GTK stakeholder ·...

1 Layman’s sample practice GTK stakeholder seminar Kuopio 7.5.2013 Jari Nenonen kuva-ala tai värikenttä 264x90mm (100dpi)

Transcript of GTK stakeholder ·...


Layman’s sample practice

GTK stakeholder seminar

Kuopio 7.5.2013

Jari Nenonen

kuva-ala tai värikenttä

264x90mm (100dpi)

Historic and unique

• roots go back to time of Swedish rule, 1500-1600 – century

• practice was started in 1730's by Daniel Tilas (1712-1772)

• in Finland great supporters were prof. Aarne Laitakari and Martti Saksela in 1930’s

• top season was in 1950-1970’s when the most ore prospecting companies had their own layman’s

sample offices and practices

• big national campaigns were in 1930’s Malminuotta, 1960’s Malmimarssi ja 1980’s Malmimania

• the oldest layman’s samples in GTK archives are from year 1924

• today only GTK is taking care of layman’s practice in Finland

• internationally wery rare, only in Sweden (SGU) and in Finland (GTK)

• GTK’s layman’s sample office is in Kuopio

Layman’s sample practice

• GTK’s layman’s sample practice provides citizens who are interested in rocks a

chance to send rock samples for analysis free of charge. Each analysed sample will

be investigated, and the research results will be delivered to the sender in a letter.

• practice include ore, industrial mineral, natural stone and precious stone samples

• create a basis for raw material resources mapping and studies

• helps to find new mineral and ore deposits

• bring benefit to the sender of the sample and the GTK and in best case new

industry and working places to the finding area

• increases in a positive way public awareness of geology and the significance of the

material resources and the geological study

• based on the everyman’s rights and the mining law


Money rewards

GTK gives a monetary reward to the senders of the best samples every year.

Total sum 30 000 €.


Some numbers…

• the annual sample amount about 6 500

• amount of the chemical analysis about 2 500

• field inspections about 150 annually

• further geological studies in 10-15 places

• annual rewards to the senders of the best samples, prize sums 250 - 4000 € (tot.

30 000 €)

• 600-700 questions and digital pictures by e-mail to layman’s sample office also

letters and phone calls

• all sender and sample information will be recorded in GTK’s data archives

Saltikoff’s boluder showings in

the GTK’s web pages

-boulders 1960 – 1980

-includes layman’s boulder and

bedrock sample data from several

ore prospecting companies

- about 9650 samples

GTK layman’s office on line

sample data:

- includes reported boulders

- includes place and analyse data

- samples beginning from year 1989

- about 7300 samples

- the data is transferred to the

GTK’s public archive after one

year waiting period

- public data service is under

development, the problem is the

confidentiality of sample senders

personal data (names, addresses

etc. according toFinnish law)

Suitable for all glaciated areas

9 Jari Nenonen 2011

Twenty-seven of the ore mines in Finland have been discovered on the basis of a layman's sample. Currently five of these mines are still operating. I


11 11

K-TEAM 2013

Jari Nenonen

Jorma Valkama PSY Tuure Nyholm ESY

Kauko Turpeinen Satu Hietala

12 Jari Nenonen 2011

13 Jari Nenonen 2011

14 Jari Nenonen 2011

Additional, regional stone competitions with co-operation partners


Contact and personel

Geological Survey of Finland

Kansannäytetoimisto PL 1237 70211 Kuopio

phone: 029 503 3527 e-mail; [email protected]

Jari Nenonen

Satu Hietala, Kauko Turpeinen Support personel;

Rovaniemi; Jorma Valkama Espoo; Tuure Nyholm Kokkola; Olavi Kontoniemi

029 503 3527


17 JKN 2010