1Keijo Nenonen and Olli Breilin, MAEGS-15, 16.9.2007 1970’sYear 1998 Geological heritage in...

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Transcript of 1Keijo Nenonen and Olli Breilin, MAEGS-15, 16.9.2007 1970’sYear 1998 Geological heritage in...

1Keijo Nenonen and Olli Breilin, MAEGS-15, 16.9.2007

1970’s Year 1998

Geological heritage in Finland as an example of sustainable use of


Keijo Nenonen and Olli BreilinGeological Survey of Finland

2Keijo Nenonen and Olli Breilin, MAEGS-15, 16.9.2007

Carta Marina 1539

Bishop Olaus Magnus

3Keijo Nenonen and Olli Breilin, MAEGS-15, 16.9.2007

Zacharius Topelius 1873

"Most noticeable are the effects of this, partly still unexplained, phenomenon. The land rises from the sea, the sea flees, shores are exposed, and the slope is moving forward. Where in days of old ships were sailing, now hardly a ship can travel; where once the fisherman cast his net, now his cows go grazing on the coastal meadow. Banks and rocks appear out of the water, of which no sea chart has had knowledge before; banks expand into islets, these grow together and connect with the mainland. Beaches expand; harbours dry up, seaports must move after the fleeing sea. Every generation of men, new arable land rises from the sea, every century grants Finland a kingdom“.

4Keijo Nenonen and Olli Breilin, MAEGS-15, 16.9.2007

Kvarken Archipelago / High coast



/High Coast

/Kvarken Archipelago

Kvarken Archipelago (Finland), nominated 2006, is a extension for the High Coast

(Sweden) World Heritage property that was nominated year 2000 and is thus

transboundary serial property of both Finland and Sweden with name

Kvarken Archipelago / High Coast.

5Keijo Nenonen and Olli Breilin, MAEGS-15, 16.9.2007

Criteria (i)

(2002 i 2005 viii) to be outstanding examples representing major stages of earth's history, including the record of life, significant on-going geological processes in the development of landforms, or significant geomorphic or physiographic features;

6Keijo Nenonen and Olli Breilin, MAEGS-15, 16.9.2007

Highest shore line at Sweden after deglaciation (285 m mpy)

Justification for Inscription for High Coast:The site is one of the places in the world that is experiencing isostatic uplift as a result of deglaciation. Isostatic rebound is well-illustrated and the distinctiveness of the site is the extent of the total isostatic uplift which, at 294m, exceeds others. The site is the “type area” for research on isostacy, the phenomenon having been first recognised and studied there.

7Keijo Nenonen and Olli Breilin, MAEGS-15, 16.9.2007

Justification for Inscription for Kvarken Archipelago:The Kvarken Archipelago, with its 5600 islands and surrounding sea, is of exceptional geological value for two main reasons.

1) It is an area of rapid glacio isostatic uplift with rates that are among the highest in the world. The uplift has been ongoing for thousands of years and is associated with major changes in the water bodies in post glacial times. The Kvarken, along with the existing High Coast, its Swedish equivalent on the west coast of the Gulf of Bothnia, are key areas for the understanding of the processes of crustal response to the melting of the continental ice sheet.

2) The Kvarken area possesses a distinctive array of glacial depositional landforms, such as De Greer moraines, which add to the variety of glacial landscapes features in the region and reinforce the previous validity of the High Coast inscription. IUCN considers that thenominated property meets this criterion

8Keijo Nenonen and Olli Breilin, MAEGS-15, 16.9.2007

Kvarken Archipelago with numbers

•Area 194 400 ha, 85 % sea area•Coast line 2416 km•Number of islands and islets 5600•Inhabitants 2500•Water depth 10 – 15 m, deepest course 25 metres near Holmö Island (Sweden)•Brackish water, salt content 4-5 ‰•Ice covered 140-150 days per year•Water flow 17 000 m3 per second (from NE to SW)•The total size of the KA/HC transboundary serial property is 336,900 hectares.

9Keijo Nenonen and Olli Breilin, MAEGS-15, 16.9.2007

Ahtisaari avasi portin Merenkurkun maailman luonnonperintöalueelle

Merenkurkun maailman

luonnonperintöalue vihittiin 8.9.2007

lauantaina Björkön Svedjehamnissa.

Kultareunuksen tilaisuuteen loi

presidentti Martti Ahtisaari.

Ympäristöministeri Paula Lehtomäki

lupasi, että ainokaisesta

pidetään hyvä huoli: lisäbudjetissa

tulee rahaa 1,7 miljoonaa euroa.

Pohjalainen 9.9.2007

10Keijo Nenonen and Olli Breilin, MAEGS-15, 16.9.2007

Ministeri lupasi pitää ainokaisestaan huolta

Ympäristöministeri Paula Lehtomäki lupasi, että Suomen ainokaisestapidetään hyvää huolta. Tuskin Suomeen kovin pian saadaan toista maailman luonnonperintöaluetta Merenkurkun saariston lisäksi.

Pohjalainen 9.9.2007

11Keijo Nenonen and Olli Breilin, MAEGS-15, 16.9.2007

Future trans boundary WH initiative: Saimaa- Pielinen-Ladoga lake area owing outstanding universal nature values, both biological and geological??

12Keijo Nenonen and Olli Breilin, MAEGS-15, 16.9.2007

Baltic Ice Lake (late)

Litorina SeaAncylus Lake

Yoldia SeaBaltic Ice Lake (early)

M. Saarnisto (2003), drawings O. Sallasmaa

Deglaciation - The history of the Baltic Sea

13Keijo Nenonen and Olli Breilin, MAEGS-15, 16.9.2007

Glacial isostatic land uplift

Isobase mm/year

Processing Markku Poutanen

Finnish Geodetic Institute

High coast

Kvarken Archipelago

Botnian Bay

Baltic Sea


f of



Year 4000

High Caost

Kvarken Archipelago

”The main ongoing geological process – changes the shoreline and scenery in a span of human life time.”

Botnian Sea

Picture Hanna Virkki (GTK)

14Keijo Nenonen and Olli Breilin, MAEGS-15, 16.9.2007

Land is arising from the sea, Gåsgrund 1978 ja 2006© Metsähallitus, Photo Seppo Lammi 2006

15Keijo Nenonen and Olli Breilin, MAEGS-15, 16.9.2007

Geodiversity on glaciated terrain

Geologic formations and features created by continental ice sheet



Ribbed - moraines

De Geer - moraines

Hummocky moraine

Boulder field

Deep water sediments, clay/silt

Continental ice sheet Drawings Harri Kutvonen (GTK)

16Keijo Nenonen and Olli Breilin, MAEGS-15, 16.9.2007

Geology of central area of the Kvarken ArchiplagoBased on 1:20 000 mapping of Quaternary deposits and formations

Deep water sediments, silt and clay

Glaciofluvial formations, sand and gravel (esker)

Littoral deposits, sand and gravel

Bedrock outcrops

Glacial formations, Ribbed-moraines

Glacial till

Glacial formations, De Geer-moraines

10 km


17Keijo Nenonen and Olli Breilin, MAEGS-15, 16.9.2007

A) Ice push and squeeze of diamicton

B) Deepwater sedimentation C) Land uplift and isolation of water bodies

Schematic drawings of formation of the De Geer – moraines in the Kvarken Archipelago

Keijo Nenonen, drawings Harri Kutvonen (GTK)

18Keijo Nenonen and Olli Breilin, MAEGS-15, 16.9.2007

Svedjehamn De Geer moraine field - Interpretation of the De Geer moraines at shallow sea area (digital airphotos)

Interpretation Riikka Koskinen (GTK)


Aerial photo © Maanmittauslaitos


19Keijo Nenonen and Olli Breilin, MAEGS-15, 16.9.2007

De Geer moraines on the sea floor, Replot

Interpretation Anu Reijonen 2004A) Echo sounding

B) Aquistic reflektion sounding

Glacial landforms

20Keijo Nenonen and Olli Breilin, MAEGS-15, 16.9.2007

De Geer moraine – field, Svedjehamn, Björkö© Metsähallitus, Photo Seppo Lammi 2006

21Keijo Nenonen and Olli Breilin, MAEGS-15, 16.9.2007

De Geer moraine – field , Svedjehamn, Björkö© Metsähallitus, Photo Seppo Lammi 2006

22Keijo Nenonen and Olli Breilin, MAEGS-15, 16.9.2007

De Geer moraine – field, Svedjehamn, Björkö© Metsähallitus, Photo Seppo Lammi 2006

23Keijo Nenonen and Olli Breilin, MAEGS-15, 16.9.2007

De Geer – moraine, Svedjehamn

Photo © Jukka-Pekka Palmu, GTK 2002

24Keijo Nenonen and Olli Breilin, MAEGS-15, 16.9.2007

Narrow and stony water way, Svedjehamn, BjörköPhoto © Olli Breilin, GTK 2006

25Keijo Nenonen and Olli Breilin, MAEGS-15, 16.9.2007

Flada-klu – lagoon-lake series , Lappören© Metsähallitus, Photo Seppo Lammi 2006

26Keijo Nenonen and Olli Breilin, MAEGS-15, 16.9.2007

Ribbed - moraines, Björkögrunden-islands

• Rogen like moraines at Björkögrunden.

© Maanmittauslaitos 13/MYY/06


Picture Jukka Ojalainen

27Keijo Nenonen and Olli Breilin, MAEGS-15, 16.9.2007

Picture © Metsähallitus

Ribbed – moraines, Valassaaret-islands

28Keijo Nenonen and Olli Breilin, MAEGS-15, 16.9.2007

Land uplift phenomena has many exiciting attracts for tourists. Uplifted rockbridge at Valsörarna from 19th century.

Photo Olli Breilin (GTK)

29Keijo Nenonen and Olli Breilin, MAEGS-15, 16.9.2007

IUCN inspection in primitive forest of Mickelsörarna - islands

Photo Olli Breilin (GTK)

30Keijo Nenonen and Olli Breilin, MAEGS-15, 16.9.2007

Photo Jukka Ojalainen, GTK

Boulder field, Bergö Gaddarna - islands

31Keijo Nenonen and Olli Breilin, MAEGS-15, 16.9.2007

Geological mapping on recently uplifted outcrop of peneplated crystalline bedrock surface

Photo Olli Breilin (GTK)

32Keijo Nenonen and Olli Breilin, MAEGS-15, 16.9.2007

Age Relation of the Striations

Undefined age relation

The Youngest Local Direction

Older Local Direction

The Oldest Local Direction

Picture Jukka Ojalainen

Complex flow pattern of the continental ice sheet

33Keijo Nenonen and Olli Breilin, MAEGS-15, 16.9.2007

Complex flow pattern of the continental ice sheetHundreds observations of striations

– Normally 2, often 3 and even 5 different directions





Picture and interpretation Jukka Ojalainen, GTK

34Keijo Nenonen and Olli Breilin, MAEGS-15, 16.9.2007

Raised beaches and on

going littoral processes.

Littoral deposits



Photos Olli Breilin (upper) ja

Jukka Ojalainen (lower),

Drawings Harri Kutvonen

35Keijo Nenonen and Olli Breilin, MAEGS-15, 16.9.2007


A shelter for seal

hunters and fishermans

Old remains of human activity on ancient shingle fields

Photos Jukka Ojalainen

Editing Harri Kutvonen

36Keijo Nenonen and Olli Breilin, MAEGS-15, 16.9.2007

Nordic cooperation – Geonat-project geoexcursion at Umeå area

Photo Olli Breilin (GTK)

37Keijo Nenonen and Olli Breilin, MAEGS-15, 16.9.2007

Korsholms kommunMustasaaren kunta

Vaasan kaupunkiVasa stad

K. H. Renlundsstiftelse

Nomination and research partners

INTERREG IIIA Kvarken-MittSkandia – program

YmpäristöministeriöLänsi-Suomen ympäristökeskus

38Keijo Nenonen and Olli Breilin, MAEGS-15, 16.9.2007

 “Sampling” at Norra Djupörbådan

© Photo Hannu Kujala;GTK 2004

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