2.2 causes of the french revolution

Post on 18-Dec-2014

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Transcript of 2.2 causes of the french revolution

Causes of the French Revolution

Intro to the French Revolution (0:00 to 3:36)

1. Influence of the Enlightenment Philosophers

Challenged the theory of “Divine Right of Kings” Quote from Voltaire, “A little evil is often

necessary for obtaining a great good.”

Enlightenment Clip (1:30 to 3:37)

Causes of the French Revolution

Causes of the French Revolution

2. The Social Structure in FranceA. The Old Regime

The Three Estates Taxes were uneven (the poor paid almost


B. Peasants not as oppressed in France as in other countries

Revolution often occurs NOT when conditions are the worst

People begin to expect better conditions.

Causes of the French Revolution

3. Growing middle class Known as the Bourgeoisie Gaining wealth & Demanding a voice France contained the most numerous,

prosperous, and influential bourgeoisie – middle class in all of Europe

Furnished the revolution with its principal leaders

Causes of the French Revolution

4. Ongoing Financial CrisisA. Massive Debt

Huge war debt left over from Louis XIV Inability to solve the tax situation

Two failed attempts: Turgot tried to tax all three Estates (ideas were

shut down by the Parlements & the “Flour War”) Necker strategy of borrowing money

Interest alone on the debt was more than 50% of France’s income

Causes of the French Revolution

4. Ongoing Financial Crisis (continued)

B. Continued Spending and Corruption Louis XVI had the most extravagant and most

corrupt court in all of Europe Louis support of the American Revolution (100% of

this money was borrowed)

Debt Video Clip (3:38 to 5:38)

Causes of the French Revolution

5. High prices, famine, cold and mobs Ongoing issues of unemployment in Paris – up to

50% unemployment Constant food shortages – intensified by the poor

harvest in 1788

The food Crisis (8:12 to end)

Food Crisis continued (0:00 to 1:25)

Causes of the French Revolution

6. The example of the American Revolution 9000 Frenchmen fought alongside the Americans

in their revolution Lafayette was a key leader in the American

Revolution and the French Revolution

Causes of the Revolution

7. The character of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette

Louis XVI was weak an indecisive

Antoinette was from Austria

(4:33 – 7:45) People were publishing

pamphlets and were spreading rumors about the king and queen

(5:39 – 8:10)