2 August 2015 · Training and kit Training Incorporate these tips into your training and you’ll...

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Transcript of 2 August 2015 · Training and kit Training Incorporate these tips into your training and you’ll...



2 August 2015

Information guide

Welcome Thank you for taking part in the Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100 event for Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity. Please read through the information in this booklet carefully and keep it safe so you can refer back to it. We hope it will answer any questions you have, but if not, please do not hesitate to contact us by calling 020 7239 3164 or emailing challenges@gosh.org

“Brilliant day, made even more brilliant

by this charity.” “Once again, Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity and the

Challenge Events team went the extra mile to give participants all the support

that we could have hoped for.”

“The ride was one of the best experiences I have had since I

started cycling and it was so well organised. All the volunteers were

excellent and it was a pleasure riding for your charity.”

“The overall organisation of the sportive and

the whole weekend was excellent, and I’m sure the event will go on to become as popular as the

London Marathon.”

The eventDubbed the ‘London Marathon on wheels’, the Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100 sees you following in the tracks of Sir Bradley Wiggins, Lizzie Armitstead and Mark Cavendish. Starting at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park and following closed roads through the capital, you’ll go on to conquer the leg-testing climbs of the Surrey Hills made famous by the world’s best cyclists. This is a truly spectacular cycling event like no other.

Date: Sunday 2 August 2015

Distance: 100 miles

Fundraising Target: £750

Start: Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford

End: The Mall, central London

Training and kit Training Incorporate these tips into your training and you’ll cruise through the Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100 this summer.

Getting startedThe key to any successful training schedule is to start well in advance of the event, don’t set off too aggressively, avoid injury, and enjoy the cycling! Whether you’re a first-timer just aiming to get round, or a sportive veteran looking to take your performance to the next level, you’ll benefit from a structured training programme.

This guide will give you a few top tips to get you training for a cycling endurance event and we also recommend you find an individual training plan to suit your level and personal experience. You can access comprehensive training plans online at gosh.org/ridelondon and prudentialridelondon.co.uk

Sharing the roadWe strongly recommend you join a local cycling club. The ability to ride comfortably and safely with a group of riders is an essential skill when road racing, and makes you a lot safer among other cyclists. Joining a club that regularly rides on public roads will help you learn how to ride in the company of others and will teach you the basic etiquette of group riding. You’ll also pick up great tips, get help with bike maintenance and undoubtedly meet some fellow Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100 participants.

The long and winding roadWe all miss the occasional planned ride – life has an annoying habit of getting in the way! Even if you can’t do long rides all the time, try not to miss them in the key training months as that’s when your body gets used to handling the demands you’ll face on the big day. Bad weather? Go out anyway – you could get bad weather on the event day. Bike broken? Fix it, or ask your bike shop to make the repairs and learn how you could do it out on the road.

Rest!You don’t get fitter when you’re riding, you get fitter when you recover afterwards, which is why you should aim to have at least one day without exercise every week, as well as an easy week every month.

Eat well, ride wellDuring your challenge, you can easily burn in excess of 600 calories per hour, and more on challenging uphill sections. Therefore, you need to ensure that you eat plenty of complex carbohydrate meals during your training so that you don’t run out of energy. Similarly, you should replace those calories again when you finish. There are plenty of energy products that you can easily carry en route – including energy drinks, bars and gels – which are ideal for keeping your energy levels topped up. It’s worth experimenting with them during your training to find out what suits you best.

Bike and kit It goes without saying that your bike is your most essential piece of kit for this event. If you’re buying a new bike, there is loads of great information online – we recommend the Road Cycling UK website for some fantastic forums full of advice.

As well as having a decent bike for the event, it’s vital for your safety and the safety of others that your bike is well maintained and in good shape for race day. Look after your bike and have a full service before race day.

Kit list Bike

Cycling top

Cycling shoes or suitable footwear

Cycle helmet

Cycling shorts

Cycling gloves

Puncture repair kit

Energy drinks

Poncho – rain jacket

Cycle pump

Allen keys

Water bottle

Spare inner tubes

Energy bars/jelly babies

Look after your bikeA short checklist

Ṿ Daily: general check, including tyres

Ṿ Weekly: lubricate moving parts, check gears, brakes, levers and chain

Ṿ Monthly: check wheels, steering, pedals and frame

Race day 25,000 people, 25,000 bikes and 1,000,000 spectators. It’s not something you see every day and it requires some military- style planning by the team at Prudential RideLondon–Surrey 100. Keep a close eye on your inbox over the coming months as there are several things you’ll need to do ahead of race day, including letting the race organisers know your preferred options for getting to and from the start and finish. We’ll also be keeping in touch regularly to ensure that you have all the information you need for a fantastic race weekend. Read on for some early tips and insight into your August adventure.

Book your hotel today With 25,000 other riders and their supporters descending on the capital for this incredible event, we recommend booking your accommodation as soon as possible. There are lots of hotels close to the ExCeL London and Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park but they will fill up quickly.

Prudential RideLondon–Surrey 100 Cycling ShowTaking place 30 July–1 August at the ExCeL London. You must attend the Prudential RideLondon–Surrey 100 Cycling Show to pick up your race number and timing chip. It will be a fantastic event for you and anyone else with an interest in cycling.

Woop, woop!We’ll have some designated cheer posts along the route to make you feel like the heroes you are! Decked out with purple Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity branding and with lots of noisy cheer materials, you should have no problem spotting us, especially as we’ll be giving you a loud “woop!” as you cycle past us. We’d love to invite your friends and family to join the charity support team – find out more at gosh.org/event-volunteering

Post-race party!Once you have crossed the finish line, we hope you’ll come and see us for some well-deserved pampering. Our excellent post-race reception is at the Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) on The Mall, just minutes from the finish line. This is where family or friends can celebrate with you while you’re revitalised with sandwiches, chocolate, soft drinks and a soothing leg massage. We’ll have secure bike parking and show the full coverage of the event on a large screen. If you’re lucky, you may get a spot on the balcony where you can see your friends, fellow cyclists and the elite teams crossing the finish line.

Top tipsDon’t overcommit to training or

overstretch yourself

You want to start the challenge in peak

physical fitness, but without being burnt out.

Don’t do it alone

Join a cycling club to ensure you get lots of

group cycling experience: you’ll be sharing

the road with 25,000 other cyclists, which

will come as a bit of a shock if you do all

your training on your own.

FAQsBelow are the answers to some frequently asked questions. If your query is not addressed here, please do not hesitate to contact us.

How much do I need to raise? Charity place: You have pledged to raise a minimum of £750. Own place: As you have your own place, there is no minimum requirement – any money raised is gratefully received and will make a real difference to the children treated at Great Ormond Street Hospital.

How will I raise the money?We will be in touch with regular tips via our e-newsletters and you can also find plenty of great ideas on the website gosh.org/fundraisingideas

If you haven’t already, the first step we recommend is to set up an online fundraising page at JustGiving.com

This is a great way to collect sponsorship money without having to do lots of extra legwork. If you need any further tips we are always on hand to give you advice and support, just call us on 020 7239 3164 or email challenges@gosh.org



Do I have to train?Yes! The requirements for the challenge are to cycle 100 miles in less than nine hours. You should start training several months before the event. We have a comprehensive training plan which you can download from gosh.org/ridelondon

What happens if I can’t finish the race in less than nine hours?On the same day as the Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100 event there is a Classic Sportive for professional cycling teams. The nine-hour time limit is set to ensure the roads are clear for the sportive. If you do not think this is an obtainable time for you with training, then please contact us as soon as possible to discuss the options available.

What happens if I can no longer take part in the event?If you have to drop out for any reason, please let us know as soon as possible. We may be able to defer your place for a year or offer it to someone on our waiting list, but we only have a limited time to make the most of any options available.

Useful Links

Find a local cycling club


Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100


British Cycling


Road Cycling UK


Challenge Events teamWe’ll support you on every step of your amazing challenge. If you need anything, or you want to tell us your story, just get in touch – we love hearing from you!

T 020 7239 3164 E challenges@gosh.org gosh.org/challengesGreat Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity,40 Bernard Street, London WC1N 1LE We’re

here to help!

Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity. Registered charity no. 235825.


Danielle HeatherTash





Prudential RideLondon–Surrey 100T 020 7902 0212E helpdesk@ridelondon.co.ukprudentialridelondon.co.uk