1976-77 उ ोगगिा प्र ाण त्र .) 2014-2015 िक 31 2016 अ िक...

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Transcript of 1976-77 उ ोगगिा प्र ाण त्र .) 2014-2015 िक 31 2016 अ िक...

  • 31/08/2016

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    एरोनौतिकल सोसाइटी ऑफ इंडिया , बंगलोर /Aeronautical Society of India, Bangalore 12010-11 34 E.33011/78/2010-V


    Natl. conf. on - Frontier of Aeronautical technologies & 61st AGM held during April 10-11, 2010

    at Bangalore.


    Aeronautical Society of India, Trivandrum 1 1

    2014-15 23B.19012/15/2014-II

    27/06/2014National Conference on "Aerospace Structures Technologies: progress & outlook" 100000

    PI - Dr.A.K.Anil Kumar

    ए.एम.सस. कालेज ऑफ इंजीतनयररगं, बंगलोर/AMC College of Engineering, Bangalore 12006-07 53 9/2/37/2006-II


    Natl. Sym on - Micro and Nano Fabrication” at Bangalore during August 11-12, 2006. 200001

    अमेचरु रेडियो सोसाइटी ऑफ इंडिया, मद्रास / Ameature Radio Society of India, Madras 1 85-86 9/1(2)/85-II


    Seminar on communication in the year 2000 during the 6th All India Amateur Radio Convention

    during 25-08-1985 in Madras


    अिंामान & तनकोबार विग्नान& टेक्नोलोजी, कौनससल, पोटटब्लैर (एच. क्य)ु (एन.एन.आर.एम.एस)Andaman & Nicobar Sci.& Tech.Council, Portblair (HQ) (NNRMS) 1

    2001-02 40 9/1(23)/2001-II



    आंध्र प्रदेश अकादेसमक ऑफ सैयांस, ह्यय्द्द्राबाद/Andhra Pradesh Academic of Sciences, Hyderabad1

    2002-03 73 9/1/119/2002-II

    10/01/2003Annual Convention of A.P. Akademi of Sciences at Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati during

    January 24-25, 2003.


    Andhrapradesh Geographical Society, Secunderabad 1 1

    2014-15 114B.19012/3/2015-II

    11/02/2015National Conference on "Spatial Technologies for disaster management" 50000

    PI- Dr.Soumya Iyer

    आंध्र प्रदेश स्टेट िाटर पोल्लल्लयुशन, ह्य्द्द्राबाद/Andhra Pradesh State Water Pollution, Hyderabad 1 81-82 9/1(3)/81-II


    Grant-in-aid for the Seminar on - Air quality control 30001

    आंध्र विस्िविद्यालय, विशाकपटनम/Andhra University, Visakhapatnam 1

    2007-08 118 B.19012/50/2008-II


    th Session of the Indian Science Congress at Andhra University during January 03-07, 2008. 2500000


    आंध्र विस्िविद्यालय, विशाकपटनम/Andhra University, Visakhapatnam2007-08 119 B.19012/50/2008-II

    05/03/2008International domestic airfare and hospitality for Nobel Laureates during the “95

    thSession of the

    Indian Science Congress at Andhra University during January 03-07, 2008”.


    ए.एन.जी.आर. अग्रीकल्लचरल विस्िविद्यालय, ह्य्द्द्राबाद/ANGR Agricultural University, Hyderabad1

    2003-04 143 9/2/108/2003-II

    14-01-2004 Pr. - Soil, Fertility Assessment & Nutrient Management for Optimum Crop Production using

    Remote Sensing & GIS - 1st year



    Sanctioned Amount 472000

    Exptr. Upto 31/03/2006 394609

    Balance as on 01/04/2006 77391

    ए.एन.जी.आर. अग्रीकल्लचरल विस्िविद्यालय, ह्य्द्द्राबाद/ANGR Agricultural University, Hyderabad

    2005-06 185 9/2/107/2003-II


    Pr. - Detection & Impact Assessment of Moisture Stress on Crop Yield of Maize using Remote

    Sensing - 2nd year


    Bal b/f from p.yr. (Sl. No. 106 of 2003-04) 163846

    Amount sanctioned during the year 66000


    अनुदान प्राप्त

    संस्थानों की कुल संख्या

    Total No of



    स्वीकृतत संख्या व ददनांक

    Sanction No.

    and Date

    संस्थान का नाम एव ंअनुदान का उद्देश्य

    Name of the Institution and the Purpose of grant

    िर्ट 1976-77 के दौरान प्रदत्ि अनुदान का उपयोगगिा प्रमाणपत्र (यू.सी.)(लेखाओं के विभागीकरण के ददनांक से 2014-2015 िक,

    31 माचट 2016 को देय, पर अब िक अप्राप्य)UTILISATION CERTIFICATE (UC) OF GRANTS PAID DURING 1976-77



    वर्ष / Year मद सं. Item No.

    कुल मामलों की

    संख्या Total


    of Case

  • Total funds available 229846

    Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu 1

    2014-15 87B.19012/46/2013-II


    Assessment of the zooplankton community structure and secondary productivity in Chennai &

    Portonovo northern coast of Tamil nadu 75498

    Dr. A Saravanakumar Sanctioned Amount 21/2013-14 - 791000

    Exp as on 30/06/2014 - 665619

    bal 125381 1

    Sanctioned Amount 2014-15 - 516000

    total - 641381

    Exp 1.07.2014 to 30.06.2015 - 565883

    bal - 75498


    2014-15 1E.33013/3/2011-V


    Study of nitric oxide implications in cardio-vascular dysfunctions under micro-gravity -


    PI - Dr. Survo


    ए.वप.ए.वि.(पोस्ट ग्रादएुट्स स्टिीस), ह्य्द्द्राबाद/APAV (Post Graduate Studies), Hyderabad 1 84-85 9/1(2)/84-II


    "Remote Sensing and crop diseases" 1st year 858001

    ए.वप.एस. विस्िविद्यालय, रेिा/A.P.S. University, Rewa2006-07 86 9/2/72/2006-II


    Project "Detecting Locating, identifying & documentation of the monuments & cities of the

    Eastern Vindhyas using Remote Sensing" - 1st Year



    EXP 208008

    BAL 249992

    अस्त्रनासमकल सोसाइटी ऑफ इंडिया, बंगलोर (एच.क्य)ु (एस.एस.ओ)Astronomical Society of India, Bangalore(HQ) (SSO)/ 1

    2003-04 16 9/3/2/2003-II


    National Camp during May 14-29, 2002 for selecting the Indian team for the 7th International

    Astronomy Olympiad 2002


    बाबासाहेब भीमराि आंबेिकर विस्िविद्यालय, लक्नो/Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University. Lucknow 1

    2013-14 78B.19012/52/2013-II

    29/08/2013Mathematical modeling & numerical simulation 50000 1

    बंगलोर ईटी. काम, बंगलोर (एच क्य)ु/Bangalore IT. Com, Bangalore (HQ) 12004-05 10 9/6/1/2004-II


    GIA for Bangalore IT.Com 2002, during October 28 to Nov 1, 2002 7500001

    बनारस दहदं ूविस्िविद्यालय, िाराणासी (एस एस ओ)/Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (SSO) 12012-13 11



    Fellowship to M.Sc students honorarium & travel support for visiting scientists for the year 2011-

    12 & 2012-13.207724 1

    15/2011-12 Bal. B/f from P.Yr. 336219

    Sanctioned Amount 1114000

    Total funds available 1450219

    Exp. upto 31/03/2013 584850

    Balance as on 01/04/2013 865369

    Exptr. Upto 31/03/2014 506521

    Balance as on 31/03/2014 358848

    Expenditure 2014-15 : 151124

    bal: 207724

    बेंगाल चेंबर ऑफ कामसट & इंिस्री, कोलकािा (एच क्य)ु (एस एस ओ) ( हेल्लि केर सब - कसमटी)1

    Bengal Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Kolkata (HQ) (SSO) (Health Care Sub-Committee)

    2003-04 18 9/7/5/2003-II


    Seminar on Telemedicine as part of Health and Well being Show organised by the West Bengal

    Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Kolkata during November 7-9, 2003 at the Oberoi Grand,



    bal 105525


    Bangalore University, Bangalore (SSO) 1

    2014-15 9B.19013/2/2011-II

    10/02/2015Fellowship for 2nd yr of MSc Honorarium for guest faculty (Physics) students 94310

    Dr.kamsali Nagaraja Sanctioned Amt 06/2012-13 - 679100

    Exp as on 31/03/2014 - 649790

    Bal as on 01/04/2014 - 29310

    Sanctioned Amt 09/2014-15 - 680000

    FUC Recvd

    Utilisation of unspent bal 0.30lacs to be

    adjusted while releasing the grant for FY

  • Total Fund Available - 709310

    exp 2014-15 - 615000

    bal 31.03.2015 - 94310

    Bangalore University, Bangalore (NNRMS) 1

    2014-15 8B.19014/1/2015-II

    10/02/2015Organising training programme under NNRMS Sc-T 500000

    Dr.Ashok D Hanjagi

    भारगिदासन विस्िविद्यालय, तिरुगचरापल्लली, िसमल नािू (एन एन आर एम एस)Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu (NNRMS) 1

    2011-12 3 B.19014/3/2011-II


    Training programmes by Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli under NNRMS SC-T

    application of RS & GIS & GPS" June 20-24, 2011


    भरतियार विस्िविद्यालय, कोइम्बिोर/Bharathiar University, Coimbatore 12004-05 160 9/2/24/2003-II


    Project "Effect of Liquid Propellant Spillage on Soil, Ground water and Ecology & Mitigation

    Measures" - 2nd year


    14/2003-04 Bal. B/f fr. P. year 11760

    Sanctioned Amount 337000

    Total fund available 348760

    2005-06 150 9/2/24/2003-II


    Grant released during extended period 117000

    भरतियार विस्िविद्यालय, कोइम्बिोर (एन एन आर एम एस ) (एच क्य)ुBharathiar University, Coimbatore (NNRMS) (HQ) /

    2005-06 11 9/4/1/2005-II


    Training & Technology (NNRMS-SC-T) 1500001

    दी आर दी ओ- बब यु सेंटर फॉर लाइफ स्यंस, भरतियार विस्िविद्यालय, कोइम्बिोर Bharathiar University,DRDO-BU Centre for Life Sciences, Coimbatore (NNRMS) 1

    2009-10 12 E.33014/1/2010-V


    Training programme “Applications of Atmospheric Science and RS in Environmental

    Management” under EOS/NNRMS SC-T


    भास्कराच्जायट इंस्टीटूट फॉर स्पेस अप्प्लीकेशन & जजयो- इन्फामेदटक्स, गांधीनगर (एच क्य)ु (एन एन आर एमएस)Bhaskaracharya Institute for Space Applications & Geo-informatics, Gandhinagar (HQ)


    2004-05 38 9/4/16/2004-II


    NNRMS-NRR Project Computerisation of Cadastrol Maps 150000001

    भूपाल ररमोट सेंससगं अप्प्लीकेशन सेंटर, भूपाल (एन एन आर एम एस) (एच क्य)ु/Bhopal Remote Sensing Application Centre, Bhopal (NNRMS) (HQ) 1

    2005-06 9 9/4/1/2005-II


    Training & Technology (NNRMS-SCT) 2150001

    बबरला इंजस्टट्यूट ऑफ टेक्नोलोजी, जैपुर/Birla Institute of Technology, Jaipur 12007-08 158 B.19012/69/2008-II


    National Level Workshop on “Effective Intellect Management” to be held during April 16-17,

    2008 at Jaipur.


    बी एम बबलाट स्यंस सेंटर, ह्य्द्द्राबाद/BM Birla Science Centre, Hyderabad 12002-03 142 9/1/174/2002-II


    International Symp on “Frontiers of fundamental Physics” at Hyderabad during January 9-11,



    बब.वि. भूमाराद्दी कालेज ओग इंजीतनयररगं & टेक्नोलोजी, हुबलीB.V.Bhoomaraddi College of Engineering & Technology, Hubli 1

    2011-12 81 B.19012/48/2011-II


    Natl. Conf. on "Computer vision pattern recognition, image processing & graphics (NCUPRIPG)

    dr. Dec 26-28, 2011 at B.V.Bhoomaraddi college of Engg.&Tech. Hubli.


    केमबिड्जइजन्सटूट ऑफ टेक्नोलोजी बंगलोर/Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore 12009-10 199 E.33011/41/2010-V


    National Workshop on “Finite element methods and practical stress analysis” scheduled during

    June 09-10, 2010 at Bangalore.


    केमबिड्जइजन्सटूट ऑफ टेक्नोलोजी बंगलोर/Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore2010-11 8 E.33011/31/2009-V


    National workshop on "Opportunities of Government funded R & D Projects for academic

    institutions" held during November 26-27, 2009 at Bangalore.


    Charotar University 1

    2014-15 104B.19014/58/2010-II


    Design and development of a miniaturized dual band Tri band antenna uding negative refraction

    index technique200000 1

    Dr. Y P Kosta

    सेंटर फॉर सेल्लल्लयुलर & मासलक्युलर बायोलाजी, ह्य्द्द्राबाद (एस एस ओ)Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology, Hyderabad (SSO) 1

    2011-12 6 B.19013/3/2008-II


    Pr. "Biological effects of microgravity" 4th year (2011-12) 2084001

    08/2010-11 B/f from Previous year 143800

    Sanction Amount 1351000

    Total Fund available 1494800

    Exp upto 31/3/2012 1286400

  • Bal as on 01/4/2012 208400

    सेंटर फॉर अिट सायंस स्टिीस, स्टेट प्लातनगं बोिट गिनटमेंट ऑफ केरला, बत्रिंद्रम (एच क्यु) (एन एन आरएम एस)Centre for earth science studies, State Planning Board Govt. of Kerala, Trivandrum (HQ)

    (NNRMS) 1

    2003-04 63 9/4/32/2003-II


    Towards Generation of Natural Resources and Environmental Database for Kerala State for

    Local Level Planning


    सेंटर फॉर अिट सायंस स्टिीस, अक्कुलम (एन एन आर एम एस)Centre for Earth Science Studies, Akkulam (NNRMS) 1

    2007-08 14 B.19014/3/2008-II


    Workshop on Natural Resources and Environmental Database (NREDB) for Kerala State. 12741

    Sanctioned Amount 210000

    Exptr. upto 31/03/2008 208726Balance as on 01/04/2008 1274

    सेंटर फॉर जजयो- इन्फामेशन टेक्नोलाजी (सस जज ई टी), न्यू देल्लहीCentre for Geo-Information Technology (CGIT), New Delhi 1

    2006-07 165 9/2/63/2006-II


    North East India Conference, Exhibition and training Programme on Geo information

    technologies ‘NEGeo 2006’ held at Gauhati during September 21-22, 2006.


    सेंटर फॉर प्लास्मा फफससक्स, गुिाहाटी/Centre for Plasma Physics, Guwahati 12007-08 26 9/2/153/2003-II


    Project "Studies of Finite Amplitude Double Layersin Space Plasma" - 3rd year 111851

    Sanctioned Amount 165000

    Exptr. upto 31/03/2007 153815

    Balance as on 01/04/2007 11185

    सेन्रल इंस्टीटूट ऑफ प्लाजस्टक इंजीतनयररगं & टेक्नोलाजी(सस.ई.वप.इ.टी), भुबनेस्िरCentral Institute of Plastics Engineering & Technology (CIPET), Bhubaneswar 1

    2013-14 114 E.33011/6/2010-V

    25/03/2014Pr. “A critical investigation on effects of interleafing on de-lamination fracture toughness & fuel

    permeability under extreme thermal stresses & low velocity impact conditions” - Reimbursement


    Sanction amount 1120000

    Exptr. Upto 31/03/2011 859000

    Prev. Bal b/f 165/2009-10 Balance as on 01/04/2011 261000

    Sanction amount(2013-14) 480000

    Total Fund available 741000

    Exptr. Upto 31/08/2013 543540

    Balance as on 01/09/2013 197460

    चचट इंस्टीटूट ऑफ टेक्नोलाजी ह्य्द्द्राबाद/Church Institute of Technology HYDERABAD 12007-08 87 B.19012/18/2007-II


    “MST Radar Observations of meteors and the investigation of equatorial E-region

    electrodynamics ” from VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering & Technology, Hyderabad

    to Church Institute of Technology, Hyderabad .


    Sanctioned Amount 72000

    Exptr. upto 31/03/2008 41910

    Balance as on 01/04/2008 30090

    सेंटर फॉर स्टिीस इन ससविलैसेशन इंडियन फफल. सैंस & कल्लचर न्यू देल्लहीCentre for Studies in Civilization Indian Phil. Sc.& Culture New Delhi 1

    2002-03 131 9/1/184/2002-II


    Intl. Conf. on “Indian Philosophy, Science and Culture” at New Delhi during March 29-April 1,



    सेन्रल िाटर कमीशन, नेशनल िाटर अकादेमी, पुणे ( एन एन आर एम एस)Central Water Commission, National Water Academy, Pune (NNRMS)

    2013-14 3 B.19014/4/ 2013-II


    Training Programme with NWA under NNRMS SC-T for yr 2012-13 5000001


    Central Water Commission, National Water Academy, Pune (NNRMS)

    2014-15 5 B.19014/4/2013-II


    Capacity building in the area of Geo-informatics for water Resource management for the year



    Shri. DS Chaskar

    सस एस ई आर - सेंटर फॉर मािमेदटकल मदेजल्ललंग & कंप.ससम.ु बंगलोर (एच क्य ु) (ई जज बब वप)CSIR-Centre for Mathematical Modelling & Comp.Simu, Bangalore (HQ) (IGBP) 1

    2002-03 46 9/1/181/2002-II


    Project "Coupling Atmospheric and Biospheric Models to Understand BAHC in Agro-

    ecosystems of Eastern and Southern India" -1st year


    2003-04 31 9/1/181/2002-II


    Grant released during the 2nd Year 270000

    सस एस ई आर - सेंटर फॉर मािमेदटकल मदेजल्ललंग & कंप.ससम.ु बंगलोर (एच क्य ु) (एन एन आरएम एस)CSIR-Centre for Mathematical Modelling & Comp. Simu, (CMMACS), Bangalore (HQ)


    2003-04 33 9/4/6/2003-II


    Intl. Conf. on Scale Interaction and Variability of Monsoon at Munnar, Kerala during October 6-

    11, 2003.


  • सेंटर फॉर स्पसशयल िाटाबेस मानेजमेंट & सल्लयूशन (सस एस दी एम एस) नोडिया, न्यू देल्लही(एच क्य)ु (एन एन आरएम एस)Centre for Spatial Database Management & Solutions (CSDMS) Noida , New Delhi (HQ) (NNRMS)


    2001-02 17 9/1(7)/2001-II


    Organising (NSDI) workshop during Feb. 5 - 6, 2001. 3696201

    चने्नई मािेमेदटकल इंस्टीटूट, चने्नई/Chennai Mathematical Institute, Chennai 12004-05 158 9/2/128/2004-II


    For conducting advanced Research and teaching activities in Mathematics and computer

    science, etc. at CMI, Chennai


    कोचीन युतनिससटटी ऑफ स्यंस & टेक्नोलाजी, कोचीनCochin University of Science & Technology, Cochin /

    2011-12 130 B.19012/10/2012-II


    Pr. "Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) & cloud characteristics & monitoring of aerosol over

    cochin" - 1st year


    Sanctioned Amount 130/2011-12 - 931000

    Exp. Upto 30/06/2013 - 383374

    Bal as on 01/07/2013 - 547626

    Exp : 9.7.13 to 8.7.14 - 325115

    Bal as on 08/07/2014 - 222511

    Exp : 9.7.14 to 8.7.15 - 418507

    over spent - - 195996

    Cochin University of Science and Technology 1

    2014-15 105B.19012/90/2008-II


    Spatial & temporal variability of total ozone over the tropics special reference to he Indian

    scenario during the Asian summer mansoon circulation during the 2nd & 3rd year of thye


    430 1

    Dr. V Madhu sanctioned amount during F.Y. 2014-15 : 247000

    Amount c.f. from previous year : 17155

    total: 264155

    exp 2nd & 3rd yerar: 263725

    bal : 430

    कालेज ऑफ अगग्रकलचर, रायचरुCollege of Agriculture, Raichur 1

    2009-10 197 E.33011/39/2009-V


    Natl. Conf. on “Agro-Informatics and Precision Farming” held during December 02-03, 2009 at



    कालेज ऑफ फफशरेरस, मंगलोर (एच क्यु) (एन एन आर एम एस)College of Fisheries, Mangalore (HQ) (NNRMS) 1

    2003-04 54 9/4/21/2003-II


    Workshop Strategies for Fisheries Development in the next decade at the College of Fisheries,

    Mangalore held during Dec 12-13, 2003


    Dhanalakshmi college of Engineering, Chennai 1 1

    2014-15 41B.19012/31/2014-II

    20/08/2014Evolutionary neuro fuzzy rainfall prediction system - 1st yr 944000

    Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh (SSO) 1

    2012-13 7 E.33013/4/2009-V


    Fellowship to M.Sc students, Dibrugarh University under ISRO: SSPS 22332 1

    Sanction Amount 240000

    Exp upto 31/03/2013 60000

    Bal as on 01/04/2013 180000

    Expenditure upto 2013-14 65501

    Bal as on 31/03/2014 113499

    Expenditure 2014-15 91167

    Bal as on 01/04/2015 22332

    ददिुगर युतनिससटटी, ददिुगर (एस एस ओ)Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh (SSO)

    2012-13 20 E.33013/5/2009-V

    (Sec.2) 15/2/2013

    Honorarium & Allowances to Guest / Visiting faculty at Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh for the

    financial year 2012-13 & 2013-14

    183393 1

    31/2009-10 Bal B/f from P. Year 58890

    Sanction Amount 191100

    Total Fund Available 249990

    Exp upto 31/03/2013 35357

    Bal as on 01/04/2013 214633

    Exp upto 31/03/2014 31240

    Bal as on 01/04/2014 183393

    Exp 2014-15 NIL

  • िी एम आर एल, ह्य्द्द्राबाद 1DMRL, Hyderabad

    2005-06 166 9/2/85/2005-II

    21/01/2006Natl. Conf. on "Powder Metallurgy at its Best at Hyderabad during Jan. 23-24, 2006.


    एनविरान्मेंट अस्सोससएशन ऑफ बंगलोर, बंगलोर (एच क्यु) (एन एन आर एम एस)Environment Association of Bangalore, Bangalore (HQ) (NNRMS) 1

    2002-03 17 9/1/40/2002-II


    Training - Environmental related activities in the educational institutions by environmental

    association of Bangalore25000


    एनविरान्मेंट अस्सोससएशन ऑफ बंगलोर, बंगलोरEnvironment Association of Bangalore, Bangalore

    2005-06 51 9/2/52/2005-II

    16/12/2005Natl. Seminar on "Integrated Urban Environmental Planning" during June 5, 2004 at Bangalore


    फारेस्ट सिे ऑफ इंडिया, देहादटन (एन एन आर एम एस)Forest Survey of India, Dehradun (NNRMS) 1

    2007-08 6 B.19014/4/2007-II


    6th NSDI Workshop at Goa by FSI 200000 1

    गांदीग्राम रूरल इंस्टी]टूट, गांदीग्राम, ददजन्दगल डिजस्टक.Gandhigram Rural Institute, Gandhigram, Dindigul Dist. 1

    2013-14 82 B.19012/82/2013-II


    Synthesis & characterization of nano piezoelectric material

    for vibration sensor application


    Sanctioned Amt 82/2013-14 - 1002000

    Interest Earned - 5600

    Total - 1007600

    Exp as on 31/03/14 - 223871

    Bal as on 01/04/14 - 788729

    Interest Earned - 27042

    Total - 815771

    EXP 2014-15 - 731418

    Bal as on 01/04/15 - 84353

    जजयोलाजजकल सिे ऑफ इंडिया (एन एस िी एल-IV), लक्नो (एच क्यु) Geological Survey of India (NSDI-IV), Lucknow (HQ) 1

    2004-05 31 9/4/4/2004-II


    NSDI-IV workshop 2000001

    गोिा यूतनिससटटी, गोिा/Goa University, Goa 12013-14 95 B.19012/89/2013-II


    83rd Annual Session of NASI & Symposium on space for human welfare 3000001

    गोिास्टेट ररमोट सेंससगं सेंटर, गोिा (एच क्यु) (एन एन आर एम एस)Goa State Remote Sensing Centre, Goa (HQ) (NNRMS) 1

    2003-04 45 9/4/13/2003-II


    Training programme Awareness and professional level training programme in Remote Sensing

    and Ground Information Systems


    गिनटमेंट कालेज, अज्मर/Governement College, Ajmer 12006-07 24 9/2(19)/2006-II


    Workshop on “Laboratory innovations in Physics” during August 11-12, 2006 at Government

    College, Ajmer.


    Graphic Era University, Dehradun 0

    2014-15 106B.19012/56/2013-II

    11/02/2015Rain fade miligation for Ka band common sattellites. During the 2nd year of the project 0

    Dr. B. S Jassal Dean Sanctioned Amount 52/2013-14 - 815000

    Exp upto 30/09/2014 - 799932

    Bal as on 01/10/2014 - 15068

    Amount released during 2nd year(2014) - 368000

    Total - 383068

    Exp 2014 -15 - 383685

    bal - -617 overspent

    गुिाहाटी यूतनिससटटी, गुिाहाटीGuwahati University, Guwahati 1

  • 2005-06 2 9/2/93/2003-II


    Project "Hydrological modeling of selected tributory basins of the Brahmaputra river in North

    East India using Satellite Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques" - 2nd Year


    गुिाहाटी यूतनिससटटी, गुिाहाटी/Guwahati University, Guwahati2005-06 3 9/2/65/2003-II


    Project "Development of Distrometer (Optical)" - 2nd Year 2240001

    गुिाहाटी यूतनिससटटी, गुिाहाटी (एच क्य)ु (एस एस ओ)/Guwahati University, Guwahati (HQ) (SSO)2001-02 11 9/1(12)/2001-II


    Laboratory Investigation of meteorite DGN 232001 & search for other meteorite 2640001

    एच ए एम रेडियो-२००, रीजजनल को- आडिटनेटर, ससकंदराबादHAM Radio-2000, Regional Co-ordinator, Secunderabad 1

    2000-01 58 9/1(2)/2000-II


    Convention millenium Ham meetHamRadio 2000 during December 22-24, 2000 at Hyderabad 300001

    एच इ एम एस ई, एच इ एम आर एल पुणे/HEMSI, HEMRL Pune 12009-10 85 E.33011/7/2009-V


    th International “High Energy Materials Conference & Exhibit (HEMCE-09) during December 08-

    10, 2009 at Pune.


    दहदसु्िान इंस्टीटूट ऑफ टेक्नालाजी & सायंस, चने्नै2009-10 16 B.19012/54/2009-II

    06-05-2009 Hindustan Institute of Technology & Science, Chennai30000


    Intl. Seminar on “Composites for Aerospace Applications” held during March 24-26, 2009 in


    ई इ इ इ , न्यू देल्लही/IEEE, New Delhi 12006-07 45 9/2/34/2006-II


    Natl. Conf. on “Aeronautical Navigation & Communication: Present & Future” at New Delhi

    during August 17-18, 2006.


    ई एन सस इ एम ई सस, सस.वि.रामन नगर, बंगलोरINCEMIC, C.V.Raman Nagar, Bangalore 1

    2013-14 50 B.19012/22/2012-II


    Electro magnetic Interference & compatibility during Dec. 4-7, 2012 500001

    इंडियन अस्सोससएशन ऑफ कल्लटीिेशन सायंस, कल्लकोत्ताIndian Association of Cultivation Science, Calcutta 1

    84-85 9/1(3)/84-II


    5th National workshop on Atomic & Molecular physics TIFR, Bombay 25001

    इंडियन अस्सोससएशन ऑफ कल्लटीिेशन सायंस, कल्लकोत्ताIndian Association of Cultivation of Science, Calcutta 1

    87-88 9/1(5)/87-II


    National symposium on "Scattering theory and its applications" at Calcutta during Dec.1987 50001

    Indian Geophysical Union, Hyderabad 1 1

    2014-15 95B.19012/65/2014-II

    26/11/201451st Annual Convention on Earth Science & society 50000

    इंडियन इंस्टीटूट ऑफ अस्त्रफफससक्स, बंगलोर (एस एस ओ)Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore (SSO) 1

    2012-13 16 E.33015/3/2010-II

    (Sec.2) 15/1/13

    Pr. "Possible linkages between the Indian summer monsoon rainfall & solar variability" - 3rd year 289442 1

    18/2011-12 Bal B/f from P. Year 140385

    Sanction Amount 149057

    Total Fund Available 289442

    इंडियन इंस्टीटूट ऑफ जजयोमागनेटीसम, नािी मुंबई (एस एस ओ)Indian Institute of Geomagnetism, Navi Mumbai (SSO)

    2010-11 16 9/3/13/2004-II


    Project "Low latitude geomagnetic and Ionosphere response to space weather phenomenon"

    3rd year.


    इंडियन इंस्टीटूट ऑफ जजयोमागनेटीसम, नािी मुंबई ( ए एस वप)Indian Institute of Geomagnetism, Navi Mumbai (ASP) 1

    2010-11 3 E.33015/19/2010-V


    Project "Solar & Inter planetary sources during the ascending & maximum phase of solar cycle

    24: Effect on geomagnetic field" 1st year


    इंडियन इंस्टीटूट ऑफ जजयोमागनेटीसम, नािी मुंबई ( ए एस वप)Indian Institute of Geomagnetism, Navi Mumbai (ASP)

    2010-11 4 E.33015/20/2010-V


    Project "An Investigation of the Mesospheric Gravity Wave activities using All-Sky imaging

    technique" 1st year


    इंडियन इंस्टीटूट ऑफ इंिजस्रयल इंजीतनयररगं (ई ई ई इ), मुंबईIndian Institute of Industrial Engineering (IIIE), Mumbai 1

    82-83 9/1(4)/82-II


    International productivity Congress to be held at Bombay during January 1983 50001

    इंडियन इंस्टीटूट ऑफ म्यानेज्मेंट, अहेमेदाबादIndian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad 1

  • 82-83 9/1(4)/82-II


    Activities of club for popularise Astronomy and Space Science, Ahmedabad Cheque drawn in

    favour of Secretary, SOLAR ENERGY SOCIETY OF INDIA


    इंडियन इंस्टीटूट ऑफ मेटल (बब सस), बंगलोरIndian Institute of Metals (BC), Bangalore 1

    2004-05 57 9/2/54/2004-II


    Intl. Conf. on "Non-Ferrous Metals 2004" held at Bangalore during August 6-7, 2004 500001

    इंडियन इंस्टीटूट ऑफ ररमोट सेंससगं, देहादटन (एस एस ओ) (एच क्यु)Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehradun(SSO) (HQ) 1

    2005-06 33 9/4/10/2005-II


    Training programme on Remote Sensing GIS & GPS by IIRS Dehradun by utilising EDUSAT

    under NNRMS SC-T


    इंडियन इंस्टीटूट ऑफ सायंस, बंगलोरIndian Institute of Science, Bangalore

    2013-14 109 E.33011/99/2010-V


    Measuring fundamental properties of compact objects & underlying accretion process - 3rd yr 807651 1

    Bal b/f from previous grant 76/2012-13 - 318372

    Sanctioned Amount 109/2013-14 - 365000

    Total Amount - 683372

    Exp as on 31/03/2014 - 303224

    Balance - 380148

    Exp as on 15/03/2015 - 247299

    Bal as on 16/03/2015 - 132849

    exp 2015-16 - 52084(provisional)

    unspent bal: - 80765

    Indian Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar 1

    2014-15 12B.19012/9/2014-II


    Understanding & Characterization of systematic errors in the WRF-ARW boundary layer

    parameterization over the Bhubaneswar and its neighbourhood regions - 1st yr398490 1

    PI - Dr. Sandeep

    Patnaik Sanctioned amount during F.Y. 2014- 15 : 1142000

    exp: 7.7.2014 to 16.10.2015 : 743510

    balance as on 16.10.2015 : 398490

    Indian Institute of Technology, New delhi 1

    2014-15 66B.19012/62/2014-II

    12/11/2014Studies related to the coronol heating and solar wind turbulance 242612 1

    PI - R.P. Sharma Sanctioned amount for F.Y 2014-15: 1151000

    EXP 2014-15 : 177899

    BAL AS ON 01.04.2015 : 973101

    EXP UPTO 26/8/15 : 730489

    BAL : 242612

    इंडियन इंस्टीटूट ऑफ टेक्नालाजी देल्लही, न्यू देल्लहीIndian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi

    2012-13 75 E.33011/29/2011-V

    (Sec.2) 30/1/2013

    Pr. "Development of Electro-catalysts for PEM water electrolyser for production of pure

    hydrogen & oxygen" - 2nd year

    0 0

    1st Year Grant 1556000

    2nd Year Grant 305000

    Total Grant Released 1861000

    Exp upto 31/08/2013 1859982

    Bal as on 01/09/2013 1018

    Final Exp 1730

    Overspent Amt (-) 712

    इंडियन इंस्टीटूट ऑफ टेक्नालाजी, जोधपुर 1Indian Institute of Technology, Jodhpur

    2013-14 64 B.19012/58/2013-II


    Computer vision pattern recognition, image processing & graphics 1000001

    Indian Institute of Technology Rajasthan, Jodhpur 1

    2014-15 97 B.19012/26/2013-II


    Pr. "Development of III Nitrides thin film(s) for high frequency SAW device applications" - 2nd



    Sanctioned Amount 111/2012-13 - 1371000

    Exp. 2013-14 - 1058420

    Bal as on 01/04/2014 - 312580

    Committed Exp. - 252642

    Bal Fund - 59938

    Sanctioned Amount 97/2014-15 - 831000

    Total Fund - 890938

    Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee

    2014-15109 B.19012/62/2012-II


    Pr. "Dimenssionality reduction of Hyper-spectral remote sensing data" 1st year 12744 1

    Sanctioned Amount 44/2012-13 - 886000

    Utilization of unspent balance of

    Rs.0.60 lacs to be adjusted while releasing

    2nd yr grant of Rs.8.31

  • Exp upto 31/03/2013 - 235450

    Total Fund Available - 650550

    Exp upto 31/03/2014 - 311495 1

    Bal as on 01/04/2014 - 339055

    Sanctioned Amount 109/2014-15 - 187000

    Total Fund Available - 526055

    exp 2014-15 : 289269

    exp 2015-16 : 234012

    bal 12744

    इंडिया मेत्रोलाजजकल डिपाटटमेंट, न्यू देल्लही (एन एन आर एम एस)Indian Meteorological Department, New Delhi (NNRMS) 1

    2009-10 9 E.33014/2/2009-V

    31/12/2009 organizing the “9th NSDI workshop” held during December 22-24, 2009 at Pune.


    इंडियन नेशनल सेंटर फॉर ओशन इन्फामेशन सविटस, (वप ओ आर एस इ सस-२०१२), ह्य्द्द्राबादIndian National Centre for Ocean Information Services, (PORSEC-2012), Hyderabad


    2012-13 97 B.19012/54/2012-II


    Organising Pan Ocean Remote Sensing Conference 2012 during November 5-9, 2012 at Kochi 1000000 1

    दी इंडियन नेशनल सायंस अकािमेी (ई एन एस ए), बंगलोर Indian National Science Academy (INSA), Bangalore 1

    2010-11 93 E.33011/16/2011-sec.V


    " Annual Meeting of Indian National Science academy (INSA)" at Bangalore held during Dec 28-

    30, 2010.


    इंडियन नेशनल सोससटी फॉर एरोस्पेस & ररलेटेि मेकातनसम (ई एन एस ए आर एम-टी वि एम चापटर), गिरुिानान्िापुरमIndian National Society for Aerospace and Related mechanisms (INSARM-TVM Chapter),


    2009-10 200 E.33011/47/2010-V


    Natl. Seminar on ARMS 2010 on “Advance aerospace vehicles” scheduled during July 16-17,

    2010 at Thiruvananthapuram.


    Indian School of Mines (ISM), Jharkhand 1

    2014-15 57B.19012/61/2014-II


    Photonic microwave arbitary waveform generation with adjustable chip parameter based on

    remote sensing applications - 1st yr626008

    PI - Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Amount sanctioned : 1031000

    exp 2014-15: 52125

    exp 2015-16: 352867 1

    bal : 626008

    Indian School of Mines (ISM), Jharkhand 1

    2014-15 76B.19012/34/2013-II

    25.11.2014Stabilty and chaos in photo gravitational N-body problem with Solar wind drag-2nd year 89432

    Dr. Badam singh


    Sanctioned Amt - 894000

    Exp as on 31/03/2014 - 687314

    Bal as on 01/04/2014 - 206686

    Exp as on 10/06/2014 - 42941

    Exp as on 11/06/2014 - 163745

    Sanctioned Amt 76/2014-15 - 208000

    Total Amount - 371745

    exp 2014-15 - 282313

    bal as on 31/03/2015 - 89432

    इंडियन सोसाइटी ऑफ इनटरनेशनल ला, न्यू देल्लहीIndian Society of International Law, New Delhi 1

    2013-14 94 B.19012/84/2013-II


    4th Biennial conference of Asian Society 5000001

    Indian Society of Remote Sensing (ISRS), Hyderabad (NNRMS) 1 1

    2014-15 9B.19014/2/2015-II


    International symposium on "Operational Remote Sensing Applications: Opportunities, Progress

    & Challenges100000

    PI - P.G. Diwalla

    इनिो-अस स्पेस कांफेरेंस ०४, बंगलोर (एच क्यु) (एन एन इ एम एस)INDO-US Space conference 04, Bangalore (HQ) (NNEMS) 1

    2004-05 5 9/4/1/2004-II


    INDO-US Conference on Space Science Applications & Communication during June 21- 25,



    Inter University Centre for Astronomy & Astrophysics (IUCAA) (SSO) 1 1

    2014-15 6B.19013/2/2014-II

    19/09/2014Payload/ Sensor development 1503106

    Amount sanctioned : 5000000

    intrest : 99253

    exp 26.9.14 to 31.03.2016 : 3596147

    Utilization of unspent balance of Rs. 1.64

    lacs to be adjusted

    while releasing 2nd yr grant of Rs. 2.08 lacs

  • PI - Prof. A.N.

    Ramaprakashbal 1503106

    इंडियन फोटो इनटर प्रेतिक्स इंस्टीटूट, देहादटनIndian Photo Inter pretics Institute, Dehradun 1

    82-83 9/1(3)/82-II


    Project "Land slide study through airphoto and landset image analysis in Himalaya Terrain" - 1st



    ई आर एस ई-०७, ई इ टी इ बबजल्लिगं रोि,अप्प. गंगा नगर बस स्टाप, बंगलोरIRSI-07, IETE Building, Bellary Road, Opp. Ganga Nagar Bus Stop, Bangalore 1

    2007-08 125 B.19012/108/2007-II


    Sym. on “International Radar Symposium India – 2007 (IRSI-07)” held during December 10-13,

    2007 at Bangalore.


    इंडियन सटाटीसटीकल इंस्टीटूट, कोलकत्ता/Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata 12004-05 119 9/2/34/2004-II


    Project" Bayesian Automated Recognition of Targets (BABT) from Remotely sensed airfield

    Images"-2nd year


    36 of 2003-04 Bal. B/f fr. P. year 237230

    Sanction amount 225000

    Total Fund available 462230

    Amount Refunded Chq.no.005600 dt: 18/02/2010 73886

    Balance Fund 388344

    इंडियन सटाटीसटीकल इंस्टीटूट, कोलकत्ता/Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata2004-05 47



    Stegnographic Schemes for Satellite Images - Enhancement of Salaries of the Research

    Associate & JRF working in the project - Arrears


    1 1

    इंडियन सटाटीसटीकल इंस्टीटूट, कोलकत्ता/Indian Statistical Institute, kolkata2005-06 180 9/1/67/2002-II


    Development of an Indigenous Block Cipher Scheme - extension period 1940001

    इंस्टीटूट ऑन कलईमेट चने्ज & सासटैनबबसलटी(ई सस सस एस), बंगलोरInstitute on Climate change and Sustainability (ICCS), Bangalore 1

    2010-11 107 E.33011/84/2010-V


    Natl. Workshop on “Clean Development Mechanism in Small & Medium Scale Enterprises

    (CDMSME)” scheduled during August 30-31, 2010 at Bangalore.


    इंस्टीटूट फॉर कोस्टल अफशोर ररसचट, विशाकपटनमInstitute for Coastal Offshore Research, Vishakapatinam 1

    86-87 9/1(5)/86-II


    Intl. Workshop on the Dynamics of the profical cyclones to be held at Vishakapatnam during

    Mar.23-27, 1987


    इंस्टीट्यूशन ऑफ एजन्जनेयासट, अहेमदाबाद/Institution of Engineers, Ahmedabad 1 86-87 9/1(5)/86-II


    Seminar on "Strategies for drought proofing and management" to be held at Ahmedabad during

    Feb. 1987


    इंटरनेशनल अकादमी ऑफ अस्त्रनाटीकस (ई इ इ ), पपाररस ससदेक्स १६ फ़्ांसInternational Academy of Astronautics(IAA),PARIS CEDEX 16 FRANCE 1

    2008-09 42 B.19012/111/2008-II


    International Academy of Astronautics(IAA), FRANCE Euro5000/- 3339001

    इंटरनेशनल इंस्टीटूट ऑफ इन्फ़रमेशन टेक्नालाजी (ए ई वप ए- २०१२) (ई ई टी ), ह्य्द्द्राबाद

    International Institute of Information Technology (AIPA-2012) (IIIT), Hyderabad 1

    2012-13 12 B.19012/50/2012-II


    3rd Natl. Conf on "Agro-Informatics & precision agriculture (AIPA-2012)" during August 1-3,

    2012 at Hyderabad

    50000 1

    इंस्टीटूट ऑफ रेडियो फफससक्स & इलेक्रातनक्स, कलकात्ताInstt. Of Radio Physics & Electronics, Calcutta 1

    99-00 99 No.9/1(2)/99-II


    Symposium on advanced in microwave, millimeter wave and inforced tech. (SAMMIT) during

    December 22-24, 1999 at Calcutta


    ई एस आर एस - ई एस वप आर एस टेक्नीकल कम्म्युतनकेशन, ह्य्द्द्राबाद (एच क्यु)ISRS-ISPRS Technical Commn. Hyderabad(HQ) 1

    2002-03 1 9/1(3)/2002-II


    Intl. Sym. on "Resources and Environment monitory" during Dec. 3 - 6, 2002 at Hyderabad 15000001

    ई एस ए एम वप इ, गिरुिानान्िापुरम/ISAMPE, Thiruvananthapuram 12009-10 151 E.33011/9/2010-V


    “ISAMPE National Conference on Composites (INCCOM-8) held during December 04-05, 2009

    at Thiruvananthapuram.


    इंडियन सोसाइटी फॉर नान-देस्त्रजक्टि टेजस्टंग, पुणे

  • Indian society for Non-Destructive Testing, Pune 1

    2004-05 184 9/2/99/2004-II


    Seminar on "Robust Performance through NDE 2004 at Pune during December 11-13, 2004". 1000001

    ई एस एम -१०, ई इ टी इ बबजल्लिगं, बंगलोरISM-10, IETE Building, Bangalore 1

    2010-11 97 E.33011/147/2010-V


    4th Intl. sym. on "Microwaves-2010 (ISM-10)" held at Bangalore during Dec 11-14, 2010. 1000001

    इंटरनेशनल लूनर कांफेरेंस ( ई एल सस-६) सस/ओ ई सस ई सस ई बैंक, अहमदाबाद (एचक्य)ु (एस एस ओ)International Lunar Conference (ILC-6) c/o ICICI Bank, Ahmedabad (HQ) (SSO) 1

    2004-05 9 9/3/1/2004-II


    ILC-06 at Udaipur held on 22-26, 2004 5000001

    जासमया समजल्ललया इस्लासमया, न्यू देल्लही (एन एन आर एम एस)Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi (NNRMS) 1

    2013-14 2 B.19012/5/2013-II


    Basic of RS & GIS of two weeks duration for the benefit of universities/college teachers under



    Amount Sanctioned : 150000

    expenditure : 149671

    bal :329

    जेपी यूतनिससटटी ऑफ इन्फ़रमेशन टेक्नालाजी, सोलन Jaypee University of Information Technology, Solan 1

    2013-14 62 E.33011/10/2011-V


    Design & analysis of frequency selective surface at kalku band for reflection and S band for

    transmission -2nd yr


    Bal b/f previous yr grant 143/2010-11 - 107163

    Sanctioned Amt 62/2013-14 - 226000

    Total Amt - 333163

    Exp as on 31/03/2014 - 270047

    Bal as on 01/04/2014 - 63116

    जे.एन. कृवर् विशिा विद्यालया, इनिोरJ.N. Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Indore 1

    2005-06 74 9/1/158/2002-II


    Project "Land Use Planning and Management of Natural Resources of Dhar District Through

    Remote Sensing" - 2nd Year


    Sanctioned Amount 345000

    Exptr. Incurred 231289

    Balance as on date 113711

    Exptr. Incurred 21511

    Balance as on 31/03/2007 92200

    करनाटका स्टेट ररमोट सेंससगं & अप्प्लीकेशन सेंटर, बंगलोरKarnataka State Remote Sensing and Application Centre, B'lore 1

    2011-12 114 B.19012/7/2012-II


    Natl. Seminar on "Geospatial solutions for resources conservation & management - GEOS-

    2012 dr. Jan 18-20, 2012 at Bangalore.


    केरला अगग्रकल्लचरल यूतनिससटटी, गिस्सर (इ एस वप)Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur (ASP) 1

    2008-09 2 B.19016/7/2008-II


    Project “Integrated Agricultural Advisory Services through VRCs” 1st year 11683191

    2008-09 8 B.19016/7/2008-II


    additional grant for the above project.

    2009-10 3 E.33015/1/2009-V


    Pr. “Agrometeorological Advisories by Kerala Agicultural University”. This is to meet the

    expenditure towards salaries of 2 JRFs, support of CUSAT for modeling work, climate change

    study etc.

    Sanctioned Amount 2/2008-09 - 2500000

    Sanctioned Amount 8/2008-09 - 800000

    Sanctioned Amount 3/2009-10 - 3000000

    Total Amount - 6300000

    Exp as on 31/03/2009 - 3675956

    Bal as on 01/04/2009 - 2624044

    Exp as on 31/03/2010 - 1455725

    Bal as on 01/04/2010 - 1168319

    फकलोस्कर िदसट सलसमटेि, (एन सस एफ एम एफ वप - २००९) पुणेKirloskar Brothers Limited, (NCFMFP-2009) Pune 1

    2009-10 24 B.19012/60/2009-II


    36th Natl. conf. on "Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power" to be held during December 17-19, at

    Pune. (NCFMFP-2009)


    के.जे. सोमैया कालेज ऑफ सयंस & िेच्नालाजी., मुंबई

  • K.J. Somaiya College of Sci. & Tech., Mumbai 1

    2013-14 1 B.19012/31/2013-II


    Interdisciplinary application of remote sensing & geographic

    information system during Apr. 25-26, 2013


    कुमारागुरु कालेज ऑफ टेक्नालाजी, कोइम्बिुरKumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore 1

    2011-12 9 E.33011/67/2011-V


    Pr. " Hardware implementation of image enhancement using wavelet/ Retinex algorithms for a

    period of one year.


    कुमारागुरु कालेज ऑफ टेक्नालाजी, कोइम्बिुरKumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore

    2012-13 6 B.19012/41/2012-II


    Pr. "Wavelet based image compression / Decompression with pipelined architecture on FPGA"

    during the period of one year of the project.

    518000 1

    एल एन एम इंस्टीटूट ऑफ इन्फामेशन & टेक्नालाजी, जैपुरLNM Institute of Information and Technology, Jaipur 1

    2009-10 185 E.33011/55/2010-V


    Natl. Conf. on “Computer vision pattern recognition, image processing and graphics

    (NCVPRIPG 2010)” which was held during January 15-17, 2010 at Jaipur.


    मारििािा इंस्टीटूट ऑफ टेक्नालाजी, औरंगबादMarathwada Institute of Technology, Aurangabad 1

    2013-14 34 B.19012/48/2013-II


    Indian Antenna Week 2013 IAW-2013 1000001

    महाभारिा संशोधना प्रतिसिानम, बंगलोरMahabharata Samshodhana Pratisthanam, Bangalore 1

    2005-06 99 9/2/64/2005-II


    National Festival of Indian Cultural Heritage - Mahabharata Utsav between 13th & 21st

    November 2005 at Bangalore


    मरुधर एजन्गतनयाररगं कालेज, बीकानर, राजस्िानMarudhar Engineering College, Bikaner, Rajasthan 1

    2011-12 58 B.19012/25/2001-II


    Natl. Conf. on "Advances in recent technologies of communication & computing (ARTCom-

    2011)" at Bikaner during Sep 10-11, 2011.


    मेडिकल कालेज हाजस्पटल, असलगरह/Medical College Hospital, Aligarah 1 82-83 9/1(4)/82-II


    2nd Natl. Conf of urolithe axis of Society of India during 12-13, 1983 at Trivandrum 50001

    समसशन अविष्कार स्यंस सेंटर, औरंगाबाद (एस एस ओ)Mission Avishkar Science Centre, Aurangabad (SSO) 1

    2010-11 14 E.33013/12/2010-V


    Natl. symposium on "Indian space & defence programme" 1000001

    मोतिलाल नेहरु रीजजनल एजन्गतनयाररगं कालेज, अल्ललाहाबाद2003-04 39 Motilal Nehru Regional Engg. College Allahabad 350229 1



    Satellite Data Compression and Decompression 2001-02/111: 3500001



    2nd year 195000

    Total funds available 545000

    Expenditure upto June 2003 194771

    Balance as on July 2003 350229

    मुद्रा इंस्टीटूट ऑफ काम्म्युतनकेशन, अहमाबादMudra Institute of Communication, Ahmedabad 1

    2003-04 139 9/2/138/2003-II


    Space Technology, Forest and the People: A Study of the Impact of Remote Sensing

    Technology on Joint Forest Management-1st year


    नेशनल अिलस & िेमादटक म्याजप्पंग अगाटनैसेशन (एन ए टी एम ओ). कोलकत्ता(एच क्यु)

    National Atlas & Thematic Mapping Organisation (NATMO). Kolkota (HQ) (NNRMS) 1

    2000-01 37 9/1(3)/2000-II


    NNRMS Sponsored training/Workshop on RS/GIS 2000001

    नेशनल ब्युररयो ऑफ सादहल सिे & लानि युस प्लफ़, इंडियन कौनससल ऑफ अगग्रकचारलररसचट, नागपुर (एन एन आर एम एस)

  • National Bureau of Soil Survey & Land Use Plough,

    Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Nagpur (NNRMS)1

    2013-14 4 B.19014/4/2012-II


    Capacity Building in the area of RS & GIS Application in NRM

    for the FY 2013-14


    Prev. yr Bal b/f 1/2012-13 866

    Sanctioned Amt 1737500

    Total Fund available 1738366

    नेशनल सेंटर फॉर अन्टादटटक & ओशन ररसचट, गोिा (ई जज बब वप )National Centre for Antartic & Ocean Research, Goa (IGBP) 1

    2006-07 1 9/5/1/2006-II


    Pr. - Southern Indian Ocean Palaeo-Oceanography - 1st year 6370001

    National Institute of Technology, Rourkela

    2014-15101 B.19012/70/2012-II


    Pr. "Conformal array of synthesis using evolutionary algorithms for the generation of a shape

    beam antenna for data transmission" - 1st year

    366113 11

    Sanctioned Amount 45/2012-13 - 1218000

    Exp as on 31/03/2013 - 495575

    Bal as on 1/04/2013 - 722425

    Exp as on 31/03/2014 - 442312

    Bal as on 1/04/2014 - 280113

    Sanctioned Amount 101/2014-15 - 86000

    Total Fund - 366113

    National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi (SSO) 1

    2014-15 5E.33013/5/2011-V

    (Sec.2) 28/08/2014

    Upper tropospheric and lower stratospheric water vapour distribution and variability over

    tropical region - 3rd yr CAWSES Phase-II1349657 1

    PI - Dr. Tuhin Kumar


    27 /2010-11 Bal. B/f fr. P.yr. 337622

    Sanction amount 25/2012-13 576815

    Total fund available 914437

    Exptr. Upto 31/03/2013 761680

    Balance as on 01/04/2013 152757

    Sanction amount 05/2014-15 635300

    Total fund available 788057

    Sanction amount 07/2014-15 561600

    Total Fund 1349657

    Nirma University, Ahmedabad 1

    2014-15 35B.19012/27/2014-II

    14/08/2014Development an adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system based CAD tool designing - 1st yr 32156

    PI - Dr. Dhaval A Pujara Sanctioned Amount : 2015 -15 : 780000

    exp: Aug 2014- july 2015 : 747844 1

    bal 32156

    Nirma University, Ahmedabad

    2014-15 53B.19012/57/2014-II


    Development of passive damping surface coating for advanced materials based structural

    system using P2T piezo powder - 1st yr179440 1

    PI - Dr. Sharadkumar

    P. PurohitAmount sanctioned : 635000

    Exp 25.09.14 to 31.03.2015 : 220590

    exp f.y 2015-16: 414410

    bal 179440

    Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education (Noorul Islam University), Kumaracoil, Tamil


    2014-15 26



    Pr. "Production of hydrophobic nano silica from rice husk/commercial grade precipitated silica

    for reinforcement of rocket insulation rubber & thermal protection of reusable launch vehicles" -

    2nd year

    335060 1

    PI - Dr.P. Venugopalan Sanctioned Amt 1st yr (21/2012-13)- 1160000

    Exp as on 31.03.2014 - 815910

    Bal as on 01.04.2014 - 344090

    Sanctioned Amt 2nd yr (26/2014-15)- 308000

    Total fund available - 652090

    intrest - 7504

    total fund available - 659594

    exp as on 31.03.2015 - 324534

    bal as on 01.04.2015 - 335060

    North Eastern Regional Institute of Science & Technology (NERIST), Arunachal Pradesh1

    2014-15 91B.19012/77/2014-II


    10th National Conference of Physical Academy of North East100000 1

    Prof. Dipankar Pal

    Prof. P.R. Alapati

    Approval of fellowship ext. for 2 students of

    Rs.5.61 lacs

    Committed Exp (payable to VB Ceramics) of

    Rs.3,31,238/- as on 01.04.2014 not

    considered in our records. Hence, not

    deducted from bal amt of Rs.6,52,090/-

    Utilization of unspent balance Rs.2.80 lacs

    to be adjusted while

    releasing 2nd yr grant of


  • नेशनल एजुकेशन सोसाइटी, बंगलोरNational Education Society, Bangalore 1

    2010-11 125 E.33011/23/2011-Sec.V

    28/2/111day Seminar on "Image Processing" at Bangalore Schedule during Feb 28, 2011.


    नेशनल जजयोफफससकल ररसचट इंस्टीटूट, ह्य्द्द्राबादNational Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad 1

    2009-10 103 E.33011/20/2009-V


    “American Geophysical Union (AGU) Chapman Conference on Complexity and Extreme Events

    in Geosciences” scheduled during February 15-19, 2010 at Hyderabad.


    नेशनल इन्फ़रमेटीकस सेंटर, न्यू देल्लही (एन एन आर एम एस) (एच क्यु)National Informatics Centre, New Delhi (NNRMS) (HQ) 1

    2005-06 4 9/4/2/2005-II



    National Spatial Data Infrastructure for Bharat Nirman during 18-21 December 2005

    एस.जे. कालेज ऑफ इंजीतनयररगं डिपाटटमेंट ऑफ इ&सस (ई इ टी इ जेि एस-९८), नेशनल इंस्टीटूट ऑफ एजन्गतनयाररगं. मैसुरS.J. College of Engg., Dept. of E&C (IETEZS-98), National Institute of Engineering.

    MYSORE 1

    IETE (Ch. Drawn I/f/o IETEZS-98) & not National Institute of Engineering. MYSORE

    hence changed to IETE.

    98-99 4 9/1(4)/98-II


    Organising National level seminar on Convergence of computers & Communications for

    information revolution at Mysore during May 9-10, 1998.


    नेशनल इंस्टीटूट ऑफ टेक्नालाजी, बत्रचीNational Institute of Technology, Trichy 256809 1

    2013-14 103 B.19012/4/2014-II


    Development of nano structured amorphous Sige thermo-electric materials by high energy ball

    milling and spark plasma - 1st yr


    Sanctioned Amount (1st Yr) 103/2013-14 - 1053000

    Exp as on 31/3/2015 - 796191

    bal as on 01/04/2015 - 256809

    नेशनल इंस्टी टूट ऑफ टेक्नालाजी कनाटटका, सुरिकलNational Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal 1

    2012-13 88 B.19012/9/2013-II


    Natl. Workshop on "Conservation & Management of water resources of west flowing rivers"

    held during December 14-15, 2012 at Surathkal

    300000 1

    एन आर एस ए, ह्य्द्द्राबाद (एच क्यु ) (एन एन आर एम एस) NRSA, Hyderabad (HQ) (NNRMS) 1

    2001-02 26 9/1(13)/2001-II


    Internet based cerificate course on fundamentals of Remote Sensing 17000001

    नेशनल स्पेस स्यंस ससम्पोससयम-२००६, विशाकपटनम (एस एस ओ) (एच क्यु)National Space Science Symposium-2006, Vishakapatnam (SSO) (HQ) 1

    2005-06 14 9/3/9/2005-II


    XIV National Space Science Symposium during Feb 9-12, 2006 Vishakapatnam 23450001

    नातिओंल स्पसशयल िाटा इन्रास्त्रकु्चर (एन एस िी एल) (XXXVI ई एन सस ए ई एन टी एल. कांगे्रस), न्यू देल्लही (एन एन आर एम एस)National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) (XXVI INCA Intl. Congress), New Delhi


    2006-07 9 9/4(6)/2006-II


    Financial support to Survey of India for organizing “26th INCA International Congress” at New

    Delhi during 22-24, 2006


    एन ओ सस एसमट-०८, ऐ एम ए वप एस इंडिया चापटर (आर), बंगलोरNOC EMIT-08, IMAPS India Chapter (R), Bangalore 1

    2008-09 121 B.19012/9/2009-II


    Intl. Conf. on “Emerging Microelectronics and Interconnection Technology (EMIT-08)” held

    during December 15-18, 2008 at Bangalore.


    नािट ईस्ट चेंबर ऑफ कामसट & इंिस्री, गुिाहाटीNorth East Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Guwahati 1

  • 2005-06 62 9/2/63/2005-II


    Technology Fair as a part of PRAGATI IV-2006 during January / February 2006 at Guwahati 1000001

    नािट-ईस्त्रण दहल्लली यूतनिससटटी, सशलांगNorth-Eastern Hill University, Shillong 1

    2008-09 110 B.19012/185/2008-II


    publication of proceedings, travel support for the participants and other activities of the event

    for the “96th Indian Science Congress” to be held during January 03-07, 2009 at Shillong.


    नािट-ईस्त्रण दहल्लली यूतनिससटटी, सशलांगNorth-Eastern Hill University, Shillong

    2008-09 111 B.19012/185/2008-II

    29/12/2008Children Science Congress during “96

    thIndian Science Congress” to be held during January 03-

    07, 2009 at Shillong.


    अगाटतनससगं कसमत्ती, एम एस ओ - िी एम इ एस कान्फेरेन्स, सस/ओ ए िी ए, बंगलोरOrganizing Committee, MSO-DMES Conference, C/o ADA, Bangalore 1

    2003-04 49 9/2/43/2003-II


    Intl. Conf. on Modelling Simulation, Optimisation for Design of Multi-Disciplinary Engineering

    Systems” at Goa during September 24-26, 2003



    वप टी.रविशंकर शुक्ल यूतनिससटटी, रायपुरPt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur 1

    2008-09 60 9/2/157/2003-II


    Project “Studies on Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in Chhattisgarh (Centre India) ” 3rd



    वप एस जज कालेज ऑफ आट्टस&स्यंस कोइम्बिोरेPSG College of Arts & Science Coimbatore 1

    2006-07 123 9/2/100/2006-II

    25/01/2007Intl. Conf. on “Biomarkers in Health & Environmental Management ” at Coimbatore held during

    Jan. 10-17, 2007.


    Punjab Remote Sensing Centre (PRSC), Ludhiana (NNRMS) 1 1

    2014-15 3B.19014/1/2013-II


    conducting remote sensing awareness/training courses550000

    PI - Dr.D.C. Loshali

    R.M.K College of Engineering, Trivandrum 0

    2014-15 86 B.19012/76/2014-II


    Design and implementation of Dual Blind detection Robust watermarking for multimedia security

    in FPGA 0

    Dr. Prof. C. Arun Amount sacntioned 2014-15 : 767000

    exp feb 2015 to feb 2016 : 770236

    bal : *9271

    *overspent in some heads and unspent bal from Consumable head

    राजधानी कालेज, देल्लही यूतनिससटटी, न्यू देल्लही (ए एस वप) (सस ए िब्ल्लयू एस इ एस)Rajdhani College, Delhi University, New Delhi (ASP) (CAWSES) 1

    2010-11 4 E.33015/16/2010-V


    Project "Relationship of Solar variability and dynamically controlled seasonal and annual

    variations on temperature in the Tropopause area on long term basis over Indian region" 1st 121825 1

    Sanctioned Amount 330300

    Expenditure incurred upto 31/03/2011 208475

    Balance as on 01/04/2011 121825

    रेडियो अस्त्रनामी सेंटर, ऊटी (ए एस वप)Radio Astronomy Centre, Ooty (ASP) 1

    2013-14 1 E.33015/6/2010-V


    Sun-Earth connection & space weather studies in the

    3-dimensional heliosphere - 3rd year


    Prev. yr Bal b/f 4/2011-12 222268

    Sanctioned Amt 384600

    Total Fund available 606868

    Interest Earned 11852

    Total Fund Available 618720

    Exp. Upto 31/03/2014 308897

    Bal as on 01/04/2014 309823

    आर.िी.विशिा विद्यालय, जबलपुरR.D.Viswa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur 1

    86-87 9/1(2)/86-II


    Project "Studies on organometallic polymers" 832001

  • 87-88 9/1(5)/87-II


    2nd year 452800

    आर.िी.विशिा विद्यालय, जबलपुर R.D.Viswa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur

    86-87 9/1(2)/86-II


    Project "Surface fitting for interpretation of remote sensing data" 2nd year 191681

    87-88 9/1(5)/87-II


    3rd year 25100

    आर एन एस इंस्टीटूट ऑफ टेक्नालाजी, बंगलोर RNS Institute of Technology, Bangalore 1

    2007-08 23 19012/63/2007-II


    National Level Faculty Imporvement Programme (FIP) on “Recent Trends in Communication

    Systems” during December 2007


    आर.वि.कालेज ऑफ इंजीतनयररगं, बंगलोरR.V.College of Engineering, Bangalore 1

    2009-10 57 B.19012/97/2009-II


    Project “Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) ” 3500001

    आर.वि.कालेज ऑफ इंजीतनयररगं, बंगलोर (ए एस वप)R.V.College of Engineering, Bangalore (ASP)

    2010-11 1 B.19016/1/2009-II


    Project "Weather monitoring stations for study of pollution levels & communication link" 2nd



    7/2008-09 Total Bal. B/f from P.Yr. 109097

    Sanctioned amount 317000

    Total funds available 426097

    संजय गााँधी पोस्ट ग्राजुएट इंस्टीटूट ऑफ मेडिकल स्यंस, लक्नोSanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, LUCKNOW


    2006-07 63 9/2/39/2006-II


    Global Convention & Exposition on “Telemedicine & e-Health” held at New Delhi during August

    17-22, 2006.


    संजय गााँधी पोस्ट ग्राजुएट इंस्टीटूट ऑफ मेडिकल स्यंस, लक्नोSanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, LUCKNOW

    2008-09 73 B.19012/153/2008-II


    Regional Workshop on Using Space Technology for Tele-Health to benefit Asia and the Pacific

    Region, jointly organized and hosted by ISRO during October 20-23, 2008 at SGPGIMS,



    Sathyabama University, Chennai 1

    2014-15 22B.19012/4/2011-II


    Classification of forest types & estimation of tree heights from Space Borne Polarimetric SAR

    data - 3rd yr194000

    PI - Dr.V. Maheswari

    Sathyabama University, Chennai (NNRMS) 1

    2014-15 4B.19014/2/2014-II

    28/08/2014Training Programme 420000 1

    PI - Dr.T.Sasiprabha

    Sathyabama University, Chennai 1

    2014-15 24B.19012/5/2011-II

    17/07/2014Spatio-Temporal monitoring of soil moisture dynamics & crop growth - 3rd yr 311000

    PI - Dr.V. E. Nethaji


    Sathyabama University, Chennai 0

    2014-15 60B.19012/27/2013-II


    Synthesis characterization & application of a novel metal complex photocatalyst system for

    carbon-di-oxide splitting - 2nd yr0

    PI - Dr.S.s. Dawn Sanctioned Amt 112/2012-13 - 1100000

    Exp as on 31/05/2014 - 1072000

    Bal as on 01/06/2014 - 28000

    Sanctioned Amt 60/2014-15 - 322000

    Total Amount - 350000

    exp 2014-15 - 452291

    over spent - 102291

    Sikkim Manipal Insitute of Technology, East Sikkim (NNRMS) 1

    2014-15 7B.19014/3/2014-II


    National level training programme on RS & GIS under NNRMS SC-T400000 1

    PI - Dr.M.K. Ghose

    S.V. University, Tirupati 1

  • 2014-15 30B.19012/71/2012-II


    Satellite radar & lidar based studies on vertical coupling of atmospheric dynamics & ionospheric

    electrodynamics - 2nd yr44571




    Sanctioned Amount 42/2012-13 - 3510001

    Exp as on 31/01/14 - 301424

    Bal as on 01/02/14 - 49576

    Sanctioned Amount 30/2014-15 - 251000

    Total Amount - 300576

    Exp as 1.2.14 to 31/01/15 - 256005

    bal as on 31/01/15 - 44571

    Sri Vidhyanikethan Engineering College (Autonomous) 1

    2014-15 81B.19012/72/2014-II


    MST Radar Signal Processing using Empirical Mode Decomposition and Hilbert Haung

    Transform 24646

    Amount sactioned:2014-15 : 1063000 1

    intrest : 24418

    Total fund available : 1087418

    exp(1.1.15 to 31.03.16) : 1062772

    bal : 24646

    SRM University, Kattankulathur 0


    2014-15 1B.19012/67/2012-II

    15/04/2014Energy dependence of the x-ray variability of neutron star & black hole binaries - 2nd year 0

    PI - Dr. Soma Mandal Bal b/f previous yr 52/2012-13 - 5745

    Sanctioned Amt 01/2014-15 - 114000

    Total Amt - 119745

    Exp as on 30.11.2014 - 120000

    Overspent - -255

    सस्त्र यूतनिससटटी, कुम्बकोनमSastra University, Kumbakonam 1

    2011-12 20 E.33011/41/2011-V


    National level Technical Festival Theta 11 at Kumbakonam during Feb 18-20, 2011 300001

    स्काट फिजचचयन कालेज, नागेरकोइलScott Christian College, Nagercoil 1

    2009-10 115 B.19012/88/2008-II

    07/01/2010 Project “Development and characterization of carbon fiber/epoxy laminates filled with carbon

    nanotubes (CNTs) for composite structures of launch vehicles and satellites” 2nd year



    19 of 2008-09 Bal. B/f from P.Yr. 15489

    Sanctioned amount 193000

    Total funds available 208489

    शार सेंटर (एच क्यु) (एस एस ओ)SHAR centre (HQ) (SSO) 1

    2002-03 15 1/3(1)/2001-III


    Construction of Extension to the existing building of Shri V.S.Shivalingam Chettiar Govt.degree



    शमाट सेंटर फॉर हेररटेज एजुकेशन, पुणे(ऐ जज बब वप)Sharma Centre for Heritage Education, Pune (IGBP) 1

    2007-08 2 9/5/1/2005-II


    Project" Pre-Historic Land Use Patterns in Polar Basin - 3rd year 291265 1

    03/2006-07 Bal. B/f from P.Yr. 10015

    Sanctioned amount 281250

    Total funds available 291265

    श्री जज एस इंस्टीटूट ऑफ टेक्नालाजी & स्यंस, इनिोर (एच क्यु)Shri G S Institute of Technology & Science, Indore (HQ) 1

    2001-02 19 9/1(7)/2001-II


    All India Seminar in Remote Sensing & GI, Indore during Jan. 11-12, 2002. 71271

    Sanctioned Amount 50000

    Exptr. Incurred 42873

    Balance as on date 7127

    सर जे सस बोस रस्ट फंि, कोलकत्ताSir JC Bose Trust Fund, Kolkata 1

    2009-10 36 B.19012/73/2009-II

    16/07/2009celebration of 150

    thBirth Anniversary of Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose National Science

    Talent Search (JBNSTS).


    Amt of Rs.0.50 lacs i.e., 49576 to

    be adjusted while releasing 2nd yr grant

  • सोसाइटी ऑफ म्यनेजमेंट. स्यंस & अजप्प्लएि सैबरनटीकस, न्यू देल्लहीSociety of Mgmt. Sci. & Applied Cybernatics, New Delhi 1

    87-88 9/1(7)/87-II


    Grant-in-aid for organising the congress of cybernetics and systems 1987 held during Mar.1987

    at New Delhi


    सोसाइटी फॉर कंप्यूटर अिेरनेस, जैपुर (एच क्यु) (एन एन आर एम एस)Society for Computer Awareness, Jaipur (HQ) (NNRMS) 1

    2002-03 21 9/1/113/2002-II


    Symposium Information Technology Mega Event GIS India 2003 at Birla Auditorium, Jaipur

    during January 8-10, 2003


    सॉइल कंसरिेशन सोसाइटी ऑफ इंडिया, चने्नै (एच क्यु) (एन एन आर एम एस)Soil Conservation Society of India, Chennai (HQ) (NNRMS) 1

    2002-03 26 9/1/120/02-II


    Natl. Conf. on Land Care Movement for Food, Water and Livelihood Security at Chennai during

    January 21-23.2003


    सोलापुर यूतनिससटटी, सोलापुरSolapur University, Solapur 1

    2008-09 103 9/2/19/2005-II


    Project “Development of Atomic Oxygen (AO) and Vacuum Ultraviolet (V-UV) radiation

    resistant polymides ” 3rd year


    03/2007-08 Bal. B/f from P.Yr. 1353

    sanction amount 417000

    Exptr. Upto 31/03/2009 412542

    Balance as on 01/04/2009 5811

    सोलापुर यू�