2016 Nursing Registration Exams Report - CNO of Nurses of Ontario – Nursing Registration Exams...

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Nursing Registration Exams Report


Nursing Registration Exams Report 2016 Pub 45058

ISSN 2368-8599

Copyright © College of Nurses of Ontario, 2017.

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College of Nurses of Ontario 101 Davenport Rd. Toronto, ON M5R 3P1


College of Nurses of Ontario – Nursing Registration Exams Report 2016 i

Table of Contents

1 Introduction 1

1.1 About the College of Nurses of Ontario ..................................................1

1.2 About this document ...............................................................................1

2 Methods and Notes 1

2.1 Registration exam requirements .............................................................1

2.2 Location of nursing education .................................................................2

2.3 Pass rates ...............................................................................................3

3 Registered Nurse Exam Writers 5

3.1 RN exam writers’ ultimate pass rate .......................................................5

3.2 RN exam pass rates by attempt .............................................................5

3.2.1 Ontario-educated RN exam writers: Pass rates by attempt .......................... 6 3.2.2 RN exam writers educated in other Canadian jurisdictions: Pass rates by attempt 6 3.2.3 Internationally educated RN exam writers: Pass rates by attempt ................ 7 3.2.4 First-attempt pass rates for French-language RN programs in Ontario ........ 8

3.3 2016 pass rates of RN applicants by Ontario university and program ...9

3.3.1 Program definition guide ............................................................................... 9

3.4 Demographics of Registered Nurse exam writers ............................... 14

3.4.1 Gender of RN exam writers......................................................................... 14 3.4.2 Age of RN exam writers .............................................................................. 14

4 Registered Practical Nurse Exam Writers 15

4.1 RPN exam writers’ ultimate pass rate ................................................. 15

4.2 RPN exam pass rates by attempt ........................................................ 15

4.2.1 Ontario-educated RPN exam writers: Pass rates by attempt ...................... 16 4.2.2 RPN exam writers educated in other Canadian jurisdictions: Pass rates by attempt 16 4.2.3 Internationally educated RPN exam writers: Pass rates by attempt............ 17 4.2.4 First-attempt pass rate for French-language RPN programs in Ontario ...... 18

4.3 2016 pass rates of RPN applicants by Ontario college, program and

site ................................................................................................... 19

4.4 Demographics of Registered Practical Nurse exam writers ................ 22

4.4.1 Gender of RPN exam writers ...................................................................... 22 4.4.2 Age of RPN exam writers ............................................................................ 22

5 Nurse Practitioner Exam Writers 23

5.1 NP exam writers’ ultimate pass rate .................................................... 23

College of Nurses of Ontario – Nursing Registration Exams Report 2016 ii

5.2 NP exam pass rates by attempt .......................................................... 23

5.2.1 Ontario-educated NP exam writers: Pass rates by attempt ........................ 24 5.2.2 NP exam writers educated in other Canadian jurisdictions: Pass rates by attempt 24 5.2.3 Internationally educated NP exam writers: Pass rates by attempt .............. 25 5.2.4 First-attempt pass rate for French-language NP programs in Ontario ........ 25

5.3 2016 pass rates of NP applicants by Ontario university and specialty 26

5.4 Demographics of Nurse Practitioner exam writers .............................. 27

5.4.1 Gender of NP exam writers ......................................................................... 27 5.4.2 Age of NP exam writers .............................................................................. 27

College of Nurses of Ontario – Nursing Registration Exams Report 2016 1


1.1 About the College of Nurses of Ontario

The College of Nurses of Ontario (the College) is the regulatory body for nursing

in Ontario. Its mission is to regulate nursing in the public interest. The College

sets the requirements for becoming a nurse in Ontario, and the standards of

practice that nurses must meet to maintain that designation. Only a person with a

valid Certificate of Registration from the College can practise as a nurse in

Ontario and use the protected titles: nurse, Registered Nurse (RN), Registered

Practical Nurse (RPN) or Nurse Practitioner (NP).

To find out more about the College’s statistical resources, or to sign up for its

statistics announcements, visit www.cno.org/stats.

1.2 About this document

Along with other registration requirements, most applicants who register with the

College must successfully complete two examinations: a registration examination

and a jurisprudence examination. The registration exam tests the writer’s

knowledge of entry-level nursing skills. The jurisprudence exam tests knowledge

of nursing and health care legislation in Ontario. These exams help the College

ensure that new nurses in Ontario are safe to practise.

This report provides an overview of the results of the registration examination

only. It only includes applicants to the College. Three types of applicants require

successful completion of a registration examination when applying to the


1. Registered Nurses in the General Class (RNs)

2. Registered Practical Nurses in the General Class (RPNs)

3. Nurse Practitioners (NPs)


2.1 Registration exam requirements

Applicants complete the following Council-approved1 registration exams:

1 Visit www.cno.org/en/what-is-cno/councils-and-committees/council for more information about the College’s Council.

College of Nurses of Ontario – Nursing Registration Exams Report 2016 2

RN applicants complete the National Council Licensure Examination

for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN),2 which replaced the Canadian

Registered Nurse Examination (CRNE) on January 1, 2015.3

o In 2015, the College (along with all other Canadian nursing

regulators except Yukon and Quebec) adopted the NCLEX-RN

as the registration exam for RN applicants. The NCLEX-RN is a

computer-adaptive exam that determines a writer’s knowledge of

entry-level nursing skills. Previously, applicants wrote the

CRNE, which was a paper-based multiple-choice exam.

RPN applicants complete the Canadian Practical Nurse Registration

Examination (CPNRE).

o In May 2016, the CPNRE changed from a paper and pencil test

to a computer-based test. The CPNRE’s content remained the

same. The change allowed the CPNRE to be offered more often

and at more sites across Canada.

NP applicants complete a registration exam for the NP specialty they

are applying to: Adult, Paediatrics or Primary Health Care. In 2016, the

following NP registration exams were available to Ontario applicants:4

o NP-Adult: The American Academy of Nurse Practitioners

Certification Program’s Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse

Practitioner Certification Examination

o NP-Paediatrics: The Pediatric Nursing Certification Board’s

Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Primary Care Certification

Examination or the Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du

Québec’s Certification Examination for Nurse Practitioners

Specializing in Neonatology

o NP-Primary Health Care: The Canadian Nurses Association’s

Canadian Nurse Practitioner Examination

2.2 Location of nursing education

Location of nursing education is the province or country of an applicant’s

education, which the applicant reported when applying to the College.

This report condenses the locations into three groups: Ontario; other Canadian

provinces or territories; and international.

2 Visit www.ncsbn.org/nclex.htm for more information about NCLEX-RN. 3 Visit www.cno.org/en/become-a-nurse/entry-to-practice-examinations/nclex-rn for more information about developing, administering and implementing the NCLEX-RN at the College. 4 Council has approved other exams that fulfill the NP registration exam requirement, but applicants would have written them in other jurisdictions.

College of Nurses of Ontario – Nursing Registration Exams Report 2016 3

Ontario: Exam statistics for writers who applied to the College after

completing an approved Ontario nursing program.

o An Ontario nursing program is one that is offered at an Ontario

university or college, and approved by the College’s Council5 for

registering as a nurse in Ontario.

o In Ontario, nursing programs approved for RN registration grant

a university baccalaureate degree in nursing. Those approved for

RPN registration grant a diploma in practical nursing from a

college of applied arts and technology. Programs approved for

NP registration grant a post-baccalaureate certificate, a master’s

degree or a post-master’s diploma.

Other Canadian jurisdiction: Exam statistics for writers who applied to

the College after completing a nursing program from another Canadian

province or territory.

International: Exam statistics for writers who applied to the College

after completing a nursing program from outside of Canada.

2.3 Pass rates

Applicants to the College get three attempts to write their registration

exam.6 This report provides pass rate statistics for applicants’ first, second and

third attempts at the exam.

The first-, second- and third-attempt pass rates measure the percentage

of writers who passed the exam on either their first, second or third try at

the exam.

The ultimate pass rate measures the percentage of writers who wrote the

exam in a given year, and who passed the exam by their latest attempt in

that year. The ultimate pass rate does not consider how often a writer had

to write the exam before passing or if, at the end of the year, they still

had attempts remaining on the exam. If a writer attempted the exam in

two different years (for example, if the writer was unsuccessful in one

year and successful in the next year), both attempts would be included in

the calculations of ultimate pass rates for respective years.

The table below shows how pass rates are calculated using an example of 10

applicants to the College who attempted the registration exam at least once in

5 Council may also authorize a third party to provide approval of nursing programs for registration purposes (e.g., the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing’s approves Ontario RN nursing programs). 6 A registration regulation change was implemented on January 9, 2017, which allowed RN applicants to have no limit to the number of times they can write the NCLEX-RN.

College of Nurses of Ontario – Nursing Registration Exams Report 2016 4

2016. The table shows the outcomes of their first, second and third attempts, as

well as their ultimate result.

Applicant number

Registration exam attempts

2016 results

Attempts remaining 2015 2016

First attempt result

Second attempt result

Third attempt result

2016 ultimate result

Applicant 1 Fail Fail Pass N/A N/A Pass Pass N/A

Applicant 2 Fail Fail Pass N/A Fail Pass Pass N/A

Applicant 3 Fail Fail Fail N/A N/A Fail Fail 0

Applicant 4 Fail Pass N/A Pass N/A Pass N/A

Applicant 5 Fail Fail Fail Fail N/A Fail 1

Applicant 6 Fail Fail Pass Fail Fail Pass Pass N/A

Applicant 7 Fail Pass Fail Pass N/A Pass N/A

Applicant 8 Fail Fail N/A N/A Fail 2

Applicant 9 Pass Pass N/A N/A Pass N/A

Applicant 10 Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail 0

2016 first-attempt pass rate

Number of first attempts in 2016: 6

Number of first-attempt passes in 2016: 1

First-attempt pass rate for 2016: 1 out of 6, or 16.7%

2016 second-attempt pass rate

Number of second attempts in 2016: 6

Number of second-attempt passes in 2016: 2

Second-attempt pass rate for 2016: 2 out of 6, or 33.3%

2016 third-attempt pass rate

Number of third-attempt writes in 2016: 5

Number of third-attempt passes in 2016: 3

Third-attempt pass rate for 2016: 3 out of 5, or 60%

2016 ultimate pass rate

Number of exam writers in 2016: 10

Number of writers who passed by the end of 2016: 6

Ultimate pass rate for 2016: 6 out of 10, or 60%

Detailed descriptions for applicants 1 and 5 show how to interpret these results:

Applicant 1

Applicant 1 attempted the exam three times in total: twice in 2015 and once in

2016. Therefore, the applicant does not have a first- or second-attempt result for

2016. The result of the third attempt is a pass, and since it occurred in 2016, it

will be reported in 2016. Therefore, the applicant’s ultimate result for 2016 is a

pass. As they have passed the exam, they do not need to write the exam again.

Therefore, the attempts remaining do not apply to them.

Applicant 5

Applicant 5 attempted the exam twice in 2016. Their first and second attempts

resulted in failing the exam. Both attempts occurred in 2016 and will be reported

in 2016. Their ultimate result for 2016 is a fail, as it was the applicant’s latest

result in 2016. In total, they have written the exam twice and still have one more

attempt available in the future.

College of Nurses of Ontario – Nursing Registration Exams Report 2016 5


In 2016, 4,971 RN applicants to the College wrote the National Council

Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) at least once. In

total, these applicants made 4,351 first-attempt writes, 914 second-attempt

writes, and 304 third-attempt writes.

3.1 RN exam writers’ ultimate pass rate7

The ultimate pass rate measures the percentage of writers who wrote the

registration exam during the calendar year, and passed the exam on their latest

attempt in that year. Table 3.1 shows the ultimate pass rate for RN exam writers

by location of their nursing education. Of the 4,971 exam writers who took the

RN exam in 2016, 84.7 per cent had passed by the end of the year.

The total number of RN exam writers has decreased significantly since 2014.

This is due to decreases in the number of internationally educated applicants. In

2016, Ontario-educated applicants accounted for 92.1 per cent of all RN exam


In 2016, the ultimate pass rate for Ontario-educated applicants was 86.9 per cent.

This is a 3.1 percentage point increase from 2015. The ultimate pass rate for

internationally educated applicants was 56.7 per cent in 2016, a 16.3 percentage

point increase compared to 2015.

Table 3.1: RN exam writers and ultimate pass rates

Location of nursing education

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Writers Pass rate

Writers Pass rate

Writers Pass rate

Writers Pass rate

Writers Pass rate

Ontario 4,199 87.1% 4,300 85.8% 4,532 90.9% 3,964 83.8% 4,578 86.9%

Other Canadian jurisdiction 0 - 10 100% 8 100% 46 80.4% 49 75.5%

International 1,053 42.4% 933 40.5% 959 42.8% 396 40.4% 344 56.7%

Total 5,252 78.1% 5,243 77.8% 5,499 82.5% 4,406 79.9% 4,971 84.7%

3.2 RN exam pass rates by attempt

In 2016, the first-attempt pass rate was 79.2 per cent. This was an 11.6

percentage point increase compared to 2015, and a 5.5 percentage point increase

compared to 2012. The second-attempt pass rate was 63.2 per cent. This was a

1.2 percentage point decrease compared to 2015. It was also the second-highest

overall second-attempt pass rate observed in the five years. The overall third-

7 See Section 2.3 for information about calculating pass rates.

College of Nurses of Ontario – Nursing Registration Exams Report 2016 6

attempt pass rate was 60.2 per cent, which was a 20.9 per cent increase compared

to 2015.

Table 3.2: Overall RN exam pass rates by attempt

Number of attempt

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Writes Pass rate

Writes Pass rate

Writes Pass rate

Writes Pass rate

Writes Pass rate

First attempt 4,581 73.7% 4,433 77.2% 4,662 79.0% 4,072 67.6% 4,351 79.2%

Second attempt 1,023 52.4% 1,014 46.4% 1,037 55.4% 1,057 64.4% 914 63.2%

Third attempt 378 51.1% 447 41.2% 526 53.6% 219 39.3% 304 60.2%

3.2.1 Ontario-educated RN exam writers: Pass rates by attempt

Table 3.3 shows that the first-attempt pass rate for Ontario-educated exam writers

in 2016 was 80.3 per cent. This was a 10.9 percentage point increase over 2015.

The second-attempt pass rate for 2016 was 66.1 per cent, a 3.9 percentage point

decrease over 2015.

There were 222 third attempts in 2016, with a pass rate of 64.0 per cent. 2016

had the highest third-attempt pass rate observed in five years.

Table 3.3: Ontario-educated RN exam writers: Pass rates by attempt

Number of attempt

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Writes Pass rate

Writes Pass rate

Writes Pass rate

Writes Pass rate

Writes Pass rate

First attempt 3,825 81.1% 3,852 82.8% 4,095 84.7% 3,800 69.4% 4,133 80.3%

Second attempt 684 59.9% 656 55.5% 699 67.0% 899 70.0% 779 66.1%

Third attempt 262 55.3% 305 44.9% 308 59.4% 142 38.0% 222 64.0%

3.2.2 RN exam writers educated in other Canadian jurisdictions:

Pass rates by attempt

In 2016, the first-attempt pass rate for exam writers educated in other Canadian

jurisdictions was 65.1 per cent. The second-attempt pass rate was 57.1 per cent,

and the third-attempt pass rate was 50.0 per cent.

College of Nurses of Ontario – Nursing Registration Exams Report 2016 7

Table 3.4: RN exam writers educated in Other Canadian jurisdictions: Pass

rates by attempt

Number of attempt

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Writes Pass rate

Writes Pass rate

Writes Pass rate

Writes Pass rate

Writes Pass rate

First attempt 0 - 9 100% 7 100% 38 76.3% 43 65.1%

Second attempt 0 - 0 - 1 100% 8 37.5% 14 57.1%

Third attempt 0 - 1 100% 0 - 6 83.3% 2 50.0%

3.2.3 Internationally educated RN exam writers: Pass rates by


In 2016, the first-attempt pass rate for internationally educated exam writers was

57.1 per cent; the second-attempt was 45.5 per cent; and third attempt was 50.0

per cent.

The number of writes for internationally educated exam writers has decreased

since 2012. This decrease was due to a decline in the number of internationally

educated applicants.

Table 3.5: Internationally educated RN exam writers: Pass rates by attempt

Number of attempt

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Writes Pass rate

Writes Pass rate

Writes Pass rate

Writes Pass rate

Writes Pass rate

First attempt 756 36.0% 572 39.3% 560 37.0% 234 35.9% 175 57.1%

Second attempt 339 37.2% 358 29.9% 337 31.5% 150 32.7% 121 45.5%

Third attempt 116 41.4% 141 32.6% 218 45.4% 71 38.0% 80 50.0%

College of Nurses of Ontario – Nursing Registration Exams Report 2016 8

3.2.4 First-attempt pass rates for French-language RN programs in


Two Ontario universities offer RN programs in French: Laurentian University

and University of Ottawa. Exam writers can choose to write the registration exam

in either English or French, and are allowed to change their choice on subsequent

attempts. In 2015, the College revised the names and definitions of RN nursing

programs in Ontario. Due to these revisions, it became possible to track the

performance of graduates of French or bilingual programs separately from

graduates of English programs at the same university. However comparison to

pre-2015 data of this kind is not possible.

Table 3.6 shows 2015 and 2016 first-attempt pass rates for applicants from these

programs and the language in which they wrote the exam. The first-attempt pass

rates for graduates of French and bilingual programs was 78.3 per cent. This is a

19.7 percentage point increase over 2015. When the results are examined by

language of writing, in 2016, 84.6 per cent who completed their first attempt in

English passed, and 37.5 per cent who completed in French passed.

Table 3.6: Graduates of Ontario French-language RN programs: First-time

pass rates by program and language of exam

Ontario RN university, program, collaborative partner & site, and language of instruction

Exam written in:

2015 2016

Writes Pass rate Writes Pass rate

Laurentian University Full (French)

French 1 0.0% 0 -

English 18 55.6% 19 78.9%

Total 19 52.6% 19 78.9%

University of Ottawa Full with La Cité collégiale (French)

French 29 41.4% 13 38.5%

English 20 80.0% 56 80.4%

Total 49 57.1% 69 72.5%

University of Ottawa Specified for RPN with La Cité collégiale (French)

French 7 0.0% 2 50.0%

English 2 50.0% 1 0.0%

Total 9 11.1% 3 33.3%

University of Ottawa Compressed (English & French)

French 9 44.4% 1 0.0%

English 25 88.0% 28 100%

Total 34 76.5% 29 96.6%

Grand Total

French 46 34.8% 16 37.5%

English 65 75.4% 104 84.6%

Total 111 58.6% 120 78.3%

College of Nurses of Ontario – Nursing Registration Exams Report 2016 9

3.3 2016 pass rates of RN applicants by Ontario university and program

In Ontario, 15 universities offer RN nursing programs. Some universities offer more than one nursing program and some nursing programs are offered in

collaboration with a college. Table 3.7 shows Ontario RN applicants’ ultimate pass rate and pass rates of first, second, and third attempts in 2016 by

university, program and collaborative partner.8

3.3.1 Program definition guide

In 2015, the College revised Ontario RN nursing program names and definitions. The following RN program types are available in Ontario:

Full: Direct entry

A program for students who met standard admission criteria and completed a structured nursing curriculum in its entirety. They attain an academic credential,

such as a university degree or CAATS diploma.

Compressed: Second-level entry

A program for students who met admission criteria based on pre-determined university credits and completed a shorter curriculum (compared to the direct-

entry full program). They attain an academic credential, such as a university degree or CAATS diploma.

Specified: Pre-health related

A program for students who met admission criteria based on pre-determined health-related credentials and completed a specific nursing curriculum. They

attain an academic credential, such as a university degree, CAATS diploma or NP specialty certificate.

8 For 2015 pass rates by university and program, see the 2015 Nursing Registration Exams report: http://www.cno.org/en/what-is-cno/nursing-demographics/statistical-reports/.

College of Nurses of Ontario – Nursing Registration Exams Report 2016 10

Table 3.7: 2016 pass rates of RN applicants by Ontario university, program and collaborative partner

Ontario university First attempt Second attempt Third attempt Ultimate results

Program Number of


Pass rate

Number of


Pass rate

Number of


Pass rate

Total number

of writers

Ultimate pass rate Collaborative partner & site

Brock University 87 74.7% 23 56.5% 10 50.0% 105 79.0%

Brock University Full 87 74.7% 23 56.5% 10 50.0% 105 79.0%

Brock University Full 55 81.8% 11 72.7% 5 80.0% 62 91.9%

Brock University Full with Loyalist College 32 62.5% 12 41.7% 5 20.0% 43 60.5%

Lakehead University 159 71.7% 40 62.5% 19 63.2% 185 81.6%

Lakehead University Full for Regional-Community 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 -

Lakehead University Full for Regional-Community with Confederation College 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 -

Lakehead University Full 67 82.1% 15 60.0% 8 62.5% 79 87.3%

Lakehead University Full 67 82.1% 15 60.0% 8 62.5% 79 87.3%

Lakehead University Full with Confederation College 92 64.1% 25 64.0% 11 63.6% 106 77.4%

Lakehead University Full with Confederation College 92 64.1% 25 64.0% 11 63.6% 106 77.4%

Laurentian University 360 75.8% 81 65.4% 36 66.7% 403 86.8%

Laurentian University Full (French) 19 78.9% 6 33.3% 9 55.6% 29 75.9%

Laurentian University Full (French) 19 78.9% 6 33.3% 9 55.6% 29 75.9%

Laurentian University Full 341 75.7% 75 68.0% 27 70.4% 374 87.7%

Laurentian University Full 51 82.4% 8 62.5% 6 66.7% 58 87.9%

Laurentian University Full with Cambrian College 71 60.6% 23 52.2% 7 57.1% 76 77.6%

Laurentian University Full with Northern College 36 77.8% 5 80.0% 0 - 36 88.9%

Laurentian University Full with Sault College 43 79.1% 9 88.9% 5 80.0% 50 92.0%

Laurentian University Full with St. Lawrence College 140 79.3% 30 73.3% 9 77.8% 154 90.9%

McMaster University 495 83.2% 92 69.6% 20 75.0% 535 91.8%

McMaster University Full 339 84.4% 68 70.6% 17 82.4% 374 93.0%

McMaster University Full 130 88.5% 20 75.0% 4 75.0% 139 95.7%

McMaster University Full with Conestoga College 108 84.3% 21 57.1% 4 100% 119 89.9%

McMaster University Full with Mohawk College 101 79.2% 27 77.8% 9 77.8% 116 93.1%

McMaster University Specified for RPN 91 76.9% 15 53.3% 3 33.3% 96 82.3%

College of Nurses of Ontario – Nursing Registration Exams Report 2016 11

Ontario university First attempt Second attempt Third attempt Ultimate results

Program Number of


Pass rate

Number of


Pass rate

Number of


Pass rate

Total number

of writers

Ultimate pass rate Collaborative partner & site

McMaster University Specified for RPN 1 0.0% 1 0.0% 0 - 1 0.0%

McMaster University Specified for RPN with Conestoga College 35 74.3% 9 55.6% 1 0.0% 37 83.8%

McMaster University Specified for RPN with Mohawk College 55 80.0% 5 60.0% 2 50.0% 58 82.8%

McMaster University Compressed 65 86.2% 9 88.9% 0 - 65 98.5%

McMaster University Compressed 65 86.2% 9 88.9% 0 - 65 98.5%

Nipissing University 186 69.9% 40 62.5% 6 83.3% 197 81.2%

Nipissing University Full 88 65.9% 26 69.2% 5 80.0% 96 83.3%

Nipissing University Full with Canadore College 88 65.9% 26 69.2% 5 80.0% 96 83.3%

Nipissing University Specified for RPN Blended Learning 50 60.0% 12 50.0% 1 100% 53 69.8%

Nipissing University Specified for RPN Blended Learning 50 60.0% 12 50.0% 1 100% 53 69.8%

Nipissing University Specified for RPN On-Campus Learning 10 90.0% 0 - 0 - 10 90.0%

Nipissing University Specified for RPN On-Campus Learning 10 90.0% 0 - 0 - 10 90.0%

Nipissing University Compressed 38 86.8% 2 50.0% 0 - 38 89.5%

Nipissing University Compressed 38 86.8% 2 50.0% 0 - 38 89.5%

Queen's University 117 95.7% 4 100% 0 - 117 99.1%

Queen's University Full 73 93.2% 4 100% 0 - 73 98.6%

Queen's University Full 73 93.2% 4 100% 0 - 73 98.6%

Queen's University Compressed 44 100% 0 - 0 - 44 100%

Queen's University Compressed 44 100% 0 - 0 - 44 100%

Ryerson University 539 77.2% 127 67.7% 35 65.7% 620 84.7%

Ryerson University Full 432 76.4% 114 65.8% 30 63.3% 502 84.5%

Ryerson University Full 152 79.6% 38 63.2% 11 63.6% 173 87.9%

Ryerson University Full with Centennial College 131 74.0% 43 62.8% 11 72.7% 161 82.0%

Ryerson University Full with George Brown College 149 75.2% 33 72.7% 8 50.0% 168 83.3%

Ryerson University Specified for Internationally Educated Nurses, RNs & RPNs 107 80.4% 13 84.6% 5 80.0% 118 85.6%

Ryerson University Specified for Internationally Educated Nurses, RNs & RPNs 107 80.4% 13 84.6% 5 80.0% 118 85.6%

Trent University 229 76.9% 54 57.4% 9 55.6% 254 83.5%

College of Nurses of Ontario – Nursing Registration Exams Report 2016 12

Ontario university First attempt Second attempt Third attempt Ultimate results

Program Number of


Pass rate

Number of


Pass rate

Number of


Pass rate

Total number

of writers

Ultimate pass rate Collaborative partner & site

Trent University Full 104 73.1% 24 62.5% 5 40.0% 113 82.3%

Trent University Full with Fleming College 104 73.1% 24 62.5% 5 40.0% 113 82.3%

Trent University Specified for RPN 47 68.1% 19 52.6% 1 100% 59 72.9%

Trent University Specified for RPN with George Brown College 47 68.1% 19 52.6% 1 100% 59 72.9%

Trent University Compressed 78 87.2% 11 54.5% 3 66.7% 82 92.7%

Trent University Compressed 78 87.2% 11 54.5% 3 66.7% 82 92.7%

University of New Brunswick 189 86.2% 22 86.4% 12 75.0% 212 90.1%

University of New Brunswick Full with Humber College 103 80.6% 17 82.4% 9 77.8% 122 85.2%

University of New Brunswick Full with Humber College 103 80.6% 17 82.4% 9 77.8% 122 85.2%

University of New Brunswick Full for RPN with Humber College 19 89.5% 2 100% 1 0.0% 20 95.0%

University of New Brunswick Full for RPN with Humber College 19 89.5% 2 100% 1 0.0% 20 95.0%

University of New Brunswick Compressed with Humber College 67 94.0% 3 100% 2 100% 70 97.1%

University of New Brunswick Compressed with Humber College 67 94.0% 3 100% 2 100% 70 97.1%

University of Ontario Institute of Technology 171 76.0% 42 64.3% 7 85.7% 189 86.2%

UOIT Full 88 77.3% 20 65.0% 5 80.0% 95 89.5%

UOIT Full with Durham College 88 77.3% 20 65.0% 5 80.0% 95 89.5%

UOIT Specified for RPN 83 74.7% 22 63.6% 2 100% 94 83.0%

UOIT Specified for RPN with Durham College 59 74.6% 16 68.8% 2 100% 68 83.8%

UOIT Specified for RPN with Georgian College 24 75.0% 6 50.0% 0 - 26 80.8%

University of Ottawa 303 85.8% 63 61.9% 14 42.9% 349 87.4%

University of Ottawa Full 255 84.7% 52 59.6% 11 54.5% 290 87.2%

University of Ottawa Full 85 87.1% 15 53.3% 3 66.7% 93 90.3%

University of Ottawa Full with La Cité collégiale (French) 69 72.5% 16 50.0% 4 25.0% 80 73.8%

University of Ottawa Full with Algonquin College 101 91.1% 21 71.4% 4 75.0% 117 94.0%

University of Ottawa Specified for Internationally Educated Nurses 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 -

University of Ottawa Specified for Internationally Educated Nurses with Algonquin College 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 -

University of Ottawa Specified for RPN 19 84.2% 8 62.5% 1 0.0% 26 80.8%

College of Nurses of Ontario – Nursing Registration Exams Report 2016 13

Ontario university First attempt Second attempt Third attempt Ultimate results

Program Number of


Pass rate

Number of


Pass rate

Number of


Pass rate

Total number

of writers

Ultimate pass rate Collaborative partner & site

University of Ottawa Specified for RPN with Algonquin College 16 93.8% 3 66.7% 0 - 19 89.5%

University of Ottawa Specified for RPN with La Cité collégiale (French) 3 33.3% 5 60.0% 1 0.0% 7 57.1%

University of Ottawa Compressed 29 96.6% 3 100% 2 0.0% 33 93.9%

University of Ottawa Compressed (English & French) 29 96.6% 3 100% 2 0.0% 33 93.9%

University of Toronto 163 95.7% 7 100% 0 - 165 98.8%

University of Toronto Compressed 163 95.7% 7 100% 0 - 165 98.8%

University of Toronto Compressed 163 95.7% 7 100% 0 - 165 98.8%

University of Windsor 297 78.8% 49 71.4% 13 69.2% 319 87.1%

University of Windsor Full 297 78.8% 49 71.4% 13 69.2% 319 87.1%

University of Windsor Full 102 83.3% 14 71.4% 4 75.0% 107 91.6%

University of Windsor Full with Lambton College 32 87.5% 6 83.3% 1 0.0% 36 91.7%

University of Windsor Full with St. Clair College 163 74.2% 29 69.0% 8 75.0% 176 83.5%

Western University 276 85.5% 40 70.0% 5 60.0% 287 93.0%

Western University Full 221 81.9% 40 70.0% 5 60.0% 232 91.4%

Western University Full 114 86.8% 18 66.7% 2 50.0% 119 94.1%

Western University Full with Fanshawe College 107 76.6% 22 72.7% 3 66.7% 113 88.5%

Western University Compressed 55 100% 0 - 0 - 55 100%

Western University Compressed 55 100% 0 - 0 - 55 100%

York University 562 78.8% 95 62.1% 36 55.6% 641 81.4%

York University Full 382 73.6% 80 60.0% 30 53.3% 444 77.7%

York University Full with Georgian College 162 69.8% 31 58.1% 12 75.0% 182 76.9%

York University Full with Seneca College 220 76.4% 49 61.2% 18 38.9% 262 78.2%

York University Specified for Internationally Educated Nurses 48 89.6% 7 57.1% 5 60.0% 57 87.7%

York University Specified for Internationally Educated Nurses 48 89.6% 7 57.1% 5 60.0% 57 87.7%

York University Compressed 132 90.2% 8 87.5% 1 100% 140 90.7%

York University Compressed 132 90.2% 8 87.5% 1 100% 140 90.7%

Overall Ontario 4,133 80.3% 779 66.1% 222 64.0% 4,578 86.9%

College of Nurses of Ontario – Nursing Registration Exams Report 2016 14

3.4 Demographics of Registered Nurse exam writers

3.4.1 Gender of RN exam writers

In 2016, 13.5 per cent of Ontario-educated RN exam writers were male (see

Figure 3.1). This compares to 10.2 per cent of exam writers who were educated

in other Canadian jurisdictions, and 20.9 per cent educated internationally.

Figure 3.1: Gender distribution by location of nursing education in 2016

3.4.2 Age of RN exam writers

In 2016, the average age of RN exam writers was 27.3 years. The average age of

Ontario-educated RN writers was 26.9 years. The average age of writers

educated in other Canadian jurisdictions was 29.8 years while the average age of

internationally educated writers was 31.3 years. See Figure 3.2 for the age

distribution of exam writers by location of nursing education.

Figure 3.2: Age distribution by location of nursing education in 2016

86.5 89.879.1

13.5 10.220.9












Ontario Other Cdn. jurisdiction International




e (


Location of nursing education
























18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55+




e (


Age group


Other Cdn. Jurisdiction


College of Nurses of Ontario – Nursing Registration Exams Report 2016 15



In 2016, 4,917 RPN applicants to the College wrote the Canadian Practical Nurse

Registration Exam (CPNRE) at least once. In total, these applicants made 4,290

first-attempt writes, 602 second-attempt writes, and 317 third-attempt writes.

4.1 RPN exam writers’ ultimate pass rate9

The ultimate pass rate measures the percentage of writers who wrote the

registration exam during the calendar year, and had passed the exam by their

latest attempt that year. Table 4.1 shows the ultimate pass rate for RPN exam

writers by location of nursing education. Of the 4,917 writers who took the RPN

exam in 2016, 86.5 per cent had passed by the end of the year.

The total number of RPN exam writers has decreased significantly since 2014.

This is due to decreases in the number of internationally educated applicants. In

2016, Ontario-educated applicants accounted for 85.6 per cent of all RPN exam


The ultimate pass rate for Ontario-educated RPN applicants in 2016 was 92.6 per

cent. This was the highest ultimate pass rate in the last five years. The ultimate

pass rate of internationally educated RPN applicants was 50.0 per cent in 2016.

This was a 2.8 percentage point decrease compared to 2015.

Table 4.1: RPN exam writers and ultimate pass rates

Location of nursing education

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Writers Pass rate

Writers Pass rate

Writers Pass rate

Writers Pass rate

Writers Pass rate

Ontario 3,741 86.6% 3,926 88.8% 3,975 90.5% 4,121 91.8% 4,210 92.6%

Other Canadian jurisdiction 3 0.0% 6 33.3% 4 100% 2 50.0% 5 100%

International 1,919 59.0% 2,513 60.8% 2,808 59.8% 1,898 52.8% 702 50.0%

Total 5,663 77.2% 6,445 77.9% 6,787 77.8% 6,021 79.5% 4,917 86.5%

4.2 RPN exam pass rates by attempt

In 2016, the first-attempt pass rate was 88.5 per cent. This was the highest in the

last five years. The second-attempt pass rate of 53.2 per cent represented an

increase of 9.2 percentage points compared to 2015. The third-attempt pass rate

in 2016 was 43.5 per cent.

9 See Section 2.3 for information on how the pass rates are calculated.

College of Nurses of Ontario – Nursing Registration Exams Report 2016 16

Table 4.2: Overall RPN exam pass rates by attempt

Number of attempt

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Writes Pass rate Writes Pass rate Writes Pass rate Writes Pass rate

Writes Pass rate

First attempt 4,936 76.2% 5,640 78.7% 5,936 77.3% 5,096 81.1% 4,290 88.5%

Second attempt 976 46.9% 937 47.2% 1,107 47.6% 1,110 44.0% 602 53.2%

Third attempt 322 47.2% 373 37.3% 377 43.8% 449 37.0% 317 43.5%

4.2.1 Ontario-educated RPN exam writers: Pass rates by attempt

Table 4.3 shows that the first-attempt pass rate for Ontario-educated exam writers

in 2016 was 91.1 per cent. This was the second-highest pass rate in the past five

years. The second-attempt pass rate was 63.4 per cent, which was also the

second-highest in the past five years. The third-attempt pass rate was 50.5 per

cent in 2016, the second-highest in the past five years.

Table 4.3: Ontario-educated RPN exam writers: Pass rates by attempt

Number of attempt

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Writes Pass rate

Writes Pass rate

Writes Pass rate

Writes Pass rate

Writes Pass rate

First attempt 3,405 84.0% 3,533 89.4% 3,663 90.0% 3,833 91.3% 3,975 91.1%

Second attempt 491 59.1% 418 60.0% 387 58.1% 347 66.6% 350 63.4%

Third attempt 155 58.1% 171 45.0% 156 49.4% 117 44.4% 103 50.5%

4.2.2 RPN exam writers educated in other Canadian jurisdictions:

Pass rates by attempt

The number of RPN applicants educated in other Canadian jurisdictions who

write the RPN exam has remained low over the past five years. In 2016, only five

applicants educated in another Canadian jurisdiction wrote their first attempt. No

applicants made a second or third attempt.

Table 4.4: RPN exam writers educated in other Canadian jurisdictions: Pass

rates by attempt


2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Writes Pass rate

Writes Pass rate

Writes Pass rate

Writes Pass rate

Writes Pass rate

First attempt 3 0.0% 5 40.0% 3 100% 1 100% 5 100%

Second attempt 1 0.0% 2 0.0% 1 100% 0 - 0 -

Third attempt 0 - 1 0.0% 0 - 1 0.0% 0 -

College of Nurses of Ontario – Nursing Registration Exams Report 2016 17

4.2.3 Internationally educated RPN exam writers: Pass rates by


In 2016, the first-time attempt pass rate for internationally educated exam writers

was 53.9 per cent. This was an increase of 3.8 percentage points compared to

2015. The second-attempt pass rate was 38.9 per cent in 2016, which was an

increase of 5.2 percentage points compared to 2015. The third-attempt pass rate

in 2016 was 40.2 per cent, the highest rate in the last five years.

Table 4.5: Internationally educated RPN exam writers: Pass rates by


Number of attempt

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Writes Pass rate

Writes Pass rate

Writes Pass rate

Writes Pass rate

Writes Pass rate

First attempt 1,528 59.0% 2,102 60.7% 2,270 56.8% 1,262 50.1% 310 53.9%

Second attempt 484 34.7% 517 36.9% 719 41.9% 763 33.7% 252 38.9%

Third attempt 167 37.1% 201 30.8% 221 39.8% 331 34.4% 214 40.2%

College of Nurses of Ontario – Nursing Registration Exams Report 2016 18

4.2.4 First-attempt pass rate for French-language RPN programs in


Two Ontario colleges offer RPN programs in French: La Cité collégiale and

Collège Boréal. Exam writers can choose to write the registration exam in either

English or French, and are allowed to change their choice on subsequent


Table 4.6 shows first-attempt pass rates for applicants from these programs and

the language in which they wrote the exam.

The first-attempt pass rate has increased from 74.4 per cent in 2015 to 86.7 per

cent in 2016 while the number of graduates of Ontario French-language

programs decreased in 2016. This increase can be attributed to a decrease in the

proportion of writers from the La Cité collégiale program in 2016, and an overall

increase in the pass rates in both the La Cité collégiale and Collège Boréal

programs. When the results are examined by language of writing, in 2016, 80 per

cent of those writers who completed their first attempt in English passed and 90

per cent of those who completed their first attempt in French passed.

Table 4.6: Graduates of Ontario French-language RPN programs: First-time

pass rates by program and language of exam

Ontario RPN program

Exam written in:

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Writes Pass rate

Writes Pass rate

Writes Pass rate

Writes Pass rate

Writes Pass rate

Collège Boréal

French 62 66.1% 32 87.5% 46 91.3% 41 78.0% 23 87.0%

English 7 57.1% 7 85.7% 12 83.3% 4 50.0% 13 76.9%

Total 69 65.2% 39 87.2% 58 89.7% 45 75.6% 36 83.3%

La Cité collégiale

French 48 83.3% 40 67.5% 58 65.5% 33 72.7% 7 100%

English 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 2 100%

Total 48 83.3% 40 67.5% 58 65.5% 33 72.7% 9 100%

Grand Total

French 110 73.6% 72 76.4% 104 76.9% 74 75.7% 30 90.0%

English 7 57.1% 7 85.7% 12 83.3% 4 50.0% 15 80.0%

Total 117 72.6% 79 77.2% 116 77.6% 78 74.4% 45 86.7%

College of Nurses of Ontario – Nursing Registration Exams Report 2016 19

4.3 2016 pass rates of RPN applicants by Ontario college, program and site

In Ontario, 24 colleges offer RPN nursing programs. Some colleges offer more than one nursing program, and some nursing programs are offered at different

sites of the same college. Table 4.7 shows Ontario RPN applicants’ ultimate pass rate and pass rates of first, second, and third attempts by college, program

and site in 2016.10

Table 4.7: 2016 pass rates of RPN applicants by Ontario college, program and site

Ontario college program First attempt Second attempt Third attempt Ultimate results

Site/campus Number of

writes Pass rate

Number of writes

Pass rate Number of

writes Pass rate

Total number of


Ultimate pass rate

Algonquin College 198 92.9% 11 81.8% 0 - 204 94.6%

Algonquin College - Nepean campus 171 91.8% 11 81.8% 0 - 177 93.8%

Algonquin College - Pembroke campus 27 100% 0 - 0 - 27 100%

Cambrian College 54 90.7% 6 83.3% 1 0.0% 59 91.5%

Canadore College 72 93.1% 5 40.0% 1 0.0% 75 92.0%

Centennial College 321 89.7% 19 57.9% 5 60.0% 326 92.6%

Centennial College - Internationally educated nurses 63 84.1% 6 83.3% 1 100% 67 88.1%

Collège Boréal (French) 36 83.3% 10 40.0% 2 50.0% 43 81.4%

Collège Boréal - campus de Hearst 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 -

Collège Boréal - campus de Kapuskasing 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 -

Collège Boréal - campus de Nipissing 9 77.8% 2 0.0% 1 0.0% 9 77.8%

Collège Boréal - campus de Sudbury 5 100% 1 100% 0 - 6 100%

Collège Boréal - campus de Timmins 12 91.7% 0 - 0 - 12 91.7%

Collège Boréal - campus de Toronto 10 70.0% 7 42.9% 1 100% 16 68.8%

Conestoga College 310 96.8% 10 90.0% 2 0.0% 314 98.4%

Confederation College 45 93.3% 4 100% 2 50.0% 48 97.9%

Durham College 139 92.8% 11 72.7% 3 100% 146 95.9%

Fanshawe College 129 91.5% 13 69.2% 2 50.0% 132 97.0%

Fanshawe College - London campus 96 90.6% 10 70.0% 2 50.0% 98 96.9%

Fanshawe College - Woodstock campus 33 93.9% 3 66.7% 0 - 34 97.1%

10 For 2015 pass rates by university and program, see the 2015 Nursing Registration Exams report: http://www.cno.org/en/what-is-cno/nursing-demographics/statistical-reports/.

College of Nurses of Ontario – Nursing Registration Exams Report 2016 20

Ontario college program First attempt Second attempt Third attempt Ultimate results

Site/campus Number of

writes Pass rate

Number of writes

Pass rate Number of

writes Pass rate

Total number of


Ultimate pass rate

Fleming College 149 89.9% 15 60.0% 2 50.0% 162 88.9%

George Brown College 206 93.7% 12 75.0% 0 - 210 96.2%

Georgian College 365 91.0% 38 52.6% 15 26.7% 390 91.3%

Georgian College - Barrie campus 197 90.4% 16 56.3% 6 33.3% 204 92.6%

Georgian College - Bracebridge campus 12 100% 0 - 0 - 12 100%

Georgian College - Midland/Penetanguishene campus 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 -

Georgian College - Orangeville campus 54 88.9% 10 40.0% 6 16.7% 66 80.3%

Georgian College - Owen Sound campus 102 92.2% 12 58.3% 3 33.3% 108 94.4%

Humber College 232 88.8% 38 50.0% 13 30.8% 268 85.4%

La Cité collégiale (French) 9 100% 7 85.7% 2 50.0% 18 88.9%

Lambton College 66 95.5% 3 100% 0 - 67 98.5%

Loyalist College 59 100% 0 - 0 - 59 100%

Mohawk College 234 94.4% 14 71.4% 1 100% 237 97.9%

Mohawk College 234 94.4% 14 71.4% 1 100% 237 97.9%

Mohawk College - Aboriginal communities 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 -

Niagara College 189 91.5% 11 72.7% 7 71.4% 198 93.9%

Northern College 25 96.0% 1 0.0% 0 - 26 92.3%

Northern College - Kirkland Lake campus 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 -

Northern College - Moosonee campus 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 -

Northern College - South Porcupine campus 25 96.0% 1 0.0% 0 - 26 92.3%

Sault College 54 90.7% 7 85.7% 1 0.0% 57 96.5%

Seneca College 449 83.1% 52 63.5% 21 76.2% 481 87.7%

Seneca College 196 87.8% 20 60.0% 5 80.0% 205 91.7%

Seneca College - Continuing Education 253 79.4% 32 65.6% 16 75.0% 276 84.8%

Sheridan College 142 88.7% 16 68.8% 9 33.3% 154 90.9%

St. Clair College 209 92.3% 19 52.6% 6 50.0% 228 90.4%

St. Clair College - Chatham campus 82 87.8% 13 53.8% 4 50.0% 95 85.3%

St. Clair College - Windsor campus 127 95.3% 6 50.0% 2 50.0% 133 94.0%

College of Nurses of Ontario – Nursing Registration Exams Report 2016 21

Ontario college program First attempt Second attempt Third attempt Ultimate results

Site/campus Number of

writes Pass rate

Number of writes

Pass rate Number of

writes Pass rate

Total number of


Ultimate pass rate

St. Clair College - Anishinabek Educational Institute 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 -

St. Lawrence College 165 94.5% 15 60.0% 7 57.1% 181 93.4%

St. Lawrence College - Brockville campus 56 89.3% 10 70.0% 5 40.0% 67 88.1%

St. Lawrence College - Cornwall campus 44 95.5% 2 50.0% 1 100% 46 95.7%

St. Lawrence College - Kingston campus 65 98.5% 3 33.3% 1 100% 68 97.1%

Total Ontario RPN programs 3,920 91.1% 343 63.8% 103 50.5% 4,150 92.6%

Ontario RN programs11 55 94.5% 7 42.9% 0 - 60 91.7%

Grand total 3,975 91.1% 350 63.4% 103 50.5% 4,210 92.6%

11 RPN applicants who completed an Ontario RN baccalaureate program, but who are applying for RPN registration. Applicants do this for a variety of reasons; for example, if they have been unsuccessful registering as an RN, or if they want to be registered in both nursing categories.

College of Nurses of Ontario – Nursing Registration Exams Report 2016 22

4.4 Demographics of Registered Practical Nurse exam writers

4.4.1 Gender of RPN exam writers

In 2016, 12.4 per cent of RPN Ontario-educated exam writers were male,

compared to 17.8 per cent of exam writers who were educated internationally

(see Figure 4.1).

Figure 4.1 Gender distribution by location of nursing education in 2016

4.4.2 Age of RPN exam writers

In 2016, the average age of RPN exam writers was 30.0 years. The average age

of Ontario-educated RPN writers was 29.5 years, compared to 32.9 years for

writers educated internationally. See Figure 4.2 for the age distribution of exam

writers by location of nursing education.

Figure 4.2 Age distribution by location of nursing education in 2016

87.680.0 82.2

12.420.0 17.8












Ontario Other Cdn. jurisdiction International




e (


Location of nursing education









0.0 0.03.8















18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55+




e (


Age group


Other Cdn. Jurisdiction


College of Nurses of Ontario – Nursing Registration Exams Report 2016 23


In 2016, 278 NP applicants to the College wrote one of the NP exams at least

once. In total, these applicants made 274 first-attempt writes, eight second-

attempt writes, and one third-attempt write.

5.1 NP exam writers’ ultimate pass rate13

The ultimate pass rate measures the percentage of writers who wrote the

registration exam during the calendar year, and passed the exam by their latest

attempt that year. Table 5.1 reports the ultimate pass rate for NP exam writers by

location of nursing education. Of the 278 NP exam writers who took the exam in

2016, 91.0 per cent passed by the end of the year. The ultimate pass rate in 2016

decreased by 5.8 percentage points compared to 2015.

Ontario-educated applicants accounted for 89.9 per cent of all writers. The

ultimate pass rate for Ontario-educated NP applicants was 92.4 per cent in 2016.

This is a 5.0 percentage-point decrease over 2015.

Table 5.1: NP exam writers and ultimate pass rates

Location of nursing education

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Writers Pass rate

Writers Pass rate

Writers Pass rate

Writers Pass rate

Writers Pass rate

Ontario 209 92.3% 209 91.4% 227 91.6% 265 97.4% 250 92.4%

Other Canadian jurisdiction 18 94.4% 21 81.0% 33 100% 23 95.7% 27 81.5%

International 6 33.3% 8 100% 2 0.0% 4 75.0% 1 0.0%

Total 233 91.0% 238 90.8% 262 92.0% 292 96.9% 278 91.0%

5.2 NP exam pass rates by attempt

In 2016, the first-attempt pass rate was 90.5 per cent, which was a 5.8 percentage

point decrease compared to 2015. The second-attempt pass rate was 50.0 per cent

for eight writes. There was only one third-attempt write, which resulted in a pass.

12 In this report, the term “Nurse Practitioner (NP)” refers to applicants seeking registration as a Registered Nurse in the Extended Class. 13 See Section 2.3 for information about calculating pass rates.

College of Nurses of Ontario – Nursing Registration Exams Report 2016 24

Table 5.2: Overall NP exam pass rates by attempt


2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Writes Pass rate Writes Pass rate Writes Pass rate Writes Pass rate

Writes Pass rate

First attempt 215 88.8% 223 91.5% 250 92.8% 273 96.3% 274 90.5%

Second attempt 21 81.0% 15 80.0% 13 69.2% 17 94.1% 8 50.0%

Third attempt 4 100% 1 0.0% 0 - 4 100% 1 100%

5.2.1 Ontario-educated NP exam writers: Pass rates by attempt

Table 5.3 shows that the first-attempt pass rate for Ontario-educated exam writers

in 2016 was 91.5 per cent. This was a decrease of 5.7 percentage points

compared to 2015. The second-attempt pass rate in 2016 was 60.0 per cent for

five writes. There was only one third-attempt write, which resulted in a pass.

Table 5.3: Ontario-educated NP exam writers: Pass rates by attempt

Number of attempt

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Writes Pass rate

Writes Pass rate

Writes Pass rate

Writes Pass rate

Writes Pass rate

First attempt 192 90.1% 197 91.9% 219 92.2% 248 97.2% 248 91.5%

Second attempt 19 84.2% 13 76.9% 9 66.7% 15 93.3% 5 60.0%

Third attempt 4 100% 0 - 0 - 3 100% 1 100%

5.2.2 NP exam writers educated in other Canadian jurisdictions:

Pass rates by attempt

In 2016, NP exam writers educated in other Canadian jurisdictions made 26 first-

attempt and two second-attempt exam writes. This resulted in an 80.8 per cent

first-attempt pass rate and a 50.0 per cent second-attempt pass rate, respectively.

Table 5.4: NP exam writers educated in other Canadian jurisdictions: Pass

rates by attempt

Number of attempt

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Writes Pass Rate

Writes Pass Rate

Writes Pass Rate

Writes Pass Rate

Writes Pass Rate

First attempt 18 94.4% 20 85.0% 30 100% 23 91.3% 26 80.8%

Second attempt 0 - 0 - 3 100% 1 100% 2 50.0%

Third attempt 0 - 1 0.0% 0 - 0 - 0 -

College of Nurses of Ontario – Nursing Registration Exams Report 2016 25

5.2.3 Internationally educated NP exam writers: Pass rates by


The number of internationally educated NP applicants writing the exam has

remained low over the past five years. In 2016, only one applicant wrote the


Table 5.5: Internationally educated NP exam writers: Pass rates by attempt

Number of attempt

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Writes Pass rate

Writes Pass rate

Writes Pass rate

Writes Pass rate

Writes Pass rate

First attempt 5 20.0% 6 100% 1 0.0% 2 50.0% 0 -

Second attempt 2 50.0% 2 100% 1 0.0% 1 100% 1 0.0%

Third attempt 0 - 0 - 0 - 1 100% 0 -

5.2.4 First-attempt pass rate for French-language NP programs in


Two Ontario universities offer NP programs in French: Laurentian University

and University of Ottawa. Exam writers can choose to write the registration exam

in either English or French, and are allowed to change their choice on subsequent


Table 5.6 shows first-attempt pass rates for applicants from these programs and

the language in which they wrote the exam. When the results are examined by

language of writing, in 2016, all four writers who completed their first attempt in

French passed and 28 out of 29 writers who completed their first attempt in

English passed.

Table 5.6: Graduates of Ontario French-language NP programs: First-time

pass rates by program and language of exam

Ontario NP program

Exam written in:

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Writes Pass rate

Writes Pass rate

Writes Pass rate

Writes Pass rate

Writes Pass rate

Laurentian University

French 1 0.0% 4 100% 1 100% 3 100% 1 100%

English 18 94.4% 12 91.7% 21 85.7% 16 100% 9 88.9%

Total 19 89.5% 16 93.8% 22 86.4% 19 100% 10 90.0%

University of Ottawa

French 2 100% 2 100% 6 83.3% 0 - 3 100%

English 10 100% 16 93.8% 14 92.9% 22 100% 20 100%

Total 12 100% 18 94.4% 20 90.0% 22 100% 23 100%

Grand Total

French 3 66.7% 6 100% 7 85.7% 3 100% 4 100%

English 28 96.4% 28 92.9% 35 88.6% 38 100% 29 96.6%

Total 31 93.5% 34 94.1% 42 88.1% 41 100% 33 97.0%

College of Nurses of Ontario – Nursing Registration Exams Report 2016 26

5.3 2016 pass rates of NP applicants by Ontario university and specialty

In Ontario, 10 universities offer NP nursing programs. Some universities may offer programs for more than one NP specialty: Primary Health Care, Adult or

Paediatric. Table 5.7 shows Ontario NP applicants’ ultimate pass rate and pass rates of first, second and third attempts in 2016 by university and specialty.14

Table 5.7: 2016 pass rates of NP applicants by Ontario university and specialty

Specialty First attempt Second attempt Third attempt Ultimate results

Ontario university Number of

writes Pass rate

Number of writes

Pass rate Number of

writes Pass rate

Total number of writers

Ultimate pass rate

Primary Health Care programs 192 93.2% 3 33.3% 1 100.0% 194 93.3%

Lakehead University 13 100% 0 - 0 - 13 100%

Laurentian University 10 90.0% 0 - 0 - 10 90.0%

McMaster University 15 100% 0 - 0 - 15 100%

Queen’s University 20 95.0% 0 - 0 - 20 95.0%

Ryerson University 32 90.6% 0 - 0 - 32 90.6%

University of Ottawa 23 100% 1 100% 0 - 24 100%

University of Toronto 28 92.9% 1 0.0% 0 - 28 92.9%

University of Western Ontario 27 88.9% 0 - 0 - 27 88.9%

University of Windsor 12 100% 0 - 0 - 12 100%

York University 12 75.0% 1 0.0% 1 100% 13 76.9%

Adult programs 44 81.8% 2 100% 0 - 44 86.4%

University of Toronto 44 81.8% 2 100% 0 - 44 86.4%

Paediatrics programs 12 100% 0 - 0 - 12 100%

McMaster University 1 100% 0 - 0 - 1 100%

University of Toronto 11 100% 0 - 0 - 11 100%

Grand total 248 91.5% 5 60.0% 1 100% 250 92.4%

14 For 2015 pass rates by university and program, see the 2015 Nursing Registration Exams report: http://www.cno.org/en/what-is-cno/nursing-demographics/statistical-reports/.

College of Nurses of Ontario – Nursing Registration Exams Report 2016 27

5.4 Demographics of Nurse Practitioner exam writers

5.4.1 Gender of NP exam writers

Figure 5.1 shows that in 2016, 8.4 per cent of Ontario-educated NP exam writers

were male. This compares to 3.7 per cent of exam writers educated in other

Canadian jurisdictions and 0.0 per cent educated internationally.

Figure 5.1: Gender distribution by location of nursing education in 2016

5.4.2 Age of NP exam writers

In 2016, the average age of NP exam writers was 34.7 years. The average age of

Ontario-educated NP writers was 34.2 years, and 39.9 years for writers educated

in other Canadian jurisdictions. See Figure 5.2 for the age distribution of NP

exam writers by location of nursing education.

Figure 5.2: Age distribution by location of nursing education in 2016

91.6 96.3 100














Ontario Other Cdn. jurisdiction International




e (


Location of nursing education











0.0 0.0 0.00











18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55+




e (


Age group


Other Cdn. Jurisdiction
