2013-04-16 Vacation Bible School Registration form · 2013. 4. 16. · Please submit this registra...

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Transcript of 2013-04-16 Vacation Bible School Registration form · 2013. 4. 16. · Please submit this registra...

Kingdom Rock

Where Kids Stand Strong for God! 2013 Vaca on Bible School

June 10 - 14 • 9 a.m. to noon

Join our court this summer at St. Mark’s for Vaca on Bible School - Kingdom Rock: Where Kids Stand Strong for God! The journey begins on Monday, June 10, in St. Mark’s Youth Center & Gymnasium. On Monday, please arrive by 8:30 a.m. in the Youth Center & Gymnasium atrium to register and meet your child’s Crew Leader! On Tuesday through Friday, your child will gather in the Gymnasium with other par cipants for Sing and Play Rock each morning beginning promptly at 9 a.m. Crew Leaders will guide your child on an adventure to different sta ons throughout the morning. These stops include: Sing and Play Rock, Tournament Games, Imagina on Sta on, Chadder’s Royal Theater, and the King’s Kitchen*! Preschool children will not travel to different loca ons, but will visit Pip’s Preschool Palace. Kingdom Rock music CDs are available for purchase, $5 each, and will be available in the church office prior to the start of VBS. *Please note on the registra on form if your child has a food allergy because snacks will be served during the program. The VBS adventure will end each day at 12 noon. Your child will be picked up at their last sta on and must be signed out. On Monday morning during registra on, you will be told the loca on of your child’s last stop and where it is located. Pick up will be in the same loca on Monday through Thursday. On Friday, direc ons for signing out your child will be provided a er the presenta on in the Youth Center. You will be asked to show a photo ID, so please be sure to have one available. We only want the safest possible program environment for your child, so please be pa ent. Please inform your child’s Crew Leader each morning if there is a change in who will be picking him/her up. If you have any ques ons about the sign out process, please call 561.622.1763. Children are encouraged to wear coordina ng shirt colors on the following days:

• Monday - Black and White • Tuesday - Orange and Yellow • Wednesday - Green • Thursday - Blue • Friday - Red or Brown

Due to ongoing construc on, VBS will be held en rely in St. Mark’s Youth Center & Gymnasium for all grades, and the preschool program will remain in its own separate area. Also, this year we have once again invited children from St. George’s Episcopal Church to join us in the fun! A por on of your registra on fee goes towards VBS scholarships, which will provide an opportunity for children from St. George’s to a end. On Friday at noon, you are invited to join us in the Gymnasium for a musical presenta on performed by the children! Following the presenta on, a Kingdom Rock lunch will be served in the pavilion. Please sign up during the week with Janet Tracy, 561.626.8804, to provide a dish. As we get set for a fun-filled week, we are excited about our journey! Each parent is encouraged to volunteer at least one day to help make this program a success; we can’t make it work without lots of help! Volunteering for the whole week would be greatly appreciated. Volunteering is a great way to meet other volunteers, and to see your child having a wonderful me while learning about God’s love! If you have any ques ons or concerns, please contact us at 561.622.1763. Caron and Kayla Morton Vaca on Bible School Directors

St. Mark's Episcopal Church & School • 3395 Burns Road, Palm Beach Gardens , FL 33410 • 561.622.0956 • www.stmarkspbg.org

St. Mark's Episcopal Church & School • 3395 Burns Road, Palm Beach Gardens , FL 33410 • 561.622.0956 • www.stmarkspbg.org

Paid CD Received

St. Mark’s Episcopal Church & School 2013 Vaca on Bible School

Monday to Friday, June 10 - 14, from 9 a.m. to noon

Sing & Play Rock, Epic Bible Adventures, Tournament Games, The King’s Kitchen, Chadder’s Royal Theater, Imagina on Sta on

VBS is for children 3 years old (po y trained) through 5th grade. The cost of the program, $50 per child, is payable with registra on. This fee covers all art materials, ac vi es, and a daily snack. A Kingdom Rock music CD is available for immediate purchase, $5 each. Please submit this registra on form with payment to the church office to the a en on of Vaca on Bible School. Vaca on Bible School 2013 will be limited to the first 125 children registered. If you have any ques ons, please call Kayla or Caron Morton, VBS Directors, at 561.622.1763.

Church family (April 14) School family (April 21) Other family (April 28)

We need volunteers! Please circle the days that you are available to help: M T W Th F Whole Week The nursery is available for volunteers with young children.

Child’s name:

Age: Date of birth: Grade entering in the fall: Male or Female (circle one)

Parent’s name: Parent’s email:

Any other adult who will be picking up your child:


Home Phone: Work phone: Cell phone:

List any allergies or other physical limita ons you child has (please be specific):

In case of emergency, do we have your permission to take your child to Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center for treatment if we are unable

to reach you?

Parent’s signature:

Physician’s Name and Phone number:

Children are grouped in crews of 4 to 5 children, as follows: PK3 & PK4 grouped together; grades K, 1 and 2 grouped together, and grades 3, 4 and 5 are grouped together. Each crew has an assigned Crew Leader that will be with them through the en re week. Gender is mixed. Mixed age Crews will travel in groups (approximately 25 children) to each Sta on: Sing & Play Rock, Epic Bible Adventures, Tournament Games, The King’s Kitchen, Chadder’s Royal Theater, and Imagina on Sta on. Preschoolers will remain in the Preschool Palace. Please let us know if there is a special friend that your child would like to have in his/her crew: Each crew consists of 4 - 5 children, and every effort will be made to group requested friends together. Please understand if every request cannot be accommodated. Thank you.

St. Mark's Episcopal Church & School • 3395 Burns Road, Palm Beach Gardens , FL 33410 • 561.622.0956 • www.stmarkspbg.org

St. Mark’s Release and Waiver of Claims

The undersigned, on behalf of

hereby authorizes said child to par cipate in the Vaca on Bible School program of St. Mark’s Episcopal

Church & School in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. I hereby waive all claims to causes of ac on arising from

par cipa on in the program and do hereby release St. Mark’s Episcopal Church & school, its officers,

employees, volunteers, and agents from any an all liability arising from said child’s par cipa on in the

program. My signature on this document is also intended to bind my successors, heirs, and representa ves.

Parent or Guardian Signature:

Print Parent or Guardian Name:

Today’s Date:

Photograph Release

I hereby grant permission for my child’s name, photograph, image, voice, and informa on to be used by

St. Mark’s Episcopal Church & School for use in St. Mark’s publica ons, promo onal materials, and website

without compensa on and without prior no ce. St. Mark’s is released and held harmless from any liability

resul ng from the use of my child’s name, photograph, image, or informa on.

Parent or Guardian Signature:

Print Parent or Guardian Name:

St. Mark’s mission is to glorify God in worship, to share in the life of the risen Christ,

to equip and nurture all members to present Jesus Christ to the world in power of the Holy Spirit.

(Name of child par cipant)