2013 Fortune Character awards & summit

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Transcript of 2013 Fortune Character awards & summit


• China is the world’s focus as the largest luxury consuming country. �• The "Luxury in China" Summit provides an opportunity for luxury brands to showcase themselves. �• Facing great opportunities in the luxury industry, Chinese luxury brands still have a long way to go. �• Chinese consumers are growing in wealth, however, they still need lifestyle education and direction which theChina Luxury Report

provides. ���• � The “Luxury in China” Summit has been successfully held twice, and the 3rd will build on that.

2011, 400 participants 2012, 650 participants 2013, will reach over 800 attendees





50 Keynote Speakers�

����Chinese Executives of Luxury Brands �

300 Chinese Ultra-High Net Worth Individuals�

100 Chinese and Overseas Media Representatives�

100 Representatives from Governments, Commercial Organizations, Ambassadors in China, Pop-Stars and Social Celebrities�

200 Global CEOs of Luxury Brands �

Attendees 800

Date �November �

15th -17th , 2013



Format Press Conference

Summit Cocktail & Banquet B2B Luxury-mart

Event Overview


Press Conference

100 Media 100 Brand Managers

�15th, A.m.�


300 Brand Executives 300 Chinese Entrepreneurs !

16th,All Day

Keynote Address

300 Brand Executives ��

15th, P .m.


100 Brand Executives 100 Entrepreneurs

100 Celebrities 16th,Night

Selective Attendees

Top 10 �Fortune �Character�Individuals �

TOP10�Thought leaders in �

China’s Luxury Industry��

Chinese Top 10 �Most Stylish Women�

Chinese �op �� Charities�

Top 10 �Celebrity�

Brand�Ambassadors �

�Top 10� Media Leaders� In Chinese luxury �Market�

Top 10 �Chinese �Luxury�Brands �

Top 10�Best Taste�

Luxury Brands�

Top 10�Preferred �

Luxury Brands�among New Rich�

Top 10 �Philanthropist �Luxury Brands�

for �China’s Wealth �

Top 10 �Advertising �Agencies �

in Chinese �Luxury Industry�

Top 10�Most �

Appealing �Cities �

for Luxury �Brands�

Top 10 �Preferred �

Luxury Brands �among�

Wealthy Chinese�

Top 10 �PR Agencies �in Chinese �

Luxury Industry �

Top 10 �Valuable �

Media Brands�

Top 10�Best Marketing�

Practices�Luxury Brands �

in the Media’ Eyes �

Top 10 �Status Symbol�

Brands�among �

Chinese Luxury�Consumers�

Fortune Character People

Fortune Character Industry Awards

2013 Fortune Character Awards

2013 China Luxury Report Press Conference�Friday, November 15, 2013 �

Time Speakers Description

09:30-10:30! Dr. Tina Zhou�Dean of Fortune Character Institute � Press Conference (Media Only �

10:30-11:30! Fortune Character Expert Group�Dr. Tina Zhou, Steven Yao etc.! Media Interview Time

14:00-15:00! Steven Yao Founder and Chairman of Fortune Character Group �

Building Platform and Making Innovation for China’s Wealth!

15:00-15:30! Dr. Tina Zhou�Dean of Fortune Character Institute � FCI Insight 2013 China Lxury Report!

15:30-16:00! Martin Moodie Founder and Publisher of Moodie Report � Global Travel Retail Market and Chinese Consumers!

16:00-16:30! Roland Berger��TBD) � International Consultant Firm Eye China Luxury Market!

16:30-17:00 Ruder Finn� (TBD)! International PR Agency Eye China Luxury Market!

Event Agenda


Luxury in China SummitSaturday, November 16 , 2013

Time Speakers Description


Global CEO of Luxury Brands andChinese Ultra-HNWI


�Luxury in China” Keynote Speech!

14:00-17:00! �Luxury in China” Panel Discussions

Panel Luxury in China��Panel Retail upgrading in China��Panel� Luxury popularity in China

Panel� Luxury M&A war in China�

�Fortune Character Awards BanquetSaturday, November 16 , 2013�

Time Speaker Content

18:00-22:00 � All the VIP GuestsFortune Character

Awards�cocktail and awards banquet�!

B2B Luxury-mart�Sunday, November 17, 2013 �

Time Speakers Content

09:00-12:00! Dealers Luxury Brands

B2B Luxury-mart for Chinese Wholesaler /

Distributer and Luxury Brands!

Event Agenda

Media Partners

A Snapshot of Previous Events


Banquet!Title!Sponsor Summit!Title!Sponsor Chief!Sponsor Package!�for!Award!Brands

Adver?sing �Package

Commi%ee Execu+ve-Chairman Execu+ve-Chairman Vice-Chairman None None

Marke+ng-Materials 4cm�3cm-Logo-Premium-Posi+on


2cm*1.5cn-Logo--Premium-Posi+on 1.5cm*1cm--Logo None

Stage-Backdrops 170cm*120cm-Logo-Premium-Posi+on


70cm*50cm--Logo--Premium-Posi+on 40cm*40cm-Logo None

SignIin-Backdrop! 60cm*60cm-Logo 60cm*60cm--Logo 40cm*40cm-Logo None None

����Broadcas+ng-at-Stage-Backdrop Repea+ng,-No-More-than-Three-Minutes-for-One-Time,during-Rest-+me-


Repeated,No-More-than-One-Minute-for-One-Time,during-Rest-+me None None

Banquet-&-Summit Join-Panel-Discussion-on-One-Topic Join-Panel-Discussion-on-One-Topic One-Time-for-Brand-Show-at-Awards-Banquet None None

Welcome-Speech 3-Minutes-at-Banquet-Opening 3-Minutes-at-Summit-Opening None None None

Brand-Booth 4m�3m 4m�3m None None None

Brand-Materials-Display-–-Banquet-Hall Yes Yes Yes Yes None

ADV-in-FC-Magazine Back-Cover Back-Cover DPS DPS 1P

Advertorial-in-FC-Magazine! 6P 6P 2P 1P 1P

Branded-Gi^- �for-Dinner-Guests 1-Item 1-Item None 1-Item None

Keynote-Address-Opportunity-I-Press-Conference 3-Minutes-Speech 3-Minutes-Speech None None None

Media-Interviews 5-Media 5-Media 2-Media in-Interview-Area None

Ticket-of-Summit/Banquet 10/20-Tickets- �(2-people-at-main-table)

20/10-Tickets- �(1-people-at-main-table)� 5/5Tickets 2/2Tickets 2/2+ckets

Delegate-Bag- 2-Kinds-of-Promo+onal-Leaflets 2-Kinds-of-Promo+onal-Leaflets 1-Promo+onal-Leaflet 1-Promo+onal-Leaflet 1-Promo+onal-Leaflet

Contribu+on RMB-1,980,000 ������350,000-

RMB-1,680,000 ������280,000-




Sponsor Benefits


300,000 printed copies, 2,000,000 digital copiesMainly focusing on Chinese rich and luxury brands. �

Circulation of 2011 China Luxury Report was 142,000 copies.

Circulation of 2012 China Luxury Report was 178,000 copies.

“Fortune Character Awards”!Special Issue Introduction

Appendix 1:Special Issue

Content:��China Luxury Report ( including brand awards and people awards ) �F.C. Awards ( events and sponsors )�Interviews and editorials (hot people and events in luxury industry ) �Lifestyle ( focus on Chinese rich) �

Founder of High-end Service Platform to Chinese Rich Fortune Character Group was funded by media veteran Mr. Yao Shifeng in 2008 collaboratively with entrepreneurs from inside and outside China. The Group consists of four business departments: Research, Media, Industry and Finance. With 15 offices in China and 11 overseas, the Group owns unparalleled resources of entrepreneurs, media, and luxury brands. �

The No.1 Brand in Training Chinese RichAs the No.1 brand in training Chinese rich, Fortune Character Training owns competitive edge in curriculum of luxury management, course development and expert faculty. �

The Leading Research and Consulting Institute in Chinese Rich Lifestyle AreaFCI owns the top expert group in the area of Chinese rich service, dominates strategic partnerships with over 400 Chinese and overseas media , and also is the largest data and insight provider in Chinese luxury market. In 2011, FCI firstly announced China Luxury Report, in 2012 published 5 industry-leading reports, and in 2013 plans to issue 13 reports covering every aspect of lifestyle issues of Chinese wealthy individuals. �

The Largest Luxury Media for Chinese RichAs an international media conglomerate, Fortune Character Media owns a major publication “Fortune Character Magazine” and seven other high-end magazine targeting global luxury brands and global wealthy individuals. “Fortune Character Magazine” is the No. 1 lifestyle magazine for Chinese rich at a monthly distribution of 178,000 issues and hosts more than 100 luxury events annually.�

One-Stop Full-Service Platform for Chinese RichAdopting online + offline model, provides one-stop, comprehensive service to Chinese rich as a trustworthy consultant and house manager.�

Appendix 2 :Introduction of Organizer

13 Reports in 2013, touching all the areas of Chinese luxury service industry Valuable insight for luxury brands’ marketing in China First reference for Chinese rich’s knowledge of brands and intelligence of consumption

2011 China Luxury Report�


China Fine Wine Report��

China High-end Watch Report �China Luxury Car Report�

�China Luxury Property Report�

2012China Luxury Report��

China Ultra-wealthy Health White Paper �

2013China Yacht Report�

China Watch Report�

Next: China Fine Wine Report �China Luxury Car Report �China Club Report�China Noble Class Report � China Jewelry Report�China Ultra-wealthy Health White Paper�China Customer-to-made Industry Report�China Luxury Property Report�2013 China Luxury Report �China Luxury Gift Report�China Luxury Industry HR Report�

List of Fortune Character Reports

Appendix 3:List of Fortune Character Report

� �

A. By InvitationInvited by Fortune Character, will acquire free gift ticket

InvitedSocial celebrities;Famous entrepreneurs;Luxury brand CEOs;Partners of Fortune Character �

Appendix 4 :How to Attend

B. Buying Tickets Nov. 15th, Brand Panel: RMB 5,800/person�

Nov. 16th, Summit RMB 5,800/person Nov. 16th, Banquet RMB 9,800/person

Nov.17th, B2B RMB 10,000/person�All Pass RMB 16,800/person �

Criteria for Participation �Brands Chief executive in greater China �Entrepreneurs: with assets above RMB 100 million�Media: Top correspondence of key media �Others: Social celebrities ��
