1908 History of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni by Roos-Keppel s.pdf

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Transcript of 1908 History of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni by Roos-Keppel s.pdf

  • 8/10/2019 1908 History of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni by Roos-Keppel s.pdf


    a~ t a i nROOJ-Kewpel'sdition o f t e Puuhtu Teat Book ,

    No 4





    The text-book for the Higher Standard Examination)


    Captain G






    President Central Committee o Examination i n Pushtu


    Q A Z l A B D U L Q H A N l K H A N



    Q A Z l M A H M U D K H A N






    Price 2 4 m O

  • 8/10/2019 1908 History of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni by Roos-Keppel s.pdf



    HAVINGeen authorized by the Punjab Govern-

    ment to produce a new edition of the Gan j-i-P akhtu

    and Tarikh-i-Mahrnud-i-G11az11uvihe text-books

    for the Lower and Higher Standard Examinations

    in Pushtu


    have produced trans lations of each in

    the hope tha t a literal translation at a low price


    be of use to students of the language.

    A s the translation adheres to the tex t as literally

    as possible i t is necessarily clumsy in style and in

    order not to confuse th e translation with notes only

    such words

    have been interpolated as are required

    to render the sense intelligible. These are in

    brackets. The pages noted in the margin refer to

    the text both of the K ~l id- i-A fg ha niand of my

    edition of Ganj-i-Pakhtu and Ta rikh-iS ultan M ah-

    mud-i- Ghaznavi.



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    TH ollectors of histories have, tvith auspicious pens,

    Page 2

    th us written on th e pages of their own works, bhab Su ltan

    Mahmud of Ghazni was a Kiog who had th e fcrtune to be

    fortuna te (both) in (matters of) religion and of (bhie world),

    and bhe fame of his justico and even-handedness had spread

    on all sides,

    And in the work of religious war Ila llnd planted th e

    banners of Islam and had pulled up the roots of tjrants.

    When he used to s ta rt for war, you would say , This

    musb be a flood which flows equally over hill and dale



    when he used to eeab himself upon (hie) throne, a man would

    th ink, This musb indeed be the sun whose lig ht shines on

    greab and small (lib. the noblee and the common peoplo).

    Wiadom wan his, and power and good fortun e:

    On account of all

    there he


    worthy of a crown an d throne.

    Bub in some books ib has been seen thab this K io g


    page 8

    very avacicioue, 5ub (the accuaotion) rega rd iog avarice

    appears to be beyond (the lirnite of) juslice, because to

    subdue so many countries and to cuuee so many learned men

    and famous (poets) to si t in (h is) assembly cannot



    fully done wichoub giving away wealth and withoub bestow-

    ing riches.

    And i t ie an eviden t facb th a t without (counting) fixed

    al lo ~ an ce e e used to give four lakhs of rupees (a year)


    deserving people, and do many kiudneeeee to them and


    fer advantages on everyone,

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    Y e s i f . t h ~ s ewo ,$binge are th e oause of the K ing

    (having a) bad name, i t may be eo. One, t ha t b e . hurb the

    feelings of.Firdoei the poeb, the otlier, that towards the end

    of his life he used to

    take money from (hie) people (by


    I t is eaid thab bhe K ing irl outw ard appearanoe w nob


    One day he looked in a mirro r and hie face

    app eared to him to be ugly, eo he eaid .t o minieter (who

    Was there),

    People say th at gazing on

    tlle King's face

    improves the eighb, and my complextion ie such th at by

    looking a t i t man'e he ar t becomes sorrowful."

    Th e minister eaid to him, W ha t necessity is th er e fur

    you to beautify your appearance; it ie befititng th at you should

    ma ke your habite beautiful so bhut everyone 'mey love you."

    T h a t say ing pleased the inggreably, and he acted upon

    it, and in good habits he reached much a limit (of goodoeae)

    thab he eurpaese'd all (other) King s. T h e father of $he K in g


    was the Amir Sabaktagin, and his mother wae the daughter

    of a noble of Zabalietan, for th is reaeon he is (sometimes)

    called "Zabali," s Firdoei the poet has praised him, eaying,

    Page 4.

    The Zabali Sultau Matmnd is such



    That ib shore no one har seen anywhere.

    A peari from it did not come into my hand

    The ocean i good but 1 complain of my fate.

    On the night of the Aehura in the yea r of the He gira

    357 he was born, and Ji rjan i, has written iu (hie) book th e

    Minhej-us-Saraj, th at the good fortune of Sultan M ah n ~ u d

    wae equal to the good fortune of the Lord of the Fai th of

    Ielam, and a momenb before hie birth th e Am ir Saba ktagin

    e a r in a 'dream tha t from their hearth a grea t tree sprang

    up , eo (great) that the whole world could find place beneath

    it8 shadow, When he awoke from eleep, he



    of its inte rpretation, whon scdden ly some ane broughb


  • 8/10/2019 1908 History of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni by Roos-Keppel s.pdf


    bhe tid in gs saying , Be you fortuna te,


    e6n ie born to you?

    The Amir Sabakbagin w s very pleaeed; a nd on sc wu nb of

    that auepicioue dr ea m Ile gave hie sol1 tlie nam e of Aftrl~mud

    i.e., the F ort un ate O t~ e) , nd bccamo liopeful of (hie att ain -

    iog) high r an k a nd honour.

    Th en in a little ti m e th e tplanb of hie good for14une

    gave such a ehade that m any people eat und er i ts ehade, ae

    these couplets of Firdoei bear testimony to t h e fact.



    the reign of Ma hmud t h e Qhazi,

    h e












    When a boy

    is first

    born of



    I n h ie

    cradle he mentions the name of Mahmud.

    At bbat time, by order of


    Amir Sabaktagin, he de-

    P w b .

    etroyed the temple (lit. idol house) of the Hirldue whicli was

    on th e ba nk of the river So dr a and ma de hie fame (lib. good

    forbune) equ al to t he fame of the Lord of th e F a it h (of


    And in th e first year of hie reig n a mine of gold


    t he

    form of a tree appeared from the ground in Seietan, an d

    however much one miglit dig in i t (nothing but) pu re good

    would come ou t of it , and i t wae thr ee parde round. After-

    wards in the time of Sulta n Mae ud th at mine w s loeb by

    reaeon of an earthquake.

    Again, when th e Sulta n was free from hie war against


    h ie bro ther , he eet hie face to Ballch nd on accounb of this,

    t h a t th e Governorship of Khorasan (which) wae hie by

    ri g h t, had been enlr ustc d to (one) Baktoean, he eeut a

    meesenger to Bo kl ~a ra o Amir Maneur an d exelpined hie




    H e gave answer, 11 ave given you th e Qovernorehip


    Balkh an d Tarmiz and He ra t, b u t Boktczan ie a well-

    wishing man, and w i~ ho u t reason to remove him and to

    diemies him




    not proper,

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    i.e., Su lta n Mahmud) eenb Ab-ul-Haeean of J a m m u

    wibh many preeente to Bokbara , and eaid to Am ir Mansur,


    ho pe that yo11 will not foul the spr ing of friendelrip and

    sincerity.,with the earth and rubbish of indifference, and

    thab you will not forgeb th e righ ts of and of my fa ther

    which are iccumbenb on you, thab th e thread of friendsh ip

    may nob be torn (aeuuder) and the foundatiorle of submission

    may nob be undermind.

    PAS 6

    When Ab-ul-Haasan of ~ a m m ' ucnclled Bukhara, Amir

    Mansur decided to make him a minis ter of his own, and he

    gave no reply to the Sultan'e message.

    Su ltan Mahmud star ted in th e direobion of Clisbapur,

    and w h en ,~ ak to za n ucderetood his objcct, he wenb in an-

    other direction and eeub a petition (rela ting tlle whole) of

    hie case tq Bokhara.

    Am ir Mansur waa inlox ica tid with the prida and igno-

    rance an d vsn ity of youth. H e colltcted his force and

    st ai te d for Khorasan an d rested nowhere till (he reached)

    Sarkhae. Although th e Sultan knew well thab Am ir

    Mansur could nob cope with him, yet he feared the reproach

    and ecandal of faithleeenese,'ei, he left Niehapur to him and

    wenb to Murghab.


    'hdppened thab Baktozan, wit11 the connivance


    Faik, behaved .treacherously he eeized Amir Mnneilr and

    pierced his eyes with a needle and blinded him, ar ll seated

    on the throne hie younger brother, whoee namo was Abd-ul-

    Malik, and 'he himself feared the Sultan (and) fled to


    Tb e

    Sultan sta rte d afte r him and reached Merv.

    Baktozan and E'aik chose a ruinous couraa and gave



    Bhe Sulta n in the plaio, bub vict0r.y


    in the

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  • 8/10/2019 1908 History of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni by Roos-Keppel s.pdf


    one of his princeeiee; And he e b b : wibh him various


    mriptiona (of preeente such ae) 'eapphires and coetly rubiee

    and necklaces of pearle, an d egge of ambergrie, and veaeele of

    gold and silver filled with scents c\nd camphor, and obher pre-

    eente froin Hindu etan , plnnte of aloes, and watered swords,

    and 'war elep han ts capnrieoned and equipped so thab the

    eyee of th e spec tatore would become dazzled, and swift horses


    .with golden eaddlee on tlle~n.

    When the Im am Ab -ul-T aiab reached the land of 'Turd

    keetau, the people of



    w m

    11ad mostly become

    Mueelmane iu the time of Iluk Khan, dloned him muoh

    respeob and honour and politeness.

    And he wee detained a t Orkand until Ila k Ellan gave

    permieeion for an audience, After this he brought into th e

    King's preeence th at pearl after which he had dived in th e

    eea of Tu rke stan, together with tile coetly goods of thab

    cou ntry , 'wibh p ure gold and silver, and with slave girls from

    K hit a and the'milk faced onee of, K h ~ l a n , ogether with

    erm iue and eables, together with obtler presente. A ftsr thab

    for a long lime friendellip and trffectiorr increaeed between

    the Sultan and Ilek Khan, uulil by reason, of the evil ege of

    bhe time and through the exerlions


    slanderers their friend-

    ehip and affection wee ohangod into enm it y and malice,



    will ehortly be recounted, if it please God Almighty.

    And Su ltan Ma hmu d, on account of this th at h e had said

    age .

    th a t whenever am rit. leisure from the affairs of my king-

    do m willepend most of my lim e io going to Hin dus tan and

    wage a Holy War eterm ined in the month of th e leeeer I d


    the year


    of the Heg ira, to etab ou t from Ghazni for

    Eindw bsn, and came to Peeharar with ten thoueand troopers.

    And Ja ipa l came and prepared


    fighb him with twelve thou*


    a n d mounted


    thirty bboueend infanbry, and three

  • 8/10/2019 1908 History of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni by Roos-Keppel s.pdf


    hundred elephnnbs, pnd joined ba ttle mith him on Monday,

    bhe 8t h of the m oo thof

    ~asian-m us la in

    in the ye&

    . ,393

    of '


    the Hegira.

    Su ltan Mahm ud behaved bravely and ,vicbpry fell to him,


    he become famous as a




    nd he


    aaptured Jaipel

    , ,

    mith fifteen men,.who were some his ,sons nnd .some


    relations, and lie killed five t1,ousand Hindus and brougbt

    back much plunder. Aud he took fro,* the ' neck.




    prisoners eixteen necklacea, a n d those neeklsies ar e ca lle l

    i n th e Hindi language Mala, and people fined the prim

    of each necklace aE one lac and eighty thousand gold


    Then th e Kinf i wenb, from Peehawar


    o ~ h a n d a nd

    . . .

    ,brought that country (also) usder



    And as soor) as

    i t

    w s spring he pardoned Jaipnlund the

    other prisoners, nfter they had ngroed tq pay




    released them froin imprisonment, And Ile killed m r r~ ~ y

    pomerft~lPathane, and


    some his servan ts and took


    with him




    The cuetotn of the Hind us is auy rnja who i~ twice


    defeated by the Musalmane, or taken prisoner, is no t aga in




    and hie sin clrnnot


    expia ted without fire. So fqr

    thi s reason Jaipa l made hi. son, wl1u8e name was A s a u d p J ,

    king and threw I~imeelf nto a

    fire lrp

    w a ~ urut.


    Sal ta n Mahmud in th e month of Haesan-Huesain, in the year


    of the Hagira, went ngaiu


    Seistan and th at Lime he


    brought Hanif to Ghazui.

    Then again a desire for H induetan took birth in his

    heart. In the year


    of the Hegiru he sta rted iu bhe

    direction of the city named Bbatis, and when be hid

    bravereed the boundaries of Mulban be,camped there.



    tbeb oiby there

    w e

    8 greab s forb

    tbab t h e

    bird vulbuce

  • 8/10/2019 1908 History of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni by Roos-Keppel s.pdf


    oould not reach ite eummit, an d rou nd


    t he r e



    moat tilab the eight of the etrongeet eighted could not reach

    i t s bobtom. T he narne of t he r ~ j af that place

    w e

    Baj i


    nd because of hie mauy elep ha nts an d troop s h e wcur

    ao proud t h a t Ireither di d he ca re for th e noblee of A m ir

    Sabakt sg in , uor d id l i~aubrni to Jaipul.

    W h e n Sultari Mahm:ld iri orde r to cru sh him led hie

    arm y out, he aeeembled liis troops an d drew i t u p in l ine8

    parrllel to


    a r my


    Ielilm. Th e t\vo u m i e e fought





    bur tlie bluenlmnns appeared to the

    Piug to weaken; so


    ~ l i o 4 ~ u r t hay he gave an order ,

    ' l'o-day will be th e roy al brittle, let old and ')oung,

    ser va nts an d followers all eq uip tliemeelves, eo th at the y

    may be preaent on the field (cf battle) to fig ht for Fa ith.

    A ~ i dwhen Roj r


    RRO ea rn t bliie plan, h e wenb


    hie idol holleo and proe trated himeelf before th e idole a n d

    begged help from th em, and with noiee and coercion he d rov e

    (all) the Hi nd ue out of the c ity, uud they placed themselves

    on the field of


    T he n the n ~ ~ b l e rf Id a m et0reok their haode to th eir

    sword# and epenre slid all tng ether cha rged th e iufidele.

    From dawn till ~ u n e e they folrght togeth er, and on every rid e


    o f

    dea d were etan diug and streanl e of blood mere

    ~ w i ~ i g ,u t r i t ) sign of tveakneee


    vieible on either eide.

    T h e Saltn li the11 rnieed hi I~nnd a to th e preeence of

    Qod, nlid he bro ught th e holy soul of the Pr op hr t, on

    whom be peace, a s hia it~terces eor nd himself charg ed in to

    the mid st of the (enemy's) army. H e broke t h e infidel

    h o ~ t






    gave 'ordere


    fill 11p tDhe


    When he had nearly filled up th e mo at with etonee,

    olods of earbb, tbornbaehee, and ebrube, Baji Rao was

  • 8/10/2019 1908 History of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni by Roos-Keppel s.pdf


    aonfounded. H e lefb his arm y in th e fighb en d togeth er

    with a few special men catue down from tllra fort pad


    t o


    jungle among Lhe foreeta or1 the banks of



    When thq Sultan heard of t,l~ie e sent R forcs of brave

    soldicre aft er him sn d they eiirrounded him in thab very

    jungle. When Bsj i Rao coi11d find no way of escape he

    E W12*

    quickly drew a dagger from hie belt atid struck ia with

    greab fury into hie breast. Tn e Glrazie cr m e up with hiln,

    bbey cu t off hia head and W U U ~ f f w i~h ll Lo the Sulten,

    and with their unepariug swurde they struck lo the grouud

    the heads of the compatlioua of Baji Rao e~rdmade heavy



    Ei gb ty elep han ts and vleves uud muc11 plunder aud

    proper ty came iuto ~l le i r lauds, aud thub city togotber witlr

    th e surrou nding courrlry acknowledged the ru lc of th e


    Sult an, and he wit11 victory aud contlaesl, re lu rn ed

    t o


    Then again in the year 396 of the Hegira t ho Sul i eu

    decided to subdoe Alltlltat~, ud


    gave ordera to the lradere

    of th e arm y eajiug , Sh eik h Halnid Locli, Governor ol

    Multan, used to he loyul to Amir S a b u k t a g i ~ ~r ~ dwould I I O ~

    fr ee himself from his service, bu t aft er him Iris grand son,


    Ab -ul-Fateb, wllose name

    W ~ L

    vnd, tlre eorl of Nuoir, tile

    son of Sheikh H amid , an d wl~o

    w g

    a l~e re tic , t firet behav-

    e himself according to the lltrbit of his father and grand-

    fe ther cod couuted h im ~el f mong l l ~ eervants of tile Sultan ,

    b u t when th e Sultan'rl urruy W LI occupied nt Bt~o~icrad

    news was heard of him ond iu ~ p ro p e r eed s were commenced



    done by him.

    The King th at year, by reaeon of eome d e e i g ~ ~prehnd-

    e to) ta ke no notice and eaid uo tl~ in g,but I I C X ~ y e $ -


    dbfier rnin ed'to te ke Me revohgb.


  • 8/10/2019 1908 History of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni by Roos-Keppel s.pdf




    Ib sppeare from the writirrge of th e Zain-ul-Akhbar th sb


    ord er th at he should tnieu:iderstnnd (Iris in ten tion), h e

    Iefb thab road and wenb by anoth er road, And Anandpa l,

    lrori of Jaip nl,

    w e

    stat ioned or1 th e road to stop the paeeage

    of he 1Cio;; a arm jS, but ha a ab crushed (and) fled to


    Caehmere. Atrd i t is said in the Iiie tibry of Alfi th a t a t th e

    t imo ~vl ie ~ib-ul-Fateh learnt


    theJ, coming of the Su lta n

    he eent a m n

    to Aoandpal and aeked him for help.

    Anandpal ;in order) to assist Ab-u l-Frrteh, went from

    Lahore to Peehawar arid s e t ~ t few (of hie) noblce on shea d

    to obstruot the road of the Sultan, in order thab the Su lta n

    should be prevented from marching to Mnlten.

    T l ~ e iug ill gre at wrath gave ordere to hie army to

    dee trt~y he cities of Annudpal. Th e army attac ked eimul-

    ta ue ou~ ly ud threw into cor~frisiou lie nublee of An aod pal

    it, Peehawar. Aud when A I I ~ ~ I I P R ~ear11~h i u he fled, and

    th eb arm y of the Sullau was still th us pu rs~ lin g rim when he

    reoehed th e limite of Sodrn oil tlie borlkv of the Ch enab ,

    w d then Ire gob frightened (and) tur ned hie face to Cash -

    mere. Tlre Su ltan did uot go aft er him (bub) st ar te d for

    Multen for his owu stiairs,

    When Abeul-Fateh saw tllat the raja8 of In di a co l~ ld o

    no tbiog , he elrut lrimself (und hie followers) up in a forb

    and made,(lih, displeyed ) entreatiee arid excuaee, and pro-

    mieed thab year by year he would eend twenty tholieand gold

    molrure for (d ie King a) service urrd would promu lga te t h e

    lawe of Lte Shcriat a ~ ~ denounce the religiou of the heretics.

    Pagc 1.1.

    Tile Su ltuu beuieged Blultan for eome days, b ut on thio p eacs


    gave him binditrg pro~iiiuu nd pardoned th c Governo r


    b I ~ ~ l t u t ~ .

    gain, when hu was (occupied) in preparutionli



    re tu rn , i t chanced th at envoge from Arsalun Jazib,


    wae Quveroor of Herab, reuohed hi m and informed the

  • 8/10/2019 1908 History of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni by Roos-Keppel s.pdf


    SuIban of the (advance of the army of I lak Kbau,


    nltaa with a l l has te ent rus ted the a t ie i rs of ~ h a b i n d a o

    Sakp al , who


    th e son of R (certain) raj a of Hinduetan, an d

    a t the han ds of Abrt Ali S am ju ri hnd become a Mueelman,

    and was also named Abuur,


    he (t~iluself) eut to Ghazni.

    And the accorlnt of the cane of Ilak Khan W R t h r ~ a : o r

    a long tim e th e Sultan 811d Ilnk Khan were



    the t ies of fa ther- in-law and s , ,n - i l~- lawbetitted) to elrch an

    estenb a has ~ lr el id y ee11 nlentioned, t ~ r ~ t i l ,n a c c o u ~ ~ tf

    th e rnirrchief of i n l r i g l w a114

    by reasoti of th e efforts of

    slanderers that fr ieadal~ipwiis cI~~rngt.tlu t o e n l n i t ~ .

    And when the Sri l tau s tar ted tow~rdeMultau aud there

    were no warriors (lit. wreetlercr) lefc iu th e plains of IChoreeau,

    I lak Kha n eaw his op po rtu l~it~ ylit founcl le isu re ) a d e t e r-

    miued to sub due tlltrt corllrtry. H e selrt Yiy ew ~s h te g in ,

    who was the co m m at ~ de r l ~ i s rmy, with greab ertny bo

    Kho rasan, au d he uppoilrted Jaferteg iu as Governor iu th e

    capital of Balkh. A ~ J ~ A I ~azib, G over t~or f Bera t , learnt

    of thie occurrence n r~ d \.eat from H er et to Cihazni in order

    l B t k u e ~ .

    to protect the tllrone o f rho kingdom

    And a party of tb e

    chiefs of Khorasnn, by renqon of th e long absence of th e Su l-

    tan, joined Ila k K1ia11. When the S l~ lt a n eached Ghazni, he

    .collected an army like

    t h e

    people of t,he Da y of Reeor rectio u,

    and marched to Balkh, nd w h e n J e f e r t ~ g i nelrrllt of bhe

    com ing of bhe Su lta n, 11e fled from Balk h to T irm iz.

    And A r ~ r l a n azib, by the order of the Srt lt tur,


    from Hertrt iu prlrsoit of Sijcrw:cyh~egitra l ~ d t ar te d t ow a rds


    Ilnk Khan asked Iielp from I< rder K h a n , K in g of C h i ~ ~ a ,

    (and) Icadar Khrrri witah

    5 000

    men storbed to the a~ eis t~ an ce


    I la k K h a l ~ , en d) I l ~ k l ~ a t ~ith t l re i~aly f Kadar brru

    c rossed the Rive r Ju iu h~ tn , ud when (ouly) twelve kua


    road remained to Balkh the arm y of the Sultan faced them.

  • 8/10/2019 1908 History of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni by Roos-Keppel s.pdf


    . , I . ,.

    ~ he (3 ;l t an himsblf rr tanged the ' l inee

    o f

    hie a rmy. 'H e '

    ent rusted ,bhe cent re to hie yoanger b ro ther ~ m i r as i r -nd- ,

    d in , G ~ ~ v e r n o rf J ar jan and Abu Naer Fa riun ~ n d bdu lla


    Tui. The r igh t w ieg he e n t r ~ e t e d ~ tolLun

    'l'ash Hajib,

    a n d .

    appointed Arsalan Jazib




    of the) lefb wing

    with other Pathan troblea.

    And with five hundred elephants, like in ou n~ ai as , Ibe,

    made a o i t d e l i ~ ~ ~ f r o n tf hie line. h n d on the other sid e)



    I la k K ha n l ~ i m ~ e l ftood in th e cen tre of lrie arm'y ; od

    ) . .

    k r


    apphiuted Kkd ar Kharl to the rig ht wing a i d etat,ioned


    Jafa rtagin on hie lefc. Then b i t h a rn li u , like twp rivers of

    mercury, faced oue anolher, and by the noise of (th e tram pl-

    ing of) their horse; ~ n a d e he

    &ode. , of the earth quake ; nd

    with th e duet 'of th e , hoofs of the ir hordes tiley made ' t h e


    8 I d .


    plain of the s y dark ; a~ rd he fire of e trugg? a r ~ d b a~ ~ t l e

    they kiudled wiblr the blast of th e* (t h ei r) rtttrcks.

    On th e otlier aide 1lak ~ h a n imeelf became engaged

    in the bat tl e, and on thie the Sul tan d i ~ m o u ~ ~ t e d .

    from lliu

    horee and bowed hie head ill proetratioh-]' before th e Pure

    Qod and raieed the hands of prayere and entreaby end placed

    reliance on the faveiir of ' the moet kind God, a n d h e m o ~ l t r t ~ d


    a fieroe elephant and led a cherg e against 'the ar m y of 1 l a k '

    Khan . I t heppened tllatl Lhe ~ u l t a n ' a lephanb eeized' th e

    etand ard beare'i; of Il ak K hau with hie trun k and daehed

    him on the grou ud


    fter th at he came to bhe lines of t h e

    T ur k s and deetroyed many of them. Whe n the Ghexie saw


    that tt ie Sultan llimeelf hed cntered the held of bobtle, ttr

    iav olu nta rily they ruelred forward toge the r and drew toheir

    eworda an d killed many Turk e in bhat momeab. Ka da r

    Ghe n, panic-etrickea, hopeleael of life, . flcd by tricke and


    etratagem from the battle, and whsn he had cromrd the

    watem ofitlie Ja ih u n, he reeted to w he re until h e reached hie

    pwn countrg;.and never.again.had





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    n th e hiatory of Yemeni i t ie written thab


    S u t t m

    sfber th e flight of ll a k K h au pursuer1 the broken arm y, b u t

    Pam 17.

    i t was wiuter the re (a od) the ct ~l dwue limitless (aud) no one

    hlrd etreligth (to endure it).

    bloat of Lhe udblea deeired thab

    they ehodd trot pursue the routed arnry, but ae the Su ltan


    was himself exertirrg himself, they h ad, whethe r (hey like d

    ip or not, to


    two mlrc he e af te r tllern.


    the t l~ i r d ~ ig t r t



    they camped in


    desert . T h e whole nighb 8no.w fell an d te e

    cold allowed it4 severihy beyotrd lim it, aud

    fur the Sultan

    they pilched big te nt au d placed mauy brasiera


    i t (aarl)

    made the teut so werln that:most of


    people (iu



    ready to throw off th.ir clothes oo accoun ? of the heat.

    At thab momenb Wulchalz cam e in a t the door of the

    teib. 'Cke s u lt a n said to him q R jolre,

    ~ ~ C l n ,

    a l c h n k ,ind

    any to tlie Cald oatsidu why do yon die, a t ~ dwhy owing to


    extrem e cold ar e you a t th e poiub uf de ath


    we here are

    ready iodeod


    tak e off o w clothen on aicoudb of th e


    Wulchak instant ly went out a n d , came i n again a t otlae

    a ~ ~ did, gave th e Kiog'a gracious meseage to



    ntld he say8 elthough. my Ikar~d cu n~ lo t reach the Sulto n

    nnd th e Sulbna'd nobles, ge t will ao eer ve his o th er serv ant 8


    tJ1at to-morrow tlie S ~ il tn n and hie n o b l c ~at114 ohiecu will

    (Irnve lo).r\tbrtrd to .th ei r \ l o r a e ~ lremselves, a1111 UP will

    eee, uo failure i n dint eervice of. miue.

    Ttre Sultcru, , el-

    th o n g t ol~tw nrdly ie, treate d these words,


    a jeer, jeb i n ,


    hie heart he repslited him of his desig n at)& decided. to



    hanced th a t thab very night newa cam e from Hin da e-

    pw 1 ,

    ta n thnh Abear llnd beconie enega de and had retu rned bo

    his origin:\l religioo, and (ne) 'he enw

    the field open to him,.

    dB had driven


    all thd officials


    the Su l tan,



    ; i 1 ,

  • 8/10/2019 1908 History of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni by Roos-Keppel s.pdf


    The Sultnrn on bhe .morrow turned th e reine of hie ,

    inbentions towarda tkes plsiue of Hindustan, and sta rted to

    make the journey


    regl;lar maiohes, and setib on firsb thore

    nobles who .were in receip t of frze gr an ts or land in


    They seized Abdar and brought him ho the Sutbaa e

    wdien ce hall. T he Stiltan took frnm him four lakha of

    rupees and bestowed thein on


    his treasurer. An d h

    pub him 6. e., Abear) in prison and he died there. And



    Sultan then returned to Ghtrzni (and) reelined upon t b

    bed of comforb and waa at ease.

    Ohce moro in th e yeor


    of the Hegira, he oollecbed

    his arm y, and with the intenti011of revenging himself upon

    Anandpal, who had been di~respe ctful to him in th e Multan

    campaign, he tnnrched to Hindnetan.

    When Anandpa l l e ~ r n t f this, he asked hetp from the

    (other) rajos of Hin dnst sn. As to th s Hindu s, a war w ith

    Muealrnans appeared

    to be a meritorious act, then all the

    rajw, willirigly r nnrvillingly, collected together to such aa

    exbeat ohat th e


    of Ujjain


    Givalior and Kaliujnr slid

    Kanauj and Uelhi and Ajmir, all came eo his aeeistauce aud

    sta rte d for the Puojab with tliek respective armies. And


    they had collected it1


    time of Am ir Sabaktagiu, the army

    Pam 19

    of this tim e was far greate r than thab; and the y came to

    ge ther wibh Anandpal td bhe-plain8 of Peehawer.

    Forby daya they lay in face of the Sultan, bub no one of

    eibher arm y advanced to ba ltle. B ~ ib he a rmy of t he

    infidels increesed day by day, and from every side people

    conbinued to come


    ib to erich un extent thab the infidels of

    . i hk be r also




    bhao expedition,

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    And bhey mad e eych efforte i n this \Qar


    t he

    infidel women used e eel1 , th e ir ornam ente ~ n dend (money.

    for) expeneee after their husbands, so thdt their rnalee might

    be free to fighb.

    And th e wom'an who had no meaae would

    epih the wheel and labour and eend (money for) expensee EO

    tbe army.

    W h en phe S u l t ~ nrealized th a t this tim e th e infidele


    were wi th g rea t eingle-mindehoese preparing t h e m ~ e lv ie or

    battle,, , . e d u g a,rrench on both side; of t h i a r m y and

    ed, for battle.


    Th en he aekh

    1 000

    archere 'in front


    they nit tliclib aod,st;8tagetu excited t l l ibfidel o r b y a i d

    drbw' them af ter t h i d ~ , unti l they had,b rougb t theinf idel


    a rm y close to bheir own. And ' th e Muealrndne with greab


    uoan imity occupied bbemnelvee in repelling the i~ ~f id el e.

    A nd in egjbe of th e greab precautions of bh'e Sul ta n, an

    ar my .of 30 000 of the igfidele of Kakhar, j'c~et,t1 the crieie of

    th e battle,'croaeed bhe treochea on eith er eide a n d peoe&ated

    to the rnideb of the cnrvalry ~ n dsed their pikee, swoide'ab&

    4*gger.e e n d Lnmk ed obsr many m en an d Loreee, to euch ab

    ~ ~ 0 2 0

    . . ,

    exbenb. (iodeed) th at in the cwinklini ' of i n eye they mut i

    I . .


    4 000

    men. Inde ed , hhitigs. cam e to euch a pitch

    t h a t th e s l l l k d w a s

    ready even on acco~inb f tho Ka kh are

    : I

    ~o Icnve.dhe field hnd rhop the b';ttle. y chance th e elsp hab t

    of ~ n a n d p a l ob frighbened ab the, noise of:the gun an d' th e

    +ell o f ( h a ) fled. T h e * r k y (of the,


    th on gh i thab the rdjae h a J 't a k e n it o -flighb,'eo


    e p r e ~ dbe

    (newe of their) defeab (aad'fled).

    Ab du lla Ta i, with fi-re or ,eix thousand. Arab traope, sad

    Arsalan Jazib, wi:h

    2 000

    Turk, Pathan and ahi l zai


    for bwo nighte and dsy e purlued the b m k e n ' a r iy , killdd eight

    ltbonaand infidels, an d kro ugh b


    t h i r b


    e lephante i n d

    much plunder ~ n d re e e n t~ d hemnilvee before the Srdtan.

    T he Su lta n after this, to ' make firm t h e religion of th

  • 8/10/2019 1908 History of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni by Roos-Keppel s.pdf


    Prophob determined (bo wage) a hdy war .againrb th

    iufidela of Nngerkob, and to deebroy th eir idol-houere. and

    bed. Aud a t th at tim e thab forb waa famoue a9 the forb

    of Bbim, (and) when the Sultan reached in he ordered it


    be besieged, and killed mhuy people in the neighbourbood.

    And th a t fort had been uonetructed in the tim e



    Bhim on the top of a hill, and the Hindus called i t Makhgan-

    ul-Aenam or the Treasury of the Idule and the rajeb

    of (all) countriee ueetl


    eerid there gold and silver a t ~ d

    peerli and rubiee add coral and 'oth er ricbeb,'and in doing so

    they consdertid'it t be an ' ~ d v r ro t a ~ eoi




    pW2 .

    th ie r e k n eo gr ea t wea lth ' tias n~l lec tedn' tbat fortrm i

    ihab in the treaeury of kia'g were so much rich collected'.


    ~ n d bhqb fort was empty of brave men, an d there


    no'o?e in ibe r tPb ~r ah m an s , h n i b u r d ~ j heir 'minda

    were'eeired with panic, and rained oriee to th e ekiee


    memy. And on the third day th e y 'o p e n d ibbe ' d k e of tbe


    f b, and the Brahm sdi came and aalubed Sultan

    Tben the S u 1 t a n ' ~ t h few special men entered bhe forb,


    lakbe of Bold mohure and ?iahb h u n d red k au n d s of

    b d ilver b e u d i and two hundred m au nb pure gold

    and tko thoueind m t k ~ d ef vir n silver and bnenty maundo'

    1 . .

    of aesor( r re]? hioh had been collected there dnce th e

    . '

    ~ ~ a . o fbim ind h d come in to the p o a ed o n bf t he oivil

    offioQts; l\ e l l to thd sulta n,


    nd afber this bbe 8ulan return-

    ed to Ohecni.

    And in the year 400 of bhe Hegira the Snltan when out

    if tile oit; and'


    . .hrona 'o f .gold nd eilier in h e H all

    of ~ a d i ~ i o ? ,nd tsrqed ou t into (and arran ged). in the plain

    (d l) the plunder which ha d fallen i,nto hi. hand8 du ring hn.

    .':atb) journey;


    Inany people from the oity and from th e

    - , .


    AT -One lakhlrlOu 000. Ooo mrond-St poundr

  • 8/10/2019 1908 History of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni by Roos-Keppel s.pdf


    (eur rounding) villages oame bo ee e- th e epeateale. And bhir



    people rem ained aolleobed bogebhet for th ree d ry r ,

    and enjoyed themaelves in various waye. And he diebribubed

    th a t wealbh among pioua and poor men an d pleaeed th e

    h e a r t s of the people. l a ~ t t ,

    And in bhe gear


    of the H egira he led hie at m y ti

    a h o r . Muham mad Ben-Suri, ruler of theb country, oama

    oub with ten thoueand mounbed men t o fighb th e Sultan, and

    bhe ba ttle raged from bhe tim e of eunriee until m idday, an d

    t h e Ohoris behaved with gre at bravery.

    When bhe Sul ten saw their bravery he gave ordere and

    led hie amry back e a triok. The Ghore thoughb thab th e

    Sulben was routed and emerged from their trenohee a d

    pureued him. When bhey reached th e middle of the plain

    the Sulban ieeued (f reeb) order~nd (hie) eoldiere faced

    about and slew many of the Qhorie and broughb Mnhbmmad

    Ben-Suri a prieoner to the Su ltan . Bub he from (exoeesive)

    grief licked a poieoned atone (whioh he had in hie ring) and

    died in bhe Suitan a preeenoe, and bhab oountry aleo wer

    inoluded in the poeeeesione of the Sul tan.

    And iu bhe hiebory of Yemeni i t ie w i t ~ ~ nhab bhe

    rulere of Ghor and bheeubjecba of thab plaae


    nob until bhen

    coneenbed bo (embraoe) th e faith of Islam. Bub bhe au th or of

    th e Tebkab Naeiri and Mubarek Sh eh Rozi, who wrote tb e

    hebory of the kinge of Qhor in veree, ha re mid thab the

    Qhorie had become Mueslmane in t he time of. th e Caliphate

    of th e Commander of the Faithful Ali-ben-Abi-Telib, m y

    God be pleaeed with him; ro d in tim e of the Bani-Umayad,

    (when) all lue al m an e had spoken improperly a g d n l t tbs

    PW U

    deffiendaabe of the Propheb, on whom be p e w in h e

    oountry of Ghor (alone) no one eaid any thing .(of the ,c t),









    oll. ~thet)


  • 8/10/2019 1908 History of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni by Roos-Keppel s.pdf




    Ag ain in the same year th e Sul tan wenb a seeond tim e

  • 8/10/2019 1908 History of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni by Roos-Keppel s.pdf


    'is'my .petition ,'thel Thaneear ie the place of ro rs b ip of th e

    peapie of bhie country, and (even) if in the religion cf the

    Musalmane ib ie (coneidered) a meritorioue aob to brebk idole


    bhat (meriborione) work


    accompliehed in the breaking of

    th e idole of Nagarkot. Now if the King will accept



    peneation) th e coeb of hie corning and will


    upon thaee people

    yearly tax and will retu rn without moleeting them , sleo


    will, ae a bhankoffering that my prayer haa been gran ted ,

    send to (the King's) du rba r every year fifty elephants and

    many kinds of offeringe

    The Sultan gave answer: In the religion



    Muealmane ib ie (la id down thad thie ie) a meriborioue aob


    bhab any one who may deetroy th e place of worship of th e

    heathen he will reap gre at' reward on the day ofjudgm ent,

    and my intention to remove entirely idole from bhe oitiee

    of Hinduetan. How then can prevenb myeelf from going

    P ~ 2 6

    to Thaneear,"


    In ehorb, thie news reached the Raja of Delhi, ( m d he

    prepared himself to war with the Muealmane and eenb



    every parb of Hinduetan, and mid to the

    Rsjaa "Sultan b la b~nud , wioh a greab army, hee etarted

    for Thaneear. Now if to thie greab flood we do not oppose

    by a etrong dam, then ib will be eoon thab be

    will nob leave

    the plant of wealth, of small or greab, in th e plain of thi s



    is therefore better tbat we ehould remove thie

    danger with one consent '

    Bub the ~u lb a neached Thaneear before they oould oollect

    together, and when he saw th e oity em pty (of defendere)

    he plandered ib ab his ease, and broke all the idole and

    eenb (the idol) Jagsum to Qhazni (with ordere tha t) i t ehould

    be placed in th e road, so th at every ocle lnighb pges

    ver i b

    and trample ib under hie feet ; rnd he found



    w w o k i the


    b ould




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    And ib ie relabed by Ha ji hu ba m m ad Kandabari th rl


    one temple a piece of ruby wacl found, wbicb in weigbb WM



    50. miskale, and no ane had ever eeen or heard of such


    piece. . .

    And the Sultan afber thab victory determined to'eubdue

    Delhi, bub hie nobles begged him, eaying

    : Ib

    is then necee-

    eary bo go to Delhi when tbe Punjab from one end .to

    anobher ehall come ,into our poeeeeeion and our m in d e



    e ab e u e from our anxiety regarding (the inbention of)

    ly 26.

    Tb e Sultan approved of thie counsel, and despatched e

    lit tle lea's than two hundred thousand slave-ginle and slavw

    ftod tbab country and returned to Ohazni.

    ' I t s said that thab year they counted thehiby of ~ h a z n i


    b 'o n e of the ci ti es of dindue tan, because many slaves and

    e l e ~ e - ~ i r l ead fallen to each noble. And in bhe year


    o f ,



    th. ~ d ~ i kl t b n t a e b ,he cbm nabdei-in-chief, and ~ r k a n

    ~ h l bodqherad' Oharjiitian and captu red Shah Sa r knokn u

    ~ $ u ' ~ a e a r ,who

    a )

    ruler of thab country, and broughb

    . ,


    him to Gbazni. '

    . ,

    a n d ' while, ' t h e y were taking Shah 8.r to Ohazni they ..


    . .

    enbruebed him to a elave, and b b e b


    bhought to himself,

    I 1 '

    ib..is righb




    ehouid send a letter home bhab the

    pepole of (my) house ;hall know of my coming. Sq he

    mi$ t i 8had


    a r :' Wribe a Irbter for me that


    may send t ,




    Shah r forbade him muob, but bhe elave would nob

    lervw him (in pbaw). So as. he w uld nob help himeelf he



    pen in hie hand, and wrote: "Oh useless, undeeirsble,

    obrp~slesr vil-living. onel. Are you


    bhe belief Jbab 1



    ~ d - h o n a o l . ~

    0; r d



    W P I ~ p t O p y ) g

  • 8/10/2019 1908 History of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni by Roos-Keppel s.pdf


    ua lawful (pleaeuree) ae if do nob know of ib. ou


    th e d ay in d rink and the nigl~ b ou amuee etrangebachelors;


    you bave ruined my home atld lost my honor. If ever reaob

    you eafely, will reckon with you und give you a leeeo~.

    When he had finiehed the letter he pu ta eeal on




    bloeed the envelope (and) gave ib to the elave. When bhe

    elsve eenb th e peper to (his) home end (when) hie wife under-

    ebood ibe purport,ehe wee eeized with panic end anxiety urn

    age 37

    bora (in her mind). S h e thoughb in her hearb thab Borne

    enem y mighb have made false aocueation rgaiusb her bo her

    huebend and liave slandered

    he r to him. So for fear of her

    huebsud e l e took


    few female slavee with her and lefc he?

    home, and wenb and hid hereelf eomewhere in a co rnen

    And when bhe slave had brouglrt Shah Sa r


    Gbaani be uenb

    to hie home, and

    whab doee he eee (there). The door


    oloeed, and t her ei e no one in the house. H e etood bewildered



    while. Then when be had opened tbe door hie (once)

    inhab ited houee appeared deeerbed to him. Neither did


    eee hie wife nor did his eerva nb appeer. Th e ela re aelted th e


    neighboure (and) bhey told

    him uf the paper. The elare

    etood for some time in g rief lamenting aud eigh iag,



    said nothing (of the kind).

    Then he weob end

    fetched hie wife and meda many apologies to her.

    And in the fireb aesembly when they brought S hah Sar

    to the presenoe of bbe Sul tan, bhen (eome) cheerful friend,

    told the whole etory of bhe elave to the Sultan. T he Su ltan

    laughed , aa d eaid: Wboever etepe beyond hie proper level

    an d behaoee dierespeotfully to th e great, deeervee thie



    Then th e Su ltan in bhoee very daye wrote


    letter to

    the Caliph, Abbaei, nhose title w u .A l- K d ir -( lb il lr b (and).


    bbe purporb of it WM this moeb of the citiee of Khoraesn

  • 8/10/2019 1908 History of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni by Roos-Keppel s.pdf


    are in orlr poeeeedon. hope (therefore) thab eome of


    pa@2 1*

    oiti'ee of Khoraean, which are in the hande of your ealvee, will

    also be refb to these (m y) people. Ae the Caliph had nob

    bhe rtreiogbh to


    to war, wee forced to agree to th ie


    Anobher tim e bhe Sultan again eeut him


    ebber, and

    wrote in ib, ('Leave Sam aroand aleo to me. The Caliph


    Aid , u k sheher from the Pure God from bhi. nil. not f

    do thie thing, and if you intend to take i t without my cobsenb

    will make th e whale world ehakedupon you?


    The Sulbin wes very angry ab thie saying, aud eaid:


    you wish th at should go bo you with thouuands of elephanbe

    and upset your kingdom and level all your villagee and cities,


    and having loaded their dueb upon elephante thab should

    brin g i t to Ghazni.

    The meeeebger heard these words and etarted off(home.)


    When eome time bed e la p ed , he came again and broughb


    The Sultan took hie eeab and (his) alavee atood in lines

    before him , and he posted grea t elephante ab the door of hie

    Durba r and gob ready hie army; At theh mom ent the mee-

    senger placed a ~ e a le d aper on the throne, and eaid, The

    Commander of the Fai thfu l eaye, 'Your anrwer ie tbis.'

    Kbweja Abu Xeear i o z a i , who was the head of the offioe


    bf'lebtere, opened the *per (and) eaw in i t fireb written th L

    In the name ot God the Merciful, the Compauio~te

    Qben on the eeoothd line theee lettere were writben

    eeparately in bhie w ay--A-L.M-8-L-M, and afte r thab th e





    . ,



    be to


    Lord of the World, and

    peace md


    be an

    liia Prophet Muhimmad and on


    hir deaceadnntr.





    nothing bore. The ~ u i t l ro nd ell bhr other

  • 8/10/2019 1908 History of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni by Roos-Keppel s.pdf


    wribera were confounded a nd did nob underabaod th e mea n-

    in g of i t in the least,.

    Th en they read every eingle verse

    of t he G r e at K ~ i r a n n d saw i ts c ~ m l n e n t e r ~ ,ub no p~i rporb

    of could be a scer tu iued . Kl~ wa jn bu B ~ k r rhss t an i , who

    was 11 i ll then the p~ ~sse ssorf (any gre at) rauk, plucked u p

    courage, a n 3 said

    : T h e

    gracioue Sultaii had mentioned

    elephan te to destroy thab coun try,


    i t muat be tbab the

    Caliph in reply tto your words bae wr itteu (t h e veree of th e

    Koran, which means)


    Oh d o you






    hem treated



    of the


    The Sul tan on


    cheee words fell down ernueleoa

    through fear. wh e n a f te r


    whild he cam e to himbelf, he I p t

    mu ch aud m ade excuses to the mtsspnger a ~ l d a e n t im back


    many gifr,s and gave Abu Bekr a spt.citr1 rob e of

    honour and promoted h i ~ no Llle dignity of a uoble.

    And in the year 404 o f b h e d ~ e g i r n ,he Sultbn led hi8

    ar m y to th e Forb of N au du na , whicli is situate d on the bill


    And ab thie t im e Aoandpal died. H is eon, w l ~ o


    graridson of Jaipal and wae Governor


    Lahore, had 1101 t he

    e t r e ~ ~ g t ho fight him , (antl) leaving few warriore


    N a ~ d u n a ,

    w en t to a (cerbain) valley


    Cehemere. T h e Su ltan broieged

    bhat forfrees, an d prep ared what wae requ isite for m nk ing e

    hole arid de stro yin g the fort; bull those people were hard -



    premed and begged for mercy, and m ade over bhe fo rt ~ f e

    an d complete to the Sul tan.

    T he S~ llba n took po~ne~clion


    the forb and appointed

    bruebworthy man to (hhe ch arg o


    i t and went a f te r Js ipnl ' r

    grandson LO that valley of Caslbm*re (which hw alrccrdy bee11

    me ntiuned), au d Jaiysl'r graudot.m the uc e fl,d elyewbere. Tho

  • 8/10/2019 1908 History of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni by Roos-Keppel s.pdf


    Sultan 'pluodc'red mach weal bh in th at valley, a c d reconoiled

    ma ny 'people to ' ( jo ioi og the ) blutialman 'f a it h , bhen h e

    returned to Ghazni .

    Add in the yea r


    of the Heg i ra, the Su l tan m ad e a

    $n' of (cor,quering) th e count 'ry of Cashm ere, an d when he

    weot ' the re he besieged t8he s tro ng for t of Lo hko t; bub

    when long t 'ime


    elapsed and much snow fell , and the


    cold 'becrmo "e xt re m e (lit . victorioas) lind rei~lftlrcernents


    beyond n u m b ., r 11ad renched t h e fort*, he raised Lhe sie ge an d

    stbr:te d

    bnckr . to iG lnz~~i .

    Au d .in t h a t j ou rn ey h e l o s ~ is


    an d reiiched a pltrce wllerc

    L I C

    tvt~oleplain was full of

    w a t ~ r . . W h e re ve r key went they saw 11ci1g11t u t water,

    and io thab \varer Inally met1 ptdrished,

    I L I I ~

    his was the f i rs t

    ( rniafor tul le ' d l ie to ~JIIJ)vil eye whicli hed b-frl lrn t h e

    Sultau'a prnly ill iln jt,tlrne .s ill H i ~ ~ d u s t . a n .Af ter some

    d ~ y e

    h e y , with libany d evi ces a nd efforla,


    free from thab

    water aud weob to Ghazni.

    B u d

    i l l

    th at very yea r Ab-111-Abbas J l a ln u ~ r, ing of

    Khoarazm, wrote a le t t e r of f r ie l~ dbhipo th e S ~ l l t a uaskirlg)

    for (the hand of) hie sister. T h e Su lta n accepted th e (offer

    in t h e ) p s p r r and s ent h is s i s te r to IChuaruzrn.

    Page 1.

    Atld i r ~ he yea r

    4 7 o L l ~ e



    b ~ u d f brigan&

    made 8rt l a~ , t , t ~ : k


    t , l ~ t tK i ~ l g f [ < I I ~ L ~ + I Z I I ) , and killed I~iln.

    Thb S

    : & ~ I

    f r i ) mCfii:~z i went to Bi~llth , l ld t l r c ~ ~ c eta r t ed

    dr. K l s o ~ r a z ~ n .

    I ; 1

    W l l e ~ ~'e re ac he d K h i z r U o ~ ~ d n r ,I I th e front,ier of

    K ho ara z~ n , he made J luhaml l rad l ui he Chief of an army,

    aad s e n t hiin in frorlt,. W l~elr th e peop le of Gh azni


    e ~ ~ c a l n p a dn d wcsre sttrildi~ iy

    u p

    f i ~ r


    morning prayer ,

    Khkmar Taah, who


    ~ i i a e ' rd ~r of t h e I

  • 8/10/2019 1908 History of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni by Roos-Keppel s.pdf


    T h e Sulban senb a large a rm y of pioked m en (lib. plaree)

    a f t e r them and when they ctrme u p with them they ca ptu red

    Khamar Tash and brought


    to th e Sultan.

    W l ~ e n he Sultan reached


    fortress of Ha enraep, the

    eoldiers of Kho arazm collected and ma de a


    abback on the Sultan's arm y, and fuugllt deepe rately.


    Ohey were bruken, ar~dAl ap tag in Bo khari, who wsm th ei r


    leader, fell iuco cap tivity . W hen th e Sulta n wont to,K,hoararm

    h e firab ret alia ted on th e m urd ere rs of Ab-ul-Abbee (by

    kill ing them), then he glive

    to th e noble Altum Taeh th e

    bitle of th e K in g of K l~ o ar az m , nd bestowed orb hi m th e

    cou ntry of Khoa razm and Arkao d together with i te surronnd-

    iog ( couut ry ). And when thence he came to ~ b l k h e



    ga ve t he country of H er at to his sot) Am ir Masud, and m ad e

    M uham ma d Ben Hu set~iu Zuzni his de pu ty , aud eenb him

    wibh him. A n d t h e coun try of Ko rka n h e ga ve t'o Ilia

    son A m ir Mubarnmad an d senb Abu B ak r Kahae tani with paoe a


    And when


    Sulban was (once more) ab leiours frbm

    %b he ffair8 of K ho ar ez m , ib was then win ter 'time', an d


    gav e an ord er (saying)


    . We mill paaa the winberein-


    .eo bhab the soldiers may be in cornforb.


    An d in th e ear ly sp r in g of the year 409 of bhe Hegira,

    when th e nights arid da ys are equal ;in length) an d th e

    eoldiery of v erd ure aud flowers ~ ~ o st o n d i r ~gn the meadowe

    of th e plains a nd groves, aud th e pure air and fragranb

    breeze had conqu ered bile furtrees of th e buds, th e Su lta n,

    with a lakh of eamarv and twenty t h o u s a ~ ~ dnfantry, who

    ha d aseembled wit11 th e iute ntio n of (jo iu il~ g) boly

    war from Tu rkestan , from DIaw ur-ul-Nahr aud frurn &h ots -

    b an a n d from obher countriee, alerte d for Kanauj.

    I . ' : f

  • 8/10/2019 1908 History of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni by Roos-Keppel s.pdf


    . 4 . .


    .~ . .




    Now th at .couutry rbfter th e invasion o f) K as ht w p ti ll

    . .

    bhen had

    never fnlleu in to the hendo of any foreign (con-

    qtlerer), arrd'from Ghazrri to that place it was three moothe'

    journey, aud there were seven very large river6 to be croeeed.

    When the Sultan reached th e fron tier of Cashm ere,

    tbs Gavertror of C u h ln er e presented many thitrgs wo rth

    -offeriug' .before th e Sultan, and ntarsed a t

    t h

    hetrd of his

    army f o r , (th e Sultan'e) service. When th e s, ,ldiere o f

    I d t ~ m ad traversrd many llbHga8 aud had b rrived a t Kunouj,

    the y claw a g reat , firm, atron g hwb, so (gr ea t) th at



    would thiuk thab its head reached LO the sky. Arld t h e

    raja of that place was called K,~rah,aud ) when he saw th e

    k g ?


    (Sultau'r) ar m y he was rot ~fo riu drd ab the ir grtrn de ur

    anal pwny and wna terrified, in hie Iiearb there re m a in e d

    ,uo itlea of figI~ ing, and


    seut eorne mou to tile presauce



    S u l ~ a u , ayiog



    ubey bhe ordara


    the King," and he

    himself, wiih affecbion a d ioceriby, descended from the forb

    with his greab an d small eone, and according bo t h e w rit in gs

    of EJ&ib-UR-Siyer (ib appea rs t ha t) he alno embraced Islam.


    th e Sultan af ter three days s tar ted for th e forb of

    Meerub. T h e raj a of thab fort, who was called H ar w ct ,

    entrusted tbe fort to tru stw i~r th y men, and himself wenb



    alloth er place (lib. to one side ). And the people

    in the fort saw thab they had no power of resistance, so they

    prcseuted (to the Su ltan ) ten bhousarid times one thou sand

    d ir l~ am a, which ie two


    and fifry bhousa~rd upees, an d

    thirt.y elep han ts, and obtairled peuce. Again, th e Su ltan

    t - .

    frqm hhab place star te d for th e forb of Mahawan, which

    fo rt in b uilt orr th e bank s of th e Ju n water.

    A ed th e raja of

    th a t fi,rt wue c d e d by the ne rne of Kalchand. H e mouihtc.d

    . .

    an lepharlb and detv rmiued to ctosu th e water.

    T h e a r m y



    &Iwn *rb*d r h r r


    (and) whwm rhe w im p

  • 8/10/2019 1908 History of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni by Roos-Keppel s.pdf


    near bo him, bhat unlucky ttyrant drew (his)dngger frbm (it s j

    ebe ath (a nd ) first cu t off tlre head of hie wife an d eon, th en

    h e struck himbelf

    o n

    tlie breast and seut himself to Irell.

    And in tlrnt plaae


    much plun der fell in to th e Sulban'r

    hands that no one c o ~ ~ l doririt ib. E ~ g l r t y grent elephants

    alone were (found) iu ib. \??hen the Su ltan was ab leisu re

    from tha t uffair, sorne one (caused to) pkise to his auspiciode

    Page t

    ea rs (t he news) thab iu those pa rts there was a city called

    Muttra, (and) bhat Krivhn Bas Dev, whom the Hindue call

    prop het, was borii i ~ riiat city , and (t hn t) in extenb (lib. build -

    ing a) or populatiotr no otie had seen in th e world a city li ke

    it . And the re were


    many wonders and curio sities in ib

    thab no one can (enough) extol

    tlrenr. T h e Su ltan on hear-

    i n g t hi s a c c o ~ ~ t i tm~nedi t r te lystn rtr d for th at place. And

    although tliae city was snbjrct LO the Raja of Delhi, still nb

    one appeared to stop the


    (advance.) H e reached hia

    destina tion withoub anxie ty and withoub interference, a nd

    plunde red th e city and bu rn t tile idol-houses of bhe ciby and



    broke the idols and much wealth c a w

    in to hi8 hands. And he was so astonished a t th e eighb of

    those buildings (which


    found there) thab hessenb

    A le bter

    to th e nobles an d chief# uf Ghazui, and wrote th ie p aragra ph

    i n i t :


    this city there are a thousand buildings with

    foundations as strong)

    as tlie slry a nd moeb of


    a re

    bu ilt of ma rble, and the re ar e so many idol-houses in them

    th a t they are beyond coun ting; and if an y one should desire

    to build such baildings , then if he were to spe nd a lakh of

    gold moliu rs on exper t bu i lden , he would ( I ~ ~ r d l y )omplete

    i in two liundred years.

    Q ~ ~ J

    I t is said bhat he found am ongst them

    f i v e

    idnle.of pure

    .gol d, in th e eye-sockets of which they pub eapph iree (and)

    all those sapphi res were valued a t fifby thousaud rup,ees.

    Tbsra waa wnubber iifol


    gold in wbioh


    h kl



  • 8/10/2019 1908 History of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni by Roos-Keppel s.pdf


    plate of em erald s, which in weighb was 400 miskale. When

    ilt 'd had broken u p th a t idol e ight thoursnd three hu nd re d

    mis.kals of gold were got from it, and of idols of silver, great

    .aqd emall , there were morc t ha n o ne h a n d re d , ( ~ t n d )when

    .they broke the m all up they loaded a hund red camels w ith

    thew . After th is tbe y se t fire to all the buildings, (and )


    ,whea twen ty fdays had passed they mar ched from th ab


    ~ d d

    b is wribben in th e hietory of Alfi t h a t bhe Su lt an

    he ard thab in thoee perte there were on the ban k of th e ri ve r

    eeven greab forts,


    he seb ouh in th a t d irect ion . And t he

    ruler of those forts used to pay trib ute to the Delh i Rnjs,

    .and whgn he learnt of this he fled 'Che Su lta n reached thoae

    forte an d was tak ing a view of th e (nurronnding) counrriea

    (when) i chance d thab his eye fell on an idol-hooee whic h,

    in bhe b e l i e l t f the Hind us, was stand ing for four thousand

    years. I n thrbse forte an d idol-houses ev ery thin g thab th e

    Mueatmane found the y took poseession of, a n d ab t h e King'e

    ebirsup they started for th e fo rt of Mauj.

    And i n thab fo rt the re were many brave men, an d they

    h a d pub euppliee (suf ficiel~ l) fur a long bime i n ib. The

    Su ltan besieged bhoee people for fifteen day e and lefb th em

    la o way


    going an d coming. When the y underutood thab

    . be. Sulban would con que r th e fo rt by force, eome of bhem


    deecended form th e forb an d slew themselves, an d eome w ith

    th ei r women t\nd eous t hre* thelnsel vee int o fire, an d eome

    opened th e gabe, took the ir deggere an d knives in the ir

    .ha nd s a n d foughb euch a fight with th e Mueelmane theb



    bhey were all killed.

    T h e Sulban broughb the plundered property idt o hie

    $oeeeesion: and sb once sta rte d for Chandpal'e forb. Ch and -

    pal, hi&olf eaw

    (bhrb he'



    e t r o q t h t o fighb 80)


  • 8/10/2019 1908 History of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni by Roos-Keppel s.pdf


    with hie family and prnperty f led to the mountains.

    T h e

    S u lt a n took possession of (all) properby rem niu ing in bhe

    forb, an d divid ed th e slores of g ra in am on g hie soldiers.

    Then he dec ided to g o bo th e hom e of th e infid el

    Ch sn d Rs i .

    H e also did like Ch and pa l the y fled to :he

    hills with tiheir prop ,rty and poesessione.

    And Chand Rdi had an slepllanb which the Sultan had


    many t imss t r ied , a t a great price, to obbain bub he could


    no t g e t io.

    A n d (a bo ut ) tllnt ti m e thob eleplianb, withoub

    i ts a t tendant ,


    B \ V A Y

    from l t i e ca m p of Cban d Rai , and

    cam e straig ht to the Sultao 'a tenb. T he Su lta n gav e

    ordern and the y seized it , au d he was mu ch pleased.


    And he gnve tha t elephanb th e name of Khod adad i.



    Th en w h en t h e S u l t an a r~ i v ed

    n t

    G h azo i ,

    h e c o u ~ ~ t , e dp the plu ~r de r wlrich he had t aken in the

    expe dit io n bo


    lit. the pluuder of 1Knntiuj.

    I t t u r n e d oub


    (bo be) tw enty thou sand gold pleces and a tl ~ o u sa n d houeend

    rupees and f i f ~ y l ~ o u s a ~ r dlave, female and male, and thr ee

    h u n d red an d fifty e leph an ts , a r~ d t h e re was ~ n i ~ c htber


    roper ty .

    Then the S ~i l ta n ave orders , saying : Build a Jlusjid-i


    ja rt ~ i , which Plzbl~at~sall

    t h u

    F r ~ d


    mosque' sf marble,

    .so thno

    i l l

    some pI:lces there

    lortg bo

    hqu~ rre blocks of m arble)

    n r ~ d ~ r ome Irexag mal, a ~ r dn some octago~ral,and it1 s o m a ,

    cy l i r rd r i c~ l ,~o that spectators may be ns~ ouud ed t ( the

    ~ ~ 3 7

    beau ty of) the sight, of i t ,n ud when he had built th at mosque


    h e

    pu t in


    such carpets nnd lamps and oth rr thing s


    be au ty , tha t cheerful youths used to call ib T he Brid e


    Heaven. And in th e neigbbourhoud of th a t mo sque

    . he

    built a school aud coli,,c ,t.d i t tilt: buokg of every (kind

    of) wiedotn end elldowed tlret mo6que au d h a t scl~o olwit

    (the revenues of) many villagee.

    An d aeptb,e Yu ltae-dM .

  • 8/10/2019 1908 History of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni by Roos-Keppel s.pdf


    hie work with (great) 'enthusiasm , every noble begao t i

    build in .hie own pro pe rty mosqoes, schools and rest -houses

    for travellers. I n a lithle while many buildings re eu lk d

    thqb they could not be counted, And in t,hab journe y, the

    Sultan had bro ug ht bird from H ind us tan (which was) like

    a dove (and) should any one mix p oi ~o n n th e food and

    bripg th a t food , to bhe aesembly, then th at b ird ,would

    _ . . I

    b r a m b l e ~ , e s t l h l yand ' shad tea s invol,untar,ily. H senb.

    bhil w ith a a q y (othe r) o fferings bo th e ~ a i i ~ h ' ~ l - K ' i d r - 0 ' :

    Billah of. ~ . a ~ b d s $ .

    . , ,

    And he had found a, Atone in HindortAd thab, dok ev er

    8 .

    muoh *

    m n

    was h ou nd ed , when they ~ c r i ~ e d ' t h s btone



    ator an 'd rpub o 04 bhlb wound, i t would instanbly b e g i i to

    . .

    h3al:'And in bhiy;ar 400 bf th; Hegira he Rent'ta Baghdad


    oll of conqbesbs in'whidh all

    ( hh )

    conqueate of Hindintan

    k e ie writ ten.

    ~ h e ~ a l i p h

    f Raghd'ad, on the da y he iecei've'd

    t h a t ' 'assembled a grea t 'gabheridg and draeied thdb

    tlldb roll of conq~iestir shou ld be rend 'from . the pulp its

    before (all) the people, so that the, people mighb be ' infoihed

    of bhe exaltation "of th e sbandards of Islam and o f ' t h e de-

    struction of bhe (very) root of bhe heathen trud return thank8

    to God and g reat ly app land Su lta n Milallmud of ,Ghazni, a.hd

    pray for hin,( furth er) conquest and victory. And o n . thab

    day there wae such rejoicing in Baghdad se one.rejoicee,on

    the day


    the Id-and' (to du) this was (but) fitting,

    l inismuch'

    ju st a$ 'tbe companions


    the Pro phe t did .a

    (g reat ) work in the cibieo of Arabia, Per8ia;Turkey an d

    Syria , such


    work did . the Sultan do in Hiudu stan (end)

    gai'ned both this world and th e next.



    th e year

    412 of

    the Heg ira, the wise and pio w

    unanimouely petitioned th e St ~l t.r o, ,ryiug: "For a long time

    . tbe ,Sulba~ .goaevery year t H i u d ~ ~ e t t t oor a holy wtrr to

    gain rew rd in heaven, and there dieplaya the etrrndud of

  • 8/10/2019 1908 History of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni by Roos-Keppel s.pdf


    Ielam, br~ton bha (very) toad bo bhe Hou sa of

    G d


    Mecca) th e dwellere iu th e deeert, and th e Kluamatao hnva

    gaioed th e asc6ndanay and th e Abbusi Caliphe have no

    power, eo Muenlmans .lmvecremained (eo) unfortuna te (ar to

    lose) the reward of pilgrimage. f e o m e t h i ~ gwould be

    done to help them i t wor~ldlbewell.

    T b e Sulturn rrocepted bheir war& (of advice) (an d) made

    one Abu Mu ham mad Naaahi, who wm bhe.bead of th e Qa'zie


    th e Sulturn'e domieiooe, Lord of th e Pilgrims ,

    s d


    him bhirty thoueaod piecee of gold for those dwellere in tb e

    t a p .

    deeert who used


    attack th e osravane aud eeut liim


    t h e

    House .)fGad, aod m3oy people, noMea nnd poor slrd derti-

    tut e, grea t s o d am rll ,et er kd with him. Afber many marcher

    dwellers. in th e deeert, eocordiog to their anc ient cnetom,

    were holdiog th e road and would ,lot allow th e carnvan 1

    ad van ce . Qeei Ab11 Mullalnmad Neeahi, as peace-offering,

    eent them five tlto~rsaadpiecee of gold, and esid to them

    Take thie and leave bhe road (open) to ue.

    The chief of Lhe dw tlle re in the dr se rt , whose oem e

    w s Hum ad-bin-Ali, would 11ot mak e pence elrd prep ared

    hi8 force and advanad with


    i ~ t e o t i o ~f. raiding

    towards the oatavea.


    ohaooed tbat in


    a m v a n t bere

    wos a Turk eleve r h o ass very ekilful a b archery; he drov e

    en srrow


    Hamad and r ~ r n o k im fa ir i n the bead, u l d


    fell headlong from h i horee.. Imm ediately t he deuerb


    ook bb body

    ao d fled.. .

    Qmzi Abu Mubammad Nasahi, with heart


    ootlCioned hie pilgrimage aide md mnnd,

    a d

    n puse

    rskrrned (home).

    And in tbab very year, tb at h in the

    yeai 42

    f bbe

    Begin, tlw $ u l kn h e u d

    b h

    bbe in fid eb of E indruCro


  • 8/10/2019 1908 History of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni by Roos-Keppel s.pdf


    8 pqkeq very,

    i ll o f th eR ej a r f Ka oauj , who was ca lled K ora b ,

    , r


    bJad blam ed him, aayitlg: "W hy ha ve yon obe yed th e

    -1 l i

    order s of Strltau 'Mullmud


    u ~ ~ dutlda, the



    ,TCqli~~jt ~ p r e ~ j e da t d killed Kot.aI1.


    , . .

    P L ~

    W he s t119 Sul tan h e k d illin od;h he p iepa red a la rg er

    force th an (he Itad) the' first titn e au d \;errti af tb r Nan d; to

    H i n d ue t an W h e n h e re ac he d t h e e iv er J u n , t h e g ~ a u d e o n

    ,qf J,qipqI, >lvfi .,%e of th e Punjab , ,who h ad of ten f led

    from Llie Sult an, adv anc ed to help N an d a to the ce nt re of


    bhe Snltarc'tl lruutei


    .opp?se th e $u.ltau's ar m y. B u t th e

    . n al e r 3 9 s d ~ b pa~lB) .guuuc .c.rild cross to , t h e o th e r


    . .

    , '

    3 . . , .

    B u d d e u l y e@b of. t h e


    .picked ~ l a v e e ,rossed the


    . .

    ~ybber.with u r u e b , , a ~ ~ dliqy threw fbe whole of t b e a r m y

    .of .$uipal'e g r u ~ ~ d s o nnko coofiieiou atld made them fly

    kefo re k l~e rn , )Juipml'a grt lt~ dsu n wi(ll~ few me n fled a n d



    el t~veswunt on , and ~ k g r e as a ci ty near and th e1

    plundered i b n o d d e u ~ r u j e d


    templed, aud i shou ld be

    L'vidcub to the wis,e t h a t


    .(clleve) youths,csooot:break


    all a rmy, bu t ~ h u e e igh t slavee .wcre ( iu reul i ty) ,nob les (aud)

    P-1 F .


    1 :

    ) 1 i 3o r o u e d ?dl t he ir o s s f ir ce s, a n d ~ l l e i e f v i e i ley h a d

    : qc I

    d o n e . s o


    g r e k t . a wuvk;"From tllub pluae be took h iB a r k y

    t 6 w a r d e K . \ l i ~ ~ j s r .ande wi th 36,000 m o u n t e d ' men aud



    CiboL~~~uun d G40 e l e p l l u ~ ~ l an~ l ie u t to (give) ba l t le

    t o tlre S u l ~ n l ~ ,

    Tile S ~ Ian bscended ti 1;illock a bd sut veyed th e a r m y

    o f LUaada ;


    i t h y p r u d . Lu 11inl,(bo be).very g r k t (in:

    ~kqrnber) 110 ercgrobted lravipg com e ; Ile beub his .head in

    p r a y a b i p n .


    pr iye d fur viotvry. an d conquest to Clod. b

    happened th a t . th a t u ighb a g reab pan ic ,f ee l on , t be h e u b -


    Naugu ; l ~ eef t ail


    property trod .war material, and

    3 ; ....

    rum psi, led


    . , .


    ' ,.


    , . , ,


    . I

  • 8/10/2019 1908 History of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni by Roos-Keppel s.pdf



    . 'Netb

    -day bhe


    .?iouhbed {bie hqyes) add:fiiob


    'Page 41,

    eearohed for- (a;*) pfapee Urambus)l;ad ,when.L h 6 i f e ~ ( o f ,


    Eieaobel'j; end deceit .on the'pritb'ol t ~ h e e t h e n ~ ~ w a a ~ ~




    b,egan:to p l u d ~ e ~ . rr. + '

    b i l ~ i l.




    IT kinde and eorta and v&iet?& of tbih gi fall ihto

    hende of the Muealman eoldiere Aleo in those pwtcu they

    f0i.i 58 elephants in e foreat. And


    h e waa h o i a t ed8d

    in hie mind regarding tbe Punjab (whichS\;ae) i n his'-


    I (was . ptiflfied,... thab


    ye9y w j l t (lyv ing pone) that-wo rk



    . -


    , .



    taod), etaped to , ,


    r b . . . , .


    , ?d c:*.,w

    2r . i

    : rd

    , ,.Againi :i n thdae


    peva. l;esc.he , i tp @,b t b

    N p L e o f

    Fi rab


    B I ~N a t d i "


    w , b j p h a r e ; c ~ ~ n $ $ : ~


    .,ithiti thd knit* f Hiodustan. lla dn qt pln,qed: o @ tJ y ,k l t~ + :

    de m ob th e i r necke abd :hsd. u i q e d t h e i r . : b e ~ ~ $ . q ( t y q ~ d

    f r o b : i h e o r d e p o f :


    lave , of


    u ~ ~ ~ q q ~ ,q,yhPq kp

    pe&e;-(ahd> were w e t l y ieda lgin g, b,idolgtryi,,;



    Tlie S ulltan tabk $ith hini'.&~r

  • 8/10/2019 1908 History of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni by Roos-Keppel s.pdf


    : A nd in t2le.year'4lP of th e H eg ir a he dotermined (bo

    go) bo Ceshmere, sod he (therefore) beeieged T~ohkob, s

    Rpetlb one m onth there , bu t they were firm ( in t hei r defence)

    rind L I I ~rrrud of tho Scl lt an wae no t (victorious) over them.


    retired from th at place (and ) went to L aho re (a nd ) 8enb

    hie brmy in every direction to plunder and raid ( a ~ ~ d )hey

    collected an extrem ely g rea t qriantity of ( d l eorte of) pro-

    perty and goode,

    And on thab occaeion when the grandeon of Ja ip a l had

    become weak he flud lo th e Raja of Ajmere. T h e S u k a n

    went and c aptured Lahore and entrueted i t to a truetworth y

    noble, and th e other parts of the P ~ ln ja b e (aleo) en tr u ep d

    to trustworthy and Injal


    and he held his hand frbm

    plunder and begun to cherieh and th e rninda o f t h e

    peopla, and h e lefb hi ea rm y io th at oountry and publiebed

    t h e khutba (eermoo) in his name, an d in th e fiieb


    (beginning) of eprinp; he wenb to Cthaani.

    And in the year 413 of th e Heg ira, on th e way -to

    Lahore, he determined to


    bo th e coun try of Nanda,

    When he reached the fort of Gwalior he made arrarlgemente


    blookade it, Afte r four daye the raja of th at fort se nt


    him very intelligent messengers w ith (an offering.of)

    thirty-five elepbanta (and) made peace with him,

    T he Sultan started frcm tha t place for Kalinjrr wbere

    .Na nda abode. N and a eent 8 e1ephant.s ae en offering) for

    .pence. When the Sulta n had accept.ed th e elep han te,the

    .raja turned 411 tire elephants, without their attendante,

    looee in th e p1ai.o. T he Su ltan gave orde rs to bis T u rk s

    and they seized bhem ell and mounted upon th em , and th e

    people of the forb


    eeboandd ab


  • 8/10/2019 1908 History of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni by Roos-Keppel s.pdf


    h d Ne nde in. thg H io du bongue oompooed ,s



    preia e of th e Sultarr an d eenb i t to him. Th e Su lta n

    ahow ed thab poem to tbe learned men of Binduetan aa d of

    Arabi a e n d of Perbia (an d) Itbey all cried bravo e n d

    well done.

    The S ul tan wee very pleeeed and ga ve him a commieeioa

    8 ru l e r o f f i f t e e ~~ortreesea, of which one wan the fort of

    Kalinjar (iteelf) together wi th (m any ) other presentr.

    Ntrlrda aleo preeented to l.Ile Sultan much riches and many

    pearle (and) then the Sultan sta rted back to Ghazni and

    arriv ed th er e safely.

    And in the year 415 of th e H egi ra he took m ust er of

    th e army. Wibhouk (counting) th a t arm y \vbich wae in

    (~ iie tan t) ro vi uc e~ hey wrote with petre (upon th e mueter;


    rolle) 54,000 mounted men and 300 elephante, and with thab

    ~ p l e n d o u rof rebinue) he started for Balkh.

    Ab thab tim e the people of Maw ar-ul-Nahr com plain ed

    of th e r ule (lib, han d) of Alitagin. T he Su lta n croaeed tb e

    Jni hun river, determined to remove him. T he nobles of

    Ma wa r-ul-N ahr cam e oub to receive him a n d t;rougbb

    e ~ l u

    offering6 worthy of th eir poaitione (lib. eelvee).

    A n d Yusuf

    K e d a r Kh an, who was King of all Ttlrkeetan, aleo oame to

    rw eiv e him. He w ~ eranted an in terv iew wibh the '~ul tea ,

    (who received him ) with greab affection a n d friendship,

    T h e Sultan wae gre,rtly pleased (with him ) an d they held

    (varioue) ssaembliee and presented to one an othe r offerivge

    and rrri t iee and pl rt ed with peace, and (with well) pleased

    (minds.) When Al itag in IeIbttIb th ie newe h e fled .,T he Strlt.an

    r n b man aRer him m d cap ta red h im and broughb ig


    And Ile p ot t:t te re on lritn (a nd ) confined him in a

    (ce rta in) fortreee of EIiud ustan, an d he llimeelf marched



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    : . :CA.~bbk

    v i i j j a r

    ia..4 l b o f ,he B i g i n , doe n e

    k i c

    &$mti t ioo



    . saying)



    " T h e : ~ i n & e


    ~ b k a


    b a b

    when eouls become




    k d i e ;

    biieji.til tl .go


    d o service


    Sornnakh, and tthab.h&e

    every eoul ie m d e over


    the body (most) suitnble (to ib) :

    ~d & k& ot he r belief of th e Hin dus ie this, thab th e ebbing

    a d d flowing of bhe ocean ie for th e worship



    d n d t h e ~ r a h m s n a ' e a y hab S om ilath w a e very angry witb

    6boa&i86Ia .%hich Su lta a. 3i ah mud bad &oke'n dn a t8ekefo rs

    t ia di ob helped tbein,


    el'- i n th e twinklfng of an

    ~ g b 6

    would have


    them ell


    the Sl~ ltnn 's orces).


    r o o W : o f t hei r belfefa i s t h , thh Sorntlath is a ,EiLg,'. and

    f b ~ ' @ l l s t h i r ido l r a re h is db'6r-keepers.anrd ' w a t c ~ m e & ; ' ~ ~ ~ ~ '

    . ,, . . .


    .* < : , - , . ..* . . .


    ~ h d nh e Su lta n +a: informed


    this ia t t e f h,e.made

    .%rrn 6mlve io m quer 8dPnath.)0 tl th e 10 th

    d pf

    h i j



    o f ~ h a b k ' s d a r


    he ebarted


    for Someath mith a oh&&:.

    h~ i> .

    ar m y end with 30;000 mounted men, wair ibrs of the k i t h ,

    who bad


    fro? Turkes tan and oth er

    '?3; . F


    thdb (o.~~.;S~mn'a;tli)' e a gieat city on.the

    .$ . 1 ,

    . ?

    l & & y ; an d ' i t ' i e i h e (chief) $a& of wo*ship of & th e

    B i d -


    m a o i * & (at&ye'f)'Gheatl~en and (t he ido l) Sbmnabh


    i i e # f n thab$&$. ~ n d ' i bs'kald ted in bihtories t6rrb:pbdple,

    tbert i&e of the ' ' i rophea of the l s a t ~ e r io d , n

    w m



    h& &ugh( a g r e a t idol named Somnabh frdm the.

    t(sa ir'(i.

    o;;Macca), and had tak en i t to th a t place and had

    Zoun&e& ttrat..city in ite name. B u t i t wmild ap pe ar' fro m

    t h e booM'af:the first (of the): Brahm ane, which books were

    o t i d ~ i ~ i d ' r - ~ t h o d i a n dea re be fo re . * (~ hd-enf t a l a m , tb a t

    i t

    dd*. , , .


    accouib js not


    ~ n d e e d , t h b ~ * ~ & &lmt thab idd l ia-

    'of . the tim'e 'of.Krisboa, nnd ~ h n t ' i s k i u r l ~ ~ u e a n d'brs (itgo$

    &a d tbe'B[ ahm aoa uaed t o worehip i b and rrccurdii~gto

    tl ii.

    vetrioo of th e Brehmane, Kriehna dieappeared (from ear th) '

  • 8/10/2019 1908 History of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni by Roos-Keppel s.pdf


    n bhab very place. Th e Su ltan on Ghe 15 th of ohe ~ o m e a i ,

    which Pa tha ns call the mon th of fashing, reached M ultan .

    'As lie was adv an ting a waterless and grasslese deeerb

    app eared before I~ irn , o the Sulta n ordered thab each one

    ehould cmrry wnter and gram with him. And a s a precautiorl

    ,the Sa lta n Irimself loaded twerttsy thousand sele cted. car neb

    'with water and grass. When bliey had bravera ed'that deso-

    r w 46.

    late, wilderness they reached th e city of bjm ere.

    And th e raja of thab place had witlidrawn from th e road


    the soldiers of the S u lt ar ~ begau to d a y 8nd plut~de r .


    B u t (as) their objecb was to deslro y Som natli, the y d id notl

    wait to ca rrf . tlie fort of d jm er e, (but) wenb on au d


    t h e road before them . Aud d uring tlrjs they cam e .up61r

    rnd n) fo rts full of brave nlen bub all were filled with fear,

    ~ ud ?v it b ou b nyth ing (in t lie way of fighting) they agreed

    (to hckno \+lidge th e Sultau'e rule), after thob lie ' reached


    ? Jabrwala and found th a t ci ty em p ty , (so)' th e Sulbaa ord ere d

    (his men)

    to go and fetcli from th at city muc h graes.

    W hen tiley had g one and fetched th e" gr ds 8t he j rret ou6

    quickly, and with tho t~tmosb pedd reached ~o rnnabh."

    And bhere, on the seashore, they saw a greab fortreee (80

    grea t) tbab a man worild think thab its su m m it touched the

    sky a i d the waters of ~ l ~ eea warred wit11 ite walle, (abd)


    many infidels were seated on it s surnmib gazing ab t h e

    % usalm~ns. And they were crying wiLh loud voicee,


    S o m ~ n t h as led jorl here, so tha t with one blow he ma y

    d a y you all, and he will now ta ke his revenge for all the



    idols you have broken in Hindustan."

    Nexb day as th e e uu


    rose the Sul tan issued orders to h is army, (and) t h e y a d n b

    e tra ighb t o t he base of t he walls of t he f o rt to figbb. ~ h e l

    the H ind us saw bheir bravery and courage they lefb th e


    a m h i t of the fort , for fear of th e archers , (aud) all'



    the idol-h ouse s aod begged aid from Som nath .

    L > .


  • 8/10/2019 1908 History of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni by Roos-Keppel s.pdf


    hebfu m.a.a pian ted lidd er s '.nd climbed , bo the

    bummib of the forb, and with loud voices chaobed, God i



    Th e Hindue also unanimously opposed them, an d

    they fought together the whole dny. 'W h en night came

    both armiee rented, and nexb day th e battl e joined in th e

    Orme way (and) unbil n ig h t they were themeelvee oub (and)

    they killed, many heatben. O n. th e tbird day many arm ier

    m m e from (all)

    pat te

    of Hind ue tan and drew themeelvee

    u p i s linee outside on th e plai~l. T he Sultan lefo eome to

    Cowry on) the siege and the reeb went ond ga ve batble on

    th e plain. And by the coming of th e Chiefs of Pram dev an d

    Dsbiehlim, th e Musalmane' strength failed. T h e Su ltan


    gre at prief went

    to a

    corner and eeized th e mantle of Abul


    Kharkani, and prayed t o the preeence of the P u re

    God for victory and cooquest.

    Then he came to the cen tre

    s hie liue and chargod upon th e intidele. vicbory 'w as hie

    deetiny, and he elen five bhou'eitld heretiol. n d khe o fear

    overcame the people of

    1 11s

    oib, they l e h the fightiog an d

    h e ~ r e i m a n e od attendante of Sorrnabh, who were aboub

    four thoueand, went to the b nk of tbe sea Aman ran seated

    Obemeelvee in

    bo ts

    and sta rted towards th e island Ssrandip,


    Veyloil), Bub th e Sultan had previouely .bboughb of thin

    nod had pested eeveral ehtpe filled with eoldiere on the way

    Swandip. Wlleo


    them the sllipe of the hea then a p

    peared'bhey pursued them (nod) eank th em a ll in th e waber. .

    The n th e Su ltan with hie eons and noblee enbered bhe forb

    and viewed all ite buildinge.


    .Afrer th at (he saw) in th e fo rt an idol-houee which h ad

    Ppen builb long an d broad, tlla t i t had fifty-six pillare.aod

    all ,were stu dd ed with jewels.

    @nd , mn rth was a n idol of atone five yarde l u g , of

    i n o

    yard , were in the a r t b an d bbfee yarde oub.? W hen

    th e Sultrp'r


    fell on th e idol be

    had a

    b bbleme



  • 8/10/2019 1908 History of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni by Roos-Keppel s.pdf


    h a n d an d etrack jb so in th e fane thnb he broke



    k f t e r bhab.he


    brdbra (*ad) todk two pieces froul it

    ( +n dj s en t th em to O l ~ e z ~ ~ i .lue he put ill

    bl lu

    doorw~ry f


    t h e Fr ida y moeq'l~e, nd 'oh e obhcr he pub ill ' the palaco of

    ' t h e ~ b ; ~ ' eud ie tlc s ha1 1



    . , , , I

    , - ,

    : Fo r six hundred yeere thoee pieces (of the l$y


    bberq end.peoplp used to see them.


    And. he separated two mura pieces'of S o m n a ~ ~ hnd-senb

    bhein to Mbccs and Mediua (s o ) ' t h ~ t hey rnighb p lt~c-.l~ern

    in the-mairi roads thab poor 'a n d ~ r e a b . ighh wulk ovey


    , . . f , . :

    And this etory is ( a h ) true thab nt t'he ti me he waH

    .going to break So m n~ \ tb ,

    band of

    B r a h n ~ h n ~ppeal6d to


    th e uoblee 6 aJ i t~ g) : If the S u l t ~ npill


    break thia idhl

    we i i l i pay 80 m11c11into the St tt te t . i e e ~ u r ~ . ' ' 'lld t~oblee


    'approvrd t f t h ~ e a g y e s t i ~ , ~ ~nd athid to' ~ l l e

    S L I I ~ H I I

    b B

    t h e breaking of thia 'idu l ido latry will nob be lost to thie

    co uu iry , en d if wealth be ttiken inebead o f


    many Mu@al-

    mane will benefib by'it."

    ,The Su lta n said Your worde ar e


    ue, buh

    i f

    I d o this

    h y . c?.

    @ ing .people \oil call me M al~ mn d, the idael-sell~r, nnd

    if I



    they will call me M a h n ~ a d , he idol-breaker,'

    Now i t i s

    be tter tha t both in tohieworld and the next they


    hould call me ' th e id o l- b re aker .' po t th e ,idol-eel14 r,


    and bhe advantage of the firm fnitb ~ ) fhe Sultqn w ~ n ,l at.

    (when) he broke that idol eo malty royal p ~ a r l ~ ,ame o u t

    . ~f


    belly-bbab they were


    hu nd red t#i,men mpr e tha n th e

    Brahm ane' price (which th ey had offered.)


    i h

    is written in the Hebib-ul-Siyar tbab


    neth ie

    the name of th e idol which th e Rind118 ,ecoounb

    ohief among ,their idlllrr,.


    frsbrn the wurdj. of S trrikh

  • 8/10/2019 1908 History of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni by Roos-Keppel s.pdf


    Farid-u d-D in ALbar i t appears contrary to thie, ae the follo~v-

    ing ootiplet itself bea rs witness




    army of

    Mahmud s the midat of Somnath

    Found an idol


    t had the n m

    f Nalh,

    Th at is Som" wae th e nam e of t he idol-lrouee atrd



    tlie idol iu it.'

    And to tlie writer of these linee i t appeare t h a t what the

    hietorinna have enid ie true, and the Sheikll'e words are uob

    cot11 ad ict ory, because tlrie word (S omnath ) is a compound


    cf So m atid N ~ t l r , ' btld dom was the name of


    raja wlro consLructcd tlie idul ut.d



    ws s

    the uame of

    t h e idul. Lat er , by reaeon of it e co net at ~t use, Lot11 became

    one nnme, au d i t was ueed the namo of the idol an d aleo


    of the idol-houeo aud also of the tit ..

    No, if anyotre

    page 63.

    calla tlio name of th e idol Somuatlr or aaye

    Nat h



    both a r e equal, nnd Net h iu tlie Hin di botrgue mealle



    in the temple of So mn ath on nights or daye when

    th e moon or th e eun is eclipsed more tha u two or thr ee