1.cdn.edl.io Web viewWhat details explain the idea that although the Taino were peaceful, ... you...

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Transcript of 1.cdn.edl.io Web viewWhat details explain the idea that although the Taino were peaceful, ... you...

Chapter 3The age of exploration

By: __________________4- ___


Preview time Cultures meet

1. Predict: What do you think Europeans were searching for when they began exploring the Americas? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Discuss the Painting: Take a look at the painting on pages 96 and 97 in your textbook. What details included in the painting give clues to the setting? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Discuss the Timeline: The events at the top of the time line relate to the European exploration and colonization of the Americas. The events at the bottom of the time line took place during the same time period but are not directly related to the Americas or the exploration of them.

3. Cultures Meet: How many years after Columbus claimed land in the Americas for Spain did the Spanish found Sante Fe? ____________________

4. Cultures Meet: When did the English found Plymouth Colony? ____________________

5. At the same time: When was the printing press developed in Europe, and what do you think that machine did? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. At the same time: Where in Asia did Spain build a settlement in the late sixteenth century? ____________________________________________________________

Pages 96 and 97 in your textbook


Preview - PeopleChristopher Columbus thought he was in Asia when his ships reached islands off the coast of Central America in 1492.

1. Why do you think some people say Christopher Columbus “discovered” America? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Bartoleme de Las Casas was an early opponent of slavery, specifically the enslavement of Native Americans.

2. Why might historians today study the books that Las Casas wrote? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Estevanico survived a shipwreck off the coast of Texas and spent several years walking across the Southwest trying to get back to Mexico

Francisco Vasquez de Coronado claimed for Spain what is now the southwestern United States.

3. In what ways do you thin Coronado’s claim is reflected in the Southwest today? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

John Smith mapped and named the New England region.

4. Why did he choose that name for the region? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Tisquantum (Squanto) was captured and enslaved in Spain. He later escaped and spent time in England where he learned English.

Pages 98 and 99 in your textbook


William Bradford helped found Plymouth Colony in 1620, in what is not Massachusetts.

5. Why do you think the Pilgrims founded Plymouth Colony? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Pocahontas helped the Jamestown settlers by bringing food and working for peaceful relations between the colonists Native Americans.

English vs. British - A treaty was signed in 1707 between England and Scotland formed Great Britain. For this reason, in events before 1707 we use the terms English and England. For events happening after 1707, the terms Britain and British are used.

Math and Ages – Subtract the dates given on the time line to calculate how long each person lived.

Columbus lived to be _____________ years old.

Las Casas lived to be _____________ years old.

Estevanico lived to be about _____________ years old.

Coronado lived to be _____________ years old.

Smith lived to be _____________ years old.

Tisquantum lived to be about _____________ years old.

Bradford lived to be _____________ years old.

Pocahontas lived to be about _____________ years old.

What do you think? What are some reasons that there are question marks next to the birthdates of Tisquantum, Estevanico, and Pocahontas? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Pages 98 and 99 in your textbook


Preview – PlaceClosely examine the map of North America on pages 100-101 in your textbook. The map shows the areas of the continent that different European countries had claimed by 1620. It also shows where some major Native American groups lived at that time.

Use the map key or legend to identify the three European countries that had claimed land in North America by 1620.

1. ______________________________________ 2. ______________________________________3. ______________________________________

Plymouth – The signing of the Mayflower Compact near Plymouth in 1620 was one of the earliest examples of self-government in the Americas.

Jamestown – Founded in 1607, Jamestown was the first lasting English settlement in North America.

Mission Nombre de Dios – Founded in Florida by the Spanish in 1565, the Mission Nombre de Dios (Name of God) was the first mission built in what is now the United States.

Chumash Tribe Cultural Region – The Chumash cultural region extended from the southern coast of California to the San Joaquin Valley and also included some of the nearby Channel Islands. The Chumash people were expert canoe builders and used their canoes to fish and hunt seals and sea otters. They also caught crabs, dug for clams, and collected acorns – their staple food.

Pages 100 and 101 in your textbook


Main Idea and detailsTaino – a name given to the Native Americans who lived in the islands in the Caribbean Sea.

Use page 103 in your text book.

1. What is the main idea of the first paragraph? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. What main point does the third paragraph make about how Taino women spent their time? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. What details explain the idea that although the Taino were peaceful, they faced danger? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Pages 102 and 103 in your textbook


The Log of Christopher ColumbusSelections by Steve Lowe

Illustrated by Robert Sabuda

Key Vocabulary

League – an older unit of measurement, approximately equal to three milesEconomics – money and currency used for paymentMonarchy - a form of government where kings and queens were in charge

Understand the Journal – Take turns reading aloud the sentences in Columbus’s journal entry on page 105.

Geography – Locate Spain on the world map or globe. Locate the Bahamas, which includes the island of San Salvador, where Columbus first landed. Spain lies on the continent of Europe. The Bahamas are part of the continent of North America.

1. On which ocean did Columbus set sail in 1492, and what main direction? _____________________________ _____________________________

History – The introduction on page 104 gives some of the main reasons that Columbus and his crew were making this expedition in 1492. The journal entry on page 105 also refers to some of those reasons.

2. For what economic reasons were Columbus and his crew making the voyage in 1492?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Pages 104 and 107 of your textbook

The Log of Christopher Columbus continued…


Civics and Government – The king and queen of Spain had sponsored, or paid for, Columbus’s expedition. They sent a representative on board the same ship Columbus sailed.

3. Based on this entry, what kind of government do you think Spain had in 1492? ____________________________________________________________________

Correct Misconceptions – Although the second two entries on page 106 have the same date, they were written at separate times- the first after midnight on October 12; the second after dawn that same day.

Link Culture and History- One of the main reasons that the king and queen of Spain agreed to sponsor Columbus’s expedition was that they wanted to bring Christianity to more people. The name Columbus chose for the island where he landed, San Salvador, means “Holy Savior” in Spanish.

4. What details in this third journal entry give evidence that Columbus’s expedition had religious purposes as well as economic ones? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. Opinion – Express your opinions about how well Columbus described the place in his last entry. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. Economics – Just like Native Americans in Chapter 2, the people of San Salvador used natural resources to meet their needs. How do you think the people of this island used their natural resources?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Pages 106 and 107 in your textbook

Lesson 1 – exploration and Technology


Vocabulary : technology (111) navigation (112) expedition (112)Empire (112) entrepreneur (114) cost (114) benefit (114) Reconquista (115)

1. Predict: What role do you think trade played in European Exploration? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

People Places Events

2. Why did Europeans begin to look for a sea route to Asia?a. They enjoyed sailingb. They hoped to find a faster and easier route to Asia for trading c. Europe’s monarch’s banished some Europeans to Asia

Pages 112 – 117 in your textbook

Lesson 1 – exploration and Technology9


3. Did new technology make navigation easier or more difficult?a. Difficultb. Easier

4. What did Columbus find on his 1492 journey?a. Sailing was fasterb. Sailing was easierc. Sailing was cheaper than traveling by landd. All of the abovee. None of the above

5. Make a list of advantages and disadvantages of sailing:Advantages Disadvantages


6. Copy and complete this graphic organizer:

Main Idea: Europeans faced problems finding a sea route to AsiaDetail 1 Detail 2 Detail 3


Pages 110 – 117 in your text book

Navigational toolsRead the definitions for the words compass and astrolabe on page 118.

1. Compass: How did the compass help sailors? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Astrolabe: How might the weather affect the use of the astrolabe? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Maps: Why would explorers need more accurate maps? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Chronometer: Why would sailors need to keep track of time? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. Technology: How has technology helped navigation in your life time? Give examples of technology that has helped you get from place to place. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Pages 118 and 119 in your text book

Lesson 2 – A Changing WorldVocabulary: isthumus (123) treaty (125)

People Places Events

1. Maps: Use the map on page 124 to compare the voyages of Columbus and Cabot. Why did Cabot’s ship sail farther north than Columbus’s?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Pages 120 – 125 of your text book


Lesson 2 – A Changing WorldContinued…

Geography: Amerigo Vespucci said “I have found a continent…more full of animals than our Europe or Asia or Africa.”

2. How might the animals he saw helped to convince Vespucci that he was not in Asia. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Geography: Use the map on page 124 to answer the following question:

3. Which explorer sailed across the Pacific Ocean? ____________________________4. What to know – Why did Europeans explore the Americas, and what

did they find? a. A trade route to Canada and a lifetime supply of Tim Horton’s coffeeb. A western trade route to Asia, but instead found new continents to

claimc. An eastern route to Africa and new islands to claim

5. Vocabulary – How did Spain and Portugal divide lands in the Americas?a. Rock, paper, scissorsb. By signing a treatyc. Buying each other gift cards to Giant Eagle

6. Geography – What two oceans did explorers cross when they sailed west from Europe to Asia? ______________________________ and ______________________________

7. Critical Thinking – How do you think new maps of the world affected explorers? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Pages 120 – 125 in your text book


Lesson 3 – Spanish ExplorationsVocabulary: grant (129) conquistador (129) reform (133)Reformation (133) Counter-Reformation (133) missionary (133)

CONQUER! – means to overcome by force…you need to remember that word while learning about the Spanish takeover!

History and Geography – Spain had claimed several islands off the coast of North America by the early 1500s. Check out the map on page 131 to see the area.

1. Why was Florida the first place in what is now the continental United States that Spain claimed? a. Florida has Disney Worldb. Florida is close to the islands that Spain had already claimed

Reading Check

2. What was Ponce de Leon the first Spanish Explorer to do? ______________________________________________________________________________

Visual Literacy – Use the Illustration on page 130 to answer the following question:

3. How did the Spanish Conquistadors dress differently than the Aztec Warriors? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Use the map on page 131. Which conquistador cross the Mississippi River? ____________________________________________


Pages 128 – 134 in your text book

Lesson 3 – Spanish ExplorationsContinued…

5. History Link – Hernando De Soto and Francisco Pizarro conquered the Inca Empire in Peru. From 1539 to 1542, De Soto’s expedition explored and claimed for Spain most of what is now the southeastern United States.

The Spanish had taken huge amounts of gold when they conquered the Inca Empire in Peru. De Soto used the wealth he gained in Peru to pay for all the costs of his expedition to Florida. In return, Spain promised to make De Soto governor of Cuba and of the new Florida colony.

Do you think the Spanish leaders thought De Soto’s exploration was a success? Explain your answer.


6. Reading check – What part of present-day United States did De Soto explore and claim?a. Southwestb. Southeast

7. Why did the Spanish explore and conquer large areas of the United States? a. To gain wealth and spread their religionb. To spread Spanish hip-hop and Latin Music to other cultures

8. What is an effect of Counter-Reformation on the United States?a. New borders with a wall separating the United States from Mexicob. Gaining new followers by sending missionaries to convert Native

Americans9. Name 3 places in the United States the Spanish settled:


________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________

Pages 128 – 133 in your text book

Use an elevation mapVocabulary: elevation (136) contour line (136)

The map on page 137 uses color to show elevation. The map key tells you what elevation each color represents. Use the map and the map key to answer the questions below.

1. What is the elevation of the land De Soto reached as he passed through the Appalachian Mountains? ______________________

2. What is the elevation where the Mobile lived? ______________________3. What is the elevation of the land that De Soto passed through after

crossing the Arkansas River? ______________________

Pages 136 and 137 in your text book


Lesson 4 – Other nations exploreRemember – Europeans already explored and claimed much of the southwestern and southeastern regions of North America.

Vocabulary: Northwest Passage (139) mutiny (143)

1. Review –Which European nation had explored and claimed the most land in the Americas by the early 1500s? a. Franceb. Englandc. Spain

2. What to know - Why did other Europeans want to explore North America, and what did they find? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Vocabulary - Use the word mutiny in a sentence to describe the last voyage of Henry Hudson. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. History - Why did some trading companies send explorers to North America?a. To find a new hat for Henry Hudsonb. They wanted to find and control new trade routes to Asia

5. Critical Thinking – Create a list of costs and benefits of Henry Hudson’s trip. Costs Benefits


Pages 138 to 143 in your text book

Chapter 3 reviewDirections: Use this page as your answer sheet for pages 144-145 in your text book.


1. _____________________________ is a sum of money given for a specific purpose.

2. _____________________________ is a trip taken with the goal of exploring.3. _____________________________ is an agreement between two or more

countries.4. _____________________________ means to rebel against the leader of one’s

group.5. _____________________________ is a person who sets up and runs a

business.6. The scientific knowledge or tools to make or do something is called

_____________________________.7. A change – _____________________________8. A Spanish conqueror in the Americas is known as a


Time Line

9. ___________________ Years.10. Circle One: Before / After

Facts and Main Ideas

11. ____________________________________________________________________________12. ____________________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________13. ____________________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________14. ____________________________________________________________________________

Pages 144 and 145 in your textbook


15. A. Christopher Columbus B. Juan Ponce De Leon C. Giovanni da Verrazano D. Amerigo Vespucci

16. A. the Northwest Passage B. the Seven Cities of GoldC. the Fountain of Youth D. the Indies

Critical Thinking

17. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

18. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

19. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________


20. _____________________________________________________21. _____________________________________________________22. _____________________________________________________

Pages 144 and 145 in your textbook


Vocabulary Benefit (114) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Conquistador (129) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Contour Line (136) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Cost (114) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Counter-Reformation (133) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Elevation (136) __________________________________________________________________________________________

Empire (112) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Entrepreneur (114) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Expedition (112) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Grant (129) __________________________________________________________________________________________


Isthmus (123) __________________________________________________________________________________________

Missionary (133) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Mutiny (143) __________________________________________________________________________________________

Navigation (112) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Northwest Passage (139) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Reconquista (115) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Reform (133) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Reformation (133) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Technology (111) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Treaty (125) __________________________________________________________________________________________

Important People21

Lesson 1 – Exploration and Technology - Pages 110-117

Marco Polo __________________________________________________________________________________________

Prince Henry __________________________________________________________________________________________

Christopher Columbus __________________________________________________________________________________________

King Ferdinand __________________________________________________________________________________________

Queen Isabella __________________________________________________________________________________________

Lesson 2 – A Changing World - Pages 120-125

John Cabot __________________________________________________________________________________________

Amerigo Vespucci __________________________________________________________________________________________

Vasco Nunez de Balboa __________________________________________________________________________________________

Ferdinand Magellan __________________________________________________________________________________________

Lesson 3 – Spanish Exploration - Pages 128-134

Juan Ponce de Leon __________________________________________________________________________________________

Hernando Cortes __________________________________________________________________________________________


Estevanico __________________________________________________________________________________________

Francisco Vasquez de Coronado __________________________________________________________________________________________

Atahuallpa __________________________________________________________________________________________

Hernando de Soto __________________________________________________________________________________________

Martin Luther __________________________________________________________________________________________

Lesson 4 – Other Nations Explore - Pages 138-143

Giovanni da Verrazano __________________________________________________________________________________________

Jacquez Cartier __________________________________________________________________________________________

Henry Hudson __________________________________________________________________________________________