22 praful

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Transcript of 22 praful


Name : Praful ,B GhareniyaClass: M.A part oneSemester: 1Roll no :22Paper:3Submitted : Department of EnglishGuided by: Dr Dilip BaradYear:5/10/2014MK Bhavnagar university

Expressive to Deus machina

What is deus ex machina ?

=>Deus ex machina from a Latin meaning

Deus means a god

Ex means a from


Machina means a device, a scaffolding , an

Artifice in short meaning is ‘god from the machine ’

2)Such a device was referred to by Horace in his

Ars poetica. He instruct poets they that never

Resort to ‘god from the machine’ to resolve

Their plots ‘unless a difficult worthy of god’s

Unraveling should happen’

He was referring to to the convention of Greek tragedy , where a machine is used to

bring actors playing gods onto the stage,

the machine could be either a crane(machine) used to lower actor from above or a riser that brought actors up through a trapdoor.

Objective criticism


=>Deals with a work of literature as something which stand free from is often called an extrinsic relationship to the poet , or to the audience , or to the environing world

It describes the literary product as a self sufficient and autonomous object or else as a world in itself , which is to be contemplated as it own end


The conception of the self sufficiency of an aesthetic object was proposed in Kant’s critique Aesthetic judgment (1790)

We have historical criticism , biographical criticism, sociological criticism

Psychological criticism or myth criticism

For the many types of critical theory and practice, see anxiety of influence archetypal criticism ‘art for art sake’ chicago school contextual criticism literary studies dialogic criticism ecocriticism , feminist criticsim gender criticism new historical phenomenology and criticism postcolonial studies psychological and psychoanalytic criticism reader response criticism reception theory sociological criticism speech act theory structuralist criticism stylistice