Most farmers earn less than other workers so the fund is neces- sary for their future Charnpittaya said

Other proposals for the bill are being gathered and the contents wi I be improved before its submisshysion to acommittee on rice producshytion and markets and the National Council for Peace and Order


Farmer happiness down from August WICHIT CHANTANUSORNSIRI

Farmer happiness last month dropped subshystantially from its peak last August when they had high hopes of stable income from the Yingluck Shinawatra administrations rice pledging scheme reports a Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BMC) poll

The state-backed farm banks farmer happiness index fell to 7851 in June from its highest level of89 in August said senior executive vice-president Somsak Kangteershyawat The poll surveyed 2346 farmers

Happiness from family health a good society jo b financial position and the quest

for knowledge were the six factors used to measure the index

The survey found happines from the family scored the highest with a score of 341 out offour followed by health at 321 a good society at 320 job at 314 fmancial position at 285 and the quest for knowlshyedge at 274

Farmers from the Northeast regygIiwere the happiest vvith a score of 314 while those from the North scored 313 the South 312 the East 297 and Central 299

Asource at the BMC confirmed Augusts poll was taken when the farmers mood hit a fever pitch as they felt they would receive an elevated level of compensation from the

rice pledging programme The National Council for Peace and

Order (NCPO) is seeking sustainable ways to help farmers after losses from rice pledgshying which offered prices 40-50 higher than the market price could reach 500 billion baht

The juntas measures so far largely includelowering rice production costs and slowing the release of supply to lower price pressure

The source said prices of tapioca sugar cane chicken and pork are gaining in the second half while those of rice corn rubber oil palin and whiteleg shrimp are declirun ~ bull bull imiddotI middot7~

Regarding rice prices the source said the price of paddy with 15 moisture content could average 7500-9000 baht a tonne while Hom Mali prices are projected at 14000-15000 baht in the second the half

Even though the agricultural sector conshytributes only 84 to the countrys GDP there are 167 ffiillion farmers making up 26 of the population

National Statistical Office data shows the ratio of farmers who earned over 100000 baht a year rose to 286 in 2013 from 97 in 2003 while 643 graduated from prfshymary school down from 704 a decade ago Farmers shouldered average debt of 124604 baht per person last year

BANGKOK POST 41 FTIupbeatabout domestic car sales PIYACHART MAIKAEW

The Federation of Thai Industries (FT) remains confident that domestic vehishycle sales will top I million this year defying some car makers projection of sales declining to between 900000 and 980000 vehicles

Domestic demand started picking up in the previous quarter as private firms and farmers bought new pickup trucks for their business expansion and new cultivation said Surapong Paisitpatanapong spokesshyman for the FIrs automotive industry club

The club forecasts pickup truck sales will contribute 55-58 of domestic sales against 442 in 2013 while passenger cars dropped to about 40 from 474 last year

The passenger car market has normalshyised after demand was absorbed by the gov- emments first-time car buyer scheme said Mr Sura pong

The club yesterday cut its 2014 forecast for Thailands automotive output from 24 million vehicles to 22 milliori It also cut domestic sales to 1 million vehicles hom 12 million while exports stand finn at 12 million vehicles

FTI vice-chainnan Suparat Sirisuwan~ nangkura said Thailand was expected to remain in the worlds top 10 automotive manufacturers this year with production in countries such as Canada and Russia also expected to decrease

The International Organization of Motor

Vehicle Manufacturers said Thailand was the worlds ninth-largest automotive manufacturer in 2013 and 10th in 2012 Production (ast year totalled 245 million vehicles the highest in 52 years and up by 014 from 2012

The club yesterday reported that car proshyduction fell by 261 year-on-year in June to 160452 For the first half Thailands car output fell by 29 year-on-year to 952685

Domestic car sales in June totalled 73799 dOVll by 304 on the same period in2013 while 440911 cars were sold in the first half down by 405

By contrast car exports in June rose 657 to 103946 earning the cOUDtry497 billion baht In the first half exports rose 36 to 560047 cars with export value rising 895 to 265 billion baht

The FII yesterday reported that the industrial sentiment index improved for the second straight month in JW1e

The index rose to 884 points accordshying to the FIr which conducted a survey among 1100 industrial operators It stood at 851 points in May when sentiment improved for the first time in seven months

FTI chairman Suphan Mongkholsuthee said sentiment has improved because of the more stable political situation and an increase in purchases of products thanks to the Fifa World Cup football tournament

The industry outlook index for the next three months stood at 1019 points rising from 101 in May

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AUTO EXPORTS INCREASE Despite the sluggish recovery of

the export sector auto shipments continue to expand but still by not enough to counter the reduction in dorriestic demand for cars

The industry has been forced to brake this years production target from 24 million units to 22 million

The target for domestic sales has been lowered from 12 million units to 1million which represents adrop of 251 per cent or 335154 units from last year

Surapong Paisitpattanapong deputy chairman and spokesman of the Federation of Thai Industries Automotive Industry Club said yesterday that lower domestic derriand the end ofthe governments first-car tax-relief programme and the delay in gov~ errirnent and private investment

middotprojects had contributedtothemiddot change in the production target However this new figure is still

middot higherthan the forecast for T8 milshylion units before the big floodiri 2011and domestic demand is

expectedto shitf intoforWard gear i

middotnext quarter~ The economic recovery payshyrnent for farmersuncter the rlceshy

pledgingscherneandreturn of investment will increase revenue l

in other industries and put more rnoney in peoples pockets he middot said

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Temporary charter should furthershyboost confidence ERICH PARPART THE NATION

THE FEDERATION ofThai Industries believes the temporary charter will further increase the confishyden~e ofdomestic and foreign investors along with buslness op~ratrs while the recent strengthening of the baht IS stJlI tolerable for the export industry as long as anyfurther appreciation is neither too rapid nor drastic

_The FTI also said yesterday that its Industries Sentiment Index (TIS) had increased by 44 points since April

The introduction ofthe provisional charter is in line with the politiCal road map of the NCPO [NationaICoimcil for Peace and Order Jand I believe that in generalinvestors andoperators will feel more relaxe and gai~ more confidence that things aremiddot gomgmaccordWlththeNCPOsplansforanewcharshyter the setting up ofan interim government and the possibility of an election in the future said Supant Mongkolsuthree chairman ofthe FTI shy

In his view the country over the past two months has been running on a smooth surface since the Nepo took power a move which has led to an increase in foreign investor confidence certainty over pubh~ II1vestment policy and rising domestic consumptIOn

These factrs will support the recovery and allow _gross domestJC product to expand by 25 percent this year he said


The FTI had been projecting an economic recesshysion before the arrival of the NCPO

As for exports Supant said The strenctheninO of the baht is related to the increased conffdence of foreign investors which has led to an inflow offorshy~ign funds This will have some effect on the export iiidustry but it is still acceptable for exporters since the currencys strengthening pace is not too fast and the Bank ofThailand is still monitoring the situashytion

The export sector will be able to cope with a stronger baht if the rate does not fall below 3050 per US dollar he said -Moreover since the global economy IS continushyII1g to reco~er the FTI is sticking with its export

- growth projectIOn of35-5 per cent for the year According to Bloomberg the baht was valued at

3176 per dollar yesterday The FTI chief pointed out that if the Kingdoms shy

export value were calculated in baht it would already show lO-per-cent growth year on year

Accordingto the central bank export value in May came in at US$1927billiol1 (Bt6124 billion) whIch IS 12 per cent lower than the same period last year in dollar terms - shy

Meanwhile the TmiddotISI has increased for two month~ in a row The indexose from 840 in April to 851 111 May and to 884111 June amidst calmer political waters the economic recovery the liftingof the curfe - and even Fifa World Cup fever which led to an mcrease in overall production orders and sale figures - shyn~eover~TISI fororBers~salesarid prod-udiai- -shyIII allll1dustnes rose from 802796821 points in May to 843 844 879 points respectively in June

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CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough


GRAFT HAS GOT TO GO nvestors from Japan from which Such concern by the Japanese away existing and prospective forshy

the largest amount of Thailands investors should not be ignored eign investors Countless foreign direct foreign investment comes because they have brought the firms and investors have com~

have called for reduced corruption largest amount of direct foreign plained about the extra costs of and improved transparency in order investment into Thailand The doingbusinessinThailandbywhich to help restore confidence in the Japanese invested over 8t290 bil- they mean kickbacks and undershy

Kingdom lion in projects ClPproved by themiddot the-table money that must be to Setsuo luchichief representative Board of Investment last year That bureaucrats and politicians Often

of themiddot Japan External Trade was nearly 30 per cent of the total they have topayin exchange for pro-Organisation (Jetro) for Asean and foreign investment of Btl1 trillion curement deals with state agencies South Asia last week called on the according to 801 data and public projects People who ruling National Council for Peace Thailand has generally remained refuse to pay are routinely left and Order to kick-start good govershy attractiye to foreign investors due behind by their bribe-paying comshynance that includes combating corshy to positive factors such as the avail- petito rs University of the Thai ruption and ensuring transparency ability of skilled labour efficient Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) rec-particularly about doing business in infrastructure and transportation tor Saowanee Thairungroj has esti-Thailand Now its a good time for systems location andthe consider- mated that corruption adds 30 per Thailand to bring about good govshy able size of the domestic market cent to costs for businesses That ernance for the new era he said But our chronic corruption is scaring she says translates into reduced

comoetitiveness for Thai-made Economic and Business Forecasting pay corrupt officials and politi~ians products and reduced credibility for Centre He surmises that the have to cut costs at-the building site Thailand among foreign investors improvement could be due to posi- and that means poorer quality in General Prayuth Chan-ocha has tive public sentiment following the their public projects and thus a risk made tackling corruption a top pri- juntascampaignagainstcorruption to life and limb ority for the ruling military junta He and organised crime The surveyalso Businesses who pay bribes also says the fight will be part of sweepshy showed that bribes paid to officials offset their higher costs by charging ing national reform together with and politiCians by the private sector the consumers more good governance transparency and had declined to 15-25 per cent of middot Since corrupt authorities and an efficient and effective system of project costs frbman average 25-35 politicians make money and bribe-checks-and-balances Thailands per cent previously paying businesses make profits it is corruption index in the first half of Despite the seemingly slight theconsumersandthepublicingenshythis year improved for the first time improvement in the situation (or- eral who suffer in five years according to aUTCC surshy ruption remains amajor problem for They end up paying more uhnecshyvey The indexinJune was registered Thailand essarilyfor products and public proF at 46 out of a possible lOa com- In addition to the weakened ects the quality of which is poorer

pared to 39 last December says competitiveness and reduced cred- Corruption should beeliininated or Thariavath Phonvichai UTCC vice ibility the public asa whole is affect- at least minimised for the sake of rector of research and director of its ed by corruption Contractors who the country and its people

  • 57-07-24 (กรม)
  • 57-07-24 (ใบนำสง)
  • 57-07-24 (กระทรวง)

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~ V I 11

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IV ff


~U1~1Villi LnU~~J bull IV a

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inmhv-liil 111Pi~~ Llllnnn1lIHU

ml~nll~~IllfJlNu~tllll (iilIlU) LtJ~ Lmrh iilIlU1Lliru~lLLVlUN1llnilUn1l ~lU~U~l ~tltllll ~ LLiiliJ~Tfl~ll tJ111qj

Llilml11~ilL~illJf)1l-11iltJ(l~lJU1~UWl neu]~Uri1 vflLLJj~W mJLl1lll 1l1~Ull~

~ eil tmiddotwnnVJiln fl1111l LL(llJUJJ1JUL~fn

lllYlm~~ l1~IIlnMillVi~f)tlnpoundi~ml1

~Uril Lb(hvjUl11JU1~Ulllnru-naUril

l1flltJJjU~jjlJU1~1-1niLnuI~~ LLvimmru

flU~l~Ullljj1JU1~ L~lL~~ ~lEllltrnl1l-1N u~lnll Llt]11~ei~ Llltlniftl~U~lt~ tJVilJl1~ vlutrlLn(1J 1JruLtiitJ1nUnlltJrU(l~~~1~ lJillmllnru-nll~viiilt-J(ltiiiitlnllll~ ~UVlUn1lt-J~(9I~ltJ

~ltJrllv-llli1~lTh 1UltJampu iilIlU


l1~ii 01LUU1tJMiilJEl1-Xiil~~lLVh~~1 LUU

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fl1l11lLL(lm tltJ ) nl~poundilLiiI~)Jlruinv-l

LL(l~I LL1~~fl~ LLllnl~ll1ull)J)JllVlH L~tlfltln~l(91ln1lIl1UIl)Jll-1ll(9ltU L~fl rill1U~ LL UlvriltJllu~l l-1dJ U~lmriu LtiitJlnU

~lnn1lIl~(9Ill1~U~ll1iilltJlIil~ Lliu

1l~)JU1JI~J1~ltJd~f) lJUl~lJl(91vit-IDJl11 1l~~iiWUyjl11fl~(il 17 -31 poundi1ULLJj~v-l

iiiiviuyjl11 23-41 NU~tllIlUl1ll tJ

flTIILlilhei(9l~~11~U~1flJl(91111qjlll 1iitl~~lruiill LLvi1~11i lJruLtiimnUnlJ

L~iJ1JU1~ if~vh1~Ntl~nflU nllll ~uYlU I ~

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I)cJ4 flJfl~lV1dJ 2557

~)J~lh~fl1l1Jmi~~r111lillilfl-1J~TilflIVl)JIJ~lV11Jiiilnrucrl Q I Q

I 1 ~tJ m f IHl tlfl tJIil l fI 11 VI U~ 1 A I1lHl fl11)J lH)Jl tl)J

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IJUlf11liilt1~llniYUtil i~ UlIlJtl (11I1Cl1 fl1lJ1Jm) fol~in~t)n tI bull

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~Ul~1li i llt1ruovliYUti1l1mpoundJlIij~iiIJill~ 1 I1uitnU ~1 ~ uli 111111 UIbull u

~ d CS 10 d 0 i)ll C1 i Q

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U i i ~ilUIYI tl ~ V~ ff ~folCl ~vHl~ U 11 U n 1 i folCl ~ Cl~Cl-lmV I Qo iJ ~ I d oc d ~lnmiill(lnllffUflll1mVlIUfi 1llU flilllJl~-lfol111mVtJI1fl

IJUlf1IJ1~~H1liillfl111ii1fW~1mllii-1 17-31 ~hUIIlIllYl~li~U~ 11-1 23-41 Ur~~1li11111nliVil~Ul~U1f1~U ii~ hlil1~Il1JU flUU~-1uUV11-1flli~CllJ lJfl-1N11n flfllJ nli l~fll-1 i 1l1riNunilfl 11 1

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nIJfl hiCl~Clmil~~ll~U l1it)-1~Ufll~nl11UVl1riiU~11~illV1 U

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4 lJt)~lJi1~nUlYI

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mm 1-1 f2V1ffl11m111 mll 11~liltlJ lIV _lllU n~lUflOlflnllflU bull I sJ

fll111m~Vl (flV) fljllff~m111lrufllliIl~ff-1111V1Clflll IIClmll

fl1Uflllll ClVilJ fl flflll 1mfll1 fl1lJfllJ1lfiVlI1lU I~flfhl1 U VIIIU 1111~ 11~j~1riI1JU 11 WI 11U1~V10U U ltJtilliClfla 11

lClUl15flll fffllJ mhll~lJI~1l11 ilJm1J1Wfll1~i1f1lJn~nruovl

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1111i~ tJ~ln~U()I1lVlllllllillVI1ti~ ftUll1 111 ru IJ v L~11lllfl ~U 111U

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U lV ~ltlCl flri l1V fli 1 -ff1UI1i1-11~ lJlli 11 11 lJlVl llii ~nrue0lmy

InU ~1~ mlVilClltJnHn~lWlU~U ~-1 fll1 1Itl1IJU()I1l~-1flril1 livl1 flciNll 111~11U vi NlliI11 T~ ffllJ 111Cl1l ~U 1 U i IfolJ~111 f)t)u

fll 1 11 ~1l Cl 11 CllV ~flV ~lUlJlll

ltgt If

fl i ~ VI i 1-J VJ 1 ill CSU tJ

J~ nJnrnfl~ 2557-[j1JU[J1USU I


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~ laquo ~ ~ co

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111 W unEllYlU~(i)JU1-nl1 ii~I~W 32 ~m1d1

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~tTu ~WWL~WYlUYIJU L1tJW1UniU1W01~ ~ lil-n111m~

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~111 LLfl~(lJUl f)1-liWlf11U11r1ii fll1JJJW fII LLtl f11 ~W til fl El(ilVU~~l1~rrUIl~~ampi1U fl11iWvl1W11W flU1f1til

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~(il~lnf)I~Uw~~~11 LLLllI11J11VulL~Unf)IrJU middot I ULLinmiij 1 IIjjU~lt1U1l1 1V1mLYI~lViJJ11JpoundllL~U

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WElnVlnu nfllVlWJlii l~U fltilYIUUV1nll1f1Lfln1lUI L~WV1nn1iU~V11l LfllfJ1ai~flmfimLtl~fl I I UiltJlfU~ In(ilV1 nnfllYIUfin(1l1tJI

VlUU l~JnfllVlUtlLLin 1 YI~U~1UU1Vl ~(ildjW II ~llfllJ 3 lJfll~flfh-nl1lU~Elnvhn1mni~~til1~tJ fl 30 ~1W~U LL~L~Uvlln~11V(ln~(il(di1u~hlliW

~ ~

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~Usect 3000 ~1WU1V1 LL~Oli~(ilfdil~Ufli1Y1UU

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t ~3JW1 5rr1Ll1UU11 Un1711n1~~I1UUllalLlJJf)~llf)I

i 711~ lltii~IJWi~Iiim~fLll~dT LLlJilnfllVitJV1~11J L~WEl(ilYIUWVln1~1J1~ Il1IllflnllU LLfl~J1IlJJhl~

ii111V1tJ LLtii~I~~fllirVl1lfi1) vilmhl1i1JJLliLUW

nTnh3WllnneJVlW)J1HidjW1JeJ~Y1UU(h1 ulii

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-nl1iJeJWLiil~~lll~1~~ltJlill LeJ 1~mil~1-nl1vi ~


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~UWtJlJrttrMrillnf)JYluiwtYJfju ~Wi nti~1 511fll1~ mtlnl UnUU1AWvil1l3JlUU1W

J _ I

IIB~IJ ~v(ij~(ij(1(l nll1111 0JV1JlLn1l~J1 ~eJLJ I

t-J~nlilU~l WJ1JneJVlUW~W1middoth)1 lr1L(Iil~W f1t1ll LWJlY11nij-r~Ulllllnn1JL~ilnvtLL~l 1~rW1l

illnDVlWlV~UliiTl1 lLn~1viY1iD1~ IJruvilill nElVlU(ifeJi1Y1Ulv1Vl LLiil (Ilm~n1l1Jl1WlJlaJEl ~~1 tJ ~

lJ U

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illl~1YiOJlJn1J-li11L1ilUBi1vl1LYiUll11U1L-WtJ 3

f1W ~11JLYilJffVll111Jvl~LLVIW1Jl1Ul El1l)1rl J~ VidlfirunBlVluLLYilil~GlB1i1l11ulLiJtlU1J~Ym

bull bull OJ

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I ~lnl11U1LnUtrnLLltl-r~B(ijUULWtJlL~niiBtJ oiild

~~Blijpoundll~n~l11ulYiLiIJLL1ilLLJunBlYluYipoundl(ijUU I IU bullbull I

L~UYlUlJUL1tJu1ua(ij~1(ijBmiitJVivllll11Ul LL~ i ~poundllLLJunBlYlU1iI1a-~n1ll1Ul1tI1U~~l1

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IIl1lJll1uil ~~l11tJllil~1lJliiL~U~ULVilJU LLampi

dju L~poundlmllJ~LLIllWl~tJ 1i1Jl1Ull11U1~ru1~ ~

I (IlaJlJ(1aJeJ~1l1~eJeJnil1ULLiiIlIil~iill~~Dn1J

iil11IJLllV11YiU LLiilY11n~eJnlJYh1r11Jl1Ulii bull Q ~ fi d 0

DWlf1~WllaJn1Jl~~eJf1 nJLQ~lvlU VlVllY1U1Vl

~llJn1Jll11Ul11LLi-JUn1JtJ~n-lil1vYtJJ LVII L~D ~

tJ~n-lil11r1(IeJvf1~1)nUf11laJ~eJn1JlJeJ~~1(ij ~~

tJ~aJl run1ltJ~ m V Em nil ruY1lt-J~i-J~Vl~U Vl~l~(liimVl ~

lUnlJ LLnil ruY1ln1JtJ iiln-lil1~mJllru[nw 1J

~vhtJviltJ 1Liiu~ w11th~tJn uluna-lJll1IJ

i Ln1l~n~l11U1LLiilLn1lVl~m1 Vlll ~ LtIU Elil middot (IlLl1Vl

v1eJl-liWll11Wl1VltJ1~~f11laJ~Uf1 LjeJlln1~ii I ij middotnpoundlI~jltJleJ-rU ~lWJi~Y1~ liQJyenU Ul~n1ilIJ~iJ I hib~l11tnlrm L~WEl1VijjnliLwM~aJlc)(1 17 i

I tJJ(IrllltJLUWnlJl~tJLL~~~WllVW~-iil11~LYilJ I lJln-iiu I


fi n a Ua dhl3J amp1 ~h ~UA1 b nlf(9la f1~lijVl~~ IJm1J~lLL~~ 217 LL~U~TUUlrl lJEJlJ~ 26-32 Onnfl~~i1LLlnlJm1J~l

d at 01 d

O 7 L~ltJ3JVllleuroJ 3 VlUl tJI1U ~U llj

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0lt) =i ffUtJ1~ tJ fimmlLIjeuroJnllLmffilLL~ ~ - ~

~mrumlLn~l (jj n ~) Ulb3JUillJfllJ

VI~J1JeuroJIll(i11 Lfflli3nl mlLn~llJeuroJJLYltJ

VI~eurol~~YlrnflLn~l liJe)ltIlllmllJmtJ~h

~ln 07 lu~~Jumn dJU 26- 32 lufI~J U~J VI~euroJ~ltIlLUiUJ~lil 2 i 7 LL~U~lUU1Yl ~I~~LUU 83 lJeuroJJl~Yll13JIJeuroJJUlLrlff dQI I lJ V Jd YI3JElQ 26 mUmUU1Vl IJruv~ 6 L~euroJUVI~J

lJtJIU 2556 3J~lil~ufilLn~~leuroJd~ 216 ~

u~nQJluUn~ rilLU~LYh~ ~-ril~ ~eilUltJml ffU~1ltJfin~ ncil1h ~LVI~I1

JJfl~~t1V1~I~~lJmtJ~llii L~euroJJlln~~t-J~~1u n~JJ-trllulU eleuroJtJ tJlJWlll Ul~3JJ1~U LL~ ~~wil1fl3JlruL~3J LLlt1i-lill

LU~euroJn~nml3J~U 15jj eJiLUUL~aJ l~UllmiJ-ru~l~ILlt1~tJ t-lil~~tpJ illPl

euroJtiYi 7500-9000 Ulrl UYJU i~1l~ lI bull cd ~euroJltlU Vl1nml3JIfUeuroJfVl aJil~lL~ LV20 m ~llfll 6000 U1YlLYhilu

~UtJllljlll m~illlml~W1~J3Jl

LVI~euroJ 60-61 Ulrl lt1ieuroJnT~n13J LIjllil~u~ LiJltln~~L~3J ~urlumlt-J~~~J llm-nllTIj~

d ~ T Llt1GwmlYi


630-780 Ulrl w1euroJn ~n~3J LIjnt-J~~~~euroJeuroJn3J13JlnLL~ilmlU1L-li13J1

llnUltLVlffLYleuroJuihu lJru~llfllnJneuroJeuroJn l1~mltlloilUl~lnYillIXllmU1U~J~lL~euroJ 10-220 U1Y1w1euroJnT~n13J LllUL~tJ1n1Jnfll Ul~~ ~llmfiWl~J3J1LVI~euroJ320 -435 ~ntJ ~euroJnT~n13J

1I1~U11 VI~lLm~~lmL9l1lJLjULl~1 il~Jllljfl~euroJIlUnlllllOhm~~ LL~iJ ml3JVll~1um~wYi1u1U1n~uVlIi~OnnleuroJleuroJ1J

LjuluTm~ml3J1UJ~ln11 6-8 L~euroJU

cilUllfl1~U~lLnllVllvifl1~ hlilllm vibVi~ ~euroJ ~Uci1UVI~I m~11lb~l-I LUU 215-220 ulrllt1ieuroJnT~n13J lln 180

Ulrl LIjll~U~euroJImlU1LUt-J~~beuroJvilUeuroJ~ IJrnvielmJflWd1lL~3JLJU 1 220-1300

U1rl lln 1040 ulY1~euroJnT~n13J llfl1LnLdil

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Ministry seeks to resume small-lot rice sales in August PETCHANET PRATRUANGKRAI THE NATION

THE COMMERCE MINISTRY is preparshying to resume selling rice from its stockpiles in early August gradually releasing it in small lots of about 5000)0 tonnes a month

Duangporn Rodphaya director-genershyar of the ForeIgn Trade Department said a ~ubcommlttee had agreed the mmistry slthould go ahead and sell rice from the stockpIles and not walt tor completion of a Junta-ordered mspectlOn of the stocks bull I he nce-release planwhlch Will be proshy

posed to the Rice Policy and Management Committee soon includes sales through general auctions to exporters and local traders by government-to-governrrient contracts and through the Agricultural Futures Exchange of Thailand

Puangporn added that the department wopId ensure the stocks are released transshyparent With the Fmance Mmlst and the Prime Minister s 0 ce joint y inspecting the f0cessc

T~e department reported that about 55 per cent ofl800 rice warehouses had so far been inspected by the teams dispatched by the militarys ruling National CounCil for Peace and Order The teams are expected to complete their mission by the end of September

About 18 million tonnes ofrice is reportshy

cerns over roug t an ower pro uction in many countries amid higher demand in many others I here IS a good posslblhty that ThaIland will export 10 million tonnes 9pound nce thIS year It is expected to sell off all 18 million tonnes in its stockpiles within three years she saId

The department reported that Thailand was able to sell 535 million tonnes of rice in the first six months middotup by 50 per cent year on year while export value rose 19 percentto US$27biIlion (nearly Bt86 bilshylion)

As ofJuly 16 the price of5 per cent Thai

Afile photo shows asoldier inspecting rice stockpiles at a warehouse in a eastern province

white rice was quoted at $427 a tonne up from $410 the previous week

She added that production bfThai paddy rice in the 2014-15 harvest season was proshyjected to be less than 38 mi1lion tonnes because of drought in many areas

Charoen Laothamatas president of the Thai Rice Exporters Association said the government should consIder sellIng rice from its stockpiles in small lots of about 100000-200000 tonnes per auction to avoid impacts on the m-rket price

The government has less pressure to accelerate the sale of rice frbm the stocks The country has holder power It should ensure transparency and minimum impacts to the market he said

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INTHE WAKE ofrising concern over the t reatmen t oflabour farmers we1shybeing and the environment in global trading the International Trade Promotion Department is urging more lhal busmesses to seek FairTrade cershytification so that their products are more easily recognised and have a

greater chance in the world market place

At a seminar on Fair Trade Mark and trading of Fair Trade products in theinternationaJ market heldyestershyday by the agencys Office of News Overseas Markets Development and PromotIOn Duan kamol Jlambutr e U Irec or- ener ot e eplrtshy

mentSal t atonlyasmallnumberof thaI compames and sUEP)Lc~~ms current~apphedthe FairTrade Marllt

The epartment lrill therefore continue to support Fair Trade certishyfication by promoting an awareness campaign amongThai man ufacturers and exporters she said

According to the Netherlandsshybased Fair Trade Original organisashytion about 30 Thai companies and supply chains have received FairTrade

certification to date This guarantees that they engage in faii treatment of farmers have good labour conditions use no forced or child labour offer fair prices to suppliers and operate with transparency accountability and respect for the environment equity and freedom lt)nd have fair trading practices

Duangkarnol said the department in cooperation ~th Fair Trade Original now had a target of increasing the number of certified businessshy iSnap es and products by 10 per cent ayear

The main goal is to help agriculshytural and handicraft producers as well as manufactures and exporters to achieve better trading conditions and to promote sustainability she said

Certified members of the Fair Trade programme will likely be able to leverage the quality of their prodshyucts for higher prices with certificashytion ensuring world-class social and environmental standards and more recognition in the international trade area she added

Thai export products alreadyusing the approved Fair Thade logo include

rice coffee tea cane sugar cotton freshfruits herbs and spices ockershywork handicrafts pottery and ceramshyics

The official said the department also would like to encourage busishynesses in the shrimp and fishery secshy

ate consultant for Thailand said the overall value of Fair Trade products had increased considerably in the past few years as consumers now had more awareness about fair trading conditions and the environment

Consumers are willing to pay more for Fair Trade goods if they feel they have bought a product whose manufacture is highly responsible to society Today prices of Fair Trade products are also very competitive

the same as leading brands Enterprises should adapt themselves to produce Fair Trade products in order to ensure sustainable growth

tors to comply with Fair Trade certification so that they do otfaceproblems due to unfa abour treatment Every Fair Trade product is subject to labour-standard checking she explained

Manasnan Pongjayavanij Fair Trade Originals aS60ci~

and access to many markets said the consultant

According to Fair Trade Original the value of fair trade goods in the global market excluding the US rose from 1 billion (Bt427billion) in 1996 to 48 billion in 2012 Expots ofThai fair trade products were wOlth about Bt300 million in 2012

More than 30000 products are now on sale in 125 countries and the global Fair Trade system currently works with over 12 million people across 60 countries

Manasnan said many more Thai products could get the Fair Trade mark So far many local brands sllch as Doi Chang coffee plus local proshyducers of soy sauce chjli sauce pineapples and bananas are wellshy

known for having the mark which is accepted widely

Martin Boon development manshyager for Fai~Trade Original in the Netherlands told the seminar that with the global market having growshying recognition of Fair Trade prodshyucts many markets were increasing demand for products carrying the logo - and that Thailand had high potential to serve sllch worldwide demand


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THE NATION ~ JULY 20141lI Sihasak reassures EUteam over juntas reform roadmap SUPALAK GANJANAKHUN DEE THE NATION BRUSSELS

EARLY ELECTIONS vtithout reform would not help restore proper democshyracy to Thailand That was the message related by acting Foreign Minister Sihasak Phuangketkeow when he met his counterpart from the European Union in Belgium this week In a bilateral meeting with David OSullivan chief operating officer ofthe European External Action Service Sihasak said Thailand had a clear roadmap to restore sustainable democshyracy and that the EU should support

this process of reform The roadmap and its related reform

will help strengthen our political econshyomy and will also be of benefit to our partnership with theEUin the longnm he said

Sihasak was in Brussels for a minisshyterial meeting between representatives ofAsean and the EU and spent much of his time briefing representatives of Eillopean nations aboutthe situation in Thailand

The E U along with the US and other Western countries strongly criticised themilitaryforits May 22 coup The EU suspended a number of cooperations withThailand as well as several visits by high -level officials It also recommendshyed that member states review military cooperation with Thailand

The EU said last month that it wouldmiddot

not sign a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Thailand and that the negotiation of a free-trade agreement (FTA) would not conclude until an electshyed government was in place

Sihasak told OSullivan that an electshyed government would come eventually Before that however Thailand needed time to implement reform to have a strong democracy

The time frame of 15 months or so for the reform is not too long ifwe want to make sure that our system and democracy are sustainable he said

Thai people are aware of the issues facing our country and we are working on addressing these concerns so the EU as a partner should support us

The EUhas the right to voice its conshycerns about the situation in Thailand

middot but it should also ensure it is sufficientshyly informed on specific cases he said

Concerning detention and martial law the EU should make sure it has corshyrect information about who is under

middot detention and if there are concerns about human-rights violations the EU should specify the cases he said

Sihasak discussed the situation in Thailand Vlrith many European MPs

middot while in BrusselsTheyincludeq Franck Proust special rapporteur on the FTA and Samuel Cantell head of the ecoshynomic trade and regional cooperation delegation Many of them have experishyence in engaging with Thailand and have a clear understanding ofthe current sitshyuation in the country Sihasak said


Pension scheme for farmers proposed

Farmers in the future might look forward to retiring on a government pension

Charnpittaya Chimplee directorshygeneral of the Rice Oepartment said yesterday ttiat under a draft bill dealing with the rice development fund members would contribute about 3per cent of their monthly income to the fund and the state wou ~d also chip in ayet-unspecified amount

When farmers reach the age of 60 or 65 they will start receiving a monthly pension bf about Bt4OOO

Most farmers earn less than other workers so the fund is neces- sary for their future Charnpittaya said

Other proposals for the bill are being gathered and the contents wi I be improved before its submisshysion to acommittee on rice producshytion and markets and the National Council for Peace and Order


Farmer happiness down from August WICHIT CHANTANUSORNSIRI

Farmer happiness last month dropped subshystantially from its peak last August when they had high hopes of stable income from the Yingluck Shinawatra administrations rice pledging scheme reports a Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BMC) poll

The state-backed farm banks farmer happiness index fell to 7851 in June from its highest level of89 in August said senior executive vice-president Somsak Kangteershyawat The poll surveyed 2346 farmers

Happiness from family health a good society jo b financial position and the quest

for knowledge were the six factors used to measure the index

The survey found happines from the family scored the highest with a score of 341 out offour followed by health at 321 a good society at 320 job at 314 fmancial position at 285 and the quest for knowlshyedge at 274

Farmers from the Northeast regygIiwere the happiest vvith a score of 314 while those from the North scored 313 the South 312 the East 297 and Central 299

Asource at the BMC confirmed Augusts poll was taken when the farmers mood hit a fever pitch as they felt they would receive an elevated level of compensation from the

rice pledging programme The National Council for Peace and

Order (NCPO) is seeking sustainable ways to help farmers after losses from rice pledgshying which offered prices 40-50 higher than the market price could reach 500 billion baht

The juntas measures so far largely includelowering rice production costs and slowing the release of supply to lower price pressure

The source said prices of tapioca sugar cane chicken and pork are gaining in the second half while those of rice corn rubber oil palin and whiteleg shrimp are declirun ~ bull bull imiddotI middot7~

Regarding rice prices the source said the price of paddy with 15 moisture content could average 7500-9000 baht a tonne while Hom Mali prices are projected at 14000-15000 baht in the second the half

Even though the agricultural sector conshytributes only 84 to the countrys GDP there are 167 ffiillion farmers making up 26 of the population

National Statistical Office data shows the ratio of farmers who earned over 100000 baht a year rose to 286 in 2013 from 97 in 2003 while 643 graduated from prfshymary school down from 704 a decade ago Farmers shouldered average debt of 124604 baht per person last year

BANGKOK POST 41 FTIupbeatabout domestic car sales PIYACHART MAIKAEW

The Federation of Thai Industries (FT) remains confident that domestic vehishycle sales will top I million this year defying some car makers projection of sales declining to between 900000 and 980000 vehicles

Domestic demand started picking up in the previous quarter as private firms and farmers bought new pickup trucks for their business expansion and new cultivation said Surapong Paisitpatanapong spokesshyman for the FIrs automotive industry club

The club forecasts pickup truck sales will contribute 55-58 of domestic sales against 442 in 2013 while passenger cars dropped to about 40 from 474 last year

The passenger car market has normalshyised after demand was absorbed by the gov- emments first-time car buyer scheme said Mr Sura pong

The club yesterday cut its 2014 forecast for Thailands automotive output from 24 million vehicles to 22 milliori It also cut domestic sales to 1 million vehicles hom 12 million while exports stand finn at 12 million vehicles

FTI vice-chainnan Suparat Sirisuwan~ nangkura said Thailand was expected to remain in the worlds top 10 automotive manufacturers this year with production in countries such as Canada and Russia also expected to decrease

The International Organization of Motor

Vehicle Manufacturers said Thailand was the worlds ninth-largest automotive manufacturer in 2013 and 10th in 2012 Production (ast year totalled 245 million vehicles the highest in 52 years and up by 014 from 2012

The club yesterday reported that car proshyduction fell by 261 year-on-year in June to 160452 For the first half Thailands car output fell by 29 year-on-year to 952685

Domestic car sales in June totalled 73799 dOVll by 304 on the same period in2013 while 440911 cars were sold in the first half down by 405

By contrast car exports in June rose 657 to 103946 earning the cOUDtry497 billion baht In the first half exports rose 36 to 560047 cars with export value rising 895 to 265 billion baht

The FII yesterday reported that the industrial sentiment index improved for the second straight month in JW1e

The index rose to 884 points accordshying to the FIr which conducted a survey among 1100 industrial operators It stood at 851 points in May when sentiment improved for the first time in seven months

FTI chairman Suphan Mongkholsuthee said sentiment has improved because of the more stable political situation and an increase in purchases of products thanks to the Fifa World Cup football tournament

The industry outlook index for the next three months stood at 1019 points rising from 101 in May

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AUTO EXPORTS INCREASE Despite the sluggish recovery of

the export sector auto shipments continue to expand but still by not enough to counter the reduction in dorriestic demand for cars

The industry has been forced to brake this years production target from 24 million units to 22 million

The target for domestic sales has been lowered from 12 million units to 1million which represents adrop of 251 per cent or 335154 units from last year

Surapong Paisitpattanapong deputy chairman and spokesman of the Federation of Thai Industries Automotive Industry Club said yesterday that lower domestic derriand the end ofthe governments first-car tax-relief programme and the delay in gov~ errirnent and private investment

middotprojects had contributedtothemiddot change in the production target However this new figure is still

middot higherthan the forecast for T8 milshylion units before the big floodiri 2011and domestic demand is

expectedto shitf intoforWard gear i

middotnext quarter~ The economic recovery payshyrnent for farmersuncter the rlceshy

pledgingscherneandreturn of investment will increase revenue l

in other industries and put more rnoney in peoples pockets he middot said

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Temporary charter should furthershyboost confidence ERICH PARPART THE NATION

THE FEDERATION ofThai Industries believes the temporary charter will further increase the confishyden~e ofdomestic and foreign investors along with buslness op~ratrs while the recent strengthening of the baht IS stJlI tolerable for the export industry as long as anyfurther appreciation is neither too rapid nor drastic

_The FTI also said yesterday that its Industries Sentiment Index (TIS) had increased by 44 points since April

The introduction ofthe provisional charter is in line with the politiCal road map of the NCPO [NationaICoimcil for Peace and Order Jand I believe that in generalinvestors andoperators will feel more relaxe and gai~ more confidence that things aremiddot gomgmaccordWlththeNCPOsplansforanewcharshyter the setting up ofan interim government and the possibility of an election in the future said Supant Mongkolsuthree chairman ofthe FTI shy

In his view the country over the past two months has been running on a smooth surface since the Nepo took power a move which has led to an increase in foreign investor confidence certainty over pubh~ II1vestment policy and rising domestic consumptIOn

These factrs will support the recovery and allow _gross domestJC product to expand by 25 percent this year he said


The FTI had been projecting an economic recesshysion before the arrival of the NCPO

As for exports Supant said The strenctheninO of the baht is related to the increased conffdence of foreign investors which has led to an inflow offorshy~ign funds This will have some effect on the export iiidustry but it is still acceptable for exporters since the currencys strengthening pace is not too fast and the Bank ofThailand is still monitoring the situashytion

The export sector will be able to cope with a stronger baht if the rate does not fall below 3050 per US dollar he said -Moreover since the global economy IS continushyII1g to reco~er the FTI is sticking with its export

- growth projectIOn of35-5 per cent for the year According to Bloomberg the baht was valued at

3176 per dollar yesterday The FTI chief pointed out that if the Kingdoms shy

export value were calculated in baht it would already show lO-per-cent growth year on year

Accordingto the central bank export value in May came in at US$1927billiol1 (Bt6124 billion) whIch IS 12 per cent lower than the same period last year in dollar terms - shy

Meanwhile the TmiddotISI has increased for two month~ in a row The indexose from 840 in April to 851 111 May and to 884111 June amidst calmer political waters the economic recovery the liftingof the curfe - and even Fifa World Cup fever which led to an mcrease in overall production orders and sale figures - shyn~eover~TISI fororBers~salesarid prod-udiai- -shyIII allll1dustnes rose from 802796821 points in May to 843 844 879 points respectively in June

OCll ClI Q crf

611W fNlWHiJW (9]~ f) ~~Vl ~1 lVJ 1 ru~J


CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough


GRAFT HAS GOT TO GO nvestors from Japan from which Such concern by the Japanese away existing and prospective forshy

the largest amount of Thailands investors should not be ignored eign investors Countless foreign direct foreign investment comes because they have brought the firms and investors have com~

have called for reduced corruption largest amount of direct foreign plained about the extra costs of and improved transparency in order investment into Thailand The doingbusinessinThailandbywhich to help restore confidence in the Japanese invested over 8t290 bil- they mean kickbacks and undershy

Kingdom lion in projects ClPproved by themiddot the-table money that must be to Setsuo luchichief representative Board of Investment last year That bureaucrats and politicians Often

of themiddot Japan External Trade was nearly 30 per cent of the total they have topayin exchange for pro-Organisation (Jetro) for Asean and foreign investment of Btl1 trillion curement deals with state agencies South Asia last week called on the according to 801 data and public projects People who ruling National Council for Peace Thailand has generally remained refuse to pay are routinely left and Order to kick-start good govershy attractiye to foreign investors due behind by their bribe-paying comshynance that includes combating corshy to positive factors such as the avail- petito rs University of the Thai ruption and ensuring transparency ability of skilled labour efficient Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) rec-particularly about doing business in infrastructure and transportation tor Saowanee Thairungroj has esti-Thailand Now its a good time for systems location andthe consider- mated that corruption adds 30 per Thailand to bring about good govshy able size of the domestic market cent to costs for businesses That ernance for the new era he said But our chronic corruption is scaring she says translates into reduced

comoetitiveness for Thai-made Economic and Business Forecasting pay corrupt officials and politi~ians products and reduced credibility for Centre He surmises that the have to cut costs at-the building site Thailand among foreign investors improvement could be due to posi- and that means poorer quality in General Prayuth Chan-ocha has tive public sentiment following the their public projects and thus a risk made tackling corruption a top pri- juntascampaignagainstcorruption to life and limb ority for the ruling military junta He and organised crime The surveyalso Businesses who pay bribes also says the fight will be part of sweepshy showed that bribes paid to officials offset their higher costs by charging ing national reform together with and politiCians by the private sector the consumers more good governance transparency and had declined to 15-25 per cent of middot Since corrupt authorities and an efficient and effective system of project costs frbman average 25-35 politicians make money and bribe-checks-and-balances Thailands per cent previously paying businesses make profits it is corruption index in the first half of Despite the seemingly slight theconsumersandthepublicingenshythis year improved for the first time improvement in the situation (or- eral who suffer in five years according to aUTCC surshy ruption remains amajor problem for They end up paying more uhnecshyvey The indexinJune was registered Thailand essarilyfor products and public proF at 46 out of a possible lOa com- In addition to the weakened ects the quality of which is poorer

pared to 39 last December says competitiveness and reduced cred- Corruption should beeliininated or Thariavath Phonvichai UTCC vice ibility the public asa whole is affect- at least minimised for the sake of rector of research and director of its ed by corruption Contractors who the country and its people

  • 57-07-24 (กรม)
  • 57-07-24 (ใบนำสง)
  • 57-07-24 (กระทรวง)


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DWlf1~WllaJn1Jl~~eJf1 nJLQ~lvlU VlVllY1U1Vl

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LU~euroJn~nml3J~U 15jj eJiLUUL~aJ l~UllmiJ-ru~l~ILlt1~tJ t-lil~~tpJ illPl

euroJtiYi 7500-9000 Ulrl UYJU i~1l~ lI bull cd ~euroJltlU Vl1nml3JIfUeuroJfVl aJil~lL~ LV20 m ~llfll 6000 U1YlLYhilu

~UtJllljlll m~illlml~W1~J3Jl

LVI~euroJ 60-61 Ulrl lt1ieuroJnT~n13J LIjllil~u~ LiJltln~~L~3J ~urlumlt-J~~~J llm-nllTIj~

d ~ T Llt1GwmlYi


630-780 Ulrl w1euroJn ~n~3J LIjnt-J~~~~euroJeuroJn3J13JlnLL~ilmlU1L-li13J1

llnUltLVlffLYleuroJuihu lJru~llfllnJneuroJeuroJn l1~mltlloilUl~lnYillIXllmU1U~J~lL~euroJ 10-220 U1Y1w1euroJnT~n13J LllUL~tJ1n1Jnfll Ul~~ ~llmfiWl~J3J1LVI~euroJ320 -435 ~ntJ ~euroJnT~n13J

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LjuluTm~ml3J1UJ~ln11 6-8 L~euroJU

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Ulrl LIjll~U~euroJImlU1LUt-J~~beuroJvilUeuroJ~ IJrnvielmJflWd1lL~3JLJU 1 220-1300

U1rl lln 1040 ulY1~euroJnT~n13J llfl1LnLdil

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n 9l euroJJ LVi~W)1[11 mm~m~n~rnvi1JTlI

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~jLLwllUYi 18-30 ~ tJYitJl~l llnn~3J

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~LLUUL~3J 4 lLLWU T~mnllVllmilml3J v JJ ~ 14 1

~IJl~ltIlU3JlnIJULufl~LuU 7851

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11 Ln~lm~u~n-nllilml3J~IJ~l~l13J

L~3J~wmw1~l~lJ3Jln~~~ itJflLLUU

Llt1~tJ 335 middotnnm-LLUUL~3J 4 fIbbUU


TWlmn~~lm~u~nillI11ULVlqi ilml3J ~ v I 4 _ v

~lJ LUl~U3JlnlJUfl~LuU 886 ~rleuroJU


ampI J 11

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)1~il ljjil~llLUflfll1l-Jl1lJl-Jl(1j1JJVllJJil1~Yl ~ ~~

nnLhl1011V111fl rilJ11 lflljlillm~DjnillJil1~I

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1i~ltJl~JJ14 llnjjm1JJVl1J 1 14ill~mi1141JJln 111~llmilTliltJl~14114tm~fI1i1 l-J1hj~lnl1 6-8

llt11 il14 ~~ lti~1Jn t [J m Jil iIlJ1JJl1lJ~ ilJ

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YhlmmJim~i~~mlJJ~1Jl~JJ~ 1lnl1 mllti~ lltfiJJ n m~JJ 1J~Vl1llYl~n ~~Vllll~fl1jlnljVli~ [JfI1j

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I 41 VIvVha h104 1lfillIii033HI~L~3Jfl1lLOlfVll LiI~L~v~~

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lf11Ul 3 nlmdJl udnEluiil1tJ 1) md~~-llUdrnd-l~md~~

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eurolUdJlriltJYleurol~LYlf11ul~~md~~iilu1umd~~1iljJ11 d~U~lLf1eurol 814 ~lLf1El 1~LLrim11111~mLnW1~~U1U (eurolnJl ) middot 61102 dltJ

dVdlJ1U~ 15 mnjlf1Jl-31 mnjlf1Jl 2557 l~tJlvilmdL~tJ LLyIj1LYlf11ul~~mdr-J~1il-n11~rlnltilEl-l 1~lf11U11~~mlJl1 mlJl

~ ~

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UltJmdr-J~lilmnln d1~0-lLn~mlJlL-nlh~ln~UL~tJ1nUmd~U

-ilU1U 63943 f111L1eurolU LIil1tJlJyljftlJlleurolUL~UL-nllrqJ~Lntilildm LLA1 ~lwru~~m~~lLUU-llUIil1JJLLtJUUElJnULL~Lln1l1ilqJmtJ~1~ U 2557 lurn~lillUeuroleuroln l~m~yIjl~Jf1~ LJl LL~YlL1tJU 1~~J nldl-~Jl-jl~L~lmiddotdJ~~lill~amUnld[UEl~lJ1n~~ LLvillrndr-J~ 1~~J 3l1U~ ~1uhmjdluL~tJ11nAl-jJl~LLA1 yIjUl11~~nld ~mf11-6~1Iild~ldt~Ll1tJ1llU~J LLliijjm~LriW1dndUlJmiJl~lIEl I

nWUL~mmJJl1myljf1~eurol-l (lf~Ll1tJIiIElm~tJ 3) LL~~JLl1~~md ~ ~ LLUdW d1~nl1 65 A1UU1Yl ~Jlirn11 fin (f nLIil1tJJlIElUL~Ul~



~1U~~r-J~IilYlL1tJU ~-lf1~ LJl middot LL~~eurolJnEl-llUf11f11iil ~OJ bull I I

ilEln~liIm~~lnlU-61-lL~ElU~Jl-jlf1Jl-numtJu 57 ~U f1rn ~

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~YlnutJULnW1dm LL~md LlfUd tJlfUllnYlLutJULnW1dm


eurolnJl LL~~L~1l-jh~ri-lLm~mdLnW1d1u~u~U

lu11ulItJltJr-J~LLriLnW1dmllrneuroleurolnm1lL~tJJlLLU~-lLmrm~~u YlL1JtJULn~lildnd~lJ~n mtJ1iilnlnddJl~ 3) mdriltJYlEl~

~ ~

LYlf11ul~~md~~iiluYlumdr-J~1il-n11LLriLmrmm l~U~LUll-jJlltJ LnW1dml-jUJ~lUdltJ

lU~1UlIeurol-lmd~lLUUJ1UlmJmdLLntlIUqJmtJlJVm10Jduu U 2557 ~UU11LUU~11~lIeurol-lLmtlildm LyIjdll-j~-llln~ f111lf

eurol17~~Stihmrn m~1 middot MUd1JlL1-l1~YIu1tJ JlUlu~u~~hu d~ul~lElf1euroluLIlmdUi 1~~lLuumdm1l11eurolULL~~UEJU~~md eurolElnlufudeurolJ1-LLA1L111lmtJ1u~u~ElU nf1d

~~~ e-J1U~11v1LL ~Jll eurolLilm~U~1 tJ Ll-j ~eurollmtlildm1lJ~ ~hunJu UdJllrnL~JlL~Jl LL~l~~ri-lifqJ~dltJ~eurolmtmm 1~ firi l1

LL~LL1ltllUqJl-jl~m1~mf11iil jjLUll-j~ltJ 7800 iilu l-lL~U 37 50

A1UU1Yl -61tJU~l-jld~~m~lu 3 Jlllildnld ~eurol 1) u~Vm~nld

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~u~mf11iil LU1l-j~ltJ 3800 iilu 3) L111~l1myljf1~eurol-llumdEl lI1tJcJ~~ LUll-jJlltJ 35 n~Jl

LL~ ~11 ~ ~JYi1 tJ ~1l-j1U n ld~l LuUJlulmJ nld-61 tJ Ll-j ~ eurol

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Ministry seeks to resume small-lot rice sales in August PETCHANET PRATRUANGKRAI THE NATION

THE COMMERCE MINISTRY is preparshying to resume selling rice from its stockpiles in early August gradually releasing it in small lots of about 5000)0 tonnes a month

Duangporn Rodphaya director-genershyar of the ForeIgn Trade Department said a ~ubcommlttee had agreed the mmistry slthould go ahead and sell rice from the stockpIles and not walt tor completion of a Junta-ordered mspectlOn of the stocks bull I he nce-release planwhlch Will be proshy

posed to the Rice Policy and Management Committee soon includes sales through general auctions to exporters and local traders by government-to-governrrient contracts and through the Agricultural Futures Exchange of Thailand

Puangporn added that the department wopId ensure the stocks are released transshyparent With the Fmance Mmlst and the Prime Minister s 0 ce joint y inspecting the f0cessc

T~e department reported that about 55 per cent ofl800 rice warehouses had so far been inspected by the teams dispatched by the militarys ruling National CounCil for Peace and Order The teams are expected to complete their mission by the end of September

About 18 million tonnes ofrice is reportshy

cerns over roug t an ower pro uction in many countries amid higher demand in many others I here IS a good posslblhty that ThaIland will export 10 million tonnes 9pound nce thIS year It is expected to sell off all 18 million tonnes in its stockpiles within three years she saId

The department reported that Thailand was able to sell 535 million tonnes of rice in the first six months middotup by 50 per cent year on year while export value rose 19 percentto US$27biIlion (nearly Bt86 bilshylion)

As ofJuly 16 the price of5 per cent Thai

Afile photo shows asoldier inspecting rice stockpiles at a warehouse in a eastern province

white rice was quoted at $427 a tonne up from $410 the previous week

She added that production bfThai paddy rice in the 2014-15 harvest season was proshyjected to be less than 38 mi1lion tonnes because of drought in many areas

Charoen Laothamatas president of the Thai Rice Exporters Association said the government should consIder sellIng rice from its stockpiles in small lots of about 100000-200000 tonnes per auction to avoid impacts on the m-rket price

The government has less pressure to accelerate the sale of rice frbm the stocks The country has holder power It should ensure transparency and minimum impacts to the market he said

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INTHE WAKE ofrising concern over the t reatmen t oflabour farmers we1shybeing and the environment in global trading the International Trade Promotion Department is urging more lhal busmesses to seek FairTrade cershytification so that their products are more easily recognised and have a

greater chance in the world market place

At a seminar on Fair Trade Mark and trading of Fair Trade products in theinternationaJ market heldyestershyday by the agencys Office of News Overseas Markets Development and PromotIOn Duan kamol Jlambutr e U Irec or- ener ot e eplrtshy

mentSal t atonlyasmallnumberof thaI compames and sUEP)Lc~~ms current~apphedthe FairTrade Marllt

The epartment lrill therefore continue to support Fair Trade certishyfication by promoting an awareness campaign amongThai man ufacturers and exporters she said

According to the Netherlandsshybased Fair Trade Original organisashytion about 30 Thai companies and supply chains have received FairTrade

certification to date This guarantees that they engage in faii treatment of farmers have good labour conditions use no forced or child labour offer fair prices to suppliers and operate with transparency accountability and respect for the environment equity and freedom lt)nd have fair trading practices

Duangkarnol said the department in cooperation ~th Fair Trade Original now had a target of increasing the number of certified businessshy iSnap es and products by 10 per cent ayear

The main goal is to help agriculshytural and handicraft producers as well as manufactures and exporters to achieve better trading conditions and to promote sustainability she said

Certified members of the Fair Trade programme will likely be able to leverage the quality of their prodshyucts for higher prices with certificashytion ensuring world-class social and environmental standards and more recognition in the international trade area she added

Thai export products alreadyusing the approved Fair Thade logo include

rice coffee tea cane sugar cotton freshfruits herbs and spices ockershywork handicrafts pottery and ceramshyics

The official said the department also would like to encourage busishynesses in the shrimp and fishery secshy

ate consultant for Thailand said the overall value of Fair Trade products had increased considerably in the past few years as consumers now had more awareness about fair trading conditions and the environment

Consumers are willing to pay more for Fair Trade goods if they feel they have bought a product whose manufacture is highly responsible to society Today prices of Fair Trade products are also very competitive

the same as leading brands Enterprises should adapt themselves to produce Fair Trade products in order to ensure sustainable growth

tors to comply with Fair Trade certification so that they do otfaceproblems due to unfa abour treatment Every Fair Trade product is subject to labour-standard checking she explained

Manasnan Pongjayavanij Fair Trade Originals aS60ci~

and access to many markets said the consultant

According to Fair Trade Original the value of fair trade goods in the global market excluding the US rose from 1 billion (Bt427billion) in 1996 to 48 billion in 2012 Expots ofThai fair trade products were wOlth about Bt300 million in 2012

More than 30000 products are now on sale in 125 countries and the global Fair Trade system currently works with over 12 million people across 60 countries

Manasnan said many more Thai products could get the Fair Trade mark So far many local brands sllch as Doi Chang coffee plus local proshyducers of soy sauce chjli sauce pineapples and bananas are wellshy

known for having the mark which is accepted widely

Martin Boon development manshyager for Fai~Trade Original in the Netherlands told the seminar that with the global market having growshying recognition of Fair Trade prodshyucts many markets were increasing demand for products carrying the logo - and that Thailand had high potential to serve sllch worldwide demand


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THE NATION ~ JULY 20141lI Sihasak reassures EUteam over juntas reform roadmap SUPALAK GANJANAKHUN DEE THE NATION BRUSSELS

EARLY ELECTIONS vtithout reform would not help restore proper democshyracy to Thailand That was the message related by acting Foreign Minister Sihasak Phuangketkeow when he met his counterpart from the European Union in Belgium this week In a bilateral meeting with David OSullivan chief operating officer ofthe European External Action Service Sihasak said Thailand had a clear roadmap to restore sustainable democshyracy and that the EU should support

this process of reform The roadmap and its related reform

will help strengthen our political econshyomy and will also be of benefit to our partnership with theEUin the longnm he said

Sihasak was in Brussels for a minisshyterial meeting between representatives ofAsean and the EU and spent much of his time briefing representatives of Eillopean nations aboutthe situation in Thailand

The E U along with the US and other Western countries strongly criticised themilitaryforits May 22 coup The EU suspended a number of cooperations withThailand as well as several visits by high -level officials It also recommendshyed that member states review military cooperation with Thailand

The EU said last month that it wouldmiddot

not sign a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Thailand and that the negotiation of a free-trade agreement (FTA) would not conclude until an electshyed government was in place

Sihasak told OSullivan that an electshyed government would come eventually Before that however Thailand needed time to implement reform to have a strong democracy

The time frame of 15 months or so for the reform is not too long ifwe want to make sure that our system and democracy are sustainable he said

Thai people are aware of the issues facing our country and we are working on addressing these concerns so the EU as a partner should support us

The EUhas the right to voice its conshycerns about the situation in Thailand

middot but it should also ensure it is sufficientshyly informed on specific cases he said

Concerning detention and martial law the EU should make sure it has corshyrect information about who is under

middot detention and if there are concerns about human-rights violations the EU should specify the cases he said

Sihasak discussed the situation in Thailand Vlrith many European MPs

middot while in BrusselsTheyincludeq Franck Proust special rapporteur on the FTA and Samuel Cantell head of the ecoshynomic trade and regional cooperation delegation Many of them have experishyence in engaging with Thailand and have a clear understanding ofthe current sitshyuation in the country Sihasak said


Pension scheme for farmers proposed

Farmers in the future might look forward to retiring on a government pension

Charnpittaya Chimplee directorshygeneral of the Rice Oepartment said yesterday ttiat under a draft bill dealing with the rice development fund members would contribute about 3per cent of their monthly income to the fund and the state wou ~d also chip in ayet-unspecified amount

When farmers reach the age of 60 or 65 they will start receiving a monthly pension bf about Bt4OOO

Most farmers earn less than other workers so the fund is neces- sary for their future Charnpittaya said

Other proposals for the bill are being gathered and the contents wi I be improved before its submisshysion to acommittee on rice producshytion and markets and the National Council for Peace and Order


Farmer happiness down from August WICHIT CHANTANUSORNSIRI

Farmer happiness last month dropped subshystantially from its peak last August when they had high hopes of stable income from the Yingluck Shinawatra administrations rice pledging scheme reports a Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BMC) poll

The state-backed farm banks farmer happiness index fell to 7851 in June from its highest level of89 in August said senior executive vice-president Somsak Kangteershyawat The poll surveyed 2346 farmers

Happiness from family health a good society jo b financial position and the quest

for knowledge were the six factors used to measure the index

The survey found happines from the family scored the highest with a score of 341 out offour followed by health at 321 a good society at 320 job at 314 fmancial position at 285 and the quest for knowlshyedge at 274

Farmers from the Northeast regygIiwere the happiest vvith a score of 314 while those from the North scored 313 the South 312 the East 297 and Central 299

Asource at the BMC confirmed Augusts poll was taken when the farmers mood hit a fever pitch as they felt they would receive an elevated level of compensation from the

rice pledging programme The National Council for Peace and

Order (NCPO) is seeking sustainable ways to help farmers after losses from rice pledgshying which offered prices 40-50 higher than the market price could reach 500 billion baht

The juntas measures so far largely includelowering rice production costs and slowing the release of supply to lower price pressure

The source said prices of tapioca sugar cane chicken and pork are gaining in the second half while those of rice corn rubber oil palin and whiteleg shrimp are declirun ~ bull bull imiddotI middot7~

Regarding rice prices the source said the price of paddy with 15 moisture content could average 7500-9000 baht a tonne while Hom Mali prices are projected at 14000-15000 baht in the second the half

Even though the agricultural sector conshytributes only 84 to the countrys GDP there are 167 ffiillion farmers making up 26 of the population

National Statistical Office data shows the ratio of farmers who earned over 100000 baht a year rose to 286 in 2013 from 97 in 2003 while 643 graduated from prfshymary school down from 704 a decade ago Farmers shouldered average debt of 124604 baht per person last year

BANGKOK POST 41 FTIupbeatabout domestic car sales PIYACHART MAIKAEW

The Federation of Thai Industries (FT) remains confident that domestic vehishycle sales will top I million this year defying some car makers projection of sales declining to between 900000 and 980000 vehicles

Domestic demand started picking up in the previous quarter as private firms and farmers bought new pickup trucks for their business expansion and new cultivation said Surapong Paisitpatanapong spokesshyman for the FIrs automotive industry club

The club forecasts pickup truck sales will contribute 55-58 of domestic sales against 442 in 2013 while passenger cars dropped to about 40 from 474 last year

The passenger car market has normalshyised after demand was absorbed by the gov- emments first-time car buyer scheme said Mr Sura pong

The club yesterday cut its 2014 forecast for Thailands automotive output from 24 million vehicles to 22 milliori It also cut domestic sales to 1 million vehicles hom 12 million while exports stand finn at 12 million vehicles

FTI vice-chainnan Suparat Sirisuwan~ nangkura said Thailand was expected to remain in the worlds top 10 automotive manufacturers this year with production in countries such as Canada and Russia also expected to decrease

The International Organization of Motor

Vehicle Manufacturers said Thailand was the worlds ninth-largest automotive manufacturer in 2013 and 10th in 2012 Production (ast year totalled 245 million vehicles the highest in 52 years and up by 014 from 2012

The club yesterday reported that car proshyduction fell by 261 year-on-year in June to 160452 For the first half Thailands car output fell by 29 year-on-year to 952685

Domestic car sales in June totalled 73799 dOVll by 304 on the same period in2013 while 440911 cars were sold in the first half down by 405

By contrast car exports in June rose 657 to 103946 earning the cOUDtry497 billion baht In the first half exports rose 36 to 560047 cars with export value rising 895 to 265 billion baht

The FII yesterday reported that the industrial sentiment index improved for the second straight month in JW1e

The index rose to 884 points accordshying to the FIr which conducted a survey among 1100 industrial operators It stood at 851 points in May when sentiment improved for the first time in seven months

FTI chairman Suphan Mongkholsuthee said sentiment has improved because of the more stable political situation and an increase in purchases of products thanks to the Fifa World Cup football tournament

The industry outlook index for the next three months stood at 1019 points rising from 101 in May

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AUTO EXPORTS INCREASE Despite the sluggish recovery of

the export sector auto shipments continue to expand but still by not enough to counter the reduction in dorriestic demand for cars

The industry has been forced to brake this years production target from 24 million units to 22 million

The target for domestic sales has been lowered from 12 million units to 1million which represents adrop of 251 per cent or 335154 units from last year

Surapong Paisitpattanapong deputy chairman and spokesman of the Federation of Thai Industries Automotive Industry Club said yesterday that lower domestic derriand the end ofthe governments first-car tax-relief programme and the delay in gov~ errirnent and private investment

middotprojects had contributedtothemiddot change in the production target However this new figure is still

middot higherthan the forecast for T8 milshylion units before the big floodiri 2011and domestic demand is

expectedto shitf intoforWard gear i

middotnext quarter~ The economic recovery payshyrnent for farmersuncter the rlceshy

pledgingscherneandreturn of investment will increase revenue l

in other industries and put more rnoney in peoples pockets he middot said

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Temporary charter should furthershyboost confidence ERICH PARPART THE NATION

THE FEDERATION ofThai Industries believes the temporary charter will further increase the confishyden~e ofdomestic and foreign investors along with buslness op~ratrs while the recent strengthening of the baht IS stJlI tolerable for the export industry as long as anyfurther appreciation is neither too rapid nor drastic

_The FTI also said yesterday that its Industries Sentiment Index (TIS) had increased by 44 points since April

The introduction ofthe provisional charter is in line with the politiCal road map of the NCPO [NationaICoimcil for Peace and Order Jand I believe that in generalinvestors andoperators will feel more relaxe and gai~ more confidence that things aremiddot gomgmaccordWlththeNCPOsplansforanewcharshyter the setting up ofan interim government and the possibility of an election in the future said Supant Mongkolsuthree chairman ofthe FTI shy

In his view the country over the past two months has been running on a smooth surface since the Nepo took power a move which has led to an increase in foreign investor confidence certainty over pubh~ II1vestment policy and rising domestic consumptIOn

These factrs will support the recovery and allow _gross domestJC product to expand by 25 percent this year he said


The FTI had been projecting an economic recesshysion before the arrival of the NCPO

As for exports Supant said The strenctheninO of the baht is related to the increased conffdence of foreign investors which has led to an inflow offorshy~ign funds This will have some effect on the export iiidustry but it is still acceptable for exporters since the currencys strengthening pace is not too fast and the Bank ofThailand is still monitoring the situashytion

The export sector will be able to cope with a stronger baht if the rate does not fall below 3050 per US dollar he said -Moreover since the global economy IS continushyII1g to reco~er the FTI is sticking with its export

- growth projectIOn of35-5 per cent for the year According to Bloomberg the baht was valued at

3176 per dollar yesterday The FTI chief pointed out that if the Kingdoms shy

export value were calculated in baht it would already show lO-per-cent growth year on year

Accordingto the central bank export value in May came in at US$1927billiol1 (Bt6124 billion) whIch IS 12 per cent lower than the same period last year in dollar terms - shy

Meanwhile the TmiddotISI has increased for two month~ in a row The indexose from 840 in April to 851 111 May and to 884111 June amidst calmer political waters the economic recovery the liftingof the curfe - and even Fifa World Cup fever which led to an mcrease in overall production orders and sale figures - shyn~eover~TISI fororBers~salesarid prod-udiai- -shyIII allll1dustnes rose from 802796821 points in May to 843 844 879 points respectively in June

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CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough


GRAFT HAS GOT TO GO nvestors from Japan from which Such concern by the Japanese away existing and prospective forshy

the largest amount of Thailands investors should not be ignored eign investors Countless foreign direct foreign investment comes because they have brought the firms and investors have com~

have called for reduced corruption largest amount of direct foreign plained about the extra costs of and improved transparency in order investment into Thailand The doingbusinessinThailandbywhich to help restore confidence in the Japanese invested over 8t290 bil- they mean kickbacks and undershy

Kingdom lion in projects ClPproved by themiddot the-table money that must be to Setsuo luchichief representative Board of Investment last year That bureaucrats and politicians Often

of themiddot Japan External Trade was nearly 30 per cent of the total they have topayin exchange for pro-Organisation (Jetro) for Asean and foreign investment of Btl1 trillion curement deals with state agencies South Asia last week called on the according to 801 data and public projects People who ruling National Council for Peace Thailand has generally remained refuse to pay are routinely left and Order to kick-start good govershy attractiye to foreign investors due behind by their bribe-paying comshynance that includes combating corshy to positive factors such as the avail- petito rs University of the Thai ruption and ensuring transparency ability of skilled labour efficient Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) rec-particularly about doing business in infrastructure and transportation tor Saowanee Thairungroj has esti-Thailand Now its a good time for systems location andthe consider- mated that corruption adds 30 per Thailand to bring about good govshy able size of the domestic market cent to costs for businesses That ernance for the new era he said But our chronic corruption is scaring she says translates into reduced

comoetitiveness for Thai-made Economic and Business Forecasting pay corrupt officials and politi~ians products and reduced credibility for Centre He surmises that the have to cut costs at-the building site Thailand among foreign investors improvement could be due to posi- and that means poorer quality in General Prayuth Chan-ocha has tive public sentiment following the their public projects and thus a risk made tackling corruption a top pri- juntascampaignagainstcorruption to life and limb ority for the ruling military junta He and organised crime The surveyalso Businesses who pay bribes also says the fight will be part of sweepshy showed that bribes paid to officials offset their higher costs by charging ing national reform together with and politiCians by the private sector the consumers more good governance transparency and had declined to 15-25 per cent of middot Since corrupt authorities and an efficient and effective system of project costs frbman average 25-35 politicians make money and bribe-checks-and-balances Thailands per cent previously paying businesses make profits it is corruption index in the first half of Despite the seemingly slight theconsumersandthepublicingenshythis year improved for the first time improvement in the situation (or- eral who suffer in five years according to aUTCC surshy ruption remains amajor problem for They end up paying more uhnecshyvey The indexinJune was registered Thailand essarilyfor products and public proF at 46 out of a possible lOa com- In addition to the weakened ects the quality of which is poorer

pared to 39 last December says competitiveness and reduced cred- Corruption should beeliininated or Thariavath Phonvichai UTCC vice ibility the public asa whole is affect- at least minimised for the sake of rector of research and director of its ed by corruption Contractors who the country and its people

  • 57-07-24 (กรม)
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  • 57-07-24 (กระทรวง)

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~UtJllljlll m~illlml~W1~J3Jl

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d ~ T Llt1GwmlYi


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Ulrl LIjll~U~euroJImlU1LUt-J~~beuroJvilUeuroJ~ IJrnvielmJflWd1lL~3JLJU 1 220-1300

U1rl lln 1040 ulY1~euroJnT~n13J llfl1LnLdil

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~IJl~ltIlU3JlnIJULufl~LuU 7851

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~lJ LUl~U3JlnlJUfl~LuU 886 ~rleuroJU


ampI J 11

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ilEln~liIm~~lnlU-61-lL~ElU~Jl-jlf1Jl-numtJu 57 ~U f1rn ~

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Ministry seeks to resume small-lot rice sales in August PETCHANET PRATRUANGKRAI THE NATION

THE COMMERCE MINISTRY is preparshying to resume selling rice from its stockpiles in early August gradually releasing it in small lots of about 5000)0 tonnes a month

Duangporn Rodphaya director-genershyar of the ForeIgn Trade Department said a ~ubcommlttee had agreed the mmistry slthould go ahead and sell rice from the stockpIles and not walt tor completion of a Junta-ordered mspectlOn of the stocks bull I he nce-release planwhlch Will be proshy

posed to the Rice Policy and Management Committee soon includes sales through general auctions to exporters and local traders by government-to-governrrient contracts and through the Agricultural Futures Exchange of Thailand

Puangporn added that the department wopId ensure the stocks are released transshyparent With the Fmance Mmlst and the Prime Minister s 0 ce joint y inspecting the f0cessc

T~e department reported that about 55 per cent ofl800 rice warehouses had so far been inspected by the teams dispatched by the militarys ruling National CounCil for Peace and Order The teams are expected to complete their mission by the end of September

About 18 million tonnes ofrice is reportshy

cerns over roug t an ower pro uction in many countries amid higher demand in many others I here IS a good posslblhty that ThaIland will export 10 million tonnes 9pound nce thIS year It is expected to sell off all 18 million tonnes in its stockpiles within three years she saId

The department reported that Thailand was able to sell 535 million tonnes of rice in the first six months middotup by 50 per cent year on year while export value rose 19 percentto US$27biIlion (nearly Bt86 bilshylion)

As ofJuly 16 the price of5 per cent Thai

Afile photo shows asoldier inspecting rice stockpiles at a warehouse in a eastern province

white rice was quoted at $427 a tonne up from $410 the previous week

She added that production bfThai paddy rice in the 2014-15 harvest season was proshyjected to be less than 38 mi1lion tonnes because of drought in many areas

Charoen Laothamatas president of the Thai Rice Exporters Association said the government should consIder sellIng rice from its stockpiles in small lots of about 100000-200000 tonnes per auction to avoid impacts on the m-rket price

The government has less pressure to accelerate the sale of rice frbm the stocks The country has holder power It should ensure transparency and minimum impacts to the market he said

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INTHE WAKE ofrising concern over the t reatmen t oflabour farmers we1shybeing and the environment in global trading the International Trade Promotion Department is urging more lhal busmesses to seek FairTrade cershytification so that their products are more easily recognised and have a

greater chance in the world market place

At a seminar on Fair Trade Mark and trading of Fair Trade products in theinternationaJ market heldyestershyday by the agencys Office of News Overseas Markets Development and PromotIOn Duan kamol Jlambutr e U Irec or- ener ot e eplrtshy

mentSal t atonlyasmallnumberof thaI compames and sUEP)Lc~~ms current~apphedthe FairTrade Marllt

The epartment lrill therefore continue to support Fair Trade certishyfication by promoting an awareness campaign amongThai man ufacturers and exporters she said

According to the Netherlandsshybased Fair Trade Original organisashytion about 30 Thai companies and supply chains have received FairTrade

certification to date This guarantees that they engage in faii treatment of farmers have good labour conditions use no forced or child labour offer fair prices to suppliers and operate with transparency accountability and respect for the environment equity and freedom lt)nd have fair trading practices

Duangkarnol said the department in cooperation ~th Fair Trade Original now had a target of increasing the number of certified businessshy iSnap es and products by 10 per cent ayear

The main goal is to help agriculshytural and handicraft producers as well as manufactures and exporters to achieve better trading conditions and to promote sustainability she said

Certified members of the Fair Trade programme will likely be able to leverage the quality of their prodshyucts for higher prices with certificashytion ensuring world-class social and environmental standards and more recognition in the international trade area she added

Thai export products alreadyusing the approved Fair Thade logo include

rice coffee tea cane sugar cotton freshfruits herbs and spices ockershywork handicrafts pottery and ceramshyics

The official said the department also would like to encourage busishynesses in the shrimp and fishery secshy

ate consultant for Thailand said the overall value of Fair Trade products had increased considerably in the past few years as consumers now had more awareness about fair trading conditions and the environment

Consumers are willing to pay more for Fair Trade goods if they feel they have bought a product whose manufacture is highly responsible to society Today prices of Fair Trade products are also very competitive

the same as leading brands Enterprises should adapt themselves to produce Fair Trade products in order to ensure sustainable growth

tors to comply with Fair Trade certification so that they do otfaceproblems due to unfa abour treatment Every Fair Trade product is subject to labour-standard checking she explained

Manasnan Pongjayavanij Fair Trade Originals aS60ci~

and access to many markets said the consultant

According to Fair Trade Original the value of fair trade goods in the global market excluding the US rose from 1 billion (Bt427billion) in 1996 to 48 billion in 2012 Expots ofThai fair trade products were wOlth about Bt300 million in 2012

More than 30000 products are now on sale in 125 countries and the global Fair Trade system currently works with over 12 million people across 60 countries

Manasnan said many more Thai products could get the Fair Trade mark So far many local brands sllch as Doi Chang coffee plus local proshyducers of soy sauce chjli sauce pineapples and bananas are wellshy

known for having the mark which is accepted widely

Martin Boon development manshyager for Fai~Trade Original in the Netherlands told the seminar that with the global market having growshying recognition of Fair Trade prodshyucts many markets were increasing demand for products carrying the logo - and that Thailand had high potential to serve sllch worldwide demand


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THE NATION ~ JULY 20141lI Sihasak reassures EUteam over juntas reform roadmap SUPALAK GANJANAKHUN DEE THE NATION BRUSSELS

EARLY ELECTIONS vtithout reform would not help restore proper democshyracy to Thailand That was the message related by acting Foreign Minister Sihasak Phuangketkeow when he met his counterpart from the European Union in Belgium this week In a bilateral meeting with David OSullivan chief operating officer ofthe European External Action Service Sihasak said Thailand had a clear roadmap to restore sustainable democshyracy and that the EU should support

this process of reform The roadmap and its related reform

will help strengthen our political econshyomy and will also be of benefit to our partnership with theEUin the longnm he said

Sihasak was in Brussels for a minisshyterial meeting between representatives ofAsean and the EU and spent much of his time briefing representatives of Eillopean nations aboutthe situation in Thailand

The E U along with the US and other Western countries strongly criticised themilitaryforits May 22 coup The EU suspended a number of cooperations withThailand as well as several visits by high -level officials It also recommendshyed that member states review military cooperation with Thailand

The EU said last month that it wouldmiddot

not sign a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Thailand and that the negotiation of a free-trade agreement (FTA) would not conclude until an electshyed government was in place

Sihasak told OSullivan that an electshyed government would come eventually Before that however Thailand needed time to implement reform to have a strong democracy

The time frame of 15 months or so for the reform is not too long ifwe want to make sure that our system and democracy are sustainable he said

Thai people are aware of the issues facing our country and we are working on addressing these concerns so the EU as a partner should support us

The EUhas the right to voice its conshycerns about the situation in Thailand

middot but it should also ensure it is sufficientshyly informed on specific cases he said

Concerning detention and martial law the EU should make sure it has corshyrect information about who is under

middot detention and if there are concerns about human-rights violations the EU should specify the cases he said

Sihasak discussed the situation in Thailand Vlrith many European MPs

middot while in BrusselsTheyincludeq Franck Proust special rapporteur on the FTA and Samuel Cantell head of the ecoshynomic trade and regional cooperation delegation Many of them have experishyence in engaging with Thailand and have a clear understanding ofthe current sitshyuation in the country Sihasak said


Pension scheme for farmers proposed

Farmers in the future might look forward to retiring on a government pension

Charnpittaya Chimplee directorshygeneral of the Rice Oepartment said yesterday ttiat under a draft bill dealing with the rice development fund members would contribute about 3per cent of their monthly income to the fund and the state wou ~d also chip in ayet-unspecified amount

When farmers reach the age of 60 or 65 they will start receiving a monthly pension bf about Bt4OOO

Most farmers earn less than other workers so the fund is neces- sary for their future Charnpittaya said

Other proposals for the bill are being gathered and the contents wi I be improved before its submisshysion to acommittee on rice producshytion and markets and the National Council for Peace and Order


Farmer happiness down from August WICHIT CHANTANUSORNSIRI

Farmer happiness last month dropped subshystantially from its peak last August when they had high hopes of stable income from the Yingluck Shinawatra administrations rice pledging scheme reports a Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BMC) poll

The state-backed farm banks farmer happiness index fell to 7851 in June from its highest level of89 in August said senior executive vice-president Somsak Kangteershyawat The poll surveyed 2346 farmers

Happiness from family health a good society jo b financial position and the quest

for knowledge were the six factors used to measure the index

The survey found happines from the family scored the highest with a score of 341 out offour followed by health at 321 a good society at 320 job at 314 fmancial position at 285 and the quest for knowlshyedge at 274

Farmers from the Northeast regygIiwere the happiest vvith a score of 314 while those from the North scored 313 the South 312 the East 297 and Central 299

Asource at the BMC confirmed Augusts poll was taken when the farmers mood hit a fever pitch as they felt they would receive an elevated level of compensation from the

rice pledging programme The National Council for Peace and

Order (NCPO) is seeking sustainable ways to help farmers after losses from rice pledgshying which offered prices 40-50 higher than the market price could reach 500 billion baht

The juntas measures so far largely includelowering rice production costs and slowing the release of supply to lower price pressure

The source said prices of tapioca sugar cane chicken and pork are gaining in the second half while those of rice corn rubber oil palin and whiteleg shrimp are declirun ~ bull bull imiddotI middot7~

Regarding rice prices the source said the price of paddy with 15 moisture content could average 7500-9000 baht a tonne while Hom Mali prices are projected at 14000-15000 baht in the second the half

Even though the agricultural sector conshytributes only 84 to the countrys GDP there are 167 ffiillion farmers making up 26 of the population

National Statistical Office data shows the ratio of farmers who earned over 100000 baht a year rose to 286 in 2013 from 97 in 2003 while 643 graduated from prfshymary school down from 704 a decade ago Farmers shouldered average debt of 124604 baht per person last year

BANGKOK POST 41 FTIupbeatabout domestic car sales PIYACHART MAIKAEW

The Federation of Thai Industries (FT) remains confident that domestic vehishycle sales will top I million this year defying some car makers projection of sales declining to between 900000 and 980000 vehicles

Domestic demand started picking up in the previous quarter as private firms and farmers bought new pickup trucks for their business expansion and new cultivation said Surapong Paisitpatanapong spokesshyman for the FIrs automotive industry club

The club forecasts pickup truck sales will contribute 55-58 of domestic sales against 442 in 2013 while passenger cars dropped to about 40 from 474 last year

The passenger car market has normalshyised after demand was absorbed by the gov- emments first-time car buyer scheme said Mr Sura pong

The club yesterday cut its 2014 forecast for Thailands automotive output from 24 million vehicles to 22 milliori It also cut domestic sales to 1 million vehicles hom 12 million while exports stand finn at 12 million vehicles

FTI vice-chainnan Suparat Sirisuwan~ nangkura said Thailand was expected to remain in the worlds top 10 automotive manufacturers this year with production in countries such as Canada and Russia also expected to decrease

The International Organization of Motor

Vehicle Manufacturers said Thailand was the worlds ninth-largest automotive manufacturer in 2013 and 10th in 2012 Production (ast year totalled 245 million vehicles the highest in 52 years and up by 014 from 2012

The club yesterday reported that car proshyduction fell by 261 year-on-year in June to 160452 For the first half Thailands car output fell by 29 year-on-year to 952685

Domestic car sales in June totalled 73799 dOVll by 304 on the same period in2013 while 440911 cars were sold in the first half down by 405

By contrast car exports in June rose 657 to 103946 earning the cOUDtry497 billion baht In the first half exports rose 36 to 560047 cars with export value rising 895 to 265 billion baht

The FII yesterday reported that the industrial sentiment index improved for the second straight month in JW1e

The index rose to 884 points accordshying to the FIr which conducted a survey among 1100 industrial operators It stood at 851 points in May when sentiment improved for the first time in seven months

FTI chairman Suphan Mongkholsuthee said sentiment has improved because of the more stable political situation and an increase in purchases of products thanks to the Fifa World Cup football tournament

The industry outlook index for the next three months stood at 1019 points rising from 101 in May

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AUTO EXPORTS INCREASE Despite the sluggish recovery of

the export sector auto shipments continue to expand but still by not enough to counter the reduction in dorriestic demand for cars

The industry has been forced to brake this years production target from 24 million units to 22 million

The target for domestic sales has been lowered from 12 million units to 1million which represents adrop of 251 per cent or 335154 units from last year

Surapong Paisitpattanapong deputy chairman and spokesman of the Federation of Thai Industries Automotive Industry Club said yesterday that lower domestic derriand the end ofthe governments first-car tax-relief programme and the delay in gov~ errirnent and private investment

middotprojects had contributedtothemiddot change in the production target However this new figure is still

middot higherthan the forecast for T8 milshylion units before the big floodiri 2011and domestic demand is

expectedto shitf intoforWard gear i

middotnext quarter~ The economic recovery payshyrnent for farmersuncter the rlceshy

pledgingscherneandreturn of investment will increase revenue l

in other industries and put more rnoney in peoples pockets he middot said

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Temporary charter should furthershyboost confidence ERICH PARPART THE NATION

THE FEDERATION ofThai Industries believes the temporary charter will further increase the confishyden~e ofdomestic and foreign investors along with buslness op~ratrs while the recent strengthening of the baht IS stJlI tolerable for the export industry as long as anyfurther appreciation is neither too rapid nor drastic

_The FTI also said yesterday that its Industries Sentiment Index (TIS) had increased by 44 points since April

The introduction ofthe provisional charter is in line with the politiCal road map of the NCPO [NationaICoimcil for Peace and Order Jand I believe that in generalinvestors andoperators will feel more relaxe and gai~ more confidence that things aremiddot gomgmaccordWlththeNCPOsplansforanewcharshyter the setting up ofan interim government and the possibility of an election in the future said Supant Mongkolsuthree chairman ofthe FTI shy

In his view the country over the past two months has been running on a smooth surface since the Nepo took power a move which has led to an increase in foreign investor confidence certainty over pubh~ II1vestment policy and rising domestic consumptIOn

These factrs will support the recovery and allow _gross domestJC product to expand by 25 percent this year he said


The FTI had been projecting an economic recesshysion before the arrival of the NCPO

As for exports Supant said The strenctheninO of the baht is related to the increased conffdence of foreign investors which has led to an inflow offorshy~ign funds This will have some effect on the export iiidustry but it is still acceptable for exporters since the currencys strengthening pace is not too fast and the Bank ofThailand is still monitoring the situashytion

The export sector will be able to cope with a stronger baht if the rate does not fall below 3050 per US dollar he said -Moreover since the global economy IS continushyII1g to reco~er the FTI is sticking with its export

- growth projectIOn of35-5 per cent for the year According to Bloomberg the baht was valued at

3176 per dollar yesterday The FTI chief pointed out that if the Kingdoms shy

export value were calculated in baht it would already show lO-per-cent growth year on year

Accordingto the central bank export value in May came in at US$1927billiol1 (Bt6124 billion) whIch IS 12 per cent lower than the same period last year in dollar terms - shy

Meanwhile the TmiddotISI has increased for two month~ in a row The indexose from 840 in April to 851 111 May and to 884111 June amidst calmer political waters the economic recovery the liftingof the curfe - and even Fifa World Cup fever which led to an mcrease in overall production orders and sale figures - shyn~eover~TISI fororBers~salesarid prod-udiai- -shyIII allll1dustnes rose from 802796821 points in May to 843 844 879 points respectively in June

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CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough


GRAFT HAS GOT TO GO nvestors from Japan from which Such concern by the Japanese away existing and prospective forshy

the largest amount of Thailands investors should not be ignored eign investors Countless foreign direct foreign investment comes because they have brought the firms and investors have com~

have called for reduced corruption largest amount of direct foreign plained about the extra costs of and improved transparency in order investment into Thailand The doingbusinessinThailandbywhich to help restore confidence in the Japanese invested over 8t290 bil- they mean kickbacks and undershy

Kingdom lion in projects ClPproved by themiddot the-table money that must be to Setsuo luchichief representative Board of Investment last year That bureaucrats and politicians Often

of themiddot Japan External Trade was nearly 30 per cent of the total they have topayin exchange for pro-Organisation (Jetro) for Asean and foreign investment of Btl1 trillion curement deals with state agencies South Asia last week called on the according to 801 data and public projects People who ruling National Council for Peace Thailand has generally remained refuse to pay are routinely left and Order to kick-start good govershy attractiye to foreign investors due behind by their bribe-paying comshynance that includes combating corshy to positive factors such as the avail- petito rs University of the Thai ruption and ensuring transparency ability of skilled labour efficient Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) rec-particularly about doing business in infrastructure and transportation tor Saowanee Thairungroj has esti-Thailand Now its a good time for systems location andthe consider- mated that corruption adds 30 per Thailand to bring about good govshy able size of the domestic market cent to costs for businesses That ernance for the new era he said But our chronic corruption is scaring she says translates into reduced

comoetitiveness for Thai-made Economic and Business Forecasting pay corrupt officials and politi~ians products and reduced credibility for Centre He surmises that the have to cut costs at-the building site Thailand among foreign investors improvement could be due to posi- and that means poorer quality in General Prayuth Chan-ocha has tive public sentiment following the their public projects and thus a risk made tackling corruption a top pri- juntascampaignagainstcorruption to life and limb ority for the ruling military junta He and organised crime The surveyalso Businesses who pay bribes also says the fight will be part of sweepshy showed that bribes paid to officials offset their higher costs by charging ing national reform together with and politiCians by the private sector the consumers more good governance transparency and had declined to 15-25 per cent of middot Since corrupt authorities and an efficient and effective system of project costs frbman average 25-35 politicians make money and bribe-checks-and-balances Thailands per cent previously paying businesses make profits it is corruption index in the first half of Despite the seemingly slight theconsumersandthepublicingenshythis year improved for the first time improvement in the situation (or- eral who suffer in five years according to aUTCC surshy ruption remains amajor problem for They end up paying more uhnecshyvey The indexinJune was registered Thailand essarilyfor products and public proF at 46 out of a possible lOa com- In addition to the weakened ects the quality of which is poorer

pared to 39 last December says competitiveness and reduced cred- Corruption should beeliininated or Thariavath Phonvichai UTCC vice ibility the public asa whole is affect- at least minimised for the sake of rector of research and director of its ed by corruption Contractors who the country and its people

  • 57-07-24 (กรม)
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  • 57-07-24 (กระทรวง)

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mm 1-1 f2V1ffl11m111 mll 11~liltlJ lIV _lllU n~lUflOlflnllflU bull I sJ

fll111m~Vl (flV) fljllff~m111lrufllliIl~ff-1111V1Clflll IIClmll

fl1Uflllll ClVilJ fl flflll 1mfll1 fl1lJfllJ1lfiVlI1lU I~flfhl1 U VIIIU 1111~ 11~j~1riI1JU 11 WI 11U1~V10U U ltJtilliClfla 11

lClUl15flll fffllJ mhll~lJI~1l11 ilJm1J1Wfll1~i1f1lJn~nruovl

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-nl1iJeJWLiil~~lll~1~~ltJlill LeJ 1~mil~1-nl1vi ~


mntllLJul1f1ffJ~WVJJUlnlifl~iIJrtlaquotJeuroN ~~I~LQW1U1nUnhmJfI~~ill1rf11iJ~LtJlJfI~ t71J1fl1lJ1Jnnml1JwrimililLJunfNYlwiif)mif)(i

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J _ I

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lJ U

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f1W ~11JLYilJffVll111Jvl~LLVIW1Jl1Ul El1l)1rl J~ VidlfirunBlVluLLYilil~GlB1i1l11ulLiJtlU1J~Ym

bull bull OJ

LL~(ijLLClllUl~ tJ nu 1(ijtJYiJJlllpoundllLLYHil L~Ull1~lJl

I ~lnl11U1LnUtrnLLltl-r~B(ijUULWtJlL~niiBtJ oiild

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L~UYlUlJUL1tJu1ua(ij~1(ijBmiitJVivllll11Ul LL~ i ~poundllLLJunBlYlU1iI1a-~n1ll1Ul1tI1U~~l1

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dju L~poundlmllJ~LLIllWl~tJ 1i1Jl1Ull11U1~ru1~ ~

I (IlaJlJ(1aJeJ~1l1~eJeJnil1ULLiiIlIil~iill~~Dn1J

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DWlf1~WllaJn1Jl~~eJf1 nJLQ~lvlU VlVllY1U1Vl

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tJ~aJl run1ltJ~ m V Em nil ruY1lt-J~i-J~Vl~U Vl~l~(liimVl ~

lUnlJ LLnil ruY1ln1JtJ iiln-lil1~mJllru[nw 1J

~vhtJviltJ 1Liiu~ w11th~tJn uluna-lJll1IJ

i Ln1l~n~l11U1LLiilLn1lVl~m1 Vlll ~ LtIU Elil middot (IlLl1Vl

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I tJJ(IrllltJLUWnlJl~tJLL~~~WllVW~-iil11~LYilJ I lJln-iiu I


fi n a Ua dhl3J amp1 ~h ~UA1 b nlf(9la f1~lijVl~~ IJm1J~lLL~~ 217 LL~U~TUUlrl lJEJlJ~ 26-32 Onnfl~~i1LLlnlJm1J~l

d at 01 d

O 7 L~ltJ3JVllleuroJ 3 VlUl tJI1U ~U llj

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0lt) =i ffUtJ1~ tJ fimmlLIjeuroJnllLmffilLL~ ~ - ~

~mrumlLn~l (jj n ~) Ulb3JUillJfllJ

VI~J1JeuroJIll(i11 Lfflli3nl mlLn~llJeuroJJLYltJ

VI~eurol~~YlrnflLn~l liJe)ltIlllmllJmtJ~h

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lJtJIU 2556 3J~lil~ufilLn~~leuroJd~ 216 ~

u~nQJluUn~ rilLU~LYh~ ~-ril~ ~eilUltJml ffU~1ltJfin~ ncil1h ~LVI~I1

JJfl~~t1V1~I~~lJmtJ~llii L~euroJJlln~~t-J~~1u n~JJ-trllulU eleuroJtJ tJlJWlll Ul~3JJ1~U LL~ ~~wil1fl3JlruL~3J LLlt1i-lill

LU~euroJn~nml3J~U 15jj eJiLUUL~aJ l~UllmiJ-ru~l~ILlt1~tJ t-lil~~tpJ illPl

euroJtiYi 7500-9000 Ulrl UYJU i~1l~ lI bull cd ~euroJltlU Vl1nml3JIfUeuroJfVl aJil~lL~ LV20 m ~llfll 6000 U1YlLYhilu

~UtJllljlll m~illlml~W1~J3Jl

LVI~euroJ 60-61 Ulrl lt1ieuroJnT~n13J LIjllil~u~ LiJltln~~L~3J ~urlumlt-J~~~J llm-nllTIj~

d ~ T Llt1GwmlYi


630-780 Ulrl w1euroJn ~n~3J LIjnt-J~~~~euroJeuroJn3J13JlnLL~ilmlU1L-li13J1

llnUltLVlffLYleuroJuihu lJru~llfllnJneuroJeuroJn l1~mltlloilUl~lnYillIXllmU1U~J~lL~euroJ 10-220 U1Y1w1euroJnT~n13J LllUL~tJ1n1Jnfll Ul~~ ~llmfiWl~J3J1LVI~euroJ320 -435 ~ntJ ~euroJnT~n13J

1I1~U11 VI~lLm~~lmL9l1lJLjULl~1 il~Jllljfl~euroJIlUnlllllOhm~~ LL~iJ ml3JVll~1um~wYi1u1U1n~uVlIi~OnnleuroJleuroJ1J

LjuluTm~ml3J1UJ~ln11 6-8 L~euroJU

cilUllfl1~U~lLnllVllvifl1~ hlilllm vibVi~ ~euroJ ~Uci1UVI~I m~11lb~l-I LUU 215-220 ulrllt1ieuroJnT~n13J lln 180

Ulrl LIjll~U~euroJImlU1LUt-J~~beuroJvilUeuroJ~ IJrnvielmJflWd1lL~3JLJU 1 220-1300

U1rl lln 1040 ulY1~euroJnT~n13J llfl1LnLdil

nlL~3JLUU 42880-44 Ulrl~euroJnT~n1l-1 L 11l1nfl3JUln vifftJ T lUilml3J9l euroJI ml

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ultJ~3Jifn~ n~lhlilJii leuroJI~f~ml jj n~ n~llL~13Jl1 cilVl1U LLt-JUltJ

tJllL~L~~ tJ ~Vll~ ilil3J nu mrl )11

im~~l1mYlll11jlb)ll6 Ll~mrll11

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~euroJJVi~lLilumlL1~3Jt-J~~~~ ml~~

9lUrlU ml~11J3J~1i1L~3JlVinu~ufi1[nfl mlL~~m 111UlJeuroJJjjn~LwnUjjUlml

n 9l euroJJ LVi~W)1[11 mm~m~n~rnvi1JTlI

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ultJ~3Jifn~ n~11~euroJ11 ffuMfmin~ ~ll1lml3J$1~L~UlJeuroJJnfliJ~n~lmLrltJ bull I

~jLLwllUYi 18-30 ~ tJYitJl~l llnn~3J

~euroJtiljLrl~mmlurlnfJVll~YilUlL~f1 2346 lltJ LUVll-n8 l~lJml~~lJlJeuroJJ Ln~ltIllmLrltJ ljuil Ln~~lmLrltJ~ml3J ~lJlul~u3Jln~WflLLUuLlt1~1J 310 lln

~LLUUL~3J 4 lLLWU T~mnllVllmilml3J v JJ ~ 14 1

~IJl~ltIlU3JlnIJULufl~LuU 7851

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LL~l~t~ LL~~euroJoilLLUnml3J~lJ~l3JeuroJ-nlw nllLn~l~n

cilVl1lJl~lJfll13J ~lJlJ euroJjLn~~ lm

VI~JL~1uLjuTmJ nlliU~lUlin ljU

11 Ln~lm~u~n-nllilml3J~IJ~l~l13J

L~3J~wmw1~l~lJ3Jln~~~ itJflLLUU

Llt1~tJ 335 middotnnm-LLUUL~3J 4 fIbbUU


TWlmn~~lm~u~nillI11ULVlqi ilml3J ~ v I 4 _ v

~lJ LUl~U3JlnlJUfl~LuU 886 ~rleuroJU


ampI J 11

U1JaSJf1n~ mfi11(i)1U 1il~~Hilfl111iU1fl11

lYJilnlllnmlm(1l1WlirunllLflmJi (llfl l1) fl~ll 11 f1UJ1~J 1l fl l1 l~cimlm1JJ~~l~14 (Poll)

11 il~ ~~JJ ltill il ci1~ 1f11jmm114lln ~~11~~1Jilllf1 ~l14l~ 2346 i1U lW~l~~il14 ~[J57 ifl~u i~lJm1JJl1l11Jil~lnmJifljl11H )tojlJ11 m1JJl111JJl(1

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vll[JTlll1414l~U 31 0 llflf1ll14Ul~JJ 4 Tlll1414

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Tlll1414 ~TlJJ~ 3 20 Tlll1414 fl1j~l14~ 3 14

Tlll1414 l1Jil1ril~14lt11 285 Tlll1414 ll(111l1~ 274

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)1~il ljjil~llLUflfll1l-Jl1lJl-Jl(1j1JJVllJJil1~Yl ~ ~~

nnLhl1011V111fl rilJ11 lflljlillm~DjnillJil1~I

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1i~ltJl~JJ14 llnjjm1JJVl1J 1 14ill~mi1141JJln 111~llmilTliltJl~14114tm~fI1i1 l-J1hj~lnl1 6-8

llt11 il14 ~~ lti~1Jn t [J m Jil iIlJ1JJl1lJ~ ilJ

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YhlmmJim~i~~mlJJ~1Jl~JJ~ 1lnl1 mllti~ lltfiJJ n m~JJ 1J~Vl1llYl~n ~~Vllll~fl1jlnljVli~ [JfI1j

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nlllflljVlj t~[JmmlijJ141lln~~lltfiJJillrij[J14 l~illl1t~~(1VlillJ IIY114)14l11JJll[lU~ liJUil~~ l1il~1~ ~fl1T1ry~il T1j1fi1llmu1~l14fl1jVlm~l~ill111~ liil~ll1~fI1~lml1Ullnflj1[JR14fi1


I 41 VIvVha h104 1lfillIii033HI~L~3Jfl1lLOlfVll LiI~L~v~~

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Ministry seeks to resume small-lot rice sales in August PETCHANET PRATRUANGKRAI THE NATION

THE COMMERCE MINISTRY is preparshying to resume selling rice from its stockpiles in early August gradually releasing it in small lots of about 5000)0 tonnes a month

Duangporn Rodphaya director-genershyar of the ForeIgn Trade Department said a ~ubcommlttee had agreed the mmistry slthould go ahead and sell rice from the stockpIles and not walt tor completion of a Junta-ordered mspectlOn of the stocks bull I he nce-release planwhlch Will be proshy

posed to the Rice Policy and Management Committee soon includes sales through general auctions to exporters and local traders by government-to-governrrient contracts and through the Agricultural Futures Exchange of Thailand

Puangporn added that the department wopId ensure the stocks are released transshyparent With the Fmance Mmlst and the Prime Minister s 0 ce joint y inspecting the f0cessc

T~e department reported that about 55 per cent ofl800 rice warehouses had so far been inspected by the teams dispatched by the militarys ruling National CounCil for Peace and Order The teams are expected to complete their mission by the end of September

About 18 million tonnes ofrice is reportshy

cerns over roug t an ower pro uction in many countries amid higher demand in many others I here IS a good posslblhty that ThaIland will export 10 million tonnes 9pound nce thIS year It is expected to sell off all 18 million tonnes in its stockpiles within three years she saId

The department reported that Thailand was able to sell 535 million tonnes of rice in the first six months middotup by 50 per cent year on year while export value rose 19 percentto US$27biIlion (nearly Bt86 bilshylion)

As ofJuly 16 the price of5 per cent Thai

Afile photo shows asoldier inspecting rice stockpiles at a warehouse in a eastern province

white rice was quoted at $427 a tonne up from $410 the previous week

She added that production bfThai paddy rice in the 2014-15 harvest season was proshyjected to be less than 38 mi1lion tonnes because of drought in many areas

Charoen Laothamatas president of the Thai Rice Exporters Association said the government should consIder sellIng rice from its stockpiles in small lots of about 100000-200000 tonnes per auction to avoid impacts on the m-rket price

The government has less pressure to accelerate the sale of rice frbm the stocks The country has holder power It should ensure transparency and minimum impacts to the market he said

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INTHE WAKE ofrising concern over the t reatmen t oflabour farmers we1shybeing and the environment in global trading the International Trade Promotion Department is urging more lhal busmesses to seek FairTrade cershytification so that their products are more easily recognised and have a

greater chance in the world market place

At a seminar on Fair Trade Mark and trading of Fair Trade products in theinternationaJ market heldyestershyday by the agencys Office of News Overseas Markets Development and PromotIOn Duan kamol Jlambutr e U Irec or- ener ot e eplrtshy

mentSal t atonlyasmallnumberof thaI compames and sUEP)Lc~~ms current~apphedthe FairTrade Marllt

The epartment lrill therefore continue to support Fair Trade certishyfication by promoting an awareness campaign amongThai man ufacturers and exporters she said

According to the Netherlandsshybased Fair Trade Original organisashytion about 30 Thai companies and supply chains have received FairTrade

certification to date This guarantees that they engage in faii treatment of farmers have good labour conditions use no forced or child labour offer fair prices to suppliers and operate with transparency accountability and respect for the environment equity and freedom lt)nd have fair trading practices

Duangkarnol said the department in cooperation ~th Fair Trade Original now had a target of increasing the number of certified businessshy iSnap es and products by 10 per cent ayear

The main goal is to help agriculshytural and handicraft producers as well as manufactures and exporters to achieve better trading conditions and to promote sustainability she said

Certified members of the Fair Trade programme will likely be able to leverage the quality of their prodshyucts for higher prices with certificashytion ensuring world-class social and environmental standards and more recognition in the international trade area she added

Thai export products alreadyusing the approved Fair Thade logo include

rice coffee tea cane sugar cotton freshfruits herbs and spices ockershywork handicrafts pottery and ceramshyics

The official said the department also would like to encourage busishynesses in the shrimp and fishery secshy

ate consultant for Thailand said the overall value of Fair Trade products had increased considerably in the past few years as consumers now had more awareness about fair trading conditions and the environment

Consumers are willing to pay more for Fair Trade goods if they feel they have bought a product whose manufacture is highly responsible to society Today prices of Fair Trade products are also very competitive

the same as leading brands Enterprises should adapt themselves to produce Fair Trade products in order to ensure sustainable growth

tors to comply with Fair Trade certification so that they do otfaceproblems due to unfa abour treatment Every Fair Trade product is subject to labour-standard checking she explained

Manasnan Pongjayavanij Fair Trade Originals aS60ci~

and access to many markets said the consultant

According to Fair Trade Original the value of fair trade goods in the global market excluding the US rose from 1 billion (Bt427billion) in 1996 to 48 billion in 2012 Expots ofThai fair trade products were wOlth about Bt300 million in 2012

More than 30000 products are now on sale in 125 countries and the global Fair Trade system currently works with over 12 million people across 60 countries

Manasnan said many more Thai products could get the Fair Trade mark So far many local brands sllch as Doi Chang coffee plus local proshyducers of soy sauce chjli sauce pineapples and bananas are wellshy

known for having the mark which is accepted widely

Martin Boon development manshyager for Fai~Trade Original in the Netherlands told the seminar that with the global market having growshying recognition of Fair Trade prodshyucts many markets were increasing demand for products carrying the logo - and that Thailand had high potential to serve sllch worldwide demand


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THE NATION ~ JULY 20141lI Sihasak reassures EUteam over juntas reform roadmap SUPALAK GANJANAKHUN DEE THE NATION BRUSSELS

EARLY ELECTIONS vtithout reform would not help restore proper democshyracy to Thailand That was the message related by acting Foreign Minister Sihasak Phuangketkeow when he met his counterpart from the European Union in Belgium this week In a bilateral meeting with David OSullivan chief operating officer ofthe European External Action Service Sihasak said Thailand had a clear roadmap to restore sustainable democshyracy and that the EU should support

this process of reform The roadmap and its related reform

will help strengthen our political econshyomy and will also be of benefit to our partnership with theEUin the longnm he said

Sihasak was in Brussels for a minisshyterial meeting between representatives ofAsean and the EU and spent much of his time briefing representatives of Eillopean nations aboutthe situation in Thailand

The E U along with the US and other Western countries strongly criticised themilitaryforits May 22 coup The EU suspended a number of cooperations withThailand as well as several visits by high -level officials It also recommendshyed that member states review military cooperation with Thailand

The EU said last month that it wouldmiddot

not sign a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Thailand and that the negotiation of a free-trade agreement (FTA) would not conclude until an electshyed government was in place

Sihasak told OSullivan that an electshyed government would come eventually Before that however Thailand needed time to implement reform to have a strong democracy

The time frame of 15 months or so for the reform is not too long ifwe want to make sure that our system and democracy are sustainable he said

Thai people are aware of the issues facing our country and we are working on addressing these concerns so the EU as a partner should support us

The EUhas the right to voice its conshycerns about the situation in Thailand

middot but it should also ensure it is sufficientshyly informed on specific cases he said

Concerning detention and martial law the EU should make sure it has corshyrect information about who is under

middot detention and if there are concerns about human-rights violations the EU should specify the cases he said

Sihasak discussed the situation in Thailand Vlrith many European MPs

middot while in BrusselsTheyincludeq Franck Proust special rapporteur on the FTA and Samuel Cantell head of the ecoshynomic trade and regional cooperation delegation Many of them have experishyence in engaging with Thailand and have a clear understanding ofthe current sitshyuation in the country Sihasak said


Pension scheme for farmers proposed

Farmers in the future might look forward to retiring on a government pension

Charnpittaya Chimplee directorshygeneral of the Rice Oepartment said yesterday ttiat under a draft bill dealing with the rice development fund members would contribute about 3per cent of their monthly income to the fund and the state wou ~d also chip in ayet-unspecified amount

When farmers reach the age of 60 or 65 they will start receiving a monthly pension bf about Bt4OOO

Most farmers earn less than other workers so the fund is neces- sary for their future Charnpittaya said

Other proposals for the bill are being gathered and the contents wi I be improved before its submisshysion to acommittee on rice producshytion and markets and the National Council for Peace and Order


Farmer happiness down from August WICHIT CHANTANUSORNSIRI

Farmer happiness last month dropped subshystantially from its peak last August when they had high hopes of stable income from the Yingluck Shinawatra administrations rice pledging scheme reports a Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BMC) poll

The state-backed farm banks farmer happiness index fell to 7851 in June from its highest level of89 in August said senior executive vice-president Somsak Kangteershyawat The poll surveyed 2346 farmers

Happiness from family health a good society jo b financial position and the quest

for knowledge were the six factors used to measure the index

The survey found happines from the family scored the highest with a score of 341 out offour followed by health at 321 a good society at 320 job at 314 fmancial position at 285 and the quest for knowlshyedge at 274

Farmers from the Northeast regygIiwere the happiest vvith a score of 314 while those from the North scored 313 the South 312 the East 297 and Central 299

Asource at the BMC confirmed Augusts poll was taken when the farmers mood hit a fever pitch as they felt they would receive an elevated level of compensation from the

rice pledging programme The National Council for Peace and

Order (NCPO) is seeking sustainable ways to help farmers after losses from rice pledgshying which offered prices 40-50 higher than the market price could reach 500 billion baht

The juntas measures so far largely includelowering rice production costs and slowing the release of supply to lower price pressure

The source said prices of tapioca sugar cane chicken and pork are gaining in the second half while those of rice corn rubber oil palin and whiteleg shrimp are declirun ~ bull bull imiddotI middot7~

Regarding rice prices the source said the price of paddy with 15 moisture content could average 7500-9000 baht a tonne while Hom Mali prices are projected at 14000-15000 baht in the second the half

Even though the agricultural sector conshytributes only 84 to the countrys GDP there are 167 ffiillion farmers making up 26 of the population

National Statistical Office data shows the ratio of farmers who earned over 100000 baht a year rose to 286 in 2013 from 97 in 2003 while 643 graduated from prfshymary school down from 704 a decade ago Farmers shouldered average debt of 124604 baht per person last year

BANGKOK POST 41 FTIupbeatabout domestic car sales PIYACHART MAIKAEW

The Federation of Thai Industries (FT) remains confident that domestic vehishycle sales will top I million this year defying some car makers projection of sales declining to between 900000 and 980000 vehicles

Domestic demand started picking up in the previous quarter as private firms and farmers bought new pickup trucks for their business expansion and new cultivation said Surapong Paisitpatanapong spokesshyman for the FIrs automotive industry club

The club forecasts pickup truck sales will contribute 55-58 of domestic sales against 442 in 2013 while passenger cars dropped to about 40 from 474 last year

The passenger car market has normalshyised after demand was absorbed by the gov- emments first-time car buyer scheme said Mr Sura pong

The club yesterday cut its 2014 forecast for Thailands automotive output from 24 million vehicles to 22 milliori It also cut domestic sales to 1 million vehicles hom 12 million while exports stand finn at 12 million vehicles

FTI vice-chainnan Suparat Sirisuwan~ nangkura said Thailand was expected to remain in the worlds top 10 automotive manufacturers this year with production in countries such as Canada and Russia also expected to decrease

The International Organization of Motor

Vehicle Manufacturers said Thailand was the worlds ninth-largest automotive manufacturer in 2013 and 10th in 2012 Production (ast year totalled 245 million vehicles the highest in 52 years and up by 014 from 2012

The club yesterday reported that car proshyduction fell by 261 year-on-year in June to 160452 For the first half Thailands car output fell by 29 year-on-year to 952685

Domestic car sales in June totalled 73799 dOVll by 304 on the same period in2013 while 440911 cars were sold in the first half down by 405

By contrast car exports in June rose 657 to 103946 earning the cOUDtry497 billion baht In the first half exports rose 36 to 560047 cars with export value rising 895 to 265 billion baht

The FII yesterday reported that the industrial sentiment index improved for the second straight month in JW1e

The index rose to 884 points accordshying to the FIr which conducted a survey among 1100 industrial operators It stood at 851 points in May when sentiment improved for the first time in seven months

FTI chairman Suphan Mongkholsuthee said sentiment has improved because of the more stable political situation and an increase in purchases of products thanks to the Fifa World Cup football tournament

The industry outlook index for the next three months stood at 1019 points rising from 101 in May

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AUTO EXPORTS INCREASE Despite the sluggish recovery of

the export sector auto shipments continue to expand but still by not enough to counter the reduction in dorriestic demand for cars

The industry has been forced to brake this years production target from 24 million units to 22 million

The target for domestic sales has been lowered from 12 million units to 1million which represents adrop of 251 per cent or 335154 units from last year

Surapong Paisitpattanapong deputy chairman and spokesman of the Federation of Thai Industries Automotive Industry Club said yesterday that lower domestic derriand the end ofthe governments first-car tax-relief programme and the delay in gov~ errirnent and private investment

middotprojects had contributedtothemiddot change in the production target However this new figure is still

middot higherthan the forecast for T8 milshylion units before the big floodiri 2011and domestic demand is

expectedto shitf intoforWard gear i

middotnext quarter~ The economic recovery payshyrnent for farmersuncter the rlceshy

pledgingscherneandreturn of investment will increase revenue l

in other industries and put more rnoney in peoples pockets he middot said

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Temporary charter should furthershyboost confidence ERICH PARPART THE NATION

THE FEDERATION ofThai Industries believes the temporary charter will further increase the confishyden~e ofdomestic and foreign investors along with buslness op~ratrs while the recent strengthening of the baht IS stJlI tolerable for the export industry as long as anyfurther appreciation is neither too rapid nor drastic

_The FTI also said yesterday that its Industries Sentiment Index (TIS) had increased by 44 points since April

The introduction ofthe provisional charter is in line with the politiCal road map of the NCPO [NationaICoimcil for Peace and Order Jand I believe that in generalinvestors andoperators will feel more relaxe and gai~ more confidence that things aremiddot gomgmaccordWlththeNCPOsplansforanewcharshyter the setting up ofan interim government and the possibility of an election in the future said Supant Mongkolsuthree chairman ofthe FTI shy

In his view the country over the past two months has been running on a smooth surface since the Nepo took power a move which has led to an increase in foreign investor confidence certainty over pubh~ II1vestment policy and rising domestic consumptIOn

These factrs will support the recovery and allow _gross domestJC product to expand by 25 percent this year he said


The FTI had been projecting an economic recesshysion before the arrival of the NCPO

As for exports Supant said The strenctheninO of the baht is related to the increased conffdence of foreign investors which has led to an inflow offorshy~ign funds This will have some effect on the export iiidustry but it is still acceptable for exporters since the currencys strengthening pace is not too fast and the Bank ofThailand is still monitoring the situashytion

The export sector will be able to cope with a stronger baht if the rate does not fall below 3050 per US dollar he said -Moreover since the global economy IS continushyII1g to reco~er the FTI is sticking with its export

- growth projectIOn of35-5 per cent for the year According to Bloomberg the baht was valued at

3176 per dollar yesterday The FTI chief pointed out that if the Kingdoms shy

export value were calculated in baht it would already show lO-per-cent growth year on year

Accordingto the central bank export value in May came in at US$1927billiol1 (Bt6124 billion) whIch IS 12 per cent lower than the same period last year in dollar terms - shy

Meanwhile the TmiddotISI has increased for two month~ in a row The indexose from 840 in April to 851 111 May and to 884111 June amidst calmer political waters the economic recovery the liftingof the curfe - and even Fifa World Cup fever which led to an mcrease in overall production orders and sale figures - shyn~eover~TISI fororBers~salesarid prod-udiai- -shyIII allll1dustnes rose from 802796821 points in May to 843 844 879 points respectively in June

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CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough


GRAFT HAS GOT TO GO nvestors from Japan from which Such concern by the Japanese away existing and prospective forshy

the largest amount of Thailands investors should not be ignored eign investors Countless foreign direct foreign investment comes because they have brought the firms and investors have com~

have called for reduced corruption largest amount of direct foreign plained about the extra costs of and improved transparency in order investment into Thailand The doingbusinessinThailandbywhich to help restore confidence in the Japanese invested over 8t290 bil- they mean kickbacks and undershy

Kingdom lion in projects ClPproved by themiddot the-table money that must be to Setsuo luchichief representative Board of Investment last year That bureaucrats and politicians Often

of themiddot Japan External Trade was nearly 30 per cent of the total they have topayin exchange for pro-Organisation (Jetro) for Asean and foreign investment of Btl1 trillion curement deals with state agencies South Asia last week called on the according to 801 data and public projects People who ruling National Council for Peace Thailand has generally remained refuse to pay are routinely left and Order to kick-start good govershy attractiye to foreign investors due behind by their bribe-paying comshynance that includes combating corshy to positive factors such as the avail- petito rs University of the Thai ruption and ensuring transparency ability of skilled labour efficient Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) rec-particularly about doing business in infrastructure and transportation tor Saowanee Thairungroj has esti-Thailand Now its a good time for systems location andthe consider- mated that corruption adds 30 per Thailand to bring about good govshy able size of the domestic market cent to costs for businesses That ernance for the new era he said But our chronic corruption is scaring she says translates into reduced

comoetitiveness for Thai-made Economic and Business Forecasting pay corrupt officials and politi~ians products and reduced credibility for Centre He surmises that the have to cut costs at-the building site Thailand among foreign investors improvement could be due to posi- and that means poorer quality in General Prayuth Chan-ocha has tive public sentiment following the their public projects and thus a risk made tackling corruption a top pri- juntascampaignagainstcorruption to life and limb ority for the ruling military junta He and organised crime The surveyalso Businesses who pay bribes also says the fight will be part of sweepshy showed that bribes paid to officials offset their higher costs by charging ing national reform together with and politiCians by the private sector the consumers more good governance transparency and had declined to 15-25 per cent of middot Since corrupt authorities and an efficient and effective system of project costs frbman average 25-35 politicians make money and bribe-checks-and-balances Thailands per cent previously paying businesses make profits it is corruption index in the first half of Despite the seemingly slight theconsumersandthepublicingenshythis year improved for the first time improvement in the situation (or- eral who suffer in five years according to aUTCC surshy ruption remains amajor problem for They end up paying more uhnecshyvey The indexinJune was registered Thailand essarilyfor products and public proF at 46 out of a possible lOa com- In addition to the weakened ects the quality of which is poorer

pared to 39 last December says competitiveness and reduced cred- Corruption should beeliininated or Thariavath Phonvichai UTCC vice ibility the public asa whole is affect- at least minimised for the sake of rector of research and director of its ed by corruption Contractors who the country and its people

  • 57-07-24 (กรม)
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  • 57-07-24 (กระทรวง)

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J _ I

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f1W ~11JLYilJffVll111Jvl~LLVIW1Jl1Ul El1l)1rl J~ VidlfirunBlVluLLYilil~GlB1i1l11ulLiJtlU1J~Ym

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L~UYlUlJUL1tJu1ua(ij~1(ijBmiitJVivllll11Ul LL~ i ~poundllLLJunBlYlU1iI1a-~n1ll1Ul1tI1U~~l1

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DWlf1~WllaJn1Jl~~eJf1 nJLQ~lvlU VlVllY1U1Vl

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VI~eurol~~YlrnflLn~l liJe)ltIlllmllJmtJ~h

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lJtJIU 2556 3J~lil~ufilLn~~leuroJd~ 216 ~

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JJfl~~t1V1~I~~lJmtJ~llii L~euroJJlln~~t-J~~1u n~JJ-trllulU eleuroJtJ tJlJWlll Ul~3JJ1~U LL~ ~~wil1fl3JlruL~3J LLlt1i-lill

LU~euroJn~nml3J~U 15jj eJiLUUL~aJ l~UllmiJ-ru~l~ILlt1~tJ t-lil~~tpJ illPl

euroJtiYi 7500-9000 Ulrl UYJU i~1l~ lI bull cd ~euroJltlU Vl1nml3JIfUeuroJfVl aJil~lL~ LV20 m ~llfll 6000 U1YlLYhilu

~UtJllljlll m~illlml~W1~J3Jl

LVI~euroJ 60-61 Ulrl lt1ieuroJnT~n13J LIjllil~u~ LiJltln~~L~3J ~urlumlt-J~~~J llm-nllTIj~

d ~ T Llt1GwmlYi


630-780 Ulrl w1euroJn ~n~3J LIjnt-J~~~~euroJeuroJn3J13JlnLL~ilmlU1L-li13J1

llnUltLVlffLYleuroJuihu lJru~llfllnJneuroJeuroJn l1~mltlloilUl~lnYillIXllmU1U~J~lL~euroJ 10-220 U1Y1w1euroJnT~n13J LllUL~tJ1n1Jnfll Ul~~ ~llmfiWl~J3J1LVI~euroJ320 -435 ~ntJ ~euroJnT~n13J

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LjuluTm~ml3J1UJ~ln11 6-8 L~euroJU

cilUllfl1~U~lLnllVllvifl1~ hlilllm vibVi~ ~euroJ ~Uci1UVI~I m~11lb~l-I LUU 215-220 ulrllt1ieuroJnT~n13J lln 180

Ulrl LIjll~U~euroJImlU1LUt-J~~beuroJvilUeuroJ~ IJrnvielmJflWd1lL~3JLJU 1 220-1300

U1rl lln 1040 ulY1~euroJnT~n13J llfl1LnLdil

nlL~3JLUU 42880-44 Ulrl~euroJnT~n1l-1 L 11l1nfl3JUln vifftJ T lUilml3J9l euroJI ml

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ultJ~3Jifn~ n~lhlilJii leuroJI~f~ml jj n~ n~llL~13Jl1 cilVl1U LLt-JUltJ

tJllL~L~~ tJ ~Vll~ ilil3J nu mrl )11

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n 9l euroJJ LVi~W)1[11 mm~m~n~rnvi1JTlI

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~jLLwllUYi 18-30 ~ tJYitJl~l llnn~3J

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~LLUUL~3J 4 lLLWU T~mnllVllmilml3J v JJ ~ 14 1

~IJl~ltIlU3JlnIJULufl~LuU 7851

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cilVl1lJl~lJfll13J ~lJlJ euroJjLn~~ lm

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11 Ln~lm~u~n-nllilml3J~IJ~l~l13J

L~3J~wmw1~l~lJ3Jln~~~ itJflLLUU

Llt1~tJ 335 middotnnm-LLUUL~3J 4 fIbbUU


TWlmn~~lm~u~nillI11ULVlqi ilml3J ~ v I 4 _ v

~lJ LUl~U3JlnlJUfl~LuU 886 ~rleuroJU


ampI J 11

U1JaSJf1n~ mfi11(i)1U 1il~~Hilfl111iU1fl11

lYJilnlllnmlm(1l1WlirunllLflmJi (llfl l1) fl~ll 11 f1UJ1~J 1l fl l1 l~cimlm1JJ~~l~14 (Poll)

11 il~ ~~JJ ltill il ci1~ 1f11jmm114lln ~~11~~1Jilllf1 ~l14l~ 2346 i1U lW~l~~il14 ~[J57 ifl~u i~lJm1JJl1l11Jil~lnmJifljl11H )tojlJ11 m1JJl111JJl(1

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Tlll1414 ~TlJJ~ 3 20 Tlll1414 fl1j~l14~ 3 14

Tlll1414 l1Jil1ril~14lt11 285 Tlll1414 ll(111l1~ 274

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)1~il ljjil~llLUflfll1l-Jl1lJl-Jl(1j1JJVllJJil1~Yl ~ ~~

nnLhl1011V111fl rilJ11 lflljlillm~DjnillJil1~I

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1i~ltJl~JJ14 llnjjm1JJVl1J 1 14ill~mi1141JJln 111~llmilTliltJl~14114tm~fI1i1 l-J1hj~lnl1 6-8

llt11 il14 ~~ lti~1Jn t [J m Jil iIlJ1JJl1lJ~ ilJ

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YhlmmJim~i~~mlJJ~1Jl~JJ~ 1lnl1 mllti~ lltfiJJ n m~JJ 1J~Vl1llYl~n ~~Vllll~fl1jlnljVli~ [JfI1j

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nlllflljVlj t~[JmmlijJ141lln~~lltfiJJillrij[J14 l~illl1t~~(1VlillJ IIY114)14l11JJll[lU~ liJUil~~ l1il~1~ ~fl1T1ry~il T1j1fi1llmu1~l14fl1jVlm~l~ill111~ liil~ll1~fI1~lml1Ullnflj1[JR14fi1


I 41 VIvVha h104 1lfillIii033HI~L~3Jfl1lLOlfVll LiI~L~v~~

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lf11Ul 3 nlmdJl udnEluiil1tJ 1) md~~-llUdrnd-l~md~~

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dVdlJ1U~ 15 mnjlf1Jl-31 mnjlf1Jl 2557 l~tJlvilmdL~tJ LLyIj1LYlf11ul~~mdr-J~1il-n11~rlnltilEl-l 1~lf11U11~~mlJl1 mlJl

~ ~

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UltJmdr-J~lilmnln d1~0-lLn~mlJlL-nlh~ln~UL~tJ1nUmd~U

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~1U~~r-J~IilYlL1tJU ~-lf1~ LJl middot LL~~eurolJnEl-llUf11f11iil ~OJ bull I I

ilEln~liIm~~lnlU-61-lL~ElU~Jl-jlf1Jl-numtJu 57 ~U f1rn ~

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~YlnutJULnW1dm LL~md LlfUd tJlfUllnYlLutJULnW1dm


eurolnJl LL~~L~1l-jh~ri-lLm~mdLnW1d1u~u~U

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~ ~

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LL~ ~11 ~ ~JYi1 tJ ~1l-j1U n ld~l LuUJlulmJ nld-61 tJ Ll-j ~ eurol

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li1JnttlnilJ 1ridltlvi 4280-44 1J1VllitlntflnilJ

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flan~1_r1_W_2_5_57 o~

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Ltllfil~~-1(lllvnMl1JLnV1inl LUUolU


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1li1L~tlU lJcuifdll1nlUUimculol~(l jjL~U 1i1 m~il1lin1l(ljni l1(l~ 1 ~lU1U 63947

1l11 L~1lU Ldtl~ 84034 LLUtl~ LuuL~u1i1m~1l EiliIil1~tl 2520 1J1Vl i1lJLiJUL~UUllJlru

1900 r-tU1J1Y

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LLfIlJi1311ulfllJ IYlfllU~VlllflUfl1lIoI110

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1Vli fl~VllJl0n~~lJlJVl~ llflflfllJlllf)fI~ l11fl UiJlIffUfflJ11 lJff~~fl1ru ull1lJ 1110IUllhll11 fllJ)ullln~fl~luI li1191V U1[uO~flrumllJf11lilfl~nlJll fI 11JlJlJl0i15lJlJVl~rl fllJlJl oeJii~Yli ~~ d~5iJ rlL )1lJ fl~fl~ Lrwe~1 nvi~ LL fIl rll1Ul~ 1 1 co A (11 )UllUulllJfl1iVllll91LLl1~l1191 uUlI

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UllJ1M~l1lJ1 Oflll1Jl lJ1Vll1 157l1fl

Yl lU Ulnflu~~liiilJlJrullhon1i I U I

l1u~nlJLLfIUllDUlllJf11lV11l191 YlT d 0 1- 0 ~ 1

2542 11fllVllOlJff~ffllJ1lJ l1flOf)1lVllllJlJ

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ffOWOllJI1fl~llJ Vi~YlOllJllflflfl LLfI

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~ 1_ d middot d d cId d d d J 0 d d1 tI 1 tI ~ J oJQI ~ ff7nftl1jfJw IJJOIYII1IfJnUf~OU lt] YI

~middot7IUUn7itiurJnn7itihN j LJJ dItJ r

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flA~l~lliT~N lJIWmrUlLnFl i1U1U

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Ministry seeks to resume small-lot rice sales in August PETCHANET PRATRUANGKRAI THE NATION

THE COMMERCE MINISTRY is preparshying to resume selling rice from its stockpiles in early August gradually releasing it in small lots of about 5000)0 tonnes a month

Duangporn Rodphaya director-genershyar of the ForeIgn Trade Department said a ~ubcommlttee had agreed the mmistry slthould go ahead and sell rice from the stockpIles and not walt tor completion of a Junta-ordered mspectlOn of the stocks bull I he nce-release planwhlch Will be proshy

posed to the Rice Policy and Management Committee soon includes sales through general auctions to exporters and local traders by government-to-governrrient contracts and through the Agricultural Futures Exchange of Thailand

Puangporn added that the department wopId ensure the stocks are released transshyparent With the Fmance Mmlst and the Prime Minister s 0 ce joint y inspecting the f0cessc

T~e department reported that about 55 per cent ofl800 rice warehouses had so far been inspected by the teams dispatched by the militarys ruling National CounCil for Peace and Order The teams are expected to complete their mission by the end of September

About 18 million tonnes ofrice is reportshy

cerns over roug t an ower pro uction in many countries amid higher demand in many others I here IS a good posslblhty that ThaIland will export 10 million tonnes 9pound nce thIS year It is expected to sell off all 18 million tonnes in its stockpiles within three years she saId

The department reported that Thailand was able to sell 535 million tonnes of rice in the first six months middotup by 50 per cent year on year while export value rose 19 percentto US$27biIlion (nearly Bt86 bilshylion)

As ofJuly 16 the price of5 per cent Thai

Afile photo shows asoldier inspecting rice stockpiles at a warehouse in a eastern province

white rice was quoted at $427 a tonne up from $410 the previous week

She added that production bfThai paddy rice in the 2014-15 harvest season was proshyjected to be less than 38 mi1lion tonnes because of drought in many areas

Charoen Laothamatas president of the Thai Rice Exporters Association said the government should consIder sellIng rice from its stockpiles in small lots of about 100000-200000 tonnes per auction to avoid impacts on the m-rket price

The government has less pressure to accelerate the sale of rice frbm the stocks The country has holder power It should ensure transparency and minimum impacts to the market he said

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INTHE WAKE ofrising concern over the t reatmen t oflabour farmers we1shybeing and the environment in global trading the International Trade Promotion Department is urging more lhal busmesses to seek FairTrade cershytification so that their products are more easily recognised and have a

greater chance in the world market place

At a seminar on Fair Trade Mark and trading of Fair Trade products in theinternationaJ market heldyestershyday by the agencys Office of News Overseas Markets Development and PromotIOn Duan kamol Jlambutr e U Irec or- ener ot e eplrtshy

mentSal t atonlyasmallnumberof thaI compames and sUEP)Lc~~ms current~apphedthe FairTrade Marllt

The epartment lrill therefore continue to support Fair Trade certishyfication by promoting an awareness campaign amongThai man ufacturers and exporters she said

According to the Netherlandsshybased Fair Trade Original organisashytion about 30 Thai companies and supply chains have received FairTrade

certification to date This guarantees that they engage in faii treatment of farmers have good labour conditions use no forced or child labour offer fair prices to suppliers and operate with transparency accountability and respect for the environment equity and freedom lt)nd have fair trading practices

Duangkarnol said the department in cooperation ~th Fair Trade Original now had a target of increasing the number of certified businessshy iSnap es and products by 10 per cent ayear

The main goal is to help agriculshytural and handicraft producers as well as manufactures and exporters to achieve better trading conditions and to promote sustainability she said

Certified members of the Fair Trade programme will likely be able to leverage the quality of their prodshyucts for higher prices with certificashytion ensuring world-class social and environmental standards and more recognition in the international trade area she added

Thai export products alreadyusing the approved Fair Thade logo include

rice coffee tea cane sugar cotton freshfruits herbs and spices ockershywork handicrafts pottery and ceramshyics

The official said the department also would like to encourage busishynesses in the shrimp and fishery secshy

ate consultant for Thailand said the overall value of Fair Trade products had increased considerably in the past few years as consumers now had more awareness about fair trading conditions and the environment

Consumers are willing to pay more for Fair Trade goods if they feel they have bought a product whose manufacture is highly responsible to society Today prices of Fair Trade products are also very competitive

the same as leading brands Enterprises should adapt themselves to produce Fair Trade products in order to ensure sustainable growth

tors to comply with Fair Trade certification so that they do otfaceproblems due to unfa abour treatment Every Fair Trade product is subject to labour-standard checking she explained

Manasnan Pongjayavanij Fair Trade Originals aS60ci~

and access to many markets said the consultant

According to Fair Trade Original the value of fair trade goods in the global market excluding the US rose from 1 billion (Bt427billion) in 1996 to 48 billion in 2012 Expots ofThai fair trade products were wOlth about Bt300 million in 2012

More than 30000 products are now on sale in 125 countries and the global Fair Trade system currently works with over 12 million people across 60 countries

Manasnan said many more Thai products could get the Fair Trade mark So far many local brands sllch as Doi Chang coffee plus local proshyducers of soy sauce chjli sauce pineapples and bananas are wellshy

known for having the mark which is accepted widely

Martin Boon development manshyager for Fai~Trade Original in the Netherlands told the seminar that with the global market having growshying recognition of Fair Trade prodshyucts many markets were increasing demand for products carrying the logo - and that Thailand had high potential to serve sllch worldwide demand


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THE NATION ~ JULY 20141lI Sihasak reassures EUteam over juntas reform roadmap SUPALAK GANJANAKHUN DEE THE NATION BRUSSELS

EARLY ELECTIONS vtithout reform would not help restore proper democshyracy to Thailand That was the message related by acting Foreign Minister Sihasak Phuangketkeow when he met his counterpart from the European Union in Belgium this week In a bilateral meeting with David OSullivan chief operating officer ofthe European External Action Service Sihasak said Thailand had a clear roadmap to restore sustainable democshyracy and that the EU should support

this process of reform The roadmap and its related reform

will help strengthen our political econshyomy and will also be of benefit to our partnership with theEUin the longnm he said

Sihasak was in Brussels for a minisshyterial meeting between representatives ofAsean and the EU and spent much of his time briefing representatives of Eillopean nations aboutthe situation in Thailand

The E U along with the US and other Western countries strongly criticised themilitaryforits May 22 coup The EU suspended a number of cooperations withThailand as well as several visits by high -level officials It also recommendshyed that member states review military cooperation with Thailand

The EU said last month that it wouldmiddot

not sign a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Thailand and that the negotiation of a free-trade agreement (FTA) would not conclude until an electshyed government was in place

Sihasak told OSullivan that an electshyed government would come eventually Before that however Thailand needed time to implement reform to have a strong democracy

The time frame of 15 months or so for the reform is not too long ifwe want to make sure that our system and democracy are sustainable he said

Thai people are aware of the issues facing our country and we are working on addressing these concerns so the EU as a partner should support us

The EUhas the right to voice its conshycerns about the situation in Thailand

middot but it should also ensure it is sufficientshyly informed on specific cases he said

Concerning detention and martial law the EU should make sure it has corshyrect information about who is under

middot detention and if there are concerns about human-rights violations the EU should specify the cases he said

Sihasak discussed the situation in Thailand Vlrith many European MPs

middot while in BrusselsTheyincludeq Franck Proust special rapporteur on the FTA and Samuel Cantell head of the ecoshynomic trade and regional cooperation delegation Many of them have experishyence in engaging with Thailand and have a clear understanding ofthe current sitshyuation in the country Sihasak said


Pension scheme for farmers proposed

Farmers in the future might look forward to retiring on a government pension

Charnpittaya Chimplee directorshygeneral of the Rice Oepartment said yesterday ttiat under a draft bill dealing with the rice development fund members would contribute about 3per cent of their monthly income to the fund and the state wou ~d also chip in ayet-unspecified amount

When farmers reach the age of 60 or 65 they will start receiving a monthly pension bf about Bt4OOO

Most farmers earn less than other workers so the fund is neces- sary for their future Charnpittaya said

Other proposals for the bill are being gathered and the contents wi I be improved before its submisshysion to acommittee on rice producshytion and markets and the National Council for Peace and Order


Farmer happiness down from August WICHIT CHANTANUSORNSIRI

Farmer happiness last month dropped subshystantially from its peak last August when they had high hopes of stable income from the Yingluck Shinawatra administrations rice pledging scheme reports a Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BMC) poll

The state-backed farm banks farmer happiness index fell to 7851 in June from its highest level of89 in August said senior executive vice-president Somsak Kangteershyawat The poll surveyed 2346 farmers

Happiness from family health a good society jo b financial position and the quest

for knowledge were the six factors used to measure the index

The survey found happines from the family scored the highest with a score of 341 out offour followed by health at 321 a good society at 320 job at 314 fmancial position at 285 and the quest for knowlshyedge at 274

Farmers from the Northeast regygIiwere the happiest vvith a score of 314 while those from the North scored 313 the South 312 the East 297 and Central 299

Asource at the BMC confirmed Augusts poll was taken when the farmers mood hit a fever pitch as they felt they would receive an elevated level of compensation from the

rice pledging programme The National Council for Peace and

Order (NCPO) is seeking sustainable ways to help farmers after losses from rice pledgshying which offered prices 40-50 higher than the market price could reach 500 billion baht

The juntas measures so far largely includelowering rice production costs and slowing the release of supply to lower price pressure

The source said prices of tapioca sugar cane chicken and pork are gaining in the second half while those of rice corn rubber oil palin and whiteleg shrimp are declirun ~ bull bull imiddotI middot7~

Regarding rice prices the source said the price of paddy with 15 moisture content could average 7500-9000 baht a tonne while Hom Mali prices are projected at 14000-15000 baht in the second the half

Even though the agricultural sector conshytributes only 84 to the countrys GDP there are 167 ffiillion farmers making up 26 of the population

National Statistical Office data shows the ratio of farmers who earned over 100000 baht a year rose to 286 in 2013 from 97 in 2003 while 643 graduated from prfshymary school down from 704 a decade ago Farmers shouldered average debt of 124604 baht per person last year

BANGKOK POST 41 FTIupbeatabout domestic car sales PIYACHART MAIKAEW

The Federation of Thai Industries (FT) remains confident that domestic vehishycle sales will top I million this year defying some car makers projection of sales declining to between 900000 and 980000 vehicles

Domestic demand started picking up in the previous quarter as private firms and farmers bought new pickup trucks for their business expansion and new cultivation said Surapong Paisitpatanapong spokesshyman for the FIrs automotive industry club

The club forecasts pickup truck sales will contribute 55-58 of domestic sales against 442 in 2013 while passenger cars dropped to about 40 from 474 last year

The passenger car market has normalshyised after demand was absorbed by the gov- emments first-time car buyer scheme said Mr Sura pong

The club yesterday cut its 2014 forecast for Thailands automotive output from 24 million vehicles to 22 milliori It also cut domestic sales to 1 million vehicles hom 12 million while exports stand finn at 12 million vehicles

FTI vice-chainnan Suparat Sirisuwan~ nangkura said Thailand was expected to remain in the worlds top 10 automotive manufacturers this year with production in countries such as Canada and Russia also expected to decrease

The International Organization of Motor

Vehicle Manufacturers said Thailand was the worlds ninth-largest automotive manufacturer in 2013 and 10th in 2012 Production (ast year totalled 245 million vehicles the highest in 52 years and up by 014 from 2012

The club yesterday reported that car proshyduction fell by 261 year-on-year in June to 160452 For the first half Thailands car output fell by 29 year-on-year to 952685

Domestic car sales in June totalled 73799 dOVll by 304 on the same period in2013 while 440911 cars were sold in the first half down by 405

By contrast car exports in June rose 657 to 103946 earning the cOUDtry497 billion baht In the first half exports rose 36 to 560047 cars with export value rising 895 to 265 billion baht

The FII yesterday reported that the industrial sentiment index improved for the second straight month in JW1e

The index rose to 884 points accordshying to the FIr which conducted a survey among 1100 industrial operators It stood at 851 points in May when sentiment improved for the first time in seven months

FTI chairman Suphan Mongkholsuthee said sentiment has improved because of the more stable political situation and an increase in purchases of products thanks to the Fifa World Cup football tournament

The industry outlook index for the next three months stood at 1019 points rising from 101 in May

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AUTO EXPORTS INCREASE Despite the sluggish recovery of

the export sector auto shipments continue to expand but still by not enough to counter the reduction in dorriestic demand for cars

The industry has been forced to brake this years production target from 24 million units to 22 million

The target for domestic sales has been lowered from 12 million units to 1million which represents adrop of 251 per cent or 335154 units from last year

Surapong Paisitpattanapong deputy chairman and spokesman of the Federation of Thai Industries Automotive Industry Club said yesterday that lower domestic derriand the end ofthe governments first-car tax-relief programme and the delay in gov~ errirnent and private investment

middotprojects had contributedtothemiddot change in the production target However this new figure is still

middot higherthan the forecast for T8 milshylion units before the big floodiri 2011and domestic demand is

expectedto shitf intoforWard gear i

middotnext quarter~ The economic recovery payshyrnent for farmersuncter the rlceshy

pledgingscherneandreturn of investment will increase revenue l

in other industries and put more rnoney in peoples pockets he middot said

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Temporary charter should furthershyboost confidence ERICH PARPART THE NATION

THE FEDERATION ofThai Industries believes the temporary charter will further increase the confishyden~e ofdomestic and foreign investors along with buslness op~ratrs while the recent strengthening of the baht IS stJlI tolerable for the export industry as long as anyfurther appreciation is neither too rapid nor drastic

_The FTI also said yesterday that its Industries Sentiment Index (TIS) had increased by 44 points since April

The introduction ofthe provisional charter is in line with the politiCal road map of the NCPO [NationaICoimcil for Peace and Order Jand I believe that in generalinvestors andoperators will feel more relaxe and gai~ more confidence that things aremiddot gomgmaccordWlththeNCPOsplansforanewcharshyter the setting up ofan interim government and the possibility of an election in the future said Supant Mongkolsuthree chairman ofthe FTI shy

In his view the country over the past two months has been running on a smooth surface since the Nepo took power a move which has led to an increase in foreign investor confidence certainty over pubh~ II1vestment policy and rising domestic consumptIOn

These factrs will support the recovery and allow _gross domestJC product to expand by 25 percent this year he said


The FTI had been projecting an economic recesshysion before the arrival of the NCPO

As for exports Supant said The strenctheninO of the baht is related to the increased conffdence of foreign investors which has led to an inflow offorshy~ign funds This will have some effect on the export iiidustry but it is still acceptable for exporters since the currencys strengthening pace is not too fast and the Bank ofThailand is still monitoring the situashytion

The export sector will be able to cope with a stronger baht if the rate does not fall below 3050 per US dollar he said -Moreover since the global economy IS continushyII1g to reco~er the FTI is sticking with its export

- growth projectIOn of35-5 per cent for the year According to Bloomberg the baht was valued at

3176 per dollar yesterday The FTI chief pointed out that if the Kingdoms shy

export value were calculated in baht it would already show lO-per-cent growth year on year

Accordingto the central bank export value in May came in at US$1927billiol1 (Bt6124 billion) whIch IS 12 per cent lower than the same period last year in dollar terms - shy

Meanwhile the TmiddotISI has increased for two month~ in a row The indexose from 840 in April to 851 111 May and to 884111 June amidst calmer political waters the economic recovery the liftingof the curfe - and even Fifa World Cup fever which led to an mcrease in overall production orders and sale figures - shyn~eover~TISI fororBers~salesarid prod-udiai- -shyIII allll1dustnes rose from 802796821 points in May to 843 844 879 points respectively in June

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CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough


GRAFT HAS GOT TO GO nvestors from Japan from which Such concern by the Japanese away existing and prospective forshy

the largest amount of Thailands investors should not be ignored eign investors Countless foreign direct foreign investment comes because they have brought the firms and investors have com~

have called for reduced corruption largest amount of direct foreign plained about the extra costs of and improved transparency in order investment into Thailand The doingbusinessinThailandbywhich to help restore confidence in the Japanese invested over 8t290 bil- they mean kickbacks and undershy

Kingdom lion in projects ClPproved by themiddot the-table money that must be to Setsuo luchichief representative Board of Investment last year That bureaucrats and politicians Often

of themiddot Japan External Trade was nearly 30 per cent of the total they have topayin exchange for pro-Organisation (Jetro) for Asean and foreign investment of Btl1 trillion curement deals with state agencies South Asia last week called on the according to 801 data and public projects People who ruling National Council for Peace Thailand has generally remained refuse to pay are routinely left and Order to kick-start good govershy attractiye to foreign investors due behind by their bribe-paying comshynance that includes combating corshy to positive factors such as the avail- petito rs University of the Thai ruption and ensuring transparency ability of skilled labour efficient Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) rec-particularly about doing business in infrastructure and transportation tor Saowanee Thairungroj has esti-Thailand Now its a good time for systems location andthe consider- mated that corruption adds 30 per Thailand to bring about good govshy able size of the domestic market cent to costs for businesses That ernance for the new era he said But our chronic corruption is scaring she says translates into reduced

comoetitiveness for Thai-made Economic and Business Forecasting pay corrupt officials and politi~ians products and reduced credibility for Centre He surmises that the have to cut costs at-the building site Thailand among foreign investors improvement could be due to posi- and that means poorer quality in General Prayuth Chan-ocha has tive public sentiment following the their public projects and thus a risk made tackling corruption a top pri- juntascampaignagainstcorruption to life and limb ority for the ruling military junta He and organised crime The surveyalso Businesses who pay bribes also says the fight will be part of sweepshy showed that bribes paid to officials offset their higher costs by charging ing national reform together with and politiCians by the private sector the consumers more good governance transparency and had declined to 15-25 per cent of middot Since corrupt authorities and an efficient and effective system of project costs frbman average 25-35 politicians make money and bribe-checks-and-balances Thailands per cent previously paying businesses make profits it is corruption index in the first half of Despite the seemingly slight theconsumersandthepublicingenshythis year improved for the first time improvement in the situation (or- eral who suffer in five years according to aUTCC surshy ruption remains amajor problem for They end up paying more uhnecshyvey The indexinJune was registered Thailand essarilyfor products and public proF at 46 out of a possible lOa com- In addition to the weakened ects the quality of which is poorer

pared to 39 last December says competitiveness and reduced cred- Corruption should beeliininated or Thariavath Phonvichai UTCC vice ibility the public asa whole is affect- at least minimised for the sake of rector of research and director of its ed by corruption Contractors who the country and its people

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lJ U

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illl~1YiOJlJn1J-li11L1ilUBi1vl1LYiUll11U1L-WtJ 3

f1W ~11JLYilJffVll111Jvl~LLVIW1Jl1Ul El1l)1rl J~ VidlfirunBlVluLLYilil~GlB1i1l11ulLiJtlU1J~Ym

bull bull OJ

LL~(ijLLClllUl~ tJ nu 1(ijtJYiJJlllpoundllLLYHil L~Ull1~lJl

I ~lnl11U1LnUtrnLLltl-r~B(ijUULWtJlL~niiBtJ oiild

~~Blijpoundll~n~l11ulYiLiIJLL1ilLLJunBlYluYipoundl(ijUU I IU bullbull I

L~UYlUlJUL1tJu1ua(ij~1(ijBmiitJVivllll11Ul LL~ i ~poundllLLJunBlYlU1iI1a-~n1ll1Ul1tI1U~~l1

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IIl1lJll1uil ~~l11tJllil~1lJliiL~U~ULVilJU LLampi

dju L~poundlmllJ~LLIllWl~tJ 1i1Jl1Ull11U1~ru1~ ~

I (IlaJlJ(1aJeJ~1l1~eJeJnil1ULLiiIlIil~iill~~Dn1J

iil11IJLllV11YiU LLiilY11n~eJnlJYh1r11Jl1Ulii bull Q ~ fi d 0

DWlf1~WllaJn1Jl~~eJf1 nJLQ~lvlU VlVllY1U1Vl

~llJn1Jll11Ul11LLi-JUn1JtJ~n-lil1vYtJJ LVII L~D ~

tJ~n-lil11r1(IeJvf1~1)nUf11laJ~eJn1JlJeJ~~1(ij ~~

tJ~aJl run1ltJ~ m V Em nil ruY1lt-J~i-J~Vl~U Vl~l~(liimVl ~

lUnlJ LLnil ruY1ln1JtJ iiln-lil1~mJllru[nw 1J

~vhtJviltJ 1Liiu~ w11th~tJn uluna-lJll1IJ

i Ln1l~n~l11U1LLiilLn1lVl~m1 Vlll ~ LtIU Elil middot (IlLl1Vl

v1eJl-liWll11Wl1VltJ1~~f11laJ~Uf1 LjeJlln1~ii I ij middotnpoundlI~jltJleJ-rU ~lWJi~Y1~ liQJyenU Ul~n1ilIJ~iJ I hib~l11tnlrm L~WEl1VijjnliLwM~aJlc)(1 17 i

I tJJ(IrllltJLUWnlJl~tJLL~~~WllVW~-iil11~LYilJ I lJln-iiu I


fi n a Ua dhl3J amp1 ~h ~UA1 b nlf(9la f1~lijVl~~ IJm1J~lLL~~ 217 LL~U~TUUlrl lJEJlJ~ 26-32 Onnfl~~i1LLlnlJm1J~l

d at 01 d

O 7 L~ltJ3JVllleuroJ 3 VlUl tJI1U ~U llj

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0lt) =i ffUtJ1~ tJ fimmlLIjeuroJnllLmffilLL~ ~ - ~

~mrumlLn~l (jj n ~) Ulb3JUillJfllJ

VI~J1JeuroJIll(i11 Lfflli3nl mlLn~llJeuroJJLYltJ

VI~eurol~~YlrnflLn~l liJe)ltIlllmllJmtJ~h

~ln 07 lu~~Jumn dJU 26- 32 lufI~J U~J VI~euroJ~ltIlLUiUJ~lil 2 i 7 LL~U~lUU1Yl ~I~~LUU 83 lJeuroJJl~Yll13JIJeuroJJUlLrlff dQI I lJ V Jd YI3JElQ 26 mUmUU1Vl IJruv~ 6 L~euroJUVI~J

lJtJIU 2556 3J~lil~ufilLn~~leuroJd~ 216 ~

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JJfl~~t1V1~I~~lJmtJ~llii L~euroJJlln~~t-J~~1u n~JJ-trllulU eleuroJtJ tJlJWlll Ul~3JJ1~U LL~ ~~wil1fl3JlruL~3J LLlt1i-lill

LU~euroJn~nml3J~U 15jj eJiLUUL~aJ l~UllmiJ-ru~l~ILlt1~tJ t-lil~~tpJ illPl

euroJtiYi 7500-9000 Ulrl UYJU i~1l~ lI bull cd ~euroJltlU Vl1nml3JIfUeuroJfVl aJil~lL~ LV20 m ~llfll 6000 U1YlLYhilu

~UtJllljlll m~illlml~W1~J3Jl

LVI~euroJ 60-61 Ulrl lt1ieuroJnT~n13J LIjllil~u~ LiJltln~~L~3J ~urlumlt-J~~~J llm-nllTIj~

d ~ T Llt1GwmlYi


630-780 Ulrl w1euroJn ~n~3J LIjnt-J~~~~euroJeuroJn3J13JlnLL~ilmlU1L-li13J1

llnUltLVlffLYleuroJuihu lJru~llfllnJneuroJeuroJn l1~mltlloilUl~lnYillIXllmU1U~J~lL~euroJ 10-220 U1Y1w1euroJnT~n13J LllUL~tJ1n1Jnfll Ul~~ ~llmfiWl~J3J1LVI~euroJ320 -435 ~ntJ ~euroJnT~n13J

1I1~U11 VI~lLm~~lmL9l1lJLjULl~1 il~Jllljfl~euroJIlUnlllllOhm~~ LL~iJ ml3JVll~1um~wYi1u1U1n~uVlIi~OnnleuroJleuroJ1J

LjuluTm~ml3J1UJ~ln11 6-8 L~euroJU

cilUllfl1~U~lLnllVllvifl1~ hlilllm vibVi~ ~euroJ ~Uci1UVI~I m~11lb~l-I LUU 215-220 ulrllt1ieuroJnT~n13J lln 180

Ulrl LIjll~U~euroJImlU1LUt-J~~beuroJvilUeuroJ~ IJrnvielmJflWd1lL~3JLJU 1 220-1300

U1rl lln 1040 ulY1~euroJnT~n13J llfl1LnLdil

nlL~3JLUU 42880-44 Ulrl~euroJnT~n1l-1 L 11l1nfl3JUln vifftJ T lUilml3J9l euroJI ml

L~3J lJrn~~VI~Wlh~13Jm~1mfllleuroJci vi 69 -72 lJl~~euroJnT~n13J bljlln3JIjD~ Ul~uuruVllL~ilJhmtJl~ ~I~euroJIUlLih~3J llnLrltJ ~ bull

ultJ~3Jifn~ n~lhlilJii leuroJI~f~ml jj n~ n~llL~13Jl1 cilVl1U LLt-JUltJ

tJllL~L~~ tJ ~Vll~ ilil3J nu mrl )11

im~~l1mYlll11jlb)ll6 Ll~mrll11

~lt1I~lVlnn~ LYleuroJt-J~n~u~$iYllJeuroJI Ln~mlvieuroJdhl~U 10 lJeuroJJ~~YllJeuroJJ UlLrlff LL ~LU UnllleuroJI1U num~ L11 ~ LeuroJ~g~tJ

~euroJJVi~lLilumlL1~3Jt-J~~~~ ml~~

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n 9l euroJJ LVi~W)1[11 mm~m~n~rnvi1JTlI

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ultJ~3Jifn~ n~11~euroJ11 ffuMfmin~ ~ll1lml3J$1~L~UlJeuroJJnfliJ~n~lmLrltJ bull I

~jLLwllUYi 18-30 ~ tJYitJl~l llnn~3J

~euroJtiljLrl~mmlurlnfJVll~YilUlL~f1 2346 lltJ LUVll-n8 l~lJml~~lJlJeuroJJ Ln~ltIllmLrltJ ljuil Ln~~lmLrltJ~ml3J ~lJlul~u3Jln~WflLLUuLlt1~1J 310 lln

~LLUUL~3J 4 lLLWU T~mnllVllmilml3J v JJ ~ 14 1

~IJl~ltIlU3JlnIJULufl~LuU 7851

ml3J~lJlJeuroljLmWIlmLrltJ l~lln ~1~llt1lfll1~~IJlU 6 ~~ L~LLn meuroJUfl11 ~lJrnlj~ ~Jfl3J~ mlJ1U~ ~lJJllljLjU~

LL~l~t~ LL~~euroJoilLLUnml3J~lJ~l3JeuroJ-nlw nllLn~l~n

cilVl1lJl~lJfll13J ~lJlJ euroJjLn~~ lm

VI~JL~1uLjuTmJ nlliU~lUlin ljU

11 Ln~lm~u~n-nllilml3J~IJ~l~l13J

L~3J~wmw1~l~lJ3Jln~~~ itJflLLUU

Llt1~tJ 335 middotnnm-LLUUL~3J 4 fIbbUU


TWlmn~~lm~u~nillI11ULVlqi ilml3J ~ v I 4 _ v

~lJ LUl~U3JlnlJUfl~LuU 886 ~rleuroJU


ampI J 11

U1JaSJf1n~ mfi11(i)1U 1il~~Hilfl111iU1fl11

lYJilnlllnmlm(1l1WlirunllLflmJi (llfl l1) fl~ll 11 f1UJ1~J 1l fl l1 l~cimlm1JJ~~l~14 (Poll)

11 il~ ~~JJ ltill il ci1~ 1f11jmm114lln ~~11~~1Jilllf1 ~l14l~ 2346 i1U lW~l~~il14 ~[J57 ifl~u i~lJm1JJl1l11Jil~lnmJifljl11H )tojlJ11 m1JJl111JJl(1

ilJJu~ ln~Vlim1 ~1 [Jl 11111 ilJJil~l14i~~JJ1 fl

vll[JTlll1414l~U 31 0 llflf1ll14Ul~JJ 4 Tlll1414

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Tlll1414 ~TlJJ~ 3 20 Tlll1414 fl1j~l14~ 3 14

Tlll1414 l1Jil1ril~14lt11 285 Tlll1414 ll(111l1~ 274

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)1~il ljjil~llLUflfll1l-Jl1lJl-Jl(1j1JJVllJJil1~Yl ~ ~~

nnLhl1011V111fl rilJ11 lflljlillm~DjnillJil1~I

nlllnljm1l1flrl flDj ll1rljjm 1~ 1 l1JJJ1 Ri1JJil ~l14

i~lJJJlfl t~tJl~mJinl~yjll1114~J(1bJjjf1ll1414l~~[J mlJJl1IJJJ1m1l-Jl1~l1~ lrijll~u14~~lmnltr14~1~ q~fll~1J(1t~ilfl~Vl (1Hl lflljOJjflj~ilUlvl~ DinillJ fllJ 1 14ndlJDjl1lJU ru11il111J (11J~Vlt14 Vlm~~~~illmiddottvlilm~l11l11141J-(1~Iilh jil~(1~JJl ~il lnmJjflj~D(1n5iltJllflL~u~lrildil t~Uilm


5il[J~llU1tUl-JlWl-J~14 ~~lU14mll~lflmJjm~1lnfl 5il[Jvmh lI(Uyj~rildil~I1~Y11~fl1j~~ililn~~~~[J 111~jlr1~~i1l~mul1ruum~flJJlmfl1jn~n14

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1ll[J1I1~llnlMuL~ulfltm~ fllj~lJ~1til-ii11 middot t~tJlflmJjm~D(1fl1il1lth14l1ru~mlJJl11Jl14j~u JJln14lll ~~~tJ~ 88610 l1~il14ll-il~14l1I1~)~fl


1i~ltJl~JJ14 llnjjm1JJVl1J 1 14ill~mi1141JJln 111~llmilTliltJl~14114tm~fI1i1 l-J1hj~lnl1 6-8

llt11 il14 ~~ lti~1Jn t [J m Jil iIlJ1JJl1lJ~ ilJ

lflmJinj1l114l1ru~L~l-JUl-JlilU114i~uJJln~l1~ ilcil~hr)Vll~ ~14~1~U ~nl1ll11411fl1wll

YhlmmJim~i~~mlJJ~1Jl~JJ~ 1lnl1 mllti~ lltfiJJ n m~JJ 1J~Vl1llYl~n ~~Vllll~fl1jlnljVli~ [JfI1j

n~Gi14ll14fl1j1J~Vl fI1mlijJ14llllf1Uf1fl1j1J~Vl flljli

lllf1t14t~ULf1~il~~mfl(1fl1jmmJj ll(1fl1jl1UUl11U

1~~fI1m1illYlll11JJ l~ill~JJj1[Jl~~lYl[J~riil~lJ ~11Ti~1[JlJil~LnljVljflj1Jrul~mn14 1l0l1 mjlti~ ll11JJ fl1jJJil1ril ltfi JJ~~11lf1 fl1jlflmJj lln14il nil1f1

nlllflljVlj t~[JmmlijJ141lln~~lltfiJJillrij[J14 l~illl1t~~(1VlillJ IIY114)14l11JJll[lU~ liJUil~~ l1il~1~ ~fl1T1ry~il T1j1fi1llmu1~l14fl1jVlm~l~ill111~ liil~ll1~fI1~lml1Ullnflj1[JR14fi1


I 41 VIvVha h104 1lfillIii033HI~L~3Jfl1lLOlfVll LiI~L~v~~

LL4lYll-lmliilLUU-llUlIeurol-lm~1 L~Ellhml-j~eurolLf1W1dm~uiln-n11~ ~

U1U Iill~ultJUltJlIeurol-l ml15 11 M~~Ihlm-lmddrnd-l~m~

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lf11Ul 3 nlmdJl udnEluiil1tJ 1) md~~-llUdrnd-l~md~~

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eurolUdJlriltJYleurol~LYlf11ul~~md~~iilu1umd~~1iljJ11 d~U~lLf1eurol 814 ~lLf1El 1~LLrim11111~mLnW1~~U1U (eurolnJl ) middot 61102 dltJ

dVdlJ1U~ 15 mnjlf1Jl-31 mnjlf1Jl 2557 l~tJlvilmdL~tJ LLyIj1LYlf11ul~~mdr-J~1il-n11~rlnltilEl-l 1~lf11U11~~mlJl1 mlJl

~ ~

L-nlh YldlunJ LL U1Yl lJmd~~dlmill tJmd r-J~1iI 111Jlld(] L-nlnJ

UltJmdr-J~lilmnln d1~0-lLn~mlJlL-nlh~ln~UL~tJ1nUmd~U

-ilU1U 63943 f111L1eurolU LIil1tJlJyljftlJlleurolUL~UL-nllrqJ~Lntilildm LLA1 ~lwru~~m~~lLUU-llUIil1JJLLtJUUElJnULL~Lln1l1ilqJmtJ~1~ U 2557 lurn~lillUeuroleuroln l~m~yIjl~Jf1~ LJl LL~YlL1tJU 1~~J nldl-~Jl-jl~L~lmiddotdJ~~lill~amUnld[UEl~lJ1n~~ LLvillrndr-J~ 1~~J 3l1U~ ~1uhmjdluL~tJ11nAl-jJl~LLA1 yIjUl11~~nld ~mf11-6~1Iild~ldt~Ll1tJ1llU~J LLliijjm~LriW1dndUlJmiJl~lIEl I

nWUL~mmJJl1myljf1~eurol-l (lf~Ll1tJIiIElm~tJ 3) LL~~JLl1~~md ~ ~ LLUdW d1~nl1 65 A1UU1Yl ~Jlirn11 fin (f nLIil1tJJlIElUL~Ul~



~1U~~r-J~IilYlL1tJU ~-lf1~ LJl middot LL~~eurolJnEl-llUf11f11iil ~OJ bull I I

ilEln~liIm~~lnlU-61-lL~ElU~Jl-jlf1Jl-numtJu 57 ~U f1rn ~

nTI~nldUltJUlmL~~lmnld-6itJLl-j~mnW1dm (f1lfn) jj~~~ Ud1~LrieurollU~ 7 mnj1f1Jl 2557 l~L~UlfeurolUIillJlLLr-JuUeurol-lnU

~YlnutJULnW1dm LL~md LlfUd tJlfUllnYlLutJULnW1dm


eurolnJl LL~~L~1l-jh~ri-lLm~mdLnW1d1u~u~U

lu11ulItJltJr-J~LLriLnW1dmllrneuroleurolnm1lL~tJJlLLU~-lLmrm~~u YlL1JtJULn~lildnd~lJ~n mtJ1iilnlnddJl~ 3) mdriltJYlEl~

~ ~

LYlf11ul~~md~~iiluYlumdr-J~1il-n11LLriLmrmm l~U~LUll-jJlltJ LnW1dml-jUJ~lUdltJ

lU~1UlIeurol-lmd~lLUUJ1UlmJmdLLntlIUqJmtJlJVm10Jduu U 2557 ~UU11LUU~11~lIeurol-lLmtlildm LyIjdll-j~-llln~ f111lf

eurol17~~Stihmrn m~1 middot MUd1JlL1-l1~YIu1tJ JlUlu~u~~hu d~ul~lElf1euroluLIlmdUi 1~~lLuumdm1l11eurolULL~~UEJU~~md eurolElnlufudeurolJ1-LLA1L111lmtJ1u~u~ElU nf1d

~~~ e-J1U~11v1LL ~Jll eurolLilm~U~1 tJ Ll-j ~eurollmtlildm1lJ~ ~hunJu UdJllrnL~JlL~Jl LL~l~~ri-lifqJ~dltJ~eurolmtmm 1~ firi l1

LL~LL1ltllUqJl-jl~m1~mf11iil jjLUll-j~ltJ 7800 iilu l-lL~U 37 50

A1UU1Yl -61tJU~l-jld~~m~lu 3 Jlllildnld ~eurol 1) u~Vm~nld

~rnf11ylj~~tJ~1iI LUll-jJlltJ 4000 iilu 2) mlltJr-J~r-J~liImmuEln

~u~mf11iil LU1l-j~ltJ 3800 iilu 3) L111~l1myljf1~eurol-llumdEl lI1tJcJ~~ LUll-jJlltJ 35 n~Jl

LL~ ~11 ~ ~JYi1 tJ ~1l-j1U n ld~l LuUJlulmJ nld-61 tJ Ll-j ~ eurol

LnW1dm~lJd~U1ltJYlU~Yll-lfiddJll11~ LriElU 2555-57 -ilU1U ~

530943 dltJ lu 60 ~-l-jl~ ~ f111l1 1~eurolU~GiJUnmJdltJmd~1 I I

deurolJ~ltJL~Elmrn~maUl-j1El-ildju 1JL~U 509954 ~lUU1YlL~eurol L1-l~ltJl-LnW1dm~U l-j~JOJlnimJ~-lLm~mdmW1dL1-lL~1l-jiil~ 1-m1OJl1ElUdltJ~mnW1md L~lJ~U~L~U~lnllEl-lLmdm L~lI umlh-iliil1Udl11l1U Lm-ilu1uL~U~~niilElJ lIrnU finl1n


LWfl n11Ln1iVll UtlmlnlrunTl Lnm (iin) Li](l

~~ucll~u iintllMll111111~~IiH~U~fl~

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~lU1U 2346 llU 1Ui-NL~1lUjj~U1UU 2557

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1Ul ~1J~~ lii11I1UUULU~1 310 Ilnl1iLU~ UlllJ 4 IlLLUU

Ul1lllJf1n~n~nn L~fl~UUnrm)JlJ(ll)J mii~mlLn~(l~ui1Ln1imnlUNClbjjj~LLUU Ll~UIl11lJ~IJmtll1lJ~~~(l L~i1LUUb~~~IoJtl l~flfln~(ltl1(l Ln1l(limihl11111J1nlu i1l~NUl imn~liIinl~)tlmj1lJLLilLtU~1riLd1l tlil1l1111

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d d )J1nl1~(lm1IlUUULUtlU 335 dj1l-lllnLjjtlhi


Jj111~3TU-amm11 ~111~1J Ul1lllJ~nt1ln~lTi1 N1Wl1Jl1111aUI11

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li1JnttlnilJ 1ridltlvi 4280-44 1J1VllitlntflnilJ

LLtlLdillJ (~tl~1) ~ntClnilJtl 69-72 1Jl11

Ul1lJAn~n~11i1 N1-fu~UrHml(ll~I11(l 11l11l11Cl lil (NLampmi1lU hiuri m1LU~1lnLtl~ l~1J1l11lJ~ 15 l1l11tlVvi 7700-7800 11WI


litllllU LL~ LnllVlimhu1m1illnlll lr)1J1111)J~ 11Vi 20 Vh1~l11l1~tl~UtlV~ 6000 1J1Y fi1U


1i111llJlJ~ml1 14000-15000 1J1Y~tl~U

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Ministry seeks to resume small-lot rice sales in August PETCHANET PRATRUANGKRAI THE NATION

THE COMMERCE MINISTRY is preparshying to resume selling rice from its stockpiles in early August gradually releasing it in small lots of about 5000)0 tonnes a month

Duangporn Rodphaya director-genershyar of the ForeIgn Trade Department said a ~ubcommlttee had agreed the mmistry slthould go ahead and sell rice from the stockpIles and not walt tor completion of a Junta-ordered mspectlOn of the stocks bull I he nce-release planwhlch Will be proshy

posed to the Rice Policy and Management Committee soon includes sales through general auctions to exporters and local traders by government-to-governrrient contracts and through the Agricultural Futures Exchange of Thailand

Puangporn added that the department wopId ensure the stocks are released transshyparent With the Fmance Mmlst and the Prime Minister s 0 ce joint y inspecting the f0cessc

T~e department reported that about 55 per cent ofl800 rice warehouses had so far been inspected by the teams dispatched by the militarys ruling National CounCil for Peace and Order The teams are expected to complete their mission by the end of September

About 18 million tonnes ofrice is reportshy

cerns over roug t an ower pro uction in many countries amid higher demand in many others I here IS a good posslblhty that ThaIland will export 10 million tonnes 9pound nce thIS year It is expected to sell off all 18 million tonnes in its stockpiles within three years she saId

The department reported that Thailand was able to sell 535 million tonnes of rice in the first six months middotup by 50 per cent year on year while export value rose 19 percentto US$27biIlion (nearly Bt86 bilshylion)

As ofJuly 16 the price of5 per cent Thai

Afile photo shows asoldier inspecting rice stockpiles at a warehouse in a eastern province

white rice was quoted at $427 a tonne up from $410 the previous week

She added that production bfThai paddy rice in the 2014-15 harvest season was proshyjected to be less than 38 mi1lion tonnes because of drought in many areas

Charoen Laothamatas president of the Thai Rice Exporters Association said the government should consIder sellIng rice from its stockpiles in small lots of about 100000-200000 tonnes per auction to avoid impacts on the m-rket price

The government has less pressure to accelerate the sale of rice frbm the stocks The country has holder power It should ensure transparency and minimum impacts to the market he said

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INTHE WAKE ofrising concern over the t reatmen t oflabour farmers we1shybeing and the environment in global trading the International Trade Promotion Department is urging more lhal busmesses to seek FairTrade cershytification so that their products are more easily recognised and have a

greater chance in the world market place

At a seminar on Fair Trade Mark and trading of Fair Trade products in theinternationaJ market heldyestershyday by the agencys Office of News Overseas Markets Development and PromotIOn Duan kamol Jlambutr e U Irec or- ener ot e eplrtshy

mentSal t atonlyasmallnumberof thaI compames and sUEP)Lc~~ms current~apphedthe FairTrade Marllt

The epartment lrill therefore continue to support Fair Trade certishyfication by promoting an awareness campaign amongThai man ufacturers and exporters she said

According to the Netherlandsshybased Fair Trade Original organisashytion about 30 Thai companies and supply chains have received FairTrade

certification to date This guarantees that they engage in faii treatment of farmers have good labour conditions use no forced or child labour offer fair prices to suppliers and operate with transparency accountability and respect for the environment equity and freedom lt)nd have fair trading practices

Duangkarnol said the department in cooperation ~th Fair Trade Original now had a target of increasing the number of certified businessshy iSnap es and products by 10 per cent ayear

The main goal is to help agriculshytural and handicraft producers as well as manufactures and exporters to achieve better trading conditions and to promote sustainability she said

Certified members of the Fair Trade programme will likely be able to leverage the quality of their prodshyucts for higher prices with certificashytion ensuring world-class social and environmental standards and more recognition in the international trade area she added

Thai export products alreadyusing the approved Fair Thade logo include

rice coffee tea cane sugar cotton freshfruits herbs and spices ockershywork handicrafts pottery and ceramshyics

The official said the department also would like to encourage busishynesses in the shrimp and fishery secshy

ate consultant for Thailand said the overall value of Fair Trade products had increased considerably in the past few years as consumers now had more awareness about fair trading conditions and the environment

Consumers are willing to pay more for Fair Trade goods if they feel they have bought a product whose manufacture is highly responsible to society Today prices of Fair Trade products are also very competitive

the same as leading brands Enterprises should adapt themselves to produce Fair Trade products in order to ensure sustainable growth

tors to comply with Fair Trade certification so that they do otfaceproblems due to unfa abour treatment Every Fair Trade product is subject to labour-standard checking she explained

Manasnan Pongjayavanij Fair Trade Originals aS60ci~

and access to many markets said the consultant

According to Fair Trade Original the value of fair trade goods in the global market excluding the US rose from 1 billion (Bt427billion) in 1996 to 48 billion in 2012 Expots ofThai fair trade products were wOlth about Bt300 million in 2012

More than 30000 products are now on sale in 125 countries and the global Fair Trade system currently works with over 12 million people across 60 countries

Manasnan said many more Thai products could get the Fair Trade mark So far many local brands sllch as Doi Chang coffee plus local proshyducers of soy sauce chjli sauce pineapples and bananas are wellshy

known for having the mark which is accepted widely

Martin Boon development manshyager for Fai~Trade Original in the Netherlands told the seminar that with the global market having growshying recognition of Fair Trade prodshyucts many markets were increasing demand for products carrying the logo - and that Thailand had high potential to serve sllch worldwide demand


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THE NATION ~ JULY 20141lI Sihasak reassures EUteam over juntas reform roadmap SUPALAK GANJANAKHUN DEE THE NATION BRUSSELS

EARLY ELECTIONS vtithout reform would not help restore proper democshyracy to Thailand That was the message related by acting Foreign Minister Sihasak Phuangketkeow when he met his counterpart from the European Union in Belgium this week In a bilateral meeting with David OSullivan chief operating officer ofthe European External Action Service Sihasak said Thailand had a clear roadmap to restore sustainable democshyracy and that the EU should support

this process of reform The roadmap and its related reform

will help strengthen our political econshyomy and will also be of benefit to our partnership with theEUin the longnm he said

Sihasak was in Brussels for a minisshyterial meeting between representatives ofAsean and the EU and spent much of his time briefing representatives of Eillopean nations aboutthe situation in Thailand

The E U along with the US and other Western countries strongly criticised themilitaryforits May 22 coup The EU suspended a number of cooperations withThailand as well as several visits by high -level officials It also recommendshyed that member states review military cooperation with Thailand

The EU said last month that it wouldmiddot

not sign a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Thailand and that the negotiation of a free-trade agreement (FTA) would not conclude until an electshyed government was in place

Sihasak told OSullivan that an electshyed government would come eventually Before that however Thailand needed time to implement reform to have a strong democracy

The time frame of 15 months or so for the reform is not too long ifwe want to make sure that our system and democracy are sustainable he said

Thai people are aware of the issues facing our country and we are working on addressing these concerns so the EU as a partner should support us

The EUhas the right to voice its conshycerns about the situation in Thailand

middot but it should also ensure it is sufficientshyly informed on specific cases he said

Concerning detention and martial law the EU should make sure it has corshyrect information about who is under

middot detention and if there are concerns about human-rights violations the EU should specify the cases he said

Sihasak discussed the situation in Thailand Vlrith many European MPs

middot while in BrusselsTheyincludeq Franck Proust special rapporteur on the FTA and Samuel Cantell head of the ecoshynomic trade and regional cooperation delegation Many of them have experishyence in engaging with Thailand and have a clear understanding ofthe current sitshyuation in the country Sihasak said


Pension scheme for farmers proposed

Farmers in the future might look forward to retiring on a government pension

Charnpittaya Chimplee directorshygeneral of the Rice Oepartment said yesterday ttiat under a draft bill dealing with the rice development fund members would contribute about 3per cent of their monthly income to the fund and the state wou ~d also chip in ayet-unspecified amount

When farmers reach the age of 60 or 65 they will start receiving a monthly pension bf about Bt4OOO

Most farmers earn less than other workers so the fund is neces- sary for their future Charnpittaya said

Other proposals for the bill are being gathered and the contents wi I be improved before its submisshysion to acommittee on rice producshytion and markets and the National Council for Peace and Order


Farmer happiness down from August WICHIT CHANTANUSORNSIRI

Farmer happiness last month dropped subshystantially from its peak last August when they had high hopes of stable income from the Yingluck Shinawatra administrations rice pledging scheme reports a Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BMC) poll

The state-backed farm banks farmer happiness index fell to 7851 in June from its highest level of89 in August said senior executive vice-president Somsak Kangteershyawat The poll surveyed 2346 farmers

Happiness from family health a good society jo b financial position and the quest

for knowledge were the six factors used to measure the index

The survey found happines from the family scored the highest with a score of 341 out offour followed by health at 321 a good society at 320 job at 314 fmancial position at 285 and the quest for knowlshyedge at 274

Farmers from the Northeast regygIiwere the happiest vvith a score of 314 while those from the North scored 313 the South 312 the East 297 and Central 299

Asource at the BMC confirmed Augusts poll was taken when the farmers mood hit a fever pitch as they felt they would receive an elevated level of compensation from the

rice pledging programme The National Council for Peace and

Order (NCPO) is seeking sustainable ways to help farmers after losses from rice pledgshying which offered prices 40-50 higher than the market price could reach 500 billion baht

The juntas measures so far largely includelowering rice production costs and slowing the release of supply to lower price pressure

The source said prices of tapioca sugar cane chicken and pork are gaining in the second half while those of rice corn rubber oil palin and whiteleg shrimp are declirun ~ bull bull imiddotI middot7~

Regarding rice prices the source said the price of paddy with 15 moisture content could average 7500-9000 baht a tonne while Hom Mali prices are projected at 14000-15000 baht in the second the half

Even though the agricultural sector conshytributes only 84 to the countrys GDP there are 167 ffiillion farmers making up 26 of the population

National Statistical Office data shows the ratio of farmers who earned over 100000 baht a year rose to 286 in 2013 from 97 in 2003 while 643 graduated from prfshymary school down from 704 a decade ago Farmers shouldered average debt of 124604 baht per person last year

BANGKOK POST 41 FTIupbeatabout domestic car sales PIYACHART MAIKAEW

The Federation of Thai Industries (FT) remains confident that domestic vehishycle sales will top I million this year defying some car makers projection of sales declining to between 900000 and 980000 vehicles

Domestic demand started picking up in the previous quarter as private firms and farmers bought new pickup trucks for their business expansion and new cultivation said Surapong Paisitpatanapong spokesshyman for the FIrs automotive industry club

The club forecasts pickup truck sales will contribute 55-58 of domestic sales against 442 in 2013 while passenger cars dropped to about 40 from 474 last year

The passenger car market has normalshyised after demand was absorbed by the gov- emments first-time car buyer scheme said Mr Sura pong

The club yesterday cut its 2014 forecast for Thailands automotive output from 24 million vehicles to 22 milliori It also cut domestic sales to 1 million vehicles hom 12 million while exports stand finn at 12 million vehicles

FTI vice-chainnan Suparat Sirisuwan~ nangkura said Thailand was expected to remain in the worlds top 10 automotive manufacturers this year with production in countries such as Canada and Russia also expected to decrease

The International Organization of Motor

Vehicle Manufacturers said Thailand was the worlds ninth-largest automotive manufacturer in 2013 and 10th in 2012 Production (ast year totalled 245 million vehicles the highest in 52 years and up by 014 from 2012

The club yesterday reported that car proshyduction fell by 261 year-on-year in June to 160452 For the first half Thailands car output fell by 29 year-on-year to 952685

Domestic car sales in June totalled 73799 dOVll by 304 on the same period in2013 while 440911 cars were sold in the first half down by 405

By contrast car exports in June rose 657 to 103946 earning the cOUDtry497 billion baht In the first half exports rose 36 to 560047 cars with export value rising 895 to 265 billion baht

The FII yesterday reported that the industrial sentiment index improved for the second straight month in JW1e

The index rose to 884 points accordshying to the FIr which conducted a survey among 1100 industrial operators It stood at 851 points in May when sentiment improved for the first time in seven months

FTI chairman Suphan Mongkholsuthee said sentiment has improved because of the more stable political situation and an increase in purchases of products thanks to the Fifa World Cup football tournament

The industry outlook index for the next three months stood at 1019 points rising from 101 in May

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AUTO EXPORTS INCREASE Despite the sluggish recovery of

the export sector auto shipments continue to expand but still by not enough to counter the reduction in dorriestic demand for cars

The industry has been forced to brake this years production target from 24 million units to 22 million

The target for domestic sales has been lowered from 12 million units to 1million which represents adrop of 251 per cent or 335154 units from last year

Surapong Paisitpattanapong deputy chairman and spokesman of the Federation of Thai Industries Automotive Industry Club said yesterday that lower domestic derriand the end ofthe governments first-car tax-relief programme and the delay in gov~ errirnent and private investment

middotprojects had contributedtothemiddot change in the production target However this new figure is still

middot higherthan the forecast for T8 milshylion units before the big floodiri 2011and domestic demand is

expectedto shitf intoforWard gear i

middotnext quarter~ The economic recovery payshyrnent for farmersuncter the rlceshy

pledgingscherneandreturn of investment will increase revenue l

in other industries and put more rnoney in peoples pockets he middot said

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Temporary charter should furthershyboost confidence ERICH PARPART THE NATION

THE FEDERATION ofThai Industries believes the temporary charter will further increase the confishyden~e ofdomestic and foreign investors along with buslness op~ratrs while the recent strengthening of the baht IS stJlI tolerable for the export industry as long as anyfurther appreciation is neither too rapid nor drastic

_The FTI also said yesterday that its Industries Sentiment Index (TIS) had increased by 44 points since April

The introduction ofthe provisional charter is in line with the politiCal road map of the NCPO [NationaICoimcil for Peace and Order Jand I believe that in generalinvestors andoperators will feel more relaxe and gai~ more confidence that things aremiddot gomgmaccordWlththeNCPOsplansforanewcharshyter the setting up ofan interim government and the possibility of an election in the future said Supant Mongkolsuthree chairman ofthe FTI shy

In his view the country over the past two months has been running on a smooth surface since the Nepo took power a move which has led to an increase in foreign investor confidence certainty over pubh~ II1vestment policy and rising domestic consumptIOn

These factrs will support the recovery and allow _gross domestJC product to expand by 25 percent this year he said


The FTI had been projecting an economic recesshysion before the arrival of the NCPO

As for exports Supant said The strenctheninO of the baht is related to the increased conffdence of foreign investors which has led to an inflow offorshy~ign funds This will have some effect on the export iiidustry but it is still acceptable for exporters since the currencys strengthening pace is not too fast and the Bank ofThailand is still monitoring the situashytion

The export sector will be able to cope with a stronger baht if the rate does not fall below 3050 per US dollar he said -Moreover since the global economy IS continushyII1g to reco~er the FTI is sticking with its export

- growth projectIOn of35-5 per cent for the year According to Bloomberg the baht was valued at

3176 per dollar yesterday The FTI chief pointed out that if the Kingdoms shy

export value were calculated in baht it would already show lO-per-cent growth year on year

Accordingto the central bank export value in May came in at US$1927billiol1 (Bt6124 billion) whIch IS 12 per cent lower than the same period last year in dollar terms - shy

Meanwhile the TmiddotISI has increased for two month~ in a row The indexose from 840 in April to 851 111 May and to 884111 June amidst calmer political waters the economic recovery the liftingof the curfe - and even Fifa World Cup fever which led to an mcrease in overall production orders and sale figures - shyn~eover~TISI fororBers~salesarid prod-udiai- -shyIII allll1dustnes rose from 802796821 points in May to 843 844 879 points respectively in June

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CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough


GRAFT HAS GOT TO GO nvestors from Japan from which Such concern by the Japanese away existing and prospective forshy

the largest amount of Thailands investors should not be ignored eign investors Countless foreign direct foreign investment comes because they have brought the firms and investors have com~

have called for reduced corruption largest amount of direct foreign plained about the extra costs of and improved transparency in order investment into Thailand The doingbusinessinThailandbywhich to help restore confidence in the Japanese invested over 8t290 bil- they mean kickbacks and undershy

Kingdom lion in projects ClPproved by themiddot the-table money that must be to Setsuo luchichief representative Board of Investment last year That bureaucrats and politicians Often

of themiddot Japan External Trade was nearly 30 per cent of the total they have topayin exchange for pro-Organisation (Jetro) for Asean and foreign investment of Btl1 trillion curement deals with state agencies South Asia last week called on the according to 801 data and public projects People who ruling National Council for Peace Thailand has generally remained refuse to pay are routinely left and Order to kick-start good govershy attractiye to foreign investors due behind by their bribe-paying comshynance that includes combating corshy to positive factors such as the avail- petito rs University of the Thai ruption and ensuring transparency ability of skilled labour efficient Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) rec-particularly about doing business in infrastructure and transportation tor Saowanee Thairungroj has esti-Thailand Now its a good time for systems location andthe consider- mated that corruption adds 30 per Thailand to bring about good govshy able size of the domestic market cent to costs for businesses That ernance for the new era he said But our chronic corruption is scaring she says translates into reduced

comoetitiveness for Thai-made Economic and Business Forecasting pay corrupt officials and politi~ians products and reduced credibility for Centre He surmises that the have to cut costs at-the building site Thailand among foreign investors improvement could be due to posi- and that means poorer quality in General Prayuth Chan-ocha has tive public sentiment following the their public projects and thus a risk made tackling corruption a top pri- juntascampaignagainstcorruption to life and limb ority for the ruling military junta He and organised crime The surveyalso Businesses who pay bribes also says the fight will be part of sweepshy showed that bribes paid to officials offset their higher costs by charging ing national reform together with and politiCians by the private sector the consumers more good governance transparency and had declined to 15-25 per cent of middot Since corrupt authorities and an efficient and effective system of project costs frbman average 25-35 politicians make money and bribe-checks-and-balances Thailands per cent previously paying businesses make profits it is corruption index in the first half of Despite the seemingly slight theconsumersandthepublicingenshythis year improved for the first time improvement in the situation (or- eral who suffer in five years according to aUTCC surshy ruption remains amajor problem for They end up paying more uhnecshyvey The indexinJune was registered Thailand essarilyfor products and public proF at 46 out of a possible lOa com- In addition to the weakened ects the quality of which is poorer

pared to 39 last December says competitiveness and reduced cred- Corruption should beeliininated or Thariavath Phonvichai UTCC vice ibility the public asa whole is affect- at least minimised for the sake of rector of research and director of its ed by corruption Contractors who the country and its people

  • 57-07-24 (กรม)
  • 57-07-24 (ใบนำสง)
  • 57-07-24 (กระทรวง)

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Ministry seeks to resume small-lot rice sales in August PETCHANET PRATRUANGKRAI THE NATION

THE COMMERCE MINISTRY is preparshying to resume selling rice from its stockpiles in early August gradually releasing it in small lots of about 5000)0 tonnes a month

Duangporn Rodphaya director-genershyar of the ForeIgn Trade Department said a ~ubcommlttee had agreed the mmistry slthould go ahead and sell rice from the stockpIles and not walt tor completion of a Junta-ordered mspectlOn of the stocks bull I he nce-release planwhlch Will be proshy

posed to the Rice Policy and Management Committee soon includes sales through general auctions to exporters and local traders by government-to-governrrient contracts and through the Agricultural Futures Exchange of Thailand

Puangporn added that the department wopId ensure the stocks are released transshyparent With the Fmance Mmlst and the Prime Minister s 0 ce joint y inspecting the f0cessc

T~e department reported that about 55 per cent ofl800 rice warehouses had so far been inspected by the teams dispatched by the militarys ruling National CounCil for Peace and Order The teams are expected to complete their mission by the end of September

About 18 million tonnes ofrice is reportshy

cerns over roug t an ower pro uction in many countries amid higher demand in many others I here IS a good posslblhty that ThaIland will export 10 million tonnes 9pound nce thIS year It is expected to sell off all 18 million tonnes in its stockpiles within three years she saId

The department reported that Thailand was able to sell 535 million tonnes of rice in the first six months middotup by 50 per cent year on year while export value rose 19 percentto US$27biIlion (nearly Bt86 bilshylion)

As ofJuly 16 the price of5 per cent Thai

Afile photo shows asoldier inspecting rice stockpiles at a warehouse in a eastern province

white rice was quoted at $427 a tonne up from $410 the previous week

She added that production bfThai paddy rice in the 2014-15 harvest season was proshyjected to be less than 38 mi1lion tonnes because of drought in many areas

Charoen Laothamatas president of the Thai Rice Exporters Association said the government should consIder sellIng rice from its stockpiles in small lots of about 100000-200000 tonnes per auction to avoid impacts on the m-rket price

The government has less pressure to accelerate the sale of rice frbm the stocks The country has holder power It should ensure transparency and minimum impacts to the market he said

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INTHE WAKE ofrising concern over the t reatmen t oflabour farmers we1shybeing and the environment in global trading the International Trade Promotion Department is urging more lhal busmesses to seek FairTrade cershytification so that their products are more easily recognised and have a

greater chance in the world market place

At a seminar on Fair Trade Mark and trading of Fair Trade products in theinternationaJ market heldyestershyday by the agencys Office of News Overseas Markets Development and PromotIOn Duan kamol Jlambutr e U Irec or- ener ot e eplrtshy

mentSal t atonlyasmallnumberof thaI compames and sUEP)Lc~~ms current~apphedthe FairTrade Marllt

The epartment lrill therefore continue to support Fair Trade certishyfication by promoting an awareness campaign amongThai man ufacturers and exporters she said

According to the Netherlandsshybased Fair Trade Original organisashytion about 30 Thai companies and supply chains have received FairTrade

certification to date This guarantees that they engage in faii treatment of farmers have good labour conditions use no forced or child labour offer fair prices to suppliers and operate with transparency accountability and respect for the environment equity and freedom lt)nd have fair trading practices

Duangkarnol said the department in cooperation ~th Fair Trade Original now had a target of increasing the number of certified businessshy iSnap es and products by 10 per cent ayear

The main goal is to help agriculshytural and handicraft producers as well as manufactures and exporters to achieve better trading conditions and to promote sustainability she said

Certified members of the Fair Trade programme will likely be able to leverage the quality of their prodshyucts for higher prices with certificashytion ensuring world-class social and environmental standards and more recognition in the international trade area she added

Thai export products alreadyusing the approved Fair Thade logo include

rice coffee tea cane sugar cotton freshfruits herbs and spices ockershywork handicrafts pottery and ceramshyics

The official said the department also would like to encourage busishynesses in the shrimp and fishery secshy

ate consultant for Thailand said the overall value of Fair Trade products had increased considerably in the past few years as consumers now had more awareness about fair trading conditions and the environment

Consumers are willing to pay more for Fair Trade goods if they feel they have bought a product whose manufacture is highly responsible to society Today prices of Fair Trade products are also very competitive

the same as leading brands Enterprises should adapt themselves to produce Fair Trade products in order to ensure sustainable growth

tors to comply with Fair Trade certification so that they do otfaceproblems due to unfa abour treatment Every Fair Trade product is subject to labour-standard checking she explained

Manasnan Pongjayavanij Fair Trade Originals aS60ci~

and access to many markets said the consultant

According to Fair Trade Original the value of fair trade goods in the global market excluding the US rose from 1 billion (Bt427billion) in 1996 to 48 billion in 2012 Expots ofThai fair trade products were wOlth about Bt300 million in 2012

More than 30000 products are now on sale in 125 countries and the global Fair Trade system currently works with over 12 million people across 60 countries

Manasnan said many more Thai products could get the Fair Trade mark So far many local brands sllch as Doi Chang coffee plus local proshyducers of soy sauce chjli sauce pineapples and bananas are wellshy

known for having the mark which is accepted widely

Martin Boon development manshyager for Fai~Trade Original in the Netherlands told the seminar that with the global market having growshying recognition of Fair Trade prodshyucts many markets were increasing demand for products carrying the logo - and that Thailand had high potential to serve sllch worldwide demand


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THE NATION ~ JULY 20141lI Sihasak reassures EUteam over juntas reform roadmap SUPALAK GANJANAKHUN DEE THE NATION BRUSSELS

EARLY ELECTIONS vtithout reform would not help restore proper democshyracy to Thailand That was the message related by acting Foreign Minister Sihasak Phuangketkeow when he met his counterpart from the European Union in Belgium this week In a bilateral meeting with David OSullivan chief operating officer ofthe European External Action Service Sihasak said Thailand had a clear roadmap to restore sustainable democshyracy and that the EU should support

this process of reform The roadmap and its related reform

will help strengthen our political econshyomy and will also be of benefit to our partnership with theEUin the longnm he said

Sihasak was in Brussels for a minisshyterial meeting between representatives ofAsean and the EU and spent much of his time briefing representatives of Eillopean nations aboutthe situation in Thailand

The E U along with the US and other Western countries strongly criticised themilitaryforits May 22 coup The EU suspended a number of cooperations withThailand as well as several visits by high -level officials It also recommendshyed that member states review military cooperation with Thailand

The EU said last month that it wouldmiddot

not sign a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Thailand and that the negotiation of a free-trade agreement (FTA) would not conclude until an electshyed government was in place

Sihasak told OSullivan that an electshyed government would come eventually Before that however Thailand needed time to implement reform to have a strong democracy

The time frame of 15 months or so for the reform is not too long ifwe want to make sure that our system and democracy are sustainable he said

Thai people are aware of the issues facing our country and we are working on addressing these concerns so the EU as a partner should support us

The EUhas the right to voice its conshycerns about the situation in Thailand

middot but it should also ensure it is sufficientshyly informed on specific cases he said

Concerning detention and martial law the EU should make sure it has corshyrect information about who is under

middot detention and if there are concerns about human-rights violations the EU should specify the cases he said

Sihasak discussed the situation in Thailand Vlrith many European MPs

middot while in BrusselsTheyincludeq Franck Proust special rapporteur on the FTA and Samuel Cantell head of the ecoshynomic trade and regional cooperation delegation Many of them have experishyence in engaging with Thailand and have a clear understanding ofthe current sitshyuation in the country Sihasak said


Pension scheme for farmers proposed

Farmers in the future might look forward to retiring on a government pension

Charnpittaya Chimplee directorshygeneral of the Rice Oepartment said yesterday ttiat under a draft bill dealing with the rice development fund members would contribute about 3per cent of their monthly income to the fund and the state wou ~d also chip in ayet-unspecified amount

When farmers reach the age of 60 or 65 they will start receiving a monthly pension bf about Bt4OOO

Most farmers earn less than other workers so the fund is neces- sary for their future Charnpittaya said

Other proposals for the bill are being gathered and the contents wi I be improved before its submisshysion to acommittee on rice producshytion and markets and the National Council for Peace and Order


Farmer happiness down from August WICHIT CHANTANUSORNSIRI

Farmer happiness last month dropped subshystantially from its peak last August when they had high hopes of stable income from the Yingluck Shinawatra administrations rice pledging scheme reports a Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BMC) poll

The state-backed farm banks farmer happiness index fell to 7851 in June from its highest level of89 in August said senior executive vice-president Somsak Kangteershyawat The poll surveyed 2346 farmers

Happiness from family health a good society jo b financial position and the quest

for knowledge were the six factors used to measure the index

The survey found happines from the family scored the highest with a score of 341 out offour followed by health at 321 a good society at 320 job at 314 fmancial position at 285 and the quest for knowlshyedge at 274

Farmers from the Northeast regygIiwere the happiest vvith a score of 314 while those from the North scored 313 the South 312 the East 297 and Central 299

Asource at the BMC confirmed Augusts poll was taken when the farmers mood hit a fever pitch as they felt they would receive an elevated level of compensation from the

rice pledging programme The National Council for Peace and

Order (NCPO) is seeking sustainable ways to help farmers after losses from rice pledgshying which offered prices 40-50 higher than the market price could reach 500 billion baht

The juntas measures so far largely includelowering rice production costs and slowing the release of supply to lower price pressure

The source said prices of tapioca sugar cane chicken and pork are gaining in the second half while those of rice corn rubber oil palin and whiteleg shrimp are declirun ~ bull bull imiddotI middot7~

Regarding rice prices the source said the price of paddy with 15 moisture content could average 7500-9000 baht a tonne while Hom Mali prices are projected at 14000-15000 baht in the second the half

Even though the agricultural sector conshytributes only 84 to the countrys GDP there are 167 ffiillion farmers making up 26 of the population

National Statistical Office data shows the ratio of farmers who earned over 100000 baht a year rose to 286 in 2013 from 97 in 2003 while 643 graduated from prfshymary school down from 704 a decade ago Farmers shouldered average debt of 124604 baht per person last year

BANGKOK POST 41 FTIupbeatabout domestic car sales PIYACHART MAIKAEW

The Federation of Thai Industries (FT) remains confident that domestic vehishycle sales will top I million this year defying some car makers projection of sales declining to between 900000 and 980000 vehicles

Domestic demand started picking up in the previous quarter as private firms and farmers bought new pickup trucks for their business expansion and new cultivation said Surapong Paisitpatanapong spokesshyman for the FIrs automotive industry club

The club forecasts pickup truck sales will contribute 55-58 of domestic sales against 442 in 2013 while passenger cars dropped to about 40 from 474 last year

The passenger car market has normalshyised after demand was absorbed by the gov- emments first-time car buyer scheme said Mr Sura pong

The club yesterday cut its 2014 forecast for Thailands automotive output from 24 million vehicles to 22 milliori It also cut domestic sales to 1 million vehicles hom 12 million while exports stand finn at 12 million vehicles

FTI vice-chainnan Suparat Sirisuwan~ nangkura said Thailand was expected to remain in the worlds top 10 automotive manufacturers this year with production in countries such as Canada and Russia also expected to decrease

The International Organization of Motor

Vehicle Manufacturers said Thailand was the worlds ninth-largest automotive manufacturer in 2013 and 10th in 2012 Production (ast year totalled 245 million vehicles the highest in 52 years and up by 014 from 2012

The club yesterday reported that car proshyduction fell by 261 year-on-year in June to 160452 For the first half Thailands car output fell by 29 year-on-year to 952685

Domestic car sales in June totalled 73799 dOVll by 304 on the same period in2013 while 440911 cars were sold in the first half down by 405

By contrast car exports in June rose 657 to 103946 earning the cOUDtry497 billion baht In the first half exports rose 36 to 560047 cars with export value rising 895 to 265 billion baht

The FII yesterday reported that the industrial sentiment index improved for the second straight month in JW1e

The index rose to 884 points accordshying to the FIr which conducted a survey among 1100 industrial operators It stood at 851 points in May when sentiment improved for the first time in seven months

FTI chairman Suphan Mongkholsuthee said sentiment has improved because of the more stable political situation and an increase in purchases of products thanks to the Fifa World Cup football tournament

The industry outlook index for the next three months stood at 1019 points rising from 101 in May

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AUTO EXPORTS INCREASE Despite the sluggish recovery of

the export sector auto shipments continue to expand but still by not enough to counter the reduction in dorriestic demand for cars

The industry has been forced to brake this years production target from 24 million units to 22 million

The target for domestic sales has been lowered from 12 million units to 1million which represents adrop of 251 per cent or 335154 units from last year

Surapong Paisitpattanapong deputy chairman and spokesman of the Federation of Thai Industries Automotive Industry Club said yesterday that lower domestic derriand the end ofthe governments first-car tax-relief programme and the delay in gov~ errirnent and private investment

middotprojects had contributedtothemiddot change in the production target However this new figure is still

middot higherthan the forecast for T8 milshylion units before the big floodiri 2011and domestic demand is

expectedto shitf intoforWard gear i

middotnext quarter~ The economic recovery payshyrnent for farmersuncter the rlceshy

pledgingscherneandreturn of investment will increase revenue l

in other industries and put more rnoney in peoples pockets he middot said

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Temporary charter should furthershyboost confidence ERICH PARPART THE NATION

THE FEDERATION ofThai Industries believes the temporary charter will further increase the confishyden~e ofdomestic and foreign investors along with buslness op~ratrs while the recent strengthening of the baht IS stJlI tolerable for the export industry as long as anyfurther appreciation is neither too rapid nor drastic

_The FTI also said yesterday that its Industries Sentiment Index (TIS) had increased by 44 points since April

The introduction ofthe provisional charter is in line with the politiCal road map of the NCPO [NationaICoimcil for Peace and Order Jand I believe that in generalinvestors andoperators will feel more relaxe and gai~ more confidence that things aremiddot gomgmaccordWlththeNCPOsplansforanewcharshyter the setting up ofan interim government and the possibility of an election in the future said Supant Mongkolsuthree chairman ofthe FTI shy

In his view the country over the past two months has been running on a smooth surface since the Nepo took power a move which has led to an increase in foreign investor confidence certainty over pubh~ II1vestment policy and rising domestic consumptIOn

These factrs will support the recovery and allow _gross domestJC product to expand by 25 percent this year he said


The FTI had been projecting an economic recesshysion before the arrival of the NCPO

As for exports Supant said The strenctheninO of the baht is related to the increased conffdence of foreign investors which has led to an inflow offorshy~ign funds This will have some effect on the export iiidustry but it is still acceptable for exporters since the currencys strengthening pace is not too fast and the Bank ofThailand is still monitoring the situashytion

The export sector will be able to cope with a stronger baht if the rate does not fall below 3050 per US dollar he said -Moreover since the global economy IS continushyII1g to reco~er the FTI is sticking with its export

- growth projectIOn of35-5 per cent for the year According to Bloomberg the baht was valued at

3176 per dollar yesterday The FTI chief pointed out that if the Kingdoms shy

export value were calculated in baht it would already show lO-per-cent growth year on year

Accordingto the central bank export value in May came in at US$1927billiol1 (Bt6124 billion) whIch IS 12 per cent lower than the same period last year in dollar terms - shy

Meanwhile the TmiddotISI has increased for two month~ in a row The indexose from 840 in April to 851 111 May and to 884111 June amidst calmer political waters the economic recovery the liftingof the curfe - and even Fifa World Cup fever which led to an mcrease in overall production orders and sale figures - shyn~eover~TISI fororBers~salesarid prod-udiai- -shyIII allll1dustnes rose from 802796821 points in May to 843 844 879 points respectively in June

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CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough


GRAFT HAS GOT TO GO nvestors from Japan from which Such concern by the Japanese away existing and prospective forshy

the largest amount of Thailands investors should not be ignored eign investors Countless foreign direct foreign investment comes because they have brought the firms and investors have com~

have called for reduced corruption largest amount of direct foreign plained about the extra costs of and improved transparency in order investment into Thailand The doingbusinessinThailandbywhich to help restore confidence in the Japanese invested over 8t290 bil- they mean kickbacks and undershy

Kingdom lion in projects ClPproved by themiddot the-table money that must be to Setsuo luchichief representative Board of Investment last year That bureaucrats and politicians Often

of themiddot Japan External Trade was nearly 30 per cent of the total they have topayin exchange for pro-Organisation (Jetro) for Asean and foreign investment of Btl1 trillion curement deals with state agencies South Asia last week called on the according to 801 data and public projects People who ruling National Council for Peace Thailand has generally remained refuse to pay are routinely left and Order to kick-start good govershy attractiye to foreign investors due behind by their bribe-paying comshynance that includes combating corshy to positive factors such as the avail- petito rs University of the Thai ruption and ensuring transparency ability of skilled labour efficient Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) rec-particularly about doing business in infrastructure and transportation tor Saowanee Thairungroj has esti-Thailand Now its a good time for systems location andthe consider- mated that corruption adds 30 per Thailand to bring about good govshy able size of the domestic market cent to costs for businesses That ernance for the new era he said But our chronic corruption is scaring she says translates into reduced

comoetitiveness for Thai-made Economic and Business Forecasting pay corrupt officials and politi~ians products and reduced credibility for Centre He surmises that the have to cut costs at-the building site Thailand among foreign investors improvement could be due to posi- and that means poorer quality in General Prayuth Chan-ocha has tive public sentiment following the their public projects and thus a risk made tackling corruption a top pri- juntascampaignagainstcorruption to life and limb ority for the ruling military junta He and organised crime The surveyalso Businesses who pay bribes also says the fight will be part of sweepshy showed that bribes paid to officials offset their higher costs by charging ing national reform together with and politiCians by the private sector the consumers more good governance transparency and had declined to 15-25 per cent of middot Since corrupt authorities and an efficient and effective system of project costs frbman average 25-35 politicians make money and bribe-checks-and-balances Thailands per cent previously paying businesses make profits it is corruption index in the first half of Despite the seemingly slight theconsumersandthepublicingenshythis year improved for the first time improvement in the situation (or- eral who suffer in five years according to aUTCC surshy ruption remains amajor problem for They end up paying more uhnecshyvey The indexinJune was registered Thailand essarilyfor products and public proF at 46 out of a possible lOa com- In addition to the weakened ects the quality of which is poorer

pared to 39 last December says competitiveness and reduced cred- Corruption should beeliininated or Thariavath Phonvichai UTCC vice ibility the public asa whole is affect- at least minimised for the sake of rector of research and director of its ed by corruption Contractors who the country and its people

  • 57-07-24 (กรม)
  • 57-07-24 (ใบนำสง)
  • 57-07-24 (กระทรวง)


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Ministry seeks to resume small-lot rice sales in August PETCHANET PRATRUANGKRAI THE NATION

THE COMMERCE MINISTRY is preparshying to resume selling rice from its stockpiles in early August gradually releasing it in small lots of about 5000)0 tonnes a month

Duangporn Rodphaya director-genershyar of the ForeIgn Trade Department said a ~ubcommlttee had agreed the mmistry slthould go ahead and sell rice from the stockpIles and not walt tor completion of a Junta-ordered mspectlOn of the stocks bull I he nce-release planwhlch Will be proshy

posed to the Rice Policy and Management Committee soon includes sales through general auctions to exporters and local traders by government-to-governrrient contracts and through the Agricultural Futures Exchange of Thailand

Puangporn added that the department wopId ensure the stocks are released transshyparent With the Fmance Mmlst and the Prime Minister s 0 ce joint y inspecting the f0cessc

T~e department reported that about 55 per cent ofl800 rice warehouses had so far been inspected by the teams dispatched by the militarys ruling National CounCil for Peace and Order The teams are expected to complete their mission by the end of September

About 18 million tonnes ofrice is reportshy

cerns over roug t an ower pro uction in many countries amid higher demand in many others I here IS a good posslblhty that ThaIland will export 10 million tonnes 9pound nce thIS year It is expected to sell off all 18 million tonnes in its stockpiles within three years she saId

The department reported that Thailand was able to sell 535 million tonnes of rice in the first six months middotup by 50 per cent year on year while export value rose 19 percentto US$27biIlion (nearly Bt86 bilshylion)

As ofJuly 16 the price of5 per cent Thai

Afile photo shows asoldier inspecting rice stockpiles at a warehouse in a eastern province

white rice was quoted at $427 a tonne up from $410 the previous week

She added that production bfThai paddy rice in the 2014-15 harvest season was proshyjected to be less than 38 mi1lion tonnes because of drought in many areas

Charoen Laothamatas president of the Thai Rice Exporters Association said the government should consIder sellIng rice from its stockpiles in small lots of about 100000-200000 tonnes per auction to avoid impacts on the m-rket price

The government has less pressure to accelerate the sale of rice frbm the stocks The country has holder power It should ensure transparency and minimum impacts to the market he said

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INTHE WAKE ofrising concern over the t reatmen t oflabour farmers we1shybeing and the environment in global trading the International Trade Promotion Department is urging more lhal busmesses to seek FairTrade cershytification so that their products are more easily recognised and have a

greater chance in the world market place

At a seminar on Fair Trade Mark and trading of Fair Trade products in theinternationaJ market heldyestershyday by the agencys Office of News Overseas Markets Development and PromotIOn Duan kamol Jlambutr e U Irec or- ener ot e eplrtshy

mentSal t atonlyasmallnumberof thaI compames and sUEP)Lc~~ms current~apphedthe FairTrade Marllt

The epartment lrill therefore continue to support Fair Trade certishyfication by promoting an awareness campaign amongThai man ufacturers and exporters she said

According to the Netherlandsshybased Fair Trade Original organisashytion about 30 Thai companies and supply chains have received FairTrade

certification to date This guarantees that they engage in faii treatment of farmers have good labour conditions use no forced or child labour offer fair prices to suppliers and operate with transparency accountability and respect for the environment equity and freedom lt)nd have fair trading practices

Duangkarnol said the department in cooperation ~th Fair Trade Original now had a target of increasing the number of certified businessshy iSnap es and products by 10 per cent ayear

The main goal is to help agriculshytural and handicraft producers as well as manufactures and exporters to achieve better trading conditions and to promote sustainability she said

Certified members of the Fair Trade programme will likely be able to leverage the quality of their prodshyucts for higher prices with certificashytion ensuring world-class social and environmental standards and more recognition in the international trade area she added

Thai export products alreadyusing the approved Fair Thade logo include

rice coffee tea cane sugar cotton freshfruits herbs and spices ockershywork handicrafts pottery and ceramshyics

The official said the department also would like to encourage busishynesses in the shrimp and fishery secshy

ate consultant for Thailand said the overall value of Fair Trade products had increased considerably in the past few years as consumers now had more awareness about fair trading conditions and the environment

Consumers are willing to pay more for Fair Trade goods if they feel they have bought a product whose manufacture is highly responsible to society Today prices of Fair Trade products are also very competitive

the same as leading brands Enterprises should adapt themselves to produce Fair Trade products in order to ensure sustainable growth

tors to comply with Fair Trade certification so that they do otfaceproblems due to unfa abour treatment Every Fair Trade product is subject to labour-standard checking she explained

Manasnan Pongjayavanij Fair Trade Originals aS60ci~

and access to many markets said the consultant

According to Fair Trade Original the value of fair trade goods in the global market excluding the US rose from 1 billion (Bt427billion) in 1996 to 48 billion in 2012 Expots ofThai fair trade products were wOlth about Bt300 million in 2012

More than 30000 products are now on sale in 125 countries and the global Fair Trade system currently works with over 12 million people across 60 countries

Manasnan said many more Thai products could get the Fair Trade mark So far many local brands sllch as Doi Chang coffee plus local proshyducers of soy sauce chjli sauce pineapples and bananas are wellshy

known for having the mark which is accepted widely

Martin Boon development manshyager for Fai~Trade Original in the Netherlands told the seminar that with the global market having growshying recognition of Fair Trade prodshyucts many markets were increasing demand for products carrying the logo - and that Thailand had high potential to serve sllch worldwide demand


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THE NATION ~ JULY 20141lI Sihasak reassures EUteam over juntas reform roadmap SUPALAK GANJANAKHUN DEE THE NATION BRUSSELS

EARLY ELECTIONS vtithout reform would not help restore proper democshyracy to Thailand That was the message related by acting Foreign Minister Sihasak Phuangketkeow when he met his counterpart from the European Union in Belgium this week In a bilateral meeting with David OSullivan chief operating officer ofthe European External Action Service Sihasak said Thailand had a clear roadmap to restore sustainable democshyracy and that the EU should support

this process of reform The roadmap and its related reform

will help strengthen our political econshyomy and will also be of benefit to our partnership with theEUin the longnm he said

Sihasak was in Brussels for a minisshyterial meeting between representatives ofAsean and the EU and spent much of his time briefing representatives of Eillopean nations aboutthe situation in Thailand

The E U along with the US and other Western countries strongly criticised themilitaryforits May 22 coup The EU suspended a number of cooperations withThailand as well as several visits by high -level officials It also recommendshyed that member states review military cooperation with Thailand

The EU said last month that it wouldmiddot

not sign a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Thailand and that the negotiation of a free-trade agreement (FTA) would not conclude until an electshyed government was in place

Sihasak told OSullivan that an electshyed government would come eventually Before that however Thailand needed time to implement reform to have a strong democracy

The time frame of 15 months or so for the reform is not too long ifwe want to make sure that our system and democracy are sustainable he said

Thai people are aware of the issues facing our country and we are working on addressing these concerns so the EU as a partner should support us

The EUhas the right to voice its conshycerns about the situation in Thailand

middot but it should also ensure it is sufficientshyly informed on specific cases he said

Concerning detention and martial law the EU should make sure it has corshyrect information about who is under

middot detention and if there are concerns about human-rights violations the EU should specify the cases he said

Sihasak discussed the situation in Thailand Vlrith many European MPs

middot while in BrusselsTheyincludeq Franck Proust special rapporteur on the FTA and Samuel Cantell head of the ecoshynomic trade and regional cooperation delegation Many of them have experishyence in engaging with Thailand and have a clear understanding ofthe current sitshyuation in the country Sihasak said


Pension scheme for farmers proposed

Farmers in the future might look forward to retiring on a government pension

Charnpittaya Chimplee directorshygeneral of the Rice Oepartment said yesterday ttiat under a draft bill dealing with the rice development fund members would contribute about 3per cent of their monthly income to the fund and the state wou ~d also chip in ayet-unspecified amount

When farmers reach the age of 60 or 65 they will start receiving a monthly pension bf about Bt4OOO

Most farmers earn less than other workers so the fund is neces- sary for their future Charnpittaya said

Other proposals for the bill are being gathered and the contents wi I be improved before its submisshysion to acommittee on rice producshytion and markets and the National Council for Peace and Order


Farmer happiness down from August WICHIT CHANTANUSORNSIRI

Farmer happiness last month dropped subshystantially from its peak last August when they had high hopes of stable income from the Yingluck Shinawatra administrations rice pledging scheme reports a Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BMC) poll

The state-backed farm banks farmer happiness index fell to 7851 in June from its highest level of89 in August said senior executive vice-president Somsak Kangteershyawat The poll surveyed 2346 farmers

Happiness from family health a good society jo b financial position and the quest

for knowledge were the six factors used to measure the index

The survey found happines from the family scored the highest with a score of 341 out offour followed by health at 321 a good society at 320 job at 314 fmancial position at 285 and the quest for knowlshyedge at 274

Farmers from the Northeast regygIiwere the happiest vvith a score of 314 while those from the North scored 313 the South 312 the East 297 and Central 299

Asource at the BMC confirmed Augusts poll was taken when the farmers mood hit a fever pitch as they felt they would receive an elevated level of compensation from the

rice pledging programme The National Council for Peace and

Order (NCPO) is seeking sustainable ways to help farmers after losses from rice pledgshying which offered prices 40-50 higher than the market price could reach 500 billion baht

The juntas measures so far largely includelowering rice production costs and slowing the release of supply to lower price pressure

The source said prices of tapioca sugar cane chicken and pork are gaining in the second half while those of rice corn rubber oil palin and whiteleg shrimp are declirun ~ bull bull imiddotI middot7~

Regarding rice prices the source said the price of paddy with 15 moisture content could average 7500-9000 baht a tonne while Hom Mali prices are projected at 14000-15000 baht in the second the half

Even though the agricultural sector conshytributes only 84 to the countrys GDP there are 167 ffiillion farmers making up 26 of the population

National Statistical Office data shows the ratio of farmers who earned over 100000 baht a year rose to 286 in 2013 from 97 in 2003 while 643 graduated from prfshymary school down from 704 a decade ago Farmers shouldered average debt of 124604 baht per person last year

BANGKOK POST 41 FTIupbeatabout domestic car sales PIYACHART MAIKAEW

The Federation of Thai Industries (FT) remains confident that domestic vehishycle sales will top I million this year defying some car makers projection of sales declining to between 900000 and 980000 vehicles

Domestic demand started picking up in the previous quarter as private firms and farmers bought new pickup trucks for their business expansion and new cultivation said Surapong Paisitpatanapong spokesshyman for the FIrs automotive industry club

The club forecasts pickup truck sales will contribute 55-58 of domestic sales against 442 in 2013 while passenger cars dropped to about 40 from 474 last year

The passenger car market has normalshyised after demand was absorbed by the gov- emments first-time car buyer scheme said Mr Sura pong

The club yesterday cut its 2014 forecast for Thailands automotive output from 24 million vehicles to 22 milliori It also cut domestic sales to 1 million vehicles hom 12 million while exports stand finn at 12 million vehicles

FTI vice-chainnan Suparat Sirisuwan~ nangkura said Thailand was expected to remain in the worlds top 10 automotive manufacturers this year with production in countries such as Canada and Russia also expected to decrease

The International Organization of Motor

Vehicle Manufacturers said Thailand was the worlds ninth-largest automotive manufacturer in 2013 and 10th in 2012 Production (ast year totalled 245 million vehicles the highest in 52 years and up by 014 from 2012

The club yesterday reported that car proshyduction fell by 261 year-on-year in June to 160452 For the first half Thailands car output fell by 29 year-on-year to 952685

Domestic car sales in June totalled 73799 dOVll by 304 on the same period in2013 while 440911 cars were sold in the first half down by 405

By contrast car exports in June rose 657 to 103946 earning the cOUDtry497 billion baht In the first half exports rose 36 to 560047 cars with export value rising 895 to 265 billion baht

The FII yesterday reported that the industrial sentiment index improved for the second straight month in JW1e

The index rose to 884 points accordshying to the FIr which conducted a survey among 1100 industrial operators It stood at 851 points in May when sentiment improved for the first time in seven months

FTI chairman Suphan Mongkholsuthee said sentiment has improved because of the more stable political situation and an increase in purchases of products thanks to the Fifa World Cup football tournament

The industry outlook index for the next three months stood at 1019 points rising from 101 in May

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AUTO EXPORTS INCREASE Despite the sluggish recovery of

the export sector auto shipments continue to expand but still by not enough to counter the reduction in dorriestic demand for cars

The industry has been forced to brake this years production target from 24 million units to 22 million

The target for domestic sales has been lowered from 12 million units to 1million which represents adrop of 251 per cent or 335154 units from last year

Surapong Paisitpattanapong deputy chairman and spokesman of the Federation of Thai Industries Automotive Industry Club said yesterday that lower domestic derriand the end ofthe governments first-car tax-relief programme and the delay in gov~ errirnent and private investment

middotprojects had contributedtothemiddot change in the production target However this new figure is still

middot higherthan the forecast for T8 milshylion units before the big floodiri 2011and domestic demand is

expectedto shitf intoforWard gear i

middotnext quarter~ The economic recovery payshyrnent for farmersuncter the rlceshy

pledgingscherneandreturn of investment will increase revenue l

in other industries and put more rnoney in peoples pockets he middot said

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Temporary charter should furthershyboost confidence ERICH PARPART THE NATION

THE FEDERATION ofThai Industries believes the temporary charter will further increase the confishyden~e ofdomestic and foreign investors along with buslness op~ratrs while the recent strengthening of the baht IS stJlI tolerable for the export industry as long as anyfurther appreciation is neither too rapid nor drastic

_The FTI also said yesterday that its Industries Sentiment Index (TIS) had increased by 44 points since April

The introduction ofthe provisional charter is in line with the politiCal road map of the NCPO [NationaICoimcil for Peace and Order Jand I believe that in generalinvestors andoperators will feel more relaxe and gai~ more confidence that things aremiddot gomgmaccordWlththeNCPOsplansforanewcharshyter the setting up ofan interim government and the possibility of an election in the future said Supant Mongkolsuthree chairman ofthe FTI shy

In his view the country over the past two months has been running on a smooth surface since the Nepo took power a move which has led to an increase in foreign investor confidence certainty over pubh~ II1vestment policy and rising domestic consumptIOn

These factrs will support the recovery and allow _gross domestJC product to expand by 25 percent this year he said


The FTI had been projecting an economic recesshysion before the arrival of the NCPO

As for exports Supant said The strenctheninO of the baht is related to the increased conffdence of foreign investors which has led to an inflow offorshy~ign funds This will have some effect on the export iiidustry but it is still acceptable for exporters since the currencys strengthening pace is not too fast and the Bank ofThailand is still monitoring the situashytion

The export sector will be able to cope with a stronger baht if the rate does not fall below 3050 per US dollar he said -Moreover since the global economy IS continushyII1g to reco~er the FTI is sticking with its export

- growth projectIOn of35-5 per cent for the year According to Bloomberg the baht was valued at

3176 per dollar yesterday The FTI chief pointed out that if the Kingdoms shy

export value were calculated in baht it would already show lO-per-cent growth year on year

Accordingto the central bank export value in May came in at US$1927billiol1 (Bt6124 billion) whIch IS 12 per cent lower than the same period last year in dollar terms - shy

Meanwhile the TmiddotISI has increased for two month~ in a row The indexose from 840 in April to 851 111 May and to 884111 June amidst calmer political waters the economic recovery the liftingof the curfe - and even Fifa World Cup fever which led to an mcrease in overall production orders and sale figures - shyn~eover~TISI fororBers~salesarid prod-udiai- -shyIII allll1dustnes rose from 802796821 points in May to 843 844 879 points respectively in June

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CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough


GRAFT HAS GOT TO GO nvestors from Japan from which Such concern by the Japanese away existing and prospective forshy

the largest amount of Thailands investors should not be ignored eign investors Countless foreign direct foreign investment comes because they have brought the firms and investors have com~

have called for reduced corruption largest amount of direct foreign plained about the extra costs of and improved transparency in order investment into Thailand The doingbusinessinThailandbywhich to help restore confidence in the Japanese invested over 8t290 bil- they mean kickbacks and undershy

Kingdom lion in projects ClPproved by themiddot the-table money that must be to Setsuo luchichief representative Board of Investment last year That bureaucrats and politicians Often

of themiddot Japan External Trade was nearly 30 per cent of the total they have topayin exchange for pro-Organisation (Jetro) for Asean and foreign investment of Btl1 trillion curement deals with state agencies South Asia last week called on the according to 801 data and public projects People who ruling National Council for Peace Thailand has generally remained refuse to pay are routinely left and Order to kick-start good govershy attractiye to foreign investors due behind by their bribe-paying comshynance that includes combating corshy to positive factors such as the avail- petito rs University of the Thai ruption and ensuring transparency ability of skilled labour efficient Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) rec-particularly about doing business in infrastructure and transportation tor Saowanee Thairungroj has esti-Thailand Now its a good time for systems location andthe consider- mated that corruption adds 30 per Thailand to bring about good govshy able size of the domestic market cent to costs for businesses That ernance for the new era he said But our chronic corruption is scaring she says translates into reduced

comoetitiveness for Thai-made Economic and Business Forecasting pay corrupt officials and politi~ians products and reduced credibility for Centre He surmises that the have to cut costs at-the building site Thailand among foreign investors improvement could be due to posi- and that means poorer quality in General Prayuth Chan-ocha has tive public sentiment following the their public projects and thus a risk made tackling corruption a top pri- juntascampaignagainstcorruption to life and limb ority for the ruling military junta He and organised crime The surveyalso Businesses who pay bribes also says the fight will be part of sweepshy showed that bribes paid to officials offset their higher costs by charging ing national reform together with and politiCians by the private sector the consumers more good governance transparency and had declined to 15-25 per cent of middot Since corrupt authorities and an efficient and effective system of project costs frbman average 25-35 politicians make money and bribe-checks-and-balances Thailands per cent previously paying businesses make profits it is corruption index in the first half of Despite the seemingly slight theconsumersandthepublicingenshythis year improved for the first time improvement in the situation (or- eral who suffer in five years according to aUTCC surshy ruption remains amajor problem for They end up paying more uhnecshyvey The indexinJune was registered Thailand essarilyfor products and public proF at 46 out of a possible lOa com- In addition to the weakened ects the quality of which is poorer

pared to 39 last December says competitiveness and reduced cred- Corruption should beeliininated or Thariavath Phonvichai UTCC vice ibility the public asa whole is affect- at least minimised for the sake of rector of research and director of its ed by corruption Contractors who the country and its people

  • 57-07-24 (กรม)
  • 57-07-24 (ใบนำสง)
  • 57-07-24 (กระทรวง)


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Ministry seeks to resume small-lot rice sales in August PETCHANET PRATRUANGKRAI THE NATION

THE COMMERCE MINISTRY is preparshying to resume selling rice from its stockpiles in early August gradually releasing it in small lots of about 5000)0 tonnes a month

Duangporn Rodphaya director-genershyar of the ForeIgn Trade Department said a ~ubcommlttee had agreed the mmistry slthould go ahead and sell rice from the stockpIles and not walt tor completion of a Junta-ordered mspectlOn of the stocks bull I he nce-release planwhlch Will be proshy

posed to the Rice Policy and Management Committee soon includes sales through general auctions to exporters and local traders by government-to-governrrient contracts and through the Agricultural Futures Exchange of Thailand

Puangporn added that the department wopId ensure the stocks are released transshyparent With the Fmance Mmlst and the Prime Minister s 0 ce joint y inspecting the f0cessc

T~e department reported that about 55 per cent ofl800 rice warehouses had so far been inspected by the teams dispatched by the militarys ruling National CounCil for Peace and Order The teams are expected to complete their mission by the end of September

About 18 million tonnes ofrice is reportshy

cerns over roug t an ower pro uction in many countries amid higher demand in many others I here IS a good posslblhty that ThaIland will export 10 million tonnes 9pound nce thIS year It is expected to sell off all 18 million tonnes in its stockpiles within three years she saId

The department reported that Thailand was able to sell 535 million tonnes of rice in the first six months middotup by 50 per cent year on year while export value rose 19 percentto US$27biIlion (nearly Bt86 bilshylion)

As ofJuly 16 the price of5 per cent Thai

Afile photo shows asoldier inspecting rice stockpiles at a warehouse in a eastern province

white rice was quoted at $427 a tonne up from $410 the previous week

She added that production bfThai paddy rice in the 2014-15 harvest season was proshyjected to be less than 38 mi1lion tonnes because of drought in many areas

Charoen Laothamatas president of the Thai Rice Exporters Association said the government should consIder sellIng rice from its stockpiles in small lots of about 100000-200000 tonnes per auction to avoid impacts on the m-rket price

The government has less pressure to accelerate the sale of rice frbm the stocks The country has holder power It should ensure transparency and minimum impacts to the market he said

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INTHE WAKE ofrising concern over the t reatmen t oflabour farmers we1shybeing and the environment in global trading the International Trade Promotion Department is urging more lhal busmesses to seek FairTrade cershytification so that their products are more easily recognised and have a

greater chance in the world market place

At a seminar on Fair Trade Mark and trading of Fair Trade products in theinternationaJ market heldyestershyday by the agencys Office of News Overseas Markets Development and PromotIOn Duan kamol Jlambutr e U Irec or- ener ot e eplrtshy

mentSal t atonlyasmallnumberof thaI compames and sUEP)Lc~~ms current~apphedthe FairTrade Marllt

The epartment lrill therefore continue to support Fair Trade certishyfication by promoting an awareness campaign amongThai man ufacturers and exporters she said

According to the Netherlandsshybased Fair Trade Original organisashytion about 30 Thai companies and supply chains have received FairTrade

certification to date This guarantees that they engage in faii treatment of farmers have good labour conditions use no forced or child labour offer fair prices to suppliers and operate with transparency accountability and respect for the environment equity and freedom lt)nd have fair trading practices

Duangkarnol said the department in cooperation ~th Fair Trade Original now had a target of increasing the number of certified businessshy iSnap es and products by 10 per cent ayear

The main goal is to help agriculshytural and handicraft producers as well as manufactures and exporters to achieve better trading conditions and to promote sustainability she said

Certified members of the Fair Trade programme will likely be able to leverage the quality of their prodshyucts for higher prices with certificashytion ensuring world-class social and environmental standards and more recognition in the international trade area she added

Thai export products alreadyusing the approved Fair Thade logo include

rice coffee tea cane sugar cotton freshfruits herbs and spices ockershywork handicrafts pottery and ceramshyics

The official said the department also would like to encourage busishynesses in the shrimp and fishery secshy

ate consultant for Thailand said the overall value of Fair Trade products had increased considerably in the past few years as consumers now had more awareness about fair trading conditions and the environment

Consumers are willing to pay more for Fair Trade goods if they feel they have bought a product whose manufacture is highly responsible to society Today prices of Fair Trade products are also very competitive

the same as leading brands Enterprises should adapt themselves to produce Fair Trade products in order to ensure sustainable growth

tors to comply with Fair Trade certification so that they do otfaceproblems due to unfa abour treatment Every Fair Trade product is subject to labour-standard checking she explained

Manasnan Pongjayavanij Fair Trade Originals aS60ci~

and access to many markets said the consultant

According to Fair Trade Original the value of fair trade goods in the global market excluding the US rose from 1 billion (Bt427billion) in 1996 to 48 billion in 2012 Expots ofThai fair trade products were wOlth about Bt300 million in 2012

More than 30000 products are now on sale in 125 countries and the global Fair Trade system currently works with over 12 million people across 60 countries

Manasnan said many more Thai products could get the Fair Trade mark So far many local brands sllch as Doi Chang coffee plus local proshyducers of soy sauce chjli sauce pineapples and bananas are wellshy

known for having the mark which is accepted widely

Martin Boon development manshyager for Fai~Trade Original in the Netherlands told the seminar that with the global market having growshying recognition of Fair Trade prodshyucts many markets were increasing demand for products carrying the logo - and that Thailand had high potential to serve sllch worldwide demand


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THE NATION ~ JULY 20141lI Sihasak reassures EUteam over juntas reform roadmap SUPALAK GANJANAKHUN DEE THE NATION BRUSSELS

EARLY ELECTIONS vtithout reform would not help restore proper democshyracy to Thailand That was the message related by acting Foreign Minister Sihasak Phuangketkeow when he met his counterpart from the European Union in Belgium this week In a bilateral meeting with David OSullivan chief operating officer ofthe European External Action Service Sihasak said Thailand had a clear roadmap to restore sustainable democshyracy and that the EU should support

this process of reform The roadmap and its related reform

will help strengthen our political econshyomy and will also be of benefit to our partnership with theEUin the longnm he said

Sihasak was in Brussels for a minisshyterial meeting between representatives ofAsean and the EU and spent much of his time briefing representatives of Eillopean nations aboutthe situation in Thailand

The E U along with the US and other Western countries strongly criticised themilitaryforits May 22 coup The EU suspended a number of cooperations withThailand as well as several visits by high -level officials It also recommendshyed that member states review military cooperation with Thailand

The EU said last month that it wouldmiddot

not sign a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Thailand and that the negotiation of a free-trade agreement (FTA) would not conclude until an electshyed government was in place

Sihasak told OSullivan that an electshyed government would come eventually Before that however Thailand needed time to implement reform to have a strong democracy

The time frame of 15 months or so for the reform is not too long ifwe want to make sure that our system and democracy are sustainable he said

Thai people are aware of the issues facing our country and we are working on addressing these concerns so the EU as a partner should support us

The EUhas the right to voice its conshycerns about the situation in Thailand

middot but it should also ensure it is sufficientshyly informed on specific cases he said

Concerning detention and martial law the EU should make sure it has corshyrect information about who is under

middot detention and if there are concerns about human-rights violations the EU should specify the cases he said

Sihasak discussed the situation in Thailand Vlrith many European MPs

middot while in BrusselsTheyincludeq Franck Proust special rapporteur on the FTA and Samuel Cantell head of the ecoshynomic trade and regional cooperation delegation Many of them have experishyence in engaging with Thailand and have a clear understanding ofthe current sitshyuation in the country Sihasak said


Pension scheme for farmers proposed

Farmers in the future might look forward to retiring on a government pension

Charnpittaya Chimplee directorshygeneral of the Rice Oepartment said yesterday ttiat under a draft bill dealing with the rice development fund members would contribute about 3per cent of their monthly income to the fund and the state wou ~d also chip in ayet-unspecified amount

When farmers reach the age of 60 or 65 they will start receiving a monthly pension bf about Bt4OOO

Most farmers earn less than other workers so the fund is neces- sary for their future Charnpittaya said

Other proposals for the bill are being gathered and the contents wi I be improved before its submisshysion to acommittee on rice producshytion and markets and the National Council for Peace and Order


Farmer happiness down from August WICHIT CHANTANUSORNSIRI

Farmer happiness last month dropped subshystantially from its peak last August when they had high hopes of stable income from the Yingluck Shinawatra administrations rice pledging scheme reports a Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BMC) poll

The state-backed farm banks farmer happiness index fell to 7851 in June from its highest level of89 in August said senior executive vice-president Somsak Kangteershyawat The poll surveyed 2346 farmers

Happiness from family health a good society jo b financial position and the quest

for knowledge were the six factors used to measure the index

The survey found happines from the family scored the highest with a score of 341 out offour followed by health at 321 a good society at 320 job at 314 fmancial position at 285 and the quest for knowlshyedge at 274

Farmers from the Northeast regygIiwere the happiest vvith a score of 314 while those from the North scored 313 the South 312 the East 297 and Central 299

Asource at the BMC confirmed Augusts poll was taken when the farmers mood hit a fever pitch as they felt they would receive an elevated level of compensation from the

rice pledging programme The National Council for Peace and

Order (NCPO) is seeking sustainable ways to help farmers after losses from rice pledgshying which offered prices 40-50 higher than the market price could reach 500 billion baht

The juntas measures so far largely includelowering rice production costs and slowing the release of supply to lower price pressure

The source said prices of tapioca sugar cane chicken and pork are gaining in the second half while those of rice corn rubber oil palin and whiteleg shrimp are declirun ~ bull bull imiddotI middot7~

Regarding rice prices the source said the price of paddy with 15 moisture content could average 7500-9000 baht a tonne while Hom Mali prices are projected at 14000-15000 baht in the second the half

Even though the agricultural sector conshytributes only 84 to the countrys GDP there are 167 ffiillion farmers making up 26 of the population

National Statistical Office data shows the ratio of farmers who earned over 100000 baht a year rose to 286 in 2013 from 97 in 2003 while 643 graduated from prfshymary school down from 704 a decade ago Farmers shouldered average debt of 124604 baht per person last year

BANGKOK POST 41 FTIupbeatabout domestic car sales PIYACHART MAIKAEW

The Federation of Thai Industries (FT) remains confident that domestic vehishycle sales will top I million this year defying some car makers projection of sales declining to between 900000 and 980000 vehicles

Domestic demand started picking up in the previous quarter as private firms and farmers bought new pickup trucks for their business expansion and new cultivation said Surapong Paisitpatanapong spokesshyman for the FIrs automotive industry club

The club forecasts pickup truck sales will contribute 55-58 of domestic sales against 442 in 2013 while passenger cars dropped to about 40 from 474 last year

The passenger car market has normalshyised after demand was absorbed by the gov- emments first-time car buyer scheme said Mr Sura pong

The club yesterday cut its 2014 forecast for Thailands automotive output from 24 million vehicles to 22 milliori It also cut domestic sales to 1 million vehicles hom 12 million while exports stand finn at 12 million vehicles

FTI vice-chainnan Suparat Sirisuwan~ nangkura said Thailand was expected to remain in the worlds top 10 automotive manufacturers this year with production in countries such as Canada and Russia also expected to decrease

The International Organization of Motor

Vehicle Manufacturers said Thailand was the worlds ninth-largest automotive manufacturer in 2013 and 10th in 2012 Production (ast year totalled 245 million vehicles the highest in 52 years and up by 014 from 2012

The club yesterday reported that car proshyduction fell by 261 year-on-year in June to 160452 For the first half Thailands car output fell by 29 year-on-year to 952685

Domestic car sales in June totalled 73799 dOVll by 304 on the same period in2013 while 440911 cars were sold in the first half down by 405

By contrast car exports in June rose 657 to 103946 earning the cOUDtry497 billion baht In the first half exports rose 36 to 560047 cars with export value rising 895 to 265 billion baht

The FII yesterday reported that the industrial sentiment index improved for the second straight month in JW1e

The index rose to 884 points accordshying to the FIr which conducted a survey among 1100 industrial operators It stood at 851 points in May when sentiment improved for the first time in seven months

FTI chairman Suphan Mongkholsuthee said sentiment has improved because of the more stable political situation and an increase in purchases of products thanks to the Fifa World Cup football tournament

The industry outlook index for the next three months stood at 1019 points rising from 101 in May

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AUTO EXPORTS INCREASE Despite the sluggish recovery of

the export sector auto shipments continue to expand but still by not enough to counter the reduction in dorriestic demand for cars

The industry has been forced to brake this years production target from 24 million units to 22 million

The target for domestic sales has been lowered from 12 million units to 1million which represents adrop of 251 per cent or 335154 units from last year

Surapong Paisitpattanapong deputy chairman and spokesman of the Federation of Thai Industries Automotive Industry Club said yesterday that lower domestic derriand the end ofthe governments first-car tax-relief programme and the delay in gov~ errirnent and private investment

middotprojects had contributedtothemiddot change in the production target However this new figure is still

middot higherthan the forecast for T8 milshylion units before the big floodiri 2011and domestic demand is

expectedto shitf intoforWard gear i

middotnext quarter~ The economic recovery payshyrnent for farmersuncter the rlceshy

pledgingscherneandreturn of investment will increase revenue l

in other industries and put more rnoney in peoples pockets he middot said

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Temporary charter should furthershyboost confidence ERICH PARPART THE NATION

THE FEDERATION ofThai Industries believes the temporary charter will further increase the confishyden~e ofdomestic and foreign investors along with buslness op~ratrs while the recent strengthening of the baht IS stJlI tolerable for the export industry as long as anyfurther appreciation is neither too rapid nor drastic

_The FTI also said yesterday that its Industries Sentiment Index (TIS) had increased by 44 points since April

The introduction ofthe provisional charter is in line with the politiCal road map of the NCPO [NationaICoimcil for Peace and Order Jand I believe that in generalinvestors andoperators will feel more relaxe and gai~ more confidence that things aremiddot gomgmaccordWlththeNCPOsplansforanewcharshyter the setting up ofan interim government and the possibility of an election in the future said Supant Mongkolsuthree chairman ofthe FTI shy

In his view the country over the past two months has been running on a smooth surface since the Nepo took power a move which has led to an increase in foreign investor confidence certainty over pubh~ II1vestment policy and rising domestic consumptIOn

These factrs will support the recovery and allow _gross domestJC product to expand by 25 percent this year he said


The FTI had been projecting an economic recesshysion before the arrival of the NCPO

As for exports Supant said The strenctheninO of the baht is related to the increased conffdence of foreign investors which has led to an inflow offorshy~ign funds This will have some effect on the export iiidustry but it is still acceptable for exporters since the currencys strengthening pace is not too fast and the Bank ofThailand is still monitoring the situashytion

The export sector will be able to cope with a stronger baht if the rate does not fall below 3050 per US dollar he said -Moreover since the global economy IS continushyII1g to reco~er the FTI is sticking with its export

- growth projectIOn of35-5 per cent for the year According to Bloomberg the baht was valued at

3176 per dollar yesterday The FTI chief pointed out that if the Kingdoms shy

export value were calculated in baht it would already show lO-per-cent growth year on year

Accordingto the central bank export value in May came in at US$1927billiol1 (Bt6124 billion) whIch IS 12 per cent lower than the same period last year in dollar terms - shy

Meanwhile the TmiddotISI has increased for two month~ in a row The indexose from 840 in April to 851 111 May and to 884111 June amidst calmer political waters the economic recovery the liftingof the curfe - and even Fifa World Cup fever which led to an mcrease in overall production orders and sale figures - shyn~eover~TISI fororBers~salesarid prod-udiai- -shyIII allll1dustnes rose from 802796821 points in May to 843 844 879 points respectively in June

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CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough


GRAFT HAS GOT TO GO nvestors from Japan from which Such concern by the Japanese away existing and prospective forshy

the largest amount of Thailands investors should not be ignored eign investors Countless foreign direct foreign investment comes because they have brought the firms and investors have com~

have called for reduced corruption largest amount of direct foreign plained about the extra costs of and improved transparency in order investment into Thailand The doingbusinessinThailandbywhich to help restore confidence in the Japanese invested over 8t290 bil- they mean kickbacks and undershy

Kingdom lion in projects ClPproved by themiddot the-table money that must be to Setsuo luchichief representative Board of Investment last year That bureaucrats and politicians Often

of themiddot Japan External Trade was nearly 30 per cent of the total they have topayin exchange for pro-Organisation (Jetro) for Asean and foreign investment of Btl1 trillion curement deals with state agencies South Asia last week called on the according to 801 data and public projects People who ruling National Council for Peace Thailand has generally remained refuse to pay are routinely left and Order to kick-start good govershy attractiye to foreign investors due behind by their bribe-paying comshynance that includes combating corshy to positive factors such as the avail- petito rs University of the Thai ruption and ensuring transparency ability of skilled labour efficient Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) rec-particularly about doing business in infrastructure and transportation tor Saowanee Thairungroj has esti-Thailand Now its a good time for systems location andthe consider- mated that corruption adds 30 per Thailand to bring about good govshy able size of the domestic market cent to costs for businesses That ernance for the new era he said But our chronic corruption is scaring she says translates into reduced

comoetitiveness for Thai-made Economic and Business Forecasting pay corrupt officials and politi~ians products and reduced credibility for Centre He surmises that the have to cut costs at-the building site Thailand among foreign investors improvement could be due to posi- and that means poorer quality in General Prayuth Chan-ocha has tive public sentiment following the their public projects and thus a risk made tackling corruption a top pri- juntascampaignagainstcorruption to life and limb ority for the ruling military junta He and organised crime The surveyalso Businesses who pay bribes also says the fight will be part of sweepshy showed that bribes paid to officials offset their higher costs by charging ing national reform together with and politiCians by the private sector the consumers more good governance transparency and had declined to 15-25 per cent of middot Since corrupt authorities and an efficient and effective system of project costs frbman average 25-35 politicians make money and bribe-checks-and-balances Thailands per cent previously paying businesses make profits it is corruption index in the first half of Despite the seemingly slight theconsumersandthepublicingenshythis year improved for the first time improvement in the situation (or- eral who suffer in five years according to aUTCC surshy ruption remains amajor problem for They end up paying more uhnecshyvey The indexinJune was registered Thailand essarilyfor products and public proF at 46 out of a possible lOa com- In addition to the weakened ects the quality of which is poorer

pared to 39 last December says competitiveness and reduced cred- Corruption should beeliininated or Thariavath Phonvichai UTCC vice ibility the public asa whole is affect- at least minimised for the sake of rector of research and director of its ed by corruption Contractors who the country and its people

  • 57-07-24 (กรม)
  • 57-07-24 (ใบนำสง)
  • 57-07-24 (กระทรวง)


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Ministry seeks to resume small-lot rice sales in August PETCHANET PRATRUANGKRAI THE NATION

THE COMMERCE MINISTRY is preparshying to resume selling rice from its stockpiles in early August gradually releasing it in small lots of about 5000)0 tonnes a month

Duangporn Rodphaya director-genershyar of the ForeIgn Trade Department said a ~ubcommlttee had agreed the mmistry slthould go ahead and sell rice from the stockpIles and not walt tor completion of a Junta-ordered mspectlOn of the stocks bull I he nce-release planwhlch Will be proshy

posed to the Rice Policy and Management Committee soon includes sales through general auctions to exporters and local traders by government-to-governrrient contracts and through the Agricultural Futures Exchange of Thailand

Puangporn added that the department wopId ensure the stocks are released transshyparent With the Fmance Mmlst and the Prime Minister s 0 ce joint y inspecting the f0cessc

T~e department reported that about 55 per cent ofl800 rice warehouses had so far been inspected by the teams dispatched by the militarys ruling National CounCil for Peace and Order The teams are expected to complete their mission by the end of September

About 18 million tonnes ofrice is reportshy

cerns over roug t an ower pro uction in many countries amid higher demand in many others I here IS a good posslblhty that ThaIland will export 10 million tonnes 9pound nce thIS year It is expected to sell off all 18 million tonnes in its stockpiles within three years she saId

The department reported that Thailand was able to sell 535 million tonnes of rice in the first six months middotup by 50 per cent year on year while export value rose 19 percentto US$27biIlion (nearly Bt86 bilshylion)

As ofJuly 16 the price of5 per cent Thai

Afile photo shows asoldier inspecting rice stockpiles at a warehouse in a eastern province

white rice was quoted at $427 a tonne up from $410 the previous week

She added that production bfThai paddy rice in the 2014-15 harvest season was proshyjected to be less than 38 mi1lion tonnes because of drought in many areas

Charoen Laothamatas president of the Thai Rice Exporters Association said the government should consIder sellIng rice from its stockpiles in small lots of about 100000-200000 tonnes per auction to avoid impacts on the m-rket price

The government has less pressure to accelerate the sale of rice frbm the stocks The country has holder power It should ensure transparency and minimum impacts to the market he said

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INTHE WAKE ofrising concern over the t reatmen t oflabour farmers we1shybeing and the environment in global trading the International Trade Promotion Department is urging more lhal busmesses to seek FairTrade cershytification so that their products are more easily recognised and have a

greater chance in the world market place

At a seminar on Fair Trade Mark and trading of Fair Trade products in theinternationaJ market heldyestershyday by the agencys Office of News Overseas Markets Development and PromotIOn Duan kamol Jlambutr e U Irec or- ener ot e eplrtshy

mentSal t atonlyasmallnumberof thaI compames and sUEP)Lc~~ms current~apphedthe FairTrade Marllt

The epartment lrill therefore continue to support Fair Trade certishyfication by promoting an awareness campaign amongThai man ufacturers and exporters she said

According to the Netherlandsshybased Fair Trade Original organisashytion about 30 Thai companies and supply chains have received FairTrade

certification to date This guarantees that they engage in faii treatment of farmers have good labour conditions use no forced or child labour offer fair prices to suppliers and operate with transparency accountability and respect for the environment equity and freedom lt)nd have fair trading practices

Duangkarnol said the department in cooperation ~th Fair Trade Original now had a target of increasing the number of certified businessshy iSnap es and products by 10 per cent ayear

The main goal is to help agriculshytural and handicraft producers as well as manufactures and exporters to achieve better trading conditions and to promote sustainability she said

Certified members of the Fair Trade programme will likely be able to leverage the quality of their prodshyucts for higher prices with certificashytion ensuring world-class social and environmental standards and more recognition in the international trade area she added

Thai export products alreadyusing the approved Fair Thade logo include

rice coffee tea cane sugar cotton freshfruits herbs and spices ockershywork handicrafts pottery and ceramshyics

The official said the department also would like to encourage busishynesses in the shrimp and fishery secshy

ate consultant for Thailand said the overall value of Fair Trade products had increased considerably in the past few years as consumers now had more awareness about fair trading conditions and the environment

Consumers are willing to pay more for Fair Trade goods if they feel they have bought a product whose manufacture is highly responsible to society Today prices of Fair Trade products are also very competitive

the same as leading brands Enterprises should adapt themselves to produce Fair Trade products in order to ensure sustainable growth

tors to comply with Fair Trade certification so that they do otfaceproblems due to unfa abour treatment Every Fair Trade product is subject to labour-standard checking she explained

Manasnan Pongjayavanij Fair Trade Originals aS60ci~

and access to many markets said the consultant

According to Fair Trade Original the value of fair trade goods in the global market excluding the US rose from 1 billion (Bt427billion) in 1996 to 48 billion in 2012 Expots ofThai fair trade products were wOlth about Bt300 million in 2012

More than 30000 products are now on sale in 125 countries and the global Fair Trade system currently works with over 12 million people across 60 countries

Manasnan said many more Thai products could get the Fair Trade mark So far many local brands sllch as Doi Chang coffee plus local proshyducers of soy sauce chjli sauce pineapples and bananas are wellshy

known for having the mark which is accepted widely

Martin Boon development manshyager for Fai~Trade Original in the Netherlands told the seminar that with the global market having growshying recognition of Fair Trade prodshyucts many markets were increasing demand for products carrying the logo - and that Thailand had high potential to serve sllch worldwide demand


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THE NATION ~ JULY 20141lI Sihasak reassures EUteam over juntas reform roadmap SUPALAK GANJANAKHUN DEE THE NATION BRUSSELS

EARLY ELECTIONS vtithout reform would not help restore proper democshyracy to Thailand That was the message related by acting Foreign Minister Sihasak Phuangketkeow when he met his counterpart from the European Union in Belgium this week In a bilateral meeting with David OSullivan chief operating officer ofthe European External Action Service Sihasak said Thailand had a clear roadmap to restore sustainable democshyracy and that the EU should support

this process of reform The roadmap and its related reform

will help strengthen our political econshyomy and will also be of benefit to our partnership with theEUin the longnm he said

Sihasak was in Brussels for a minisshyterial meeting between representatives ofAsean and the EU and spent much of his time briefing representatives of Eillopean nations aboutthe situation in Thailand

The E U along with the US and other Western countries strongly criticised themilitaryforits May 22 coup The EU suspended a number of cooperations withThailand as well as several visits by high -level officials It also recommendshyed that member states review military cooperation with Thailand

The EU said last month that it wouldmiddot

not sign a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Thailand and that the negotiation of a free-trade agreement (FTA) would not conclude until an electshyed government was in place

Sihasak told OSullivan that an electshyed government would come eventually Before that however Thailand needed time to implement reform to have a strong democracy

The time frame of 15 months or so for the reform is not too long ifwe want to make sure that our system and democracy are sustainable he said

Thai people are aware of the issues facing our country and we are working on addressing these concerns so the EU as a partner should support us

The EUhas the right to voice its conshycerns about the situation in Thailand

middot but it should also ensure it is sufficientshyly informed on specific cases he said

Concerning detention and martial law the EU should make sure it has corshyrect information about who is under

middot detention and if there are concerns about human-rights violations the EU should specify the cases he said

Sihasak discussed the situation in Thailand Vlrith many European MPs

middot while in BrusselsTheyincludeq Franck Proust special rapporteur on the FTA and Samuel Cantell head of the ecoshynomic trade and regional cooperation delegation Many of them have experishyence in engaging with Thailand and have a clear understanding ofthe current sitshyuation in the country Sihasak said


Pension scheme for farmers proposed

Farmers in the future might look forward to retiring on a government pension

Charnpittaya Chimplee directorshygeneral of the Rice Oepartment said yesterday ttiat under a draft bill dealing with the rice development fund members would contribute about 3per cent of their monthly income to the fund and the state wou ~d also chip in ayet-unspecified amount

When farmers reach the age of 60 or 65 they will start receiving a monthly pension bf about Bt4OOO

Most farmers earn less than other workers so the fund is neces- sary for their future Charnpittaya said

Other proposals for the bill are being gathered and the contents wi I be improved before its submisshysion to acommittee on rice producshytion and markets and the National Council for Peace and Order


Farmer happiness down from August WICHIT CHANTANUSORNSIRI

Farmer happiness last month dropped subshystantially from its peak last August when they had high hopes of stable income from the Yingluck Shinawatra administrations rice pledging scheme reports a Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BMC) poll

The state-backed farm banks farmer happiness index fell to 7851 in June from its highest level of89 in August said senior executive vice-president Somsak Kangteershyawat The poll surveyed 2346 farmers

Happiness from family health a good society jo b financial position and the quest

for knowledge were the six factors used to measure the index

The survey found happines from the family scored the highest with a score of 341 out offour followed by health at 321 a good society at 320 job at 314 fmancial position at 285 and the quest for knowlshyedge at 274

Farmers from the Northeast regygIiwere the happiest vvith a score of 314 while those from the North scored 313 the South 312 the East 297 and Central 299

Asource at the BMC confirmed Augusts poll was taken when the farmers mood hit a fever pitch as they felt they would receive an elevated level of compensation from the

rice pledging programme The National Council for Peace and

Order (NCPO) is seeking sustainable ways to help farmers after losses from rice pledgshying which offered prices 40-50 higher than the market price could reach 500 billion baht

The juntas measures so far largely includelowering rice production costs and slowing the release of supply to lower price pressure

The source said prices of tapioca sugar cane chicken and pork are gaining in the second half while those of rice corn rubber oil palin and whiteleg shrimp are declirun ~ bull bull imiddotI middot7~

Regarding rice prices the source said the price of paddy with 15 moisture content could average 7500-9000 baht a tonne while Hom Mali prices are projected at 14000-15000 baht in the second the half

Even though the agricultural sector conshytributes only 84 to the countrys GDP there are 167 ffiillion farmers making up 26 of the population

National Statistical Office data shows the ratio of farmers who earned over 100000 baht a year rose to 286 in 2013 from 97 in 2003 while 643 graduated from prfshymary school down from 704 a decade ago Farmers shouldered average debt of 124604 baht per person last year

BANGKOK POST 41 FTIupbeatabout domestic car sales PIYACHART MAIKAEW

The Federation of Thai Industries (FT) remains confident that domestic vehishycle sales will top I million this year defying some car makers projection of sales declining to between 900000 and 980000 vehicles

Domestic demand started picking up in the previous quarter as private firms and farmers bought new pickup trucks for their business expansion and new cultivation said Surapong Paisitpatanapong spokesshyman for the FIrs automotive industry club

The club forecasts pickup truck sales will contribute 55-58 of domestic sales against 442 in 2013 while passenger cars dropped to about 40 from 474 last year

The passenger car market has normalshyised after demand was absorbed by the gov- emments first-time car buyer scheme said Mr Sura pong

The club yesterday cut its 2014 forecast for Thailands automotive output from 24 million vehicles to 22 milliori It also cut domestic sales to 1 million vehicles hom 12 million while exports stand finn at 12 million vehicles

FTI vice-chainnan Suparat Sirisuwan~ nangkura said Thailand was expected to remain in the worlds top 10 automotive manufacturers this year with production in countries such as Canada and Russia also expected to decrease

The International Organization of Motor

Vehicle Manufacturers said Thailand was the worlds ninth-largest automotive manufacturer in 2013 and 10th in 2012 Production (ast year totalled 245 million vehicles the highest in 52 years and up by 014 from 2012

The club yesterday reported that car proshyduction fell by 261 year-on-year in June to 160452 For the first half Thailands car output fell by 29 year-on-year to 952685

Domestic car sales in June totalled 73799 dOVll by 304 on the same period in2013 while 440911 cars were sold in the first half down by 405

By contrast car exports in June rose 657 to 103946 earning the cOUDtry497 billion baht In the first half exports rose 36 to 560047 cars with export value rising 895 to 265 billion baht

The FII yesterday reported that the industrial sentiment index improved for the second straight month in JW1e

The index rose to 884 points accordshying to the FIr which conducted a survey among 1100 industrial operators It stood at 851 points in May when sentiment improved for the first time in seven months

FTI chairman Suphan Mongkholsuthee said sentiment has improved because of the more stable political situation and an increase in purchases of products thanks to the Fifa World Cup football tournament

The industry outlook index for the next three months stood at 1019 points rising from 101 in May

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AUTO EXPORTS INCREASE Despite the sluggish recovery of

the export sector auto shipments continue to expand but still by not enough to counter the reduction in dorriestic demand for cars

The industry has been forced to brake this years production target from 24 million units to 22 million

The target for domestic sales has been lowered from 12 million units to 1million which represents adrop of 251 per cent or 335154 units from last year

Surapong Paisitpattanapong deputy chairman and spokesman of the Federation of Thai Industries Automotive Industry Club said yesterday that lower domestic derriand the end ofthe governments first-car tax-relief programme and the delay in gov~ errirnent and private investment

middotprojects had contributedtothemiddot change in the production target However this new figure is still

middot higherthan the forecast for T8 milshylion units before the big floodiri 2011and domestic demand is

expectedto shitf intoforWard gear i

middotnext quarter~ The economic recovery payshyrnent for farmersuncter the rlceshy

pledgingscherneandreturn of investment will increase revenue l

in other industries and put more rnoney in peoples pockets he middot said

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Temporary charter should furthershyboost confidence ERICH PARPART THE NATION

THE FEDERATION ofThai Industries believes the temporary charter will further increase the confishyden~e ofdomestic and foreign investors along with buslness op~ratrs while the recent strengthening of the baht IS stJlI tolerable for the export industry as long as anyfurther appreciation is neither too rapid nor drastic

_The FTI also said yesterday that its Industries Sentiment Index (TIS) had increased by 44 points since April

The introduction ofthe provisional charter is in line with the politiCal road map of the NCPO [NationaICoimcil for Peace and Order Jand I believe that in generalinvestors andoperators will feel more relaxe and gai~ more confidence that things aremiddot gomgmaccordWlththeNCPOsplansforanewcharshyter the setting up ofan interim government and the possibility of an election in the future said Supant Mongkolsuthree chairman ofthe FTI shy

In his view the country over the past two months has been running on a smooth surface since the Nepo took power a move which has led to an increase in foreign investor confidence certainty over pubh~ II1vestment policy and rising domestic consumptIOn

These factrs will support the recovery and allow _gross domestJC product to expand by 25 percent this year he said


The FTI had been projecting an economic recesshysion before the arrival of the NCPO

As for exports Supant said The strenctheninO of the baht is related to the increased conffdence of foreign investors which has led to an inflow offorshy~ign funds This will have some effect on the export iiidustry but it is still acceptable for exporters since the currencys strengthening pace is not too fast and the Bank ofThailand is still monitoring the situashytion

The export sector will be able to cope with a stronger baht if the rate does not fall below 3050 per US dollar he said -Moreover since the global economy IS continushyII1g to reco~er the FTI is sticking with its export

- growth projectIOn of35-5 per cent for the year According to Bloomberg the baht was valued at

3176 per dollar yesterday The FTI chief pointed out that if the Kingdoms shy

export value were calculated in baht it would already show lO-per-cent growth year on year

Accordingto the central bank export value in May came in at US$1927billiol1 (Bt6124 billion) whIch IS 12 per cent lower than the same period last year in dollar terms - shy

Meanwhile the TmiddotISI has increased for two month~ in a row The indexose from 840 in April to 851 111 May and to 884111 June amidst calmer political waters the economic recovery the liftingof the curfe - and even Fifa World Cup fever which led to an mcrease in overall production orders and sale figures - shyn~eover~TISI fororBers~salesarid prod-udiai- -shyIII allll1dustnes rose from 802796821 points in May to 843 844 879 points respectively in June

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CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough


GRAFT HAS GOT TO GO nvestors from Japan from which Such concern by the Japanese away existing and prospective forshy

the largest amount of Thailands investors should not be ignored eign investors Countless foreign direct foreign investment comes because they have brought the firms and investors have com~

have called for reduced corruption largest amount of direct foreign plained about the extra costs of and improved transparency in order investment into Thailand The doingbusinessinThailandbywhich to help restore confidence in the Japanese invested over 8t290 bil- they mean kickbacks and undershy

Kingdom lion in projects ClPproved by themiddot the-table money that must be to Setsuo luchichief representative Board of Investment last year That bureaucrats and politicians Often

of themiddot Japan External Trade was nearly 30 per cent of the total they have topayin exchange for pro-Organisation (Jetro) for Asean and foreign investment of Btl1 trillion curement deals with state agencies South Asia last week called on the according to 801 data and public projects People who ruling National Council for Peace Thailand has generally remained refuse to pay are routinely left and Order to kick-start good govershy attractiye to foreign investors due behind by their bribe-paying comshynance that includes combating corshy to positive factors such as the avail- petito rs University of the Thai ruption and ensuring transparency ability of skilled labour efficient Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) rec-particularly about doing business in infrastructure and transportation tor Saowanee Thairungroj has esti-Thailand Now its a good time for systems location andthe consider- mated that corruption adds 30 per Thailand to bring about good govshy able size of the domestic market cent to costs for businesses That ernance for the new era he said But our chronic corruption is scaring she says translates into reduced

comoetitiveness for Thai-made Economic and Business Forecasting pay corrupt officials and politi~ians products and reduced credibility for Centre He surmises that the have to cut costs at-the building site Thailand among foreign investors improvement could be due to posi- and that means poorer quality in General Prayuth Chan-ocha has tive public sentiment following the their public projects and thus a risk made tackling corruption a top pri- juntascampaignagainstcorruption to life and limb ority for the ruling military junta He and organised crime The surveyalso Businesses who pay bribes also says the fight will be part of sweepshy showed that bribes paid to officials offset their higher costs by charging ing national reform together with and politiCians by the private sector the consumers more good governance transparency and had declined to 15-25 per cent of middot Since corrupt authorities and an efficient and effective system of project costs frbman average 25-35 politicians make money and bribe-checks-and-balances Thailands per cent previously paying businesses make profits it is corruption index in the first half of Despite the seemingly slight theconsumersandthepublicingenshythis year improved for the first time improvement in the situation (or- eral who suffer in five years according to aUTCC surshy ruption remains amajor problem for They end up paying more uhnecshyvey The indexinJune was registered Thailand essarilyfor products and public proF at 46 out of a possible lOa com- In addition to the weakened ects the quality of which is poorer

pared to 39 last December says competitiveness and reduced cred- Corruption should beeliininated or Thariavath Phonvichai UTCC vice ibility the public asa whole is affect- at least minimised for the sake of rector of research and director of its ed by corruption Contractors who the country and its people

  • 57-07-24 (กรม)
  • 57-07-24 (ใบนำสง)
  • 57-07-24 (กระทรวง)

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Ministry seeks to resume small-lot rice sales in August PETCHANET PRATRUANGKRAI THE NATION

THE COMMERCE MINISTRY is preparshying to resume selling rice from its stockpiles in early August gradually releasing it in small lots of about 5000)0 tonnes a month

Duangporn Rodphaya director-genershyar of the ForeIgn Trade Department said a ~ubcommlttee had agreed the mmistry slthould go ahead and sell rice from the stockpIles and not walt tor completion of a Junta-ordered mspectlOn of the stocks bull I he nce-release planwhlch Will be proshy

posed to the Rice Policy and Management Committee soon includes sales through general auctions to exporters and local traders by government-to-governrrient contracts and through the Agricultural Futures Exchange of Thailand

Puangporn added that the department wopId ensure the stocks are released transshyparent With the Fmance Mmlst and the Prime Minister s 0 ce joint y inspecting the f0cessc

T~e department reported that about 55 per cent ofl800 rice warehouses had so far been inspected by the teams dispatched by the militarys ruling National CounCil for Peace and Order The teams are expected to complete their mission by the end of September

About 18 million tonnes ofrice is reportshy

cerns over roug t an ower pro uction in many countries amid higher demand in many others I here IS a good posslblhty that ThaIland will export 10 million tonnes 9pound nce thIS year It is expected to sell off all 18 million tonnes in its stockpiles within three years she saId

The department reported that Thailand was able to sell 535 million tonnes of rice in the first six months middotup by 50 per cent year on year while export value rose 19 percentto US$27biIlion (nearly Bt86 bilshylion)

As ofJuly 16 the price of5 per cent Thai

Afile photo shows asoldier inspecting rice stockpiles at a warehouse in a eastern province

white rice was quoted at $427 a tonne up from $410 the previous week

She added that production bfThai paddy rice in the 2014-15 harvest season was proshyjected to be less than 38 mi1lion tonnes because of drought in many areas

Charoen Laothamatas president of the Thai Rice Exporters Association said the government should consIder sellIng rice from its stockpiles in small lots of about 100000-200000 tonnes per auction to avoid impacts on the m-rket price

The government has less pressure to accelerate the sale of rice frbm the stocks The country has holder power It should ensure transparency and minimum impacts to the market he said

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INTHE WAKE ofrising concern over the t reatmen t oflabour farmers we1shybeing and the environment in global trading the International Trade Promotion Department is urging more lhal busmesses to seek FairTrade cershytification so that their products are more easily recognised and have a

greater chance in the world market place

At a seminar on Fair Trade Mark and trading of Fair Trade products in theinternationaJ market heldyestershyday by the agencys Office of News Overseas Markets Development and PromotIOn Duan kamol Jlambutr e U Irec or- ener ot e eplrtshy

mentSal t atonlyasmallnumberof thaI compames and sUEP)Lc~~ms current~apphedthe FairTrade Marllt

The epartment lrill therefore continue to support Fair Trade certishyfication by promoting an awareness campaign amongThai man ufacturers and exporters she said

According to the Netherlandsshybased Fair Trade Original organisashytion about 30 Thai companies and supply chains have received FairTrade

certification to date This guarantees that they engage in faii treatment of farmers have good labour conditions use no forced or child labour offer fair prices to suppliers and operate with transparency accountability and respect for the environment equity and freedom lt)nd have fair trading practices

Duangkarnol said the department in cooperation ~th Fair Trade Original now had a target of increasing the number of certified businessshy iSnap es and products by 10 per cent ayear

The main goal is to help agriculshytural and handicraft producers as well as manufactures and exporters to achieve better trading conditions and to promote sustainability she said

Certified members of the Fair Trade programme will likely be able to leverage the quality of their prodshyucts for higher prices with certificashytion ensuring world-class social and environmental standards and more recognition in the international trade area she added

Thai export products alreadyusing the approved Fair Thade logo include

rice coffee tea cane sugar cotton freshfruits herbs and spices ockershywork handicrafts pottery and ceramshyics

The official said the department also would like to encourage busishynesses in the shrimp and fishery secshy

ate consultant for Thailand said the overall value of Fair Trade products had increased considerably in the past few years as consumers now had more awareness about fair trading conditions and the environment

Consumers are willing to pay more for Fair Trade goods if they feel they have bought a product whose manufacture is highly responsible to society Today prices of Fair Trade products are also very competitive

the same as leading brands Enterprises should adapt themselves to produce Fair Trade products in order to ensure sustainable growth

tors to comply with Fair Trade certification so that they do otfaceproblems due to unfa abour treatment Every Fair Trade product is subject to labour-standard checking she explained

Manasnan Pongjayavanij Fair Trade Originals aS60ci~

and access to many markets said the consultant

According to Fair Trade Original the value of fair trade goods in the global market excluding the US rose from 1 billion (Bt427billion) in 1996 to 48 billion in 2012 Expots ofThai fair trade products were wOlth about Bt300 million in 2012

More than 30000 products are now on sale in 125 countries and the global Fair Trade system currently works with over 12 million people across 60 countries

Manasnan said many more Thai products could get the Fair Trade mark So far many local brands sllch as Doi Chang coffee plus local proshyducers of soy sauce chjli sauce pineapples and bananas are wellshy

known for having the mark which is accepted widely

Martin Boon development manshyager for Fai~Trade Original in the Netherlands told the seminar that with the global market having growshying recognition of Fair Trade prodshyucts many markets were increasing demand for products carrying the logo - and that Thailand had high potential to serve sllch worldwide demand


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THE NATION ~ JULY 20141lI Sihasak reassures EUteam over juntas reform roadmap SUPALAK GANJANAKHUN DEE THE NATION BRUSSELS

EARLY ELECTIONS vtithout reform would not help restore proper democshyracy to Thailand That was the message related by acting Foreign Minister Sihasak Phuangketkeow when he met his counterpart from the European Union in Belgium this week In a bilateral meeting with David OSullivan chief operating officer ofthe European External Action Service Sihasak said Thailand had a clear roadmap to restore sustainable democshyracy and that the EU should support

this process of reform The roadmap and its related reform

will help strengthen our political econshyomy and will also be of benefit to our partnership with theEUin the longnm he said

Sihasak was in Brussels for a minisshyterial meeting between representatives ofAsean and the EU and spent much of his time briefing representatives of Eillopean nations aboutthe situation in Thailand

The E U along with the US and other Western countries strongly criticised themilitaryforits May 22 coup The EU suspended a number of cooperations withThailand as well as several visits by high -level officials It also recommendshyed that member states review military cooperation with Thailand

The EU said last month that it wouldmiddot

not sign a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Thailand and that the negotiation of a free-trade agreement (FTA) would not conclude until an electshyed government was in place

Sihasak told OSullivan that an electshyed government would come eventually Before that however Thailand needed time to implement reform to have a strong democracy

The time frame of 15 months or so for the reform is not too long ifwe want to make sure that our system and democracy are sustainable he said

Thai people are aware of the issues facing our country and we are working on addressing these concerns so the EU as a partner should support us

The EUhas the right to voice its conshycerns about the situation in Thailand

middot but it should also ensure it is sufficientshyly informed on specific cases he said

Concerning detention and martial law the EU should make sure it has corshyrect information about who is under

middot detention and if there are concerns about human-rights violations the EU should specify the cases he said

Sihasak discussed the situation in Thailand Vlrith many European MPs

middot while in BrusselsTheyincludeq Franck Proust special rapporteur on the FTA and Samuel Cantell head of the ecoshynomic trade and regional cooperation delegation Many of them have experishyence in engaging with Thailand and have a clear understanding ofthe current sitshyuation in the country Sihasak said


Pension scheme for farmers proposed

Farmers in the future might look forward to retiring on a government pension

Charnpittaya Chimplee directorshygeneral of the Rice Oepartment said yesterday ttiat under a draft bill dealing with the rice development fund members would contribute about 3per cent of their monthly income to the fund and the state wou ~d also chip in ayet-unspecified amount

When farmers reach the age of 60 or 65 they will start receiving a monthly pension bf about Bt4OOO

Most farmers earn less than other workers so the fund is neces- sary for their future Charnpittaya said

Other proposals for the bill are being gathered and the contents wi I be improved before its submisshysion to acommittee on rice producshytion and markets and the National Council for Peace and Order


Farmer happiness down from August WICHIT CHANTANUSORNSIRI

Farmer happiness last month dropped subshystantially from its peak last August when they had high hopes of stable income from the Yingluck Shinawatra administrations rice pledging scheme reports a Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BMC) poll

The state-backed farm banks farmer happiness index fell to 7851 in June from its highest level of89 in August said senior executive vice-president Somsak Kangteershyawat The poll surveyed 2346 farmers

Happiness from family health a good society jo b financial position and the quest

for knowledge were the six factors used to measure the index

The survey found happines from the family scored the highest with a score of 341 out offour followed by health at 321 a good society at 320 job at 314 fmancial position at 285 and the quest for knowlshyedge at 274

Farmers from the Northeast regygIiwere the happiest vvith a score of 314 while those from the North scored 313 the South 312 the East 297 and Central 299

Asource at the BMC confirmed Augusts poll was taken when the farmers mood hit a fever pitch as they felt they would receive an elevated level of compensation from the

rice pledging programme The National Council for Peace and

Order (NCPO) is seeking sustainable ways to help farmers after losses from rice pledgshying which offered prices 40-50 higher than the market price could reach 500 billion baht

The juntas measures so far largely includelowering rice production costs and slowing the release of supply to lower price pressure

The source said prices of tapioca sugar cane chicken and pork are gaining in the second half while those of rice corn rubber oil palin and whiteleg shrimp are declirun ~ bull bull imiddotI middot7~

Regarding rice prices the source said the price of paddy with 15 moisture content could average 7500-9000 baht a tonne while Hom Mali prices are projected at 14000-15000 baht in the second the half

Even though the agricultural sector conshytributes only 84 to the countrys GDP there are 167 ffiillion farmers making up 26 of the population

National Statistical Office data shows the ratio of farmers who earned over 100000 baht a year rose to 286 in 2013 from 97 in 2003 while 643 graduated from prfshymary school down from 704 a decade ago Farmers shouldered average debt of 124604 baht per person last year

BANGKOK POST 41 FTIupbeatabout domestic car sales PIYACHART MAIKAEW

The Federation of Thai Industries (FT) remains confident that domestic vehishycle sales will top I million this year defying some car makers projection of sales declining to between 900000 and 980000 vehicles

Domestic demand started picking up in the previous quarter as private firms and farmers bought new pickup trucks for their business expansion and new cultivation said Surapong Paisitpatanapong spokesshyman for the FIrs automotive industry club

The club forecasts pickup truck sales will contribute 55-58 of domestic sales against 442 in 2013 while passenger cars dropped to about 40 from 474 last year

The passenger car market has normalshyised after demand was absorbed by the gov- emments first-time car buyer scheme said Mr Sura pong

The club yesterday cut its 2014 forecast for Thailands automotive output from 24 million vehicles to 22 milliori It also cut domestic sales to 1 million vehicles hom 12 million while exports stand finn at 12 million vehicles

FTI vice-chainnan Suparat Sirisuwan~ nangkura said Thailand was expected to remain in the worlds top 10 automotive manufacturers this year with production in countries such as Canada and Russia also expected to decrease

The International Organization of Motor

Vehicle Manufacturers said Thailand was the worlds ninth-largest automotive manufacturer in 2013 and 10th in 2012 Production (ast year totalled 245 million vehicles the highest in 52 years and up by 014 from 2012

The club yesterday reported that car proshyduction fell by 261 year-on-year in June to 160452 For the first half Thailands car output fell by 29 year-on-year to 952685

Domestic car sales in June totalled 73799 dOVll by 304 on the same period in2013 while 440911 cars were sold in the first half down by 405

By contrast car exports in June rose 657 to 103946 earning the cOUDtry497 billion baht In the first half exports rose 36 to 560047 cars with export value rising 895 to 265 billion baht

The FII yesterday reported that the industrial sentiment index improved for the second straight month in JW1e

The index rose to 884 points accordshying to the FIr which conducted a survey among 1100 industrial operators It stood at 851 points in May when sentiment improved for the first time in seven months

FTI chairman Suphan Mongkholsuthee said sentiment has improved because of the more stable political situation and an increase in purchases of products thanks to the Fifa World Cup football tournament

The industry outlook index for the next three months stood at 1019 points rising from 101 in May

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AUTO EXPORTS INCREASE Despite the sluggish recovery of

the export sector auto shipments continue to expand but still by not enough to counter the reduction in dorriestic demand for cars

The industry has been forced to brake this years production target from 24 million units to 22 million

The target for domestic sales has been lowered from 12 million units to 1million which represents adrop of 251 per cent or 335154 units from last year

Surapong Paisitpattanapong deputy chairman and spokesman of the Federation of Thai Industries Automotive Industry Club said yesterday that lower domestic derriand the end ofthe governments first-car tax-relief programme and the delay in gov~ errirnent and private investment

middotprojects had contributedtothemiddot change in the production target However this new figure is still

middot higherthan the forecast for T8 milshylion units before the big floodiri 2011and domestic demand is

expectedto shitf intoforWard gear i

middotnext quarter~ The economic recovery payshyrnent for farmersuncter the rlceshy

pledgingscherneandreturn of investment will increase revenue l

in other industries and put more rnoney in peoples pockets he middot said

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Temporary charter should furthershyboost confidence ERICH PARPART THE NATION

THE FEDERATION ofThai Industries believes the temporary charter will further increase the confishyden~e ofdomestic and foreign investors along with buslness op~ratrs while the recent strengthening of the baht IS stJlI tolerable for the export industry as long as anyfurther appreciation is neither too rapid nor drastic

_The FTI also said yesterday that its Industries Sentiment Index (TIS) had increased by 44 points since April

The introduction ofthe provisional charter is in line with the politiCal road map of the NCPO [NationaICoimcil for Peace and Order Jand I believe that in generalinvestors andoperators will feel more relaxe and gai~ more confidence that things aremiddot gomgmaccordWlththeNCPOsplansforanewcharshyter the setting up ofan interim government and the possibility of an election in the future said Supant Mongkolsuthree chairman ofthe FTI shy

In his view the country over the past two months has been running on a smooth surface since the Nepo took power a move which has led to an increase in foreign investor confidence certainty over pubh~ II1vestment policy and rising domestic consumptIOn

These factrs will support the recovery and allow _gross domestJC product to expand by 25 percent this year he said


The FTI had been projecting an economic recesshysion before the arrival of the NCPO

As for exports Supant said The strenctheninO of the baht is related to the increased conffdence of foreign investors which has led to an inflow offorshy~ign funds This will have some effect on the export iiidustry but it is still acceptable for exporters since the currencys strengthening pace is not too fast and the Bank ofThailand is still monitoring the situashytion

The export sector will be able to cope with a stronger baht if the rate does not fall below 3050 per US dollar he said -Moreover since the global economy IS continushyII1g to reco~er the FTI is sticking with its export

- growth projectIOn of35-5 per cent for the year According to Bloomberg the baht was valued at

3176 per dollar yesterday The FTI chief pointed out that if the Kingdoms shy

export value were calculated in baht it would already show lO-per-cent growth year on year

Accordingto the central bank export value in May came in at US$1927billiol1 (Bt6124 billion) whIch IS 12 per cent lower than the same period last year in dollar terms - shy

Meanwhile the TmiddotISI has increased for two month~ in a row The indexose from 840 in April to 851 111 May and to 884111 June amidst calmer political waters the economic recovery the liftingof the curfe - and even Fifa World Cup fever which led to an mcrease in overall production orders and sale figures - shyn~eover~TISI fororBers~salesarid prod-udiai- -shyIII allll1dustnes rose from 802796821 points in May to 843 844 879 points respectively in June

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CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough


GRAFT HAS GOT TO GO nvestors from Japan from which Such concern by the Japanese away existing and prospective forshy

the largest amount of Thailands investors should not be ignored eign investors Countless foreign direct foreign investment comes because they have brought the firms and investors have com~

have called for reduced corruption largest amount of direct foreign plained about the extra costs of and improved transparency in order investment into Thailand The doingbusinessinThailandbywhich to help restore confidence in the Japanese invested over 8t290 bil- they mean kickbacks and undershy

Kingdom lion in projects ClPproved by themiddot the-table money that must be to Setsuo luchichief representative Board of Investment last year That bureaucrats and politicians Often

of themiddot Japan External Trade was nearly 30 per cent of the total they have topayin exchange for pro-Organisation (Jetro) for Asean and foreign investment of Btl1 trillion curement deals with state agencies South Asia last week called on the according to 801 data and public projects People who ruling National Council for Peace Thailand has generally remained refuse to pay are routinely left and Order to kick-start good govershy attractiye to foreign investors due behind by their bribe-paying comshynance that includes combating corshy to positive factors such as the avail- petito rs University of the Thai ruption and ensuring transparency ability of skilled labour efficient Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) rec-particularly about doing business in infrastructure and transportation tor Saowanee Thairungroj has esti-Thailand Now its a good time for systems location andthe consider- mated that corruption adds 30 per Thailand to bring about good govshy able size of the domestic market cent to costs for businesses That ernance for the new era he said But our chronic corruption is scaring she says translates into reduced

comoetitiveness for Thai-made Economic and Business Forecasting pay corrupt officials and politi~ians products and reduced credibility for Centre He surmises that the have to cut costs at-the building site Thailand among foreign investors improvement could be due to posi- and that means poorer quality in General Prayuth Chan-ocha has tive public sentiment following the their public projects and thus a risk made tackling corruption a top pri- juntascampaignagainstcorruption to life and limb ority for the ruling military junta He and organised crime The surveyalso Businesses who pay bribes also says the fight will be part of sweepshy showed that bribes paid to officials offset their higher costs by charging ing national reform together with and politiCians by the private sector the consumers more good governance transparency and had declined to 15-25 per cent of middot Since corrupt authorities and an efficient and effective system of project costs frbman average 25-35 politicians make money and bribe-checks-and-balances Thailands per cent previously paying businesses make profits it is corruption index in the first half of Despite the seemingly slight theconsumersandthepublicingenshythis year improved for the first time improvement in the situation (or- eral who suffer in five years according to aUTCC surshy ruption remains amajor problem for They end up paying more uhnecshyvey The indexinJune was registered Thailand essarilyfor products and public proF at 46 out of a possible lOa com- In addition to the weakened ects the quality of which is poorer

pared to 39 last December says competitiveness and reduced cred- Corruption should beeliininated or Thariavath Phonvichai UTCC vice ibility the public asa whole is affect- at least minimised for the sake of rector of research and director of its ed by corruption Contractors who the country and its people

  • 57-07-24 (กรม)
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Ministry seeks to resume small-lot rice sales in August PETCHANET PRATRUANGKRAI THE NATION

THE COMMERCE MINISTRY is preparshying to resume selling rice from its stockpiles in early August gradually releasing it in small lots of about 5000)0 tonnes a month

Duangporn Rodphaya director-genershyar of the ForeIgn Trade Department said a ~ubcommlttee had agreed the mmistry slthould go ahead and sell rice from the stockpIles and not walt tor completion of a Junta-ordered mspectlOn of the stocks bull I he nce-release planwhlch Will be proshy

posed to the Rice Policy and Management Committee soon includes sales through general auctions to exporters and local traders by government-to-governrrient contracts and through the Agricultural Futures Exchange of Thailand

Puangporn added that the department wopId ensure the stocks are released transshyparent With the Fmance Mmlst and the Prime Minister s 0 ce joint y inspecting the f0cessc

T~e department reported that about 55 per cent ofl800 rice warehouses had so far been inspected by the teams dispatched by the militarys ruling National CounCil for Peace and Order The teams are expected to complete their mission by the end of September

About 18 million tonnes ofrice is reportshy

cerns over roug t an ower pro uction in many countries amid higher demand in many others I here IS a good posslblhty that ThaIland will export 10 million tonnes 9pound nce thIS year It is expected to sell off all 18 million tonnes in its stockpiles within three years she saId

The department reported that Thailand was able to sell 535 million tonnes of rice in the first six months middotup by 50 per cent year on year while export value rose 19 percentto US$27biIlion (nearly Bt86 bilshylion)

As ofJuly 16 the price of5 per cent Thai

Afile photo shows asoldier inspecting rice stockpiles at a warehouse in a eastern province

white rice was quoted at $427 a tonne up from $410 the previous week

She added that production bfThai paddy rice in the 2014-15 harvest season was proshyjected to be less than 38 mi1lion tonnes because of drought in many areas

Charoen Laothamatas president of the Thai Rice Exporters Association said the government should consIder sellIng rice from its stockpiles in small lots of about 100000-200000 tonnes per auction to avoid impacts on the m-rket price

The government has less pressure to accelerate the sale of rice frbm the stocks The country has holder power It should ensure transparency and minimum impacts to the market he said

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INTHE WAKE ofrising concern over the t reatmen t oflabour farmers we1shybeing and the environment in global trading the International Trade Promotion Department is urging more lhal busmesses to seek FairTrade cershytification so that their products are more easily recognised and have a

greater chance in the world market place

At a seminar on Fair Trade Mark and trading of Fair Trade products in theinternationaJ market heldyestershyday by the agencys Office of News Overseas Markets Development and PromotIOn Duan kamol Jlambutr e U Irec or- ener ot e eplrtshy

mentSal t atonlyasmallnumberof thaI compames and sUEP)Lc~~ms current~apphedthe FairTrade Marllt

The epartment lrill therefore continue to support Fair Trade certishyfication by promoting an awareness campaign amongThai man ufacturers and exporters she said

According to the Netherlandsshybased Fair Trade Original organisashytion about 30 Thai companies and supply chains have received FairTrade

certification to date This guarantees that they engage in faii treatment of farmers have good labour conditions use no forced or child labour offer fair prices to suppliers and operate with transparency accountability and respect for the environment equity and freedom lt)nd have fair trading practices

Duangkarnol said the department in cooperation ~th Fair Trade Original now had a target of increasing the number of certified businessshy iSnap es and products by 10 per cent ayear

The main goal is to help agriculshytural and handicraft producers as well as manufactures and exporters to achieve better trading conditions and to promote sustainability she said

Certified members of the Fair Trade programme will likely be able to leverage the quality of their prodshyucts for higher prices with certificashytion ensuring world-class social and environmental standards and more recognition in the international trade area she added

Thai export products alreadyusing the approved Fair Thade logo include

rice coffee tea cane sugar cotton freshfruits herbs and spices ockershywork handicrafts pottery and ceramshyics

The official said the department also would like to encourage busishynesses in the shrimp and fishery secshy

ate consultant for Thailand said the overall value of Fair Trade products had increased considerably in the past few years as consumers now had more awareness about fair trading conditions and the environment

Consumers are willing to pay more for Fair Trade goods if they feel they have bought a product whose manufacture is highly responsible to society Today prices of Fair Trade products are also very competitive

the same as leading brands Enterprises should adapt themselves to produce Fair Trade products in order to ensure sustainable growth

tors to comply with Fair Trade certification so that they do otfaceproblems due to unfa abour treatment Every Fair Trade product is subject to labour-standard checking she explained

Manasnan Pongjayavanij Fair Trade Originals aS60ci~

and access to many markets said the consultant

According to Fair Trade Original the value of fair trade goods in the global market excluding the US rose from 1 billion (Bt427billion) in 1996 to 48 billion in 2012 Expots ofThai fair trade products were wOlth about Bt300 million in 2012

More than 30000 products are now on sale in 125 countries and the global Fair Trade system currently works with over 12 million people across 60 countries

Manasnan said many more Thai products could get the Fair Trade mark So far many local brands sllch as Doi Chang coffee plus local proshyducers of soy sauce chjli sauce pineapples and bananas are wellshy

known for having the mark which is accepted widely

Martin Boon development manshyager for Fai~Trade Original in the Netherlands told the seminar that with the global market having growshying recognition of Fair Trade prodshyucts many markets were increasing demand for products carrying the logo - and that Thailand had high potential to serve sllch worldwide demand


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THE NATION ~ JULY 20141lI Sihasak reassures EUteam over juntas reform roadmap SUPALAK GANJANAKHUN DEE THE NATION BRUSSELS

EARLY ELECTIONS vtithout reform would not help restore proper democshyracy to Thailand That was the message related by acting Foreign Minister Sihasak Phuangketkeow when he met his counterpart from the European Union in Belgium this week In a bilateral meeting with David OSullivan chief operating officer ofthe European External Action Service Sihasak said Thailand had a clear roadmap to restore sustainable democshyracy and that the EU should support

this process of reform The roadmap and its related reform

will help strengthen our political econshyomy and will also be of benefit to our partnership with theEUin the longnm he said

Sihasak was in Brussels for a minisshyterial meeting between representatives ofAsean and the EU and spent much of his time briefing representatives of Eillopean nations aboutthe situation in Thailand

The E U along with the US and other Western countries strongly criticised themilitaryforits May 22 coup The EU suspended a number of cooperations withThailand as well as several visits by high -level officials It also recommendshyed that member states review military cooperation with Thailand

The EU said last month that it wouldmiddot

not sign a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Thailand and that the negotiation of a free-trade agreement (FTA) would not conclude until an electshyed government was in place

Sihasak told OSullivan that an electshyed government would come eventually Before that however Thailand needed time to implement reform to have a strong democracy

The time frame of 15 months or so for the reform is not too long ifwe want to make sure that our system and democracy are sustainable he said

Thai people are aware of the issues facing our country and we are working on addressing these concerns so the EU as a partner should support us

The EUhas the right to voice its conshycerns about the situation in Thailand

middot but it should also ensure it is sufficientshyly informed on specific cases he said

Concerning detention and martial law the EU should make sure it has corshyrect information about who is under

middot detention and if there are concerns about human-rights violations the EU should specify the cases he said

Sihasak discussed the situation in Thailand Vlrith many European MPs

middot while in BrusselsTheyincludeq Franck Proust special rapporteur on the FTA and Samuel Cantell head of the ecoshynomic trade and regional cooperation delegation Many of them have experishyence in engaging with Thailand and have a clear understanding ofthe current sitshyuation in the country Sihasak said


Pension scheme for farmers proposed

Farmers in the future might look forward to retiring on a government pension

Charnpittaya Chimplee directorshygeneral of the Rice Oepartment said yesterday ttiat under a draft bill dealing with the rice development fund members would contribute about 3per cent of their monthly income to the fund and the state wou ~d also chip in ayet-unspecified amount

When farmers reach the age of 60 or 65 they will start receiving a monthly pension bf about Bt4OOO

Most farmers earn less than other workers so the fund is neces- sary for their future Charnpittaya said

Other proposals for the bill are being gathered and the contents wi I be improved before its submisshysion to acommittee on rice producshytion and markets and the National Council for Peace and Order


Farmer happiness down from August WICHIT CHANTANUSORNSIRI

Farmer happiness last month dropped subshystantially from its peak last August when they had high hopes of stable income from the Yingluck Shinawatra administrations rice pledging scheme reports a Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BMC) poll

The state-backed farm banks farmer happiness index fell to 7851 in June from its highest level of89 in August said senior executive vice-president Somsak Kangteershyawat The poll surveyed 2346 farmers

Happiness from family health a good society jo b financial position and the quest

for knowledge were the six factors used to measure the index

The survey found happines from the family scored the highest with a score of 341 out offour followed by health at 321 a good society at 320 job at 314 fmancial position at 285 and the quest for knowlshyedge at 274

Farmers from the Northeast regygIiwere the happiest vvith a score of 314 while those from the North scored 313 the South 312 the East 297 and Central 299

Asource at the BMC confirmed Augusts poll was taken when the farmers mood hit a fever pitch as they felt they would receive an elevated level of compensation from the

rice pledging programme The National Council for Peace and

Order (NCPO) is seeking sustainable ways to help farmers after losses from rice pledgshying which offered prices 40-50 higher than the market price could reach 500 billion baht

The juntas measures so far largely includelowering rice production costs and slowing the release of supply to lower price pressure

The source said prices of tapioca sugar cane chicken and pork are gaining in the second half while those of rice corn rubber oil palin and whiteleg shrimp are declirun ~ bull bull imiddotI middot7~

Regarding rice prices the source said the price of paddy with 15 moisture content could average 7500-9000 baht a tonne while Hom Mali prices are projected at 14000-15000 baht in the second the half

Even though the agricultural sector conshytributes only 84 to the countrys GDP there are 167 ffiillion farmers making up 26 of the population

National Statistical Office data shows the ratio of farmers who earned over 100000 baht a year rose to 286 in 2013 from 97 in 2003 while 643 graduated from prfshymary school down from 704 a decade ago Farmers shouldered average debt of 124604 baht per person last year

BANGKOK POST 41 FTIupbeatabout domestic car sales PIYACHART MAIKAEW

The Federation of Thai Industries (FT) remains confident that domestic vehishycle sales will top I million this year defying some car makers projection of sales declining to between 900000 and 980000 vehicles

Domestic demand started picking up in the previous quarter as private firms and farmers bought new pickup trucks for their business expansion and new cultivation said Surapong Paisitpatanapong spokesshyman for the FIrs automotive industry club

The club forecasts pickup truck sales will contribute 55-58 of domestic sales against 442 in 2013 while passenger cars dropped to about 40 from 474 last year

The passenger car market has normalshyised after demand was absorbed by the gov- emments first-time car buyer scheme said Mr Sura pong

The club yesterday cut its 2014 forecast for Thailands automotive output from 24 million vehicles to 22 milliori It also cut domestic sales to 1 million vehicles hom 12 million while exports stand finn at 12 million vehicles

FTI vice-chainnan Suparat Sirisuwan~ nangkura said Thailand was expected to remain in the worlds top 10 automotive manufacturers this year with production in countries such as Canada and Russia also expected to decrease

The International Organization of Motor

Vehicle Manufacturers said Thailand was the worlds ninth-largest automotive manufacturer in 2013 and 10th in 2012 Production (ast year totalled 245 million vehicles the highest in 52 years and up by 014 from 2012

The club yesterday reported that car proshyduction fell by 261 year-on-year in June to 160452 For the first half Thailands car output fell by 29 year-on-year to 952685

Domestic car sales in June totalled 73799 dOVll by 304 on the same period in2013 while 440911 cars were sold in the first half down by 405

By contrast car exports in June rose 657 to 103946 earning the cOUDtry497 billion baht In the first half exports rose 36 to 560047 cars with export value rising 895 to 265 billion baht

The FII yesterday reported that the industrial sentiment index improved for the second straight month in JW1e

The index rose to 884 points accordshying to the FIr which conducted a survey among 1100 industrial operators It stood at 851 points in May when sentiment improved for the first time in seven months

FTI chairman Suphan Mongkholsuthee said sentiment has improved because of the more stable political situation and an increase in purchases of products thanks to the Fifa World Cup football tournament

The industry outlook index for the next three months stood at 1019 points rising from 101 in May

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AUTO EXPORTS INCREASE Despite the sluggish recovery of

the export sector auto shipments continue to expand but still by not enough to counter the reduction in dorriestic demand for cars

The industry has been forced to brake this years production target from 24 million units to 22 million

The target for domestic sales has been lowered from 12 million units to 1million which represents adrop of 251 per cent or 335154 units from last year

Surapong Paisitpattanapong deputy chairman and spokesman of the Federation of Thai Industries Automotive Industry Club said yesterday that lower domestic derriand the end ofthe governments first-car tax-relief programme and the delay in gov~ errirnent and private investment

middotprojects had contributedtothemiddot change in the production target However this new figure is still

middot higherthan the forecast for T8 milshylion units before the big floodiri 2011and domestic demand is

expectedto shitf intoforWard gear i

middotnext quarter~ The economic recovery payshyrnent for farmersuncter the rlceshy

pledgingscherneandreturn of investment will increase revenue l

in other industries and put more rnoney in peoples pockets he middot said

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Temporary charter should furthershyboost confidence ERICH PARPART THE NATION

THE FEDERATION ofThai Industries believes the temporary charter will further increase the confishyden~e ofdomestic and foreign investors along with buslness op~ratrs while the recent strengthening of the baht IS stJlI tolerable for the export industry as long as anyfurther appreciation is neither too rapid nor drastic

_The FTI also said yesterday that its Industries Sentiment Index (TIS) had increased by 44 points since April

The introduction ofthe provisional charter is in line with the politiCal road map of the NCPO [NationaICoimcil for Peace and Order Jand I believe that in generalinvestors andoperators will feel more relaxe and gai~ more confidence that things aremiddot gomgmaccordWlththeNCPOsplansforanewcharshyter the setting up ofan interim government and the possibility of an election in the future said Supant Mongkolsuthree chairman ofthe FTI shy

In his view the country over the past two months has been running on a smooth surface since the Nepo took power a move which has led to an increase in foreign investor confidence certainty over pubh~ II1vestment policy and rising domestic consumptIOn

These factrs will support the recovery and allow _gross domestJC product to expand by 25 percent this year he said


The FTI had been projecting an economic recesshysion before the arrival of the NCPO

As for exports Supant said The strenctheninO of the baht is related to the increased conffdence of foreign investors which has led to an inflow offorshy~ign funds This will have some effect on the export iiidustry but it is still acceptable for exporters since the currencys strengthening pace is not too fast and the Bank ofThailand is still monitoring the situashytion

The export sector will be able to cope with a stronger baht if the rate does not fall below 3050 per US dollar he said -Moreover since the global economy IS continushyII1g to reco~er the FTI is sticking with its export

- growth projectIOn of35-5 per cent for the year According to Bloomberg the baht was valued at

3176 per dollar yesterday The FTI chief pointed out that if the Kingdoms shy

export value were calculated in baht it would already show lO-per-cent growth year on year

Accordingto the central bank export value in May came in at US$1927billiol1 (Bt6124 billion) whIch IS 12 per cent lower than the same period last year in dollar terms - shy

Meanwhile the TmiddotISI has increased for two month~ in a row The indexose from 840 in April to 851 111 May and to 884111 June amidst calmer political waters the economic recovery the liftingof the curfe - and even Fifa World Cup fever which led to an mcrease in overall production orders and sale figures - shyn~eover~TISI fororBers~salesarid prod-udiai- -shyIII allll1dustnes rose from 802796821 points in May to 843 844 879 points respectively in June

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CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough


GRAFT HAS GOT TO GO nvestors from Japan from which Such concern by the Japanese away existing and prospective forshy

the largest amount of Thailands investors should not be ignored eign investors Countless foreign direct foreign investment comes because they have brought the firms and investors have com~

have called for reduced corruption largest amount of direct foreign plained about the extra costs of and improved transparency in order investment into Thailand The doingbusinessinThailandbywhich to help restore confidence in the Japanese invested over 8t290 bil- they mean kickbacks and undershy

Kingdom lion in projects ClPproved by themiddot the-table money that must be to Setsuo luchichief representative Board of Investment last year That bureaucrats and politicians Often

of themiddot Japan External Trade was nearly 30 per cent of the total they have topayin exchange for pro-Organisation (Jetro) for Asean and foreign investment of Btl1 trillion curement deals with state agencies South Asia last week called on the according to 801 data and public projects People who ruling National Council for Peace Thailand has generally remained refuse to pay are routinely left and Order to kick-start good govershy attractiye to foreign investors due behind by their bribe-paying comshynance that includes combating corshy to positive factors such as the avail- petito rs University of the Thai ruption and ensuring transparency ability of skilled labour efficient Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) rec-particularly about doing business in infrastructure and transportation tor Saowanee Thairungroj has esti-Thailand Now its a good time for systems location andthe consider- mated that corruption adds 30 per Thailand to bring about good govshy able size of the domestic market cent to costs for businesses That ernance for the new era he said But our chronic corruption is scaring she says translates into reduced

comoetitiveness for Thai-made Economic and Business Forecasting pay corrupt officials and politi~ians products and reduced credibility for Centre He surmises that the have to cut costs at-the building site Thailand among foreign investors improvement could be due to posi- and that means poorer quality in General Prayuth Chan-ocha has tive public sentiment following the their public projects and thus a risk made tackling corruption a top pri- juntascampaignagainstcorruption to life and limb ority for the ruling military junta He and organised crime The surveyalso Businesses who pay bribes also says the fight will be part of sweepshy showed that bribes paid to officials offset their higher costs by charging ing national reform together with and politiCians by the private sector the consumers more good governance transparency and had declined to 15-25 per cent of middot Since corrupt authorities and an efficient and effective system of project costs frbman average 25-35 politicians make money and bribe-checks-and-balances Thailands per cent previously paying businesses make profits it is corruption index in the first half of Despite the seemingly slight theconsumersandthepublicingenshythis year improved for the first time improvement in the situation (or- eral who suffer in five years according to aUTCC surshy ruption remains amajor problem for They end up paying more uhnecshyvey The indexinJune was registered Thailand essarilyfor products and public proF at 46 out of a possible lOa com- In addition to the weakened ects the quality of which is poorer

pared to 39 last December says competitiveness and reduced cred- Corruption should beeliininated or Thariavath Phonvichai UTCC vice ibility the public asa whole is affect- at least minimised for the sake of rector of research and director of its ed by corruption Contractors who the country and its people

  • 57-07-24 (กรม)
  • 57-07-24 (ใบนำสง)
  • 57-07-24 (กระทรวง)


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Ministry seeks to resume small-lot rice sales in August PETCHANET PRATRUANGKRAI THE NATION

THE COMMERCE MINISTRY is preparshying to resume selling rice from its stockpiles in early August gradually releasing it in small lots of about 5000)0 tonnes a month

Duangporn Rodphaya director-genershyar of the ForeIgn Trade Department said a ~ubcommlttee had agreed the mmistry slthould go ahead and sell rice from the stockpIles and not walt tor completion of a Junta-ordered mspectlOn of the stocks bull I he nce-release planwhlch Will be proshy

posed to the Rice Policy and Management Committee soon includes sales through general auctions to exporters and local traders by government-to-governrrient contracts and through the Agricultural Futures Exchange of Thailand

Puangporn added that the department wopId ensure the stocks are released transshyparent With the Fmance Mmlst and the Prime Minister s 0 ce joint y inspecting the f0cessc

T~e department reported that about 55 per cent ofl800 rice warehouses had so far been inspected by the teams dispatched by the militarys ruling National CounCil for Peace and Order The teams are expected to complete their mission by the end of September

About 18 million tonnes ofrice is reportshy

cerns over roug t an ower pro uction in many countries amid higher demand in many others I here IS a good posslblhty that ThaIland will export 10 million tonnes 9pound nce thIS year It is expected to sell off all 18 million tonnes in its stockpiles within three years she saId

The department reported that Thailand was able to sell 535 million tonnes of rice in the first six months middotup by 50 per cent year on year while export value rose 19 percentto US$27biIlion (nearly Bt86 bilshylion)

As ofJuly 16 the price of5 per cent Thai

Afile photo shows asoldier inspecting rice stockpiles at a warehouse in a eastern province

white rice was quoted at $427 a tonne up from $410 the previous week

She added that production bfThai paddy rice in the 2014-15 harvest season was proshyjected to be less than 38 mi1lion tonnes because of drought in many areas

Charoen Laothamatas president of the Thai Rice Exporters Association said the government should consIder sellIng rice from its stockpiles in small lots of about 100000-200000 tonnes per auction to avoid impacts on the m-rket price

The government has less pressure to accelerate the sale of rice frbm the stocks The country has holder power It should ensure transparency and minimum impacts to the market he said

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INTHE WAKE ofrising concern over the t reatmen t oflabour farmers we1shybeing and the environment in global trading the International Trade Promotion Department is urging more lhal busmesses to seek FairTrade cershytification so that their products are more easily recognised and have a

greater chance in the world market place

At a seminar on Fair Trade Mark and trading of Fair Trade products in theinternationaJ market heldyestershyday by the agencys Office of News Overseas Markets Development and PromotIOn Duan kamol Jlambutr e U Irec or- ener ot e eplrtshy

mentSal t atonlyasmallnumberof thaI compames and sUEP)Lc~~ms current~apphedthe FairTrade Marllt

The epartment lrill therefore continue to support Fair Trade certishyfication by promoting an awareness campaign amongThai man ufacturers and exporters she said

According to the Netherlandsshybased Fair Trade Original organisashytion about 30 Thai companies and supply chains have received FairTrade

certification to date This guarantees that they engage in faii treatment of farmers have good labour conditions use no forced or child labour offer fair prices to suppliers and operate with transparency accountability and respect for the environment equity and freedom lt)nd have fair trading practices

Duangkarnol said the department in cooperation ~th Fair Trade Original now had a target of increasing the number of certified businessshy iSnap es and products by 10 per cent ayear

The main goal is to help agriculshytural and handicraft producers as well as manufactures and exporters to achieve better trading conditions and to promote sustainability she said

Certified members of the Fair Trade programme will likely be able to leverage the quality of their prodshyucts for higher prices with certificashytion ensuring world-class social and environmental standards and more recognition in the international trade area she added

Thai export products alreadyusing the approved Fair Thade logo include

rice coffee tea cane sugar cotton freshfruits herbs and spices ockershywork handicrafts pottery and ceramshyics

The official said the department also would like to encourage busishynesses in the shrimp and fishery secshy

ate consultant for Thailand said the overall value of Fair Trade products had increased considerably in the past few years as consumers now had more awareness about fair trading conditions and the environment

Consumers are willing to pay more for Fair Trade goods if they feel they have bought a product whose manufacture is highly responsible to society Today prices of Fair Trade products are also very competitive

the same as leading brands Enterprises should adapt themselves to produce Fair Trade products in order to ensure sustainable growth

tors to comply with Fair Trade certification so that they do otfaceproblems due to unfa abour treatment Every Fair Trade product is subject to labour-standard checking she explained

Manasnan Pongjayavanij Fair Trade Originals aS60ci~

and access to many markets said the consultant

According to Fair Trade Original the value of fair trade goods in the global market excluding the US rose from 1 billion (Bt427billion) in 1996 to 48 billion in 2012 Expots ofThai fair trade products were wOlth about Bt300 million in 2012

More than 30000 products are now on sale in 125 countries and the global Fair Trade system currently works with over 12 million people across 60 countries

Manasnan said many more Thai products could get the Fair Trade mark So far many local brands sllch as Doi Chang coffee plus local proshyducers of soy sauce chjli sauce pineapples and bananas are wellshy

known for having the mark which is accepted widely

Martin Boon development manshyager for Fai~Trade Original in the Netherlands told the seminar that with the global market having growshying recognition of Fair Trade prodshyucts many markets were increasing demand for products carrying the logo - and that Thailand had high potential to serve sllch worldwide demand


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THE NATION ~ JULY 20141lI Sihasak reassures EUteam over juntas reform roadmap SUPALAK GANJANAKHUN DEE THE NATION BRUSSELS

EARLY ELECTIONS vtithout reform would not help restore proper democshyracy to Thailand That was the message related by acting Foreign Minister Sihasak Phuangketkeow when he met his counterpart from the European Union in Belgium this week In a bilateral meeting with David OSullivan chief operating officer ofthe European External Action Service Sihasak said Thailand had a clear roadmap to restore sustainable democshyracy and that the EU should support

this process of reform The roadmap and its related reform

will help strengthen our political econshyomy and will also be of benefit to our partnership with theEUin the longnm he said

Sihasak was in Brussels for a minisshyterial meeting between representatives ofAsean and the EU and spent much of his time briefing representatives of Eillopean nations aboutthe situation in Thailand

The E U along with the US and other Western countries strongly criticised themilitaryforits May 22 coup The EU suspended a number of cooperations withThailand as well as several visits by high -level officials It also recommendshyed that member states review military cooperation with Thailand

The EU said last month that it wouldmiddot

not sign a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Thailand and that the negotiation of a free-trade agreement (FTA) would not conclude until an electshyed government was in place

Sihasak told OSullivan that an electshyed government would come eventually Before that however Thailand needed time to implement reform to have a strong democracy

The time frame of 15 months or so for the reform is not too long ifwe want to make sure that our system and democracy are sustainable he said

Thai people are aware of the issues facing our country and we are working on addressing these concerns so the EU as a partner should support us

The EUhas the right to voice its conshycerns about the situation in Thailand

middot but it should also ensure it is sufficientshyly informed on specific cases he said

Concerning detention and martial law the EU should make sure it has corshyrect information about who is under

middot detention and if there are concerns about human-rights violations the EU should specify the cases he said

Sihasak discussed the situation in Thailand Vlrith many European MPs

middot while in BrusselsTheyincludeq Franck Proust special rapporteur on the FTA and Samuel Cantell head of the ecoshynomic trade and regional cooperation delegation Many of them have experishyence in engaging with Thailand and have a clear understanding ofthe current sitshyuation in the country Sihasak said


Pension scheme for farmers proposed

Farmers in the future might look forward to retiring on a government pension

Charnpittaya Chimplee directorshygeneral of the Rice Oepartment said yesterday ttiat under a draft bill dealing with the rice development fund members would contribute about 3per cent of their monthly income to the fund and the state wou ~d also chip in ayet-unspecified amount

When farmers reach the age of 60 or 65 they will start receiving a monthly pension bf about Bt4OOO

Most farmers earn less than other workers so the fund is neces- sary for their future Charnpittaya said

Other proposals for the bill are being gathered and the contents wi I be improved before its submisshysion to acommittee on rice producshytion and markets and the National Council for Peace and Order


Farmer happiness down from August WICHIT CHANTANUSORNSIRI

Farmer happiness last month dropped subshystantially from its peak last August when they had high hopes of stable income from the Yingluck Shinawatra administrations rice pledging scheme reports a Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BMC) poll

The state-backed farm banks farmer happiness index fell to 7851 in June from its highest level of89 in August said senior executive vice-president Somsak Kangteershyawat The poll surveyed 2346 farmers

Happiness from family health a good society jo b financial position and the quest

for knowledge were the six factors used to measure the index

The survey found happines from the family scored the highest with a score of 341 out offour followed by health at 321 a good society at 320 job at 314 fmancial position at 285 and the quest for knowlshyedge at 274

Farmers from the Northeast regygIiwere the happiest vvith a score of 314 while those from the North scored 313 the South 312 the East 297 and Central 299

Asource at the BMC confirmed Augusts poll was taken when the farmers mood hit a fever pitch as they felt they would receive an elevated level of compensation from the

rice pledging programme The National Council for Peace and

Order (NCPO) is seeking sustainable ways to help farmers after losses from rice pledgshying which offered prices 40-50 higher than the market price could reach 500 billion baht

The juntas measures so far largely includelowering rice production costs and slowing the release of supply to lower price pressure

The source said prices of tapioca sugar cane chicken and pork are gaining in the second half while those of rice corn rubber oil palin and whiteleg shrimp are declirun ~ bull bull imiddotI middot7~

Regarding rice prices the source said the price of paddy with 15 moisture content could average 7500-9000 baht a tonne while Hom Mali prices are projected at 14000-15000 baht in the second the half

Even though the agricultural sector conshytributes only 84 to the countrys GDP there are 167 ffiillion farmers making up 26 of the population

National Statistical Office data shows the ratio of farmers who earned over 100000 baht a year rose to 286 in 2013 from 97 in 2003 while 643 graduated from prfshymary school down from 704 a decade ago Farmers shouldered average debt of 124604 baht per person last year

BANGKOK POST 41 FTIupbeatabout domestic car sales PIYACHART MAIKAEW

The Federation of Thai Industries (FT) remains confident that domestic vehishycle sales will top I million this year defying some car makers projection of sales declining to between 900000 and 980000 vehicles

Domestic demand started picking up in the previous quarter as private firms and farmers bought new pickup trucks for their business expansion and new cultivation said Surapong Paisitpatanapong spokesshyman for the FIrs automotive industry club

The club forecasts pickup truck sales will contribute 55-58 of domestic sales against 442 in 2013 while passenger cars dropped to about 40 from 474 last year

The passenger car market has normalshyised after demand was absorbed by the gov- emments first-time car buyer scheme said Mr Sura pong

The club yesterday cut its 2014 forecast for Thailands automotive output from 24 million vehicles to 22 milliori It also cut domestic sales to 1 million vehicles hom 12 million while exports stand finn at 12 million vehicles

FTI vice-chainnan Suparat Sirisuwan~ nangkura said Thailand was expected to remain in the worlds top 10 automotive manufacturers this year with production in countries such as Canada and Russia also expected to decrease

The International Organization of Motor

Vehicle Manufacturers said Thailand was the worlds ninth-largest automotive manufacturer in 2013 and 10th in 2012 Production (ast year totalled 245 million vehicles the highest in 52 years and up by 014 from 2012

The club yesterday reported that car proshyduction fell by 261 year-on-year in June to 160452 For the first half Thailands car output fell by 29 year-on-year to 952685

Domestic car sales in June totalled 73799 dOVll by 304 on the same period in2013 while 440911 cars were sold in the first half down by 405

By contrast car exports in June rose 657 to 103946 earning the cOUDtry497 billion baht In the first half exports rose 36 to 560047 cars with export value rising 895 to 265 billion baht

The FII yesterday reported that the industrial sentiment index improved for the second straight month in JW1e

The index rose to 884 points accordshying to the FIr which conducted a survey among 1100 industrial operators It stood at 851 points in May when sentiment improved for the first time in seven months

FTI chairman Suphan Mongkholsuthee said sentiment has improved because of the more stable political situation and an increase in purchases of products thanks to the Fifa World Cup football tournament

The industry outlook index for the next three months stood at 1019 points rising from 101 in May

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nd~VIddjVn ru~tJ


AUTO EXPORTS INCREASE Despite the sluggish recovery of

the export sector auto shipments continue to expand but still by not enough to counter the reduction in dorriestic demand for cars

The industry has been forced to brake this years production target from 24 million units to 22 million

The target for domestic sales has been lowered from 12 million units to 1million which represents adrop of 251 per cent or 335154 units from last year

Surapong Paisitpattanapong deputy chairman and spokesman of the Federation of Thai Industries Automotive Industry Club said yesterday that lower domestic derriand the end ofthe governments first-car tax-relief programme and the delay in gov~ errirnent and private investment

middotprojects had contributedtothemiddot change in the production target However this new figure is still

middot higherthan the forecast for T8 milshylion units before the big floodiri 2011and domestic demand is

expectedto shitf intoforWard gear i

middotnext quarter~ The economic recovery payshyrnent for farmersuncter the rlceshy

pledgingscherneandreturn of investment will increase revenue l

in other industries and put more rnoney in peoples pockets he middot said

o C1I C1I Q ltgt If

NATI0 W nHUjijIJW iI j pound~TW1

ru 11~ JU L Y THE

Temporary charter should furthershyboost confidence ERICH PARPART THE NATION

THE FEDERATION ofThai Industries believes the temporary charter will further increase the confishyden~e ofdomestic and foreign investors along with buslness op~ratrs while the recent strengthening of the baht IS stJlI tolerable for the export industry as long as anyfurther appreciation is neither too rapid nor drastic

_The FTI also said yesterday that its Industries Sentiment Index (TIS) had increased by 44 points since April

The introduction ofthe provisional charter is in line with the politiCal road map of the NCPO [NationaICoimcil for Peace and Order Jand I believe that in generalinvestors andoperators will feel more relaxe and gai~ more confidence that things aremiddot gomgmaccordWlththeNCPOsplansforanewcharshyter the setting up ofan interim government and the possibility of an election in the future said Supant Mongkolsuthree chairman ofthe FTI shy

In his view the country over the past two months has been running on a smooth surface since the Nepo took power a move which has led to an increase in foreign investor confidence certainty over pubh~ II1vestment policy and rising domestic consumptIOn

These factrs will support the recovery and allow _gross domestJC product to expand by 25 percent this year he said


The FTI had been projecting an economic recesshysion before the arrival of the NCPO

As for exports Supant said The strenctheninO of the baht is related to the increased conffdence of foreign investors which has led to an inflow offorshy~ign funds This will have some effect on the export iiidustry but it is still acceptable for exporters since the currencys strengthening pace is not too fast and the Bank ofThailand is still monitoring the situashytion

The export sector will be able to cope with a stronger baht if the rate does not fall below 3050 per US dollar he said -Moreover since the global economy IS continushyII1g to reco~er the FTI is sticking with its export

- growth projectIOn of35-5 per cent for the year According to Bloomberg the baht was valued at

3176 per dollar yesterday The FTI chief pointed out that if the Kingdoms shy

export value were calculated in baht it would already show lO-per-cent growth year on year

Accordingto the central bank export value in May came in at US$1927billiol1 (Bt6124 billion) whIch IS 12 per cent lower than the same period last year in dollar terms - shy

Meanwhile the TmiddotISI has increased for two month~ in a row The indexose from 840 in April to 851 111 May and to 884111 June amidst calmer political waters the economic recovery the liftingof the curfe - and even Fifa World Cup fever which led to an mcrease in overall production orders and sale figures - shyn~eover~TISI fororBers~salesarid prod-udiai- -shyIII allll1dustnes rose from 802796821 points in May to 843 844 879 points respectively in June

OCll ClI Q crf

611W fNlWHiJW (9]~ f) ~~Vl ~1 lVJ 1 ru~J


CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough


GRAFT HAS GOT TO GO nvestors from Japan from which Such concern by the Japanese away existing and prospective forshy

the largest amount of Thailands investors should not be ignored eign investors Countless foreign direct foreign investment comes because they have brought the firms and investors have com~

have called for reduced corruption largest amount of direct foreign plained about the extra costs of and improved transparency in order investment into Thailand The doingbusinessinThailandbywhich to help restore confidence in the Japanese invested over 8t290 bil- they mean kickbacks and undershy

Kingdom lion in projects ClPproved by themiddot the-table money that must be to Setsuo luchichief representative Board of Investment last year That bureaucrats and politicians Often

of themiddot Japan External Trade was nearly 30 per cent of the total they have topayin exchange for pro-Organisation (Jetro) for Asean and foreign investment of Btl1 trillion curement deals with state agencies South Asia last week called on the according to 801 data and public projects People who ruling National Council for Peace Thailand has generally remained refuse to pay are routinely left and Order to kick-start good govershy attractiye to foreign investors due behind by their bribe-paying comshynance that includes combating corshy to positive factors such as the avail- petito rs University of the Thai ruption and ensuring transparency ability of skilled labour efficient Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) rec-particularly about doing business in infrastructure and transportation tor Saowanee Thairungroj has esti-Thailand Now its a good time for systems location andthe consider- mated that corruption adds 30 per Thailand to bring about good govshy able size of the domestic market cent to costs for businesses That ernance for the new era he said But our chronic corruption is scaring she says translates into reduced

comoetitiveness for Thai-made Economic and Business Forecasting pay corrupt officials and politi~ians products and reduced credibility for Centre He surmises that the have to cut costs at-the building site Thailand among foreign investors improvement could be due to posi- and that means poorer quality in General Prayuth Chan-ocha has tive public sentiment following the their public projects and thus a risk made tackling corruption a top pri- juntascampaignagainstcorruption to life and limb ority for the ruling military junta He and organised crime The surveyalso Businesses who pay bribes also says the fight will be part of sweepshy showed that bribes paid to officials offset their higher costs by charging ing national reform together with and politiCians by the private sector the consumers more good governance transparency and had declined to 15-25 per cent of middot Since corrupt authorities and an efficient and effective system of project costs frbman average 25-35 politicians make money and bribe-checks-and-balances Thailands per cent previously paying businesses make profits it is corruption index in the first half of Despite the seemingly slight theconsumersandthepublicingenshythis year improved for the first time improvement in the situation (or- eral who suffer in five years according to aUTCC surshy ruption remains amajor problem for They end up paying more uhnecshyvey The indexinJune was registered Thailand essarilyfor products and public proF at 46 out of a possible lOa com- In addition to the weakened ects the quality of which is poorer

pared to 39 last December says competitiveness and reduced cred- Corruption should beeliininated or Thariavath Phonvichai UTCC vice ibility the public asa whole is affect- at least minimised for the sake of rector of research and director of its ed by corruption Contractors who the country and its people

  • 57-07-24 (กรม)
  • 57-07-24 (ใบนำสง)
  • 57-07-24 (กระทรวง)


Ministry seeks to resume small-lot rice sales in August PETCHANET PRATRUANGKRAI THE NATION

THE COMMERCE MINISTRY is preparshying to resume selling rice from its stockpiles in early August gradually releasing it in small lots of about 5000)0 tonnes a month

Duangporn Rodphaya director-genershyar of the ForeIgn Trade Department said a ~ubcommlttee had agreed the mmistry slthould go ahead and sell rice from the stockpIles and not walt tor completion of a Junta-ordered mspectlOn of the stocks bull I he nce-release planwhlch Will be proshy

posed to the Rice Policy and Management Committee soon includes sales through general auctions to exporters and local traders by government-to-governrrient contracts and through the Agricultural Futures Exchange of Thailand

Puangporn added that the department wopId ensure the stocks are released transshyparent With the Fmance Mmlst and the Prime Minister s 0 ce joint y inspecting the f0cessc

T~e department reported that about 55 per cent ofl800 rice warehouses had so far been inspected by the teams dispatched by the militarys ruling National CounCil for Peace and Order The teams are expected to complete their mission by the end of September

About 18 million tonnes ofrice is reportshy

cerns over roug t an ower pro uction in many countries amid higher demand in many others I here IS a good posslblhty that ThaIland will export 10 million tonnes 9pound nce thIS year It is expected to sell off all 18 million tonnes in its stockpiles within three years she saId

The department reported that Thailand was able to sell 535 million tonnes of rice in the first six months middotup by 50 per cent year on year while export value rose 19 percentto US$27biIlion (nearly Bt86 bilshylion)

As ofJuly 16 the price of5 per cent Thai

Afile photo shows asoldier inspecting rice stockpiles at a warehouse in a eastern province

white rice was quoted at $427 a tonne up from $410 the previous week

She added that production bfThai paddy rice in the 2014-15 harvest season was proshyjected to be less than 38 mi1lion tonnes because of drought in many areas

Charoen Laothamatas president of the Thai Rice Exporters Association said the government should consIder sellIng rice from its stockpiles in small lots of about 100000-200000 tonnes per auction to avoid impacts on the m-rket price

The government has less pressure to accelerate the sale of rice frbm the stocks The country has holder power It should ensure transparency and minimum impacts to the market he said

0 If

nI~Vl 11 -)vn ru ltSijCJ




INTHE WAKE ofrising concern over the t reatmen t oflabour farmers we1shybeing and the environment in global trading the International Trade Promotion Department is urging more lhal busmesses to seek FairTrade cershytification so that their products are more easily recognised and have a

greater chance in the world market place

At a seminar on Fair Trade Mark and trading of Fair Trade products in theinternationaJ market heldyestershyday by the agencys Office of News Overseas Markets Development and PromotIOn Duan kamol Jlambutr e U Irec or- ener ot e eplrtshy

mentSal t atonlyasmallnumberof thaI compames and sUEP)Lc~~ms current~apphedthe FairTrade Marllt

The epartment lrill therefore continue to support Fair Trade certishyfication by promoting an awareness campaign amongThai man ufacturers and exporters she said

According to the Netherlandsshybased Fair Trade Original organisashytion about 30 Thai companies and supply chains have received FairTrade

certification to date This guarantees that they engage in faii treatment of farmers have good labour conditions use no forced or child labour offer fair prices to suppliers and operate with transparency accountability and respect for the environment equity and freedom lt)nd have fair trading practices

Duangkarnol said the department in cooperation ~th Fair Trade Original now had a target of increasing the number of certified businessshy iSnap es and products by 10 per cent ayear

The main goal is to help agriculshytural and handicraft producers as well as manufactures and exporters to achieve better trading conditions and to promote sustainability she said

Certified members of the Fair Trade programme will likely be able to leverage the quality of their prodshyucts for higher prices with certificashytion ensuring world-class social and environmental standards and more recognition in the international trade area she added

Thai export products alreadyusing the approved Fair Thade logo include

rice coffee tea cane sugar cotton freshfruits herbs and spices ockershywork handicrafts pottery and ceramshyics

The official said the department also would like to encourage busishynesses in the shrimp and fishery secshy

ate consultant for Thailand said the overall value of Fair Trade products had increased considerably in the past few years as consumers now had more awareness about fair trading conditions and the environment

Consumers are willing to pay more for Fair Trade goods if they feel they have bought a product whose manufacture is highly responsible to society Today prices of Fair Trade products are also very competitive

the same as leading brands Enterprises should adapt themselves to produce Fair Trade products in order to ensure sustainable growth

tors to comply with Fair Trade certification so that they do otfaceproblems due to unfa abour treatment Every Fair Trade product is subject to labour-standard checking she explained

Manasnan Pongjayavanij Fair Trade Originals aS60ci~

and access to many markets said the consultant

According to Fair Trade Original the value of fair trade goods in the global market excluding the US rose from 1 billion (Bt427billion) in 1996 to 48 billion in 2012 Expots ofThai fair trade products were wOlth about Bt300 million in 2012

More than 30000 products are now on sale in 125 countries and the global Fair Trade system currently works with over 12 million people across 60 countries

Manasnan said many more Thai products could get the Fair Trade mark So far many local brands sllch as Doi Chang coffee plus local proshyducers of soy sauce chjli sauce pineapples and bananas are wellshy

known for having the mark which is accepted widely

Martin Boon development manshyager for Fai~Trade Original in the Netherlands told the seminar that with the global market having growshying recognition of Fair Trade prodshyucts many markets were increasing demand for products carrying the logo - and that Thailand had high potential to serve sllch worldwide demand


CllJIil W

0ltgt ltgt ltI cgt If

611Ufl ~1UHj~U IWa- fl i~Vlil~VIJ1ruVtJ

THE NATION ~ JULY 20141lI Sihasak reassures EUteam over juntas reform roadmap SUPALAK GANJANAKHUN DEE THE NATION BRUSSELS

EARLY ELECTIONS vtithout reform would not help restore proper democshyracy to Thailand That was the message related by acting Foreign Minister Sihasak Phuangketkeow when he met his counterpart from the European Union in Belgium this week In a bilateral meeting with David OSullivan chief operating officer ofthe European External Action Service Sihasak said Thailand had a clear roadmap to restore sustainable democshyracy and that the EU should support

this process of reform The roadmap and its related reform

will help strengthen our political econshyomy and will also be of benefit to our partnership with theEUin the longnm he said

Sihasak was in Brussels for a minisshyterial meeting between representatives ofAsean and the EU and spent much of his time briefing representatives of Eillopean nations aboutthe situation in Thailand

The E U along with the US and other Western countries strongly criticised themilitaryforits May 22 coup The EU suspended a number of cooperations withThailand as well as several visits by high -level officials It also recommendshyed that member states review military cooperation with Thailand

The EU said last month that it wouldmiddot

not sign a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Thailand and that the negotiation of a free-trade agreement (FTA) would not conclude until an electshyed government was in place

Sihasak told OSullivan that an electshyed government would come eventually Before that however Thailand needed time to implement reform to have a strong democracy

The time frame of 15 months or so for the reform is not too long ifwe want to make sure that our system and democracy are sustainable he said

Thai people are aware of the issues facing our country and we are working on addressing these concerns so the EU as a partner should support us

The EUhas the right to voice its conshycerns about the situation in Thailand

middot but it should also ensure it is sufficientshyly informed on specific cases he said

Concerning detention and martial law the EU should make sure it has corshyrect information about who is under

middot detention and if there are concerns about human-rights violations the EU should specify the cases he said

Sihasak discussed the situation in Thailand Vlrith many European MPs

middot while in BrusselsTheyincludeq Franck Proust special rapporteur on the FTA and Samuel Cantell head of the ecoshynomic trade and regional cooperation delegation Many of them have experishyence in engaging with Thailand and have a clear understanding ofthe current sitshyuation in the country Sihasak said


Pension scheme for farmers proposed

Farmers in the future might look forward to retiring on a government pension

Charnpittaya Chimplee directorshygeneral of the Rice Oepartment said yesterday ttiat under a draft bill dealing with the rice development fund members would contribute about 3per cent of their monthly income to the fund and the state wou ~d also chip in ayet-unspecified amount

When farmers reach the age of 60 or 65 they will start receiving a monthly pension bf about Bt4OOO

Most farmers earn less than other workers so the fund is neces- sary for their future Charnpittaya said

Other proposals for the bill are being gathered and the contents wi I be improved before its submisshysion to acommittee on rice producshytion and markets and the National Council for Peace and Order


Farmer happiness down from August WICHIT CHANTANUSORNSIRI

Farmer happiness last month dropped subshystantially from its peak last August when they had high hopes of stable income from the Yingluck Shinawatra administrations rice pledging scheme reports a Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BMC) poll

The state-backed farm banks farmer happiness index fell to 7851 in June from its highest level of89 in August said senior executive vice-president Somsak Kangteershyawat The poll surveyed 2346 farmers

Happiness from family health a good society jo b financial position and the quest

for knowledge were the six factors used to measure the index

The survey found happines from the family scored the highest with a score of 341 out offour followed by health at 321 a good society at 320 job at 314 fmancial position at 285 and the quest for knowlshyedge at 274

Farmers from the Northeast regygIiwere the happiest vvith a score of 314 while those from the North scored 313 the South 312 the East 297 and Central 299

Asource at the BMC confirmed Augusts poll was taken when the farmers mood hit a fever pitch as they felt they would receive an elevated level of compensation from the

rice pledging programme The National Council for Peace and

Order (NCPO) is seeking sustainable ways to help farmers after losses from rice pledgshying which offered prices 40-50 higher than the market price could reach 500 billion baht

The juntas measures so far largely includelowering rice production costs and slowing the release of supply to lower price pressure

The source said prices of tapioca sugar cane chicken and pork are gaining in the second half while those of rice corn rubber oil palin and whiteleg shrimp are declirun ~ bull bull imiddotI middot7~

Regarding rice prices the source said the price of paddy with 15 moisture content could average 7500-9000 baht a tonne while Hom Mali prices are projected at 14000-15000 baht in the second the half

Even though the agricultural sector conshytributes only 84 to the countrys GDP there are 167 ffiillion farmers making up 26 of the population

National Statistical Office data shows the ratio of farmers who earned over 100000 baht a year rose to 286 in 2013 from 97 in 2003 while 643 graduated from prfshymary school down from 704 a decade ago Farmers shouldered average debt of 124604 baht per person last year

BANGKOK POST 41 FTIupbeatabout domestic car sales PIYACHART MAIKAEW

The Federation of Thai Industries (FT) remains confident that domestic vehishycle sales will top I million this year defying some car makers projection of sales declining to between 900000 and 980000 vehicles

Domestic demand started picking up in the previous quarter as private firms and farmers bought new pickup trucks for their business expansion and new cultivation said Surapong Paisitpatanapong spokesshyman for the FIrs automotive industry club

The club forecasts pickup truck sales will contribute 55-58 of domestic sales against 442 in 2013 while passenger cars dropped to about 40 from 474 last year

The passenger car market has normalshyised after demand was absorbed by the gov- emments first-time car buyer scheme said Mr Sura pong

The club yesterday cut its 2014 forecast for Thailands automotive output from 24 million vehicles to 22 milliori It also cut domestic sales to 1 million vehicles hom 12 million while exports stand finn at 12 million vehicles

FTI vice-chainnan Suparat Sirisuwan~ nangkura said Thailand was expected to remain in the worlds top 10 automotive manufacturers this year with production in countries such as Canada and Russia also expected to decrease

The International Organization of Motor

Vehicle Manufacturers said Thailand was the worlds ninth-largest automotive manufacturer in 2013 and 10th in 2012 Production (ast year totalled 245 million vehicles the highest in 52 years and up by 014 from 2012

The club yesterday reported that car proshyduction fell by 261 year-on-year in June to 160452 For the first half Thailands car output fell by 29 year-on-year to 952685

Domestic car sales in June totalled 73799 dOVll by 304 on the same period in2013 while 440911 cars were sold in the first half down by 405

By contrast car exports in June rose 657 to 103946 earning the cOUDtry497 billion baht In the first half exports rose 36 to 560047 cars with export value rising 895 to 265 billion baht

The FII yesterday reported that the industrial sentiment index improved for the second straight month in JW1e

The index rose to 884 points accordshying to the FIr which conducted a survey among 1100 industrial operators It stood at 851 points in May when sentiment improved for the first time in seven months

FTI chairman Suphan Mongkholsuthee said sentiment has improved because of the more stable political situation and an increase in purchases of products thanks to the Fifa World Cup football tournament

The industry outlook index for the next three months stood at 1019 points rising from 101 in May

c (

nd~VIddjVn ru~tJ


AUTO EXPORTS INCREASE Despite the sluggish recovery of

the export sector auto shipments continue to expand but still by not enough to counter the reduction in dorriestic demand for cars

The industry has been forced to brake this years production target from 24 million units to 22 million

The target for domestic sales has been lowered from 12 million units to 1million which represents adrop of 251 per cent or 335154 units from last year

Surapong Paisitpattanapong deputy chairman and spokesman of the Federation of Thai Industries Automotive Industry Club said yesterday that lower domestic derriand the end ofthe governments first-car tax-relief programme and the delay in gov~ errirnent and private investment

middotprojects had contributedtothemiddot change in the production target However this new figure is still

middot higherthan the forecast for T8 milshylion units before the big floodiri 2011and domestic demand is

expectedto shitf intoforWard gear i

middotnext quarter~ The economic recovery payshyrnent for farmersuncter the rlceshy

pledgingscherneandreturn of investment will increase revenue l

in other industries and put more rnoney in peoples pockets he middot said

o C1I C1I Q ltgt If

NATI0 W nHUjijIJW iI j pound~TW1

ru 11~ JU L Y THE

Temporary charter should furthershyboost confidence ERICH PARPART THE NATION

THE FEDERATION ofThai Industries believes the temporary charter will further increase the confishyden~e ofdomestic and foreign investors along with buslness op~ratrs while the recent strengthening of the baht IS stJlI tolerable for the export industry as long as anyfurther appreciation is neither too rapid nor drastic

_The FTI also said yesterday that its Industries Sentiment Index (TIS) had increased by 44 points since April

The introduction ofthe provisional charter is in line with the politiCal road map of the NCPO [NationaICoimcil for Peace and Order Jand I believe that in generalinvestors andoperators will feel more relaxe and gai~ more confidence that things aremiddot gomgmaccordWlththeNCPOsplansforanewcharshyter the setting up ofan interim government and the possibility of an election in the future said Supant Mongkolsuthree chairman ofthe FTI shy

In his view the country over the past two months has been running on a smooth surface since the Nepo took power a move which has led to an increase in foreign investor confidence certainty over pubh~ II1vestment policy and rising domestic consumptIOn

These factrs will support the recovery and allow _gross domestJC product to expand by 25 percent this year he said


The FTI had been projecting an economic recesshysion before the arrival of the NCPO

As for exports Supant said The strenctheninO of the baht is related to the increased conffdence of foreign investors which has led to an inflow offorshy~ign funds This will have some effect on the export iiidustry but it is still acceptable for exporters since the currencys strengthening pace is not too fast and the Bank ofThailand is still monitoring the situashytion

The export sector will be able to cope with a stronger baht if the rate does not fall below 3050 per US dollar he said -Moreover since the global economy IS continushyII1g to reco~er the FTI is sticking with its export

- growth projectIOn of35-5 per cent for the year According to Bloomberg the baht was valued at

3176 per dollar yesterday The FTI chief pointed out that if the Kingdoms shy

export value were calculated in baht it would already show lO-per-cent growth year on year

Accordingto the central bank export value in May came in at US$1927billiol1 (Bt6124 billion) whIch IS 12 per cent lower than the same period last year in dollar terms - shy

Meanwhile the TmiddotISI has increased for two month~ in a row The indexose from 840 in April to 851 111 May and to 884111 June amidst calmer political waters the economic recovery the liftingof the curfe - and even Fifa World Cup fever which led to an mcrease in overall production orders and sale figures - shyn~eover~TISI fororBers~salesarid prod-udiai- -shyIII allll1dustnes rose from 802796821 points in May to 843 844 879 points respectively in June

OCll ClI Q crf

611W fNlWHiJW (9]~ f) ~~Vl ~1 lVJ 1 ru~J


CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough


GRAFT HAS GOT TO GO nvestors from Japan from which Such concern by the Japanese away existing and prospective forshy

the largest amount of Thailands investors should not be ignored eign investors Countless foreign direct foreign investment comes because they have brought the firms and investors have com~

have called for reduced corruption largest amount of direct foreign plained about the extra costs of and improved transparency in order investment into Thailand The doingbusinessinThailandbywhich to help restore confidence in the Japanese invested over 8t290 bil- they mean kickbacks and undershy

Kingdom lion in projects ClPproved by themiddot the-table money that must be to Setsuo luchichief representative Board of Investment last year That bureaucrats and politicians Often

of themiddot Japan External Trade was nearly 30 per cent of the total they have topayin exchange for pro-Organisation (Jetro) for Asean and foreign investment of Btl1 trillion curement deals with state agencies South Asia last week called on the according to 801 data and public projects People who ruling National Council for Peace Thailand has generally remained refuse to pay are routinely left and Order to kick-start good govershy attractiye to foreign investors due behind by their bribe-paying comshynance that includes combating corshy to positive factors such as the avail- petito rs University of the Thai ruption and ensuring transparency ability of skilled labour efficient Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) rec-particularly about doing business in infrastructure and transportation tor Saowanee Thairungroj has esti-Thailand Now its a good time for systems location andthe consider- mated that corruption adds 30 per Thailand to bring about good govshy able size of the domestic market cent to costs for businesses That ernance for the new era he said But our chronic corruption is scaring she says translates into reduced

comoetitiveness for Thai-made Economic and Business Forecasting pay corrupt officials and politi~ians products and reduced credibility for Centre He surmises that the have to cut costs at-the building site Thailand among foreign investors improvement could be due to posi- and that means poorer quality in General Prayuth Chan-ocha has tive public sentiment following the their public projects and thus a risk made tackling corruption a top pri- juntascampaignagainstcorruption to life and limb ority for the ruling military junta He and organised crime The surveyalso Businesses who pay bribes also says the fight will be part of sweepshy showed that bribes paid to officials offset their higher costs by charging ing national reform together with and politiCians by the private sector the consumers more good governance transparency and had declined to 15-25 per cent of middot Since corrupt authorities and an efficient and effective system of project costs frbman average 25-35 politicians make money and bribe-checks-and-balances Thailands per cent previously paying businesses make profits it is corruption index in the first half of Despite the seemingly slight theconsumersandthepublicingenshythis year improved for the first time improvement in the situation (or- eral who suffer in five years according to aUTCC surshy ruption remains amajor problem for They end up paying more uhnecshyvey The indexinJune was registered Thailand essarilyfor products and public proF at 46 out of a possible lOa com- In addition to the weakened ects the quality of which is poorer

pared to 39 last December says competitiveness and reduced cred- Corruption should beeliininated or Thariavath Phonvichai UTCC vice ibility the public asa whole is affect- at least minimised for the sake of rector of research and director of its ed by corruption Contractors who the country and its people

  • 57-07-24 (กรม)
  • 57-07-24 (ใบนำสง)
  • 57-07-24 (กระทรวง)

0 If

nI~Vl 11 -)vn ru ltSijCJ




INTHE WAKE ofrising concern over the t reatmen t oflabour farmers we1shybeing and the environment in global trading the International Trade Promotion Department is urging more lhal busmesses to seek FairTrade cershytification so that their products are more easily recognised and have a

greater chance in the world market place

At a seminar on Fair Trade Mark and trading of Fair Trade products in theinternationaJ market heldyestershyday by the agencys Office of News Overseas Markets Development and PromotIOn Duan kamol Jlambutr e U Irec or- ener ot e eplrtshy

mentSal t atonlyasmallnumberof thaI compames and sUEP)Lc~~ms current~apphedthe FairTrade Marllt

The epartment lrill therefore continue to support Fair Trade certishyfication by promoting an awareness campaign amongThai man ufacturers and exporters she said

According to the Netherlandsshybased Fair Trade Original organisashytion about 30 Thai companies and supply chains have received FairTrade

certification to date This guarantees that they engage in faii treatment of farmers have good labour conditions use no forced or child labour offer fair prices to suppliers and operate with transparency accountability and respect for the environment equity and freedom lt)nd have fair trading practices

Duangkarnol said the department in cooperation ~th Fair Trade Original now had a target of increasing the number of certified businessshy iSnap es and products by 10 per cent ayear

The main goal is to help agriculshytural and handicraft producers as well as manufactures and exporters to achieve better trading conditions and to promote sustainability she said

Certified members of the Fair Trade programme will likely be able to leverage the quality of their prodshyucts for higher prices with certificashytion ensuring world-class social and environmental standards and more recognition in the international trade area she added

Thai export products alreadyusing the approved Fair Thade logo include

rice coffee tea cane sugar cotton freshfruits herbs and spices ockershywork handicrafts pottery and ceramshyics

The official said the department also would like to encourage busishynesses in the shrimp and fishery secshy

ate consultant for Thailand said the overall value of Fair Trade products had increased considerably in the past few years as consumers now had more awareness about fair trading conditions and the environment

Consumers are willing to pay more for Fair Trade goods if they feel they have bought a product whose manufacture is highly responsible to society Today prices of Fair Trade products are also very competitive

the same as leading brands Enterprises should adapt themselves to produce Fair Trade products in order to ensure sustainable growth

tors to comply with Fair Trade certification so that they do otfaceproblems due to unfa abour treatment Every Fair Trade product is subject to labour-standard checking she explained

Manasnan Pongjayavanij Fair Trade Originals aS60ci~

and access to many markets said the consultant

According to Fair Trade Original the value of fair trade goods in the global market excluding the US rose from 1 billion (Bt427billion) in 1996 to 48 billion in 2012 Expots ofThai fair trade products were wOlth about Bt300 million in 2012

More than 30000 products are now on sale in 125 countries and the global Fair Trade system currently works with over 12 million people across 60 countries

Manasnan said many more Thai products could get the Fair Trade mark So far many local brands sllch as Doi Chang coffee plus local proshyducers of soy sauce chjli sauce pineapples and bananas are wellshy

known for having the mark which is accepted widely

Martin Boon development manshyager for Fai~Trade Original in the Netherlands told the seminar that with the global market having growshying recognition of Fair Trade prodshyucts many markets were increasing demand for products carrying the logo - and that Thailand had high potential to serve sllch worldwide demand


CllJIil W

0ltgt ltgt ltI cgt If

611Ufl ~1UHj~U IWa- fl i~Vlil~VIJ1ruVtJ

THE NATION ~ JULY 20141lI Sihasak reassures EUteam over juntas reform roadmap SUPALAK GANJANAKHUN DEE THE NATION BRUSSELS

EARLY ELECTIONS vtithout reform would not help restore proper democshyracy to Thailand That was the message related by acting Foreign Minister Sihasak Phuangketkeow when he met his counterpart from the European Union in Belgium this week In a bilateral meeting with David OSullivan chief operating officer ofthe European External Action Service Sihasak said Thailand had a clear roadmap to restore sustainable democshyracy and that the EU should support

this process of reform The roadmap and its related reform

will help strengthen our political econshyomy and will also be of benefit to our partnership with theEUin the longnm he said

Sihasak was in Brussels for a minisshyterial meeting between representatives ofAsean and the EU and spent much of his time briefing representatives of Eillopean nations aboutthe situation in Thailand

The E U along with the US and other Western countries strongly criticised themilitaryforits May 22 coup The EU suspended a number of cooperations withThailand as well as several visits by high -level officials It also recommendshyed that member states review military cooperation with Thailand

The EU said last month that it wouldmiddot

not sign a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Thailand and that the negotiation of a free-trade agreement (FTA) would not conclude until an electshyed government was in place

Sihasak told OSullivan that an electshyed government would come eventually Before that however Thailand needed time to implement reform to have a strong democracy

The time frame of 15 months or so for the reform is not too long ifwe want to make sure that our system and democracy are sustainable he said

Thai people are aware of the issues facing our country and we are working on addressing these concerns so the EU as a partner should support us

The EUhas the right to voice its conshycerns about the situation in Thailand

middot but it should also ensure it is sufficientshyly informed on specific cases he said

Concerning detention and martial law the EU should make sure it has corshyrect information about who is under

middot detention and if there are concerns about human-rights violations the EU should specify the cases he said

Sihasak discussed the situation in Thailand Vlrith many European MPs

middot while in BrusselsTheyincludeq Franck Proust special rapporteur on the FTA and Samuel Cantell head of the ecoshynomic trade and regional cooperation delegation Many of them have experishyence in engaging with Thailand and have a clear understanding ofthe current sitshyuation in the country Sihasak said


Pension scheme for farmers proposed

Farmers in the future might look forward to retiring on a government pension

Charnpittaya Chimplee directorshygeneral of the Rice Oepartment said yesterday ttiat under a draft bill dealing with the rice development fund members would contribute about 3per cent of their monthly income to the fund and the state wou ~d also chip in ayet-unspecified amount

When farmers reach the age of 60 or 65 they will start receiving a monthly pension bf about Bt4OOO

Most farmers earn less than other workers so the fund is neces- sary for their future Charnpittaya said

Other proposals for the bill are being gathered and the contents wi I be improved before its submisshysion to acommittee on rice producshytion and markets and the National Council for Peace and Order


Farmer happiness down from August WICHIT CHANTANUSORNSIRI

Farmer happiness last month dropped subshystantially from its peak last August when they had high hopes of stable income from the Yingluck Shinawatra administrations rice pledging scheme reports a Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BMC) poll

The state-backed farm banks farmer happiness index fell to 7851 in June from its highest level of89 in August said senior executive vice-president Somsak Kangteershyawat The poll surveyed 2346 farmers

Happiness from family health a good society jo b financial position and the quest

for knowledge were the six factors used to measure the index

The survey found happines from the family scored the highest with a score of 341 out offour followed by health at 321 a good society at 320 job at 314 fmancial position at 285 and the quest for knowlshyedge at 274

Farmers from the Northeast regygIiwere the happiest vvith a score of 314 while those from the North scored 313 the South 312 the East 297 and Central 299

Asource at the BMC confirmed Augusts poll was taken when the farmers mood hit a fever pitch as they felt they would receive an elevated level of compensation from the

rice pledging programme The National Council for Peace and

Order (NCPO) is seeking sustainable ways to help farmers after losses from rice pledgshying which offered prices 40-50 higher than the market price could reach 500 billion baht

The juntas measures so far largely includelowering rice production costs and slowing the release of supply to lower price pressure

The source said prices of tapioca sugar cane chicken and pork are gaining in the second half while those of rice corn rubber oil palin and whiteleg shrimp are declirun ~ bull bull imiddotI middot7~

Regarding rice prices the source said the price of paddy with 15 moisture content could average 7500-9000 baht a tonne while Hom Mali prices are projected at 14000-15000 baht in the second the half

Even though the agricultural sector conshytributes only 84 to the countrys GDP there are 167 ffiillion farmers making up 26 of the population

National Statistical Office data shows the ratio of farmers who earned over 100000 baht a year rose to 286 in 2013 from 97 in 2003 while 643 graduated from prfshymary school down from 704 a decade ago Farmers shouldered average debt of 124604 baht per person last year

BANGKOK POST 41 FTIupbeatabout domestic car sales PIYACHART MAIKAEW

The Federation of Thai Industries (FT) remains confident that domestic vehishycle sales will top I million this year defying some car makers projection of sales declining to between 900000 and 980000 vehicles

Domestic demand started picking up in the previous quarter as private firms and farmers bought new pickup trucks for their business expansion and new cultivation said Surapong Paisitpatanapong spokesshyman for the FIrs automotive industry club

The club forecasts pickup truck sales will contribute 55-58 of domestic sales against 442 in 2013 while passenger cars dropped to about 40 from 474 last year

The passenger car market has normalshyised after demand was absorbed by the gov- emments first-time car buyer scheme said Mr Sura pong

The club yesterday cut its 2014 forecast for Thailands automotive output from 24 million vehicles to 22 milliori It also cut domestic sales to 1 million vehicles hom 12 million while exports stand finn at 12 million vehicles

FTI vice-chainnan Suparat Sirisuwan~ nangkura said Thailand was expected to remain in the worlds top 10 automotive manufacturers this year with production in countries such as Canada and Russia also expected to decrease

The International Organization of Motor

Vehicle Manufacturers said Thailand was the worlds ninth-largest automotive manufacturer in 2013 and 10th in 2012 Production (ast year totalled 245 million vehicles the highest in 52 years and up by 014 from 2012

The club yesterday reported that car proshyduction fell by 261 year-on-year in June to 160452 For the first half Thailands car output fell by 29 year-on-year to 952685

Domestic car sales in June totalled 73799 dOVll by 304 on the same period in2013 while 440911 cars were sold in the first half down by 405

By contrast car exports in June rose 657 to 103946 earning the cOUDtry497 billion baht In the first half exports rose 36 to 560047 cars with export value rising 895 to 265 billion baht

The FII yesterday reported that the industrial sentiment index improved for the second straight month in JW1e

The index rose to 884 points accordshying to the FIr which conducted a survey among 1100 industrial operators It stood at 851 points in May when sentiment improved for the first time in seven months

FTI chairman Suphan Mongkholsuthee said sentiment has improved because of the more stable political situation and an increase in purchases of products thanks to the Fifa World Cup football tournament

The industry outlook index for the next three months stood at 1019 points rising from 101 in May

c (

nd~VIddjVn ru~tJ


AUTO EXPORTS INCREASE Despite the sluggish recovery of

the export sector auto shipments continue to expand but still by not enough to counter the reduction in dorriestic demand for cars

The industry has been forced to brake this years production target from 24 million units to 22 million

The target for domestic sales has been lowered from 12 million units to 1million which represents adrop of 251 per cent or 335154 units from last year

Surapong Paisitpattanapong deputy chairman and spokesman of the Federation of Thai Industries Automotive Industry Club said yesterday that lower domestic derriand the end ofthe governments first-car tax-relief programme and the delay in gov~ errirnent and private investment

middotprojects had contributedtothemiddot change in the production target However this new figure is still

middot higherthan the forecast for T8 milshylion units before the big floodiri 2011and domestic demand is

expectedto shitf intoforWard gear i

middotnext quarter~ The economic recovery payshyrnent for farmersuncter the rlceshy

pledgingscherneandreturn of investment will increase revenue l

in other industries and put more rnoney in peoples pockets he middot said

o C1I C1I Q ltgt If

NATI0 W nHUjijIJW iI j pound~TW1

ru 11~ JU L Y THE

Temporary charter should furthershyboost confidence ERICH PARPART THE NATION

THE FEDERATION ofThai Industries believes the temporary charter will further increase the confishyden~e ofdomestic and foreign investors along with buslness op~ratrs while the recent strengthening of the baht IS stJlI tolerable for the export industry as long as anyfurther appreciation is neither too rapid nor drastic

_The FTI also said yesterday that its Industries Sentiment Index (TIS) had increased by 44 points since April

The introduction ofthe provisional charter is in line with the politiCal road map of the NCPO [NationaICoimcil for Peace and Order Jand I believe that in generalinvestors andoperators will feel more relaxe and gai~ more confidence that things aremiddot gomgmaccordWlththeNCPOsplansforanewcharshyter the setting up ofan interim government and the possibility of an election in the future said Supant Mongkolsuthree chairman ofthe FTI shy

In his view the country over the past two months has been running on a smooth surface since the Nepo took power a move which has led to an increase in foreign investor confidence certainty over pubh~ II1vestment policy and rising domestic consumptIOn

These factrs will support the recovery and allow _gross domestJC product to expand by 25 percent this year he said


The FTI had been projecting an economic recesshysion before the arrival of the NCPO

As for exports Supant said The strenctheninO of the baht is related to the increased conffdence of foreign investors which has led to an inflow offorshy~ign funds This will have some effect on the export iiidustry but it is still acceptable for exporters since the currencys strengthening pace is not too fast and the Bank ofThailand is still monitoring the situashytion

The export sector will be able to cope with a stronger baht if the rate does not fall below 3050 per US dollar he said -Moreover since the global economy IS continushyII1g to reco~er the FTI is sticking with its export

- growth projectIOn of35-5 per cent for the year According to Bloomberg the baht was valued at

3176 per dollar yesterday The FTI chief pointed out that if the Kingdoms shy

export value were calculated in baht it would already show lO-per-cent growth year on year

Accordingto the central bank export value in May came in at US$1927billiol1 (Bt6124 billion) whIch IS 12 per cent lower than the same period last year in dollar terms - shy

Meanwhile the TmiddotISI has increased for two month~ in a row The indexose from 840 in April to 851 111 May and to 884111 June amidst calmer political waters the economic recovery the liftingof the curfe - and even Fifa World Cup fever which led to an mcrease in overall production orders and sale figures - shyn~eover~TISI fororBers~salesarid prod-udiai- -shyIII allll1dustnes rose from 802796821 points in May to 843 844 879 points respectively in June

OCll ClI Q crf

611W fNlWHiJW (9]~ f) ~~Vl ~1 lVJ 1 ru~J


CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough


GRAFT HAS GOT TO GO nvestors from Japan from which Such concern by the Japanese away existing and prospective forshy

the largest amount of Thailands investors should not be ignored eign investors Countless foreign direct foreign investment comes because they have brought the firms and investors have com~

have called for reduced corruption largest amount of direct foreign plained about the extra costs of and improved transparency in order investment into Thailand The doingbusinessinThailandbywhich to help restore confidence in the Japanese invested over 8t290 bil- they mean kickbacks and undershy

Kingdom lion in projects ClPproved by themiddot the-table money that must be to Setsuo luchichief representative Board of Investment last year That bureaucrats and politicians Often

of themiddot Japan External Trade was nearly 30 per cent of the total they have topayin exchange for pro-Organisation (Jetro) for Asean and foreign investment of Btl1 trillion curement deals with state agencies South Asia last week called on the according to 801 data and public projects People who ruling National Council for Peace Thailand has generally remained refuse to pay are routinely left and Order to kick-start good govershy attractiye to foreign investors due behind by their bribe-paying comshynance that includes combating corshy to positive factors such as the avail- petito rs University of the Thai ruption and ensuring transparency ability of skilled labour efficient Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) rec-particularly about doing business in infrastructure and transportation tor Saowanee Thairungroj has esti-Thailand Now its a good time for systems location andthe consider- mated that corruption adds 30 per Thailand to bring about good govshy able size of the domestic market cent to costs for businesses That ernance for the new era he said But our chronic corruption is scaring she says translates into reduced

comoetitiveness for Thai-made Economic and Business Forecasting pay corrupt officials and politi~ians products and reduced credibility for Centre He surmises that the have to cut costs at-the building site Thailand among foreign investors improvement could be due to posi- and that means poorer quality in General Prayuth Chan-ocha has tive public sentiment following the their public projects and thus a risk made tackling corruption a top pri- juntascampaignagainstcorruption to life and limb ority for the ruling military junta He and organised crime The surveyalso Businesses who pay bribes also says the fight will be part of sweepshy showed that bribes paid to officials offset their higher costs by charging ing national reform together with and politiCians by the private sector the consumers more good governance transparency and had declined to 15-25 per cent of middot Since corrupt authorities and an efficient and effective system of project costs frbman average 25-35 politicians make money and bribe-checks-and-balances Thailands per cent previously paying businesses make profits it is corruption index in the first half of Despite the seemingly slight theconsumersandthepublicingenshythis year improved for the first time improvement in the situation (or- eral who suffer in five years according to aUTCC surshy ruption remains amajor problem for They end up paying more uhnecshyvey The indexinJune was registered Thailand essarilyfor products and public proF at 46 out of a possible lOa com- In addition to the weakened ects the quality of which is poorer

pared to 39 last December says competitiveness and reduced cred- Corruption should beeliininated or Thariavath Phonvichai UTCC vice ibility the public asa whole is affect- at least minimised for the sake of rector of research and director of its ed by corruption Contractors who the country and its people

  • 57-07-24 (กรม)
  • 57-07-24 (ใบนำสง)
  • 57-07-24 (กระทรวง)

0ltgt ltgt ltI cgt If

611Ufl ~1UHj~U IWa- fl i~Vlil~VIJ1ruVtJ

THE NATION ~ JULY 20141lI Sihasak reassures EUteam over juntas reform roadmap SUPALAK GANJANAKHUN DEE THE NATION BRUSSELS

EARLY ELECTIONS vtithout reform would not help restore proper democshyracy to Thailand That was the message related by acting Foreign Minister Sihasak Phuangketkeow when he met his counterpart from the European Union in Belgium this week In a bilateral meeting with David OSullivan chief operating officer ofthe European External Action Service Sihasak said Thailand had a clear roadmap to restore sustainable democshyracy and that the EU should support

this process of reform The roadmap and its related reform

will help strengthen our political econshyomy and will also be of benefit to our partnership with theEUin the longnm he said

Sihasak was in Brussels for a minisshyterial meeting between representatives ofAsean and the EU and spent much of his time briefing representatives of Eillopean nations aboutthe situation in Thailand

The E U along with the US and other Western countries strongly criticised themilitaryforits May 22 coup The EU suspended a number of cooperations withThailand as well as several visits by high -level officials It also recommendshyed that member states review military cooperation with Thailand

The EU said last month that it wouldmiddot

not sign a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Thailand and that the negotiation of a free-trade agreement (FTA) would not conclude until an electshyed government was in place

Sihasak told OSullivan that an electshyed government would come eventually Before that however Thailand needed time to implement reform to have a strong democracy

The time frame of 15 months or so for the reform is not too long ifwe want to make sure that our system and democracy are sustainable he said

Thai people are aware of the issues facing our country and we are working on addressing these concerns so the EU as a partner should support us

The EUhas the right to voice its conshycerns about the situation in Thailand

middot but it should also ensure it is sufficientshyly informed on specific cases he said

Concerning detention and martial law the EU should make sure it has corshyrect information about who is under

middot detention and if there are concerns about human-rights violations the EU should specify the cases he said

Sihasak discussed the situation in Thailand Vlrith many European MPs

middot while in BrusselsTheyincludeq Franck Proust special rapporteur on the FTA and Samuel Cantell head of the ecoshynomic trade and regional cooperation delegation Many of them have experishyence in engaging with Thailand and have a clear understanding ofthe current sitshyuation in the country Sihasak said


Pension scheme for farmers proposed

Farmers in the future might look forward to retiring on a government pension

Charnpittaya Chimplee directorshygeneral of the Rice Oepartment said yesterday ttiat under a draft bill dealing with the rice development fund members would contribute about 3per cent of their monthly income to the fund and the state wou ~d also chip in ayet-unspecified amount

When farmers reach the age of 60 or 65 they will start receiving a monthly pension bf about Bt4OOO

Most farmers earn less than other workers so the fund is neces- sary for their future Charnpittaya said

Other proposals for the bill are being gathered and the contents wi I be improved before its submisshysion to acommittee on rice producshytion and markets and the National Council for Peace and Order


Farmer happiness down from August WICHIT CHANTANUSORNSIRI

Farmer happiness last month dropped subshystantially from its peak last August when they had high hopes of stable income from the Yingluck Shinawatra administrations rice pledging scheme reports a Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BMC) poll

The state-backed farm banks farmer happiness index fell to 7851 in June from its highest level of89 in August said senior executive vice-president Somsak Kangteershyawat The poll surveyed 2346 farmers

Happiness from family health a good society jo b financial position and the quest

for knowledge were the six factors used to measure the index

The survey found happines from the family scored the highest with a score of 341 out offour followed by health at 321 a good society at 320 job at 314 fmancial position at 285 and the quest for knowlshyedge at 274

Farmers from the Northeast regygIiwere the happiest vvith a score of 314 while those from the North scored 313 the South 312 the East 297 and Central 299

Asource at the BMC confirmed Augusts poll was taken when the farmers mood hit a fever pitch as they felt they would receive an elevated level of compensation from the

rice pledging programme The National Council for Peace and

Order (NCPO) is seeking sustainable ways to help farmers after losses from rice pledgshying which offered prices 40-50 higher than the market price could reach 500 billion baht

The juntas measures so far largely includelowering rice production costs and slowing the release of supply to lower price pressure

The source said prices of tapioca sugar cane chicken and pork are gaining in the second half while those of rice corn rubber oil palin and whiteleg shrimp are declirun ~ bull bull imiddotI middot7~

Regarding rice prices the source said the price of paddy with 15 moisture content could average 7500-9000 baht a tonne while Hom Mali prices are projected at 14000-15000 baht in the second the half

Even though the agricultural sector conshytributes only 84 to the countrys GDP there are 167 ffiillion farmers making up 26 of the population

National Statistical Office data shows the ratio of farmers who earned over 100000 baht a year rose to 286 in 2013 from 97 in 2003 while 643 graduated from prfshymary school down from 704 a decade ago Farmers shouldered average debt of 124604 baht per person last year

BANGKOK POST 41 FTIupbeatabout domestic car sales PIYACHART MAIKAEW

The Federation of Thai Industries (FT) remains confident that domestic vehishycle sales will top I million this year defying some car makers projection of sales declining to between 900000 and 980000 vehicles

Domestic demand started picking up in the previous quarter as private firms and farmers bought new pickup trucks for their business expansion and new cultivation said Surapong Paisitpatanapong spokesshyman for the FIrs automotive industry club

The club forecasts pickup truck sales will contribute 55-58 of domestic sales against 442 in 2013 while passenger cars dropped to about 40 from 474 last year

The passenger car market has normalshyised after demand was absorbed by the gov- emments first-time car buyer scheme said Mr Sura pong

The club yesterday cut its 2014 forecast for Thailands automotive output from 24 million vehicles to 22 milliori It also cut domestic sales to 1 million vehicles hom 12 million while exports stand finn at 12 million vehicles

FTI vice-chainnan Suparat Sirisuwan~ nangkura said Thailand was expected to remain in the worlds top 10 automotive manufacturers this year with production in countries such as Canada and Russia also expected to decrease

The International Organization of Motor

Vehicle Manufacturers said Thailand was the worlds ninth-largest automotive manufacturer in 2013 and 10th in 2012 Production (ast year totalled 245 million vehicles the highest in 52 years and up by 014 from 2012

The club yesterday reported that car proshyduction fell by 261 year-on-year in June to 160452 For the first half Thailands car output fell by 29 year-on-year to 952685

Domestic car sales in June totalled 73799 dOVll by 304 on the same period in2013 while 440911 cars were sold in the first half down by 405

By contrast car exports in June rose 657 to 103946 earning the cOUDtry497 billion baht In the first half exports rose 36 to 560047 cars with export value rising 895 to 265 billion baht

The FII yesterday reported that the industrial sentiment index improved for the second straight month in JW1e

The index rose to 884 points accordshying to the FIr which conducted a survey among 1100 industrial operators It stood at 851 points in May when sentiment improved for the first time in seven months

FTI chairman Suphan Mongkholsuthee said sentiment has improved because of the more stable political situation and an increase in purchases of products thanks to the Fifa World Cup football tournament

The industry outlook index for the next three months stood at 1019 points rising from 101 in May

c (

nd~VIddjVn ru~tJ


AUTO EXPORTS INCREASE Despite the sluggish recovery of

the export sector auto shipments continue to expand but still by not enough to counter the reduction in dorriestic demand for cars

The industry has been forced to brake this years production target from 24 million units to 22 million

The target for domestic sales has been lowered from 12 million units to 1million which represents adrop of 251 per cent or 335154 units from last year

Surapong Paisitpattanapong deputy chairman and spokesman of the Federation of Thai Industries Automotive Industry Club said yesterday that lower domestic derriand the end ofthe governments first-car tax-relief programme and the delay in gov~ errirnent and private investment

middotprojects had contributedtothemiddot change in the production target However this new figure is still

middot higherthan the forecast for T8 milshylion units before the big floodiri 2011and domestic demand is

expectedto shitf intoforWard gear i

middotnext quarter~ The economic recovery payshyrnent for farmersuncter the rlceshy

pledgingscherneandreturn of investment will increase revenue l

in other industries and put more rnoney in peoples pockets he middot said

o C1I C1I Q ltgt If

NATI0 W nHUjijIJW iI j pound~TW1

ru 11~ JU L Y THE

Temporary charter should furthershyboost confidence ERICH PARPART THE NATION

THE FEDERATION ofThai Industries believes the temporary charter will further increase the confishyden~e ofdomestic and foreign investors along with buslness op~ratrs while the recent strengthening of the baht IS stJlI tolerable for the export industry as long as anyfurther appreciation is neither too rapid nor drastic

_The FTI also said yesterday that its Industries Sentiment Index (TIS) had increased by 44 points since April

The introduction ofthe provisional charter is in line with the politiCal road map of the NCPO [NationaICoimcil for Peace and Order Jand I believe that in generalinvestors andoperators will feel more relaxe and gai~ more confidence that things aremiddot gomgmaccordWlththeNCPOsplansforanewcharshyter the setting up ofan interim government and the possibility of an election in the future said Supant Mongkolsuthree chairman ofthe FTI shy

In his view the country over the past two months has been running on a smooth surface since the Nepo took power a move which has led to an increase in foreign investor confidence certainty over pubh~ II1vestment policy and rising domestic consumptIOn

These factrs will support the recovery and allow _gross domestJC product to expand by 25 percent this year he said


The FTI had been projecting an economic recesshysion before the arrival of the NCPO

As for exports Supant said The strenctheninO of the baht is related to the increased conffdence of foreign investors which has led to an inflow offorshy~ign funds This will have some effect on the export iiidustry but it is still acceptable for exporters since the currencys strengthening pace is not too fast and the Bank ofThailand is still monitoring the situashytion

The export sector will be able to cope with a stronger baht if the rate does not fall below 3050 per US dollar he said -Moreover since the global economy IS continushyII1g to reco~er the FTI is sticking with its export

- growth projectIOn of35-5 per cent for the year According to Bloomberg the baht was valued at

3176 per dollar yesterday The FTI chief pointed out that if the Kingdoms shy

export value were calculated in baht it would already show lO-per-cent growth year on year

Accordingto the central bank export value in May came in at US$1927billiol1 (Bt6124 billion) whIch IS 12 per cent lower than the same period last year in dollar terms - shy

Meanwhile the TmiddotISI has increased for two month~ in a row The indexose from 840 in April to 851 111 May and to 884111 June amidst calmer political waters the economic recovery the liftingof the curfe - and even Fifa World Cup fever which led to an mcrease in overall production orders and sale figures - shyn~eover~TISI fororBers~salesarid prod-udiai- -shyIII allll1dustnes rose from 802796821 points in May to 843 844 879 points respectively in June

OCll ClI Q crf

611W fNlWHiJW (9]~ f) ~~Vl ~1 lVJ 1 ru~J


CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough


GRAFT HAS GOT TO GO nvestors from Japan from which Such concern by the Japanese away existing and prospective forshy

the largest amount of Thailands investors should not be ignored eign investors Countless foreign direct foreign investment comes because they have brought the firms and investors have com~

have called for reduced corruption largest amount of direct foreign plained about the extra costs of and improved transparency in order investment into Thailand The doingbusinessinThailandbywhich to help restore confidence in the Japanese invested over 8t290 bil- they mean kickbacks and undershy

Kingdom lion in projects ClPproved by themiddot the-table money that must be to Setsuo luchichief representative Board of Investment last year That bureaucrats and politicians Often

of themiddot Japan External Trade was nearly 30 per cent of the total they have topayin exchange for pro-Organisation (Jetro) for Asean and foreign investment of Btl1 trillion curement deals with state agencies South Asia last week called on the according to 801 data and public projects People who ruling National Council for Peace Thailand has generally remained refuse to pay are routinely left and Order to kick-start good govershy attractiye to foreign investors due behind by their bribe-paying comshynance that includes combating corshy to positive factors such as the avail- petito rs University of the Thai ruption and ensuring transparency ability of skilled labour efficient Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) rec-particularly about doing business in infrastructure and transportation tor Saowanee Thairungroj has esti-Thailand Now its a good time for systems location andthe consider- mated that corruption adds 30 per Thailand to bring about good govshy able size of the domestic market cent to costs for businesses That ernance for the new era he said But our chronic corruption is scaring she says translates into reduced

comoetitiveness for Thai-made Economic and Business Forecasting pay corrupt officials and politi~ians products and reduced credibility for Centre He surmises that the have to cut costs at-the building site Thailand among foreign investors improvement could be due to posi- and that means poorer quality in General Prayuth Chan-ocha has tive public sentiment following the their public projects and thus a risk made tackling corruption a top pri- juntascampaignagainstcorruption to life and limb ority for the ruling military junta He and organised crime The surveyalso Businesses who pay bribes also says the fight will be part of sweepshy showed that bribes paid to officials offset their higher costs by charging ing national reform together with and politiCians by the private sector the consumers more good governance transparency and had declined to 15-25 per cent of middot Since corrupt authorities and an efficient and effective system of project costs frbman average 25-35 politicians make money and bribe-checks-and-balances Thailands per cent previously paying businesses make profits it is corruption index in the first half of Despite the seemingly slight theconsumersandthepublicingenshythis year improved for the first time improvement in the situation (or- eral who suffer in five years according to aUTCC surshy ruption remains amajor problem for They end up paying more uhnecshyvey The indexinJune was registered Thailand essarilyfor products and public proF at 46 out of a possible lOa com- In addition to the weakened ects the quality of which is poorer

pared to 39 last December says competitiveness and reduced cred- Corruption should beeliininated or Thariavath Phonvichai UTCC vice ibility the public asa whole is affect- at least minimised for the sake of rector of research and director of its ed by corruption Contractors who the country and its people

  • 57-07-24 (กรม)
  • 57-07-24 (ใบนำสง)
  • 57-07-24 (กระทรวง)


Pension scheme for farmers proposed

Farmers in the future might look forward to retiring on a government pension

Charnpittaya Chimplee directorshygeneral of the Rice Oepartment said yesterday ttiat under a draft bill dealing with the rice development fund members would contribute about 3per cent of their monthly income to the fund and the state wou ~d also chip in ayet-unspecified amount

When farmers reach the age of 60 or 65 they will start receiving a monthly pension bf about Bt4OOO

Most farmers earn less than other workers so the fund is neces- sary for their future Charnpittaya said

Other proposals for the bill are being gathered and the contents wi I be improved before its submisshysion to acommittee on rice producshytion and markets and the National Council for Peace and Order


Farmer happiness down from August WICHIT CHANTANUSORNSIRI

Farmer happiness last month dropped subshystantially from its peak last August when they had high hopes of stable income from the Yingluck Shinawatra administrations rice pledging scheme reports a Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BMC) poll

The state-backed farm banks farmer happiness index fell to 7851 in June from its highest level of89 in August said senior executive vice-president Somsak Kangteershyawat The poll surveyed 2346 farmers

Happiness from family health a good society jo b financial position and the quest

for knowledge were the six factors used to measure the index

The survey found happines from the family scored the highest with a score of 341 out offour followed by health at 321 a good society at 320 job at 314 fmancial position at 285 and the quest for knowlshyedge at 274

Farmers from the Northeast regygIiwere the happiest vvith a score of 314 while those from the North scored 313 the South 312 the East 297 and Central 299

Asource at the BMC confirmed Augusts poll was taken when the farmers mood hit a fever pitch as they felt they would receive an elevated level of compensation from the

rice pledging programme The National Council for Peace and

Order (NCPO) is seeking sustainable ways to help farmers after losses from rice pledgshying which offered prices 40-50 higher than the market price could reach 500 billion baht

The juntas measures so far largely includelowering rice production costs and slowing the release of supply to lower price pressure

The source said prices of tapioca sugar cane chicken and pork are gaining in the second half while those of rice corn rubber oil palin and whiteleg shrimp are declirun ~ bull bull imiddotI middot7~

Regarding rice prices the source said the price of paddy with 15 moisture content could average 7500-9000 baht a tonne while Hom Mali prices are projected at 14000-15000 baht in the second the half

Even though the agricultural sector conshytributes only 84 to the countrys GDP there are 167 ffiillion farmers making up 26 of the population

National Statistical Office data shows the ratio of farmers who earned over 100000 baht a year rose to 286 in 2013 from 97 in 2003 while 643 graduated from prfshymary school down from 704 a decade ago Farmers shouldered average debt of 124604 baht per person last year

BANGKOK POST 41 FTIupbeatabout domestic car sales PIYACHART MAIKAEW

The Federation of Thai Industries (FT) remains confident that domestic vehishycle sales will top I million this year defying some car makers projection of sales declining to between 900000 and 980000 vehicles

Domestic demand started picking up in the previous quarter as private firms and farmers bought new pickup trucks for their business expansion and new cultivation said Surapong Paisitpatanapong spokesshyman for the FIrs automotive industry club

The club forecasts pickup truck sales will contribute 55-58 of domestic sales against 442 in 2013 while passenger cars dropped to about 40 from 474 last year

The passenger car market has normalshyised after demand was absorbed by the gov- emments first-time car buyer scheme said Mr Sura pong

The club yesterday cut its 2014 forecast for Thailands automotive output from 24 million vehicles to 22 milliori It also cut domestic sales to 1 million vehicles hom 12 million while exports stand finn at 12 million vehicles

FTI vice-chainnan Suparat Sirisuwan~ nangkura said Thailand was expected to remain in the worlds top 10 automotive manufacturers this year with production in countries such as Canada and Russia also expected to decrease

The International Organization of Motor

Vehicle Manufacturers said Thailand was the worlds ninth-largest automotive manufacturer in 2013 and 10th in 2012 Production (ast year totalled 245 million vehicles the highest in 52 years and up by 014 from 2012

The club yesterday reported that car proshyduction fell by 261 year-on-year in June to 160452 For the first half Thailands car output fell by 29 year-on-year to 952685

Domestic car sales in June totalled 73799 dOVll by 304 on the same period in2013 while 440911 cars were sold in the first half down by 405

By contrast car exports in June rose 657 to 103946 earning the cOUDtry497 billion baht In the first half exports rose 36 to 560047 cars with export value rising 895 to 265 billion baht

The FII yesterday reported that the industrial sentiment index improved for the second straight month in JW1e

The index rose to 884 points accordshying to the FIr which conducted a survey among 1100 industrial operators It stood at 851 points in May when sentiment improved for the first time in seven months

FTI chairman Suphan Mongkholsuthee said sentiment has improved because of the more stable political situation and an increase in purchases of products thanks to the Fifa World Cup football tournament

The industry outlook index for the next three months stood at 1019 points rising from 101 in May

c (

nd~VIddjVn ru~tJ


AUTO EXPORTS INCREASE Despite the sluggish recovery of

the export sector auto shipments continue to expand but still by not enough to counter the reduction in dorriestic demand for cars

The industry has been forced to brake this years production target from 24 million units to 22 million

The target for domestic sales has been lowered from 12 million units to 1million which represents adrop of 251 per cent or 335154 units from last year

Surapong Paisitpattanapong deputy chairman and spokesman of the Federation of Thai Industries Automotive Industry Club said yesterday that lower domestic derriand the end ofthe governments first-car tax-relief programme and the delay in gov~ errirnent and private investment

middotprojects had contributedtothemiddot change in the production target However this new figure is still

middot higherthan the forecast for T8 milshylion units before the big floodiri 2011and domestic demand is

expectedto shitf intoforWard gear i

middotnext quarter~ The economic recovery payshyrnent for farmersuncter the rlceshy

pledgingscherneandreturn of investment will increase revenue l

in other industries and put more rnoney in peoples pockets he middot said

o C1I C1I Q ltgt If

NATI0 W nHUjijIJW iI j pound~TW1

ru 11~ JU L Y THE

Temporary charter should furthershyboost confidence ERICH PARPART THE NATION

THE FEDERATION ofThai Industries believes the temporary charter will further increase the confishyden~e ofdomestic and foreign investors along with buslness op~ratrs while the recent strengthening of the baht IS stJlI tolerable for the export industry as long as anyfurther appreciation is neither too rapid nor drastic

_The FTI also said yesterday that its Industries Sentiment Index (TIS) had increased by 44 points since April

The introduction ofthe provisional charter is in line with the politiCal road map of the NCPO [NationaICoimcil for Peace and Order Jand I believe that in generalinvestors andoperators will feel more relaxe and gai~ more confidence that things aremiddot gomgmaccordWlththeNCPOsplansforanewcharshyter the setting up ofan interim government and the possibility of an election in the future said Supant Mongkolsuthree chairman ofthe FTI shy

In his view the country over the past two months has been running on a smooth surface since the Nepo took power a move which has led to an increase in foreign investor confidence certainty over pubh~ II1vestment policy and rising domestic consumptIOn

These factrs will support the recovery and allow _gross domestJC product to expand by 25 percent this year he said


The FTI had been projecting an economic recesshysion before the arrival of the NCPO

As for exports Supant said The strenctheninO of the baht is related to the increased conffdence of foreign investors which has led to an inflow offorshy~ign funds This will have some effect on the export iiidustry but it is still acceptable for exporters since the currencys strengthening pace is not too fast and the Bank ofThailand is still monitoring the situashytion

The export sector will be able to cope with a stronger baht if the rate does not fall below 3050 per US dollar he said -Moreover since the global economy IS continushyII1g to reco~er the FTI is sticking with its export

- growth projectIOn of35-5 per cent for the year According to Bloomberg the baht was valued at

3176 per dollar yesterday The FTI chief pointed out that if the Kingdoms shy

export value were calculated in baht it would already show lO-per-cent growth year on year

Accordingto the central bank export value in May came in at US$1927billiol1 (Bt6124 billion) whIch IS 12 per cent lower than the same period last year in dollar terms - shy

Meanwhile the TmiddotISI has increased for two month~ in a row The indexose from 840 in April to 851 111 May and to 884111 June amidst calmer political waters the economic recovery the liftingof the curfe - and even Fifa World Cup fever which led to an mcrease in overall production orders and sale figures - shyn~eover~TISI fororBers~salesarid prod-udiai- -shyIII allll1dustnes rose from 802796821 points in May to 843 844 879 points respectively in June

OCll ClI Q crf

611W fNlWHiJW (9]~ f) ~~Vl ~1 lVJ 1 ru~J


CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough


GRAFT HAS GOT TO GO nvestors from Japan from which Such concern by the Japanese away existing and prospective forshy

the largest amount of Thailands investors should not be ignored eign investors Countless foreign direct foreign investment comes because they have brought the firms and investors have com~

have called for reduced corruption largest amount of direct foreign plained about the extra costs of and improved transparency in order investment into Thailand The doingbusinessinThailandbywhich to help restore confidence in the Japanese invested over 8t290 bil- they mean kickbacks and undershy

Kingdom lion in projects ClPproved by themiddot the-table money that must be to Setsuo luchichief representative Board of Investment last year That bureaucrats and politicians Often

of themiddot Japan External Trade was nearly 30 per cent of the total they have topayin exchange for pro-Organisation (Jetro) for Asean and foreign investment of Btl1 trillion curement deals with state agencies South Asia last week called on the according to 801 data and public projects People who ruling National Council for Peace Thailand has generally remained refuse to pay are routinely left and Order to kick-start good govershy attractiye to foreign investors due behind by their bribe-paying comshynance that includes combating corshy to positive factors such as the avail- petito rs University of the Thai ruption and ensuring transparency ability of skilled labour efficient Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) rec-particularly about doing business in infrastructure and transportation tor Saowanee Thairungroj has esti-Thailand Now its a good time for systems location andthe consider- mated that corruption adds 30 per Thailand to bring about good govshy able size of the domestic market cent to costs for businesses That ernance for the new era he said But our chronic corruption is scaring she says translates into reduced

comoetitiveness for Thai-made Economic and Business Forecasting pay corrupt officials and politi~ians products and reduced credibility for Centre He surmises that the have to cut costs at-the building site Thailand among foreign investors improvement could be due to posi- and that means poorer quality in General Prayuth Chan-ocha has tive public sentiment following the their public projects and thus a risk made tackling corruption a top pri- juntascampaignagainstcorruption to life and limb ority for the ruling military junta He and organised crime The surveyalso Businesses who pay bribes also says the fight will be part of sweepshy showed that bribes paid to officials offset their higher costs by charging ing national reform together with and politiCians by the private sector the consumers more good governance transparency and had declined to 15-25 per cent of middot Since corrupt authorities and an efficient and effective system of project costs frbman average 25-35 politicians make money and bribe-checks-and-balances Thailands per cent previously paying businesses make profits it is corruption index in the first half of Despite the seemingly slight theconsumersandthepublicingenshythis year improved for the first time improvement in the situation (or- eral who suffer in five years according to aUTCC surshy ruption remains amajor problem for They end up paying more uhnecshyvey The indexinJune was registered Thailand essarilyfor products and public proF at 46 out of a possible lOa com- In addition to the weakened ects the quality of which is poorer

pared to 39 last December says competitiveness and reduced cred- Corruption should beeliininated or Thariavath Phonvichai UTCC vice ibility the public asa whole is affect- at least minimised for the sake of rector of research and director of its ed by corruption Contractors who the country and its people

  • 57-07-24 (กรม)
  • 57-07-24 (ใบนำสง)
  • 57-07-24 (กระทรวง)


Farmer happiness down from August WICHIT CHANTANUSORNSIRI

Farmer happiness last month dropped subshystantially from its peak last August when they had high hopes of stable income from the Yingluck Shinawatra administrations rice pledging scheme reports a Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BMC) poll

The state-backed farm banks farmer happiness index fell to 7851 in June from its highest level of89 in August said senior executive vice-president Somsak Kangteershyawat The poll surveyed 2346 farmers

Happiness from family health a good society jo b financial position and the quest

for knowledge were the six factors used to measure the index

The survey found happines from the family scored the highest with a score of 341 out offour followed by health at 321 a good society at 320 job at 314 fmancial position at 285 and the quest for knowlshyedge at 274

Farmers from the Northeast regygIiwere the happiest vvith a score of 314 while those from the North scored 313 the South 312 the East 297 and Central 299

Asource at the BMC confirmed Augusts poll was taken when the farmers mood hit a fever pitch as they felt they would receive an elevated level of compensation from the

rice pledging programme The National Council for Peace and

Order (NCPO) is seeking sustainable ways to help farmers after losses from rice pledgshying which offered prices 40-50 higher than the market price could reach 500 billion baht

The juntas measures so far largely includelowering rice production costs and slowing the release of supply to lower price pressure

The source said prices of tapioca sugar cane chicken and pork are gaining in the second half while those of rice corn rubber oil palin and whiteleg shrimp are declirun ~ bull bull imiddotI middot7~

Regarding rice prices the source said the price of paddy with 15 moisture content could average 7500-9000 baht a tonne while Hom Mali prices are projected at 14000-15000 baht in the second the half

Even though the agricultural sector conshytributes only 84 to the countrys GDP there are 167 ffiillion farmers making up 26 of the population

National Statistical Office data shows the ratio of farmers who earned over 100000 baht a year rose to 286 in 2013 from 97 in 2003 while 643 graduated from prfshymary school down from 704 a decade ago Farmers shouldered average debt of 124604 baht per person last year

BANGKOK POST 41 FTIupbeatabout domestic car sales PIYACHART MAIKAEW

The Federation of Thai Industries (FT) remains confident that domestic vehishycle sales will top I million this year defying some car makers projection of sales declining to between 900000 and 980000 vehicles

Domestic demand started picking up in the previous quarter as private firms and farmers bought new pickup trucks for their business expansion and new cultivation said Surapong Paisitpatanapong spokesshyman for the FIrs automotive industry club

The club forecasts pickup truck sales will contribute 55-58 of domestic sales against 442 in 2013 while passenger cars dropped to about 40 from 474 last year

The passenger car market has normalshyised after demand was absorbed by the gov- emments first-time car buyer scheme said Mr Sura pong

The club yesterday cut its 2014 forecast for Thailands automotive output from 24 million vehicles to 22 milliori It also cut domestic sales to 1 million vehicles hom 12 million while exports stand finn at 12 million vehicles

FTI vice-chainnan Suparat Sirisuwan~ nangkura said Thailand was expected to remain in the worlds top 10 automotive manufacturers this year with production in countries such as Canada and Russia also expected to decrease

The International Organization of Motor

Vehicle Manufacturers said Thailand was the worlds ninth-largest automotive manufacturer in 2013 and 10th in 2012 Production (ast year totalled 245 million vehicles the highest in 52 years and up by 014 from 2012

The club yesterday reported that car proshyduction fell by 261 year-on-year in June to 160452 For the first half Thailands car output fell by 29 year-on-year to 952685

Domestic car sales in June totalled 73799 dOVll by 304 on the same period in2013 while 440911 cars were sold in the first half down by 405

By contrast car exports in June rose 657 to 103946 earning the cOUDtry497 billion baht In the first half exports rose 36 to 560047 cars with export value rising 895 to 265 billion baht

The FII yesterday reported that the industrial sentiment index improved for the second straight month in JW1e

The index rose to 884 points accordshying to the FIr which conducted a survey among 1100 industrial operators It stood at 851 points in May when sentiment improved for the first time in seven months

FTI chairman Suphan Mongkholsuthee said sentiment has improved because of the more stable political situation and an increase in purchases of products thanks to the Fifa World Cup football tournament

The industry outlook index for the next three months stood at 1019 points rising from 101 in May

c (

nd~VIddjVn ru~tJ


AUTO EXPORTS INCREASE Despite the sluggish recovery of

the export sector auto shipments continue to expand but still by not enough to counter the reduction in dorriestic demand for cars

The industry has been forced to brake this years production target from 24 million units to 22 million

The target for domestic sales has been lowered from 12 million units to 1million which represents adrop of 251 per cent or 335154 units from last year

Surapong Paisitpattanapong deputy chairman and spokesman of the Federation of Thai Industries Automotive Industry Club said yesterday that lower domestic derriand the end ofthe governments first-car tax-relief programme and the delay in gov~ errirnent and private investment

middotprojects had contributedtothemiddot change in the production target However this new figure is still

middot higherthan the forecast for T8 milshylion units before the big floodiri 2011and domestic demand is

expectedto shitf intoforWard gear i

middotnext quarter~ The economic recovery payshyrnent for farmersuncter the rlceshy

pledgingscherneandreturn of investment will increase revenue l

in other industries and put more rnoney in peoples pockets he middot said

o C1I C1I Q ltgt If

NATI0 W nHUjijIJW iI j pound~TW1

ru 11~ JU L Y THE

Temporary charter should furthershyboost confidence ERICH PARPART THE NATION

THE FEDERATION ofThai Industries believes the temporary charter will further increase the confishyden~e ofdomestic and foreign investors along with buslness op~ratrs while the recent strengthening of the baht IS stJlI tolerable for the export industry as long as anyfurther appreciation is neither too rapid nor drastic

_The FTI also said yesterday that its Industries Sentiment Index (TIS) had increased by 44 points since April

The introduction ofthe provisional charter is in line with the politiCal road map of the NCPO [NationaICoimcil for Peace and Order Jand I believe that in generalinvestors andoperators will feel more relaxe and gai~ more confidence that things aremiddot gomgmaccordWlththeNCPOsplansforanewcharshyter the setting up ofan interim government and the possibility of an election in the future said Supant Mongkolsuthree chairman ofthe FTI shy

In his view the country over the past two months has been running on a smooth surface since the Nepo took power a move which has led to an increase in foreign investor confidence certainty over pubh~ II1vestment policy and rising domestic consumptIOn

These factrs will support the recovery and allow _gross domestJC product to expand by 25 percent this year he said


The FTI had been projecting an economic recesshysion before the arrival of the NCPO

As for exports Supant said The strenctheninO of the baht is related to the increased conffdence of foreign investors which has led to an inflow offorshy~ign funds This will have some effect on the export iiidustry but it is still acceptable for exporters since the currencys strengthening pace is not too fast and the Bank ofThailand is still monitoring the situashytion

The export sector will be able to cope with a stronger baht if the rate does not fall below 3050 per US dollar he said -Moreover since the global economy IS continushyII1g to reco~er the FTI is sticking with its export

- growth projectIOn of35-5 per cent for the year According to Bloomberg the baht was valued at

3176 per dollar yesterday The FTI chief pointed out that if the Kingdoms shy

export value were calculated in baht it would already show lO-per-cent growth year on year

Accordingto the central bank export value in May came in at US$1927billiol1 (Bt6124 billion) whIch IS 12 per cent lower than the same period last year in dollar terms - shy

Meanwhile the TmiddotISI has increased for two month~ in a row The indexose from 840 in April to 851 111 May and to 884111 June amidst calmer political waters the economic recovery the liftingof the curfe - and even Fifa World Cup fever which led to an mcrease in overall production orders and sale figures - shyn~eover~TISI fororBers~salesarid prod-udiai- -shyIII allll1dustnes rose from 802796821 points in May to 843 844 879 points respectively in June

OCll ClI Q crf

611W fNlWHiJW (9]~ f) ~~Vl ~1 lVJ 1 ru~J


CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough


GRAFT HAS GOT TO GO nvestors from Japan from which Such concern by the Japanese away existing and prospective forshy

the largest amount of Thailands investors should not be ignored eign investors Countless foreign direct foreign investment comes because they have brought the firms and investors have com~

have called for reduced corruption largest amount of direct foreign plained about the extra costs of and improved transparency in order investment into Thailand The doingbusinessinThailandbywhich to help restore confidence in the Japanese invested over 8t290 bil- they mean kickbacks and undershy

Kingdom lion in projects ClPproved by themiddot the-table money that must be to Setsuo luchichief representative Board of Investment last year That bureaucrats and politicians Often

of themiddot Japan External Trade was nearly 30 per cent of the total they have topayin exchange for pro-Organisation (Jetro) for Asean and foreign investment of Btl1 trillion curement deals with state agencies South Asia last week called on the according to 801 data and public projects People who ruling National Council for Peace Thailand has generally remained refuse to pay are routinely left and Order to kick-start good govershy attractiye to foreign investors due behind by their bribe-paying comshynance that includes combating corshy to positive factors such as the avail- petito rs University of the Thai ruption and ensuring transparency ability of skilled labour efficient Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) rec-particularly about doing business in infrastructure and transportation tor Saowanee Thairungroj has esti-Thailand Now its a good time for systems location andthe consider- mated that corruption adds 30 per Thailand to bring about good govshy able size of the domestic market cent to costs for businesses That ernance for the new era he said But our chronic corruption is scaring she says translates into reduced

comoetitiveness for Thai-made Economic and Business Forecasting pay corrupt officials and politi~ians products and reduced credibility for Centre He surmises that the have to cut costs at-the building site Thailand among foreign investors improvement could be due to posi- and that means poorer quality in General Prayuth Chan-ocha has tive public sentiment following the their public projects and thus a risk made tackling corruption a top pri- juntascampaignagainstcorruption to life and limb ority for the ruling military junta He and organised crime The surveyalso Businesses who pay bribes also says the fight will be part of sweepshy showed that bribes paid to officials offset their higher costs by charging ing national reform together with and politiCians by the private sector the consumers more good governance transparency and had declined to 15-25 per cent of middot Since corrupt authorities and an efficient and effective system of project costs frbman average 25-35 politicians make money and bribe-checks-and-balances Thailands per cent previously paying businesses make profits it is corruption index in the first half of Despite the seemingly slight theconsumersandthepublicingenshythis year improved for the first time improvement in the situation (or- eral who suffer in five years according to aUTCC surshy ruption remains amajor problem for They end up paying more uhnecshyvey The indexinJune was registered Thailand essarilyfor products and public proF at 46 out of a possible lOa com- In addition to the weakened ects the quality of which is poorer

pared to 39 last December says competitiveness and reduced cred- Corruption should beeliininated or Thariavath Phonvichai UTCC vice ibility the public asa whole is affect- at least minimised for the sake of rector of research and director of its ed by corruption Contractors who the country and its people

  • 57-07-24 (กรม)
  • 57-07-24 (ใบนำสง)
  • 57-07-24 (กระทรวง)

BANGKOK POST 41 FTIupbeatabout domestic car sales PIYACHART MAIKAEW

The Federation of Thai Industries (FT) remains confident that domestic vehishycle sales will top I million this year defying some car makers projection of sales declining to between 900000 and 980000 vehicles

Domestic demand started picking up in the previous quarter as private firms and farmers bought new pickup trucks for their business expansion and new cultivation said Surapong Paisitpatanapong spokesshyman for the FIrs automotive industry club

The club forecasts pickup truck sales will contribute 55-58 of domestic sales against 442 in 2013 while passenger cars dropped to about 40 from 474 last year

The passenger car market has normalshyised after demand was absorbed by the gov- emments first-time car buyer scheme said Mr Sura pong

The club yesterday cut its 2014 forecast for Thailands automotive output from 24 million vehicles to 22 milliori It also cut domestic sales to 1 million vehicles hom 12 million while exports stand finn at 12 million vehicles

FTI vice-chainnan Suparat Sirisuwan~ nangkura said Thailand was expected to remain in the worlds top 10 automotive manufacturers this year with production in countries such as Canada and Russia also expected to decrease

The International Organization of Motor

Vehicle Manufacturers said Thailand was the worlds ninth-largest automotive manufacturer in 2013 and 10th in 2012 Production (ast year totalled 245 million vehicles the highest in 52 years and up by 014 from 2012

The club yesterday reported that car proshyduction fell by 261 year-on-year in June to 160452 For the first half Thailands car output fell by 29 year-on-year to 952685

Domestic car sales in June totalled 73799 dOVll by 304 on the same period in2013 while 440911 cars were sold in the first half down by 405

By contrast car exports in June rose 657 to 103946 earning the cOUDtry497 billion baht In the first half exports rose 36 to 560047 cars with export value rising 895 to 265 billion baht

The FII yesterday reported that the industrial sentiment index improved for the second straight month in JW1e

The index rose to 884 points accordshying to the FIr which conducted a survey among 1100 industrial operators It stood at 851 points in May when sentiment improved for the first time in seven months

FTI chairman Suphan Mongkholsuthee said sentiment has improved because of the more stable political situation and an increase in purchases of products thanks to the Fifa World Cup football tournament

The industry outlook index for the next three months stood at 1019 points rising from 101 in May

c (

nd~VIddjVn ru~tJ


AUTO EXPORTS INCREASE Despite the sluggish recovery of

the export sector auto shipments continue to expand but still by not enough to counter the reduction in dorriestic demand for cars

The industry has been forced to brake this years production target from 24 million units to 22 million

The target for domestic sales has been lowered from 12 million units to 1million which represents adrop of 251 per cent or 335154 units from last year

Surapong Paisitpattanapong deputy chairman and spokesman of the Federation of Thai Industries Automotive Industry Club said yesterday that lower domestic derriand the end ofthe governments first-car tax-relief programme and the delay in gov~ errirnent and private investment

middotprojects had contributedtothemiddot change in the production target However this new figure is still

middot higherthan the forecast for T8 milshylion units before the big floodiri 2011and domestic demand is

expectedto shitf intoforWard gear i

middotnext quarter~ The economic recovery payshyrnent for farmersuncter the rlceshy

pledgingscherneandreturn of investment will increase revenue l

in other industries and put more rnoney in peoples pockets he middot said

o C1I C1I Q ltgt If

NATI0 W nHUjijIJW iI j pound~TW1

ru 11~ JU L Y THE

Temporary charter should furthershyboost confidence ERICH PARPART THE NATION

THE FEDERATION ofThai Industries believes the temporary charter will further increase the confishyden~e ofdomestic and foreign investors along with buslness op~ratrs while the recent strengthening of the baht IS stJlI tolerable for the export industry as long as anyfurther appreciation is neither too rapid nor drastic

_The FTI also said yesterday that its Industries Sentiment Index (TIS) had increased by 44 points since April

The introduction ofthe provisional charter is in line with the politiCal road map of the NCPO [NationaICoimcil for Peace and Order Jand I believe that in generalinvestors andoperators will feel more relaxe and gai~ more confidence that things aremiddot gomgmaccordWlththeNCPOsplansforanewcharshyter the setting up ofan interim government and the possibility of an election in the future said Supant Mongkolsuthree chairman ofthe FTI shy

In his view the country over the past two months has been running on a smooth surface since the Nepo took power a move which has led to an increase in foreign investor confidence certainty over pubh~ II1vestment policy and rising domestic consumptIOn

These factrs will support the recovery and allow _gross domestJC product to expand by 25 percent this year he said


The FTI had been projecting an economic recesshysion before the arrival of the NCPO

As for exports Supant said The strenctheninO of the baht is related to the increased conffdence of foreign investors which has led to an inflow offorshy~ign funds This will have some effect on the export iiidustry but it is still acceptable for exporters since the currencys strengthening pace is not too fast and the Bank ofThailand is still monitoring the situashytion

The export sector will be able to cope with a stronger baht if the rate does not fall below 3050 per US dollar he said -Moreover since the global economy IS continushyII1g to reco~er the FTI is sticking with its export

- growth projectIOn of35-5 per cent for the year According to Bloomberg the baht was valued at

3176 per dollar yesterday The FTI chief pointed out that if the Kingdoms shy

export value were calculated in baht it would already show lO-per-cent growth year on year

Accordingto the central bank export value in May came in at US$1927billiol1 (Bt6124 billion) whIch IS 12 per cent lower than the same period last year in dollar terms - shy

Meanwhile the TmiddotISI has increased for two month~ in a row The indexose from 840 in April to 851 111 May and to 884111 June amidst calmer political waters the economic recovery the liftingof the curfe - and even Fifa World Cup fever which led to an mcrease in overall production orders and sale figures - shyn~eover~TISI fororBers~salesarid prod-udiai- -shyIII allll1dustnes rose from 802796821 points in May to 843 844 879 points respectively in June

OCll ClI Q crf

611W fNlWHiJW (9]~ f) ~~Vl ~1 lVJ 1 ru~J


CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough


GRAFT HAS GOT TO GO nvestors from Japan from which Such concern by the Japanese away existing and prospective forshy

the largest amount of Thailands investors should not be ignored eign investors Countless foreign direct foreign investment comes because they have brought the firms and investors have com~

have called for reduced corruption largest amount of direct foreign plained about the extra costs of and improved transparency in order investment into Thailand The doingbusinessinThailandbywhich to help restore confidence in the Japanese invested over 8t290 bil- they mean kickbacks and undershy

Kingdom lion in projects ClPproved by themiddot the-table money that must be to Setsuo luchichief representative Board of Investment last year That bureaucrats and politicians Often

of themiddot Japan External Trade was nearly 30 per cent of the total they have topayin exchange for pro-Organisation (Jetro) for Asean and foreign investment of Btl1 trillion curement deals with state agencies South Asia last week called on the according to 801 data and public projects People who ruling National Council for Peace Thailand has generally remained refuse to pay are routinely left and Order to kick-start good govershy attractiye to foreign investors due behind by their bribe-paying comshynance that includes combating corshy to positive factors such as the avail- petito rs University of the Thai ruption and ensuring transparency ability of skilled labour efficient Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) rec-particularly about doing business in infrastructure and transportation tor Saowanee Thairungroj has esti-Thailand Now its a good time for systems location andthe consider- mated that corruption adds 30 per Thailand to bring about good govshy able size of the domestic market cent to costs for businesses That ernance for the new era he said But our chronic corruption is scaring she says translates into reduced

comoetitiveness for Thai-made Economic and Business Forecasting pay corrupt officials and politi~ians products and reduced credibility for Centre He surmises that the have to cut costs at-the building site Thailand among foreign investors improvement could be due to posi- and that means poorer quality in General Prayuth Chan-ocha has tive public sentiment following the their public projects and thus a risk made tackling corruption a top pri- juntascampaignagainstcorruption to life and limb ority for the ruling military junta He and organised crime The surveyalso Businesses who pay bribes also says the fight will be part of sweepshy showed that bribes paid to officials offset their higher costs by charging ing national reform together with and politiCians by the private sector the consumers more good governance transparency and had declined to 15-25 per cent of middot Since corrupt authorities and an efficient and effective system of project costs frbman average 25-35 politicians make money and bribe-checks-and-balances Thailands per cent previously paying businesses make profits it is corruption index in the first half of Despite the seemingly slight theconsumersandthepublicingenshythis year improved for the first time improvement in the situation (or- eral who suffer in five years according to aUTCC surshy ruption remains amajor problem for They end up paying more uhnecshyvey The indexinJune was registered Thailand essarilyfor products and public proF at 46 out of a possible lOa com- In addition to the weakened ects the quality of which is poorer

pared to 39 last December says competitiveness and reduced cred- Corruption should beeliininated or Thariavath Phonvichai UTCC vice ibility the public asa whole is affect- at least minimised for the sake of rector of research and director of its ed by corruption Contractors who the country and its people

  • 57-07-24 (กรม)
  • 57-07-24 (ใบนำสง)
  • 57-07-24 (กระทรวง)

c (

nd~VIddjVn ru~tJ


AUTO EXPORTS INCREASE Despite the sluggish recovery of

the export sector auto shipments continue to expand but still by not enough to counter the reduction in dorriestic demand for cars

The industry has been forced to brake this years production target from 24 million units to 22 million

The target for domestic sales has been lowered from 12 million units to 1million which represents adrop of 251 per cent or 335154 units from last year

Surapong Paisitpattanapong deputy chairman and spokesman of the Federation of Thai Industries Automotive Industry Club said yesterday that lower domestic derriand the end ofthe governments first-car tax-relief programme and the delay in gov~ errirnent and private investment

middotprojects had contributedtothemiddot change in the production target However this new figure is still

middot higherthan the forecast for T8 milshylion units before the big floodiri 2011and domestic demand is

expectedto shitf intoforWard gear i

middotnext quarter~ The economic recovery payshyrnent for farmersuncter the rlceshy

pledgingscherneandreturn of investment will increase revenue l

in other industries and put more rnoney in peoples pockets he middot said

o C1I C1I Q ltgt If

NATI0 W nHUjijIJW iI j pound~TW1

ru 11~ JU L Y THE

Temporary charter should furthershyboost confidence ERICH PARPART THE NATION

THE FEDERATION ofThai Industries believes the temporary charter will further increase the confishyden~e ofdomestic and foreign investors along with buslness op~ratrs while the recent strengthening of the baht IS stJlI tolerable for the export industry as long as anyfurther appreciation is neither too rapid nor drastic

_The FTI also said yesterday that its Industries Sentiment Index (TIS) had increased by 44 points since April

The introduction ofthe provisional charter is in line with the politiCal road map of the NCPO [NationaICoimcil for Peace and Order Jand I believe that in generalinvestors andoperators will feel more relaxe and gai~ more confidence that things aremiddot gomgmaccordWlththeNCPOsplansforanewcharshyter the setting up ofan interim government and the possibility of an election in the future said Supant Mongkolsuthree chairman ofthe FTI shy

In his view the country over the past two months has been running on a smooth surface since the Nepo took power a move which has led to an increase in foreign investor confidence certainty over pubh~ II1vestment policy and rising domestic consumptIOn

These factrs will support the recovery and allow _gross domestJC product to expand by 25 percent this year he said


The FTI had been projecting an economic recesshysion before the arrival of the NCPO

As for exports Supant said The strenctheninO of the baht is related to the increased conffdence of foreign investors which has led to an inflow offorshy~ign funds This will have some effect on the export iiidustry but it is still acceptable for exporters since the currencys strengthening pace is not too fast and the Bank ofThailand is still monitoring the situashytion

The export sector will be able to cope with a stronger baht if the rate does not fall below 3050 per US dollar he said -Moreover since the global economy IS continushyII1g to reco~er the FTI is sticking with its export

- growth projectIOn of35-5 per cent for the year According to Bloomberg the baht was valued at

3176 per dollar yesterday The FTI chief pointed out that if the Kingdoms shy

export value were calculated in baht it would already show lO-per-cent growth year on year

Accordingto the central bank export value in May came in at US$1927billiol1 (Bt6124 billion) whIch IS 12 per cent lower than the same period last year in dollar terms - shy

Meanwhile the TmiddotISI has increased for two month~ in a row The indexose from 840 in April to 851 111 May and to 884111 June amidst calmer political waters the economic recovery the liftingof the curfe - and even Fifa World Cup fever which led to an mcrease in overall production orders and sale figures - shyn~eover~TISI fororBers~salesarid prod-udiai- -shyIII allll1dustnes rose from 802796821 points in May to 843 844 879 points respectively in June

OCll ClI Q crf

611W fNlWHiJW (9]~ f) ~~Vl ~1 lVJ 1 ru~J


CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough


GRAFT HAS GOT TO GO nvestors from Japan from which Such concern by the Japanese away existing and prospective forshy

the largest amount of Thailands investors should not be ignored eign investors Countless foreign direct foreign investment comes because they have brought the firms and investors have com~

have called for reduced corruption largest amount of direct foreign plained about the extra costs of and improved transparency in order investment into Thailand The doingbusinessinThailandbywhich to help restore confidence in the Japanese invested over 8t290 bil- they mean kickbacks and undershy

Kingdom lion in projects ClPproved by themiddot the-table money that must be to Setsuo luchichief representative Board of Investment last year That bureaucrats and politicians Often

of themiddot Japan External Trade was nearly 30 per cent of the total they have topayin exchange for pro-Organisation (Jetro) for Asean and foreign investment of Btl1 trillion curement deals with state agencies South Asia last week called on the according to 801 data and public projects People who ruling National Council for Peace Thailand has generally remained refuse to pay are routinely left and Order to kick-start good govershy attractiye to foreign investors due behind by their bribe-paying comshynance that includes combating corshy to positive factors such as the avail- petito rs University of the Thai ruption and ensuring transparency ability of skilled labour efficient Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) rec-particularly about doing business in infrastructure and transportation tor Saowanee Thairungroj has esti-Thailand Now its a good time for systems location andthe consider- mated that corruption adds 30 per Thailand to bring about good govshy able size of the domestic market cent to costs for businesses That ernance for the new era he said But our chronic corruption is scaring she says translates into reduced

comoetitiveness for Thai-made Economic and Business Forecasting pay corrupt officials and politi~ians products and reduced credibility for Centre He surmises that the have to cut costs at-the building site Thailand among foreign investors improvement could be due to posi- and that means poorer quality in General Prayuth Chan-ocha has tive public sentiment following the their public projects and thus a risk made tackling corruption a top pri- juntascampaignagainstcorruption to life and limb ority for the ruling military junta He and organised crime The surveyalso Businesses who pay bribes also says the fight will be part of sweepshy showed that bribes paid to officials offset their higher costs by charging ing national reform together with and politiCians by the private sector the consumers more good governance transparency and had declined to 15-25 per cent of middot Since corrupt authorities and an efficient and effective system of project costs frbman average 25-35 politicians make money and bribe-checks-and-balances Thailands per cent previously paying businesses make profits it is corruption index in the first half of Despite the seemingly slight theconsumersandthepublicingenshythis year improved for the first time improvement in the situation (or- eral who suffer in five years according to aUTCC surshy ruption remains amajor problem for They end up paying more uhnecshyvey The indexinJune was registered Thailand essarilyfor products and public proF at 46 out of a possible lOa com- In addition to the weakened ects the quality of which is poorer

pared to 39 last December says competitiveness and reduced cred- Corruption should beeliininated or Thariavath Phonvichai UTCC vice ibility the public asa whole is affect- at least minimised for the sake of rector of research and director of its ed by corruption Contractors who the country and its people

  • 57-07-24 (กรม)
  • 57-07-24 (ใบนำสง)
  • 57-07-24 (กระทรวง)

o C1I C1I Q ltgt If

NATI0 W nHUjijIJW iI j pound~TW1

ru 11~ JU L Y THE

Temporary charter should furthershyboost confidence ERICH PARPART THE NATION

THE FEDERATION ofThai Industries believes the temporary charter will further increase the confishyden~e ofdomestic and foreign investors along with buslness op~ratrs while the recent strengthening of the baht IS stJlI tolerable for the export industry as long as anyfurther appreciation is neither too rapid nor drastic

_The FTI also said yesterday that its Industries Sentiment Index (TIS) had increased by 44 points since April

The introduction ofthe provisional charter is in line with the politiCal road map of the NCPO [NationaICoimcil for Peace and Order Jand I believe that in generalinvestors andoperators will feel more relaxe and gai~ more confidence that things aremiddot gomgmaccordWlththeNCPOsplansforanewcharshyter the setting up ofan interim government and the possibility of an election in the future said Supant Mongkolsuthree chairman ofthe FTI shy

In his view the country over the past two months has been running on a smooth surface since the Nepo took power a move which has led to an increase in foreign investor confidence certainty over pubh~ II1vestment policy and rising domestic consumptIOn

These factrs will support the recovery and allow _gross domestJC product to expand by 25 percent this year he said


The FTI had been projecting an economic recesshysion before the arrival of the NCPO

As for exports Supant said The strenctheninO of the baht is related to the increased conffdence of foreign investors which has led to an inflow offorshy~ign funds This will have some effect on the export iiidustry but it is still acceptable for exporters since the currencys strengthening pace is not too fast and the Bank ofThailand is still monitoring the situashytion

The export sector will be able to cope with a stronger baht if the rate does not fall below 3050 per US dollar he said -Moreover since the global economy IS continushyII1g to reco~er the FTI is sticking with its export

- growth projectIOn of35-5 per cent for the year According to Bloomberg the baht was valued at

3176 per dollar yesterday The FTI chief pointed out that if the Kingdoms shy

export value were calculated in baht it would already show lO-per-cent growth year on year

Accordingto the central bank export value in May came in at US$1927billiol1 (Bt6124 billion) whIch IS 12 per cent lower than the same period last year in dollar terms - shy

Meanwhile the TmiddotISI has increased for two month~ in a row The indexose from 840 in April to 851 111 May and to 884111 June amidst calmer political waters the economic recovery the liftingof the curfe - and even Fifa World Cup fever which led to an mcrease in overall production orders and sale figures - shyn~eover~TISI fororBers~salesarid prod-udiai- -shyIII allll1dustnes rose from 802796821 points in May to 843 844 879 points respectively in June

OCll ClI Q crf

611W fNlWHiJW (9]~ f) ~~Vl ~1 lVJ 1 ru~J


CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough


GRAFT HAS GOT TO GO nvestors from Japan from which Such concern by the Japanese away existing and prospective forshy

the largest amount of Thailands investors should not be ignored eign investors Countless foreign direct foreign investment comes because they have brought the firms and investors have com~

have called for reduced corruption largest amount of direct foreign plained about the extra costs of and improved transparency in order investment into Thailand The doingbusinessinThailandbywhich to help restore confidence in the Japanese invested over 8t290 bil- they mean kickbacks and undershy

Kingdom lion in projects ClPproved by themiddot the-table money that must be to Setsuo luchichief representative Board of Investment last year That bureaucrats and politicians Often

of themiddot Japan External Trade was nearly 30 per cent of the total they have topayin exchange for pro-Organisation (Jetro) for Asean and foreign investment of Btl1 trillion curement deals with state agencies South Asia last week called on the according to 801 data and public projects People who ruling National Council for Peace Thailand has generally remained refuse to pay are routinely left and Order to kick-start good govershy attractiye to foreign investors due behind by their bribe-paying comshynance that includes combating corshy to positive factors such as the avail- petito rs University of the Thai ruption and ensuring transparency ability of skilled labour efficient Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) rec-particularly about doing business in infrastructure and transportation tor Saowanee Thairungroj has esti-Thailand Now its a good time for systems location andthe consider- mated that corruption adds 30 per Thailand to bring about good govshy able size of the domestic market cent to costs for businesses That ernance for the new era he said But our chronic corruption is scaring she says translates into reduced

comoetitiveness for Thai-made Economic and Business Forecasting pay corrupt officials and politi~ians products and reduced credibility for Centre He surmises that the have to cut costs at-the building site Thailand among foreign investors improvement could be due to posi- and that means poorer quality in General Prayuth Chan-ocha has tive public sentiment following the their public projects and thus a risk made tackling corruption a top pri- juntascampaignagainstcorruption to life and limb ority for the ruling military junta He and organised crime The surveyalso Businesses who pay bribes also says the fight will be part of sweepshy showed that bribes paid to officials offset their higher costs by charging ing national reform together with and politiCians by the private sector the consumers more good governance transparency and had declined to 15-25 per cent of middot Since corrupt authorities and an efficient and effective system of project costs frbman average 25-35 politicians make money and bribe-checks-and-balances Thailands per cent previously paying businesses make profits it is corruption index in the first half of Despite the seemingly slight theconsumersandthepublicingenshythis year improved for the first time improvement in the situation (or- eral who suffer in five years according to aUTCC surshy ruption remains amajor problem for They end up paying more uhnecshyvey The indexinJune was registered Thailand essarilyfor products and public proF at 46 out of a possible lOa com- In addition to the weakened ects the quality of which is poorer

pared to 39 last December says competitiveness and reduced cred- Corruption should beeliininated or Thariavath Phonvichai UTCC vice ibility the public asa whole is affect- at least minimised for the sake of rector of research and director of its ed by corruption Contractors who the country and its people

  • 57-07-24 (กรม)
  • 57-07-24 (ใบนำสง)
  • 57-07-24 (กระทรวง)

OCll ClI Q crf

611W fNlWHiJW (9]~ f) ~~Vl ~1 lVJ 1 ru~J


CORRUPTION ABATES slightly but not nearly enough


GRAFT HAS GOT TO GO nvestors from Japan from which Such concern by the Japanese away existing and prospective forshy

the largest amount of Thailands investors should not be ignored eign investors Countless foreign direct foreign investment comes because they have brought the firms and investors have com~

have called for reduced corruption largest amount of direct foreign plained about the extra costs of and improved transparency in order investment into Thailand The doingbusinessinThailandbywhich to help restore confidence in the Japanese invested over 8t290 bil- they mean kickbacks and undershy

Kingdom lion in projects ClPproved by themiddot the-table money that must be to Setsuo luchichief representative Board of Investment last year That bureaucrats and politicians Often

of themiddot Japan External Trade was nearly 30 per cent of the total they have topayin exchange for pro-Organisation (Jetro) for Asean and foreign investment of Btl1 trillion curement deals with state agencies South Asia last week called on the according to 801 data and public projects People who ruling National Council for Peace Thailand has generally remained refuse to pay are routinely left and Order to kick-start good govershy attractiye to foreign investors due behind by their bribe-paying comshynance that includes combating corshy to positive factors such as the avail- petito rs University of the Thai ruption and ensuring transparency ability of skilled labour efficient Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) rec-particularly about doing business in infrastructure and transportation tor Saowanee Thairungroj has esti-Thailand Now its a good time for systems location andthe consider- mated that corruption adds 30 per Thailand to bring about good govshy able size of the domestic market cent to costs for businesses That ernance for the new era he said But our chronic corruption is scaring she says translates into reduced

comoetitiveness for Thai-made Economic and Business Forecasting pay corrupt officials and politi~ians products and reduced credibility for Centre He surmises that the have to cut costs at-the building site Thailand among foreign investors improvement could be due to posi- and that means poorer quality in General Prayuth Chan-ocha has tive public sentiment following the their public projects and thus a risk made tackling corruption a top pri- juntascampaignagainstcorruption to life and limb ority for the ruling military junta He and organised crime The surveyalso Businesses who pay bribes also says the fight will be part of sweepshy showed that bribes paid to officials offset their higher costs by charging ing national reform together with and politiCians by the private sector the consumers more good governance transparency and had declined to 15-25 per cent of middot Since corrupt authorities and an efficient and effective system of project costs frbman average 25-35 politicians make money and bribe-checks-and-balances Thailands per cent previously paying businesses make profits it is corruption index in the first half of Despite the seemingly slight theconsumersandthepublicingenshythis year improved for the first time improvement in the situation (or- eral who suffer in five years according to aUTCC surshy ruption remains amajor problem for They end up paying more uhnecshyvey The indexinJune was registered Thailand essarilyfor products and public proF at 46 out of a possible lOa com- In addition to the weakened ects the quality of which is poorer

pared to 39 last December says competitiveness and reduced cred- Corruption should beeliininated or Thariavath Phonvichai UTCC vice ibility the public asa whole is affect- at least minimised for the sake of rector of research and director of its ed by corruption Contractors who the country and its people

  • 57-07-24 (กรม)
  • 57-07-24 (ใบนำสง)
  • 57-07-24 (กระทรวง)