19th 20th century medical personalities

Post on 20-May-2015

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Transcript of 19th 20th century medical personalities

Who is this and what did they do?

Alexander Fleming

Who is this and what did they do?

John Snow

Who is this and what did they do?

Louis Pasteur

Who is this and what did they do?

James Watson and Francis Crick

Who is this and what did they do?

David Lloyd George

Who is this and what did they do?

Robert Koch

Who is this and what did they do?

Marie Curie

Who is this and what did they do?

Edwin Chadwick

Who is this and what did they do?

Aneurin Bevan

Who is this and what did they do?

Paul Ehrlich

Who is this and what did they do?

Charles Booth

Who is this and what did they do?

William Beveridge

Who is this and what did they do?

Howard Florey

Who is this and what did they do?

Rosalind Franklin