2013 benefits of blogging

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Transcript of 2013 benefits of blogging

Who are we?

Renée Veldman-Tentori www.zestee.com

Olga Meckingwww.europeanmama.eu

Social media for Expats

Social media is changing our world, how

we connect and communicate, how we do

business and how we live.

Benefits of Blogging...

• What can blogging do for you?

• Particularly suitable for expats and


• Who already blogs?

What is Blogging...

One type of social media - interactive

Short for "Weblog"

Personal or for business

Lots of different types of platforms

How to blog...

Really easy to get started

Choose a platform e.g. WordPress

Just get writing!

Images are also important

The European Mama Top 7

1. Stay in touch with family and friends

2. Expat life can be isolating

3. Constant Inspiration

4. Knowledge that is worth sharing

5. Opportunities

6. It's fun!

7. Your perspective is unique

1. Family and friends

Source: Flikr commons. Photographer: Paul Stang

2. Isolation

Source: Flikr commons. Photographer: David Smith, Digital Mind Photography

3. Constant inspiration

Source: www.facebook.com/hollandphotography1. Photographer: Rich Theemling

4. Sharing knowledge

Photographer: Renee Veldman-Tentori

5. Opportunities

Photographer: Renee Veldman-Tentori

6. It's fun!

Photographer: Renee Veldman-Tentori

7. Unique perspective

Photographer: Renee Veldman-Tentori

Zestee Top 5

1. Build a business

2. An online portfolio

3. Create a community

4. Find some structure

5. Creative outlet

1. Build a Business

2. Online portfolio

3. Create a community

4. Find some structure

5. Creative outlet

Tips to increase readership

Think about your categories and keywords

Network with other bloggers - online and offline

Cross promote across social media channels

Enter competitions and themed "events"

Work on a captivating layout and images

A few things to consider...

Privacy and security

Personal verses professional life

Backing up your blog

IP: Giving credit where credit is due

Some blogs to check out...

I am not a Touris Expat Blog Competition

Bloggers in the room?

Your favourite blogs?

Share your blog!

Zestee and European Mama Facebook Pages


Online directories

Other suggestions?

Special Offer

Use the code “expaticafair” for a 10% discount on the

Zestee Social Media School via www.zestee.com

Valid until 15th November 2013