100 Top Resources for Electrical Engineers

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Transcript of 100 Top Resources for Electrical Engineers

  • 8/21/2019 100 Top Resources for Electrical Engineers


    100 Top Resources for Electrical Engineers

    Electrical engineering is a highly technical pursuit that sits at the nexus of software and hardware development.

    Electrical engineers can design components and electronic systems for industrial machinery and consumer

    gadgets, and will often work in collaboration with manufacturers and designers to bring new electronic devices to

    market. There is also a huge hobbyist community of amateurs and professionals who advocate do-it-yourself

    electronics projects as a great way to learn about the inner workings of many of the household machines that

    people use every day. Electrical engineering can be quite technically challenging and requires a great deal of

    mathematics and physics knowledge, but the financial and personal rewards for succeeding in this field are great.

    General ElectronicsEvery piece of technology that runs on electricity, from the monster machines that clean the water for entire

    cities, to the ever-thinner cell phones in pockets today, required the expertise of an electrical engineer to make.

    This job offers unique opportunities to participate in the design and manufacture of the devices people use most

    frequently in their daily lives.

    1.Electronics Blog

    Electronics Blog is meant to spread the word on electronics and technology. The blog explains practices in hopes that

    young hobbyists and professionals will learn more about the industry.

    2.Electronics Weekly

    Electronics Weekly provides tons of electronic news, research, design, production, company information and more for

    the electronics professional. Readers can even search for jobs on this site.

    3.OpenElectrical Blog

    The OpenElectrical Blog discusses engineering education, training and infrastructure. The site is a great tool for

    students, industry practitioners, and teachers.


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    UltimationEE is an electronic students blog. Information on current projects, product reviews and life as an electronic

    student are included in the blog.


    EleBlog is a personal blog about the engineering industry. Anyone working in the industry would find lots of useful

    information here.

    6.Jimmie P Rodgers .com

    Jimmie P. Rodgers.com is a personal blog that discusses open source hardware kits, how to make them and other

    electronics topics. The blogger throws a lot of personal information into his blogs, even talking about his electronic

    color code tattoo, which will entertain the readers.


    RealEnergyWriters.com is written by journalists who cover the industry. They identify new trends and discuss the

    polices and reports of the energy industry.

    8.Bandwidth Banter

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    Bandwidth Banter helps companies measure, analyze and test electronic devices to ensure reliability, compatibility,

    and performance. Engineers in almost any field can use this site to help solve their technological problems.

    9.Sparky U Online

    Sparky U Online is a personal blog in hopes of helping readers solve their technical problems. Electricians all over the

    world can find helpful tips and videos to help them problem solve.

    10. Mike HoltsForum

    Mike Holts Forum is strictly an online forum. Users must register in order to post, but electrical engineers can browse

    the electrical topics.

    11. 3D Electrical Services

    3D Electrical Services is a company based in the Portland, Massachusetts area. On their blog, they share common

    troubleshooting tips and information on electrical projects for homeowners and electricians.

    12. Mentor Graphics

    Mentor Graphics is a company that produces electronic design automation software. Their blog helps electrical

    engineers conquer problems by trying new products and solutions.

    13. WorldTech Forum

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    WorldTech Forum covers all electronic topics such as information technology, aeronautics, mission technology, space,

    technology and the history of electronics. Electrical engineers will find the blog informative and entertaining.

    14. One Per Cent

    One Per Cent includes news, interesting stories, videos and blogs about science. Any electrical engineer interested in

    scientific discovery would be fascinated with this site.

    15. Electrical Contractor

    Electrical Contractor is the online magazine for electrical contractors. Electrical contractors working in the field will

    find information on codes, standards, safety, lighting, systems, products and more.

    16. PezzelectricsBlog

    Electrician Blog is a business blog focuses on electrical engineering. Electrical engineers can find tips and ideas on

    home, business and construction electrical engineering.

    17. Electrical Engineering Forum-Topix

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    Electrical Engineering Forum-Topix is a forum and message board for electrical engineers. Readers can view and post

    questions, comments and answers related to electrical engineering .

    18. iDigi Device Cloud

    iDigi Device Cloud is a company that produced a cloud-connected medical device. Electronic engineers in the medical

    field will find the information they need to bring this technology to their company.

    19. Contractor Talk

    Contractor Talk is an electrical engineering forum. Contractors can view posts and can register to ask questions or

    comment on electrical engineering topics .

    20. Blue Sky Electrical

    Blue Sky Electrical has electrical engineering topics for the typical homeowner or licensed contractor. Readers will

    find tips about electrical engineering , safety and more.

    21. Zentech Blog

    Zentech Blog discusses topics on electronics contract manufacturing. Electrical engineers will find hundreds of

    discussions on assembly, design, manufacturing, products and more.

    22. Engineering.com

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    Engineering.com has blogs on every type of engineering topic. Electrical engineers will be informed, entertained and

    inspired by this site.

    23. Gadget Venue

    Gadget Venue discusses technology topics such as cameras, video players, computers and mp3 players. Engineers who

    like to play or work with gadgets will find the latest news and information on this technology here.

    24. ElectroPages

    Gadget Venue discusses technology topics such as cameras, video players, computers and mp3 players. Engineers

    who like to play or work with gadgets will find the latest news and information on this technology here.

    25. My Energy

    My Energy is an application for home energy use tracking that lets people monitor their consumption of electricity and

    pinpoint ways to reduce their energy costs and carbon footprint.


    EngineeringElectrical engineers have the difficult task of not only building the brains of any machine, but making sure it can

    communicate with other machines and with people so that the machine can be integrated into the already

    existing system for which it was designed.

    1.Engineering Expert Witness Blog

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    Engineering Expert Witness Blog focuses on engineering-related topics. Electrical engineers will find information on

    technical problems and their solutions through a variety of approaches.

    2.Engineering Exchange

    Engineering Exchange is a self-identified global educational networking community for engineers, and the articles

    posted by forum-members there range widely, from technical descriptions of how to design 3D models, to energy

    saving tips for small businesses.

    3.EE Times

    EE Times is an online magazine for electrical engineers and gadget enthusiasts alike. The posts run the full gamut

    from reviews of the latest smartphones to in-depth analysis of business opportunities for electrical engineers and

    product designers working in the medical industry. This site has some great easy reads but doesnt shy away from

    technical jargon for those who can process it.

    4.Electrical Engineering Resource

    Electrical Engineering Resource is exactly what it sounds like, a massive, curated repository of white papers, industry

    news, research, and other information resources for professional electrical engineers. The site offers subscriptions via

    RSS or email so you can automatically stay current on electrical engineering issues.

    5.Patent and Engineering Law with Joe Barich

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    Patent and Engineering Law with Joe Barich is the web repository of resources relating to a university course on these

    subjects. The comprehensive collection of links, notes, and other info about patents as related to engineering and

    technology can be useful for anyone hoping to maintain intellectual property rights to an electronic invention they



    EngineeringBlogs.org, powered by Blog Nation, covers a variety of topics and issues. The sites do not exclusively

    feature electrical engineering topics. Some focus more on chemical or mechanical engineering, or even environmental

    engineering, but anyone with an analytic mindset and an interest in engineering will find something great in this


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    iMechanica is a self-proclaimed web of mechanics and mechanicians that features meetups for those with

    mechanical engineering mindsets, and highly technical articles on the physics concepts that influence mechanical and

    electrical engineering projects.

    8.IEEE SpectrumsAutomaton Blog

    The IEEE Spectrum blog features videos, articles and news on robots, robot kits, humanoids, mechatronics, artificial

    intelligence, automation, and more. The blog is fascinating and anyone interested in the mechanics of robots and the

    like would enjoy it.

    9.Stilwell Baker

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    Stilwell Baker blog talks about electronic devices, systems, and controls. Business owners would find the site useful as

    Stilwell can help companies develop new electronic products and re-design existing products.

    10. ASME

    ASME is the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. This site is a newsletter which gives different views on

    engineering trends and breakthroughs. Readers can get a better understanding of todays technology and tomorrows


    11. Vision Systems Design

    Vision Systems Design gives readers unique, in-depth and unbiased technical information about the machine design

    and image processing systems. Engineering and design professionals would benefit from this site to see real examples

    of system designs and integration projects.

    12. the signalpath.com

    The signalpath.com brings information to help hobbyists and students learn about testing equipment and procedures

    and circuit design. The video blog includes equipment reviews, testing procedures, circuit design tutorials, teardowns,

    and more.

    13. Electronics Engineering Video Blog

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    Electronics Engineering Video Blog is a personal video blog that shares personal experiences of working in the

    electronics design industry for over 20 years. Electronic engineers, hackers and hobbyists will be entertained with

    every single video blog here.

    14. Chris GammellsAnalog Life

    Chris Gammells Analog Life is a personal blog to help its readers understand electronics and its industry better. His

    personal work is showcased, allowing him to teach to those that are new to the industry and continue conversations

    with those who are familiar.

    15. Screaming Circuits

    Screaming Circuits solves electronic assembly problems for its customers. In their blog, readers can find tutorials,

    white paper documents, and information on other electronic devices.

    16. the Engineer

    The Engineer is the online version of the UK engineering technology magazine. The site features news, information on

    products, and events for the engineering technology field.

    17. Solid Works

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    The Solid Works Company sells 3D software tools that let businesses simulate, create, manage and publish their data.

    Their site includes information on their products, and newsletters with expert technical advice, CAD tips, and special

    invitations to industry events.

    18. Electrical EngineeringStacke Exchange

    Electrical EngineeringStacke Exchange is a question and answer website made for electronics and electrical

    engineering students, professionals, and enthusiasts. Engineers who have a question can come here to get the answer.

    19. EEWeb Electrical Engineering Community

    EEWeb focuses on the needs of engineers, with job and business listings, as well as news. Forums, resources, and

    tools, every engineer would find a lot of useful information here.

    20. Thought Clusters

    Thought Clusters is a personal blog about software development, programming and project management. Engineers

    with little to many years of experience will find the blog interesting.

    21. MightyOhm

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    MightyOhm is a personal blog about electrical projects. Engineers interested in microcontrollers, Arduino, embedded

    Linux, circuits, and DIY projects would find the blog fascinating.

    22. INE

    INE is a site dedicated to help engineers become experts. Candidates looking to become certified in CCIE, CCNP, and

    CCNA will find a lot of useful information here.

    23. EngineerBlogs.org

    EngineerBlogs.org is a collection of engineering blogs. All with engineer-related content, some of the blogs link back

    to other web pages and some are right on this site.

    24. Open IT Strategies

    Open IT Strategies is a personal blog focused on open-ness as an IT, proprietary strategies, and business models.

    Engineers can also find topics such as strategy, accountability, and economic policy in businesses.

    25. Wireless Sensor Networks Blog

    Wireless Sensor Networks Blog is a personal blog about wireless sensor networks. Engineers will also find

    information on new products, conferences, books and job listings.

    26. Engineering Ethics Blog

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    Engineering Ethics Blog is a personal blog focused on current news. Engineers will find the ethical angle in the blogs


    27. Ian Johnston.com

    Ian Johnston.com is a video blog on engineering projects. Seasoned engineers or those just starting out will find the

    videos quite helpful when planning a project.

    28. KeithsElectronics Blog

    Keiths Electronics Blog is a personal blog about electronics. Electrical engineers will find the postsboth entertaining

    and educational.

    29. Ambivalent Engineer

    Ambivalent Engineer is a personal engineering blog. Engineers will find humor, information and lots of opinions in

    the posts.

    30. Control Engineering

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    Control Engineering provides engineers with research information. Engineers can find new products, media library,

    industry news, and events all at this site .

    31. Bot Thoughts

    Bot Thoughts is an engineering blog which covers many topics. Engineers interested in robotics, mechanics,

    electronics, engineering and programming will be intrigued by all the information available here.

    32. Curious Cat

    Curious Cat blog focuses on science and engineering. Engineers will find technology, innovation, education, research,

    gadgets, health care, economics and scientific inquiries here.

    33. RF Cafe

    RF Caf is a jammed packed site. Engineering information here includes wireless, cellular, radar, analog, satellite and


    34. GIGaom/Earth2Tech

    GIGaom/Earth2Tech brings business and technology together. Corporate engineers will find tons of information here

    about how to use technology to their advantage at their company.


    Electronics Design and Components

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    An important part of making electronics and machinery that people can use is the designing of components, and

    the compilation of those parts into a user-friendly whole. The axis of great design and easy uti lity is where many

    of todays high profile electronics companies set themselves apart from the competition.

    1.PCsElectronic Components Blog

    PCs Electronic Components Blog is a personal blog which helps its readers distinguish and buy quality electronic

    components from around the world. Anyone interested in electronics design and components will find this blog


    2.Watt Circuit Blog

    Watt Circuit has in-depth reviews of electronics equipment and components, including technical and detailed graphs

    of data that the writers gather while testing oscilloscopes and other machinery.

    3.Soltec Electronics

    Soltec Electronics provides hard to find electronic components for its aerospace, commercial, and military clients. The

    blog is specific to its company and products, giving helpful information to anyone in those industries.


    Optomec provides additive manufacturing solutions for all types of products in the electronics, energy, and aeronautics

    industries. Their cutting edge processes should be of interest to anyone with an engineering mindset.

    5.Electronic Design

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    Electronic Design is a great place for electronic design engineers to come for ideas, solutions, and new technology

    information. With news, products and engineering essentials right at your fingertips, any engineer would be hard

    pressed not to find something useful here.


    NewElectronics site is the online magazine for the electronic design engineers. The site keeps engineers up-to-date

    with technology news, product information and features from around the world.

    7.Electronic Product Design

    Electronic Product Design is the online magazine for electronic designers. Whether you are interested in automotive,

    computer, medical, industrial, military or security design, this site has it all.


    GoEngineer focuses on design, engineering and manufacturing. Companies can find help and real world experience

    from the posts and information posted on the site.

    9.Paul JohnstonsBlog

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    Paul Johnstons Blog focuses on solutions, products and support for engineers. Topics covered include electrical

    system, cabling and wiring design, system integration, wiring electrical analysis, harness engineering and service


    10. Classic ConnectorsNACCI creates new, revolutionary designs of electrical connectors for the power utility industry that are innovative,

    better, cost-effective, faster and/or safer. Our designs and products are purchased by electrical power utilities in what

    the industry refers to as transmission and distribution of electrical power.


    DIY ElectronicsFrom circuit-bending toys to building entire keyboards, headphone amplifiers, and motherboards, there are

    schematics, instructions, and components available for people of any skill level who want to learn a little electricalengineering by doing a project on their spare time.


    The Arduino blog focuses on the Arduino products and technologies. Anyone interested in creating interactive objects

    or environments would be thrilled to read the blogs on this site.

    2.Circuit Lab

    Circuit Lab blog talks about designing, analyzing, sharing and building circuits. Any engineer, student or computer

    hobbyist would find useful information here.

    3.Circuit Specialists Blog

    The Circuit Specialists blog discusses products, tools, and information having to do with electronic components,

    equipment, and accessories. The blog features a variety of computer information and topics .

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    4.Circuits.IO Blog

    Circuits.IO Blog is all about electronics design. Posts are packed full of information and images to help the average

    person buy, design and manufacture electronics.

    5.ElectronicsThe King of Hobbies

    This blog, written by an electronics hobbyist and GNU/Linux programmer from India, focuses on challenging

    electronics projects that can still be accomplished at home. His projects range from a touch-screen based computer

    trackpad to mini, walking robots built with a minimal number of chips and moving parts.

    6.JoesHobby Electronics

    Joes Hobby Electronics is written by a retro computer lover who uses his expertise in both hardware and software

    engineering to get deep into the guts of his computers.


    Build-electronic-circuits.com is a personal blog that teaches its readers how to build electronic circuits. The writer

    keeps it simple and teaches practical skills.

    8.Circuit Design.info

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    Circuit Design.info discusses circuit design but has a strong focus on analog/RF CMOS circuit design. Individuals

    who do not know a lot about computers would have trouble with this site, as there is a lot of code talk.

    9.Adafruit Industries Blog

    Adafruit Industries Blog is a great online tool for learning electronics and getting information on the best designed

    products for computer makers of all ages and skill levels. The site includes forums, tutorials, chat, and video posting.

    10. Hacked Gadgets Forum

    Hacked Gadgets Forum gives readers information about all sorts of computer gadgets. Visitors will find details of

    cool, interesting and strange projects and products here.

    11. Youritronics

    Youritronics is a personal blog about different computer projects and equipment. The do-it-yourselfer would enjoy the

    blog to learn about different products to use to build a computer .

    12. ermicroblog

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    Ermicroblog is a personal blog about the electronic knowledge hes learned from experimenting over the years with

    computers. The blog focuses on the microcontroller, a tiny computer that works silently inside things and is

    everywhere today.

    13. Sparkfun Electronics

    Sparkfun Electronics sells bits and pieces to make your electronic inventions come together. They also offer classes

    and tutorials to educate readers on electronics.

    14. Make: Electronics

    Make: Electronics is a magazine that is brought online here for makers to connect with each other and talk about

    products to help them create their technology. The blog covers topics such electronics, science, craft, art & design,

    workshop and more.

    15. Electronics-Lab.com

    Electronics-Lab.com blog brings ideas and news from around the world for electronics hobbyists. Every electronics

    enthusiast will find fresh content about the entire field of electronics.

    16. Dr. MonksDIY Electronics Blog

    Dr. Monks DIY Electronics Blog is a personal blog bringing readers ideas and information on electronic construction,

    projects, reviews and how tos. Every electronic enthusiast will find tons of useful information on this blog.

    17. CircuitSage

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    CircuitSage discusses circuit and system design. The site also has job listings, forums, classified and business listings.

    18. Circuit Projects

    Readers can learn about every type of circuit project at this site. With news, events, job listings and more, the viewer

    can find everything they need.

    19. Build Circuit

    Build Circuit is a great website for amateurs, students, and trained engineers. The site publishes projects and tutorials

    related to basic electronics.

    20. Nuts and Volts

    Nuts and Volts is the online magazine about electronics. With video podcasts, a store to purchase products and more,the electronic hobbyist will find everything they need here.

    21. Hack a Day

    Hack a Day is a great site for the do-it-yourselfer. With a store to purchase product and online forums, the electronic

    hobbyist will have no trouble getting questions answered here.

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    22. Basement Hobbies

    Basement Hobbies is a personal blog related to arcade machines, electronics, and video games. The electronic

    hobbyist will find the personal stories, recommendations and product reviews useful.


    RoboticsRobots often appear in science fiction as humanoid friends or foes made entirely of machinery. In reality, most

    robots exist in factories and production lines and look nothing like humans. Robots are intensely complex pieces

    of machinery capable of performing routine tasks at thousands of times the speed that a human can. All sizes

    and shapes of robots have been invented for every type of task, and there are always more being built, all with

    the help of electronic engineers.


    GoRobotics has everything the robotics beginners need to start their projects. With a section titled How to build a

    Robot along with forums and social networking page, those fascinated with robots will find everything here they


    2.Robotics and The Law

    Robotics and The Law is a blog that follows the research and programming about robotics at Stanford Law School.

    The correlation between robotics and the law is a topic that engineers would find interesting.

    3.Trossen Robotics Blog

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    Trossen Robotics Blog dicusses projects, products and contests for robot building. Associated with the online store,

    builders can purchase products and kits directly through the site.

    4.3D RoboticsUAV Technology

    3D Robotics sells electronic parts and instructions for building unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for both hobby and

    business purposes. The company also sells fully assembled and ready to fly UAVs with various sizes, ranges, and

    other capabilities. They keep a blog about their progress as a company, with updates about jobs and other info that

    could be interested to electronic engineers with a penchant for robotics.

    5.The Robotics Institute

    As a part of the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University, The Robotics Institute is all about

    robotics research. In addition to research, the site covers news, media, education, and events in robotics.

    6.DARPA Robotics Challenge

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  • 8/21/2019 100 Top Resources for Electrical Engineers


    The DARPA Robotics Challenge is an engineering contest held by the Department of Defense with the purpose of

    developing new designs for robots that can perform complex tasks in environments that may be hostile to humans,

    such as in military actions or disaster areas.

    7.I Heart Robotics

    I Heart Robotics is a personal blog written by someone who just loves robotics. The writer discuss their projects, what

    products they use, and what to do and what not to do when it comes to robotics.

    8.Everything-Robotic by The Robot Report

    The Robot Report tracks the business of robotics and provides links to companies and educational websites relating to

    robot designing and manufacturing. Frank Tobe, the sites keeper, also blogs at Everything -Robotic, where he reflects

    more on both the technical and cultural facets of our increasingly robot-friendly society.

    9.Lets Make Robots

    Lets Make Robots is a blog made up of multiple members of the community. People who like to make robots post

    their ideas, projects and discuss robotics with each other.

    10. FIRST Robotics

    For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology (FIRST) is a non-profit organization that designs

    innovative robots for kids. They have teams and events in hopes of inspiring kids to be interested in technology and

    science in the future.

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    11. Robotics Online

    Robotics Online includes blogs written by insiders at Robotic Industry Association. The blogs provide information to

    help business leaders and engineers apply and justify robotics and flexible automation in their company.

    12. National Instruments

    National Instruments includes tools to help teach robotic design. Viewers will find research, teaching tools, and

    information on autonomous vehicles and fixed-base robots.

    13. RoboticsResource.com

    RoboticsResource.com has robotic education, resources, information and events. Anyone interested in learning more

    about robots will find loads of information here.

