2016 Latest Stats And Trends In Digital Marketing

Post on 14-Jan-2017

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Transcript of 2016 Latest Stats And Trends In Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing Activities With The Greatest Commercial Impact In 2016

Rise Of People-Based Marketing

People-based marketing is on the rise giving advertisers more flexibility and control. Brands now prefer to tie their campaigns to real people rather than marketing to browser cookies and attempting to connect the dots. Results show that 70% of advertisers described their first-party targeting results as good or expected, 63% of advertisers report improved click-through rates, and 60% of advertisers experienced higher conversion rates.

Advertisers Shift Focus To Targeting Efficiency

Advertisers are shifting their focus from workflow efficiency to targeting precision as they are looking for long-term gains from digital ad spend. We can find evidence in the increased investment in known targeting solutions like Facebook.

Marketers Will Raise Technology Standards

Cookie-based technologies often give marketers problems to connect with customers in mobile environment. Hence, marketers will explore new and different technology solutions designed to work across all devices as they try to come up with a solution to this problem. Mobile ad spending will reach $42 billion or two-thirds of all digital ad spend.

AD Blocking

Bigger Ad Tech Acquisitions

The Challenge Of Integrating Digital And Traditional Marketing

Survey shows that marketers are moving towards integrating digital and traditional marketing activities. With only one-quarter of companies satisfied with their level of integration across digital and traditional communications and 5% fully integrated and optimized, there is still plenty of room for improvement.

Integration Of SEO And Social Media In Digital Marketing

With the increasing population and growth in the internet users, social media has become very important. In fact SEO and social media are integrated in such a way that we cannot talk about one without addressing the other. Marketers started integrating social media marketing in their SEO campaign to generate more traffic and visibility as these social media platforms are becoming the home of internet users today. If you are to increase your website’s ranking, then you have to increase your online presence.

Business Growth Through Social Media Integration

Business started using social media to grow their brand and here we share some ideas of what social media integration in SEO does: New form of link building: No wonder link building is one the

toughest aspects of SEO. With social media it has become much easier as sharing quality content in will increase brand’s visibility as social sites have high authority.

Quick indexing for ranking: Posting contents in social media will help faster indexing as search engines consider contents on social platforms as quality information.

Business Growth Through Social Media Integration Contd.

Increase in follower base: Building high-quality followers on social media for your business is a great way to get the attention of search engines. At the same time it should be kept in mind that applying black hat techniques to beat algorithms might ruin your business.

Connecting with influencers: Influencers are individuals or brands who are highly respected in the field. Getting touch with any influencer through social media is a great way to improve ranking of your website. If they happen to share your content, it might create a ripple effect as more people will be aware of your post and lead to greater conversion.

Business Growth Through Social Media Integration Contd.

Boost your keywords: Creatively written content and your social media keywords will determine your content rank. It is best to ensure that URL, bio and company name are prominent.

Banking on local search: Up-to-date information about your business will help online users to track you on anytime, anywhere. Including a physical location online can generate more traffic to your website as users search for information on-the-go. Also it is good practice to include all information of your business while posting your profile on social media.

Contact Us

If you are looking to increase your website’s online presence through SEO and Social Media Integration and elevate your brand’s popularity, then book your appointment now!

Call: (405) 531-4021Email: info@skybound.ioWebsite: www.skybounddigital.comAddress: 16220 Osceola Trail, Edmond,

OK 73013, United States.