110715 Social media for effective NFP marketing

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Transcript of 110715 Social media for effective NFP marketing

Social media for effective marketing

Mark Walker, SCIP

Listening Building Relationships

Service Delivery and DevelopmentPR and Reputation ManagementGenerating Contacts and LeadsConsultation and Engagement

Loyalty and RetentionWeb Traffic and SEO

Human ResourcesRecommendationsBrand Awareness


Income Generation


Outcomes of this session

• Familiar with key social media platforms• Familiar with role of social media in communications• Able to begin planning social media activities• Able to begin delivering social media activities• Recognise common barriers and how to address them• More confident about use of social media in your work

What you want to learn


Three post-it notes each

1. Confidence in using social media– Score yourself 0 – 5

2. Your role– Describe what your organisation does

3. Relevance– What you want to know today

What on earth is happening?

Why use social media?

• Est. 200 million Twitter users March 2011

• 500,000 new Twitters registering users every day

• More than 500 million Facebook accounts

• Est 17 million Britons logged into Facebook in January

• Est. 90 million LinkedIn users in 200 countries

• Average UK visitor spends 10.8 hours per month on social media

• 80% of those that read reviews are directly influenced by them i.e. reviews either confirmed initial choice or changed their mind

• 78% of web users trust recommendations from other consumers more than adverts

Sources: New York Times Jan 2011, Econsultancy Internet Statistics Compendium 2010 BBC Jan 2011, Hitwise blog, Richard Sedley Cscape Slideshare.net

There are 28.5 Million people on Facebook in UK in Jan 2011From www.checkfacebook.com

Who is using the internet?

• Young People• Older People• Wealthy People• Poor People• People With Disabilities• Geographic Communities• Communities of Interest• Government• Business• Individuals

• Your Colleagues• Your Volunteers• Your Friends• Your Family• Your Funders• Your Partners• Your Customers• Your Competitors• Your Suppliers

Who doesn’t use the internet?

• 10 million adults have never used the internet of which 4 million are also socially excluded [PWC 2009]

• Of the 4 million, 39% are over 65, 38% are unemployed and 19% are families with children.

• 70% of people living in social housing aren’t online – which is 28% of everyone not online [Oxford Internet Survey 2007]

• 70% of people over 65 have never used the internet [ONS 08]

What is social media?

Grow bigger ears

Who Can we Hear?

The Sellers?

Or the Buyers?

Fundraising: New skills to learn

From form-filling…

to tin-rattling

A new fundraising challenge

What we’re used to•One application for £1,000s

What we need to learn•100s of donations of £10

A new fundraising challenge

Exercise• In pairs• Current fundraising activities• Likely role of social media• Biggest challenges


Tuning In

Tuning In


Use it for•Interaction/Sharing•Promotion•Campaigns/Influence•Service Delivery•Fundraising•News•Events•Consultation

Questions to ask•Groups vs Fan Pages•Frequency/Workload•Privacy•Personal profiles

– Staff, volunteers, service users

•Measurement– Quantity vs quality

B&H Federation of Disabled People

B&H Federation of Disabled People

B&H Federation of Disabled People


Use it for•Listening/learning•News•Sharing•Fundraising

Questions to ask•Which audience is it relevant to?•What content will you link to?•How frequently?•Who and when?•Measurement - bitly



Use it for•Explaining•Telling stories•Fundraising•Learning

Questions to ask•Which audience is it relevant to?•How will you produce content?•How frequently?•Who and when?•Measurement


Your Website

Use it for•Explaining•Telling stories•Fundraising•News•Events•Opinion•Campaigning/Influence

Questions to ask•Who uses our site?•What do they use it for?•Up to date + accurate?•Can we easily update it ourselves?•Who can update it/when?•Calls to action?•Feedback mechanisms?

Your Website

Use it for•Explaining•Telling stories•Fundraising•News•Events•Opinion•Campaigning/Influence

Questions to ask•Who uses our site?•What do they use it for?•Up to date + accurate?•Can we easily update it ourselves?•Who can update it/when?•Calls to action?•Feedback mechanisms?


Planning your social media activities


•Where are you now?

•Where do you want to go?

•How can social media help you

get there?

Possible Benefits of Social Media

The Halo Effect•Awareness•Reputation•Transparency•Word of mouth•Empowering



What do you want it to do for you?•Current business strategy•Positioning/audience/messages•Communications mix

The communications mix


• Newsletter• Leaflets• Annual Report• Postcards• Events • Exhibitions• Face-to-face• DVD/CD


• Website• Email newsletter• Facebook Fan Page• YouTube Channel• Twitter• Podcast

Think internet first

• Low cost• High impact• Built for sharing• Diverse• Engaging• Always on• Flexible, dynamic• Empowering

Be useful


Measure and improve

Photo by Darren Hester via Flickr

• Use a spreadsheet

• Measure what you can

• Do it often

• Look for patterns

• Share and learn together

Plan your campaigns

• What do you want to achieve?

• Who is your audience?

• What is your message?

• How will you communicate?

• What will you measure?

• Who is going to do what?

• What will it cost?

• What skills do we need?

Exercise 1: Planning your campaigns

Charnworth Youth Club

• Youth Club Revamp

• We want people who live in

the area to know more about

what we do to help young

people so that they will give

us their money and their help

to revamp the youth club

• Our goal is to raise £500 plus

50 new Facebook fans by the

end of May

• What shall we do?

• Write a plan for a fundraising


• What role can social media play?

• Who will you target using social media?

• Which social media will you use?

• Why is social media relevant?

• How will you measure what works?

Planning your campaigns

• Goals/Objectives• Audience• Message• Activities• Measurement• Roles + Responsibilities• Budget• Training

What you need

• Computer/internet/mobile phone• Camera + mic• Website you can update• Facebook Fan Page or Group• YouTube account• Twitter account• JustGiving account• Time + help• Luck + perseverance…


Time•Instead of or as well as?

Skills•Planning and delivery

Culture•Ask your audience?

Short term campaigns

• Pick an activity or milestone about three months away

• AGM, community festival, seasonal events, conference, exhibition

• Prepare a plan• Think about strategy • Focus on actions • Give it a try• Measure and reflect• Start again

Exercise: Plan your own mini-campaign

• Goals

• Audience

• Research

• Messages

• Budget

• Schedule

• Delivery

• Measurement

Exercise: Plan your own mini-campaign

Social media plans





Who can help?

• www.slideshare.net/scipmark• www.scip.org.uk• www.bethkanter.org• http://nonprofitorgs.wordpress.com/

• Social media planning guide– www.ictchampions.org.uk/downloads

Who can help?

This workshop is based on the work of:

• Mark Walker• mark@scip.org.uk• @scipmark• 01273 234049• www.scip.org.uk