1.Rezero presentacio Delegacio Algeria Definitiva [Modo de … · 2020. 4. 21. · :k\ d =hur :dvwh...

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Transcript of 1.Rezero presentacio Delegacio Algeria Definitiva [Modo de … · 2020. 4. 21. · :k\ d =hur :dvwh...

Can we achieve a Zero Waste Society?

Algerian study trip

Barcelona 13th November 2018

1. About us

2. Why a Zero Waste Society?

3. How to achieve it?

4. The future Balearic Waste Law

5. Campaing to reduce plastic bags in Catalonia

6. Green shops: Comerç Verd

7. Deposit-Return System (DRS) pilot implementation for beverage containers in Cadaqués (Catalonia)

8. Campaigns to reduce food waste

9. Campaign #IamCoco Tourism

1. About us

1. About us

We are an independent and non-profit organization born in 2005

We want to change the consumption and production model towards Zero Waste

We drive transforming actions and policies on waste prevention and responsible consumption networking with social and economic agents

1. About us

2. Why a Zero Waste Society?

2. Why a Zero Waste Society?

Prevention priority is not implemented

Increase of waste generation

Difficulties on reaching the recycling targets on the context of an increasing generation

Products are not designed to be durable, reusable, repairable nor recycled (programmed obsolescence)

Depletion of natural resources, greenhouse gases emissions, environmental and health problems

Because of the unsustainability of the current model

2. Why a Zero Waste Society?

Rezero’s ecological waste hierarchy





Energetic valorisation

2. Why a Zero Waste Society?

We need new perspectives and solutions for the future

Perspective of action



The world that we have(systemic


The world that we want

Ethic perspective

2. Why a Zero Waste Society?

We need the collective creation of new ways to feel, think and act

Perspective of action



The world that we have(systemic


The world that we want

Ethic perspective

3. How to achieve it?

3. How to achieve it?

Action plan

1Everything that goes into the market has to be reusable, reparable, recyclable or composted

Action plan

2Achieve an excellent selective collection. All materials that can be prepared for reuse, recycled or composted cannot end up going to finalist treatments or dumped on the environment

3. How to achieve it?

Action plan

3 Prevent waste generation: reduction of the intensity of resources usage

3. How to achieve it?

a) Waste prevention and reuse policies

European UnionCCAA,


3. How to achieve it?

What do we need?

b) Recuperation of quality materials

3. How to achieve it?

What do we need?

c) Transparency and traceability

Co-responsibility promotion

Move towards the transparency and comparability of physic, energetic and economic data regarding the waste management system

Extended producers responsibility

3. How to achieve it?

What do we need?

Rezero’s contribution

Strategic campaigns

Waste prevention plans and policies

Waste prevention


Knowledge creation and socialisation

3. How to achieve it?

Strategic campaigns

3. How to achieve it?

Strategic campaigns

3. How to achieve it?

First Webdoc about waste which portray five families and one challenge: Objective #Rezero in 30 days


Knowledge creation and socialisation

3. How to achieve it?

2015: Implementation of a DRS in Catalonia. Economic opportunities for local institutions

2015: Redesigning Producer Responsibility. A New EPR is needed for Circular Economy

2016: Pilot project for container’s return at universities

2017: Rethinking economic incentives for separate collection

2017: The reuse potential of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona

2017: Changing diapers. Promotion of Reusable diapers

2018: The use of reusable containers in the Balearic Islands

Waste prevention plans and policies

3. How to achieve it?

2016: Formentera’s Organic Waste Selective Collection Plan

2017: Barcelona’s Waste Prevention Executive Plan

2017: Plan to promote a better selective collection of organic waste in Barcelona

2018: Circular Economy Plan of the Maresme Consortium

2018: Technical Secretariat of Responsible Consumption of Barcelona’s Council

Waste Prevention Plans for local institutions

Waste Law and parliamentary groups consultancy for the Catalan, Balearic, Navarra, Community od Valencia Administration

Example: Lobbying for the approval of a powerful Waste Law in the Balearic Islands




Study – positioning and knowledge

Campaign – Citizenship incidence

Law and parliamentary groups consultancy–Working with the administration

3. How to achieve it?

4. The future Balearic Waste Law

Break Free From Plastic

1. Context

1. ContextA Mediterranean paradise...

1. ContextA Mediterranean paradise...under a lot of pressure

Balearic Waste generation: 800 kg. person/year (2,20kg.person/day). The highest of Spain!

20 millions of tourists (2017). Balearic population: 1,16 millions.

Collapsed landfills and waste plants due for the high rate of generation

1. Context

2. The Law Proposal

The future Balearic Waste Law contains ground breaking proposals to fight marine litter

It has the potential to become a milestone for the Mediterranean region and Europe in the fight against plastic pollution



Article Year of implementation Regulation

Article 23. Waste prevention, reuse and reduction of waste hazardousness

With the lawPromotion of the sale and purchase of bulk products, the durable goods and services, the use of products that are efficient in terms of waste of resources, repairable and recyclable

With the law Promotion and regulation of the packaging market in order to increase the reusable containers levels and reduce the quota of single use ones

With the law Implementation of systems that promote reuse activities, particularly in relation to WEEE, textile and furniture

With the law Establishment of the criteria and methodology to develop life-cycle analysis for products

With the law Obligation for producers to inform the consumers about the reusability, recyclability, elimination or pollution risks of the waste they produce

With the law Establishment of waste prevention qualitative objectives

With the law Inclusion of waste prevention criteria on the basis of public procurement procedures

With the law Inclusion of waste prevention measures on municipal ordinances

With the law Creation of a byproducts bank

With the law Elaboration of a regulation to promote «green purchasing» among the public administrations

With the law Prioritization of reused and recycled products on public procurements

With the law The producers and distributors of the wet wipes commercialized in the Balearic market must include sufficient information on the containers to inform the users about their problematic

With the law Waste prevention regulation for the waste generated on public events


Article Year of implementation Regulation

Article 24. Regulation of the single use products

1st January 2020 Plastic carrier bags can’t be provided free of charge at the point of sale of goods or products.

1st January 2020 Prohibition of single use plastic crockery, cutlery and cups

1st January 2020 Prohibition of the distribution and sale of products containing microplastics or nanoplastics, and the single use lighters, shavers, ink cartridges and printer toners

1st January 2020 Prohibition of single use products in catering and restaurants for the consumption of aliments in their own establishments

1st January 2020 Prohibition of the sale of singles use coffee capsules made of materials non easily recyclable (organically o mechanically). Only the distribution of compostable straws, cotton bud sticks and caramel sticks will be allowed

With the Law Restriction or prohibition of other single use products or materials which present special difficulties for its management or to achieve the reduction targets

Art 25. Packaging prevention

With the Law Installation of water fountains in public spaces and reusable waters containers by public administration

With the Law The sale of water in disposable bottles in general is prohibited in buildings and facilities of the public administrations (except hospitals)

With the Law Restaurants and hotels should always offer the possibility of consuming unpackaged water

With the Law Public events and parties must offer always refillable drinks and deposit refund systems (DRS) for cups.


Article Year of implementation Regulation

Art.26 Foodwaste

2019 Promotion of a social pact about food waste

2020 Elaboration of a diagnosis on the food waste with statistical base 2020

2020 Development of a foodwaste reduction strategy

Art 27. Extended producer responsibility (EPR)

With the law Elaboration of the Balearic register of production and waste management

With the law Obligation of companies to provide data (units) on products or packaging placed in the Balearic market

Art 28. Extended producer responsibility for packaging waste

With the law The producers of packaging waste have to assume the total cost of managing the waste, including those not collected selectively and those coming from street cleaning and other spaces such as beaches

2020 Implementation of a deposit refund system (DRS) for beverage containers in a first island

With the law Establishment of reuse objectives for beverages in the sector of catering and restaurants.


Is now or never!

We will do our best to have an effective Balearic Waste Law. Our Mediterranean sea and the future generations deserve it.

Will you help us?

5. Campaing to reduce plastic bags in Catalonia

Why the plastic carrier bag?

• Symbol of throwing-away.

• Easy solution: replaced by reusable alternatives.

• All sectors need to work together

• Strategic: it's reduction can be iconic of waste prevention

• First step to implement waste prevention regulatory measures (proposal of a Catalan Waste Prevention


Starting the campaign

• Study “Reduction of the disposable plastic bag in Catalonia” (2007)– Aim: assessing different measures for an effective reduction of disposable plastic bags in Catalonia

– Conclusion:

No plastic bags free of charge.

Voluntary agreements are not enough.

Environmental tax of 0’20€ per bag. Catalunya has legal competence.

A process of debate between all stakeholders was necessary: Catalunya Lliure de Bosses

campaign (May 2008)

Place the bag issue at a social, political and media debate.

Get supports from all sectors.

Ask the Catalan Government the regulation of plastic bags: environmental tax of 0'20€/bag as a

dissuasive measure to reduce its consumption. Economic fund for waste prevention campaigns.

Set the Plastic Bag Free Day on 3rd July

Aims of the campaign



The Catalan Parliament


Support from celebrities

Emma Vilarasau - actriuEloi Cordomí – meteoròlegMartí Boada - ecòleg Joan Domenec - ecòlegToni Clapés – periodistaJosé L. Gallego – periodistaNao Albert – actorPablo Derqui - actorClaudia Cos – actriuAbel Folk – actorAna Azcoro –actriuAnna Barachina – actriuMarta Milla – actriuGerard Quintana – cantantXavier Solà - periodistaArcadi Oliveres – econom....


Media impact

Catalonia free of plastic bags campaign

-The origin of the packaging debate in Catalonia & Spain

-Supported by >100 municipalities, 100 social organizations, 50 retailers associations and > 5.000 consumers

-Important impact in society, media and Catalan & Spanish Governments

-Plastic Bag Commitment

-PRECAT20 (CAT) 90% reduction by 2020

-PNIR (Spain)- 50% reduction by 2010

• Constituted by the Catalan Government. Promoted by Catalan Waste Agency (ARC, 2009)

• Aim: decide the most suitable system to replace the free distribution of disposable plastic

bags. Beyond voluntary agreements.

• Representatives of all sectors involved

• Plastic Bag Committment: voluntary agreements to reach reduction of 30 % by 2009 and

50% by 2012.

If not reached: stronger measures.

• Results: reduction of 50% bags/person, compared to 2007 (ARC). Consumption in 2015:

164 bags/person/year

Government Committee

• Finally the Catalan Government implemented a law to ban delivery of carrier plastic bags for

free in all shops and home delivery.

• Since 2018 carrier plastic bags can't be delivered for free in all Spain.

Ban on free plastic bags in 2017

First set in Catalonia, then spread all over. Global call to action (plasticbagfreeday.org)

3rd July, Plastic Bag Free Day

Plastic Bag Free Day (2008)



International Day (2010)









Spanish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYZFBkVYGrs

• Has helped in understanding the concept of “waste prevention”.

• Led many supermarkets to stop distributing free plastic bags and reduce its consumption.

• Promoted the use of alternatives.

• Efficient tool to raise awareness.

• Useful to join and show the support of many sectors for waste reduction.

• We keep asking the Government an environmental tax for a higher reduction of plastic bags.

Review and perspectives

Bio-based plastics:

the temptation of the


6. Green shops: Comerç verd

Challenge Opportunity

The shops are synonymous of thevalues related to social, economic, environmental and cultural sustainability

The environment has become in few years a vector linked to a modern and efficient business management



Green shops

Green Shop are the proximity stores that allow citizenship to consume in a respectful manner with the environment.COMERÇ


The Green Shops distinctive indicates and guarantees the client that the excellence of the environmental offer

What is it?

Green shops

Specific objectives

Visualize the contribution that the commerce does to improve the community sustainability Facilitate the right of the citizenship to consume avoiding waste productionStrengthen the relationship between proximity commerce and citizenship providing information in regards of the responsible consumption options that it offers

General objective

To boost sustainabilityin the commerce as a fundamental elementof responsibleconsumptionObjectives

Green shops



- Enforceability of non free distribution of single use plastic bags

- Sale in bulk

- Sale of proximity products or fair trade

- Sale of ecological products

- Sale of returnable or reusable products

Green shops


Promotion (1)

Elaboration of a Consciousconsumer Guide

Mapping of certified shops

Letting service of wickerbaskets or trolley

Collective buying (reusable bags, tupperware and so on)

Green shops


Promotion (2)

Responsible consumption promotions (discountvouchers, draws, etc.)

Routes and itineraries around the shops

Display of products sold on the Green Shops



- Girona- Badalona- Argentona- Castellbisbal- El Papiol- Gavà- La Bisbal d’Empordà- Palafrugell- Palau-solità i Plegamans- Pallejà- Sant Pol de Mar- Sant Vicenç de Castellet- Santa Coloma de Cervelló- Santa Eulàlia de Ronçana- Tiana- Torrelles de Llobregat- Viladecans

- Barcelona- Antiga Esquerra de l’Eixample- El Fort Pienc- La Dreta de l’Eixample- La Maternitat i Sant Ramon- Pedralbes- La Sagrada Família- La Vila de Gràcia- Les Corts- Nova Esquerra de l’Eixample- Sant Andreu del Palomar- Sant Antoni- Sant Martí de Provençals- Sant Pere, Santa Caterina i La Ribera- Sarrià

7. Deposit-Return System (DRS) pilot implementation for beverage

containers in Cadaqués (Catalonia)

Foundation for waste prevention and responsible consumption

2/3 of beverage packaging are not managed through EPR

Some costs are not met by Green Dot Systems:

Littering (beaches!)


Separate collection at a standstill

Glass below objective set by European Packaging Directive

Lightweight packaging on the verge (very low objective)

Weak Producer Responsibility

In the European survey “Use of Economic instruments and waste management” (2012), itis stated that the adoption of economic instruments helps to improve the performance of waste management

Among the economic instruments should be considered: Charges for waste disposal and treatment (landfill & incineration taxes) Pay-as-you-throw (PAYT) schemes Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Schemes for specific streams (packaging, ELV,

WEEE, batteries, etc.)

The Deposit-Return & System (DRRS) fits in the EPR Concept

Economic instruments & Waste Management

The producer or packager establishes a system to make possible the recovery of theirpackaging.

To ensure this recovery, the producer or packager, thorough the seller, establishes a DEPOSIT (an economic value associated with each container) that costumer must pay in advance.

Once the costumer deliver back the empty container to the system (shop or authomaticmachine), the amount advanced is fully REFUNDED to the costumer.

RETURN means that the container can return to the production line, for reusing or recycling, closing the cycle, where there is no waste but resources.

The Deposit-Refund System (DRS) CONCEPT

Located in North CataloniaWith only 3.000 inhabitants, its geographical characteristics give it a character of islandat all levels

Cadaqués, the Island Village


To show the feasibility of a DRRS.

To assess the impact of DRRS on local waste management from environmentaland economic point of view.

Showcase for retailers, companies, NGO and administration.

To assess return rate with deposit.


To assess return level with 5 € cent deposit.To assess the general acceptance by the


To assess impact in littering and currentwaste collection system.

Main Targets

The expected performance of a DRRS


Fundació Prevenció de Residus (FPRC)

Gremi de Recuperació (GRC)

Technological Partners



Other Stakeholders

Cadaqués CouncilWaste Agency of Catalonia

Local retailers2 Supermarkets


8 Small shops

Stakeholder involved & Political Support

Temporary DRRS for one-way beverage containers: April15th – June 30th, 2013

Containers with 5 € cent deposit: Packaging:

Plastic (PET) (< 3 liter) Cans

Beverages: Water Juices Beer Soft drinks

What’s the pilot project about?

2 supermarkets with automatic return machines

8 shops with manual return system

Local Retailers involved

Consumers left a deposit of 5 euro cents for eachcontainer when bought their drinks

When returning each container, either manually of through the automatic machine, the consumer recovered the 5 euro cents of the deposit.

The ticket of the automatic machine is discountedfrom the next puchase or delivered in cash.

Containers collected from shops where stored in bagsand labeled with a barcode to recognise which shop thecontainers came from

The bags where transported to the counting center, located in the industrial area of Cadaqués, where they were compacted in bales

Counting center

April May June TOTAL

Return of containers (ut) 10.246 31.223 39.714 81.183

Sales and Return of containers subjected to DRRS by months (15 April–30 June)

1. The return level was growing overtime, with uneven behaviour between weeks due to climatic factors (rainy days during Easter) and tourist fluctuation.

2. Last week of June the level of return reached 91 %.

Quantitative Results

Quantitative Results. III

The Separate Collection and Recovery of Packaging increased from 12 % to 66,6 %, which means multiply by 5 the existing levels of separate collection & recovery before the introduction of DRRS pilot project.

Before the pilot

(no DRRS)

After the pilot

(with DRRS)

Effect on Separate Collection & Recovery of Packaging

The financial incentive helps to clean the town: giving an economic value to beverage containers it becomes more difficult to find them abandoned the town, beaches and natural areas.

Streets Beaches Seaside Natural Park0%











NS/NCDirt ierEqualCleaner

Results: Littering reduction

Better quality material for recycling

Usual quality materials High Quality materials

Aluminium cans 0,75 €/kg 1,37 €/kg

Qualitative Results

Reduction on the amount of waste to be collected and treated (light packaging, residual waste).

Reduction of marine littering.

Reduction of streets and beaches cleaning.

Savings due to the reduction of all these services, estimated in 7% - 9% of annual cost of collection andtreatment.

Higher economic value in the market of high quality materials (steel, aluminium and PET) in relation to medium-low usual quality materials

Other considerations

Survey of citizens perception (before and after Pilot Project)

Other Considerations. II

Survey of retailers perception (YES, NOT or Don’t know/Don’t answer)

Other Considerations. III

- High level of return (92% in the peak)

- Selective collection x5 and reduction of littering

- Positive impact in the municipality budget

- Zero cost for the administration that implements the system

- High quality recycling (materials, upcycling bottle-to-bottle)

- High acceptance by the population and retailers


Primera prueba del Sistema de Retorno de envases en España (4 min)


8. Campaigns to reduce food waste

Circular economy and sustainability in restaurants and shops

Food waste throughout the chain

58% Homes

26% Commerce

1% Municipal market

9% Small commerce

16% Supermarket

16% Restauration

12% katering and private restauration

4% Institutions: katerings and restoration and restoration induced by institutional demand (hospitals, schools, residences, public administration canteens, public events, etc.)

The numbers of food waste in Catalonia

841 milions €/any

720.000 kg of food daily and 262.471 annual tones, equal to the food needs of 500,000 people for a year

The numbers of food waste in Catalonia

Food wasteWe are all part of the solution

Prevent: reduce overproduction

Reuse surplus food effectively. Prioritize human consumption

Collaboration between sectors: solutions that promote the circular economy and new opportunities for everyone.

Law for the reduction of food waste in Catalonia: in process .

Europe - Circular economy package: requires member states to apply measures to reduce food losses throughout the food chain. And recommend reducing them 30% by 2025 and 50% by 2050 compared to 2014 data.

PRECAT20 (Program for the prevention and management of waste and resources in Catalonia) establishes as a priority objective for the year 2020 to reduce by 50% by weight the food waste in retail distribution, catering and domestic area with respect to 2010.

Food waste- Legislation


3. Remenja’mmm

3. Remenja’mmm

Reduce food waste derived from restoration activities.

Make visible the problem of food waste, prevention opportunities, as well as associated environmental and socio-economic benefits.

Awareness and dissemination of good practices by participating restaurants.

Influence on consumer attitude. Normalizing attitudes such as taking away food and non-consumed food from restaurants.


3. Remenja’mmm

3. Remenja’mmm

More the 250 establishments

3. Remenja’mmmLarge community of chefs

3. Remenja’mmm... And professionals of restaurant sector

Survey of retailers perception (YES, NOT or Don’t know/Don’t answer)

Other Considerations. III

3. Remenja’mmm1st Edition of Remenja’mmm awards

Cerdanya Ecoresort

Restaurant El Mercader de l'Eixample

3. Remenja’mmm

Project done by:

And support from:

www.remenjammm.cat @Remenjamm – Facebook – Twitter- Instagram


9. Campaign #IamCocoApproach to the Zero Waste lifestyle

1. Challenge

2. Inititative

3. Impact

1. Challenge

1. Challenge

Citizenship is increasingly demanding a change in production model

Citiziens begin to change their consumption habits toward zero waste.

We want to contribute to offer new perspectives and solutions for the future

4M of tonnes of waste/year per municipality = 1,35 kg/hab/day

1. Challenge

New and beautiful perspective and solutions for the future

Connect individual actions of responsibleconsumption, giving a voice to this trendfrom positive and personal experiences.

Approach the zero waste lifestyle froman emphatic point of view, with itsemotions, strenghts, discouragements, humor, drive, etc.

1. Challenge

Our context - Smiles after the challenge #IamCOCO

The first webseries of waste in Europe - 5 families and 1 challenge:

#Rezero Objective in 30 days has been a success and is a benchmark ofinnovation and creativity in Europe

Its development is linked to the daily life of different types of families from differentmunicipalities in Catalunya (a couple with a baby, a couple with two kids, a couplewithout kids, a student flat, a couple of retirees, etc.).

Their experience has been self-recorded with their cellphones, without a script, andhas been later edited.

Play Vídeo

1. Challenge#Rezero Objective

1. Challenge

#Rezero Objective

Good practices for the prevention wasteand improvement of consumer habits

Offer a practical solution of preventionfor certain habits and needs of consumption of citizens.

Kit #Rezero

1. Challenge

#Rezero Objective Before

1. Challenge

#Rezero Objective After

2. Next step

2. Next step

A practical, attractive, easy-to-understand platform that allows eachuser to customize their Zero Waste Plan,

Facilitate the accompaniment andmonitoring of the participants

APP – Online Platform

2. Next step






Community campaign #IamCOCO on social networks

Communication support

3. Impact

3. Impact

Media likes zero waste challenge

Marta Beltran martab@rezero.cat

Alba Cabrera albac@rezero.cat

Raül Paniagua raulp@rezero.cat

936 686 107www.rezero.cat

Contact @rezerocat